First Love (1939) Movie Script

And so, the pages turn,
and your school days are over.
To you, they have been
a small, and we hope,
happy lifetime.
But to us, they've been more
like the miracle of a minute.
The mischievous, loving children
who came to us four years ago...
now leave us
as charming young ladies,
to face the challenge of life,
with all the happiness
and victories...
and even the disappointments
it has in store for you.
No senior class
has ever set a higher standard
for succeeding ones to follow,
and I only hope that now,
when you go home
to friends and family,
you will carry with you
all the courage and idealism...
and the sportsmanship
that have made us all...
so proud to be associated
with this graduating class.
Good-bye, girls.
Good luck.
God bless you.
[Skipped item nr. 18]
[Skipped item nr. 19]
[Girls Shrieking,
I can't find mine either.
You'd think they'd have
sense enough to stay put.
There they are!
You've got to meet
Mother and Dad.
Mother, Dad,
this is Connie.
We're so glad
to meet you, after all
Marcia has written.
She gave you
quite a buildup.
Well, look at her.
She's tops. And you
ought to hear her sing.
When she hits
a high note, it sends chills
up and down your back.
Where are your father
and mother, Connie?
We'd like to meet them.
My parents are dead,
Mr. Parker.
Oh. I'm sorry.
Mother, I have a wonderful idea.
Why can't Connie come with us
and spend the summer?
Could you, Connie?
We'd be so pleased.
It's very kind of you,
but I have an aunt
and uncle in New York.
I'm going to live with them.
It's all been arranged that way.
Her uncle is
James F. Clinton.
You know him, Dad.
I owe everything
to UncleJim... this school,
my music, everything.
- I couldn't disappoint him.
- No, of course not.
Jim Clinton, eh?
Well, you're a lucky girl.
He's a fine man.
- Yes, he is.
- Isn't it his daughter
we read so much about?
Yes, that's Barbara.
She's a year older than I am.
Oh, and she's beautiful.
Did you see her picture
in the magazine?
Miss Constance Harding?
I'm Mr. Clinton's butler.
We've called for you in the car.
Then they're here!
Excuse me, please.
Oh, no!
They're not here.
I'm sorry, but only the
chauffeur and I are here.
They didn't come?
No, miss, they
were very busy.
Of course.
They couldn't leave
New York, could they?
No, miss.
I'll be back
in a few minutes.
Very good, miss.
If you'd be so kind
as to show me where
the car is, please.
That's the car over there,
miss. The black car
with the white wheels.
I'll go and get my bag.
Very good, miss.
Connie. Connie.!
They didn't come?
Oh, Connie,
change your mind.
Spend the summer
with us on the lake.
We have a houseboat.
I'd love to, Marcia, but
they've done so much for me,
you know?
Connie, when you go
to New York, there's a boy...
Sally, I have to hurry.
Where do you think
you're going?
I have to change.
You promised to sing.
Toni, I can't, really.
What do you think of that?
She refuses to sing.
Let's go to the music room.
Come on!
What is it?
May we use the piano,
Miss Wiggins?
What for?
Connie's gonna sing for us.
All right.
Go ahead.
Miss Wiggins says
it's all right.
Come on!
The leader of the glee club
always sings the last song.
They're waiting outside...
I don't feel like singing.
Oh, temperamental, eh?
No, I'm not.
What'll it be,
Anything you like.
"Home, Sweet Home" for instance.
What about the one
you sang the other day?
All right.
Mid pleasures
And palaces
Though we may roam
Be it ever
So humble
There's no place
Like home
A charm from the skies
Seems to hallow us there
Which seek
through the world
Is ne'er met with
Home, home
Sweet, sweet home
There's no place
like home
What is it, Connie?
That's funny.
Connie never cries.
I'm sorry.
Don't you feel well?
Get out.
Go on. Out.
What's all this?
Look up here.
What's the matter
with you?
It's just that
everybody's going home, and...
And I'm leaving mine.
I thought so.
Crying your eyes out...
just because
you don't have a home
of your own to go to.
Or a mother and father
to tell you how pretty
and clever you are.
Ohh. Poor little thing.
You've just got a voice
that comes to one in a million.
Straight from God to you...
to you alone.
And you sit there
feeling sorry for yourself.
Yes, you are!
Sorry for yourself!
If I were that kind of girl, you
know what I'd do? I'd stick my
tongue out at myself, like that.
Get away. What's all this?
You've been so wonderful
to me, Miss Wiggins.
You go on up there
to New York...
and make those people love you
as much as we do.
And then, maybe someday,
you'll meet a prince,
and you'll live
happily ever after, hmm?
Those fairy stories
haven't come true for over
a hundred years, Miss Wiggins.
You just have
to dust 'em off,
streamline 'em a bit.
They'd still be
fairy stories, wouldn't they?
That's all life is.
A fairy story. The trouble
with you young people is you
don't believe in anything.
You're afraid...
afraid of hope,
afraid of happiness.
What's New York?
It's just another town.
It's no bigger than you are.
Go there and laugh in it,
love in it, live in it!
Make it yours!
Hold it,
Miss Clinton.
Thank you.
Blue Boy!
Hold it,
Miss Clinton.
Thank you.
Blue Boy, come on!
Hold it, Miss Clinton.
Thank you.
Hold it,
Miss Clinton.
Thank you.
Isn't that wonderful?
Right in the middle of the air.
What's wonderful about it?
It's like
you were a bird.
It's terrible.
Throw that bathing suit out.
It looks like a flour sack.
Yes, miss.
Get my comb.
Yes, miss.
Send that editor a telegram
telling him he's a darling
for putting me on the cover.
May I fix that spangle?
You should have done it
before I put the dress on.
It wasn't loose then.
Well, hurry up.
Comb these curls out. OIlie!
Just one more!
Can you hold just
a little still, please?
Give me that comb.
You can pull on it.
It won't come off.
I didn't want to hurt you.
Get my perfume,
the Clair de Lune Bleu.
Yes, miss.
Is Mother ready?
I got her done
an hour ago.
What's she wearing?
A new one
from Hendricks.
What's it like?
You don't have to worry.
It's nothing like yours.
Which one did you say?
Clair de Lune Bleu.
Clair de Lune Blee.
Bleu. Bleu!
Blue. Blur!
That isn't right,
but you're getting warm.
Oh, thank you, miss.
Here's your coat,
Miss Barbara.
Bring it along.
Which flowers would you like?
I don't care.
Any of them.
These would look nice on you.
They're terrible.
Give me the gardenias.
Yes, Miss Barbara.
Call me at noon tomorrow
and be sure that I get up.
Yes, Miss Barbara.
And call that Swedish girl...
foot massage in the morning.
You shouldn't dance so much.
If Mr. Warrington calls,
tell him to call back.
If Mr. Patton calls,
tell him I have smallpox.
Yes, miss.
A headache
for Mr. Patton.
Where's my bag?
Oh, I forgot it.
Well, get it.
Mother! I'm ready!
Where's Mother, Walter?
Are you ready?
All but one cuff link.
Mother, please!
Oh, my darling child.
You look so sweet!
And that color's
so good for you too.
Or maybe you're good
for the color. I always say
the woman makes the clothes...
Let's get started, hmm?
Even Walter's ready.
Ready and rarin' to go.
We can't go
for quite a while yet.
Oh, good.
the matter now?
George and Terry aren't back
with your cousin yet.
They have the car.
Let's take one of
the other cars.
Which one?
The sedan is waiting for
your father at his office;
my town car's in the garage;
and the big town car
we can't use because the
second chauffeur's off today.
You know, the one who was born
in February. What's his name?
Nick, for Nicholas.
I can't be more than an hour
and a half late for Wilma's party!
She's one of my personal friends.
Why did that child
have to graduate today?
- Graduations are important.
- What's more important to me...
is that Wilma
will think I'm deliberately
sabotaging her party.
Oh, if that's
the case, perhaps we'd
better take a taxi.
That's idiotic.
No one can get
comfortable in a taxi.
- If you'd learn to drive, we
wouldn't have to ride in them.
- Driving is work.
Not as much work
as walking, perhaps,
but still work.
Walter! You came that close
to making an epigram!
You know...
Here they are,
Miss Barbara.
This one matches everything.
Doesn't match
Throw it out.
Now run outside and see
if you can find a taxi.
- Can you whistle, Agnes?
- You mean like this?
Don't ever
do that, Agnes.
Well, I'm sorry...
Will you please
get that cab!
Get my coat, please.
In the future, I hope someone
will have enough sense to keep
at least one chauffeur around.
- [Walter] Ditto.
- [Mother] It's all
Mother's fault, I know...
Here they are!
Where have you been?
I'm sorry
we're so late.
We had a flat tire.
On an $8,000 automobile?
- [Walter]
We almost had to take a taxi.
- I'm very sorry, Mr. Walter.
- Tell me about the flat
in the morning, Terry.
- But I thought...
When you're going touring again,
be sure there's somebody here
to drive for us.
Mrs. Clinton,
your flowers!
What's the matter with my...
Oh, my baby!
I'm so glad to see you!
Barbara, you haven't
said a word to Connie.
Happy you managed to get here.
- Walter, what have you
to say to your cousin?
- Hi.
- [Connie] Hello.
- [Barbara] We have to run.
I'll start your horoscope
first thing in the morning.
Do you
still sing?
Yes, I do.
George, the minute
Mr. Clinton comes in...
By the time we get
there, there won't be
a photographer left!
Good-bye, Connie.
Good-bye, good-bye,
I'll show you
to your room, miss.
Please come this way.
What time do you think
UncleJim will be home?
You mean Mr. Clinton, miss?
The goings
and comings of this family
are none of my affair.
Though I might say
if they're out,
Mr. Clinton usually is here.
If they're here,
Mr. Clinton usually is out.
This way, miss.
Here's your room, miss.
Shall I put
the window down, miss?
I said shall I
put the window down?
No, thank you.
It's all right.
May I help you unpack, miss?
I think I can do it
myself, thank you.
Will there be anything else?
No, thank you.
Very well, miss.
There'll be a light supper
served in the dining room
as soon as you are ready.
- No, thank you.
- But surely you'll
want something.
I don't feel like eating.
Very well, miss.
Pardon me, miss.
Is supper all ready?
You certainly do things
quickly around here.
I thought you said...
I'll be down
as soon as I've changed.
And don't make that supper
too light. I'm famished!
Some more
chicken, miss?
Oh, I couldn't, really.
Are you sure, miss?
Oh, yes.
Very good, miss.
There is another
little piece of white meat.
Yes, there is
another little piece
of white meat, miss.
I know what
you're thinking.
I hope not, miss.
You're wondering if
I always change my mind.
I'll get your hot chocolate.
I don't want any,
thank you.
Will that be all then?
Very good, miss.
Do you think if one makes up
one's mind about doing something
that really helps one to do it?
Indubitably, miss.
I made up my mind that I like
this house and everybody in it.
- And everybody in it's
going to like me.
- Cheerful thought, miss.
They didn't have to have me
come live with them if they
didn't want me.
No, miss.
UncleJim asked me to come.
So Mrs. Clinton
told me.
Don't you ever smile?
I'm sorry, miss,
but if I may say so,
gay butlers
are a trifle rare.
Do you like singing?
Yes, I do, miss,
and no, I don't,
if you know what I mean.
I'm sorry.
Either you do
or you don't.
It's this way, miss.
Some people consider...
Boop-boop dittem
dattem wattem chu inspiring cantata.
My preference is for
something above that.
I'm sorry, miss.
I'm sorry too.
De amor escuche
la triste queja
De amor que sono
en mi corazon
Diciendome asi
con su dulce cancion
Lindisima Amapola
Sera siempre mi alma
tuya sola
Yo te quiero
amada linda mia
Igual que ama
la flor
A la luz del dia
Lindisima Amapola
No seas tan ingrata, amame
Como puedes tu vivir
tan sola
Lindisima Amapola
Sera siempre mi alma
tuya sola
Yo te quiero
amada linda mia
Igual que ama la flor
a la luz del dia
Lindisima Amapola
No seas tan ingrata
Como puedes tu vivir
Tan sola
You're Connie, huh?
Yes, UncleJim. L...
Well, what seems
to be the trouble?
It's my fault.
I'm very sorry, sir, but...
I thought
everybody was out.
They are out, sir.
Yes, sir.
They are? Good.
See that there's no more noise
until they get in then.
Very well, sir.
[Clearing Throat]
I just wanted
to thank you
for everything.
No thanks necessary.
You've done
so much for me and...
I signed a few checks.
Do that all the time.
My sister's child.
We always take care
of our own. Like to do it.
I like being here,
too, UncleJim.
You like bein' here.
You met
your cousins?
You met your
Aunt Grace?
And you like
bein' here?
Oh, yes.
She likes bein' here.
Is there anything
you want before you
go to bed, child?
We've got a big watermelon
in the icebox.
No, thank you.
Don't start taking them
too seriously, miss.
You'll get used to them.
Sure. We did.
Good night.
Good night, miss.
Pleasant dreams.
Good afternoon,
Miss Barbara. I've been
waiting for you to wake up.
Your pictures are in
all the morning papers.
What time is it?
It's a little after 2:00.
Which kind? I brought
orange juice, tomato,
grapefruit and grape.
Oh, I never seem
to be able to guess.
I might have known
you'd be in the mood
for sauerkraut today.
When Mr. Drake called,
I told him...
Who called?
Mr. Drake.
He called twice.
Why didn't you wake me up?
I tried to,
both times.
- You did not.
- Oh, yes, I did.
The pillow the first time.
You threw the alarm clock
the second time.
Where'd he call from?
Right here. Just
got back in town.
- What'd he say?
- He wanted you to go riding...
with he and Miss Flourney
and Miss Van Everett
and a lot of people.
They were leaving
at 2:30 sharp.
I'll never get there by 2:30.
Couldn't you telephone him
and ask him to wait?
And make him think
I'm running after him?
I'd run after him.
Papers say he's the catch
of the season.
If I could only stop him
from leaving 'til I get there.
I have an idea.
If you'd called me
when he phoned, you
wouldn't need any ideas.
It's a good idea,
really it is.
I'm sure it is.
I could hurry out to the club,
see Mr. Drake and faint.
Have these shined.
I could throw myself
under his horse's hooves.
I wouldn't mind
doing it for you...
Get that cousin of mine.
If she isn't here by the time
I count ten, you're fired.
Yes, miss!
Miss Connie!
What is it?
Miss Barbara wants you
this minute. Please hurry.
Yes, all right, Agnes.
Miss Connie'll be
right in.
Oh, I am in.
Oh, you are.
Never mind.
Yes, Barbara?
Some friends
of mine are going riding at
the country club in a half hour.
I want you to delay their start
'til I get there, understand?
You mean stop them?
- At least stop Ted Drake.
- I don't even know him.
You know what
he looks like.
The most notable
young man in New York.
You must have seen his picture.
I don't think so.
Well, you'll find one
in that drawer.
Which one?
The top drawer.
In the dresser?
Yes. Just open it.
You'll find it.
I don't see
any picture here.
Oh, you don't see any picture.
I told you it was there.
Why don't you look for it?
- What do you think this is?
And please hurry!
- Oh, I think...
What'll I say to him?
I don't care what you say
as long as you keep him there.
And be sure
he doesn't know
I sent you.
- I don't think
I can do it, Barbara.
- All right, don't then.
- Oh, I mean...
- After all this family's
done for you,
the first time we ask you
to do something for us,
you refuse.
Oh, I'll do it then.
I don't know what to do.
Faint. Make him revive you.
Fall in front ofhim.
Steal his horse.
I don't care, as long as
he's there when I get there.
And hurry!
Off for a little stroll,
Miss Connie?
Yes. I mean no.
I'll need the car. Oh,
my hat. I left it in there.
I'll get the car.
- Thank you.
I'm in an awful hurry.
- [Walter] Why?
I have to stop Ted Drake's horse
at the country club for Barbara.
Oh, not his horse. Him.
But he'll be on it.
You know what I mean.
I have to run now.
give me a cigarette, please.
Oh, yes.
When were you born,
- December 4th.
- Sagittarius.
Oh, how interesting.
What time
of day?
I don't remember.
I'm going to do your horoscope.
Hurry back, and I'll tell you
all about yourself.
Yes, Aunt Grace.
You'd better wait here.
They might recognize the car.
I'll keep the motor running
in case we have to make
a quick getaway.
I'm awfully nervous.
Don't worry.
Mr. Drake?
The horses ready, Dan?
Yes, sir,
all 13 of them.
Thirteen's bad luck.
We're not
superstitious, are we?
Let's wait for Barbara.
It's only a little after 2:30.
If we wait for her, we'll have
to make this a moonlight ride.
She'll probably just arrive
by the time we get back.
Let's go.
I think if we go off without
her, it'll be good for her.
I think we should wait.
Uh... Uh.
Barbara know about
this trip you're taking?
I didn't even tell the family
'til this morning.
When do you leave?
A month. We don't start up
the Amazon 'til late September.
The Amazon's a river, isn't it?
Named after
a tribe of women.
So that's
what's behind this expedition.
be thrilled.
Are you with us?
No, I'm alone.
How cozy.
Mr. Kirkpatrick.!
Wanted on the telephone.!
All right, Willie.
I'll take it.
Yes, sir.
Won't be a minute.
Mr. Drake!
Wanted on the telephone!
- That must be Barbara.
- Maybe it's Dad.
You go on along.
- Oh, we'll wait.
- No, go ahead. I'll
meet you at the willows.
Don't be long.
I won't.
Nice horsey.
Don't be afraid.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I just want
to undo this.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
See? Sugar. Sugar.
Just wanna undo this, see?
That's it.
Come on.
Get the sugar.
Got some more in here.
You can have that when
you get to the barn.
Come on.
Get the sugar.
You can have it all
if you'll just come
to the barn. Come on.
Come on.
I got some more for you.
You like sugar, don't you?
So do I. Come on.
Get the sugar.
That's a good horsey.
Come on. Come on.
Did you call me
to the phone?
No, Mr. Drake.
There's nobody on it.
Somebody called.
I'm sorry, sir.
- What's going on
with that horse?
- Come on.
There's lots more
where this came from.
Come on. That's a boy.
I don't like my horse
to have sugar.
Oh, he likes it.
Hey, Shamrock!
Come here, boy. Hey!
Hey! Hey, Shamrock. Here!
Come back here!
Here, fella, take it easy.
The horses have
enough trouble with this jump
without looking out for you.
I fell when you chased me.
I wasn't chasing you.
I was chasing the horse.
Not that way.
Look out!
Let's get out of here
before another horse
takes after you.
What are you tryin' to do,
kill yourself?
Between stuffing my horse
with sugar and making yourself
a steeplechase hazard,
you've had
a pretty busy day.
If one of those jumpers
had been short, you'd really
have something to worry about.
Now run along and try
and keep out of mischief.
Oh, come on.
You're all right now.
Is there a handkerchief
in there? Let me
get it for you.
It's nothing.
It's just a natural react...
You must like horses
an awful lot.
No, I don't. I just...
You carry a lot
of sugar around.
Oh, that's...
Could you show me the way
out of here, please?
The same way you got in.
I've got friends waiting.
It'd only take
a few minutes.
I'm a little dizzy.
Well, that, young lady, is
a masterpiece of understatement.
You're the dizz...
Now I wonder
what's happened to her.
That's fine. You ought to have
a keeper or a nurse.
What are you doing?
The kid's fainted.
She had a bad scare.
Get some water.
I'll take care of her.
Who is she?
I don't know. You
better get some water.
I'll be right back.
All right, thanks.
You're welcome.
You didn't have to
kill yourself.
You told me to keep him here.
I didn't tell you
to hang on his neck.
I didn't. He held me up...
Go on home.
Don't let anybody see you.
I just wanted to thank him.
He was awfully nice.
Do you want to spoil
everything now?
Oh, no.
Then get out of here
before he gets back.
Hurry up!
If you'd only...
Will you do what
you're told for a change?
I only want
to thank him...
I'll thank him.
Go home before
he sees you again.
Will you get
my horse out, Frankie?
Yes, Miss Clinton. Right away.
What's happened
to our patient?
Oh, that little brat.
- She ran off like a rabbit.
- She's a funny kid.
Who do you think she is?
You don't know?
The first time
I ever saw her...
was when I caught her
feeding sugar to my horse.
A likely story. Girls
just chase you around.
- Hello, Wilma.
- I'm so glad you
finally got here.
- The gang went on, Ted.
- I'll get my horse
and be right back.
You look lovely.
If I slept this late,
I'd be a sight.
You're priceless.
You always look the same
no matter what you do.
Mademoiselle Bristo says that
whenever she gives me a facial.
You ought to try her.
She's marvelous at
taking bad lines out.
- She must be miraculous.
- You'd be surprised what
she can do for your nerves.
That's where you
plump people are lucky.
You have no nerves.
Here you are, Miss Clinton.
Be careful. That hat might
make him a little skittish.
Don't worry about the General.
He has better taste
than most people.
- Horses always know
more than their riders.
- Which path do we take?
The upper one is shorter,
but there are too many
jumps for Barbara.
Don't worry about me.
The upper road is
ten minutes faster.
Ted and I will
take the lower one
and race you there.
All right, let's go.
Careful with
those jumps, dear.
How nice of you
to hurry home for tea.
Who wants tea?
Why, dear pet,
what happened to you?
Wilma Van Everett.
What did
little Wilma do?
I'd like to kill
"little" Wilma.
What did she do, dear?
Something horrible,
I trust?
She succeeded in making herself
ridiculous in front of everybody
at the club this afternoon.
She acted like a fool
over Ted Drake.
That's terrible!
Put them there, Connie.
All right.
You certainly covered
yourself with glory today.
I only tried to...
You tried brilliantly.
Never mind. Tell
your story, Barbara.
You wouldn't believe it
unless you were there.
I would.
She only advertised
to everybody present...
that she was
in love with Ted.
That's silly!
It was revolting.
- Girls fall in love
with Ted all the time.
- She only just met him!
Love at first sight.
I've read about it.
It's very rare.
A Leo and Sagittarius might
do it if Saturn were in accord.
Her birthday is...
- December 4th.
- How do you know?
I certainly
should know.
You know her, do you?
What are you...
Everybody knows
Wilma Van Everett.
She gets twice as much
publicity as you do.
She does not.!
Walter! Isn't that strange?
That's the same birthday as you,
isn't it, Connie?
Yes, that's right.
December 4th.
[Barbara] I'm going to fix
Miss Van Everett. I'll see her
at the Drakes'party.
[Grace] Are the Drakes
going to have a party?
[Barbara] On the 29th.
I'll have something figured out.
Everybody will know about it
because everybody will be there.
Connie, what are
you going to wear?
To the party you mean?
Oh, I haven't been in...
I'm not going, am I?
- Of course you are. Sister
just said everybody's going.
- I haven't... I'd have to wear...
- It's formal, isn't it?
- Barbara's probably got
something upstairs...
that would suit you
How about it?
And have people say
she's wearing my castoffs?
- We wouldn't want
that, would we?
- No. Of course not.
But I could wear...
Wait. You're interrupting.
You could what?
I could wear my
graduation dress.
It's very pretty,
and it's long and white.
All white.
White's a pretty color.
It isn't
a garden party.
I could make it into
an evening dress. I'd just
have to fix the sleeves...
See how simple it is?
I'll start figuring out
what to do with it.
And thank you.
Thank you very much.
I took sewing
in school, you know.
I'll have to fix the skirt
a little, and maybe I can
fix the neck.
We're not going
to drag her to the ball.
If she fixes her dress, I'm
afraid we'll have to take her.
You can't get out of it.
Don't think I'm going to be
bothered with her
once she gets there.
Be nice to her at the ball,
sister, or people will have
an excuse...
to say some of the things
they've been thinking
about you for years.
I'm going to
the Drakes' ball.
What are you gonna do?
I'm going to
the Drakes' ball.
No foolin'!
Absolutely. I have to cut
the sleeves out. I have to
make this into an evening dress.
- Does the duchess
know you're going?
- Barbara? Certainly.
They only just told me
about it. I didn't
dream I was going.
That's wonderful, Miss Connie.
I'm so happy for you.
Thank you, Agnes.
I do want to look pretty
when he sees me this time...
when people see me.
I mean...
You know.
When who sees you
this time?
Everybody. Everybody in
New York's going to be there.
What slippers shall I wear?
Who's the "he" you were
just talkin' about?
I didn't mean any particular
person. Do you think these
slippers'll be all right?
Maybe if I cut the neckline
lower and sort of
flare out the skirt.
Miss OIlie could tell you.
She makes all her clothes.
Do you think she'd mind?
Oh, no, OIlie loves to...
I didn't know you knew
any "he" in New York.
I don't know any "he"...
I mean anybody.
Just because you see a person
doesn't mean you know a person.
Let's go ask OIlie
about the dress.
She's in the kitchen.
Miss Connie's going to the...
George told us.
Did they tell you about it?
I couldn't help
I'm almost as happy
as if I were going myself.
I've never been to
a big party like this before.
It'll be a great night.
It certainly will.
Is that the dress
you want to make over?
Yes, Agnes said you might
help me. May I put it here?
Put it anywhere.
It still has sleeves.
I thought if we'd only use
the skirt and make a bodice...
and then flare the skirt...
Don't mind me.
I only eat here.
That's my brother Mike.
This is Miss Connie. You know,
I told you about her singing.
- How do you do?
- Don't let me stop
the operation.
I'm used to blood.
Have you any more
of this material?
No, but I have
a yard of silver lace.
Maybe you can use that.
Only a yard?
Yes, but it's very pretty.
I'll run get it.
The design's lovely.
You'll see.
It's a good thing
it wasn't one of the others
that found you here.
They would have
called the police.
Fine crack.
Think you can fix it up?
I can try. I wish
the waist was higher.
Hold this.
Gotta look beautiful at that
ball for a very special reason.
What's his name?
What do you think I am,
a tattletale?
How about hoops?
Never mind hoops.
You better watch that roast or
we'll have a terrible dinner.
Oh, my gracious!
Well done might be all right
for the family, but I like
my beef rare.
What can I do?
Why don't you put
some feathers on it?
How about those things
on the shoulders like
football players wear?
I just don't know
what to do.
I can tell you.
- This oughta be good.
- You take this dress...
and first,
you hide it away,
and then you go out
and buy her a whole
new outfit.
With what?
With money.
Whose money?
My money and your money.
And mine too.
Count me in.
And me.
Only goes to show
you don't get nothin'
for nothin' in this world,
not even from
your own sister.
How much?
It wasn't hard to do at all,
miss. I just bought another
yard or two of that lace.
Every bit of it
seems different.
When I remodel a dress,
I really remodel it.
The slippers just arrived.
I had to bring them up and
see how she looked.
It's a perfect fit.
It's really magnificent.
I still can't believe
it's the same dress.
OIlie did a lot of work on it.
May I put these on,
These aren't my slippers.
Well, you see,
we took them out to a man...
to have some silver
put on them.
You know, like...
Like dyeing.
While he was doing it,
he spilled it all inside,
and you couldn't have worn them.
- So he only did what was right.
- He got you a new pair.
He shouldn't have
done that.
He's insured.
Do they feel
all right?
Why, yes.
They're just a little bit new,
but they fit perfectly.
Come in.
I just wanted to see
how you looked.
You couldn't even tell
it was the same dress.
You look like a picture!
I don't see how...
OIlie must have worked
day and night...
Oh, turn around
a minute.
How does the skirt hang?
Why don't you go
in Miss Barbara's room?
You can see how
you really look.
That's a good idea.
I'll be back
in a minute.
Oh, just a second.
Thank you.
These just came
for you, miss.
How lovely!
Who sent it?
There wasn't any card.
Probably some admirer who knew
you were going to the ball.
Oh, you mean...
How could he...
Oh, I don't think so.
They match your dress.
Isn't that nice?
[Barbara] Ollie.!
- Oh, I've been expecting that.
- OIlie, where have you been?
I want a large chiffon
handkerchief, black.
The bracelet.
Yes, miss.
Pardon me a minute.
I want to see how the skirt
hangs in the back.
I think it's
all right, don't you?
- What school did you
graduate from in that dress?
- We fixed it up. You like it?
The skirt hangs perfectly.
Oh, I forgot my locket.
I better go get it.
You look
very nice too.
I don't think
I'd look so good
in black.
You'd better hurry.
We don't want to be too late.
Did you see that?
Yes, miss. I think
she looks very nice.
Has she gone crazy,
storming in here,
patronizing me?
Oh, no, she's
just so thrilled about
going to the Drakes'.
She's taking
a lot for granted.
She isn't there yet.
Bring my wrap.
Yes, miss.
Did you hear that?
What'd she say?
Mother, are you ready?
Yes, dear. I was looking
up the stars for tonight.
We're going to have
a marvelous evening.
I doubt that.
You mustn't doubt the stars.
They control your destiny,
whether you like it or not.
Ready? That's a very
smart gown, Aunt Grace.
Thank you.
Have you seen
my new dress?
Connie, it's amazing!
My wrap, please.
Mother, can we go?
Certainly. George,
is the car waiting?
Yes, Miss Connie.
Your cigarette case.
Where did
you find it?
In Mr. Clinton's study.
Oh, dear, where will I
leave it next?
[Connie] Have you seen the
newspaper? The society page is
full of details about the ball.
It mentioned all
the famous people who
are going to be there.
It's sure to be
a brilliant affair.
I hope they don't
just play rumbas.
You'd prefer waltzes.
I like waltzes.
I do too.
So do I. Dreamy ones.
My wrap.
This one?
No, the other one.
Mother, I think I'll
wear your pearl bracelet.
It goes better
with a black dress.
This isn't mine!
It is tonight.
Tomorrow it goes back
in Cousin Egbert's show window.
Oh, but really...
- Shh.
- If Mr. Clinton comes,
tell him we'll be late.
Yes, ma'am.
Suppose UncleJason comes in
from Washington tonight?
What makes you think
he's coming tonight?
Aunt Louise
said yesterday
that he might.
She did?
I forgot to tell you.
Let's hope he doesn't arrive
until tomorrow.
If he does come and there isn't
one member of the family home,
we'll never hear the end of it.
I'll be glad to stay
and welcome him.
He hates the sight of you.
Can't say that
I blame him.
How about Father?
Your father won't be home
until all hours.
It's no great problem.
Connie can stay and sing
to him or something. You
don't mind, do you, Connie?
- Tonight? Now?
- You're dear to do it.
- Y-You mean I'm to wait here?
- Just make our excuses.
And fuss over him
when he arrives.
No. You're not really going
to make me miss the party.
You can't.
That isn't fair.
You could have told me sooner
so I wouldn't plan and...
and wait and...
If you're going to argue
about everything we ask
you to do, I'll stay.
You can't do that.
The Drakes would be offended.
We'll make it up to you, Connie.
Barbara, you're only...
I should think you'd be happy
to do something for us.
I could have told you a week ago
this would happen. Wanted to
see if I guessed right. I did.
[Door Slams]
Sorry, ma'am.
[Engine Starting, Revving]
All right.
I'll stay home.
I'll say you will.
Going to the ball
wasn't my idea.
You were pretty anxious.
I like to dance. Is there
anything wrong with that?
Who would you dance with?
Ted Drake?
That's silly.
Of course it's silly.
But that's who you mean.
And it's twice as silly
to be getting any
foolish ideas about him.
I'm not!
Oh, no?
What about that picture you
cut out of the newspaper?
Who was that?
Ted Drake, that's who.
I just cut it out.
There wasn't any reason
for cutting it out.
I suppose there isn't any reason
for keeping it hidden
in that book, either.
In what book?
In what book!
In that book!
Stop being a silly girl.
Get that picture, tear it up
and throw it away this minute.
That's exactly
what I'm going to do.
I'm tearing it up.
[Knock At Door]
I don't want to hear
or think about him,
or have any more silly ideas
about myself or anybody else.
George, l-I
didn't know you...
I knocked twice, miss,
and when I heard you
talking to someone I
thought I'd better step in.
There's no one in here.
Oh! I must have been
talking to myself.
I'm sorry to interrupt, miss,
but everything's been arranged
and you're going to the ball.
I am?
Indeed you are. UncleJason
is still in Washington.
But Aunt Grace said...
They'll be there.
They won't arrive
until midnight.
They'll be there
long before that.
No, they won't, miss.
Everything's been changed.
You'll be there and back
before they even arrive.
How will I go?
In your car.
And it's a pippin.
Who'll take me?
You'll have an escort
of six white bikes.
Six white what?
Bikes, miss.
Motor police.
And there they are.
You mean l...
I'm to go with them?
They'll get you there
before you can say
"Jack Robinson."
Mike told them
you were in a hurry.
My brother, miss. These lads
work with him. They borrowed
the commissioner's car.
Now remember, miss.
You're not to stay
a minute later than 12:00.
I won't.
And the boys will be waiting
for you to bring you back.
All right.
I just wanna tell you all
how much I appreciate...
[Motorcycle Engine Backfires]
- I'll never forget...
- [Motorcycle Engines Starting, Revving]
I'll never forget this night
as long as I live!
[Continues Indistinct]
That's all right, miss. You'll
have the time of your life.
[Engines Continue Rewing]
Have the time of your life!
Remember 12:00!
[Sirens Wailing]
[Horn Honking]
Everybody gone?
Everybody, sir.
That's good.
What time will they be back?
Very late,
I'm quite sure, sir.
That's good too.
Motorcycles. What'll
that family think of next?
I really don't know, sir.
See that there's
no noise around here
until they get back.
Very well, sir.
Will that be all, sir?
That'll be all.
Police... escort.
[Sirens Wailing]
Have you got it
or ain't you?
I know I had it yesterday.
I usually keep it
in the pocket in this door.
I don't wanna know
about your personal habits.
All I want is to see
the owner's license.
Terry, tell the young man
we have to go now.
Yes, ma'am, just as soon...
I think the whole thing
is ridiculous.
Maybe it is and
maybe it ain't, sister.
But I gotta stop...
all cars of this make and model
and see the owner's license,
or else take 'em in.
This is my father's car.
Come on, buddy.
You're makin'
a big mistake, officer.
This is Mr. Clinton's car
and Mr. Clinton's family.
That ain't my mistake,
that's Mr. Clinton's!
We can't stay here all night.
People are waiting for us
and we're all going to a party.
Ah, none of that.
I gotta work 'til 2:30.
You're being very insolent.
I don't think your realize
who we are!
Oh, yes I do.
Just three people
all dressed up...
ridin' around in a car
you ain't even got
an owner's license for.
Do we look like
the kind of people who
would steal an automobile?
Why should I answer that
and make you sore?
You'll pay for this.
When I tell my father
what you've done...
All I know is that I got to
do my duty and I'm doin' it.
How do I know
that ain't a dead body?
Why, that's Walter!
Say something
to the officer, Walter.
He's all right.
Could be ventriloquism.
Make him move.
You think I'm a dummy?
I'll pass
that question too.
You're being
deliberately difficult.
You're humiliating us
and keeping us here
without any cause.
If you don't wanna stay here
we'll go some place else.
Why don't you cut out
doing that Saint Vitus' dance
and admit you ain't got it?
I guess I left it
when I changed uniforms
or lost it today.
I've heard that one
a million times.
[Mrs. Clinton] May we go?
Right this minute, lady.
And because you've been so nice,
I'm gonna have the judge take
your case before anybody else.
Right at 12:00.
12:00! We won't go!
We'll settle it right here.
You're goin', sister.
Do you wanna go in the car,
or do you wanna go
on the bike?
Follow me.
I could have told you this would
happen. I saw it in the stars.
You and your stars.
You told me this was
gonna be a perfect evening.
I know, and it would
have been except for Venus.
You see, when Venus...
Tell it to the judge,
[Engines Starting, Rewing]
May I check
your wrap, miss?
Oh, yes, please do.
Your check, miss.
Thank you. Where are you
going to put that?
In the check room,
just over there.
It'll be all right there,
won't it?
Indeed it will, miss.
Thank you.
Hello there.
Wonderful party, isn't it?
Hello, glad to see you.
Excuse me.
Jolly little group here
this evening, isn't it?
I'm trying to think
where we met before.
Course I know you
perfectly well, but I can't
seem to remember your name.
It's not Fisher, not Fowler.
Follensbee! I know, you're
Caroline Follensbee's daughter.
Wrong again. I'm sorry.
I have a remarkable memory
for names.
I'll get yours in a minute.
I don't think you will.
Yes, I will. And when I do,
I'm going to make you
pay a forfeit.
All right. But I don't think
you'll find out. I have to
go and look for somebody.
Hello, Bevans.
Lose something?
Signorina Cottillini.
Mr. Bevans,
you are sweet.
And you're going to sing
for us tonight.
I can't.
I'm in such poor voice.
My tour was so, so trying.
I said to Doug, "I will go,
but I will not sing."
You must sing,
I insist.
I can't possibly.
And I have no music with me
except... Doug, you have it.
It's just a Strauss waltz.
And tell the orchestra...
A Strauss waltz.
I did mark a change in tone
in the first eight bars in case
they do have to play it.
[Indistinct Chattering]
Oh, I'm sorry.
- Oh, Mr. Drake.
- I should have watched where I was going.
Oh, no,
it's all my fault.
Having a good time?
Oh, yes. Yes, I am.
That's fine.
I'm glad you came.
Oh, are you? I didn't think
I was going to get here at all.
That would have been terrible.
L... How's the rest of your...
How's everybody?
Oh, I don't know.
I haven't seen them since...
They're all right, I guess.
How are you... Your...
You still live at
the same place on, uh...
Oh, yes.
Yes, so do we.
Ted, we're dancing this one.
You're gonna be around?
I'll be around somewhere here.
Excuse me.
I'll see you later.
Who's that
pretty little girl?
I don't know.
Her face is familiar.
I can't figure out
where I met her.
Oh. Good evening.
How do you do?
[Orchestra Stops,
Plays Fanfare]
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen.
We are most fortunate
in having with us tonight...
a singer whose greatness
is exceeded only
by her loveliness.
She truly has the gift
of song. A golden voice,
an inspired talent
and a charming personality.
Now, she's a very shy
young lady and though I know
I should not impose upon her,
I do so in the name
of Mr. Drake, our host,
and because it happens, quite
by chance, that the orchestra
has here a Strauss waltz...
which I think we may
persuade her to sing for us.
Shall we ask her?
[Mr. Bevans]
Ladies and gentlemen, it is
now my great privilege...
to introduce to you
Signorina Marguerita Cottillini.
Wrong again!
I'm afraid someone's made
a frightful mistake.
Oh, no, no. Whoever told you
I could sing was right,
but my name is not that
Signorina... whatever you said.
Life is sweet and gay
All the world's at play
There are blossoms of sunbeams
that glorify the day
And a gentle breeze
wafting through the trees
Serenades me with music
of tender melodies
Life is sweet to me
So sweet and heavenly
Today I'm falling
in love with life
This is May time
Flowers in bloom
banish the gloom
This is play time
Joy fills the air
in May time
And my heart
is so light
And gay
Spring in my heart
Is forever
and ever to be
And I'll sing
to the birds
As they sing to me
Spring in my heart
Will forever more
be part of
My heart
Spring in my heart
Is forever more
and ever to be
And I'll sing
to the birds
As they sing to me
Springtime and I
will never part
Spring is in my heart
Every day I feel Spring
In my heart
In my heart
Bravo, signorina, bravo!
Bravo, signorina, bravo!
[Indistinct Chatter]
My dear young lady,
that was a real treat.
I want to thank you for it.
You're welcome.
I like to sing.
Gerald! This young girl
has a great voice.
I thought you'd
like her, Mr. Drake.
You were splendid.
Oh, are you...
Yes, I'm Ted's father.
I'm going to tell that
young man something for not
bringing you around sooner.
Where is that boy?
Right over there.
Wasn't that great?
Glad you liked it.
I was telling this young lady
I was disappointed in you
keeping her hidden this long.
This long?
I didn't even know that...
Now, now, son.
I know I'm old, but there's
nothing wrong with my eyes.
And I can tell
by looking at you two
that you're real old friends.
Mr. Drake...
Would you like to dance?
You hear that, Bevans?
Would she like to? What's the
matter with you young fellas?
She'd love to dance.
Yes, I would.
Lovely young lady,
Yes, indeed, Mr. Drake.
I wish that boy of mine
would get interested in a girl
like that and stay home...
instead of hopping off
on that South American thing.
Maybe he will.
Yes, maybe.
What'd you say her name was?
Don't start that!
I don't know!
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's my fault.
I'm used to leading.
At school when just we
girls danced, one led and...
And the other followed.
That's right.
How's your horse?
Yes. I hope the sugar
didn't make him sick.
What's the matter?
I'm sorry. I was thinking
how different you look.
I'm glad of that.
I didn't see my face
until I got in the car.
You were in a bad way there
for a few minutes.
I didn't thank you for being
so nice about everything and
tell you I was all right.
I figured you were all right
when I heard you'd run away.
I couldn't help that.
Don't, don't ever
run away again
without saying good-bye.
I mean it.
[Orchestra Stops]
Too many people here.
Let's go outside.
All right.
It isn't too cool for you,
is it?
No, not at all.
If you'd rather go inside...
Maybe you would, though.
I could get your wrap.
Oh, no, really.
I'm all right.
I was...
Do you...
Go ahead.
It was nothing.
What were you going to say?
I was just thinking
I'm leaving here next week.
Are you?
I'm going to South America
with Dr. McKenzie.
You've heard of him,
haven't you?
McKenzie? I think I have.
He's the world's greatest
authority on rubber trees.
He's been to the Amazon
30 times. He always says,
[Scottish Accent]
"I'm verra, verra fond
of the wee river."
He talks like that
and calls me laddie.
Do you have to go?
It's sort of a declaration
of independence to Dad.
He's got a lot of ideas about
handing me a ready-made future.
Oh, I see.
Look at that traffic.
And it's after 12:00.
Yes, it certainly is.
Will you be away long?
About six months.
Where will you stay?
On our boat.
It's a big sailboat
with an auxiliary,
a diesel engine.
Sailboats are beautiful.
Yes, they are beautiful.
What's a diesel engine?
Well, it's on the same principal
as a regular gasoline engine...
only instead
of using crude oil...
Did you say it was 12:00?
It's after 12:00.
See the clock down there?
Oh, l...
Well, good-bye.
[Indistinct Chatter]
Wait a minute!
You're not gonna run away,
are you?
Hello, Ted.
Hello, Mrs. Clinton.
We've had
an appalling experience.
We're jailbirds.
What are you doing
with that slipper?
Looking for it's owner.
I'll be right back.
Who'd he say
he was looking for?
- I don't know.
- [Grace] He's probably playing some game.
He seemed delighted we were
[Man] Hello, Grace.
We thought you'd never get here.
We were delayed.
By the law.
Wasn't it horrible, dear?
It wasn't fun.
I rather enjoyed it.
What happened?
Oh, Ted. Your father
knows the mayor, doesn't he?
Mother wants to reform
the whole city government.
Excuse me a minute.
You didn't see a girl
go any place without a slipper,
did you?
Be back in a minute.
I never heard of such
Does anybody know who...
Ted's looking for?
[Woman] Probably
the girl who was singing.
He's certainly
in a dither about her.
Let's all go up
and help him find her.
Did you see that girl
with the white wrap?
She looked just like Connie.
It can't be.
Connie isn't here.
Did that wrap she
was wearing have a hood?
I don't know.
Have you seen
Ted running around
with that slipper?
I thought it was yours
'til I saw how small it was.
It belonged to some new girl,
somebody no one ever saw before.
Shejust ran away
with the party. Nobody's
seen Ted since she sang.
And when she danced,
shejust closed her eyes
and lost herself in a dream.
Did that girl wear
a silver-lace dress?
Uh-huh. Very sweet.
Not severe like your black.
Just girlish. Do you know her?
Tell you later.
Get my wrap, please.
Yes, miss.
We've been waiting for you,
Oh, George!
Tell us all about it.
I don't know where
to begin.
Any trouble getting in?
- You didn't run into
Mrs. Clinton and the brats?
- No, but I saw them.
Did they see you?
[Agnes] What time?
No, I hid behind a post.
They got in about midnight.
How did you know...
A little bird told us.
A little bird named Mike.
Did you dance?
Yes, and I sang.
I'll bet they cheered.
And Mr. Drake...
Oh, so that's the "he."
[Connie] Agnes, it was...
What I wouldn't have given
to see you.
He was so nice, Agnes.
Oh, don't ask me.
[George] What did you sing?
A Strauss waltz. You know.
We'd best go in the kitchen,
I've got some hot chocolate...
and a piece of cake for you.
And you can start
at the very beginning.
You're lame!
I lost a slipper.
How'd you do that?
It was awful.
I had to start running...
No more here. The old man's
working in his study
and we'll get into a...
I'm working;
you're making noise.
So we'll have to stop the work
or stop the noise.
I'm very sorry.
It's my fault, UncleJim.
Maybe it is.
We won't have any more of it.
UncleJim. George told me
to be quiet or go to another
room so I wouldn't disturb you...
Have a nice time
at the party?
What? Oh, yes, wonderful.
Danced, huh?
Met some nice people?
Oh, yes, UncleJim.
Very nice.
What'd your cousin say
when she saw you?
Oh, I didn't speak to Barbara,
Aunt Grace or Walter, either.
Smart girl. Run up
to bed now. Good night.
Good night.
The family must have stopped
someplace on the way...
Yeah, stopped in jail.
Kept 'em there
'til midnight. Should have
kept 'em there longer.
Jail? What happened?
Don't know.
They called me to get
my lawyer. Couldn't get him.
Couldn't remember
his telephone number.
Couldn't even remember his name.
Couldn't remember anything.
I don't understand.
Had a good time,
you said.
You knew about
I know a lot of things.
I know every cloud
has a silver lining.
They went to jail;
you went to the ball.
UncleJim, you...
Car coming up the driveway.
This is all a secret.
I'll never tell a soul.
Make my life miserable
if you do. Yours too.
It's Barbara.
You'd better scat.
Good night.
Hurry up!
The duchess is coming!
[Car Door Slams]
Are you asleep?
Uh-huh. Ooh, that light
hurts my eyes.
- I just wanted to see
that you were in.
- I'm in. Good night.
Have you been in all night?
What time is it?
- You were home all night?
- UncleJason didn't arrive.
Sorry if I interrupted
your beauty sleep.
That's all right.
So you were at the party.
And you sang.
I sang.
Didn't I tell you
to stay here?
I didn't want to.
Oh, you didn't want to.
Nope. I knew UncleJason
wasn't coming and I had
a chance to go, so I went.
- You mean you sneaked in.
- There's nothing you can do that
could spoil this night for me.
Would it spoil things if I asked
how you turned your graduation
dress into a Paris creation?
OIlie made it out of some
silver lace I had. Not that
it's any of your business.
And that wrap. She made that
out of a pair of pet ermine
she's been keeping?
A friend of mine said I could...
I'm not going to quarrel
with you, Barbara.
I'm so sorry I wasn't there.
You must have been wonderful.
Thank you. Now, if you're
through being sarcastic...
Even Ted said he never
had so much fun.
He thought you were
a night club singer pretending
to be somebody important,
so he decided
to play up to it.
It's so funny. And his
imitation of you dancing with
your eyes shut is wonderful.
People just roll on the floor
when he does it. He does it
over and over again.
And leaving your slipper.
That was so touching.
Ted's going to use it
to try and find you.
He wants to hire you
to play the same joke
on a friend of his in Boston.
You get out of here.
This is my room and l...
Oh, you want to be alone.
You have so much to think about,
so much to dream over.
Get out!
All right.
I'll go down to the kitchen
and tell your chums
what a success you were.
Good morning, sir.
Good morning.
Your orange juice, sir.
Your coffee black
as usual?
Anything else, sir?
Not a thing.
Then this is good-bye,
Going someplace?
I'm leaving, sir.
Miss Barbara sacked
the whole staff last night...
when she found out we'd helped
Miss Connie get to the party.
Oh, that's all right, sir.
Not one of us would have stayed
after Miss Connie left.
Connie left?
Bag and baggage, sir.
We wanted her to stay
and have a talk with you, sir,
but she said she had
made enough trouble.
And didn't leave a note?
She said she'd
write to you, sir,
when she was settled
and making her own way.
I do think she was trying
to make it easier...
for us all.
I'd like to talk
to the other servants, George.
They've been
gone hours, sir.
[Mrs. Clinton]Jimmie.!
Jimmie, you have to
drive me into town.
We have no chauffeur.
Did you know that Connie had left?
Yes, so has everyone else.
No cook, no butler, no maids.
And you're not with us
anymore, are you, George?
- No, madam, I'm not.
- Such a pity.
You're such a good butler too.
It was nothing personal. Just a bad
constellation for everybody.
It won't happen again.
Connie's a very young girl
to be out on her own.
It's not right.
I'm going to look up her
horoscope and find out what evil
influence brought this about.
I'm also going to see
if it's a good time
to employ new people.
We have to wait
until the stars are right.
I'm hungry.
The cook has left,
Mr. Walter.
Father, can you make coffee?
Do you know that your cousin
has left this house?
I only know
I'm hungry.
Don't you think we better
do something practical
about Connie?
I'm doing the most
practical thing in the world:
Checking her
complementary influence
againstJupiter's emphasis.
Then there's a trend
of depression that's been...
[Continues Indistinct]
Jim, what are you doing?
Jim, it's taken me years
to work that all out!
I never liked
this thing, either!
Jim, stop it!
Are you losing your mind?
Now, you listen to me,
Gracie Schultz!
I've had all the twaddle
I'm gonna have about
the eight and ninth house...
and the influence of this and
that, and Leo being in Libra
that I'm gonna have!
I oughta make you
eat these things!
But if I ever hear
another peep outta you
about the sun, moon or stars,
I promise you by the big
and little dipper,
that you won't be only
talkin' about stars,
you'll be seein' 'em!
Let the heavens take care
of themselves!
And you get down to earth!
Oh, Jim, you brute!
Don't flatter me!
- I've only just begun!
- Father, have you gone crazy?
[Sobbing Continues]
Oh, you're up.
That's fine.
I was hoping I wouldn't have to
go and pull you out of bed.
Why did you make Connie
leave this house?
Now, Father.
Don't "Father" me! I know
what you did and for once...
you're gonna pay
the consequences,
you selfish...
little dressed up ingrate!
I won't be talked to
like that!
Then we'll stop talking!
You come in here!
You're a child and I'm gonna
treat you like a child.!
[Barbara Protesting]
[Barbara Yelling]
Daddy, don't.!
[Mr. Clinton Spanking Barbara]
[Yelling Continues]
I'll pay you for this.
Oh, no, sir,
this one's on me.
There's one more thing
I want you to...
Don't you ever do anything
but sit sprawled out
in that chair?
But, Father, I have
a theory, you know.
A theory of relaxation.
I worked it all out myself.
In that chair?
It's taken years.
I believe that one
through relaxation,
prolonged and constant,
can store up sufficient energy
to surmount any emergency
that arises...
where vitality is called for
and force is needed.
Simple, isn't it?
Almost too simple.
You see, I don't spend energy,
I hoard it.
Sort of sit on it?
I've already proved all forms
of exercise are wrong.
Say a man gets up
and does his daily dozen.
The first time
he stretches,
bends over,
touches the floor,
he's spent 14 pounds
of energy.
To get back to
his normal position, how much
do you think he spends?
Uh, from the position
you were in just now?
Um-hmm. Identical with it.
Just about...
Practically none, because
I'd help him like that!
Very well bowled, sir.
There's only one more thing
we gotta do! Find Connie
and bring her back here!
Everybody understand that?
This is your station, miss.
Thank you.
[Brakes Squealing]
[Cane Raps On Window]
Oh, Miss Wiggins.
Did you get my telegram?
No, I meet all the trains.
That's all I have to do.
Did I get your telegram?
Get those bags over here.
It's so quiet
and restful here.
Going through that stage, eh?
Cities are
such noisy places.
They're not dull
and full of squealing girls.
Are you surprised
that I'm back?
You must be.
All right then, I will be.
I'm surprised. Feel better?
I wanna teach music.
Most of them
want to be missionaries.
Never mind. Go on.
You want to teach.
Yes, but I'll have to
have more training.
I hope so.
I'd like to get
a scholarship at the Teacher's
Conservatory of Music.
I suppose it's only fair
that I tell you...
why I've made this decision,
Miss Wiggins.
Practice that little speech
on the way up?
Why... I guess I did.
What's that?
I guess I did.
Never mind the rest.
I know the important part.
Your heart's broken,
your faith's gone,
you want to be independent...
Who told you?
About 40 old maids I know.
It happened to them too.
Make it 41.
I'd forgotten myself.
This is so...
Oh, you don't want
to hear about it.
Oh, go on,
get it off your chest.
Might make you feel better,
and it won't make me
feel any worse.
First, you'll be
a junior instructor.
You'll get paid half as much
as you need to live on,
if you call it living.
You'll wear last year's hats,
two-year-old dresses
and patched up shoes.
But it won't make much
difference how you look
'cause there won't be...
anybody lookin' at you,
except a lot
of so-called students.
I'll have my work.
You'll have that.
Later on by scrimping
you'll have money to travel on...
third class and alone,
or with another teacher.
I like to be alone.
You don't even know
what the word means, child!
My pupils will love me, I hope,
as much as they love you.
I'm a character, a crotchety,
loveable old character.
I hate being a character.
Do you like cats?
- No, not much.
- Huh. You'll get
to love them.
They've got sense.
They're like men:
Feed them, pet them and
admire them and they'll purr.
Every woman
wants to make somebody purr.
You want to lock yourself up
in a world of women, a little
world, a sheltered world.
A useless, polite
frightened world.
Miss Wiggins, I'm not a child.
I know what I want to do.
Work and support myself
and not depend on other people
for happiness or anything else.
All right.
Where's your diploma?
I'll have to sent it along
with the application
for the scholarship.
It's right here.
There's a teacher's powwow
here on the sixth.
They'll be here
from all over the state.
We'll have to line up
some votes for you
while they're on the ground.
Here's a list of credits.
Hmm, pretty slipper.
The other one, I suppose,
is the one Mr. Blake had.
Mr. Drake.
What you keeping it for?
I just happened to pack it.
To have something to cry into
30 years from now?
Get rid of it.
You'll sing at that meeting,
show them a sample
of what you know
about music,
have them make up
their minds right away.
Thank you.
That'll be marvelous.
It'll be terrible, but I'll do it.
You'll get a new dress for it.
I'll have the girls go to
the auditorium so you'll
have an audience...
and you'll sing something
that will be effective.
The Spring Song.
No, not the Spring Song.
One fine day.
"Butterfly" by Puccini.
Know it?
We have to work on it.
That'll make 'em all cry.
All the old maids
will sniffle.
You know, "One fine day
he'll come back to me."
Oh, but l...
I'd rather... l...
Rather what?
Couldn't I sing
something else?
I don't think it's a good idea
to make them sad.
Make you sad
to sing it?
No, no, not me.
You just said it'd
make them cry.
Old maids are
only happy when they cry.
You'll find that out.
[Knock At Door]
Miss Wiggins, we just heard
that Connie was... Oh!
Hello, Connie!
When did you get back?
Go along, all of you,
and stop chattering.
[Chattering Continues]
Why didn't you go
with Connie?
I don't know her.
I came in to see
if you would mark the cuts
in this orchestration for me.
Irene told me to do it...
I'll fix it.
You will?
Thanks a lot, Miss Wiggins!
I said I'll fix it,
didn't I?
[Skipped item nr. 1189]
Weeping and why
And why
On his face
you are looking
Hear me
One fine day
we'll notice
A thread of smoke arising
On the sea
In the far horizon
And then
The ship appearing
Then the trim white vessel
Into the harbor
Thunders forth her cannon
See you
Now he is coming
I do not go to meet him
Not I
I stay upon the brow
of the hillock
And wait there
And wait
for a long time
But never weary
Of the long waiting
From out the crowded city
Miss Wiggins.
There is coming
A little, little speck
in the distance
Climbing the hillock
Can you guess
who it is
And when he's reached
the summit
Can you guess
what he'll say
He will call
Butterfly from the distance
I, without answering, hold
myself quietly concealed
A bit to tease him
And a bit
So as not to die
At our first meeting
And then a little troubled
he will call
He will call
Dear baby wife of mine
Dear little orange blossom
The names
he used to call me
When he came here
This will all come to pass
as I tell you
Banish your idle fears
For he shall return
He shall