Farce of the penguins (2006) Movie Script
I am about to tell you
a beautiful story;
a story that takes place
somewhere far away.
A place where the temperature
is 58 degrees below zero.
It is the coldest, darkest,
most barren place on earth.
I'm talking about Antarctica.
you can get there from here,
but it's quite a journey.
You'll want to bring a sweater,
or maybe let your pubic hair
grow really long,
and wrap it around
your testicles.
It's that cold.
If you're a woman, you
wouldn't have testicles,
so you'd probably
let your pubic hair
grow really long
around your vagina.
Whatever your gender,
Antarctica is a very
cold place to live.
But it's also one of the most
beautiful places on earth.
And if you're one
of those people
who has both testicles
and a vagina,
you may not want to go
to Antarctica at all.
Amsterdam probably makes
more sense for what you are:
half-man, half-woman.
And analogous to being
a half-man, half-woman,
Antarctica used to be
populated by thick bushes,
until millions of years ago,
when it slowly drifted to the
south-most point of the earth
where all hell froze over.
America used to be populated
by thick bushes too
until they started bikini
waxes and Brazilian cuts.
I miss big bushes.
Antarctica is about
one and a half times
the size of the united states.
A claim once made
in the 1960s, by Cuba.
But this isn't a story
about a country
who's just waiting for
their next dictator to die.
This is a story about
the amazing creatures
who for millions of
years have lived here
in mother earth's
frigid white anus.
This is a story about survival.
It is a story
about determination.
But mainly, it is
a story about love,
penguin love.
This is the...
- Every January,
thousands of male penguins
go to the ocean to feed.
Giving them the
fuel and strength
to make the treacherous
journey back home,
where they will then
mate with the bitches
they have yet to meet.
But those bitches are 4 months and 70 miles away.
So for now, the males will bond.
But due to budgetary issues,
their mouths do not move,
yet we can hear their
every neurotic thought.
Jimmy, has it ever dawned on you
that we have major
eating disorders?
everybody has an eating disorder.
Yeah, but not like us.
We don't eat for 6 months,
and then we walk 70 miles,
fill our guts
till we're super-sized,
and then we walk back
70 miles to get laid.
It's sick.
Carl, when we get to the water,
take a good look
at your reflection.
You're a penguin!
You don't have
an eating disorder.
You're a penguin.
We walk, we eat, we get laid.
I just wish our lives were different.
You make your own happiness,
my friend.
I don't think that's
entirely true, Jimmy.
You don't think your own positive attitude
has a lot to do
with whether or not
the relationships in
your life are working?
If you accept responsibility
for your part of
the relationship.
My own positive
attitude wasn't enough
to keep Valerie from leaving me.
I'm leaving you, Carl.
Why, Valerie?
I thought we were doing so well.
I want a bigger house.
A bigger house?
What are you talking about?
We live outdoors.
Your house can't get any bigger.
We just don't want
the same things, Carl.
Obviously. You want
a bigger house.
That's not even in
the realm of reality.
Goodbye, Carl.
And the year before her: Amanda.
I have something to tell you, Carl.
I cheated on you.
How? We've been standing right
next to each other for two months.
While you were sleeping,
Vittorio came over and...
we made love.
But I was standing right here.
That's why it's over, Carl.
You didn't even wake up.
She had a point.
And the year before her: Esther.
I can't be with someone
who doesn't keep kosher.
All I eat is fish, Esther.
What have I eaten
that's not kosher?
Have you eaten squid,
or octopus, or shrimp?
Yes, but I only eat once a year.
You can't begrudge me.
You might as well drive a stake through my heart, Carl.
You've been choosing the wrong women, buddy.
You know,
a lot of people peak in high school
and then everything
after that is downhill.
Well, you just gotta get back to the old Carl,
the guy I knew when
we were younger,
the guy who didn't care who he banged night to night.
I always cared.
Oh, yeah, but now
you care too much.
Sorry, buddy, if
I don't eat soon,
I'm gonna pass out.
You boys ready to block your colons for three months?
Where you lead me,
I will go, Jimmy.
I have no
discernible personality.
I just hope there's
sand dabs down there.
Last year, some asshole
ate all the sand dabs.
God, I love sand dabs.
They're so good...
all succulent,
pan-fried with a little butter.
Come on, men!
Let's fill our guts with fish
and then get
us some... Ahhh!
I'm right on your tail, Jimmy!
I'm starving!
I'm horny.
I'm Sidney!
Penguins are fascinating creatures.
They are birds, but cannot fly.
Nature really fucked us.
Can't even jerk off.
They live in the ocean,
but have to come up for air.
Ow! Rocks.
Hurt. Stomach.
Scratch. Rock. Raw!
Bleeding. Shit. Ah!
Why... am... I...
doing this!
It's a fun,
indulgent few months for them:
eating whenever they want to,
no responsibilities,
it's kind of like going to
the University of Miami.
To get in there,
all you need is a 1.8,
a six-pack, and a bong.
The more you watch them,
the more you realize
how beautiful penguins are.
Especially after you
see something like...
Look at the face
on that poor thing.
Not even his own mother
could love that.
This can't be good for our internal organs.
Stop bitching and start gorging, Carl.
We are officially underway.
That's it?
Aren't we supposed to wait, like, 30 minutes
before walking 70 miles?
You're such a pussy.
Maybe that's why I love you.
God, it was freezing
down there, Jimmy.
If I had testicles,
they'd be up inside my body right now.
If you had testicles,
you'd be getting raped by a seal.
No means no.
I don't know what that means.
It's a non sequitur, my friend.
Not everything has
to have meaning.
Our lives should.
Ugh! Here we go...
don't you ever think about anything, Jimmy?
Like why we live here.
We could move to anywhere in the world we wanted to.
Carl, where are we
going to move to,
and how are we going
to get there, burrow?
It's not like we can go on the internet and find a deal.
This is what we do.
We walk 70 miles for sand dabs.
God, I love sand dabs.
They're so good.
All succulent, pan-fried
with a little butter.
I don't know.
We could move to Los Angeles.
All we do is walk.
Nobody walks in L.A.
new york?
You'd freeze your ass off in the winter.
Too windy.
Palm springs?
I see dead people.
Carl, the problem's
not where we live,
the problem is what
you got going on
inside that neurotic
little head of yours.
It's hopeless, Jimmy.
If I was eaten by a
killer seal right now,
nobody would even miss me.
Hey, shithead!
I would miss you,
all of our other friends
would miss you too.
Yeah! We'd miss you, Carl.
You go, girl.
Oh, you gotta shake it off, bro.
It's time to get
out of your slump.
You're going to meet
somebody again.
Maybe even the one.
the one of four who leaves me.
Listen, Carl,
I can really help you
find a woman this year,
but you've got to
help me help you.
You can't be so freakin' needy.
You have to ask yourself,
what are you really
looking for in a woman?
I just want someone who gets me
for who I am, not for
how much money I have,
or for the car that I drive,
or for the clothes that I wear,
but for who I am inside.
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's a monologue for my acting class
but it's how I really feel.
Excellent scene!
Very moving!
I really felt his pain.
back at the mating grounds,
the air is colder than
a well digger's asshole.
And the female penguins
are huddled together,
trying to stay warm,
waiting for the suitors
they've never met.
It'd be nice to meet a guy this year
who didn't just
want me for my body.
They only want one thing, honey.
Stefan called me frigid
'cause I didn't want to make a baby with him.
Aw, girl, out here
we're all frigid.
And he was just playin' you,
trying to get you puddin' pie.
Now, forgive me for saying this,
but Stefan was an asshole.
I know.
Why do I always fall
for the assholes?
Oh, you're young yet, baby.
It's normal.
Trust me,
it's part of your feminine education.
And they're always
the cute ones.
Oh, now wait a minute, bitch.
Not always!
Remember when I dated Ralph?
He was an asshole
and he was u-gly!
Why'd you go out with him?
Well he used to tell me how beautiful I was all the time.
you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
Well, thank you, Ralph.
Let's make love with our eyes closed.
Yeah, well that's the only way with you, Ralph.
Whatever happened to him?
I thought I told you about that.
He got sat on by a walrus.
Smashed his head flat.
He was never the
same afterwards.
Oh, my god! It
didn't kill him?
not right away.
Girl, he died months later choking on a damn anchovy.
His head was smashed so flat,
he couldn't even swallow it!
Tsk. Oh, I'm
sorry, Vicky.
And I didn't think
he could get uglier,
but damned if he didn't.
I am so ready to
meet someone new.
Ugh! I'm so fed up
with the club scene.
So are baby seals.
I'm serious, Vicky.
It takes us months to get ready.
We come to a spa like this one,
get all dolled-up, fix our hair,
get our nails done,
get our eyebrows waxed,
and what am I doing it all for?
The guy I choose is just going to
turn out to be another asshole.
Honey, my mama used to tell me,
"they're all assholes,
it's just a matter of which one you want to end up with."
You know, I'm so full right now,
if I farted, a minnow
would pop out of my ass.
Don't try to gross me out, Jimmy.
I'd probably eat it too.
Jimmy, stop it or I'll throw up.
I'd probably eat that too.
Shut up, will you!
Seriously, Carl,
I'll eat anything.
I'm like a nanny goat.
That was a good piece of
salmon yesterday, wasn't it?
Why is it all we talk about is the last meal we ate?
We talk about
breakfast during lunch,
lunch during dinner,
and dinner during breakfast.
That is what we do, my friend.
It's our heritage.
Our parents did it,
their parents did it,
all my bastard children
are going to do it.
And you know what?
Our great-great-grandfathers
stood on this very
spot 100 years ago,
and had this exact
same conversation.
That was a good piece of salmon yesterday, wasn't it?
Why is it all we talk about is the last meal we ate?
You okay?
Yeah, excuse me.
I had a bone stuck in my throat.
That's what I'm saying.
We're not evolving.
There's got to be
more to life than food.
We don't eat to live,
we live to eat.
We also live for sex.
Did someone say "sex"?
I just show up on
cue when I hear that.
Uh, hey, Sidney.
Hey, guys.
It's exciting, isn't it?
We're on our way,
at the start of our journey
to get ourselves some pussy.
Sidney, can I ask you something?
Of course, Carl.
We're bros.
Well forgive me for asking you this...
I've, uh,
I've known you for how long now?
Like, four years.
Well, the past few mating seasons,
I... I didn't see you,
uh... you know...
hook up with anyone.
And I've always wondered...
uh... i-it's obvious what you're asking him.
Just ask the man.
I'm getting to it!
I... I'm just wondering, Sidney, if...
well, all this time, and...
there's nothing wrong with it,
all this time,
I just kind of thought that you were...
Are you crazy?
That's so funny!
Gay? I can't...
I am so all about the pussy!
Well, you certainly
cleared up the rumors.
Well, you tell those
boys to stop rumoring.
I'm going for a jog, work
off some of this dinner.
Ugh! I'm
so bloated.
All right,
I'll see you boys in a few!
That is so funny!
You know,
you can learn something from Sidney.
He accepts who he is.
He does?
Apparently so.
And you, on the other hand,
are going through a major mid-life crisis,
my friend.
And it's driving me nuts.
Oh, hi, Steve.
Hello, Jimmy.
Hello, Carl.
Oh, hello, Steve.
And how... how are
we feeling today?
Not so good, Steve.
We're on our way to
the breeding grounds
and I can't stop obsessing
over all the negatives
of my life,
especially my wrong
choices in women.
Mm-hmm. Carl, we...
we have the same
discussion every season.
What is it that you're
looking for in a partner?
That's what I asked him!
I'm talking to Carl, Jimmy.
What is it you want, Carl?
Uh, I don't know.
To have a woman
who understands me.
Oh, that's good. And
what is it that you think
would help a woman
understand you?
Um... if maybe
I understood her?
And it would help, I guess,
if I wasn't so... needy.
I've told him that too!
And you also keep telling me I
need to get laid all the time.
And how does that
make you feel, Carl?
Maybe Jimmy's just trying
to get you out of your rut.
That's what I'm
trying to do, bro.
I think we've made
progress today.
Now... now go with
Jimmy and the others,
and you have a long
journey ahead of you.
I'll just bill your insurance.
Thanks, Steve.
Be good to yourself,
and remember:
when all looks lost,
you need to have a physical prescription with you.
All right.
Remember, boys,
wisdom comes from suffering.
Who said that?
My mother!
Three months have gone by,
and now it is march.
And that is just what these little
masochists are going to do:
70 miles back home,
to where the women are,
to where the ice is thicker,
which makes it safer for
them to mate and give birth
before the approaching
polar winter
freezes their little buttholes completely shut.
Ouga chaka, ouga chaka,
ouga chaka, ouga chaka.
68 miles, 5,279 feet,
68 miles, 5,278 feet,
68 miles...
I hope you know where you're going,
'cause I'm following you.
You've got to count your blessings, Carl.
Not many animals can do
20 hours of cardio a day.
We're so athletic,
and we can't even scratch our own asses.
America's favourite pastime.
Walruses can.
Can what?
Scratch their own asses.
No they can't,
their arms are shorter than ours.
I've seen them do it,
and it's not pretty.
I've got an itchy ass.
My ass is so itchy.
Scratching my ass.
Scratching my ass too.
Oh, the humanity!
I stand corrected.
You starting to feel
any better, Carl?
Yeah, a little.
Maybe that girl, Debbie,
will be there this year.
Oh, yeah, Debbie.
End of last season.
Why didn't you close that?
She wouldn't return my calls.
How many times did you call her?
I don't know, I
just kept calling her.
Oh, shit.
Must have called her ten times.
You called her ten times?
Bro, that's stalking.
You can't just keep calling a girl.
You call her once,
if she doesn't respond, that's it.
I should have
disguised my voice.
Hello, Debbie, this is not Carl.
I'm anybody but Carl.
Would you like
to go out with me?
Oops! Sorry.
Who you pushing, motherfucker?
I didn't do it intentionally.
Are you pushing me
just 'cause I'm black?
Uh... no.
I'm black too.
You sayin' we all look alike?
Uh, no. I just...
you just what?
Don't make me smack fire out yo ass.
Stand back!
I just... I...
I mean, we're all
black, aren't we?
And white.
You want some of this?
Hey, look,
he didn't mean anything.
What are you?
His bitch?
No, look,
I'm really sorry if I offended you.
By you two crackers?
How about, not
give a shit about?
Aw... come on, man! I'm
just fuckin' with you.
We're gonna be spending,
like, three months together.
I'm Marcus.
Always cool to meet
another brother.
What is that supposed to mean?
You ain't my brother.
Ahhh-ha! I'm just
fuckin' with you again!
You boys are gullible.
I mean, gullible.
Like a gull who's a bull.
Nothing, huh?
A'ight. Let's get goin'.
Can't waste a whole
day talkin' this shit.
A day here is like
three weeks long, right?
It certainly is.
Home penguin.
Where's that music we was walking to before?
Turn that shit off!
If we walking 70 miles,
the music we walking to had better be slammin',
not that philharmonic bullshit.
Let's try that again.
I wanna be okay
I just want for once
Nothing to worry about
What is this?
Oh, this music?
it's by this new young guy I saw in a bar,
like, at 2:00 a.m.
in the east village.
Do you like it?
It's very good.
I bet he's really nice too.
But you know what?
I can't walk to that shit!
Turn that shit off!
But my favourite part was coming up.
Well, we ain't in the east village,
homie postromi,
we at the asshole of the earth.
And I will walk off this picture
if I don't get some good
traveling music, you dig?
Jay, dash, v-o-n
This is what I'm talking about!
Hey, sexy,
come undress me
You feel me?
Shake that ass.
Hey, sexy,
come undress me bounce!
I want you next to me
bounce to it.
Give me that
Drop it like it's hot.
And pick it up when it's cold.
I can't wait to find out who the lucky man is,
who's going to get
some of this hot booty.
I swear, Vicky,
all you ever think about is sex.
No, that's not true.
I think about lots of other things.
Okay, like...
like sardines and fresh shrimp and, um...
excuse me!
Why don't that bitch just die?
Someone used my lip gloss.
That's impossible, isn't it?
Yes, we don't have lips.
She's bipolar.
I'm going to find out who did it.
And when I do,
I am going to embarrass them publicly.
And then justice will be served.
You young bitches today don't know anything.
I used to do my whole face
completely with free samples
and I got a free makeup case.
I'll never understand why god
takes away good people we love
and leaves us with something
as rotten and raggedy-asstard as...
And the supreme joke is,
she'll find a man
and have his baby.
Now, god help that child.
Probably going to wind
up being a nasty bitch
just like his mama.
I'm nervous to meet a man
I'd actually want
to have a baby with
when all I've ever
done is fool around.
Oh, that's the way it is today.
You know, second base used
to mean copping a feel.
"Let me lift it up
and say, 'hey to
my puddin' pop'."
Melissa, girl, you'll
have no trouble
getting a good man.
You're one of the prettiest girls in Antarctica.
Yeah, well I've never met anyone
worth having a baby
with, though.
Listen to me, girl.
When the right man comes along,
you will just know it.
And his touch will be
like a lightning bolt
through your veins.
Oh, I dream of that day.
I walk around
Nowhere to go
Just stand and wait
In yellow snow
My heart is full
Yet I'm so low
But when I find him
I'll know
How can it be
I love her so
This girl of mine
I've yet to know?
You will my friend
Just take it slow
'Cause when
you find her
You'll know
So many men
They want one thing
To slip it in
Without a ring
If she's not clean
It's gonna sting
But I love her so
A man I do not know
A girl I've
yet to know
We'll try and take it slow
'Cause when we find them
We'll know
Yes when I find her
I'll know
I'll kno-ow
After they have traveled for a week or more,
they shift from walking upright
to body-surfing
on their bellies,
a transportation method
they've been employing
for thousands of years.
Hey, Carl,
keep your nose out of my ass.
I've got enough trouble scraping my dick across the ice.
Keep on going, boys.
We've got a long ways to go.
Sorry, it's the anchovies.
They don't agree with me.
Fuck this shit!
I'm going to the
front of the train.
Where the fumes from
another penguin's ass
won't burn off my eyebrows.
Asshole smelled like
eight cans of orca shit.
So what you're saying is,
ask them about themselves.
And listen to their answers.
Don't just nod and think
about the next awkward thing you're going to say.
Wait a second.
Everybody, freeze.
- We are.
I mean stop moving.
This looks familiar.
Oh, my god!
This is where we started.
Your sense of direction
is as good as your
digestive system.
I'm sorry.
I can't tolerate anchovies.
Thought you guys knew where you were going.
We've made this journey our whole lives.
Why would all of our instincts be off like this?
Maybe it's a curse.
But seriously, Carl.
Calm down. Shit happens.
I don't think you realize the
severity of the situation, Jimmy.
We're right back
where we started from.
Carl, you're having
another anxiety attack.
Now, get a hold of yourself
before I have to bitch-slap you.
I think I need to find me a new posse.
You almost had me believing
I'd meet a woman this year.
Well, that's not
going to be possible
since we're never
going to get there
'cause we're right back
where we started from!
I'm doing this for your own good, man.
Get a hold of yourself!
We only walked
a few miles in a circle.
Those are two crazy motherfuckers!
Thanks, Jimmy.
I needed that.
So long, crazy motherfuckers!
See you in bootyville!
Can you feel me?
Understand me
'Cause I feel you.
To the beat-beat!
I really have been a mess,
haven't I?
Carl, it's time to move forward.
Hello, Steve.
Carl, I know how it may feel
like you're not
going anywhere, but...
but if you stay on the path,
it doesn't matter how many times
you have to start
from the beginning.
Especially if you're O.C.D.
just stay on the path, Carl.
You'll find your way!
That's $250.
That's got to be the
shortest therapy session in history.
I'm confused again.
Oh, god.
Jimmy, can I tell you something,
and promise you
won't yell at me?
I'll try.
and this may sound crazy,
sometimes, I'm not even sure which one of us is talking.
That is crazy.
I'm talking.
but which one of us are you?
I'm standing right next to you.
On the right or on the left?
Holy shit!
On the right!
My right, or your right?
I think you need medication.
Jimmy, sorry to interrupt,
but I understand
what Carl is saying.
Allow me to illustrate.
You are on the
right, Jimmy. Poom!
But you're actually
on the audience's right.
Bam. And you're
actually on Carl's left.
Get that shit off me!
Listen, whoever you are.
We're in the middle
of an adventure here.
I don't have time for your little disclaimers,
'cause you stuck
me in the middle
of a stock footage clusterfuck!
That's no way to talk to me, buddy.
I'm just speaking the truth.
Well, you know what?
You can't handle
the truth, Ruth!
You may be right.
I hope you didn't think
I meant any disrespect.
Just don't let it happen again.
Uh, yes, sir.
And, uh... feel free
to call me Ruth
any time you want.
You shouldn't be giving him shit, Jimmy.
This movie was really
hard to put together.
Now you're kissing show-biz ass.
I'm serious.
A writer worked hard
on this script.
Ahhh. Writing
is rewriting.
Then he had to make calls to get all the talent.
Listen, if you do this picture,
I'll give you some back-end.
It's pink and fleshy.
You like that? Neh-eh.
Put up the money to pay for the whole thing...
all mine.
Do all the accounting so it stays on budget...
carry the one, carry the one...
and save all the paperwork so everyone got paid.
Fuck 'em.
How'd you learn so
much about the movie business?
Isn't that the group?
Yeah, it is!
Uh, sorry.
We'll just continue on our little journey then.
That's a good idea, Jimbo.
Hey, guys. It's us.
Wait up!
The hope is that after this detour,
they'd be able to find their way back to the others.
But it's too late for some.
The treacherous journey has
already affected their minds.
I don't need the rest of those fuckers.
I have found good
antarctic skunk weed.
And that skunk weed will help me
find the treasure
of sierra madre.
It is I, and I alone,
Juan Sanchez,
who will make this discovery.
And then, I will be famous!
Sure, they'll be at home,
having sex with all the women,
but I don't need
no stinkin' women.
Others are simply victims
of the ever- changing ecosystem.
Where did all the snow go?
It's fucking global warming!
This is bullshit!
Guys, get over here.
Holy shit!
There's no snow.
That's what I'm talking about.
Fucking global warming.
It's bullshit! Male 3:
what's global warming?
It's what those fuckers in the snowsuits
do to the planet to fuck it up for all of us.
Yeah, but if it's warmer,
isn't that better for us?
Yeah, it's better if it suddenly gets warmer
and all the ice melts
and we got no place to stand
'cause the fucking
ground beneath us
turned to fucking water.
Don't yell. You could
start an avalanche.
With what?
There's no fucking snow!
Snow... snow...
what was that?
You fart again?
Maybe it was you.
I don't fart, that's
not how I roll.
I either hold it in or I just take a crap right there.
You should write romance novels.
You know what your problem is?
You're not proud
to be a penguin.
"Proud to be
a penguin."
Why are we even called penguins?
What does it even mean?
It's a great name for us.
It's not so on-the-nose.
What would you
rather be? A ram?
You know why they're
called rams?
At least they're
more mobile than us.
We can't do anything.
I'd rather be a sea lion than a penguin.
You know how many
sea lions die young
from too much smoking
and drinking?
Sea lions don't smoke.
Then how do you explain that guy we saw at the beach
with smoker's cough?
Oh, yeah.
And then he drank too much and got sick, remember?
I shouldn't have mixed all of those shots of booze.
Trust me.
We're not missing out on anything.
We age better than almost any animal on the planet.
You ever see a turtle
when he gets so old
he has to use a walker?
It's not pretty, my friend.
You're right, Jimmy.
I haven't been
appreciative enough.
Now you're getting it.
And so the journey continues.
I'm not sure but this I know
He's not sure but this he knows
Penguin pussy's
mighty cold
Penguin pussy's
mighty cold
A classy penguin Jimmy's not
A classy penguin
Jimmy's not
Carl's right
'Cause penguin pussy's
mighty hot
'Cause penguin pussy's
mighty hot
Shout out
Fuck you
The sun is setting earlier now.
The weather is getting colder.
And I can't wait to
finish recording this shit
and go play golf.
The males stop midway
through their journey
to rest and recuperate.
Where's that cabana boy?
I need new towels!
Stay the hell away from me.
I've got an itch.
Sometimes the elements get the best of them.
The older penguins know that it's just a matter of time
before they call out...
I'm freezing my nuts off!
The cold is making everybody crankier.
You have no idea what
I'm going through.
You're in a warm
recording studio in L.A.
getting paid tonnes of money.
Not enough.
I'm sure it's a
respectable amount.
Not enough.
I don't give a shit
'cause I'm freezing my nuts off!
Stop complaining.
It's where you chose to live.
Chose? Are you an idiot?
Why would I choose to
live in 80-below weather?
May I continue?
How can I stop you?
You're in sunny California
and I'm in Antarctica,
freezing my nuts off!
May I continue?
What's wrong?
I told you, you son of a bitch,
and you just kept talking,
and I...
froze my nuts off!
Those aren't your nuts.
Yes they are.
You don't have nuts,
just some kind of flipper
thing you use as a penis.
You know what?
Fuck you!
Morgan freeman has
more talent than you
in just a freckle on his ass.
Thank you!
Enjoy the polar winter.
It's just starting.
Shouldn't be so rough for you.
You're very old,
and you've already frozen your nuts off,
or whatever those things were,
since penguins don't have nuts.
Fu-u-uck you-u-u!
No, fuck you,
you old nutless motherfuck...
my bad.
It is sheer instinct
that leads them to where
they are meant to go.
The route is never the same.
See, Carl?
It is sheer instinct
where we are meant to go.
It's true.
The route is never the same.
I'm freezing my nuts off!
What was that?
I don't know, but whoever it is,
you can be sure of one thing:
they're freezing their nuts off.
I can't see shit!
The days become harsher,
the air grows colder.
And what has become of those
lost penguin motherfuckers
who strayed from their brethren?
I am Juan Sanchez
And I climb to the top
'Cause I've gone
fucking nuts
And my journey
will not stop
I'm a freak of a bird
I don't know
the name of my breed
And I don't even care
'Cause I smoked
so much skunk weed
And when I get
to the top
I will jump
off the edge
And my journey
will stop
And I'll never
have sex
And I never will shave
And I'll never
get to be
Some short
bitch's whore
That is me
Juan Sanchez is my name
I told you not to yell.
A whole side of the
mountain came down.
Yeah, like,
it's my fault the earth is melting.
Just an inconvenient
truth, isn't it?
Somebody needs to
tell our government
to shove some freezer coils into
the fucking ends of the earth
before the whole fucking planet turns into fucking jello!
And so,
the harshness of nature takes a toll.
The days turn into nights.
And the nights turn into days.
And the days turn into nights.
And then the nights
turn into days.
And then the days
turn into nights.
And then the nights
turn into days.
And then...
say it with me now!
a good night's sleep, right?
Now we can move on.
I've been up all night
having a nightmare.
About what?
I'm not here.
I mean, I'm not in Antarctica.
I'm a prisoner.
I don't know where, but...
I'm in some kind of enclosure.
And I'm trapped and
people are ridiculing me.
Look at the short,
stupid-looking penguin, daddy.
He's a funny-looking bastard,
ain't he, sweetheart?
It was hell on earth.
Lucky for us that kind of place doesn't exist.
You're just sleep-deprived.
Come on, Carl.
Let's get to the sex.
Jimmy, I think you
have a sexual obsession.
No I don't. You know who
has a sexual obsession?
A monkey.
A monkey'll bang anything.
At first,
it looks like they're just playing, right?
Like this guy who just wanted to
get some milk out of a coconut.
He wanted to crack a hole in it
but not just to
get the milk out.
That's nuts.
Yeah. Coco-nuts.
Never saw that on "survivor island",
did you, bro?
Keep moving, homie.
We're going to get you a woman.
And when we're done with you
We're gonna get me
one of those
I'm Sidney
Back at the mating grounds,
the females can sense their men
are nearing the end
of their journey.
They wait with selfless anticipation.
If a guy even looks at me the wrong way,
I'm going to peck his eyes out.
they'll be lining up for you, Helen.
And as soon as they see you,
Whoo, they'll thank the lord you pecked their eyes out.
We'll see who finds a man,
and who doesn't,
Has she ever held on to a man?
Only by the throat.
Well, she had a husband once.
What happened?
She pecked his eyes out.
That bitch wasn't kidding.
This party is going to be so hot.
I heard the after-party is hotter.
There's an after-party after that,
that I hear is way hotter than
the party or the after-party.
Yeah, but then I heard there's a V.I.P after-party
for the after-
party's V.I.Ps
after the other after-parties.
Who are they?
Oh, that's the Hilton penguins.
They're sweet girls, but you know,
they all about the party.
Seems like you're looking for
something more real, Melissa.
I think I am.
Who's been using my sanitary napkins?
can we play it one more time?
All right.
Rock, paper, scissors.
Why do you guys keep playing this?
We have no hands!
With us, it's paper,
paper, paper.
All right, it's riddle time.
Oh, I love riddles!
Aw, these are road games, Carl.
Play along.
What's black and white,
and red on the inside?
A newspaper?
No, keep guessing.
Come on, man!
A zebra?
A soccer ball?
A zebra?
You said that.
The black eyed peas?
A delicious hot-fudge sundae
with a cherry on the top?
No, Carl.
I mean, is that...
That's Marcus?
I think so.
No, I don't think it's him.
I think it is him.
This is all my fault, Jimmy.
If I hadn't eaten
those anchovies,
I wouldn't have
farted in his face
and he wouldn't have
gone ahead without us.
I'm telling you...
It's not Marcus.
Ow! Ow!
Ow! Stop it, Jimmy!
Now chill the fuck out!
What the fuck are you
two motherfuckers freakin' about?
Yes, that would be me.
Who the fuck is that?
Uh, I don't know.
Uh, I thought...
Carl's been going through a sensitive time.
I was just worried
that you had...
had what?
Fallen on my face?
Dropped dead of a heart attack?
Tripped over my dick?
Uh, no.
I'm just glad you're okay, Marcus.
Oh, gee, that's nice, Carl.
Now get your head out of my ass,
you "brokeback mountain" bitch.
I'm just fuckin' with you again.
That was funny what you said
about tripping
over your own dick.
Oh, that wasn't a joke.
I am truly blessed.
I'm not one to brag,
but my dick's not
as shy as I am.
I don't show this to everybody,
but since you're all so
glad to see me and all,
feast your eyes on this:
I am the first
penguin in history
who can touch his toes...
with his dick.
uh... that's very impressive.
I'm sure women find it adorable.
Your woman last year didn't seem to mind it.
Aw, come on! I'm just
fuckin' with you again.
And if I had taken a shot at your ladies from last year,
they definitely wouldn't
be able to walk this year,
especially after being
ravaged by my...
gigantic penguin cock!
I believe that's an oxymoron.
Whatever it is,
it's brought happiness
to the faces of millions.
And it's kept the
tops of my toes warm
through many a lonely winter.
Well, good to see you, boys.
You too.
You too.
See you on the
inside, gentlemen.
And I do mean "on the inside".
Ooow! Can you feel me?
'Cause I feel you.
What now?
You boys are going
the wrong way.
I... I believe the, uh...
breeding grounds
are straight ahead.
The road's closed.
Doesn't look closed.
He says the road don't look closed, Mumford.
So he does.
Look over there, city slicker.
That wasn't there a second ago.
I suggest you take the detour,
unless you want us
to eat you all.
You can't just eat us all.
Oh yes they can, Carl.
They can eat us all.
It's definitely do-able.
You're not good guys.
Oooh, that stings.
If I wasn't an evil predator,
I'd be hurt.
Now get off our
land, greenhorns.
This isn't fair.
Life isn't fair sometimes.
I hope this doesn't take us too far off the path.
Oh me!
Hot, hot, hot, hot!
The men have traveled 70 miles
to reach this moment:
the entrance to
the mating grounds.
You know,
I think it'd have been easier
getting eaten by
that gang of seals.
It's over,
we made it. Stop bitching.
Come on, boys!
Let's make our grand entrance.
Pssst! Hey!
Any of you guys want
to buy some tickets?
I've got front-row center.
Tickets for what?
There's no cover to this thing.
How about a watch?
You want to buy a watch?
We don't have wrists.
Tequila shots, smoke, flake,
"penguins gone wild" dvds?
They're real college girls
doing things
their dads would not
be happy about. Ha-ha.
Go away.
You know, Carl,
I think you're starting to get your power back.
Excuse me. I can't
let you pass.
Who are you?
I am a walrus.
we just walked 70 miles to get here.
We can't turn back now.
Do you know the password?
No one said anything
about a password.
Do you know "the da vinci code"?
I read the first 30 and couldn't get into it.
That's the password!
Go right on through.
how'd you read a copy of "the Da Vinci code"?
I didn't.
Books on tape.
All of these penguins have converged
upon the same spot
where they were born.
The large ice walls protect them
from the cold, high winds,
and the thick ice
beneath their feet
keep their newborns
from being sucked
into the icy waters below.
Everything has built up to this.
Hello, ladies!
Oh god, here they come.
How do I look?
You look hot.
I do?
Oh, thanks, baby.
Oh, now... he's cute.
Nah, too short.
How about that one?
No, too fat.
Oooh, well,
look at the butt on that one!
Come here, baby.
Wait... ew, don't.
Too late.
Hello, girls.
I'm Jimmy, and this
is my buddy, Carl.
Hi, I'm Vicky.
Hi. Melissa.
I'd give up forever
to touch you
'Cause I know that
you feel me somehow
Hey, Carl, uh...
why don't you tell the ladies
about our run-in with that
gang of leopard seals?
You're the closest
to heaven
That I'll ever be
And I don't want
to go home right now
You okay?
I was just admiring your...
my what?
Uh... your...
your... your...
her what?
You're, uh...
closest to heaven
that I'll ever be
and I don't want to
go home right now?
That's from a song, isn't it?
It is?
Uh, come on, Melissa.
We told Helen we'd meet at the bar, remember?
We did?
Well, it was nice
talking to you guys.
Maybe we'll, uh...
see you later.
You think that guy likes you?
God, I thought he was having a heart attack.
I've never seen anyone cock-block themselves
quicker than what
I just witnessed.
She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
And she's gone...
to be with anyone but you,
because you just acted like a groupie on acid.
But I think I can
still salvage this.
You do?
Carl, I'm your best friend.
You were depressed for 70 miles,
and yet here you are,
with a crush on the
first girl you meet?
It's a miracle.
I don't think it's just a crush.
I think I've already
fallen in love with her.
You told me, when I
find her I'll know.
Well, I know, Jimmy.
It's love.
Yes, Jimmy. Love.
In fact,
the whole reason the penguins make this journey
is for love.
Yes, perhaps the love of
the mating ritual itself,
but that is somehow intrinsic to every species.
Except maybe very religious ones,
stricter cultures with the ability
to reason like some humans,
only see sex as a
means to procreation.
Who are you?
I am sheila.
I've had five husbands
and four children.
One of my husbands fired blanks.
It's okay. It happens.
So I think you raised
an interesting point
with your theory of animal love.
I was in love twice.
In love with two of my five...
that's nice to hear.
But none of them made
me cum like my Herbie.
Thank you, sheila.
No, wait! This
is my moment!
Tell all those
dirty little bastards
sitting in the theater all watching this on a bootleg DVD
what life's about!
We have to get back to our story.
I'll give ya a fucking story!
I've got more lines
around my uterus
than you have on your resume.
It's time for you to say goodbye, sheila.
The mating ritual
is about to begin.
I am so sorry you had to see that.
Sorry you have to see this too.
Keep doing it, baby.
Daddy likes that.
Mmm! Naughty, naughty,
naughty girl!
You know,
I've never been with two ladies before.
You two like a little piece of this action?
No, thanks.
He is kind of cute though, isn't he?
I'm just fine with the one of ya.
He's so gross and so old.
I think I need a z-pack.
Yeah, they're all bitches.
I love the ice sculpture by the bar.
I'm bragging I promoted this whole thing.
This party's really going off.
Come on!
Who wants to fuck
the sensitive guy?
Well, hell-lo!
Hey, Marcus.
What's up?
Now this is what I'm talking about!
It's like hedonism and spring-fling had a kid!
It reminds me of the sex
scenes in "eyes wide shut".
You guys see that movie?
Fuck this shit.
I didn't come here
just to watch.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Well, hell-lo!
Well, hell-lo!
I'm Marcus.
I'm Vicky.
And you are?
Ooh, holla.
what do you have in mind, Marcus?
I'm proud to show you, Vicky.
Objects speak louder than words.
Yeah, that...
that's gonna hurt.
It didn't hurt my
woman last year.
May she rest in peace.
Naw, I'm just fuckin' with you.
You're funny.
Holy shit.
That Marcus is good.
And he's got subtle foreplay skills.
Yes, mar!
Oh! Yes, indeed!
You better work it, boy!
You're so bossy.
Oh, Marcus!
Stand on me!
Yes, Marcus.
Look at that technique.
I don't know how she
tolerates that thing.
Let's make some eggs
together, girl.
They certainly hit it off.
Poor girl's going to be walking
to the left the rest of her life.
Jimmy, you see
where Melissa went?
Let's go find her, bro.
I got a plan.
When chemistry happens,
there's no fighting it.
The ones who are
meant to be together
somehow get to hook up.
sure is nice to meet a girl in person.
I mean, I... I don't...
I don't know.
I usually just
meet people online.
What's "online"?
It's, uh,
where a bunch of men and women
who are afraid to
ever meet face-to-face
stay up all hours of the night
chatting with people
they don't know
'cause it feels safer
than actually having
to talk to them in...
in person.
I'm late for my friends.
Nice talking to you.
Mmm. Is it 'cause my
breath smells like ass?
Uh, hi?
Hi. Hi there.
Uh, I know you probably think I'm disgusting
but, well, we have
to mate with someone
and... and I
thought maybe,
you'd want to hook up for this
season and have my baby.
Oh yeah, you're perfect for me.
I am?
I've been looking for
an insecure asexual guy
whose low self-esteem
far outweighs
the complete lack of sexual attraction I have for him.
can I join one of your twosomes there?
No. Ah.
Do you mind if I just stand here and...
urinate all over
the four of you?
Oh, keep doing it, baby.
Do it for daddy.
The females are truly starving.
As soon as the
mating ritual is over
they get to make the same
long journey as the males did,
to the ocean where they
will finally get to feed.
But for now, it is time to mate.
Hey, what's your name?
My name's Jamie.
And I don't play games.
I like to be honest
and up front.
Do you want to do it?
That is so gross.
Ooh, you're honest
and up front too.
Ooh, I like that.
You're disgusting.
Excuse me.
Hey, where you going?
Hi. My name's Jamie
and I don't play games.
I like to be honest
and up front.
I don't see Melissa anywhere.
We'll find her.
10,000 penguins here and they're all a bunch of sickos.
Say my name.
Say my name, bitch.
Look me in the eye.
Who's your daddy?
Say my name!
Okay, Melvin!
Oh, yeah!
Say my name!
Oh, yeah! Say it!
Takes all kinds.
Wow, look at those two cartoon characters go at it.
They don't even look real.
All that time at sea
I've been dreaming
about this moment.
I'm not in the mood.
Your sister was in the mood.
I'm gonna go see her.
Whatever happened to romance?
Whatever happened to
dinner and a movie?
Everybody in the world is having sex but us.
That's an exaggeration.
No, it isn't. Look.
You and me, baby
Ain't nothin'
but mammals
So let's do it like they do
on the discovery channel
You and me, baby, ain't
nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do
on the discovery channel
Gettin' horny now.
Get your ass off me!
I've got to find out who their event planner is!
Wait, Jimmy.
that's Melissa.
What do I do?
Let me handle this.
I may not get laid myself
but I'm the best wingman alive.
Hey, uh, Melissa, right?
Uh, Jimmy, is it?
Uh, yeah.
Your friend Vicky went off
with our friend Marcus.
Yes, she did.
Uh, look,
my friend Carl over there...
he may have come off like
a complete idiot before,
but it's...
it's 'cause, well,
he didn't know
what to say to you.
tell him that I understand.
And I don't want to hurt
his feelings or anything
but I'm not really looking
for a partner right now.
Okay. I'll relay
the message.
Will you wait right here?
Uh... okay.
She says she understands
and doesn't want to
hurt your feelings
but she's not really looking for a partner right now.
Oh, god.
Well... okay.
Would you tell her
that I wasn't looking
for a partner either
but then, when I saw her,
it felt like a lightning bolt was going through my veins.
I'm not going to tell her that!
It doesn't matter, Jimmy!
I probably already lost her.
I might as well tell her
what I really feel.
Okay, okay I'll tell her that.
It's gonna sound fruity.
I can't wait till we get instant messaging down here.
Melissa, Carl told
me to tell you
he wasn't looking
for a partner either
but then, when he saw you,
it felt like a lightning bolt was going through his veins.
That's... that's what he wanted me to tell you.
Now I will leave.
He said that?
I mean the part about the lightning bolt?
he should write greeting cards, shouldn't he?
Thank you, Jimmy.
What did I say?
Did you feel that?
The second I saw you.
You wanna go for a walk, Carl?
I'm a penguin.
I can always go for a walk.
Come on, silly.
Damn, I'm good.
Some of the lucky ones have found true love.
I can't believe you've chosen me.
You've chosen me too, silly.
You're nothing like
the other girls.
How am I different?
Well, you...
you've got a little dot or mark or something
under your left eye there.
I've never seen anything like it before.
You know exactly
how to get to me.
I do?
Oh, Melissa.
Oh, Carl.
Oh. Oh, my god,
that feels so good.
What? What, you mean
these circular motions?
Yes! Do that!
Don't... don't stop.
Just do that!
How about if I do that too?
Oh, my god, that's amazing!
I want to have your baby!
Was that it?
Uh, yeah.
But I can't wait to do it again,
next year.
I want it to be with you.
I want that too.
I love you, Melissa.
Oh. I love you
too, Carl.
Most of them have now chosen a mate.
They will stay with
that mate almost a year,
as their ancestors
did before them.
But for now, they will
play a waiting game
in hopes that their
communion can create...
the egg.
But not all of them
will find a partner.
I can't believe I've come up dry this year.
I've got to sink my battleship
or my stored-up love juices
are going to explode
out of my pooter.
Everybody got box but me.
I gotta bang something.
I don't care what.
Pussy, pussy everywhere
and not a bit for me.
I know it's out there.
I can smell it.
Ow! What was that?
Watch it, buddy!
That's my ass!
Sorry, I can't see shit.
Oh, excuse me.
what's that?
Yeah, that feels soft.
Whoa, damn!
Oh, god!
Ohhh, oh, my god!
I can't control myself!
Whoo! Oh!
Better get the fuck out of here.
I thought you wanted to wait another year to do it.
Do what?
Why did you wake me, honey?
Don't joke about this, Carl.
We just had sex again.
This time it
was... oh,
it was dirtier somehow.
Melissa, I'm serious,
we did not have sex.
I was sound asleep.
I feel so violated.
You feel violated?
Yes. I'm a part
of you now.
Well, a part of you was not in me last night.
Hey, guys.
Weird night last night.
Tell us about it.
Well, I was walking
around in the dark,
almost sleepwalking...
when Carl said "tell us about it"
I think he meant we had a weird night too.
it couldn't have been as weird as mine.
I mean I was just walking around
pissed off everybody
had a woman but me.
Oh, and congrats, by the way
on you two becoming a couple.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
So I'm walking around
and I realise I've got like a full wood going on
and that was embarrassing
'cause I kind of
bump into this guy.
Then I somehow stumble upon what had to be a hot girl.
'Cause she smelled good
and was so warm and all.
But it was like
in a millisecond,
I was suddenly,
accidentally just...
wh... in her.
Well, forgive me for saying this,
but it was hot!
I mean, what's the big deal?
We are penguins, right?
Wild creatures fighting for our lives
in the harshest spot on earth.
Oh, my god!
M-Melissa, what?
Oh, my god!
- God!
- Last night,
Melissa thought that we had...
oh, my god!
Done it again.
But... I was sound asleep!
Oh, my god!
But someone had... oh,
my god! Done it to Melissa.
Oh, you don't think it was her?
That I... no!
That would be...
I mean, no! Wait...
wait a second!
Let... let me
just see something.
I mean, no! Wait!
This is my worst nightmare.
You were my best friend.
Carl, I am your best friend.
We just, uh...
we... we had a little
mix-up is all.
A little mix-up?
Calm down, Carl.
It doesn't help anything.
This is horrible.
Now when the egg comes out
we won't know if
it's my baby or his.
It's yours, Carl.
But we can't be sure of that.
What if the baby looks just like Jimmy and not me?
What if it's his baby?
It can't be his baby!
Yes, it can!
I fell in love with you
and now you're going
to have Jimmy's baby.
I can't have Jimmy's baby
'cause we didn't do it
in the regular way, okay!
A nine-week gestation period is upon them.
It wasn't intentional.
It was late, he was desperate.
I can't believe you're making excuses for him.
I still think that you need to forgive him.
I can't.
He was in your butt.
Yeah. I remember.
I'm upset on so many levels with this, Melissa.
Well, I am too, Carl.
I think I'm going to go for a walk.
That's a good idea, Carl.
You can always go for a walk.
We were the best of friends
And then he came
up from behind
And turned
my life around
And she didn't
seem to mind
I know deep down
she loves me
Even though
inside he slid
It hurts...
'cause he loved her
in a way I never did
Oh, yes he loved her
In a way I never did
Can't I try
To let it die?
He's just a guy
And I
Cannot deny
That I'll
only have her
From the other side
Oh, god he loved her
But he's not
her lover
That would be me
I must forget
he ever loved her
He didn't
really love her
He just kind
of plugged her
In a way I never did
The difficulties they
have gone through together
makes the male even more
pussy-whipped than he was before.
I've given it a lot of thought.
I know what Jimmy
did was an accident.
I'm sorry I was so self-absorbed
especially at such a poignant moment in our lives.
I forgive you, Carl.
Can you...
can you just hold on for one second?
Hoo, hoo, hee.
Hoo, hoo, hee.
Oh, oh, ah!
Ah, oh!
Oh, my god that frickin' hurt.
Say hello to your
new baby, Carl.
He's so cute and round.
Uh, that's just the egg.
I know that.
Think fast, Carl.
And Beckham scores!
The egg must be kept warm.
The father stuffs that egg up inside his nutless sack
for more than two months.
It is during this time
that the mother
must make her journey
to the ocean to feed
before she dies of starvation.
The female penguins
are incredibly strong.
They've not eaten
in many months,
they've just given birth,
and now they also have to walk 70 miles to the ocean
in order to survive.
I'm not sure but this I know
She's not sure but this she knows
Penguin dicks
get mighty old
Penguin dicks
get mighty old
70 miles on
these tiny legs
70 miles on
these tiny legs
While our bitches stay
home sittin' on our eggs
While our bitches stay
home sittin' on our eggs
Shout out
Fuck them
It's not the most comfortable thing
sitting on an egg, huh?
It'd be a lot more comfortable
if I wasn't sittin'
on my dick too.
Hi, Marcus.
Hey, Jimmy!
How's it hangin'?
I feel terrible about what happened.
I don't know what to
do or say anymore.
You're my best friend, Jimmy.
I don't want to lose you.
I know what you did
was an accident.
All I've wanted was your forgiveness, man.
If it's any consolation
I've been all alone.
Well, not any more.
You've got me and Melissa
and you're going to be an uncle.
This is so nice!
This makes me so happy!
It takes a big man to forgive his friend after he...
busts his woman's
booty hole open.
70 miles and three months later
the women have arrived at their
much-awaited dining spot.
The problem is,
the hole in the
ice is frozen over.
Hey, Helen.
Why don't you just stand on that thin patch of ice there
and make a nice hole for all of us to dive into.
You know what? I will.
Now, if you excuse me,
I'm going to be
the first to dine.
Oh! Oh, no!
Mmm, come here, baby!
Oh... oh, my god!
Come now, dirty rotten penguin.
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
He got me in the ass!
This penguin's delish...
she shouldn't have went out there.
Oh, oh, mmm.
Is there coffee?
It's a sad moment knowing
that this mother's
baby will not be fed
because she will not be making the journey home.
- Mmm!
- But then again,
she was such a bitch.
Kid's probably better off.
We need a moment of silence please,
for the loss of
our sister, Helen.
A'ight, let's eat.
The male has gone over 125 days without food.
But food is the last
thing on his mind
the moment his child is born.
And then...
out of the mouth of babes comes:
Through an inexplicable instinctual link,
the mothers know they
have got to get home now.
And that beautiful day comes when the family is united
for the very first time.
Oh, Marcus.
She's so cute.
Oh, and look.
She has your penis.
Oh, Marcus.
I'm just fuckin' with you.
Oh, my god!
Look, it's a boy, honey.
- Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Oh, Carl.
He has your neurotic glare.
Aw, hi there little
neurotic-looking baby.
Hi, guys.
Hi, Jimmy.
Hey, Jimmy.
It's uncle Jimmy now.
Oh, Carl.
This makes me so happy.
I'd do a little happy dance
if my feet weren't covered
in bloody blisters.
With feeding
the babies grow incredibly fast.
I shouldn't have had that fourth piece of herring.
The babies are up
and almost ready to move on
except for the few
who may have a
learning disability.
I shouldn't have had that fourth piece of herring.
And so our story comes to an end.
The big question is
do penguins stay together?
Are they monogamous?
That's it, Vicky.
It's time for me to move on.
You're too strong for me, baby.
Get your ass over here, Marcus.
Now I didn't go through all that
to have you go back out there
and start fucking everything that doesn't move.
The answer is, in reality,
they do not stay together.
But this is not reality.
This is a farce.
The farce of the penguins.
I made it!
Juan Sanchez is at
the top of the mountain!
I am so stinky and dirty,
I am one dirty Sanchez!
I am the king of the world!
I'm the king of the world!
I am one dirty Sanchez!
Fucking global warming!
My god, they went and did it!
Damn you all!
Damn you!
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
We cannot end
a love story like that.
I finally found the one
And you're the one,
it's understead
Because I love you
In a way I never did
It's exit only
Oh, yes, I love you
In a way I never did
Jay dash v-o-n.
You guys made $100,000,000 on that movie
and we didn't see shit.
Yeah, let's go
It was a pretty dry season for me, Sidney.
I mean, I had a
woman accidentally
but she wasn't mine.
She was my best friend's girl.
That's something I'm proud of.
Maybe I'll meet somebody.
One day.
And when you find him
You'll know
there, I said it.
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and give me that
Lil' mama, get on top
It's where I am at
Plus I got
the flow on lock
Know you want to act out
'cause ya man home
But ya boy here and
you don't wanna be alone
And I'm in the zone
You a figure eight
Forget your homegirl
All she gonna do
is hate and debate
We in the place,
get next to me
You sexy, you need
to undress with me
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come on, gimme that
Come over here,
shorty pass the yak
V.I.P. status and
the flow intact
It's a wrap,
it's where I'm at
Jay dash to the v-o-n.
I'm the one with
the flow like Neo
Get stuck with us,
know how we roll
Diverse, you can
speak German or creole
It's my reign,
and I claim to be the best
So take off your shirt,
and lift up your dress
Yes, get all
my stress relieved
You sexy, you need
to undress with me
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
G's up where
the kitties in here
What up, and we'll bring
a lot of problems in here
And we up, competition
wanna see me stopped
But we on top,
jay and muff will not stop
Right? And on the mic
I'ma tell you
how to do it
'Cause I don't
really dance
But you know
I spit fluid
What, what, and
everybody giving me dap
And the club contact,
I just counter it back
It's a wrap
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
Hey, asshole.
My eyes are up here.
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
I'm Sidney!
I am about to tell you
a beautiful story;
a story that takes place
somewhere far away.
A place where the temperature
is 58 degrees below zero.
It is the coldest, darkest,
most barren place on earth.
I'm talking about Antarctica.
you can get there from here,
but it's quite a journey.
You'll want to bring a sweater,
or maybe let your pubic hair
grow really long,
and wrap it around
your testicles.
It's that cold.
If you're a woman, you
wouldn't have testicles,
so you'd probably
let your pubic hair
grow really long
around your vagina.
Whatever your gender,
Antarctica is a very
cold place to live.
But it's also one of the most
beautiful places on earth.
And if you're one
of those people
who has both testicles
and a vagina,
you may not want to go
to Antarctica at all.
Amsterdam probably makes
more sense for what you are:
half-man, half-woman.
And analogous to being
a half-man, half-woman,
Antarctica used to be
populated by thick bushes,
until millions of years ago,
when it slowly drifted to the
south-most point of the earth
where all hell froze over.
America used to be populated
by thick bushes too
until they started bikini
waxes and Brazilian cuts.
I miss big bushes.
Antarctica is about
one and a half times
the size of the united states.
A claim once made
in the 1960s, by Cuba.
But this isn't a story
about a country
who's just waiting for
their next dictator to die.
This is a story about
the amazing creatures
who for millions of
years have lived here
in mother earth's
frigid white anus.
This is a story about survival.
It is a story
about determination.
But mainly, it is
a story about love,
penguin love.
This is the...
- Every January,
thousands of male penguins
go to the ocean to feed.
Giving them the
fuel and strength
to make the treacherous
journey back home,
where they will then
mate with the bitches
they have yet to meet.
But those bitches are 4 months and 70 miles away.
So for now, the males will bond.
But due to budgetary issues,
their mouths do not move,
yet we can hear their
every neurotic thought.
Jimmy, has it ever dawned on you
that we have major
eating disorders?
everybody has an eating disorder.
Yeah, but not like us.
We don't eat for 6 months,
and then we walk 70 miles,
fill our guts
till we're super-sized,
and then we walk back
70 miles to get laid.
It's sick.
Carl, when we get to the water,
take a good look
at your reflection.
You're a penguin!
You don't have
an eating disorder.
You're a penguin.
We walk, we eat, we get laid.
I just wish our lives were different.
You make your own happiness,
my friend.
I don't think that's
entirely true, Jimmy.
You don't think your own positive attitude
has a lot to do
with whether or not
the relationships in
your life are working?
If you accept responsibility
for your part of
the relationship.
My own positive
attitude wasn't enough
to keep Valerie from leaving me.
I'm leaving you, Carl.
Why, Valerie?
I thought we were doing so well.
I want a bigger house.
A bigger house?
What are you talking about?
We live outdoors.
Your house can't get any bigger.
We just don't want
the same things, Carl.
Obviously. You want
a bigger house.
That's not even in
the realm of reality.
Goodbye, Carl.
And the year before her: Amanda.
I have something to tell you, Carl.
I cheated on you.
How? We've been standing right
next to each other for two months.
While you were sleeping,
Vittorio came over and...
we made love.
But I was standing right here.
That's why it's over, Carl.
You didn't even wake up.
She had a point.
And the year before her: Esther.
I can't be with someone
who doesn't keep kosher.
All I eat is fish, Esther.
What have I eaten
that's not kosher?
Have you eaten squid,
or octopus, or shrimp?
Yes, but I only eat once a year.
You can't begrudge me.
You might as well drive a stake through my heart, Carl.
You've been choosing the wrong women, buddy.
You know,
a lot of people peak in high school
and then everything
after that is downhill.
Well, you just gotta get back to the old Carl,
the guy I knew when
we were younger,
the guy who didn't care who he banged night to night.
I always cared.
Oh, yeah, but now
you care too much.
Sorry, buddy, if
I don't eat soon,
I'm gonna pass out.
You boys ready to block your colons for three months?
Where you lead me,
I will go, Jimmy.
I have no
discernible personality.
I just hope there's
sand dabs down there.
Last year, some asshole
ate all the sand dabs.
God, I love sand dabs.
They're so good...
all succulent,
pan-fried with a little butter.
Come on, men!
Let's fill our guts with fish
and then get
us some... Ahhh!
I'm right on your tail, Jimmy!
I'm starving!
I'm horny.
I'm Sidney!
Penguins are fascinating creatures.
They are birds, but cannot fly.
Nature really fucked us.
Can't even jerk off.
They live in the ocean,
but have to come up for air.
Ow! Rocks.
Hurt. Stomach.
Scratch. Rock. Raw!
Bleeding. Shit. Ah!
Why... am... I...
doing this!
It's a fun,
indulgent few months for them:
eating whenever they want to,
no responsibilities,
it's kind of like going to
the University of Miami.
To get in there,
all you need is a 1.8,
a six-pack, and a bong.
The more you watch them,
the more you realize
how beautiful penguins are.
Especially after you
see something like...
Look at the face
on that poor thing.
Not even his own mother
could love that.
This can't be good for our internal organs.
Stop bitching and start gorging, Carl.
We are officially underway.
That's it?
Aren't we supposed to wait, like, 30 minutes
before walking 70 miles?
You're such a pussy.
Maybe that's why I love you.
God, it was freezing
down there, Jimmy.
If I had testicles,
they'd be up inside my body right now.
If you had testicles,
you'd be getting raped by a seal.
No means no.
I don't know what that means.
It's a non sequitur, my friend.
Not everything has
to have meaning.
Our lives should.
Ugh! Here we go...
don't you ever think about anything, Jimmy?
Like why we live here.
We could move to anywhere in the world we wanted to.
Carl, where are we
going to move to,
and how are we going
to get there, burrow?
It's not like we can go on the internet and find a deal.
This is what we do.
We walk 70 miles for sand dabs.
God, I love sand dabs.
They're so good.
All succulent, pan-fried
with a little butter.
I don't know.
We could move to Los Angeles.
All we do is walk.
Nobody walks in L.A.
new york?
You'd freeze your ass off in the winter.
Too windy.
Palm springs?
I see dead people.
Carl, the problem's
not where we live,
the problem is what
you got going on
inside that neurotic
little head of yours.
It's hopeless, Jimmy.
If I was eaten by a
killer seal right now,
nobody would even miss me.
Hey, shithead!
I would miss you,
all of our other friends
would miss you too.
Yeah! We'd miss you, Carl.
You go, girl.
Oh, you gotta shake it off, bro.
It's time to get
out of your slump.
You're going to meet
somebody again.
Maybe even the one.
the one of four who leaves me.
Listen, Carl,
I can really help you
find a woman this year,
but you've got to
help me help you.
You can't be so freakin' needy.
You have to ask yourself,
what are you really
looking for in a woman?
I just want someone who gets me
for who I am, not for
how much money I have,
or for the car that I drive,
or for the clothes that I wear,
but for who I am inside.
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's a monologue for my acting class
but it's how I really feel.
Excellent scene!
Very moving!
I really felt his pain.
back at the mating grounds,
the air is colder than
a well digger's asshole.
And the female penguins
are huddled together,
trying to stay warm,
waiting for the suitors
they've never met.
It'd be nice to meet a guy this year
who didn't just
want me for my body.
They only want one thing, honey.
Stefan called me frigid
'cause I didn't want to make a baby with him.
Aw, girl, out here
we're all frigid.
And he was just playin' you,
trying to get you puddin' pie.
Now, forgive me for saying this,
but Stefan was an asshole.
I know.
Why do I always fall
for the assholes?
Oh, you're young yet, baby.
It's normal.
Trust me,
it's part of your feminine education.
And they're always
the cute ones.
Oh, now wait a minute, bitch.
Not always!
Remember when I dated Ralph?
He was an asshole
and he was u-gly!
Why'd you go out with him?
Well he used to tell me how beautiful I was all the time.
you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
Well, thank you, Ralph.
Let's make love with our eyes closed.
Yeah, well that's the only way with you, Ralph.
Whatever happened to him?
I thought I told you about that.
He got sat on by a walrus.
Smashed his head flat.
He was never the
same afterwards.
Oh, my god! It
didn't kill him?
not right away.
Girl, he died months later choking on a damn anchovy.
His head was smashed so flat,
he couldn't even swallow it!
Tsk. Oh, I'm
sorry, Vicky.
And I didn't think
he could get uglier,
but damned if he didn't.
I am so ready to
meet someone new.
Ugh! I'm so fed up
with the club scene.
So are baby seals.
I'm serious, Vicky.
It takes us months to get ready.
We come to a spa like this one,
get all dolled-up, fix our hair,
get our nails done,
get our eyebrows waxed,
and what am I doing it all for?
The guy I choose is just going to
turn out to be another asshole.
Honey, my mama used to tell me,
"they're all assholes,
it's just a matter of which one you want to end up with."
You know, I'm so full right now,
if I farted, a minnow
would pop out of my ass.
Don't try to gross me out, Jimmy.
I'd probably eat it too.
Jimmy, stop it or I'll throw up.
I'd probably eat that too.
Shut up, will you!
Seriously, Carl,
I'll eat anything.
I'm like a nanny goat.
That was a good piece of
salmon yesterday, wasn't it?
Why is it all we talk about is the last meal we ate?
We talk about
breakfast during lunch,
lunch during dinner,
and dinner during breakfast.
That is what we do, my friend.
It's our heritage.
Our parents did it,
their parents did it,
all my bastard children
are going to do it.
And you know what?
Our great-great-grandfathers
stood on this very
spot 100 years ago,
and had this exact
same conversation.
That was a good piece of salmon yesterday, wasn't it?
Why is it all we talk about is the last meal we ate?
You okay?
Yeah, excuse me.
I had a bone stuck in my throat.
That's what I'm saying.
We're not evolving.
There's got to be
more to life than food.
We don't eat to live,
we live to eat.
We also live for sex.
Did someone say "sex"?
I just show up on
cue when I hear that.
Uh, hey, Sidney.
Hey, guys.
It's exciting, isn't it?
We're on our way,
at the start of our journey
to get ourselves some pussy.
Sidney, can I ask you something?
Of course, Carl.
We're bros.
Well forgive me for asking you this...
I've, uh,
I've known you for how long now?
Like, four years.
Well, the past few mating seasons,
I... I didn't see you,
uh... you know...
hook up with anyone.
And I've always wondered...
uh... i-it's obvious what you're asking him.
Just ask the man.
I'm getting to it!
I... I'm just wondering, Sidney, if...
well, all this time, and...
there's nothing wrong with it,
all this time,
I just kind of thought that you were...
Are you crazy?
That's so funny!
Gay? I can't...
I am so all about the pussy!
Well, you certainly
cleared up the rumors.
Well, you tell those
boys to stop rumoring.
I'm going for a jog, work
off some of this dinner.
Ugh! I'm
so bloated.
All right,
I'll see you boys in a few!
That is so funny!
You know,
you can learn something from Sidney.
He accepts who he is.
He does?
Apparently so.
And you, on the other hand,
are going through a major mid-life crisis,
my friend.
And it's driving me nuts.
Oh, hi, Steve.
Hello, Jimmy.
Hello, Carl.
Oh, hello, Steve.
And how... how are
we feeling today?
Not so good, Steve.
We're on our way to
the breeding grounds
and I can't stop obsessing
over all the negatives
of my life,
especially my wrong
choices in women.
Mm-hmm. Carl, we...
we have the same
discussion every season.
What is it that you're
looking for in a partner?
That's what I asked him!
I'm talking to Carl, Jimmy.
What is it you want, Carl?
Uh, I don't know.
To have a woman
who understands me.
Oh, that's good. And
what is it that you think
would help a woman
understand you?
Um... if maybe
I understood her?
And it would help, I guess,
if I wasn't so... needy.
I've told him that too!
And you also keep telling me I
need to get laid all the time.
And how does that
make you feel, Carl?
Maybe Jimmy's just trying
to get you out of your rut.
That's what I'm
trying to do, bro.
I think we've made
progress today.
Now... now go with
Jimmy and the others,
and you have a long
journey ahead of you.
I'll just bill your insurance.
Thanks, Steve.
Be good to yourself,
and remember:
when all looks lost,
you need to have a physical prescription with you.
All right.
Remember, boys,
wisdom comes from suffering.
Who said that?
My mother!
Three months have gone by,
and now it is march.
And that is just what these little
masochists are going to do:
70 miles back home,
to where the women are,
to where the ice is thicker,
which makes it safer for
them to mate and give birth
before the approaching
polar winter
freezes their little buttholes completely shut.
Ouga chaka, ouga chaka,
ouga chaka, ouga chaka.
68 miles, 5,279 feet,
68 miles, 5,278 feet,
68 miles...
I hope you know where you're going,
'cause I'm following you.
You've got to count your blessings, Carl.
Not many animals can do
20 hours of cardio a day.
We're so athletic,
and we can't even scratch our own asses.
America's favourite pastime.
Walruses can.
Can what?
Scratch their own asses.
No they can't,
their arms are shorter than ours.
I've seen them do it,
and it's not pretty.
I've got an itchy ass.
My ass is so itchy.
Scratching my ass.
Scratching my ass too.
Oh, the humanity!
I stand corrected.
You starting to feel
any better, Carl?
Yeah, a little.
Maybe that girl, Debbie,
will be there this year.
Oh, yeah, Debbie.
End of last season.
Why didn't you close that?
She wouldn't return my calls.
How many times did you call her?
I don't know, I
just kept calling her.
Oh, shit.
Must have called her ten times.
You called her ten times?
Bro, that's stalking.
You can't just keep calling a girl.
You call her once,
if she doesn't respond, that's it.
I should have
disguised my voice.
Hello, Debbie, this is not Carl.
I'm anybody but Carl.
Would you like
to go out with me?
Oops! Sorry.
Who you pushing, motherfucker?
I didn't do it intentionally.
Are you pushing me
just 'cause I'm black?
Uh... no.
I'm black too.
You sayin' we all look alike?
Uh, no. I just...
you just what?
Don't make me smack fire out yo ass.
Stand back!
I just... I...
I mean, we're all
black, aren't we?
And white.
You want some of this?
Hey, look,
he didn't mean anything.
What are you?
His bitch?
No, look,
I'm really sorry if I offended you.
By you two crackers?
How about, not
give a shit about?
Aw... come on, man! I'm
just fuckin' with you.
We're gonna be spending,
like, three months together.
I'm Marcus.
Always cool to meet
another brother.
What is that supposed to mean?
You ain't my brother.
Ahhh-ha! I'm just
fuckin' with you again!
You boys are gullible.
I mean, gullible.
Like a gull who's a bull.
Nothing, huh?
A'ight. Let's get goin'.
Can't waste a whole
day talkin' this shit.
A day here is like
three weeks long, right?
It certainly is.
Home penguin.
Where's that music we was walking to before?
Turn that shit off!
If we walking 70 miles,
the music we walking to had better be slammin',
not that philharmonic bullshit.
Let's try that again.
I wanna be okay
I just want for once
Nothing to worry about
What is this?
Oh, this music?
it's by this new young guy I saw in a bar,
like, at 2:00 a.m.
in the east village.
Do you like it?
It's very good.
I bet he's really nice too.
But you know what?
I can't walk to that shit!
Turn that shit off!
But my favourite part was coming up.
Well, we ain't in the east village,
homie postromi,
we at the asshole of the earth.
And I will walk off this picture
if I don't get some good
traveling music, you dig?
Jay, dash, v-o-n
This is what I'm talking about!
Hey, sexy,
come undress me
You feel me?
Shake that ass.
Hey, sexy,
come undress me bounce!
I want you next to me
bounce to it.
Give me that
Drop it like it's hot.
And pick it up when it's cold.
I can't wait to find out who the lucky man is,
who's going to get
some of this hot booty.
I swear, Vicky,
all you ever think about is sex.
No, that's not true.
I think about lots of other things.
Okay, like...
like sardines and fresh shrimp and, um...
excuse me!
Why don't that bitch just die?
Someone used my lip gloss.
That's impossible, isn't it?
Yes, we don't have lips.
She's bipolar.
I'm going to find out who did it.
And when I do,
I am going to embarrass them publicly.
And then justice will be served.
You young bitches today don't know anything.
I used to do my whole face
completely with free samples
and I got a free makeup case.
I'll never understand why god
takes away good people we love
and leaves us with something
as rotten and raggedy-asstard as...
And the supreme joke is,
she'll find a man
and have his baby.
Now, god help that child.
Probably going to wind
up being a nasty bitch
just like his mama.
I'm nervous to meet a man
I'd actually want
to have a baby with
when all I've ever
done is fool around.
Oh, that's the way it is today.
You know, second base used
to mean copping a feel.
"Let me lift it up
and say, 'hey to
my puddin' pop'."
Melissa, girl, you'll
have no trouble
getting a good man.
You're one of the prettiest girls in Antarctica.
Yeah, well I've never met anyone
worth having a baby
with, though.
Listen to me, girl.
When the right man comes along,
you will just know it.
And his touch will be
like a lightning bolt
through your veins.
Oh, I dream of that day.
I walk around
Nowhere to go
Just stand and wait
In yellow snow
My heart is full
Yet I'm so low
But when I find him
I'll know
How can it be
I love her so
This girl of mine
I've yet to know?
You will my friend
Just take it slow
'Cause when
you find her
You'll know
So many men
They want one thing
To slip it in
Without a ring
If she's not clean
It's gonna sting
But I love her so
A man I do not know
A girl I've
yet to know
We'll try and take it slow
'Cause when we find them
We'll know
Yes when I find her
I'll know
I'll kno-ow
After they have traveled for a week or more,
they shift from walking upright
to body-surfing
on their bellies,
a transportation method
they've been employing
for thousands of years.
Hey, Carl,
keep your nose out of my ass.
I've got enough trouble scraping my dick across the ice.
Keep on going, boys.
We've got a long ways to go.
Sorry, it's the anchovies.
They don't agree with me.
Fuck this shit!
I'm going to the
front of the train.
Where the fumes from
another penguin's ass
won't burn off my eyebrows.
Asshole smelled like
eight cans of orca shit.
So what you're saying is,
ask them about themselves.
And listen to their answers.
Don't just nod and think
about the next awkward thing you're going to say.
Wait a second.
Everybody, freeze.
- We are.
I mean stop moving.
This looks familiar.
Oh, my god!
This is where we started.
Your sense of direction
is as good as your
digestive system.
I'm sorry.
I can't tolerate anchovies.
Thought you guys knew where you were going.
We've made this journey our whole lives.
Why would all of our instincts be off like this?
Maybe it's a curse.
But seriously, Carl.
Calm down. Shit happens.
I don't think you realize the
severity of the situation, Jimmy.
We're right back
where we started from.
Carl, you're having
another anxiety attack.
Now, get a hold of yourself
before I have to bitch-slap you.
I think I need to find me a new posse.
You almost had me believing
I'd meet a woman this year.
Well, that's not
going to be possible
since we're never
going to get there
'cause we're right back
where we started from!
I'm doing this for your own good, man.
Get a hold of yourself!
We only walked
a few miles in a circle.
Those are two crazy motherfuckers!
Thanks, Jimmy.
I needed that.
So long, crazy motherfuckers!
See you in bootyville!
Can you feel me?
Understand me
'Cause I feel you.
To the beat-beat!
I really have been a mess,
haven't I?
Carl, it's time to move forward.
Hello, Steve.
Carl, I know how it may feel
like you're not
going anywhere, but...
but if you stay on the path,
it doesn't matter how many times
you have to start
from the beginning.
Especially if you're O.C.D.
just stay on the path, Carl.
You'll find your way!
That's $250.
That's got to be the
shortest therapy session in history.
I'm confused again.
Oh, god.
Jimmy, can I tell you something,
and promise you
won't yell at me?
I'll try.
and this may sound crazy,
sometimes, I'm not even sure which one of us is talking.
That is crazy.
I'm talking.
but which one of us are you?
I'm standing right next to you.
On the right or on the left?
Holy shit!
On the right!
My right, or your right?
I think you need medication.
Jimmy, sorry to interrupt,
but I understand
what Carl is saying.
Allow me to illustrate.
You are on the
right, Jimmy. Poom!
But you're actually
on the audience's right.
Bam. And you're
actually on Carl's left.
Get that shit off me!
Listen, whoever you are.
We're in the middle
of an adventure here.
I don't have time for your little disclaimers,
'cause you stuck
me in the middle
of a stock footage clusterfuck!
That's no way to talk to me, buddy.
I'm just speaking the truth.
Well, you know what?
You can't handle
the truth, Ruth!
You may be right.
I hope you didn't think
I meant any disrespect.
Just don't let it happen again.
Uh, yes, sir.
And, uh... feel free
to call me Ruth
any time you want.
You shouldn't be giving him shit, Jimmy.
This movie was really
hard to put together.
Now you're kissing show-biz ass.
I'm serious.
A writer worked hard
on this script.
Ahhh. Writing
is rewriting.
Then he had to make calls to get all the talent.
Listen, if you do this picture,
I'll give you some back-end.
It's pink and fleshy.
You like that? Neh-eh.
Put up the money to pay for the whole thing...
all mine.
Do all the accounting so it stays on budget...
carry the one, carry the one...
and save all the paperwork so everyone got paid.
Fuck 'em.
How'd you learn so
much about the movie business?
Isn't that the group?
Yeah, it is!
Uh, sorry.
We'll just continue on our little journey then.
That's a good idea, Jimbo.
Hey, guys. It's us.
Wait up!
The hope is that after this detour,
they'd be able to find their way back to the others.
But it's too late for some.
The treacherous journey has
already affected their minds.
I don't need the rest of those fuckers.
I have found good
antarctic skunk weed.
And that skunk weed will help me
find the treasure
of sierra madre.
It is I, and I alone,
Juan Sanchez,
who will make this discovery.
And then, I will be famous!
Sure, they'll be at home,
having sex with all the women,
but I don't need
no stinkin' women.
Others are simply victims
of the ever- changing ecosystem.
Where did all the snow go?
It's fucking global warming!
This is bullshit!
Guys, get over here.
Holy shit!
There's no snow.
That's what I'm talking about.
Fucking global warming.
It's bullshit! Male 3:
what's global warming?
It's what those fuckers in the snowsuits
do to the planet to fuck it up for all of us.
Yeah, but if it's warmer,
isn't that better for us?
Yeah, it's better if it suddenly gets warmer
and all the ice melts
and we got no place to stand
'cause the fucking
ground beneath us
turned to fucking water.
Don't yell. You could
start an avalanche.
With what?
There's no fucking snow!
Snow... snow...
what was that?
You fart again?
Maybe it was you.
I don't fart, that's
not how I roll.
I either hold it in or I just take a crap right there.
You should write romance novels.
You know what your problem is?
You're not proud
to be a penguin.
"Proud to be
a penguin."
Why are we even called penguins?
What does it even mean?
It's a great name for us.
It's not so on-the-nose.
What would you
rather be? A ram?
You know why they're
called rams?
At least they're
more mobile than us.
We can't do anything.
I'd rather be a sea lion than a penguin.
You know how many
sea lions die young
from too much smoking
and drinking?
Sea lions don't smoke.
Then how do you explain that guy we saw at the beach
with smoker's cough?
Oh, yeah.
And then he drank too much and got sick, remember?
I shouldn't have mixed all of those shots of booze.
Trust me.
We're not missing out on anything.
We age better than almost any animal on the planet.
You ever see a turtle
when he gets so old
he has to use a walker?
It's not pretty, my friend.
You're right, Jimmy.
I haven't been
appreciative enough.
Now you're getting it.
And so the journey continues.
I'm not sure but this I know
He's not sure but this he knows
Penguin pussy's
mighty cold
Penguin pussy's
mighty cold
A classy penguin Jimmy's not
A classy penguin
Jimmy's not
Carl's right
'Cause penguin pussy's
mighty hot
'Cause penguin pussy's
mighty hot
Shout out
Fuck you
The sun is setting earlier now.
The weather is getting colder.
And I can't wait to
finish recording this shit
and go play golf.
The males stop midway
through their journey
to rest and recuperate.
Where's that cabana boy?
I need new towels!
Stay the hell away from me.
I've got an itch.
Sometimes the elements get the best of them.
The older penguins know that it's just a matter of time
before they call out...
I'm freezing my nuts off!
The cold is making everybody crankier.
You have no idea what
I'm going through.
You're in a warm
recording studio in L.A.
getting paid tonnes of money.
Not enough.
I'm sure it's a
respectable amount.
Not enough.
I don't give a shit
'cause I'm freezing my nuts off!
Stop complaining.
It's where you chose to live.
Chose? Are you an idiot?
Why would I choose to
live in 80-below weather?
May I continue?
How can I stop you?
You're in sunny California
and I'm in Antarctica,
freezing my nuts off!
May I continue?
What's wrong?
I told you, you son of a bitch,
and you just kept talking,
and I...
froze my nuts off!
Those aren't your nuts.
Yes they are.
You don't have nuts,
just some kind of flipper
thing you use as a penis.
You know what?
Fuck you!
Morgan freeman has
more talent than you
in just a freckle on his ass.
Thank you!
Enjoy the polar winter.
It's just starting.
Shouldn't be so rough for you.
You're very old,
and you've already frozen your nuts off,
or whatever those things were,
since penguins don't have nuts.
Fu-u-uck you-u-u!
No, fuck you,
you old nutless motherfuck...
my bad.
It is sheer instinct
that leads them to where
they are meant to go.
The route is never the same.
See, Carl?
It is sheer instinct
where we are meant to go.
It's true.
The route is never the same.
I'm freezing my nuts off!
What was that?
I don't know, but whoever it is,
you can be sure of one thing:
they're freezing their nuts off.
I can't see shit!
The days become harsher,
the air grows colder.
And what has become of those
lost penguin motherfuckers
who strayed from their brethren?
I am Juan Sanchez
And I climb to the top
'Cause I've gone
fucking nuts
And my journey
will not stop
I'm a freak of a bird
I don't know
the name of my breed
And I don't even care
'Cause I smoked
so much skunk weed
And when I get
to the top
I will jump
off the edge
And my journey
will stop
And I'll never
have sex
And I never will shave
And I'll never
get to be
Some short
bitch's whore
That is me
Juan Sanchez is my name
I told you not to yell.
A whole side of the
mountain came down.
Yeah, like,
it's my fault the earth is melting.
Just an inconvenient
truth, isn't it?
Somebody needs to
tell our government
to shove some freezer coils into
the fucking ends of the earth
before the whole fucking planet turns into fucking jello!
And so,
the harshness of nature takes a toll.
The days turn into nights.
And the nights turn into days.
And the days turn into nights.
And then the nights
turn into days.
And then the days
turn into nights.
And then the nights
turn into days.
And then...
say it with me now!
a good night's sleep, right?
Now we can move on.
I've been up all night
having a nightmare.
About what?
I'm not here.
I mean, I'm not in Antarctica.
I'm a prisoner.
I don't know where, but...
I'm in some kind of enclosure.
And I'm trapped and
people are ridiculing me.
Look at the short,
stupid-looking penguin, daddy.
He's a funny-looking bastard,
ain't he, sweetheart?
It was hell on earth.
Lucky for us that kind of place doesn't exist.
You're just sleep-deprived.
Come on, Carl.
Let's get to the sex.
Jimmy, I think you
have a sexual obsession.
No I don't. You know who
has a sexual obsession?
A monkey.
A monkey'll bang anything.
At first,
it looks like they're just playing, right?
Like this guy who just wanted to
get some milk out of a coconut.
He wanted to crack a hole in it
but not just to
get the milk out.
That's nuts.
Yeah. Coco-nuts.
Never saw that on "survivor island",
did you, bro?
Keep moving, homie.
We're going to get you a woman.
And when we're done with you
We're gonna get me
one of those
I'm Sidney
Back at the mating grounds,
the females can sense their men
are nearing the end
of their journey.
They wait with selfless anticipation.
If a guy even looks at me the wrong way,
I'm going to peck his eyes out.
they'll be lining up for you, Helen.
And as soon as they see you,
Whoo, they'll thank the lord you pecked their eyes out.
We'll see who finds a man,
and who doesn't,
Has she ever held on to a man?
Only by the throat.
Well, she had a husband once.
What happened?
She pecked his eyes out.
That bitch wasn't kidding.
This party is going to be so hot.
I heard the after-party is hotter.
There's an after-party after that,
that I hear is way hotter than
the party or the after-party.
Yeah, but then I heard there's a V.I.P after-party
for the after-
party's V.I.Ps
after the other after-parties.
Who are they?
Oh, that's the Hilton penguins.
They're sweet girls, but you know,
they all about the party.
Seems like you're looking for
something more real, Melissa.
I think I am.
Who's been using my sanitary napkins?
can we play it one more time?
All right.
Rock, paper, scissors.
Why do you guys keep playing this?
We have no hands!
With us, it's paper,
paper, paper.
All right, it's riddle time.
Oh, I love riddles!
Aw, these are road games, Carl.
Play along.
What's black and white,
and red on the inside?
A newspaper?
No, keep guessing.
Come on, man!
A zebra?
A soccer ball?
A zebra?
You said that.
The black eyed peas?
A delicious hot-fudge sundae
with a cherry on the top?
No, Carl.
I mean, is that...
That's Marcus?
I think so.
No, I don't think it's him.
I think it is him.
This is all my fault, Jimmy.
If I hadn't eaten
those anchovies,
I wouldn't have
farted in his face
and he wouldn't have
gone ahead without us.
I'm telling you...
It's not Marcus.
Ow! Ow!
Ow! Stop it, Jimmy!
Now chill the fuck out!
What the fuck are you
two motherfuckers freakin' about?
Yes, that would be me.
Who the fuck is that?
Uh, I don't know.
Uh, I thought...
Carl's been going through a sensitive time.
I was just worried
that you had...
had what?
Fallen on my face?
Dropped dead of a heart attack?
Tripped over my dick?
Uh, no.
I'm just glad you're okay, Marcus.
Oh, gee, that's nice, Carl.
Now get your head out of my ass,
you "brokeback mountain" bitch.
I'm just fuckin' with you again.
That was funny what you said
about tripping
over your own dick.
Oh, that wasn't a joke.
I am truly blessed.
I'm not one to brag,
but my dick's not
as shy as I am.
I don't show this to everybody,
but since you're all so
glad to see me and all,
feast your eyes on this:
I am the first
penguin in history
who can touch his toes...
with his dick.
uh... that's very impressive.
I'm sure women find it adorable.
Your woman last year didn't seem to mind it.
Aw, come on! I'm just
fuckin' with you again.
And if I had taken a shot at your ladies from last year,
they definitely wouldn't
be able to walk this year,
especially after being
ravaged by my...
gigantic penguin cock!
I believe that's an oxymoron.
Whatever it is,
it's brought happiness
to the faces of millions.
And it's kept the
tops of my toes warm
through many a lonely winter.
Well, good to see you, boys.
You too.
You too.
See you on the
inside, gentlemen.
And I do mean "on the inside".
Ooow! Can you feel me?
'Cause I feel you.
What now?
You boys are going
the wrong way.
I... I believe the, uh...
breeding grounds
are straight ahead.
The road's closed.
Doesn't look closed.
He says the road don't look closed, Mumford.
So he does.
Look over there, city slicker.
That wasn't there a second ago.
I suggest you take the detour,
unless you want us
to eat you all.
You can't just eat us all.
Oh yes they can, Carl.
They can eat us all.
It's definitely do-able.
You're not good guys.
Oooh, that stings.
If I wasn't an evil predator,
I'd be hurt.
Now get off our
land, greenhorns.
This isn't fair.
Life isn't fair sometimes.
I hope this doesn't take us too far off the path.
Oh me!
Hot, hot, hot, hot!
The men have traveled 70 miles
to reach this moment:
the entrance to
the mating grounds.
You know,
I think it'd have been easier
getting eaten by
that gang of seals.
It's over,
we made it. Stop bitching.
Come on, boys!
Let's make our grand entrance.
Pssst! Hey!
Any of you guys want
to buy some tickets?
I've got front-row center.
Tickets for what?
There's no cover to this thing.
How about a watch?
You want to buy a watch?
We don't have wrists.
Tequila shots, smoke, flake,
"penguins gone wild" dvds?
They're real college girls
doing things
their dads would not
be happy about. Ha-ha.
Go away.
You know, Carl,
I think you're starting to get your power back.
Excuse me. I can't
let you pass.
Who are you?
I am a walrus.
we just walked 70 miles to get here.
We can't turn back now.
Do you know the password?
No one said anything
about a password.
Do you know "the da vinci code"?
I read the first 30 and couldn't get into it.
That's the password!
Go right on through.
how'd you read a copy of "the Da Vinci code"?
I didn't.
Books on tape.
All of these penguins have converged
upon the same spot
where they were born.
The large ice walls protect them
from the cold, high winds,
and the thick ice
beneath their feet
keep their newborns
from being sucked
into the icy waters below.
Everything has built up to this.
Hello, ladies!
Oh god, here they come.
How do I look?
You look hot.
I do?
Oh, thanks, baby.
Oh, now... he's cute.
Nah, too short.
How about that one?
No, too fat.
Oooh, well,
look at the butt on that one!
Come here, baby.
Wait... ew, don't.
Too late.
Hello, girls.
I'm Jimmy, and this
is my buddy, Carl.
Hi, I'm Vicky.
Hi. Melissa.
I'd give up forever
to touch you
'Cause I know that
you feel me somehow
Hey, Carl, uh...
why don't you tell the ladies
about our run-in with that
gang of leopard seals?
You're the closest
to heaven
That I'll ever be
And I don't want
to go home right now
You okay?
I was just admiring your...
my what?
Uh... your...
your... your...
her what?
You're, uh...
closest to heaven
that I'll ever be
and I don't want to
go home right now?
That's from a song, isn't it?
It is?
Uh, come on, Melissa.
We told Helen we'd meet at the bar, remember?
We did?
Well, it was nice
talking to you guys.
Maybe we'll, uh...
see you later.
You think that guy likes you?
God, I thought he was having a heart attack.
I've never seen anyone cock-block themselves
quicker than what
I just witnessed.
She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
And she's gone...
to be with anyone but you,
because you just acted like a groupie on acid.
But I think I can
still salvage this.
You do?
Carl, I'm your best friend.
You were depressed for 70 miles,
and yet here you are,
with a crush on the
first girl you meet?
It's a miracle.
I don't think it's just a crush.
I think I've already
fallen in love with her.
You told me, when I
find her I'll know.
Well, I know, Jimmy.
It's love.
Yes, Jimmy. Love.
In fact,
the whole reason the penguins make this journey
is for love.
Yes, perhaps the love of
the mating ritual itself,
but that is somehow intrinsic to every species.
Except maybe very religious ones,
stricter cultures with the ability
to reason like some humans,
only see sex as a
means to procreation.
Who are you?
I am sheila.
I've had five husbands
and four children.
One of my husbands fired blanks.
It's okay. It happens.
So I think you raised
an interesting point
with your theory of animal love.
I was in love twice.
In love with two of my five...
that's nice to hear.
But none of them made
me cum like my Herbie.
Thank you, sheila.
No, wait! This
is my moment!
Tell all those
dirty little bastards
sitting in the theater all watching this on a bootleg DVD
what life's about!
We have to get back to our story.
I'll give ya a fucking story!
I've got more lines
around my uterus
than you have on your resume.
It's time for you to say goodbye, sheila.
The mating ritual
is about to begin.
I am so sorry you had to see that.
Sorry you have to see this too.
Keep doing it, baby.
Daddy likes that.
Mmm! Naughty, naughty,
naughty girl!
You know,
I've never been with two ladies before.
You two like a little piece of this action?
No, thanks.
He is kind of cute though, isn't he?
I'm just fine with the one of ya.
He's so gross and so old.
I think I need a z-pack.
Yeah, they're all bitches.
I love the ice sculpture by the bar.
I'm bragging I promoted this whole thing.
This party's really going off.
Come on!
Who wants to fuck
the sensitive guy?
Well, hell-lo!
Hey, Marcus.
What's up?
Now this is what I'm talking about!
It's like hedonism and spring-fling had a kid!
It reminds me of the sex
scenes in "eyes wide shut".
You guys see that movie?
Fuck this shit.
I didn't come here
just to watch.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Well, hell-lo!
Well, hell-lo!
I'm Marcus.
I'm Vicky.
And you are?
Ooh, holla.
what do you have in mind, Marcus?
I'm proud to show you, Vicky.
Objects speak louder than words.
Yeah, that...
that's gonna hurt.
It didn't hurt my
woman last year.
May she rest in peace.
Naw, I'm just fuckin' with you.
You're funny.
Holy shit.
That Marcus is good.
And he's got subtle foreplay skills.
Yes, mar!
Oh! Yes, indeed!
You better work it, boy!
You're so bossy.
Oh, Marcus!
Stand on me!
Yes, Marcus.
Look at that technique.
I don't know how she
tolerates that thing.
Let's make some eggs
together, girl.
They certainly hit it off.
Poor girl's going to be walking
to the left the rest of her life.
Jimmy, you see
where Melissa went?
Let's go find her, bro.
I got a plan.
When chemistry happens,
there's no fighting it.
The ones who are
meant to be together
somehow get to hook up.
sure is nice to meet a girl in person.
I mean, I... I don't...
I don't know.
I usually just
meet people online.
What's "online"?
It's, uh,
where a bunch of men and women
who are afraid to
ever meet face-to-face
stay up all hours of the night
chatting with people
they don't know
'cause it feels safer
than actually having
to talk to them in...
in person.
I'm late for my friends.
Nice talking to you.
Mmm. Is it 'cause my
breath smells like ass?
Uh, hi?
Hi. Hi there.
Uh, I know you probably think I'm disgusting
but, well, we have
to mate with someone
and... and I
thought maybe,
you'd want to hook up for this
season and have my baby.
Oh yeah, you're perfect for me.
I am?
I've been looking for
an insecure asexual guy
whose low self-esteem
far outweighs
the complete lack of sexual attraction I have for him.
can I join one of your twosomes there?
No. Ah.
Do you mind if I just stand here and...
urinate all over
the four of you?
Oh, keep doing it, baby.
Do it for daddy.
The females are truly starving.
As soon as the
mating ritual is over
they get to make the same
long journey as the males did,
to the ocean where they
will finally get to feed.
But for now, it is time to mate.
Hey, what's your name?
My name's Jamie.
And I don't play games.
I like to be honest
and up front.
Do you want to do it?
That is so gross.
Ooh, you're honest
and up front too.
Ooh, I like that.
You're disgusting.
Excuse me.
Hey, where you going?
Hi. My name's Jamie
and I don't play games.
I like to be honest
and up front.
I don't see Melissa anywhere.
We'll find her.
10,000 penguins here and they're all a bunch of sickos.
Say my name.
Say my name, bitch.
Look me in the eye.
Who's your daddy?
Say my name!
Okay, Melvin!
Oh, yeah!
Say my name!
Oh, yeah! Say it!
Takes all kinds.
Wow, look at those two cartoon characters go at it.
They don't even look real.
All that time at sea
I've been dreaming
about this moment.
I'm not in the mood.
Your sister was in the mood.
I'm gonna go see her.
Whatever happened to romance?
Whatever happened to
dinner and a movie?
Everybody in the world is having sex but us.
That's an exaggeration.
No, it isn't. Look.
You and me, baby
Ain't nothin'
but mammals
So let's do it like they do
on the discovery channel
You and me, baby, ain't
nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do
on the discovery channel
Gettin' horny now.
Get your ass off me!
I've got to find out who their event planner is!
Wait, Jimmy.
that's Melissa.
What do I do?
Let me handle this.
I may not get laid myself
but I'm the best wingman alive.
Hey, uh, Melissa, right?
Uh, Jimmy, is it?
Uh, yeah.
Your friend Vicky went off
with our friend Marcus.
Yes, she did.
Uh, look,
my friend Carl over there...
he may have come off like
a complete idiot before,
but it's...
it's 'cause, well,
he didn't know
what to say to you.
tell him that I understand.
And I don't want to hurt
his feelings or anything
but I'm not really looking
for a partner right now.
Okay. I'll relay
the message.
Will you wait right here?
Uh... okay.
She says she understands
and doesn't want to
hurt your feelings
but she's not really looking for a partner right now.
Oh, god.
Well... okay.
Would you tell her
that I wasn't looking
for a partner either
but then, when I saw her,
it felt like a lightning bolt was going through my veins.
I'm not going to tell her that!
It doesn't matter, Jimmy!
I probably already lost her.
I might as well tell her
what I really feel.
Okay, okay I'll tell her that.
It's gonna sound fruity.
I can't wait till we get instant messaging down here.
Melissa, Carl told
me to tell you
he wasn't looking
for a partner either
but then, when he saw you,
it felt like a lightning bolt was going through his veins.
That's... that's what he wanted me to tell you.
Now I will leave.
He said that?
I mean the part about the lightning bolt?
he should write greeting cards, shouldn't he?
Thank you, Jimmy.
What did I say?
Did you feel that?
The second I saw you.
You wanna go for a walk, Carl?
I'm a penguin.
I can always go for a walk.
Come on, silly.
Damn, I'm good.
Some of the lucky ones have found true love.
I can't believe you've chosen me.
You've chosen me too, silly.
You're nothing like
the other girls.
How am I different?
Well, you...
you've got a little dot or mark or something
under your left eye there.
I've never seen anything like it before.
You know exactly
how to get to me.
I do?
Oh, Melissa.
Oh, Carl.
Oh. Oh, my god,
that feels so good.
What? What, you mean
these circular motions?
Yes! Do that!
Don't... don't stop.
Just do that!
How about if I do that too?
Oh, my god, that's amazing!
I want to have your baby!
Was that it?
Uh, yeah.
But I can't wait to do it again,
next year.
I want it to be with you.
I want that too.
I love you, Melissa.
Oh. I love you
too, Carl.
Most of them have now chosen a mate.
They will stay with
that mate almost a year,
as their ancestors
did before them.
But for now, they will
play a waiting game
in hopes that their
communion can create...
the egg.
But not all of them
will find a partner.
I can't believe I've come up dry this year.
I've got to sink my battleship
or my stored-up love juices
are going to explode
out of my pooter.
Everybody got box but me.
I gotta bang something.
I don't care what.
Pussy, pussy everywhere
and not a bit for me.
I know it's out there.
I can smell it.
Ow! What was that?
Watch it, buddy!
That's my ass!
Sorry, I can't see shit.
Oh, excuse me.
what's that?
Yeah, that feels soft.
Whoa, damn!
Oh, god!
Ohhh, oh, my god!
I can't control myself!
Whoo! Oh!
Better get the fuck out of here.
I thought you wanted to wait another year to do it.
Do what?
Why did you wake me, honey?
Don't joke about this, Carl.
We just had sex again.
This time it
was... oh,
it was dirtier somehow.
Melissa, I'm serious,
we did not have sex.
I was sound asleep.
I feel so violated.
You feel violated?
Yes. I'm a part
of you now.
Well, a part of you was not in me last night.
Hey, guys.
Weird night last night.
Tell us about it.
Well, I was walking
around in the dark,
almost sleepwalking...
when Carl said "tell us about it"
I think he meant we had a weird night too.
it couldn't have been as weird as mine.
I mean I was just walking around
pissed off everybody
had a woman but me.
Oh, and congrats, by the way
on you two becoming a couple.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
So I'm walking around
and I realise I've got like a full wood going on
and that was embarrassing
'cause I kind of
bump into this guy.
Then I somehow stumble upon what had to be a hot girl.
'Cause she smelled good
and was so warm and all.
But it was like
in a millisecond,
I was suddenly,
accidentally just...
wh... in her.
Well, forgive me for saying this,
but it was hot!
I mean, what's the big deal?
We are penguins, right?
Wild creatures fighting for our lives
in the harshest spot on earth.
Oh, my god!
M-Melissa, what?
Oh, my god!
- God!
- Last night,
Melissa thought that we had...
oh, my god!
Done it again.
But... I was sound asleep!
Oh, my god!
But someone had... oh,
my god! Done it to Melissa.
Oh, you don't think it was her?
That I... no!
That would be...
I mean, no! Wait...
wait a second!
Let... let me
just see something.
I mean, no! Wait!
This is my worst nightmare.
You were my best friend.
Carl, I am your best friend.
We just, uh...
we... we had a little
mix-up is all.
A little mix-up?
Calm down, Carl.
It doesn't help anything.
This is horrible.
Now when the egg comes out
we won't know if
it's my baby or his.
It's yours, Carl.
But we can't be sure of that.
What if the baby looks just like Jimmy and not me?
What if it's his baby?
It can't be his baby!
Yes, it can!
I fell in love with you
and now you're going
to have Jimmy's baby.
I can't have Jimmy's baby
'cause we didn't do it
in the regular way, okay!
A nine-week gestation period is upon them.
It wasn't intentional.
It was late, he was desperate.
I can't believe you're making excuses for him.
I still think that you need to forgive him.
I can't.
He was in your butt.
Yeah. I remember.
I'm upset on so many levels with this, Melissa.
Well, I am too, Carl.
I think I'm going to go for a walk.
That's a good idea, Carl.
You can always go for a walk.
We were the best of friends
And then he came
up from behind
And turned
my life around
And she didn't
seem to mind
I know deep down
she loves me
Even though
inside he slid
It hurts...
'cause he loved her
in a way I never did
Oh, yes he loved her
In a way I never did
Can't I try
To let it die?
He's just a guy
And I
Cannot deny
That I'll
only have her
From the other side
Oh, god he loved her
But he's not
her lover
That would be me
I must forget
he ever loved her
He didn't
really love her
He just kind
of plugged her
In a way I never did
The difficulties they
have gone through together
makes the male even more
pussy-whipped than he was before.
I've given it a lot of thought.
I know what Jimmy
did was an accident.
I'm sorry I was so self-absorbed
especially at such a poignant moment in our lives.
I forgive you, Carl.
Can you...
can you just hold on for one second?
Hoo, hoo, hee.
Hoo, hoo, hee.
Oh, oh, ah!
Ah, oh!
Oh, my god that frickin' hurt.
Say hello to your
new baby, Carl.
He's so cute and round.
Uh, that's just the egg.
I know that.
Think fast, Carl.
And Beckham scores!
The egg must be kept warm.
The father stuffs that egg up inside his nutless sack
for more than two months.
It is during this time
that the mother
must make her journey
to the ocean to feed
before she dies of starvation.
The female penguins
are incredibly strong.
They've not eaten
in many months,
they've just given birth,
and now they also have to walk 70 miles to the ocean
in order to survive.
I'm not sure but this I know
She's not sure but this she knows
Penguin dicks
get mighty old
Penguin dicks
get mighty old
70 miles on
these tiny legs
70 miles on
these tiny legs
While our bitches stay
home sittin' on our eggs
While our bitches stay
home sittin' on our eggs
Shout out
Fuck them
It's not the most comfortable thing
sitting on an egg, huh?
It'd be a lot more comfortable
if I wasn't sittin'
on my dick too.
Hi, Marcus.
Hey, Jimmy!
How's it hangin'?
I feel terrible about what happened.
I don't know what to
do or say anymore.
You're my best friend, Jimmy.
I don't want to lose you.
I know what you did
was an accident.
All I've wanted was your forgiveness, man.
If it's any consolation
I've been all alone.
Well, not any more.
You've got me and Melissa
and you're going to be an uncle.
This is so nice!
This makes me so happy!
It takes a big man to forgive his friend after he...
busts his woman's
booty hole open.
70 miles and three months later
the women have arrived at their
much-awaited dining spot.
The problem is,
the hole in the
ice is frozen over.
Hey, Helen.
Why don't you just stand on that thin patch of ice there
and make a nice hole for all of us to dive into.
You know what? I will.
Now, if you excuse me,
I'm going to be
the first to dine.
Oh! Oh, no!
Mmm, come here, baby!
Oh... oh, my god!
Come now, dirty rotten penguin.
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
He got me in the ass!
This penguin's delish...
she shouldn't have went out there.
Oh, oh, mmm.
Is there coffee?
It's a sad moment knowing
that this mother's
baby will not be fed
because she will not be making the journey home.
- Mmm!
- But then again,
she was such a bitch.
Kid's probably better off.
We need a moment of silence please,
for the loss of
our sister, Helen.
A'ight, let's eat.
The male has gone over 125 days without food.
But food is the last
thing on his mind
the moment his child is born.
And then...
out of the mouth of babes comes:
Through an inexplicable instinctual link,
the mothers know they
have got to get home now.
And that beautiful day comes when the family is united
for the very first time.
Oh, Marcus.
She's so cute.
Oh, and look.
She has your penis.
Oh, Marcus.
I'm just fuckin' with you.
Oh, my god!
Look, it's a boy, honey.
- Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Oh, Carl.
He has your neurotic glare.
Aw, hi there little
neurotic-looking baby.
Hi, guys.
Hi, Jimmy.
Hey, Jimmy.
It's uncle Jimmy now.
Oh, Carl.
This makes me so happy.
I'd do a little happy dance
if my feet weren't covered
in bloody blisters.
With feeding
the babies grow incredibly fast.
I shouldn't have had that fourth piece of herring.
The babies are up
and almost ready to move on
except for the few
who may have a
learning disability.
I shouldn't have had that fourth piece of herring.
And so our story comes to an end.
The big question is
do penguins stay together?
Are they monogamous?
That's it, Vicky.
It's time for me to move on.
You're too strong for me, baby.
Get your ass over here, Marcus.
Now I didn't go through all that
to have you go back out there
and start fucking everything that doesn't move.
The answer is, in reality,
they do not stay together.
But this is not reality.
This is a farce.
The farce of the penguins.
I made it!
Juan Sanchez is at
the top of the mountain!
I am so stinky and dirty,
I am one dirty Sanchez!
I am the king of the world!
I'm the king of the world!
I am one dirty Sanchez!
Fucking global warming!
My god, they went and did it!
Damn you all!
Damn you!
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
We cannot end
a love story like that.
I finally found the one
And you're the one,
it's understead
Because I love you
In a way I never did
It's exit only
Oh, yes, I love you
In a way I never did
Jay dash v-o-n.
You guys made $100,000,000 on that movie
and we didn't see shit.
Yeah, let's go
It was a pretty dry season for me, Sidney.
I mean, I had a
woman accidentally
but she wasn't mine.
She was my best friend's girl.
That's something I'm proud of.
Maybe I'll meet somebody.
One day.
And when you find him
You'll know
there, I said it.
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and give me that
Lil' mama, get on top
It's where I am at
Plus I got
the flow on lock
Know you want to act out
'cause ya man home
But ya boy here and
you don't wanna be alone
And I'm in the zone
You a figure eight
Forget your homegirl
All she gonna do
is hate and debate
We in the place,
get next to me
You sexy, you need
to undress with me
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come on, gimme that
Come over here,
shorty pass the yak
V.I.P. status and
the flow intact
It's a wrap,
it's where I'm at
Jay dash to the v-o-n.
I'm the one with
the flow like Neo
Get stuck with us,
know how we roll
Diverse, you can
speak German or creole
It's my reign,
and I claim to be the best
So take off your shirt,
and lift up your dress
Yes, get all
my stress relieved
You sexy, you need
to undress with me
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
G's up where
the kitties in here
What up, and we'll bring
a lot of problems in here
And we up, competition
wanna see me stopped
But we on top,
jay and muff will not stop
Right? And on the mic
I'ma tell you
how to do it
'Cause I don't
really dance
But you know
I spit fluid
What, what, and
everybody giving me dap
And the club contact,
I just counter it back
It's a wrap
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
Hey, asshole.
My eyes are up here.
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Where the kitty at?
Hey sexy,
come undress me
I want you next to me
Come and gimme that
I'm Sidney!