Flight Risk (2025) Movie Script

Oh, come on.
Thank you.
Holy shit.
Oh, fuck.
Fucking Alaska.
Get that man.
On your knees now.
Get down.
Oh, shit.
Oh, come on, princess.
I'm cooperating.
I'm cooperating, OK?
Hey there, Winston.
How you been?
I'm Adeline Harris, US Marshal.
You're a hard man to track down.
I want to make a deal.
Let's make a deal.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
It's-- it's Chicken Noodle.
Or I'm on the bed.
No, not the bedspread.
Not the bedspread.
It's crusty.
That's so crusty.
Winston, you want to make a deal.
Testify against Meredi.
But I want full immunity and
lots and lots of protection.
All right.
Let me call it up the chain.
It's Harris.
Clean capture.
Listen, he wants to make a deal.
Copy that.
Keep me posted.
What'd they say?
Get comfy.
This could take a couple of days.
Hey, I don't want to be that guy, but--
I have to use the facilities.
Oh, come on.
Don't look at me like that.
These guys literally
scared the shit out of me.
What do you expect?
Can I have some privacy?
You might run.
But if you don't take off these cuffs,
you're the one that's going
to have to do the paperwork.
Hey, Bob. Jeff?
Yes, ma'am.
I have a job for you.
Get in.
What the hell is this?
The charter, Winston. Get in.
Just you say, "Charter to private plane.
I'm thinking Gulfstream.
I'm thinking Learjet.
You know, JZ level shit."
Thought we'd be popping
bottles full of bubbly.
Not fucking drama, I mean.
That's a jet. I never said jet.
I said we got a private
plane, and that's what this is.
This isn't a plane. This
is a kite with seat belts.
Honestly, I'd rather
be on Spirit Airlines.
Well, Winston, what
do you want me to say?
Next time, hide out with
Miami, maybe you get a jet.
You go full Unabomber on me.
Drag me all the way
out to snow-blow Alaska.
Our options get a little more limited.
I doubt you can even land a jet out here.
Yeah, well, it's a little
hard to go off the grid in Miami.
Yeah, it was a lot of good that, did you?
You guys go ahead.
I'll be there in a second.
OK, sir. Van Zandt.
It's Madeleine. I was
starting to get worried.
Don't be. We're just about good to go.
Is he cooperating?
If I say no, can I tase him?
Sure. Right here. I can hear you.
Three days and Motel
sucks. He hasn't shut up once.
Oh, come on. You
loved every minute of it.
Don't tell me you
miss being behind a desk.
No. No. Seriously, Caroline.
Thank you for putting
me in the field again.
I know you have pushback.
Don't thank me yet.
Judge Martin recused himself.
I'll give you three guesses.
Who's on deck?
Stuart, is there a meal on this flight,
or is it like just snacks?
Shut up, Winston. OK, just snacks.
OK, you there? Yeah, replace with who?
Judge Hard-ass himself. Falco?
Yeah, I know. And true to form, he's not
letting us push the trial date again.
You're kidding.
Look, it's going to be fine.
The team's standing by
to meet you in Anchorage.
OK. We'll be there in about--
We should be there in
about 90 minutes or so.
Where do you go? Good.
Moretti's lawyers are trying to run out
the clock on us, but I've done the math.
We could still make New York
by morning, OK? Just get going.
All right, call me from Anchorage.
Buy the book, OK? Don't
embarrass us. I gotta run.
So, any in-flight entertainment, or do
you know any party tricks?
Deputy Harris? Darryl Booth.
Hope you like flying.
It's a beautiful day for it.
I gotta say, I normally don't let my
passengers board for me.
It's for your own safety.
Whoo! No kidding.
What's your pack in there, Glock, or--
We're in a bit of a rush, Mr. Booth.
Yes, ma'am.
You, uh, you sure you don't want to ride
in the back there with him?
Absolutely not.
Yeah, it's just tough
with all the sexual tension.
Well, only meant, uh,
shouldn't somebody be watching him?
Well, he's restrained, Mr. Booth. He's
not going anywhere. Trust me.
OK. Hey, you're the boss.
I never flew a fugitive before.
Redness. What?
Shut up, Winston. I'm a cooperating
government witness, not a fugitive.
No, I'm just saying, technically, we're
all on the same side.
Not another word.
All right, well, we're looking at
moderate clouds and light wind.
I'd appreciate it if you
didn't address the prisoner.
Yes, ma'am.
Sorry, I just-- I never flew a U.S.
Marshal before, neither.
I did fly a Marshal Falk
once, though. That was real cool.
All right, anchor center,
November 208, uniform, uniform.
Ready for departure on
Crookard Creek runway 34.
Roger that.
November 208, uniform,
uniform. Clear for takeoff, runway 34.
Ready to go? Yep.
Is it always this bumpy?
You not digging the music?
Yeah, I know.
But up here, you got
to have some tunes you
drowned out the wind in the walls.
She gets it.
There's always turbulent up here.
Shouldn't even know once
we hit about 3,000 feet.
If you feel sick, don't worry.
You know, a number of passengers have
left their lunch up here.
I got to open a snack bar.
Can you guys even hear me?
What if I need to take a piss?
You a smoker?
Yeah, I quit.
I'll take one.
Yeah, ain't the same, huh?
You're neck OK?
You got a scratch there.
Oh, maintenance, occupational hazard.
Oh, come on.
Why is he in chains?
Come on.
He said he was a witness.
Why is he all chained up?
Because he's a flight risk.
I thought he said you
two are on the same side.
He's a liar.
What do you do?
OK, forget I asked.
You got to understand my
usual haul is a drunken fishing
party or a bunch of suits trying to
experience true nature.
Golly gee, I'm just a local yoke-o pilot.
I sure never seen a girl as
purdy as you from the big city.
You been flying long?
Yeah, my dad is a crop duster in Texas.
I got DDT in my blood.
Well, thank you.
I'm very uptight and controlling.
I'd love to be in a relationship with you
so I could completely control that.
That would work just fine for me.
If we were cousins,
we'd already be married.
I came up here doing summer
charters maybe 15 years ago.
Never left.
I ran once, sorry.
My ex always said I talked too much.
I'm sorry.
Beautiful, huh?
Dad, it is.
Yeah, you getting used to it.
Oh, hell.
Everything OK?
Yeah, it's fine.
Nothing to worry about.
This piece of crap
keeps shorting out on me.
There's no GPS?
It's no big deal, really.
I mean, it happens twice a week.
Oh, serious, I might fly
this route all the time.
75 minutes from now,
we'll be on the ground
and you and your friend are a witness.
Be on your way to Seattle, I promise.
It'll be wish to turn back.
No, heck no.
I mean, it's your call.
I mean, I get paid either way.
There's some weather
moving in from the north.
We headed back now.
It's probably going to
ground us for a few hours.
75 minutes.
I know the way I'm
going to get you there.
How long you been with the Marshals?
Um, seven, almost eight years.
I like it.
It has its moments.
This is hell, man!
What the hell's shit with that?
Oh, no!
It's all good.
Oh, it's OK.
It's a bird strike, is all.
Not a big deal.
I'll ask you the bird.
Well, I better get a little higher in case there's more.
Well, it can't go too
high or I'll pass out.
You good?
Is the plane--
Ah, the plane's fine.
I'm going to have to stand
my aid and scrub my blood off
of it, but could have been worse.
Could have been a prop chop.
I'd be picking feathers
out of the intakes all week.
Look at her.
Ain't she great?
Dancing for your entertainment.
Ah, come on, Ash.
She's resilient.
Yeah, I know.
Look at me with them $10 words, right?
Don't tell nobody.
But the fact is, she just keeps dancing
through all the bumps
and turns and turbulence.
Another phaser.
You got to admire a gal like that.
Oh, shit.
Can you hear me?
Oh, Christ.
Oh, what do I do?
Hey. What was that?
I-- I-- I need to talk to you.
Uh, I-- I-- I dropped
something, uh, on the floor by my--
by my foot.
You'll deal.
No, no, no, no, no.
Uh, I-- I-- also, I don't feel well.
I don't care, Winston.
Suck it up.
No, it's-- like, I feel really bad.
Like, I got a bad feeling.
I think we should turn around.
Just take some deep breaths, Winston.
You'll be fine.
What's wrong with him?
It says he feels sick.
Oh, shit.
Try to keep it in the bag.
What did I tell you?
The one on every flight.
What's our ETA?
About an hour-ish.
When are we going to
see civilization again?
Around these parts.
Not until final approach.
How'd you know about Seattle?
He said you'd have us on our way to
Seattle before we knew it.
How'd you know this where we're headed?
Oh, shit.
Where else could you go?
You ain't no Alaskan.
I can tell you that.
There ain't no way
you're staying in Anchorage.
No offense.
I had to guess.
I'd say you got that Yankee blood.
Not much of an accent, but if you remind
me of this gal I used to fiddle with.
When I radio ATC on
these, I need to check in.
Anchor Center.
November 208, uniform, uniform.
Come in.
I'm in, Anchor Center.
This is November 208, uniform, uniform.
Anchor Center?
Must be the mountains
blocking the signal.
Should be fine another few minutes.
Oh, fuck.
Kind of spooky, huh?
Local pilots call this Eskimo soup.
Flying community up here
must be a pretty small group.
You must know the pilot who
flew me up here last week.
Janie Janikowski?
Oh, sure.
Great guy.
Man, one time up in Nome, he and I got
our hands on some nitrous in the well.
Didn't torture well.
Like I said, great guy.
Seemed like it.
Except she's a woman.
I always been a sister.
And believe me, I could tell you some
stories about her too.
But you're not really
buying that now, are you?
I knew you were going to be fun.
No, no, no, no, no, don't shoot him.
We need him.
Yeah, yeah.
Get away.
Easy now.
I don't want to kill you.
Our body isn't any fun.
What the...
I love it when they play hard again.
You want to play rough?
Oh, yeah.
You're going to be a party.
Shit, oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit.
Hey, shut the fuck up.
Mr. Moretti is very disappointed in you,
Winston, and he wants you dead.
I haven't told him anything.
I didn't say one word.
Yeah, I know.
Winston, Winston, stop.
Stop, I know.
I know, man.
You haven't said a word, right?
I haven't said anything.
Yeah, and now you never will.
I can pay you.
Come on, brother, have a little
self-respect, will you?
I'm serious.
A million dollars in
crypto, completely untraceable.
You got to let me go.
Well, I look like the kind of guy who
deals in fucking crypto.
Fine, then cash, whatever.
Hell, what does it matter?
We're talking about a
million dollars here.
Oh, yeah, you got all
that just grilled away, huh?
I was Moretti's
accountant, so yeah, I skimmed.
A million dollars?
You got some fucking balls.
Do you have any idea how
much money I hit for that man?
Because he sure doesn't.
You wouldn't believe how
many people got a taste.
This one guy in Sankity, Massachusetts
got $25,000 a month, for years.
All you have to do is
just let me walk away.
That's it, huh?
That's it.
Look, what was your plan?
You were gonna fly us to some abandoned
airstrip and leave us for the wolves?
Bears more likely this time of year.
And only after we've had
our fun, you get the picture?
Okay, but here's the thing.
Who's gonna know?
I mean, I will disappear forever.
You get to say you did your job, plus you
get a million extra bucks in your pocket.
So win-win.
That hurt.
What about her?
Look at her.
If you walk away, she's still gonna die.
And then she's gonna die because of you.
When you have it in you, huh?
To cut her loose?
Just like that.
Oh, you didn't need those, did you?
Not anymore.
You still look like a pussy.
You know what the difference between me
and you always twig?
I don't know, a million dollars?
Oh my God.
Have some fucking decorum, you hear me?
I'm trying to have a nice time.
Told you dare, fucking disrupt that.
No, I hear you, I hear you.
I do this for fun, I do this for free.
Take the twister, you like that?
We're gonna have fun.
Get up.
You gotta wake up if
you hear me right now.
You gotta wake up right now, okay?
What the fuck?
You okay?
There's no air.
There's no air in here.
Yes, there is.
You gotta let me out of this.
You gotta let me out.
I can't do that, Winston.
But there's no air in here.
There is.
It is way worse
getting raped by both guys.
No one's raping you.
Are you on a bed?
Did you see where the night went?
Get out of here.
Oh, God!
Oh, my God!
This is how it ends?
This is how it ends for me?
You're not gonna die!
Oh, God, please!
Please, all the goods!
I've been a piece of shit!
Get him off! Get him off of here!
Come on, you can do it!
Come on!
Get off!
You can't turn around, you
have to get out of the car.
Pull out of things!
Pull out of the--
Pull out of the--
Pull out!
Oh, my God.
Oh, shit.
Are you okay?
Winston! No! I'm not okay.
I pissed myself.
What are we supposed to do?
Just let me think for a second.
What are you looking for?
The knife. I need to get these off.
The first aid kit.
Come on! I can help! Just unlock me.
Not a chance.
Really? What do you think I'm gonna do?
You gonna attack the pilot?
You know what? You
got trust issues, lady.
I got it. I got it.
Thank you.
Okay. That wasn't so hard, was it?
You need to get him into
the back before he wakes up.
Oh fuck that! Shoot him!
He was gonna fly into the wilderness and
murder the shit out of us!
Nobody's killing anybody.
Besides, we might need him.
For what?
You know how to fly a plane?
Oh, he's sure as shit not
gonna tell us how to do it.
Son of a bitch.
Need some help?
Damn it.
Thank you.
Now, do my cuffs.
You can still move in those.
Come on.
Alright. No sudden movements.
Me? It's not my fault
we're in this position.
Just pull.
Come on!
Hold on.
Come on.
What are you doing down there?
Giving this guy a pedicure?
Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.
God, I knew something was off about this
guy from the minute he got in here.
Those redneck platitudes and that
bullshit Larry the Cable Guy accent.
Winston, I swear to God,
if you don't shut up...
Bullshit. Nothing. Show me.
We need to move him.
Not until you show me.
Oh. I guess someone did his homework.
Oh, they got pictures of you.
Oh, and they got a picture of me.
Wait. Wait a second.
This is my mom's house.
Oh my God. They could...
They could hurt her. They could kill her.
We got to warn her. We got
to call her and warn her.
Winston. Winston.
We can't solve
anything until we get help.
And we can't get help until we move him
into the back, okay?
Sit him up.
Come on. Really?
For him.
Cuff his hands to that grab handle there.
Son of a bitch.
So much you like being cuffed up.
It's a fair fight, huh?
Okay. So...
Oh, crap.
Oh my God. We're so screwed.
Oh my God. We are so screwed.
Calm down.
Oh my God. Calm down?
You're telling me to calm down?
My mom has never hurt a soul
in her life. She's going to die.
And it's going to be my
fault. Do you get that?
Do you get how that must feel?
Listen. Listen to me.
We're going to figure this out, okay?
Your mom is still alive.
You know that.
Yes, I do. I do know that.
I know Meredi has no leverage
over you if she's dead, right?
Yeah, I guess.
So I know she's still alive.
I also know that you
can't change the past.
All we can do is choose how to
respond in this moment, okay?
So I'm going to get on the radio and
we're going to get help.
For us. For your mom.
And then we're going to get you to New
York so you can testify
and put Meredi away for good.
Where the hell are we?
At least let me sit up there with you.
Come on. I can help.
You really want to help?
How did you know about Daryl?
Just trying to keep us alive.
Come on.
Thank you.
You pissed yourself
again. I'm sending you back.
That's all right. I'm empty.
Hello. Is anyone receiving me?
Can anyone hear me?
Mayday. Mayday. Mayday.
It took us and someone to find us, right?
I mean, when we don't show up?
Oh, we're showing up.
Oh, yeah. No, we're showing up. For sure.
But if we don't, they
know our route, right?
Our route? There's no way he
was taking us to Anchorage.
Yeah, you know, I'm really starting to
question his honesty.
Look, there's got to be some way they
could locate us, right? Like an emergency
signal? Like a black box or something?
Winston, the radio, the GPS, he didn't
want us to be found.
Hello. Can anybody read me?
We're going to crash.
Mayday. Mayday.
Quiet. No, we're not.
Can anybody hear me?
I'm on a plane and I need help.
Say again?
Yes. Hello. Can you hear me?
I can hear you.
Yeah, I read you. Say again.
Help. I need help.
This is an aviation frequency.
Yes, I know. I'm on a plane.
You don't sound like a pilot.
No, I'm not. My pilot, he...
Still there?
He's incapacitated. I'm conscious.
I'm flying this plane and I
don't know what I'm doing.
All right, I get it.
Frank put you up to this, didn't he?
You're kidding, right?
What? No, I'm not kidding.
Please give me some help.
Oh, oh, oh, shit. I'm sorry.
Okay. Okay. First things first.
Did you engage your pilot?
What the fuck is he saying?
Yes. Yes, it's on.
Okay, that'll maintain your
heading and keep you level.
Just keep your hands
off the yokes for now.
What's your altitude? Can you see it
should be a big gauge right in front?
Can you hear me?
Three. Three thousand feet.
Okay, you're a little low, but we're not
going to worry about that yet.
What's your location?
Uh, somewhere between Bethel and
Anchorage? I don't know.
All I see is mountains.
I think we may have drifted
pretty far, of course, here.
Okay, well, I can't be too
far away if I can meet you.
Can you see any landmarks?
You're breaking up a
little. Sorry. Can you say again?
I said...
Damn it. Come on. Hello?
Hello? Can anybody hear me?
He'll call it in, right?
Wait, what did you say?
He's got to call in the situation, right?
The pilot guy? He's got to call it in.
Oh, Ellen. Where'd you leave your brain?
Out here?
A satellite phone.
Doesn't use cell towers.
Come on, come on.
Oh, God! Oh, thank God.
Listen. Can't be in Anchorage already.
No, no, no. We're still in
the air. We've been compromised.
I can barely hear
you, Mads. Hello? Hello?
Hang on.
Hey, Chad. Drop them up and please and
get over here. The rest
of you shut the fuck up.
We've been compromised. The pilot wasn't
who he says he was.
He's one of Moretti's.
You think?
Wait, what?
I caught him in a lie
and he tried to knife me.
Are you hurt?
I'm fine. He's unconscious
and restrained in the back.
And the witness?
Winston? He's fine.
Yeah, never been better. Thanks.
Mads, question. Who's flying the plane?
I am.
I'm flying this plane and I
don't know what I'm doing.
Okay, okay. Well, we
just need to stay calm.
I'm calm.
All right. So you are flying the plane
and just so I understand it. How exactly?
It's on autopilot. We're sort of cruising
in a straight line. I think
he sabotaged the navigation.
Sim, see if we can track her on radar.
I need someone to help me fly this thing.
Yep. We're going to find your pilot. He's
going to walk you through it so tight.
Smith, get me a fucking pilot.
Okay. I'll wait for his call.
Hey, hey, hey. My mom.
Oh, yes, yes. You need to send some
officers over to
Winston's mother's house, okay?
She may be in danger.
Okay. All right. Don't worry. We're on
it. I will call you back.
We're finding us a pilot.
Hey. Y'all need a pilot?
Hot damn. That pays no joke.
We like our pilots. Crispy.
Tell me how to fly this thing.
Um, no.
I think I bit my tongue.
Although I was dreaming that you were
nibbling on my nipple, Twiggy.
Was that you? Or was
that just my imagination?
Who told you we were
moving Winston today?
I'll tell you what. Why don't
you come on back here with me?
And I'll tell you all about it. We could
play hide the hot dog.
Easy now. You're awful
close with that thing.
Makes it hard to miss.
Shoot it now.
Do it.
Also makes it more than likely that that
bullet's going to pass clear to me and
into the wall behind me.
With a fuel iron and a fuel tank, yes?
You could put a hole in it.
Work a ricochet around
right into one of you fuckheads.
Now I know you ain't much for planes.
Surely you know a thing or two about how
bullets work, don't you?
Yeah. Quite the pickle, ain't it?
Okay, I'll make you a deal, Chuckles.
You tell me how to fly this thing, I'll
let you go to prison in peace.
Pass. Option B?
I'll put it out there
that you turned on Maredy.
And you can go to prison looking over
your shoulder for the rest of
what'll be a very short life.
Well, clearly you're mistaking me for
somebody who actually
gives a fuck about that.
I spent every waking day in prison
looking over my shoulder.
You get it, Twig?
You will.
Yeah, no, I got it.
Come on, you really want to die out here?
Honey, you gotta land the plane first.
At least tell me a real name.
You know what's the last thing to go
through your head before a crash landing?
You're ass.
Oh my God, he doesn't care.
Well, maybe he is.
He doesn't care whether he lives or dies.
I care, Twiggy.
He doesn't care at all.
This is Harris.
I care about you.
Hey, the deputy battles.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
You're all gonna die
with him in this flying top.
Shut up.
Shut up. I could shut up, yes, but
it'll make it harder to help.
No, no, no, no.
I didn't mean you.
Hassan, or if you like, Hassan.
And it's all good, deputy.
Sounds like things are
a little tense up there.
Yeah, yeah, you can say that.
Well, not to worry.
We're in this together now.
And we're going to get you sorted out.
You got an S-B, an altitude for me?
Uh, yeah.
3,000 feet.
And air speed is, uh...
It should be just to the left.
Put the green,
yellow, and red range on it.
Got it.
Air speed is at 120.
120 at 3,000, Roger.
And what are you doing after this?
Excuse me?
I haven't eaten all day.
You want to have dinner with me?
Yeah, if you insist.
I mean, we should
probably focus on landing first.
Um, your paying, though, seems
only fair since you asked me.
Fair's fair.
That is a verbal commitment, and I'm
going to hold you to it.
This day's looking up already.
At least for me.
Okay, so when you're ready,
you're just going to ease that yoke to
the left, nice and gentle.
We're turning.
Now, I know you're
anxious to meet me and all,
but just keep an eye on our altitude.
Make sure you're holding steady.
Now, would you like me
to make the reservation?
You seem kind of busy.
I got this.
Now, pull back on the yoke a little.
We're good.
I have no doubt.
Now, there should be a heading indicator.
First thing about the yoke,
looks just like a compass.
I see it.
Okay, when you hit southeast, just
straighten out the plane.
How are you doing?
Now, do me a favor and engage that
autopilot switch again.
Fantastic, and you are good to go.
Keep an eye out for the coastline.
When you hit it, we'll bank left and
follow it south to his anchorage.
See that?
We're practically home already.
Thank you. No, thanks necessary.
Believe me, the drinks you'll be buying
later will be more than enough.
Is that right?
Oh, yeah.
I like to drink a lot.
I'm going to hop up
now to save your battery,
but call this number when
you spark the coastline, okay?
Or if you just miss
the sound of my voice.
I'll be counting the moments.
Don't call me when you need me.
I'll be right here.
Just hanging around.
How does it feel?
Dreaming like you do?
You lay your hands upon me
And tell me who you are.
What were you waiting for?
Why don't you just
kill us and toss us out?
Fly all by my lonesome.
It ain't every day you get a
captive audience, you know.
Don't give me that.
I know people to wig.
And you?
Yeah, you like to watch.
Is there any consolation?
She's gonna watch, too.
There's gonna be a real picnic.
Will you come on back here?
Let me start over, huh?
Who do you want to be?
You want to be the
husband or the wife, huh?
How come you're very sweet?
Like your mommy?
Your mommy's nice and sweet.
She's real sweet.
Just like mine.
She loved me.
But she just wouldn't shut up.
Come here, Winnie.
I want to show you something.
You're gonna like it.
Maybe not at first.
But they always end up liking it.
Oh, no.
Oh, fuck.
Hey, Winnie.
After I kill you, I'm gonna take the
Polaroids and show your mama.
Jesus, how does this
asshole know my mom's address?
You think we already had
someone in the Marshal's office?
I told that address to the U.S. Attorney
when we were talking
about witness protection.
That's it.
I'm serious. I was careful.
No one knows that address.
Okay, so we're coordinating with the
military to get search and rescue up.
It shouldn't be long now.
Now, I'm told you're a little small and
low for radar,
particularly with all the mountains,
so I'm trying to scramble some fighter
jets, get some extra eyeballs out there.
Okay. We're headed for the coast, so
maybe have them sweep that first.
Yeah. Look, there's something else.
Anchorage PD just found what's left of
Daryl Booth and his apartment.
No eyes, no teeth, no fingers.
It sounds like someone
really took their time with him.
Someone talked. Who knew about this op?
I mean, we had to notify local law
enforcement, follow a plan with the FAA,
alert the TSA, and...
They knew we were moving someone, but
they didn't know who, right?
I mean, who actually knew about Winston?
Well, the U.S. Attorney, the Director,
obviously, the AG, the Deputy AG.
And you?
Well, yes, of course, but there's no
telling who else may have
accessed that information.
Did you see that?
What the hell is that?
Money's calling you back.
We're not gonna make
that. You gotta pull up.
All right, now you're fine.
You gotta play in room now.
Pull up.
Come on, come on, come on.
Pull up, pull up, you gotta pull up.
I am, I am.
I'm telling you, it's fine.
Oh, Lord, damn it.
The autopilot.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God. Oh, my...
Oh, my God.
Thank you.
How fun was that, huh?
What a squeaker.
I don't know about you,
but I just made a
Jacksapalek in my pants.
Hey, Winnie, did you make a poop?
Seriously, guys,
it's like the Museum of
Modern Arts back here.
Hey, Madeline, I'm sure
glad you didn't kill Winston
while he was in your custody.
Oh, I'd hate for you to have to go
through that shit again.
What is she talking about?
Just ignore him.
Hey, what dumb fuck put you
back into saddle again, huh?
Seriously, what does he mean?
It means, Twig,
that I ain't the one you
should be worried about.
He doesn't know what he's talking about.
Hey, Twiggy, I know she
killed the last prisoner.
Oh, oh no.
Oh shit, oh hell.
Was that supposed to be a secret?
Oh, darling, what's the
matter, no more foreplay?
How do you know that?
How do you know that?
Oh, it's true, Anis.
Answer me!
Feels good to let it out, right?
I get it.
I've been there too, baby.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Of course I do.
Oh, you could tell
yourself you're different,
but what is saying to you and me?
Fuck you.
We'll get there.
Oh, hell, come on.
I haven't even used my safe word yet.
Yeah, it's burned alive.
You still see her face, huh?
When you close your eyes, you do, huh?
Oh, I bet you still
hear her scream, don't you?
Her shrieks of pain.
Oh, I miss her, little murmur.
Don't stop.
Come on, give me a heart.
I hope my ready does come for you.
Okay, when you're ready.
Two years ago, we caught up
with this young woman, Maria.
Maria will become a stupid hotel boss,
so we were holed up in the shitty motel
until she could testify.
We'd been in the room
for three straight days
and she wanted to take a shower.
A moment of privacy.
It was against protocol,
but I led her.
I shackled her to the
tub and stepped outside.
A Sicario smashed him on the
top cocktail through the window.
I turned back and...
The heat and smoke and flames and...
And I ran.
But Maria, with the shackles, she...
And they put you on a desk.
They said they didn't
trust me in the field again.
Until now.
With me.
Matt, how you doing up there?
Caroline. The leak isn't from the
attorney's office or the FBI.
It's from us,
Caroline. It's the marshals.
Alright, how did you get to that?
Our pilot friend knows my work history.
My personal work history.
Alright, hang on, Matt.
Everyone out. I need the room.
Maybe we need to bring
the director in on this.
Yes, absolutely. As
soon as we get you down.
Well, how about now?
Look, the situation is fluid at best. We
need to get you safely on the ground and
into the hands of my team.
Your team?
Yes, you could trust
them. I vetted them myself.
You did, huh?
What does Coleridge think?
Why? This is my operation.
You don't trust the director?
Hey, I did not say that. I'm saying that
if the leak is in our office, as you say
it is, then we need to be careful.
We can't be sure who to trust.
You're right.
So let me get into this, okay? You focus
on getting that plane
down safely. Matt? Okay?
Yeah, I gotta go. It's not his calling.
Hey, how's it going up there? Not great,
huh? You wanna talk about it? Let me
know. You can come back
and pay me another visit.
Tell him it's Deputy Madeline Harris
calling and that it's
an emergency. He'll know.
Director Coleridge isn't here today, man.
If you'd like, I can put you through to
your supervisory deputy or transfer you to another department.
No, no, no. Listen to me. Janine, I need
to talk to him right now.
I'm sorry, but he's-
People will die if you
don't get him on the line.
Shh. Let me see what I can do.
Thank you.
Hey, Winston. Talk to your mother lately?
No, I don't.
She's a sweet lady. Oh,
she put her dentures back in.
Yes, ma'am. I managed to get a hold of
Director Coleridge. I'm going to patch
you through to his beach house, okay?
Yes, please. Thank you.
One moment.
Coleridge here.
Sir, this is Harris.
I've been briefed,
Deputy. Where's Van Sant?
Uh, sir, there's a leak.
What? What?
Moretti has a mole in the Marshal's
office. I can prove it. And I believe
that it's Deputy Van Sant, sir.
She went out on a limb for you, Harris.
I know. I know, sir. I'm aware of that.
I- I believe that given my prior history,
she expected me to fail again.
Van Sant. She's in New York, right?
That is correct.
Okay. Let me make some calls.
She has a team waiting for us. She needs
to be contained and-
I understand, Deputy. Believe me. I'll
shut her down. From now on, just call me
directly at my house in Sankity.
I will. Thank you, sir.
The coast.
You see it? I- I see the coast.
Oh my God.
Come on.
Hassan! We see the coast!
Ooh! Fandabulous!
We saw the coast.
Ha ha! You're making my day over here.
Well, we aimed it, please.
Okay. So you're going to bank left nice
and easy, and then just
follow that coastline to east.
We're banking.
Stu, Bendis. Now be honest. Is that
landscape not just stunningly beautiful?
Also, how's your fuel?
Fuel's at, uh, 25 gallons. And yeah, it's
something all right.
Yeah, sorry. I'd, uh, do you say 25
gallons on both tanks?
Is that a problem?
No, no, no. Not a problem. Just a data
point. Trust me. This is good news,
Deputy. We're going to have you on the
ground in no time. Now turn that
autopilot on and stay the course.
Okay. Keep me posted.
Absolutely. I'm here if you need.
That payoff you told Daryl about.
Oh, you heard that? I was bluffing. I
swear to God. I would never sell you out
of it. It's not anything.
No, no, no, Winston. Winston, you said
that you were paying some guy 25 grand a
month. Where did you say it was going?
Are you sure? I thought
those payoffs were untraceable.
Well, the accounts are. Sure, but a
couple years ago, I was down in Florida
when Hurricane Michael hit, so the
payments were a few days late. It was no
big deal except for this one greedy idiot
sent me a transfer request from an IP
address in Sankity, Massachusetts. Why?
Holy shit.
Come on, come on.
Hey, Matt. What's up?
It's Coleridge. He's the leak.
You gotta get out of
the office right now.
Wait, slow down. Slow s--
There's no time.
Tell me about Coleridge. What--
Winston handled his payoffs.
Oh, shit.
Listen to me. I called him.
Okay, and?
I'm sorry. I should have trusted you.
Okay. What did you tell him?
That there's a leak. That I thought--
Just say it.
That I thought it was you.
Thought it was me.
I'm sorry. Look, you've gotta get out of
there. He's coming for you.
Okay. All right. Just focus on landing
that plane safely,
okay? I will handle this.
And Madeline, you know I love you. But
thanks a lot, bitch.
Okay, what is that? Do you see that?
What is that?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I see it.
All ears, Deputy. How can I help?
Uh, we see something. It's like--
Uh, it's like a boat.
Like a fishing boat.
Oh, ship and me timbers. We can work with
that. Can you see a name on it?
Can you see a name on it?
You gotta get me closer.
Okay, we're too high.
All right. If you want to descend, keep
your bitch at five degrees or less.
Then make sure you stay
above a thousand feet, okay?
Uh, just a little bit closer.
Can you see a name?
Okay, okay. It says...
The Fat Dancer.
The Fat Dancer?
The Fat Dancer? He took
my glasses. I don't know.
The Fat Dancer?
All new for aboard.
The Fair Dancer.
The Fair Dancer. Yeah,
that makes a lot more sense.
The Fair Dancer.
A lot more sense.
The Fair Dancer. Guard it. Okay, stand
by. We're running it
past the Coast Guard now.
You know, I'm something
of a fair dancer myself.
I have no doubt.
Well, that's boogie. Because
the Coast Guard, I did wreck.
We've got a pretty
good fix on your location.
Yeah? Yes.
They see us.
We are grooving now.
Oh, I can't see it.
Thank God.
That is a fucking roller coaster ride.
Okay. I guess we gotta land at some point.
Like a feather. Okay. I'm gonna go. Okay. Okay. I guess we
gotta land at some point.
Like a feather.
Now, if you'd be so kind as to turn left
to heading 120, that should put you into
Anchorage in about 30 minutes.
Okay, copy.
Here we come.
Turning 120.
Here we come.
Hold that heading. I'll call back in 10
minutes or so, and we can talk landings.
And the finer points of
tearing up the dance floor.
I can't wait. Thank you.
We're gonna get out of this.
We're gonna get out of this!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Hey! Pay attention!
That's the good part.
You ever see a face
turner's color before?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
B-b-b-but that's for later.
Oh, you know what?
Let me get that for you.
Is that better?
Ooh, yeah. I think I caught a rib there.
Maybe the spleen, too.
Don't worry. You don't
need a spleen to live.
Hey, you wanna know my name, huh?
Come on. Leave your tree guesses.
Nope. No, that's not a name.
Come on. Guess again.
Guess again!
Nope. That's not a name.
I'm only gonna give you one more try.
You fucking bitch!
No one cares what your fucking name is.
All right. All right. Let me see.
Come on. Let me see.
Let me see. Come on.
Oh, okay.
Okay, it's fine.
It's not fine.
You're gonna be fine.
It's not fine.
Just put some pressure on it, okay?
All right.
Let me put one of these on.
All right.
Another one here.
All right.
All right.
There's morphine.
More morphine?
No, I'm scared of needles.
Yes. Fuck it. Do it.
I'm dying.
Aren't I?
No, you're not.
I don't lie to me.
I am.
You're not dying.
You don't fucking lie to me.
Listen to me. Listen to me.
You're not dying.
I'm gonna get you out of this, okay?
You just gotta breathe.
All right?
It's coming.
Oh, yeah.
I'm feeling a little bit, yeah.
All right.
Keep pressure on it.
Thank you, by the way.
What did I do?
He would have killed me.
I told you to shoot him
when you had the chance.
Okay, keep pressure on it.
Oh, yeah. Hello.
How are you doing up there?
Winston's been stabbed.
I'm sorry?
The pilot, uh, booth,
or whatever his name is,
he got free and stabbed him.
Oh, my God.
And I shot him with a flare.
A flare, okay.
Uh, copy.
Stand by.
All right.
You still there?
Yeah, yeah, I'm here.
Okay, I couldn't reach Deputy Van Sant.
Uh, what is the status of the witness?
I see.
Listen, we're gonna need some real
medical attention here.
The arm IKMS is on standby.
How far away are we?
About 18 to 20 minutes out.
Is there anything faster?
It's on.
Technically, we can increase your speed.
But it'll burn through
the rest of your fuel.
We have no choice.
Deputy, I need you to understand--
Listen, Winston, if
Winston doesn't testify,
Coleridge walks, Moretti walks.
Understand, landing
will be more difficult.
Look, I'm not losing him, all right?
Open up the red handle-marked fuel mix
and then push the
throttle all the way in.
Okay, approaching 160.
Now keep an eye on that fuel.
I'll call you back in a few minutes with
the landing procedure.
All right, Winston?
Hang in there.
I am.
Not long now.
Winston, how are you doing?
You like... in general?
I'm sorry.
This is my fault.
This is all my fault.
That's the morphine talking.
I could've done anything.
Well, I was one of those guys, like, in
school, I could've done anything.
I could've gone to college.
I could've gotten a good job.
I wanted it easy.
I knew what was going
on in Mount Morenne.
I'd say, uh...
it's not me.
I'm just some guy...
moving numbers around a
computer in a fucking basement.
But I knew what was happening.
And I'm...
I'm so fucking sorry.
The paper...
I had our names on it, you
know, with the addresses.
That's my mom's address.
Hey, don't worry about it.
I could go, um, to that
address. Go see her for me.
Yeah, just go see her, please.
Tell her I did something, you know.
It was good.
Just... just tell her
I did something good.
I don't know. Mix some shit up, whatever.
It would mean...
a lot to her.
Alright, I'll tell her.
I did the right thing.
U-U-U.S. Marshals?
Janine, it's Madeline.
I need you to put me
through to Caroline Van Sant.
Oh. Um...
Yes. One moment.
Harris? Colerge here.
I'll take it from
here, Janine. Thank you.
Look, I'm afraid it looks like you were
right about Debbie Van Sand, Madeline.
There was a car crash and she
was T-Bone leaving the office.
Madeline, she's dead.
I'm so very sorry, Madeline.
Well, I know. The other driver fled in
one of her headies, I'm guessing.
I'm headed over there right now.
Are you?
Yeah. They must have
been waiting or whatever.
I don't know.
Whatever I could do,
however I can help, please.
I know the two of you are very close.
No wonder you're in charge.
What do you say?
You got this all wrapped up, haven't you?
You got this all figured out.
Excuse me?
I know it was you.
I'm not sure where you're
going with this, Madeline.
25 grand a month?
Check your records. You got sloppy.
Oh, you want to compare
records, Deputy Harris?
No one is going to
believe a word you say.
A jury will.
Careful, Harris.
Be very careful, Harris.
You think I got something to lose?
God damn it! You're going fucking crazy.
Fuck you! Careful!
Listen to me.
You'll be fucking careful!
Deputy, talk to me, God damn it.
Calm down, Harris.
My pilot's calling. Fuck you.
I'll see you in New York.
So long.
Guess who we've got on radar.
Thank God.
You're 11 miles out
and looking good, Deputy.
Hey, do me a favor. Hang up, put your
headphones on, and tune
your radio to frequency 121.5.
Okay. Okay.
Okay, hear me?
Handsome, confident, ATC controller
looking for intrepid pilot.
Handsome, huh?
Land the damn plane and see for yourself.
All right, Deputy, let's bring it in.
Hey, hey, Winston.
Almost there.
Why didn't you kill me?
Why did you just kill me?
Because I'm not like you.
Oh, yeah? I'm gonna tell you a part.
It's tiny little fucking pieces.
You're gonna need the entire forensics
team to identify you.
All I'm gonna enjoy, too.
I might be high, but...
Is that another plane?
There's a plane
tailing us. Looks military.
Yes, solar copy. It's one of ours.
The point is to keep you
company the rest of the way.
It's a little protection.
That's good.
What, you just think...
You think it's there to help?
How exactly is it supposed to do that?
It's there to protect
everyone else from you.
In case you veer off course of crashing
to a school or something.
It's there to shoot you down.
You're full of shit.
Who would you rather lose, huh?
Three of us?
A bunch of cuties playing patty cake in a
school yard playground.
El Twig?
Is you some kind of
accountant or something?
Do the math, you dumb fuck.
You're just full of shit.
It's not gonna happen.
We're gonna land this thing.
Don't worry. I'm gonna land the plane.
I'm gonna enjoy this.
Hey, I see it. Hassan, I see the runway.
Solar copy. Start visual on
my end. The live path is good.
Passing 1,500 feet.
Air speed's at 90 knots.
Yeah, I'm here.
Deputy, there's a
crosswind that kicked up.
I recommend we drive practice run.
Your chances of a successful landing
improve with a practice run.
He's not gonna make it.
I barely feel a pulse.
Still, I really feel a pulse.
We gotta land now.
I'm just trying to bring you home, but
you're the pilot in command.
It's your call.
There's no time. I'm not losing him.
I'm landing this plane.
I'm gonna enjoy this.
I'm gonna enjoy this.
Okay, you are clear to land.
Line up your nose with the spot on the
near edge of the runway and cut your
throttle back to 25%.
Throttle to 25.
I'm gonna enjoy this.
Deputy, altitude.
Altitude's at 1,000 feet.
Flaps to full.
I don't... I don't see flaps.
Hassan, where are the flaps?
It's there. A round gray lever just to
the right of the throttle.
Got it. Flaps to full.
It's all right,
Winston. We're almost there.
Get off!
Deputy, all get even
out of your drifting.
I ain't going to no prison. You hear me?
Deputy, you copy?
You're drifting off
course. You need to even out.
It's not...
What the hell is going on up there?
Are those gunshots?
Deputy, deputy!
Deputy Harris, are you still up?
Yeah, yeah, I'm here.
Oh, thank God.
Okay, okay. You're doing great.
Now, back to business. We just need...
The engine just died. Hassan, the engine!
That is because you are out of fuel.
That's a good thing.
You are less flammable.
Oh, oh, that's the relief.
Besides, you don't need the engine to
land. It's probably easier without.
Just keep it steady. We are nearly there.
Deputy, still good?
Yeah, yeah. Passing 600 feet.
This crosswind is
knocking you off course.
Step on the right rounder
pedal and kill you straighten out.
What, you mean the left?
No, it's the opposite.
Oh, my God.
Okay, vendor, hold that line.
All right.
500 feet.
Pull back on the yoke slightly.
100 feet. You got this. Good luck.
Wait, that's it?
I'll see you on the ground. We got it in.
I'll take you up at 605.
20 feet. 10 feet. Touchdown.
Hey, Winston.
Oh, cool. Did we land?
Yeah. We did.
Good job.
Ma'am, are you okay? Are you hurt?
No, no, no. I'm not hurt. Take him fast.
He's been stabbed twice.
He's lost a lot of blood.
Yeah, we had another
passenger. Where did he go?
I'm sorry, ma'am. He was phoned from the
plane. He didn't make it.
Thank God.
Okay, easy with him.
Nice and easy. Ready?
He's lost a lot of blood.
Fuck off.
Stand back at the apple's wing.
All right. Can I get
you that valve here, too?
Yeah, we'll get one in the street.
What's the pressure we have right now?
I love that. Yeah, I'm good.
Thank you. I'm fine. Thank you.
Okay, sit up.
On the other side. Let's go.
There you go.
What the fuck?
Oh, my God.
It's fucking day.
Milko. Milko, what the
hell's going on there?
I said no gunshots.
I'm gonna ship you back to
Bulgaria, you fucking moron.
Pick up. Pick up.
Milko, is it done?
No. Directed call range. It's not done.
There it is.
There you are.