Hisaab Barabar (2024) Movie Script
A man who has no money
gets no respect from anybody.
And the man who has money
never respects anybody.
Mr. Mehta,
you brought the
Delhi vibe down to Mumbai.
Mr. Mehta,
please exercise
some control.
When elections
come around,
a man needs to at least
appear human.
Your bank is anyway
going to get merged.
Mr. Dayal, would you deny me
freedom of expression
and freedom
of expectation, both?
What the Do Bank
has achieved in 15 years
doesn't come by
staying silent.
What I'd like to know
is, how do you
manage to be so
honorably dishonorable?
You have no bad loans,
no bad investments,
yet you hand
us crores of rupees.
How? How?
Do you know whose
money is in the bank?
-The common man's?
The common man's.
The common man works
so that we may
achieve our purpose.
Try this Pule cheese.
Made from the milk of
a Siberian donkey.
The common man is
just like a donkey.
His interest lies in his
work, and ours...
in his account.
He'll fight over 10 rupees...
so that we can run
our bank.
50 rupees?
What are you saying?
You get mangoes for 30 rupees!
So your account is fed
by the public account.
Mr. Mehta, you'll be the
death of us...
Truly you'll get us killed.
Who's going to kill us?
Who gives a damn?
These days people
count their likes and
internet data more than
their money.
Who even notices 10
or 20 rupees?
Sir, wait!
Sir, stop!
Stop, sir, stop!
Sir, stop!
Sir, stop!
Where are you taking these?
Hey! Give me your hand.
Here, take. You too, please have one.
Here you go, friend. See...
there's enough for everyone. Here.
I don't eat stolen oranges.
Government's already looting us.
If a government servant does it too,
what will become of us poor people?
I've got it on video too, man.
Hey, no, don't make me go viral.
Listen, everyone.
It's not what you think.
See, when the train stopped
at Faridabad,
I thought, let me buy some oranges.
Two for 20 rupees, I handed over a 100,
he went to get change,
and the train started.
What could I leave behind?
The oranges, or the money?
I left neither.
I took another 8 oranges worth
80 rupees,
then ran and caught the train.
So I'm still legit.
Whoa, well done, well done!
Come, let's see those tickets.
Tickets, please.
-Let me see.
Let's see yours.
'All our lives,
there's people who play roles.'
'We play supporting roles.'
'A starring role somewhere,
a villainous role somewhere else.'
'This is TTE Radhe Mohan Sharma.'
'A topper in accounts...
Number one at numbers.'
'Please pay attention the train number
1523 for Gujarat...'
Greetings, Kundu madam.
Oh ho, munching groundnuts
all by yourself.
Am I by myself, Mr. Sharma?
I've got Hrithik sitting on my left,
and Ranveer on my right.
-You're just teasing me.
-Who started it, brother?
When you can see I'm sitting alone,
do you have to make wisecracks?
It's been two years
since my husband ran away.
Since then, I subsist on groundnuts
and booze.
But every time I see you,
it feels like home.
-Speaking of which, how long since your
wife ran away? -Ah!
Here's today's penalties.
Rawat Singh, Rs. 185...
'After his father passed away,'
'he bid his dream of being a CA
a tearful goodbye.'
'He took on his father's job as a
TC in the Railways.'
'The Railways may be
short on accountability,'
'but his accounts are always spot on.'
'Each and every bill is accounted for.'
'And he teaches kids the same.'
0.001, tally it.
-Sir, what do you eat?
-What are you implying?
Sir, you can just round this off.
What's the value of 0.001?
-Come here... Come here.
-No, let it be, sir.
'Come here!'
What is the value
of this lone individual?
Him? Sir, he has no value at all.
And 140 crore individuals?
That makes the whole country.
This 0.0001 may have no value
but if you multiply it by 1 crore,
it becomes 1000.
And you know the value of 1000.
That's why in accounts,
each and every paisa is important.
Keep revising.
It's just numbers, why fear them?
Count everything until everything's
counted. I'll see you in 5 days. Bye.
See you. Bye.
"Take a cold, cold shower" Looking
good, we're looking handsome today!
Thank you.
-Let's go.
'Anyway, anyhow, anything you do'
'Never stay stuck,
always make it through'
'Anyway, anyhow, anything you do'
'Never stay stuck,
always make it through'
'Take your sack of good times'
'And splurge it all around'
'Stuff back into your pockets'
'All your worries for a while'
'Show the world the magic
and teach them the spell'
-What's wrong?
-Papa, it's potty, it's urgent.
-Last game.
-Last game.
-They're closing down here.
-Papa, it's coming out here.
-Last game.
-Hold, hold... One minute, one minute.
Go, go, go, son. Hurry. Close the door.
Five rupees per potty.
I'll pay, friend, I'll pay.
Manu, hurry up son.
-What's this?
-No change.
You can have this toffee,
or do another potty.
'While an ordinary man forages for five
rupees to weave his quilt of dreams'
'he is often unaware'
'that someone's using his dreams as wool
to knit themselves a sweater.'
Even I want my photo taken here.
We will, son.
Papa, why did Mumma go away?
What happened, Papa?
Come here.
Son, our accounts didn't match.
All right son, get off.
Papa, we're getting late.
Hello, sir! I am Kuku Kejriwal.
-Greetings, I am Radhe Mohan Sharma.
-Looking handsome, sir.
-You look just like twins.
-Thank you.
-Do I have your permission, sir?
-Yes, tell me.
Sir, I wish to sell you this
credit card--
-I don't want one.
-No problem, sir.
Body, soul and wealth,
all belongs to you.
Sir, this card is wonderful...
Sir, at least hear the whole offer.
-Free medical insurance--
-Oh, cut it out.
Wait, listen sir, there's lots more...
Sir, sir!
Sir, how much did you say?
Rs. 27.50.
-Rs. 27.50?
You mean, twenty seven rupees,
fifty paisa only?
Yes, how many times do you need to ask?
Oh no sir, we have to ask.
It's a money matter,
and Rs. 27.50 at that.
-Where do these guys come from?
-What are you talking about?
-Sir, why are you wasting our time?
-We're talking here.
-Papa, let's go.
-Your kid's getting upset too.
Look friend, there's only Rs. 27.50
missing from my account...
-I have--
-Please write a complaint.
I've already written one.
Everything's right here.
Take Rs. 27.50 from me.
Why waste our time?
-Uh, next.
-Wait, aren't you going to do something?
I can't do anything, sir.
Your complaint will go up,
if there's been a mistake,
it will come back in 3-4 days.
-The amount?
-Uh, the reply.
I see. Okay, we'll be back
in three days. Let's go, son.
Fine, my friend. Go ahead.
Everyone's in a hurry here,
no one's really concerned.
The card is totally free.
Just provide your Aadhar, PAN card,
-and six-month bank statement--
-Why are you...
I don't want it.
Sir, you're not listening--
When you understand, you'll want one.
Okay, tickets. Show your ticket.
'Mummy! Get me something to eat.'
'Sister-in-law, give me something to
eat, please.'
'Pick up the plate and see.
You'll find something to eat.'
'The left one's a doctor,
the right one's an engineer.'
'-And the middle one?'
'-Radhe, Radhe!'
'Sister-in-law, I'm not doing a
religious ceremony.'
'I'm choosing a boy to marry.'
'Fine, as if I'm chanting hymns.'
'That's his name. Radhe Mohan.'
'He's preparing for his CA exam.
And for marriage too.'
'So what am I supposed to do?'
'Say yes, or say no.'
'Without meeting him?'
'You've already made up 50%
of your mind.'
'Make up the rest when you meet.'
'Raju's Gol Gappe stall,
outside Gupta Classes.'
'Brother, one more plate.'
'Sister-in-law, how much will you eat?'
'Will you leave without meeting him?'
'We've had five plates
in the last half hour.'
'This new moon refuses to appear.'
'Give me another one too, man.'
'Mummy and I will have one too.'
'Handbag, Mummy.'
'What happened?'
'Our horoscopes didn't match?'
'He's a number one jackass.'
'A man looks at the family,'
'horoscope, traditional values.'
'But he saw the score on your marksheet'
'and refused the match.'
'-Bah! Crazy man.'
'He says the girl's weak at math.
How will she manage accounts.'
Ticket, please.
Show me your ticket.
-It comes to 460, my friend.
-How does it add up?
I'm not asking you for too much.
-Look, it's--
-Actually, it's not 460.
See? Friend, I've been trying,
you please explain it to him.
See, from Agra Cantt. to Delhi is 187km,
so the fare comes to 210.
According to section 138 of Railway Act,
penalty for traveling without
proper pass is equal to Rs. 250...
or equivalent to the fare,
whichever is higher.
Plus, superfast surcharges. Rs. 30.
Which you forgot to add.
So the total comes to 490.
-Not 460.
-You're absolutely correct, sir.
Wait, just a second.
-Are you mad?
Who's this man dressed up as an orange?
Him? He's my senior TTE.
-Greetings, sir.
Screw your greetings.
Turning up like a hair in my food.
Two people are talking,
and you barge in--
Okay listen, it comes to 490.
My friend, the train's coming to a stop.
Please pay a fine of Rs. 490,
or you need to come with me.
-Okay, so come then.
-Yes, so come.
-Come, come.
My uncle-in-law's in the post,
not the railways.
-Fine, come...
-Are you taking me lightly?
Mr. Kumar, your pass has expired.
Uh, hello...
Excuse me.
-Papa, come on.
-Yes coming, son, coming.
Hey, this file's been left behind.
Whose is it, yours?
It belongs to the guy
who called you an orange.
-Is it?
Son, this...
Hey friend, wait up.
Come, son, come on, get down.
-We've walked a lot today, haven't we?
-Good evening, sir.
Good evening. Good evening.
Hey! Kundu Madam?
-Oh, Mr. Sharma? Greetings.
-You're quite a shiny orange today.
-Yes, well...
-You look good.
A passenger left a file in the train.
Please deposit it.
Mr. Sharma, after 7 p.m...
I only open my bottle. Do one thing,
drop it at the SM's office.
-Is this your personal child?
He doesn't look yours.
Your wife must have been the pretty one.
-Papa, let's go home, please.
-Yes, right away, right away.
-Hello, my boy.
-Oh, Mr. Tandon.
So, Radhe?
What program for the new year?
Throw us a party, Mr. Sharma.
Mr. Tandon? Mr. Gupta.
Hey, Gupta! Wait, you fool!
He owes me money, the bloody...
Mr. Sharma, the par-- party.
"Welcome to Do Bank customer care."
Son, drink your milk. It'll sharpen your
brain and your accounts will match up.
Papa, if you eat bread everyday,
it'll sharpen your brain
and your accounts will match up.
The student becomes the master?
"You are in queue.
Please stay on the line."
-Hey, Manu? Where are you off to?
-Papa, Sheru's hungry.
Two kilos sugar gone in a week,
what's going on in this house?
Come on, brother.
The world is ending, and you're worried
about sugar. Don't you check WhatsApp?
Will Manu drink plain milk?
-What's the occasion?
Drink your milk, eat your sweets.
My Mr. Dimpu's become a scientist.
-He did a course on 'YouTube'
and made a sanitizer with dove urine.
Try it.
No, no! What are you doing?
Oh, no...
The sweet is spoiled too--
I know you're jealous of Mr. Dimpu.
I've done overtime on 3 days,
And here, the bill for the sanitizer.
Can I say something, sir?
You have to try it to believe it.
Don't turn up your nose so quickly.
Such a pretty face,
and you keep making faces.
Come Mr. Dimpu. Mr. Khanna's waiting.
We've kept him waiting so long.
Bye, bye. Oh, God!
Manu? Manu drink your milk, son.
Come on. Manu-- hey, don't do that,
you'll break something.
Come, drink your milk, hurry up.
"You are in queue."
What do you mean, sorry?
You spilled the milk.
Didn't I tell you not to play here?
Didn't I? Go to your room. Go now!
Oh man, he spilled it all.
Is this a place to play? Yuck!
He's ruined the file.
Yuck!... Oh, no!
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
Good morning, sir. Kuku Kejriwal.
-May I have your permission sir--
Thank you, sir.
Mind, body, wealth, all belong to you.
Friend, I already said it once,
don't you get it?
How many times do I tell you,
it's not in our hands.
Friend, it's been four days
since I gave you the matter in writing.
Look, what you wrote and gave me, I sent
upstairs. When it comes back down,
-then you'll get your answer.
-Oh no, friend, I don't want the answer.
I want that Rs. 27.50 accounted for.
Friend, I'll give you Rs. 27.50.
-But please don't waste my time.
-Time waste?
Asking for an account of
my own money is a waste of time?
If an account is short by one rupee,
the bank rejects a cheque.
And here, Rs. 27.50 has vanished,
and no one is concerned?
So do you want an ED investigation
for 27 rupees?
You're a weird, jobless guy.
Turning up every day.
Can I tell you something?
You're a very rude person.
-And quite lousy too.
-Who'd you call lousy?
You're lousy.
All your ancestors,
and your future descendants!
What? This is too much!
How dare you insult my family?
Hey! Let go my collar!
Let go my collar!
I said, let go my collar!
Hey, the computer's fallen!
Oh, he broke the computer!
I am giving you one last warning.
Let him go. I'm Chaddha.
Whoever you are, if you interfere
I'll tear you a new one.
But I'm the manager.
Both of y'all, let go.
Tiwari, hands off.
Hands off.
Now tell me. What's the problem?
-Sir, he--
-You shut up, Tiwari!
-Let the customer speak.
Sir. If you're satisfied, tell others.
If not, tell us.
I am not at all satisfied, friend.
It's been many days I'm telling this
there's Rs. 27.50 missing
from my account.
I submitted an application four days
ago, and he's done nothing about it.
Like a crow he caws,
"Tomorrow, tomorrow."
Why, Tiwari? Why haven't you
forwarded his application?
-Sir, I did forward it--
-To which fool?
Sir, you.
When... When did you send it to me?
Sir, when you were playing
Secret Santa with Madhu madam.
And you said,
"Don't come to me with stupid problems."
What rubbish! You're lying.
Sir, I'm not lying. It's probably in
your dustbin, please check.
You fool! Get out. Get out from here.
Don't call me names, understand?
Call me Chaddhe?
Security! Security, save me!
Help! Security!
-Help, he's choking me...
-Let go... Let go!
Come out!... Come out!
I'll see you outside...
I'll see you outside...
-He was carried like a sack of wheat...
-Somebody help me.
Somebody pick him up.
You go, sell your cards. Go.
What are you all staring at,
is this a circus? Back to work.
Friend, it wasn't such a grave fault,
that you--
Not a fault, it's a crime, Mr. Bhatia.
Oh, uh, I'm Radhe Mohan Sharma.
Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Sharma, I apologize.
Banks are humans too.
And only a human can help another human.
-Madhu madam?
-Yes, sir?
-Please note sir's details.
-Okay, sir.
In the meantime, sir...
This is my personal number.
I don't... just share it with everybody.
Even if you call at 3 o'clock at night,
I will entertain you.
Please see to my issue in the day,
that would be great.
-Yes, yes, why not. No tension.
-Shall I get you something to drink?
-No, need. I'll be off. Thank you.
Thank you.
Put some more... A little more.
Who pulled the chain?
Who pulled the chain?
-Who spilled my chickpeas?
-Quiet. I ask questions first.
-Who pulled the chain?
-Sir, no one pulled the chain...
It's stopped at an outer signal.
Yes sir, it often stops here.
How can it just stop like that?
Who's out there? Let's see.
Why are you getting off, guys?
The trains stopped on the outer,
it'll move soon.
Madam, listen to me.
Don't walk on the tracks, it's illegal.
Please get back on the train,
or it will leave.
-The train's already leaving.
-Yes, I was--
What? Hey, wait, wait! Pull the chain!
Pulling the chain is illegal, sir.
Sir, you took an orange less that day!
Buy 10, get one free.
Now our account is settled!
Oh, man!
See? I missed my train.
You missed your train a long time ago.
No, no, I've never missed a train.
I only got off for you this time.
Have you gotten off for me,
or have you gotten after me?
-What's the difference between the two?
-Do you know me?
Sure. You're a daily passenger.
Do you know my name?
Yes... Seat number 23.
Then you're definitely after me.
No, I haven't gotten after you.
You're still after me right now.
I don't know the way.
-Looks like this is your daily route?
Uh... It's not stolen.
It wasn't stolen that day either.
'My mind is painted'
'The color of you'
'I could walk every step'
'By your side'
'Beneath your shade I'd fall asleep'
'Dream of you on repeat'
'Be a refuge for your tired eyes'
-Are you sick?
-No, I'm totally fit.
So why have you followed me
to the doctor's?
Actually I was headed to the station.
Where's the station?
Where you left it. That way.
All right then.
Could I get 100 rupees?
I left my wallet and phone in the train.
Ah. Sure.
Uh... Could I get your phone number?
Are you going to call me?
No, uh... I'll send it on your phone
using digital pay.
'O Sammi, now it's my turn, I have
fallen, I am in love, O Sammi'
'O Sammi, now it's my turn, I have
fallen, I am in love, O Sammi'
'The path is wet and slippery, O Sammi'
'Watch where you place your feet,
O Sammi'
'O Sammi, it's my turn, I have fallen
I am in love, O Sammi'
'I am in love, O Sammi'
What are you doing,
why is everything scattered?
How filthy your house is, sir,
you've got so much junk piled up.
Okay, but why are you doing all this?
Not me, Mr. Dimpu's become a
cleaning boy for Urban Shop now.
There's a bill for 1000 kept there.
And sir, if you want my advice,
you should remarry.
Manu will get a mummy,
and I'll get company.
'An uneventful life'
'Where I share my morning tea with you'
'In the golden light of the setting sun'
'I am aglow due to your presence'
'And sometimes, if there's a storm'
'We hold on tight and face it together'
'Whenever a chill wind blows'
'You wrap and hide yourself in me'
'Beneath your shade I'll fall asleep'
'Dream of you on repeat'
'Be a refuge for your tired eyes'
'O Sammi, it's my turn, I have fallen
I am in love, O Sammi'
'O Sammi, it's my turn, I have fallen
I am in love, O Sammi'
'The path is wet and slippery, O Sammi'
'Watch where you place your feet,
O Sammi'
'O Sammi, it's my turn, I have fallen
I am in love, O Sammi'
'I am in love, O Sammi'
I didn't think I'd get it back. Seems
the Railways actually work these days.
-This smells of old milk.
-Mr. Sharma must have spilled some.
And who tallied these accounts?
Must be Mr. Sharma. He has an obsession.
Mr. Sharma's quite intelligent.
I found it, I found it...
-So you recognize me?
You buffalo tail,
you cost me 490 rupees.
Don't cross me again,
I'm a real gangster.
Get lost! Hello?
Who was that insolent dumb?
Mr. Tandon, the age of civility is over.
I sorted that man's tax returns.
Instead of saying thanks,
he said a lot of foul things.
Let it go, bloody hell.
But let me thank you in advance.
Here you go.
What is this?
This jerk, my CA...
First he didn't pick up my calls. Now he
can't pick himself up. He's got COVID.
He's on oxygen but
I'm the one breathless.
Four days left to file my returns,
please do it for me.
Mr. Tandon, I'm not a CA.
As if my guy's a CA.
You file your own, right? It's easy.
Our accounts are also in the same bank.
-Do Bank?
Hey, Gupta! Gupta...
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
I knew it, this bloody bank's
running a scam.
Yes, Mr. Tandon. Your savings account
receives less interest every month.
Rs. 20, Rs. 15, Rs. 7.50...
Total Rs. 125.50.
You should complain against the bank.
I did so too.
-How far off was yours?
-Rs. 27.50.
I've already been to
the bank three times.
Now they called again after two days.
And you want me to journey
cross-country for Rs. 125?
I don't have that kind of time.
-Mr. Tandon, this is your money.
-So why are you getting hassled?
But this could be a really big scam.
This bank takes Rs. 10 at a time--
Look, brother. Keeping account is good.
But anything in excess is bad.
You should go see a doctor.
Mr. Tandon, I'm saying this
for your own good.
-Hey, Gupta!
-Mr. Tandon...
'Thank you for calling Mr. Chaddha.
Your call will be answered shortly.'
This is today's India.
Not behind America,
but alongside America. In fact...
ahead of America.
And the credit for this goes to the
4 crore account holders of Do Bank.
The banks run primarily on deposits from
the middle class,
so the highest returns, too,
will come to the middle class.
That's why, now every
housewife will get...
1% extra interest.
This year, Holi will not be gulal-filled
but global.
By the time of Holi, the merger of Do
Bank and Daily Bank will be complete...
and the country will transform.
-Hey! What is this?
-A mouse.
Mr. Dimpu's an artist now.
Paper waste to best.
Wonderful. Please, please keep it there.
-Hello, Mr. Sharma?
Chaddha, from Do Bank.
-Hello, sir.
-I should be calling you sir.
-Happy new year, sir.
-No, no, no.
-No problem, sir.
Body, soul, wealth, all belongs to you.
-Belated happy new year, Mr. Sharma.
-Happy new year.
-Something special today?
-You're special today, sir.
-Uh, Madhu madam? Please.
-Sir, Do Bank card--
-Do that later, man.
Come, sir. Come.
For you, sir.
-A TV?
-Not a TV, sir.
It's a 32-inch apology from us.
We are sorry, sir.
Your Rs. 27.50 has been credited to your
account, you can check any time.
-What? -If you're satisfied,
tell others. If not, please tell us.
But how did the discrepancy occur?
Sir, banks are humans too.
Mistakes happen.
But it's all computerized.
Even computers are run by humans, sir.
-Kejriwal, take a selfie, man.
-Smile please.
-Not of you, man. Take one of us.
Oh. Sorry, sir.
Smile a little, please.
A little smile.
-One low-angle.
-He's appeared behind.
Hey, Radhe!
-It's a bloody miracle.
-Mr. Tandon?
All thanks to you.
See, I got a 32-inch TV and my
Rs. 125.50 was returned to my account.
-My happy birthday is 10 days later...
-but I got my gift today.
Mr. Chaddha, you're a bloody
amazing manager.
Do Bank card, sir. It's great, sir.
Hey, Radhe. Come on.
Well, Radhe.
Man, no one can keep accounts like him.
Hell, a 27-rupee error,
a 25,000-rupee TV.
Mm-hmm, what great fortune you have,
Mr. Sharma.
This is called marketing, Kundu madam.
Forget marketing,
it's happy Republic Week.
The spelling's wrong.
They've made the Republic Weak.
Forget the spelling, man.
Look at the bloody decorations.
Buy one get one free,
buy one get two free,
buy two get five bloody free.
The whole mall's on sale, man.
All of Delhi's on sale. Free water, free
electricity, free wi-fi.
No, nothing comes for free.
The TV wasn't, either.
So what did they take from me?
Mr. Tandon... not just from you...
from thousands, lakhs, crores of people.
And that too for quite a long time.
Mr. Tandon...
Are you aware
how much interest does your Do Bank
savings account fetch you?
-Must be 3, 4, 5, what else?
Below 100,000... you get 5%.
From 100,000 to 10,00,000 you get 5.5%.
And from 10,00,000 to 25,00,000
you get... 6%.
According to your statement,
on 1st April,
your account contained
Rs. 95,650.
The daily interest for this comes to...
daily... balance...
as in... 95,650,
into interest rate, as in 5%,
divided by number of days, as in 365.
And this adds up to 13.102729.
From LIC, you received on 7th April,
Rs. 45,000.
Thus your balance became 1,40,650.
Because that's higher than 1,00,000,
your interest
increased from 5% to 5.5%.
And your daily interest became
balance, as in Rs. 1,40,650
into 5.5,
divided by 365, which comes to
Now, this amount was credited to your
account on the 7th.
And the bank calculates the interest
from the 8th.
However... Do Bank
delays this process one more day
and one day's worth of your interest
is erased.
Oh, no.
This amount is credited to your account
after 3 months.
And you have no clue...
when your interest rate
increased from 5% to 5.5%.
And even here...
Do Bank indulges in impropriety.
They continue paying you for another 2
days at the old rate of interest.
This is their modus operandi.
By delaying one day at a time...
they are embezzling one day's worth of
your interest.
Sometimes 10 rupees, sometimes 20,
sometimes 50... sometimes 100.
The bigger the amount,
the more you get screwed.
And supposing they're taking
Rs 10 a month from you.
So in a year that comes to 10 into
12, as in Rs. 120.
Which in 10 years adds up to 120 into
10, as in Rs. 1200.
This amount... the bank gobbles up.
So what of that? It's almost nothing.
However, Do Bank has...
four crore accounts.
And even if you assume they do this
with just 2 crore accounts...
As in 2 crores...
into Rs. 1200, as in
a two thousand four hundred...
Bloody hell...
these loan EMIs,
when, why and how much do they
have you ever tried to calculate?
ATM charges, cheque charges, the common
man probably doesn't
even know they exist.
And we haggle over Rs. 10 with poor
vegetable vendors.
Mr. Sharma, does 10-15 rupees a month
make a jot of difference to us?
It does, Mrs. Kundu. It makes a
difference to our country's economy.
This is money that nobody is paying any
tax on.
It circulates around the country as
black money and then goes out of
the country,
which weakens our currency.
The cost of petrol and diesel go up, and
this affects our lives directly.
Hell, what is the rate of petrol to me?
I own neither a car nor a scooter.
Long live the metro.
Ladies even get free bus tickets,
courtesy Mr. Kejriwal.
Kundu madam, who is that barb aimed at?
No wonder I feel the pinch.
Body, soul, wealth, all belong to you.
I can get you up to 1000-1200 customers'
bank statements.
-But you must request me like I request
you. -What?
Body, soul, wealth, all belongs to you.
Put body and soul back in your pocket.
Give me the wealth. Rs. 50,000.
Plus, do take a credit card, sir.
Please, just one credit card. Please,
it's a request. Take a credit card, sir.
'Settle accounts
Settle the score'
'Settle accounts
Even the odds'
'Settle accounts!'
'Father, Grandfather, Sister, Bunty,
they're all about to settle accounts'
'Turn the tables'
'Every hour, every bell, every
government guarantee, are all about to'
'Settle accounts'
'Square the deal'
'Settle accounts'
'We've uncovered a scam
In every kernel there's corruption'
'We voted with such confidence'
'Saved money with great care...
My morsel is in his mouth'
'Every stolen morsel, every blistered
foot, the fraud and deceit are about to'
'Take you to task'
'Settle accounts'
It's a court order for
an enquiry on the scam.
They're demanding a report in 15 days.
I refused to file a complaint, sir.
Under section 156,
they went to the court.
These are all fake complaints.
They do this for social media views.
This Radhe Mohan Sharma matter was
solved, sir. He was even given a TV.
I don't know why he still did this.
-I think man is crazy, sir--
-He is not crazy.
-He's a family member.
-Do Bank family?
-Oh. I'm sorry, sir.
Mr. Chaddha, you're in charge of this
If there's been even the slightest
slip up in your branch,
you can't even imagine what will
become of you.
-Sir, I didn't--
-Mr. Tyagi...
Please assign the inquiry to
the best officer.
I'll escalate the matter myself.
I just have one request.
Until the report is released,
keep this matter out of the media.
Even the faintest rumor spreads panic
among the people, and...
sensitive types like Chaddha
-commit suicide. Isn't it?
-No, no.
-This is my personal number.
I love that expression.
I love that expression!
Call Mr. Dayal.
And get that TC's horoscope.
This is Tyagi from Civil Lines
police station, your majesty.
Yes, tell me.
You're so fond, aren't you,
of initiating inquiries?
Come on up. Let's do an inquiry.
My inquiry?
It was you who meddled, right?
No, I'm on duty, sir.
As if we're sitting here playing Ludo.
Red one, right?
If you come in yourself,
you'll have fun.
If we have to bring you in,
we won't be kind.
Your majesty!
I warned his majesty.
But no, his majesty went to the court.
Now if it's a court order...
then an inquiry must be made, right?
And if this complaint is found
to be a lie...
we'll tear you so wide apart, that no
tailor will be able to stitch you back.
Where you were itching to go.
If questions have been raised,
answers must be found, right?
Take him away.
Rawat sir. He's come.
For his one-way ticket.
Sit, sir.
No, I'm fine.
So why are you bothering us, man?
Who are you?
Scientist, Mathematician, Economist,
what are you?
Senior Ticket Examiner, Indian Railways.
So why leave your bloody job
and do ours?
Do you have some enmity with the bank?
Why have I been called here?
I want to book your ticket--
Oh! You here?
You never told me,
I've been calling you for days...
I'm in charge of this case.
Good thing this case is under
your authority.
Sir must be mighty relieved.
Relieved for what, Mr. Mishra?
-You seem to be familiar, so--
Madam, tea.
-Any biscuits, or--
-No, thank you.
Yeah, just... Tea.
Sorry. The tea here is quite strong.
Uh, at our usual tea stall--
We have studied your case, Mr. Radhe.
The team has some questions.
Yes, of course. What do you want to ask?
Sir, the list is very long.
Do one thing, come in 2 days at 11am.
We'll sit and talk at leisure.
-I have duty in the morning.
-And we're off in the evenings.
So how do we adjust?
Mr. Radhe, uh...
You've opened this case.
So you're the one who must find a way.
You can attend office.
Some or the other arrangements will be
made, I'm sure.
Madam, if you like, we
could adjust--
What's the update on
Karan Thapar's case?
Did you ring them?
Call them to the station?
Go and call them immediately.
Madam, I--
May friendship survive.
People don't give their names
to strangers.
But by giving out your name you
turned me into a stranger.
Good day.
What? Why isn't he bleeding?
Hit him harder.
Is that better, sir?
Move your fat skull away.
Sorry sir, sorry...
Boss! Mr. Dayal is here.
How many times have I told you, don't
let anybody in without my permission?
Mr. Dayal!
What a surprise. How are you?
Mr. Dayal...
This is the parasite who sold
the bank statements to that TC.
Mr. Mehta, you'll get us in trouble.
Stop them. If he dies,
the inquiry will be affected.
The news is already all over the market
that one of your employees has
But Mr. Dayal,
this parasite needs to be exterminated.
And then that TC must be stripped--
Sir, he's lost consciousness.
Should we revive and torture him
more, or dump him in acid?
If he suffers even a scratch,
I'll tear you a new one.
Take him to the hospital.
Madam, this statement appears to be
These bank papers...
you haven't altered them, have you?
Where did you get these statements?
He stole them.
Or hacked them!
Under 66-A...
there's minimum 3 years' imprisonment,
your majesty.
Do I look like a thief to you?
Then why don't you tell us where you got
the statements.
I can't tell you!
And is the inquiry about the bank,
or me?
Mr. Radhe, this is the process.
You must answer.
Or else any random fool...
could bring us a bunch of papers and
accuse any bank of corruption...
and we don't stop to inquire about him
and initiate an inquiry
against the bank?
Right, madam?
Thank you.
For letting me know
I'm some random fool.
But I'm not doing this for any personal
This is the people's money.
Who's going to account for it?
In exchange for Rs. 27.50...
a TV worth 25,000?
Who is to account for that,
your majesty?
I was told it was to compensate for the
discrepancy in my account.
In exchange for Rs. 27.50,
a TV worth Rs. 25,000.
-I didn't ask--
-Are you weak at math?
Mr. Radhe, please think over it and
let us know by tomorrow
where you got the statements from.
Or else we'll find out anyway.
Greetings, madam.
I've brought the bank's
genuine statements.
Here's the hard drive, and here's the
hard copies you requested.
These are some offerings from
Bangla Sahib,
and some sweets from Bengali Market.
If you are satisfied, tell others,
if not, please tell us.
Your calculation is a bit weak.
What do you mean?
I borrowed 100, I returned 100.
Account settled.
But when you borrowed it from me...
in that moment, that 100 was worth
a lakh to you.
How will you settle the moment?
Seems you're weak at accounts.
I invest in moments.
Nice?... Okay.
Do you see what I see?
Uh, I see... black.
Son, the sky is blue. It's dark right
now, but that's not black.
-No, water is colorless.
Your hair.
-My turn.
Do you see what I see?
There's an uncle staring at you.
Huh?... Where?
-Hmm? Just a minute.
Get down, son.
Wait here, I'll be right back.
What happened to you?
Watch out... for you and your kid.
Manu!... Manu!
-Papa!... Papa!
Papa, I was so scared, where did you go?
Oh, Manu! Sorry, little man.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, son. Sorry...
Friend, where did you leave
your son and go? He was crying for you.
Please be careful about your
and your child's safety.
-Kidnappings are on the rise these days.
Friend, you have to pay the penalty.
It adds up to Rs. 475.50.
Will you pay cash,
or via digital currency?
Take that.
-Yes, miss Mona?
Where did you take Manu
in the morning?
What do you mean, where?
I dropped him off at school.
But he's not in there, I'm standing
right outside the school.
-Searched everywhere
he is not in the school,
the teacher says he left.
He left? How could he just leave?
Look carefully, how could he leave?
I'm coming there now.
When? How long will you take?
I'm in a train right now!
The thing is,
Mr. Dimpu's waiting for me at CP.
Don't go anywhere, wait right there,
I'm coming.
Hurry up, go from the left, please.
Move aside, man! Move!
Here you go. Thank you.
-Oh! Manu!
How are you? What happened?
-Papa, I got locked inside.
-Oh, sir,
-he really takes after you.
-He got locked in the bathroom.
Sir, no idea how, but by some mistake...
he got locked inside.
If anything happens to this child,
I won't spare any of you.
I'll blow your fuses.
My name's Mona Lisa.
I'm from Hajipur. Understood?
What's going on?
What does this mean?
Where did you print these statements,
your majesty?
The statements you submitted do not
match the ones provided by the bank.
So the bank... managed their statements.
Could be you managed them?
-Forget that. Please check these again.
-We checked three times, Mr. Radhe.
Here are your statements for September,
October and November,
and here are the
ones given by the bank.
Check them yourself.
Maybe my statements are forged.
Maybe the bank's statements
were managed.
But the people whose accounts
were robbed...
what about their statements?
Were they managed too?
You know...
their contact numbers are in this file.
Please call them,
get their statements and check those.
Is this a police station or
a call center?
Are we supposed to call 150 people?
-Do we have nothing better to do?
-No, Rawat.
Let's inspect those too.
Is he the only one
who cares for justice...
or do others also care about Rs. 27.50?
-Right, madam?
-Call them all, Mr. Mishra.
'The world's gone blind'
'How to make them see'
'The world's gone blind'
'How to make them see'
'Is there one or two'
'That I could explain it to'
'Is there one or two'
'That I could explain it to'
'The world's gone blind'
'How to make them see'
We're bloody middle-class people, man.
Should we see to our bloody work or run
circles around police stations?
Please excuse me, Radhe.
I don't want to go anywhere.
Please, man.
Someone's busy, someone doesn't
answer, someone's unavailable.
'The world's gone blind
The world's gone blind'
You tell us.
'Unseeing like a cow'
'Whose calf gets culled'
'Giving her an empty hide to nurse'
'An empty hide to nurse'
'To see greed'
'As beneficial'
'And truth in ledgers'
'To see'
'As answers'
'Life has become a spider web'
'A millstone that grinds a man down'
No one's answering the phone, madam.
No one's coming, madam.
They all refused.
Madam, greetings.
My name is Gobind Singh Sodhi.
These are my bank statements.
We all received a phone call.
May I come in?
Yes, uh... Please.
Peeking in official files is illegal.
Why? What are you trying to hide?
I'm asking you.
Is this going to be
your behavior with me?
What do you expect?
That I meet you, sip tea with you,
and also run your investigation too?
-I'm not that unprofessional.
So managing an investigation is
professionalism now?
Excuse me?
All the calculations
in there are wrong.
If you don't know accounting,
then why do all this?
When I first saw you here, I thought,
something will get done. Something good.
But your accounting...
is weaker than you.
Mr. Radhe!
You know what your USP is?
You only look at those pages
where the accounts don't match.
You don't look where they're right.
If someone scores
low marks in accounts...
doesn't leave them with a low balance.
Because balance in numbers can be
corrected with an eraser and pencil
but balance in relationships once
can neither be erased...
nor rewritten.
15 years ago...
a girl scored low in accounts
and so you rejected her.
But fate settled accounts.
that same Poonam Subhash Joshi from
Sector 5, Karol Bagh...
is settling accounts with you.
Mr. Radhe, my report may only be as good
as I'm able to make it.
But this time...
it won't be you judging my account...
but the court.
People are growing apprehensive about
banks these days.
The slightest mistake on our part,
could wreak havoc.
I understand, sir.
I have been entirely honorable
in my investigation.
-That's why you were assigned the case.
-Thank you, sir.
For you.
Yes, send Tyagi in.
On your request,
you've been promoted to Traffic.
-Thank you, sir.
-Good luck.
'Jai Hind, sir.'
Who asked for 156?
Sir, I did. Radhe Mohan Sharma.
-Step forward.
-What do you think you should get for
this? -What...
-Uh, justice?
-How will justice be enough?
Get an award or something.
According to the report, at least 30
account-holders were questioned.
But no wrongdoing was found on the
bank's side.
-Sir, how is that possible, sir?
-What will you get by questioning me?
Be quiet and listen.
Your accusations against the bank
are a conspiracy owing to
personal enmity.
A government officer committing such an
irresponsible act?
Sir, the investigating officer is
unversed in accounting.
Please appoint an accounting expert.
If the investigation goes against you,
then switch the officer?
Then if the judgement goes against you,
you'll switch the judge?
-Sir, you misunderstand me--
-You will be held in contempt.
Let me finish.
Just like a fake post
can incite people to riot,
your false charges could incite
the public to panic.
To prevent others from taking such
Sir, you're not letting me speak at all.
adding contempt charges, you are hereby
remanded to one day's judicial custody.
-Sir please, listen to me--
The officer who-- Oh, sir!
-Wait a minute, let me speak to him.
Wait... -Let's go. Come on.
I've always loved to see the Wonders.
And you... are one of a kind.
I mean...
you didn't lose money.
Your buffalo wasn't kidnapped.
Your cycle wasn't stolen.
And still you had a problem?
A person who is distressed by the plight
of strangers...
Is hardly found anywhere.
Who'd you do it for?
For them?
That old man standing in the sun waiting
for his date?
Or that lady toting those vegetables?
Or that guy... frying samosas there?
It's their money, right?
Go ask them.
Would any one of them take your place...
forget a day...
would they go to jail
for even a minute?
They kill themselves
to earn 5 and 10 rupees.
But accounting for 5 or 10 rupees...
no one gives a damn.
How much did I take from them?
100, 200...
Even if I return their 100-200 rupees...
how will their lives change?
Will they buy a few more
kilos of ladyfingers?
For 1.5kg of ladyfinger,
you're a smashed pumpkin.
Go. Cool your heels for 24 hours
in Tihar.
When you come back,
I'll give you an even bigger TV...
with a 55-inch screen.
Greetings, madam.
See you later, then... See you.
To win the big battles, sometimes
you have to lose the little ones.
It's a bank issue,
elections are around the corner.
-The slightest misreporting--
-The report was true, sir.
And so were Radhe's accusations.
Sir, there's a fraud of Rs. 22,40,480
in just those 150 accounts.
If the whole bank is investigated,
then who knows
-how many crores--
-What will that achieve?
What will that accomplish?
Another bank in disrepute,
another bank shut down.
For the public, the country's economy,
it would not be a good thing.
Besides, parents always forgive
-their children's mistakes--
-Then the parents are wrong, sir.
Aren't you in the wrong too,
Ms. Subhash?
By hiding the fact that you have a close
relationship with Radhe.
Why not assume that this is why your
report is in Radhe's favor?
You commute by train, don't you?
At night, all alone.
What if you miss it?
'Jai Hind, sir.'
Take care.
Don't you drink alcohol?
Excuse me?
You're always taking me for tea.
Do you drink?
Some people drink alcohol too.
-I only drink tea.
-Fine. Today's tea is my treat.
Oh, no!
-Thank you.
-Are these your medicines?
Some people take medicine too.
They're for my father-in-law.
-You have a father-in-law?
Some people have a father-in-law too.
So you're married.
Some people are married too.
Good. Uh...
And your husband?
-Some people don't have a husband.
-Very good. Uh, I mean...
I'm really sorry.
It's okay, it's okay.
He was really good.
A very good man.
He's no more.
Your wife?
She was very good too. No more.
I'm... I'm sorry.
No, no. She's no more my wife.
It feels like you're settling accounts
from a past life.
in this life,
I have not done anything for you.
So will I reap the returns for
my good deeds in the next life?
Oh Papa, who's going to wait that long?
I need to live in this life.
Then you must call him in this life too.
Talk to him,
tell him your side of things.
-Will he understand?
-Help him understand.
Papa, where had you gone?
Son, I had to go out of station.
Sir... now don't throw away this dog.
What have you brought?
Veg burger? You could have asked me.
I'd order a fish burger, with cheese.
You see, my Mr. Dimpu is now a delivery
boy with Thooso.
-Is it?
-And yes, sir.
Next time you go out of station,
let me know in advance.
Sudden overtime costs extra. Okay?
-I'll be off then.
Tomorrow we'll make an owl.
Love you, Manu. Bye, sir.
Come. We've got to prepare dinner.
Oh... Son!... What's wrong?
I don't like it when you're not there,
Me neither, son.
I'll never leave you again.
'And look after your son.'
'He got locked inside by mistake.'
Child, a ringing phone can be avoided.
It's difficult to avoid a doorbell.
One bottle of water.
20 rupees.
20 rupees?
It says 15 here.
-Here, 15 rupees.
-It sells for 20.
Are you selling holy water?
That's for free, this costs 20. Pay 20.
Man, you guys are running a racket.
What do you mean, racket, huh?
If you don't want it, don't take it.
Put it back.
-How dare you talk like that?
-How dare you say things like racket...
-I'm telling you.
-Give me the bottle.
-You let go.
-Give me the bottle.
-It's your fault...
-Who're you calling a cheat?
-Hey, Aman!
-I'm calling you a cheat.
-What are you doing?
-Why, you...
'What is the value of this individual?'
'Him? He has no value, sir.'
'They kill themselves to earn
5 or 10 rupees.'
'But accounting for 5 or 10 rupees,
no one gives a damn.'
18th is the day that Do Bank becomes...
Do Daily.
What's our stocks position?
Sir, despite the fluctuating market,
we have a significant growth.
This is what I was talking about.
-Yeah? -Sir, Mrs. Ranganathan of the RBI
wants to talk to you.
Connect the call.
Hello? Mr. Mehta?
Hello, ma'am.
Ma'am, we haven't met, but--
There'll be time to socialize,
Mr. Mehta.
First, let's get down to business.
There's been a complaint against
Do Bank.
Someone mailed it in.
-Radhe Mohan Sharma.
He says the accounts in the bank
have some irregularities.
Ma'am, there has to be a confusion,
ma'am, about this.
Calm down, Mr. Mehta.
He also sent me the details of
150 accounts from your bank.
-I've mailed those to you too.
Please send me the verified data
on those 150 accounts immediately.
No, no, no, ma'am, there has to be a
confusion, but, about this.
-Give me a minute to explain--
-If we have to come to your office...
it could be a problem.
-Sure, ma'am.
-Thank you.
What can this Ranganathan do?
We'll send Ranganathan
the court's orders.
Is she bigger than the court?
We'll keep trading mails
until the merger is complete.
Besides she's a female after all.
How much can she fight?
Oh! Oh, Rita... Rita, stop... Rita!
Enough, Rita. We're done. You go.
Thank you.
-And after that?
-And after that, what?
After that, this Ranganathan...
will resign.
But I'll strip that bloody Radhe Mohan--
You will do nothing.
You will do nothing illegal.
You see, Mr. Mehta...
the thing about the common man...
in the edifice of his honesty... there's
always one, tiny, corrupted brick.
You just shift that brick...
the edifice will collapse on its own.
And he'll be crushed under the weight.
With no one to help.
Potatoes, onions and
tomatoes for sale...
Papa, papa, look.
I can't hear anything, son.
No. 148, No. 148.
Whoever's inside, come out.
No. 148, No. 148.
Whoever's inside, come out.
Papa, papa, look at my bulldozer.
What? That's not a bulldozer.
That's called a JCB.
-Papa, I'll tell you what it does.
-Yes, show me.
-Papa, it breaks things.
-Does it?
What are you doing? Stop this!
What? You were inside?
We announced three times asking
everyone to come out.
-Didn't you listen?
-But why are you breaking my house?
Majesty, if you build an illegal
construction, it will surely break.
Who says it's illegal, sir?
This letter. Showed some other plan,
but planned something else?
You were given several notices,
you didn't respond even once.
-I never received any notices, man.
Papa. Papa.
-Papa, I'm really scared.
-It's okay, nothing will happen.
I'm there, Papa's there. Come this way,
-Don't worry, don't worry.
-Here's your notice.
-What notice is this?
-Whose signature is this?
Who is this Mona Lisa? Your wife?
No, no, this is a mistake, stop this.
-Hey, stop it. What are you doing? Stop.
-Move. Move aside.
Get down! Move him aside.
-Stop, Listen to me. How can you do
this... -Move! Hey, move!
-Come, come!
-Take him away.
You keep breaking it. Break it down!
Radhe, what's... what's going on?
All this... is happening because of you.
I was totally wrong.
-You're actually a very good account
keeper. -Radhe, please, please--
15 years ago
I didn't make a home with you...
and now you've destroyed my home.
-What are you talking about? Listen to
me... -No, you listen to me.
You don't invest in moments...
you keep count of every second.
Papa, Papa!
Oh, my God! They didn't even break
that house this much.
What a disaster, sir. A terrible one.
Mr. Dimpu, get the plates.
We brought Chinese food from the street
stall. He makes it spicy,
-But it's always crowded.
-Miss Mona...
-Is this your signature?
Yes. M. Lisa is me.
-Then why didn't you tell me?
-When did I get the time, sir.
-I only signed last night.
-Last night?
-This is two months old.
They backdated it, sir.
Last night, two policemen came and took
Mr. Dimpu away.
They made him sit on a bicycle with no
seat and ride it for 2 whole hours.
I couldn't bear to see
my husband in that position, sir.
-Wait, but he--
-Hear me out first, sir.
One woman is heavy on a hundred.
I took a whole 14 lakhs to sign that.
Mr. Sharma was doing it for free,
do you know?
I think you can rebuild
what they broke for five.
Use the remaining two to get a good
lawyer. These guys are really naughty.
Look after yourself.
We're going to Bangkok for a week.
We only... worry about Manu.
Okay then? I'll continue when I'm back.
Oh, and, the Chinese is complimentary,
our treat. Okay?
Bye Manu. Love you, sir.
Sorry. Love you Manu, bye sir.
Shall we go? What are you staring at,
the taxi's waiting, the meter's ticking.
Sit here, son. I'll be back soon. Okay?
Why did they break our house?
-Oh, son, that...
-Mr. Sharma.
Good morning.
What's wrong, is there a problem?
He's from the Central Vigilance
Commission, Mr. Asthana.
Mr. Sharma... in the year 2017-18,
in the collections submitted by you,
there's a shortfall of 17 rupees.
What do you mean?
I mean you collected more
and submitted less.
You are charged with misappropriating
Rs. 17.
-This is an order for the inquiry.
-Is it?
Sir, surely there's been some mistake.
I have always accounted for every paisa.
Kundu madam's register
contains my daily entries.
These people confiscated it.
It is up to you to prove that
you did not steal Rs. 17.
And until you prove it,
you are hereby suspended.
Greetings... Greetings.
I have the account for each day.
You will soon be called before the
magistrate to clear yourself.
You'll need it then. Okay? Greetings.
Radhe! Radhe, what is this I hear?
This is wrong. Bloody hell!
Oh, Kundu madam! Master!
Man, didn't I warn you?
Hell, there's still time, man.
Apologize, and let it go.
Did he let it go...
who wanted to save Rs. 5
on a bottle of water?
Did he let it go, who was crushed by a
train for Rs. 5?
A man earns his living
through hard labor.
And no Mehta can take away
hard-earned money.
-Why don't you understand, these guys--
-What will they do?
They sent me to jail,
destroyed my home...
Took away my job on fake charges.
Will they kill me next?
Even those who don't hold
Mehta to account still die, right?
Papa, aren't you eating?
Papa, are you okay?
I'm all right, son.
But perhaps there's something
wrong with my account.
I tried to balance accounts
with your mother...
but she left us and went away.
I tried to account for money,
and they broke our home.
Don't ever take up accounting, son.
Papa, shall we go home?
Yes, let's go, son.
'Do do do do Do Bank!
Do do do do do Do Bank!'
'If you're satisfied, tell others
If you're not, tell us'
'Do do do do Do Bank!
Do do do do do Do Bank!'
How was that?
Thank you.
Even this dog's better than you.
At least he appreciates
someone's effort.
But you?
India becomes the world's 5th largest
economy. But youre still not happy.
The G20 presidency
gets awarded to India.
But you're still not happy.
Do Bank has gone global.
But you're still not happy.
You raise a ruckus for 10 rupees,
what's your problem?
my problem is that you're a thief."
Me?... A thief?
I give gifts to customers.
I give 1% more interest
than other banks.
If I knock off a few days' worth of
everyone's interest
and earn myself a few thousand crores,
where's the harm?
You people waste 10-20 rupees everyday
on chewing tobacco.
What do you get in return?
I give jobs.
What more does he want?
Return the money you stole
from the people.
What are you doing? Let the kid go...
Hey, stay back.
Tell them to let the kid go.
I'm speaking, not you, right?
Shut up!
Appreciate when you're asked to.
When tigers talk, then pups don't speak.
How many times did I tell you.
Have your ears gone rotten?
Idiot! You went to jail,
had your house broken, lost your job...
but you still turn your nose up high.
-Lower it. Lower it! Do it!
What are you looking at?
Bloody ticket collector!
Two-penny servant of a man.
You've got my head all screwed up.
The merger's in two days...
and you lead me on a merry dance?
-Today, I'll make you dance. Strip.
I'll make you dance naked today. Strip!
-No, no, wait, wait.
I'll strip.
Don't do it, sir.
Why are you doing all this?
Ramu kaka!
Leave, mind your own business.
This is our family matter.
-Go now. Okay?
-Let the child go.
-What's going on, uncle?
-Uncle, any problem?
Who all are they?
-What happened?
-Any problem?
-What is going on?
-Hey Raju, come here.
Come fast.
Is there a problem here?
I said, let the kid go, man.
This is the Do Bank guy, isn't he?
Get him on video! Get him on video!
Mickey Mehta, guys...
Your bank, Do Bank...
Happy bank, happy customer! Go.
Get lost!
Sir, are you okay?
Thank you.
Sir?... Sir!
I couldn't understand
your accounting the other day...
but what you said
felt absolutely true, sir.
This is my son.
He's studying to be a CA.
I showed him that video of you.
Sir, what you said
turned out to be true.
We had an account in the same bank. When
we checked there were irregularities.
Then Papa went there the next day
and closed our account.
Why didn't I think of this before?
Sir, we clean up the city's filth.
We cannot stand those who spread filth.
Why didn't you tell us about this?
-You have an account in the same bank?
-We all do.
Some years ago, a zero balance account
camp was held here.
So everyone signed up then.
I opened my account
at the same camp too.
My God! That means they must be stealing
from all our accounts.
Even if they steal from one account
it's still theft, isn't it?
I'll close my account tomorrow itself.
How can we just close
our accounts like that?
It's got all my savings
for my daughter's wedding.
So simply withdraw it all, friend.
I only fear two people.
and a man of honor.
Sir, sir--
The milk has spilled over, sir.
Look, friend. I wish to close my
account. You got a problem with that?
Sir, people are crowding the bank
looking to close their accounts.
How can this happen?
How can so many people
want to close their accounts?
How is this possible?
I don't know, sir.
Customers are flooding the bank.
They all want to close their accounts,
-and there isn't enough money in the
bank. -Find out what's going on.
-What are you guys doing? -Uncle, what
happened? Demonetization again?
-No, we're closing our
accounts. -Why?
Everyone's doing it,
so I'm doing it too.
Hello, Papa?...
How much money do we have in Do Bank?
Just closed my account in Do Bank.
Feeling safe and happy.
'It's the common man's turn now
And they are ready to fight'
Do Bank is about to shut down.
Brothers, this Do Bank
is about to shutdown.
Dear, Do Bank has closed.
Pappu's Papa? Do Bank has closed.
All those with accounts in Do Bank,
close them all down!
-I can't close mine.
-Why can't you do it?
I don't have an account in Do Bank.
Bloody hell, first close my account.
Scam at Do Bank.
'People withdraw money in large
'Long lines outside ATMs.'
'Will the public get back
the money it has lost?'
-How many accounts did you close?
-I had two accounts, I closed both.
Shut the bank.
Don't let the public enter.
Call the police.
Beat the crowd, do something!
What's happening in this country?
Do we really need Do Bank?
Mr. Dayal, do something.
The public's gone mad.
At least make a statement, or...
everything will be finished.
Foreign powers are behind this.
It's a direct attack
on the country's economy.
Do Bank is absolutely safe.
There is no need to panic.
'-Jai Hind, sir.'
-Ranganathan madam...
what's going on with Do Bank?
I'm giving you a free hand.
Take immediate action.
A report has already
been called for, sir.
Not a single paisa of the public will go
out of the country. Don't you worry.
One second, wait. Step back. Step back!
Look, madam...
if even the law sides with the corrupt,
whom does the poor man turn to?
Mr. Dayal...
this is all the fault of that TC.
He's incited people,
-I won't spare that TC--
-Oh, man! Forget him. Watch this.
This is the officer
who conducted the inquiry.
And she's leaked
the real report on the internet.
This is my original report,
which my seniors had suppressed.
I request the Honorable High Court
to take cognizance of this matter.
I might be weak in accounts.
So please
have an accounts expert verify it.
'Jai Hind.'
In light of the scam at Do Bank,
Daily Bank has halted their merger.
Oh, Mr. Mehta. Somebody fetch
some water, fetch a doctor.
And that's how Do Bank drowned.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Now Ranganathan will come
with a court order.
Then ED, IT, RBI, CBI... You're screwed.
Sir... Me?
Just me?
I told you, if you screw around,
you'll get screwed around.
Now get screwed.
How much do you want?
All of it.
It's 2000 crores, sir.
Leave behind 1500...
Fly away with the rest.
But sir.
Sir, with all that money...
how do I leave the country, sir?
Mr. Mehta, we're taking fees from you,
so naturally we'll provide
services, right?
Because of that TC
I have to leave it all behind, sir?
I'll do something drastic, sir.
You can't do a thing.
Leave it to us.
That TT will pay for his 17 rupees
or my name's not Dabboo Dayal.
Mr. Mehta,
in matters of give and take,
you're just too punctual.
Thank you.
All 1500 crores.
Thank you... From the heart.
Let's meet in London, then.
But I won't spare that TC.
You'll get screwed.
How much more will you get screwed?
Let's go, man.
'Don't worry, son.
I'll handle things here.'
'Once you come to London...'
'the Indian government
won't be able to do a thing to you.'
Mr. Sharma, whether the loot
amount is Rs. 17 or Rs. 1 crore...
both are punished the same.
What is this, Radhe?
Why did you mount the table?
Sir, the whole system has mounted me.
Can't I mount a table?
But an office has a dignity to maintain.
Sir, is a common man's dignity
lower than a table's?
Please begin.
Thank you, sir.
1st April... 2017.
The collection was Rs. 1981.15.
On 2nd April,
there was a protest held in Delhi.
The collection that day was
Rs. 4,121.85.
'Settle accounts!'
'Father, Grandfather, Sister, Bablu'
'Bunty, they're all about to
settle accounts'
'Turn the tables'
'Every hour, every bell,
every government guarantee'
He bloody got away.
On 15th August,
people tend to feel a bit too free.
That day, our collection was
Rs. 4211.25.
'Every betrayal will be Taken to task'
'Settle accounts'
'Honor has arrived, arrived in force'
'The words of lovers contain the
quatrains of Ghalib'
'He's a scarf, but he's pulled the wool
over our eyes'
'Our monies are invested in building
their mansions'
Where is Gate no. 4?
Where is gate no. 4? Oh, oops...
'Every prank, deception, harassment,
tear, every penny'
Hello sir.
Don't worry, sir.
There will be no scanning.
'Settle accounts!'
On 30th March 2018 it was... Rs. 1102.
And on 31st March 2018, it was...
Rs. 982.35.
That all adds up to 4,32,981 rupees.
But here the total is Rs. 4,32,998.
Where's the remaining
Rs. 17, Mr. Sharma?
Please get back on the ground
and give us an account.
Mr. Dayal...
everything's gone through.
Come to London, I'll show you the life.
Mr. Mehta, you'll screw us all.
And you'll get screwed in London too.
Round up formula, sir.
It has its advantages...
but a lot of disadvantages too.
For example...
Rs. 1981.15 were rounded off...
to Rs. 1981.
Rs. 4121.85 was rounded off...
to Rs. 4122.
Which gives a total of 4,32,998 rupees.
The account is settled, sir.
Sir, the amounts match.
-This way, please.
If you want to trap someone, sir...
there's a thousand ways.
If you want to save someone,
there's only one.
The system is enough.
I know it was wrong to climb the table
in front of you.
But what do I do? Nobody ever listens.
That's why I had to climb up to speak.
People don't speak up.
It's not because they're scared.
They're just busy.
Or they've been made busy.
In data, deals... in sales too.
They put you into sales...
and ended up putting you on sale.
These bottles of water, sir...
one for Rs. 20, three for Rs. 60.
Three coffees, Rs. 1000.
Those biscuits, Rs. 200.
Now that you're here,
obviously you'll have lunch.
Approximately Rs. 4000.
To investigate Rs. 17...
an expenditure of lakhs.
That's the real scam.
To conceal a scam
worth thousands of crores...
let's obfuscate it with
a scam worth Rs. 17.
That's the real scam.
My home is destroyed...
I'm sent to jail...
I'm humiliated in front of my son.
And to the man who commits a scam
worth thousands of crores,
the law provides a drop-off service.
But this is the new India, sir.
It won't let you go.
It'll drag the thieves back here.
-Mr. Mehta.
-Mr. Mehta.
-Yes, Tommy?
-What is there in your luggage?
My luggage?
What happened to my luggage?
The public that fights
and dies for their families...
and yet is scared...
those who mistake their fear
for cowardice...
had better recognize...
that even as the
common man shies away...
he's keeping account.
How could you touch my bags?
-This is not permitted.
-Sir, please listen to me...
What are you carrying in your bag?
-What are you doing?
-Open this up.
-No, stop!
And when the time comes...
he'll make sure that each and every...
account is settled.
'Settle accounts!'
'Turn the tables'
'Settle accounts!'
'Square the deal'
My money...
My... My money?
Where's my money!
My money...
Where's, where's, where's my money?
Where, where's my money? My--
The artiste.
-Mr. Dayal?
-You only gave me Rs. 682 crores!
Mehta, I'm going to...
And listen!
I'll drag you back down from London.
Let me get there first, Mr. Dayal.
It's all gone, Mr. Dayal, it's all gone.
All 1500 crores.
'Our every paisa will be accounted for'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle the score'
'Settle accounts'
We did it!
Sir, you set all this in motion.
Many, many thanks. Thank you.
This is the public's money.
But how do we get so much money
through to the public?
Mr. Mehta,
wherever the money may be hidden...
we'll find it one way or another.
Whether we have to scope the earth
or the sky.
You'll screw...
-And you'll--
-And you'll screw with me.
I still don't understand one thing.
Who was the mascot
who helped you at the airport?
It could be anybody.
Any common man.
Who pays tax on everything,
from soap to gold.
Who is genuinely concerned
about every rupee.
The country runs on people like him.
And people think... that these people
sitting in front run the country.
A man who has no money
gets no respect from anybody.
And the man who has money
never respects anybody.
Mr. Mehta,
you brought the
Delhi vibe down to Mumbai.
Mr. Mehta,
please exercise
some control.
When elections
come around,
a man needs to at least
appear human.
Your bank is anyway
going to get merged.
Mr. Dayal, would you deny me
freedom of expression
and freedom
of expectation, both?
What the Do Bank
has achieved in 15 years
doesn't come by
staying silent.
What I'd like to know
is, how do you
manage to be so
honorably dishonorable?
You have no bad loans,
no bad investments,
yet you hand
us crores of rupees.
How? How?
Do you know whose
money is in the bank?
-The common man's?
The common man's.
The common man works
so that we may
achieve our purpose.
Try this Pule cheese.
Made from the milk of
a Siberian donkey.
The common man is
just like a donkey.
His interest lies in his
work, and ours...
in his account.
He'll fight over 10 rupees...
so that we can run
our bank.
50 rupees?
What are you saying?
You get mangoes for 30 rupees!
So your account is fed
by the public account.
Mr. Mehta, you'll be the
death of us...
Truly you'll get us killed.
Who's going to kill us?
Who gives a damn?
These days people
count their likes and
internet data more than
their money.
Who even notices 10
or 20 rupees?
Sir, wait!
Sir, stop!
Stop, sir, stop!
Sir, stop!
Sir, stop!
Where are you taking these?
Hey! Give me your hand.
Here, take. You too, please have one.
Here you go, friend. See...
there's enough for everyone. Here.
I don't eat stolen oranges.
Government's already looting us.
If a government servant does it too,
what will become of us poor people?
I've got it on video too, man.
Hey, no, don't make me go viral.
Listen, everyone.
It's not what you think.
See, when the train stopped
at Faridabad,
I thought, let me buy some oranges.
Two for 20 rupees, I handed over a 100,
he went to get change,
and the train started.
What could I leave behind?
The oranges, or the money?
I left neither.
I took another 8 oranges worth
80 rupees,
then ran and caught the train.
So I'm still legit.
Whoa, well done, well done!
Come, let's see those tickets.
Tickets, please.
-Let me see.
Let's see yours.
'All our lives,
there's people who play roles.'
'We play supporting roles.'
'A starring role somewhere,
a villainous role somewhere else.'
'This is TTE Radhe Mohan Sharma.'
'A topper in accounts...
Number one at numbers.'
'Please pay attention the train number
1523 for Gujarat...'
Greetings, Kundu madam.
Oh ho, munching groundnuts
all by yourself.
Am I by myself, Mr. Sharma?
I've got Hrithik sitting on my left,
and Ranveer on my right.
-You're just teasing me.
-Who started it, brother?
When you can see I'm sitting alone,
do you have to make wisecracks?
It's been two years
since my husband ran away.
Since then, I subsist on groundnuts
and booze.
But every time I see you,
it feels like home.
-Speaking of which, how long since your
wife ran away? -Ah!
Here's today's penalties.
Rawat Singh, Rs. 185...
'After his father passed away,'
'he bid his dream of being a CA
a tearful goodbye.'
'He took on his father's job as a
TC in the Railways.'
'The Railways may be
short on accountability,'
'but his accounts are always spot on.'
'Each and every bill is accounted for.'
'And he teaches kids the same.'
0.001, tally it.
-Sir, what do you eat?
-What are you implying?
Sir, you can just round this off.
What's the value of 0.001?
-Come here... Come here.
-No, let it be, sir.
'Come here!'
What is the value
of this lone individual?
Him? Sir, he has no value at all.
And 140 crore individuals?
That makes the whole country.
This 0.0001 may have no value
but if you multiply it by 1 crore,
it becomes 1000.
And you know the value of 1000.
That's why in accounts,
each and every paisa is important.
Keep revising.
It's just numbers, why fear them?
Count everything until everything's
counted. I'll see you in 5 days. Bye.
See you. Bye.
"Take a cold, cold shower" Looking
good, we're looking handsome today!
Thank you.
-Let's go.
'Anyway, anyhow, anything you do'
'Never stay stuck,
always make it through'
'Anyway, anyhow, anything you do'
'Never stay stuck,
always make it through'
'Take your sack of good times'
'And splurge it all around'
'Stuff back into your pockets'
'All your worries for a while'
'Show the world the magic
and teach them the spell'
-What's wrong?
-Papa, it's potty, it's urgent.
-Last game.
-Last game.
-They're closing down here.
-Papa, it's coming out here.
-Last game.
-Hold, hold... One minute, one minute.
Go, go, go, son. Hurry. Close the door.
Five rupees per potty.
I'll pay, friend, I'll pay.
Manu, hurry up son.
-What's this?
-No change.
You can have this toffee,
or do another potty.
'While an ordinary man forages for five
rupees to weave his quilt of dreams'
'he is often unaware'
'that someone's using his dreams as wool
to knit themselves a sweater.'
Even I want my photo taken here.
We will, son.
Papa, why did Mumma go away?
What happened, Papa?
Come here.
Son, our accounts didn't match.
All right son, get off.
Papa, we're getting late.
Hello, sir! I am Kuku Kejriwal.
-Greetings, I am Radhe Mohan Sharma.
-Looking handsome, sir.
-You look just like twins.
-Thank you.
-Do I have your permission, sir?
-Yes, tell me.
Sir, I wish to sell you this
credit card--
-I don't want one.
-No problem, sir.
Body, soul and wealth,
all belongs to you.
Sir, this card is wonderful...
Sir, at least hear the whole offer.
-Free medical insurance--
-Oh, cut it out.
Wait, listen sir, there's lots more...
Sir, sir!
Sir, how much did you say?
Rs. 27.50.
-Rs. 27.50?
You mean, twenty seven rupees,
fifty paisa only?
Yes, how many times do you need to ask?
Oh no sir, we have to ask.
It's a money matter,
and Rs. 27.50 at that.
-Where do these guys come from?
-What are you talking about?
-Sir, why are you wasting our time?
-We're talking here.
-Papa, let's go.
-Your kid's getting upset too.
Look friend, there's only Rs. 27.50
missing from my account...
-I have--
-Please write a complaint.
I've already written one.
Everything's right here.
Take Rs. 27.50 from me.
Why waste our time?
-Uh, next.
-Wait, aren't you going to do something?
I can't do anything, sir.
Your complaint will go up,
if there's been a mistake,
it will come back in 3-4 days.
-The amount?
-Uh, the reply.
I see. Okay, we'll be back
in three days. Let's go, son.
Fine, my friend. Go ahead.
Everyone's in a hurry here,
no one's really concerned.
The card is totally free.
Just provide your Aadhar, PAN card,
-and six-month bank statement--
-Why are you...
I don't want it.
Sir, you're not listening--
When you understand, you'll want one.
Okay, tickets. Show your ticket.
'Mummy! Get me something to eat.'
'Sister-in-law, give me something to
eat, please.'
'Pick up the plate and see.
You'll find something to eat.'
'The left one's a doctor,
the right one's an engineer.'
'-And the middle one?'
'-Radhe, Radhe!'
'Sister-in-law, I'm not doing a
religious ceremony.'
'I'm choosing a boy to marry.'
'Fine, as if I'm chanting hymns.'
'That's his name. Radhe Mohan.'
'He's preparing for his CA exam.
And for marriage too.'
'So what am I supposed to do?'
'Say yes, or say no.'
'Without meeting him?'
'You've already made up 50%
of your mind.'
'Make up the rest when you meet.'
'Raju's Gol Gappe stall,
outside Gupta Classes.'
'Brother, one more plate.'
'Sister-in-law, how much will you eat?'
'Will you leave without meeting him?'
'We've had five plates
in the last half hour.'
'This new moon refuses to appear.'
'Give me another one too, man.'
'Mummy and I will have one too.'
'Handbag, Mummy.'
'What happened?'
'Our horoscopes didn't match?'
'He's a number one jackass.'
'A man looks at the family,'
'horoscope, traditional values.'
'But he saw the score on your marksheet'
'and refused the match.'
'-Bah! Crazy man.'
'He says the girl's weak at math.
How will she manage accounts.'
Ticket, please.
Show me your ticket.
-It comes to 460, my friend.
-How does it add up?
I'm not asking you for too much.
-Look, it's--
-Actually, it's not 460.
See? Friend, I've been trying,
you please explain it to him.
See, from Agra Cantt. to Delhi is 187km,
so the fare comes to 210.
According to section 138 of Railway Act,
penalty for traveling without
proper pass is equal to Rs. 250...
or equivalent to the fare,
whichever is higher.
Plus, superfast surcharges. Rs. 30.
Which you forgot to add.
So the total comes to 490.
-Not 460.
-You're absolutely correct, sir.
Wait, just a second.
-Are you mad?
Who's this man dressed up as an orange?
Him? He's my senior TTE.
-Greetings, sir.
Screw your greetings.
Turning up like a hair in my food.
Two people are talking,
and you barge in--
Okay listen, it comes to 490.
My friend, the train's coming to a stop.
Please pay a fine of Rs. 490,
or you need to come with me.
-Okay, so come then.
-Yes, so come.
-Come, come.
My uncle-in-law's in the post,
not the railways.
-Fine, come...
-Are you taking me lightly?
Mr. Kumar, your pass has expired.
Uh, hello...
Excuse me.
-Papa, come on.
-Yes coming, son, coming.
Hey, this file's been left behind.
Whose is it, yours?
It belongs to the guy
who called you an orange.
-Is it?
Son, this...
Hey friend, wait up.
Come, son, come on, get down.
-We've walked a lot today, haven't we?
-Good evening, sir.
Good evening. Good evening.
Hey! Kundu Madam?
-Oh, Mr. Sharma? Greetings.
-You're quite a shiny orange today.
-Yes, well...
-You look good.
A passenger left a file in the train.
Please deposit it.
Mr. Sharma, after 7 p.m...
I only open my bottle. Do one thing,
drop it at the SM's office.
-Is this your personal child?
He doesn't look yours.
Your wife must have been the pretty one.
-Papa, let's go home, please.
-Yes, right away, right away.
-Hello, my boy.
-Oh, Mr. Tandon.
So, Radhe?
What program for the new year?
Throw us a party, Mr. Sharma.
Mr. Tandon? Mr. Gupta.
Hey, Gupta! Wait, you fool!
He owes me money, the bloody...
Mr. Sharma, the par-- party.
"Welcome to Do Bank customer care."
Son, drink your milk. It'll sharpen your
brain and your accounts will match up.
Papa, if you eat bread everyday,
it'll sharpen your brain
and your accounts will match up.
The student becomes the master?
"You are in queue.
Please stay on the line."
-Hey, Manu? Where are you off to?
-Papa, Sheru's hungry.
Two kilos sugar gone in a week,
what's going on in this house?
Come on, brother.
The world is ending, and you're worried
about sugar. Don't you check WhatsApp?
Will Manu drink plain milk?
-What's the occasion?
Drink your milk, eat your sweets.
My Mr. Dimpu's become a scientist.
-He did a course on 'YouTube'
and made a sanitizer with dove urine.
Try it.
No, no! What are you doing?
Oh, no...
The sweet is spoiled too--
I know you're jealous of Mr. Dimpu.
I've done overtime on 3 days,
And here, the bill for the sanitizer.
Can I say something, sir?
You have to try it to believe it.
Don't turn up your nose so quickly.
Such a pretty face,
and you keep making faces.
Come Mr. Dimpu. Mr. Khanna's waiting.
We've kept him waiting so long.
Bye, bye. Oh, God!
Manu? Manu drink your milk, son.
Come on. Manu-- hey, don't do that,
you'll break something.
Come, drink your milk, hurry up.
"You are in queue."
What do you mean, sorry?
You spilled the milk.
Didn't I tell you not to play here?
Didn't I? Go to your room. Go now!
Oh man, he spilled it all.
Is this a place to play? Yuck!
He's ruined the file.
Yuck!... Oh, no!
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
Good morning, sir. Kuku Kejriwal.
-May I have your permission sir--
Thank you, sir.
Mind, body, wealth, all belong to you.
Friend, I already said it once,
don't you get it?
How many times do I tell you,
it's not in our hands.
Friend, it's been four days
since I gave you the matter in writing.
Look, what you wrote and gave me, I sent
upstairs. When it comes back down,
-then you'll get your answer.
-Oh no, friend, I don't want the answer.
I want that Rs. 27.50 accounted for.
Friend, I'll give you Rs. 27.50.
-But please don't waste my time.
-Time waste?
Asking for an account of
my own money is a waste of time?
If an account is short by one rupee,
the bank rejects a cheque.
And here, Rs. 27.50 has vanished,
and no one is concerned?
So do you want an ED investigation
for 27 rupees?
You're a weird, jobless guy.
Turning up every day.
Can I tell you something?
You're a very rude person.
-And quite lousy too.
-Who'd you call lousy?
You're lousy.
All your ancestors,
and your future descendants!
What? This is too much!
How dare you insult my family?
Hey! Let go my collar!
Let go my collar!
I said, let go my collar!
Hey, the computer's fallen!
Oh, he broke the computer!
I am giving you one last warning.
Let him go. I'm Chaddha.
Whoever you are, if you interfere
I'll tear you a new one.
But I'm the manager.
Both of y'all, let go.
Tiwari, hands off.
Hands off.
Now tell me. What's the problem?
-Sir, he--
-You shut up, Tiwari!
-Let the customer speak.
Sir. If you're satisfied, tell others.
If not, tell us.
I am not at all satisfied, friend.
It's been many days I'm telling this
there's Rs. 27.50 missing
from my account.
I submitted an application four days
ago, and he's done nothing about it.
Like a crow he caws,
"Tomorrow, tomorrow."
Why, Tiwari? Why haven't you
forwarded his application?
-Sir, I did forward it--
-To which fool?
Sir, you.
When... When did you send it to me?
Sir, when you were playing
Secret Santa with Madhu madam.
And you said,
"Don't come to me with stupid problems."
What rubbish! You're lying.
Sir, I'm not lying. It's probably in
your dustbin, please check.
You fool! Get out. Get out from here.
Don't call me names, understand?
Call me Chaddhe?
Security! Security, save me!
Help! Security!
-Help, he's choking me...
-Let go... Let go!
Come out!... Come out!
I'll see you outside...
I'll see you outside...
-He was carried like a sack of wheat...
-Somebody help me.
Somebody pick him up.
You go, sell your cards. Go.
What are you all staring at,
is this a circus? Back to work.
Friend, it wasn't such a grave fault,
that you--
Not a fault, it's a crime, Mr. Bhatia.
Oh, uh, I'm Radhe Mohan Sharma.
Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Sharma, I apologize.
Banks are humans too.
And only a human can help another human.
-Madhu madam?
-Yes, sir?
-Please note sir's details.
-Okay, sir.
In the meantime, sir...
This is my personal number.
I don't... just share it with everybody.
Even if you call at 3 o'clock at night,
I will entertain you.
Please see to my issue in the day,
that would be great.
-Yes, yes, why not. No tension.
-Shall I get you something to drink?
-No, need. I'll be off. Thank you.
Thank you.
Put some more... A little more.
Who pulled the chain?
Who pulled the chain?
-Who spilled my chickpeas?
-Quiet. I ask questions first.
-Who pulled the chain?
-Sir, no one pulled the chain...
It's stopped at an outer signal.
Yes sir, it often stops here.
How can it just stop like that?
Who's out there? Let's see.
Why are you getting off, guys?
The trains stopped on the outer,
it'll move soon.
Madam, listen to me.
Don't walk on the tracks, it's illegal.
Please get back on the train,
or it will leave.
-The train's already leaving.
-Yes, I was--
What? Hey, wait, wait! Pull the chain!
Pulling the chain is illegal, sir.
Sir, you took an orange less that day!
Buy 10, get one free.
Now our account is settled!
Oh, man!
See? I missed my train.
You missed your train a long time ago.
No, no, I've never missed a train.
I only got off for you this time.
Have you gotten off for me,
or have you gotten after me?
-What's the difference between the two?
-Do you know me?
Sure. You're a daily passenger.
Do you know my name?
Yes... Seat number 23.
Then you're definitely after me.
No, I haven't gotten after you.
You're still after me right now.
I don't know the way.
-Looks like this is your daily route?
Uh... It's not stolen.
It wasn't stolen that day either.
'My mind is painted'
'The color of you'
'I could walk every step'
'By your side'
'Beneath your shade I'd fall asleep'
'Dream of you on repeat'
'Be a refuge for your tired eyes'
-Are you sick?
-No, I'm totally fit.
So why have you followed me
to the doctor's?
Actually I was headed to the station.
Where's the station?
Where you left it. That way.
All right then.
Could I get 100 rupees?
I left my wallet and phone in the train.
Ah. Sure.
Uh... Could I get your phone number?
Are you going to call me?
No, uh... I'll send it on your phone
using digital pay.
'O Sammi, now it's my turn, I have
fallen, I am in love, O Sammi'
'O Sammi, now it's my turn, I have
fallen, I am in love, O Sammi'
'The path is wet and slippery, O Sammi'
'Watch where you place your feet,
O Sammi'
'O Sammi, it's my turn, I have fallen
I am in love, O Sammi'
'I am in love, O Sammi'
What are you doing,
why is everything scattered?
How filthy your house is, sir,
you've got so much junk piled up.
Okay, but why are you doing all this?
Not me, Mr. Dimpu's become a
cleaning boy for Urban Shop now.
There's a bill for 1000 kept there.
And sir, if you want my advice,
you should remarry.
Manu will get a mummy,
and I'll get company.
'An uneventful life'
'Where I share my morning tea with you'
'In the golden light of the setting sun'
'I am aglow due to your presence'
'And sometimes, if there's a storm'
'We hold on tight and face it together'
'Whenever a chill wind blows'
'You wrap and hide yourself in me'
'Beneath your shade I'll fall asleep'
'Dream of you on repeat'
'Be a refuge for your tired eyes'
'O Sammi, it's my turn, I have fallen
I am in love, O Sammi'
'O Sammi, it's my turn, I have fallen
I am in love, O Sammi'
'The path is wet and slippery, O Sammi'
'Watch where you place your feet,
O Sammi'
'O Sammi, it's my turn, I have fallen
I am in love, O Sammi'
'I am in love, O Sammi'
I didn't think I'd get it back. Seems
the Railways actually work these days.
-This smells of old milk.
-Mr. Sharma must have spilled some.
And who tallied these accounts?
Must be Mr. Sharma. He has an obsession.
Mr. Sharma's quite intelligent.
I found it, I found it...
-So you recognize me?
You buffalo tail,
you cost me 490 rupees.
Don't cross me again,
I'm a real gangster.
Get lost! Hello?
Who was that insolent dumb?
Mr. Tandon, the age of civility is over.
I sorted that man's tax returns.
Instead of saying thanks,
he said a lot of foul things.
Let it go, bloody hell.
But let me thank you in advance.
Here you go.
What is this?
This jerk, my CA...
First he didn't pick up my calls. Now he
can't pick himself up. He's got COVID.
He's on oxygen but
I'm the one breathless.
Four days left to file my returns,
please do it for me.
Mr. Tandon, I'm not a CA.
As if my guy's a CA.
You file your own, right? It's easy.
Our accounts are also in the same bank.
-Do Bank?
Hey, Gupta! Gupta...
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle accounts!'
I knew it, this bloody bank's
running a scam.
Yes, Mr. Tandon. Your savings account
receives less interest every month.
Rs. 20, Rs. 15, Rs. 7.50...
Total Rs. 125.50.
You should complain against the bank.
I did so too.
-How far off was yours?
-Rs. 27.50.
I've already been to
the bank three times.
Now they called again after two days.
And you want me to journey
cross-country for Rs. 125?
I don't have that kind of time.
-Mr. Tandon, this is your money.
-So why are you getting hassled?
But this could be a really big scam.
This bank takes Rs. 10 at a time--
Look, brother. Keeping account is good.
But anything in excess is bad.
You should go see a doctor.
Mr. Tandon, I'm saying this
for your own good.
-Hey, Gupta!
-Mr. Tandon...
'Thank you for calling Mr. Chaddha.
Your call will be answered shortly.'
This is today's India.
Not behind America,
but alongside America. In fact...
ahead of America.
And the credit for this goes to the
4 crore account holders of Do Bank.
The banks run primarily on deposits from
the middle class,
so the highest returns, too,
will come to the middle class.
That's why, now every
housewife will get...
1% extra interest.
This year, Holi will not be gulal-filled
but global.
By the time of Holi, the merger of Do
Bank and Daily Bank will be complete...
and the country will transform.
-Hey! What is this?
-A mouse.
Mr. Dimpu's an artist now.
Paper waste to best.
Wonderful. Please, please keep it there.
-Hello, Mr. Sharma?
Chaddha, from Do Bank.
-Hello, sir.
-I should be calling you sir.
-Happy new year, sir.
-No, no, no.
-No problem, sir.
Body, soul, wealth, all belongs to you.
-Belated happy new year, Mr. Sharma.
-Happy new year.
-Something special today?
-You're special today, sir.
-Uh, Madhu madam? Please.
-Sir, Do Bank card--
-Do that later, man.
Come, sir. Come.
For you, sir.
-A TV?
-Not a TV, sir.
It's a 32-inch apology from us.
We are sorry, sir.
Your Rs. 27.50 has been credited to your
account, you can check any time.
-What? -If you're satisfied,
tell others. If not, please tell us.
But how did the discrepancy occur?
Sir, banks are humans too.
Mistakes happen.
But it's all computerized.
Even computers are run by humans, sir.
-Kejriwal, take a selfie, man.
-Smile please.
-Not of you, man. Take one of us.
Oh. Sorry, sir.
Smile a little, please.
A little smile.
-One low-angle.
-He's appeared behind.
Hey, Radhe!
-It's a bloody miracle.
-Mr. Tandon?
All thanks to you.
See, I got a 32-inch TV and my
Rs. 125.50 was returned to my account.
-My happy birthday is 10 days later...
-but I got my gift today.
Mr. Chaddha, you're a bloody
amazing manager.
Do Bank card, sir. It's great, sir.
Hey, Radhe. Come on.
Well, Radhe.
Man, no one can keep accounts like him.
Hell, a 27-rupee error,
a 25,000-rupee TV.
Mm-hmm, what great fortune you have,
Mr. Sharma.
This is called marketing, Kundu madam.
Forget marketing,
it's happy Republic Week.
The spelling's wrong.
They've made the Republic Weak.
Forget the spelling, man.
Look at the bloody decorations.
Buy one get one free,
buy one get two free,
buy two get five bloody free.
The whole mall's on sale, man.
All of Delhi's on sale. Free water, free
electricity, free wi-fi.
No, nothing comes for free.
The TV wasn't, either.
So what did they take from me?
Mr. Tandon... not just from you...
from thousands, lakhs, crores of people.
And that too for quite a long time.
Mr. Tandon...
Are you aware
how much interest does your Do Bank
savings account fetch you?
-Must be 3, 4, 5, what else?
Below 100,000... you get 5%.
From 100,000 to 10,00,000 you get 5.5%.
And from 10,00,000 to 25,00,000
you get... 6%.
According to your statement,
on 1st April,
your account contained
Rs. 95,650.
The daily interest for this comes to...
daily... balance...
as in... 95,650,
into interest rate, as in 5%,
divided by number of days, as in 365.
And this adds up to 13.102729.
From LIC, you received on 7th April,
Rs. 45,000.
Thus your balance became 1,40,650.
Because that's higher than 1,00,000,
your interest
increased from 5% to 5.5%.
And your daily interest became
balance, as in Rs. 1,40,650
into 5.5,
divided by 365, which comes to
Now, this amount was credited to your
account on the 7th.
And the bank calculates the interest
from the 8th.
However... Do Bank
delays this process one more day
and one day's worth of your interest
is erased.
Oh, no.
This amount is credited to your account
after 3 months.
And you have no clue...
when your interest rate
increased from 5% to 5.5%.
And even here...
Do Bank indulges in impropriety.
They continue paying you for another 2
days at the old rate of interest.
This is their modus operandi.
By delaying one day at a time...
they are embezzling one day's worth of
your interest.
Sometimes 10 rupees, sometimes 20,
sometimes 50... sometimes 100.
The bigger the amount,
the more you get screwed.
And supposing they're taking
Rs 10 a month from you.
So in a year that comes to 10 into
12, as in Rs. 120.
Which in 10 years adds up to 120 into
10, as in Rs. 1200.
This amount... the bank gobbles up.
So what of that? It's almost nothing.
However, Do Bank has...
four crore accounts.
And even if you assume they do this
with just 2 crore accounts...
As in 2 crores...
into Rs. 1200, as in
a two thousand four hundred...
Bloody hell...
these loan EMIs,
when, why and how much do they
have you ever tried to calculate?
ATM charges, cheque charges, the common
man probably doesn't
even know they exist.
And we haggle over Rs. 10 with poor
vegetable vendors.
Mr. Sharma, does 10-15 rupees a month
make a jot of difference to us?
It does, Mrs. Kundu. It makes a
difference to our country's economy.
This is money that nobody is paying any
tax on.
It circulates around the country as
black money and then goes out of
the country,
which weakens our currency.
The cost of petrol and diesel go up, and
this affects our lives directly.
Hell, what is the rate of petrol to me?
I own neither a car nor a scooter.
Long live the metro.
Ladies even get free bus tickets,
courtesy Mr. Kejriwal.
Kundu madam, who is that barb aimed at?
No wonder I feel the pinch.
Body, soul, wealth, all belong to you.
I can get you up to 1000-1200 customers'
bank statements.
-But you must request me like I request
you. -What?
Body, soul, wealth, all belongs to you.
Put body and soul back in your pocket.
Give me the wealth. Rs. 50,000.
Plus, do take a credit card, sir.
Please, just one credit card. Please,
it's a request. Take a credit card, sir.
'Settle accounts
Settle the score'
'Settle accounts
Even the odds'
'Settle accounts!'
'Father, Grandfather, Sister, Bunty,
they're all about to settle accounts'
'Turn the tables'
'Every hour, every bell, every
government guarantee, are all about to'
'Settle accounts'
'Square the deal'
'Settle accounts'
'We've uncovered a scam
In every kernel there's corruption'
'We voted with such confidence'
'Saved money with great care...
My morsel is in his mouth'
'Every stolen morsel, every blistered
foot, the fraud and deceit are about to'
'Take you to task'
'Settle accounts'
It's a court order for
an enquiry on the scam.
They're demanding a report in 15 days.
I refused to file a complaint, sir.
Under section 156,
they went to the court.
These are all fake complaints.
They do this for social media views.
This Radhe Mohan Sharma matter was
solved, sir. He was even given a TV.
I don't know why he still did this.
-I think man is crazy, sir--
-He is not crazy.
-He's a family member.
-Do Bank family?
-Oh. I'm sorry, sir.
Mr. Chaddha, you're in charge of this
If there's been even the slightest
slip up in your branch,
you can't even imagine what will
become of you.
-Sir, I didn't--
-Mr. Tyagi...
Please assign the inquiry to
the best officer.
I'll escalate the matter myself.
I just have one request.
Until the report is released,
keep this matter out of the media.
Even the faintest rumor spreads panic
among the people, and...
sensitive types like Chaddha
-commit suicide. Isn't it?
-No, no.
-This is my personal number.
I love that expression.
I love that expression!
Call Mr. Dayal.
And get that TC's horoscope.
This is Tyagi from Civil Lines
police station, your majesty.
Yes, tell me.
You're so fond, aren't you,
of initiating inquiries?
Come on up. Let's do an inquiry.
My inquiry?
It was you who meddled, right?
No, I'm on duty, sir.
As if we're sitting here playing Ludo.
Red one, right?
If you come in yourself,
you'll have fun.
If we have to bring you in,
we won't be kind.
Your majesty!
I warned his majesty.
But no, his majesty went to the court.
Now if it's a court order...
then an inquiry must be made, right?
And if this complaint is found
to be a lie...
we'll tear you so wide apart, that no
tailor will be able to stitch you back.
Where you were itching to go.
If questions have been raised,
answers must be found, right?
Take him away.
Rawat sir. He's come.
For his one-way ticket.
Sit, sir.
No, I'm fine.
So why are you bothering us, man?
Who are you?
Scientist, Mathematician, Economist,
what are you?
Senior Ticket Examiner, Indian Railways.
So why leave your bloody job
and do ours?
Do you have some enmity with the bank?
Why have I been called here?
I want to book your ticket--
Oh! You here?
You never told me,
I've been calling you for days...
I'm in charge of this case.
Good thing this case is under
your authority.
Sir must be mighty relieved.
Relieved for what, Mr. Mishra?
-You seem to be familiar, so--
Madam, tea.
-Any biscuits, or--
-No, thank you.
Yeah, just... Tea.
Sorry. The tea here is quite strong.
Uh, at our usual tea stall--
We have studied your case, Mr. Radhe.
The team has some questions.
Yes, of course. What do you want to ask?
Sir, the list is very long.
Do one thing, come in 2 days at 11am.
We'll sit and talk at leisure.
-I have duty in the morning.
-And we're off in the evenings.
So how do we adjust?
Mr. Radhe, uh...
You've opened this case.
So you're the one who must find a way.
You can attend office.
Some or the other arrangements will be
made, I'm sure.
Madam, if you like, we
could adjust--
What's the update on
Karan Thapar's case?
Did you ring them?
Call them to the station?
Go and call them immediately.
Madam, I--
May friendship survive.
People don't give their names
to strangers.
But by giving out your name you
turned me into a stranger.
Good day.
What? Why isn't he bleeding?
Hit him harder.
Is that better, sir?
Move your fat skull away.
Sorry sir, sorry...
Boss! Mr. Dayal is here.
How many times have I told you, don't
let anybody in without my permission?
Mr. Dayal!
What a surprise. How are you?
Mr. Dayal...
This is the parasite who sold
the bank statements to that TC.
Mr. Mehta, you'll get us in trouble.
Stop them. If he dies,
the inquiry will be affected.
The news is already all over the market
that one of your employees has
But Mr. Dayal,
this parasite needs to be exterminated.
And then that TC must be stripped--
Sir, he's lost consciousness.
Should we revive and torture him
more, or dump him in acid?
If he suffers even a scratch,
I'll tear you a new one.
Take him to the hospital.
Madam, this statement appears to be
These bank papers...
you haven't altered them, have you?
Where did you get these statements?
He stole them.
Or hacked them!
Under 66-A...
there's minimum 3 years' imprisonment,
your majesty.
Do I look like a thief to you?
Then why don't you tell us where you got
the statements.
I can't tell you!
And is the inquiry about the bank,
or me?
Mr. Radhe, this is the process.
You must answer.
Or else any random fool...
could bring us a bunch of papers and
accuse any bank of corruption...
and we don't stop to inquire about him
and initiate an inquiry
against the bank?
Right, madam?
Thank you.
For letting me know
I'm some random fool.
But I'm not doing this for any personal
This is the people's money.
Who's going to account for it?
In exchange for Rs. 27.50...
a TV worth 25,000?
Who is to account for that,
your majesty?
I was told it was to compensate for the
discrepancy in my account.
In exchange for Rs. 27.50,
a TV worth Rs. 25,000.
-I didn't ask--
-Are you weak at math?
Mr. Radhe, please think over it and
let us know by tomorrow
where you got the statements from.
Or else we'll find out anyway.
Greetings, madam.
I've brought the bank's
genuine statements.
Here's the hard drive, and here's the
hard copies you requested.
These are some offerings from
Bangla Sahib,
and some sweets from Bengali Market.
If you are satisfied, tell others,
if not, please tell us.
Your calculation is a bit weak.
What do you mean?
I borrowed 100, I returned 100.
Account settled.
But when you borrowed it from me...
in that moment, that 100 was worth
a lakh to you.
How will you settle the moment?
Seems you're weak at accounts.
I invest in moments.
Nice?... Okay.
Do you see what I see?
Uh, I see... black.
Son, the sky is blue. It's dark right
now, but that's not black.
-No, water is colorless.
Your hair.
-My turn.
Do you see what I see?
There's an uncle staring at you.
Huh?... Where?
-Hmm? Just a minute.
Get down, son.
Wait here, I'll be right back.
What happened to you?
Watch out... for you and your kid.
Manu!... Manu!
-Papa!... Papa!
Papa, I was so scared, where did you go?
Oh, Manu! Sorry, little man.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, son. Sorry...
Friend, where did you leave
your son and go? He was crying for you.
Please be careful about your
and your child's safety.
-Kidnappings are on the rise these days.
Friend, you have to pay the penalty.
It adds up to Rs. 475.50.
Will you pay cash,
or via digital currency?
Take that.
-Yes, miss Mona?
Where did you take Manu
in the morning?
What do you mean, where?
I dropped him off at school.
But he's not in there, I'm standing
right outside the school.
-Searched everywhere
he is not in the school,
the teacher says he left.
He left? How could he just leave?
Look carefully, how could he leave?
I'm coming there now.
When? How long will you take?
I'm in a train right now!
The thing is,
Mr. Dimpu's waiting for me at CP.
Don't go anywhere, wait right there,
I'm coming.
Hurry up, go from the left, please.
Move aside, man! Move!
Here you go. Thank you.
-Oh! Manu!
How are you? What happened?
-Papa, I got locked inside.
-Oh, sir,
-he really takes after you.
-He got locked in the bathroom.
Sir, no idea how, but by some mistake...
he got locked inside.
If anything happens to this child,
I won't spare any of you.
I'll blow your fuses.
My name's Mona Lisa.
I'm from Hajipur. Understood?
What's going on?
What does this mean?
Where did you print these statements,
your majesty?
The statements you submitted do not
match the ones provided by the bank.
So the bank... managed their statements.
Could be you managed them?
-Forget that. Please check these again.
-We checked three times, Mr. Radhe.
Here are your statements for September,
October and November,
and here are the
ones given by the bank.
Check them yourself.
Maybe my statements are forged.
Maybe the bank's statements
were managed.
But the people whose accounts
were robbed...
what about their statements?
Were they managed too?
You know...
their contact numbers are in this file.
Please call them,
get their statements and check those.
Is this a police station or
a call center?
Are we supposed to call 150 people?
-Do we have nothing better to do?
-No, Rawat.
Let's inspect those too.
Is he the only one
who cares for justice...
or do others also care about Rs. 27.50?
-Right, madam?
-Call them all, Mr. Mishra.
'The world's gone blind'
'How to make them see'
'The world's gone blind'
'How to make them see'
'Is there one or two'
'That I could explain it to'
'Is there one or two'
'That I could explain it to'
'The world's gone blind'
'How to make them see'
We're bloody middle-class people, man.
Should we see to our bloody work or run
circles around police stations?
Please excuse me, Radhe.
I don't want to go anywhere.
Please, man.
Someone's busy, someone doesn't
answer, someone's unavailable.
'The world's gone blind
The world's gone blind'
You tell us.
'Unseeing like a cow'
'Whose calf gets culled'
'Giving her an empty hide to nurse'
'An empty hide to nurse'
'To see greed'
'As beneficial'
'And truth in ledgers'
'To see'
'As answers'
'Life has become a spider web'
'A millstone that grinds a man down'
No one's answering the phone, madam.
No one's coming, madam.
They all refused.
Madam, greetings.
My name is Gobind Singh Sodhi.
These are my bank statements.
We all received a phone call.
May I come in?
Yes, uh... Please.
Peeking in official files is illegal.
Why? What are you trying to hide?
I'm asking you.
Is this going to be
your behavior with me?
What do you expect?
That I meet you, sip tea with you,
and also run your investigation too?
-I'm not that unprofessional.
So managing an investigation is
professionalism now?
Excuse me?
All the calculations
in there are wrong.
If you don't know accounting,
then why do all this?
When I first saw you here, I thought,
something will get done. Something good.
But your accounting...
is weaker than you.
Mr. Radhe!
You know what your USP is?
You only look at those pages
where the accounts don't match.
You don't look where they're right.
If someone scores
low marks in accounts...
doesn't leave them with a low balance.
Because balance in numbers can be
corrected with an eraser and pencil
but balance in relationships once
can neither be erased...
nor rewritten.
15 years ago...
a girl scored low in accounts
and so you rejected her.
But fate settled accounts.
that same Poonam Subhash Joshi from
Sector 5, Karol Bagh...
is settling accounts with you.
Mr. Radhe, my report may only be as good
as I'm able to make it.
But this time...
it won't be you judging my account...
but the court.
People are growing apprehensive about
banks these days.
The slightest mistake on our part,
could wreak havoc.
I understand, sir.
I have been entirely honorable
in my investigation.
-That's why you were assigned the case.
-Thank you, sir.
For you.
Yes, send Tyagi in.
On your request,
you've been promoted to Traffic.
-Thank you, sir.
-Good luck.
'Jai Hind, sir.'
Who asked for 156?
Sir, I did. Radhe Mohan Sharma.
-Step forward.
-What do you think you should get for
this? -What...
-Uh, justice?
-How will justice be enough?
Get an award or something.
According to the report, at least 30
account-holders were questioned.
But no wrongdoing was found on the
bank's side.
-Sir, how is that possible, sir?
-What will you get by questioning me?
Be quiet and listen.
Your accusations against the bank
are a conspiracy owing to
personal enmity.
A government officer committing such an
irresponsible act?
Sir, the investigating officer is
unversed in accounting.
Please appoint an accounting expert.
If the investigation goes against you,
then switch the officer?
Then if the judgement goes against you,
you'll switch the judge?
-Sir, you misunderstand me--
-You will be held in contempt.
Let me finish.
Just like a fake post
can incite people to riot,
your false charges could incite
the public to panic.
To prevent others from taking such
Sir, you're not letting me speak at all.
adding contempt charges, you are hereby
remanded to one day's judicial custody.
-Sir please, listen to me--
The officer who-- Oh, sir!
-Wait a minute, let me speak to him.
Wait... -Let's go. Come on.
I've always loved to see the Wonders.
And you... are one of a kind.
I mean...
you didn't lose money.
Your buffalo wasn't kidnapped.
Your cycle wasn't stolen.
And still you had a problem?
A person who is distressed by the plight
of strangers...
Is hardly found anywhere.
Who'd you do it for?
For them?
That old man standing in the sun waiting
for his date?
Or that lady toting those vegetables?
Or that guy... frying samosas there?
It's their money, right?
Go ask them.
Would any one of them take your place...
forget a day...
would they go to jail
for even a minute?
They kill themselves
to earn 5 and 10 rupees.
But accounting for 5 or 10 rupees...
no one gives a damn.
How much did I take from them?
100, 200...
Even if I return their 100-200 rupees...
how will their lives change?
Will they buy a few more
kilos of ladyfingers?
For 1.5kg of ladyfinger,
you're a smashed pumpkin.
Go. Cool your heels for 24 hours
in Tihar.
When you come back,
I'll give you an even bigger TV...
with a 55-inch screen.
Greetings, madam.
See you later, then... See you.
To win the big battles, sometimes
you have to lose the little ones.
It's a bank issue,
elections are around the corner.
-The slightest misreporting--
-The report was true, sir.
And so were Radhe's accusations.
Sir, there's a fraud of Rs. 22,40,480
in just those 150 accounts.
If the whole bank is investigated,
then who knows
-how many crores--
-What will that achieve?
What will that accomplish?
Another bank in disrepute,
another bank shut down.
For the public, the country's economy,
it would not be a good thing.
Besides, parents always forgive
-their children's mistakes--
-Then the parents are wrong, sir.
Aren't you in the wrong too,
Ms. Subhash?
By hiding the fact that you have a close
relationship with Radhe.
Why not assume that this is why your
report is in Radhe's favor?
You commute by train, don't you?
At night, all alone.
What if you miss it?
'Jai Hind, sir.'
Take care.
Don't you drink alcohol?
Excuse me?
You're always taking me for tea.
Do you drink?
Some people drink alcohol too.
-I only drink tea.
-Fine. Today's tea is my treat.
Oh, no!
-Thank you.
-Are these your medicines?
Some people take medicine too.
They're for my father-in-law.
-You have a father-in-law?
Some people have a father-in-law too.
So you're married.
Some people are married too.
Good. Uh...
And your husband?
-Some people don't have a husband.
-Very good. Uh, I mean...
I'm really sorry.
It's okay, it's okay.
He was really good.
A very good man.
He's no more.
Your wife?
She was very good too. No more.
I'm... I'm sorry.
No, no. She's no more my wife.
It feels like you're settling accounts
from a past life.
in this life,
I have not done anything for you.
So will I reap the returns for
my good deeds in the next life?
Oh Papa, who's going to wait that long?
I need to live in this life.
Then you must call him in this life too.
Talk to him,
tell him your side of things.
-Will he understand?
-Help him understand.
Papa, where had you gone?
Son, I had to go out of station.
Sir... now don't throw away this dog.
What have you brought?
Veg burger? You could have asked me.
I'd order a fish burger, with cheese.
You see, my Mr. Dimpu is now a delivery
boy with Thooso.
-Is it?
-And yes, sir.
Next time you go out of station,
let me know in advance.
Sudden overtime costs extra. Okay?
-I'll be off then.
Tomorrow we'll make an owl.
Love you, Manu. Bye, sir.
Come. We've got to prepare dinner.
Oh... Son!... What's wrong?
I don't like it when you're not there,
Me neither, son.
I'll never leave you again.
'And look after your son.'
'He got locked inside by mistake.'
Child, a ringing phone can be avoided.
It's difficult to avoid a doorbell.
One bottle of water.
20 rupees.
20 rupees?
It says 15 here.
-Here, 15 rupees.
-It sells for 20.
Are you selling holy water?
That's for free, this costs 20. Pay 20.
Man, you guys are running a racket.
What do you mean, racket, huh?
If you don't want it, don't take it.
Put it back.
-How dare you talk like that?
-How dare you say things like racket...
-I'm telling you.
-Give me the bottle.
-You let go.
-Give me the bottle.
-It's your fault...
-Who're you calling a cheat?
-Hey, Aman!
-I'm calling you a cheat.
-What are you doing?
-Why, you...
'What is the value of this individual?'
'Him? He has no value, sir.'
'They kill themselves to earn
5 or 10 rupees.'
'But accounting for 5 or 10 rupees,
no one gives a damn.'
18th is the day that Do Bank becomes...
Do Daily.
What's our stocks position?
Sir, despite the fluctuating market,
we have a significant growth.
This is what I was talking about.
-Yeah? -Sir, Mrs. Ranganathan of the RBI
wants to talk to you.
Connect the call.
Hello? Mr. Mehta?
Hello, ma'am.
Ma'am, we haven't met, but--
There'll be time to socialize,
Mr. Mehta.
First, let's get down to business.
There's been a complaint against
Do Bank.
Someone mailed it in.
-Radhe Mohan Sharma.
He says the accounts in the bank
have some irregularities.
Ma'am, there has to be a confusion,
ma'am, about this.
Calm down, Mr. Mehta.
He also sent me the details of
150 accounts from your bank.
-I've mailed those to you too.
Please send me the verified data
on those 150 accounts immediately.
No, no, no, ma'am, there has to be a
confusion, but, about this.
-Give me a minute to explain--
-If we have to come to your office...
it could be a problem.
-Sure, ma'am.
-Thank you.
What can this Ranganathan do?
We'll send Ranganathan
the court's orders.
Is she bigger than the court?
We'll keep trading mails
until the merger is complete.
Besides she's a female after all.
How much can she fight?
Oh! Oh, Rita... Rita, stop... Rita!
Enough, Rita. We're done. You go.
Thank you.
-And after that?
-And after that, what?
After that, this Ranganathan...
will resign.
But I'll strip that bloody Radhe Mohan--
You will do nothing.
You will do nothing illegal.
You see, Mr. Mehta...
the thing about the common man...
in the edifice of his honesty... there's
always one, tiny, corrupted brick.
You just shift that brick...
the edifice will collapse on its own.
And he'll be crushed under the weight.
With no one to help.
Potatoes, onions and
tomatoes for sale...
Papa, papa, look.
I can't hear anything, son.
No. 148, No. 148.
Whoever's inside, come out.
No. 148, No. 148.
Whoever's inside, come out.
Papa, papa, look at my bulldozer.
What? That's not a bulldozer.
That's called a JCB.
-Papa, I'll tell you what it does.
-Yes, show me.
-Papa, it breaks things.
-Does it?
What are you doing? Stop this!
What? You were inside?
We announced three times asking
everyone to come out.
-Didn't you listen?
-But why are you breaking my house?
Majesty, if you build an illegal
construction, it will surely break.
Who says it's illegal, sir?
This letter. Showed some other plan,
but planned something else?
You were given several notices,
you didn't respond even once.
-I never received any notices, man.
Papa. Papa.
-Papa, I'm really scared.
-It's okay, nothing will happen.
I'm there, Papa's there. Come this way,
-Don't worry, don't worry.
-Here's your notice.
-What notice is this?
-Whose signature is this?
Who is this Mona Lisa? Your wife?
No, no, this is a mistake, stop this.
-Hey, stop it. What are you doing? Stop.
-Move. Move aside.
Get down! Move him aside.
-Stop, Listen to me. How can you do
this... -Move! Hey, move!
-Come, come!
-Take him away.
You keep breaking it. Break it down!
Radhe, what's... what's going on?
All this... is happening because of you.
I was totally wrong.
-You're actually a very good account
keeper. -Radhe, please, please--
15 years ago
I didn't make a home with you...
and now you've destroyed my home.
-What are you talking about? Listen to
me... -No, you listen to me.
You don't invest in moments...
you keep count of every second.
Papa, Papa!
Oh, my God! They didn't even break
that house this much.
What a disaster, sir. A terrible one.
Mr. Dimpu, get the plates.
We brought Chinese food from the street
stall. He makes it spicy,
-But it's always crowded.
-Miss Mona...
-Is this your signature?
Yes. M. Lisa is me.
-Then why didn't you tell me?
-When did I get the time, sir.
-I only signed last night.
-Last night?
-This is two months old.
They backdated it, sir.
Last night, two policemen came and took
Mr. Dimpu away.
They made him sit on a bicycle with no
seat and ride it for 2 whole hours.
I couldn't bear to see
my husband in that position, sir.
-Wait, but he--
-Hear me out first, sir.
One woman is heavy on a hundred.
I took a whole 14 lakhs to sign that.
Mr. Sharma was doing it for free,
do you know?
I think you can rebuild
what they broke for five.
Use the remaining two to get a good
lawyer. These guys are really naughty.
Look after yourself.
We're going to Bangkok for a week.
We only... worry about Manu.
Okay then? I'll continue when I'm back.
Oh, and, the Chinese is complimentary,
our treat. Okay?
Bye Manu. Love you, sir.
Sorry. Love you Manu, bye sir.
Shall we go? What are you staring at,
the taxi's waiting, the meter's ticking.
Sit here, son. I'll be back soon. Okay?
Why did they break our house?
-Oh, son, that...
-Mr. Sharma.
Good morning.
What's wrong, is there a problem?
He's from the Central Vigilance
Commission, Mr. Asthana.
Mr. Sharma... in the year 2017-18,
in the collections submitted by you,
there's a shortfall of 17 rupees.
What do you mean?
I mean you collected more
and submitted less.
You are charged with misappropriating
Rs. 17.
-This is an order for the inquiry.
-Is it?
Sir, surely there's been some mistake.
I have always accounted for every paisa.
Kundu madam's register
contains my daily entries.
These people confiscated it.
It is up to you to prove that
you did not steal Rs. 17.
And until you prove it,
you are hereby suspended.
Greetings... Greetings.
I have the account for each day.
You will soon be called before the
magistrate to clear yourself.
You'll need it then. Okay? Greetings.
Radhe! Radhe, what is this I hear?
This is wrong. Bloody hell!
Oh, Kundu madam! Master!
Man, didn't I warn you?
Hell, there's still time, man.
Apologize, and let it go.
Did he let it go...
who wanted to save Rs. 5
on a bottle of water?
Did he let it go, who was crushed by a
train for Rs. 5?
A man earns his living
through hard labor.
And no Mehta can take away
hard-earned money.
-Why don't you understand, these guys--
-What will they do?
They sent me to jail,
destroyed my home...
Took away my job on fake charges.
Will they kill me next?
Even those who don't hold
Mehta to account still die, right?
Papa, aren't you eating?
Papa, are you okay?
I'm all right, son.
But perhaps there's something
wrong with my account.
I tried to balance accounts
with your mother...
but she left us and went away.
I tried to account for money,
and they broke our home.
Don't ever take up accounting, son.
Papa, shall we go home?
Yes, let's go, son.
'Do do do do Do Bank!
Do do do do do Do Bank!'
'If you're satisfied, tell others
If you're not, tell us'
'Do do do do Do Bank!
Do do do do do Do Bank!'
How was that?
Thank you.
Even this dog's better than you.
At least he appreciates
someone's effort.
But you?
India becomes the world's 5th largest
economy. But youre still not happy.
The G20 presidency
gets awarded to India.
But you're still not happy.
Do Bank has gone global.
But you're still not happy.
You raise a ruckus for 10 rupees,
what's your problem?
my problem is that you're a thief."
Me?... A thief?
I give gifts to customers.
I give 1% more interest
than other banks.
If I knock off a few days' worth of
everyone's interest
and earn myself a few thousand crores,
where's the harm?
You people waste 10-20 rupees everyday
on chewing tobacco.
What do you get in return?
I give jobs.
What more does he want?
Return the money you stole
from the people.
What are you doing? Let the kid go...
Hey, stay back.
Tell them to let the kid go.
I'm speaking, not you, right?
Shut up!
Appreciate when you're asked to.
When tigers talk, then pups don't speak.
How many times did I tell you.
Have your ears gone rotten?
Idiot! You went to jail,
had your house broken, lost your job...
but you still turn your nose up high.
-Lower it. Lower it! Do it!
What are you looking at?
Bloody ticket collector!
Two-penny servant of a man.
You've got my head all screwed up.
The merger's in two days...
and you lead me on a merry dance?
-Today, I'll make you dance. Strip.
I'll make you dance naked today. Strip!
-No, no, wait, wait.
I'll strip.
Don't do it, sir.
Why are you doing all this?
Ramu kaka!
Leave, mind your own business.
This is our family matter.
-Go now. Okay?
-Let the child go.
-What's going on, uncle?
-Uncle, any problem?
Who all are they?
-What happened?
-Any problem?
-What is going on?
-Hey Raju, come here.
Come fast.
Is there a problem here?
I said, let the kid go, man.
This is the Do Bank guy, isn't he?
Get him on video! Get him on video!
Mickey Mehta, guys...
Your bank, Do Bank...
Happy bank, happy customer! Go.
Get lost!
Sir, are you okay?
Thank you.
Sir?... Sir!
I couldn't understand
your accounting the other day...
but what you said
felt absolutely true, sir.
This is my son.
He's studying to be a CA.
I showed him that video of you.
Sir, what you said
turned out to be true.
We had an account in the same bank. When
we checked there were irregularities.
Then Papa went there the next day
and closed our account.
Why didn't I think of this before?
Sir, we clean up the city's filth.
We cannot stand those who spread filth.
Why didn't you tell us about this?
-You have an account in the same bank?
-We all do.
Some years ago, a zero balance account
camp was held here.
So everyone signed up then.
I opened my account
at the same camp too.
My God! That means they must be stealing
from all our accounts.
Even if they steal from one account
it's still theft, isn't it?
I'll close my account tomorrow itself.
How can we just close
our accounts like that?
It's got all my savings
for my daughter's wedding.
So simply withdraw it all, friend.
I only fear two people.
and a man of honor.
Sir, sir--
The milk has spilled over, sir.
Look, friend. I wish to close my
account. You got a problem with that?
Sir, people are crowding the bank
looking to close their accounts.
How can this happen?
How can so many people
want to close their accounts?
How is this possible?
I don't know, sir.
Customers are flooding the bank.
They all want to close their accounts,
-and there isn't enough money in the
bank. -Find out what's going on.
-What are you guys doing? -Uncle, what
happened? Demonetization again?
-No, we're closing our
accounts. -Why?
Everyone's doing it,
so I'm doing it too.
Hello, Papa?...
How much money do we have in Do Bank?
Just closed my account in Do Bank.
Feeling safe and happy.
'It's the common man's turn now
And they are ready to fight'
Do Bank is about to shut down.
Brothers, this Do Bank
is about to shutdown.
Dear, Do Bank has closed.
Pappu's Papa? Do Bank has closed.
All those with accounts in Do Bank,
close them all down!
-I can't close mine.
-Why can't you do it?
I don't have an account in Do Bank.
Bloody hell, first close my account.
Scam at Do Bank.
'People withdraw money in large
'Long lines outside ATMs.'
'Will the public get back
the money it has lost?'
-How many accounts did you close?
-I had two accounts, I closed both.
Shut the bank.
Don't let the public enter.
Call the police.
Beat the crowd, do something!
What's happening in this country?
Do we really need Do Bank?
Mr. Dayal, do something.
The public's gone mad.
At least make a statement, or...
everything will be finished.
Foreign powers are behind this.
It's a direct attack
on the country's economy.
Do Bank is absolutely safe.
There is no need to panic.
'-Jai Hind, sir.'
-Ranganathan madam...
what's going on with Do Bank?
I'm giving you a free hand.
Take immediate action.
A report has already
been called for, sir.
Not a single paisa of the public will go
out of the country. Don't you worry.
One second, wait. Step back. Step back!
Look, madam...
if even the law sides with the corrupt,
whom does the poor man turn to?
Mr. Dayal...
this is all the fault of that TC.
He's incited people,
-I won't spare that TC--
-Oh, man! Forget him. Watch this.
This is the officer
who conducted the inquiry.
And she's leaked
the real report on the internet.
This is my original report,
which my seniors had suppressed.
I request the Honorable High Court
to take cognizance of this matter.
I might be weak in accounts.
So please
have an accounts expert verify it.
'Jai Hind.'
In light of the scam at Do Bank,
Daily Bank has halted their merger.
Oh, Mr. Mehta. Somebody fetch
some water, fetch a doctor.
And that's how Do Bank drowned.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Now Ranganathan will come
with a court order.
Then ED, IT, RBI, CBI... You're screwed.
Sir... Me?
Just me?
I told you, if you screw around,
you'll get screwed around.
Now get screwed.
How much do you want?
All of it.
It's 2000 crores, sir.
Leave behind 1500...
Fly away with the rest.
But sir.
Sir, with all that money...
how do I leave the country, sir?
Mr. Mehta, we're taking fees from you,
so naturally we'll provide
services, right?
Because of that TC
I have to leave it all behind, sir?
I'll do something drastic, sir.
You can't do a thing.
Leave it to us.
That TT will pay for his 17 rupees
or my name's not Dabboo Dayal.
Mr. Mehta,
in matters of give and take,
you're just too punctual.
Thank you.
All 1500 crores.
Thank you... From the heart.
Let's meet in London, then.
But I won't spare that TC.
You'll get screwed.
How much more will you get screwed?
Let's go, man.
'Don't worry, son.
I'll handle things here.'
'Once you come to London...'
'the Indian government
won't be able to do a thing to you.'
Mr. Sharma, whether the loot
amount is Rs. 17 or Rs. 1 crore...
both are punished the same.
What is this, Radhe?
Why did you mount the table?
Sir, the whole system has mounted me.
Can't I mount a table?
But an office has a dignity to maintain.
Sir, is a common man's dignity
lower than a table's?
Please begin.
Thank you, sir.
1st April... 2017.
The collection was Rs. 1981.15.
On 2nd April,
there was a protest held in Delhi.
The collection that day was
Rs. 4,121.85.
'Settle accounts!'
'Father, Grandfather, Sister, Bablu'
'Bunty, they're all about to
settle accounts'
'Turn the tables'
'Every hour, every bell,
every government guarantee'
He bloody got away.
On 15th August,
people tend to feel a bit too free.
That day, our collection was
Rs. 4211.25.
'Every betrayal will be Taken to task'
'Settle accounts'
'Honor has arrived, arrived in force'
'The words of lovers contain the
quatrains of Ghalib'
'He's a scarf, but he's pulled the wool
over our eyes'
'Our monies are invested in building
their mansions'
Where is Gate no. 4?
Where is gate no. 4? Oh, oops...
'Every prank, deception, harassment,
tear, every penny'
Hello sir.
Don't worry, sir.
There will be no scanning.
'Settle accounts!'
On 30th March 2018 it was... Rs. 1102.
And on 31st March 2018, it was...
Rs. 982.35.
That all adds up to 4,32,981 rupees.
But here the total is Rs. 4,32,998.
Where's the remaining
Rs. 17, Mr. Sharma?
Please get back on the ground
and give us an account.
Mr. Dayal...
everything's gone through.
Come to London, I'll show you the life.
Mr. Mehta, you'll screw us all.
And you'll get screwed in London too.
Round up formula, sir.
It has its advantages...
but a lot of disadvantages too.
For example...
Rs. 1981.15 were rounded off...
to Rs. 1981.
Rs. 4121.85 was rounded off...
to Rs. 4122.
Which gives a total of 4,32,998 rupees.
The account is settled, sir.
Sir, the amounts match.
-This way, please.
If you want to trap someone, sir...
there's a thousand ways.
If you want to save someone,
there's only one.
The system is enough.
I know it was wrong to climb the table
in front of you.
But what do I do? Nobody ever listens.
That's why I had to climb up to speak.
People don't speak up.
It's not because they're scared.
They're just busy.
Or they've been made busy.
In data, deals... in sales too.
They put you into sales...
and ended up putting you on sale.
These bottles of water, sir...
one for Rs. 20, three for Rs. 60.
Three coffees, Rs. 1000.
Those biscuits, Rs. 200.
Now that you're here,
obviously you'll have lunch.
Approximately Rs. 4000.
To investigate Rs. 17...
an expenditure of lakhs.
That's the real scam.
To conceal a scam
worth thousands of crores...
let's obfuscate it with
a scam worth Rs. 17.
That's the real scam.
My home is destroyed...
I'm sent to jail...
I'm humiliated in front of my son.
And to the man who commits a scam
worth thousands of crores,
the law provides a drop-off service.
But this is the new India, sir.
It won't let you go.
It'll drag the thieves back here.
-Mr. Mehta.
-Mr. Mehta.
-Yes, Tommy?
-What is there in your luggage?
My luggage?
What happened to my luggage?
The public that fights
and dies for their families...
and yet is scared...
those who mistake their fear
for cowardice...
had better recognize...
that even as the
common man shies away...
he's keeping account.
How could you touch my bags?
-This is not permitted.
-Sir, please listen to me...
What are you carrying in your bag?
-What are you doing?
-Open this up.
-No, stop!
And when the time comes...
he'll make sure that each and every...
account is settled.
'Settle accounts!'
'Turn the tables'
'Settle accounts!'
'Square the deal'
My money...
My... My money?
Where's my money!
My money...
Where's, where's, where's my money?
Where, where's my money? My--
The artiste.
-Mr. Dayal?
-You only gave me Rs. 682 crores!
Mehta, I'm going to...
And listen!
I'll drag you back down from London.
Let me get there first, Mr. Dayal.
It's all gone, Mr. Dayal, it's all gone.
All 1500 crores.
'Our every paisa will be accounted for'
'Settle accounts!'
'Settle the score'
'Settle accounts'
We did it!
Sir, you set all this in motion.
Many, many thanks. Thank you.
This is the public's money.
But how do we get so much money
through to the public?
Mr. Mehta,
wherever the money may be hidden...
we'll find it one way or another.
Whether we have to scope the earth
or the sky.
You'll screw...
-And you'll--
-And you'll screw with me.
I still don't understand one thing.
Who was the mascot
who helped you at the airport?
It could be anybody.
Any common man.
Who pays tax on everything,
from soap to gold.
Who is genuinely concerned
about every rupee.
The country runs on people like him.
And people think... that these people
sitting in front run the country.