Henry Danger: The Movie (2025) Movie Script
[electronic whirring]
[power up whine]
[suspenseful music plays]
[rhythmic bass thrumming]
[exciting music plays]
[bass thrumming continues]
[clattering, thudding]
- [alarm blaring]
- Attention, personnel.
- Breach in restricted area.
- [guards] Breach, breach!
- [guards yelling]
- Down there.
- [yelling]
- Cutting him off.
[woman] What... hey!
[guard] Gimme the device. Now!
[narrator] It all
just kind of happened.
A boy needed a job.
And a hero needed a sidekick.
So that boy became a kid,
and that kid became Danger.
But this is not that kid.
- [guards yelling]
- Also not that boy.
And this is a device
that can alter reality,
even bring back the dead,
like this guy, Henry Hart.
I mean, what would you
do if you needed help
and the only one who
could help you was gone?
[electric crackle]
[intense dramatic music plays]
Okay, back to our boy Henry.
He became Kid Danger,
sidekick to Swellview's
indestructible hero
Captain Man,
whose real name
was Ray Manchester.
Now, if all of this seems
highly irresponsible,
well, that's because it was.
But Henry loved that job.
Being Kid Danger was
everything to him.
Henry and Ray kept their
real identities a secret
and kept Swellview safe.
But they had help along the way.
They met a bizarre
genius named Schwoz.
Henry's best friends,
Jasper and Charlotte,
came along for the ride.
Even Henry's little sister Piper
got in on the act.
But Jasper, he wanted more.
He found an audiobook that
taught him how to fight
while he sleeps.
- [recording speaking Spanish]
- And also speak Spanish.
Henry wanted more too.
He wanted out of Swellview.
Luckily, a radioactive
cannon blew up in his face.
Yes, luckily, because
when he was ready
to sacrifice himself by
driving a blimp with a bomb
- into the side of a mountain...
- [crowd screams]
he found he could generate
a protective forcefield
whenever he wanted.
[power humming]
He saved all of Swellview.
- [caw]
- And that bird.
[crowd screaming, exclaiming]
Yeah, everyone thought
Kid Danger died
and Henry let them,
because he was ready to
be his own superhero,
instead of someone
else's sidekick.
[dramatic chord]
- [bell tolls]
- [seabirds calling]
Now, Henry and Jasper live here,
fighting crime as a team.
They're older,
they're better at
using their powers,
and they're famous.
Maybe a little too famous.
Kid Danger may have died,
but Henry Hart didn't.
Henry's not dead.
He'll be here soon.
- Trust me.
- Uh-huh.
Detective Jones.
Would I lie to one
of Dystopia's finest?
Fair point.
So where is he?
He's... busy with something.
Look, I know Henry has his
personal forcefield and all,
but I am literally the
best person in the world
at sleep fighting
while speaking Spanish.
Which, by the way, means
that if our friend shows up
and Henry is not here,
I'll take care of it.
[woman] "Our friend"?
Since when does Jasper
Dunlop have friends?
Piper? What are you
doing in Dystopia?
Schwoz? What... no... I...
- [laughing] Jasper!
- Schwoz?
[Piper] What do you have on,
some kind of duster situation?
- It's not a duster. A coat.
- You look like a space cowboy.
I'm not a cowboy.
I'm a superhero.
- Nice to see you.
- It's good to see you.
Welcome to Dystopia,
but please leave.
B-b-but we came all
the way from Swellview.
Yeah. I'm on spring break.
Decided to surprise my
brother and his best friend.
And then I remembered that
Charlotte's actually at Harvard,
so, like Henry,
we're stuck with you.
All right.
[laughs] Oh, my
God! I'm kidding.
- What's your deal?
- Yeah. You were Mr. Cool
with the cute cop over there.
That's 'cause I was
flirting with her.
Oh... that was not flirting.
- Lemme help you out.
- What?
- Hey, yo, Detective Good Hair.
- Okay. All right.
- My guy is into you.
- [Jason] That's enough.
What do you say?
- Thumbs up or thumbs down?
- Or down?
[Jasper] I'm sorry.
Lost tourists.
You are little bit
out of his league.
- No, I'm in a league... of sorts.
- A little.
All right, guys, guys, guys.
Now is just not a
good time, okay?
What, are you and
Henry on a mission?
Yeah. I heard you are the
hottest crime fighters
- in Dystopia right now.
- I heard Henry's your boss.
He's not my boss.
We're partners.
In fact, he's signing
an endorsement deal
- for us right now.
- Then why aren't you there?
- Yeah. Why aren't you there?
- Trust me, guys.
They didn't only
want to see Henry.
[crowd chanting, cheering]
Henry, Henry, Henry, Henry!
- So I'm kinda busy right now.
- Come on!
Don't work, don't
work. Not tonight!
Yeah, let's go get
Henry and go see a show.
Yes. That is a great idea.
Okay, I realize you two are kind
of in Tourist Mode right now.
- What do you mean?
- What's that supposed to mean?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
But a truck full of
plutonium-239's about to roll
down that street in five minutes
and something's
going to attack it.
- You mean someone.
- I mean something.
People here call it Blackout.
So this Blackout has
beef with you and Henry?
- It's got beef with plutonium.
- What?
Dystopia runs on nuclear power,
so it buys fuel rods
from other countries,
and that delivery truck's
gonna go right past us.
Blackout's plan? Destroy
the plutonium fuel rods.
Why does it want to
destroy the fuel rods?
No fuel, no power.
No power, no lights. Only...
Henry, how's it feel
to be the new spokesman
- for BizWatch?
- Henry, what's it like being
the hottest crime
fighter in Dystopia?
- [commotion]
- [man] Where'd the lights go?
- [woman] I'm scared of the dark.
- [man] Hold me, Henry!
- The power's out.
- Schwoz can fix it.
It's not a power problem.
You promised not to
work on vacation.
Mm. Fish got to swim.
Schwoz, he got to tinker.
[police siren whoops]
[intense music plays]
There is the city's fuel rods
that Blackout wants to steal.
[speaking Spanish]
Hey, don't you want
to call Henry first?
What the...
- [moaning]
- Come on.
[filtered voice] What's
wrong? Afraid of the dark?
Where's your boss?
- Is that...
- [singsong] I think it is.
[crowd cheering]
Buckle up for a beatdown,
you claw-handed freak.
So good to see you...
for the last time!
[both grunting]
[cheers and applause]
I appreciate it,
I appreciate it.
- Hello, hello, hello. Thank you.
- [Schwoz] Henry!
- Hey!
- Aw!
Good to see you.
Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
- I can't believe it.
- Listen, I had a thing.
- Took your sweet time.
- It went long. I'm here now.
- Oh, so it's not your fault.
I see you're yelling
at your sister.
Now... if you'll excuse me.
It's time for me to
take care of "bizness."
[leopard meows]
- W-what are you doing?
- Okay, that's weird.
- Part of the deal I just signed.
- Is there a camera somewhere?
- It felt cool to me, okay?
- Are we in a commercial now?
- Hard pass.
- "Felt cool." Did not look cool.
[crowd yelling, whooping]
How you doing?
Dude, watch your language.
There's kids around.
Well, I guess it's bizness time.
[meow meow]
Part of our deal with BizWatch
is I gotta say bizness
every 45 seconds
while fighting crime.
I think they're listening
to everything I say.
I think we gotta
say it in English,
but we'll figure that out later.
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
[suspenseful music plays]
Oh, you're going to
pay for this window...
with your life!
Your fame has made
you weak. [chuckles]
Try that again.
[Blackout snarls]
[groaning] Ah-ah!
- Think I just killed that thing.
- Pretty sure
you just launched it somewhere.
Launched him to a bizness
meeting... with death.
It is really hard to fit bizness
in every single sentence.
How'd the signing go? Did
you get a BizWatch for me?
Uh... no, no, I
did not, but, uh,
Yeah, I had to come
here. I'll get you one.
All right. Oh, wait.
How's our ad look?
- We look really cool?
- Uh, our ad.
Yeah, yeah, looked good.
Uh... yes.
That's the ad?
[Piper] Bro, you
are blurred out.
Jasper is just a ghosty
in the background.
I mean, that cat has
more focus than you.
- You saw this at the signing?
- Uh, yeah.
- I saw that there.
- And you didn't say anything?
I was gonna say something.
I had to come here.
[Jones] Hey, Jasper.
- Hey, Jonesy.
- Nice work out there.
- Uh...
- Can I get a picture?
Uh, absolutely. Yeah.
- Thank you. All right, come on.
- Let's do it.
- The ad in the background?
- Yeah, we gotta do it.
[whispering] That's not good.
- There you go.
- Awesome, thanks.
You guys look great together.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, no problem.
- Are you mad?
- No. Why would I be mad?
- Uh, he seems mad.
- He's mad.
It's not like... it's not
like I do half the work
and you get all the credit.
[laughs] What do you
want, a gold star?
Henry, everyone
thinks you're my boss.
I do have more
experience than you.
I'll see you at home.
Yeah, uh,
I'm moving out.
I was gonna tell you
this later but, um,
might as well just rip
the bandage off, um...
Yeah, I want my own place.
Why? You're never at
our place anyways.
Look, dude, we're not
kids anymore, okay?
I think it's best that
we have our own space.
Do our own thing.
Are we still a team?
Yo... [laughs]
you can come over
whenever you want.
- That's not a yes.
- Mm.
- [electronic warble]
- Ooh. That's the BizWatch guys.
They need me ASAP.
Have fun.
Jasper. Jasper.
Hey, uh...
Yo, I'll get you a watch.
Not cool, bro.
[ominous music plays]
- [sighs]
- [Blackout] Want some advice?
If it's decorating, then no.
[Blackout growls]
[Blackout] You
shouldn't work alone!
[birds twittering]
No. Five more minutes.
Ray, she's my mom.
I can't set you up.
Hmm. You look a lot
older in person.
Uh, what is this? Ha.
Am I-am I dead?
- Am I in heaven?
- [heavenly chorus]
Oh, my God, I'm in hell.
Oh. Naw, you're just in Newtown.
What? What's Newtown?
Why am I dressed
like this? What's...
What's on my face? Who are you?
I just brought you
back from the dead.
You're welcome.
What's all the noise?
- Get out of here, Gemma.
- Hey, how are you?
You don't know me,
and I don't know you,
but I need you to
get me home, okay?
I don't know where I am. I
don't know what's on my face!
Thank you. Get out
of here, Gemma.
- Is that Kid Danger?
- Don't tell Mom
or I'll tell her you play
video games all night.
And I'll tell Mom you
used her credit card
- to take a bus to Swellview.
- And I'll tell Mom
that you used her good
lipstick on the dog
for her Glamour Shots.
- You wouldn't dare.
- Uh, I just zerped Kid Danger
into our house.
You don't even know
what I'm capable of.
I know you're not capable
of keeping me quiet.
You know what? Just
don't tell Mom.
She's got like three jobs
and doesn't need this stress.
Fine. I was never here.
[dramatic music plays]
[door slams]
Oh! [laughs]
Uh, first of all, hello.
The handshake. Let's
keep it formal.
Missy Martin, Kid
Danger superfan.
And I've run so many
Kid Danger fan fictions.
- You're gonna love...
- How did I get here?
Oh! [giggles]
With this baby.
The Reality Altering Device.
Okay, what, uh, ha...
what does it do?
It uses color confinement
to pry open the space
between baryons, mesons...
who cares how it works?
I just brought Kid Danger
back from the dead!
What's the afterlife like?
Actually, don't tell me.
I wanna be surprised.
Oh, I wasn't dead.
[laughs] Uh, I-I'm sorry. What?
I said I wasn't dead.
Yes, you were. You died
in a fiery blimp accident
after you saved
all of Swellview.
Yeah. I did the whole...
saving Swellview thing.
I just... I didn't actually die.
I kinda, you know...
Well, I faked it.
Changed my last name
and disappeared.
Oh, shut up! You've been
alive this whole time?
I mean...[small laugh] yeah.
Do you have any idea
how traumatized we were
- by your death?
- Uh, well, I'm sorry.
I wanted to move
on with my life,
and protect my family.
Which is a lot easier if all
your enemies think you're dead.
Well, all your fans
thought you were dead too.
Yeah, well, good news.
[exhales] I'm still alive.
Did you have me
fighting a dinosaur?
- Oh, where have you been?
- Fighting crime in Dystopia.
No, wait, Dystopia?
That's amazing!
Wait. What the
gunch is Dystopia?
It's like an island
in the Pacific Ocean.
Oh, my gosh. Are Jasper
and Charlotte there too?
Wait. How do you know
about Jasper and Charlotte?
Well, I figured out
your secret identity.
[shrill shriek]
Uh... [clears throat]
how-how, uh... [laughs]
how do you... how
do you know that?
Your eye mask covered less
than a pair of sunglasses.
I'm honestly shocked
nobody else figured it out.
Yeah, well,
Swellview's not exactly
the smartest town in America.
What am I doing here?
I brought you here so that we
could fight crime together.
And, bro, there is so
much crime in Newtown.
You don't even know.
Most days, Gemma and I barely
make it home from school.
Go. Go, go, go.
[man] Hey.
Good thing we hid our
tablets under our shirts.
Dang it, Gemma.
[man] Come on.
- This is nice.
- The latest model. Yeah.
[distant police siren wailing]
Hello. None of you
could have helped us?
[man] That's why we
don't come down here.
But now you're here,
so time's up, creeps.
Kid Danger's in Newtown.
Yeah. I gotta get
back to Dystopia.
Wait. You don't wanna
fight crime with me?
Look, you seem like a nice girl
and I'm always happy
to meet a fan, but...
I'm sorta doing my
own thing right now.
And also, you shouldn't
use crazy devices
to pull people out of
their worlds without,
you know, asking first.
It's really not cool.
Again... thought you were dead.
Never thought you'd lie
to all your fans, but...
I mean, it's whatever.
If you wanna go back,
- I'll send you back.
- I'd like that. Thank you.
[power up hum]
Also, I didn't lie about
not being dead, okay?
I faked it.
There's a big difference.
[woman] Help! I'm being crimed!
[man growls]
I used the RAD to zerp
you into my regular life
so that we could
fight crime together,
but that guy looks
exactly like Coach Cregg.
He's a character from
one of my fan fictions.
You gotta help her.
- Help! Hey, help!
- There's a mailman
and some high school
kids... they'll help her.
Mailmen are famously
nonviolent, and we both know
that high school kids
are lazy and shiftless.
- Hey, mailman, help!
- [Cregg laughing]
- Cool.
- You've gotta do it.
I gotta get back to Dystopia.
"A superhero always
answers the call."
[triumphant chords]
What... who are you?
Who talks like that?
You do.
After you defeated
the Beekeeper.
Oh. [laughs] I...
I remember now. Me and
Captain Man made a bet
to see who could come up
with the cheesiest line
in post-fight interviews.
"A superhero always
answers the call."
Oh, my God. Okay. You know
what? I'll take care of it.
- I'll take care of, uh...
- Coach Cregg.
I'll take care of Coach
Cregg, then you send me home.
Yes! Fighting with Kid Danger.
- The two of us living the dream.
- No, I'm gonna do this myself.
Wait, no, no, no, no, no.
You have to take me with you.
This is literally
my dream come true.
- You have any work experience?
- [scoffs] Dude, I'm 12.
- Superpowers?
- Uh, stealing stuff.
- Yeah, you should stay here.
- Wait, no, no.
You didn't see how many guards
I clowned to steal that thing.
It-it was impressive.
Look, I, uh, kinda just got out
of a crime-fighting relationship
so I really just wanna
work alone, all right?
- 'Scuse me.
- What... hey...
Plus, he's just some
roided-out gym teacher.
Probably won't even
use my superpower.
Ooh... oof... ooh!
Still don't want me to help?
- Nope. Just need my superpower.
- Okay, hear me out on this,
but I think we're in
one of my fan fictions.
- What makes you say that?
- I linked the RAD's
protocol systems to mine.
I might have logged
in as an administrator
- instead of a guest...
- You've been working out.
- And also there was a lot of...
- [whack, grunt]
lightning and also, also,
you're getting your butt kicked
by one of my
fictional characters?
And you don't have
your superpower.
Yeah, I didn't
quite follow that,
but it's probably from
the brain swelling
'cause the... you
know, the punching.
Brain swelling?
You think you're
pretty smart, huh?
No, no. I actually
think I'm pretty...
[both grunt]
I didn't know you
had a superpower,
so I never wrote it
into my fan fiction.
Oh, you didn't know about that?
- No.
- [Cregg] Now drop
and give me 20,000 push-ups,
Kid Ugly.
Now, that's just
taking it too far.
Two thousand, three
hundred and ninety-six.
Two thousand, three
hundred and ninety-seven.
Okay. Are you sure you
don't want me to help you?
Because there's another
monster in this fan fiction.
Uh, like an electric vampire.
- I...
- What's an electric vampire?
Uh, just you don't wanna know.
We just gotta get outta here.
[Kid Danger groans]
Okay, fine, you can help me,
but I seriously doubt you'll
be able to do anything.
- [boom]
- Whoo!
You distract 'em,
I lower the boom.
Am I the only one getting
perfect team vibes right now?
- I'm getting exhausted vibes...
- Oh.
And... possibly
broken rib vibes.
Okay, so maybe next
time I can distract 'em
- and you can lower the boom.
- No, no, no, no, no.
I wanna go home, all right?
I want my superpowers back.
I wanna go home.
- Okay.
- Just, uh...
- I'll send us back.
- Do the thing.
Is that my sister?
- Why are you dressed like that?
- Wanna get back to Dystopia?
- Leaving so soon, brother?
- Hit the button, hit the button!
[dance music plays]
Well, this isn't Dystopia.
Yeah. I think it's...
- What?
- Shimmers.
- Shimmers?
- Yeah.
Like the nightclub. Like
Frankini's nightclub
- in Swellview?
- I think so.
- [song ends]
- [crowd cheering]
[rhythmic snapping]
- [new song begins]
- I got something to tell ya
Can ya dig it
When life kicks you around
There's no need to
be stressed, yeah
When you're in it, just
gotta turn that frown
- Upside down...
- So, uh,
what was that back in Newtown?
Was that my sister?
Kind of?
Why was she all vampirey?
Welcome to my
secret to life
And it's not just
my impeccable style.
Smile, it doesn't
cost a thing to
Smile, it can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
We all dance all night
with pearly white lightning
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
Piper kicked me out of
the official Kid Danger
FakeBook fan group
because she posted a pic
and I said she "looked tired."
I got mad and I wrote a
story where Piper's a vampire
who kidnaps my sister. You
and I have to rescue her
before she turns the town
into blood-sucking monsters.
[Henry] You made Piper
a vampire in your story?
[Missy] Uh, yeah. She kicked me
out of the Kid Danger fan club.
Okay, well, turning
anger into art is cool...
- That's what my therapist says.
- But why did that thing
- send us here to Shimmers?
- [whistles]
How is my sister in Swellview?
- Smile...
- She's supposed to be
visiting me in Dystopia.
- [under breath] Oh, no.
- It can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
- What's wrong with the RAD?
- Oh, nothing.
You're hiding something.
No, I'm just gonna look.
- I'll take a look.
- Go dance with Frankie...
Okay, uh, what do we got here?
It says, uh, "Story
Mode... Locked."
What does "Story
Mode... Locked" mean?
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
[cheers and applause]
[scoffs] It could mean anything.
Could it possibly mean that
it's locked... in story mode?
How do we unlock it?
I don't know, dude. I
didn't build this thing.
I just stole it.
You know, let me try something.
I'm pretty sure it will work.
[Henry] Okay.
- Unlock, you stupid RAD!
- [rapid beeping]
No, no, no, no!
[new pop song plays]
This isn't the real
Shimmers, is it?
Is it?
Uh... ha.
- Where are we?
- Well, remember how I told you
that all my fan fictions
got mixed into the RAD?
Well, something must
have happened to it
during your little
fight with Coach Cregg.
So now the screen won't
unlock, and we might be, like,
trapped in my stories.
Uh, good news. This
story's a banger.
Wrote it 'cause I felt bad
for always being
better than Gemma.
At what?
Ha. At everything. She
lives in my shadow.
But in this story
you're not a superhero.
You're just a sidekick.
To Captain Man. Yeah.
Where is he? Maybe-maybe
we can find him.
- Maybe he can get us outta here.
- N-no. No.
I never wrote Captain Man
into any of my stories.
- It was always just you and me.
- Oh, so just you and me.
Or, occasionally,
you and someone else.
[mouth full] Oh,
such a fun twist.
Who am I sidekick to?
[dramatic musical sting]
Look, everyone. It's
Captain 'Stache!
Oh, my God, it's
Captain 'Stache!
[cheers and applause]
[music, cheering stops]
If you wanna get
this party started,
you simply...
[cheers and applause]
You made me sidekick
to Jasper?
I flipped the script
and I wrote a story
where you're the sidekick and
your best friend is the hero.
Oh, that's-that's really nice.
Stand back, party people.
Oh, my God, he can fly.
- Well, yeah, flying's cool.
- I know it's cool.
It's the coolest superpower.
Why do you think I'm always
jumping in from rooftops?
So the enemy thinks I can...
I gotta get outta here... I'm
going home, back to Dystopia.
- No, I don't think I can fix...
- Wait. Wait. You're not smiling.
Why is that?
it's 'cause I'm upset.
- No worries. I got you.
- What? No...
- Frankini!
- No, no, I'm good...
My brother needs some
gas in his goose.
- Clearly.
- Can we get a table,
some tacos, and a slow jam?
- I think I'm gonna go.
- How can I say no
to that beautiful face?
Whoo! Oh, yeah! Captain 'Stache.
- Um...
- Tables!
- Look out!
- You know what, I'm, uh,
- I got a thing.
- Tacos!
- [Piper gasps]
- Those look good, but I just...
- I-I just...
- And...
- I just ate.
- A slow jam.
[Frankini] I approve!
Ooh ooh ooh...
Little guy always feels
better after he eats.
Why are you talking
to me like I'm a baby?
I'm not a baby,
okay? I'm a grownup.
And I got grownup problems,
and eating this taco isn't
gonna make me feel better.
Oh, my God, I feel
so much better.
Make room for Captain 'Stache.
Oh, my God, I feel
so much worse.
Out of all your universes,
that thing had to send us here?
- I mean...
- W-what does he mean,
"your universes"?
What's the doohickey
on the table?
- You... mm...
- You wanna tell him?
[clears throat]
So... I kinda
wrote these stories
where Henry and I
fight crime together.
[dramatic music plays]
And now we're stuck
in my fan fiction.
And I really wanna
get back to Dystopia.
we're just figments of-of
this girl's imagination?
Am I the only one having an
existential crisis right now?
So you're saying
there's another reality
where I don't have a mustache?
Anyway, while you were talking,
I got an idea.
We're in Swellview, right?
I mean... kind of.
- Indeed.
- Okay.
So there's gotta
be a Schwoz here.
Schwoz can fix anything.
So all we gotta do
is find Schwoz, he
can fix the RAD,
and we can get back
to our realities
and you can write
whatever stories you want.
What is a Schwoz?
He's the science genius
who lives in the Man Cave.
You mean the 'Stache House.
Whatever. Point is,
he can fix anything.
Okay? So...
Where is he?
I-I-I've never
heard of a Schwoz.
- Me neither.
- Yeah, I never found out
about anyone named Schwoz.
Cute name, but I'd never put
him into any of my stories.
Okay. Now I'm having
an existential crisis.
- Thanks.
- [Missy] Okay, hang on, though.
I didn't write about every
single person at this party,
but there's tons of people here.
Yeah. Yeah.
Well, I'll bet the RAD changes
whatever I changed in my stories
and then fills in the rest
of the blanks with reality.
So... wait.
You're saying that
there's gotta be a Schwoz
somewhere in this universe?
Might be.
[all] Schwoz!
[man] Yo!
[man] Yo!
- Schwoz!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Get off of me!
- How do you know my name?
- 'Cause in another universe,
you're one of my best
friends. Oh, my God!
- I can't believe I found you.
- All right.
Look, pal, get offa me.
I don't know who you are,
but in this universe I'm
a plate scraper, so...
- get outta here.
- Uh...
Listen. I need your help.
If I keep talking to
you, I'm gonna get fired,
and my probation officer's
gonna throw me back in jail.
You went to jail?
Yeah. I stole a
little plutonium.
That stupid mustache guy
and his sidekick caught me.
Uh... oh, yeah, those-
those guys are turds.
Look, what's a plate scraper
like you stealing plutonium for?
'Cause plate scraper ain't
all I can do in this world
- all right?
- Okay.
Maybe I'm not so stupid like
my teachers thought, okay?
Maybe I can build a more
fuel-efficient nuclear reactor
in my cousin's basement
than any of your fancy
Ivy League scientists!
Even in Missy's fan fiction,
you're still one of the
smartest people ever, Schwoz.
Yeah. Schwozdang right, I am.
[Frankini] Uh, language!
Sorry, Frankini.
Listen, um,
I, uh,
I need you to take
a look at a device.
What kind of device?
[suspenseful music plays]
Aren't you the guy I
captured stealing plutonium?
You wanna go for round
two, bud, this time
- without your sidekick?
- Ah, no, no, no, no.
It's cool, Captain 'Stache.
He said that the guy
who stole the plutonium
was just his, uh,
his twin brother.
Ah. My apologies,
law-abiding citizen.
All right, can you fix this?
I gotta get back to Dystopia.
[shrill whirring]
No. I forgot Coach Cregg
shows up at this one.
I demand to know who
made that piercing sound
which was so off-key.
I did.
Now, drop
and give me 900 push-ups!
Yes. It seems we have
an unwelcome guest
who I... mus-tache to leave.
You had to make him fly.
Just... go help Captain 'Stache.
Uh, no. We got
RAD. We got Schwoz.
We're going home.
I think he'll, uh,
handle it on his own.
- He's got it.
- ['Stache] I require assistance.
- Has anybody seen my sidekick?
- Yeah, okay.
You better change
into your uniform.
[fighting continues
in background]
- Here.
- What? What's this?
Oh. It's how you change
into your uniform.
I figured in real life you
had a cool way to transform,
but in my stories,
you chug a can of soda
- and boom... sidekick.
- [Cregg] Yeah! [object shatters]
That's actually pretty
close to how we, uh...
Celery Soda? What...
- Yeah.
- W-what is Celery Soda?
Uh, soda that
tastes like celery?
Oh, no.
Okay, it's just cheap and
my mom buys a lot of it.
Now, go. Captain
'Stache needs help.
- I, uh...
- [chanting] Go, go!
- Go, go!
- Don't do that. Don't do it.
Okay, you want me to do it?
- All right, I'll do it!
- Go, go, go, go!
I'll do it! But you gotta
say it a whole lot louder!
[all] Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go!
Do you hate me? Is
that what it is?
No. You're Lord Lolli,
Captain 'Stache's
wealthy, loyal sidekick.
This is how rich people
used to dress their kids.
- Uh, I wanna go home.
- Well, you can't forget about
your secret weapon,
the Lolli Smacker.
- Uh, no.
- You kinda have to... I know.
- Thank you. I'm gonna go.
- You're his sidekick.
- It's a hard pass for me.
- You gotta go help him.
- It's gonna be... a no.
- [commotion]
- Do you hear that?
- He's doing all right.
- He's getting hurt.
- No, he's... he's fine.
"A superhero always
answers a call."
Ah! Fine.
- [Captain 'Stache] Lord Lolli!
- Hate it when people
use my words against me.
Time to shave your 'stache!
It may not be Christmas, but...
I'm about to deck your
face with boughs of lolli.
[crowd] Ooh!
This, uh, this doesn't
have any superpowers?
That would have
been a good idea.
Just a-just a regular lollipop?
Well, I wrote this
when I was five.
[Coach Cregg growls]
["I Want Candy" by the
Strangeloves plays]
Oh, good.
I want candy
I want candy
[crowd] Ooh!
[Cregg] Aah!
I want candy
I want candy
I want candy
- Yeah!
- Hey
You like that? Yeah!
- Hey - Yeah!
[Captain 'Stache] Who
wants a high five? Yeah!
You? You do?
Perfect distraction
technique, Lord Lolli.
How do I get out of this thing?
And don't tell me I gotta
drink more Celery Soda.
There should be another
can in your tights.
Yeah. I'm not doing that.
Uh. I'm learning a lot from you.
- What's this?
- A gold star.
Uh... I still have questions.
[both chuckle]
Well, in this story,
you have a hard time constantly
living in Jasper's shadow.
So I started giving you
gold stars after missions.
You know, just to let you know
that someone appreciates you.
[quiet music plays]
That's weird.
What's weird?
back in reality...
real reality... [deep breath]
Jasper's always
living in my shadow.
Mm. Does anyone give
Jasper gold stars?
- Nope.
- [door opens]
[Schwoz] Yo! I think I got
this thing figured out.
All right.
Okay. So,
basically, the only
data that was on here
when it got all busted
was this chick's stories
which essentially
turned it into a...
closed system.
So now you can only jump
from story to story.
- Can you fix it?
- Let me ask you.
Did there used to be like a
crystal or something there?
[singsong] It's... showtime!
No hiding in the kitchen
during my next song.
- Everybody out.
- [Henry] Can you just...
- Just give us a minute, okay?
- I don't have a minute.
Look, we need to fix this thing.
You can fix it when I'm done.
We need to fix it now.
I will not be upstaged by
some boring little boom box.
- I'm not upstaging you.
- Just give it to me.
- Let go of the RAD.
- I hate it, and I wanna
- throw it away.
- No, no, no, no!
So we can fly
Up, up and away
- In my beautiful...
- What is happening?
I made us cartoon
characters for this story.
I wrote it right after
I had dental surgery.
Yeah, I hadn't recovered
from the medicine yet.
Frankini's in this one.
Oh! I don't wanna be a cow.
Hit the button.
So, we back in Newtown?
- Uh, I think so.
- Yeah.
Aw, why'd the thing
bring him here too?
'Cause I'm fabulous, and
even the machine knows it.
'Cause it takes
whoever's touching it
and whoever they're touching
and whoever they're touching
- and whoever they're touching.
- What...
is this awful place?
Oh. This is Newtown.
Uh, that's actually my house.
Ah. And it's...
But what happened to
my fabulous party?
I told you not to
hit the button.
Actually, we just said no a lot.
Well, someone hit it again.
I wanna go back to my party.
Schwoz was about to tell
us how to fix the RAD...
- Let's go back. Just go.
- No. No.
- I don't think...
- Just push the button.
- Just hit the button.
- The one in the front.
I can't... Just listen to me!
I think when you hit the button,
it just picks one of
my stories at random
and sends you there.
We can't guarantee it'll
send us back to your party.
- It can't be worse than here.
- Really?
Because one time I wrote a story
where Kid Danger and I fight
sharks in the Arctic Ocean.
I wrote another
about an awful place
called The Gray
Zone. You'd hate it.
Honey, I was born in...
No. She said The Gray Zone.
Oh. Yes, well, that
does sound awful.
Listen here, missy...
- Wait. How do you know her name?
- I don't know her name.
I was being condescending
and disrespectful.
Now, I have no idea what the
two of you are talking about...
Schwoozes and sharks
and stories...
- I can-I can explain.
- And I don't care to know.
I'm off to find better lighting.
You two...
find a way to get
me back to my party.
But not too soon.
I want them to miss me.
I would also like to
get back, find Schwoz,
- and get back to Dystopia.
- We've got bigger problems.
[dramatic music plays]
Come on, I just beat
that guy. How is he back?
Actually, he's in a lot of
my stories... like this one
where your vampire sister
is gonna go into my house
and kidnap my sister.
- Let me talk to her.
- Uh-uh...
Hey! Piper.
What's going on?
It's me, your big bro?
Why... why you looking
at me like that?
Slay. The house. Down.
Go, go, go.
You are a whole vibe.
It's giving...
evil vampire realness.
It's giving undead
majestic queen.
It's giving hot girl vamp power!
Honey, you can drink
my blood anytime.
Don't look.
- [hisses]
- Ow!
I didn't actually mean that!
[dark music plays]
[singsong] Oh, kiddies.
Care to join Bite Club?
It's... to die for. [hissing]
- This is not good.
- At least Frankini's not whining
- about his party anymore.
- That's what I mean.
She twisted his mind.
Now all he cares about
is turning other
people into vampires.
[Vampiper] Henry...
Don't you want to
fang out with us?
Come out, come out, we're...
bloody fantastic.
See? If they bite us,
we'll turn into vampires.
Our minds will change, and
we'll never wanna go back
to the real world ever again.
We'll be stuck in
this reality forever.
This is bad.
Just need a second to think...
[shrill scream]
Don't worry. I locked the door.
- [thud]
- [grunts]
Okay, now you should worry.
Where does that
contraption take you?
- [Missy] Other worlds, kinda.
- Nowhere.
Don't tell them that.
Other worlds...
- to conquer?
- You'd hate 'em.
You should probably stay here
and not turn anybody else
into vampires.
- Give.
- Uh...
I want that.
Oh, that was close.
- [beeping]
- So...
where are we?
[Piper] Uh, I don't know yet.
Well, at least we're safe.
Henry, look out! Oh...
Oh ha ha. Mother goose.
The Mounties are back,
and they got weapons.
Let's keep close
to the barricades.
- "The Mounties"?
- Oh, God.
It's The Syrup Wars.
Why can't you write one
where we chill on the couch?
Because The Couch
Wars would be boring.
Not to me.
[intense music plays]
- Just walk away, eh?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Just walk away, and we will
give you safe passage, eh?
Just walk away and
we'll let you live.
Just walk away and leave
your liquid gold behind.
- Ah, ah... s'il vous plat.
- Yeah. Please.
Liquid gold?
Maple syrup.
In this story, a nuclear war
has scorched the entire planet.
The people left behind scrape
out a brutal existence,
scavenging for the leftovers
of human civilization.
That right there is the last bit
of maple syrup left on Earth.
We got it. The Canadian
Mounties want it.
Are any of your fan
fictions not totally weird?
- [indistinct chatter]
- No.
Shut your syrupy mouth now!
Ah ha ha!
- We're very sorry about that.
- Yeah, we're very sorry, eh?
Yeah. We apologize for
our use of violence,
but us Mounties, we need syrup!
Don't Mounties need horses?
They all took off during the
war 'cause you ran outta syrup.
We got plenty of fresh
flapjacks out here,
but we can't eat 'em
without syrup, eh?
Just eat 'em dry.
[all] You eat them dry!
No, you eat 'em dry.
That's so rude. Wanna
see what happens...
- You're rude!
- When I do that?
We don't have any
syrup, eh? Wah!
- Yeah! He doesn't like it!
- [snarling]
It's so dry, yeah?
Crumble 'em in
your mouth and cry
- like a bunch of babies.
- [all] You eat 'em dry!
- No, you eat 'em dry.
- Let's just give them the syrup.
Then we can find Schwoz.
He can fix the RAD,
and we can get back to reality.
Because in this story, we're
waiting for "the Big Guy"
to come with the truck that can
haul the syrup to California.
We'll eat flapjacks
with syrup for a week
before the Earth
crashes into the sun.
I'm seriously worried about you.
I'm in a much better place now.
All right, we're outta weapons
and food, and those Mounties
aren't going away without
a fight. You guys in?
- [whistling sound]
- Watch out, Henry.
'Scuse me.
Son of a bus driver!
- I'm in.
- Yep.
- Aw. You guys are good friends.
- Yeah, well,
we're actually not that
good of friends in Dystopia,
but I'm not gonna leave him
to the syrup-crazed Mounties.
What's Dystopia? What do
you mean we're not friends?
What's that thing on your
arm? And what do you mean,
we're not friends?
Okay. This is gonna sound crazy.
So if there is a
Schwoz in this world,
and if we can find him,
then maybe he can help us
fix our RAD and get me and
Henry back to where we belong.
So, in this other world,
there's probably a
pretty good reason
why we're not friends
anymore, right?
Like, I-I probably did
something terrible, right?
I kinda just...
got busy.
You got busy?
- And famous.
- [whooshing sound]
Ow. Oof.
Not really any of my business,
but all he seems to do
is save your life
over and over again,
but you're just too busy and
famous to be friends with him?
Relax, okay? He hasn't saved my
life as much back in Dystopia.
Whatever, all right?
You guys can go and
find this Schwoz guy.
Get your thing fixed,
and I'll fight the
Mounties by myself.
[Henry] No.
We stand here... and we fight.
[stirring music plays]
[whooshing sound]
[tensely] Sounds good. [groans]
So what's the plan?
How do we keep them out
until the Big Guy shows up?
Maybe we don't keep them out.
Maybe we let them in.
Let them in?
Okay. You're either
gonna love this plan
or think it's really dumb.
- Oh, yeah, flip her, bud.
- I like mine medium-rare, eh?
Oh, yeah.
[metallic clanking, screeching]
- It's a little burnt, eh?
- It's called well-done.
Oh, yeah.
It's opening.
Oh, yeah, it's opening! Steeds!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
[speaking French]
Dismount, eh?
[tense music plays]
["Hit Me With Your Best
Shot" by Pat Benatar plays]
[shrill neighing sound]
Well, you're a
real tough cookie
With a long history
Of breaking little
hearts like the one in me
That's okay, let's
see how you're doin'
Put up your dukes
Let's get down to it
- Hit me with your best shot
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Hit me with your best shot
Hit me with your best shot
Oh! [muttering in French]
Right in the hockey pucks.
Distraction technique!
[song ends]
- Dude, did you see his face?
- I saw... I saw it.
- Come on, man. Come on!
- Just... whoo!
That's what I'm talking
about. That's what we do!
- Let's go!
- You want me to let them out
- so you can do it again?
- [both] No.
We finally got syrup!
Don't let it get to waste.
Oh, that's good. Oh, yeah.
Where's that flapjack?
You know, Missy had a good plan.
Yeah. She's got potential.
[both chuckle]
Hey, Missy.
You keep saying
distraction technique,
but you're using it wrong.
Distraction technique is
when you make the bad guys
think that they're
getting what they want
but, really, you're
getting what you want.
Oh, got it. Thanks, boss.
Not your boss.
Okay, boss.
You know, I haven't seen you
this happy in a long time.
I just got here.
Yeah. That's a fair point.
- [both laugh]
- [truck horn honks]
Big Guy's here.
- [bones crack]
- Ooh!
[Cockney accent] Never
mind the box o' toys.
Me sad and sorry 'ere is
still a lad in the plaid.
Aw, it's good to see you.
Deadline crews:
your squeaky clean
is in the pink.
But have a butcher's 'ere.
Some sticky finger skeeved
off with the crown jewels.
Neo-Dymium. Coals
and cokes, innit?
Story mode is in the tower.
Definite article? Odds and ends?
Zed bruvs, fishnets.
[Jasper] Leather.
Oh, you-you-you understand him?
The machine works fine,
just someone stole
the Neo-Dymium crystal,
and now it's locked
in story mode.
Hey, your vampire queen sister
is wearing it as a necklace.
[Henry] She must have stolen it
the first time she showed up.
Which is why this has been
locked in story mode ever since.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
[Missy] No, it's not.
This whole thing is my fault.
I wrote the stupid stories.
I stole the RAD.
I yanked you out of your
real life. I just...
Hey, your stories aren't stupid.
The animated one is.
Okay, yeah. I don't
love the animated one.
you weren't trying
to mess my life up.
You were doing what you
thought you needed to do
to protect your town.
I know what that feels like.
[exhales sharply]
If I get you that crystal,
can you fix it?
You lot nick the
pig from the stick,
these 'ands make pots and
pans, and Bob's your uncle.
A new day's a-dawnin'.
If we steal the crystal
back, he thinks maybe he can
reset the system and
everything should go back
to the way it was.
Even better...
we don't all have to touch
it to go back to our worlds.
Okay, here's the plan.
We get Schwoz back to Newtown.
We get that crystal
from my vampire sister.
Schwoz repairs the RAD,
and I get back to
Dystopia where I belong.
The three of us
against Coach Cregg,
Vampiper, and Fangtini?
I don't like our chances.
I was hoping it'd
be the four of us.
But if my sister bites you...
Yeah, we'll turn to vampires.
We have the myth
in this world too.
Yeah, but these
vampires are real.
They change your
body and your mind.
[Henry] You'll do whatever
she wants you to do.
You won't make it
back to your reality.
It's not just that. If
Vampiper takes us down,
she could get control of
the RAD, make Schwoz fix it,
and go through every single
one of my fan fictions.
Creating an army of vampires.
And use them to
assault the real world.
I'd fight to the end of
the world with you, Henry.
See? He's amazing.
Okay, can we please
just fix this
and get back to reality?
[power-up humming]
Oh hecks, yeah.
This sword's on board.
- I'd go to the end of the...
- We know.
- I'd fight an army...
- We know.
We all know.
Okay. Let's hope this works.
["Up, Up and Away" by The
Fifth Dimension continues]
Up, up and away
In my beautiful...
Oh, groovy, baby!
- Balloon...
- Missy, hit the button.
Are we riding a cow?
It's a unicow.
Ah. That makes more sense.
It really doesn't. Now,
please hit the button.
Ha. Whoa, I haven't
seen that in a while.
Ha. Yeah, it's been a minute.
looks good.
Feels good.
[Schwoz] Uh, just asking to ask.
They are the ones we
have to fight, yes?
Those are the bad guys, yes.
And they live by
consuming the guts
of small, plastic
versions of Henry.
I think he's doing
that to be disturbing.
It's working.
[electric sizzling]
[Vampiper] Let the girl inside.
What about the rest?
End them.
Or invite them to the party.
[thunder rumbling]
- No, Gemma!
- No, no, no, no, no.
It's what they want.
All right, guys.
What's the game plan?
Missy, Schwoz, you
protect the RAD.
Jasper and I'll get the crystal.
- Wait, I wanna come with you.
- No, we got this handled.
- [shrill whirring]
- [all moaning]
[suspenseful music plays]
- Where's Missy?
- Inside. Go. I got this.
You sure?
Oh, yeah.
- [hissing]
- [growing]
It's me.
- I told you to stay outside.
- I know, but...
- I don't want you getting hurt.
- Neither do I.
- Where's your little sister?
- I don't know...
[Vampiper] Upstairs.
- Missy-no!
- Ah!
Missed me.
[grunts, groans]
Ah, geez.
Ooh... ooh...
ooh... oof...
A lotta walls, Missy.
Ooh... oof...
Earplugs, jerk.
Sucks to suck.
Where's the RAD?
[thudding approaches]
Did that... hurt?
Now, you listen to me.
- No!
- [Missy] Aah!
Why would you do that?
Distraction technique.
You can go home now.
- [bats squealing]
- Get ready!
[Vampiper] No!
- [hisses]
- Ooh.
How much time do
you need, Schwoz?
I don't know. How much
time can you give me?
[Kid Danger] Missy, no!
- Missy, stop!
- [snarling, hissing]
Move, Schwoz!
[Schwoz] Bye!
[bass thrumming]
Missy, it's me!
Meet my vampire army.
And this is just the
beginning, brother.
Almost there!
[Schwoz] Almost... almost.
It's taking so long.
Trust in God, I do.
[Missy] Oh... oh!
What the...
I'm telling Mom.
This hurts.
I get it. Fine.
I was never here.
Oh, my God.
What... [huffs]
Ah. [exhales]
Clear for talent!
Clear for talent,
clear for talent.
I'm here!
Play the music.
Welcome to my
secret to life
And it's not
mysteriously disappearing
so that everyone misses you.
But that helps. Ding! Smile
[static buzzes]
[buzzing, static]
Good news. I'm back.
Is that supposed to
make me feel better?
You're a good friend.
And, uh, I didn't see it.
I see it now.
What's going on?
I gotta leave Dystopia, man.
It's not the place for
me. And I can do that now.
'Cause you're here.
You're ready.
Well, it's gonna be a
little weird without you.
Well, I'm not gone yet.
[heavy music plays]
We still got one more
thing to take care of.
[crowd commotion]
Back for more?
[British voice] Ironically,
I'm about to black out.
[Henry] Keep it.
Great work out there.
So, can I get a picture?
[Jasper] Sure.
- Awesome.
- Oh!
[Jones] Smile...
[both laugh]
It looks like you and I'll be
working pretty closely together.
I... guess we will be.
Shall we?
- Now can we please see a show?
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Let's go see a show.
- Yes.
I, uh...
gotta go say hi to my fans.
[cheers and applause]
Hey, guys. Nice to meet you.
Yeah, thank you. Thank
you. All part of the job.
[narrator] Well, because
Jasper was getting the love
- he deserved...
- [Piper] How 'bout you?
You down for a show?
Dystopia didn't
need Henry anymore.
Oh, and, um, glad you're
not an electric vampire.
[narrator] Henry knew
where he was needed now,
because a superhero
always answers the call.
[Missy] So I don't
know if you check
your old Kid Danger email
or how to contact
you in Dystopia,
but if you ever get this,
I just want you to know
that I hope you made things
right with Jasper and...
- It's ours.
- Again? Seriously?
[Henry] Actually...
It's hers.
Let's get outta here!
Are you friends
with Jasper again?
[clears throat]
You must be the famous Missy.
- [breathless laugh]
- You promise to take care
of this knucklehead
while I'm in Dystopia?
Okay. Who wants to
see the new hideout?
I understand we've met before?
Couple times.
So, ready to fight some crime?
Uh, yeah, I am! Whoo!
Let's go see the hideout!
Yeah. I don't know
where I'm going.
Just someone tell me
where to go, and, uh...
Wait. Why are you
getting on the bench?
Remember in Shimmers when
I got a little bit upset
that Jasper could fly?
You weren't upset.
You were jealous.
He's still jealous. Little bit.
I mighta been a
little bit jealous.
not anymore.
Buckle up, kiddo.
[triumphant music swells]
Uh, guys? We have to go
back. I forgot my computer.
Is now a terrible
time to mention
that I have a trig
midterm tomorrow?
Hey, you wanted
to be a sidekick.
[man yelling]
[continues yelling]
[breathing hard]
Oh, my God.
[epic music plays]
Captain Man.
Hey, kid.
Been a while.
Hi. Ha.
I need your help.
[intense music plays]
[rhythmic snapping]
- I got somethin' to tell
ya - [cheers and applause]
Can ya dig it?
When life kicks you around
There's no need to
be stressed, yeah
When you're in it
Just gotta turn that
frown upside down
Now, come on, join
in and yes, I insist
'Cause it's a face lift
that anyone can buy
And a face lift
is like ten grand
And that's on
the lower side
Welcome to my secret
To life
And it's not just
my impeccable style.
Smile, it doesn't
cost a thing to
Smile, it can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
We all dance all night
with pearly white lightning
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
Isn't smiling infectious?
It's the beginning of love
When you walk
by a cute guy
With a stink eye
What's your name, guy?
Everyone tell Kyle to smile
[all] Smile, Kyle!
Welcome to my
secret to life
You can tone it down now, Kyle.
Smile, it doesn't
cost a thing to
Smile, it can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
We all dance all night
with pearly white lightning
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
When he tells you
he loves you, smile
And when he tells
you he doesn't, smile
When they tell
you you're great
But they hire
their cousin, smile
What day is it,
Sunday? Smile
If you lose it
on Monday, smile
You can do more
at school, smile
If you had chili for lunch
and your tummy goes boom
And you're looking around and
you can't find the bathroom
Smile, it doesn't
cost a thing to
Smile, it can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
We all dance all night
with pearly white lightning
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
Smile, it doesn't
cost a thing to
Smile, it can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
We all dance all night
with pearly white lightning
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
[cheers and applause]
[exciting music plays]
[electronic whirring]
[power up whine]
[suspenseful music plays]
[rhythmic bass thrumming]
[exciting music plays]
[bass thrumming continues]
[clattering, thudding]
- [alarm blaring]
- Attention, personnel.
- Breach in restricted area.
- [guards] Breach, breach!
- [guards yelling]
- Down there.
- [yelling]
- Cutting him off.
[woman] What... hey!
[guard] Gimme the device. Now!
[narrator] It all
just kind of happened.
A boy needed a job.
And a hero needed a sidekick.
So that boy became a kid,
and that kid became Danger.
But this is not that kid.
- [guards yelling]
- Also not that boy.
And this is a device
that can alter reality,
even bring back the dead,
like this guy, Henry Hart.
I mean, what would you
do if you needed help
and the only one who
could help you was gone?
[electric crackle]
[intense dramatic music plays]
Okay, back to our boy Henry.
He became Kid Danger,
sidekick to Swellview's
indestructible hero
Captain Man,
whose real name
was Ray Manchester.
Now, if all of this seems
highly irresponsible,
well, that's because it was.
But Henry loved that job.
Being Kid Danger was
everything to him.
Henry and Ray kept their
real identities a secret
and kept Swellview safe.
But they had help along the way.
They met a bizarre
genius named Schwoz.
Henry's best friends,
Jasper and Charlotte,
came along for the ride.
Even Henry's little sister Piper
got in on the act.
But Jasper, he wanted more.
He found an audiobook that
taught him how to fight
while he sleeps.
- [recording speaking Spanish]
- And also speak Spanish.
Henry wanted more too.
He wanted out of Swellview.
Luckily, a radioactive
cannon blew up in his face.
Yes, luckily, because
when he was ready
to sacrifice himself by
driving a blimp with a bomb
- into the side of a mountain...
- [crowd screams]
he found he could generate
a protective forcefield
whenever he wanted.
[power humming]
He saved all of Swellview.
- [caw]
- And that bird.
[crowd screaming, exclaiming]
Yeah, everyone thought
Kid Danger died
and Henry let them,
because he was ready to
be his own superhero,
instead of someone
else's sidekick.
[dramatic chord]
- [bell tolls]
- [seabirds calling]
Now, Henry and Jasper live here,
fighting crime as a team.
They're older,
they're better at
using their powers,
and they're famous.
Maybe a little too famous.
Kid Danger may have died,
but Henry Hart didn't.
Henry's not dead.
He'll be here soon.
- Trust me.
- Uh-huh.
Detective Jones.
Would I lie to one
of Dystopia's finest?
Fair point.
So where is he?
He's... busy with something.
Look, I know Henry has his
personal forcefield and all,
but I am literally the
best person in the world
at sleep fighting
while speaking Spanish.
Which, by the way, means
that if our friend shows up
and Henry is not here,
I'll take care of it.
[woman] "Our friend"?
Since when does Jasper
Dunlop have friends?
Piper? What are you
doing in Dystopia?
Schwoz? What... no... I...
- [laughing] Jasper!
- Schwoz?
[Piper] What do you have on,
some kind of duster situation?
- It's not a duster. A coat.
- You look like a space cowboy.
I'm not a cowboy.
I'm a superhero.
- Nice to see you.
- It's good to see you.
Welcome to Dystopia,
but please leave.
B-b-but we came all
the way from Swellview.
Yeah. I'm on spring break.
Decided to surprise my
brother and his best friend.
And then I remembered that
Charlotte's actually at Harvard,
so, like Henry,
we're stuck with you.
All right.
[laughs] Oh, my
God! I'm kidding.
- What's your deal?
- Yeah. You were Mr. Cool
with the cute cop over there.
That's 'cause I was
flirting with her.
Oh... that was not flirting.
- Lemme help you out.
- What?
- Hey, yo, Detective Good Hair.
- Okay. All right.
- My guy is into you.
- [Jason] That's enough.
What do you say?
- Thumbs up or thumbs down?
- Or down?
[Jasper] I'm sorry.
Lost tourists.
You are little bit
out of his league.
- No, I'm in a league... of sorts.
- A little.
All right, guys, guys, guys.
Now is just not a
good time, okay?
What, are you and
Henry on a mission?
Yeah. I heard you are the
hottest crime fighters
- in Dystopia right now.
- I heard Henry's your boss.
He's not my boss.
We're partners.
In fact, he's signing
an endorsement deal
- for us right now.
- Then why aren't you there?
- Yeah. Why aren't you there?
- Trust me, guys.
They didn't only
want to see Henry.
[crowd chanting, cheering]
Henry, Henry, Henry, Henry!
- So I'm kinda busy right now.
- Come on!
Don't work, don't
work. Not tonight!
Yeah, let's go get
Henry and go see a show.
Yes. That is a great idea.
Okay, I realize you two are kind
of in Tourist Mode right now.
- What do you mean?
- What's that supposed to mean?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
But a truck full of
plutonium-239's about to roll
down that street in five minutes
and something's
going to attack it.
- You mean someone.
- I mean something.
People here call it Blackout.
So this Blackout has
beef with you and Henry?
- It's got beef with plutonium.
- What?
Dystopia runs on nuclear power,
so it buys fuel rods
from other countries,
and that delivery truck's
gonna go right past us.
Blackout's plan? Destroy
the plutonium fuel rods.
Why does it want to
destroy the fuel rods?
No fuel, no power.
No power, no lights. Only...
Henry, how's it feel
to be the new spokesman
- for BizWatch?
- Henry, what's it like being
the hottest crime
fighter in Dystopia?
- [commotion]
- [man] Where'd the lights go?
- [woman] I'm scared of the dark.
- [man] Hold me, Henry!
- The power's out.
- Schwoz can fix it.
It's not a power problem.
You promised not to
work on vacation.
Mm. Fish got to swim.
Schwoz, he got to tinker.
[police siren whoops]
[intense music plays]
There is the city's fuel rods
that Blackout wants to steal.
[speaking Spanish]
Hey, don't you want
to call Henry first?
What the...
- [moaning]
- Come on.
[filtered voice] What's
wrong? Afraid of the dark?
Where's your boss?
- Is that...
- [singsong] I think it is.
[crowd cheering]
Buckle up for a beatdown,
you claw-handed freak.
So good to see you...
for the last time!
[both grunting]
[cheers and applause]
I appreciate it,
I appreciate it.
- Hello, hello, hello. Thank you.
- [Schwoz] Henry!
- Hey!
- Aw!
Good to see you.
Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
- I can't believe it.
- Listen, I had a thing.
- Took your sweet time.
- It went long. I'm here now.
- Oh, so it's not your fault.
I see you're yelling
at your sister.
Now... if you'll excuse me.
It's time for me to
take care of "bizness."
[leopard meows]
- W-what are you doing?
- Okay, that's weird.
- Part of the deal I just signed.
- Is there a camera somewhere?
- It felt cool to me, okay?
- Are we in a commercial now?
- Hard pass.
- "Felt cool." Did not look cool.
[crowd yelling, whooping]
How you doing?
Dude, watch your language.
There's kids around.
Well, I guess it's bizness time.
[meow meow]
Part of our deal with BizWatch
is I gotta say bizness
every 45 seconds
while fighting crime.
I think they're listening
to everything I say.
I think we gotta
say it in English,
but we'll figure that out later.
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
[suspenseful music plays]
Oh, you're going to
pay for this window...
with your life!
Your fame has made
you weak. [chuckles]
Try that again.
[Blackout snarls]
[groaning] Ah-ah!
- Think I just killed that thing.
- Pretty sure
you just launched it somewhere.
Launched him to a bizness
meeting... with death.
It is really hard to fit bizness
in every single sentence.
How'd the signing go? Did
you get a BizWatch for me?
Uh... no, no, I
did not, but, uh,
Yeah, I had to come
here. I'll get you one.
All right. Oh, wait.
How's our ad look?
- We look really cool?
- Uh, our ad.
Yeah, yeah, looked good.
Uh... yes.
That's the ad?
[Piper] Bro, you
are blurred out.
Jasper is just a ghosty
in the background.
I mean, that cat has
more focus than you.
- You saw this at the signing?
- Uh, yeah.
- I saw that there.
- And you didn't say anything?
I was gonna say something.
I had to come here.
[Jones] Hey, Jasper.
- Hey, Jonesy.
- Nice work out there.
- Uh...
- Can I get a picture?
Uh, absolutely. Yeah.
- Thank you. All right, come on.
- Let's do it.
- The ad in the background?
- Yeah, we gotta do it.
[whispering] That's not good.
- There you go.
- Awesome, thanks.
You guys look great together.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, no problem.
- Are you mad?
- No. Why would I be mad?
- Uh, he seems mad.
- He's mad.
It's not like... it's not
like I do half the work
and you get all the credit.
[laughs] What do you
want, a gold star?
Henry, everyone
thinks you're my boss.
I do have more
experience than you.
I'll see you at home.
Yeah, uh,
I'm moving out.
I was gonna tell you
this later but, um,
might as well just rip
the bandage off, um...
Yeah, I want my own place.
Why? You're never at
our place anyways.
Look, dude, we're not
kids anymore, okay?
I think it's best that
we have our own space.
Do our own thing.
Are we still a team?
Yo... [laughs]
you can come over
whenever you want.
- That's not a yes.
- Mm.
- [electronic warble]
- Ooh. That's the BizWatch guys.
They need me ASAP.
Have fun.
Jasper. Jasper.
Hey, uh...
Yo, I'll get you a watch.
Not cool, bro.
[ominous music plays]
- [sighs]
- [Blackout] Want some advice?
If it's decorating, then no.
[Blackout growls]
[Blackout] You
shouldn't work alone!
[birds twittering]
No. Five more minutes.
Ray, she's my mom.
I can't set you up.
Hmm. You look a lot
older in person.
Uh, what is this? Ha.
Am I-am I dead?
- Am I in heaven?
- [heavenly chorus]
Oh, my God, I'm in hell.
Oh. Naw, you're just in Newtown.
What? What's Newtown?
Why am I dressed
like this? What's...
What's on my face? Who are you?
I just brought you
back from the dead.
You're welcome.
What's all the noise?
- Get out of here, Gemma.
- Hey, how are you?
You don't know me,
and I don't know you,
but I need you to
get me home, okay?
I don't know where I am. I
don't know what's on my face!
Thank you. Get out
of here, Gemma.
- Is that Kid Danger?
- Don't tell Mom
or I'll tell her you play
video games all night.
And I'll tell Mom you
used her credit card
- to take a bus to Swellview.
- And I'll tell Mom
that you used her good
lipstick on the dog
for her Glamour Shots.
- You wouldn't dare.
- Uh, I just zerped Kid Danger
into our house.
You don't even know
what I'm capable of.
I know you're not capable
of keeping me quiet.
You know what? Just
don't tell Mom.
She's got like three jobs
and doesn't need this stress.
Fine. I was never here.
[dramatic music plays]
[door slams]
Oh! [laughs]
Uh, first of all, hello.
The handshake. Let's
keep it formal.
Missy Martin, Kid
Danger superfan.
And I've run so many
Kid Danger fan fictions.
- You're gonna love...
- How did I get here?
Oh! [giggles]
With this baby.
The Reality Altering Device.
Okay, what, uh, ha...
what does it do?
It uses color confinement
to pry open the space
between baryons, mesons...
who cares how it works?
I just brought Kid Danger
back from the dead!
What's the afterlife like?
Actually, don't tell me.
I wanna be surprised.
Oh, I wasn't dead.
[laughs] Uh, I-I'm sorry. What?
I said I wasn't dead.
Yes, you were. You died
in a fiery blimp accident
after you saved
all of Swellview.
Yeah. I did the whole...
saving Swellview thing.
I just... I didn't actually die.
I kinda, you know...
Well, I faked it.
Changed my last name
and disappeared.
Oh, shut up! You've been
alive this whole time?
I mean...[small laugh] yeah.
Do you have any idea
how traumatized we were
- by your death?
- Uh, well, I'm sorry.
I wanted to move
on with my life,
and protect my family.
Which is a lot easier if all
your enemies think you're dead.
Well, all your fans
thought you were dead too.
Yeah, well, good news.
[exhales] I'm still alive.
Did you have me
fighting a dinosaur?
- Oh, where have you been?
- Fighting crime in Dystopia.
No, wait, Dystopia?
That's amazing!
Wait. What the
gunch is Dystopia?
It's like an island
in the Pacific Ocean.
Oh, my gosh. Are Jasper
and Charlotte there too?
Wait. How do you know
about Jasper and Charlotte?
Well, I figured out
your secret identity.
[shrill shriek]
Uh... [clears throat]
how-how, uh... [laughs]
how do you... how
do you know that?
Your eye mask covered less
than a pair of sunglasses.
I'm honestly shocked
nobody else figured it out.
Yeah, well,
Swellview's not exactly
the smartest town in America.
What am I doing here?
I brought you here so that we
could fight crime together.
And, bro, there is so
much crime in Newtown.
You don't even know.
Most days, Gemma and I barely
make it home from school.
Go. Go, go, go.
[man] Hey.
Good thing we hid our
tablets under our shirts.
Dang it, Gemma.
[man] Come on.
- This is nice.
- The latest model. Yeah.
[distant police siren wailing]
Hello. None of you
could have helped us?
[man] That's why we
don't come down here.
But now you're here,
so time's up, creeps.
Kid Danger's in Newtown.
Yeah. I gotta get
back to Dystopia.
Wait. You don't wanna
fight crime with me?
Look, you seem like a nice girl
and I'm always happy
to meet a fan, but...
I'm sorta doing my
own thing right now.
And also, you shouldn't
use crazy devices
to pull people out of
their worlds without,
you know, asking first.
It's really not cool.
Again... thought you were dead.
Never thought you'd lie
to all your fans, but...
I mean, it's whatever.
If you wanna go back,
- I'll send you back.
- I'd like that. Thank you.
[power up hum]
Also, I didn't lie about
not being dead, okay?
I faked it.
There's a big difference.
[woman] Help! I'm being crimed!
[man growls]
I used the RAD to zerp
you into my regular life
so that we could
fight crime together,
but that guy looks
exactly like Coach Cregg.
He's a character from
one of my fan fictions.
You gotta help her.
- Help! Hey, help!
- There's a mailman
and some high school
kids... they'll help her.
Mailmen are famously
nonviolent, and we both know
that high school kids
are lazy and shiftless.
- Hey, mailman, help!
- [Cregg laughing]
- Cool.
- You've gotta do it.
I gotta get back to Dystopia.
"A superhero always
answers the call."
[triumphant chords]
What... who are you?
Who talks like that?
You do.
After you defeated
the Beekeeper.
Oh. [laughs] I...
I remember now. Me and
Captain Man made a bet
to see who could come up
with the cheesiest line
in post-fight interviews.
"A superhero always
answers the call."
Oh, my God. Okay. You know
what? I'll take care of it.
- I'll take care of, uh...
- Coach Cregg.
I'll take care of Coach
Cregg, then you send me home.
Yes! Fighting with Kid Danger.
- The two of us living the dream.
- No, I'm gonna do this myself.
Wait, no, no, no, no, no.
You have to take me with you.
This is literally
my dream come true.
- You have any work experience?
- [scoffs] Dude, I'm 12.
- Superpowers?
- Uh, stealing stuff.
- Yeah, you should stay here.
- Wait, no, no.
You didn't see how many guards
I clowned to steal that thing.
It-it was impressive.
Look, I, uh, kinda just got out
of a crime-fighting relationship
so I really just wanna
work alone, all right?
- 'Scuse me.
- What... hey...
Plus, he's just some
roided-out gym teacher.
Probably won't even
use my superpower.
Ooh... oof... ooh!
Still don't want me to help?
- Nope. Just need my superpower.
- Okay, hear me out on this,
but I think we're in
one of my fan fictions.
- What makes you say that?
- I linked the RAD's
protocol systems to mine.
I might have logged
in as an administrator
- instead of a guest...
- You've been working out.
- And also there was a lot of...
- [whack, grunt]
lightning and also, also,
you're getting your butt kicked
by one of my
fictional characters?
And you don't have
your superpower.
Yeah, I didn't
quite follow that,
but it's probably from
the brain swelling
'cause the... you
know, the punching.
Brain swelling?
You think you're
pretty smart, huh?
No, no. I actually
think I'm pretty...
[both grunt]
I didn't know you
had a superpower,
so I never wrote it
into my fan fiction.
Oh, you didn't know about that?
- No.
- [Cregg] Now drop
and give me 20,000 push-ups,
Kid Ugly.
Now, that's just
taking it too far.
Two thousand, three
hundred and ninety-six.
Two thousand, three
hundred and ninety-seven.
Okay. Are you sure you
don't want me to help you?
Because there's another
monster in this fan fiction.
Uh, like an electric vampire.
- I...
- What's an electric vampire?
Uh, just you don't wanna know.
We just gotta get outta here.
[Kid Danger groans]
Okay, fine, you can help me,
but I seriously doubt you'll
be able to do anything.
- [boom]
- Whoo!
You distract 'em,
I lower the boom.
Am I the only one getting
perfect team vibes right now?
- I'm getting exhausted vibes...
- Oh.
And... possibly
broken rib vibes.
Okay, so maybe next
time I can distract 'em
- and you can lower the boom.
- No, no, no, no, no.
I wanna go home, all right?
I want my superpowers back.
I wanna go home.
- Okay.
- Just, uh...
- I'll send us back.
- Do the thing.
Is that my sister?
- Why are you dressed like that?
- Wanna get back to Dystopia?
- Leaving so soon, brother?
- Hit the button, hit the button!
[dance music plays]
Well, this isn't Dystopia.
Yeah. I think it's...
- What?
- Shimmers.
- Shimmers?
- Yeah.
Like the nightclub. Like
Frankini's nightclub
- in Swellview?
- I think so.
- [song ends]
- [crowd cheering]
[rhythmic snapping]
- [new song begins]
- I got something to tell ya
Can ya dig it
When life kicks you around
There's no need to
be stressed, yeah
When you're in it, just
gotta turn that frown
- Upside down...
- So, uh,
what was that back in Newtown?
Was that my sister?
Kind of?
Why was she all vampirey?
Welcome to my
secret to life
And it's not just
my impeccable style.
Smile, it doesn't
cost a thing to
Smile, it can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
We all dance all night
with pearly white lightning
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
Piper kicked me out of
the official Kid Danger
FakeBook fan group
because she posted a pic
and I said she "looked tired."
I got mad and I wrote a
story where Piper's a vampire
who kidnaps my sister. You
and I have to rescue her
before she turns the town
into blood-sucking monsters.
[Henry] You made Piper
a vampire in your story?
[Missy] Uh, yeah. She kicked me
out of the Kid Danger fan club.
Okay, well, turning
anger into art is cool...
- That's what my therapist says.
- But why did that thing
- send us here to Shimmers?
- [whistles]
How is my sister in Swellview?
- Smile...
- She's supposed to be
visiting me in Dystopia.
- [under breath] Oh, no.
- It can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
- What's wrong with the RAD?
- Oh, nothing.
You're hiding something.
No, I'm just gonna look.
- I'll take a look.
- Go dance with Frankie...
Okay, uh, what do we got here?
It says, uh, "Story
Mode... Locked."
What does "Story
Mode... Locked" mean?
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
[cheers and applause]
[scoffs] It could mean anything.
Could it possibly mean that
it's locked... in story mode?
How do we unlock it?
I don't know, dude. I
didn't build this thing.
I just stole it.
You know, let me try something.
I'm pretty sure it will work.
[Henry] Okay.
- Unlock, you stupid RAD!
- [rapid beeping]
No, no, no, no!
[new pop song plays]
This isn't the real
Shimmers, is it?
Is it?
Uh... ha.
- Where are we?
- Well, remember how I told you
that all my fan fictions
got mixed into the RAD?
Well, something must
have happened to it
during your little
fight with Coach Cregg.
So now the screen won't
unlock, and we might be, like,
trapped in my stories.
Uh, good news. This
story's a banger.
Wrote it 'cause I felt bad
for always being
better than Gemma.
At what?
Ha. At everything. She
lives in my shadow.
But in this story
you're not a superhero.
You're just a sidekick.
To Captain Man. Yeah.
Where is he? Maybe-maybe
we can find him.
- Maybe he can get us outta here.
- N-no. No.
I never wrote Captain Man
into any of my stories.
- It was always just you and me.
- Oh, so just you and me.
Or, occasionally,
you and someone else.
[mouth full] Oh,
such a fun twist.
Who am I sidekick to?
[dramatic musical sting]
Look, everyone. It's
Captain 'Stache!
Oh, my God, it's
Captain 'Stache!
[cheers and applause]
[music, cheering stops]
If you wanna get
this party started,
you simply...
[cheers and applause]
You made me sidekick
to Jasper?
I flipped the script
and I wrote a story
where you're the sidekick and
your best friend is the hero.
Oh, that's-that's really nice.
Stand back, party people.
Oh, my God, he can fly.
- Well, yeah, flying's cool.
- I know it's cool.
It's the coolest superpower.
Why do you think I'm always
jumping in from rooftops?
So the enemy thinks I can...
I gotta get outta here... I'm
going home, back to Dystopia.
- No, I don't think I can fix...
- Wait. Wait. You're not smiling.
Why is that?
it's 'cause I'm upset.
- No worries. I got you.
- What? No...
- Frankini!
- No, no, I'm good...
My brother needs some
gas in his goose.
- Clearly.
- Can we get a table,
some tacos, and a slow jam?
- I think I'm gonna go.
- How can I say no
to that beautiful face?
Whoo! Oh, yeah! Captain 'Stache.
- Um...
- Tables!
- Look out!
- You know what, I'm, uh,
- I got a thing.
- Tacos!
- [Piper gasps]
- Those look good, but I just...
- I-I just...
- And...
- I just ate.
- A slow jam.
[Frankini] I approve!
Ooh ooh ooh...
Little guy always feels
better after he eats.
Why are you talking
to me like I'm a baby?
I'm not a baby,
okay? I'm a grownup.
And I got grownup problems,
and eating this taco isn't
gonna make me feel better.
Oh, my God, I feel
so much better.
Make room for Captain 'Stache.
Oh, my God, I feel
so much worse.
Out of all your universes,
that thing had to send us here?
- I mean...
- W-what does he mean,
"your universes"?
What's the doohickey
on the table?
- You... mm...
- You wanna tell him?
[clears throat]
So... I kinda
wrote these stories
where Henry and I
fight crime together.
[dramatic music plays]
And now we're stuck
in my fan fiction.
And I really wanna
get back to Dystopia.
we're just figments of-of
this girl's imagination?
Am I the only one having an
existential crisis right now?
So you're saying
there's another reality
where I don't have a mustache?
Anyway, while you were talking,
I got an idea.
We're in Swellview, right?
I mean... kind of.
- Indeed.
- Okay.
So there's gotta
be a Schwoz here.
Schwoz can fix anything.
So all we gotta do
is find Schwoz, he
can fix the RAD,
and we can get back
to our realities
and you can write
whatever stories you want.
What is a Schwoz?
He's the science genius
who lives in the Man Cave.
You mean the 'Stache House.
Whatever. Point is,
he can fix anything.
Okay? So...
Where is he?
I-I-I've never
heard of a Schwoz.
- Me neither.
- Yeah, I never found out
about anyone named Schwoz.
Cute name, but I'd never put
him into any of my stories.
Okay. Now I'm having
an existential crisis.
- Thanks.
- [Missy] Okay, hang on, though.
I didn't write about every
single person at this party,
but there's tons of people here.
Yeah. Yeah.
Well, I'll bet the RAD changes
whatever I changed in my stories
and then fills in the rest
of the blanks with reality.
So... wait.
You're saying that
there's gotta be a Schwoz
somewhere in this universe?
Might be.
[all] Schwoz!
[man] Yo!
[man] Yo!
- Schwoz!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Get off of me!
- How do you know my name?
- 'Cause in another universe,
you're one of my best
friends. Oh, my God!
- I can't believe I found you.
- All right.
Look, pal, get offa me.
I don't know who you are,
but in this universe I'm
a plate scraper, so...
- get outta here.
- Uh...
Listen. I need your help.
If I keep talking to
you, I'm gonna get fired,
and my probation officer's
gonna throw me back in jail.
You went to jail?
Yeah. I stole a
little plutonium.
That stupid mustache guy
and his sidekick caught me.
Uh... oh, yeah, those-
those guys are turds.
Look, what's a plate scraper
like you stealing plutonium for?
'Cause plate scraper ain't
all I can do in this world
- all right?
- Okay.
Maybe I'm not so stupid like
my teachers thought, okay?
Maybe I can build a more
fuel-efficient nuclear reactor
in my cousin's basement
than any of your fancy
Ivy League scientists!
Even in Missy's fan fiction,
you're still one of the
smartest people ever, Schwoz.
Yeah. Schwozdang right, I am.
[Frankini] Uh, language!
Sorry, Frankini.
Listen, um,
I, uh,
I need you to take
a look at a device.
What kind of device?
[suspenseful music plays]
Aren't you the guy I
captured stealing plutonium?
You wanna go for round
two, bud, this time
- without your sidekick?
- Ah, no, no, no, no.
It's cool, Captain 'Stache.
He said that the guy
who stole the plutonium
was just his, uh,
his twin brother.
Ah. My apologies,
law-abiding citizen.
All right, can you fix this?
I gotta get back to Dystopia.
[shrill whirring]
No. I forgot Coach Cregg
shows up at this one.
I demand to know who
made that piercing sound
which was so off-key.
I did.
Now, drop
and give me 900 push-ups!
Yes. It seems we have
an unwelcome guest
who I... mus-tache to leave.
You had to make him fly.
Just... go help Captain 'Stache.
Uh, no. We got
RAD. We got Schwoz.
We're going home.
I think he'll, uh,
handle it on his own.
- He's got it.
- ['Stache] I require assistance.
- Has anybody seen my sidekick?
- Yeah, okay.
You better change
into your uniform.
[fighting continues
in background]
- Here.
- What? What's this?
Oh. It's how you change
into your uniform.
I figured in real life you
had a cool way to transform,
but in my stories,
you chug a can of soda
- and boom... sidekick.
- [Cregg] Yeah! [object shatters]
That's actually pretty
close to how we, uh...
Celery Soda? What...
- Yeah.
- W-what is Celery Soda?
Uh, soda that
tastes like celery?
Oh, no.
Okay, it's just cheap and
my mom buys a lot of it.
Now, go. Captain
'Stache needs help.
- I, uh...
- [chanting] Go, go!
- Go, go!
- Don't do that. Don't do it.
Okay, you want me to do it?
- All right, I'll do it!
- Go, go, go, go!
I'll do it! But you gotta
say it a whole lot louder!
[all] Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go!
Do you hate me? Is
that what it is?
No. You're Lord Lolli,
Captain 'Stache's
wealthy, loyal sidekick.
This is how rich people
used to dress their kids.
- Uh, I wanna go home.
- Well, you can't forget about
your secret weapon,
the Lolli Smacker.
- Uh, no.
- You kinda have to... I know.
- Thank you. I'm gonna go.
- You're his sidekick.
- It's a hard pass for me.
- You gotta go help him.
- It's gonna be... a no.
- [commotion]
- Do you hear that?
- He's doing all right.
- He's getting hurt.
- No, he's... he's fine.
"A superhero always
answers a call."
Ah! Fine.
- [Captain 'Stache] Lord Lolli!
- Hate it when people
use my words against me.
Time to shave your 'stache!
It may not be Christmas, but...
I'm about to deck your
face with boughs of lolli.
[crowd] Ooh!
This, uh, this doesn't
have any superpowers?
That would have
been a good idea.
Just a-just a regular lollipop?
Well, I wrote this
when I was five.
[Coach Cregg growls]
["I Want Candy" by the
Strangeloves plays]
Oh, good.
I want candy
I want candy
[crowd] Ooh!
[Cregg] Aah!
I want candy
I want candy
I want candy
- Yeah!
- Hey
You like that? Yeah!
- Hey - Yeah!
[Captain 'Stache] Who
wants a high five? Yeah!
You? You do?
Perfect distraction
technique, Lord Lolli.
How do I get out of this thing?
And don't tell me I gotta
drink more Celery Soda.
There should be another
can in your tights.
Yeah. I'm not doing that.
Uh. I'm learning a lot from you.
- What's this?
- A gold star.
Uh... I still have questions.
[both chuckle]
Well, in this story,
you have a hard time constantly
living in Jasper's shadow.
So I started giving you
gold stars after missions.
You know, just to let you know
that someone appreciates you.
[quiet music plays]
That's weird.
What's weird?
back in reality...
real reality... [deep breath]
Jasper's always
living in my shadow.
Mm. Does anyone give
Jasper gold stars?
- Nope.
- [door opens]
[Schwoz] Yo! I think I got
this thing figured out.
All right.
Okay. So,
basically, the only
data that was on here
when it got all busted
was this chick's stories
which essentially
turned it into a...
closed system.
So now you can only jump
from story to story.
- Can you fix it?
- Let me ask you.
Did there used to be like a
crystal or something there?
[singsong] It's... showtime!
No hiding in the kitchen
during my next song.
- Everybody out.
- [Henry] Can you just...
- Just give us a minute, okay?
- I don't have a minute.
Look, we need to fix this thing.
You can fix it when I'm done.
We need to fix it now.
I will not be upstaged by
some boring little boom box.
- I'm not upstaging you.
- Just give it to me.
- Let go of the RAD.
- I hate it, and I wanna
- throw it away.
- No, no, no, no!
So we can fly
Up, up and away
- In my beautiful...
- What is happening?
I made us cartoon
characters for this story.
I wrote it right after
I had dental surgery.
Yeah, I hadn't recovered
from the medicine yet.
Frankini's in this one.
Oh! I don't wanna be a cow.
Hit the button.
So, we back in Newtown?
- Uh, I think so.
- Yeah.
Aw, why'd the thing
bring him here too?
'Cause I'm fabulous, and
even the machine knows it.
'Cause it takes
whoever's touching it
and whoever they're touching
and whoever they're touching
- and whoever they're touching.
- What...
is this awful place?
Oh. This is Newtown.
Uh, that's actually my house.
Ah. And it's...
But what happened to
my fabulous party?
I told you not to
hit the button.
Actually, we just said no a lot.
Well, someone hit it again.
I wanna go back to my party.
Schwoz was about to tell
us how to fix the RAD...
- Let's go back. Just go.
- No. No.
- I don't think...
- Just push the button.
- Just hit the button.
- The one in the front.
I can't... Just listen to me!
I think when you hit the button,
it just picks one of
my stories at random
and sends you there.
We can't guarantee it'll
send us back to your party.
- It can't be worse than here.
- Really?
Because one time I wrote a story
where Kid Danger and I fight
sharks in the Arctic Ocean.
I wrote another
about an awful place
called The Gray
Zone. You'd hate it.
Honey, I was born in...
No. She said The Gray Zone.
Oh. Yes, well, that
does sound awful.
Listen here, missy...
- Wait. How do you know her name?
- I don't know her name.
I was being condescending
and disrespectful.
Now, I have no idea what the
two of you are talking about...
Schwoozes and sharks
and stories...
- I can-I can explain.
- And I don't care to know.
I'm off to find better lighting.
You two...
find a way to get
me back to my party.
But not too soon.
I want them to miss me.
I would also like to
get back, find Schwoz,
- and get back to Dystopia.
- We've got bigger problems.
[dramatic music plays]
Come on, I just beat
that guy. How is he back?
Actually, he's in a lot of
my stories... like this one
where your vampire sister
is gonna go into my house
and kidnap my sister.
- Let me talk to her.
- Uh-uh...
Hey! Piper.
What's going on?
It's me, your big bro?
Why... why you looking
at me like that?
Slay. The house. Down.
Go, go, go.
You are a whole vibe.
It's giving...
evil vampire realness.
It's giving undead
majestic queen.
It's giving hot girl vamp power!
Honey, you can drink
my blood anytime.
Don't look.
- [hisses]
- Ow!
I didn't actually mean that!
[dark music plays]
[singsong] Oh, kiddies.
Care to join Bite Club?
It's... to die for. [hissing]
- This is not good.
- At least Frankini's not whining
- about his party anymore.
- That's what I mean.
She twisted his mind.
Now all he cares about
is turning other
people into vampires.
[Vampiper] Henry...
Don't you want to
fang out with us?
Come out, come out, we're...
bloody fantastic.
See? If they bite us,
we'll turn into vampires.
Our minds will change, and
we'll never wanna go back
to the real world ever again.
We'll be stuck in
this reality forever.
This is bad.
Just need a second to think...
[shrill scream]
Don't worry. I locked the door.
- [thud]
- [grunts]
Okay, now you should worry.
Where does that
contraption take you?
- [Missy] Other worlds, kinda.
- Nowhere.
Don't tell them that.
Other worlds...
- to conquer?
- You'd hate 'em.
You should probably stay here
and not turn anybody else
into vampires.
- Give.
- Uh...
I want that.
Oh, that was close.
- [beeping]
- So...
where are we?
[Piper] Uh, I don't know yet.
Well, at least we're safe.
Henry, look out! Oh...
Oh ha ha. Mother goose.
The Mounties are back,
and they got weapons.
Let's keep close
to the barricades.
- "The Mounties"?
- Oh, God.
It's The Syrup Wars.
Why can't you write one
where we chill on the couch?
Because The Couch
Wars would be boring.
Not to me.
[intense music plays]
- Just walk away, eh?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Just walk away, and we will
give you safe passage, eh?
Just walk away and
we'll let you live.
Just walk away and leave
your liquid gold behind.
- Ah, ah... s'il vous plat.
- Yeah. Please.
Liquid gold?
Maple syrup.
In this story, a nuclear war
has scorched the entire planet.
The people left behind scrape
out a brutal existence,
scavenging for the leftovers
of human civilization.
That right there is the last bit
of maple syrup left on Earth.
We got it. The Canadian
Mounties want it.
Are any of your fan
fictions not totally weird?
- [indistinct chatter]
- No.
Shut your syrupy mouth now!
Ah ha ha!
- We're very sorry about that.
- Yeah, we're very sorry, eh?
Yeah. We apologize for
our use of violence,
but us Mounties, we need syrup!
Don't Mounties need horses?
They all took off during the
war 'cause you ran outta syrup.
We got plenty of fresh
flapjacks out here,
but we can't eat 'em
without syrup, eh?
Just eat 'em dry.
[all] You eat them dry!
No, you eat 'em dry.
That's so rude. Wanna
see what happens...
- You're rude!
- When I do that?
We don't have any
syrup, eh? Wah!
- Yeah! He doesn't like it!
- [snarling]
It's so dry, yeah?
Crumble 'em in
your mouth and cry
- like a bunch of babies.
- [all] You eat 'em dry!
- No, you eat 'em dry.
- Let's just give them the syrup.
Then we can find Schwoz.
He can fix the RAD,
and we can get back to reality.
Because in this story, we're
waiting for "the Big Guy"
to come with the truck that can
haul the syrup to California.
We'll eat flapjacks
with syrup for a week
before the Earth
crashes into the sun.
I'm seriously worried about you.
I'm in a much better place now.
All right, we're outta weapons
and food, and those Mounties
aren't going away without
a fight. You guys in?
- [whistling sound]
- Watch out, Henry.
'Scuse me.
Son of a bus driver!
- I'm in.
- Yep.
- Aw. You guys are good friends.
- Yeah, well,
we're actually not that
good of friends in Dystopia,
but I'm not gonna leave him
to the syrup-crazed Mounties.
What's Dystopia? What do
you mean we're not friends?
What's that thing on your
arm? And what do you mean,
we're not friends?
Okay. This is gonna sound crazy.
So if there is a
Schwoz in this world,
and if we can find him,
then maybe he can help us
fix our RAD and get me and
Henry back to where we belong.
So, in this other world,
there's probably a
pretty good reason
why we're not friends
anymore, right?
Like, I-I probably did
something terrible, right?
I kinda just...
got busy.
You got busy?
- And famous.
- [whooshing sound]
Ow. Oof.
Not really any of my business,
but all he seems to do
is save your life
over and over again,
but you're just too busy and
famous to be friends with him?
Relax, okay? He hasn't saved my
life as much back in Dystopia.
Whatever, all right?
You guys can go and
find this Schwoz guy.
Get your thing fixed,
and I'll fight the
Mounties by myself.
[Henry] No.
We stand here... and we fight.
[stirring music plays]
[whooshing sound]
[tensely] Sounds good. [groans]
So what's the plan?
How do we keep them out
until the Big Guy shows up?
Maybe we don't keep them out.
Maybe we let them in.
Let them in?
Okay. You're either
gonna love this plan
or think it's really dumb.
- Oh, yeah, flip her, bud.
- I like mine medium-rare, eh?
Oh, yeah.
[metallic clanking, screeching]
- It's a little burnt, eh?
- It's called well-done.
Oh, yeah.
It's opening.
Oh, yeah, it's opening! Steeds!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
[speaking French]
Dismount, eh?
[tense music plays]
["Hit Me With Your Best
Shot" by Pat Benatar plays]
[shrill neighing sound]
Well, you're a
real tough cookie
With a long history
Of breaking little
hearts like the one in me
That's okay, let's
see how you're doin'
Put up your dukes
Let's get down to it
- Hit me with your best shot
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Hit me with your best shot
Hit me with your best shot
Oh! [muttering in French]
Right in the hockey pucks.
Distraction technique!
[song ends]
- Dude, did you see his face?
- I saw... I saw it.
- Come on, man. Come on!
- Just... whoo!
That's what I'm talking
about. That's what we do!
- Let's go!
- You want me to let them out
- so you can do it again?
- [both] No.
We finally got syrup!
Don't let it get to waste.
Oh, that's good. Oh, yeah.
Where's that flapjack?
You know, Missy had a good plan.
Yeah. She's got potential.
[both chuckle]
Hey, Missy.
You keep saying
distraction technique,
but you're using it wrong.
Distraction technique is
when you make the bad guys
think that they're
getting what they want
but, really, you're
getting what you want.
Oh, got it. Thanks, boss.
Not your boss.
Okay, boss.
You know, I haven't seen you
this happy in a long time.
I just got here.
Yeah. That's a fair point.
- [both laugh]
- [truck horn honks]
Big Guy's here.
- [bones crack]
- Ooh!
[Cockney accent] Never
mind the box o' toys.
Me sad and sorry 'ere is
still a lad in the plaid.
Aw, it's good to see you.
Deadline crews:
your squeaky clean
is in the pink.
But have a butcher's 'ere.
Some sticky finger skeeved
off with the crown jewels.
Neo-Dymium. Coals
and cokes, innit?
Story mode is in the tower.
Definite article? Odds and ends?
Zed bruvs, fishnets.
[Jasper] Leather.
Oh, you-you-you understand him?
The machine works fine,
just someone stole
the Neo-Dymium crystal,
and now it's locked
in story mode.
Hey, your vampire queen sister
is wearing it as a necklace.
[Henry] She must have stolen it
the first time she showed up.
Which is why this has been
locked in story mode ever since.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
[Missy] No, it's not.
This whole thing is my fault.
I wrote the stupid stories.
I stole the RAD.
I yanked you out of your
real life. I just...
Hey, your stories aren't stupid.
The animated one is.
Okay, yeah. I don't
love the animated one.
you weren't trying
to mess my life up.
You were doing what you
thought you needed to do
to protect your town.
I know what that feels like.
[exhales sharply]
If I get you that crystal,
can you fix it?
You lot nick the
pig from the stick,
these 'ands make pots and
pans, and Bob's your uncle.
A new day's a-dawnin'.
If we steal the crystal
back, he thinks maybe he can
reset the system and
everything should go back
to the way it was.
Even better...
we don't all have to touch
it to go back to our worlds.
Okay, here's the plan.
We get Schwoz back to Newtown.
We get that crystal
from my vampire sister.
Schwoz repairs the RAD,
and I get back to
Dystopia where I belong.
The three of us
against Coach Cregg,
Vampiper, and Fangtini?
I don't like our chances.
I was hoping it'd
be the four of us.
But if my sister bites you...
Yeah, we'll turn to vampires.
We have the myth
in this world too.
Yeah, but these
vampires are real.
They change your
body and your mind.
[Henry] You'll do whatever
she wants you to do.
You won't make it
back to your reality.
It's not just that. If
Vampiper takes us down,
she could get control of
the RAD, make Schwoz fix it,
and go through every single
one of my fan fictions.
Creating an army of vampires.
And use them to
assault the real world.
I'd fight to the end of
the world with you, Henry.
See? He's amazing.
Okay, can we please
just fix this
and get back to reality?
[power-up humming]
Oh hecks, yeah.
This sword's on board.
- I'd go to the end of the...
- We know.
- I'd fight an army...
- We know.
We all know.
Okay. Let's hope this works.
["Up, Up and Away" by The
Fifth Dimension continues]
Up, up and away
In my beautiful...
Oh, groovy, baby!
- Balloon...
- Missy, hit the button.
Are we riding a cow?
It's a unicow.
Ah. That makes more sense.
It really doesn't. Now,
please hit the button.
Ha. Whoa, I haven't
seen that in a while.
Ha. Yeah, it's been a minute.
looks good.
Feels good.
[Schwoz] Uh, just asking to ask.
They are the ones we
have to fight, yes?
Those are the bad guys, yes.
And they live by
consuming the guts
of small, plastic
versions of Henry.
I think he's doing
that to be disturbing.
It's working.
[electric sizzling]
[Vampiper] Let the girl inside.
What about the rest?
End them.
Or invite them to the party.
[thunder rumbling]
- No, Gemma!
- No, no, no, no, no.
It's what they want.
All right, guys.
What's the game plan?
Missy, Schwoz, you
protect the RAD.
Jasper and I'll get the crystal.
- Wait, I wanna come with you.
- No, we got this handled.
- [shrill whirring]
- [all moaning]
[suspenseful music plays]
- Where's Missy?
- Inside. Go. I got this.
You sure?
Oh, yeah.
- [hissing]
- [growing]
It's me.
- I told you to stay outside.
- I know, but...
- I don't want you getting hurt.
- Neither do I.
- Where's your little sister?
- I don't know...
[Vampiper] Upstairs.
- Missy-no!
- Ah!
Missed me.
[grunts, groans]
Ah, geez.
Ooh... ooh...
ooh... oof...
A lotta walls, Missy.
Ooh... oof...
Earplugs, jerk.
Sucks to suck.
Where's the RAD?
[thudding approaches]
Did that... hurt?
Now, you listen to me.
- No!
- [Missy] Aah!
Why would you do that?
Distraction technique.
You can go home now.
- [bats squealing]
- Get ready!
[Vampiper] No!
- [hisses]
- Ooh.
How much time do
you need, Schwoz?
I don't know. How much
time can you give me?
[Kid Danger] Missy, no!
- Missy, stop!
- [snarling, hissing]
Move, Schwoz!
[Schwoz] Bye!
[bass thrumming]
Missy, it's me!
Meet my vampire army.
And this is just the
beginning, brother.
Almost there!
[Schwoz] Almost... almost.
It's taking so long.
Trust in God, I do.
[Missy] Oh... oh!
What the...
I'm telling Mom.
This hurts.
I get it. Fine.
I was never here.
Oh, my God.
What... [huffs]
Ah. [exhales]
Clear for talent!
Clear for talent,
clear for talent.
I'm here!
Play the music.
Welcome to my
secret to life
And it's not
mysteriously disappearing
so that everyone misses you.
But that helps. Ding! Smile
[static buzzes]
[buzzing, static]
Good news. I'm back.
Is that supposed to
make me feel better?
You're a good friend.
And, uh, I didn't see it.
I see it now.
What's going on?
I gotta leave Dystopia, man.
It's not the place for
me. And I can do that now.
'Cause you're here.
You're ready.
Well, it's gonna be a
little weird without you.
Well, I'm not gone yet.
[heavy music plays]
We still got one more
thing to take care of.
[crowd commotion]
Back for more?
[British voice] Ironically,
I'm about to black out.
[Henry] Keep it.
Great work out there.
So, can I get a picture?
[Jasper] Sure.
- Awesome.
- Oh!
[Jones] Smile...
[both laugh]
It looks like you and I'll be
working pretty closely together.
I... guess we will be.
Shall we?
- Now can we please see a show?
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Let's go see a show.
- Yes.
I, uh...
gotta go say hi to my fans.
[cheers and applause]
Hey, guys. Nice to meet you.
Yeah, thank you. Thank
you. All part of the job.
[narrator] Well, because
Jasper was getting the love
- he deserved...
- [Piper] How 'bout you?
You down for a show?
Dystopia didn't
need Henry anymore.
Oh, and, um, glad you're
not an electric vampire.
[narrator] Henry knew
where he was needed now,
because a superhero
always answers the call.
[Missy] So I don't
know if you check
your old Kid Danger email
or how to contact
you in Dystopia,
but if you ever get this,
I just want you to know
that I hope you made things
right with Jasper and...
- It's ours.
- Again? Seriously?
[Henry] Actually...
It's hers.
Let's get outta here!
Are you friends
with Jasper again?
[clears throat]
You must be the famous Missy.
- [breathless laugh]
- You promise to take care
of this knucklehead
while I'm in Dystopia?
Okay. Who wants to
see the new hideout?
I understand we've met before?
Couple times.
So, ready to fight some crime?
Uh, yeah, I am! Whoo!
Let's go see the hideout!
Yeah. I don't know
where I'm going.
Just someone tell me
where to go, and, uh...
Wait. Why are you
getting on the bench?
Remember in Shimmers when
I got a little bit upset
that Jasper could fly?
You weren't upset.
You were jealous.
He's still jealous. Little bit.
I mighta been a
little bit jealous.
not anymore.
Buckle up, kiddo.
[triumphant music swells]
Uh, guys? We have to go
back. I forgot my computer.
Is now a terrible
time to mention
that I have a trig
midterm tomorrow?
Hey, you wanted
to be a sidekick.
[man yelling]
[continues yelling]
[breathing hard]
Oh, my God.
[epic music plays]
Captain Man.
Hey, kid.
Been a while.
Hi. Ha.
I need your help.
[intense music plays]
[rhythmic snapping]
- I got somethin' to tell
ya - [cheers and applause]
Can ya dig it?
When life kicks you around
There's no need to
be stressed, yeah
When you're in it
Just gotta turn that
frown upside down
Now, come on, join
in and yes, I insist
'Cause it's a face lift
that anyone can buy
And a face lift
is like ten grand
And that's on
the lower side
Welcome to my secret
To life
And it's not just
my impeccable style.
Smile, it doesn't
cost a thing to
Smile, it can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
We all dance all night
with pearly white lightning
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
Isn't smiling infectious?
It's the beginning of love
When you walk
by a cute guy
With a stink eye
What's your name, guy?
Everyone tell Kyle to smile
[all] Smile, Kyle!
Welcome to my
secret to life
You can tone it down now, Kyle.
Smile, it doesn't
cost a thing to
Smile, it can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
We all dance all night
with pearly white lightning
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
When he tells you
he loves you, smile
And when he tells
you he doesn't, smile
When they tell
you you're great
But they hire
their cousin, smile
What day is it,
Sunday? Smile
If you lose it
on Monday, smile
You can do more
at school, smile
If you had chili for lunch
and your tummy goes boom
And you're looking around and
you can't find the bathroom
Smile, it doesn't
cost a thing to
Smile, it can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
We all dance all night
with pearly white lightning
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
Smile, it doesn't
cost a thing to
Smile, it can cure anything
Just smile
While we're together
We all dance all night
with pearly white lightning
You can cry, but
don't stop smiling
[cheers and applause]
[exciting music plays]