Grafted (2024) Movie Script

My daughter.
What are you drawing?
The pretty flower
I saw in your notebook, Papa.
That's the corpse flower, Wei.
So, it makes itself smelly
to attract flies?
Flesh flies.
And they love it?
Yes, they do.
Can I go feed the snake?
Well, fine. Come on.
Okay, Wei.
Dad is going back to work.
You go finish your maths.
Dad, are you going to
fix your face?
Not just my face, Wei.
I will fix yours too.
Ling, but she's your niece.
She won't be any trouble,
I promise.
I would have loved to
keep her here with me,
but what can I do with her here?
You've seen her.
You know what they call her?
A monster.
Here! Here!
Here is my ugly little car.
I used to drive a Lexus.
Come on. Your suitcase.
Do you remember the
last time I saw you?
You were smaller
than this suitcase.
- Do you remember?
- Uh-huh...
That was also the last time
I saw your father.
If he knew that you've
got the scholarship...
...he would be so proud of you.
You have to become
a scientist like he did.
Come, let me have a look.
What a pretty scarf.
You know what?
I sell excellent
concealer products...
...which can cover it right up!
Well, you're tired.
Let's go home.
I warn you, the house is a mess.
Angela's useless father left us
in the middle of renovations.
And now I can't afford
to finish them.
It's so great to have you here.
You'll be good company
for Angela.
She's not talking
to me at the moment.
She goes out all the time,
doesn't want any part-time jobs.
You will set a great
example for her.
And we're home.
You see what the bastard
left me to deal with?
I keep telling your cousin this.
You have to work very hard
and have your career.
In this way, you don't need to
rely on anyone in the future.
This is my house.
For now, don't mind the mess.
When Angela's dad ditched us...
...we were in the middle
of the renovations.
Well, that's a story
for another day.
That's our neighbour, Sheryl.
She's cheaper
than a real gardener.
IN MANDARIN: I'm expanding
my beauty products business.
Our future is in these boxes.
Come in!
Bloody annoying dog.
Stop barking!
to meet your cousin.
Bikkie! Bikkie!
Bikkie, no!
Bikkie! Silly baby.
Bikkie doesn't like strangers.
Ugh! Look at that ugly hole.
A few more sales and I'll have
my beautiful French doors.
Can you speak in a language
that I can actually understand?
It wouldn't hurt you to learn
a bit Chinese from your cousin.
It's okay. I can speak English.
See? How good
she speaks English!
You sound like a Kiwi already!
And you?
Angela doesn't even
know basic Chinese.
Come. I'll show your room.
Hey, Wei.
Mum's just heating up dinner,
so come down when you're ready.
And I'll sort the keys out
for you tomorrow after class.
My father.
Hey, Daddy.
Thanks for calling me back.
When can I come see you?
I just wanna... see you.
You know, just... Things
are not great here right now.
I just...
Can I come and stay with you
for a little bit, please?
I miss you. I just wanna...
No, I won't be any trouble,
I swear.
I just really miss you, Dad.
No, can you just listen
to me for once?
I just don't wanna be here, okay?
I wanna be with you.
I want...
Papa, please watch over me
on my first day of university.
I'll get some char siu soon,
but in the meantime...
...please try some yummy
New Zealand food.
You look lost.
Do you know the way
to the science building?
My name's Wei.
My name is John.
So then, when they spoke
at the pub, they said.
'We have discovered'
this is what they quoted...
'We have discovered
the secret of life.'
And you will find that in
chapter 23 of your textbooks.
Uh, oh, and just
before you go.
Angela Murray? These are the
quick tests from this morning.
Don't worry, they won't
go on your academic record.
Just an indication of
where you need to improve.
Jasmin Leilani?
That's me.
Thank you.
Eve Meadows.
92%. Well done, Eve.
Oh, there is one of you...
...our scholarship student,
Lim... Wei?
It's Wei.
Well done.
- Typical Chink.
- Right, time's a-going... the rest of you can grab
your scores on the way out.
Oh, I meant to say,
I'm looking for minions... if you're looking for some
lab experience to go on your CV...
...the sign-up sheet is on
a clipboard in my lab. Okay?
Right, that's it.
See you all tomorrow.
Sorry! I was... I was just...
What have you got there?
Nothing. It's mine.
Well, that's my experiment
you're contaminating.
Show me.
It belongs to my father.
Your father's a scientist?
So this is your research now?
I'll tell you what.
You can be my lab assistant.
And if you're lucky...
I might let you work on this.
Oh! I needed this. Mm!
I have not had a good fuck
since Wei showed up.
Wait, what is this?
Some weird Chinese
ancestor worship stuff.
Mum set it up for Wei so that
she could feel more at home.
Yeah, but... what's that?
Wei's Dad.
- Oh my God.
- Mm-hm.
Wei has one too.
- That explains the scarf.
- Right?
If you think that's weird,
you should see her room.
- Um...
- Whoa.
Okay, that's enough.
I think we should... go.
Come on, Angie. When are we
gonna get another chance... visit the museum
of a brilliant prodigy?
We should go now.
Yeah, let's go.
- Yeah.
- I'm going.
No, I'm sorry.
You just gave us such a fright.
- Girl, I'm sorry.
- Oh. Hey, Wei.
Eve, Jas, this is
my cousin, Wei.
- Hi.
- Right.
Just having a girls'night.
Are those prawns?
- Mm-hm.
- Yes, that's all good.
I'm... just very allergic
to shellfish.
- Yeah...
- Mmm.
Just, um...
- ...tell us how it ends, Wei.
- Mm.
Eyes to the front, people.
Let's focus, shall we?
If you've got textbooks,
open them to page 237.
I was, like, trying to
text you in the car.
And she, like...
How about this weather?
How about this weather?
How about this weather?
Oh my God.
Speaking of the devil...
- Hi!
- Hey.
I wanted to invite you all to
yum cha...
...for some char siu.
- What's that?
- I can take you another time...
Char siu? It was my papa's
favourite food.
I wanna get some for his altar.
Yes. No, we are very sorry
about your father, Wei.
Yum cha selfie?
Yeah. Mm-hm.
Angie, come.
Please, eat.
I'm trying...
- I'll help you.
- Thanks, sis.
Um, can I get a fork?
Chicken feet.
No thanks.
But your mum said
they're your favourite.
What are you doing?
I'm so sorry, Wei, um...
...but I have to go.
I have to go too.
I should probably
go with them.
People always ask
if I burnt myself.
My mum said our ancestors
did something bad.
That's why I'm so ugly.
It's the rest of the world
that's ugly, Wei.
I can make us beautiful.
You already are beautiful.
Jump in. I'll drop you home.
So, I was thinking about
you using the lab.
I could oversee your work.
If you and I
put our brains together...
...we could do something
really transformational.
Oh, and Wei?
We'll start tomorrow.
I'm going to make you so proud!
I feel like we're not
connecting. But that's my goal.
- You know what?
- Yeah?
It's okay. I know a goal
that you can score.
Angie. No, no. Stop.
Josh, don't you wanna
take this off?
Oh shit. I think Wei's home.
- Who cares about her?
- You have to go.
Wei? You home?
Oi! Wei?
We need to set some
house rules, okay?
I don't wanna see you.
I don't wanna hear you.
And I definitely don't
wanna come home... the smell of incense and
rotting food.
It's disgusting.
- But Auntie Ling said...
- And enough with the
'Auntie Ling this'
and the'Auntie Ling that'!
She's not even here.
She's never here!
So, where did your
father leave off?
There's a missing component
something organic, I believe.
A binding agent,
to merge the skin tissue.
Yes, exactly. That's what
I'm trying to figure out.
Think of the potential here
burns victims, deformities.
We could make
people beautiful.
Hmm. Wow.
If we can just get this right.
Papa, I need your help.
I miss you.
Do you know how bad
you are making me look?
I was just wondering if you're
still taking lab sign-ups.
Uh, yes.
I'm always looking for new
lab assistants. Um, please...
...sign on the dotted line.
Goodnight, ladies.
Um, you heading home
now, or...?
I know how it is, Wei.
It's really hard to fit in.
Wei, I'm sorry.
I wasn't
trying to take your job.
Sis, you're doing great.
- Angela keeps saying.
- Yes, but Angie was born here.
It's different.
You know you can take that off,
right? It's just us.
Wei. It's fine.
Come on, come on.
It's terrible.
No, I'll tell you
what's terrible.
This scarf.
We can look out for
one another, okay?
You've got this.
I don't know what type of
music you listen to, but...
IN MANDARIN: My daughter.
What are you drawing?
IN MANDARIN: The pretty flower
I saw in your notebook, Papa.
Papa, I remember
the corpse flower now.
I will mend myself,
and you'll be so proud of me.
What was that?
Shh! It's nothing.
What's she doing?
I didn't think
she'd come today.
I'll go and talk to her.
You go out the other door.
It's working, Dr Featherstone.
The formula works.
- How?
- Hi, Paul.
There you are, Wei.
Did I interrupt something?
I mean, no.
Was that a yes or a no?
Come on. Girls-only night?
That was not nice.
So punish me. I'm still wet.
Come on, Wei.
Science Wonderboy,
what an honour.
Lee. My man.
Can you do me a solid?
I've got something here that
needs some translating.
I was hoping you could help out.
Absolutely, man.
Cool. I'll send you through
a pic now. Thanks, man.
- See you, Angie. See you later.
- Yeah. See you next week.
So, still on for tonight?
Mum's coming home tonight.
Mum! Come home, please.
Wei's ruining my life.
- Grow up, Angela!
- Fine. I'm calling Dad.
That's enough!
Ungrateful child!
You don't understand!
There's something off about her.
Maybe I should
send you to China.
I am not the fucking child!
She's the child!
I'm gonna take you
somewhere special.
You know, it's not a good look.
A student dating a lecturer.
No, I didn't.
Look at you.
You look ridiculous.
- No. I was trying to show Paul...
- Why don't you show me?
- You want to see?
- Oh, I'm kidding.
Whatever. I don't wanna see
your granny panties.
I just think you need to know
this isn't how we do things here.
We don't fuck our teachers
for grades.
I didn't...
Actually, I've gotta run now.
But you'll be all right
getting home, right?
Hi, Angela.
What did you do?
You're disrespecting
the ancestors.
They'll curse us.
Why don't you take
your weird Chinese shit
and go home?
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Get off me, Angela!
Angela, stop, please!
IN MANDARIN: Wake up, Angela!
Wake up, please, Angela.
Papa, what should I do?
Please help me, Papa.
What should I do?
Don't worry, Angela.
I can fix this.
I will bring you back.
I know you're upset at me.
We'll have a talk soon, okay?
I'm almost home.
I did it.
I did it, Papa.
Look at me.
Ah. What's going on?
I've been calling you.
Why didn't you answer me?
I'm so sorry.
I'm the one who's sorry.
I shouldn't have shouted at you.
I know things have
been hard lately.
Oh dear.
Are you okay?
Want me to make
hot chocolate for you?
Don't worry.
Everything's going to be okay.
We'll be fine. We'll be fine.
It'll be all right.
We'll be okay.
We'll be all right.
Is that the formula
for... benzene?
- What the fuck?
- Oh my God!
I'm sorry. Am I distracting
you from something?
I'm trying to work.
What am I doing here, then?
What do you think?
Maybe the answer's
up Wei's skirt.
Word of advice, Eve.
You're not gonna get very far
without playing to your strengths...
...and I can tell you,
it is not your brain.
So just, I dunno, sit there
like a good little girl and...
...let me do
my fucking work.
- Hey, what's up, sexy?
- Hey!
Nah, nah, nah.
Nah, nah...
I'm going now.
Can you tell your cousin?
You'll be all right, won't you?
I'll be back next week, okay?
Okay, Aunt...
- Mum.
- Angela?
I'm sorry I'm not
always here with you.
You know I'm always
proud of you, right?
I've got a big meeting to go to.
'Sup, Angie?
Dinner tonight?
- Yeah.
- You right, babe?
- So I'll see you tonight?
- Uh-huh.
- Cool.
- Mm-hm.
Hey, Angie. Good luck for
your game today, yeah?
Wait. What game?
Hmm. Keep breathing.
Try to avoid using it for
a couple of weeks, yeah?
You should probably see
the doctor about that, too.
Keep breathing.
Even though she flashed
Paul the other day.
What? Flashed, as in-?
Legs wide open.
You saw the photo, right, Angie?
- Angie?
- Um...
- Yeah.
- What photo? Show me. Show me.
I sent it on Snapchat,
but it was really gross.
Oh! It's just someone from choir.
One sec, one sec.
Phew! I fully forgot
that Jas doesn't know.
About me and Paul.
Where is your head at
these days?
It's okay. I still love you.
I love you too, Eve.
- Hi.
- I...
These are for you.
Let's go somewhere special.
Okay. Let's...
- You okay?
- Mm-hm.
You don't know how
beautiful you are, Angie.
I love you, babe.
You're beautiful.
Wait. I...
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Wait. No, wait, don't leave!
I'm sorry.
Where's my notebook?
Ah! Ah!
Where the fuck is my notebook?!
You've reached
Dr Featherstone.
Please leave a message.
Dr Featherstone, it's Wei.
Do you have my notebook?
Please call me back.
You'd think someone
died in here, right?
You can say that again.
She certainly attracted
a lot of attention...
...while she was flowering.
Lee, my man,
what do you have for me?
Look, I just finished
translating your notebook.
What's going on, man?
Look, I know your job's on
the line, but this is too much.
It's some crazy Chinese
torture-porn shit, man.
What the fuck is going on?
I'm busy, Wei.
What do you want?
Where is my notebook?
You disappeared.
I had to continue the work.
- You mean my father's work!
- Wei, let's be very clear.
As lead scientist...'s my work.
- Can you give me a lift home?
- Angie?
Paul's fobbed me off again.
What are you doing here?
Let's go shopping tomorrow.
Yeah. And doesn't your mum
sell moisturiser?
Your skin - it's just...
very dry.
I don't know what that is.
You're so beautiful.
Let's see if he ignores me
in this dress.
You should buy that dress.
You deserve it.
You're right.
I do.
What's that smell?
Wei's weird things.
- Gross.
- Mm.
You know what?
Maybe I'll... just go home.
I have something to show you.
Something very special.
Wei? Wei?
Shut the fuck up, Bikkie!
You see?
We're not that different, Eve.
Argh! Ugh!
Angela. That dog has been
barking for hours today.
I'm so sorry.
If you don't get
that dog under control...
...I'm warning you,
I will call the police.
"I've been in love, yes."
"But you never see me
kissing in the park!"
"Oh, you can kiss."
"But you ought to
do it in the dark."
"You can't see me,
but I'm watching you!"
"I saw you smiling
the other day, you filth!"
"I'm watching you!"
"I saw you..."
IN MANDARIN: I will find
your notebook, Father.
I promise you,
I will make him pay.
Are you proud of me, Father?
Look how beautiful I am now.
Anyone home?
Police. Open up!
Over here. Looks like...
I think someone's home.
Hi. We're looking for
Angela Murray.
She's not here right now.
But we're investigating the
disappearance of a student.
Do you mind if we
take a look around?
I'll just go up
and get dressed.
Miss? Any chance you know
when we could talk to your...?
I'm not sure.
Is there anything else
I can help you with?
This is a card
with our number.
If you think of anything else
at all, then please...
...give us a call.
Eve. Eve.
Where's Angela? She's not
answering any of my calls.
Fuck. This is so fucked up.
She's probably still sick.
Yeah, you sound like
you caught it too.
Okay, what did she say happened?
We're investigating the
disappearance of Josh Ioane.
We need to talk about
Angela Murray.
Has she been attending
her classes?
It definitely has something
to do with Josh, right?
Eve, we have to go see her.
She's probably freaking out.
Eve, I think they're
looking for her.
Where is she?
And what about Wei?
What about Wei?
Why are you asking me this?
My God, Jasmin,
can't you see that I'm sick?
Why do you always have to be in
everyone else's business anyway?
And because Watson and Crick used...
...Franklin's X-ray crystallography
data to write their paper...
Franklin's...a lot of people think
she should be the one...
...credited with the discovery.
What do we think
of that, ladies?
Yeah. So, um...
Of course, once they'd
made the discovery...
So, what was all that about
in the lecture hall, hm?
You don't like me
coming to your lectures?
Don't play games with me.
You obviously came here
for a reason.
Oh, you didn't waste
any time, do you?
I just wanna know what you've
been spending all your time on.
Oh, I like this voice.
Right now...
I wanna spend my time on this.
Is that you?
Bikkie? Come on.
Where are you, girl?
Are you there?
Where are you, darling? Bikkie?
Oh, stupid gate.
Jesus Christ!
I'm Eve.
Angie's friend.
And I heard you yelling...
...and I'm afraid she's...
not in at the moment.
Well, that's typical, isn't it?
Now, I already warned that girl.
Somebody has to
take care of the dog.
She's a real spoiled bitch,
isn't she?!
You be sure to tell her.
That is not what happened.
Okay? She came into my office.
She initiated it.
Can we please take this
somewhere else?
Let's go to my office, please.
No, I know where I'm going,
thank you very much.
Get your fucking hands off me!
Fuck you, Jamieson!
You're not even worth
the shit on my shoes.
I quit.
That's good.
You don't need them.
I'm not in the mood, Eve.
Can you come back later?
You're just too distracting.
Shut the fuck up, Bikkie!
Bikkie. Bikkie.
Shut the fuck up, Bikkie.
I did it.
Come over. I wanna celebrate.
You can call me Dr Nobel Prize.
- So we're celebrating?
- Oh, we are.
Oh, we are.
Who's laughing now, huh?
Fuck you!
I can't wait to watch them
rip each other apart over me.
Two weeks, they said.
Fucking two weeks.
Oh, you fucking bitches.
20 years ago today?
Well, not any more.
Wonderboy is back, baby!
He's fuckin' back!
Ooh, yeah.
Who's laughing now? Yeah!
I have a headache.
Well, go home, then.
You're acting so off
today anyway.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Where are you going?
No kiss?
Wei, Wei, Wei.
You fuckin'bitch.
Papa, I need your help.
Is anybody home?
Angie? Where you at?
Are you here?
Where are you guys?
Is that Eve's dress?
- I just...
- What?
- Sis...
- I wanted to know what it feels like.
Oh, what happened?
Everyone's gone.
You should have come to me
first. I'm here for you.
But I think we can fix you up.
Uh, why don't you actually
come and stay with me tonight?
I just don't really like the idea
of you being by yourself in this...
...big-as house.
We can have
a nice family dinner.
I mean, you treated me
to Chinese style... I can show you Tongan style.
That would be nice.
Okay, great, because...
...I think my mum is making,
like, a nice-as dinner.
Cos basically,
I think my mum...
No! No!
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry!
Sorry. Sorry.
What have you done, Wei?
What I had to do.
What you made me do.
Where is she?
Where is Eve, Wei?
She's around.
You did it.
I can't believe
you figured it out.
Your whole life working on it.
Barely took me an afternoon.
That was my father's work!
I'm gonna make
a historic discovery.
And you...
...can scuttle off back to
where you came from.
Now, where's my vial,
you fuckin' cunt?
You want your vial?
It's in the fridge.
"I'm watching you."
"I saw you smiling
the other day."
"I'm watching you."
"I saw you holding
hands that way."
"I know the score..."
You're up.
"I saw you smile
the other day."
Just in time.
"I saw you holding
hands that way!"
I don't know why
you're so upset.
I know you wanted
my father's science.
I've decided to give it to you.
"So I'm watching you!
"I saw you holding
hands that way."
"I'm watching you! I see you!"
It's working so well.
Don't you think?
I'm gonna live a new life...
...a beautiful life.
And everyone... going to love me.
Mmmmm! Mmmmm!
Bikkie! Bikkie!
Oh God.
Oh! God!
AVL-13. Go ahead.
We just got a call from
a woman in your area.
Something about...
You're not gonna believe this.
Suspect is heading
towards the train station.
John. John, John, John!
It's me. It's me. Help me.
Okay, okay, okay.
No, no, no.
Down here! This way!
Did you see a girl
run through here?
- A blonde woman?
- Yeah, she ran that way.
Wei, what have you done?
The family of missing
scholarship student Lim Wei...
...has appealed to the public
for any information...
...concerning her disappearance.
Wei is believed to be connected
with the grisly discovery...
...of three bodies at an upmarket
West Auckland property.
A fourth victim remains
in a critical condition... Auckland Hospital.
Police are treating the
matter as a homicide...
...but are yet to
release any details.
And that's the news at 9.
Up next - weather and sport.
"La-la-la-la, la-la-la..."
"La... la... la..."
"La-la-la-la, la-la-la..."
"La... la... la..."
Hey. Hey.
You're a good dog. Good dog.
Good dog.
Good dog. That's it.
You're my dog now.