Fateh (2025) Movie Script
I am calling from CBF C Bank
According to your recent Cl B l L score,
up to 1. 5 million
You can't ignore it.
40 men are dead.
That's 50 not 40.
Some bodies will never be found
Shouldn't you have informed the agency before the mission?
Which agency are you talking about, sir?
The one with no name, no address,
no ID code? You mean that agency, sir.
You were pa it of once, Fateh.
As you s id. sir. was
You never did follow my orders.
Raza is waiting with 200 men.
I am sending you their location.
You will need full backup.
Okay, sir.
As you say
I'll prep the bodies
Send back up to clear them out.
[indistinct chatter ]
Tell him th is no place for him here
Hey handsome.
Come sit on my lap.
I'll make place.
They were prepared.
May be I slipped up
Fateh Singh.
Born in Punjab
But I was fighting for my life miles away from home.
This probably was the end of my chapter
The roots of my story began in Moga.
A village where everyone was family.
True name the Almighty.
True nag Cin e Vo od Almighty
" The lvi anty
" Wealth and had is all yours "
" The Alv mighty "
Cine V ood
Service to mankind, worship c ne vhe Divine "e
" No greater dharm va exists than this.
YASH PARIKH "l offer
" The Al miah ty
Cine V ood
NC ZOC ON " Victory hev unto you "
Cine V ood
"ic tory he vnto you "
Cine V ood
" Khalsa and Victa nv belongs to God...
Brother Fateh milk production
Cine V ood
Cine V ood
Medicine Cin e Vo od ourwife
Cine V ood
And make sure the new boys are trai ved properly.
Cine V ood
The teach e ecin eves n't let us in.
Says we can't come inside without Cine voo the fee.
Cine V ood
Your kindness is unmatched. Thank you.
Get his salary slip signed after that. -Okay, sir.
And don't forget. -Okay, sir.
Why haven't.
Why haven't you thrown this out?
I told you to get rid of it.
t throw it away
Happy came asking for a loan in the morning
And Sandhu called twice - -Nimr at.
It's you, bro the
hy didn't you call? I woul dhave come pers or
I've beer ying to reach you to
Why are r ou answering your
I got in touch with the company in Delhi.
They will figure something out by evening.
So you say
But their employees were in my house last nigh
Look. Nimr at I borrowed money for Sat want's treatment.
Look. Nim rat. Satwant's treatment
-Yes-I paid every penny.
But now they're charging me double interest.
Nimr at.. I want to know
should I die alone or take my whole family down with me?
What are you saying. brother?
That's an awful thing to say. Take a seat.
Gill. go get some water. Run. What are you waiting for?
is ten brother
You are a good man.
And nothing bad ever happens to good people.
Remember, Nimr at.
Today it's just me.
Tomorrow the whole village will talk about it.
Brother. Listen to me.
How long will you keep ignoring them?
Jet ha came home yesterday
And was spreading nasty rumours about you
He says
you're scamming people with your loans
Your loan business makes no sense to me
You should shut it down immediately.
I've been t to Delhi thrice in a month
I am trying. Dolly
T wont let anything wrong happen to the villagers.
Why don't you talk to Fateh? 0
What am I going to tell him?
I don't know how far the roots go.
I feel... something bad is going to happen.
Something terrible.
May God bless everyone with strength
I wonder why people keep bothering God all the time?
Sir. Viral Sharma.
The last survivor of Khush i's ethical hacker group.
Last? Weren't there five?
What happened to the other three?
They are at peace now.
Black coffee and chocolate biscuit.
What a peaceful combination.
Tell me something.
In the past three months,
we worked hard to hack the country's classified files.
What do you gain by destroying the hard work of others?
And you guys call yourself ethical hackers.
Are these your ethics?
In life, ere comes a moment
when we must choose
whether to begin a new chapter or close the book
I think it's time to end this chapter.
As. crime continues to surge at an alarming rate
methods of crime are
methods of crime are also evolving. :22
00:00:03 23
The video of online killing has shocked the world.
BREAKING You can see how this person NEWS called Viral is being electrocuted.
This country has-never seen anything so cold-blooded
This country has never seen anything so cold-blooded.
It's a clear warning from cyber criminals
to all their enemies and allies alike.
The authorities are working tirelessly in pursuit of a-lead
I want to know...
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
Same thing as today
The shop needs a new rack...
Stop thinking about your shop all the time.
And pay focus on your studies.
You travel back and forth from Delhi alone.
Makes me worry constantly.
Leave it, mom. What's for dinner?
I made your favourite leafy greens saut ed with cum in.
Here you go.
Leafy greens.
Fateh Singh adores leafy greens.
He'll be thrilled.
I know.
You won't eat a morsel otherwise.
Take some jaggery as well.
already did, mom. Be right back
Brother Fateh.
Mom sent these leafy greens for you.
I am famished today.
No one can make leafy greens like your mom.
It's cooked with cum ins.
And jaggery.
Should I slice the onion for you?
All good?
I wanted to ask you a question.
It's a thought.
Do bad things happen to good people?
Nimr at.
Coming, mother.
I am such a fool
Don't take my question too seriously?
And I'll collect the plates tomorrow, okay.
Finish the whole thing.
Nimr at.
Just for you to know
God never abandons his people in their darkest hours.
He stands beside them as courage.
And if need be, you know whom to count on.
New twist in the fake loan app story.
Cyber mafia morphs family's private photos and makes them viral.
NEWS The entire family is forced to commit suicide to escape humiliation.
The police are investigating these fake loan apps.
The government has urged against taking such drastic measures.
I will take you to the factory i at her
Listen Should I make some tea?
It's okay. I am not in the mooc
Brother, I have a request.
Can I go home early today?
Should I die alone or take my entire family
Khushi madam. Nimr at speaking
I am ready to do what you asked me.
I will go meet Ch had a,
Will you help my villagers?
She has gone to Delhi for some work. but. what's the issue?
She work, but.. what's the issue? has gone to Delhi for some
Sandhu has named her in the suicide note.
Section 306. 420 Extortion, blackmailing
What is the name of that fraud app?
Kish t Pe sir.
Your daughter was running this Kish t Pe agency.
Bring her down to the police station as soon as possible.
What did he say?
Fateh. Do something.
What happened to my Nimr at?
Where is she?
All the problems started when
the Kish t Pe guy showed up.
Nimr at took a loan from the app
NIKI and later became an agent
People followed soon after.
Jeet a. Bansi
All the trouble started after that.
She used say I'll fix everything.
She won't let the villagers be scammed.
Brother Fateh, will you bring Nimr at back?
Your shop will always open.
Sandhu's death was an eye-opener to how dangerous the world of loan apps was.
The cyber mafia gains access to your phone once you download the app.
The loan mafia prey on middle-class families and innocent people.
With a single click, your loan gets approved.
Later they file a fake FIR for missing payments or penalty
There is no escape from this web of deceit.
One thing is clear,
this is a massive conspiracy to scam people under the guise of fake loan apps.
It's was time to leave the village for the sake of the country.
" Walk the path to victory. Fateh.
No one can dare to overstep boundaries you set."
" Every prayer is in com without the mention
ne can take on millions to defend your honour.
" For the country that beats in your chest for every desire of that heart "
" Walk the path to victory, Fateh.
Fateh. any news of Nimr at.
All will be okay. Have a ith
Faith I have, but my courage is crumbling.
Hi. this is Nia from Mega Lottery sir. You've won five lakh Rs --
you want information about Nimr at then come meet me.
I've sent you the coordinates.
Before leaving Punjab,
ou we reone among the last person Nimr at spoke to
I was helnivg Nimrat.
Cine V ood
Fake loan apps like Kish t Pe, human traffi n kind extortion,
Cine V ood
and other illegal businesses are opera tov by Ch had a.
Cine V ood
And the authorities are all hand in in lv ve with him..
Cine V ood
I promised my people that I wil i evo very thing..
No one's telcine v ood to go. back
You can stay here until.
Cine V ood
Learn. thvor apes.
Cine V ood
That's anevte locket.
Cine V ood
Is it nrv nina l?
Please pard gn v instalments.
Cine V ood
I really have no idea about where Chhadanisvkeping Nimrat.
Cine V ood
Sangam v Talkies.
Cine Voo
You still carry a diary in this dav and age
Cine V ood
cine voo hack
Cine V ood
Where are vou going?
Cine V ood
To wat nh va movie.
Cine V ood
Theatre Is Close Cine V ood
Cine V ood
f you dont an seven days,
we will make your pictures
Yes ma'am, our company recently launch ev. annew scheme.
Cine V ood
You have been charged comp
You just received a notice,
Cine V ood
Good mo rving boss.
Make a drink for me.
Cine V ood
Hey... Whv are you?
Cine V ood
-What do you want? -Let me v come.
Let me voom e.
Cine V ood
Nl in vat
Cine V ood
She is from my village
Cine V ood
and has been missing for a couple days.
Does this look like an inquiry counter to you?
She is cute.
Is she your girlfriend?
This guy is asking about her. Has anyone seen her?
She's a bomb, boss. Real bomb.
Should we find her for you?
Go on.
I understand you have dozens of people working for you.
And it's not an easy to remember every face.
But Nimr at worked for you.
I promise
She lk
on't say a word against you.
Many girls work for me
but none of them are of any use to me
Now leave.
Nim rat is the only child
and her mother is desperately waiting for her.
We'll find her if you insist.
But we'll keep her for a few days.
It's only fair.
And send her back safe and sound.
Since you mentioned her mother
Now leave. My head's been pounding all morning.
Don't give me any more headaches. Go
This is for headaches.
Take two pills with water and it will cure your headache
Do you know who you are talking to?
Trying to be funny with me.
Pick it up. Shove it back in and leave.
What are you looking at? Get lost. Throw him out.
Let's go, buddy. Come on.
Come on. Show him out.
Not every six-footer is Bachchan
Her name... is Nimr at.
I gave you a chance.
Your carotid artery is punctured.
The blood circulation to your brain will stop in 20 seconds.
Nimr at will return home to her mother and you....
will be found dead on the floor.
Should have taken the pills.
Jai Hind, sir.
Pragati. The pictures.
Looks like the Bunty Gang's work. sir.
He's getting-way too bold.
Should we take him in?
This is not the job of any gang, Rathi.
It's different.
-CCTV footage? -Missing, sir.
-No fingerprints either I guess? -None.
The post-mortem report will arrive tomorrow by three?
Scan the Cct V footage of all the neighbouring buildings.
Jag tap's on it sir.
Your tablet sir.
-Get me a Limca Yes. sir.
This is nothing like what it looks like.
In the heart of the city
nine people were brutally murdered in a closed down cinema hall
We have been informed that an illegal call centre
was being operated within this cinema hall
What's legal or illegal in a call centre?
Ch had a was a good guy Hard-working.
People in this world don't let you earn an honest buck.
Go see Satya Prakas h and find out who is-behind Chhada's death.
Okay sir
And quit using these chopsticks all the time.
For your own good.
Sir, we have good news.
I spoke to ACP Biswas,
And we'll get the CCTV footage of Sangam Talkies.
The CCTV footage of Sangam Talkies is here, sir.
0226 PM This man. was seated at 20/6/2023 the tea stall for four hours
I's okay Rathi. Maybe he's fond of tea.
Let's go bond over some tea.
Sir. here's a list of BSI bank's account holder
we are currently working on
Hello. Mr. Lee.
Did you e all him?
the food?
Speaking in Chinese ]
The boss is very angry with you.
He's not very happy
You should have dealt with. Ch had a's death more seriously
We want answers.
You have swift fingers.
How long have you been playing this game
You are becoming incompetent with age.
You know who gave you all this.
We did!
[ Speaking in Chinese ]
Must be tough using that for eating.
I tried once. The stick got stuck in my throat.
Is it made of metal?
It's a useful piece of item,
if used properly.
That's putting it to right use
My purpose is much bigger
What were you saying?
How long have you been playing
Since childhood.
Where is the queen?
Let's make a bet.
If you can pocket the queen, you can leave.
But if you don't, then I leave.
All the best.
Come on.
You lose..
The pictures won't look nice from the side angle
eel free to click from the front.
Give it here.
When someone likes to get e licked, then let's take a clear picture.
e's nice.
sed-how we found you.
You must be surprised how we found
n stalled
There are 1846 cameras installed at every square mile in Delhi.
And every person crosses these cameras at least 200 times
Sangam Talkies has 12 cameras on the North and 3 cameras on the South Side.
The footage you have is from Ajay's tea st al
I was there from 12:56 to 846
You found my Aa dhar Card using the face recognition app.
Looked up my number and landed here after flagging it.
Their tea is awesome, sir.
Should try it.
Their tea is nice.
Vhat about the movie?
How did you like the movie at Sangam Talkies
Here is the footage.
A hero shows up,
takes down the villain and his eight men, and walks away
And leaves no evidence behind
Sounds good, sir
A person should know their place before speaking.
I read this somewhere, sir.
Build your stature vast like the sky
because no matter how valuable a land maybe, someone always buys it.
Like a hero?
What do you do?
Everyone wants to know.
There is a girl from my village. Nimr at.
She has gone missing.
I came here looking t or her.
Find her?
You won't.
Delhi is a vast city.
It's nearly impossible to find Someone who's gone missing, right?
They can't be found everyone knows t
Few realize that what they know is far too little
And I trust Delhi Police sr.
With you For you.
You should avoid fried food sir.
Not I good for heart patients.
Do you have steamed mom os?
Mom os.
They have always been a we ess
Sir. Satya Prakash.
I sent Lee to meet you. He has nt returned yet.
Delhi is a big city.
He's probably lost.
But he'll be found
don't car if he does i turn up,
finding Khushi Sharma is critical
She has hacked all the defence secret files that we gathered
We heard that the man she came in contact with
is responsible for Ch had a's death.
Find out who he is and where he's from.
ind out who beis and whe
Fateh Singh. He's from Moga.
A supervisor at a dairy farm.
Lives alone. No family or friends.
Has a solid reputation in his village.
Sir... here's the CCTV footage from the 12 th at Nehru Place.
And here's Sangam Cinema on the 13th
Sir, Pan Card Aa dhar bank account -- we checked everything.
It's all. normal.
His record is too clean.
don't think he has any involvement in Chhada's murder.
This is not the job of. an-ordinary man.
It's some highly skilled professionals.
Send two guys to keep watch.
How the hell did he find out?
You have become famous.
Expect fanboys to follow you.
Thanks for calling on time.
Latte with lots of ice. Regular vanilla.
No added sugar, soy milk, butter with milk.
Try it.
As king about Chhada's,
who is later found dead along with his men.
How are you going to explain it?
Who wants to explain?
Death is inevitable.
It's the law of nature.
What do you do, Fateh?
Everyone wants to know.
FEW YEARS EARILER SAN FRANCISCO orders were given unofficially.-
Agency where of fick a orders were given unofficially.
order e official aln
orders were given unofficially. gency where official
Eliminating entities on foreign soil -- those who worked against the country.
If you are caught, you're disowned.
If you make it back, don't expect a medal.
Silent y recover ng a classified file f our country from America.
le of ou Silent lxr
But the bag I was carrying wasn't going to silent.
They were waiting for me --
and I was prepared for them.
Compressed with the detonation velocity of 24000 FPS.
To put it in simple
300 meters of the area will be flattened under four minutes.
So you guys have only four minutes
CANDY with to hand over the hard drive ou country's secrets.
CANDY rying to scare u
Trying to scare us?
No. Just explaining.
But people take time to understand as their understanding is limite
This guy is bluffing.
We will find out soon.
Weil l etther be above ground. or under it.
You guys remind me of a MOST THERE story about the frog and scorpion.
Once a frog and a scorpion were sitting on-the shore.
The scorpion had to cross the shore.
He said to the tog that I will hop on your r back,
and well cross e river.
He hopped on the frog's back
and they began crossing the river.
When they were middle of the river the scorpion stung the. trog.
They started to
me og asked why die ou-sting
He replied, its nature
Moral of the story,
Like. you guy
Oh. you're here. Thank y
Less than a minute left now.
We heard the story and understood the model behind it.
Now take it and leave
All the best
See, it's fake
See, I told you. It's fake
Oh no!
I thought that was my last miss i or
But maybe was wrong.
Sorry, I... Iknow it's a mess.
But it's safe.
Do you want anything?
-Juice? -No.
-Dates? -No.
-Soft drink-No.
Do you say no to everything?
Who are Raza and Satya Prakash?
Chinese cyber mafia
Fake loan apps like Kish t Pe were introduced by this group.
And they run a network by hiring men like Ch had a.
What do they want from Nimr at?
They want to get to me through Nimr at.
Come let me show you something.
We have a group of cyber victims on the dark net,
who are fighting against the chaos machine.
Once I upload these pictures,
they will find these people through face-recognition software.
= Hey. Prac hi.
This i s Prachi from Assam.
Prac hi exposed the illegal betting apps of the Chaos machine.
By the way, this is Fateh.
Hi, Fateh
I sent you some-pictures. Need information on them.
He's hot.
Shut up.
Is he?
@times group. com
Looks like someone from every family is a victim of cybercrime like Nim rat is.
But not every Nimr at has Fateh who has their back.
Hey. Its pretty late.
Sorry, I know the place is really small, but feel free.
I set out to look for Nimr at,
but realised that the roots of cybercrime ran deep.
When you go after one cyber criminal,
you come in touch with all his contacts
Vishingy comeistouh wtauds his contacts
you come in touch with all his contacts.
And all the numbers which the doctor is in contact with,
having no connection with the world of cybercrime?
The doctor's driver and-his contact list
where a friend of his is a farmer or an ordinary man
Or a girl who runs a mobile shop in the village,
and the entire village who are on her contact list
You are connected to each one.
If you follow the contact list of 40 people
and every contact list has 50 people.
Regardless of who you are.
Intelligence agencies and-people like Satya Prakash
ALEN CIA GA follow you from any part of the world.
o ay your electricity Shop at
When order food, shop at a mall, pay your electricity bill
or talk to someone they are tracking you
You feature on their data every day,
You fea om dv every day.
Downloaded From Cine V ood
It's not just terrorists, criminals and ae non at n. vompanies,
Downloaded From Cine V ood
but each and every person sedimctnavked.
Downloaded From Cine V ood
Fake loan apps boarding passes,
each person is connected
I had to return to a lke d ayfrom
DUBAI, UAE Downloaded From Cine V ood
After the blast at America's
Downloaded From Cine V ood
see in
Downloaded From Cine V ood
I don't have any influence in th-denar tn
Downloaded From Cine V ood
I want bowkoaw whe chioman is?
Downloaded From Cine V ood
ere last seen in India for an Downloaded From Cine Voo d akas
Downloaded From Cine V ood
Accord ie
Downloaded From Cine V ood
he has connections
Downloaded From Cine V ood
He is behind all the omc i ountry.
Downloaded From Cine V ood
Raza w agency.
Downloaded From Cine V ood
And according to my sources
Downloaded From Cine V ood
This gir
Nimr at.
Not sure, sir
Often people do things that matter to you.
And also because you can fix what's wrong.
What will you do?
At times one has to use wrong methods to achieve the right goal, Sir
How will you do Fateh?
I have two choices, sir.
I could go share a cup of tea with Satya Prakash a t his place
well, my second choice is really just the first one
Time for Fateh n quer
Meet me before you go.
Sir. Will you be able to help Fateh?
He didn't come here to ask for help,
he's here to ask for permission.
You can't find a bloody six-foot man.
I'll soon give you some good news, sir.
Here's your good news.
You did the right thing.
He never listened.
Now you listen to me carefully.
It's your bad luck
that Nim rat's connected to you somewhere.
I don't know what your involvement is in her disappearance.
But if I find out you're keeping her,
you are a dead man.
You, your men, your cyber team.
Are you threatening me?
Wrong. I came here to tell you a story.
A 12-year-old boy from Ghazi pur - he was a remarkable student.
He had high goals.
The villagers were proud
thinking the boy would bring fame to himself and the village.
But he had an abusive father.
One day the father died due to electrocution.
The entire village was sad
But the boy was never seen again.
I think..
the father did not die in an accident.
It was the son who killed him.
What do you think?
Don't you also come from Ghazi pur?
The story sounds familiar
What do you do?
I quit long ago what I used to do.
But for your sake, I'll do it again.
You think you are safe in here.
That's as safe as you are.
You were looking for the. guy who killed Ch had a and his men.
It was me.
I gave him a chance.
And now I am giving you.
Shut down your cybercrime shop in a day.
Isn't one day too less?
That's all you deserve.
You're a simple village girl.
But he spilled so much blood over you.
Maybe you two share some sort of emotional connection.
Emotions are a bitch.
Makes you test your limits.
Emotions are not for you.
If you ask me,
you should apologise to him.
He has a heart of gold.
He will forgive you
Get the car. Let's go apologise.
All good?
Who wants some te
With or without sugar?
Should have taken the tea.
Target achieved, sir.
The malware has been injected into the servers.
It's crucial to have a target in life.
66, 000 villages.
820 million accounts and one user
accounts e ceive a.
The accounts will receive a cloned text,
and those 820 million accounts will be ours.
$s Table Id = $s Table Id Pr'calendar -
S s Table ld calendar
We are ready, sir.
has debited for Rs 55, 788 from yoyo bank # UPI ref:421331261940
Dear Cst omer, You n A 986 as debited for Rs 36, 478 from yoyo ank# UPI ref:421331261940
baby pants d
by Pan
baby pants
Technology. 409. 99 KB 45. 256. 254. 112. 33. 565
It's a thing of amazement.
One earns,
the other spends.
After millions of rupees disappeared from thousands of accounts in the country
the country's gripped with fear and a
Cybercriminals are fearlessly scamming India and other countries,
B/s 8/s scammmino
Cybercriminals are fearlessly scamming India and other countries.
and there is no solut in sight esca pe this
there is no HORN
and there is no solution in sight to escape this.
People can be seen queuing up outside banks.
The rich and poor have been affected alike.
This raises a huge question on the safety on the money kept in banks.
This raises fet y on the money a huge question kept in on
This is so sad.
worker who earn s i S scammed of 2000
it's not just the money he loses,
but the future and education of his children.
But these people don't seem to care.
I am so sure.
the hackers first injected malware into the bank's servers.
And later transferred the money from millions of accounts with a cloned sms.
Next, they will target other banks.
We have to take them down.
To... bring someone down,
you have to first make them famous.
This man has worked very hard
He deserves to be famous.
Let the show begin
Yes, sir.
68, 000 village.
820 million bank accounts
And one goal.
To crumble this country's economy
Stop me if you can.
This recently up io aded-video clip has caused a sensation in the countr
This man called Fateh Singh has claimed responsibility
for the nationwide bank hacks.
He is also throwing a challenge to bring the country's economy to its knees.
Stop me if you can.
This is the face behind the money that was transferred from the banks.
I sent you two pictures Deal with them.
It's being sad that Fateh Singh and Khushi Sharma together
executed this bank hacking scam.
The police are l@oking for them.
It has been reported that Fateh Singh and Khushi Sharma are on the run.
It has been repor
And the police is looking for them in Old Delhi.
Stop. Stop. Back. Go back
Catch them.
Hello, sir.
Any update on Fateh and Khushi?
We've located them. Chandni Chowk.
PAT WAR I Rathi, I need all the information on them by sundown
According to the police, they were spotted in the lanes of Chandni Chowk.
Who are you? What are you doing here?
I've called my hacker friends.
They are trying to stop the transfers.
Before the money gets transferred to offshore accounts,
we need to stop this
What do you think? Can you stop this?
I think I can do this.
Any clue... on where the money is being transferred?
Hey, guys. What's the update?
We're trying to find his location.
Open it.
Fateh, your dee ake video
Your video's gone viral.
68. 000 village. 820 million bank accounts
And one goal.
To crumble this country's economy
It's clearly visible that Fate h's face has been replaced.
It's a pretty good damn deep fake
Look there. Look at that shadow.
Fateh Singh, running after these bank transfers.
Did you forget all about the girl set out to ook for?
We've made all the arrangements to make her famous.
Remember the online killing.
Now il's her turn
Speak here
You narrated a story to me,
and I have a show for you today.
I sent you a link. Tell me what you think.
Press that link.
What do you think of my arrangement?
Two million views are required to turn this show into a blockbuster.
When we reach two million views the voltage will crank up.
When the voltage cranks up,
electricity will run. through Nim rat's body.
It all depends on the people now. All the best.
Track the location.
Just give me few more minutes.
Look for the IP address.
The location has been traced. It's s rael
No, no, it's Syria
Can you find it?
This streaming site is very sophisticated
Every frame of the live video is encrypted
He has created his own peer to peer network server.
Any chances?
I don't know how he's doing this.
Another case of online killing comes to light.
the police have been looking for this
BREAK NO EWS on the electric chair
has been made to sit on the electric chair
Hurry up.
It's 700, 000 views.
Any news. Find his IP address.
We request that people neither watch this live video nor share it.
We request hat people neither ES
We-request-that-peo watch this live video nor share it.
NEWS Or you will be part of this murder
u will be pant of s mur de
And you fought for these people.
Brother Fateh, drink your tea before it gets cold.
Remember, it's Nimr at.
Dear, the dream of my eyes flew away
Dear, which path did you turn to.
I did not understand on which path you got lost "
Leaving your roots you have become a stranger
you roots an oe
" It is in destiny that is happening
" God has destined me to cry about luck "
" To cry about luck
" To cry about luck 00:00:36:21
" God gas destined to cry about luck" 00:00:38
And nothing ever bad happens to good people.
If I knew about your death "
" I would have died instead of you "
We have details on Vishwas.
" The peaceful sleep is coming, the peaceful sleep is coming,"
" The worries are leaving, the worries are leaving.
Sweet, calm and gentle, like toys my heart desires,
Sweet, calm and gentle like the peace my soul seeks,
" Rest, rest now.
The peaceful sleep is coming, ne. peaceful sleep is coming,
The worries are leaving, the worries are leaving.
" The sun's all worn out, it's sinking down,
"in the dark, the moon's glowing, it owns the night "
" The paths of life are simple, carefree, and light."
Will you kill a cop?
A corrupt cop.
Satya Prakash?
" Satyam ev Jay ate
He's right.
Satya Prakash has stored all his data on a secret cloud service.
But I can hack this.
What will you gain from killing me?
The body is perishable, but the soul can not die.
It can't be burnt in fire. or drowned in water.
It's immune to all weapons.
The soul does not die.
But yours is going to die.
But... God says forgiveness is ultimate.
It's between you and God.
My job is to make you meet your maker.
Got him.
B201 Phase 2, Okhla Industrial Estate.
It's not tough.
Take deep breaths, look through the scope and shoot.
Why are you telling me all this?
I will go inside and you will give me cover, okay?
Fateh, no. I can't do it, please
I don't like guns and violence. No
You don't have to win a medal.
Just shoot.
Fateh, please.
Do it.
-How much longer? -Sir, approximately 15 minutes.
Hurry up.
eww he would come.
Need some help?
Sir, we have a problem.
You've been hacked.
Sir, our cloud services are down,
the money's frozen and.
we don't have access to anything right now.
Sir, what's next?
the story you told me.
Your guess was right.
The son did kill the father.
All good?
He will come for me
Raza knows you are reaching his location.
Just be careful
All the be
Thank you sir.
How many more are there?
Now it's 98
Who the hell is this guy?
If you know,
you are dead
" Walk the path to victory. Fateh.
As they say, some stories dont end until they reach a conclusion.
This story hadn't reached its conclusion yet
" Walk the path to victory, Fateh."
This door isn't bulletproof you fool
You'll be dead before me.
I knew you would show up.
Then you know
what's going to happen next
I will miss her.
You and
which first sent a picture
and then a phone call.
We never asked
who the target was and why?
Right or wrong, he had to be eliminated.
Then suddenly we get a call
that the agency has been shut down.
Without any prior communication or knowledge,
they pulled the bloody plug.
One minute we were assets, and the next minute we were liabilities.
I am still doing the job,
except I take orders from no one except me.
That's what separates you from me.
There's more.
You waged a war against the country,
I did jt for the country.
Ever stopped to think how many poor families died because of your cybercrime.
I gave them technology.
Their greed pushed them to their deaths.
There is good or bad.
It's only unfortunate people.
We have to pay for our sins here.
Why you did it or who you did it for
doesn't matter to me.
Many people commit crimes and escape punishment.
But not in your case.
I will kill you.
I can kill you only once.
Next time,
keep your character honest.
You will have a glorious funeral.
How does it matter?
it doesn't.
In every Ramayan.
Ravan has to die.
Fateh, I am going back to London.
Hopefully, things will be better there.
I am gonna miss India.
Everyone in India wll miss you
And you?
I... will start my own dairy farm in Punjab..
-that's nice. -Yeah.
Keep in touch
Ya eah.
Khushi. I thought that
it's easy to upload your dreams,
I was looking for a partner for my dairy in Punjab
who has some knowledge of computers and
Is it? Knowledge of computers-1 was thinking.
Hundred percent.
All good?
Yes lts all good now.
According to your recent Cl B l L score,
up to 1. 5 million
You can't ignore it.
40 men are dead.
That's 50 not 40.
Some bodies will never be found
Shouldn't you have informed the agency before the mission?
Which agency are you talking about, sir?
The one with no name, no address,
no ID code? You mean that agency, sir.
You were pa it of once, Fateh.
As you s id. sir. was
You never did follow my orders.
Raza is waiting with 200 men.
I am sending you their location.
You will need full backup.
Okay, sir.
As you say
I'll prep the bodies
Send back up to clear them out.
[indistinct chatter ]
Tell him th is no place for him here
Hey handsome.
Come sit on my lap.
I'll make place.
They were prepared.
May be I slipped up
Fateh Singh.
Born in Punjab
But I was fighting for my life miles away from home.
This probably was the end of my chapter
The roots of my story began in Moga.
A village where everyone was family.
True name the Almighty.
True nag Cin e Vo od Almighty
" The lvi anty
" Wealth and had is all yours "
" The Alv mighty "
Cine V ood
Service to mankind, worship c ne vhe Divine "e
" No greater dharm va exists than this.
YASH PARIKH "l offer
" The Al miah ty
Cine V ood
NC ZOC ON " Victory hev unto you "
Cine V ood
"ic tory he vnto you "
Cine V ood
" Khalsa and Victa nv belongs to God...
Brother Fateh milk production
Cine V ood
Cine V ood
Medicine Cin e Vo od ourwife
Cine V ood
And make sure the new boys are trai ved properly.
Cine V ood
The teach e ecin eves n't let us in.
Says we can't come inside without Cine voo the fee.
Cine V ood
Your kindness is unmatched. Thank you.
Get his salary slip signed after that. -Okay, sir.
And don't forget. -Okay, sir.
Why haven't.
Why haven't you thrown this out?
I told you to get rid of it.
t throw it away
Happy came asking for a loan in the morning
And Sandhu called twice - -Nimr at.
It's you, bro the
hy didn't you call? I woul dhave come pers or
I've beer ying to reach you to
Why are r ou answering your
I got in touch with the company in Delhi.
They will figure something out by evening.
So you say
But their employees were in my house last nigh
Look. Nimr at I borrowed money for Sat want's treatment.
Look. Nim rat. Satwant's treatment
-Yes-I paid every penny.
But now they're charging me double interest.
Nimr at.. I want to know
should I die alone or take my whole family down with me?
What are you saying. brother?
That's an awful thing to say. Take a seat.
Gill. go get some water. Run. What are you waiting for?
is ten brother
You are a good man.
And nothing bad ever happens to good people.
Remember, Nimr at.
Today it's just me.
Tomorrow the whole village will talk about it.
Brother. Listen to me.
How long will you keep ignoring them?
Jet ha came home yesterday
And was spreading nasty rumours about you
He says
you're scamming people with your loans
Your loan business makes no sense to me
You should shut it down immediately.
I've been t to Delhi thrice in a month
I am trying. Dolly
T wont let anything wrong happen to the villagers.
Why don't you talk to Fateh? 0
What am I going to tell him?
I don't know how far the roots go.
I feel... something bad is going to happen.
Something terrible.
May God bless everyone with strength
I wonder why people keep bothering God all the time?
Sir. Viral Sharma.
The last survivor of Khush i's ethical hacker group.
Last? Weren't there five?
What happened to the other three?
They are at peace now.
Black coffee and chocolate biscuit.
What a peaceful combination.
Tell me something.
In the past three months,
we worked hard to hack the country's classified files.
What do you gain by destroying the hard work of others?
And you guys call yourself ethical hackers.
Are these your ethics?
In life, ere comes a moment
when we must choose
whether to begin a new chapter or close the book
I think it's time to end this chapter.
As. crime continues to surge at an alarming rate
methods of crime are
methods of crime are also evolving. :22
00:00:03 23
The video of online killing has shocked the world.
BREAKING You can see how this person NEWS called Viral is being electrocuted.
This country has-never seen anything so cold-blooded
This country has never seen anything so cold-blooded.
It's a clear warning from cyber criminals
to all their enemies and allies alike.
The authorities are working tirelessly in pursuit of a-lead
I want to know...
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
Same thing as today
The shop needs a new rack...
Stop thinking about your shop all the time.
And pay focus on your studies.
You travel back and forth from Delhi alone.
Makes me worry constantly.
Leave it, mom. What's for dinner?
I made your favourite leafy greens saut ed with cum in.
Here you go.
Leafy greens.
Fateh Singh adores leafy greens.
He'll be thrilled.
I know.
You won't eat a morsel otherwise.
Take some jaggery as well.
already did, mom. Be right back
Brother Fateh.
Mom sent these leafy greens for you.
I am famished today.
No one can make leafy greens like your mom.
It's cooked with cum ins.
And jaggery.
Should I slice the onion for you?
All good?
I wanted to ask you a question.
It's a thought.
Do bad things happen to good people?
Nimr at.
Coming, mother.
I am such a fool
Don't take my question too seriously?
And I'll collect the plates tomorrow, okay.
Finish the whole thing.
Nimr at.
Just for you to know
God never abandons his people in their darkest hours.
He stands beside them as courage.
And if need be, you know whom to count on.
New twist in the fake loan app story.
Cyber mafia morphs family's private photos and makes them viral.
NEWS The entire family is forced to commit suicide to escape humiliation.
The police are investigating these fake loan apps.
The government has urged against taking such drastic measures.
I will take you to the factory i at her
Listen Should I make some tea?
It's okay. I am not in the mooc
Brother, I have a request.
Can I go home early today?
Should I die alone or take my entire family
Khushi madam. Nimr at speaking
I am ready to do what you asked me.
I will go meet Ch had a,
Will you help my villagers?
She has gone to Delhi for some work. but. what's the issue?
She work, but.. what's the issue? has gone to Delhi for some
Sandhu has named her in the suicide note.
Section 306. 420 Extortion, blackmailing
What is the name of that fraud app?
Kish t Pe sir.
Your daughter was running this Kish t Pe agency.
Bring her down to the police station as soon as possible.
What did he say?
Fateh. Do something.
What happened to my Nimr at?
Where is she?
All the problems started when
the Kish t Pe guy showed up.
Nimr at took a loan from the app
NIKI and later became an agent
People followed soon after.
Jeet a. Bansi
All the trouble started after that.
She used say I'll fix everything.
She won't let the villagers be scammed.
Brother Fateh, will you bring Nimr at back?
Your shop will always open.
Sandhu's death was an eye-opener to how dangerous the world of loan apps was.
The cyber mafia gains access to your phone once you download the app.
The loan mafia prey on middle-class families and innocent people.
With a single click, your loan gets approved.
Later they file a fake FIR for missing payments or penalty
There is no escape from this web of deceit.
One thing is clear,
this is a massive conspiracy to scam people under the guise of fake loan apps.
It's was time to leave the village for the sake of the country.
" Walk the path to victory. Fateh.
No one can dare to overstep boundaries you set."
" Every prayer is in com without the mention
ne can take on millions to defend your honour.
" For the country that beats in your chest for every desire of that heart "
" Walk the path to victory, Fateh.
Fateh. any news of Nimr at.
All will be okay. Have a ith
Faith I have, but my courage is crumbling.
Hi. this is Nia from Mega Lottery sir. You've won five lakh Rs --
you want information about Nimr at then come meet me.
I've sent you the coordinates.
Before leaving Punjab,
ou we reone among the last person Nimr at spoke to
I was helnivg Nimrat.
Cine V ood
Fake loan apps like Kish t Pe, human traffi n kind extortion,
Cine V ood
and other illegal businesses are opera tov by Ch had a.
Cine V ood
And the authorities are all hand in in lv ve with him..
Cine V ood
I promised my people that I wil i evo very thing..
No one's telcine v ood to go. back
You can stay here until.
Cine V ood
Learn. thvor apes.
Cine V ood
That's anevte locket.
Cine V ood
Is it nrv nina l?
Please pard gn v instalments.
Cine V ood
I really have no idea about where Chhadanisvkeping Nimrat.
Cine V ood
Sangam v Talkies.
Cine Voo
You still carry a diary in this dav and age
Cine V ood
cine voo hack
Cine V ood
Where are vou going?
Cine V ood
To wat nh va movie.
Cine V ood
Theatre Is Close Cine V ood
Cine V ood
f you dont an seven days,
we will make your pictures
Yes ma'am, our company recently launch ev. annew scheme.
Cine V ood
You have been charged comp
You just received a notice,
Cine V ood
Good mo rving boss.
Make a drink for me.
Cine V ood
Hey... Whv are you?
Cine V ood
-What do you want? -Let me v come.
Let me voom e.
Cine V ood
Nl in vat
Cine V ood
She is from my village
Cine V ood
and has been missing for a couple days.
Does this look like an inquiry counter to you?
She is cute.
Is she your girlfriend?
This guy is asking about her. Has anyone seen her?
She's a bomb, boss. Real bomb.
Should we find her for you?
Go on.
I understand you have dozens of people working for you.
And it's not an easy to remember every face.
But Nimr at worked for you.
I promise
She lk
on't say a word against you.
Many girls work for me
but none of them are of any use to me
Now leave.
Nim rat is the only child
and her mother is desperately waiting for her.
We'll find her if you insist.
But we'll keep her for a few days.
It's only fair.
And send her back safe and sound.
Since you mentioned her mother
Now leave. My head's been pounding all morning.
Don't give me any more headaches. Go
This is for headaches.
Take two pills with water and it will cure your headache
Do you know who you are talking to?
Trying to be funny with me.
Pick it up. Shove it back in and leave.
What are you looking at? Get lost. Throw him out.
Let's go, buddy. Come on.
Come on. Show him out.
Not every six-footer is Bachchan
Her name... is Nimr at.
I gave you a chance.
Your carotid artery is punctured.
The blood circulation to your brain will stop in 20 seconds.
Nimr at will return home to her mother and you....
will be found dead on the floor.
Should have taken the pills.
Jai Hind, sir.
Pragati. The pictures.
Looks like the Bunty Gang's work. sir.
He's getting-way too bold.
Should we take him in?
This is not the job of any gang, Rathi.
It's different.
-CCTV footage? -Missing, sir.
-No fingerprints either I guess? -None.
The post-mortem report will arrive tomorrow by three?
Scan the Cct V footage of all the neighbouring buildings.
Jag tap's on it sir.
Your tablet sir.
-Get me a Limca Yes. sir.
This is nothing like what it looks like.
In the heart of the city
nine people were brutally murdered in a closed down cinema hall
We have been informed that an illegal call centre
was being operated within this cinema hall
What's legal or illegal in a call centre?
Ch had a was a good guy Hard-working.
People in this world don't let you earn an honest buck.
Go see Satya Prakas h and find out who is-behind Chhada's death.
Okay sir
And quit using these chopsticks all the time.
For your own good.
Sir, we have good news.
I spoke to ACP Biswas,
And we'll get the CCTV footage of Sangam Talkies.
The CCTV footage of Sangam Talkies is here, sir.
0226 PM This man. was seated at 20/6/2023 the tea stall for four hours
I's okay Rathi. Maybe he's fond of tea.
Let's go bond over some tea.
Sir. here's a list of BSI bank's account holder
we are currently working on
Hello. Mr. Lee.
Did you e all him?
the food?
Speaking in Chinese ]
The boss is very angry with you.
He's not very happy
You should have dealt with. Ch had a's death more seriously
We want answers.
You have swift fingers.
How long have you been playing this game
You are becoming incompetent with age.
You know who gave you all this.
We did!
[ Speaking in Chinese ]
Must be tough using that for eating.
I tried once. The stick got stuck in my throat.
Is it made of metal?
It's a useful piece of item,
if used properly.
That's putting it to right use
My purpose is much bigger
What were you saying?
How long have you been playing
Since childhood.
Where is the queen?
Let's make a bet.
If you can pocket the queen, you can leave.
But if you don't, then I leave.
All the best.
Come on.
You lose..
The pictures won't look nice from the side angle
eel free to click from the front.
Give it here.
When someone likes to get e licked, then let's take a clear picture.
e's nice.
sed-how we found you.
You must be surprised how we found
n stalled
There are 1846 cameras installed at every square mile in Delhi.
And every person crosses these cameras at least 200 times
Sangam Talkies has 12 cameras on the North and 3 cameras on the South Side.
The footage you have is from Ajay's tea st al
I was there from 12:56 to 846
You found my Aa dhar Card using the face recognition app.
Looked up my number and landed here after flagging it.
Their tea is awesome, sir.
Should try it.
Their tea is nice.
Vhat about the movie?
How did you like the movie at Sangam Talkies
Here is the footage.
A hero shows up,
takes down the villain and his eight men, and walks away
And leaves no evidence behind
Sounds good, sir
A person should know their place before speaking.
I read this somewhere, sir.
Build your stature vast like the sky
because no matter how valuable a land maybe, someone always buys it.
Like a hero?
What do you do?
Everyone wants to know.
There is a girl from my village. Nimr at.
She has gone missing.
I came here looking t or her.
Find her?
You won't.
Delhi is a vast city.
It's nearly impossible to find Someone who's gone missing, right?
They can't be found everyone knows t
Few realize that what they know is far too little
And I trust Delhi Police sr.
With you For you.
You should avoid fried food sir.
Not I good for heart patients.
Do you have steamed mom os?
Mom os.
They have always been a we ess
Sir. Satya Prakash.
I sent Lee to meet you. He has nt returned yet.
Delhi is a big city.
He's probably lost.
But he'll be found
don't car if he does i turn up,
finding Khushi Sharma is critical
She has hacked all the defence secret files that we gathered
We heard that the man she came in contact with
is responsible for Ch had a's death.
Find out who he is and where he's from.
ind out who beis and whe
Fateh Singh. He's from Moga.
A supervisor at a dairy farm.
Lives alone. No family or friends.
Has a solid reputation in his village.
Sir... here's the CCTV footage from the 12 th at Nehru Place.
And here's Sangam Cinema on the 13th
Sir, Pan Card Aa dhar bank account -- we checked everything.
It's all. normal.
His record is too clean.
don't think he has any involvement in Chhada's murder.
This is not the job of. an-ordinary man.
It's some highly skilled professionals.
Send two guys to keep watch.
How the hell did he find out?
You have become famous.
Expect fanboys to follow you.
Thanks for calling on time.
Latte with lots of ice. Regular vanilla.
No added sugar, soy milk, butter with milk.
Try it.
As king about Chhada's,
who is later found dead along with his men.
How are you going to explain it?
Who wants to explain?
Death is inevitable.
It's the law of nature.
What do you do, Fateh?
Everyone wants to know.
FEW YEARS EARILER SAN FRANCISCO orders were given unofficially.-
Agency where of fick a orders were given unofficially.
order e official aln
orders were given unofficially. gency where official
Eliminating entities on foreign soil -- those who worked against the country.
If you are caught, you're disowned.
If you make it back, don't expect a medal.
Silent y recover ng a classified file f our country from America.
le of ou Silent lxr
But the bag I was carrying wasn't going to silent.
They were waiting for me --
and I was prepared for them.
Compressed with the detonation velocity of 24000 FPS.
To put it in simple
300 meters of the area will be flattened under four minutes.
So you guys have only four minutes
CANDY with to hand over the hard drive ou country's secrets.
CANDY rying to scare u
Trying to scare us?
No. Just explaining.
But people take time to understand as their understanding is limite
This guy is bluffing.
We will find out soon.
Weil l etther be above ground. or under it.
You guys remind me of a MOST THERE story about the frog and scorpion.
Once a frog and a scorpion were sitting on-the shore.
The scorpion had to cross the shore.
He said to the tog that I will hop on your r back,
and well cross e river.
He hopped on the frog's back
and they began crossing the river.
When they were middle of the river the scorpion stung the. trog.
They started to
me og asked why die ou-sting
He replied, its nature
Moral of the story,
Like. you guy
Oh. you're here. Thank y
Less than a minute left now.
We heard the story and understood the model behind it.
Now take it and leave
All the best
See, it's fake
See, I told you. It's fake
Oh no!
I thought that was my last miss i or
But maybe was wrong.
Sorry, I... Iknow it's a mess.
But it's safe.
Do you want anything?
-Juice? -No.
-Dates? -No.
-Soft drink-No.
Do you say no to everything?
Who are Raza and Satya Prakash?
Chinese cyber mafia
Fake loan apps like Kish t Pe were introduced by this group.
And they run a network by hiring men like Ch had a.
What do they want from Nimr at?
They want to get to me through Nimr at.
Come let me show you something.
We have a group of cyber victims on the dark net,
who are fighting against the chaos machine.
Once I upload these pictures,
they will find these people through face-recognition software.
= Hey. Prac hi.
This i s Prachi from Assam.
Prac hi exposed the illegal betting apps of the Chaos machine.
By the way, this is Fateh.
Hi, Fateh
I sent you some-pictures. Need information on them.
He's hot.
Shut up.
Is he?
@times group. com
Looks like someone from every family is a victim of cybercrime like Nim rat is.
But not every Nimr at has Fateh who has their back.
Hey. Its pretty late.
Sorry, I know the place is really small, but feel free.
I set out to look for Nimr at,
but realised that the roots of cybercrime ran deep.
When you go after one cyber criminal,
you come in touch with all his contacts
Vishingy comeistouh wtauds his contacts
you come in touch with all his contacts.
And all the numbers which the doctor is in contact with,
having no connection with the world of cybercrime?
The doctor's driver and-his contact list
where a friend of his is a farmer or an ordinary man
Or a girl who runs a mobile shop in the village,
and the entire village who are on her contact list
You are connected to each one.
If you follow the contact list of 40 people
and every contact list has 50 people.
Regardless of who you are.
Intelligence agencies and-people like Satya Prakash
ALEN CIA GA follow you from any part of the world.
o ay your electricity Shop at
When order food, shop at a mall, pay your electricity bill
or talk to someone they are tracking you
You feature on their data every day,
You fea om dv every day.
Downloaded From Cine V ood
It's not just terrorists, criminals and ae non at n. vompanies,
Downloaded From Cine V ood
but each and every person sedimctnavked.
Downloaded From Cine V ood
Fake loan apps boarding passes,
each person is connected
I had to return to a lke d ayfrom
DUBAI, UAE Downloaded From Cine V ood
After the blast at America's
Downloaded From Cine V ood
see in
Downloaded From Cine V ood
I don't have any influence in th-denar tn
Downloaded From Cine V ood
I want bowkoaw whe chioman is?
Downloaded From Cine V ood
ere last seen in India for an Downloaded From Cine Voo d akas
Downloaded From Cine V ood
Accord ie
Downloaded From Cine V ood
he has connections
Downloaded From Cine V ood
He is behind all the omc i ountry.
Downloaded From Cine V ood
Raza w agency.
Downloaded From Cine V ood
And according to my sources
Downloaded From Cine V ood
This gir
Nimr at.
Not sure, sir
Often people do things that matter to you.
And also because you can fix what's wrong.
What will you do?
At times one has to use wrong methods to achieve the right goal, Sir
How will you do Fateh?
I have two choices, sir.
I could go share a cup of tea with Satya Prakash a t his place
well, my second choice is really just the first one
Time for Fateh n quer
Meet me before you go.
Sir. Will you be able to help Fateh?
He didn't come here to ask for help,
he's here to ask for permission.
You can't find a bloody six-foot man.
I'll soon give you some good news, sir.
Here's your good news.
You did the right thing.
He never listened.
Now you listen to me carefully.
It's your bad luck
that Nim rat's connected to you somewhere.
I don't know what your involvement is in her disappearance.
But if I find out you're keeping her,
you are a dead man.
You, your men, your cyber team.
Are you threatening me?
Wrong. I came here to tell you a story.
A 12-year-old boy from Ghazi pur - he was a remarkable student.
He had high goals.
The villagers were proud
thinking the boy would bring fame to himself and the village.
But he had an abusive father.
One day the father died due to electrocution.
The entire village was sad
But the boy was never seen again.
I think..
the father did not die in an accident.
It was the son who killed him.
What do you think?
Don't you also come from Ghazi pur?
The story sounds familiar
What do you do?
I quit long ago what I used to do.
But for your sake, I'll do it again.
You think you are safe in here.
That's as safe as you are.
You were looking for the. guy who killed Ch had a and his men.
It was me.
I gave him a chance.
And now I am giving you.
Shut down your cybercrime shop in a day.
Isn't one day too less?
That's all you deserve.
You're a simple village girl.
But he spilled so much blood over you.
Maybe you two share some sort of emotional connection.
Emotions are a bitch.
Makes you test your limits.
Emotions are not for you.
If you ask me,
you should apologise to him.
He has a heart of gold.
He will forgive you
Get the car. Let's go apologise.
All good?
Who wants some te
With or without sugar?
Should have taken the tea.
Target achieved, sir.
The malware has been injected into the servers.
It's crucial to have a target in life.
66, 000 villages.
820 million accounts and one user
accounts e ceive a.
The accounts will receive a cloned text,
and those 820 million accounts will be ours.
$s Table Id = $s Table Id Pr'calendar -
S s Table ld calendar
We are ready, sir.
has debited for Rs 55, 788 from yoyo bank # UPI ref:421331261940
Dear Cst omer, You n A 986 as debited for Rs 36, 478 from yoyo ank# UPI ref:421331261940
baby pants d
by Pan
baby pants
Technology. 409. 99 KB 45. 256. 254. 112. 33. 565
It's a thing of amazement.
One earns,
the other spends.
After millions of rupees disappeared from thousands of accounts in the country
the country's gripped with fear and a
Cybercriminals are fearlessly scamming India and other countries,
B/s 8/s scammmino
Cybercriminals are fearlessly scamming India and other countries.
and there is no solut in sight esca pe this
there is no HORN
and there is no solution in sight to escape this.
People can be seen queuing up outside banks.
The rich and poor have been affected alike.
This raises a huge question on the safety on the money kept in banks.
This raises fet y on the money a huge question kept in on
This is so sad.
worker who earn s i S scammed of 2000
it's not just the money he loses,
but the future and education of his children.
But these people don't seem to care.
I am so sure.
the hackers first injected malware into the bank's servers.
And later transferred the money from millions of accounts with a cloned sms.
Next, they will target other banks.
We have to take them down.
To... bring someone down,
you have to first make them famous.
This man has worked very hard
He deserves to be famous.
Let the show begin
Yes, sir.
68, 000 village.
820 million bank accounts
And one goal.
To crumble this country's economy
Stop me if you can.
This recently up io aded-video clip has caused a sensation in the countr
This man called Fateh Singh has claimed responsibility
for the nationwide bank hacks.
He is also throwing a challenge to bring the country's economy to its knees.
Stop me if you can.
This is the face behind the money that was transferred from the banks.
I sent you two pictures Deal with them.
It's being sad that Fateh Singh and Khushi Sharma together
executed this bank hacking scam.
The police are l@oking for them.
It has been reported that Fateh Singh and Khushi Sharma are on the run.
It has been repor
And the police is looking for them in Old Delhi.
Stop. Stop. Back. Go back
Catch them.
Hello, sir.
Any update on Fateh and Khushi?
We've located them. Chandni Chowk.
PAT WAR I Rathi, I need all the information on them by sundown
According to the police, they were spotted in the lanes of Chandni Chowk.
Who are you? What are you doing here?
I've called my hacker friends.
They are trying to stop the transfers.
Before the money gets transferred to offshore accounts,
we need to stop this
What do you think? Can you stop this?
I think I can do this.
Any clue... on where the money is being transferred?
Hey, guys. What's the update?
We're trying to find his location.
Open it.
Fateh, your dee ake video
Your video's gone viral.
68. 000 village. 820 million bank accounts
And one goal.
To crumble this country's economy
It's clearly visible that Fate h's face has been replaced.
It's a pretty good damn deep fake
Look there. Look at that shadow.
Fateh Singh, running after these bank transfers.
Did you forget all about the girl set out to ook for?
We've made all the arrangements to make her famous.
Remember the online killing.
Now il's her turn
Speak here
You narrated a story to me,
and I have a show for you today.
I sent you a link. Tell me what you think.
Press that link.
What do you think of my arrangement?
Two million views are required to turn this show into a blockbuster.
When we reach two million views the voltage will crank up.
When the voltage cranks up,
electricity will run. through Nim rat's body.
It all depends on the people now. All the best.
Track the location.
Just give me few more minutes.
Look for the IP address.
The location has been traced. It's s rael
No, no, it's Syria
Can you find it?
This streaming site is very sophisticated
Every frame of the live video is encrypted
He has created his own peer to peer network server.
Any chances?
I don't know how he's doing this.
Another case of online killing comes to light.
the police have been looking for this
BREAK NO EWS on the electric chair
has been made to sit on the electric chair
Hurry up.
It's 700, 000 views.
Any news. Find his IP address.
We request that people neither watch this live video nor share it.
We request hat people neither ES
We-request-that-peo watch this live video nor share it.
NEWS Or you will be part of this murder
u will be pant of s mur de
And you fought for these people.
Brother Fateh, drink your tea before it gets cold.
Remember, it's Nimr at.
Dear, the dream of my eyes flew away
Dear, which path did you turn to.
I did not understand on which path you got lost "
Leaving your roots you have become a stranger
you roots an oe
" It is in destiny that is happening
" God has destined me to cry about luck "
" To cry about luck
" To cry about luck 00:00:36:21
" God gas destined to cry about luck" 00:00:38
And nothing ever bad happens to good people.
If I knew about your death "
" I would have died instead of you "
We have details on Vishwas.
" The peaceful sleep is coming, the peaceful sleep is coming,"
" The worries are leaving, the worries are leaving.
Sweet, calm and gentle, like toys my heart desires,
Sweet, calm and gentle like the peace my soul seeks,
" Rest, rest now.
The peaceful sleep is coming, ne. peaceful sleep is coming,
The worries are leaving, the worries are leaving.
" The sun's all worn out, it's sinking down,
"in the dark, the moon's glowing, it owns the night "
" The paths of life are simple, carefree, and light."
Will you kill a cop?
A corrupt cop.
Satya Prakash?
" Satyam ev Jay ate
He's right.
Satya Prakash has stored all his data on a secret cloud service.
But I can hack this.
What will you gain from killing me?
The body is perishable, but the soul can not die.
It can't be burnt in fire. or drowned in water.
It's immune to all weapons.
The soul does not die.
But yours is going to die.
But... God says forgiveness is ultimate.
It's between you and God.
My job is to make you meet your maker.
Got him.
B201 Phase 2, Okhla Industrial Estate.
It's not tough.
Take deep breaths, look through the scope and shoot.
Why are you telling me all this?
I will go inside and you will give me cover, okay?
Fateh, no. I can't do it, please
I don't like guns and violence. No
You don't have to win a medal.
Just shoot.
Fateh, please.
Do it.
-How much longer? -Sir, approximately 15 minutes.
Hurry up.
eww he would come.
Need some help?
Sir, we have a problem.
You've been hacked.
Sir, our cloud services are down,
the money's frozen and.
we don't have access to anything right now.
Sir, what's next?
the story you told me.
Your guess was right.
The son did kill the father.
All good?
He will come for me
Raza knows you are reaching his location.
Just be careful
All the be
Thank you sir.
How many more are there?
Now it's 98
Who the hell is this guy?
If you know,
you are dead
" Walk the path to victory. Fateh.
As they say, some stories dont end until they reach a conclusion.
This story hadn't reached its conclusion yet
" Walk the path to victory, Fateh."
This door isn't bulletproof you fool
You'll be dead before me.
I knew you would show up.
Then you know
what's going to happen next
I will miss her.
You and
which first sent a picture
and then a phone call.
We never asked
who the target was and why?
Right or wrong, he had to be eliminated.
Then suddenly we get a call
that the agency has been shut down.
Without any prior communication or knowledge,
they pulled the bloody plug.
One minute we were assets, and the next minute we were liabilities.
I am still doing the job,
except I take orders from no one except me.
That's what separates you from me.
There's more.
You waged a war against the country,
I did jt for the country.
Ever stopped to think how many poor families died because of your cybercrime.
I gave them technology.
Their greed pushed them to their deaths.
There is good or bad.
It's only unfortunate people.
We have to pay for our sins here.
Why you did it or who you did it for
doesn't matter to me.
Many people commit crimes and escape punishment.
But not in your case.
I will kill you.
I can kill you only once.
Next time,
keep your character honest.
You will have a glorious funeral.
How does it matter?
it doesn't.
In every Ramayan.
Ravan has to die.
Fateh, I am going back to London.
Hopefully, things will be better there.
I am gonna miss India.
Everyone in India wll miss you
And you?
I... will start my own dairy farm in Punjab..
-that's nice. -Yeah.
Keep in touch
Ya eah.
Khushi. I thought that
it's easy to upload your dreams,
I was looking for a partner for my dairy in Punjab
who has some knowledge of computers and
Is it? Knowledge of computers-1 was thinking.
Hundred percent.
All good?
Yes lts all good now.