Heartless Outlaws (2023) Movie Script

(mellow western music)
(R&B western music)
- Sit a spell as we tell a tale of today's wild west,
where love and women can cause ruckus
in the land of heartless outlaws.
- Ready girl?
About to make us some money.
(rooster crowing)
- Hey Horse, where you off to?
- The night is young, Sage.
I'm going back into town.
I feel lucky.
- So you... - Mmm hmm.
- You better be careful out yonder.
You hear me?
- [Horse] I'm fine, Sage.
I got this.
- All right now.
You be careful now?
(insects calling) (hooves clattering)
- A young cowboy named Horse decides to ride into town
and try his luck at gambling.
(ragtime piano music)
- There's a hand.
- Shit don't make no sense though.
- I'm winning, nigger, play another hand.
- All right, another hand.
(chips clattering)
- I'm checkin' you.
Look like somebody ain't got a little money.
- Trey.
- The fuck is that? - Can't even buy a chicken
with that shit.
- That ain't even enough for a half a hand.
You got to do better than that.
- I got this.
I got this.
- Oh. - Damn,
is that shit real?
- Damn. - Hell yeah that shit real.
- Real nice, yeah.
- Horse, I think you need to stop while you ahead.
You know you ain't from around here.
Might need some change if
you're going to make it back home.
- Well hang on now.
He wants to play with the big boys,
why stop him?
Plus I love me a diamond.
And that right there,
that's gonna be my good luck diamond.
Come on, pick up your hand.
- Serve me another hand.
- You know what? - Serve me another hand!
- Here's your coins.
Don't lose 'em this time, all right?
(coins clattering)
Well you know what they say?
- You all right, nigger?
You all right, nigger?
- He mad, Brunson.
Look at him.
We just took all his money.
- You took more than that from me.
(gunfire booming)
- That's my baby.
That's my baby.
Look at that.
Well, you won't be need these coins now will you?
Dead men can't play cards.
Go one.
- Little did they know
that's stealin' that diamond
would cause a ripple effect.
- Sure is a mighty find day out here, wouldn't you say?
- It really is.
- Come here, baby.
(woman grunting)
- Well good afternoon y'all two.
- How you doing Jess?
We just out here admiring the beautiness of the day.
- It is a beautiful day, I might say myself.
- Yeah sure is.
I was just telling Champagne
how beautiful the skyline was.
- It is beautiful and all
but Champagne has a lot of work to do
so you might need to see her later.
- She's right Titan.
I'll talk to you tomorrow?
- Sure baby.
Go on in now.
- [Jess] Uh-huh.
- Oh and Jess,
it was real nice seeing you again.
- Nice seeing you too Titan.
- You ladies have a good night
- You and these dern outlaws.
They gonna be to death of you.
- [Champagne] I can hold my own, Jess.
(ragtime piano music)
- Look like some more losers just walked in.
- [Gambler] Is that right?
Looks like they got money over there.
- Much obliged to you, no thank you sir.
And again, I say we good.
And again I say we good, sir.
- [Gambler] Why don't you come have a seat
and play a hand.
- We ain't come here to play.
- [Gambler] You ain't come here to drink.
You ain't come here to play.
What you come here for then?
- My little brother Horse has come up missing.
- [Gambler] Your little brother?
- Reckon that's what I say.
You see I had a feeling he may have
wandered off in here last night.
- [Gambler] A lot of people wander off in here.
- Plus he had a gambling hand
so I'm sure he would've pulled up and played one,
probably right here at this same spot.
- Like I said maybe,
but a lot of people wander up in here.
- Break yourself off.
- Suppose y'all fellas won't mind dealin' me a hand then.
- By all means.
- Wait, you sure?
You ain't worried about your missing brother
- Indeed I am.
I'm go ahead play this hot hand
with y'all boy right quick like.
I'm Sage, this here Zero.
- This Zero, huh?
All right.
- What's wrong partner, don't
you wanna play another hand?
- [Gambler] No, I think I'm gonna pass on this one.
Me and my girl, we finna get outta here.
You know she's got a curfew.
- Your girl, Fry?
Come on champagne.
- All right, let's get out here.
- [Gambler] Good day fellas.
- Seem like it's about that time.
- Believe so my brother.
All right, gentlemen.
- A hard head makes a soft ass.
- You see the way they looked at us, Titan?
Like they know what we did.
- Would you stop being so paranoid?
They looking at you 'cause you fine as hell.
They don't know shit, Champagne.
- And just one minute longer I would've shot both of 'em.
- Okay, I get it.
You shot him dead back there.
Now you wanna try to shoot everybody
- And for you Titan, I'll shoot four more.
- Look.
Well you know I gotta tell you,
crazy how you look when you say that.
It's also turning me on.
Gimme a kiss.
- Oh we got 10 minutes Titan,
we can go behind the bar right now.
- No, no, no, hang on now.
I gotta go in town tonight.
I gotta meet up with Brunson,
we gotta handle some business.
- Brunson? - Yeah.
- [Champagne] We got time right now, you wanna leave me?
- Hey listen I'm not the one curfews and shit
like some little girl.
- Fuck you, Titan. - You quiet your mouth.
(slap popping)
(mellow western music)
- Don't you move pretty lady.
- Right. - I'll be damned.
- [Champagne] What y'all up?
- Just for you to be honest.
What's your name?
- What you wanna know my name for?
- Now look, we done told you our names.
Sage, and that there Zero
but you never gave it your name.
And again I say what is your name?
- Champagne.
Look, I'm just trying to go home, OK.
- [Sage] I understand that.
My baby brother Horse's trying to make it home too.
- Yep. - But never made it.
- No.
- And the last place he was seen spotted
was down yonder playing calls with you and your man.
- I don't know nothing about that.
- Yeah, she don't know nothing about that.
- [Zero] Yeah I hear that shit.
- We don't believe you not one bit Champagne.
- Fuck what you believe.
Gimme back my gun and let me go.
- [Zero] Look here, we might let you go.
Then again, we might not let you go.
See we want some answers.
- Well I can't help you.
I told you I don't know shit.
- [Sage] Oh you know something.
- Please, just let me go
'cause if my man find out you doing this,
he'll fuck both of y'all up.
- I wish he would come looking for me.
I leave breadcrumbs and all for his ass.
- [Champagne] Please, just let me go.
- Matter of fact, Zero, tie her ass up.
- 10-4.
I'm gonna enjoy this shit too.
(mellow western music)
- Sage and Zero didn't know
what happened to their brother.
But they damn sure was gonna find out.
(pensive western music)
(knocking on door)
- Who is it?
- [Jess] It's Jess?
(Titan sighing)
Jess, what-
- Where is she?
- Would you... Champagne?
- Hey, get the fuck out of my home.
- [Jess] Where is my sister?
- She ain't here Jess.
- [Jess] Well she didn't come home last night.
Where is she?
What'd you do with her then?
- I didn't do... Hello, Champagne?
- I didn't do a fuckin' thing.
She left early, she walked herself home.
- Titan, yous a bald face liar.
Where is my sister?
- Look now you watch your fuckin' mouth.
Like I said, she walked herself home.
- Well she didn't come home last night, Titan.
I'm scared.
If she ain't here with you, where could she be then?
- Alright Jess listen, I'm gonna get my stuff.
I'm gonna get dressed, I'm gonna find her, OK.
- [Jess] Well you better.
- Can't get no damn sleep around here.
- Say bartender, how about another shot?
(ragtime piano music)
Gonna need it for this trip.
- [Zero] Yeah, long journey here, long journey back.
- Mmmhmm.
That horse is well-rested.
- Definitely gonna need it. - Oh boy.
- [Zero] Hope is a hard one right here.
- He ain't lyin'.
- To life. - To life.
Thank you sir.
Hopein' I'm be able to ride that horse after this man.
Might have to carry me on your back man
and have the horse trail with the rope.
(both laughing) I'm telling you man.
Whoa, who's this?
- Brunson, Champagne's missing.
- I heard.
- Well you don't look like you fearing nothin' to me.
- What you mean, I care.
Still gotta hold the spot though.
- Y'all need this.
But if I find out y'all got anything to do
with my sister being missing,
I'ma fuck you up, Brunson.
- All that, Jess?
- Queen bitch.
- You just mad people don't know you
used to like bad boys too, huh?
- Whatever, Brunson.
You just remember a bitch can still shoot a gun
with no hesitation.
- Oh I know.
Champagne learned from somewhere.
- Let me get another shot, bartender.
- [Bartender] This one's on the house.
- I think she might need one too.
- [Bartender] She might.
- Yo.
Thank you, sir.
So leave it.
- That's bullshit.
(contemplative music)
- The brothers tried to scare champagne into talkin'.
- But you ain't never been here before, huh, Champagne?
This here's where they bury all the unknown cowboys
in outlaws.
They got thousands of these across America.
- Why you showing me this?
- 'Cause we don't want our baby brother Horse
in one of these.
- See that one right there?
That's where they buried Shorty Hankle.
He was killed by the KKK,
mindin' his own business.
Trying to take care his damn family.
Well they kilt him right there on the spot.
My brother put his name on that cross right there.
- I'm sorry.
- Fuck your "sorry."
I'm gonna ask you one more again.
Do you know what happened to our baby brother, Horse?
- I already told you no.
- Get your...
- Jess decided to seek help from Mickey and her crew
knowing she shot an innocent man years prior.
- Now Jess, what you doing all the way up here?
- Now listen, Champagne is missing
and I think she's being held hostage somewhere.
- Oh yeah, by who?
- Some outlaws that came into town.
You gotta help me get her back now.
(Mickey chuckling)
- See you only come up here when you need somethin'.
Far as I see it,
Champagne is your problem.
- Now you know I've changed and so has Champagne.
You can't hold the past against us.
- Yeah, baby.
You know they don't trust you?
- Yeah I know.
- I don't trust that bitch neither.
Tell yer you ain't fuckin' with whatever
she got going on.
- I mean I feel obliged, you know.
If it was you dead or alive I would come find you.
I make it my mission.
- Look, Champagne is a big girl
and they always into some shit.
This ain't no different.
That's why we stopped fucking with them, you remember?
- I remember, something about they killed Herbert
'cause he got in way or something like that.
- Well Mickey, if you believe that bullshit,
you're just as dumb as Jess.
(pensive music)
(rooster crowing)
(mysterious music)
- Hey.
I'm gonna cut out.
You leavin'? - Yeah, I'm leavin'.
- [Titan] We'll see you tonight, right?
- [Titan] All right then.
- Titan, Titan?
Man get your ass up.
- Fuck.
Man I must have fell asleep.
- Yeah with your stuff over there.
- Hang on.
The fuckin' diamond.
The diamond, it's gone.
- What's wrong, Titan?
- That bitch took the fuckin' diamond.
- What bitch?
- Don't worry about it, Brunson.
- Champagne still missing so I know she ain't got it.
- I ain't talking about her Brunson.
She's the bitch that stole the fuckin' diamond.
- I know you ain't fuckin' Ryan, man.
- Well not no more I'm not Brunson,
but ain't nobody think they're
fuckin' stealing from me.
I know where that bitch is at.
Come on, let's go.
Wade in the water
Wade in the water, children
Wade in the water
God's gonna trouble the water
If you get there before I do
God's gonna trouble the water
Tell all my friends what love can do
God's gonna trouble the water
- Let me hear you sing.
Wade in the water
Wade in the water children
Wade in the water
God's gonna trouble the water
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
My beautiful congregation.
See what must forgive.
- I came forth to hear. - All right, Pastor.
You see close by,
the devil is watchin'...
and waitin'...
on you to be vulnerable
so he can jump all on you.
(congregation clamoring)
See I need you to be strong.
- Be strong. - See sometimes,
- [Congregation Member] Sometimes.
- We tend to let the devil in.
- [All] Amen.
- Preach on.
- Are you open?
Are you ready to fight?
- We gon' fight now. - Yes.
- Are you willing to die?
(spaghetti western music)
In God's house?
You done brought your gun.
Who in the hell brings a gun into the church?
- You fuckers go to he bar.
- Yeah, let's got to he bar.
- Titan came to the church to look for Ryan
who stole the diamond from him.
(spaghetti western music)
- Take one more step, Ryan, this time I will not miss.
Give me my diamond.
- What diamond? - I know you took it.
Don't make me kill you on this church land today.
- [Violet] Ryan, if you have his diamond,
just give it to him.
- That's right, Ryan.
Be a good little girl.
Listen to Violet.
Come on baby, don't make me kill you.
I'm not just playin' today.
- No, no, no.
No, no, no, please.
Let's talk about it. - Give me the diamond.
What we had was good, real good.
But when you stole from me, you really fucked up.
- Please leave the ladies alone.
- This ain't got nothing to do with you pastor
and I'm not leaving here without my diamond.
- [Ryan] Can we just discuss this?
- Go back in church Pastor.
- I ain't gonna ask you again.
Give me my diamond, baby.
There we go.
Be a good little girl.
- Titan, no.
No, oh Titan please, stay calm.
(Ryan murmuring)
- [Violet] Titan, you got your diamond, now let her go!
- What we had was special, baby.
You remember that thing you
used to do with your tongue?
- [Ryan] Yeah.
- I'm really gonna miss you baby.
- Please, Titan? (gunfire popping)
(Violet screaming and clamoring)
(spaghetti western music)
- I can't believe that happened.
He shot her in front of me.
- And on the church land at that.
- He shot her right in front of me.
- He's acting like a dog ass.
I know he got something to do with my sister
but this gonna be all right.
- We gonna find Champagne.
- It's OK.
- Don't mess with the dog.
- It's OK, come on.
- Everybody in town talking about Titan did.
I knew he weren't shit.
- Yeah he was sleeping with
Ryan behind Champagne's back.
- Oh what about that diamond?
- I guess Ryan took the diamond last night
when they were together.
- So you've seen the diamond?
- Hmm.
Now we might can help you find Champagne.
See them outlaws that came to town
they had a bunch of diamonds and money
and they played a hand versus
Titan and he got one of them.
So I know they got more
and it probably got Champagne
ass for whatever reason.
So we find her, we finds the diamonds
and we take all their shit.
- I'm down to ride too.
- Hmm, and Jess, you better be ready to shoot
when I say shoot this time.
- I'll be ready, I will.
(ragtime piano music)
- We're here to see Dirty Motherfucker.
- Who?
- Please talk to Madam Gloria.
- Hold on for one moment.
Let me let her know you're here.
Baby, go on ahead and watch them for me.
- You best keep quiet or I will kill you bitch.
- Come on in, follow me.
- Fuckin' come on.
- [Madam] Absolutely.
Might wanna plate that a little better.
We looking perfect.
- Mmm, do I need to fix anything.
- [Madam] Oh trust me, if anything need be fixed
Madam Gloria with take care of it for you, baby.
- Thanks. - Absolutely.
This cat likes 'em.
- Madam Gloria?
- Yes.
How many a healthy gentlemen?
Mmm, is she for me?
- [Sage] No, beautiful, she's with us.
- Oh that's too bad.
I could make a couple of dollars off of her.
From her looks alone.
Hey pretty lady, what's your name?
Honey, when Madam Gloria asked you a question
I expect you to answer.
Let's try this again.
What's your name?
- My name Champagne.
(Madam Gloria chuckling)
- That's right, Champagne, have a seat.
See gentlemen, she just needed a woman's touch.
- Don't we all.
- Now back to business.
It Horse is dead, where's the diamond?
(playful ragtime piano music)
- Oh, take it off.
Who fuckin' up my shit?
Get ready to die?
- Hold up.
- You got Horse and my diamond?
- No, but... Ain't no buts.
Over here fuckin' up my shit.
Wastin' my money.
(Old Dirty Motherfucker sighing)
- Come on, go on.
- [Old Dirty Motherfucker] Who the fuck is this bitch?
- Her name's Champagne.
We believe she knows something
about all little brother Horse done went missing.
- [Old Dirty Motherfucker] Well what you know girl,
- I'ma tell you like I told them.
I don't know nothing.
- You don't know nothing?
She don't know nothing.
(both chuckling)
- Oh she knows something.
Nobody lies to Old Dirty Motherfucker.
- That's right.
No motherfuckin' body.
A pretty girl, huh Sophia?
- Yeah she's pretty.
- And I'll kill a pretty ass girl too.
Wanna put your balls on?
- No, Dirty, we can't kill her just yet.
She knows something about
my brother coming up missing
and that diamond.
I got a strong gut feeling
somebody go couple looking for her.
And now we going to make this bitch talk.
- You know what you, you right.
And that diamond belongs to me?
Champagne. Champagne, champagne.
You looking pretty good in that dress, Champagne.
How 'bout you let me see what's under it.
- That ain't nothing for you under my dress.
- Oh, feisty huh?
I like that.
Gonna talk a while.
I'm gonna get myself ready for you, Champagne.
They call me
Old Dirty Motherfucker.
You can call me that or Big Daddy.
Or Big Pappa.
Whichever you choose it don't matter to me.
- Well can you let me go Big Poppa?
- Oh, I would love to let you go pretty lady,
but you and them two dumb fucks you walked in with
shit out my diamond,
you ain't going nowhere.
Now, tell somethin'.
You don't know anything about my diamond?
- I already told you no.
- No?
Well I understanding wasn't it you
that saw Horse that night?
- Maybe, maybe not.
I can't recall.
- He had my diamond and from
what them two say in there say
he lost it that night.
- I don't know.
(Old Dirty Motherfucker sighing)
- You're lying.
You lyin'.
Now Old Dirty Motherfucker
could treat you good here
or I can treat you real nasty.
Whichever you choose.
- You need to just let me go.
I told you I don't dunno nothing.
- No, no.
I know your kind, Champagne,
and like I said when I find out,
and I will find out.
You've been lying about that diamond.
I'm gonna kill you myself.
Do you hear me?
- Do you hear me?
- Yes, Old Dirty Motherfucker.
(Old Dirty Motherfucker chuckling)
- I love it when you say my name.
(Old Dirty Motherfucker exclaiming)
- Titan, you killed your side piece.
- She was used for what she was good for Brunson.
- Titan, you killed Ryan at the church.
- It was outside of the church
and like I said, she tried to steal from me.
- Should have cut her fuckin' finger off.
- [Bartender] There you go.
- No I didn't ask for another drink, bartender.
- [Bartender] It's from the lady at the end of the bar.
- Hey, hey who is that?
- She coming over here too?
- [Bartender] I don't know.
I've never seen her around here before.
- I can see that Brunson.
Well hello cowgirl.
I see you bought me a drink.
What's up?
Well it's nice to meet you, Danni, my name's Titan.
So, Danni, what brings you around these here parts?
- Well I'm new around here
and I'm staying at the Peacock Hotel.
I came to Surprise my sister.
- Your sister?
And who might that be?
- Her name's Anne.
- Anne, is she new around here or somethin'
'cause I ain't heard of her.
- No, she's from Charleston.
I don't know brought her all the way down here
but I hear she's a working girl.
- Oh, is that right, huh?
So that means she's over in Madam Gloria's
house at the big house.
Madam Gloria's got some nice girls over there.
- Sounds like you know.
- Well I stopped by a couple times.
Every man in Charleston's had his way.
- Well I'm glad I met you, Titan.
- Yeah.
Hang on now Danni.
We just met.
You know the last woman that I slept with,
I had the shoot her.
- [Danni] What?
- Caught that bitch stealing from me.
- [Danni] I understand that.
Been there.
Done that?
- All right, let's go.
(ragtime piano music)
- Sophia, can you please not look at me like that?
(Sophia laughing)
- Old Dirty Motherfucker put
me in charge of watching you.
- And you just do everything he tells you to do, huh?
Ever since I've been here,
all he does is boss you around.
He says jump you jump
and when he says lay down, you lay down.
- Girl, what you know about love?
He takes good care of me.
- This is taking good care of you?
- All that mouth you got girl...
(knocking on door)
Come in.
- [Woman] I sorry Miss Sophia, I just need to wash my hands.
- It's OK Yvonne.
But this one right here, she got a lot of mouth.
Do you mind watching her for a few minutes?
- Yeah I can do it.
- [Sophia] Thank you.
- [Yvonne] So you the new girl?
- Actually no, I won't be here for long.
- Where are you from?
It's all right, you don't have to talk to me.
It's probably better that way
because you know what, everybody come here,
they stay a long time.
But you try to leave early, they all end up dead.
- Yvonne,
there is so much more out there
than being in this whorehouse.
- Whorehouse?
That whorehouse you talking about,
it pays me.
- For now.
- Jess is getting impatient
and goes back to speak with
violence and push things along.
(animals calling)
- Violet?
(rooster crowing)
- [Violet] What you want Jess?
- Are y'all looking for my sister or not?
- I told you we will.
- Well I ain't seen nobody doing shit yet.
- Listen it takes time Jess.
Plus we gotta find Titan is too.
He is the one with the diamonds the girls want.
- Listen, Brunson is at the saloon every night.
Y'all might have to get him to get to Titan.
- If you want us to find Champagne you gotta chill out.
Plus Champagne ain't no priority.
- My sister and I made one mistake
and y'all act like we wasn't family no more.
- Her herself cut us off.
- Well it hurt us too.
- Champagne killed an innocent man.
She killed an innocent man.
- It was an accident.
- There you go with that bullshit again.
You's a stupid bitch.
- Well I might be, I might be.
But I'm sorry about how shit went down
with Herbert but Vi, you still my girl.
- Jess, just get the fuck from over here.
Leave me alone, like go,
- Damn, Vi.
- Tell you what there Bo, it's been a long rough week.
- Yeah it has.
- These drinks, this game.
It's gonna give time to wind down.
Well needed.
- Still don't mean I'm gonna take it easy on you though.
- No, I'm gonna whoop your ass, Bo.
Just put your money where your mouth is, Bo.
Round these parts I run shit.
- Well we gonna see?
- See, Biscuit, that's them over there.
- [Bartender] Here you ladies go.
- Your horse gonna begging for some water
when I'm done whoopin' your ass, Bo.
- My horse might be begging for water
but you gonna be beggin' for some money.
- We'll be back.
- Now I still don't understands
why you even talkin' Jess.
- She's my girl and at one time we all were close.
And then we grew up
- She know shit about that diamond then fuck her.
Fuck Champagne ass too.
That Titan dude, that diamond is all we care about.
- Then let's find him and take it.
- Hold on Biscuit.
He already gots one diamond.
Now them cowboys that ran into town,
they got way more diamonds and way more money.
- I agree.
- See that bitch probably long gone though.
- See I doubt it.
Them cowboys, them rich cowboys that were in here,
they got Champagne, right?
And Titan has their diamond, right?
Far as I see it, all we gots to do is find Champagne.
(horse whinnying)
- Then let's find here ass and take it.
(all chuckling)
(women clamoring)
- All right now, silence!
(ragtime piano music)
Sophia, why don't you fix this man
a cup of moonshine for me?
- [Cowboy] No thank you.
I need to leave.
- Sit your ass down.
Sophia, hurry up that cup, girl.
- [Sophia] All right, I'm comin'.
- Drink, sir.
- I don't drink moonshine.
(women clamoring) - You don't drink moonshine?
- Get out Old Man.
- You know, my daddy said a shot of moonshine is a drink
that goes down smooth.
It hits a spot in a man.
My daddy was a very, very wise man.
- Sir, I, I... Stop calling me Sir!
Got me feeling like I'm an old man or some shit.
(women clamoring)
The name is Old Dirty Motherfucker.
- You want me to call you Old Dirty Motherfucker?
- Yes, that's what my momma called me.
That's what my daddy called me.
And as you can see
that's what the ladies all me.
- [All] Mmmhmm.
- That's what you gonna be calling me too, sir.
- Look, Old Dirty Motherfucker,
if I drink this can I leave?
- Well maybe, maybe not.
What brings you 'round these parts?
- I got lost and this was the only thing close.
- He got lost. (all laughing)
- [Cowboy] Look, Sir.
- Old Dirty Motherfucker.
- Old Dirty Motherfucker,
I'm sorry that I'm knocked on your door,
but I need to be on my way now.
- But you haven't even finished your drink yet.
See that wasn't bad, wasn't it?
What's your name?
Your name, sir.
(women clamoring)
- His name is Felipe Matthews from Augusta, George.
- Thank you baby.
Oh, you nice.
(women clamoring)
Sophia, why don't you show Mr. Matthews
just how much good hospitality we have here.
- We sure can
(Old Dirty Motherfucker chuckling)
Another satisfied customer.
I'm that good.
(all laughing and clamoring)
- Working?
I can't wait to find out.
'Gon get up.
He is.
- Listen.
Titan and Danni head to the brothel
to go rescue Danni's sister Ann.
(R&B western music)
(ragtime piano music)
- Ladies, we have company coming tonight.
Yes, big money.
(all gasping)
I need everybody to be in the room.
Everybody except for the new girl.
(women clamoring)
- I'm movin'.
- Like it here?
Madam Gloria says you're going to work
and I'm gonna make sure you do that.
- My sister in there.
- Come on Danni,
we should just wait until tomorrow
when it's not so busy on the inside.
- Titan, it's a brothel.
You a good looking guy, I'm a good looking girl.
We gonna walk in there like new money.
Ain't nobody gonna think nothing of it.
Titan, my sister in there.
She might not come with us happily
and I'm willing to do anything
and everything to get her outta there.
- Yeah Danni, I guess I got your back.
- Thank you
- Come here, baby.
- Now let's go. - Let's go.
Come on girl.
(ragtime piano music)
- Hey Miss Sophia.
- Hey cowboy, lookin' for a ride?
- Well I reckon I am.
Why don't you lead the way?
- I will.
- Hey baby.
You want something to drink
you're gonna have to put it on ice.
- You get the glass.
- What you wanna do, cowboy?
Time is money.
- Right.
- I'm all yours.
- Hey, wait, wait, wait, look, hang on now.
I mean all this is flattering, very flattering,
but what I need from you tonight, it ain't sexual.
I'm here in search of a lady.
She's going by the name of Ann.
- Ann, you want Anne?
Am I not sweet enough on you?
- I mean of course you are baby, but-
- My name is Sophia.
- Well all right Sophia, I need to speak with her.
Can you help me?
- It's cute. But in order for you guys to meet
it's gonna cost you. - Right.
- She's with another John right now
but she isn't too special to me,
but I can make it happen.
- You hang on now.
Now I've already paid you more
than enough of your services.
I need to speak with her.
You make that happen and I got you, all right.
- Why don't you go downstairs
and mingle for a while while I get her ready for you.
Okay, sir?
- [Titan] All right.
- What's he wantin' to do with Ann?
(all clamoring)
- Hmm.
- Oh, uh...
- Tell him take his time with that.
- You got the biggest one. - Oh my goodness.
- What you say?
Mister Bo, my word.
(all clamoring)
- I got fresh girls, everyone.
(all clamoring)
- Oh I like fresh meat.
- Are you sick?
Fresh right. Are you
Sweet pea?
I like you.
(all clamoring)
- Come here sweetpea.
- [Gloria] Go ahead hottie, do your thing.
Take your time with that one, she's new.
(women clamoring)
- Have fun, baby.
- Room 69 is open.
- Oh, I'm.
Not the boomboom room.
(woman murmuring)
- Hey, you can't trust these bitches out here man.
These bitches kill him.
- [Cowboy] I ain't got no problem with them bitches.
I told Titan to get outta town.
- Did he leave?
- From what I heard, him and that cowgirl, Danni,
they going up to get her sister from the brothel.
They got some land up there somewhere.
He in love.
- Speaking of, here come these bitches now.
- [Brunson] I ain't got no problem with them bitches.
I told Titan to get out of town.
- [Cowboy] Hmm.
All of 'em too
All of 'em too.
- Drinks on me.
Can I play a hand.
- [Brunson] Man, keep cutting that shit, Cali.
You don't want to play a hand,
you're just here lookin' for Titan.
- You know what, you right.
You gon' tell me where at?
- I don't know.
(Brunson exclaiming)
- I ain't got shit to do with this.
- See we ain't got no gun pointed at your head.
But you gonna let your boys lose their life
over Titan?
Where is Titan?
- [Brunson] I said I don't know.
(gunfire popping) (chips clattering)
(woman laughing hysterically)
- I see you don't give a about fuck your friends.
So the next one's on you and I ain't gonna ask again.
- [Brunson] What I heard it was some rich girl,
they went up to Madam Gloria's brother.
They gonna meet her sister.
They got some land up there somewhere.
- See, was that hard?
- No.
- So now which hand is your shooting hand?
- Woo, this the good part.
- Huh?
- Which hand is your shooting hand?
- [Brunson] It's my right hand.
- Hold out your left.
Hold out your left hand, I ain't gonna ask again.
(gunfire booming) - Woohoo!
(R&B western music)
- Damn, shit hurt like hell.
- That's some crazy shit.
You almost got our fuckin' life took
fuckin' with them crazy bitches.
Glad they shot you in your fuckin' hand
and didn't take your fuckin' life.
- Man.
- I wouldn't be gettin' too happy just yet.
- I wish somebody please call to Titan.
- Where's Titan?
- Brother, them bitches shot me in the hand.
Not even a day ago lookin' for Titan.
He ran the to Madam Gloria's.
- Seem like that's what we need to go back to, fast.
- Yeah we know who you talkin' 'bout Brunson.
Mickey and her girls, huh?
Yeah it look like they shot
you in your shootin' hand, huh?
- No, actually, they shot me in my left.
- You don't say.
Well it look like we'll be takin' your right.
(gunfire booming)
(Brunson exclaiming)
(door rattling)
- Ann. - Yes.
- I need to talk to you in the room, now.
- Okay, OK.
- Girl.
- Yes.
- There is a fine man here looking for you.
He paid a handsome ransom just to set up a meeting
with you.
He has a lot of money.
- Was he here alone?
- Looks like he came in with some female.
- A female?
How does she look?
- I wasn't paying attention
but she's in the room with Jan.
- Where they at?
How do I look, I look good?
- Girl, I don't know what he wants do with you.
He ain't want no pussy from me.
I don't know what he wants to do with you?
But, you stay here
And I'm gonna go get him while you freshen up.
- OK.
- I'm gettin' in store for pleasure.
(water hissing)
(door squeaking)
- [Titan] What's your name?
- What are you doin'?
Didn't you want Ann?
She's waiting for you.
Yeah, but. - That's not her room.
That's the new girl's room.
Come on.
Follow me.
Come on.
Pay up cowboy.
Nice doing business.
- You requested me, cowboy?
- Look, me and Danni, we're here for you.
- Danni.
You came here with my sister?
- Yes, I'm Titan.
We came here to take you from here.
- No, no.
Well you gonna tell Danni I'm not leaving from here.
- You know that's mighty funny.
She said you would say something like that.
Look, your sister's got land and money.
You don't have to do this anymore Ann.
- Titan, right.
Titan, well you tell her I'm
not leaving, plain and simple.
I'm not going.
- All right, Ann, so let me get this straight.
You wanna stay here and be a whore?
(slap popping)
- Are you serious?
Call me what you want but this right here,
this is where I wanna be.
My granny, my mama, Danni, all of 'em,
they just tryin' control me.
But right here in this house,
I can do what I want and who I want.
- Well OK.
Ann can you at least stay here so I can go get her?
Will you at least talk to her?
- I guess I can, Titan.
I guess I can.
- Stay right here. - I will, I will.
(patrons moaning)
- Hold on, do want this to feel good?
- [Danni] Yes.
- Danni?
- Titan?
- I found your sister, Ann.
- Well that's good, let's go, let's go get her.
- All right, well, she's over here in the other room.
Come on, I'll take you too her.
Yeah, I'll be right there.
All right.
She's in there.
- Ann.
I see you baby sis.
- [Ann] Hey sister, I miss you so much
- Miss you too.
Ann, I need you to come home.
- I knew he was gonna say that
but right now this here,
this here is where I'm wanna be.
- But, Ann, you so much better than this.
- There you go, Danni, trying to control me.
You know I love you but at the same time sister
I hate you for that shit.
- Baby sis, I got money, I got land.
- And Danni, that's what you have.
But right here, right here.
This is where I wanna be.
You know baby sis, you right, you right.
I understand that.
Can I get a hug goodbye?
- Of course, Danni, of course.
(slap popping)
- Danni, what the fuck did you just do?
- You got me, Titan?
- Yeah I guess I got you.
(R&B western music)
- All right ladies, we goin' back now.
Less bodies as possible, ya hear?
- Mickey and her girl's head to the brothel.
(R&B western music)
- Yeah that's good.
Oh boy.
The fuck is that?
The fuck was that?
(knocking on door)
(gunfire booming)
Fuck was that?
- [Champagne] Oh shit.
- I, I didn't, I didn't mean to do that.
I didn't mean to do that.
I didn't mean to do that.
You know that.
You know that
I Don't.
I didn't mean to do it.
I didn't mean to do it.
- It's OK.
- I didn't mean to do it. - I understand.
It's OK.
It's OK.
You all right? - No problems.
- Gonna be all right, I know you didn't mean to do it.
I know.
(spaghetti western music)
You didn't mean to...
(gunfire booming)
but I did.
(gunfire booming)
- [Titan] Followin' you.
- Titan?
- Champagne.
- Who's this?
- I'm his wife, who the fuck are you?
- His wife, I'm his girlfriend.
What's she talking about, Titan?
- His girlfriend?
- Look. - Really, Titan?
- Come on Champagne, I thought you was dead.
- So this bitch is your wife.
- I see you wasting no time, Titan.
- Fuck that, I'mma gon shoot this bitch.
- I don't know what the hell is going on
but somebody's got some explaining to do
or both you bitches are gonna die.
- [Titan] That was it.
(Old Dirty Motherfucker laughing manically)
- Ah.
Madam Gloria.
I see you holdin' down the house as always.
- Of course Old Dirty Motherfucker,
I think these came to rob us.
- Oh really?
Now tell us why we shouldn't shoot
you two dumb fucks right now.
- Hand on there cowboy.
Me and my lady here just came for her sister
doesn't look like she's coming with us
so we'll just be leaving now.
Y'all must treat her well around here.
We don't wanna cause any more trouble.
- Yes, that's right.
- Leaving, you leaving me in this whorehouse?
For this bitch?
Old Dirty Motherfucker, he got your diamond.
- Ah, so you the motherfucker
that everybody's been lookin' for, huh?
- Sorry.
Looks like you had it all figured out there, huh boss?
- Looks like we finally get the nigger
that killed our baby brother, Horse.
- [Titan] I don't know what the fuck you talking about.
I didn't kill nobody.
- Well if you didn't then who did?
All signs lead to you, Titan.
You got the diamond?
- No.
Are we deaf?
Where the fuck's my diamond?
Oh, would you looky here.
Yeah, that's my diamond.
- That confirms it.
You killed our baby brother, Horse.
- Look I didn't kill anybody.
- Then who did?
- She did it, it was Champagne.
She killed your fuckin' brother, she did it!
It was her!
- You dirty bastard.
- Wait! (gunfire booming)
(gunfire booming)
- [Danni] I'm not fightin' with you no more, I'm leavin'!
- Danni, what's goin' on.
- Girl, I'mma give you five seconds
to get your ass up out of here.
- [Danni] I love you baby sis, I love you!
- I love you.
I'm stayin'.
I'm stayin'.
I'm stayin'.
(coins rattling)
- Are you Madam Gloria?
- [Biscuit] I wouldn't move if I was you.
- I'm Madam Gloria.
- We lookin' for Champagne.
- Champagne.
I don't have any Champagne
but I've got plenty of liquor at the bar.
(all chuckling)
- Oh you a funny bitch, huh?
- Let me shoot her. - Again,
we looking for a female named Champagne
and a cowboy named Titan.
They both got somethin' to do.
- I'm Madam Gloria and this is my establishment.
Nobody gonna demand that I tell them shit.
(gunfire booming) (woman exclaiming)
- Hell no, now you fuckin' with my money.
Champagne and Titan are both dead.
- Dead? - Speakin' of money.
(gunfire booming)
(Biscuit cheering)
Follow her, now.
- [Violet] Can't wait to tell Jess about this shit.
- We all gotta go sometimes, Violet.
- Woohoo.
Yeah, yes sir.
Ah, yeah.
I tell you what goddammit
I made you a Old Dirty Motherfucker.
But they fixin' not forget
call me a Rich Dirty Old Motherfucker,
I tell you that shit.
(Old Dirty Motherfucker laughing)
Got my diamond back.
I tell you what, shit.
Way I'm feeling,
I might put two big goddamn diamonds in my nose.
- Old Dirty Motherfucker!
Mickey and her bitches 'bout to kill everybody.
She is just all that shit.
- Oh, now come on.
Oh shit.
(gunfire booming)
I know you bitches out there.
You bitches come in here
y'all some dead motherfuckers.
You hear me?
(gunfire booming)
(Old Dirty Motherfucker groaning)
- Where the fuck are the diamonds?
Madam Gloria's dead, you're next.
- [Old Dirty Motherfucker] Fuck y'all!
Fuck y'all.
You bitches kill me,
you'll never know where the diamonds at.
How you like that shit?
I can do this all day.
- Where are the diamonds?
(Old Dirty Motherfucker screaming)
Ha, we got 'em.
- Fuck y'all.
I still got my bitches.
Long as I got them I can always make my money back.
- So now, which had is your shootin' hand?
- Woohoo, this the best part.
- Which hand is your shootin' hand?
- My right, bitch!
- Hold our your left.
- Hold out your left motherfucker.
(gunfire booming)
(Old Dirty Motherfucker groaning)
- Let's go. - God!
(Old Dirty Motherfucker groaning)
(Violet chuckling)
(Old Dirty Motherfucker groaning)
Oh, what the fuck?
(Old Dirty Motherfucker grunting)
- Champagne?
- Little did just know, Champagne was already dead.
- Champagne?
(mellow western music)
Where are you?
Where are you?
(mellow music) (water roaring)
Y'all for coming.
You know, I always wonder
why you never shoot 'em in their shooting?
- You always want to give a man a fair chance.
Every dog has its day.
- Old Dirty Motherfucker you OK?
(spaghetti western music)
- We're gon' get these bitches.
- OK. - And they killed my pet.
- They did that.
- Hey, hold up.
You got my diamond?
- You know if got the diamonds.
(Old Dirty Motherfucker chuckling)
- Yeah.
Like I said, we gon' get these bitches.
I need you to get the girls and clean up the place.
- Me? - Yeah.
You the new madam.
I'm go put out a hit on Mickey and the girls.
(Old Dirty Motherfucker grunting)
(Old Dirty Motherfucker laughing maniacally)
- They shot me on both my hands,
but me and Old Dirty
Motherfucker will get our revenge.
They gon' see us again.
(mellow western music)
(contemplative western music)