Five Star Final (1931) Movie Script

Extra! Extra!
Five star final...
[ Indistinct shouting ]
Mr. brannegan.
One moment.
Evening gazette.
Good afternoon.
Sorry, we can't give out
race results.
Call the morning telegraph.
Evening gazette.
Good afternoon.
Mr. Randall's
the managing editor.
Sorry, lady,
I'm not allowed to give out
The managing editor's
residence telephone number.
Say, what do you mean
By letting those news dealers
on third Avenue
Bury their gazettes
under the other papers?
Now, get them on top,
and get them on top quick!
Say, ain't you been told
to keep them gazettes on top?
Listen, mister,
I run my place the way I like.
What are you getting... rake-off
from them other tabloids?
I ain't taking orders
from no-goods like you.
let's give it to him.
Hey, now! Hey, cut it out,
you dirty bums!
Help! Help!
[ Whistle blowing ]
Come on! Let's go!
Help! Help! Police!
[ Indistinct shouting ]
[ Whistling ]
Did you find
Mr. Randall?
Hey, another conference?
Mr. French and Mr. brannegan
are with him.
Oh, so the advertising
and circulation department
Are in for another razzing
from old hinchy, huh?
Arthur goldberg,
is that the proper way
To speak of the owner
of this paper?
Oh, I've heard Mr. Randall
call him worse than "hinchy."
He calls him a s...
A sultan of slop...
That's what he call...
[ intercom buzzing ]
Shut up!
He'll hear you!
Yes, Mr. hinchecliffe?
No, I haven't been able
to locate Mr. Randall as yet,
But I'm still trying.
Arthur's been looking for him
all over the building.
All right, miss Edwards, but
please try and find Mr. Randall.
It's very important.
Now, Mr. French,
Here are the latest
circulation figures...
302,000 on Monday,
301,000 on Tuesday,
And 306,000 on Wednesday.
That's 20,000 behind
our figures for last year.
Well, Mr. hinchecliffe,
You know of what weather
we've been having.
The same kind of weather they're
having at the other papers.
What about these cancellations
of our Saturday papers
From the small towns?
Well, you know Randall
won't print
Pictures of girls in underwear
in the picture section.
What I want definitely
Is an immediate lift
in our circulation,
And I mean to get it.
I'll take this up
with Randall.
I think it's time something
was taken up with Randall.
This paper's been
successful thus far
Because our policy has been,
frankly, a sensational one.
Now, Mr. brannegan,
I think you use the wrong word.
My policy has always been
To develop the human interest
of life.
Call it what you like,
Mr. hinchecliffe,
But Randall has seen fit
to change that policy.
When there are cases
every day
As good as the rhinelander
or Browning cases,
Why are we printing cables
from the league of nations?
French: That's right!
We can't sell this paper unless
we have something to sell!
Randall's getting too swell
for the chewing-gum trade.
What's the use of kidding
ourselves, Mr. hinchecliffe?
We're not selling newspapers
on park Avenue.
I think you're on
the right track, brannegan.
Look at this stuff
we're printing now...
"Love under the sea."
Our readers eat too much fish
to get romantic about them.
Why can't we print stories
about shopgirls, models,
Servant girls... something
our readers know about?
Exactly what I've had
in mind.
By the way, do you remember
the Nancy voorhees murder case?
Why, every stenographer
will eat up a story like that.
Miss Edwards, please bring in
the voorhees serial.
Right away.
There's no question about it,
Mr. hinchecliffe.
Our weak spot
is the editorial department.
Randall needs
a good jacking-up!
All right, gentlemen,
There's nothing more to discuss
until Randall gets back.
Oh, thank you.
By the way,
did you read it?
Yes, sir.
What do you think
of it?
Well, I think the part
about the illegitimate child
Isn't made
quite clear enough.
I'm kitty carmody.
Mr. hinchecliffe told me
to see Mr. Randall.
Sit down.
I'll be with you in a minute.
Mr. hinchecliffe says there's
an opening for me on the staff.
He thinks
I might take the job
Of some girl
that was just let out.
Good heavens, don't they even
let the corpse get cold?
Mr. hinchecliffe seemed
to like me very much.
What I meant
about Mr. hinchecliffe
Is that he knows I've had
a lot of experience in Chicago.
Yeah, you look it.
I beg your pardon?
Look here, miss carmody,
I'm not hiring you.
If you give me
that letter,
I'll give it to Mr. Randall
when he comes in.
I'm sorry.
I don't think you like me,
do you?
Don't worry.
You'll get the job all right.
So long.
Take care of yourself.
Gee, miss Taylor,
you're pretty rough.
They fired Julia Murphy
because she was flat-chested.
Now they're gonna put
this girl on because she's...
And can vamp stories
out of shyster lawyers.
Oh, gee, I like them
that way, too.
Say, when's the boss
gonna put me on the street?
What do you think you are,
a woman?
Oh, lay off of the wisecracks,
will you?
The boss said he was gonna
make me a reporter in the Bronx.
[ Telephone rings ]
Mr. Randall's office.
Oh, yes, miss Howard.
No, Mr. Randall isn't in.
Will you call again?
All right, I'll tell him.
Suffering Moses,
But Mr. Randall's got
a lot of women.
Arthur "goldboig,"
ain't you got no religion?
Gee, the way you say that,
I ought to change my name.
Don't you do it, kid.
New York's too full
of christians as it is.
Darn it, I wish Mr. Randall
would get back.
I want to go home.
You'll get there...
By midnight.
Here's the stuff
the boss wanted.
Oh, you're here again.
You know, I could think
of six reasons
Why you should be
in jail.
Only two. Hey, schlemiel,
put this stuff away.
What did the boss think
of that layout
I gave him
in the feature page?
He didn't even
look at it.
Where is he?
I got another big idea.
Mr. Randall isn't back yet,
miss Taylor?
No, he went out
after the last edition.
You think he will be back,
Oh, yes, Mr. hinchecliffe.
He'll be back.
He always works
very late.
Say, what's going on...
Another powwow?
Yep, there's more huddles
on this paper
on the notre dame team.
On the level, don't you know
where the boss is?
On the level, I don't.
But you might try corkran's.
Or maybe you've been thrown out
of that speakeasy.
They don't throw you out
of a speakeasy.
They carry you out.
[ Door closes ]
Say, what's Mr. Randall looking
so worried about these days?
Well, Mr. Randall's worrying
because the owner's worrying him
Because the owner's worrying
over circulation.
Say, I think you're
in love with him.
Now, listen, Arthur,
you're a nice kid,
But cut that stuff.
Oh, honest,
I'm sorry, miss Taylor.
But, gee, if I was the boss,
I'd marry you tomorrow.
I guess I'm happier
just being his secretary.
What in thunder
am I talking about?
Get out of here,
you pest!
[ Whistles ]
When I go out to get
a story,
I don't like to pull the line
"I'm from the times."
And if I don't say
I'm from the times,
I get kicked out
the nearest door.
Yeah, when anybody asks me
what paper I'm on,
I got to say, "the gazette,
and what about it?"
I thought the boss was going in
for stuff on the up-and-up.
He better get
a new owner, then.
That's right.
Well, there's some guys
that furnish the manure,
And there's some guys
that grow the flowers.
Say, what the heck?
Are you guys getting poetic?
Well, you know the gazette
won't never be no Violet patch.
Have a drink.
One silver light,
Boss been in here?
he's in with the gents.
Washing his hands.
He washes them
50 times a day.
Maybe they get dirty.
Mine do, and I'm not
hinchecliffe's managing editor.
How's your "June bride" contest
coming along, ziggie?
It'll make out.
Him and his contests.
Hello, boss.
Some service.
They've been looking for you
at the office, boss.
Well, let them look.
What's on your mind,
How's circulation?
All right. Why?
Well, now, listen,
you give me this job.
Yeah, after that last lot
of rotten hooch you got for me.
That stuff would make me
do anything.
Honest, boss,
it's from Montreal!
They must have deported it.
Have something, boys.
No more for me,
I've had plenty.
I got to get back to the shop
and knock off
Another 2,500 words
on love under the sea
Before I go under.
Give me another,
Come on, ziggie.
What's worrying you?
Well, maybe I'm stepping in
too deep.
Go on. Talk.
Listen, huh?
Give them the girls
and all that slop
That hinchy calls
human interest.
All this politics
and tariff stuff is the bunk.
Nobody reads it.
Everybody thinks I'm trying
to go highbrow, huh?
I hear some talk.
Well, spread it around
That I've just been taking
a vacation.
That's the stuff.
And listen, boss,
I got another swell idea!
Another headache for me?
No, a taxi contest...
Racing and relays from the Bronx
to the city hall.
Give the winners
new cash!
and kill 100 people.
All right!
But listen, boss,
if you do that,
I guarantee you 40,000 more
Now, listen, boss,
with this taxi-cab contest,
Every mug in New York running
a cab will boost the gazette.
We'll get more
Get the sporting
I want to speak
to O'Malley.
Oh, and tell
Mr. hinchecliffe I'm back.
get hold of O'Malley.
I've been looking
for you.
Yeah? I heard a rumor.
There's a miss carmody
waiting to see you.
I'll see her later.
Good. Now, suppose we send
for French and brannegan?
I'm very anxious to have all
departments cooperate smoothly.
Get French and brannegan.
Now, Randall,
what I like about you
Is your splendid
fighting spirit.
You know you pleased me
very much
During the formative days
of the paper.
Thank you.
Hmm, you're inclined to be
a trifle sarcastic,
Which is not good
for the organization.
Are you asking
for my resignation?
Now, now, my boy,
don't be hasty.
You must learn
to get along with people.
What all is prelude
to circulation?
The lifeblood of a newspaper
today is circulation,
And in our type of paper,
we must have mass circulation.
The star is giving
another lonely hearts' ball,
And the chronicle is having
a "perfect back" contest.
Yes, and the news is running
the confessions of Peggy Joyce.
And we're getting
on our Saturday paper.
And our "June bride" contest
is a flop,
If that'll add
to your happiness.
Now, ziggie feinstein...
Who is ziggie?
Why, zigmund feinstein,
our contest editor.
He wants to run a taxi race
from the Bronx to city hall.
But how is that possible?
We could do it in relays,
obey all traffic rules,
Maybe only kill
100 people.
Hmm, very interesting.
I wouldn't object
to your giving Mr. z... ziggie
A slight increase
in salary.
That means
a taxi-cab contest, huh?
We have become a little stale,
Randall, a little stale.
Editors have a tendency
To put themselves on a pedestal
above their readers.
If I sat on a cigar box,
I'd be above ours.
Well, there you have it,
We cannot afford
to become sentimentalists.
I think that we can lift
our circulation
And, at the same time, raise sex
to a dignified attitude.
By another
constitutional amendment?
Well, for example,
Suppose a girl gets into trouble
on an automobile ride.
I want a reporter
to see that girl's mother.
I want the moral values
of the story brought out.
If the mother
has warned the girl
Against going riding
with strange men,
Then it's a lesson
for other daughters.
If she hasn't warned her,
then it's a lesson for mothers.
Very well,
Mr. hinchecliffe.
The gazette shall return
immediately to its old ideals.
Splendid, Randall!
A most sensible decision!
Oh, here we are.
Come in, gentlemen.
[ Telephone rings ]
Sit down, please.
Now, Mr. Randall and I
have agreed
That the paper of late
has been a bit too formal.
Yeah, too much
like a newspaper.
what about our serials?
I'd like to pick up
that eastside circulation.
Oh, that reminds me...
I've been discussing
a new serial
With Mr. French
and Mr. brannegan...
The inside story of the
notorious Nancy voorhees case.
How well do you recall
that murder, Randall?
I covered it
for the old New York press.
She shot a man
named bill Matthews.
He was called
"the chocolate king."
It might be a good idea
To have Randall
write the serial himself.
Yeah, and play a pipe organ
around the office, too, eh?
[ Chuckles ]
Well, this story
will certainly interest
A new generation
who never heard of the case.
I've had a good writer
working on it,
But I want it pointed up.
Didn't this Nancy voorhees
have a child or something
After she was acquitted?
I think there was
some such incident.
Now, Randall,
that's where the moral lies.
I think we might get
some minister
To write a series
of introductions
Before each installment.
It would lend a tone.
Miss Taylor,
send for isopod.
You know,
no minister in the world
Would touch
this kind of stuff,
But I happen to have a man
Who was kicked out
of divinity school
For just such a jam
like this voorhees case.
He didn't get shot,
so he became a newspaper man.
Oh, I've used him
on other similar stories.
Very good, Randall.
Now, for this serial,
There's a thought
from St. mark for a text.
Uh, um... Uh, uh... Um...
Ah, good evening,
my dear.
Mr. hinchecliffe,
this is Mr. isopod.
How do you do?
we have a serial story
On the Nancy voorhees
You remember the case?
Why, no, sir.
I thought not.
Nancy voorhees shot a man
named bill Matthews
Because he refused
to marry her.
The jury wouldn't convict her
on account of her baby.
Got that?
Yes, sir.
The moral is,
Mr. isopod,
That working girls should not
allow their employers to, uh...
What's the word, isopod?
Ah, yes, uh...
Embrace them.
What are you doing
to promote this serial?
I'm having it called
"the love-mad stenographer,"
And we're sending out
100,000 postal cards
To all the office girls
in New York.
Ah, very good idea.
Each card reads,
"Warning... don't fall in love
with your boss,"
And ends up
with the announcement
Of the serial
in the gazette.
I like the idea
of this serial, Randall.
I expect a lot from it.
Well, don't worry,
Mr. hinchecliffe.
I'll give you the reddest
display you ever saw.
That's what I like to hear.
It's like old times.
That's all, gentlemen.
Isopod, I want you
to use a text
To precede
these voorhees articles.
Yes, sir,
I'll make a note.
And it's right up his alley...
Hinchecliffe the magnificent.
The sultan of slop!
Miss Taylor,
get me the night desk.
There's a miss carmody
in the waiting room.
Bring her in here,
and don't get fresh.
Miss Taylor, put a $5 raise
through for ziggie.
He thought of a new way
to kill 100 people.
There's the night desk.
Hello, Jameson?
send down to the morgue
And get the clips
on Nancy voorhees.
What? Didn't you ever hear
of Nancy voorhees?
Why, she shot a guy
20 years ago.
Yeah. [ Chuckles ]
Find out where she is now.
I think she married
after her trial.
How do you do?
Sit down.
You're from Chicago,
They teach you
to swipe pictures?
I've done everything.
We'll find out.
I'll start you
at $40 a week.
If you're a good little girl,
I'll give you $50.
I'm gonna team you up
with isopod.
Don't ride in taxis
with him.
Here, pay attention,
I want you to go out and
get yourself a black outfit...
Black hat, you know,
stiff collar.
Ah, yes,
just like the one
I used on the parkley case
last year.
Yeah, same ki... hello?
Yeah, I'm listening.
Yeah, just a minute.
Miss Taylor, take this down...
"Nancy voorhees married
to Michael townsend,
"Assistant cashier,
metropolitan national bank.
"Lives at
184 west 172nd street.
Daughter, 20."
That's great, Jameson.
Say, now, listen, isopod...
You get yourself dressed up
And get an appointment
with Nancy voorhees.
If you get a good interview,
I'll give you a $50 bonus.
Here's a women
who killed a man 20 years ago.
We're gonna fry this case
over again and fry it hot.
I want you to go
to the neighborhood people.
Ask the grocer, the butcher,
the dressmaker, everybody.
See what they think
of Nancy voorhees.
Find out what church she
attends, where her daughter is.
What school did she go to?
Was she ostracized?
I want to whoop this up,
and I want pictures.
Yes, Mr. Randall,
very good.
Miss Taylor,
give them the address.
[ Door closes ]
You don't like this mess,
do you?
I'm not paid
for opinions.
I've been your secretary
for four years.
There were a lot of things
I didn't like around here.
What's your objection
to all this?
I guess I just don't understand
newspaper work.
They're all the same.
All the same.
I think you can always
get people interested
In the crucifixion
of a woman.
Gee, and I thought
I was cynical.
It's not cynicism.
Oh, heck.
Say, if you want
my opinion sometime,
Take me to a speakeasy.
I'm not working
for you then.
police headquarters?
I want to speak
to commissioner Donovan.
Yeah, this is the contest editor
of the evening gazette.
Hello, Jim?
This is ziggie feinstein
at the gazette. How are you?
Say, listen, Jim...
I'm gonna run a taxi contest
From the Bronx
to the city hall.
I want you
to lay me out a route.
And listen, tell your cops
to behave if we skip a light.
Yeah, and I'm gonna get
1,000 cabs
And start them four abreast.
Sure, best time gets the prize.
Sure, three new cabs,
And I'm gonna let an irishman,
a Jew, and a wop win.
Give me the names
of a couple of stuffed shirts
I can use
for a starter and referee.
Yeah. Thanks, Jim.
Oh, say, listen. I just got
a line of some swell new scotch.
I'll send you up a case.
Sure, it's cut, but what ain't?
Thanks, Jim.
What do you think
of the taxi idea?
Yeah, keep it under your hat,
will you?
I don't want the other tabs to
cut in on me and beat me to it.
Yeah. All right, fine.
Oh, give my regards
to your sister!
[ Bell rings ]
And a deuce.
That's game and rubber
for us, Nancy.
I guess the kids are too excited
to play good bridge.
Well, mother,
do you remember what you told me
About the night
before you married dad?
I hope she didn't
tell you everything.
What is the matter?
How are your father
and mother, Phillip?
Oh, thanks, Mrs. townsend.
They're fine.
Oh, Jenny, I forgot.
We're famous.
The machinery age
has a piece about us...
"Machinery man's son
to marry."
Was that all it said?
Oh, yes,
just a paragraph.
Poor mother...
She sent announcements
To every society editor
in town,
And it never got
in a single paper.
I sympathize
with your mother.
I tell you, mother's all right,
except for this one bug...
That the social registry
is her Bible.
[ Telephone rings ]
Nancy: Answer that, Michael,
will you?
Wonder who it is.
this is Mr. townsend.
I'm sorry.
I don't understand.
Yes, thank you.
Will you?
Reverend t. Vernon isopod.
Oh, just a moment,
It's a clergyman, a Dr. isopod
asking if he may call.
Is he the one that's
going to marry you, Jenny?
I suppose so.
Do you know, Phillip?
He's probably one
of the assistant rectors.
I'll ask him to come up,
shall I?
Yes, do.
I'm sorry to have
kept you waiting.
Yes. We will be delighted
to have you call.
All right,
that'll be fine.
Thank you.
He'll be here
within an hour.
Now, how would you two lovebirds
like to take a walk?
Your mother and I have
a little plot
Which requires your complete
absence for about five minutes.
What do you think they're trying
to frame on us, Phillip?
Yes, well,
never mind the wink.
Get out of here.
Come along.
I saw that, you monkey.
Go along with you.
Oh, Phil?
Now, please don't come back
for five minutes.
Gee, this getting married's
pretty swell.
Come on, honey.
Let's go.
Goodbye, darling.
Oh, Phil, will you bring back
the newspapers?
The wall street editions?
This was a break, huh?
[ Laughs ]
Playing post office again,
That's not fair.
[ Laughter ]
Get off now.
Aren't they sweet?
Oh, yeah.
It's great to be in love,
isn't it, sweetie?
That item Phillip spoke of
in the magazine
Makes me
a little nervous.
Oh, darling,
it's silly to worry.
I wonder if the kids
will like this.
I'll bet I could get
San Francisco on this machine.
What would happen, Michael,
do you think,
If we told Phillip
and Jenny the truth?
I'd hate to have Jenny know
that I was not her father.
So would I.
Michael, what do you think
it might do to Phillip
If he knew
that I was Nancy voorhees
Before I married you?
Oh, he'd stand up...
But not his father and mother.
I wonder if Phillip
could throw over his family
The way you threw over yours
when you married me.
Nancy... Come here.
I didn't lose a thing
when I married you, sweet,
Not a thing.
Bless you.
And if you don't shut up,
I'll insist that Jenny
Go and live
with her mother-in-law.
Then she'll become a snob
and won't even look at us.
[ Laughs ]
Well, I'm glad
it's going to be
A quiet wedding
in the vestry house.
It won't attract reporters
[ Sort orchestra music playing ]
Do you remember
what that is?
The theme song
of our honeymoon.
You're the most
blasphemous-looking thing
I've ever seen.
It's a miracle
you're not struck dead.
I'd like your instructions,
Mr. Randall.
I've got an appointment
with Nancy voorhees in an hour.
You have?
How'd you do it?
I merely phoned and said
That the reverend
t. Vernon isopod
Would like to call
and see them,
And they didn't ask
any questions.
That's strange.
Did you speak to Nancy herself?
No, to the husband,
And he said he'd be delighted
to have me call.
Hmm. Why should anybody be
delighted to have you call?
Well, perhaps he thinks I'm
the neighborhood clergyman.
No, they've been
living there too long.
Just a minute.
Get me Jameson.
Say, Jameson,
what reason would Nancy voorhees
Have for asking an unknown
clergyman to visit her?
he's got an appointment.
Oh, that's all right.
I've got him all dressed up.
maybe somebody's sick.
Well, he'll have to
feel his way.
He's good at that.
Listen, isopod, you've got
a big chance to please me.
Now, hop up to Nancy's and
let her do all the leading.
I want you to fish.
For some reason, she's not
surprised at your phone call.
Whatever that reason is
is news.
It's up to you to find out.
You'll have to walk on eggs.
Yes, sir.
Oh, well.
You read your papers.
I've been invited
for this dance.
Did you hear
that order?
Better get used to that,
young man.
Weather tomorrow
fair and warmer.
What paper is that,
This is the evening gazette.
Haven't you ever seen it?
"Love nest raided."
"First true story of the
sensational Nancy voorhees case
"To start in the gazette
Turn to page 5."
You dance divinely,
Mrs. weeks-to-be.
May I call on you
some afternoon
When your husband
isn't home?
Sir, I want you to know
that I'm a lady,
And my mother was a lady.
"Beginning Monday,
the evening gazette
"Will publish
the first installment
Of the notorious
Nancy voorhees murder."
My, my.
I'm going to be married
to a man that reads out loud.
Come on, dad.
Go ahead, dear.
Get another station.
That music is too slow.
All right.
"The first inside
and authentic narrative
"Of the beautiful stenographer
who killed 'candy kid' Matthews
Will be given to the readers
of this newspapers."
Stop reading that, Phillip,
and pay attention to me.
What time is it?
It's a quarter of 8:00.
Oh, Phillip, we'll be late
for the theater.
You kids run along.
I want to give
this clergyman who's coming
The lowdown on you both.
Go on, now.
We'll meet that minister
tomorrow professionally.
Good night, Jenny.,
Good night, mother.
Bye-bye, dad.
Night, darling.
Night, my boy.
Oh, Michael.
What are we going to do?
Now, don't worry,
They don't know
your name now.
They can't find you.
Michael, there must be
something we can do.
We'll get out of town,
Stay somewhere
till it's over.
Oh, no, they'll find us.
You can't hide from a newspaper,
and how well I know it.
Maybe they could be
appealed to
If they knew
what this could do to us.
Oh, Nancy,
I've got an idea.
If this Dr. isopod looks
like an understanding man...
Oh, Michael,
we couldn't.
Listen, darling, he is
a minister and will help us.
If his church were
to ask the editor...
[ doorbell buzzes ]
Oh, Michael...
Now, darling, everything's
going to be all right.
Ahh, I hope
I'm not intruding.
Dr. isopod?
Oh, come in, doctor,
will you, please?
Dr. isopod.
Mrs. townsend.
How do you do, doctor?
Please let me have your hat.
Thank you.
Won't you sit down,
Dr. isopod?
Ahh, you have a very cozy
little nook here.
Just a modest little home,
Oh, you bankers...
You're so conservative
and practical.
You are a banker,
are you not?
Well, I work in a bank,
doctor... the metropolitan.
Ah, yes, yes, I know.
And you, Mrs. townsend,
Do you find it easy
to pass the time?
Why, I'm just a housewife.
That's all.
Now, now, now,
Mrs. townsend,
Judging from all
that I have heard...
What have you heard?
Why, that you are a wonderful
mother, Mrs. townsend.
[ Chuckles ]
Does your daughter resemble
you or her father?
Why, her...
Her mother, doctor.
Nancy, get that photograph
of Jenny, will you, dear?
Jenny. Jenny.
Is that an abbreviation
for Jeanette?
No, doctor, our daughter's name
is just Jenny.
Isn't she sweet, doctor?
Oh, beautiful.
Beautiful, indeed!
I wonder if I might keep this
for our church records?
Won't she make
a beautiful bride tomorrow?
The bride... ah, yes.
The reason I ask...
We always try to keep
A photographic record
of all our married couples.
There is no danger of Jenny's
picture being published?
In the newspapers,
I mean.
It's to be
a very quiet wedding,
As Dr. bevins
has probably told you.
Dr. bevins...
Ah, yes, yes,
to be sure, Mr. townsend...
A very quiet wedding.
[ Clears throat ]
Dr. isopod...
May I ask you
a great favor?
Well, I'm not
a very practical man,
But if there's anything...
Anything that I can do...
Many people come to you
or to Dr. bevins
Or to someone in your church
with their troubles,
Don't they?
Daily, Mr. townsend.
Indeed, yes.
If someone were to ask
your advice,
You would keep that
Why, of course,
Mrs. townsend.
Dr. isopod, I...
I am in desperate trouble...
Not for myself,
but my daughter.
Her happiness...
I'm slightly bewildered.
Here is a newspaper,
One you probably have never seen
in your church associations.
Look at that.
"Love nest raided."
No, not that... below.
I am Nancy voorhees.
Really, Mrs. townsend?
My daughter doesn't know.
She thinks... she'd never even
heard of the murder.
Will you, Dr. isopod,
representing St. Gregory's...
Will you go to the editor
of this newspaper
And ask him not to print
this awful thing?
Oh, my dear
Mr. and Mrs. townsend,
I'll go immediately.
I'll see what I can do.
Oh, Dr. isopod,
we can never thank you enough!
There, there, my dear.
It just occurred to me
that perhaps the bridegroom
Might have some influence...
His name, I mean.
It often means so much
to newspapers.
His name
is Phillip weeks.
His father is a manufacturer
in machinery.
Just a moment!
I'll just keep this paper
for the address.
Good night. Good night.
what were you saying?
Didn't it strike you as odd
That Dr. isopod didn't know
Phillip's name?
He didn't even know
Jenny's first name.
He didn't...
what did we do?
what did we do?
Get me wadsworth 37520.
Wadsworth 37520!
Hello. Is this...
Is this St. Gregory's church?
Please let me speak
to Dr. bevins, will you?
Michael! Oh, Michael!
where the devil is isopod?
Well, send someone around
to the speakeasy.
Listen, Murphy, we're starting
this voorhees story tomorrow,
And I want it dressed.
What? Are you telling me
it ain't news?
Oh, thank you, Mr. Murphy.
Well, maybe we can twist
a headline out of isopod
If we ever find him.
Say, listen... put Nancy's
picture all over the page...
the one taken in prison.
Well, then paint bars on it!
Yeah, and send
that carmody dame in here.
Where's isopod?
I don't know,
Mr. Randall.
then try and find him.
Well, what do you got?
Anything we can blow up to
a ballyhoo on the first edition?
Well, I went around
the neighborhood.
Everybody knows her
as Mrs. townsend.
But I found out her daughter
goes to hunter college,
So I hiked up there.
Anyway, I've got a reporter
that's willing to work, yeah?
What did they say
up there?
All I could get was
that she had a good record,
Was very quiet, and, of course,
was known as "miss townsend."
Looks like my idea
was a dud.
By the way,
did you see isopod?
Not lately.
Say, Mr. Randall,
I don't balk assignments,
But I don't like
working with that guy.
What's the matter?
I rode uptown
in a taxi with him,
And I haven't any skin
left on my knees.
What were you two doing,
kneeling in prayer?
He was doing
the kneeling.
I darn near went off
the side of the cab.
[ Laughs ]
Well, I warned you, didn't I?
Now, look here.
Write your story
from this angle.
"Nancy voorhees,
noted blah blah,
"Is one of the few
noted women killers,
"Blah blah blah blah,
"Who faded immediately
from the spotlight
"And found a haven
of refuge
In the quiet, family
neighborhood of blah blah blah."
Now, work in about the daughter
and the contrast
Of her present life with that
at the time of the killing.
I understand.
All right, hop to it.
Get me Murphy.
Hello, Murphy?
Got your layouts ready?
All right, I'll be right out.
I stand by
anything I write!
[ Indistinct speaking ]
Here you are, Murphy.
Carmody will give you
something for the first.
Put a five-column boxhead on it
with a double bank.
Will you check these stories
over, Mr. Randall, please?
Yeah, sure.
Say, I thought the boss
sent you home.
I stopped at corkran's
and got courage enough
To come back
to tell someone
What they've been asking me
to tell them.
I know...
You're in love with the boss.
[ Laughs ]
The love-mad stenographer.
[ Telephone rings ]
Oh, isopod lily face.
Did the bad Mr. Randall
give you a naughty, naughty job?
Say, if that's isopod,
tell him the boss wants him.
Does it point a moral?
It's a great, big, wicked city.
We can't be alone.
No, no,
you can't take me home.
I live way up in the Bronx.
Yeah, with my mother and father.
My father
is buffalo bill.
Yeah, tell him he watches
out the window
With a shotgun
for taxicabs.
Uh, tell me, doctor,
What's the gazette gonna do
with Nancy voorhees?
Believe it?
I believe anything.
[ Gasps ]
Say, what do you think?
He's discovered a murderess...
A murderess trying
To marry her daughter
to a young and innocent boy.
Can you tie that
for a gag?
Tell him he better hurry
over here.
Mr. Randall says for you
to get over here darn quick.
Now, do you know
what I think you are?
I think you're a big,
yellow louse!
You know
what I think Randall...
Oh, he rang off.
I wasn't half through.
Did you find isopod?
Yes, sir, Mr. Randall.
He'll be right over.
Say, what are you doing
back here?
What's the matter?
You sit there like
a visible conscience.
[ Coughs ]
You've been to corkran's,
haven't you?
Do you want to know
what I think?
I know what you think.
Well, I think
if we lost our jobs,
We'd feel like a pair of tramps
that have been disinfected.
You're suddenly full
of skyrockets, aren't you?
Now, look here,
Mr. Randall,
You've done a lot for me,
But all the time you've been
doing something for me,
You've been doing something
to yourself.
What are you
talking about?
You're letting this rag
seduce you with a lot of money.
Say, now, listen, I've been
on enough newspapers,
And I've seen enough people
to know
That ideals won't put a patch
on your pants.
You think this voorhees story
is a pretty filthy mess,
Don't you?
I think that woman's
suffered enough.
She had a right
to kill that man
For putting her
on trial again.
Sneaking around about it
With morals and warnings
to young girls.
Can't you see what this
might do to her family?
Oh, you ought to be
ashamed of yourself.
I've been in this game too long
to be ashamed of myself.
I'm gonna be one newspaper man
that gets out of this business
With enough money
to give me a decent old age.
You sent for me,
Mr. Randall?
I was just gonna write
my story.
What story?
Why, the voorhees story,
of course.
"Of course"?
"Of course" what?
May I say something?
First you listen to me.
When I send you out on a story,
what the devil do you mean
By not keeping keeping in touch
with your desk?
Mr. Randall,
I've got a big story.
Oh, you have, have you?
Do you know what time it is?
Do you know how long it takes
to make a picture in the shop?
Do you know what time
picture layouts must be ready?
If you'll listen to me...
Oh, go on!
I never yet saw a newspaper man
who didn't have an alibi,
Including myself.
Mr. Randall,
I've got a great story,
But I was under
such a nervous strain...
That you needed
what you call "stimulation."
Well, yes, to be Frank.
All right, then,
stimulate me.
I've seen Nancy voorhees
in her flat.
Yeah, get me Murphy.
Say, Murphy, hold up
your first and third pages
And stick on the wire.
He's here
and, miracle of miracles,
Not too stinko to talk.
Go on.
Nancy voorhees' daughter
is getting married tomorrow,
And here is her picture.
Nancy's daughter's
getting married, huh?
What's so hot about that?
Why, these people don't even
rate our social column.
But, Mr. Randall,
don't you see?
This woman,
this murderess,
Is marrying off
her daughter
To a young
and unsuspecting boy.
This is really something
for the gazette to take up!
I was shocked,
Mr. Randall, shocked!
Ah, poop!
What do you think you are,
a critic?
So that's Nancy's daughter,
Yes, and probably
as bad as her mother.
I didn't see her.
She was out.
Infant damnation, huh?
Who's the man
she's marrying?
His name is Phillip weeks.
His father makes machinery.
Weeks. Weeks?
Hey, Murphy, go in
with the edition the way it is
And let them run one off
of the trains.
Yeah, then we'll replate it
with this voorhees yarn.
Say, find out about a man
named weeks who makes machinery.
His son is marrying
into the voorhees family.
I've got a picture of the girl.
I'll send it out.
Miss Taylor,
give this picture to Murphy.
Oh, here... the girl's picture
is to go in here
And the bridegroom in here
if we get him,
And Nancy's here, and the rest
where I've indicated.
If Murphy doesn't understand,
tell him to call me.
And then do me a big favor
and go home.
All right, Mr. Randall.
Now, look here, isopod...
I want you to tie up your story
with the serial you're starting,
Something like this...
"the daughter of Nancy voorhees,
"Notorious murderess
of 20 years ago,
"Will be married today.
"Out of the silence
of two decades,
"The woman who shot
'candy kid' Matthews
"Emerges today,
only to add a new mystery
"To the many chapters
of her sensational career.
"On page 3
of today's evening gazette,
"The first true story of Nancy's
blah blah blah will begin,
"And readers
of the evening gazette
Will thus learn
blah blah blah blah."
Got it?
All right, hop to it.
Let me see your lead
when it's finished.
And don't forget a text
To precede
"the love-mad stenographer."
Yes, sir.
Is that all, Mr...
[ door opens, closes ]
Get me Murphy.
Hello, Murphy.
What's the matter
with that fight story?
Well, put a couple of pictures
on the last page.
And, Murphy, take a look
at that dramatic page, will you?
Kanig has been handing
the follies
The top of his column every day.
Find out where our dramatic
editor is sleeping nights.
Dry dock 4070.
What do you mean, dials?
There ain't no dials.
Listen, girlie,
this is a newspaper.
Hello? Dry dock 4070?
I want to talk
to dinky Ginsberg.
Hello, dinky?
This is ziggie.
Listen, dinky,
the circulation manager's
Got a job for you
and a couple of the boys.
Hang your ear close.
Now, listen,
we've been getting the raspberry
From some of them
sixth Avenue newsstands.
they're burying the gazettes.
Yeah. There's a guy owns
a newsstand on 46th street,
On the northeast corner.
Yeah, you know,
he's one of them wise arabs.
Yeah, take a couple of brass
knuckles and do your stuff.
You know.
Yeah. Thanks, dinky.
Oh, how's your mother?
I hear she's gonna have
another baby.
She'll wear herself out
one of these days.
Is this the latest copy
of the gazette?
Yes, ma'am.
The five star final
won't be out until 11:30.
Thank you.
[ Cash register dings ]
I've sold plenty
of those gazettes today.
[ Laughter ]
Hello, mother.
Why are you up so late?
Hello, Mrs. townsend.
You say "mother."
You've got to learn it.
Hello, mother.
Where's dad?
Oh, uh, he had to go downtown
on business.
How was the play?
Oh, it was terrible!
You know, I hate these plays
that make heroines out of...
Ladies with a past?
[ Laughs ]
Oh, I almost forgot...
What did the minister want?
Why, the usual thing,
And if you wanted the word
"obey" in the ceremony.
Well, I don't.
Oh, no? Well, you're gonna
start in right now.
You're gonna walk out there
to that door with me
And kiss me good night.
Yes, my lord.
How long will it take?
Oh, about an hour.
Come on!
Good night, mother.
Good night, my boy.
[ Jenny laughing ]
[ Door opens, closes ]
All right, honey,
Then I'll call for you
early in the morning,
And we'll go right down
and get that license.
I guess you think we're an awful
superstitious family, darling,
But mother wouldn't hear
of our getting the license
Until the last minute.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night, sweetheart.
Ooh, I love you!
Isn't Phillip a darling?
He's a fine boy.
I wonder why
Michael is so late.
Why, mother, dear,
you're crying.
Does my getting married
make you unhappy?
Of course not, dear.
It's just because I'm
so happy for you,
So proud,
And so glad you're getting
so fine a man as Phillip.
And now, Jenny, dear,
Don't you think
you'd better get some sleep?
There will be so much
to do tomorrow.
I suppose so, dear.
That's a girl.
Good night, dear.
All that I can hope,
Is that I'll be
as happy with Phillip
As you are with dad.
I'm sure you will be,
Kiss dad good night for me,
will you?
Yes, sweetie.
Now give your stuff
to Jameson,
Then beat it up
to the voorhees home,
And tell Jameson
to give you a cameraman.
But I don't know
how I'm going to get in if...
Well, ask ziggie.
Sure, ask me.
Tell him you're the society
editor on the tribune.
It's all right.
What's the matter?
You got something in your eye?
You sent for me,
Mr. Randall?
I want you to cover
The St. Gregory end
of this voorhees wedding.
If anybody asks you
any questions at the church,
Why, tell them you're
the staff clergyman
Of the evening gazette.
That ought to fix everything.
And get this story in on time.
Yes, sir.
I got another great idea.
Oh, death,
where is thy sting?
What do you say
To a bathing-beauty race
to Hollywood?
What do you want them to do,
swim there?
All right!
Nancy. Nancy, dear.
Yes, dear?
Has Jenny gone?
You know she has.
Why did you call me?
Oh, I... I don't know.
I'm... I'm just nervous.
I wish I could take
this collar off.
Why don't you, dear?
We have lots of time.
[ Doorbell buzzes ]
I'll go.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Where's Phillip?
He has gone with Jenny
for the license.
Won't you come in,
Mrs. weeks?
Phillip and Jenny
will be back soon.
Won't you sit down?
We've been trying to reach you
on the phone all the morning.
We haven't been answering
the phone.
I presume you know why
we are here, Mrs. townsend.
I think we have
a very good idea.
Mr. townsend,
we should appreciate it
If you'd make matters
as easy as possible.
Oh, don't beat
about the bush, Arthur.
This marriage
must be stopped.
No, you can't!
You can't wreck...
I assume that you have not
spoken to Phillip.
It's the proper thing
For the parents of the girl
to break off matters,
Or rather, I should say,
the parent.
But Phillip will do
as he is commanded.
He will understand, of course,
that marriage with a girl...
Arthur: Isobel, will you
allow me to handle this?
Very well, Arthur,
But we are not here
on a diplomatic errand,
And it's no use talking about
what Phillip would like to do.
My son is not going to marry
the daughter of a murderess.
I don't think there's
anything more to be said.
I'm sorry.
Mrs. weeks, uh...
We're excited.
Steady, darling,
Oh, Michael, we must tell
Phillip and Jenny.
Yes, I guess
they'll have to know.
Everything I touch
falls apart.
The thing Phillip's mother
and father are afraid of
Is exposure.
If we could stop
that newspaper,
would be all right.
if I went to the editor,
If I told him
what this means to us...
Oh, honey,
they wouldn't listen to us.
We're not important.
Nancy... I'm going
to St. Gregory's.
I'm sure Dr. bevins
will try to help us.
It's the only thing left
I can think of.
Hurry back, Michael,
won't you?
I don't want to
be alone today.
I feel as though
I'm breaking up.
Now, now, now, now, now.
I'll be back as fast as I can.
You try and rest, sweet, and...
And wait for the kids.
Canal 10000.
Mr. hinchecliffe?
We've just signed
the antisterility crowd
For 100,000 lines
at 60 cents a line.
Canal 10000.
That's good.
That's very, good.
But you know, brannegan,
I'm set against this
patent medicine advertising.
I wish we could afford
to drop it from the paper.
This isn't exactly patent
medicine, Mr. hinchecliffe.
It's really
a vegetable tonic.
Hold on till I get
these figures arranged.
One moment.
Evening gazette.
Good afternoon.
Mr. hinchecliffe,
Just a moment.
[ Telephone rings ]
Mr. hinchecliffe's
I want to speak
to Mr. hinchecliffe.
I'll see if he's in.
Who's calling, please?
Tell him Nancy voorhees
is calling.
We got to be careful about
our Harlem circulation.
Some of the stories
are kicking.
Just a minute,
Nancy voorhees
is calling.
Find out
what she wants.
Will you give me
the message?
No, I must speak
to him personally.
I'll take the matter up
with Randall.
You'd better give me some idea
of what it's about.
Please, please,
he knows what it's about.
She says you know
what it's about.
Tell her I'm not in.
This is very important.
I must speak to him.
Will you please tell me
how I can reach him?
I really don't know,
Ms. voorhees.
I suggest you speak
to Mr. Randall.
Just a moment.
I'll switch the call.
Hello, operator?
Put this call
on Mr. Randall's wire.
[ Telephone rings ]
Mr. Randall's
I want to speak
to Mr. Randall.
I'll see if he's in.
What's the name, please?
This is Nancy voorhees
[ Telephone rings ]
Hello? Just a minute,
Mr. hinchecliffe.
Who is it?
Nancy voorhees
Yeah? Tell her
I'm not in.
All right,
what's on your mind?
Mr. Randall isn't
in just now.
Please, please,
Isn't it possible
for me to speak to him?
Hold the wire.
I'll see if I can find him.
Brannegan tells me we have
an excess of Harlem circulation.
Well, what of it?
He says
it's hurting business.
You tell him I said
we lost a lot
When we stopped printing
Jack Johnson's love confessions.
Yeah, and we
dropped some more
When we took the clearinghouse
reports off the front page.
Mr. Randall is not in,
Ms. voorhees.
we were cut off.
Canal 10000.
I know because my cook stopped
buying the gazette.
Evening gazette.
Good afternoon.
I want to speak
to Mr. hinchecliffe.
Just a moment.
[ Telephone rings ]
Mr. hinchecliffe's
This is
Nancy voorhees again.
Nancy voorhees
is calling again.
Switch the call over
to Mr. Randall's office
And tell the operator
to cut her off
If she bothers us
Operator, put this call
to Mr. Randall's wire,
And if that voorhees woman
calls this office again,
Cut her off.
[ Telephone rings ]
Mr. Randall's
We were cut off, I think.
This is Nancy voorhees.
Just a minute.
We can't keep the
clearinghouse reports on page 1
Because we lose 10 minutes
on the replate.
Well, talk to your friend
brannegan about this.
Mr. Randall, Ms. voorhees
is on the phone again.
You heard what I said.
Mr. Randall, you can't.
It's too callous.
Please speak to her.
Hold the wire,
Ms. voorhees.
Mr. Randall?
Yeah, this is
Mr. Randall.
You know
why I'm calling.
Mr. Randall, I want you
to stop this story.
You don't know
what it means.
I'm not asking for myself.
Please believe that.
But you wouldn't punish
an innocent person, would you?
I don't follow you.
Mr. Randall, my daughter
is being married today.
She doesn't know
anything about this.
If you print this story,
it will ruin her life.
Will you make this sacrifice?
Will you, please?
Miss voorhees,
I would like to, but...
There's so many
other things to print.
Mr. Randall, do you hear
what I'm saying?!
Ms. voorhees, I can't do
anything about it.
The story's published,
and the paper's on the street.
I can't go on with this.
She calls again,
you tell her I'm not in.
[ Gasping ]
[ Groaning ]
[ Metal clanking ]
You may rest assured I will
get in touch with the gazette
And do everything possible
to help you and your wife.
Thank you, Dr. bevins.
I'm deeply grateful, sir.
You're the first person
who has given us a ray of hope.
Good afternoon, sir.
Goodbye, Mr. townsend.
Wait for us, will you?
I'll let you be extravagant
just for today.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Laughter ]
Well, dad,
the state of New York
Agreed to let us
get married.
Oh, that's fine.
Where's mother?
S-she went out.
[ Radio stations changing ]
Needed something
at the last moment.
Isn't that like a woman,
You're a bad influence
on Phillip.
He'll change his mind
at the last minute.
Go on.
I haven't got time.
You haven't seen
the papers yet?
I should worry with papers
on a day like this.
I'll go get them now.
I got plenty of time.
No, no, no, no!
No, Phillip, no.
There's no hurry.
I can get them on the way
to the church.
I only wanted
the market reports.
Phillip, you and Jenny
must run along.
Your mother and father will be
waiting for you at the church.
You must see them
before the wedding.
But aren't you going to
escort us, dad?
No, I'm going to
join your mother.
We'll meet you there.
But mother will be back
at any moment.
I want to see her first.
[ Telephone ringing ]
[ Up-tempo music playing ]
Oh, Nancy!
Why, darling, I was wondering
what had become of you.
Yes, the kids
are here waiting for you.
Oh, why, where, dear?
Oh, no.
All right, I'll...
I'll be right over.
All right.
Oh, Jenny, darling,
you... you must go.
Your mother's in the store
down the street,
And she forgot to take
any money with her.
Now... now I've got to go
and join her.
Isn't... isn't that like
a woman, Phillip?
Go along.
You'll meet us
at St. Gregory's?
Sure, sure.
In the vestry, isn't it?
Why, yes, of course.
I'm going to call you my son
for the first time.
Why, that's great, dad.
How about a little kiss,
Why, dad...
You're trembling so.
Is there something
the matter?
No, dear, no,
of course not.
Just... just a little bit upset,
that's all.
You know, weddings are
nerve-trying things.
Don't be long, dad.
Goodbye, dad.
Oh, Jenny, don't forget to give
the right answers.
[ Laughs ]
[ Telephone ringing ]
[ Music continues ]
[ Gasping ]
[ Thud ]
[ Doorbell buzzing ]
Maybe they've gone
to church.
I guess I had
the wrong phone number.
It sounded
like some nut.
You know what this means
if we're caught?
Just a case of burglary.
Well, we've got the newspaper
behind us, haven't we?
[ Gasps ]
Shut up, you fool!
Get that camera set!
Canal 10000.
Canal 10000!
Snap out of it!
Get that flashlight!
Evening gazette.
Good afternoon.
Get me Mr. Randall
Yes, Mr. Randall!
[ Telephone rings ]
Mr. Randall's office.
Miss carmody on the wire,
Mr. Randall.
Hold the wire.
Get me Jameson.
Hey, Jameson,
Hold up your next edition
and get ready for an extra.
I've got a call here
from miss carmody.
Nancy voorhees
and her husband are dead.
Yeah, suicide.
Put the best rewrite man
you have on it.
I'll switch carmody
to you.
Hey, I'm gonna switch you
to the city desk.
Give them all you've got,
and then get back here quick
And write me a story
for the five star final.
Man: Extra!
Read about the big suicide!
Read about the big suicide!
Read about
the big suicide!
Read about the big suicide!
Man 2: Extra! Extra!
All about the big suicide!
Extra! All about
the big suicide!
Isobel: Frankly, miss townsend,
there can be no marriage.
I must hear that from Phillip,
not from you.
Man 2: Extra!
All about the big suicide!
Oh, why, why doesn't somebody
stop that boy?
Phillip will do exactly
what we tell him.
If he really loves me,
He'll marry me
in spite of everything.
If he doesn't,
I might as well know it now.
Oh, please won't you go?
please leave me alone!
Phillip! Phillip!
Can't someone stop
that little boy shouting?
That paper!
That paper, Phillip!
Why doesn't somebody kill people
who print things like that?
Honey, don't. Don't.
We have just told
this girl
That this wedding must be
indefinitely postponed.
Oh, Phillip.
Just who are "we"?
I don't like your tone.
When it comes
to my marriage,
I'll settle that myself.
I don't like
to make threats,
But unless you listen
to reason...
You'll disinherit me, I suppose.
Well, go ahead and do it.
You were willing yesterday
for me to marry Jenny,
And she's the same girl today
as she was then.
It's just your stinking snobbery
that's changed your minds.
don't be cruel.
I will not take into my family
the daughter of a murderess.
I think you're
the coldest,
Most brutal woman
I've ever known.
Come, now.
Jerry, did you ever
kill a man?
You're kidding,
ain't you?
Did you ever kill
a woman?
Oh, now I know you're joking,
Mr. Randall.
You never killed
Say, I knew a guy once
who killed his wife.
Tell me about it.
Well, he must have loved her
or something,
Because after
he got out of jail,
He used to get drunk
and cry.
What happened to him?
Oh, I don't know.
He ran out of money, I guess.
He stopped coming here.
Ran out of money, huh?
[ Chuckles ]
Yeah, I never thought of it
what do people do
Who are in trouble and haven't
any money to buy liquor?
There must be lots of them
in the world.
[ Chuckles ]
God gives us heartache,
and the devil gives us whiskey.
I've been here
three hours,
And not a member
of my staff's been in.
No wonder the paper
is rotten.
We need more drunkards.
[ Knock on door ]
What are you doing here?
Looking for you.
I think you ought to
come back to the office.
I'm not drunk.
I don't mean that.
I didn't think you did.
You're a human being.
Sit down
and have something.
Same, Jerry.
So, you've been here before,
have you?
Sure. A secretary
only secs for pay.
Now, don't get fresh.
I don't get fresh
with you.
I'm unusual.
Did I ever try
to make love to you?
You said
you weren't drunk.
I'm not.
I'm not drunk on liquor
Listen, Mr. Randall,
Mr. hinchecliffe's
called you five times,
And there's
a police inspector waiting.
And I could be happy
without either of them.
Who's the cop?
Inspector Donovan.
It's about the voorhees picture.
You tell that flatfoot
I've gone to China.
And as for hinchecliffe,
well, I'll see him.
And when I see him,
he won't forget it.
Why don't you go with
another paper, a decent one?
Why not the hot seat
at sing sing?
That's where they send
murderers, isn't it?
[ Crying ]
what can I say?
Please go, Phillip.
I want to be alone.
I feel as though
I were breaking up.
Jenny, don't. Don't.
[ Doorbell buzzes ]
I'm Mr. swartz.
You'll excuse me, but
Mr. vogelsang, the undertaker,
Wants to know
how many carriages you'll need.
Mr. vogelsang thinks
that two will be enough.
The burial is to be
in woodlawn...
Just a minute, please.
I want to get a check
on the coroner's report.
Place of death...
Borough of Manhattan,
184 west 172nd street.
Full name...
Nancy townsend.
Report of death...
B.K. Finkel.
Sex... female.
Color... white.
Date of birth...
June 4, 1892.
38 years, 8 days.
Name of father...
Leonard d. Voorhees.
Name of mother...
Geraldine Mason.
Date of death...
Saturday, June 12, 11:30 A.M.
I hereby so declare
That the foregone particulars
are correct...
Mr. French called.
He said the gazette would sell
100,000 more copies today.
He sent his congratulations
to you.
Wasn't that sweet of him?
Give me the night desk.
Night desk.
Hello, Murphy?
Say, what did the other papers
do with the voorhees story?
I've been away
all afternoon.
They lifted the pictures,
let hinchecliffe sue them.
Now, listen, Murphy...
I'm gonna drop it.
Leave what's left of that family
alone, understand?
I don't want to be chiding,
But I think
it was your place
To be in the office
today of all days.
I think you'd better not
say anything about it.
Miss Taylor,
do you mind leaving us?
[ Door opens, closes ]
Now, what else have you
on your mind?
I've been thinking
That I might take
a little trip to england.
My wife wants to go...
Why stall, hinchecliffe?
You and I have been thinking
of the same thing all afternoon.
I think your exploitation
Of the voorhees story
was a trifle too... too...
Too expert?
Well, you were yelling
for circulation,
And Frank says
we're getting it.
Well, perhaps we should drop
the voorhees serial.
No, no.
The horse is stolen,
Stolen by the undertaker.
Well, this is not the time
for bitterness, Randall.
I want you
to cooperate with me.
All right.
Then let's cooperate
on a drink.
You know my principles
against drinking.
Well, these are mine.
To Nancy voorhees,
Michael townsend,
And our
circulation increase.
I think I should like to consult
French and brannegan.
Hello? Say, have French
and brannegan come in.
You might ask them if
the gazette should send flowers.
Now, my boy,
don't be so bitter.
we are both deeply touched
By this
unfortunate affair,
But you know
a great newspaper
Transcends the individual
and sentimentality.
Yet we can't escape
the fact
That those people
committed suicide
Because we dug up
that old story.
And the coroner's inquest
may bring out that point.
Oh, come in, gentlemen.
I am anxious for a conference.
I need your advice
upon a matter.
I want to congratulate you,
We had a larger sale
Than when the United States
entered the war!
Exactly what I've said...
Human interest is
what the people want.
Uh, Mr. Randall and I
were discussing the advisability
Of dropping
the voorhees serial idea.
You're crazy!
We've got the biggest thing
in years sewed up!
Has it ever occurred
to any of you
That a story like this
can be a boomerang?
If you're going to inject
personal feelings
Into the editorial
I'll start throwing tea parties
for the news dealers.
That's exactly the idea
That I was impressing
on Mr. Randall.
Now, there was a suggestion
made today by Mr. isopod
That we change
this serial
To Nancy voorhees'
own authorized story.
How? By sending to the morgue
for her signature?
Well, I...
I think Mr. isopod should
explain his idea in person.
Send isopod in here.
French: Putting sentiment aside,
Mr. hinchecliffe,
If we can hold this circulation,
We'll top every tabloid paper
in town by October.
And by that town,
no one in town
Will ever remember
this voorhees case.
Hi, Mr. isopod.
I want you to explain
your idea to us.
Well, it seems
perfectly simple to me.
This poor voorhees child
Has probably been left
entirely destitute,
And now
that her mother is dead,
There isn't anybody to deny
anything that we may print.
So I suggested that we give
the poor child,
Oh, say, $1,000
For her permission to run her
mother's own authorized story.
Oh, I think we could give
the unfortunate daughter
A little more than that...
Say, $1,200.
What do you think
of the plan?
I think isopod's
got a good idea.
It's a swell chance
for us to cash in!
And you, Mr. Randall?
I'm not a crusader,
nor an uplifter,
But this is the most filthy
proposition I've ever heard.
I am saying flatly
I won't run the story.
That's between you
and Mr. hinchecliffe.
Why, just a matter
of common decency!
And you should realize
that every intelligent
Advertising man in town
would be offended!
There's some things in life
which transcend dollar grabbing.
For two cents,
I'd smash your face in!
You'd do anything
for two cents.
Gentlemen, gentlemen,
I insist!
There's a young lady...
A miss townsend...
To see Mr. hinchecliffe
or Mr. Randall.
Well, I... I think
that it would be much better
To see her
at another time.
May I suggest...
I think it would be a big
mistake to see her at any time.
You said you had a proposition
to make to her, didn't you?
Yes, but I think it would be
most unwise to see her now.
She's probably...
I'm going to see her.
Then count me out.
If I were you,
I'd have her sent away.
Come on, French.
I hardly believe
I'm needed.
No, you stay here.
She'll be delighted to see you.
Bring miss townsend
in here.
You know, Randall,
you're making a mistake.
Well, you're going to
finagle that serial
Into a first-person story,
aren't you?
Well, here's your chance to put
the offer to the poor girl.
I want to see
Mr. hinchecliffe.
I... I am
Mr. hinchecliffe,
But I'm very busy
at the moment.
I suppose you know
who I am.
You're Ms. voor...
Miss townsend.
I'm Nancy voorhees'
May I give you a chair,
miss townsend?
I prefer to stand.
Listen, Randall...
Stop blabbering and tell
this girl your proposition.
A proposition for me?
Miss townsend, I want to say
how dreadfully sorry...
Dreadfully sorry we all are
for your great misfortune.
But newspapers
are only great mirrors
That reflect the world...
May I ask you a question,
Mr. hinchecliffe?
By all means,
miss townsend.
Mr. hinchecliffe,
why did you kill my mother?
W-why, my dear, I...
Your name is isopod,
the reverend isopod?
Reverend nothing.
He's just a four-flushing,
drunken reporter!
I didn't think any
ordained minister of Christ
Could do what you did.
Why did you kill
my mother?
My dear woman,
my dear miss townsend...
And you...
You own this paper.
You write editorials
and sign them.
You attack everything.
You're a crusader
in shining armor.
Well, answer me...
Why did you kill my mother?
Miss townsend,
you must understand
That I am not forced
to listen to you.
What will you do?
I-I have told you
how sorry I am,
That anything
that I can do I...
You can do anything,
can't you?
I read your newspaper.
It solves everything.
It tells the president
of the United States
How to stop war.
It tells women
how to raise babies.
It tell us to shorten
our skirts
Or Bob our hair
or lengthen both!
you omnipotent coward,
Raise my mother and father
from the dead!
Miss townsend, would you be calm
and listen to me?
Will you answer
my question?!
Why did you kill
my mother?!
Yes, I'll answer it.
We killed your mother
and Michael townsend
For the purpose
of circulation.
He killed them,
and I killed them,
And the smaller fry
abetted the murders
To sell papers to sell papers
to a gang of dirty illiterates!
You think there's
any difference in murderers?
Well, you've gotten
the only answer I have.
Answer? Answer?!
Do you know that yesterday my
mother and father were living?!
We had a future, all of us!
We were happy and...
I feel just...
Do you think I care
what you feel?
You've smashed us!
Where is my mother?!
Where is my father?!
Why don't you
answer me?!
Who are you
to condemn people to death?!
My mother killed a rat,
and I'm her daughter!
I can kill one, too!
They killed them, Phillip,
these men.
Oh, Phillip.
Mother was so beautiful.
I love her.
[ Cries ]
You needn't be frightened.
There won't be
any more murders.
And it won't do any good
to tell you what you've done.
You'll go on hunting down
Little, unimportant people
who can't fight back.
You'll go on
with your filthy newspaper,
Pulling the clothing
off women
And selling their naked souls
for two cents.
You've grown rich
on filth,
And no one's ever dared
rise up and crush you out.
But remember this...
If you ever mention my wife's
name in your rotten paper again,
I'll hunt you down
and kill you.
Why, Mr. Randall, I...
Now get out.
I'm all perspiration.
Perspire outside.
Hinchecliffe, what that girl
said goes for me, too.
Now, listen, Randall...
I feel as badly as you do,
but how could we foresee...
That we're nothing but a pack
of backstabbing murderers?
You go too far, man!
Too far?
Now you listen to me,
It'll be
for the last time.
I'm through with your dirty rag,
and I'm through with you!
Oh, I'm not ducking any
of the blame for this thing.
You thought up the murder,
and I committed it.
But I did it for smaller profit,
for wages.
You did it
for circulation.
You must be mad!
Mad? Yes, I am.
All my life I'll be mad,
'Cause all my life I'll be
seeing Nancy voorhees' daughter
Standing there and asking me
why I killed her mother.
And I want you, hinchecliffe,
to enjoy the picture with me.
I want you to wake up
in the night
And see your own squashy,
putrid little soul.
I want you to know that every
human being that works for you
Knows what a diseased
hypocrite you are.
We all know what you are,
but we take your money
And do your work
because we're afraid to starve!
You'll have my resignation
and release of my contract
On your desk immediately.
But, Randall,
don't be hasty.
Get out!
Miss Taylor?
Please sit down and write
a formal resignation for me.
[ Telephone rings ]
Night city desk,
Mr. Randall.
Hello, Murphy.
Love-nest killing, huh?
How many dead?
Wife shot them both?
Then committed suicide?
[ Laughs ] Marvelous!
Sure, it's a great story!
give her the works!
Plaster it all over
the front page!
Say, paint it on the front
of the building!
Tattoo it
on hinchecliffe's chest!
I don't care what you do
with them
'Cause I'm not
working here anymore.
No, hinchecliffe's got to get
himself a new head butcher.
I've had 10 years
of filth and blood!
I'm splashed with it,
drenched with it!
I've had all I can stand,
plenty of it!
Take your killings to
hinchecliffe with my compliments
And tell him
to shove it up his...
[ Telephone rings ]
[ Indistinct shouting ]
Man: Evening gazette!
Evening gazette!
Five-star final!
Five-star final here!