Hauntology (2024) Movie Script

Venus India Price!
Where do you think you're going?
What is all this?
I'm not going home, Jaz.
What did they do this time?
I'm not about to let
you go off by yourself.
Where are you gonna stay?
I don't know. I'll find a place.
-It's dangerous to go alone.
-I'm not afraid.
You don't think
anything could go wrong?
All right, I'll make you a deal.
You know we live in one
of the most haunted places
in the country, right?
Haunted? Ohio?
Yeah. For real.
-I know some stories.
Listen, if you come with me
and let me tell
all of my stories, then...
I'll let you decide
if you want to run away.
How many?
Just a few.
It'll be fun
if you pay attention.
You promise you won't
just drive me back home?
Say you promise.
I promise.
And after
I listen to your stories
you'll leave me alone?
If that's what you want.
Pop the trunk.
- Nobody's here.
- Who lives in there?
It's a rental now,
but a few years ago,
a witch lived in that cabin.
How old do you think I am?
Not that kind of a witch.
Come on,
I'll show you something.
I was here
with Alex a few weeks ago.
And we found this.
We think the witch used it.
Mirrors can
help with protection.
They reflect negative energy.
Come on.
It's clean.
I didn't drink out of it yet.
The witch came to this place
because her father
was a lot like our parents.
He spent her entire
childhood telling her
that she was a boy.
But as soon as she was
old enough, she moved away.
After that,
she met a powerful magic worker
who changed her life forever.
So... Is there really
a chance this could work?
Everything you need
to know is in there.
I won't promise anything,
but it's worth a shot.
It's a full moon tonight.
It's the perfect time to try.
The most
important thing to remember
is do not open your eyes.
For how long?
However long it takes.
You're beautiful.
Well? Did it work?
I'm so happy for you, Julian.
I've never seen
a transformation like yours.
For the first time in my life,
I feel I'm in the right skin.
To be honest, I didn't
think it would go this well.
Especially after, um...
Go on.
I tried my best
to keep my eyes closed.
You opened your eyes?
I don't remember, okay?
-It-- it's--
-Did you see him?
I think so.
-Is it that bad?
-Did he say anything?
I don't remember.
That's good.
You wouldn't be able
to forget it if he did.
You're not mad at me, are you?
Hi there.
- Hi.
- I'm Jacob,
your new neighbor.
Thought I'd introduce myself.
Oh, yeah. Uh--
So, um, what brings
you all the way out here?
It's beautiful here.
Not nearly this
pretty where I come from.
-You grow up near here?
-In town.
It's a bit of
a walk from your place.
-Isn't it?
-Worth it.
- To meet you.
- Oh.
Caught me on a good day.
I'm sorry. Um,
I should really get going.
- Already?
- Yeah.
But good luck with
your place and everything.
I'll stop by later.
You're here.
I was wondering if you'd like
to have dinner with me.
How'd you get these?
You like them?
These are my favorite.
They're not even in season.
I have my ways.
Jacob, this is
extremely tempting,
But I just wasn't
expecting to go out tonight, so,
um, maybe some other time.
Is that a Felner?
It is.
-Was a gift.
-It's amazing.
-Can I see it?
Maybe another time.
Look, my friend's expecting me.
Um, I'm really busy.
You know, thank you for
the flowers, but I gotta go.
Are you afraid of me, Julian?
Come on, Julian.
It wasn't easy
to get your favorite flowers.
- Hello?
- Hey.
-Are-- Are you free tomorrow?
It's only been a few days,
and you already have some man
barging into your life?
It's not easy being beautiful.
-I haven't told you everything.
-You haven't?
There's something
wrong with Jacob.
I've spent a lot of years
dreaming about the perfect man.
All the little details,
his face, his voice.
Jacob is that perfect guy.
I mean, he even
smells the way I imagined.
The perfect man.
I knew he'd be a problem.
Do you know what he wants?
I want you to remember.
What he did
for you was a transaction.
You owe him nothing.
-I didn't give him anything.
-You did.
All that negative energy you'd
been carrying all those years,
that's sustenance
for a spirit like him.
He's a spirit?
He was nothing
before I created him.
We helped each
other for a very long time.
But now... things have changed.
Nothing lasts forever.
I'll talk to him.
-Looks like you've been busy.
I gave you what you wanted.
Why won't you leave me alone?
I could give you so much more.
What if I don't want more?
We have to banish him.
Hey, how much time do we have?
As soon as he finds enough
energy, he'll return.
And you think we can
get rid of him for good?
We have to try.
I can't predict him anymore.
It's not safe.
Do you have any ancestral
spirits you're close to?
Anyone who could help us?
Bitch, we're
better off without them.
For the good
of all and harm to none,
I call in my power,
I reclaim my will
as the sun comes up,
may his spirit be released
as the moon goes down
for the good of all
and the harm to none,
I call in my power,
I reclaim my will
as the sun comes up,
may his spirit be
released as the moon goes down
for the good of all
and harm to none,
I call in my power,
I reclaim my will
as the sun comes up,
may his spirit be released
as the moon goes down
for the good of all
and harm to none,
I call in my power,
I reclaim my will
as the sun comes up,
may his spirit be released--
...as the moon goes down,
For the good of all
and harm to none--
I call in my power,
I reclaim my will
as the sun goes up,
may his spirit be released
as the moon goes down.
For the good of all
and in harm to none,
I call in my power,
I reclaim my will
as the sun comes up,
may his spirit be released
as the moon goes down.
-For the good of all...
I call on my power,
-I reclaim my will--
-You can open your eyes.
Is it over?
It was worth it.
I'm happy for her, but that can
never happen to someone like me.
What do you mean?
Julian had money. She was older.
She was a witch.
I can't just
magically be what I want.
What do you want to be?
Not a girl.
But I don't know what.
You don't have to decide.
Tell Mom and Dad that.
You know,
you're not the first person
in our family who didn't fit in.
Please don't tell me
a story about you next.
Sass Master. Mm.
I was talking
about Mabel Bishop.
Of course you'd take
me to a graveyard.
Cemetery. There'd be a church
nearby if it was a graveyard.
When those started
filling up in the 1800s,
the dead needed more space.
That's when cemeteries
became a thing.
Come on.
-You see that spot?
That plot was never used.
It was meant for Mabel Bishop,
our great-great-great
Where'd they bury her?
There's a place in the woods
near where she lived
where her family
made a tombstone for her.
Her body was never found.
She went missing?
When she was alive,
most people considered her to be
a respectable married woman.
Her only problem?
She preferred
the company of ladies to men,
-if you know what I mean.
-Oh, I like her.
Of course, in the 1890s,
people like Mabel weren't
allowed to be themselves.
The most powerful man
in town found out her secret
and decided to end her life.
Over 100 years passed.
Most people forgot about Mabel.
It took a very special person
to finally end her loneliness.
Hey. I miss you.
I haven't gone anywhere.
I'm gonna go for a walk.
Don't forget the groceries.
I'll be in town tomorrow,
I'll just get 'em done.
Okay, I won't hold my breath.
What are you doing out here?
What happened to you, Mabel?
Enjoy your walk?
I don't think
I could do this anymore.
Where are you going?
Can you stop?
Can you please just stop
and talk to me for a minute.
-We can still have a good time--
-You know what, Jade?
You had your walk, now it's
my turn to think things over.
Please don't do this.
Iris, wait. Please, just--
Will you just wait?
Now we're both alone.
...program is
the lost paintings
of May Felner.
We'll explore
Felner's themes of isolation,
expressed through
her unique use of color.
Jesus Christ!
You scared the shit out of me.
I'm not alone anymore.
You like to be alone.
What are you looking at?
I'll show you.
What the hell is this?
It's for you.
How did this happen?
You'll love it there, Iris.
So Grandma found love
from beyond the grave?
She did.
Her twin flame. Hmm.
What happened to Iris?
She woke up the next day.
Jade was gone.
Iris never saw her again.
Jade definitely has
a thing for complicated women.
Who is that?
You see him?
The man in the hat.
Where'd he go?
Was that the first time
you've seen him?
You're acting really weird.
Come on.
Keep that
in your pocket.
Are you a witch, too?
You could say that.
Let's get moving.
I'll tell you another story.
Where next?
I have a couple places in mind.
What's wrong?
The battery's dead.
-He did this.
The man in the hat?
I don't--
My phone's working,
but I don't have any service.
We're gonna
have to walk for a bit.
You're not gonna
call mom and dad, are you?
I'll call Alex. Follow me.
-Is it working?
Hey, I could
use a favor.
Yeah, we ran into some
car trouble. Are you around?
Okay, great.
Um, I'll send you an address.
Okay. Thank you so much.
These houses are pretty.
They are.
Do you think
any of them have a ghost?
Our Aunt May
used to live near here.
The painter?
Yeah. That's the next person
I wanted to tell you about.
Well, not too long
before you were born,
there were
a bunch of murders in town.
Most people
never heard the true story,
but it all connects back to her.
May Felner.
Of course it's worth it.
These pieces have
never been seen before.
Come on. May Felner's an icon.
You know you want to feature us.
Thank you. I'll see you tonight.
Someone's gonna notice.
It's not too late
to cancel all this.
Weren't you just telling me
last week you finally nailed it?
Yeah, but what
about the rest of them?
We're about to exhibit a gallery
full of May Felner's art,
and only one
piece looks like hers.
Hey. They're all great.
If anyone has doubts,
they'll just--
they'll think it's her early
stuff nobody's seen.
Aren't Owen and Shane
the luckiest bastards
on the planet for buying
her old house and finding these?
We're not giving up now.
After all
the work you've put in?
Now that Felner's dead,
her work's
more valuable than ever.
It just feels shitty.
We've got this.
Unless you're
planning on proposing again,
I have no idea what you're
doing on the ground right now.
Everything is gonna go
great tonight.
You'll see.
How about I pick up lunch?
Oh, yes, please.
Okay. I'll be back.
Don't forget the extra sauce.
Miss Jeannie.
Thank you so much for coming.
We're going
to Bermuda for Christmas.
Do you like that piece?
It's the most
impressive painting here.
I agree.
I mean, I love
all of Felner's work, but...
this one's special.
-Is it?
-Of course.
We've gotten
some great offers for it.
I'd be happy to add you to
the list, if you're interested.
There's something...
About the color palette.
It's a little unusual for her.
You must be a big fan.
I was.
When she behaved.
No way.
You're Christina.
What an honor.
We weren't expecting anyone
from Felner's inner circle.
I thought I'd drop by.
The article I read
mentioned that you found
these in her old Victorian.
Yes. They were
completely hidden.
It was like
finding buried treasure.
These paintings
are a revelation.
I can't believe you found them.
Yeah. Yeah, it was, uh,
it was-- it was really lucky.
I went to school with Felner.
-Did you?
-Yeah, tried making friends,
but she wasn't interested.
She was too cool
to hang around with you.
I love it when
you pour salt in my wounds.
You know, I'd pay a lot of
money for an original Felner.
Might want
to try that again, Rusty.
Our friend seems distracted.
Hello? I have a lot of money.
E-- Excuse me.
I need to use the restroom.
Whoever he's ditching
us for better be at least
ten times hotter than me.
Oh, my God.
Oh, yeah.
Thank you for letting me know.
Brian's dead.
Our realtor?
Oh, my God.
What-- what happened?
He was murdered.
Thank you.
-I think we're about ready.
We'll be back tonight.
Sure thing. Take your time.
-So sorry for your loss.
-Me too.
Keep an eye on those Felners
while we're gone.
Of course.
-Bye, Evan.
Hello. How are you today?
Excuse me. How can I--
This is really weird.
Uh, what are
you doing back there?
Damn it.
Oh, fuck this!
Can't be a coincidence.
-Even at the funeral,
people couldn't stop
talking about the paint.
We can't let this
distract us from our work.
I just--
I need you to make
a few more paintings.
I got a call this morning
from a guy in New York.
Are we seriously
talking about this right now?
Owen, come on.
Ryan was a realtor.
The killer was
probably some psycho contractor
he never paid.
We don't need to
make drama out of this.
Jesus Christ!
Oh, you see--
Go. Get out.
How'd it go
with the police?
Who is this?
This is Christina.
A friend gave me your number.
The Christina?
I'm calling
because of May Felner.
We need to talk about her.
Are you all right?
I'm not.
We don't know each other.
But you're the only person
that I can talk to about this.
Do you want to sit?
I know you've seen her.
She's angry with you.
I don't know why.
All I know is
that it's gotten out of control.
I don't understand.
It started when
the article was published.
About those paintings
that you found.
I saw her that day.
And for weeks...
she kept getting closer.
May Felner is dead.
One morning, she was so close.
I blacked out.
No matter how hard I've tried,
I can't remember
what happened after that.
A few days later,
I found out about your realtor.
He died during my blackout.
Christina, that's--
-You don't think--
-The same thing happened today
when the man
in your gallery was killed.
Whatever you've done,
you have to fix this.
Before she uses me again.
I'll try.
What she's doing is terrible.
I know why she's mad at me.
Love you.
But I can't change the past.
I'm sorry.
I'm leaving town. Tonight.
It's the only thing
that I can do to stop her.
Please fix this.
You're home.
Hey, remember earlier,
when I was asking
about more paintings?
-I know things have been crazy,
but our gallery's
on national news.
People are more interested
in Felner's art than ever.
Shane, we can't--
No, I-- I've been
getting calls all day.
You wouldn't believe
the offers, babe.
Serious offers.
I just-- I need
a few more paintings.
Maybe three.
If the deals go through,
we could open our own gallery
in New York or Paris.
Just like
you always wanted, huh?
Things are really
gonna change for us.
You still with me?
Aunt May had to put up with
so much injustice in her life.
Even death couldn't stop it.
Her spirit couldn't rest.
The people in our family,
the ones who are different,
their stories are sad.
They felt
so alone when they died.
And that feeling
stayed with them.
I don't want
that to happen to you, Venus.
I'll be okay.
I just need some time
away from mom and dad right now.
Whatever happens,
you're not gonna turn
into another miserable ghost.
You and I...
are gonna be happy when we die.
I like that.
-All good?
You're a lifesaver.
Should charge a little
bit while you're driving.
But if I were you, I'd
get that battery checked ASAP.
Thanks so much.
You didn't tell me
that you were gonna bring
Venus with you tonight.
I wasn't. But...
they had their plans.
Are you sure you don't
want me to come with you?
The more
I think about it,
Venus is the only
person who could help me.
I think we can do it, together.
Okay. Good luck.
I'll-- I'll have my phone
on me, just in case
you need anything else.
You're the best.
- Thanks, Alex.
- Yeah.
I think it's time for
our last story.
We're going to the most
talked-about place in town.
-The new dentist's office?
-Mm. You poor child.
Whoa. Are we allowed to be here?
But nobody lives here anymore.
Don't you recognize this place?
No one ever told
you about Cashel House?
-Oh! When I was your age,
everybody talked
about this place.
I'm listening.
People have been saying
it's haunted for generations.
It took years before
anyone found out the truth.
But when she did, it was
a lot scarier than she imagined.
I made it to Cashel House.
Thanks, Yesenia.
No, I told you,
I can't take any photos.
But no one's ever gotten
an interview with him before.
I don't want to piss him off.
I'll check in with you later
tonight. Maybe nine?
Yes, nine.
Sounds good.
You must be Miss Ishii.
Yes. My name is Madeline.
Pleasure to meet you.
I'm Mrs. Boxell,
the housekeeper.
Please come in.
Your style of dress is a bit
more modern than we're used to,
but I appreciate
you wearing something...
Oh, uh, I apologize. I-- I did
my best with what I could find.
I'm sure it was a challenge.
Now, first order of business.
Have you brought
any electronics with you?
Oh, just my phone.
Thank you so much
for letting me bring it.
It's already powered off.
Very good. Follow me.
We do request that if
you need to use your telephone,
you'll take it outside?
There's a back door
through there to the left.
You'll find a porch
on that side of the house.
Which is the most suitable
place to use your telephone.
Sure, that's no problem.
Now, I suppose it's time
for you to make the acquaintance
of Mrs. Cashel.
The journalist,
Miss Ishii, has arrived.
Hello, Miss Ishii.
- Wo-- won't you sit down?
- Yes.
Thank you, Francine.
I am so honored
you agreed to meet with me.
You are quite
the local celebrity.
- I suppose.
- I feel like pinching myself.
What was it that convinced
you to respond to my letter?
Well, in part,
your persuasive use of language.
But there was
an element of luck.
Francine usually discards
any interview inquiries.
But in a propitious stroke
of fate,
your letter
fell loose from the pile.
I found it on
the floor one morning on my
way down to breakfast.
That is lucky.
It's been a long time since
I've had a guest in this room.
Francine still keeps it tidy.
She's very particular.
But I think
you'll find the house rules
are really very simple.
As long as
electronics are kept away,
and everyone behaves
properly, I'm satisfied.
-But you use electric lights?
-Oh, my father installed those.
I don't use them.
They're hard on my eyes.
We don't have
a telephone either.
You understand, of course.
The sounds
they make are so unpleasant.
Modern phones can
ring silently and vibrate.
I'm sure it would be useful
to have one around somewhere.
I know my life may seem strange,
but my hope is that when
the public reads your article,
they'll stop finding me
and my house so mysterious.
The people in
town are always curious.
If it weren't for
Francine's firm nature, I'm sure
Cashel House would devolve into
some sort of tourist attraction.
That brings us to
the elephant in the room.
How do you respond
to the legends
that the house is haunted?
Miss Ishii,
it's not in my nature to lie,
so I'll be frank with you
but I don't want
you to write down the words
that I'm going to say.
Of course,
this will be off the record.
My house is haunted.
But only for those who
disobey the rules.
Who made the rules?
Our family was
raised with the understanding
of the ancestor
who lives in these walls.
His name is William Gwen Cashel,
And I've done
quite well to abide by him.
He sounds intense.
My grandmother used
to blame his disposition
on a woman named Mabel Bishop.
Something about
Mabel had a profound effect.
Ex-- Excuse me. I'm sorry.
I felt a-- a chill or something.
I hope I didn't frighten you.
No. I'm not even
sure I believe in ghosts.
But I try to have an open mind.
I-- I wouldn't want to
break any of the rules.
And for that, you have
my deepest appreciation.
You do intend to stay the night?
Miss Ishii? Are you all right?
I saw him. The ghost.
You went and got
your telephone, didn't you?
-Yes. I needed to call--
-Why didn't you take it outside?
I tried. The door wouldn't open.
Is the telephone still with you?
-I dropped it.
-That's for the best.
I can't stay here.
If you wish to return
home tomorrow, you may.
As for tonight,
you don't really want to
go walking in the dark.
I'd probably feel
safer than I do in here.
Miss Ishii, I have lived
in this house over ten years.
If one does
what's expected of her,
there's no reason to be afraid.
You think I could just sleep,
after what just happened?
I understand you may
need some time to recover.
If it's any help,
I'll stay with you,
until your nerves are settled.
That could take a while.
Oh, Francine, why...
must you always be
right about everything?
Shall I speak
with the young woman?
No. I shall see
Miss Ishii out myself.
Miss Ishii,
I'm terribly sorry
about what you experienced here.
Yeah, so am I.
Will-- will someone
be picking you up?
My ride. It'll be here soon.
Well, before you go,
I-- I feel I should
leave you with a warning.
Now? Now, a warning?
Well, I never intended for you
to meet my great-grandfather.
But last night,
when you broke the rules,
you looked into his eyes.
And now that he's seen you, I--
I'm afraid he won't let you go.
Look, Josephine, I'm
done with the supernatural shit.
I'm glad you're
happy living in the past.
But it's not the place for me.
I completely understand.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm getting the hell
away from you and
your creepy ass-house.
The man in the hat.
The one who killed Mabel.
This is his house.
Did you look into his eyes, Jaz?
Is that why
he's been following us?
He takes a special
interest in our family.
The ones who are different.
I first saw him after
I moved out of Mom and Dad's.
Now that you're running away,
he's got his eye on you, too.
It took Alex and me
a long time to find this.
Is that Annalisa's book?
You should meet her sometime.
I think you'd like her.
We're not going in there.
-We have to stop him.
-It's not our house.
Tonight's the solstice,
and there's a waning moon.
It'll be a long time
before we have another
good chance to banish him.
You were on your way here,
when you saw me running away?
If you don't want to do this,
you can wait in the car.
But I'm doing this.
Come on.
All right. All I need now is
something that belonged to him.
Good luck.
He's been dead a million years.
Well, there has to be something.
He built this place.
Come on.
He knows. Do you still
have that obsidian?
Hang on to it.
Uh, we should stay together.
I am not going
into that basement.
We can check the bedrooms first.
Venus, where are you?
-How did you get in here?
-We can do it, Jaz.
-The ritual.
You have it memorized?
We are bound by book,
by blood, by breath.
We are bound by spine,
by stars, by death.
By the blood of Mabel Bishop,
whose heart beats eternal.
We banish you from the earthly
realm, William Gwen Cashel.
By the breath of May Felner,
whose spirit flows free.
We banish you from the ethereal
realm, William Gwen Cashel.
As the sun stands still
and the waning moon rises,
you are bound and banished,
banished and bound.
As the sun stands still
and the waning moon rises,
you are bound and banished,
banished and bound.
As the sun stands still
and the waning moon rises,
you are bound and banished,
banished and bound.
As the sun stands still
and the waning moon rises,
you are bound and banished,
banished and bound.
As the sun sets still and the
waning moon rises,
you are bound and banished,
banished and bound.
As the sun stands still and
the waning moon rises,
you're bound and banished,
banished and bound.
As the sun stands still and
the waning moon rises,
you are bound and banished,
banished and bound.
As the sun stands still,
and the waning moon--
This isn't funny.
Okay. All right.
Well, you've
heard all my stories.
You still want to run away?
After tonight,
I think I can handle anything.
Even Mom and Dad.
I think so, too.
Did you bring any towels?
It's too...
I mean...