Galih & Ratna (2017) Movie Script

Let's go.
You're really beautiful!
I'll make sure you feel at home here.
Take the bags to the room downstairs.
-Help us, Donna.
-Okay, ma'am.
Let's come in and have coffee first.
I have to go to the airport immediately.
You won't give your daughter
a proper goodbye?
Dad, I want to go back to Jakarta.
Do you think transferring you
to another school is easy?
You won't be here for long.
Only for a year.
And it's not far from Jakarta.
If you need anything, ask your aunt.
I'll be going, okay?
Tan, I'll be going.
See you.
Let's look at your room.
Tidy your stuff up,
then we'll go out to eat.
I want to take to eat soto mi
and durian ice cream.
It's so delicious!
No, thank you. I want to rest.
How about talas Bogor?
Do you like it?
101.4 Trax FM for hit songs that you love.
This is Surya and Molan
in the Morning Zone until 10:00 a.m.
Yes, and it turns out...
Lord, please forgive my parents' sins.
-Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you too.
Have mercy on them
as they've loved me when I was small.
Are these all?
Only these?
The price had gone up.
We don't have enough money.
It kept going up.
Last week, it went up.
Now, it went up again.
Maybe you didn't know how to haggle.
I already did.
Yes, but maybe
you didn't press them enough.
You have to sign up
for the scholarship program tomorrow.
Okay, Mom. School starts tomorrow.
I'm just reminding you,
so, you won't forget.
Okay, Mom. I'll definitely ask about it.
Lord, please forgive my parents' sins.
Have mercy on them
as they've loved me when I was small.
Good morning.
This is my first day of school.
Look at my new wig. Pretty, right?
The sponsor's link is below.
Don't forget to check it out, okay?
There's Lisa.
Lisa, get into my Snapchat.
Hey, guys. This is Lisa.
Kiki, tuck in your shirt. Cheer up. Smile.
Agate? Do you want to be a shaman?
-Good morning, sir.
-Good morning, sir.
-Morning. That's it. Smile.
-Morning, sir.
-Do you want to learn or showing off?
-Learn, sir.
-Take off your wig.
But I'm going to take a picture
for Instagram later.
-What's your job?
-Beauty blogger.
-What is that?
-The ones on Instagram.
No way. Take it off.
I sent you a letter. I'll bring it to you.
-I want the letter.
Come here, you.
Do you know your mistake?
Not wearing socks.
I'm wearing them, sir. Here.
It's too low, not high enough.
Your legs are smooth.
What if it got scratched?
Or bitten by mosquitos?
It became red and blotchy?
Go buy some socks at the administration.
You have the money, right?
-Yes, sir.
-Okay, then.
Okay, Galih.
This is the agreement
for this semester's scholarship.
Thank you, ma'am.
You must remember.
Your average cannot drop,
even 0,01 from the standard average score.
Okay, ma'am. Thank you.
If it drops,
your scholarship could be revoked.
How about the university's acceptance
program for the gifted students?
I'll try to put your name on the list.
Thank you, ma'am.
It's a shame you don't have
any trophy, certificate,
or any other award.
No. Also...
I have to watch the store after school.
The competition is really tough.
Won't the program
be based on academic scores?
It is based on academic scores.
But you also have
to make our school proud.
For those of you who couldn't make it,
there will be an extra class...
Every year, your hair becomes shinier.
Of course. I'm in the same class as Erlin.
Anto, where's my order?
After class starts,
please remember
that those who play futsal
during that time
will be given suspension.
Five hundred thousand rupiah.
Transfer the money.
It's water-based, right?
Of course. It's imported from England.
And no running
on school hallways.
That's called ripping people off.
Ripping people off? It's still pomade.
If you sell anything on school grounds...
Lin, why haven't you fill out
my Rembang women worker petition?
Mimi, you sent me a lot of petitions.
My head hurts trying to keep up.
I'm too lazy.
Just fill it out instead of gaping
in front of your Snapchat.
-Mimi, this is for popularity...
-Hey, cutie. Long time no see.
Your skin became brighter.
Anto, you're so gross.
Poking my chin like that.
Let's move, Mimi.
Lord, give me strength.
Good morning, children.
-Morning, sir.
-Come in.
Quick, come in.
-No one else?
-He's the last one.
You guys miss me, don't you?
Okay, good morning.
Happy first day of school again.
Morning, sir.
What is this?
-I'm new.
-A new student?
Children, we have a new student.
Her name is Ratna.
A transfer student from Jakarta.
What's your Instagram account?
Follow mine.
I'll follow yours
and make you stand outside.
Please sit down.
Befriend her. Don't bully her.
Show your spirit.
A student's promise.
-A student's promise.
-A student's promise.
-We, students of Budi Pekerti High School,
-We, students of Budi Pekerti High School,
-stand together
-stand together
-to obey The One Almighty God.
-to obey The One Almighty God.
We'll put our hearts into studying.
-Let out the voice of our conscience
-Let out the voice of our conscience
-to build a country
-to build a country
-full of morals and blessings.
-full of morals and blessings.
Ratna has 20 thousand followers.
But she never uses hashtags.
She's a celebrity on Instagram.
-Ratna, come here!
-Ratna, come here!
Yes, come here.
-I'm Erlin, and she's Mimi.
-I'm Mimi.
We're your classmates.
To make you remember us,
let's take a photo with your phone.
Where's your phone?
We'll just use your phone,
and don't forget
to tag me on Instagram,
so, I could be popular, too.
I will edit the photo
to make my face thinner.
-Let's sit.
-Come on, Ratna.
Come on.
Why did you move to Bogor?
My dad is working overseas.
So, he put me in my aunt's care.
Do you have a boyfriend?
What's your zodiac?
-That explains it!
-Of course!
When I saw you from afar,
I think you'll fit in with us.
You're fiery.
-Because I'm a Pisces.
-I'm a Scorpio.
-Bottom line, we're best friends.
Right, Mimi, find her a boyfriend
who's compatible with her zodiac.
How about him?
-Captain of the basketball team.
But he's a Libra, likes to flirt.
His dad owns a shoe factory, though.
He has lots of money!
You will have a fortune.
Actually, you're compatible with Anto.
He's a Gemini,
but he is Erlin's.
I don't want him!
How about him?
A Scorpio. Mysterious, but loyal.
Mimi, seriously? You want
to introduce Ratna to a guy like him?
He is handsome,
but a cross-subsidization receiver.
Not a fit for you, Ratna.
Your followers will drop drastically.
He's smart. Always studying.
Doesn't even have Instagram.
Such a proletarian, right?
That's a Walkman, right?
Want to listen to it?
Fariz RM.
You know this song?
Isn't it "Sakura"?
My mother used to play it in our car.
On repeat.
With you
-Free from sorrow
I like the word sorrow.
Don't know why.
Back in the day,
because I often hear
music with a fast tempo like this,
I thought this song is
a happy one.
Turns out it's not, right?
There are a lot of lyrics
that don't match the melody.
Please lower the price.
It's hard, sir. Can't lower it anymore.
How about this?
What if I'll give you
all of the furniture in here?
Including this as a bonus?
Not this one, Sir.
Sir, this is my son, Galih.
Okay, then.
I'll discuss it again with my partner.
I already took the photo, anyway.
Don't hesitate to contact me.
My mobile phone is always on.
-Excuse me. Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you too.
Don't be rude towards the potential buyer.
You know how hard it is
to sell this place?
We're lucky he wants to see it.
I don't like him holding Dad's ukulele.
He's just asking.
Do you remember Dad's request?
This store still makes money.
Money? Come on.
Usually I'm the one
who pay the rent every month.
I can make extra money, Mom.
But, please don't sell this place.
I understand.
You really love your dad.
But, turning this
into a memorial for him is no use.
No use at all.
I can clean it up myself.
It's okay.
Sometimes I feel uneasy
when I look at a messy room.
Okay, Aunt Risma.
Thank you.
So, how's school?
Nothing special.
Asked to sit down, forced to study.
Just like a regular school.
You say that now.
When you're at my age, you'll miss school.
Those were the nicest moments.
Just enjoy it.
Any handsome boys?
There is. There's a handsome boy, right?
Look. You're smiling.
Come here. Do tell me.
He's tall? Smart?
He's just different
compared to the others.
Will you pass Veteran street?
To Nada Musik?
Yes, miss.
-Are you heading there?
-Come in.
-Thank you.
Anyone else? We're going to Baranangsiang!
Almost full. We'll depart shortly.
Miss, come in,
Is Nada Musik still far, sir?
It's nearby, miss. We're almost there.
Are you Galih's friend?
You know Galih?
I've known him
since he was still an embryo.
You're just kidding, right?
It's true, miss.
In the past, people bought
their cassette tapes there.
Nowhere else.
Hi, Galih.
What are you doing here?
-Am I disturbing you?
I'm actually curious.
Is this place still in business
or was it sold?
My mom wants to sell this place.
But, it's already here
since a long time ago.
But now...
who listens to cassette tapes?
I want to take a look.
Are you sure this is the price?
Isn't this a rare item?
I'm sure it could be sold
at a higher price.
-It's already high.
-In that case, I'll take it.
How will you listen to that?
I like the artwork.
Maybe I'll just display it
as my collection.
But I can't sell this to you.
It'll be a waste.
I thought you said
no one is buying tapes anymore.
Now I want to buy it,
but you refuse to sell it.
Because every musician
wants their song to be heard.
My dad once said,
"The artwork is only there to tell us
about the album's theme and concept.
Because if you listen to it
until the end...
it's as if we're listening
to the musician's story."
That's why he hates digital music.
You can easily skip a song on an album.
So, you can't grab the essence.
But, digital actually helps us,
so, that we can get
what we want instantly.
The essence?
It's still the same.
According to my dad,
"As long as you can skip the bad part,
why not?"
We have to experience the bad first
to experience the good.
You're so serious.
You really have to try it.
Listen to that tape from start to finish.
Because when our favorite song
suddenly came on
after we've waited for a long time,
it feels more satisfying
than if we're using a shortcut.
Okay, but I can buy this tape, right?
What's wrong with it?
It got tangled.
Why is your name on there?
Who's it from?
A mixtape from my dad
before he died.
I see.
But, it's so cool.
Getting that from your dad.
It's filled with radical songs.
I think he wanted me
to become as wild as him.
But, you became a nerd instead.
Your appearance contributed to that.
It's pretty cozy here.
Thank you.
Too bad it will be sold.
It's already noon.
Do you want to go home together?
We should eat.
First, use this.
Okay, so,
all that you eat here is good.
Because to me, if you eat enough,
your body will be healthier.
So, to make it good,
we need to use chicken eggs.
Not all girls who wear
short skirts are immoral, sir.
But, your skirt is not the only problem.
Your shoes and everything else are too.
Curled hair. Everything is so wrong.
Morning, sir.
Brian is so lucky.
He'll get that university program.
He's an athlete.
Does he need it, though? He's rich.
Erlin, you don't want to go out with Anto?
Of course not.
His followers increased
because he's in that pomade commercial.
I love you!
Hey! Buffalo!
Hey! Buffalo! Run!
You suck.
Have you done the English assignment yet?
It's a lot.
Too much. Like diarrhea.
I want to borrow your novel.
I borrowed it from Ratna.
What? What did you say?
-I borrowed it from Ratna.
So, she's the one? The new girl?
Do you like her?
Then what?
Are you guys dating now?
-Not yet.
-Don't wait too long, Galih.
A girl like Ratna is like a sweet guava.
You have to move like Messi.
Slow, but sure.
Don't let Brian beat you.
That's it, Anto.
-I want to give her a mixtape.
-A mixtape?
-To confess your love to Ratna?
You're crazy.
Why not?
A big city girl like her
won't budge with a mixtape.
I'm serious. I bet she likes shopping.
How about a discount voucher?
-Do you have that?
-Yeah, at my house. Want some?
Who wants to hear a mixtape nowadays?
Fahmi, I didn't order any taxi bike.
This is Ratna's friend, ma'am.
Afternoon, ma'am.
I'm Galih.
So, you're Galih.
Ratna's at the back terrace.
Just go through there.
Hey, Ratna.
-I want to return the book.
Did you like it?
-I like it. Thank you.
-I fell asleep.
You were fast asleep.
I have something for you.
This is Anto's idea, but...
Anto said...
"Big city girls like to shop."
Instead of wasting it, you could...
-I have to get going...
-Want to come in?
-I have to deliver the catering.
I see.
-I'll go now.
Thank you, Galih.
This is a mixtape from me.
I'm going home, okay?
-Aunt Risma.
I got a mixtape from Galih.
You got a mixtape from Galih.
I got a mixtape from Galih.
A mixtape from Galih.
-Mixtape from Galih.
-I got a mixtape from Galih.
"Love Song".
What does this mean?
Come here.
-You know what?
Back in my days, a mixtape is...
a love letter.
Ratna, this is a sign.
Every song here
expresses his feelings for you.
But, where can we find
a cassette player now?
Does that player still work?
Yes, miss.
You can buy it if you want.
Come on. I want to go to Nada Musik.
Let's go.
Sir. Can we play my tape instead?
-Is it loud?
-Loud enough.
I think.
A quiet night
Without sound
Only hearts are talking
You're by my side
Stood in silence
Although my soul is in frenzy
Maybe there's a chance
To summarize the feelings here
Fly with me
If you want
Hold my heart
Although half of my wings are not perfect
The starry night embraces me
I hope there's a chance
To summarize the feelings here
Fly with me
If you want
Hold my heart
Although half of my wings are not perfect
The starry night embraces me
Fly with me
If you want
Hold my heart
Although half of my wings are not perfect
The starry night embraces me
"Blossoming chain of love."
It's annoying
when you start peeking like that.
-It's good.
-Yeah, but you don't have to peek.
Did you write it?
It's obvious, isn't it? This is my book.
Can you play any instrument?
It has nothing to do with it.
Can you?
When I was little,
I learned to play the piano.
Then I learned to play the guitar.
Try playing it.
-Galih, that's a ukulele. Not a guitar.
-Make a song.
Just try it.
But, it's different.
I'll record it, okay?
Chain of love
When meeting my first love
It planted
I can't finish it.
It's really good.
I don't know. Just like that.
You don't want to try
to be a singer and songwriter?
Attending music school, perhaps?
There are already a lot of people
who became a singer and songwriter.
What's the difference?
If my dad's still here,
he would be really happy
if I introduce you to him.
He would know
that you're talented.
He would give a lot of advice.
So you know
that you're special.
You were close with your dad?
How about you?
Your mother?
My mother left me when I was small...
for her lover.
I'm sure this store can grow again.
I have to think about my brother, too.
And my mom.
Bottom line, I have to go to college.
Majoring in IT?
That's what it's supposed to be.
Yeah, it supposed to be that way.
if you're chasing a sure thing.
if you're fighting
for something that you love.
My mom said,
this place
will only be
a memorial.
We can't fight for it.
That's according your mom.
And according to you?
It's not easy, Ratna.
Your dream is to make
this store big, right?
how you feel when the people around you
can experience the joy
of listening music from tapes.
But now, nobody is listening to tapes.
I still listen to it.
Also, I listen to it because of you.
I'm sure
that we can still make this store big.
So you're saying that you want
to do this with me?
If you trust yourself,
and also trust this store,
I believe
we can make it.
Erlin, you've made some progress.
Only one wrong answer.
It's accidental, right?
-Thank you, sir.
-You're welcome.
What is this?
Give this to your mother.
A notice so she knows
about your performance.
Your score is also mediocre.
Galih, you haven't bought
the electricity token meters?
Yeah, Mom. I forgot. I'm sorry.
I asked you three days ago.
Your brother also complained to me
that you're rarely home.
You're always at the store.
Okay. I'll buy it now.
Use the money from the store.
There's no income, Mom.
No income?
That store is just a burden.
Just a burden.
89.6 FM I-Radio.
100 percent Indonesian music.
-Kamal Rasyid.
-Feli Sumayku.
Holiday has come!
-Yes, holiday...
Galih, what if I lend you some money
before this store is up and running?
You don't have to, Ratna.
I'll find a way myself.
Then what's your plan?
What if we sell mixtape?
Just like the mixtape you made for me.
Okay, for instance.
Anto really want to confess to Erlin,
but he never could
with all of his modern ways.
But I'm sure,
with this unique and old-school way,
it will work.
you can pick the songs.
According to our friends' personality.
Is that it, Ratna?
There will be an uproar at school.
And our friends
will tell their other friends.
And then their other friends, too.
What do you think?
How can Erlin listen to it?
If she really likes you,
she'll find a way to listen to it.
But all this time,
none of my way had ever worked.
Maybe because you haven't tried our way.
Worked for me, Anto.
You have a point.
Okay, then. I'll order one.
What message do you want to give to Erlin?
Wait, okay?
Even though my skin is dark
and your skin is bright,
my hair is black and your hair is white,
love knows no difference.
For Rania,
just dump your boyfriend already.
For Dara, I'm still here.
In the same place, with the same feeling.
For my beloved Melki,
please wait for me in your waiting.
For Ervin,
please wait for my warmth.
You're still my most beautiful ex, Ayu.
Tia, I'll climb your heart.
Did you get a mixtape?
I'm the one who gave it.
You're the one who gave it? You're a girl.
Who do you want to give it to?
This mixtape is for you.
I got a mixtape!
-So, what?
Hello, sir.
When can I hear this?
-Astrid, right now.
-Thank you.
When's my turn?
For now, it's already full.
-Didn't you hear her?
Tell me, okay?
You too, Siskamling. Where are you going?
I want to go in. I need to do something.
You'd better go.
listened to your mixtape.
Is it bad?
Galih made it.
That's not what I meant.
if you want to be with me,
you can hug me.
If you don't...
you can push me.
Finally, it's done.
What are you doing?
For protection,
so, it can't be recorded over.
Why didn't you give them a chance
to record it again?
Because this is an important moment.
But it all comes down
to everyone's personal choice.
A moment like this
shouldn't be forgotten.
Have you picked the music school yet?
About that...
I think I won't be attending
a music school.
I want to be with you wherever you are.
Your talent will go to waste, Ratna.
Not everyone has a chance like you.
What chance?
If I tell my dad,
he won't give me his blessing.
Why did you say that?
You haven't asked him yet.
You're not asleep yet?
In a minute.
What's wrong, Ratna?
I want to tell you something, Dad.
I have a plan for my future.
This is unusual.
It goes like this.
I have been thinking
and I want to continue my study
in Indonesia.
You do know
you're going to Australia, right?
But, if I attend a university
in Indonesia,
I can apply for a scholarship.
Your grades are mediocre, Ratna.
But I could try.
What major do you want to take?
I want to major in music.
Since when do you like music?
Then, how can you feed yourself?
Or are you dating a student
in the music major?
What's the correlation?
When you dated a photographer,
you want me to buy you a camera.
And now, where is it?
How about this?
I can sing.
I'll sing for you.
Enough, Ratna.
With you, I escaped sorrow
In the aroma from the flower
of joy, love, and happiness
Although there are millions of obstacles
Although hardship forced to entangled me
Lulled by romance
That's enough.
Ismail, Ishaq, Yaqub,
Start from the beginning.
-Come on.
-Adam, Idris, Noah, Hud, Shaleh...
That's a lot of tapes.
Where are you taking it?
Someone ordered it
from Jakarta through Instagram.
I'm going to send it today.
They also ordered Candra Darusman?
What's wrong?
Why didn't you pick up my call last night?
I was studying until 03:00 a.m.
We have a test tomorrow, right?
Then why didn't you reply
my WhatsApp messages?
Ran out of internet quota.
What matters is that
we see each other today.
You bought phone credits for me?
For what?
So it's won't be complicated, Galih.
You know I don't like it
when you solve problems with money.
Maybe you just don't like it when
a girl buys you phone credits.
What's wrong with you?
I accidentally recorded over
your recording, Galih.
Turns out you didn't protect that one.
What do you mean?
-I can be
easily forgotten by you.
It's not like that, Ratna.
I was too nervous.
So, I didn't even think
of protecting the tape.
Look at me.
Don't be scared.
I won't go anywhere.
What's this?
I think you'll get into trouble.
What trouble?
If you want to know,
pay me with a credit card.
Since when did you become a money grubber?
Since I want a phone.
Hey, have you followed me?
This is my favorite part.
Hey, nerd, where is it?
I have a bad feeling...
-Don't run away.
-Oh, my gosh!
-Everyone, gather here.
-Hey! What is this?
-All of you, come here.
What did you see?
Cigarette. Forbidden.
What is this?
-What's this?
-Makeup. Forbidden.
What is this? Magazine. Forbidden.
-Let's see. What's this?
-History book, Sir.
What history book? This is a weird book!
We're not facing back!
We're facing forward!
All of my stuff got taken.
Hey, where are you going?
Come here, Anto.
Come here, Anto.
Open your bag. Show me what's inside.
Hey, where are you going?
Don't run away. Open your bag.
Open your bag quickly.
Take out the contents.
Take all of it out.
What's this? Do you sell these?
-Siskamling, put this in.
-Yes, sir.
Give me your bag.
Let me check it. What's inside?
-What's this?
That's my dad's.
-Please, don't...
-I can explain.
-Please don't...
You recorded this yourself, right?
No copyright. This is piracy.
-Sir, it's...
Take everything.
Come on. No.
-Take everything.
-Yes, sir.
Take it.
You know it's forbidden to sell
or buy anything here?
All of your grades are below
the standard average score.
You know the consequences?
Yes, ma'am.
I'm sorry.
But I want you to return the tape.
My dad gave it to me.
Why are you putting this tape first
instead of your future?
Do you still want to graduate?
I'm really disappointed in you, Galih.
Thank you, ma'am.
Your scholarship will be revoked.
And you two
will be suspended.
Come in.
You guys finally came.
Hey, Galih!
How are you?
-Thanks for coming.
-Thank you.
-How are you?
-Come on in.
-Come on.
For this, I...
All of them here...
Yes, speaking.
What notice?
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you too.
I know everything.
About what?
About your school.
About you.
I'm sorry, Mom.
Turns out you're no different
than your dad.
When your dad built Nada Musik,
your granddad said,
"How will you all feed yourself?
Will you eat cassette tapes?"
But, I believed in your dad's dream.
And then it didn't come true.
Your dad still insisted.
Insisted on his idealism.
And I think that's absurd.
Do you still remember
when you could only eat
instant noodles and rice?
Do you want to go back to that time?
For you, those are hard times,
but for me,
it's one of the most beautiful memories
with dad.
Your dad's gone, Galih.
Nada Musik is doing really good now.
I only need one chance.
You already threw away
all of the chance that I gave you.
Look at you.
You can't get
the university acceptance program.
You have to get into a private university.
Where's the money for it, Galih?
From where?
But this is my dream, Mom.
Your dream doesn't have a room
in this household anymore.
I'll still sell that store.
No matter how much the price is.
I'm doing all of this
for your own sake.
-Aunt Risma.
I asked Galih to dress properly tonight.
He'll look handsome.
And then,
what else?
He said he'll bring his mother's cooking.
But it's not certain.
So, we still have to cook a lot of food.
-You're nervous?
No, really...
Don't worry.
Your dad will like Galih.
Good evening.
Sorry, I came empty-handed.
Please sit.
Your dad hasn't arrived yet?
Not yet.
Want a drink? I'll get it for you.
I heard the opening was a success.
You guys are great.
Thank you.
Today's millennials
really are forward-thinkers.
At this age, you're already
thinking about business?
My mom knows everything, Ratna.
How's your school?
You've settled in, right?
Pretty much.
The other day, Aunt Risma called me.
She said you often ask her for money.
What's going on?
Usually, during the last semester
of school,
there are a lot of assignments.
Galih, you have to try this.
It's really yummy.
Thank you.
you're from Bogor?
Yes, sir.
Where do you live?
I live in the village behind it, sir.
is the smartest student in our class.
He owns Nada Musik,
the cassette tapes store.
Remember? We used
to buy a lot of tapes there.
You're the one that likes music.
Who made my daughter
want to go to music school?
I think Ratna has talent, sir.
Are you a music teacher?
What are you selling now?
Still tapes, Sir.
Does anyone still want to buy it?
Don't get me wrong, Dad.
A lot of people came
to yesterday's opening for Nada Musik.
If you want to see it sometime,
I'll arrange it.
You mean so that
I'll invest in that store?
No, sir.
-We're going to run it.
What about your studies?
Don't joke around.
The tape collection is good.
But how much is the profit?
Can't you slow down?
Galih is an idealist.
He won't sell tapes to collectors
who can't appreciate music.
If you have nothing,
being an idealist is a waste.
So now you love a dreamer like him?
I think it will be fun
if we play some music.
Galih, what if you pick the music?
All of your collections are good.
When Ratna gave it to me,
I'm really surprised.
Because it's the music of my age.
-Ratna bought some tapes?
-Just a couple.
A couple? Hundreds.
If you want to see it
the collections are in that cupboard.
Candra Darusman, Vina...
She said they are rare items.
So you used my money to buy that?
It's okay.
The price can go up.
-They're good.
You rarely see Ratna.
You only came home for a few days.
Why do you have to be so angry?
Is it true
that you're the one who bought the tapes?
I can explain.
Why, Ratna?
I thought
I knew you.
He must be grateful
that you wanted to buy his tapes.
If not, who else?
Since the signing of this agreement,
the land and the property above,
including all of the profit and the loss,
fully belong to...
Why do you always look so happy?
Even though you live alone.
Because I chose to be happy.
I focus on the things that make me happy
and not on the things
that should make me happy.
My mom left me.
Dad's not here.
Galih has distanced himself from me.
No one loves me.
Do you know
what I often do whenever I feel sad?
I'll run over there,
then I'd scream as loud as I can.
Then I come back,
grab a pencil and a paper,
and start scribbling on the paper.
Scribble it.
Letting out all of my feelings.
And I'll crumple up the paper,
then burn it.
After that,
I'll decide
my next move.
-So, you want me to...
-That's just me.
For you...
Do what you can do.
This is the time for us
to start a new chapter on our lives.
Grab this chance
and chase your dream.
Don't play games too much.
I'm off.
If you have arrived,
don't forget to tell me.
Yes, Mom.
I never imagined
and never guessed
that one of my children can go to college.
After you've graduated,
send your brother to school.
Our lives will be better from now on.
Just once,
have it ever crossed your mind...
What exactly
I want to do.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you too.
How are you?
What time does your train leave?
Where are you going?
I'm going to study
in Malang.
Majoring in IT?
Ready to be a programmer?
I don't have to be a programmer.
There's still other professions.
Are you
taking a business major in Australia?
I'm going to America.
Your dad moved there?
I'm going there alone.
Majoring in what?
I'm happy to hear that.
The train to Malang will depart shortly.
For passengers who already have a ticket,
please wait on lane three.
This is for you.
I can't keep it, Galih.
I hope
I can see you playing this
on a stage one day.
I'll take good care of it.
Why did you give it back to me?
Just listen to it.
Blossoming chain of love
When meeting our first love
It plants
Longing and hate
The joy of love ends in sorrow
Playing in silence
Lulled by a dream
Teenage years
Has ended
Drifting away from
A fragile wish
Now I'm looking for a slit of happiness
Above the thorny road
I'm reaching for a sincere love
Now you're drifting away
Further away
Further away
Subtitle translation by
Diajeng Tyagita Ayuningtyas