Farewelling (2023) Movie Script
(birds calling)
(ground droning)
(logo whooshing)
(droning continues)
(Cindy groaning)
(eerie music)
(water pattering)
(eerie music continues)
(Cindy sighs)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(laid-back music)
(laid-back music continues)
I'm living on borrowed time
It's like every morning
It's the end of my life
Ay yi
Ay yi
Go ahead and take that knife
(girls laughing)
- [Jenna] Some people come into
your life and you just know
it'll never be the same
without them.
If you think you're
in control
Then you lost your own soul
Ay yi
Ay yi
(laid-back music continues)
(laid-back music continues)
- 29.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- No, I'm done.
- One more.
Little bit lower.
- 30.
- I hate you.
(trainer laughing)
- Let's go.
- Hey, Judy.
- Oh, way to go, Jenna.
Kicked some butt there.
- You're joining me next time.
- Morning, Judy.
- Morning.
- Mm. Mm-hmm.
Oh, really?
That is funny.
Nah, I didn't even know that.
Yeah, she'll be back any minute.
You want me to tell her
that you called?
(chuckles) All right.
- Yeah. No, I'll let her know.
All right. Yeah.
Yeah. I love you too.
Yeah. I love you too.
All right. Bye.
- Come here. Oh, where's
the good baby?
Where's the good babies?
Yeah, you are good babies.
Come here. Yeah.
Oh, he's a good baby.
(punches thudding)
(Jenna panting)
- Sorry.
- [Trainer] Come on.
- Sorry.
Fuck, I can't. Fuck.
- [Trainer] You all right?
- Yeah.
It's just, (panting)
my sleep's been really horrible.
(alarm beeping)
- [Trainer] You hear that?
- Shit. It's one of our alarms.
- [Trainer] Everything okay?
- Yeah. It probably needs
a new battery.
Mikey never changes it.
See you next week?
- Two weeks.
- Two weeks.
(alarm continues beeping)
- Dammit, Mikey!
Fuck. Mikey!
(alarm continues beeping)
- Huh. You got it?
You look like you're
struggling there a little bit.
- Oh. Thank you so much.
Having fun back there?
- Yeah, well, just-
- Oh, good for you.
Where the fuck were you?
- I was cooking you breakfast.
It's ready.
Here, I'll do that. Come here.
Mwah. It's on the counter.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
How was training?
- All right.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- You're looking good.
- Thank you.
- You're tight.
- Oh.
- Might need to rub
this out for you.
- Oh. Such a giver.
(Jenna laughing)
- Yeah.
You look like you're
gonna kick my ass.
- Oh, honey, that's not hard.
- Very funny.
- I'm a funny girl.
- You want some of this?
- Oh, you want- do you
wanna give some of this?
- Yeah. I'll give you
all of this.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- Really?
- I bet you're tight up here,
- Oh, you can do that first.
Oh yeah, I get in there.
Oh, you smell good.
(lips smacking)
Babe, okay.
Let's, um...
(chuckles) Don't you have work?
- No, I don't have another
call till 1:00.
- Okay. (laughing)
Well, let me go shower.
- Now?
- Mm-hmm.
- You wanna shower now?
- Yeah, I'm gross.
You wanna do this like this?
- Okay. All right.
- I'm gross.
- It'll take me five minutes.
- I like it gross, but whatever.
- [Cindy] It's Cindy. You
know what to do.
- Are you still coming?
Call me back.
(water pattering)
- Hey, I forgot to ask,
how'd your interview go?
- Shit.
- Jenna.
- I totally forgot.
- Are you kidding?
- I'll email them.
I'll explain it.
- Explain what? This
isn't a date.
You don't get a second chance
if you stand 'em up for
an interview.
- I know, all right? I
completely spaced.
I thought it was gonna
be done early,
and then the whole alarm
thing happened.
(Mikey sighs)
- I saw a listing for a
apartment in the valley.
It would mean that I
wouldn't have
to commute once a week to work.
You could have a
little art area.
- We're not there yet. We
need more time.
- If we move back to the city,
you could be closer to
your sister and to Cindy.
- Speaking of Cindy, she's
gonna be here for dinner.
- Great.
We need to talk about
our finances.
- I don't wanna talk
about finances.
I hate fucking talking
about finances.
I hate talking about money.
I hate fucking
fighting about money.
- What do you wanna do?
You wanna just wait for
them to kick us out?
- They're not gonna do
that. They can't do that.
I mean, we're gonna
figure something out.
Can you ask for, like, a raise?
- Are you kidding?
- Or a hardship loan?
Maybe the stimulus is
gonna come back?
- Jenna, this is life.
This is our life.
This isn't one of your canvases
that you can just paint white
and start all over again.
- We'll figure something out.
I'll get another interview.
It's just, it's hard for
art right now.
- Fine. But you're canceling
that personal trainer.
- Thanks.
- Yep.
- Are you gonna train me?
(ominous music)
(pensive music)
I can't understand
What it means to be like you
But I'm on your side
(both giggling)
- Look at you all grown up.
- Oh yeah. Hardly.
(Cindy scoffs)
- This house, the new truck.
Soon enough, there's going
to be a thousand little kids
running around here calling
me the Crazy Aunt Cindy
with her 30 cats and a ferret.
- Why- why do I have to
have a thousand kids?
I mean, that's a gigantic vag.
(both laughing)
Like kegels every 30 seconds.
I don't have time for that.
Why? You and Daniel
have to talk about kids.
- Daniel only talks about money.
- Oh.
- Besides, we would have
to be together
for longer than two weeks
to talk about anything
other than STDs.
- Ew.
It's healthy of you guys.
- Yeah, super healthy.
Modern-day romance.
(Jenna laughs)
- Hey, when are you
getting on the road?
Um, I missed that stupid
interview today,
and Mikey and I got
into an argument.
Kind of feel like a
little bit of an idiot.
Need you to tell me I'm not one.
Anyway, um, you never
told me what Daniel said.
So yeah, call me back.
(upbeat music)
More plans you miss
They're now
You're here
You're now
You're here
You're now
There is no past
There is no future
Only now
Only now
There is no past
There is no future
Only now
Only now
There is no past
There is no future
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
You can take
Me home tonight
To worlds collide
- Jenna.
- What?
- Come here.
- What?
- Come here, babe.
- What, why? What are you doing?
- It's Cindy.
(ominous music)
- What?
- She overdosed last night.
- No, no, I just both are,
though. No.
- I know.
- They found her in her
apartment this morning.
- No!
- Babe, I'm sorry.
- No!
- I'm sorry, baby.
- No!
(Jenna sobbing)
- Shh.
Shh. It's okay.
It's okay. I'm here, baby.
(Jenna continues sobbing)
I'm sorry.
(somber music)
(spoon clattering)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(Mikey sighs)
(melancholy music)
(switch clicks)
We've been hiding in
the background
everything fall down
Didn't think it would
end this way
How in the world
did we become
Everything we said we
didn't want
I disappeared
You watched me fade
Are we just silhouettes,
are we just silhouettes
Are we just silhouettes
of who we used to be
Outlines of our
memories left
Is there anything left
Is it for the best,
for us, for you and me
Are we just silhouettes
Are we just silhouettes
Fighting for something
that we lost
In the middle of the chaos
We were running from the sun
Who would recognize
us anymore
'Cause we're nothing
like we were before
Shapes and shadows
spinning around
Are we just silhouettes,
are we just silhouettes
Are we just silhouettes
of who we used to be
Outlines of our
memories left
Is there anything left
Is it for the best,
for us, for you and me
Are we just silhouettes
We were dancing
with the dark
Dancing with our hearts
This must be the part
where we let go
Is it just a dream
I didn't really mean
For this to be the
part where we let go
Are we just silhouettes
Are we just silhouettes
of who we used to be
Outlines of our
memories left
Is there anything left
Is it for the best,
for us, for you and me
Are we just silhouettes
- Fuck me.
(ominous music)
(Mikey moaning)
(Mikey grunting)
(Mikey panting)
(Mikey sighs)
(Mikey sighs)
(Jenna sighs)
(ominous music)
(door thuds)
I can't do this without you.
It's like I've hit the bottom,
and I'm just here
chasing my tail.
- He loves you.
You've got to remember,
he's going through this too.
(melancholy music)
- I've stopped taking my meds.
- Why'd you do that?
- 'Cause I feel like a
fucking zombie.
He hates it when I'm
off my meds.
He hates me when I'm on my meds.
- Hey.
You're gonna be okay.
- Your ashes are coming.
- Remember when you first
moved into this place?
- Cheers!
- Oh, that view!
- That view!
- That view!
That's where I want you
to spread me.
- Do I have to?
(melancholy music continues)
- Fuck you!
(door slams)
- Can't I just keep you here,
in like a beautiful
face or a jar?
- Maybe one of Judy's
pickle jars.
(both laughing)
- Fucking Judy.
(bell dings)
- [Jenna's Internal
Voice] She's dead.
(bell dings)
(Jenna sniffles)
(bell dings)
(ominous music)
- Fuck this.
(pills rattling)
(water running)
(rake scraping)
- You're out of bed.
- I am.
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
- It's gonna be a
hot-ass summer.
- Look at you doing housework.
- Yeah, well.
- I was thinking about
selling the heads.
- Why would you do that?
- I figured that we could
use the money.
You know, it gives us
a couple more months.
- You love them, though.
- I love you.
- It'll be fine.
Don't do this right now.
- [Jenna] Don't do what?
I'm just trying to help.
- I'm glad you're out of bed.
- [Jenna] What's that
supposed to mean?
- Just, dammit, don't!
(melancholy music)
- [Jenna] Um...
I'm sorry, don't do what?
(stutters) What?
- Don't be that Jenna right now.
Look, I'm sorry.
Fuck, we both loved Cindy.
And I get it. You're
grieving, and it sucks.
But don't make this about you,
Don't be the martyr.
I can't take it right now.
- Hi, Jenna.
Did you hear, they found a
four-foot-long rattlesnake
underneath a little
girl's toy Jeep?
- No, I did not.
I'm telling you, rattlesnakes,
they can get your dogs.
Have you got 'em vaccinated?
- No.
- I really think
you're brave Jenna,
coming out here without
shoes or pants.
- (chuckles) Yeah.
Um, I just, I popped out
to talk to Mikey.
Okay, uh, Judy, I'm
actually kinda cold,
so I gotta go put
some clothes on.
- I'll wait for you. I can wait.
- Um, I also, I need to
make a phone call.
- Well, I better get going too.
Danny and I have plans
tonight. It's game night.
- Fun.
Bye, Judy.
- [Judy] Bye, Jenna.
- [Jenna's Internal
Voice] Martyr.
It's always about you.
(ominous music)
- You never told me.
- Told you what?
- What did Daniel say to you?
- When?
- The other night. You
were upset about something.
- Oh, it was nothing.
- Uh, no, it was something.
You were mad about something
Daniel said to you,
and I was so stuck in
my own shit,
I didn't even stop and ask you.
- That.
- What did he say to you?
(door creaking)
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I'm, um, I'm sorry
about earlier.
- It's fine. It's fine.
Um, I'm thinking about
asking Daniel
to come up and spread the ashes.
- Are you sure?
- No.
- Yeah. Doesn't seem
like a good idea.
- Probably not.
- You know, maybe we can
do something special.
You know, just you and I.
We'll spread them and then, uh,
maybe we'll go hit up
a winery or something.
- Sure.
Yeah, sounds good.
Winery. That sounds good.
(melancholy music)
(melancholy music continues)
Where are you when the
lights are off
And the day is dark enough
To show no shadow
Where are you when she
calls for you
And your voice is
stuck in time
On old machines
- [Cindy] Hey.
(Jenna sobs)
- It happened again. (sobs)
- I'm so sorry, babe.
(Jenna sobbing)
- Oh! (laughs)
Who's that?
Oh my gosh!
- Whoever you want him to be.
I saw a side of you
- It's gonna be okay.
That hurt a side in me,
a quarter turn
But they didn't see it
I tried to talk about
the way we made mistakes
I couldn't speak
And you didn't hear me
(internal voice whispering)
(door thuds)
(ominous music)
(knife clanks)
(knife clanks)
(apple crunches)
- I am gonna invite
Daniel for the weekend.
(upbeat music)
(engine revving)
The valley's filled
with timber
And the hills are
filled with elk
(cellphone dings)
- Babe! Baby, he's here!
- That car.
- That's Daniel for ya.
- Hot damn. This is
far out here.
It's like a little bit of
Texas out here in Cali.
How you doing, darling?
(car door shuts)
- Come on, baby. Let's go.
Hi, I'm Kimberly.
- Hi, Kimberly. I'm Mikey.
- Hey.
- Nice to meet you.
And who's this little guy?
- This is Milo. He's
super friendly.
- [Mikey] Hi, Milo.
- I'm sorry, who are you again?
- You must be Jenna.
I'm so happy to meet you,
and I'm so sorry that it's
under these circumstances.
- Mm.
- It's my girl. She's a model.
- Daniel!
Um, it's just on Insta, but
I mean, it pays the bills.
- Ah, stop, this girl,
she's got, like, hell,
what, a million followers,
something like that?
I mean, just look at her.
You can tell she's
destined for stardom.
- How long you guys been dating?
- I guess it's almost
been a year.
- Yeah, I mean, off and on.
- More on than off.
- Oh, that's funny, 'cause,
uh, you've never mentioned her.
Not once.
- Hey, you got a cold
beer inside?
- Mm-hmm.
- Let's go do it.
- All right.
- Here. You take Milo.
- I'm, uh, I'm Mikey.
- Hey.
- Go inside.
- Come on, Milo. Come on, baby.
- Come here, you.
- [Judy] Wow! Look at that car!
- Yeah, it's obnoxious.
- Somebody picked me
up in a car like that,
I don't think we'd make
it to dinner.
- Thank you for that visual,
- Look at that big dog.
(wine glugging)
- You are gonna love her.
(slap thwacks)
- Oh!
- [Daniel] Mikey,
where's that beer at?
Woof! Now, this, this
is man cave.
- [Mikey] Beer?
- Mm-hmm.
(bottles hisses)
You know, this is, uh,
it's quite the house
for just the two of you.
- Yeah, well, that
wasn't the original plan.
- Oh, shit. Man, I- I
didn't mean to like that.
Only been here two minutes,
already put my boot in my mouth.
- Yeah, well, that's pretty
typical of you, ain't it?
- Yeah.
I guess some things
never changed, do they?
Hey, so when'd you buy
this place anyway?
What was it, four,
five years ago?
For what, 300, 400K?
- Yeah, something like that.
- Huh.
- Your dogs are so cute.
- Thanks.
- What are their names?
- Elly is the pit and
Frankie is the husky.
- How long have you had them?
- Did you know Cindy?
- Yeah. We met a
couple of times.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Did you know about
her and Daniel?
- I know this must be
weird for you.
- Why would this be
weird for me?
- Because she was
your best friend.
Could I have a glass
of water or something?
- Sure.
- So, uh, you still
looking for a job?
- What?
- Hey, don't worry, man.
Your secret's safe with me.
- Fuck. How'd you know?
- Well, uh, Cindy
figured it out.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Well, we, you know,
pieced it together, so.
- Of course you did.
- Hey, don't worry. She said
she wasn't gonna tell Jenna.
That was your place.
So what was it that you
did again? It was what?
Fix computers,
something like that?
- No, man, I'm an IT analyst.
- Ah, shit, that's
right. I- I remember now.
(Mikey chuckles)
So are you still looking?
- Every day?
- Any luck?
- No, man. Nobody's
hiring right now.
- So- so how is she?
- Fuck, man, how's
anybody doing?
- Yeah.
Yeah, this year's
been kinda shit.
- You know, Jenna and I
haven't left the house
in like 2 1/2 months.
- Yeah. All 'cause some
bitch ate a bat.
- Oh, my friend.
That shit was created in a lab.
- No way.
Oh. (chuckles)
All right, Mikey, sure.
- It's science.
Watch. You'll see, I'll
be proven right.
You ready for this?
- [Daniel] Hell yeah.
Pour it up.
- All right. Let's get
this party started.
There we go.
There you go buddy.
- Thanks, man.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
(Mikey sighs)
- Fuck, man.
Why'd she do it?
- You know, I've been high
before, but never this high.
Man, I love this picture.
God damn.
- [Jenna] Did you know
that they were lovers,
and that they, um,
started dating in college?
- Yeah, you guys were
all best friends,
or something like that, right?
- Wow. I guess he really
did tell you everything.
- I didn't think that coming
here was the best idea.
- I bet you didn't.
- Okay, he was insistent, and
you of all people, I'm sure,
know that when Daniel wants
something, he gets it.
He's hurting, and he wanted
me to be here to comfort him.
If you wouldn't mind,
would you please show me
to the room that I'll
be staying in?
- Sure.
- Okay. Sorry.
- You have a beautiful home.
- [Jenna] Thanks.
- Fucking gorgeous, isn't she?
(ominous music)
- [Jenna] Why didn't
you tell me about her?
- I'd kill for a
drink right now.
- He was supposed to come alone.
- Like a gin martini,
or a skinny margarita.
- He wasn't supposed
to bring her.
I mean, the fucking audacity.
He didn't even ask me
or tell me that he was
gonna bring her.
I'm not- I'm not
prepared for this.
- Fuck it.
(pills rattling)
- I'm dead. How about
straight-up tequila?
- Is this enough?
- Double it.
- Tell me what he said to you.
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
- My turn. Oh!
I am fine. I'm winning.
No, no. Hey, hey, wait a second.
I thought you only had one chip.
What's this all about? Are
you stealing from the bank?
Also, guess what? Blackjack.
- No, that's...
Don't fuck with me, man.
- 19. I'm not gonna hit on 19.
- No, don't fuck with me. That's
the wrong game, wrong game.
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
- Babe, what's fucking wrong?
- I don't know what's wrong.
And you were gone for, like,
five minutes.
(door creaks)
(door thuds)
(dog barking)
- Oh! Hi, Frankie.
Hi. Where is everybody?
Where's your mama?
- Tara!
What are doing here?
Oh my god! Yay!
Oh, thank you.
- Mikey invited me.
We thought you could use
some extra love.
- Oh.
- Oh, yay.
The real party here is now.
- Oh, hi, Daniel. Who's this?
- I'm Kimberly.
- Hmm.
- Daniel's girlfriend.
- Oh, I am so glad I came.
I'm Tara.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Babe, well done.
- You're welcome.
(Jenna laughing)
- How much has she had?
- A lot. Actually,
they're all pretty toasty.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hmm-mm.
- Well, how'd you fare so well?
- I just drink wine. And smoke.
- I like you. (chuckles)
- Why is it that the
youngest here
seems to be the most
- It's because her best
friend didn't just die.
- Okay, um...
Nice to see you.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Did I bring the mood down?
(birds twittering)
(geese honking)
(Mikey knocking)
- Hey. I see you guys
found the gym.
- [Kimberly] Yeah, this
is incredible.
If this was at my house,
I would never leave.
And I don't think he
would either.
- (chuckles) Yeah,
doesn't look like it.
Have you guys seen Jenna or T?
- [Kimberly] Yeah. They
went for a hike.
(water splashing)
- I'm glad you're here.
- I'm sorry I didn't call.
- Yeah, I probably
wouldn't have answered.
- Yeah, well, he says you've
been in pretty bad shape.
- You hit the bag much, Mikey?
- What that thing?
- Yeah.
- [Mikey] No, no,
that's Jenna's.
Actually, most of the
shit in here is.
- I didn't realize that Jenna
was such a fitness freak.
- [Mikey] She's not,
but you know,
she's trying alternative
methods to taking meds, so.
- Meds?
- Yeah.
For everything and for nothing.
You know Jenna. She's into
that whole self-care thing.
- [Daniel] Yeah, I mean,
self-help's good and all,
but I mean, have you guys
thought about doing therapy?
- Nah, we're- we're good, man.
- No, man.
Look, no, I'm not talking
about, like, couples therapy.
I meant like independent,
deep shit,
where you get in there and
they help you handle it.
- Handle it?
- Yeah.
- You know, like,
this last year,
whole world's been tar, right?
Businesses started
defaulting on their loans.
And I mean, shit, I was seeing,
Well, fuck it, I mean,
there's only so much whiskey
and blow a man can do, right?
- [Mikey] Yeah.
- It was actually Cindy
who told me to get help.
- Huh.
Well, that's ironic.
- [Daniel] What?
- Cindy telling you to get help.
- How are you?
- How's anybody, really?
- Jenna.
- What?
- You know, when Mom
and Dad died,
I thought I was gonna lose it.
- That was a long time ago.
- Yeah, I'm just saying,
I know how it feels.
- Okay, well, this is different.
Okay, this hit hard.
I mean, it's a
fucking shitty year.
You weren't allowed
to see anybody.
I wasn't prepared for this.
It's not like there was a
fucking warning.
She was the only one
that was there for me.
- Look.
Did they just wander out here?
- Yep, just like
everything else.
- I mean, you know, Cindy, she
always had this way, though,
of always just seeing
everybody in the right path.
Now, come on.
Where's that sexy QB
from college at?
Get up there.
- Yeah, right, man. (laughs)
So you guys living together?
- [Daniel] Yep.
- This is your first
time living with someone?
- Yep.
- How's that?
- Kimberly.
I was just checking to make
sure she wasn't listening.
You know, I mean, it's
living with someone, right?
You know, it means I can't
bring ass home anymore,
which kinda sucks.
But I mean, you know, it's
nice to cuddle and shit, right?
But you know, it gets
monotonous at times,
so it can become a
little bit boring.
- Yeah, well,
it doesn't look like she's
the most terrible thing
to wake up to next to
in the morning.
You know what I'm saying?
- Nosiree, she isn't.
All right. You're up.
- Oh yeah. Fuck you.
- Oh, come on, man.
- Man, the last time I picked
up one of those things,
I was in high school.
- You got this. Come on.
- Ah.
- [Jenna] A little much for you?
- (sighs) I'm good.
So how's, um...
What's that guy's name?
- Yes.
- (scoffs) I was not about
to go into lockdown with him.
We broke up, I don't
know, several months ago.
- Oh. Okay.
- I'm, uh, I'm actually
seeing a new guy now.
But it's...
It's complicated.
- Mm. All relationships
are complicated.
Do you like the guy?
- Yeah.
A lot.
I've never felt this way
about someone before,
and I don't think he has either.
So it's- it's cool.
- Oh, to be back at the
beginning again.
- You know, I really think
we found some good ones.
- I know. I like this one a lot.
This one look good.
- Oh, hi, Jenna.
- Hi, Judy.
I thought I'd bring you some
of Danny's famous pickles.
I noticed you had guests.
They might like 'em
more than I do.
And I also brought you some
lotion. It gave me a rash.
But it's supposed to keep
the ticks away.
- Okay. Thank you very much.
Judy, this is so nice.
Thank you.
This is my little sister, Tara.
- I think I saw you
arrive last night, right?
- J, I'm gonna go take a shower,
- Okay.
- It is so lovely to meet you.
And I love pickles.
- Judy, seriously, this
is so sweet. Thank you.
Please tell Dan I can't
wait to try them.
- I will.
- Okay. I'll see you later.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You are all kinds of stunning.
(Kimberly laughing)
- Thank you. Do you
have any aspirin?
I've had the worst headache.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll get you some.
It's the altitude. Kinda
makes you wonky.
- Yeah.
(Jenna chuckles)
- Um, listen, I wanted
to apologize to you.
I've been kind of an asshole
the last couple of days.
So I'm sorry.
- I get it.
Okay. Where are the guys?
- They are out back
getting the barbecue ready.
- Cool. Okay.
I am gonna go get ready then,
I guess.
- Okay. Uh, Jenna,
Cindy's ashes arrived.
Daniel put them over
there by your door.
(Jenna sobbing)
Are you okay?
- Fuck, you even smell
good. What the fuck?
- It's essential oils.
- Oh.
Thank you. It's very sweet.
- It's gonna be okay.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
My brother, Jack,
he died unexpectedly
a couple of years ago.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
- It's life, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- How old was he?
- He was 20.
He was my big brother.
We were only a year and
a half apart,
so we were really close.
I know how it goes,
and some days it just doesn't.
- Yeah.
Um, I'm gonna go and, uh,
clean up.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Essential oils?
- Mm-hmm. Gardenia.
- Gardenia.
- What are we having?
- Tri-tip.
- My favorite.
- I'm aware.
So how was the hike?
- Huh.
How is she doing?
- How she always does.
She gets through it.
- Is she taking anything?
- No. Actually, she's been off
everything for a while now.
- (scoffs) Is that a good thing?
- At this point, who
the fuck knows?
(melancholy music)
- How are you doing?
- I'll say what
nobody else will.
I don't think it was
an accident.
- Whoa. Whoa, man.
If we're gonna go there,
I'm gonna need another beer.
- Help yourself, my friend.
They're in the fridge
in the garage.
- Don't mind if I do.
Are you hiding in here?
- No.
- No?
Did you smoke?
- A little.
- You want a bump?
- Small one.
- All right.
(Kimberly sniffs)
- Oh. Woof!
So how are you feeling?
- I'm good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Look, I know that, uh, things
are a little different here,
but I sure am one lucky man
to have you here with me.
- You sure are.
- Did you get to see
out back yet?
- It's beautiful.
- I know.
It's gorgeous, right?
- Yeah.
- You know, I could see
some very, very sexy images
of a future
supermodel back there.
- Oh yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
The blonde sparkle in her hair.
The green from the oak trees
bringing out the green
in her oceanic eyes.
- Yeah.
(melancholy music)
(melancholy music continues)
We've been hiding in
the background
- Remember when you two
bought this place?
Didn't think it would
end this way
How in the world
did we become
Everything we said we
didn't want
- [Mikey] What are you shooting?
- [Jenna] The beautiful flowers.
- Oh. Pretty.
- Thank you.
- Why don't you take some
pictures of our home?
Our new home.
- [Jenna] Do you love it?
- [Mikey] I do.
- It's so big.
- Yeah, well, one day
it won't be big enough.
- You're beautiful.
You know that?
- I love it.
- Really?
- Yeah. I'm really happy.
- Have you seen the new chick?
- She's a dead ringer for me.
Desperate much?
(both laughing)
- She's actually really sweet.
I don't know how he landed her.
- He pays all her bills.
- Oh!
- He's still the same Daniel.
Late on a Tuesday night,
with the lingering perfume
of someone younger, prettier,
- Guys suck.
- Not all guys. Not Mikey.
- Yeah, I got a good one.
- So what did you decide?
I'm gonna take 'em.
- [Daniel] Hey, Jenna?
- I'm in here. Just
gimme a second.
(internal voice whispering)
(water splashes)
(door creaks)
Oh, hi.
- Were you talking to someone?
- No. I was, um, leaving
a message for my trainer.
- Well, I thought I'd
bring this to you now.
- Fuck.
Thank you, Daniel.
- Mm-hmm.
I made it to cash.
- I owe you big for this.
And just, with everything that's
going on with Cindy, it's-
- No, no, don't worry about it.
You're gonna sell something big,
and then you'll pay me back.
We'll be square.
- Okay.
I was thinking about her ashes.
- What, you wanna, like,
smoke 'em, or...
- (laughs) No. Unless you
wanna join her.
- No, that'd be a
hard pass for me.
But I was thinking about it too.
I feel like maybe we could
do something more private.
Just the two of us. Maybe
do the group thing later.
You think we can do that?
- Yeah. I mean, I don't know.
I don't think there's
rules. I've never done this.
- Yeah, I know. Neither have I.
(sighs) I have a few
places in LA too
I'd like to- I'd
like to put her.
- Like where?
- There you besties are.
Mikey says that dinner's ready.
- Let's go.
- Well, baby, that
looks really good.
- Mm-hmm.
- It's called charcuterie.
- Oh, charcuterie?
- And it's my first time.
Thank you.
- Wow.
- I spread the meat myself.
- [Jenna] It's so yummy.
- Okay, so I know Mikey
adores his pups.
- Adores is an understatement.
- These are not my pups.
These are my children.
- [Jenna] Mm-hmm. He's
obsessed with them.
- Okay, But I never pegged
Daniel as a dog guy.
- [Kimberly] Really? Daniel's
the biggest dog lover ever.
He lives for Milo.
- It's true. I mean, he'd be
all over this food right now.
I'd let him do it too.
(Jenna laughs)
- Well, I guess I will, um...
I'll start this whole thing.
Here is
to a really shitty year
that I think everyone's
been going through.
But brought us together by
one of the most
people that I know.
- Brought together
by a woman who is both
and fearless,
and had a way with words,
and with fucking whiskey.
(everyone laughing)
I know that Jenna asked all of
us to prepare something, but
ever since you did, I've-
I've kinda been at a loss.
- That's a first.
(Mikey chuckles)
was the person I would
call if I ever needed help
burying a body.
- Amen to that.
- Yeah.
Hey, are you actually
gonna say something,
or are you just gonna
keep interrupting me?
- Nah, man, you finish.
I'll follow.
- Okay.
Cindy was like a sister to me,
and, um,
I don't think I'll ever
meet anyone quite like her.
So cheers.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- [Jenna] To Cindy.
- Well, unlike Mikey here,
I actually do have
something prepared.
I, uh, I know we were
kind of all thinking about
what might've been going
through Cindy's mind that night.
So I wanted to
express to you guys
what was going through mine.
I've seen storms and I've seen
the brightest lights of the day.
I've seen the darkest hours,
and thought the sun wasn't
gonna come up again.
- But-
- Are you fucking serious?
Are you doing James Taylor?
- [Mikey] That's what I
was gonna say!
- What the fuck?
- All right, all right.
- You're the worst!
- Daniel!
- [Daniel] All right, look,
I'm paraphrasing a bit.
- Oh, are you?
- Yeah, yeah.
But okay, for reals, for reals.
My knees buckled, and I,
and I had this feeling
in the pit of my stomach,
like tomorrow
wouldn't be the same.
And you know, Cindy, she
was always here
for each and every one of us.
That means something.
She was something special.
- Yeah.
- Cheers.
- [Mikey] Cheers.
- To someone I could
always count on.
Always like a sister to me.
And I could call her
for anything.
She could do anything.
- Okay, um...
I only met Cindy a couple
of times, but, um...
(Kimberly clears throat)
I know she felt what you felt,
and she did it with
absolute sincerity.
She spoke kind words and
listened deeply.
They say a person is
a reflection
of those who they
surround themselves with.
Anyways, listening to
you all speak about her,
and how she impacted your lives,
I know that she will
forever live on
because of what she meant
to you, her friends.
- [Daniel] Hot damn.
Cheers for that.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- To Cindy.
- To Cindy.
- To Cindy.
(fire crackling)
(everyone laughing)
- [Mikey] That was at the
lake that year, right?
- Yeah, no, you're right.
- Oh my god.
- Look what I brought!
- [Mikey] Ah.
- [Jenna] What is that?
- [Mikey] Those, my love,
are mushrooms.
- Oh, no. No, no, no.
- Yeah. I haven't done
this since I was 22, maybe.
- I figured I was coming
to the forest.
I might as well
bring my friends.
- I love shrooms.
Last summer I microdosed,
and it was magical.
- I mean, I didn't realize
that you had any friends,
but what are those?
- [Jenna] Ecstasy?
- DMT, babe.
- Oh, shit. I always
wanted to try that.
Is it for reals?
- It's amazing. It's
life changing.
- Hmm. Well, fuck it.
I'm down.
- [Jenna] What does it do?
It is a hallucinogenic.
Our bodies produce it
twice in our lifetimes,
Once at birth and the
other at death.
- Yeah, yeah, and people
say that, like,
once you take it once, it's
a life-altering experience.
And, like, heroin addicts
and shit, if they take it,
cures them from their
addictions or whatever.
But I say, sign me up.
- Okay. Maybe not these tonight.
I mean, with everything
going on with all of us,
I mean, hospitals at full
capacity, let's- let's not.
We've had a lot to drink.
We're doing what we're doing.
I don't wanna be a party pooper-
- You're not being a party
pooper. You're just being you.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- You know, smart, responsible,
damsel in disguise.
- Damsel in disguise? Ooh.
Smart came first, though,
so that's-
- Whoa. How about this?
How about tonight we do
the mushrooms,
and then tomorrow night we
hydrate the hell out of
and, uh, trip balls?
- All right. I'm in, I'm in.
- All right.
- We need orange juice.
- Why orange juice?
- Mushrooms taste disgusting.
- Oh. All right,
orange juice it is.
(gentle music)
(Jenna and Daniel laughing)
- Oh, man.
Oh, wait, I love this song.
- Oh, you always do.
- I know. But hey, let's dance.
Come on, girl.
- No! I'm a bad dancer.
- I know.
I know you.
- Ah!
I always wanna lead. (laughs)
- Mm-hmm. But I won't let you.
- Okay.
So I was thinking.
- Mm?
- Why didn't you ever date me?
- Oh!
Okay, stop.
- For reals.
- For reals?
- Mm-hmm.
I mean, you know, when Mikey
first introduced you girls,
I thought, I don't want
you to be his girlfriend,
I just want you to
be his friend.
- Mm-hmm.
- So did you ever
think about us?
(Jenna giggles)
You did, didn't you?
- I mean, there may have
been a thought or two.
I may have had a dream or two.
- Hmm, a dream or two?
Do tell.
(Jenna chuckles)
- Daniel King, you are too much.
- Am I?
- Mm-hmm. Always have been.
(Jenna chuckles)
- You know,
if you spent one night with me,
I'd clear your debt like that.
- [Jenna's Inner Voice]
He killed her.
- Well, think about it.
- What did you say to her?
- Hmm?
Just kiss me, just a
little more.
- What happened?
- I don't know.
- What did you do?
What'd you say?
- I mean, maybe it wasn't
what I didn't say, all right?
(Jenna vomiting)
(Jenna coughing)
Well, I think that means
it's, uh, time to go to bed.
Party's over.
You ready, sweetie?
- [Mikey] Good night.
- Night.
- [Tara] You guys are no fun.
(birds twittering)
(ominous music)
(pills rattling)
- [Mikey] Where are you going?
- I told you. I'm
spreading the ashes today.
- You want me to come with you?
- No, I'm taking Daniel.
- Oh.
You guys have been
spending a lotta time
together this weekend.
(Jenna scoffs)
I can get ready in two seconds.
- No, I'm good.
I'll be like an hour.
What the hell was
that last night?
- I don't know what
you're talking about.
I was high and I was fucking
drunk, tripping balls.
- Bullshit.
- What? You're not offended.
We're here alone now, aren't we?
(engine rumbling)
(ominous music)
- I think the son of a
bitch is crying.
- Shh.
- This is pure shit.
I never...
- Daniel.
I think it was an accident.
- Fuck you. Are you
serious right now?
I miss her too.
(engine rumbling)
You fucking serious?
- I'm sorry, all right?
(ominous droning music)
Beautiful girl tries to
comfort me, I...
I'm sorry.
(ominous droning
music continues)
(ominous droning
music continues)
(engine rumbling)
(birds twittering)
(footsteps approaching)
(ominous droning music)
(ominous droning
music continues)
- Wouldn't it be
lovely if I just
pushed him over that fence?
- What did you say?
- Don't even touch me again.
(ominous droning
music continues)
(engine rumbling)
- [Jenna's Inner Voice]
She always chose him.
- [Judy] Hey, Jenna.
- Hey, Judy.
- I just finished this
fabulous book,
and I thought, "Who
would like it?"
You, that's who.
- Wow.
- It's a real page turner.
I know you're gonna love it.
Gonna go play some mahjong now.
(knocking at door)
- [Kimberly] Jenna?
- Come in.
- Hey.
- What's up?
- I was wondering if
you had a second.
Um, never mind. It's stupid.
(gentle music)
- I'm sure it's not.
- Well, Daniel said he'd
take a couple of photos of me
outside for my account.
I mean, it's so beautiful
in your backyard.
I'm way out of line. Never mind.
- Do you want me to
shoot some photos of you?
- If you wouldn't mind.
I mean, I feel so wildly
inappropriate for even asking.
It's just, Daniel, he's
not even responding
to my texts right now.
- Sure. I can shoot
you a couple of photos.
This work?
- Yeah.
Let's go.
(laid-back music)
(camera shutter clicks)
And you've come along again
All flirty and mean now
And some people never change
But I'll change one day
I'll change, I'll change,
I'll change
(melancholy music)
- [Cindy] Hey.
- Why did you
disappear with him?
- You'd like her.
- who?
- Come on.
- What's not to like?
- I was just like you when I
met her. I wanted to hate her.
She's like...
- [Both] A puppy.
(both laughing)
- She's lost, kind of, right?
- Oh my god, so lost.
She's gonna eat him
for breakfast.
- Mm-hmm.
(Cindy laughing)
There'll never be another you.
- You have Mikey.
- Oh yeah.
(both laughing)
But you'll always be
my first love.
- Was I?
Oh, how to begin
To say goodbye
To you
When I don't say it
(both laughing)
Oh, how to begin
To say goodbye
To you
- There you are.
- Hey.
- Do you think that we could
go home, like, tonight?
- Kimmy?
- Don't call me Kimmy.
- Look, uh, I know things
have been tough, all right?
And it's been hard, but I
appreciate you.
And look, I made a
promise to my friends
that we'd stay
through the weekend.
Um, I wanna keep that promise.
But as soon as we're done
here, we can go back to LA.
We never have to come back.
Never have to see them again.
- Fine.
- Come here.
Look at this.
This open field,
just you and me.
You don't see this very often.
- Hmm-mm.
- You know, I was thinking,
when we get back, we make
things official.
- Daniel King.
- Kimberly, you just
make me happy,
and you make me a better man.
I love you.
Hold up.
I think
that Kimberly King has a
nice ring to it.
(Kimberly laughs)
Don't you?
(ominous droning music)
(ominous droning
music continues)
(pills rattling)
(water running)
(ominous droning
music continues)
- [Jenna] I got you something.
- [Daniel] Oh yeah?
Oh, nice.
This is beautiful.
- [Jenna] Yeah, I saw it,
and I was like,
"Ooh, he'd like that."
- Oh, my beautiful rock.
It'll remind me of you.
I like that. My beautiful rock.
- [Jenna] Mm-hmm. I
am your rock.
(dog barking)
(dog barking)
(people panting)
(panting continues)
- I love you.
(lips smacking)
(upbeat music)
- Mm.
Come on. I need my
dance partner.
- No, no, no.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- No, sir.
- Come on.
You remember this.
First time we met.
Hey, what about these?
What's that one you
were showing me?
Oh yeah, I don't
know if I can...
- Oh my god!
- I'm like...
- Come on!
- But you know you like it.
(Kimberly laughing)
It's still sick.
- Are you okay?
- Daniel, can I talk to you
in the bedroom for a minute?
- Go.
- Just one more dance.
- No, you need to go
talk to her.
Come, I'm serious. Come.
(upbeat music continues)
(door opens)
- Hey.
- How much do I owe you?
- Nothing.
- How much do I owe you?
- [Daniel] Not a dime. Nothing.
- Daniel.
- Are you okay?
- How much do I owe you?
How much do I owe you?
- You're shy 50,000, all right?
- Wow.
(Jenna sighs)
Did you mean what you said?
- I don't follow.
- Last night.
- I'm...
I'm a real asshole, all right?
And I try to be good,
but sometimes...
- You said that if I slept with
you, my debt would be paid.
- I did, I know, but I thought
about it after our kiss.
And look, I'm a real fuck-up,
You know it.
And Cindy, she,
she knew it.
But why don't we just try to
keep this clean, all right,
until Mikey gets to
working again,
and you guys can pay me back.
- What?
- I forgot he didn't know.
- Know what?
- Just ignore me.
- What are you talking about?
- Mikey lost his job
a while back.
Now, wait, can you wait to
have your blowout, okay,
until after I'm gone, please?
- How long?
- How long what?
- How long has he been
without a job?
- I don't know. Like three
or four months.
(laid-back music)
Lo-fi drumbeats slowing
down my heartbeat
My brain's in pieces
all over the floor
Waltzing with anxiety
Paranoia party
Let's share our troubles,
softie sophomores
And this couch smells of
loving and dying and Bud Light
Oh, and this house
Feels like endless
sadness and good times
Everyone knows the dance
I never learned how to stand
- Fuck!
Stripped me of my spine
- [Tara] I've never felt this
way about someone before,
and I don't think he has either.
- [Cindy] Not all guys.
Not Mikey.
- [Daniel] Mikey lost
his job a while back.
- [Mikey] She
overdosed last night.
Waltzing with anxiety
Paranoia party
Let's share our troubles,
softie sophomores
And this couch smells of
loving and dying and Bud Light
Oh, and this house
feels like endless
sadness and good times
My mind's going 50,
my body's gone heavy
(Jenna sobbing)
Breath knocked out of me
Just keep on dancing
before I can see
I don't know anyone
at this party
Will you just ease my pain
- Fuck
Fuck you!
(Jenna screaming)
Will you just ease my pain
Will you just call me insane
(Jenna sobbing)
Pouring my wine
down the drain
- (screams) Fuck!
Promise that I'm okay
And will you just
ease my pain
Will you just call me insane
Pouring my wine
down the drain
Promise that I'm okay
Will you just ease my pain
Will you erase my brain
My body's all decayed
Swallowing yesterday
This couch smells of
loving and dying and
Bud Light
- These are the last
moments of their lives,
and not one of them looks
like they feared it.
- Did you?
- [Cindy] No pain.
No regrets.
(ominous music)
(ladder scraping)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(tools rattling)
(ominous music continues)
(ladder scraping)
(ominous music continues)
- [Mikey] Hey, babe.
- Hi.
- [Mikey] What was all
that commotion?
- I was fixing the damn alarm.
- Did it go off again?
- No. Just saw the ladder and
I thought I'll do it myself.
(ominous music)
- [Mikey] And this?
- Don't be silly.
It got all done up. I'm ready.
- Cute.
- Who wants margaritas?
- Now you're speaking
my language.
- All right. There's my girl.
(ominous music)
- Hmm. You look good, baby.
- Thank you.
All right. Who's turn is it?
- I think it's you. I
think it's you.
- It's me? All right,
here we go.
- Don't break the circle.
- [Mikey] I'm not
breaking the damn circle.
- I'm just reminding you.
- You say it every time.
Fours for the whores. (chuckles)
- Yeah!
- Drink!
- [Mikey] Yeah, drink.
Whores drink.
- [Jenna] Okay, cheers. Tara,
drink twice.
- I'm- I'm a little bit
of a whore, so.
(everyone laughing)
- T, what was that other
stuff that you brought?
(Tara laughs)
- [Mikey] Hello!
- [Everyone] Thumb master,
thumb master.
Thumb, thumb master.
- Ah, you were last for
sure. Yes, you were.
You don't want to, but
just drink it. Good job!
- [Tara] I did it, I did it,
I did it!
- [Mikey] Good job, girl.
- I know.
- You know what?
- I know what we should do.
- [Mikey] What?
- Let's do the DMthat you brought.
- I think that would be
really good for all of us.
I hate this damn game.
(Jenna laughing)
- Yes, let's do it.
- You don't drink.
- I'm not gonna say no.
- Wait, are we really
gonna do this?
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh shit.
- Okay.
- The night just took a turn.
- You guys, I'm so excited.
- Oh my god.
- Mm-hmm.
- Everybody take one.
Let's go to the moon.
- [Mikey] Oh boy. Okay.
- Cheers.
- [Mikey] See you on
the other side.
- [Tara] Cheers.
(ominous music)
- Oh.
- What if this is all there is?
- [Mikey] Is it kicking in yet?
How do we know when
it's working?
- Oh, you'll know.
Let's go out to the living
room, though. Stretch out.
- All right.
- I love that idea, J.
- Thanks.
Thank you.
- I wanna see the fire.
- Okay.
- All right, let's go.
- You first.
- Let's do it.
- I love you, sis.
- Okay.
- [Daniel] Let's do it.
(pensive rock music)
(ominous music)
(mysterious music)
(mysterious music continues)
- Tara.
Look at you.
My goodness. You're beautiful.
Join me.
- Mom?
Mom, I got lost. (sobs)
- I know.
- Mom, I didn't mean to.
- I know.
(sobs) Mom, I am so
glad you're here.
- I'm here for you, baby.
(thunder rumbles)
(pensive rock music continues)
- How long has it been going on?
- Since we lost the last one.
- Do you love her?
- I love them both.
- Fuck, Mikey.
This is gonna kill Jenna.
- She died when you died.
You know that.
I mean, what the fuck, Cindy?
(Cindy clapping)
(pensive rock music continues)
- You hated him so much
that you became him.
- Fuck you.
(ominous music)
(fire crackling)
(mysterious music)
(water splashing)
(pensive rock music)
- Babe, can you hand
me the soap?
(pensive rock music continues)
- I know what you're gonna say.
- What?
- That I'd be in a
horrible fire.
(pensive rock music continues)
Why- why- why didn't you
just tell her?
I could've redeemed myself.
(pensive rock music continues)
(pensive rock music continues)
(pensive rock music continues)
- Kimmy?
- Jack!
(Kimberly laughing)
- [Judy] Hi, Jenna.
- Oh, hi, Judy.
- How are you?
- I'm good. How are you.
- Jenna, the truck's running.
- I know, I know. Mikey
likes to get the engine warm.
He is gonna go and get
us some donuts.
- I love donuts.
But isn't this your
exercise time?
- Why, yes, it is, almost.
But it's time for you to get
going, and for me to go inside.
How about that?
- Lemme walk you up here.
Too far in to really get
how you've been feeling
Are you too far into it,
How you been dealing
I'm told I should
just go with the flow
But all I've ever known
is how to be alone
I try to get by on my own
All I know is I'm as
low as I go
And I'm used to it
- [Jenna] And then some
people come into your life
and remind you
that you'll be okay.
Are you afraid you're gonna
Come to one day from it
Be laying awake
Just wondering how it
got this way
Are you
Too far in to really get
How you've been feeling
'Cause I'm too far into you,
I'm too far in
(doorbell rings)
(birds twittering)
- Um, yeah, no.
I just showed up to one of my
appointments off of Timber,
and it looks like a bunch of
bodies in the living room.
They look like
they've thrown up.
No. I mean, there are
cars in the driveway.
(siren wailing)
(siren continues wailing)
(laid-back music)
I fell in love at the
sight of you
I was taken, so overcome
- [Paramedic] Hey. We
got one live over here.
I gave you all
I got lost in you
Didn't see till it
all came undone
Well, here we are at end
of all things
I guess I learned to late
That love can't be
The only reason to stay
I thought each step
that we took was
To the beat of our
unified hearts
I didn't see you were
stepping on me
While still in the
warmth of your arms
(dog panting)
(engine rumbling)
(birds twittering)
(laid-back music)
Well, here we are at
the end of all things
I guess I learned too late
That love can't be
The only reason to stay
I loved you, my darling
You know that it's true
I loved you till you beat
my heart black and blue
But I just can't stand
to be treated that way
No, love can't be
The only reason to stay
Well, here we are at
the end of all things
I guess I learned too late
That love can't be
The only reason to stay
(no audio)
(dog panting)
(no audio)
(birds calling)
(ground droning)
(logo whooshing)
(droning continues)
(Cindy groaning)
(eerie music)
(water pattering)
(eerie music continues)
(Cindy sighs)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music continues)
(laid-back music)
(laid-back music continues)
I'm living on borrowed time
It's like every morning
It's the end of my life
Ay yi
Ay yi
Go ahead and take that knife
(girls laughing)
- [Jenna] Some people come into
your life and you just know
it'll never be the same
without them.
If you think you're
in control
Then you lost your own soul
Ay yi
Ay yi
(laid-back music continues)
(laid-back music continues)
- 29.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- No, I'm done.
- One more.
Little bit lower.
- 30.
- I hate you.
(trainer laughing)
- Let's go.
- Hey, Judy.
- Oh, way to go, Jenna.
Kicked some butt there.
- You're joining me next time.
- Morning, Judy.
- Morning.
- Mm. Mm-hmm.
Oh, really?
That is funny.
Nah, I didn't even know that.
Yeah, she'll be back any minute.
You want me to tell her
that you called?
(chuckles) All right.
- Yeah. No, I'll let her know.
All right. Yeah.
Yeah. I love you too.
Yeah. I love you too.
All right. Bye.
- Come here. Oh, where's
the good baby?
Where's the good babies?
Yeah, you are good babies.
Come here. Yeah.
Oh, he's a good baby.
(punches thudding)
(Jenna panting)
- Sorry.
- [Trainer] Come on.
- Sorry.
Fuck, I can't. Fuck.
- [Trainer] You all right?
- Yeah.
It's just, (panting)
my sleep's been really horrible.
(alarm beeping)
- [Trainer] You hear that?
- Shit. It's one of our alarms.
- [Trainer] Everything okay?
- Yeah. It probably needs
a new battery.
Mikey never changes it.
See you next week?
- Two weeks.
- Two weeks.
(alarm continues beeping)
- Dammit, Mikey!
Fuck. Mikey!
(alarm continues beeping)
- Huh. You got it?
You look like you're
struggling there a little bit.
- Oh. Thank you so much.
Having fun back there?
- Yeah, well, just-
- Oh, good for you.
Where the fuck were you?
- I was cooking you breakfast.
It's ready.
Here, I'll do that. Come here.
Mwah. It's on the counter.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
How was training?
- All right.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- You're looking good.
- Thank you.
- You're tight.
- Oh.
- Might need to rub
this out for you.
- Oh. Such a giver.
(Jenna laughing)
- Yeah.
You look like you're
gonna kick my ass.
- Oh, honey, that's not hard.
- Very funny.
- I'm a funny girl.
- You want some of this?
- Oh, you want- do you
wanna give some of this?
- Yeah. I'll give you
all of this.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- Really?
- I bet you're tight up here,
- Oh, you can do that first.
Oh yeah, I get in there.
Oh, you smell good.
(lips smacking)
Babe, okay.
Let's, um...
(chuckles) Don't you have work?
- No, I don't have another
call till 1:00.
- Okay. (laughing)
Well, let me go shower.
- Now?
- Mm-hmm.
- You wanna shower now?
- Yeah, I'm gross.
You wanna do this like this?
- Okay. All right.
- I'm gross.
- It'll take me five minutes.
- I like it gross, but whatever.
- [Cindy] It's Cindy. You
know what to do.
- Are you still coming?
Call me back.
(water pattering)
- Hey, I forgot to ask,
how'd your interview go?
- Shit.
- Jenna.
- I totally forgot.
- Are you kidding?
- I'll email them.
I'll explain it.
- Explain what? This
isn't a date.
You don't get a second chance
if you stand 'em up for
an interview.
- I know, all right? I
completely spaced.
I thought it was gonna
be done early,
and then the whole alarm
thing happened.
(Mikey sighs)
- I saw a listing for a
apartment in the valley.
It would mean that I
wouldn't have
to commute once a week to work.
You could have a
little art area.
- We're not there yet. We
need more time.
- If we move back to the city,
you could be closer to
your sister and to Cindy.
- Speaking of Cindy, she's
gonna be here for dinner.
- Great.
We need to talk about
our finances.
- I don't wanna talk
about finances.
I hate fucking talking
about finances.
I hate talking about money.
I hate fucking
fighting about money.
- What do you wanna do?
You wanna just wait for
them to kick us out?
- They're not gonna do
that. They can't do that.
I mean, we're gonna
figure something out.
Can you ask for, like, a raise?
- Are you kidding?
- Or a hardship loan?
Maybe the stimulus is
gonna come back?
- Jenna, this is life.
This is our life.
This isn't one of your canvases
that you can just paint white
and start all over again.
- We'll figure something out.
I'll get another interview.
It's just, it's hard for
art right now.
- Fine. But you're canceling
that personal trainer.
- Thanks.
- Yep.
- Are you gonna train me?
(ominous music)
(pensive music)
I can't understand
What it means to be like you
But I'm on your side
(both giggling)
- Look at you all grown up.
- Oh yeah. Hardly.
(Cindy scoffs)
- This house, the new truck.
Soon enough, there's going
to be a thousand little kids
running around here calling
me the Crazy Aunt Cindy
with her 30 cats and a ferret.
- Why- why do I have to
have a thousand kids?
I mean, that's a gigantic vag.
(both laughing)
Like kegels every 30 seconds.
I don't have time for that.
Why? You and Daniel
have to talk about kids.
- Daniel only talks about money.
- Oh.
- Besides, we would have
to be together
for longer than two weeks
to talk about anything
other than STDs.
- Ew.
It's healthy of you guys.
- Yeah, super healthy.
Modern-day romance.
(Jenna laughs)
- Hey, when are you
getting on the road?
Um, I missed that stupid
interview today,
and Mikey and I got
into an argument.
Kind of feel like a
little bit of an idiot.
Need you to tell me I'm not one.
Anyway, um, you never
told me what Daniel said.
So yeah, call me back.
(upbeat music)
More plans you miss
They're now
You're here
You're now
You're here
You're now
There is no past
There is no future
Only now
Only now
There is no past
There is no future
Only now
Only now
There is no past
There is no future
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
You can take
Me home tonight
To worlds collide
- Jenna.
- What?
- Come here.
- What?
- Come here, babe.
- What, why? What are you doing?
- It's Cindy.
(ominous music)
- What?
- She overdosed last night.
- No, no, I just both are,
though. No.
- I know.
- They found her in her
apartment this morning.
- No!
- Babe, I'm sorry.
- No!
- I'm sorry, baby.
- No!
(Jenna sobbing)
- Shh.
Shh. It's okay.
It's okay. I'm here, baby.
(Jenna continues sobbing)
I'm sorry.
(somber music)
(spoon clattering)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(Mikey sighs)
(melancholy music)
(switch clicks)
We've been hiding in
the background
everything fall down
Didn't think it would
end this way
How in the world
did we become
Everything we said we
didn't want
I disappeared
You watched me fade
Are we just silhouettes,
are we just silhouettes
Are we just silhouettes
of who we used to be
Outlines of our
memories left
Is there anything left
Is it for the best,
for us, for you and me
Are we just silhouettes
Are we just silhouettes
Fighting for something
that we lost
In the middle of the chaos
We were running from the sun
Who would recognize
us anymore
'Cause we're nothing
like we were before
Shapes and shadows
spinning around
Are we just silhouettes,
are we just silhouettes
Are we just silhouettes
of who we used to be
Outlines of our
memories left
Is there anything left
Is it for the best,
for us, for you and me
Are we just silhouettes
We were dancing
with the dark
Dancing with our hearts
This must be the part
where we let go
Is it just a dream
I didn't really mean
For this to be the
part where we let go
Are we just silhouettes
Are we just silhouettes
of who we used to be
Outlines of our
memories left
Is there anything left
Is it for the best,
for us, for you and me
Are we just silhouettes
- Fuck me.
(ominous music)
(Mikey moaning)
(Mikey grunting)
(Mikey panting)
(Mikey sighs)
(Mikey sighs)
(Jenna sighs)
(ominous music)
(door thuds)
I can't do this without you.
It's like I've hit the bottom,
and I'm just here
chasing my tail.
- He loves you.
You've got to remember,
he's going through this too.
(melancholy music)
- I've stopped taking my meds.
- Why'd you do that?
- 'Cause I feel like a
fucking zombie.
He hates it when I'm
off my meds.
He hates me when I'm on my meds.
- Hey.
You're gonna be okay.
- Your ashes are coming.
- Remember when you first
moved into this place?
- Cheers!
- Oh, that view!
- That view!
- That view!
That's where I want you
to spread me.
- Do I have to?
(melancholy music continues)
- Fuck you!
(door slams)
- Can't I just keep you here,
in like a beautiful
face or a jar?
- Maybe one of Judy's
pickle jars.
(both laughing)
- Fucking Judy.
(bell dings)
- [Jenna's Internal
Voice] She's dead.
(bell dings)
(Jenna sniffles)
(bell dings)
(ominous music)
- Fuck this.
(pills rattling)
(water running)
(rake scraping)
- You're out of bed.
- I am.
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
- It's gonna be a
hot-ass summer.
- Look at you doing housework.
- Yeah, well.
- I was thinking about
selling the heads.
- Why would you do that?
- I figured that we could
use the money.
You know, it gives us
a couple more months.
- You love them, though.
- I love you.
- It'll be fine.
Don't do this right now.
- [Jenna] Don't do what?
I'm just trying to help.
- I'm glad you're out of bed.
- [Jenna] What's that
supposed to mean?
- Just, dammit, don't!
(melancholy music)
- [Jenna] Um...
I'm sorry, don't do what?
(stutters) What?
- Don't be that Jenna right now.
Look, I'm sorry.
Fuck, we both loved Cindy.
And I get it. You're
grieving, and it sucks.
But don't make this about you,
Don't be the martyr.
I can't take it right now.
- Hi, Jenna.
Did you hear, they found a
four-foot-long rattlesnake
underneath a little
girl's toy Jeep?
- No, I did not.
I'm telling you, rattlesnakes,
they can get your dogs.
Have you got 'em vaccinated?
- No.
- I really think
you're brave Jenna,
coming out here without
shoes or pants.
- (chuckles) Yeah.
Um, I just, I popped out
to talk to Mikey.
Okay, uh, Judy, I'm
actually kinda cold,
so I gotta go put
some clothes on.
- I'll wait for you. I can wait.
- Um, I also, I need to
make a phone call.
- Well, I better get going too.
Danny and I have plans
tonight. It's game night.
- Fun.
Bye, Judy.
- [Judy] Bye, Jenna.
- [Jenna's Internal
Voice] Martyr.
It's always about you.
(ominous music)
- You never told me.
- Told you what?
- What did Daniel say to you?
- When?
- The other night. You
were upset about something.
- Oh, it was nothing.
- Uh, no, it was something.
You were mad about something
Daniel said to you,
and I was so stuck in
my own shit,
I didn't even stop and ask you.
- That.
- What did he say to you?
(door creaking)
- Hey.
- Hey.
- I'm, um, I'm sorry
about earlier.
- It's fine. It's fine.
Um, I'm thinking about
asking Daniel
to come up and spread the ashes.
- Are you sure?
- No.
- Yeah. Doesn't seem
like a good idea.
- Probably not.
- You know, maybe we can
do something special.
You know, just you and I.
We'll spread them and then, uh,
maybe we'll go hit up
a winery or something.
- Sure.
Yeah, sounds good.
Winery. That sounds good.
(melancholy music)
(melancholy music continues)
Where are you when the
lights are off
And the day is dark enough
To show no shadow
Where are you when she
calls for you
And your voice is
stuck in time
On old machines
- [Cindy] Hey.
(Jenna sobs)
- It happened again. (sobs)
- I'm so sorry, babe.
(Jenna sobbing)
- Oh! (laughs)
Who's that?
Oh my gosh!
- Whoever you want him to be.
I saw a side of you
- It's gonna be okay.
That hurt a side in me,
a quarter turn
But they didn't see it
I tried to talk about
the way we made mistakes
I couldn't speak
And you didn't hear me
(internal voice whispering)
(door thuds)
(ominous music)
(knife clanks)
(knife clanks)
(apple crunches)
- I am gonna invite
Daniel for the weekend.
(upbeat music)
(engine revving)
The valley's filled
with timber
And the hills are
filled with elk
(cellphone dings)
- Babe! Baby, he's here!
- That car.
- That's Daniel for ya.
- Hot damn. This is
far out here.
It's like a little bit of
Texas out here in Cali.
How you doing, darling?
(car door shuts)
- Come on, baby. Let's go.
Hi, I'm Kimberly.
- Hi, Kimberly. I'm Mikey.
- Hey.
- Nice to meet you.
And who's this little guy?
- This is Milo. He's
super friendly.
- [Mikey] Hi, Milo.
- I'm sorry, who are you again?
- You must be Jenna.
I'm so happy to meet you,
and I'm so sorry that it's
under these circumstances.
- Mm.
- It's my girl. She's a model.
- Daniel!
Um, it's just on Insta, but
I mean, it pays the bills.
- Ah, stop, this girl,
she's got, like, hell,
what, a million followers,
something like that?
I mean, just look at her.
You can tell she's
destined for stardom.
- How long you guys been dating?
- I guess it's almost
been a year.
- Yeah, I mean, off and on.
- More on than off.
- Oh, that's funny, 'cause,
uh, you've never mentioned her.
Not once.
- Hey, you got a cold
beer inside?
- Mm-hmm.
- Let's go do it.
- All right.
- Here. You take Milo.
- I'm, uh, I'm Mikey.
- Hey.
- Go inside.
- Come on, Milo. Come on, baby.
- Come here, you.
- [Judy] Wow! Look at that car!
- Yeah, it's obnoxious.
- Somebody picked me
up in a car like that,
I don't think we'd make
it to dinner.
- Thank you for that visual,
- Look at that big dog.
(wine glugging)
- You are gonna love her.
(slap thwacks)
- Oh!
- [Daniel] Mikey,
where's that beer at?
Woof! Now, this, this
is man cave.
- [Mikey] Beer?
- Mm-hmm.
(bottles hisses)
You know, this is, uh,
it's quite the house
for just the two of you.
- Yeah, well, that
wasn't the original plan.
- Oh, shit. Man, I- I
didn't mean to like that.
Only been here two minutes,
already put my boot in my mouth.
- Yeah, well, that's pretty
typical of you, ain't it?
- Yeah.
I guess some things
never changed, do they?
Hey, so when'd you buy
this place anyway?
What was it, four,
five years ago?
For what, 300, 400K?
- Yeah, something like that.
- Huh.
- Your dogs are so cute.
- Thanks.
- What are their names?
- Elly is the pit and
Frankie is the husky.
- How long have you had them?
- Did you know Cindy?
- Yeah. We met a
couple of times.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Did you know about
her and Daniel?
- I know this must be
weird for you.
- Why would this be
weird for me?
- Because she was
your best friend.
Could I have a glass
of water or something?
- Sure.
- So, uh, you still
looking for a job?
- What?
- Hey, don't worry, man.
Your secret's safe with me.
- Fuck. How'd you know?
- Well, uh, Cindy
figured it out.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Well, we, you know,
pieced it together, so.
- Of course you did.
- Hey, don't worry. She said
she wasn't gonna tell Jenna.
That was your place.
So what was it that you
did again? It was what?
Fix computers,
something like that?
- No, man, I'm an IT analyst.
- Ah, shit, that's
right. I- I remember now.
(Mikey chuckles)
So are you still looking?
- Every day?
- Any luck?
- No, man. Nobody's
hiring right now.
- So- so how is she?
- Fuck, man, how's
anybody doing?
- Yeah.
Yeah, this year's
been kinda shit.
- You know, Jenna and I
haven't left the house
in like 2 1/2 months.
- Yeah. All 'cause some
bitch ate a bat.
- Oh, my friend.
That shit was created in a lab.
- No way.
Oh. (chuckles)
All right, Mikey, sure.
- It's science.
Watch. You'll see, I'll
be proven right.
You ready for this?
- [Daniel] Hell yeah.
Pour it up.
- All right. Let's get
this party started.
There we go.
There you go buddy.
- Thanks, man.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
(Mikey sighs)
- Fuck, man.
Why'd she do it?
- You know, I've been high
before, but never this high.
Man, I love this picture.
God damn.
- [Jenna] Did you know
that they were lovers,
and that they, um,
started dating in college?
- Yeah, you guys were
all best friends,
or something like that, right?
- Wow. I guess he really
did tell you everything.
- I didn't think that coming
here was the best idea.
- I bet you didn't.
- Okay, he was insistent, and
you of all people, I'm sure,
know that when Daniel wants
something, he gets it.
He's hurting, and he wanted
me to be here to comfort him.
If you wouldn't mind,
would you please show me
to the room that I'll
be staying in?
- Sure.
- Okay. Sorry.
- You have a beautiful home.
- [Jenna] Thanks.
- Fucking gorgeous, isn't she?
(ominous music)
- [Jenna] Why didn't
you tell me about her?
- I'd kill for a
drink right now.
- He was supposed to come alone.
- Like a gin martini,
or a skinny margarita.
- He wasn't supposed
to bring her.
I mean, the fucking audacity.
He didn't even ask me
or tell me that he was
gonna bring her.
I'm not- I'm not
prepared for this.
- Fuck it.
(pills rattling)
- I'm dead. How about
straight-up tequila?
- Is this enough?
- Double it.
- Tell me what he said to you.
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
- My turn. Oh!
I am fine. I'm winning.
No, no. Hey, hey, wait a second.
I thought you only had one chip.
What's this all about? Are
you stealing from the bank?
Also, guess what? Blackjack.
- No, that's...
Don't fuck with me, man.
- 19. I'm not gonna hit on 19.
- No, don't fuck with me. That's
the wrong game, wrong game.
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
- Babe, what's fucking wrong?
- I don't know what's wrong.
And you were gone for, like,
five minutes.
(door creaks)
(door thuds)
(dog barking)
- Oh! Hi, Frankie.
Hi. Where is everybody?
Where's your mama?
- Tara!
What are doing here?
Oh my god! Yay!
Oh, thank you.
- Mikey invited me.
We thought you could use
some extra love.
- Oh.
- Oh, yay.
The real party here is now.
- Oh, hi, Daniel. Who's this?
- I'm Kimberly.
- Hmm.
- Daniel's girlfriend.
- Oh, I am so glad I came.
I'm Tara.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Babe, well done.
- You're welcome.
(Jenna laughing)
- How much has she had?
- A lot. Actually,
they're all pretty toasty.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hmm-mm.
- Well, how'd you fare so well?
- I just drink wine. And smoke.
- I like you. (chuckles)
- Why is it that the
youngest here
seems to be the most
- It's because her best
friend didn't just die.
- Okay, um...
Nice to see you.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Did I bring the mood down?
(birds twittering)
(geese honking)
(Mikey knocking)
- Hey. I see you guys
found the gym.
- [Kimberly] Yeah, this
is incredible.
If this was at my house,
I would never leave.
And I don't think he
would either.
- (chuckles) Yeah,
doesn't look like it.
Have you guys seen Jenna or T?
- [Kimberly] Yeah. They
went for a hike.
(water splashing)
- I'm glad you're here.
- I'm sorry I didn't call.
- Yeah, I probably
wouldn't have answered.
- Yeah, well, he says you've
been in pretty bad shape.
- You hit the bag much, Mikey?
- What that thing?
- Yeah.
- [Mikey] No, no,
that's Jenna's.
Actually, most of the
shit in here is.
- I didn't realize that Jenna
was such a fitness freak.
- [Mikey] She's not,
but you know,
she's trying alternative
methods to taking meds, so.
- Meds?
- Yeah.
For everything and for nothing.
You know Jenna. She's into
that whole self-care thing.
- [Daniel] Yeah, I mean,
self-help's good and all,
but I mean, have you guys
thought about doing therapy?
- Nah, we're- we're good, man.
- No, man.
Look, no, I'm not talking
about, like, couples therapy.
I meant like independent,
deep shit,
where you get in there and
they help you handle it.
- Handle it?
- Yeah.
- You know, like,
this last year,
whole world's been tar, right?
Businesses started
defaulting on their loans.
And I mean, shit, I was seeing,
Well, fuck it, I mean,
there's only so much whiskey
and blow a man can do, right?
- [Mikey] Yeah.
- It was actually Cindy
who told me to get help.
- Huh.
Well, that's ironic.
- [Daniel] What?
- Cindy telling you to get help.
- How are you?
- How's anybody, really?
- Jenna.
- What?
- You know, when Mom
and Dad died,
I thought I was gonna lose it.
- That was a long time ago.
- Yeah, I'm just saying,
I know how it feels.
- Okay, well, this is different.
Okay, this hit hard.
I mean, it's a
fucking shitty year.
You weren't allowed
to see anybody.
I wasn't prepared for this.
It's not like there was a
fucking warning.
She was the only one
that was there for me.
- Look.
Did they just wander out here?
- Yep, just like
everything else.
- I mean, you know, Cindy, she
always had this way, though,
of always just seeing
everybody in the right path.
Now, come on.
Where's that sexy QB
from college at?
Get up there.
- Yeah, right, man. (laughs)
So you guys living together?
- [Daniel] Yep.
- This is your first
time living with someone?
- Yep.
- How's that?
- Kimberly.
I was just checking to make
sure she wasn't listening.
You know, I mean, it's
living with someone, right?
You know, it means I can't
bring ass home anymore,
which kinda sucks.
But I mean, you know, it's
nice to cuddle and shit, right?
But you know, it gets
monotonous at times,
so it can become a
little bit boring.
- Yeah, well,
it doesn't look like she's
the most terrible thing
to wake up to next to
in the morning.
You know what I'm saying?
- Nosiree, she isn't.
All right. You're up.
- Oh yeah. Fuck you.
- Oh, come on, man.
- Man, the last time I picked
up one of those things,
I was in high school.
- You got this. Come on.
- Ah.
- [Jenna] A little much for you?
- (sighs) I'm good.
So how's, um...
What's that guy's name?
- Yes.
- (scoffs) I was not about
to go into lockdown with him.
We broke up, I don't
know, several months ago.
- Oh. Okay.
- I'm, uh, I'm actually
seeing a new guy now.
But it's...
It's complicated.
- Mm. All relationships
are complicated.
Do you like the guy?
- Yeah.
A lot.
I've never felt this way
about someone before,
and I don't think he has either.
So it's- it's cool.
- Oh, to be back at the
beginning again.
- You know, I really think
we found some good ones.
- I know. I like this one a lot.
This one look good.
- Oh, hi, Jenna.
- Hi, Judy.
I thought I'd bring you some
of Danny's famous pickles.
I noticed you had guests.
They might like 'em
more than I do.
And I also brought you some
lotion. It gave me a rash.
But it's supposed to keep
the ticks away.
- Okay. Thank you very much.
Judy, this is so nice.
Thank you.
This is my little sister, Tara.
- I think I saw you
arrive last night, right?
- J, I'm gonna go take a shower,
- Okay.
- It is so lovely to meet you.
And I love pickles.
- Judy, seriously, this
is so sweet. Thank you.
Please tell Dan I can't
wait to try them.
- I will.
- Okay. I'll see you later.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You are all kinds of stunning.
(Kimberly laughing)
- Thank you. Do you
have any aspirin?
I've had the worst headache.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll get you some.
It's the altitude. Kinda
makes you wonky.
- Yeah.
(Jenna chuckles)
- Um, listen, I wanted
to apologize to you.
I've been kind of an asshole
the last couple of days.
So I'm sorry.
- I get it.
Okay. Where are the guys?
- They are out back
getting the barbecue ready.
- Cool. Okay.
I am gonna go get ready then,
I guess.
- Okay. Uh, Jenna,
Cindy's ashes arrived.
Daniel put them over
there by your door.
(Jenna sobbing)
Are you okay?
- Fuck, you even smell
good. What the fuck?
- It's essential oils.
- Oh.
Thank you. It's very sweet.
- It's gonna be okay.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
My brother, Jack,
he died unexpectedly
a couple of years ago.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
- It's life, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- How old was he?
- He was 20.
He was my big brother.
We were only a year and
a half apart,
so we were really close.
I know how it goes,
and some days it just doesn't.
- Yeah.
Um, I'm gonna go and, uh,
clean up.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Essential oils?
- Mm-hmm. Gardenia.
- Gardenia.
- What are we having?
- Tri-tip.
- My favorite.
- I'm aware.
So how was the hike?
- Huh.
How is she doing?
- How she always does.
She gets through it.
- Is she taking anything?
- No. Actually, she's been off
everything for a while now.
- (scoffs) Is that a good thing?
- At this point, who
the fuck knows?
(melancholy music)
- How are you doing?
- I'll say what
nobody else will.
I don't think it was
an accident.
- Whoa. Whoa, man.
If we're gonna go there,
I'm gonna need another beer.
- Help yourself, my friend.
They're in the fridge
in the garage.
- Don't mind if I do.
Are you hiding in here?
- No.
- No?
Did you smoke?
- A little.
- You want a bump?
- Small one.
- All right.
(Kimberly sniffs)
- Oh. Woof!
So how are you feeling?
- I'm good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Look, I know that, uh, things
are a little different here,
but I sure am one lucky man
to have you here with me.
- You sure are.
- Did you get to see
out back yet?
- It's beautiful.
- I know.
It's gorgeous, right?
- Yeah.
- You know, I could see
some very, very sexy images
of a future
supermodel back there.
- Oh yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
The blonde sparkle in her hair.
The green from the oak trees
bringing out the green
in her oceanic eyes.
- Yeah.
(melancholy music)
(melancholy music continues)
We've been hiding in
the background
- Remember when you two
bought this place?
Didn't think it would
end this way
How in the world
did we become
Everything we said we
didn't want
- [Mikey] What are you shooting?
- [Jenna] The beautiful flowers.
- Oh. Pretty.
- Thank you.
- Why don't you take some
pictures of our home?
Our new home.
- [Jenna] Do you love it?
- [Mikey] I do.
- It's so big.
- Yeah, well, one day
it won't be big enough.
- You're beautiful.
You know that?
- I love it.
- Really?
- Yeah. I'm really happy.
- Have you seen the new chick?
- She's a dead ringer for me.
Desperate much?
(both laughing)
- She's actually really sweet.
I don't know how he landed her.
- He pays all her bills.
- Oh!
- He's still the same Daniel.
Late on a Tuesday night,
with the lingering perfume
of someone younger, prettier,
- Guys suck.
- Not all guys. Not Mikey.
- Yeah, I got a good one.
- So what did you decide?
I'm gonna take 'em.
- [Daniel] Hey, Jenna?
- I'm in here. Just
gimme a second.
(internal voice whispering)
(water splashes)
(door creaks)
Oh, hi.
- Were you talking to someone?
- No. I was, um, leaving
a message for my trainer.
- Well, I thought I'd
bring this to you now.
- Fuck.
Thank you, Daniel.
- Mm-hmm.
I made it to cash.
- I owe you big for this.
And just, with everything that's
going on with Cindy, it's-
- No, no, don't worry about it.
You're gonna sell something big,
and then you'll pay me back.
We'll be square.
- Okay.
I was thinking about her ashes.
- What, you wanna, like,
smoke 'em, or...
- (laughs) No. Unless you
wanna join her.
- No, that'd be a
hard pass for me.
But I was thinking about it too.
I feel like maybe we could
do something more private.
Just the two of us. Maybe
do the group thing later.
You think we can do that?
- Yeah. I mean, I don't know.
I don't think there's
rules. I've never done this.
- Yeah, I know. Neither have I.
(sighs) I have a few
places in LA too
I'd like to- I'd
like to put her.
- Like where?
- There you besties are.
Mikey says that dinner's ready.
- Let's go.
- Well, baby, that
looks really good.
- Mm-hmm.
- It's called charcuterie.
- Oh, charcuterie?
- And it's my first time.
Thank you.
- Wow.
- I spread the meat myself.
- [Jenna] It's so yummy.
- Okay, so I know Mikey
adores his pups.
- Adores is an understatement.
- These are not my pups.
These are my children.
- [Jenna] Mm-hmm. He's
obsessed with them.
- Okay, But I never pegged
Daniel as a dog guy.
- [Kimberly] Really? Daniel's
the biggest dog lover ever.
He lives for Milo.
- It's true. I mean, he'd be
all over this food right now.
I'd let him do it too.
(Jenna laughs)
- Well, I guess I will, um...
I'll start this whole thing.
Here is
to a really shitty year
that I think everyone's
been going through.
But brought us together by
one of the most
people that I know.
- Brought together
by a woman who is both
and fearless,
and had a way with words,
and with fucking whiskey.
(everyone laughing)
I know that Jenna asked all of
us to prepare something, but
ever since you did, I've-
I've kinda been at a loss.
- That's a first.
(Mikey chuckles)
was the person I would
call if I ever needed help
burying a body.
- Amen to that.
- Yeah.
Hey, are you actually
gonna say something,
or are you just gonna
keep interrupting me?
- Nah, man, you finish.
I'll follow.
- Okay.
Cindy was like a sister to me,
and, um,
I don't think I'll ever
meet anyone quite like her.
So cheers.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- [Jenna] To Cindy.
- Well, unlike Mikey here,
I actually do have
something prepared.
I, uh, I know we were
kind of all thinking about
what might've been going
through Cindy's mind that night.
So I wanted to
express to you guys
what was going through mine.
I've seen storms and I've seen
the brightest lights of the day.
I've seen the darkest hours,
and thought the sun wasn't
gonna come up again.
- But-
- Are you fucking serious?
Are you doing James Taylor?
- [Mikey] That's what I
was gonna say!
- What the fuck?
- All right, all right.
- You're the worst!
- Daniel!
- [Daniel] All right, look,
I'm paraphrasing a bit.
- Oh, are you?
- Yeah, yeah.
But okay, for reals, for reals.
My knees buckled, and I,
and I had this feeling
in the pit of my stomach,
like tomorrow
wouldn't be the same.
And you know, Cindy, she
was always here
for each and every one of us.
That means something.
She was something special.
- Yeah.
- Cheers.
- [Mikey] Cheers.
- To someone I could
always count on.
Always like a sister to me.
And I could call her
for anything.
She could do anything.
- Okay, um...
I only met Cindy a couple
of times, but, um...
(Kimberly clears throat)
I know she felt what you felt,
and she did it with
absolute sincerity.
She spoke kind words and
listened deeply.
They say a person is
a reflection
of those who they
surround themselves with.
Anyways, listening to
you all speak about her,
and how she impacted your lives,
I know that she will
forever live on
because of what she meant
to you, her friends.
- [Daniel] Hot damn.
Cheers for that.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- To Cindy.
- To Cindy.
- To Cindy.
(fire crackling)
(everyone laughing)
- [Mikey] That was at the
lake that year, right?
- Yeah, no, you're right.
- Oh my god.
- Look what I brought!
- [Mikey] Ah.
- [Jenna] What is that?
- [Mikey] Those, my love,
are mushrooms.
- Oh, no. No, no, no.
- Yeah. I haven't done
this since I was 22, maybe.
- I figured I was coming
to the forest.
I might as well
bring my friends.
- I love shrooms.
Last summer I microdosed,
and it was magical.
- I mean, I didn't realize
that you had any friends,
but what are those?
- [Jenna] Ecstasy?
- DMT, babe.
- Oh, shit. I always
wanted to try that.
Is it for reals?
- It's amazing. It's
life changing.
- Hmm. Well, fuck it.
I'm down.
- [Jenna] What does it do?
It is a hallucinogenic.
Our bodies produce it
twice in our lifetimes,
Once at birth and the
other at death.
- Yeah, yeah, and people
say that, like,
once you take it once, it's
a life-altering experience.
And, like, heroin addicts
and shit, if they take it,
cures them from their
addictions or whatever.
But I say, sign me up.
- Okay. Maybe not these tonight.
I mean, with everything
going on with all of us,
I mean, hospitals at full
capacity, let's- let's not.
We've had a lot to drink.
We're doing what we're doing.
I don't wanna be a party pooper-
- You're not being a party
pooper. You're just being you.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- You know, smart, responsible,
damsel in disguise.
- Damsel in disguise? Ooh.
Smart came first, though,
so that's-
- Whoa. How about this?
How about tonight we do
the mushrooms,
and then tomorrow night we
hydrate the hell out of
and, uh, trip balls?
- All right. I'm in, I'm in.
- All right.
- We need orange juice.
- Why orange juice?
- Mushrooms taste disgusting.
- Oh. All right,
orange juice it is.
(gentle music)
(Jenna and Daniel laughing)
- Oh, man.
Oh, wait, I love this song.
- Oh, you always do.
- I know. But hey, let's dance.
Come on, girl.
- No! I'm a bad dancer.
- I know.
I know you.
- Ah!
I always wanna lead. (laughs)
- Mm-hmm. But I won't let you.
- Okay.
So I was thinking.
- Mm?
- Why didn't you ever date me?
- Oh!
Okay, stop.
- For reals.
- For reals?
- Mm-hmm.
I mean, you know, when Mikey
first introduced you girls,
I thought, I don't want
you to be his girlfriend,
I just want you to
be his friend.
- Mm-hmm.
- So did you ever
think about us?
(Jenna giggles)
You did, didn't you?
- I mean, there may have
been a thought or two.
I may have had a dream or two.
- Hmm, a dream or two?
Do tell.
(Jenna chuckles)
- Daniel King, you are too much.
- Am I?
- Mm-hmm. Always have been.
(Jenna chuckles)
- You know,
if you spent one night with me,
I'd clear your debt like that.
- [Jenna's Inner Voice]
He killed her.
- Well, think about it.
- What did you say to her?
- Hmm?
Just kiss me, just a
little more.
- What happened?
- I don't know.
- What did you do?
What'd you say?
- I mean, maybe it wasn't
what I didn't say, all right?
(Jenna vomiting)
(Jenna coughing)
Well, I think that means
it's, uh, time to go to bed.
Party's over.
You ready, sweetie?
- [Mikey] Good night.
- Night.
- [Tara] You guys are no fun.
(birds twittering)
(ominous music)
(pills rattling)
- [Mikey] Where are you going?
- I told you. I'm
spreading the ashes today.
- You want me to come with you?
- No, I'm taking Daniel.
- Oh.
You guys have been
spending a lotta time
together this weekend.
(Jenna scoffs)
I can get ready in two seconds.
- No, I'm good.
I'll be like an hour.
What the hell was
that last night?
- I don't know what
you're talking about.
I was high and I was fucking
drunk, tripping balls.
- Bullshit.
- What? You're not offended.
We're here alone now, aren't we?
(engine rumbling)
(ominous music)
- I think the son of a
bitch is crying.
- Shh.
- This is pure shit.
I never...
- Daniel.
I think it was an accident.
- Fuck you. Are you
serious right now?
I miss her too.
(engine rumbling)
You fucking serious?
- I'm sorry, all right?
(ominous droning music)
Beautiful girl tries to
comfort me, I...
I'm sorry.
(ominous droning
music continues)
(ominous droning
music continues)
(engine rumbling)
(birds twittering)
(footsteps approaching)
(ominous droning music)
(ominous droning
music continues)
- Wouldn't it be
lovely if I just
pushed him over that fence?
- What did you say?
- Don't even touch me again.
(ominous droning
music continues)
(engine rumbling)
- [Jenna's Inner Voice]
She always chose him.
- [Judy] Hey, Jenna.
- Hey, Judy.
- I just finished this
fabulous book,
and I thought, "Who
would like it?"
You, that's who.
- Wow.
- It's a real page turner.
I know you're gonna love it.
Gonna go play some mahjong now.
(knocking at door)
- [Kimberly] Jenna?
- Come in.
- Hey.
- What's up?
- I was wondering if
you had a second.
Um, never mind. It's stupid.
(gentle music)
- I'm sure it's not.
- Well, Daniel said he'd
take a couple of photos of me
outside for my account.
I mean, it's so beautiful
in your backyard.
I'm way out of line. Never mind.
- Do you want me to
shoot some photos of you?
- If you wouldn't mind.
I mean, I feel so wildly
inappropriate for even asking.
It's just, Daniel, he's
not even responding
to my texts right now.
- Sure. I can shoot
you a couple of photos.
This work?
- Yeah.
Let's go.
(laid-back music)
(camera shutter clicks)
And you've come along again
All flirty and mean now
And some people never change
But I'll change one day
I'll change, I'll change,
I'll change
(melancholy music)
- [Cindy] Hey.
- Why did you
disappear with him?
- You'd like her.
- who?
- Come on.
- What's not to like?
- I was just like you when I
met her. I wanted to hate her.
She's like...
- [Both] A puppy.
(both laughing)
- She's lost, kind of, right?
- Oh my god, so lost.
She's gonna eat him
for breakfast.
- Mm-hmm.
(Cindy laughing)
There'll never be another you.
- You have Mikey.
- Oh yeah.
(both laughing)
But you'll always be
my first love.
- Was I?
Oh, how to begin
To say goodbye
To you
When I don't say it
(both laughing)
Oh, how to begin
To say goodbye
To you
- There you are.
- Hey.
- Do you think that we could
go home, like, tonight?
- Kimmy?
- Don't call me Kimmy.
- Look, uh, I know things
have been tough, all right?
And it's been hard, but I
appreciate you.
And look, I made a
promise to my friends
that we'd stay
through the weekend.
Um, I wanna keep that promise.
But as soon as we're done
here, we can go back to LA.
We never have to come back.
Never have to see them again.
- Fine.
- Come here.
Look at this.
This open field,
just you and me.
You don't see this very often.
- Hmm-mm.
- You know, I was thinking,
when we get back, we make
things official.
- Daniel King.
- Kimberly, you just
make me happy,
and you make me a better man.
I love you.
Hold up.
I think
that Kimberly King has a
nice ring to it.
(Kimberly laughs)
Don't you?
(ominous droning music)
(ominous droning
music continues)
(pills rattling)
(water running)
(ominous droning
music continues)
- [Jenna] I got you something.
- [Daniel] Oh yeah?
Oh, nice.
This is beautiful.
- [Jenna] Yeah, I saw it,
and I was like,
"Ooh, he'd like that."
- Oh, my beautiful rock.
It'll remind me of you.
I like that. My beautiful rock.
- [Jenna] Mm-hmm. I
am your rock.
(dog barking)
(dog barking)
(people panting)
(panting continues)
- I love you.
(lips smacking)
(upbeat music)
- Mm.
Come on. I need my
dance partner.
- No, no, no.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- No, sir.
- Come on.
You remember this.
First time we met.
Hey, what about these?
What's that one you
were showing me?
Oh yeah, I don't
know if I can...
- Oh my god!
- I'm like...
- Come on!
- But you know you like it.
(Kimberly laughing)
It's still sick.
- Are you okay?
- Daniel, can I talk to you
in the bedroom for a minute?
- Go.
- Just one more dance.
- No, you need to go
talk to her.
Come, I'm serious. Come.
(upbeat music continues)
(door opens)
- Hey.
- How much do I owe you?
- Nothing.
- How much do I owe you?
- [Daniel] Not a dime. Nothing.
- Daniel.
- Are you okay?
- How much do I owe you?
How much do I owe you?
- You're shy 50,000, all right?
- Wow.
(Jenna sighs)
Did you mean what you said?
- I don't follow.
- Last night.
- I'm...
I'm a real asshole, all right?
And I try to be good,
but sometimes...
- You said that if I slept with
you, my debt would be paid.
- I did, I know, but I thought
about it after our kiss.
And look, I'm a real fuck-up,
You know it.
And Cindy, she,
she knew it.
But why don't we just try to
keep this clean, all right,
until Mikey gets to
working again,
and you guys can pay me back.
- What?
- I forgot he didn't know.
- Know what?
- Just ignore me.
- What are you talking about?
- Mikey lost his job
a while back.
Now, wait, can you wait to
have your blowout, okay,
until after I'm gone, please?
- How long?
- How long what?
- How long has he been
without a job?
- I don't know. Like three
or four months.
(laid-back music)
Lo-fi drumbeats slowing
down my heartbeat
My brain's in pieces
all over the floor
Waltzing with anxiety
Paranoia party
Let's share our troubles,
softie sophomores
And this couch smells of
loving and dying and Bud Light
Oh, and this house
Feels like endless
sadness and good times
Everyone knows the dance
I never learned how to stand
- Fuck!
Stripped me of my spine
- [Tara] I've never felt this
way about someone before,
and I don't think he has either.
- [Cindy] Not all guys.
Not Mikey.
- [Daniel] Mikey lost
his job a while back.
- [Mikey] She
overdosed last night.
Waltzing with anxiety
Paranoia party
Let's share our troubles,
softie sophomores
And this couch smells of
loving and dying and Bud Light
Oh, and this house
feels like endless
sadness and good times
My mind's going 50,
my body's gone heavy
(Jenna sobbing)
Breath knocked out of me
Just keep on dancing
before I can see
I don't know anyone
at this party
Will you just ease my pain
- Fuck
Fuck you!
(Jenna screaming)
Will you just ease my pain
Will you just call me insane
(Jenna sobbing)
Pouring my wine
down the drain
- (screams) Fuck!
Promise that I'm okay
And will you just
ease my pain
Will you just call me insane
Pouring my wine
down the drain
Promise that I'm okay
Will you just ease my pain
Will you erase my brain
My body's all decayed
Swallowing yesterday
This couch smells of
loving and dying and
Bud Light
- These are the last
moments of their lives,
and not one of them looks
like they feared it.
- Did you?
- [Cindy] No pain.
No regrets.
(ominous music)
(ladder scraping)
(ominous music continues)
(ominous music continues)
(tools rattling)
(ominous music continues)
(ladder scraping)
(ominous music continues)
- [Mikey] Hey, babe.
- Hi.
- [Mikey] What was all
that commotion?
- I was fixing the damn alarm.
- Did it go off again?
- No. Just saw the ladder and
I thought I'll do it myself.
(ominous music)
- [Mikey] And this?
- Don't be silly.
It got all done up. I'm ready.
- Cute.
- Who wants margaritas?
- Now you're speaking
my language.
- All right. There's my girl.
(ominous music)
- Hmm. You look good, baby.
- Thank you.
All right. Who's turn is it?
- I think it's you. I
think it's you.
- It's me? All right,
here we go.
- Don't break the circle.
- [Mikey] I'm not
breaking the damn circle.
- I'm just reminding you.
- You say it every time.
Fours for the whores. (chuckles)
- Yeah!
- Drink!
- [Mikey] Yeah, drink.
Whores drink.
- [Jenna] Okay, cheers. Tara,
drink twice.
- I'm- I'm a little bit
of a whore, so.
(everyone laughing)
- T, what was that other
stuff that you brought?
(Tara laughs)
- [Mikey] Hello!
- [Everyone] Thumb master,
thumb master.
Thumb, thumb master.
- Ah, you were last for
sure. Yes, you were.
You don't want to, but
just drink it. Good job!
- [Tara] I did it, I did it,
I did it!
- [Mikey] Good job, girl.
- I know.
- You know what?
- I know what we should do.
- [Mikey] What?
- Let's do the DMthat you brought.
- I think that would be
really good for all of us.
I hate this damn game.
(Jenna laughing)
- Yes, let's do it.
- You don't drink.
- I'm not gonna say no.
- Wait, are we really
gonna do this?
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh shit.
- Okay.
- The night just took a turn.
- You guys, I'm so excited.
- Oh my god.
- Mm-hmm.
- Everybody take one.
Let's go to the moon.
- [Mikey] Oh boy. Okay.
- Cheers.
- [Mikey] See you on
the other side.
- [Tara] Cheers.
(ominous music)
- Oh.
- What if this is all there is?
- [Mikey] Is it kicking in yet?
How do we know when
it's working?
- Oh, you'll know.
Let's go out to the living
room, though. Stretch out.
- All right.
- I love that idea, J.
- Thanks.
Thank you.
- I wanna see the fire.
- Okay.
- All right, let's go.
- You first.
- Let's do it.
- I love you, sis.
- Okay.
- [Daniel] Let's do it.
(pensive rock music)
(ominous music)
(mysterious music)
(mysterious music continues)
- Tara.
Look at you.
My goodness. You're beautiful.
Join me.
- Mom?
Mom, I got lost. (sobs)
- I know.
- Mom, I didn't mean to.
- I know.
(sobs) Mom, I am so
glad you're here.
- I'm here for you, baby.
(thunder rumbles)
(pensive rock music continues)
- How long has it been going on?
- Since we lost the last one.
- Do you love her?
- I love them both.
- Fuck, Mikey.
This is gonna kill Jenna.
- She died when you died.
You know that.
I mean, what the fuck, Cindy?
(Cindy clapping)
(pensive rock music continues)
- You hated him so much
that you became him.
- Fuck you.
(ominous music)
(fire crackling)
(mysterious music)
(water splashing)
(pensive rock music)
- Babe, can you hand
me the soap?
(pensive rock music continues)
- I know what you're gonna say.
- What?
- That I'd be in a
horrible fire.
(pensive rock music continues)
Why- why- why didn't you
just tell her?
I could've redeemed myself.
(pensive rock music continues)
(pensive rock music continues)
(pensive rock music continues)
- Kimmy?
- Jack!
(Kimberly laughing)
- [Judy] Hi, Jenna.
- Oh, hi, Judy.
- How are you?
- I'm good. How are you.
- Jenna, the truck's running.
- I know, I know. Mikey
likes to get the engine warm.
He is gonna go and get
us some donuts.
- I love donuts.
But isn't this your
exercise time?
- Why, yes, it is, almost.
But it's time for you to get
going, and for me to go inside.
How about that?
- Lemme walk you up here.
Too far in to really get
how you've been feeling
Are you too far into it,
How you been dealing
I'm told I should
just go with the flow
But all I've ever known
is how to be alone
I try to get by on my own
All I know is I'm as
low as I go
And I'm used to it
- [Jenna] And then some
people come into your life
and remind you
that you'll be okay.
Are you afraid you're gonna
Come to one day from it
Be laying awake
Just wondering how it
got this way
Are you
Too far in to really get
How you've been feeling
'Cause I'm too far into you,
I'm too far in
(doorbell rings)
(birds twittering)
- Um, yeah, no.
I just showed up to one of my
appointments off of Timber,
and it looks like a bunch of
bodies in the living room.
They look like
they've thrown up.
No. I mean, there are
cars in the driveway.
(siren wailing)
(siren continues wailing)
(laid-back music)
I fell in love at the
sight of you
I was taken, so overcome
- [Paramedic] Hey. We
got one live over here.
I gave you all
I got lost in you
Didn't see till it
all came undone
Well, here we are at end
of all things
I guess I learned to late
That love can't be
The only reason to stay
I thought each step
that we took was
To the beat of our
unified hearts
I didn't see you were
stepping on me
While still in the
warmth of your arms
(dog panting)
(engine rumbling)
(birds twittering)
(laid-back music)
Well, here we are at
the end of all things
I guess I learned too late
That love can't be
The only reason to stay
I loved you, my darling
You know that it's true
I loved you till you beat
my heart black and blue
But I just can't stand
to be treated that way
No, love can't be
The only reason to stay
Well, here we are at
the end of all things
I guess I learned too late
That love can't be
The only reason to stay
(no audio)
(dog panting)
(no audio)