Head Over Heels (2024) Movie Script

Fashionistas and trendsetters,
polish up your stilettos
and bring out
your finest couture,
because Fashion Week is
officially four weeks away
and we have some tea to spill.
Rumor has it former queen of
designer footwear Delaney Diaz
is vying to regain her throne,
but after Delaney's public
stumble from high fashion,
she's going to need to put
her best foot forward.
It's make or break time.
Will Delaney rule
the runways again,
or be destined for
the walk of shame?
Stay tuned.

Wow. Addi.
Looks like a whole new shoe.
Oh, well, Mr. Simmons
likes to stand out.
Just because
he works in construction
doesn't mean
he can't be stylish.
You have so many great designs.
I bet if we tried
we could make some of these
right here in the shop.
Oh, we're barely
keeping up with repairs.
Besides, I doubt Mr. Simmons is
in the market for kitten heels.
She's down.
Did you sing
my little angel to sleep?
Oh, your little angel thinks
that I need a vocal coach.
In five months,
her father will be on leave
and he can take over
the lullaby duties.
Well, I have been trying
to teach her thumbs down.
Oh, thank you so much for that.
Yeah, she's really got
the spirit of it, for sure.
By the way, you're going to be
singing my praises pretty soon.
I got you a job.
Another one?
I still have to stuff goodie
bags for Ruby's birthday party.
No, no, no, no. I met this lady,
Janice, at mommy and me class,
and she works in HR
at Delaney Diaz.
She said that there's
an opening at the front desk.
Wait, the Delaney Diaz?
I don't get
the excitement about her.
Dad, she is a pioneer in
women's designer footwear.
Look at this ad.
Crystal shoes are practical.
That's not the point.
It shows that artistry
and new ideas can emerge
in unexpected places.
A Diaz is one of a kind.
Apparently. Ms. Hollingsworth
said the same thing
when she dropped off her Diazes.
(both gasping)
And, let me guess,
she asked for Addi specifically.
She's our number one
customer for a reason.
I can't believe
how much money she makes
buying these old designer shoes
and having you to restore them.
Look at this iconic shoe.
Suede insoles creates
a luxurious footpad.
She was at the top of
her game when these came out.
"Was" is the key word though.
She's traded style for
sellability with her new stuff.
Too much success
can ruin a brand.
I still think she's brilliant.
I think your designs are better.
Listen, it's just
a receptionist job for now,
but it's also
a foot in the door.
You know, maybe you could
show her your designs.
It would be cool to meet her.
I'll think about it.
Mm, can't.
I already told her that you
would be perfect for the job.
So, she wants to
interview you tomorrow.
Claudia, no!
I mean, what about the shop?
Dad and I have got the shop.
It's Manhattan.
It's really far away.
Dad, what do you think?
I want my daughters
to follow their dreams.
What're you doing?
Get out of here.


(phone ringing)
And another one bites the dust.
Picking up or dropping off?
I'm here for Janice.
I'm interviewing for
the receptionist job.
Oh, thank the good Lord.
You're hired.
Sit, Thomas.
You must be Addi Connors.
- Claudia's sister?
- Yes!
Well, you came at
the perfect time.
We have a more pressing
position that just opened.
Oh, no. She can't.
Look at her outfit.
She's not ready.
Ignore him. Thomas is
filling in. He's our floater.
Actually, I'm her assistant.
Floater's below my pay grade.
Thank you for your service.
Come on, Addi. Let's go chat.
(phone ringing)
Delaney Diaz, please hold.
I'm not going to
sugarcoat it, Addi.
This place is not for the weak.
I hope you know how to juggle.
Oh, I'm a good multitasker.
I answer the phones
at my father's shop
while working the register.
How are you with people?
Delaney is,
let's say, particular.
Oh, people always
say I'm cheerful.
Could be worse, I guess.
This is our main design area.
This is a dream.
I cannot believe
I am standing where
Delaney Diaz shoes are made.
Well, used to be made.
We don't do couture anymore.
I mean, our designers
have everything within reach
to test fabrics,
stitching, color combos,
but we send out their designs
for samples to be made.
This was Delaney's
assistant's desk.
Ugh, she didn't even
take her personals.
The tantrum I saw earlier?
Kendra. I knew she wouldn't last
long. She cried on day two.
How long did she work here?
Three weeks. Better than most.
It's the fifth assistant
we've lost this year.
Janice, uh, Payroll needs
to speak with you ASAP.
Kendra's seeking
psychological damages.
Not another one.
Okay, Delaney has
a meeting in 15 minutes.
Thomas we need to
clear this before she sees it.
- Can you...
- Sure.
Oh, what's that?
I think my phone's ringing
and a delivery's here
and the lobby's on fire.
I'll get it.
Oh, you are a savior.
The kitchen is through there.
Uh, come to reception
when you're done, but be quick.
Delaney will lose her mind
if she sees you in those flats.
Oh, no.
I am so sorry.
It's okay.
I didn't see you come out.
You know what? I can fix this.
Come with me.

Take your shoes off.
Why do I feel like
I'm getting mugged?
Call the fashion police because
I'm saving both our jobs.
Delaney cannot see
coffee-stained shoes
on the floor.
Are you a new designer?
Me? Oh, no. I applied
for the receptionist job.

I made them two-tone
so that they have
a little bit more flair.
I like them. I...
...actually love them.
- (chuckling)
- (whistling)
Sorry, I was just trying
to put them over there.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Um, Addi Connors.
Austin Strickland.
I'm impressed.
You're kind of like a rebel.
Busting into the design
studio like that.
I like to think of myself
as a creative problem solver.
What were you doing
over there?
Oh, Delaney's assistant quit.
I was helping
clean up her stuff.
How long have
you worked here for?
Oh, I've known these
offices since I could walk.
Well, now you can walk around
the offices in custom shoes.
Maybe you'll get a raise.
Maybe you will. Come with me.
Um, I actually have to meet with
Janice to finish my interview.
Oh, trust me.
I have someone you need to meet.


Is this your office?
It's Delaney's.
Uh, are you sure
we can be in here?
Oh, relax.
Embrace your rebellious side.
It's more fun that way.
But she has a meeting right now.
What if they catch us?
I know.
Now it's with me and you.
You look ravishing today.
I don't succumb to flattery.
You know that.
Who is this?
Why is she in my office?
I would like for you
to meet your new assistant.
Addi Connors.
What happened to Kipper?
Uh, Kipper? Kendra!
(snapping fingers)
Yeah, no. She left.
Okay, we have about
a month until Fashion Week.
You need someone reliable.
- This is reliable?
- Mm-hm.
Have you seen her shoes?
Have you seen mine?
Where did you get those?
Five minutes ago, here,
thanks to Addi Connors.
- You smile a lot.
- Yeah.
Well, how could I not?
I am standing in front
of Delaney freaking Diaz.
I mean, come on.
Okay, you can go now.
Before you call security on me,
I just have to say,
I think you a genius,
a legend in footwear.
Wearing your shoes is like
putting your best foot forward.
Uh, anyway, that's all.
It's been an honor
and love your office.

Yeah, listen. Hear me out.
She's filled with potential.

It's not the end of the world.
You still have a job here.
I just shouldn't have gone.
Delaney Diaz is a star.
Lightyears away
from someone like me.
I mean, look at my shoes!
I don't belong in Manhattan.
I just shouldn't have
turned into a crazed fan girl
and completely
embarrassed myself.
At least you didn't
ask for an autograph.
Did you?
(phone vibrating)
What? Did they send you
a restraining order?
I got the job!
On a trial basis,
but they want me
to be Delaney Diaz's assistant.

Good morning, new girl.
See you dressed
for your funeral.
Good thinking ahead.
Planning ahead would be
getting the mouthy floater
the best eclair in Connecticut.
I like you.
Delaney left this for you.
Um, when does
she want all this done?
I don't ask questions.
Why not? What happens?
Mm, your funeral.
Mm, thank you.
Okay, just breathe.
You can do this.
(footsteps echoing)

Go, go!
I had a list.
I gave it to Addi this morning.

Oh, Delaney! Good morning.
How are you today?
I don't do small talk,
especially not before
I've had my iced chai latte.
(clearing throat)
Oh, you want me to speak?
Iced chai latte.
It was on the list.
Oh, right.
I put it right on your desk
and I watered your orchids.
Seems you watered
the latte as well.
Sorry, I can get
you another one.
And what, pray tell,
have you accomplished today?
Where is my dry cleaning?
I thought that
was a lower priority.
I was going to
pick that up tomorrow.
It was on the list for today.
I thought this list
was for the week.
Well, you thought wrong.
Uh... Right. I'm on it.
And for the food
for the meeting, did you...
Expect an iced chai latte
10 minutes ago? Yes, I did.
Of course.

Ooh, Delaney does not
like food on the workspace.
Another thing I messed up.
I have until Fashion Week
to not get fired.
I don't think I'm going to make
it through this trial period.
She already hates me.
Just give her a chance.
Under that tough exterior,
there's a really good heart.
You just got to keep digging.
Oh, yeah? With an excavator?
Delaney came up in
a business dominated by men.
She had to be fierce
to succeed.
You know, you're really
good at public relations.
And you really do ooze
of positivity and charm.
So, what's your story?
How did you see
through her tough exterior?
Delaney was
my mom's best friend,
and when my mom passed away,
she stuck around.
I'm sorry.
I lost my mom, too,
a few years ago.
You really do remember
who supports you in that time.
So, is that why
you represent her now?
No, my father
owns the PR company,
and Delaney has been
a longtime client.
Not without challenges,
especially since she got sued
for stealing ideas
by her assistant.
The guy was disgruntled.
It was all false,
but the headlines
and the rumors remain,
which I think is
what hardened her to it.
Well, yeah.
I can understand why.
Yeah, well, I'm trying to
get her back to the top,
but Fashion Week is make it
or break it for all of us.
Oh, is she in trouble?
Franco Chaussure is
attempting a hostile buyout.
He wants to use her label
as his discount brand.
If I don't get any buyers on
this runway show I'm part of,
she's going to
be forced to sell.
That would ruin her legacy.
You think more like
Delaney than you know.
I knew sticking my neck
out for you would pay off.
What... These are supposed
to attract buyers?
The meeting's in a few minutes!
Don't blame me.
I'm just a pretty face.
You're not quitting
on me just yet, are you?
No, never.
Just give me a few seconds.

Hurry, Delany's within
striking distance.
- Grab the numbers.
- Okay.
Here we go.
This here, here, here.
No, that looks great.
Okay. Perfect.
It's great.
Everything is ready
for the buyers meeting.
Not bad, right?
- Adequate, finally.
- Thomas: This way.
After you. Have a seat.
Thanks, everyone.
Shall we get started?
Now as you can see,
we've done the pump
in a very classic style.
This holds a wide appeal,
I think, to your clientele.
We can do that in
a variety of colors.
The boot we have done in
this beautiful calf skin.
Again, a very familiar
design to help move volume.
The boots.
I'll take as many units
as the manufacturer can
produce before next season.
Excellent. I will have
the team get on that right away.
If I may, Renee,
just the boots?
At this price,
how could I refuse?
My apologies. There appears
to be a little misprint.
I am so sorry.
I didn't realize that
the numbers correspond
with the prices.
Well, Renee, we won't waste
any more of your precious time.
I will personally see to it that
you get the correct price list
and we can reconvene
at a later date.
We're meeting with
Franco Chaussure
later this week.
Are you sure
you want to reschedule?
I'm sure that you
and I can work something out.
Why don't we talk
a little more in my office?
Austin. Would you?
Right this way.
I am so sorry.
I was rushing to get
things ready and I wanted to...
Excuses, Addi.
They're tools of apathy.
All they do is ensure that
your life remains the same today
as it was yesterday.
Now, is that what
you want for yourself?


(door opening, closing)
Hey, what are you doing?
I said I would help.
Four days ago.
I'm sorry.
I am so stressed
with this new job.
Where's Ruby?
With Aunt Carla.
She got a deal on
these Jordan almonds
and insisted that I use
them in the goody bags.
Oh, well, at least let me help.
Oh, how was your first day?
Ever heard the saying
never meet your idols?
Oh, is she that bad?
No, it's me.
I'm just not cut out
for this job, this world.
Hey, you are
an incredible designer.
This world needs to
be cut out for you.
I just don't know
if I can keep up.
And why would he stick
his neck out for me?
He who?
Austin. He's the PR guy.
I ruined his shoes
and then I fixed them,
and he stood up for me
with Delaney. Got me the job.
Wow. Real Prince Charming.
Is he cute?
(both laughing)
So what's your
move tomorrow, huh?
You're gonna stain his shirt
and he gets you a raise?
Or, better yet,
he could take it off for you.
Claudia! You're a mother!
Yeah, because Scott
took his shirt off.
No, he works for Delaney.
It's too risky.
But this is my one
chance to live out my dream
and with my idol no less.
I don't Delaney
even wants me back.
I'm sure I will get
an email from HR any moment.
(phone vibrating)
She wants me to pick up
her dry cleaning.
See? Mean pretty women
are never stupid.
She knows she's got a gem.
Oh, stop.
Oh, I'm so lucky to
have you here for me and Ruby
while Scott's away.
I'll always be here for you.
Both of you.
Where are you going?
I'm going to raid your closet,
because I need help for
- my new wardrobe.
- Not the new one!

Oh, that's mine.
I just thought maybe
you needed an extra hand.
And then some.
Thank you.
Come have a seat with me.
I can't let Delaney's
ice melt.
Right, yeah.
Well, I'm going to show you
a trick, so it never
melts again.
- (chuckling)
- Come on.
Okay. So what is this trick?
Well, you have to do is
grab a batch of fresh ice
on your way out. Voila.
Oh. That is very clever.
I owe you one.
I was hoping you'd say that.
I'm trying to get Delaney
to one of my events.
You think you could
help me out with that?
Me? I can't get
her to do anything.
You got this.
Um... I can try.
(both chuckling)
- No, no, no. Allow me.
- Oh...
Oh, what is this?
That's nothing.
It's just a notebook.
- This was a good campaign.
- Yeah.
I would know I came up with it.
Yeah, when I was in college
my dad invited me to go into
one of the marketing meetings.
I had the audacity to
speak up. They loved it.
And that was it.
I can't believe that.
This ad has inspired me so much
and it was you.
What are these?
Oh, they're nothing.
They're just sketches.
I like to draw when
I'm at my dad's shop.
It's just a hobby.
I'm not the designer anything.
Well, this notebook
says otherwise.
I am just trying to survive
Delaney's shoe empire.
Oh, I get that.
For now you might
want to tuck this away.
I mean,
Delaney has some trust issues.
She doesn't discuss anything
other than with her design team.
You should see their contracts.
They're ironclad.
Just promise me one thing.
Don't pitch her just yet.
Because if you do we might never
work in the city ever again.
Oh. Yeah, understood.
(clearing throat)
So, what's this event?
Technically it's my dad's event,
but I have a few out-of-the-box
ideas I want to pitch,
which is why I need Delaney,
and, if you wanted to come by
and maybe be her bumper?
Her bumper?
- Yeah.
- What is that?
You know how much
she hates the chitchat
and smiling for cameras.
- I think I can handle that.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- I really see you with
a bulletproof vest
and some sunglasses.
(both laughing)
Well, I admire your
unwavering faith in me.
I know special when I see it.
Um, but in all honesty though,
earn Delaney Diaz's trust
and she'll invite you in.
And then she'll have you
sign a 50-page contract. Easy.
Yeah, if she doesn't
fire me first.
I'll make sure
that doesn't happen.
Just get some more ice.
No. Walking on glass
would be more comfortable.
These all tested very well.
With who? Someone with hooves?
Is... Is this
a medical condition?
Oh, no, no. No. I just...
Sentences, my love. Sentences.
Why not go back
to the suede insole?
Mrs. Hollingsworth
loves the suede insole.
So, she says that
it's like walking on air.
I'm sorry,
who is Mrs. Hollingsworth?
She's a client at
my dad's shoe repair shop.
What school
did you graduate from?
Parsons? NYU?
None of the above.
But I did take courses
at community college.
I'll have the team
go back to the drawing board.
Just take out
the Millennial Collection
and let's have a look
at the suede insole.
Have you lost your mind?
Because of the insoles?
You have me
attending an art opening
hosted by Robert Strickland.
They are notoriously boring.
Oh, well...
Thank God Austin inherited
his mother's creativity.
Well, he's invited
a lot of press.
I think it's a great idea.
You do? And how many reporters
have tried to
mortify you for clickbait?
Well, Morgan Humphries once took
a photo of my skirt tucked into
my tights and sent it
to the entire 10th grade.
I was horrified. I even called
my dad to come pick me up,
but he told me
I had to stay and face it,
and then Joey Lieberman ended up
calling Coach Thomas "mom,"
and everyone forgot about me
for the rest of the day.
- Mm.
- (chuckling)
Okay, good.
Next time spare me the details
of your painfully
tedious memoir.
Just cancel.
Oh, but Austin
would be so disappointed.
He has one of
his out-of-the-box ideas.
His dad's been
really hard on him.
I know it would mean
a lot if you could see it.
Austin's father is
very hard on him sometimes.
Alright, I'll make
an appearance.
15 minutes no more,
but no less.
I will let him know.
And you will not let
any reporters near me.
And you will never
do that again, please.

Addi, what are you doing?
Dad was about to call the cops.
He thought it was
another break-in.
I promised I would work on
Mrs. Hollingsworth's shoes.
I'm so far behind.
Well, I can help.
You're busy enough with Ruby.
So, when I need you to babysit,
you're gonna owe me big time.
So, I was thinking popcorn
and movies at your place
for dinner tomorrow.
I actually have
an art show I have to go to.
Oh, an art show. That's great.
So, what are you going to wear?
I don't know. Black, I guess.
You're gonna wear red.
I can't. These are
Mrs. Hollingsworth's shoes.
I bet if you call her and ask,
she will let you borrow them.
She adores you.
Okay, I will call her and ask.
Oh, they are pretty.
- Mm-hm.
- (chuckling)

Should we grab
a photo on the carpet?
If you have to grab for status,
Addi, then you don't have any.
Where's Austin?
I texted him that we were here.
He'll probably come find us.
Typical Robert Strickland event.
I swear, I've been in
elevators more exciting.
The man has not
changed in 20 years.
Well, Austin says he has
something out of the box.
Well, time is ticking.
Why don't you go get him
before I fall asleep?
Of course.

Addi, you made it?
- Yeah.
- Have you seen Delaney?
Yeah, she's here. Um...
Oh, she's over there.
Was that a smile?
Yeah, that is Betty Badgley
from the Rossmoore Foundation.
Means we have 10 minutes.
Come on, I want to
show you something.
Oh, um...

So, what do you think?
This is amazing.
The iconic crystal shoe.
Yeah, I knew
you'd appreciate that.
You've created a very cool vibe.
The party should be down here.
Yeah, it's the only spot
my dad let me have.
He probably thought I was
gonna be out of the way.
This is why I need Delaney.
Do you think people
will follow her down here?
Do you think your dad
would announce there's
a party down here?
We don't want people to think
Delaney's just running off.
Have you ever heard of
a whisper campaign?

There you are. I hear
there's a hot party downstairs.
Why are we wasting
time up here, hm?
Shall we?
A whisper campaign?
That is genius.
Where'd you come up with that?
I saw it in a movie once.
Muppets Take Manhattan.
What? It worked!
You are full of surprises.

Addi: (groaning)
It's so beautiful.
Your iconic shoe.
Well, not quite,
but yes, there is some beauty.

It looks like your father
finally found the party.
Time to face the music.

How come they don't
see eye to eye?
After Austin's mother died
Robert threw himself
into his work.
He just wanted safety
and stability,
and Austin, you know,
is very adventurous
and naturally rebellious
like his mother.
So, I think that's
a bit hard for Robert.
They clash, you know?
He's so talented.
It's a shame his dad
doesn't encourage him more.
Yeah, it is.
Anyway, my glass is empty
and I don't want to linger
in front of my own display.
It's a little tacky.
Shall we?
Where did you get those shoes?
Oh, my friend
let me borrow them.
I wanted to
represent you well tonight.

Excuse me.
I'm so sorry to interrupt.
Delaney, Austin needs to
speak with you over there.
Oh. I'm so sorry. Duty calls.
Nice to see you.
What took you so long?
You looked like
you were having fun.
Are you kidding?
He was curing my insomnia.
Delaney Diaz.
Well, it has been a while
since your last public outing
and I see we are parading out
an old design triumph tonight.
What happened?
Couldn't steal any
new designs to show?
Oh, stealing designs? Well, no.
I would think that's your M.O.
You haven't written
anything new or noteworthy
since the last time
you falsely accused me.
It is quite noteworthy that
Franko Chaussure is ready to
make your name a hot sell
in the bargain basement.
Any comment on
a potential buyout?
My readers would love to.
Excuse me. I need your help.
Could you just play along?
Oh, Delaney, this gentleman
would like to speak with you
about the vintage line.
Well, sometimes the past
is the present to the future,
especially with
the signature red heels.
Will there be a collaboration?
Delaney Diaz and Armond Alonse?
Ah, only time will tell.
That's all I can say for now.
Please do give me
the scoop first.
Anyways, enjoy the show.

Armond, thank you for saving me.
You know how
these reporters are.
Oh, I do understand.
Listen, I gotta run.
Delaney, it was great
seeing you again,
and I do love
these red shoes know.
Did I miss
something good or bad?
That has yet to be determined.
I am so sorry.
I didn't know who he was.
I was just trying to
get rid of the reporter.
Well, congratulations, Addi.
You put out a candle
with a forest fire.
You know what?
I think I'm done here.
Hold on one second.

- (gasping)
- (chuckling)
Now everyone's talking
about Delaney Diaz,
and we got to accost a reporter.
Well done, my darling.
You are your mother's son.

You did that? Wow.
Yeah, tell that to my dad.
He doesn't seem too impressed.
Well, you are a creative
problem solver. Bravo.
Thank you.
You want to get out of here?
What about the event?
Oh, I'm sure my dad
has it all under control.
Besides, there's something
I want to show you.
And so I told them, "If you're
gonna be singing that song,
you need to be
hitting that note."
- He loves to sing.
- He loves to sing.
He can't hit that note.
- Are you cold?
- A little bit.
Okay. Here.
(Clearing throat)
Here you go.
Thank you.
Can I get your bag?
Thanks. Where are you taking me?
Well, this is my latest
out-of-the-box idea.
The point is to make it
rain Delaney Diaz shoes
early in the morning
to get the buzz
in the busiest laneway
of the district.
Wanna try?
- Uh, is it legal?
- Legal?
What, like,
littering or something?
Well, as long as
it doesn't touch the ground.
Otherwise, I hope
you have a good lawyer.
- Yes!
- (laughing)
I bet you can't make it
to the third line from here.
- Over there?
- Mm-hm.
Alright. Here we go.
Littering! Citizen's arrest!
- You will not catch me.
- Citizen's arrest!
I still can't believe
you pulled over Armond Alonse,
the king of handbags himself.
I know. I fully expect
a melted chai latte
dumped over my head
in the morning before
security escorts me out.
Not before she asks you
to remove her vintage shoes.
Did you know she designed those?
- Mm-hm.
- Where'd you get 'em?
They're out on loan.
I just wanted to fit in
with the people at the party.
I mean, they're fantastic.
Urban chic.
Urban chic. I like that.
We should use that in a show,
give Delaney Diaz her edge.
Hey, how come she
doesn't design anymore?
Uh... Well, I think
she lost confidence.
The industry doesn't
really take her as seriously
as they used to.
She had a few flops,
lost a lot of sales,
she had to transition towards,
you know, more basic models
for department stores
to keep her brand afloat.
Was that her idea?
It was my dad's actually,
and it worked.
I know she wants to
go towards high fashion,
but she's afraid.
Well, she's about
to get bought out.
Now's the time to take a risk.
I couldn't agree more,
but we are outnumbered.
No one wants to
take risks right now.
Well, your ideas are great.
Social media is going to
be buzzing tomorrow morning
about the runway
all thanks to you.
You should start
your own PR firm.
- (chuckling)
- Do it your way.
Thank you,
but my father owns
the biggest PR company
in all of New York.
I mean, I would love
to call the shots,
but it's a big leap.
I wish I could
practice what I preach,
but I'm still figuring out
how or if I have a voice
in this industry.
I feel kind of lost.
Maybe... maybe we all are.
Alright, last chance.
Time to redeem yourself.
You, um, you're gonna
bust me out of jail
if this doesn't work, right?
Like, use that arm
and throw a grappling hook
over the wall or something?
You really need my help.
Help me up here.
There we go.
I should go.
This was really fun though.
Thank you for cheering me up.
Thank you. It was. Um...
I will get you a cab
and I hope I will
see you at work.
I really hope so.

Oh. Good morning, Delaney.
I brought you a little treat.
My sister made them.
She's serving them at
my niece's first birthday party.
Sorry, no more of
my boring memoir.
They're chocolate truffles.
Processed sugar, saturated fat.
No, thanks.
Well, I was hoping they
could be an olive branch
after last night's
little mishap.
Little mishap?
That's what you call
yanking a world-renowned
handbag designer
into your little rescue mission?
It will never happen again.
I will not let you down.
Remains to be seen.
Where's my schedule?
Oh, it's right here
on your computer.

I need you to add
a lunch for tomorrow.
Of course. With whom?
Armond Alonse. His assistant
will be calling with details.
Make sure you
give me enough time.
Oh! I mean...
Oh, I will add it
to your calendar.


Excuse me, sorry to bother.
Is that Delaney Diaz?
Oh, yeah.
It's her latest shoot.
Ah, is she making a comeback?
That's the idea!
She has a show at Fashion Week.
Oh, I thought her days
of high fashion were over.
She's reviving some of
her signature style.
Suede insoles and everything.
Hm. Do you work for her?
Yeah, I'm her
personal assistant. I'm Addi.
- Are you a fan?
- I am.
Is that a part of her new line?
Oh. It's the day to night pump.
So, women can go from
the office to a cocktail party
without changing shoes.
- I love it.
- Yeah.
Am I able to see
a little bit more of that?
Fashion Week will have
everything in our show.
I look forward to it.
Well, I will let you
get back to work.
- Thanks again.
- Yeah.

What did Andrea Walker want?
The person you were just
talking to, Andrea Walker.
Oh, I didn't get her name.
She's a big fan of Delaney's.
A fan? A fan of
a hostile takeover maybe.
She works for Franco Chaussure.
I can't believe they sent a spy.
I mean, they do that.
They're sneaky. You didn't
say anything, did you?
Uh... No, no. I just told her
about the show, that's all.

(balloon inflating)
Dad, you need to
give them more air!
Well, where's Addi?
She's supposed to be helping
- with Ruby's birthday.
- You know where.
I don't like this.
You don't like change.
She says she can't even
pitch her designs to Delaney.
So, what's the point?
Well, it's a foot in the door.
Plus, I think
she has a work crush.
(balloon inflating)
Hi! Sorry I'm late.
Glad you're here. Claudia hates
my balloon technique.
(Claudia laughing)
Oh, how are things with
Mrs. Hollingsworth's shoe?
She's coming on Monday.
Uh, don't tell me you forgot.
No. No, not at all.
I'm on it. I'm just, um...
- Prioritizing.
- Over your biggest customer?
And what about this morning?
Where exactly do we fit
on your priority list?
It's not like you, Addi.
Don't worry, Dad.
I'll take care of it.
Addi has a lot on her plate.
I'm still picking up
the cake today.
(phone vibrating)
Oh, no.
Is something wrong
with the cake?
No, no.
I have to go back into work.
There's an emergency meeting.
On a Sunday?
We have Ruby's party
and Sunday dinner.
Work can wait.
You haven't missed
Sunday dinners since Mom died.
I'm so sorry,
but Delaney is having
a meltdown about the show,
but I promise I will
be back for both
and I'll have Aunt Carla
pick up the cake, okay?
Love you guys.
(door closing)
(balloon inflating)

I just need you to look past...
No, but they even
have the same seam.
It's not about
the pants, really.
Look at the stitching!
I came as fast as I could.
What's the big emergency?
"Franco Chaussure
launches heels to take you
from the office
to a cocktail party."
Yeah, that black pump
is exactly like ours,
and we were going to use it
in the big finale in the show.
We can't use it at all now.
Now it's just gone, poof.
We are going to
figure something out.
They are clearly trying
to sabotage the show
to lock in the buyout.
They even have a better
tagline than we do.
Why didn't we come up with that?
Fashion Week is two weeks out.
This is a massive disaster.
Listen, we've come too far
to let them win, alright? It...
Okay, message Alexander.
Tell him to get the design team
together to work on
a new finale shoe!
Addi, will you
order us some food?
It's going to be a long night.
Oh, um, I kind of
have a family commitment.
I kind of have a crisis.
You wanted a job in fashion?
This is the job.

(phone pinging)
No, see, how am I supposed to...

Who's tapping?
So, what do you think?
Nothing speaks to me.
Everything seems very basic.
These are our last sketches.
I can have the team
start again tomorrow,
during work hours.
Oh, I'm sorry, is securing
the future of our company
a little inconvenient
for you, Alexander?
Not at all.
I'm simply stating the obvious.
You've rejected every design
we have in the office.
I just need to think.
We gather all the maybes
and I'll look at them later.
Okay, so we both know that the
maybes are not going to cut it.
Is there anything that
we can send the team?
Sorry, I can't call
and give them work on a Sunday.
Tomorrow we can
start right away.
Okay, we just need to
convince her of that.
That will take a miracle.
Oh, no. No, no, no.
She will not listen to me.
She did about the suede insoles.
I give her iced chai lattes
and not business advice.
Just please go talk to her.
See where her head's at.
(footsteps approaching)
I'm thinking.
I know, I just wanted to
see if you needed anything.
A miracle.
So many so-called experts
and not one worthy shoe.
Not one.
I think maybe you're looking
for an external solution
for an internal problem.
So, this is my fault now?
No, no, no. That...
That's not what I meant.
But the brand is called
Delaney Diaz for a reason.
It was built from you.
So, maybe you just need to
look within for the answers.
Well, I haven't
designed in years.
Last time I did,
it was a total flop.
They said I was out of touch.
Well, that was then.
The truth is, I wasn't even
crazy about that black pump.
Now, those red shoes
that you wore,
some of my best work.
My favorite collection.
Mine, too.
Where did you find
that inspiration?
Well, when I was young, I used
to sit on the train and sketch,
and I would sketch
all the people around me,
from all walks of life.
From punks to power brokers.
I loved it.
I loved all the bold contrasts.
Well, maybe that's your answer.
The trains,
the power, the boldness.
The urban chic.
No, that's not
what our buyers want.
But maybe it's
what the people want.
The people want what
the buyers tell them to want.
That's how it works.
We have to stick
to what we know.
Call the boys in. I think
I need to give the design team
a clearer direction
for tomorrow.
I'm sorry, is there something
more important on your phone
than my current crisis?
Um, well...
Addi, prosperity is
born of difficult choices.
Now, I think
you have some talent,
but do you have what
it takes to be a success?
Yes, I do.
Good. Then get back to work.
Right away.
(door opening, closing)

Dad, you scared me.
Likewise. Where were you today?
We had a crisis.
Crisis? The stock market
crashing is a crisis.
A tsunami is a crisis.
What was so important that
you had to miss Ruby's party
and Sunday dinner?
It's a family tradition.
A totally new shoe
for Fashion Week.
I... Look, Delaney needed me.
I'm sorry I missed everything,
but, you know, I think
I turned a corner with her.
She said I have talent.
Your sister was very
hurt today by your absence.
I was hurt.
Family comes first
in this house.
Sunday dinner is
how we honor your mother.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Life's about balance.
This Delaney, does she even
care about you? Having you
do menial tasks all day?
Addi, remember what matters.

Now, get some sleep.
We'll talk more about
this in the morning.


(phone ringing)
You look like the walking dead.
Thank you for the compliment.
Is this about the crisis?
How did you hear
about that already?
(clearing throat)
She wants me to go
downtown for spices? Come on!
Assistant world
is a thankless one.

Code Magma.
Major eruption. Evacuate.
Okay. You can do this.
It's not a big deal.
It's just Delaney.

Addi, everything okay?
You were going to commit
career suicide in the lobby.
If you need to take a pause
we can work something out.
There's no need
to involve Delaney.
Involve me how?
It's 10 days to Fashion Week,
Addi just seems
a bit overwhelmed.
Nothing to be alarmed about.
Is that so?
You're here early.
Oh, I never left.
Oh, look. No latte.
Your feelings must be hurt.
Well, I need to talk to you.
I'll just be a phone call away.
Certified in mediation.
I, um...
You know what? I am exhausted.
So another chapter of
your memoir will send me
to the land of the undead.
You slept here?
I didn't sleep.
These are incredible.
These are perfect for the show.
Well, unfortunately not.
Oh, you're crazy.
No, I'm going to go with
the design team on this one.
We have a target market and this
is not the time to take risks.
Well, some risks
are worth taking.
Your genius is what
launched this company.
I think that you should...
Oh, is this what you
wanted to talk to me about?
Your expertise and experience in
running an international brand?
I thought that I was going to
be learning more around here.
Not someone pushed
aside to run errands.
Errands are the job, Addi.
Was that not made clear?
I missed my niece's
birthday yesterday
and Sunday night dinner,
and I haven't missed a dinner
since my mom passed.
Look, that's a hard choice.
I'm sorry, but it happens.
This isn't me.
I believe in balance.
I think I can still be myself
and hold on to what counts most.
You should go home, Addi.
Right now?
I mean, I was supposed to...
Go home. I will have Janice call
you when it's time to come back.
Okay, fine.
I'll leave.

Surprise! What do you...
What do you think?
I'm getting some
influencers tomorrow to go
take some pictures in it
just to make a bit more noise
on the socials.
It's so fun. I love it.
You know, you're my inspiration.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah! I mean, your red pumps.
It's got everyone talking
about how fun and provocative
Delaney Diaz shoes were.
- Hey.
- (laughing)
You want to try it on?
You know, this store never
really allowed me to have
interactive displays,
but, you know...
You can't be tamed.

You are absolutely beautiful.

Delaney fired me.
What? No.
Yeah, I don't really blame her.
I mean, I don't really
think I'm cut out for this.
I don't want to be
ruthless and cold.
Well, you're not
and neither's Delaney.
Well, she coldly
asked me to leave.
So, what are you
still doing here?
Well, I made you a promise.
I don't want to let down
the people around me anymore.
That's a good quality to have.
Well, it's not a popular one.
Most people see it as weak.
Well, popular ideas
aren't always the right ones.
This is excellent.
I think it'll go viral.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, my father didn't let me do
what I wanted to
do on the runway.
So, I figured
I'd do this instead.
Well, maybe it'll
inspire Delaney.
She is sketching again.
Yeah, and they're amazing,
but she refuses to
use them for the show.
Well, maybe you got to her.
She didn't actually
utter the words
"you're fired," did she?
No, but it was implied.
There was a tone.
Ah. I'm just saying, hang on.
Maybe she'll surprise you.
This whole journey
has been surprising.
I don't know if
I can take it anymore.
And I don't know how
you handle this circus.
Well, that's what's
great about it, right?
Life, not knowing, it's...
But if you gotta go,
you gotta go.
But before you do go
I would love it if you made me
a clown shoe, you know,
just for old time's sake.
It'll be the most
stylish shoe you own.
It would be an honor
to wear your clown shoe.
I should go.
- Yeah.
- I have to catch the train
and go to my dad's to see
my sister before I go home.
Well, at least
let me give you a ride.
Come on.
Claudia: Look at all your gifts.
(door opening, closing)
Addi: Hello! I'm here!
And I have a friend with me.
Addi, can you believe this?
This is incredible.
Oh, hi.
You must be Austin, right?
The boy from work she's...
Mm. Mm-mm.
It's nice to meet you both.
Thank you for
letting me borrow Addi.
She's been a really big help.
What is all this?
Hmm, "Please accept my
apologies for keeping your aunt
from such a special day.
Thank you for sharing.
Best wishes, Delaney Diaz.
PS. Enjoy Monday dinner."
Are you sure
that's from Delaney?
I thought I was fired.
"Also, Addi,
if you need the time off,
Janice will arrange it.
I will be at the office
at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow."
That doesn't sound
like a dismissal.
Told you, she cares.
Wow, I might be
too shocked to eat.
Looks like your boss
does know how to prioritize.
Let's eat and we can get to
know Austin a little better.
Dad, do not be weird, please.
I hope you're both hungry.
We got a little too much
food maybe, but that's...

You're pretty good
with your hands.
How are you with leather?
He has a job, Dad.
Gonna need an extra
set of hands around here
now that you're
leaving us for Delaney Diaz.
I will always make time for you.
Life's about balance, right?
That's my girl.
- I learned from the best.
- (Ruby crying)
I should get her to bed.
It might take a while.
She requires lullabies.
Yeah, 'cause
Claudia's tone-deaf.
Oh, thank you.
You know what? Allow me.
You, uh, you finish dessert.
Oh, wow. Thanks Austin.
You should know, though,
that I am also looking
for a babysitter.
Well, I'm a jack of all trades.
I'll send you my resume.
(Ruby crying)
Look at you. Yeah.
I know. Alright.
Um, wow. He's a keeper.
Let's see if we can finish this
before we start saying I do's.
Don't worry, dad.
My professional life
has enough drama.
I'm not trying for
an office romance.
Well, the heart wants
what the heart wants.
These are fantastic, by the way.
Are they new?
Some of them. I was
inspired by Delaney's work.
This shoe would be
so perfect in that collection.
It would be a dream to
see Delaney Diaz's name
under one of my sketches.
You mean, like...
(Addi chuckling)
Looks right to me.
I'll get my chance one day.
Oh, by the way, can I stop
by the office tomorrow morning
on the way to the doctor just
to say thank you to Delaney?
Yeah, as long as
you don't talk too much.
She hates rambling and not
before her morning latte.
Um, you ramble.
Okay, I converse.
(Austin singing indistinctly)
Twinkle, twinkle,
little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
- Oh, he's singing to her.
- Like a diamond in the sky
Lucky girl.
Is everything okay?
Oh, yeah.
Everything's more than fine.
Yeah, yeah.
Claudia can take over
and you have a long drive.
Thank you for everything.
Yeah, you're welcome.
See you tomorrow.
Oh don't mind me.
Have a good night.
You too.
You can keep fooling yourself.

And he said,
"No, my name is Phillip!"
(both laughing)
Oh, no.
Sorry to interrupt.
Delaney, I have
the final designs all ready
for the manufacturer
and Austin will pick
the best one for
the press release.
Oh, that's great,
and nothing digital, please.
We don't want a repeat
of the day to night pump.
I have printed hard copies
for Austin and the manufacturer.
She really is.
Anyway, I'll let you
get back to work.
Thanks again
so much for everything.
Ruby loved all of her presents.
It was a really special night.
I do like to take care
of what matters.
A latte machine has arrived.
- And speaking of which.
- (laughing)
Addi, could you
please see to that?
Yeah. Here would you take this,
and I'll meet you at my desk?
Take care.

(phone ringing)
Delaney wants you to choose
a shoe for the press release.
She trusts your opinion.
She trusts yours, too.
See, I told you
you weren't fired.
I'm glad you're still here.
Me, too.
So, how is the show going?
- Oh, it is a disaster.
- (chuckling)
My father and I
do not agree on wardrobe.
I just wanted to make sure
that fashion was for everyone,
I wanted to make sure
that people felt
glamorous and powerful when
they wore Delaney Diaz, but...
Like the crystal shoe
on the subway.
Exactly. Now, I just feel
like he's not supporting me,
or Delaney, for that matter,
and if this show doesn't sell,
it's all over.
Anyway, everything is ready,
all I need are the shoes.
They should be
ready by next week.
Make sure you guard
this book with your life.
Delaney is paranoid
something will go wrong again.
Sure thing.
Are you coming to
the party tonight with Delaney?
To open Fashion Week? Of course.
And Delaney can't wait to go.
- Oh.
- Shocking, right?
Well, miracles do happen.
I'll see you tonight.
Hello, again.
Oh, Andrea Walker,
from Franco Chaussure.
Spying again?
Want to steal more of our ideas?
I happen to live on this block
and this is actually
my favorite coffee shop.
And, for the record, we didn't
take your shoe concept.
We had one in the works,
and we just happened
to release it first.
You used my words.
I told Franco about you.
How would you like
to come work with us?
Tempting, but no.
I work for Delaney.
If all goes to plan then Delaney
will be under our company.
I'm trying to help you out here.
Secure your seat on the lifeboat
when her ship
inevitably goes down.
Well, when our show goes well,
the ship will keep sailing.
It would take a miracle.
Our door is open.
Think about it.
(Dance music playing)

Okay, get me a glass
of pinot, please?
And then we'll
slip out the back.
People want to see you!
You have to linger a little bit.
It's good for the brand.
You sound like Austin.
Did he send out
the press release?
Oh, let me check.
He said he was going to
send it out before the party.
You know what?
Never mind. Wine first.
And can you get me a big glass?
I need something
I can hide behind.
- Yes.
- Thank you.

Glass of red, please?
(clearing throat)
Delaney, hi.
I saw your press release.
I'd love to get your
take on the bold design.
It certainly is a departure
from the boring, safe designs
you've been putting out lately.
Has the fashion bloggers
in quite the uproar.
Well, I didn't design that shoe.
Now, a good reporter would
know to check his facts,
but then again
we're talking about you.
Yeah, the signed sketch
and press release stating
you designed this shoe
states otherwise.
Here's my headline.
Aging fashion icon is
up to her old tricks again.
Stealing designs and releasing
them under her own name.
This sad story
will surely go viral.
Excuse me?
Delaney, you're needed
for a photo, right now.
What are you insinuating here?
Sorry, Delaney.
I'm going to need this back
so I can tweet about my
latest scoop if you don't mind.
- Come on.
- How...
- Ciao.
- What is he talking about?
It's okay.
No, it's not okay!
This is a disaster, Addi!
That cretin is probably
already all over social media.
Hashtag Delaney Steals Again.
But it isn't true!
It doesn't matter!
The first lie wins,
don't you understand?
How did this even happen?
I swear, when I find out who did
it I am going to destroy them.
Their business,
their home, their family.
- Family?
- Yes!
I need to hit them
where it hurts the most!
I'm about to lose
everything that matters to me.
My reputation,
my entire life, Addi.
I want you to gather
everyone on the team
in the conference room,
7:00 a.m. sharp!
- Yes.
- No exceptions.
- Yes.
- (sighing)
Ugh! I could kill them!
It's a simple question.
Where did this shoe come from?
Who designed it?
It's new to me,
but a very stylish shoe.
I wish I could take credit.
Have you asked Austin?
Yes. He says that
it was in the book.
He's stopping by
the manufacturer today
to see if there was
some kind of mix-up.
What if you put it in there?
Not possible.
An up-and-coming PR guy,
desperate to save your brand
and make his mark?
Their motto is
"all press is good press."
No, there's no way. Austin would
never put me in this position.
Well, there's a positive.
Your name is
all over social media.
Yes, it certainly is.
You know they are
comparing this beautiful shoe
to our safe designs?
They're talking about
the rest of our line,
that's a good thing.
It's not a favorable comparison,
You didn't
steal anything, Delaney.
I'm sure this will all get
cleared up before the show.
Just give it
a little bit more time.
The story is out!
I would need a time machine!
No, I can't risk
another public humiliation.
Cancel the show.
No, don't do that.
You have to keep fighting.
The fight is over, Addi,
and we lost.
If we get any more backlash,
our stock is going to plummet.
Now, Chaussure may want to
put me in a bargain basement,
but I won't let them
purchase us at bottom dollar.
We're done here.
Go home.

Okay, get the team together.
Think about anything
that could have got
the shoe in that package, okay?
We cannot cancel the show.

(dial tone ringing)
- There you are.
- Thank you.
Take care.
(phone ringing)
- Connors Shoe Repair.
- Addi: Hey, it's me.
Hey, Addi! How's work?
You left so early this morning.
Addi: It's terrible.
My sketches got
into the final design
and Austin used it
for the press release,
because he thought
they were Delaney's designs.
That's great news!
No, it's not. Delaney was outed
by a reporter for stealing it.
So, tell her it's yours.
How? She'll think
I did it on purpose,
and she is on a war path.
She threatened
my career, our family.
I can't have Dad's shop
getting taken out for this.
She'll understand, I know her.
You do not know Delaney's wrath.
Thing is, I don't even know
how the sketches got in there.
Mm. I maybe do.
What? No, Claudia, you didn't.
I just... I wanted to
help you out, you know?
You are so talented,
and people need to see it.
You're welcome.
No, no. This isn't a good thing!
She's going to lose everything!
She cancelled the runway show.
It was her last chance
at keeping Franco Chaussure
from buying her out.
Claudia: Wow. I didn't know.
I am so sorry. What can I do?
Do you want me to call Delaney?
No! No, no, no, no.
Absolutely not.
Austin is on his way here now,
and I'll keep you posted, okay?

Austin Strickland.
You have quite the PR
disaster on your hands.
Thanks for the update.
I wasn't aware.
You know,
when I offered Addi a job,
I didn't expect her to make it
easier for our acquisition.
Franco may promote her
before she even starts.
What are you talking about?
She's not only talented,
but ambitious.
Slipping in her own design?
Tell me, were you in on it, too?
Because if so we may have
a job off for you as well.
I have something
I have to tell you.
Oh. No need, no need.
Andrea told me everything.
How could you?
Slipping in
your design like that?
Backstabbing Delaney, myself,
after all that talk
about not being cutthroat.
You are ruthless.
Austin, that's not what
It's a beautiful shoe.
It's honestly too bad that
it won't be at Fashion Week.
Well, you can bring
your designs to the office.
I know that Franco
is very excited to see them.
We'll see you then.
I see you really
found your place.
(door opening, bells jingling)

(birds chirping)
How'd you know I was here?
I always brought you here when
you had a bad day at school, so.
Claudia told you?
So, what happens next?
I know Claudia was
just trying to help...
...and I'm sure
Austin has told Delaney.
I just worked so hard.
I can't believe
it's going to end like this.
And the worst part is everyone
thinks I did it on purpose.
Like I'm some malicious traitor.
You're not.
And you're not a quitter.
I don't really have
many other options.
Yes, you do.
You'll get back up
and you'll fight.
Never give up.
You know you belong there.
Show them.
You owe it to yourself.
No, it's...
It's over.
Show's cancelled.
Chaussure's buying the company.
Did they buy the company today?
No. Soon.
If the show's been cancelled,
can it be uncancelled?
Today, maybe?
Well, we do still have
the space booked, but...
When you were young, you used to
build these wonderful towers
with your mom's shoes.
Do you remember that?
Claudia loved
knocking them over.
Remember what
your mother told you?
Just because it
fell apart doesn't mean
it can't be rebuilt.
Do you really think
I can fix it?
I think you can do anything.
They think
I'm a terrible person.
Go show them
who you really are.

Please don't take that down.
You got some guts
showing up here, huh?
I should call security.
I know what you're thinking,
but there's been
a big misunderstanding.
Save it, Addi.
I'm really not interested.
I am trying to save the company
and I think I know how.
What, are you
a double agent now?
You gonna bring
Chaussure's secrets to me?
Yes, they offered me a job,
but I turned it down.
Although I have questioned
myself every step of the way,
and you haven't
made it very easy,
I know I belong here.
Oh, that is touching.
Is that why you submitted
your design under my name?
I didn't...
Then how did it get there, Addi?
I have a very loving family
who thought they
were helping me out.
Claudia slipped
my design into the book.
She wanted you to see my work.
No one thought that it
would escalate like this.
It was a very big mistake,
but I think something
good can come of this.
The show's cancelled, Addi.
It's over.
Chaussure's already working
on the paperwork for the buyout.
I mean, the curtain is falling.
But we can do the show,
we still have the space.
Except we don't have any shoes.
I had the manufacturer
throw them all out.
Because they're insignificant!
You know, the hardest part
about this is that people
were just starting to get
excited about me again.
Except it wasn't me at all.
And when they
found out the truth,
well, it just confirmed
what they already believe.
Delaney Diaz is a has-been.
I always knew
a Delaney Diaz shoe
could get you where
you needed to go
no matter the circumstance.
Well, I appreciate your passion,
but you are overlooking
one very significant detail.
- No shoes?
- No shoes.
But you do. You have these.
These are shoes you
can conquer the world in.
This is what the people want.
Well, that may be, but no, no.
You're wrong. The public won't
show up for me, not anymore.
Thanks to Jacob.
You are tough,
but you are smart and generous.
We can't give up now.
Don't lose yourself.
You'll win over the public.
I know it.
How do you propose I do that?
You show them
who you really are.
Except the show is
in less than 48 hours,
and what am I going to do?
I can't make the shoes myself.
Nope, but I know
someone who can.

Whoa, so you repair
all kinds of shoes here.
Oh, yes. We don't discriminate.
Except Franco Chaussure.
Cheaply made,
soles as thin as paper.
Okay, we have 48 hours
to make these shoes,
but luckily we have
all the materials
and tools to get this done.
Thank you all so much.
I can't tell you what it means
to me that you're doing this.
We really
appreciated Ruby's gifts
and you taking our
Addi under your wing.
She's the one flying now.
Let's get to work.
We got this.

Addi: We won't go
down without a fight.
Come and see your
vision walk the runway.
PS. Please accept
these as an apology.

Reporter: And, of course,
the biggest story in fashion
is tonight's highly anticipated
comeback show by Delaney Diaz.
Already it's generated
a lot of buzz,
having initially been
cancelled after the revelation
of some still
unproven allegations.
The show is now
just moments away,
signifying that the normally
safe-playing Diaz
is ready to face
any controversy head-on.
Still, people are asking,
does she have it in her to
win over the fashion
world once again?
(people chattering)

Okay, we're all set.
Oh, not quite yet.
I want to add one more.
Oh, we don't
have an extra model.
That's okay,
'cause I want you to walk.
(chuckling nervously)
So far we've managed
to avoid total disaster.
Let's not hit
the iceberg direct.
No, I really think that
this might be the right way
to clear up any old headlines,
and also to give credit
where credit is due.
I thought you
threw these all away.
What, are you kidding?
Even in a fit of rage,
I know better than
to throw away a great shoe,
and that's a great shoe.
Oh, honey, don't cry.
I'm not.
But compliments from you
are few and far between,
and I appreciate them.
Well, good.
Wear them with pride, hm?
You're stepping out into
a whole new world now,
and after tonight I think
everything is going to change.
Thank you.
What is it?
Austin's not here.
Director: (knocking)
Places, everyone.
Don't take it personally.
He just had to do what
was best for his career.
Now, why don't you
put those puppies on,
and we're going to go out there
and do what's best
for our careers.
(audience cheering, applauding)
(camera clicking)
(audience applauding)
(cameras clicking)
They're loving it.
Get ready to be adored.
You, too. You're coming with me.
(audience cheering, applauding)
So, this is a runway.
We gotta strut like
we are conquering the world.
Walk with fire, okay?
(audience cheering, applauding)
(audience cheering, applauding)
You came!
I had to break in
these new shoes.
Great show.
Well, it's not over yet.
(audience applauding)
I have a special
surprise for you.
Gentlemen, a special
treat for you.
Coming soon,
a new men's line designed by
our newest designer
at Delaney Diaz,
Ms. Addi Connors.
(audience applauding, cheering)
Thank you.
(cheering, applauding)
- Are you serious?
- Yes.
What about the buyout?
What buyout? There's no way
Chaussure's going to be able to
afford us now.
Look at all these orders.
The show is not even over yet.
(audience cheering, applauding)
I knew you'd make a comeback.
You're not looking for new
representation by any chance,
'cause I happen to know
an up-and-coming firm
Austin Lily PR.
We're taking on new clients.
Yeah, it's my mom's name.
You really inspired me to
go after what I believe in.
So thank you.
Oh, honey, I would be so
honored to be your first client,
and you can use
the office next door to
my newest designer's office.
At least until
you're up and running.
I get my own office?
What? Of course you do.
You're my newest designer.
(audience applauding, cheering)
What do you say, neighbor?
I say on one condition.
What's that?
I get to wear your newest men's
designs for our first date.
I think we can arrange that.
- Shall we?
- Yes.
(audience cheering, applauding)
(audience cheering, applauding)
(audience cheering,