Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) Movie Script

See the people
walking down the street
Fall in line just watching
all their feet
They don't know
where they want to go
They're walking in time
They got the beat
They got the beat, yeah
They got the beat
All the kids
just getting out of school
They can't wait to hang out
and be cool
Hang around
till quarter after 1 2:00
That's when they fall in line
They got the beat
They got the beat
Kids got the beat, yeah
Kids got the beat
Go-go music
really makes us dance
Doing the Pony
puts us in a trance
Do the Watusi
just give us a chance
That's when we fall in line
'Cause we got the beat
We got the beat
We got the beat, yeah
We got it
We got the beat
Everybody, get on your feet
We got the beat
We know you can dance
to the beat
We got the beat
Jump back, get down
'Round and 'round and 'round
We got the beat
Linda, there's
that guy from
the stereo store.
Don't you think
he looks like
Richard Gere?
See his cute
little butt?
You guys, let's talk
about that fox
that just walked in.
BOTH: We already were.
I'm gonna go
over there and
change the shakers.
Cool out.
That's Stacy's
He's too old.
She's not even
in high school yet.
Smoking's upstairs
to your left.
Smoking's upstairs.
Rat, is Dolly Parton
giving you a percentage
of the profit?
What can I
do for you,
You the guy
with the Van Halen
I could be.
How much for
something in the
first 10 rows?
$20 apiece.
Those tickets
were only $12.50.
So don't buy them.
All the other scalpers
are sold out.
Did you call me
a scalper?
Listen, gentlemen,
I perform a service here,
and the service costs money.
Do you want the tickets
or don't you?
we'll take them.
All right.
What'd I say, $25?
BOTH: $20!
All right.
Thank you.
Just made $16, Rats.
What's the matter?
You look depressed.
I hate working the theater.
All the action's on the
other side of the mall.
How's it going?
You want to
take his table?
Go for it. He's cute.
Just take his order,
look him in the eye.
If he says anything
remotely funny,
laugh like you never heard
anything so funny.
And smile.
Go for it.
So, you working hard
or hardly working?
You look like
you could still be
in high school.
I know.
Everybody says that.
How old are you?
How old are you?
Twenty six.
Do you think we could
still be friends?
So what can I get you?
How about
a meatball sandwich,
a medium Coke,
and your phone number?
Get out of here,
DAVE: How you doing, Brad?
Daddy's home, boys.
I shall serve no fries
before their time.
This one's
on you, dude.
Who's got the
beaucoup dolares today?
Uno dinero.
What have you got,
Mr. Buck Man?
I got a cigarette.
I got uno "nickelette."
Hey! You guys had shirts on
when you came in here.
Something happened
to them, man.
Come on, Spicoli,
just put the shirts back on.
You see
that sign?
"No shirts. No shoes.
No dice."
Learn it. Know it.
Live it.
He's the full hot orator.
STACY: Linda,
did I show you this?
He gave me his card.
"Ron Johnson,
Audio Consultant."
Maybe we should
get a frame for this
and put it up on the wall.
Come on, Linda.
You're the one
who told me
I was gonna
get a boyfriend
at the mall.
Do you think
he'll call
this week?
Why don't you
call him?
I can't.
Yes, you can.
Guys love
that sort of thing.
Stacy, what are you
waiting for?
You're 1 5 years old.
I did it when I was 1 3.
It's no huge thing.
It's just sex.
He was hot,
wasn't he?
If I didn't have
a fianc in Chicago,
I'd go for it.
Hey, how you doing?
Welcome to Ridgemont.
Will it look okay?
Well, she was an American girl
Raised on promises
Do you know where
U.S. history is?
Down the hall
and turn left.
She was an American girl
Hi, Bradley.
Grown up. Looking good.
BRAD: Another year
joined at the lips.
Hi, Brad!
Denise. I'd make you see God.
Big Cruising Vessel!
Thank you.
Six more payments,
and this beautiful
blue, four-door,
luxury sedan
is all mine!
DAMONE: I'll give you
four tickets in the fifth row
for the low price of $1 40.
See that car?
Some alumni gave
Jefferson that car
for playing football
when he was a sophomore.
Helped him pick it out.
Slick car.
We go way back,
you know.
Hey, Charles,
how you doing, buddy?
Car looks great.
I mean really terrific.
You're really
keeping it up wonderfully.
Don't fuck with it.
That's my man.
What's happening?
Can I talk to you
a minute?
Sure, man.
I really hate
Bronco Burger.
Ever since they started
with the chicken nuggets,
everything went
You have to fry
all their greasy food,
and you have
to polish things.
And the manager's
an asshole.
I was just wondering...
Arnold, do you
want to work at
All American Burger?
Yeah, well...
I can probably get you in.
Just let me talk
to Dennis Taylor.
All right.
STUDENT 1: Wait. Did you hear
the bell ring?
STUDENT 2: What bell?
STUDENT 1: We're here.
My name is Mr. Hand.
I have but one question
for you.
Can you attend my class?
It is for your own good.
And if you can't make it,
I can make you.
MR. HAND: We have
a 20 question quiz
every Friday.
Your grade is the average
of all your quizzes,
plus the midterm and final
which counts for one-third.
Got it?
There will be no eating.
No eating in this class.
You get used to
doing your own business
on your own time.
That's one demand I make.
Just like you wouldn't
want me to come
to your house some evening
and discuss U.S. history
on your time, understand?
Yes, sir.
This guy's been stoned
since the third grade.
Yeah, I'm registered
in this class.
What class?
This is U.S. history.
I see the globe
right there.
May I come in?
Oh, please.
I get so lonely
when I hear that third
attendance bell ring
and all my kids
are not here.
Sorry, I'm late.
It's just like this new
schedule's totally confusing.
I know that dude.
Mr. Spicoli.
That's the name
they gave me.
You're ripping my card.
Hey, bud,
what's your problem?
No problem at all.
I think you know
where the front
office is.
You dick!
I have taken the time
to print up a complete
of class quizzes
and the chapters
they cover.
Please pass them
to the desk behind you.
MR. HAND: Back, back, back.
Did you hear
about this surfer guy
who pulled a knife
on Mr. Hand
this morning?
Oh, no!
He just called him a dick.
A dick?
Oh, God.
People exaggerate
so much here.
Linda, that girl looks
just like Pat Benatar.
I know. Wait.
There are three girls
at Ridgemont
who have cultivated
the Pat Benatar look.
Chanel Semlar,
Mary Ann Zlotnick
in the red tights.
Do you think guys
find that more attractive?
Stacy, please,
give me a break!
You are so much prettier!
Yeah, I know,
but do you think
they'd be better in bed?
What do you mean?
You either do it
or you don't.
No. There are like
variables that I might
not be good at.
Like what variables?
Like, you know,
giving blow jobs.
What's the big deal?
I never did it.
You've never
given a blow job?
Never? Stace,
there's nothing to it.
It's so easy.
Check it out.
Relax your
throat muscles.
Don't bite.
And slide it in.
LINDA: Try it again.
Good. Push it slowly
in and out.
You got it.
Can I ask you something
and you promise
not to laugh?
When a guy has an orgasm,
how much comes out?
A quart or so.
No, I'm just kidding.
Just practice.
I'm not going to a morgue.
I'll get my mom
to write a note.
Nobody's getting me
into a room with
a bunch of dead guys.
You have to go.
It's part of the final.
I hear it's really disgusting.
Do you know
what they do?
Have you heard?
The bodies
are dissected
and Mr. Vargas pulls out
parts of the dead body
and holds them up.
You mean,
he reaches in and
pulls this stuff out?
Like stomach
and tumors
or something?
Yeah, stomach,
tumors, entrails.
Good day, everyone.
My name is Mr. Vargas.
Look. I'm a little slow today.
I just switched to Sanka,
so have a heart.
MR. VARGAS: All right, now.
The World of Life.
That is the name
of the textbook
we will be using.
I'm in love.
See the mustache
coming in, Rat?
You can almost
cross it out.
I'm in love.
You are
a wuss.
Part wimp
and part pussy.
What do you mean wuss?
This girl is my exact type.
All right.
Where'd you
see her?
In my biology class.
Did you get
her number?
Did you get
her name?
No! No! It's too soon.
It's never too soon, Rat.
A girl decides how far
she's gonna let you go
in the first five minutes.
What am I supposed to do?
Go up to this strange girl
in my biology class
and say, "Hello. I'd like you
to take your clothes off
and jump on me?"
I would.
I can see it all now.
This is gonna be
just like the last summer.
You fell in love
with that girl
at the Fotomat.
You bought $40 worth
of fucking film,
and you never even
talked to her.
You don't even
own a camera.
You tell me, Mike.
What should I do?
This is what
you do.
Start from the minute
you walk into biology class.
I mean,
don't just walk in.
Move across the room.
And you don't
talk to her.
You use your face.
You use your body.
Use everything.
That's what I do.
I mean, I just
send out this vibe
and I have
personally found
that women do respond.
I mean,
something happens.
Naturally something
You put the vibe out
to 30 million chicks,
something is gonna happen.
That's the idea, Rat.
That's the attitude.
The attitude?
The attitude dictates
that you don't care
whether she comes,
stays, lays or prays.
Whatever happens,
your toes are
still tapping.
Now, when you got that,
then you have the attitude.
Good night, Stacy.
Good night, Mom.
Just look at that girl
With lights coming up
in her eyes
She's got to be
somebody's baby
She must be
somebody's baby
You look beautiful.
Thanks. So do you.
Where do you
feel like going?
I don't know.
How about The Point?
All right. The Point it is.
She's got to be
somebody's baby
She's so fine
She's probably
somebody's only light
Gonna shine tonight
She's gonna be
somebody's baby tonight
She's gonna be
somebody's only light
Gonna shine tonight
She's gonna be
somebody's baby tonight
That's a really
nice jacket.
Thanks a lot.
It's warm.
Yeah, it is.
It's really warm.
I wonder how long
it will last.
Am I gonna
get to first base?
Are you really 1 9?
Yeah, yeah I am.
I'm really 1 9.
She's gonna be
somebody's baby tonight
I try to shut my eyes
But I can't get her
out of my sight
I know I'm gonna know it
But I gotta get over my fright
I'm just gonna walk up to her
I'm gonna talk to her tonight
Gonna shine tonight
Make her mine tonight
Gonna shine tonight
Make her mine tonight
So tell me,
do you like Ron?
I like Ron,
but it hurt so bad.
Don't worry.
Keep doing it.
It gets a lot better.
I swear.
It better.
Raised on the radio
Just an all-American boy
I got my favorite toy
l was
Raised on the radio
Yeah, l was raised
on the radio
when times were bad
Love is all we need
And love was all we had
Mom says
to clean the pool.
Why can't you do it?
Your friends use the pool.
Your friends messed it up.
Your friends
use the pool, too.
I take out the garbage.
Brad, have Mom and Dad
seen these?
They're not home yet.
What would you say
if I asked you
to put these in the trunk
of the Cruising Vessel
and get rid of them?
I'd say,
"Who the hell
is Ron Johnson?"
Thank you very much.
Lisa's great.
I don't understand why
you want to break up
with a girl like that.
Me and Lisa have been
going together
for two years.
I love her and all.
I mean,
she's great in bed.
It's just that
I'm a single,
successful guy.
And this is my
last year in school.
This could be
the best year
of my life!
I just feel like
I need my freedom now,
you know?
Okay, here's your
preparation stuff.
You got your sliced tomatoes,
shredded lettuce,
secret sauce.
What's the
secret sauce?
Thousand Island
What's the secret sauce
of Bronco Burger?
and mayonnaise.
LISA: Order for you, Bradley.
Were those flowers
really for me?
Of course.
How much
did they cost?
Don't worry about it.
Want to go
to The Point tonight?
What's there to do
at The Point?
What do you mean?
We've been going out
together for two years.
I don't want to have to
use sex as a tool, Brad.
Tool? Tool for what?
We've been going together
for two years!
I don't want to
talk about it here.
I wanna talk about it!
You gotta flip them
or they'll burn. Great.
F. F.
Three weeks
we've been talking about
the Platt Amendment.
What are you people,
on dope?
A piece of legislation
was introduced into Congress
by Senator John Platt.
It was passed in 1 906.
This amendment
to our Constitution
has a profound impact
upon all of our...
Where is Jeff Spicoli?
I saw him earlier today
near the first floor
Is he still on campus?
Anyone? Yes, Desmond?
I saw him
by the food machines.
How long ago?
Right before class.
Okay. Bring him in.
What is this fascination
with truancy?
What is it that gets
inside your heads?
There are some teachers
in this school
who look the other way
at truants.
It's a little game
that you both play.
They pretend
they don't see you.
You pretend you don't ditch.
Now, who pays
the price later? You!
Wait a minute.
There's no birthday party
for me here!
Hola, Mr. Hand.
What's the reason
for your truancy?
Just couldn't make it on time.
You mean, you couldn't
or you wouldn't?
It was like
a full crowd scene
at the food lines.
Food will be eaten
on your time.
Why are you continuously
late for this class,
Mr. Spicoli?
Why do you shamelessly
waste my time like this?
I don't know.
I like that.
"I don't know."
That's nice!
"Mr. Hand,
will I pass this class?"
"Gee, Mr. Spicoli,
I don't know!"
That's nice.
I really like that.
You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm going to leave
your words on this board
for all my classes to enjoy.
Giving you full credit,
of course, Mr. Spicoli!
All right.
Sleigh bells ring
are you listening
ln the lane
Snow is glistening
Oh, no!
A beautiful sight,
we're happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland
How fucking long
do I have to wait?
Christmas sucks.
I hate it.
You gotta get used
to working holidays.
People are always screaming.
I have to quit this job.
I'm gonna get so fat
no one's gonna
want to take me out.
Ron hasn't called,
Not since November.
What does it matter?
He's a stereo salesman.
What'd you wanna do,
marry him?
Have kids with him?
Have this guy come home
And have that little
Pacific Stereo sign on?
Come on, Stace.
Hey, it's his loss.
Got any
Blue Oyster Cult?
No, I don't have
any Blue Oyster Cult.
I ate 34 pairs last time.
Where were you?
I was that close
to working at 7-1 1,
you know?
Whoa, bud!
All right!
Play me?
You got quarters?
When are those
Earth, Wind and Fire
tickets coming in?
Earth, Wind and Fire?
Geez, I haven't
heard anything.
The minute I do,
I'll let you know.
I'm planning on taking
my little brother over here.
Is that your little brother?
He's a good-looking kid.
Charles Jefferson
for Earth, Wind and Fire
and little brother.
I'll let you know
when they come around,
Wow! Does he really
live here?
I thought he just
flew in for games.
Shit! He knows
where to come when
he wants some tickets.
Go on. Get out of here.
You're messing up
my business.
Come on, Rat.
Let's go get you a woman.
You ready for your
moment of truth?
Damone, I noticed
I was starting to get
a pimple this morning...
Rat, the shyness routine
is really starting
to aggravate me.
I mean, who is she,
She's a waitress
in a pizza parlor.
Look at her.
Look at you.
A member
of the honor roll.
Assistant to the
assistant manager
of the movie theater.
Rat, if this girl
can't smell
your qualifications,
then who needs her,
All right.
How do you feel?
I feel good.
Do you? All right.
Now stop fucking around
and go get her.
Hey, Rat, you gotta
ace that jacket.
Yeah. All right,
that's cool.
You look good.
All right? Go get her.
$1 . 1 0, and you get
five cents back.
Hi. Don't I know you
from biology class?
What can I do for you?
I had a couple
of questions.
I was curious.
What do you do
with the jackets
people leave here?
We keep them.
You keep them?
In case they come back.
You can look through it
if you want.
No, that's cool.
It would take too long
to look through all that.
I'll pick up
a new one.
What was your
other question?
Oh, my other question is
can I have your phone number
so I can ask you out sometime?
Do you have a pen?
This one's out of ink.
Nice to meet you, Stacy.
My name is Mark Ratner.
I've gotta go.
Lisa, I have something
to tell you.
I'm a senior now.
I'm a single,
successful guy.
And I've got to
be fair to myself.
I think
I need my freedom.
Oh, don't do that.
please don't do that.
Can you cover me
on register two?
May I help you?
This is not
the best breakfast
I ever ate and...
I'd like my money back.
I believe you have to
fill out a form.
No. I'd like my money
back now.
I'm sorry.
It doesn't work that way.
I have to fill out a form.
Well, you ate
most of it already so...
See that sign?
It says "1 00% guaranteed."
You know what
the meaning
of guarantee is?
Did they
teach you that here?
Sir, if you'd just
wait a minute.
Just put your little hand
in the cash register
and give me my $2.75 back,
please, Brad.
Sir, if you'd just
give me a minute.
I'll find the forms.
I'll take care of everything.
MAN: I don't have a minute.
You've made me late enough.
I am so tired of dealing
with incompetence.
It says 1 00% guaranteed,
you moron!
Mister, if you don't shut up,
I'm gonna kick 1 00%
of your ass.
Is there a problem here?
Can I help you, sir?
You bet
you have a problem.
Your employee
used profanity and
threatened me with violence.
I'm surprised.
I eat here
all the time
and usually have
good service.
All I wanted
was my money back
on this breakfast.
It was a little
And he threatens me
with violence.
I'm gonna call your...
I can take care of it.
Mr. Hamilton, did you
threaten this customer
or use profanity in any way?
He insulted me first.
He called me a moron,
Answer me! Did you
threaten this customer
or use profanity?
You're fired.
DENNIS: I'm very sorry, sir.
I'll refund your money
right now.
I hope you won't
hold this against us.
You know how
these young kids
are these days.
DENNIS: Here we are.
Perhaps another breakfast?
I hope you had
a hell of a piss, Arnold!
NAHAN: The world's
finest surfers showed up today
to do battle with
what's turned out to be
the biggest waves
to hit this coast since 1 946.
Hello. I'm Stu Nahan,
and I'd like you
to meet this young man.
His name, Jeff Spicoli.
Jeff, congratulations.
Things looked rough
out there today.
I'll tell you, Stu,
I did battle with some
humongous waves.
Just like I told
the guy on ABC,
"Danger is my business."
A lot of people expected
Mark "Cutback" Davis,
or Bob "Jungle Vet" Gerard
would take the honors
this year.
Those guys are fags!
That's fantastic.
Let me ask you.
When you get out there,
do you ever fear
for your life?
Stu, surfing's not a sport.
It's a way of life.
It's no hobby.
It's a way of looking
at that wave and saying,
"Hey, bud, let's party!"
Where'd you get
this jacket?
From the network.
Let me ask you, what's
next for Jeff Spicoli?
Headed over to the Australian
and then the Hawaiian
Then me and Mick are gonna
wing on over to London
and jam with the Stones.
You guys
are invited, too.
CURTIS: Jeff! Jeff!
Jeff, Dad says
you have to get up.
Leave me alone.
Dad says you're gonna
be late again,
you butthole!
Leave me alone!
Dad says you're
gonna be late again,
you booger!
Dad, Jeff threw
his snorkel at me!
We just want to say that
we're not Spirit Bunnies
We always hated that name.
It bugged the heck
out of Dina and me.
It's just
such a put-down!
We know you've got
a lot of spirit,
everybody, right?
And we're gonna destroy
Lincoln next week! All right!
You know,
it takes a lot of courage
to get up here
and do something
that you know
people will make fun of.
GIRL: Yeah.
I'm never gonna talk
to those guys again.
I'm the one who
got Arnold and Dave
their jobs there
in the first place.
If you'd apologize to Dennis,
I'm sure he'd take you back.
Fuck Dennis Taylor!
I'm not gonna apologize
to that wimp.
I'm just glad
we're still together
because a lot's happened,
and I really need you
this year.
Look, Brad, I've been
trying to think of
a way to tell you this.
We're almost out of school.
It's our last year.
And I think we owe it
to ourselves to be free.
To go out
with other people.
I still want
to be friends.
What do I say to her
once we get in the car?
No problem, Rat.
What you need is
my special five-point plan.
Come on, Damone,
I need real help.
What do you mean?
Men have died
trying to obtain
this valuable information.
But I'll give it to you
for free.
What's your
five-point plan?
All right.
Now, pay attention.
First of all,
you never let on
how much you like a girl.
Oh, Debbie. Hi.
Two. You always
call the shots.
Kiss me,
you won't regret it.
Three. Act like
wherever you are,
that's the place to be.
Isn't this great?
When ordering food,
you find out
what she wants
then order
for the both of you.
It's a classy move.
The lady
will have the linguine
in a white clam sauce,
and a Coke with no ice.
And five.
Now, this is
most important, Rat.
When it comes down
to making out,
whenever possible,
put on side one
of Led Zeppelin IV.
This is a nice car.
Yeah. It's my sister's.
Do you have
Mrs. George for English?
She's pretty good.
Yeah, she is pretty good.
Have you decided?
Um, yeah.
I'll have
the knockwurst.
You work at
Cinema Four, right?
That must be great.
You get to see
all those free movies.
You get free popcorn.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Would you mind
if I excuse myself
for a moment?
Oh, no, go ahead.
Are you ready
to order here?
She will have
the knockwurst.
And you?
I'll have the same.
Anything to drink?
Two Cokes.
Okay. Thank you.
I'll be right back.
Mike, it's Mark.
What happened to your date?
It's happening right now.
Everything's fine except
I left my wallet at home.
Why don't you
go home and get it?
No, I can't! I'm here.
The food's coming
and everything.
Look, would you do me a favor?
Just borrow your mom's car.
Drive to my house,
get my wallet
and bring it here.
Hello? Mike?
Geez, I'm really
kind of busy, Rat.
Just do me this one favor.
I swear I won't ask you
for anything again
in this lifetime or any other.
But just please
do this for me.
You owe me for this one.
Okay, thanks.
Thanks a lot. Thanks.
are you all right?
What happened?
Are you sure
there's nothing else
I can bring you?
Do you want
another Coke?
Um, okay.
Two more Cokes.
Hey, Mark,
is that you?
Yeah, hi.
You come here?
Yeah. I come
for the strudel.
It's great.
Hey, listen,
I found your wallet
the other day.
You want it back?
Oh, wow! Yeah.
I was looking for this.
Oh, Mike,
you don't know
Stacy Hamilton.
this is Mike Damone.
Nice to meet you.
See you later.
Right. Gotta be going.
See you later.
You wanna go?
I had a really
nice time tonight.
Me, too.
I'm real sorry
someone broke in
and stole your tape deck.
I never thought
it would've happened
at such a fancy place.
I know. You want to
come in for a sec?
Okay, sure.
Where's your brother?
He's out tonight
with some friends.
Can I get you
something to drink?
No, that's okay.
Oh. Well, would you mind
if I change?
Okay. Could you
get this for me?
It always sticks.
Where are your parents?
My parents
are out of town
for the weekend.
Brad and I are
watching the house.
RATNER: This is a really
nice picture of you.
STACY: Thanks.
You can come in my room
if you want.
So, what do you
want to do?
I don't know.
You want to look
at a photo album?
I keep a lot of pictures
from when I grew up
and stuff.
It's kind of
stupid, huh?
Sure. Yeah.
Yeah? Great.
This is the one
that Brad took.
It's like double-image
type thing, you know.
It's like a mirror.
This is me being stupid.
And this is my dog Gypsy,
and my cat Tullio.
They're dead now.
Remember him?
Mr. Degan?
You had Degan?
He always wore
the same suit!
The same suit!
He must've had
He was terrible!
No, I think it was one.
So you go out there
and you get one, too
Love rules
Yeah, love rules
You know, I just
thought of something.
My sister is crazy
when it comes to her car.
It's gotta be back
by 1 1:00.
Want to call her?
No. Look, I...
She gets crazy.
Her car is her baby.
I better be going.
I'll call you.
Well, I'll see you
in class. Okay?
Love rules
Mark Ratner
doesn't like me.
Mark Ratner
doesn't like you?
You're crazy!
No, he shows absolutely
no interest in me.
Mark Ratner is definitely
somebody you'd have to
make the first move with.
Linda, I did.
I made the first move,
I made the second move.
I made a complete jerk
out of myself,
is what I did.
What do you care
about Mark Ratner for?
He's a 1 6-year-old usher
in the movie theater.
You have dated older guys.
You work at the best
food stand in the mall.
And you are a close
personal friend of mine.
Yeah. But I was really
beginning to like him.
Yeah? If that's true,
you better find
somebody else fast.
Seen the new Playboy?
Bo Derek's tits.
All right.
I like sex.
People on ludes
should not drive.
Hey, this is
my brother's car.
You said
he was out of town.
And he is.
All right.
Then don't hassle it.
You're crazy, Spicoli!
That light was red!
It was yellow
a minute ago.
I'm sure.
Hey, you're gonna
scratch my brother's car.
No, I'm not.
Look, I'm driving.
You navigate.
Where is this party?
Make a right, right here.
Here! Here! Here!
My brother's gonna kill us!
He's gonna kill us!
He's gonna kill you.
He's gonna kill me.
He's gonna kill us!
Hey, man, just be glad
I had fast reflexes.
My brother's gonna shit!
Make up your mind, dude.
Is he gonna shit
or is he gonna kill us?
First he's gonna shit,
then he's gonna kill us!
Relax, all right?
My old man is a
television repairman.
He's got this
ultimate set of tools.
I can fix it!
You can't fix
this car, Spicoli!
I can fix it.
I'm giving you $50.
No, no, no!
That means if you win,
I give you $25.
If I win,
you give me $5.
You can't lose.
All right.
I'll put you down
for $5.
Now, don't forget about
the 1 4-point spread.
BOY 1: I don't believe
those guys at Lincoln
did this to Jefferson's car!
BOY 2: They totaled it.
I can't believe it.
Jefferson's gonna
really make Lincoln
pay for this.
That guy's gonna
totally destroy them.
You know what I mean?
Shit, he is pissed off.
They may well mean
what they say about you
You might wander back
to future friends
You may want someone
just to talk to
Come too close
and take you by the hand
'Cause now you see
there's more to life
than what we lovers do
Oh, shit!
Hut. Hut.
MAN: Brought down again by 33,
Charles Jefferson.
Hit by Jefferson.
Crunched by Jefferson.
Man! Jefferson. Jefferson.
Jefferson. Jefferson.
Again by Jefferson.
CROWD: Five, four,
three, two, one!
There's nothing
to eat here.
What do you mean?
Take a look.
There's nothing
I can eat.
Get a trout dog.
Forget it. Do you
have any fish here
that isn't breaded?
It's all prepared
the same way.
Get a whaler.
Or a clamwich.
Ever hear the word blemish?
Want me to eat
something deep fried?
Let's get out of here.
Let's go.
Thank you. Come again,
and have a nice day.
I sent a letter
to Doug today.
Can't wait until
he gets out here.
What's Doug doing
in Chicago?
He works for the airline.
You'll meet him.
Oh, Linda,
you have to do this.
"Rate Your Mate."
Oh, yeah?
Let me test Doug.
"Most satisfactory
love making occurs,
"A, when your mate
climaxes first.
"B, when you climax first.
C, you and your mate
climax together?"
Climax together.
This is gonna
be great, Rat.
It's like the highlight
of their day.
Maybe we ought
to call first.
I don't know about
dropping in like this.
Are you kidding?
We're gonna
surprise them.
Just fix your collar,
all right?
Relax. Just be cool.
Attitude, remember?
Where'd you get that,
out of the hamper?
this is clean.
Look, friend,
it's like riding a bike.
You fall off,
you get right back on.
You mess up a date,
do it again!
Do you always
climax with Doug?
I think so.
He's no high school boy.
Came over to help you
with your math homework.
You could use it
on such a hot day.
Don't worry.
They're gonna let us in.
Promise you're going
to leave as soon as
my mother gets home.
Linda, this is
Mike and Mark.
Hi, how you doing?
The water looks great.
Check it out.
Looks fine. Wait.
Very funny! Very funny!
STACY: Lin, come in!
DAMONE: I'll judge your dive.
I used to be
a champion, you know.
Does Mom know
you have company?
It's just Mark and Mike
from school.
DAMONE: How you doing?
Hi, Linda.
Hi, Brad.
Could you keep it down?
I have work to do inside.
STACY: Okay.
DAMONE: Who's his tailor?
God, he hardly talks anymore.
Yeah, I know.
He hates wearing a uniform.
DAMONE: Rat, show them
how you can stand up
DAMONE: Come on.
RATNER: What are you doing?
DAMONE: Watch out, Rat!
Leave me alone!
All right, Damone,
you're gonna get it.
Hi, Brad.
You know how cute
I always thought you were.
Stacy, do you have Q-tips?
I've got water in my ears.
I don't know.
Check in the house.
Wait. Just a minute.
Doesn't anybody
fucking knock anymore?
In 1 898, Spain
owned Cuba outright.
Think about it.
Cuba owned by
a disorganized parliament
Cubans were in a constant...
Cubans were in
a constant state of revolt.
In 1 904,
the United States
decided to throw
a little weight around...
Who is it?
Mr. Pizza Guy.
Mr. Pizza Guy, sir.
Who ordered
the double cheese
and sausage?
Right here, dude.
For you, dude.
Am I hallucinating?
What in the hell do you
think you're doing?
Learning about Cuba
and having some food.
Mr. Spicoli, you're on
dangerous ground.
You're causing
a major disturbance
on my time.
I've been thinking
about this, Mr. Hand.
If I'm here and you're here,
doesn't that make it
"our" time?
There's nothing wrong
with a feast on "our" time.
You're absolutely right,
Mr. Spicoli.
It is our time.
Yours, mine
and everyone else's
in this room.
But it is my class.
Hamilton, Brandt,
Cornfeld, up front!
Mr. Spicoli
has been kind enough
to bring us a snack.
Be my guest.
Help yourselves.
Get a good one.
Mike? Hi.
How you doing?
How are you?
I hate walking.
I have to walk every day.
It's such a drag.
Why don't you
get a ride
with somebody?
Sometimes I ride
with my brother,
but he works mornings.
Then he drives
himself to school.
What a guy.
Listen, Mark Ratner
really likes you.
Do you like him?
Mark is really nice.
But I think I like you.
Well, this is me.
Do you have
any iced tea?
Yeah, sure.
Come on in.
The annuals are
coming out pretty soon.
You gonna get one?
I don't know.
Oh, come on.
Aren't you curious
to see how your
picture turned out?
I know what I look like.
I know.
But it's nice to have pictures
of your friends and stuff.
I don't know. Maybe.
It's no big deal.
I probably will.
Must be nice having a pool.
You want to go swimming?
Yeah, sure.
I'm going to
go change, okay?
Okay, great.
This is great iced tea.
Come on.
Brad keeps his stuff
in the change room.
This is nice.
These'll fit you.
You're really
a good kisser.
So are you.
You want to take off
your clothes, Mike?
You first.
Both of us
at the same time.
She's gonna be
somebody's only light
Gonna shine tonight
She's gonna be
somebody's baby tonight
I try to shut my eyes
but I can't get her
out of my sight
I know I'm gonna know it
but I gotta get over my fright
Wait. I'm just gonna
walk up to her
I'm gonna talk to her tonight
Mike! Mike!
Are you okay?
I think I came.
Didn't you feel it?
Yeah. I guess I did.
I gotta go, Stacy.
I've really gotta go.
See ya.
Linda, how long
does Doug take?
Doug takes
Come on.
He takes
I thought you said
he took 30 to 40
That's right. I'm sorry.
I meant 30 to 40 minutes.
Why? How long
did Damone take?
Damone took
That's not bad
for a high school boy.
Raised on the radio
Yeah, l was raised
on the radio
Just like an all-American boy
Mike! Hi!
God, I haven't
seen you for a while.
Kind of in a hurry.
Got stuff I gotta do.
I'm in a hurry, too.
I just thought
I'd say hi to you.
Hamilton, I'll take over
the fryer for a while.
Those boys at IBM
ordered a stack of those
Catch-of-the-Day boxes.
I told them you would
personally deliver them
within the hour.
Aye, aye, sir.
Hamilton, come over here.
What are you doing?
I'm changing.
You took off your
Captain Hook uniform.
I thought I'd put
my street clothes on
for the drive to IBM.
The uniform's
You're going there
as a representative of
Captain Hook Fish and Chips.
Part of our image,
part of our appeal
is that uniform.
You know that.
You want me to
put the stuff back on?
Yes, I do.
Show a little pride.
Aye, aye, sir.
Talk on the phone
Call up the coast
Call it collect
Dial direct
Reverse the charges
If they accept they're home
Or you can go overseas
Speak Japanese
Buy a new Sony
They make great TVs
Do the Watusi
Watch I Love Lucy, too
But don't let nobody
Tell you that there's
nothing to do
Well, well, well, well
Don't let nobody
Tell you that there's
nothing to do
Dina, can you
honestly tell me
that you forgot?
Forgot the magnetism
of Robin Zander or the
charisma of Rick Nielsen?
That's kid stuff.
Kid stuff?
How about the tunes?
I want you to want me.
The dream police
Your mama's all right
Your daddy's all right
They just seem
a little bit weird
Mike? Mike?
Can I talk to you
for a sec?
Stacy, I'm doing business.
Call me tonight, all right?
No. I've gotta talk
to you now. Okay?
Don't go away.
Look at them.
I hope this is important
because I could be
blowing a big deal.
Mike, I just...
I just want you to know
that I'm pregnant.
How do you know it's mine?
We only did it once.
I haven't been
with anybody else.
I know it's yours.
Jesus! It was your idea.
You wanted to do it.
You wanted it
more than I did!
No. Take that back.
All right. I take it back.
Look, we gotta
do something about it.
I mean...
We gotta get an abortion.
My brother Art
got his girlfriend one once.
It's simple.
It's no big deal.
Yeah. I got that planned.
It's going to cost
$1 50 at the Free Clinic.
Doesn't sound free to me.
I suppose you want me
to pay for it.
Half, okay?
And a ride to the clinic.
$75 and a ride.
Okay. Thanks.
Thank you.
DAMONE: Rick, I need
that $50 you owe me.
RICK: Don't have it.
I know times are tight,
but I really need it.
Don't have it now.
When you needed the tickets,
I got them for you.
So close to stage
you probably scared the band.
l'm not the Bank of America.
I know you're not
the Bank of America,
but I need my $50.
How about Thursday?
Thursday's too late.
I need it tonight.
Can't give you
what l don't have.
Just forget about it.
I'll get it from you
Thursday, okay?
All right. See you.
And the vine
Take me
Sleeping angel
Catch me when you can
Real love affairs
Are heavy spells for a woman
And a man
Is Mike there?
This is Stacy.
WOMAN: Hold on, please.
Stacy, he says he's helping
his father in the garage.
He'll call you later.
Wait a second.
Yeah, this is it.
We're just going bowling.
Thanks a lot.
See you later.
How we doing in here?
Debbie, you ready to leave?
Yes. Thank you.
Stacy, I can't
let you go unless
you have a ride home.
Oh. I told my boyfriend
to meet me downstairs.
Since when do you
go bowling anyway?
Okay, Brad.
Please don't tell
Mom and Dad.
Come on! Who did it?
You're not gonna
tell me, are you?
Okay. It'll just
be your secret.
You all right?
Come on.
You hungry?
I told you to tell Mike
to pay for it.
Why didn't you tell him?
Linda, he didn't show up.
That little prick!
I called his house.
His mother told me
he was in the garage
helping his father.
Mike Damone's
a no-brain little prick,
I'm not gonna let him
get away with this.
please don't do anything.
I don't even
like the guy.
Stacy, he's not a guy.
He's a little prick!
I can't explain the way I feel
Each time
I get behind the wheel
A rush of blood comes
after power surges
And my right foot urge
is about to burst
Hi, Mikey!
Hi, Damone.
Damone, what went on
between you and Stacy?
Let me tell you something.
Sometimes girls go haywire.
It happened a month ago.
I've been trying
to think of a way
to tell you since.
We were out messing around,
and something happened.
It's over.
It's no big deal.
I never even
called her again.
If you ask me, she's
a very aggressive girl.
Do you understand?
No, I don't understand.
She never really
was your girlfriend,
Fuck you, Damone!
There are a lot
of girls out there,
and you have to mess around
with Stacy?
What do you
gotta prove, anyway?
I'm sorry.
I always stick up
for you.
Whenever people say,
"That Damone,
he's a loudmouth,"
and they say that a lot,
I always say,
"Hey, you just
don't know Damone."
When they call you
an idiot,
I say, "Damone's not an idiot.
You just don't know him."
You know, maybe they do
know you pretty good.
Maybe I'm just
finding out now.
Get lost.
You want to do something
about it, Rat?
You want to
do something about it?
Come on.
Come on, you wuss!
Okay. Let's go, man.
I'll break your
fucking head off.
Do something, man!
A big talker, man!
Knock this crap off!
Take it somewhere else.
Not in my gym, buddy.
Woke up in a great mood.
I don't know what the hell
Come on. Hurry up.
Hurry up.
Today we're going
to explore how this hospital
preserves human life.
We'll be visiting every floor,
every level where these
fine doctors and nurses
take care of us
in life and in death.
Over 30 children
are delivered here
each day.
WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Kramer
to the nurses' station.
Good morning,
this is Dr. Miller.
He'll be joining us
for the last part
of our tour today.
Hi. If you guys
will follow me, please.
I'd like to ask you
one last time.
Conduct yourselves
with the utmost maturity.
You in my class?
I am today.
MR. VARGAS: Yes, Greg?
Who are these guys?
Most of them
are derelicts.
They sold their bodies
to medicine for money.
About $30, I think?
Righteous bucks!
This gentleman
is named Arthur.
MR. VARGAS: Arthur was
good enough to die
last week of heart failure.
We are fortunate
enough today
to view his body
in its pristine state.
Here an incision
has been made.
The ribs have been
sawed off,
allowing us to remove
the breastplate
and really observe
the human organs as they
exist in their natural state.
Here we have
the human lungs.
And here is
the human heart
which, you can see,
is actually located
in the center of your chest.
Oh! Gnarly!
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm fine.
I just made a jerk
out of myself.
No, you didn't.
Can't go back in there.
Sure. We'll wait
until they come out,
and then we'll blend in.
Here they come.
You're so nice.
l don't know
l don't know
which way I should go
l don't know
l don't know, l don't know
if I'm high or I'm low
l don't know
l don't know, l don't know
if I'm high or I'm low
l don't know
You should be coming on
pretty soon, dude.
How much did you smoke?
This'll be a little
demonstration of that.
Listen up.
What was that?
That was my skull.
I'm so wasted!
Oh, man!
What is this stuff?
Doesn't that stuff
cause brain damage?
Only if you take it
every day for a month.
Dude, I'll pick you up
in the van and
go to the dance.
Jeff, you have company.
Get out of here, Curtis.
I don't hear you
unless you knock.
That's better. Entrez.
Mr. Hand!
Well, were you going
somewhere tonight, Jeff?
The graduation dance.
It's the last
school fiesta
of the year.
I'm afraid we've got
some business
to discuss here.
Did I do something
wrong, Mr. Hand?
According to my
calculations, Mr. Spicoli,
you wasted a total of
eight hours of my time
this year.
And rest assured,
that is a kind estimate.
Now I have the unique pleasure
of squaring our account.
Tonight you and I
are going to talk
in great detail
about the Davis Agreement,
all the associated treaties,
and the American Revolution
in particular.
If you can turn
to page 47 of
Land of Truth and Liberty.
Oh, I left that book
in my locker, Mr. Hand.
In that case,
I'm glad I remembered
to bring an extra copy
just for you.
He was a hardheaded man
He was brutally handsome
And she was
terminally pretty
She held him up
and he held her
for ransom
ln the heart
of the cold, cold city
DAMONE: Look, Mark.
I want to apologize
for everything
that's happened.
I'm really sorry.
A guy just doesn't
do that to a buddy.
I understand.
You can't help it.
You're just lewd,
crude and obnoxious.
I can deal with that.
Excuse me.
are we still friends?
All right.
SPICOLI: What Jefferson
was saying was, "Hey!
"We left this England place
'cause it was bogus.
"So if we don't get
some cool rules
ourselves, pronto,
"we'll just be bogus, too."
Very close, Jeff.
I think I've made my point
with you tonight.
Mr. Hand,
do you have a guy like me
in class every year?
You know, a guy who you
make an example of?
You'll find out
next year.
No way!
As soon as
I cruise history,
I'm not coming
near your side
of the building.
Cruise history?
Soon as I pass
your class.
If you pass.
You're gonna flunk me?
Don't worry, Spicoli.
You'll probably squeak by.
Aloha, Mr. Hand.
Aloha, Spicoli.
Honey, these are
my two star students.
Boys, I'd like you
to meet my wife,
Mrs. Vargas.
SPICOLI: Summer! Yeah!
LINDA: I wrote him a letter.
Tell me what you think.
"Dear Doug.
"I received your message
that you weren't coming
to my graduation.
"Doug, this is not
the kind of thing that
occurs between adults.
"Maybe you've found
someone new,
someone more mature.
"But if you ask me, Doug,
you're the one being childish.
"Anyhow, if you think
I'm gonna sit around
and wait for you, forget it.
"Sincerely, Linda."
What do you think?
I have another version
where I call him an asshole.
No, that one's better.
It's more...
I don't have to sink
to his level.
I can go out
with anyone I want,
That's right.
Yeah. Thanks
for cheering me up.
Come on.
Hey, dude!
I know that song.
Hey, I'm not.
I'm not!
Mattie told Hattie
About the things you do
Hey, come on down
from there.
To wooly bully you
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Wooly bully
Wooly bully, wooly bully,
wooly bully
Wooly bully, wooly bully
Wooly bully
STACY: Linda,
I finally figured it out.
I don't want sex.
Anyone can have sex.
What do you want?
I want a relationship.
I want romance.
You want romance?
In Ridgemont? We can't even
get cable TV here,
and you want romance.
Another summer at Perry's.
I can't. I swear.
It's not that bad.
Keep your eyes open.
There's lots of men
around here.
As we strolled by the sea
Under stars
twinkling high above
So in love are we two
No one else but me and you
So in love
Two so in love
So much in love
Two so in love
So in love
Two so in love
Are you and I
Two, you and I
So in love
How you doing?
I'm glad you came over
'cause I have
this picture of me that
I wanted to give to you
so that you'll
remember to call me
over the summer.
I don't know.
I'm going to be traveling
a lot this summer
and I'm not sure...
I'll give you a call
That'd be great.
LINDA: Stacy!
You worked
at All American Burger.
Seven months ago.
I knew it.
Why don't you
get a job, Spicoli?
What for?
You need money.
All I need are
some tasty waves,
cool buzz and I'm fine.
Can I use your bathroom?
Yeah, go ahead.
It's the first door
on the left.
Like up this ramp?
First door on the left.
Money, and I
want it now. Now!
Okay. Okay.
What are you doing?
The safe!
Behind the donuts!
I've been watching this place.
I know what I'm doing.
Open it up. Open it up!
Come on! Come on!
I just started here.
They just taught me
the procedure and I...
Let me figure it out.
Come on, shit head!
Let's go!
Get off my case,
Hey, no towels, man.
I got you,
you son of a bitch.
Oh, motherfucker!
There goes your ride home.
Totally awesome!
All right, Hamilton.
Oh, l know something
About the ways of loving
But I could tell you, baby
That something's wrong
Look to the sky above
and the mud below
Something's driving me crazy
Got to got to get away
Bye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Without a doubt
I'm telling you I'm burned out
My tank is running on empty
For far too long I need fuel
'Cause l'm getting so low
Nothing can you give me
Makes me feel
So bad
Bye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
l need fuel
Not the kind you give me
Makes me feel so bad
Bye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Bye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
l can't believe
l'm still around
Still around
It's getting kind of late
I'm gonna leave
Gonna leave
For a change of scenery
I'm going crazy
Going crazy
lt's not the same
Since you've been around
I'm crazy
So crazy
You treat me
like a dirty clown
You're always
kicking my dog around
I never get nothing
but constant abuse from you
You couldn't care less
what l think
or my point of view
You're always putting
the make on my friends,
giving them eyes
The dirty lies about me
I'm through,
it's the end of the line
Here's a ticket
one way Cincinnati
I'm sending you home
to your ma
And your daddy, so don't try
to call me you'll only be
wasting your time
Oh, l know something
About the ways of loving
And I tell you baby
That something's wrong
Look to the sky above
and the mud below
Something drives me crazy
Got to got to get away
I need you but
Not your time
Look at me
Bye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
goodbye, goodbye goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
SubRip: HighCode