Family Matters (2022) Movie Script

-Yes, ma'am?
Manang, come quick!
-What happened?
-Oh my...
My God, Manang.
Hurry, please.
-What happened?
Call Ellen!
-Call her--
-Sir, what happened?
Who, Ellen?
-I'm going to call Ellen!
-I'm going to call Ellen!
-What are you doing, hurry up!
What is Ellen's number?
Dad might not use this.
I guess it's true what they say
about the reversal of roles;
I'm the one buying diapers for them now.
Can you check if that's her? I'm not sure!
This isn't Ellen!
-Then who is that?
-Look for her!
Francisco! Francisco!
Mom, let's get a dog!
Look at this, it's so cute!
Look at this one, sis,
it looks just like Mom!
Huh, why don't you show me?
Shh. Quiet down.
Wait, I can't hear! Quiet!
-Sis, we rushed Dad to the hospital.
What? Why?!
Wait, I'll just drop off the kids
at school and then wait--
I'm on my way. The MMDA's here, hang on--
You're so serious!
Hello! Sis?
Wait, why are you panting?
Are you with a woman?
What woman?
I'm at the gym, why?
It's Dad.
Go straight to the hospital.
Call Kiko.
What happened?
Sis, why should I call Kiko? You do it!
Sis? Hello?
Well? Are the tiles here?
Come on.
Engineer! Good morning, sir.
What's this? You're delayed!
The turnover for the six units
is at the end of the year!
Copy, sir.
-Good morning, sir.
-Hey, you, mix this.
-Sis and Enrico have been calling you.
You weren't picking up.
It's Dad.
Mom, just relax.
What happened? Was it a stroke?
Not really. When Mommy woke up,
she saw Dad clutching his chest,
and he couldn't breathe.
What did the doctor say?
the doctor hasn't said anything yet.
What? What happened? Was it a stroke?
No-- When Mom woke up,
she saw Dad clutching his chest,
and he couldn't breathe.
-And what did the doctor say?
-The doctor hasn't said anything yet.
We'll wait for further tests.
Big time!
Why is Daddy here? Isn't there a suite?
There isn't an available one yet, brother.
What happened?
When Mommy woke up,
she saw Dad clutching his chest,
and he couldn't breathe.
We're still waiting for his test results.
We don't really know what's happening yet.
I'm alright now.
Your Mom just panicked.
Sorry, sorry.
Hey, Francisco!
-Hi, Doc.
-Hello Doc!
Well, how are you?
I'm better now, Doc.
Can I go home?
Oh, but you had an asthma attack!
Does Daddy have asthma?
Well, it's like this: when we grow older
we can develop something
called Late-Onset Asthma.
Which is why your daddy
felt a tightness or pressure in his chest.
Thank God it wasn't a heart attack!
I gave him a nebulizer
to ease his breathing.
-Thank you, Doc.
-Thank you, thank you, Doc.
Alright, I'll leave you for now, okay?
I'll just come back later, okay,
-Thank you, Doc.
-Thank you!
Dad, since you're already here
maybe you should
get an executive check-up!
Stop overreacting!
He said it was just asthma.
Why would you have me confined?
What about you, Mom?
You should get a check-up too!
-Me too? I'm not even sick!
-It's a waste.
There's nothing wrong
with getting a check-up too.
-Big brother, you should get a check-up.
-You know...
The same thing happened to my buddy, Bert.
He only got asthma as an old man!
Go on,
go home now..
Take your mother with you
so she can get some rest.
-No, I'm staying here!
-Mom! Forget it.
You'll have a hard time sleeping here.
Fine. I'll just get your daddy's things,
then you can
bring me back here immediately.
All right, then. I'll be back soon, okay?
-Let's go, Mom.
Take care of yourself.
-If you need anything, just call.
Daddy. Are you sure you're okay?
I want to sleep!
You're so noisy!
Fine, go to sleep!
But you better wake up, huh.
-I'm off.
-Bye, big brother!
Daddy, love you!
Take care, okay?
Would you like to just...
wear a diaper next time?
Why should I wear a diaper?
So you don't have to worry
when you need to go.
I can get up!
Let's fix it, Dad.
Aren't you guys done yet?
-Wait, Mom.
Your dad's here!
Hey, your dad's here!
Why won't you greet him!
-Hi, Dad!
-Hi, Dad!
Hi dad!
How's Daddy?
He's okay now.
He can get discharged?
Well, I tried to convince him
to get an executive check-up.
-But he won't listen.
It's been a long day.
-Do you want to eat?
-No, thanks.
I ate during our meeting.
Hey, Francis,
you guys should go to bed too, okay?
And don't leave your gadgets charging.
Turn off the lights
Ah, Francis you're old enough!
Do you still need your Mom
to tell you what you need to do?
You're in college!
You're about to graduate!
You're not in kindergarten.
Be responsible!
-Yes, Dad!
-You're the eldest, my god.
-Yes, Dad! Yes!
-Yes, yes--just do it!
Hear that, Mr. Eldest?
Unfair, you guys are just playing!
Hon. I've been very patient with us,
you've been promising that for
the past eight months
that you will come and visit.
I will!
I'm beginning to doubt that
you're really serious
to make it work for us.
As soon as my dad is better,
I promise.
Hon, do you have
the flight details already?
I said, as soon as my dad is better,
I'll go!
Eleanor! He can be discharged, okay?
Just a little longer.
-Get better, okay?
-Yes, thank you.
I don't want to see you here again!
-Yes, thank you.
-Thank you, Dr. Edwin.
-Okay, all right.
-Thank you, sir.
-Sure, okay.
Mommy, did you hear that?
In one to two days,
Daddy can go home.
Look, you brought too much stuff again!
Let me handle it.
You should go home for now.
No, I'm alright. I'll stay right here.
-My love?
My love, how are you feeling?
I'm feeling much better.
My poor baby
Hello, sweetie. What did Mommy say?
Didn't Mommy say that if...
you wanted something,
you should tell her yourself?
Is she there? Could I talk to her?
Hang on, Dad.
Mom? Dad wants to talk.
Tell him I'll talk later,
I'm still finishing something.
Okay. All right, sweetie. Bye.
I'll just talk to her later. Love you.
Bye, Dad.
She didn't want to talk?
As usual.
It's like pulling teeth.
I just wanted Ginny
to be with her grandparents this Sunday.
If it will help just tell her
I'm going to a seminar out of town.
Why don't we get an actual plumber?
Love, this is a simple clog.
A plumber might overcharge us!
Just finish that later!
No one's here anyway.
Or are you using this as an excuse
not to come with me to Mommy's?
A little bit.
Oh, I knew it!
Love, just come with me
so you can see Mommy and Daddy!
you know I have no problem
with your parents.
You should just ignore Kiko!
Love, that's no easy task!
Your brother's full of himself!
I might not control myself.
You know, I regret partnering up
with him back then.
Keep me company.
Come on, just ignore my brother.
Come on, for me?
You're so cheap!
How cheap!
-What's taking them so long?
-Wait for me. You're too fast!
I'm already hungry.
-You're too slow!
-I'm out of breath.
Come on, let's eat.
They are well-aware that
noon means lunchtime.
They're still late?
Dad, it's not a big deal.
We can eat first. Let's start.
Should I heat up the soup?
-Yes, Manang, please. Thank you!
-I think this is them now!
-Let's eat!
-See, they're here!
-Did we heat up the soup?
-Yes, it's coming.
The traffic!
We're starving!
-Me too!
-Hi, Grandma!
What did you bring? Food?
Cupcakes! Of course!
Alright, everyone get seated, let's eat!
Hi! Hi!
-Eat now.
-Get seated! Sit down!
Bless us oh, Lord, and these Thy gifts,
which we are about to receive,
from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord,
Let's eat!
-Go, go, go!
It's here!
-Auntie, let me! Let me!
-All right.
Where is--?
-Amen! Amen!
-There he is!
Late again!
As usual! He's late again!
Sorry! I was up all night!
Hah, you're one to talk!
Why didn't you bring your kids?
We don't even see Ginny anymore!
That's right!
You know, you should always bring Ginny
so she can be closer to us
and her cousins!
You're right, Dad!
The kids are innocent!
You should always keep Ginny
and Ivy close.
What are your plans,
are you going to settle down?
Or are you just going to push out babies--
Ginny, Ivy, kiss everybody!
-My granddaughter.
You didn't say you were bringing them!
How could I?
I couldn't even get a word in!
Oh, well...
-Let's eat!
-Let's eat.
-Let's eat!
-Let's eat!
Oh, give some to Mom!
Rice, can you pass the rice--
Hurry. The rice.
Fish sauce!
-You're not allowed!
-You can't have fish sauce, Dad!
I'll get some.
Give me some rice!
Big brother, do you want some fish sauce?
You just had to show it to him!
Honestly, Fortune
Dad, that's not fish sauce, okay, Dad?
Why dont we just get a nurse for Daddy?
As if he'd actually allow that.
You know what, you're right, big brother.
Only big sis Ellen and Manang
are the ones here.
What if there was an emergency?
Why not you?
You're not married.
Me, take care of Dad?
-Why not?
-My business is so far from here!
No way!
I can take care of myself!
I don't need a caregiver!
I told you!
-What did you say?
-I didn't suggest that.
I told you guys.
Don't worry, I know.
Who's that?
Beats me!
She's whispering!
-Why is she whispering?
-Gossip mongers!
Stop it, guys. Stop talking about her.
Let her be, maybe she finally
has a love life!
Mommy, look!
She's whispering in the corner!
She's even glaring at us!
This girl!
Like living to be angry.
Hi guys!
Hi, uncle!
You guys should be talking!
We are talking!
Right, Dad?
How, through telepathy?
On messenger, Uncle.
-Do you have a girlfriend?
-I don't!
I don't!
Hey, he does! She's his wallpaper!
-Ah, so you put her as your wallpaper.
-Hah! There it is!
They've ratted you out,
they know you're lying!
Look at that,
you don't even comb your hair.
I don't want to!
Just studying! I'm just studying!
Promise, promise!
Don't take things too seriously
yet, alright?
As for the rest of you!
Don't fall for silly words, okay?
-Yes sir!
-Listen to me, alright? Phoebe!
Copy, copy.
Hey, Uncle! Let's go out!
Where are we going?
We'll buy the
Can we go out?
Where to?
We're gonna buy frappes!
-Buy what?
No, no one's leaving!
There's coffee there.
You hear that?
Ask Manang to crush some ice for you.
Mix in the instant coffee.
Mocha Frappe!
Do you have to crush the ice?
No, no, we should just have it delivered!
Include me.
Mine is a caramel macchiato,
large, with whipped cream.
-But non-fat, okay? Because my--
-Uncle, give us money!
-Give us money!
-He's gonna treat us!
It's your treat.
-Jeez, these kids
-He's gonna treat us!
Aww, he left!
What a killjoy!
Excuse me
Is there a problem with Daddy?
No, why?
Why don't you seem like yourself?
It's because
I kind of have a boyfriend.
Kind of?
What do you mean you
"kind of" have a boyfriend?
How can you "kind of" have one?
Okay, I met someone online.
Online? That might be a psycho!
He's not!
My friend from college, Annie,
met him already.
But online?
Where's the dessert?
-Mom, it's here!
-It's here!
-Okay, good.
-Yes, we'll bring it out!
-Come on!
-Is he single?
He's got his own business, but--
But, uhm...
-But what? He's gay?
He kind of wants us to meet.
-Shut up!
-You're all grown up, Ellen!
Mommy doesn't know anything, okay?
Come on!
My little sister's all grown up!
How's the business?
Just fine!
you can reconsider getting a nurse.
I'm worried about what happened last time.
Useless worrying!
I'm fine!
I can take care of your father!
I can!
Do I need looking after?
What I mean is,
we can take care of ourselves.
Ever since we got married,
we've been on our own!
We've been independent for 55 years,
we're not about to pay someone
to look after us now!
Daddy, calm down,
big brother's just offering a suggestion.
We're just concerned.
If you don't want it, that's fine too.
Manang is here, and big sis Ellen--
Hey, hold it!
We can't depend on Ellen forever.
What if she gets married?
To whom?
If, she said. If.
If she gets married?
Getting married? Ellen?
Yes, big sis?
Is there someone?
Kind of.
-Kind of?
Why don't I know about this?
-I'll step out for a while.
-I haven't seen anyone ask you out.
-Big sis, answer!
-Mommy's asking you a question!
Is there someone?
No-- Uh, Mommy Dad,
Well, uhm...
introduced me to someone.
From the US.
But he's a Filipino.
I don't know if he's my boyfriend, but,
we've been talking for eight months
So, when I go there--
You? You're the one going there?
Youre the one going to him?
Are you serious?
So you're the one going to the man?
No, Mom, Dad
I'm not doing anything wrong!
I'm just going to
take a vacation at Annie's.
Then Chris and I will meet.
Go for it, big sis!
You're not going to die a virg--
-Hey, menopause baby.
Happy for you, big sis.
-All of it!
-You left me all the meat.
You know, you can't stop Ellen.
She has her own life.
We're not stopping her.
We're just surprised!
This is just a plan anyway.
For all we know,
she might not be able
to say no to Mommy and Daddy!
-Hold on a second.
Is this really an issue?
Why are you reacting like big sis
is some 16-year-old virgin?
-Menopause baby!
-Menopause baby!
You ate too much!
Just let her be!
But she needs to
update her clothing style, okay?
She can't keep looking like that!
Sorry, we're late.
She still has school tomorrow, you know?
It's gonna be a pain to wake her up.
Sweetie, get ready for bed.
Bye-bye, dad.
-Thank you.
-Study hard, alright?
Wait, please.
I don't want to cause any trouble.
Is it okay if...
we show Ginny that we're civil at least?
I was just going to
get your daddy's medicine.
This is for the evenings, right?
I put it in containers that say A.M.
and P.M. so you won't be confused.
I forgot to bring it up.
Sorry, Mom.
It's alright!
Why are you apologizing?
Sorry that I disappointed you
We were just surprised.
Sometimes I do wonder,
If I could...
still have a husband?
That's your right.
We might not have the same views,
same ways,
but you're not
a disappointment to the family.
You are a blessing to your father and I,
and to the family.
You're a blessing!
You're a blessing to us.
Is Daddy angry with me?
That's just at the start, okay?
Go to bed.
I'll take this, okay? Go rest.
Hello? Chris?
I'll see you soon.
I'm excited!
That big brother of yours,
he doesn't listen to Daddy!
You know how he is.
Of course!
He's so pompous.
Are you still mad at my brother?
I just think he's arrogant.
Eat up! Go on, eat up!
Go on, eat. Come on!
Fortune, Ellen's gone to the US already.
Are you sure?
I'm worried about your father.
He might have another attack.
Yes, of course! We'll be right there!
Love! Ellen's already left!
She went to the States!
Please say something to your father.
He's so stubborn!
Why, what did he do?
He was trying to lift the dog!
The doctor already told him he couldn't
because he could have an asthma attack!
Okay, I'm going to talk to Dad.
And your mother's stubborn, too!
She insists on carrying the pots
in the garden,
then ends up with backpain.
I guess that's just how it is?
The older you get
the more stubborn you become.
Please just have a little patience.
I don't think I can take this anymore,
I might need some extra help
taking care of them.
Why did you have to go and bother Fortune?
Dad, it's alright.
I'm just checking on you.
Make me some coffee.
We're all right.
I'm just wondering why Ellen left
without saying goodbye.
We weren't going to stop her.
Mom, maybe it's hard for her
to say goodbye too.
Wait, hold on.
What about Mommy and Daddy?
Yeah... That's just Manang,
what if she's doing something else?
What if something happens to Dad again?
No. This is not--
Okay okay, let's talk about it
when we all meet up.
Okay, okay bye-bye.
Is there a problem?
Big sis Ellen suddenly just flew
to the US.
Oh? Then good for her!
Anyway, big sis Fortune is there,
but I need to relieve her.
Is it alright if we stay there
for a few days?
It might get awkward.
I wouldn't want to disrespect
your Mom and dad.
Well, we're not married!
For sure that brings
some discomfort to them.
You know, you're the best.
-You're so nice!
You're so sweet, love!
What did I do to deserve you!
Alright, Manang.
Dad? How long are we staying here?
You should ask your Mom.
Isn't auntie Ellen coming back anymore?
-I don't know--
-You know, kids, this is only temporary.
We just need to be on the safe side,
because your grandpa might
get another attack.
Manang might panic again.
Right? Okay?
This is temporary.
What is this?
Look at this one!
They kept sleeping during the drive!
Here! Look at this,
who does she take after?
-Mom, Mom!
-Look at Mom, she's always frowning!
What were you wearing?
Excuse me, that was the fashion back then!
Give me a break.
You're right! She's got the same frown.
-Gramma, come here, look at this!
Look, look at this!
-Old pictures!
-She looks so mean!
-What do you mean?
-You know, your Mommy...
was a crybaby because she was a klutz!
Excuse me, Mom, wait a minute,
I was not a klutz!
I was just flat-footed!
I got that from you!
That's why you're
always holding Mama here, look!
Yes, I always took care of her,
I didn't want her to trip!
Dad, look, this is why you fell for Mom!
-Mom was so pretty!
-Until now!
You need to sleep
if you want to become Miss Universe!
So you'll grow taller.
Alright, I know you're still sleepy,
you can sleep in the car!
My gosh!
Wait, bring their packed lunches!
Is your homework done?
Did you forget anything?
-Let's go.
-Baby, here.
-Bye-bye, Mom!
-Bye, love you!
Baby! Thank you for doing this, alright?
I will do anything for the one I love.
Alright, you should go! Go!
Let's just--let's just look at this
as our chance
to take care of Grandma
and Grandpa, okay?
Mom, stop being so dramatic!
It's too early for this, Mom!
-All right, go!
-Go on!
-Bye, Mama!
-Bye, Mom!
Your sister!
Love you mama!
Bye, Mom, love you!
Bye-bye, love!
Time to eat!
Oh! Why did you bring it up here?
It's alright!
You're treating us like we're disabled!
Of course not!
This is just for today, Dad! Come on!
-Thank you.
Let's go eat.
We're eating downstairs!
Please forgive your father.
I guess he's not feeling too good.
It's alright.
It's alright.
How are you?
Mommy and the others are looking for you.
Are they mad?
Not really. More like worried.
You should really talk to them.
I don't think now's the time, big sis.
How are they?
How are they? Well,
my family's here right now, but of course,
this can't be for long
since we also have a business.
Not that I'm complaining, but,
it's kind of hard, isn't it?
Because Daddy's so sensitive.
Jeez, you said it.
They're so different now.
What's your plan?
I don't really know yet.
But please tell Mommy and Daddy
not to worry, alright?
I'm just here at Annie's.
Alright, okay.
Bye! Take care!
Jeez, sis, why did you have
to call us out here on site?
Let it go, you know our brother's busy.
-Busy, the eldest, the richest--
-Is Engineer Florencio here?
He's upstairs, ma'am.
-Thank you.
-We always consider his needs first.
You talk too much, you know?
This was daddy's business,
he just managed to make it succeed--
Isn't the standard 3.5 millimeters?
We shouldn't skimp! We'll get in trouble!
Okay, Engineer!
We'll replace it immediately!
Damn right you should!
When will it be finished?
Should have been done three months ago!
So, what are we going to do
with Mommy and Dad?
Well, they can't be left alone
with just Manang in the house.
If they'll agree to it, then
we'll get a 24-hour special nurse!
Problem solved!
Dad will never agree, bro.
What I'm thinking is...
What if we take turns,
One week in your house, one week in mine.
-One week!
-Just until Ellen comes back!
Okay. Just tell us when
it's our turn-- What the hell?!
-Didn't I tell you to replace that?
-Yes, sir.
Why are you still trying to fix it?
Do you want this to catch on fire?
Replace it!
Sorry, Engineer.
We'll get in trouble for that!
Bye, big bro!
Actually, Mommy, condo living is ideal
for seniors like you.
Look, there's not a lot of stairs.
Easy to move around,
You might end up living here for longer!
What floor are you on?
Not too high, Daddy, just the 8th floor.
That's scary,
what if there's an earthquake?
Mommy, don't think of those things.
Besides, you'll be in the master bedroom,
Irene's just in Ivy's room.
We wouldn't want to impose on Irene!
Don't think about those things!
Come on, it's no trouble. Come on!
Hurry, I'm so excited!
We're here!
Ivy, Grandma and Grandpa are here!
-Hello, Ivy.
-Hello sir!
Hi, ma'am.
Please, sit! Sit!
This is fun, it's like a sleepover, Daddy!
-Hi, baby.
-Some juice?
We'll leave it to you, then!
Grandpa, I will cook breakfast tomorrow
for you and Grandma.
-Oh, really?
-Yes, Grandma.
-You better make it extra tasty!
-Yes, Grandma.
She just doesn't reach it too well, but--
Thank you.
-Come in.
-Hi, Daddy!
Hi, hi!
-Grandpa! Grandma!
-Come in!
Good evening, sir.
Good evening, Auntie.
Oh, I just dropped off Ginny.
How are you, dear?
I'm doing well,
just a little busy with work.
I'm going to go.
-Love you, Mommy!
-You take care, now.
Thank you, Auntie.
Okay, good evening.
I'll just see her out.
Thanks for bringing her over.
We'll sleep here for now, alright?
Just so Grandma and Grandpa can be
Auntie, I'll just sleep on the floor.
Oh, no, it's alright! We can all fit here!
She just moves a lot when she's asleep.
Sis, they said I kick in my sleep!
Yes, all the time!
You can't sleep?
Oh, I guess Grandma
and Grandpa are still awake!
Hello Grandma, Grandpa.
Here, hot chocolate.
Oh, Auntie
Mom says chocolate has caffeine too.
Okay, hang on.
Here we go.
Thank you.
What about you guys?
Oh, we're done, thank you, we're done.
Maybe you should drink some as well,
so you can relax.
Auntie, can I ask something?
Why did Mommy and Daddy split up?
I don't think I should
be the one to answer that.
They don't want to answer either.
Hmm well, your father back then,
he was still immature.
And they wanted different things in life.
It's probably because he's
a menopause baby, like you said.
That must be it.
My goodness!
Here, there's more milk.
Would you like some bread?
No, thank you.
You're awake?
Yes. You couldn't sleep either?
Yes. It's like I'm having vertigo!
Yeah but we don't have vertigo!
I feel dizzy it's like
there's an earthquake!
Oh no it feels like
I'm having a heart attack
Are you serious?
-Are you serious?
Get up.
In the name of the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Bless us, oh Lord, and these Thy gifts,
which we are about to receive,
from Thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord,
Grandpa, Grandma, let's eat?
Oh! Coffee?
Where's your daddy?
At the gym,
but he's going to come back soon!
Mom's already at work.
Thank you.
Grandpa, for you.
Thank you.
Is that for me?
Thank you.
There's no cab!
Can't we call a cab from our cellphone?
-Excuse me. We have a question.
-Young man
How can we call for a car?
Oh, you need to have an app.
-Oh, we don't have that--
-That's alright, you can use mine.
Where are you headed to?
-Here, I'll type it.
-Okay ma'am, you can do that here.
-They're not at the house?
-Nothing! There's no one there!
Okay, Mayet, please,
if you have any news, call us.
Thank you.
They're not at the house.
Maybe they went for a stroll?
A stroll? For two hours?
They can't handle that!
-What about their medicine too?
-Where is their medicine?
-I think they have it with them
-You're just unbelievable.
How could you lose Mommy and Daddy?
How negligent of you!
Bro, I just went to oversee the gym's
opening, I went back immediately!
I can't watch them 24/7!
-You can't do it? Then I will!
-Hup! Wait.
Here it is. They're at the house.
See, nothing bad happened!
I suppose so.
Thank you, Lord!
Thank you Lord, huh! Negligence!
Is there a problem?
You seem a bit distracted.
My parents left my brother's house.
They went back to their house,
so we all got worried.
What do you mean why?
Don't you have houses for the elderly
in the Philippines?
A few.
Then that's the most practical thing
to do for sure.
Ma'am, hello!
Hello. Can you open
the door please, Manang?
We want to wait inside!
Tell them we're not here!
Ah, they're not here.
-Ah, we're coming in.
-We're going in, Manang.
-Yeah, we'll come in.
-Go on, make up a reason!
They're not coming home tonight!
Oh, is that so?
Please stop hiding! You're like kids!
Mom! Kiko will be angry
if we don't have you with us back home.
Well, Manang? What did they say?
-Hi, Dad!
-Is your Mom not home yet?
Not yet, Dad.
-Hi, Daddy!
-Fix your things, alright?
Your grandparents are coming over.
They're going to stay with us for a while.
Our grandchildren seem busy!
Just a little bit, Gramps!
What do you mean?
Here, these are our classes:
online modules, stuff we need to submit,
most of our classes are
through video chat nowadays.
Anyway, do you need me to
get you anything, gramps?
No, no, nothing like that.
I just wanted to see
what you guys were up to.
Well, this is it! This is
what our classes look like.
I remember being your age.
-I was a working student already!
I was a messenger boy at Escolta,
and my best friend worked in a stockroom.
Well, Gramps, I'll just
finish this really quick, okay?
20 seconds, I'll be back! I'll be back.
What's that?
Oh, Grandma, do you wanna try this game?
Oh, no, it's alright!
It seems very confusing!
Okay then, Gramps.
Hi, Gramma. This is Instagram.
You can post photos and videos,
then your followers can see it.
Oh, that's the cake!
There are other filters, too!
What do you think looks good?
Oh, I don't get it.
Okay, Gramps! What
were you saying a while ago?
-Let's go.
My eyes hurt.
Mommy? Daddy?
Oh, you might get thirsty later.
Here's some water.
Thank you.
Oh, and here is a buzzer-- It's a buzzer,
just in case you need anything from us.
-Don't worry yourself! We're fine here.
Okay, I'll just leave the medicine too.
Go and rest!
Thank you!
Okay, good night!
-Good night!
-Sleep well!
Good night!
Okay, they're settled in.
My love
let's go to sleep, okay?
It's so different now.
They're the ones in charge now.
Don't think of it that way!
Let's go to bed. Let's sleep.
You know I hope they like it here, 'Dy.
I even got a maid who's also a caregiver,
so Dad won't feel like he has a nurse.
You know how he is, he'll complain
that we take too much care of him.
Are we a burden to our children?
Don't think about that anymore.
It's so hard to grow old.
Of course it is.
But we're here for each other.
-Night! I have to wake up early tomorrow.
-Okay, good night!
Later, ask Mommy how
they want the milkfish cooked,
if they want it simmered
in vinegar or as sour soup.
We also have a melon there.
Take it out for dessert.
And tell Gimo
that Florence works half-day today.
-Yes, ma'am!
-Okay, bring this to the car.
-Be careful, alright?
-Yes ma'am.
Watch the bottom!
-No worries, ma'am.
-There you go.
Thank you.
That must be the caregiver!
-Mom? We're going!
-Where's Grandpa and Grandma?
-Check the room, they might be inside.
-Bye Mom.
-See you later.
-Take care!
Mom? They're not in there!
They're outside.
-Say goodbye.
-Where, Mom?
-Where is outside?
Florence, hurry!
Gramps! Grandma! We're heading out.
-Bye, see you later!
-Take care of yourselves!
-Bye, Grandma!
Daddy, Mommy,
Who are you?
Does Gramps have Alzheimer's?
Gramps, it's Francis.
Frances, Florence your grandchildren!
I know who you are.
I'm asking about her!
Ah, this is Roxanne, Daddy.
Good morning, sir! I'm Roxanne.
I dont want a nurse!
My love!
Daddy, she's not a nurse!
She's a maid who's also a caregiver,
just so someone can assist you and Mommy.
What am I, in kindergarten?
Now, then.
Mom, I'm just going to deliver some cakes.
Okay, you should get back to your baking!
Just a few, for those orders
I can't say no to.
I'll go ahead!
-We'll go, too, Gramps!
-Bye, Gramps!
-That's because of your nonsense.
Sir, ma'am!
What are you doing in the dark?
Well, miss said to stand by
just in case you guys needed something?
You're going to give me a heart attack!
Oh, I'm so sorry, sir! Sorry, ma'am!
What did you need?
Do you need to go somewhere?
Nothing. We don't need anything from you.
Water, sir? Food?
I can get something ready for you!
Leave us alone!
I can't do that, sir! What do you need?
Fine. I'll have water. She wants hot milk.
-I'm going to bring it to your room!
-My love, let her be!
-She's just following orders.
-Hello, Grandma, Grandpa.
-I'm going to sleep. Take care, okay?
-Okay, good night.
-Okay, good night.
-Let's go and watch TV.
My love!
-My love! My love, it hurts!
-Oh no! What happened?
-Call the driver, hurry!
-Where here? Wait! Driver, it's ma'am!
Stay with your grandmother.
She might need something
Try to get in touch with your dad,
but let me talk to him, okay?
-My love, I'm fine now.
What happened?
It's just a wound. Two stitches.
-Two stitches?
-Two stitch--
Hello, big sis? Big sis, can you hear me?
Here, I'm with Mommy! Here!
Please tell me
if you're feeling anything is wrong,
or if you need anything, okay?
Yes, I will.
And you, you shouldn't
have bothered Ellen!
She needs to know.
Why is Mommy's wound so big?
What is wrong with you guys,
you should take care of them!
Hey! We're taking care of them, alright,
Ellen? We are taking care of them.
It was just an accident.
What about you, Dad? How are you?
Don't worry, he was just nervous.
Don't you need to do an X-Ray
or a CT Scan?
No, there's no need.
Alright big sis, we got this!
I just texted you so you were aware.
We'll update you immediately.
I'll call you, okay? Bye!
-I love you!
-Alright big sis, bye-bye!
Problem again at home?
My Mom got into a minor accident.
I told you. Assisted homes
for the elderly are the best.
Let's go.
Fortune. We just really want to go home.
Mom, how are we going to do that?
Manang can't take care of you
by herself right now.
We can't sleep here!
I will get weaker here.
Don't worry,
I'm alright. I'm alright, okay?
-Sir, please call my wife! Ouch!
-I'll take care of it, go on! Go on!
You guys take care of him, alright?
Hey! What's that? What is that?
What happened?
Something collapsed in the back!
How did that happen?
I think the metal they used
was a little thin---
"You think"?
What do you mean, "you think"?
Investigate it!
Well? Were any of our men hurt?
Three were sent to the ER, Engineer.
Give me a report of everything
that's not compliant with the plan!
-Yes, sir!
-And the condition of our men!
Copy, Engineer!
Get back up, get back up there!
Let us know if anything hurts, okay?
We're always telling you
not to leave anything plugged in!
Sorry, sir! Sorry!
You're so stupid!
-Dad, I said I'm sorry!
Don't you raise your voice at me!
You're just my child!
Big brother?
Mommy and Daddy really want
to go back home to their house,
but I just asked them
to stay with us for now.
Odette. Thank you.
Thank you.
-Mommy, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
-Thank you.
-Mommy, I'm sorry
-Odette, thank you!
Mom, I'm sorry.
Don't be mad anymore, okay?
Mom, you don't need to leave.
Big brother, it's not good
that we're subjecting them
to the tension in your house.
Let's just keep them away from stress.
Sorry! Sorry!
Dad, I'm sorry.
Let's go. Let's go, Mom.
'Dette? We'll call you, alright?
-Alright, Fortune, thank you.
-Big brother.
Well, big brother?
They said they'll handle it now.
I guess we're no good as caretakers.
We're even.
Go on.
-Let's go, love.
-I'm sorry.
We know it wasn't your fault.
I really hate dad
I really hate him so much .
No, no Don't say that.
Now your lives got
messed up because of us
Big bro, you might get grounded.
Get back inside.
If anyone asks you, you have no idea.
I just can't stand Dad, okay?
Once I graduate, once I get a job,
I'm out of here, okay?
Florence, come on!
They're still asleep?
-You're too loud.
-Wait for it!
Good morning, Grandma,
good morning, Grandpa!
Why didn't you knock?
It's alright, we really
just needed to get something.
I'm so sorry about this, my darlings.
It's alright, we just
need to get something!
-Go on then.
-Sorry, excuse me!
Let's go, my love.
Here, wear this now.
-Do I have everything?
-Big sis, was this what you were bringing?
Yes, here you go.
Oh, baby, wear this.
-Hey, let's eat!
-Mom, Dad, good morning!
-Good morning!
-Come on, let's eat!
Sit here, Dad.
Thank you, dear.
How was it? Were you able to sleep well?
-Go on.
Because we feel like
we're being a burden on you.
What? That's not true
I mean, look at you.
You had to sleep on the sofa.
Dad! No, that's not a problem!
-I'm used to it!
-He's used to it! He's so used to it!
Dear, I'm sorry
We do appreciate
all the adjustments you've done for us
But you're our children,
and you're all being shaken up by this.
Mom, don't worry about it.
If you want us to be comfortable,
just let us go back to our home.
Oh, no, dad
Imagine living in somebody else's house
when you're an old man.
Please just let us go home.
Could you read this?
Oh, it's from Auntie Cora.
Dad, uh
She says Uncle Bert has passed away
He had a heart attack early this morning.
Dy? More coffee?
No, thanks.
Have you talked to Francis?
Why? Should I be the one to talk to him?
Dad I mean you did hurt him.
Let him be. Let him learn his lesson.
Good morning, daddy.
Hey, kids!
-Good morning, Mom!
-Good morning!
Wow, what flavor is that?
Of course, butter.
-Hey, go and eat up.
-Wow, so many orders!
Thank you.
Where's your big brother?
I think he's on his way down.
Eat up.
Eat! Eat breakfast!
-No, no
I have an exam.
I'm gonna eat there instead. Okay?
...the country's employment rate decreased
and some industries have cut employees
because of inflation
or an increase in commodity prices...
...depreciation of the peso
against the dollar
...of a lot of Filipinos
because of the hike in commodity prices,
hike in fares and the price of oil
in the market. In other news...
A 60-year-old street sweeper was hit and
run over by a Sport Utility Vehicle or SUV
in Paraaque
I'm losing all of my friends.
Don't take it too much to heart.
But if we still can't
go back to our house,
I just might be next.
Does anyone want to
say anything or share something
for Roberto?
When we were kids,
we used to gaze at Manila.
We shared the same dream.
Thank you, Bert
Thank you.
Please eat, even just a little.
You're letting yourself go.
I don't have an appetite.
You haven't had an appetite for weeks now.
Do you want to get a check-up?
Andrea, you have visitors.
Hi Andrea.
I would like you to meet
a special friend of mine.
This is Ellen.
Hi, Ellen.
Hi ma'am. Pleased to meet you.
Everything's going well for you?
Still feeling my body falling apart.
Come on, Andrea.
You have everything you need in here.
You shouldn't be complaining.
Hello, dear?
Hi, Mom!
How are you? How are you and Dad?
I should be asking you that.
Well, I'm doing okay.
I'm enjoying my vacation.
You're not okay, my child.
Come home.
Mom, I'm okay. Promise!
Come home, alright?
Hey, cut that out!
Nina started it, Mom!
-Mom, it wasn't me. Sis started it!
It was Nina.
-I'm a good girl!
Oh my god, you're all so naughty!
I'm going to leave
you in the middle of the road!
No, I'll do it! I'll get out!
Did you know
that Francis is on the Dean's List?
It is a parent's obligation
to give their child an education,
and the child's obligation to study well.
Why don't you like
going to Grandpa's anyway?
Excuse me! I don't dislike going to
Mommy and Daddy's!
The only thing I dislike,
is seeing your Uncle Kiko.
Love. Don't be like that.
-But it's the truth!
-Don't be like that!
-He's arrogant!
-He used me, my love!
It's not like you, Dad.
-It's the truth.
-Mom! Did you see Francis' status?
-Is that about Uncle Kiko?
-I saw that!
You know you're such a brown-noser!
-I got it from you!
-Talk to her.
You're so naughty! So naughty!
-Give me some of that.
-We're almost there!
I've got you!
Having fun!
Wow, menopause baby
finally found a playmate!
Oh, hello, Auntie!
Hello, Uncle!
Daddy? Why did he say menopause baby?
Nothing. It's just your uncle's joke.
Okay, go inside. Give them a kiss.
Let's go!
Let's go!
How's your breathing, Dad?
Still breathing!
What Fortune meant was,
whether your asthma has been acting up.
Daddy is okay, he has no asthma.
That's good!
Ugh, this is so bland!
Manang! Fish sauce!
-Can he--?
-It's too salty.
-You have high blood pressure!
Dad. You can't have any.
You have high blood pressure! Sorry.
How is your new project, by the way?
It's doing okay, everything's working out.
What do you mean?
The marketing and the construction?
Dad. Since you and Mom are here
maybe you'll consider?
Do you agree to getting a nurse,
so they can look after you?
We've already talked about this!
-I already said no!
Dad big brother's just concerned.
How can you say that?
He doesn't even listen when I talk!
Sorry, Dad We didn't mean to offend you.
Don't apologize for him.
It's true. Dad never listens.
-You shut up!
Big bro, just cool it.
Being a hot-head
isn't going to achieve anything.
You pretending to be cool
isn't going to achieve anything either!
So don't tell me what to do, you loser!
Do you really need to
throw around insults?
Stop it, alright? Stop it!
Isn't that why Dad says Uncle's arrogant?
Dad is not arrogant!
It's because your dad's a menopause baby.
-Enough of that.
Hey Florence!
Nina? Please, alright?
Don't butt into adult conversations.
Why don't you just step out--
Manang, could you take the children out?
Let's go out. Hurry.
Come on, let's go out.
Big bro
Nelson didn't say anything wrong.
You were out of line!
Ah, so we're taking sides now.
No one is taking sides!
I don't want to be
lectured in front of my child!
Don't you understand that?
But it's okay to call me a loser
in front of my children? Is that it?
Wait a minute.
Why can't we tell you off anyway?
Is it because you're the eldest
or because we owe you money?
Why are you bringing that up?
-You're the one who owes me money.
-But that's it.
-Why you can't respect my husband!
-Now I'm the one who's counting?
-I'm the prick?
-Oh, then there it is!
-Don't muck around!
-He doesn't respect anybody! That's it!
Don't butt into this conversation!
He doesn't respect anybody! That's it!
Don't butt into this conversation!
Fix your own life first!
What, are you saying I'm a failure?
-Am I wrong?
It's me!
I'm the failure!
Because I raised all of you!
Mom! Dad!
Hi! Hello!
Let's go home.
Hi, Dad!
Mom, Dad, we'll go home too.
Sorry. We have to go.
Mom. Bye, Dad.
I'll call you.
-Welcome home!
Thanks, big sis.
Welcome home!
Sit down, let's eat!
You know, kids,
you really shouldn't join in
on the conversations of adults.
I started it.
No. I know you meant well.
You're grounded.
You are not allowed to go out.
You can't do that,
I'm not a child anymore.
But you still act like one!
-Didn't you hear me?
-Let go!
Hey, why aren't you eating?
I'm here now. I will take care of you.
You came home just to take care of me?
Daddy... I came home
because Im happier here.
Come on, let me do this for you.
Take your medicine.
What for?
Dad come on.
Just leave it there.
What? Huh?
Wait, where-- Where is that?
What, is it Daddy?
It's Francis!
Hello Enrico?
Hello, big sis Odette?
Francis got into an accident.
What?! Where are you?
Tell Ellen
to not tell Mom and Dad, okay?
Okay. Take care!
There, right there! Pull over!
Stop here!
Where's the driver?
They already rushed him
to Centro hospital.
You're such a moron!
-You're so reckless and stupid!
I'm sorry about the car!
No, forget about the car!
Don't do that again!
-Are you okay? What happened?
-Yeah, I'm okay
Ah, Momdad
This is Megan.
Auntie Ellen?
Just a minute. Let's wait for the nurse--
Okay, wait. Careful.
-The other one.
Okay, Mommy.
-Mom! Mom!
-Madam! Madam!
-Ma'am Jen!
-Nurse, call a doctor, please!
Please! Mommy?
Mommy? Mommy?
You're taller.
-Hi, Uncle!
Hi, Auntie.
-Hi Mom!
Why did you have to come here?
Mom, is bro going to be alright?
It's your grandparents' overnight
check-up, that's why we're all here.
Are you aware
that your brother has a girlfriend?
Yes, Dad.
Why were you keeping it a secret?
Dad, it wasn't really a secret.
We just don't talk about it.
Why not?
We don't really talk about stuff.
-Hi, Doc.
Your mother's blood pressure fell
because she hasn't
been eating these last few days.
Yeah, she's been stressed out lately.
As for your father,
he has not been taking his medication,
and he's not eating!
So, of course, his resistance has fallen.
Doc, are there any serious problems?
Well, considering their age,
we should always be cautious and watchful.
So, do they need to be confined?
I will leave orders
of blood tests and X-rays just to be sure.
Thank you, Doc.
That's probably just for one night, right?
Why are you here?
Of course, I brought you our favorite!
Bread and coffee!
-Who's that?
-Don't panic!
Big sis made a post,
but she says they're just friends!
Wait, so you came from home,
and you came all the way here?
That's okay, anything for you.
That's yours.
How's your grandma and grandpa?
Well, they're getting confined.
Give some beef.
Where's where's Odette?
You go down.
She just bought something, Mom.
Old McDonald had a barn.
What about Francis?
He was here a while ago.
Finally felt a little crowded in there?
A little.
How's Francis?
His body still hurts
but he's been cleared to go home.
I was just thinking--
where I went wrong as a parent.
I tried my very best
to provide for them, and
You did everything
that you thought was right.
I don't even know my own child.
I have so many shortcomings
not just with them,
but with you too.
It's not too late.
We can fix this.
We will fix this, okay?
Where are you going?
To the bathroom.
Mom, I'll go with you.
No, no, I'll do it.
I'm just going to pee!
You might get dizzy again!
Hurry up, I want to pee too!
-I'll do it!
-No, I'll do it!
Oh, heck!
They're so annoying.
They're so sweet.
Well, Eleanor, you're good to go home!
As for you, Francisco,
you still need to stay here.
I don't want to go home!
Who will look after your father?
Mommy, sis and I are here.
We'll take turns.
You cannot handle your father!
Mom! You can rest at home.
Who knows what kinds of germs
you'll pick up if you stay here!
-Don't be stubborn!
-She's right, she's absolutely right.
I'm going to prepare
your discharge papers, alright?
-Thank you, Doc.
-I don't want to go home!
I don't want to go home!
-Just a sec
We kind of noticed
that Daddy's a little weak.
Well his blood tests are normal.
So, other than asthma,
he should be okay!
And, Doc, he still
doesn't have an appetite
how should we deal with that?
Actually, that's my worry.
I already gave him
meds to boost his appetite
Maybe there's another problem?
Like what?
Well emotional, psychological.
You know, I've encountered some patients
where they don't get better.
Because the medicine
that they really need,
is the will to live.
So why not give your father a good reason
to be excited about life?
Maybe it will work!
Try, okay?
Okay, Doc.
Go home. You're so annoying.
You're so stubborn!
Here we go again.
I'm not going home!
Fine, I'll listen to the doctor.
My love, I won't be
able to relax at home either.
I'll just be worrying about you.
Just stop worrying already!
I will worry!
How about this,
go home with them,
and if you want to visit here,
I will have someone
fetch you immediately! Okay?
The two of you will
look after your father?
-Yes, Mom.
-You cannot take care of him.
And it will just be a bother to you both.
No one's bothering anyone, Mom.
And don't worry.
We won't fight anymore. Right, big bro?
We won't.
We're just as stubborn as you are!
We take after you both!
Ah, do what you want.
Eat this.
You still haven't
settled with the casualties?
Tell the legal team to
watch out for outside influence.
And then we'll have a bigger problem!
And wreck everything that needs wrecking
so you can see what materials were used!
If this gets out, we won't
just have a hard time selling,
the company will be
ruined! Do you understand?
Okay, let me know!
Okay, thank you!
Why are you eating Daddy's food?
He doesn't want it, and I'm hungry.
Yes, Daddy. Yes, big bro,
that's just how it is
when you're a menopause baby!
Menopause hungry baby!
Oh, Mom? Why are you still up?
You should go rest!
What time can we go
visit your father tomorrow?
Oh, Mommy For all we know,
we haven't even finished unpacking
and he's already on his way here.
Come on, just go rest.
I just realized we haven't talked yet.
How was your trip?
It was a nice vacation.
I couldn't imagine myself living there.
I missed you so much, Mommy.
I missed you too, my dear.
Dad, here's the food that Mom sent.
Hey, thank you!
Sure, sure.
There's this too, if you want.
Do you have class?
Do you want to stay with me here?
Do you want me to stay here?
If you didn't get into an accident,
I would never have known
that you had a girlfriend already.
We're just
exclusively dating right now, Dad.
Ah, it's all the same.
Dad? Are you okay?
Grandpa, are you okay?
-It's another asthma attack!
-Relax, Grandpa.
Please call Dr. Salvador!
Dad! Dad!
I'm going to message Uncle Enrico.
I'm going to chat them.
Go on, call them!
Maybe we should just get food delivered.
Nobody move! Get inside!
-Oh, my God!
-Don't move!
Where are you taking me?
Wait a minute! Don't, please!
-Get down!
-Wait a minute!
Sir, sir, sir!
Wait a minute! Don't!
Take everything, sir, just don't hurt us!
Come on, hurry up!
Hurry we might get caught by the police!
Auntie Fortune
and Uncle Nelson aren't answering
What did the doctors say?
-Is Grandpa dying?
I thought he was going to die, but
No, he's not dead.
I'm not ready to lose him!
Dad, Grandpa's a fighter!
He'll get better soon.
I hope so!
I hope so!
I want to make it up to him.
I still have to make him know
how grateful I am
and how much I love him
I can't lose him yet!
I'm not going to die!
Daddy, please get well.
I'm a bad seed.
What's wrong?
Oh ah, yeah.
It's okay. We'll clean it up.
I don't want to impose
No! It's okay.
How many times did you do this for me
when I was a kid?
Come on.
If you hold it--
It's easier if you're lying down, but
We'll do it this way
Okay, good!
There you go!
Your slippers.
Auntie Fortune got robbed at their shop.
Okay, ma'am we'll be in touch.
Thank you, sir.
Are you alright?
Were you able to
report them to the police?
One week!
We saved up that money for a week!
We were supposed to
deposit it in the bank today!
-Fortune, it's just money!
-That was one week!
The important thing
is they didn't hurt you.
Are you hurt?
But, Dad, I thought we were going to die!
I was so sure we were!
Me too!
But you're safe now!
We're all here for you!
Dad, why are you out of the hospital?
Well, he wasn't going to stay put
until he saw for himself
that you were okay!
We'll go back immediately.
I don't want to go back!
Dad! We can't do that!
What do you mean we can't?
Am I a prisoner?
Tomorrow. We will have a family meeting.
Anyone who's not there
is no longer my child!
Why are you pointing at me?
Hey! I stand for "Better late than never"!
I made it! Hello?
Can you drive?
Thanks for coming, big brother.
Sir, here's the copy
of the signed settlement
and no further agreement with our workers.
But that's so quick!
How did that happen?
You're right, sir.
They're in talks with the union right now.
You didn't slide
anyone anything illegal, did you?
Sir, Mr. Francisco
talked to the union leader.
Alright, sir.
Hello, Dad? What did you do?
A lot of problems can
be solved simply by talking.
Thank you.
You can say your thanks here later!
You're going to be late to our meeting!
Yes, sir!
So, why did Daddy want to hold a meeting?
I actually don't know!
I just found out about it today!
Big sis, maybe you have
an announcement to make?
Tell us the truth:
is there going to be a wedding?
Hi, Dad.
God bless.
Hello, hello!
Mom, go and sit there, Mom.
Sit down.
-Sit, sit.
Sit now.
Here, Dad.
There is a wedding--
Hah! I knew it, big sis!
You finally found your forever!
Menopause baby, stop talking!
Let Daddy do the talking!
No way! Cut it out.
We want to celebrate
our 55th wedding anniversary.
Isn't that just a few weeks away?
We need a wedding planner, Mommy!
Your father had something else in mind.
I want us to be all together
where we got married.
You can't miss it!
Of course!
Yes, sir!
I have another request.
Oh, there's more.
But you will only find out
once we're at the province.
-Let's eat.
Go, let's eat!
Take care, alright?
-Yes. Bye-bye, Mom!
-Here are her things.
This side.
-Bye-bye, Mom! I'll go ahead, Dad!
-Bye-bye, take care!
-Enjoy, okay?
-Thank you!
Wait, her tumbler!
Can we talk?
What is it?
We did go through some stuff.
And I wanted our kid to grow up
in a peaceful environment.
I think it would be better for her
to see us on good terms.
Is that alright?
You sure?
Yes, as long as
you keep your end of the deal.
Got it.
-Go on. Take care, okay?
-Thank you.
Hey, kids!
Your Dad's calling for you.
-Kids! Come up here!
Hurry up! Come on!
-Okay, Grandma.
-Come on, come on, you're so slow!
They're coming up.
Kids, stay here.
Sit down.
Nikki! Stay here.
-Thank you!
Sit down-- Here, let's sit here.
There's no more space,
there's no more space!
You have a big butt!
Sit down!
Do you remember,
I told you I had a request for you?
Yes, dad.
I want a special gift
for our anniversary.
Whatever you want, Daddy!
Just don't have an asthma attack.
I want us to feel like family again.
Dad, even if we do have fights,
we're still one family!
-I know that.
-Dad big brother Kiko and I are good now.
But.. what I want to see is that
you're connected,
not just because there's a crisis,
or because someone in the family is sick.
I'm getting nervous
So this is what I'm wishing.
I know this will be hard for you.
Alright! Alright!
Hey! What are you doing?
Sorry, I thought it was a raffle!
-You're crazy!
-Isn't there?
In order for us to connect.
We must disconnect.
So: phone,
gadgets, tablets in here.
OMG, I'm gonna die.
-You're so dramatic!
Where did that accent come from?
-Go ahead.
-Come on.
-Okay, go!
-Very good!
-Francis placed his, already.
Good job!
-Yes, he's very good.
-That's it, phone.
-That's too much.
Ellen? Kiko?
Miss Beautiful.
Yes, Daddy.
You guys too!
I'm fine, Dad!
I'll go first, here!
-Okay, okay.
Your company and your work
can survive without you for three days.
It's just three days!
Yeah, go, big brother!
Gramps, what about us?
How will we survive?
Nina's already crying!
-We'll talk to each other!
Like normal people!
Gramps! I just want to read my messages.
Sure. But I'm not
going to talk to you ever again.
OMG. You're going to die!
Come on, get over here.
-Big sis, here.
-Thank you.
Thank you!
Mama, I--
No! No way!
I just need to--
No way!
You too? You're going to die!
No, no, I just wanted to
get something there, the rice cake!
Okay, go and get some, but no phones!
What will we do?
I don't know.
Well? What happened to you two?
Why do you look like you've been mugged?
It's such a weird feeling!
Let's just play!
-Kendel-- Candle melting!
-What do you mean kendel?
You don't even know the name!
Melting Candle!
Oh, I'm joining, I'm joining!
Both of us are in!
Who is it?
Two in here!
Big bro! Rock, paper, scissors!
Rock, rock.
Rock, paper, scissors!
Rock, paper, scissors!
Rock, paper, scissors!
I lost? I'm it?
That's all I wanted to see.
Me too.
Up to you.
He's going to get exhausted!
Oh, Dad! Come on, let's go up.
Ah, go ahead, I'll catch up.
-They're all playing up there!
-Come on!
I'll catch up, I'm
just playing with this--
Alright, bye-bye! Bye-bye!
Hey, dont get drunk, okay?
-Hold on.
-Where are we going?
-Oh! The kids are here!
-There they are!
What are you doing here?
We're all here!
There's no TV.
I know! It's because your rooms
don't have cable TV!
Your grandfather really had them removed.
Anyway... so, who was it?
Who was that suitor that Dad sent home?
It was Ting.
-Ah, Ting.
-Right, it was Ting!
Why did they send him home?
Here's what happened.
From what I remember...
Dad said,
"What's your name?"
He said, "Ting."
"Ting? What kind of name is that?"
"Go home!"
That's how it happened.
-Just because of his name!
-That was just the name!
Oh, but at least
my suitor got to the living room!
I know someone who only reached the gate.
Only until the gate?
That's too mean!
He only got to the gate because the house
was already full of all my other suitors!
No, tell them the truth!
You know what he did?
He peeked through the gate.
Unluckily for him,
your grandfather caught him!
He looked like a fool.
No, there's a term, there's a term for it
Jeprox? Jeprox?
And your grandfather said,
"Hey! Here's 20 pesos.
Go get a haircut first!"
You know, Auntie,
even if there's no cable, it's fine
this is definitely more entertaining!
Better than having cable.
Wait, why are you here?
You don't want me here?
-Get out!
-Alright, I'll leave!
But the tea is all here!
Oh, Ginny!
Auntie, I'm curious,
why did you never get married?
Beep-beep! Hold it!
My gosh!
You know, you
-Good question.
-You really are your father's daughter.
You're so tactless!
No, but--
No, but here's the thing.
I couldn't really find
someone that I go along with.
I have standards.
Oh, I get it.
There's no regrets,
because we make our own choices in life.
Is there really no more chance for Chris?
No, because Well,
we have very different family values.
So it was really impossible
for us to get along.
But! There's a "but" there!
I'm very happy with my decision,
because I have all of you.
Up high, sister!
I love you, my baby!
-Alright, there's nothing here, bye-bye!
-Okay, love you!
Let's stay here, with the boys!
Well? Are my grandchildren
finally going crazy?
-Just a little.
-Have been for a while now!
-Hey, Daddy.
We must admit, this was a brilliant idea!
I underestimated you. I'm sorry, dad!
Does this mean you'll finally consult me
when you have a problem?
Not only when there's a problem.
There's so much more
I can learn from you, Dad.
Especially on how to be a better father.
You know, you're the eldest.
You have a big responsibility
and privilege for your family,
because you have an advantage.
I know sometimes I can be an asshole--
Not sometimes. Often.
Hey, menopause baby!
But you siblings should come together.
Be considerate of each other.
Because if you're not,
even your spouses
and children will be affected.
Yeah, dad. I realize that now.
You know what you got from me?
Sex appeal!
Aside from that.
What you got from me,
is that you knew how to pick your wives!
You! You're so lucky with Odette!
Same goes to you, with Irene!
But Daddy Mommy is lucky to have you too.
You know, I was just like you back then.
In my desire
and ambition to do well for the family,
I sacrificed my family.
Until one day, your mother said to me,
your mother.
"Choose one: a flourishing business,
or growing old with a complete family?"
It was a no-brainer.
But, Dad. I just have a question for you.
Go on.
Have you written
your last will and testament?
Have I ever told you you're adopted?
Not me! Maybe him! I know I'm not--
You're actually Manang's son.
Fifty-five years ago, Francisco
and Eleanor were married here.
This day is proof of their faith
in the Lord
they had sworn to, and in each other.
-Picture, picture!
-Let's go take a picture!
Come on, join!
I have nothing to say but thank you.
Nothing brings
a mother greater joy than knowing
that her children love each other.
There is nothing more I could ask for.
Because everything important in my life
is right here.
Thank you.
Thank you!
-Love you, Mommy!
-We should be thankful to you.
Because you have blessed our lives,
our family,
with your love and care and understanding.
And just, your mere presence.
Thank you too,
because you brought joy into our life.
When we have grown old
I hope that we will never change
Whenever or wherever we are
This remains my dream
Would you still want to
Kiss and put your arms around me
Until we grow old?
I just really want to know
Would you still love me so?
Even if my hair
Even if my hair turns white
As snow?
Before you come to your senses
Will you marry me, Irene?
And will you be my lifetime partner?
I can't return this!
Thank you.
For what?
For being a wonderful partner.
Even when I was not.
Thank you for loving me,
and loving my family.
When I married you,
I married your entire family.
Don't worry!
-I'll take care of you!
Thank you.
Alright, go and get your tippy-tappers!
Oh my god!
Who else?
It's like we got out of jail!
-Can I have one?
She doesn't have a cell phone,
she's not allowed yet!
-Not yet!
Thank you!
Oh, Ellen's dating apps!
Thank you so much!
Anything left over is mine!
-One more, there's one more!
-This one's mine.
This one's mine.
Kiko, it's up to you to tell the driver
where our pit stop is.
Yes, dad.
Your phone will always be there,
but I won't be.
So, every now and then,
I want you to look at me.
So you can miss me too.
Noted on that, Dad.
Grandpa, we had such a good time here.
Super fun!
Look at your Grandpa
when you're talking to him.
It's a blessing to still have them around.
Don't take that for granted.
Yes, Dad.
Did you have this installed?
Isa said, big brother did.
-Sir, thank you!
Thank you, sir!
Come and get some!
Get some now.
There's bread here!
-Thank you, sir!
Go on!
Alright, cellphones, earphones, charger,
-laptops, iPads, throw everything in here.
-Excuse me,
-Throw everything in here.
-Excuse me please!
What the hell!
Why did you put those in there?
That's for the fruit!
Is it? It was Daddy, he was the one who--
Wasn't it you--
That's fine, that's fine
It's a good mistake.
-Okay, Dad.
-Good mistake!
Just put the fruit here.
Gramps, what's a menopause baby?
Menopause baby?
That means your Daddy is a blessing!
Because we weren't expecting
to have any more children,
but then he came along!
That's why he's a special gift from God!
Did you all hear that?
I am no longer a menopause baby!
A Special Gift from God!
-A Very Special Gift from God!
-Okay, okay,
Special Gift from God, huh!
Let's eat!
Special gift!
Let's pray. Let's pray.
-And very special.
-Yes, a blessing.
Let's pray. Let's pray.
In the name of
the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit
Bless us, oh Lord, and these, Thy gifts
which we are about to receive,
from Thy Bounty through Christ our Lord,
Let's eat, let's eat!
Oh, there's the soup!
There's something I wanted to
Could I maybe
What is it?
I just wanted
What, Dad?
Do we have?
-What is it?
-What is it?
What is it, Dad?
Fish sauce?
-Fish sauce.
-Yes, sir! Fish sauce?
-Fish sauce!
-Let's cut him some slack.
-Fish sauce.
-Let him have fish sauce.
Yay, he can have some fish sauce!
-Let's give him some.
-Fish sauce.
He's having some!
Look at his face, look at that face!
Not a lot!
That's enough!
-That's too much!
-Bring it here! Back here.
Move that away!
-Are we okay, Dad?
-Are you happy now?
He's happy.
In my old age,
I hope you understand me
and have patience.
And when the time comes
that I must pass away,
I hope you hold my hand
and give me the strength
to face my death.
And don't worry.
When I face the Lord, our Creator,
I will ask Him to bless you,
because you have been loving,
to your father and mother.
-I forgot the line.
-You didn't look before you answered.
I have to say that--
What do I have to say? I forgot.
What did you do?
I feel like laughing.
Is it in the shrimp?
Kiss. breath and never let him go.
-Are there no suite rooms?
-There's no available--
We went through a lot, right?
-A cat passed by.
Think about it.
You are about to pee, Dad!
-Go home now.
I'm shy to you.
Maybe they took a stroll--
I know. I heard that stomach.
I'm hungry.
You're lying now.
The opposite!
Who are you?
Good mor-- Good morning.
-Aren't you supposed--
-They said it's too fast.
Who would take care of you that way?
Only me, right?
Is it sweet? One more.
One more.
Dad. Tell--
He was like