Hometown Killer (2018) Movie Script

If someone's there,
I'm calling 911.
Oh, my God.
What's your emergency?
- Shh.
- 911.
- Don't scream.
- Hello?
- Where's the money?
- Hello?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
- Where's the money?
- I don't know.
Code 2,
1478 Lakefront Terrace.
911 call with no response.
Repeat, code 2,
1478 Lakefront Terrace.
911 call with no response.
This is 264 responding.
Where's the money?
Where's the money?
Where's the money?
- I don't have any money.
- Huh?
You think I'm stupid? Huh?
Where's the purse?
Yeah, get your purse.
Hurry up!
Hurry up!
Come on!
Give me it!
What is this, 20 bucks?
That's all I have.
Where's the rest of it?
That's all I have.
Take it. Please, just go.
I know you've got more money
around here somewhere.
Don't lie to me!
Don't you lie to me!
This is 264
on the safety check.
Seems quiet.
Probably a butt dial.
Copy. Please proceed.
Penny, I'm five away.
Copy. Gonna go ahead
and safety check.
Officer on site.
Listen, my husband
will be home any minute.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, your husband?
I bet he buys you
all sorts of nice stuff.
Nice house like this.
You got jewelry?
Yeah, you've got jewelry.
Come on.
- No!
- Let's go!
No! Please don't hurt me.
No! Stop!
That's everything that I have.
Come on!
Officer Blake in need
of assistance.
211A in progress.
Going silent.
Shut up! Shut up!
Where's the jewelry?
Where is it? Where is it?
Come on, get it!
Come on!
Yeah, get it.
Is that all of it?
- Yes.
- Everything?
Here, put it in there.
Put it in there.
Yeah, that's right.
Put everything in there.
Just dump it.
Come on. Hurry up.
Put it in my hand.
Come on.
Give it to me.
Come here.
Give me this.
Hurry up! Come on!
- No!
- Police! Let her go!
- Back off!
- Drop the weapon!
I said back off!
Lock the door!
I can't breathe.
- Penny, what's your 20?
- I'm back here.
Suspect down. 444.
Repeat. 444.
Need EMT on site.
Why were you
just standing there?
Why didn't you call it in?
You did, didn't you?
I'm gonna go check
on the woman inside.
All: Pig Penny, Pig Penny,
Pig Penny, Pig Penny,
Pig Penny, Pig Penny,
Pig Penny, Pig Penny, Pig Penny,
Oink, oink.
You can come out.
You're safe now.
Did he hurt you?
No, he just, um...
Just knocked me around
a little bit.
Well, we have EMTs on the way.
Can I help you?
No. I'm all right.
Did he get away?
Miller's on his way.
You shouldn't be
looking at that.
Thank you, Officer Blake.
Penny Blake?
It's me, Tara Henson.
I mean Young.
Tara Young.
We went to Palm Vista High.
I know, I realized
who you were
when I saw
your pictures upstairs.
Just didn't seem like the right
time to start reminiscing.
Thank you, Penny.
If you hadn't shown up
when you did, I don't know...
Don't do that to yourself.
You'll drive yourself crazy.
- What's the story?
- So wait.
Why haven't I seen you around?
They just transferred me in
about a month ago.
Well, thank God they did.
You saved my life.
I might not be standing here
if it weren't for you.
All: Pig Penny, Pig Penny.
Pig Penny! Pig Penny!
Stay here.
Come on, tell me
what happened.
How you doing?
- Okay.
- All right.
So what did you see
when you first got here?
Thank you.
No. This is my house.
That's my wife.
- Hey.
- Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
They said somebody broke in?
Yeah, he took some money
and some jewelry
and roughed me up a little bit.
Looks like the same
guy who's been hitting homes
in the Westmore District
these last few months.
You need
anything else from me?
Nope. You're good.
Oh, but expect to be
on some desk duty
until you're officially cleared.
- What's going on with you?
- Nothing.
No, you know the procedure.
Shots fired, you call it in.
It wouldn't look good
on the report.
Then be a rat and report it,
or get off my back.
It's been a hell of a night.
Oh, no problem.
Would you mind?
I know how hard performing
in front of a crowd is for you,
so I, um...
just wanted to let you know
I'm really proud of you.
You haven't said
two words to me all year,
and now you tell
me you're proud?
I know.
I just, um...
We used to be friends, right?
Best friends.
I wish we still were.
I don't think your
new friends would approve.
Come on.
They're not that bad, are they?
What about Nolan?
He still calls me "Pig Penny,"
even though I'm
not like that anymore.
You know, it's taken my
entire senior year to realize
Nolan has the emotional
maturity of a second-grader.
I'm done with him.
So I thought
I'd tell my old best friend
and hopefully
new best friend first,
and maybe she'd let me
give her a little makeover
like we used to.
All right.
Okay, I have the stuff
in my locker.
Okay, but no lip gloss.
Locker room.
Get the others.
Not too much.
Easy on the eye shadow, please.
There's a spotlight, okay?
This is the only way
to guarantee your eyes
don't look like lumps of coal
in a snowman's head.
And... done.
Ladies, what are
you doing here without us?
Come on. Come on,
let's get you ready.
No. No. No.
Stop. Stop!
Let's get you
ready for the show!
- Let go!
- Whoo-hoo!
- No. Stop! Stop!
- Yeah, let's go.
Yeah, now for the eyes.
Ladies and gentlemen,
let's give it up
for Miss Penny Blake.
Stop, stop.
Pig Penny.
Pig Penny, Pig Penny.
- Pig Penny.
- Pig Penny, Pig Penny.
Have you slept?
I thought when he got
the money, that was it.
I thought he was gonna shoot me.
Then he dragged me
to the bedroom.
Honey, you're safe now.
All thanks to Penny.
Why did it have to be her?
You mean Officer Blake?
We went to
high school together,
and some of the kids
were so mean to her.
Especially my boyfriend, Nolan.
And we all just
followed his lead.
I was cruel to someone
who's now saved my life.
I'm sure you're gonna
find a way to make it all okay.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Come on in.
Brought you
a little something.
Oh, thank you.
It's tequila.
I'm not much of a wine girl.
Oh. Works for me.
Come on in.
Where's your husband?
Oh, he's at work.
So it's just us?
Just us.
Because there's something
that I want to say.
Oh, you don't have to do that.
Please let me do this.
We were close friends,
and... and then
I turned my back on you.
Even though it's been 15 years,
when I think about it,
I still feel sick.
- It's okay.
- It's not.
And then what Nolan did
to you at the talent show,
you know that I had no idea
he was going to do that.
That's still no excuse.
And there were so many times
that I wanted to apologize,
but I was... I was embarrassed,
racked with guilt,
and I chickened out every time.
So I'm really grateful that
I can say this to you now.
I'm sorry.
And if you still hate me
for what happened...
No, it was high school.
I've moved on.
I'm not the same person anymore.
You're not the same
person anymore.
Honestly, I haven't
even thought about it
since it happened.
Well, I have to say,
that's a relief.
Should we open this?
Because I could use
a shot right now.
I think that's
a really good idea.
Yeah, so after college,
I joined the CCU.
- CCU?
- Oh, Computer Crimes Unit.
They track illegal stuff
on the dark web.
I did that for a few years,
and then I just got tired
of it being faceless, you know?
So I went to the academy so
I could get out on the streets.
Been doing that ever since.
And then the call came about
the transfer a few months ago,
and I did not want to come back,
but they didn't give me
much of a choice,
so here I am.
God, I mean,
it's just so admirable.
You're out there saving lives,
and I just place
furniture in houses
so Lanie can sell them
at inflated prices, so...
Was that her the other night,
with your husband?
Oh, yeah, Charles
does all of her photography
for her promotional materials.
The two of them always
out that late together?
Not always.
A husband's out
with a pretty lady
while his wife's home alone.
She gets attacked.
He shows up after the fact.
I don't know, but if that were
me, there'd be hell to pay.
I am so sorry.
Sometimes being a cop makes me
expect the worst out of people.
Are you finished?
Can I take your plate?
- Yeah. Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
Uh, bathroom?
Oh, just upstairs
and to the left.
Oh, I had to switch to wine.
Do you want some more tequila?
Oh, I'm good.
I've got to drive,
and plus I have the early
shift tomorrow, so...
Oh, okay.
Well, I'm sorry you didn't
get to meet Charles.
I don't know what's
keeping him so late.
Out working with Lanie again?
Stop it.
Hey, do you want me
to stay a little longer?
No, I'm okay.
I really... I don't mind.
I mean, I can imagine there's
a lot of reminders
from the other night.
Hey, you know what
you should do?
You should take
a self-defense class.
Have you ever
thought about that?
I could show you some moves,
teach you some tricks
if you'd like.
Yeah. Sure.
I mean, that'd be great.
Oh, so sorry I am late.
The 405 was a parking lot.
Penny, I don't think
you got a chance
to meet Charles the other night.
I can't thank you
enough for what you did.
Oh, it's the job.
Nice to meet you.
You too.
Well, I'm really
glad that we did this.
Me too.
Thank you.
- Don't forget your purse.
- Oh.
Um, and I'm looking
forward to our lessons.
Great. Just let me know
what days work for you.
- I will.
- Okay. Bye, guys.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Oh, she offered
to teach me self-defense.
So it went well.
Really, really well.
Glad to hear it.
She's really made something
out of her life,
become this amazing woman.
I just wish that
everyone from high school
could see how she's changed.
Well, why can't they?
You can throw
a little reunion here.
I'll fire up the grill.
It'll be fun.
Yeah, I don't think
she'd go for that.
Well, just a thought.
How's Lanie?
Force of nature as always.
You coming to bed?
You always want
to try to anticipate
what the other person's
going to do so you can
use their own body movement
against them.
- Okay.
- All right?
Okay, so that being said,
let's try...
a rear chokehold,
like that guy had you in
during the attack, all right?
This can be dangerous
even in practice.
You can lose
consciousness quickly,
so you have to act fast.
Now, grab me from
behind like he did you.
- Okay. So like this?
- Mm-hmm.
Pig Penny, Pig Penny.
All: Pig Penny. Pig Penny.
Pig Penny. Pig Penny.
See what I did there?
Yeah, barely.
You want to give it a try?
Uh, yeah, sure.
All right.
It's a little tight.
Hey there.
What's, uh... what's going on?
Just showing her
how to escape a rear choke.
Huh. Could get hurt.
Why don't you leave the
instructing to the instructors,
like it says in the manual?
I know what I'm doing.
Could we actually maybe just,
like, take a little break?
- Yeah, that's fine.
- Okay.
That was really intense.
By the book, huh?
Pain in the ass...
The policy and him.
That's too bad.
He's kind of cute.
What, you don't
have a boyfriend?
Most men are intimidated
by women like me,
or they're just
into the uniform.
Either way,
ain't got time for it.
Well, um...
maybe you have time
for a barbecue?
So you can try
to set me up with someone?
No thanks.
More like, um...
high school reunion?
'Cause ours isn't for,
like, five years.
I wasn't really very
close with anyone, so...
Well, what about Megan?
And Jennifer?
You could show them
what a badass you are now.
I mean, they'd be so impressed.
All right.
But one condition.
I don't want Nolan there.
Don't worry about it.
I would never invite him.
Yeah yeah yeah
Are all the guys from your
high school this good looking?
What have you been drinking?
Oh, come on.
Look at them.
Yeah, but the guest of honor
still hasn't showed up.
Think she got cold feet.
She promised she'd be here.
Oh, look.
Very cool.
- Hey!
- Hey.
Oh, you're here.
I was starting to think
you weren't gonna show.
One thing about cops
is we never get home on time.
Oh, I guess not.
So the food and bar
are out back.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I just...
I'm still not sure
this is such a good idea.
Oh, relax.
It's gonna be fun.
God, it's beautiful
out here during the day.
Aw, thank you.
We like it.
- Hi.
- You must be Penny.
I am.
And you are?
- Lanie.
- Oh, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
I have to replenish
a few things.
Why don't you get her
a drink, please?
- Yes, please.
- Sure.
So, Penny, what's your poison?
- Tequila.
- Oh.
Well, we got the good stuff
right there.
Mm, that'll work.
Do you need a breakdown
on the single men here?
Mm. That's okay.
Less competition for me, then.
Hey, babe, long time.
A very long time.
Let's have a drink.
No, thank you.
I think you should go.
It's a reunion.
I was at the ten-year.
Why wouldn't I come to this?
Because you weren't invited.
And why is that?
Everyone else gets
a Facebook blast except me.
You afraid some simmering
tinder might catch...
You're drunk.
Go home.
Use the side gate.
Oh, you want me to slink away.
Why? You don't want me
hanging out
with your husband,
talking with him?
You know, maybe I will say hi
before I leave,
swap some stories.
I don't want you here.
I'm gonna have a drink or two,
and then I'll leave.
Damn it.
Hi. I need your help.
I need you to help me find
Penny, because Nolan's here.
Well, isn't that just dandy?
I'm gonna go upstairs.
I'll look downstairs.
Well, hello there.
And who are you?
I can't seem to place you.
Did we go to school together?
Did one of my lucky
SOB classmates
already steal you away?
Yeah, we... we went
to school together.
Are you gonna
let me know your name?
I mean, I should remember you.
No, I'm going inside.
Not so fast.
Not until I figure out
who you are.
You need to let go
of me right now.
Hey. I need you.
- What is it?
- Nolan's here.
Oh, my God.
Let go.
Not until you tell me
who you are.
- You better stop. Right now.
- I'm so sorry.
I didn't invite him, Penny.
I don't know how he...
Oh, my God.
You're Penny Blake?
Pig Penny?
Oh, my gosh, I was just
hitting on Pig Penny,
and I was serious.
I don't... I'm not...
I don't go by that name anymore.
Did you develop
a st-st-stutter now too?
Oh, stuttering Pig Penny.
Oh, my God.
Was it something I said?
You're pathetic.
You need to go.
Penny, wait.
He just showed up.
Please don't go.
Penny, please.
They are dead.
They are... stupid, so stupid.
They're so dead!
Damn it.
Out of the car.
My license and
registration's in the car.
On your knees!
Can I ask what I did?
Hands behind your head.
Easy! Easy!
Why'd you pull me over?
Did I do something or is this
about the other day?
You can't do this, okay?
You can't.
If you're not gonna give me
a ticket or arrest me,
I'm leaving.
Quit resisting!
Please stop.
I will if you're
honest with me.
You and Tara tried to
embarrass me at the barbecue.
It was a setup
just like high school.
I need you to tell me
that you and Tara
were in on this together,
and this can all stop.
She invited me, all right?
She wanted me there.
It's just like you said.
In high school,
that was her idea too.
She just always
has a mean streak.
If you tell anyone about this,
I will hunt you down,
and I will kill you.
Do you understand?
Yeah, I understand.
I understand.
I understand.
And you're drunk.
Go sleep it off.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Rough night?
Or you've been doing
more training?
Just nosebleed.
This dry air's driving me crazy.
And that is gonna go in
the front room in the corner.
Thank you guys.
I'm so glad
that you called back.
I was afraid I wasn't
gonna hear from you.
I just needed some time.
Look, I'm sorry
that he was there,
but I swear I didn't invite him.
Yeah. I know.
Hey, you know, on Wednesday,
Charles and Lanie have
scheduled the whole day
to knock out
a bunch of properties.
Would you want to do something?
Yeah, that sounds great.
How about brunch?
I have a better idea.
Can it be a surprise?
I'll pick you up at ten.
Okay. Sounds good.
So what's the big mystery?
You'll see.
All right.
Any chance you want
to give me a clue
to what we're doing
all the way out here?
I have no idea where we are.
Uh, what is this?
The next level of your
self-defense training.
Oh, I...
I've never fired a gun before.
Well, it may not
be your thing,
but you should at
least give it a try,
since you're always home alone
when Charles is out with Lanie.
So just make sure to never
put your finger
on the trigger
when you're picking it up.
The only time you ever want
to have your finger
on the trigger is when
you're ready to shoot.
Or we can leave,
go get brunch if you want.
It's up to you.
What am I doing wrong?
You're too tense.
Stop thinking so hard.
Just bring it up
to your dominant eye
and make it happen.
Wow, I'm really bad at this,
but there is a rush to it.
I told you, it's
a great stress reliever too.
I come up here a lot,
especially after a breakup.
All right.
Let's do this again.
Little bit up.
There you go.
You hit it, so that's something.
I guess I can do it.
I think I got it again.
You want to keep shooting?
Yeah, just maybe a few more.
Wait, but I haven't
seen you shoot yet.
I know.
Well, are you gonna
show me your skills?
Today we're just
focusing on you.
Or maybe you think
you can't match that.
How do you do that?
I just think about
someone who's pissed me off.
Helps me focus.
Remind me
to never piss you off.
- Pig Penny.
- Pig Penny.
All: Pig Penny.
Pig Penny. Pig Penny.
Penny, are you all right?
Just this heat.
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
You have time to grab a bite,
or do you have to get
back to the hubby?
No, food sounds great.
So he's out
all day with Lanie?
Don't make it sound dirty.
I didn't mean to.
I mean, you're not wrong.
They do spend
a lot of time together.
There's ways to test him,
you know?
I don't need to test him.
Try it.
Tonight, when you go home,
just side-eye his schedule,
and the next time
he's working with Lanie,
tell him you have
some surprise planned,
and you have reservations
locked in or something.
Just to start an argument?
No, to give him a choice
between work and home.
It's a good indicator
of something going on.
Well, maybe I should
just confront him then.
Ask him if he's cheating?
Like he's gonna
admit it if he is?
I once caught an ex making out
with his side piece in his pool,
and he tried to tell me
he was giving her CPR.
Oh, you've got
to be kidding me.
Men are stupid,
or at least they think we are.
So it's up to us not to be.
- Hey, honey.
- Hey.
How'd it go?
It was great.
What'd you do?
Target practice.
- Really?
- Yeah.
It was fun.
Sounds dangerous.
Not if you know
what you're doing.
Does this mean you want
a gun in the house now?
Uh, I don't know.
Do you?
I think that's
something we should discuss.
Hey, I'd like you to keep
the night of the 18th open.
- Yeah. For what?
- It's a surprise.
- Oh, no, I can't.
- You can't?
I got a shoot.
You always have a shoot.
Hey, don't be that way.
Don't do that.
Don't downplay my feelings.
I'm not.
I'm sorry.
It's just that
the reservations
were really hard to get.
Good girl.
Stand your ground.
Well, that would ruin
the surprise.
I just want to have a nice
evening for the two of us.
Uh, yeah.
I just wish you'd let me know.
Well, I'm letting you know
right now.
I mean, either you're
working or I'm working.
I mean, is this job
that important to you?
Well, yeah, it's good money.
I mean, it's with Lanie.
You know how I'm always
worried she's gonna go hire
someone else
and fall in love with them.
I'll cancel.
You don't know
how happy that makes me.
I've got a little
more work to do.
This is Lanie Meadows.
Yes, my name is Kate Fields.
I was hoping to make
an appointment
to see your listing
over on Cross Creek.
Oh, well, you caught me
on a pretty great day.
I'm open.
- How does 4:00 sound?
- That sounds perfect.
By any chance, do you have
another agent representing you?
I don't.
Maybe you could do that too.
- Okay. Great.
- All right, see you then.
See you then.
Hello there.
Are you expecting someone?
Just you.
Sorry, honey.
It's not really my thing.
Hold on.
No sex.
Just a little bit
of role-playing.
I'll throw in an extra
hundred bucks.
Sure. Why not?
Very nice.
So now what?
Just do your thing
while you video.
I thought you said no sex.
Treat it like a webcam act.
You've done those before, right?
You don't want to watch?
Not my thing, honey.
Couple of rules, though.
No talking, no face,
but use the rest of your assets.
- And that's it?
- That's it.
The room is yours.
How's it going?
- What do you want, Nolan?
- Nothing.
Just saw you from a distance,
thought I'd say hi.
What happened to you?
- Fight.
- Why am I not surprised.
Yeah, you should see
the other guy.
- Look, I got to go.
- Yeah, I'm sure you do.
I just...
I want to say sorry
about the other day.
Are you still
hanging out with Penny?
Why do you care?
Just be careful.
In the shadow
of the street lights
I'm so glad we did this.
Me too.
Oh, thank you.
So, um...
I picked up my
prescription today,
And what?
And I was thinking that's
the last time I do that.
You mean you want to start
trying to have a baby?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
Me too.
I'm excited.
It's gonna be great.
I can't wait to start
picking out baby furniture
for our room.
Is that my phone?
You got a text from Lanie.
How long?
How long what?
How long have you two
been making a fool out of me?
What are you talking about?
You're being ridiculous.
I'm being ridiculous?
You're the one
that's cheating on me,
and I'm being ridiculous?
Don't follow me.
Tara, I don't know
what you're talking about.
I didn't know if you'd be here.
I understand why you're upset.
I watched the video.
But I don't know why
she would have sent that.
Maybe she meant to send it
to somebody else.
It's like you got caught
kissing her,
and you're telling me
you were giving her CPR.
Nothing ever happened
between us. Nothing.
When you're ready to talk
about this, I will be there.
You're the love of my life,
no matter what you may
think right now.
Hey. I wasn't expecting
a call back.
Is everything all right?
I just found out that Charles
has been cheating on me
with Lanie, so you were right.
God, I'm so sorry.
Is there anything I can do?
No, I'm just...
I'm so angry right now.
I feel like I ought
to go over there and give her
a piece of my mind.
No. Don't.
You don't want to escalate
the situation further.
I can't believe
she's been pretending
to be my friend all these years.
I know how you feel,
but there's nothing you can do
about it tonight, right?
So just try to get some sleep,
and let's talk
in the morning, okay?
Okay. Thanks.
gonna be all right.
Good night.
- Hello?
- Hello.
I need to speak
with Miss Tara Henson
about Mr. Charles Henson.
Something terrible has happened.
I heard it on the scanner.
How is he?
They're still working on him.
Oh, could you just excuse me?
Let me hold this for you.
What is it?
He's lost a lot of blood,
and there's swelling
around his brain,
so they've induced a coma.
I know he's
gonna pull through.
The doctors know
what they're doing, okay?
I'm gonna find out
who did this.
I'll take care of it, okay?
Let's see if we can
get that video footage
from Dawson's Liquors.
Yeah, I think
they open around ten.
- Yeah.
- Any eyewitnesses?
Still canvassing.
Something will turn up.
- Security videos?
- Not from that angle.
What about physical evidence?
Why are you so interested
in our case, officer?
- I know him.
- Really?
Husband of a friend.
Have you talked to the wife yet?
Not yet.
Name's Tara Henson.
You met her a few weeks back.
She was the woman that was
attacked over on Riverdale.
She called me last night,
told me she found out
her husband
has been cheating
on her with a coworker.
Seemed pretty pissed.
You know where she is now?
- Hospital.
- We should get over there.
- I can go with you.
- We can handle it.
- Yep.
- I know the situation.
Plus, she trusts me.
I can help.
- All right.
- All right.
Give us about 20
with Robertson.
Who's the rat now, Blake?
So this is your friend that's
mixed up in the shooting?
You need to mind
your own business.
You know,
it's quite a coincidence.
You, her, and her husband
all knowing each other.
Did I hear that right?
You just handed them a motive?
You need to back off.
Oh, my God.
How is he?
I just heard.
Why didn't you call me?
- Could you not?
- All right.
You're probably so tired of
being asked so many questions.
Is there anything that I can do?
You could leave.
Excuse me?
You have a lot of nerve
showing up here
after what you did.
What I did?
This is all your fault.
If you hadn't been sleeping
with my husband,
he would have never
been at that hotel.
I'm not sleeping with Charles.
- Oh, Lanie, I saw the text.
- What text?
Your little
striptease in your bedroom.
What the hell
are you talking about?
It's here.
It's on his phone.
I mean, you put on quite a show.
I didn't know you had it in you.
Where is it?
All right, well, I'm not sure
what's going on here,
so I'm gonna give you
some space,
and maybe when you've calmed
down, we can talk about this,
and you'll realize
what a mistake you're making.
Calm down?
The only mistake I made
was trusting you.
I want you to stay the hell
away from me and my husband.
I know this isn't the best time,
but these detectives
wanted to talk to you.
Hi. Yeah.
I remember you both
from the night of the break-in.
Yeah, shame we have
to keep meeting
under these circumstances.
Do you know anyone
who would want to do harm
to your husband?
No. I mean,
everyone loves Charles.
No grudges or disputes
with anyone?
Not that I know of.
How's your marriage?
What do you mean?
We heard you guys may
have been having some problems.
Yeah, we are.
Was he seeing someone else?
Lanie Meadows.
- Were you angry about it?
- I'm his wife.
Why wouldn't I
be angry about it?
Where were you last night?
- At home.
- Alone?
Mrs. Henson,
do you own a gun?
Wait, am I a suspect?
Do they think
that I shot Charles?
We didn't say that, did we?
No, but that's
what you're implying.
We're just having
a friendly conversation.
No, listen, I know what
you're trying to do,
and I need to get back
to my husband.
Tara, stop.
Can you excuse us
for just a minute, please?
Look, you need to cooperate,
because if you don't,
things are going
to get a lot worse.
So you just
told them everything?
All my personal business?
What was I supposed to do?
They were going
to find out anyway.
And then, if I hadn't
said something,
how would that make me look?
Oh, yeah, I mean, at least
you covered yourself.
Let's get back to the station.
Where is it?
You just couldn't
leave it alone.
You don't want to do this.
We're brother
and sister in blue.
We're family.
That's on you...
The first bullet entered to
the right of the spinal cord.
The first bullet entered to
the right of the spinal cord.
It ruptured an artery,
but we were able
to close that up just in time,
so you're very lucky.
The second bullet grazed
your back, a superficial wound.
Nothing to worry about.
You're gonna be okay.
Hey. Hi.
They said I was shot.
You don't remember.
The police, well,
they think I did it.
That's ridiculous.
Well, they think it's because
I found out about the affair.
There wasn't an affair.
On my life,
I have never cheated on you.
Somebody set me up.
Somebody did this to us.
You have to believe me.
Please believe me.
Okay. Okay.
I just want you
to focus on getting better.
All right.
Whoever shot me,
whoever's trying to make
you look like a killer,
he or she is still out there.
We have to stop them
before it's too late.
I don't want
to leave you right now.
I'm okay.
You go do what you have to do.
All right.
I love you.
I love you too.
Be careful.
Yeah. Got it.
There's ways to test him,
you know.
Side-eye his schedule.
The next time he's
working with Lanie,
tell him you have
some surprise planned.
Look, I know why you're upset.
I watched the video.
But I don't know why
she would send it to me.
A husband's out
with a pretty lady.
I don't know.
But if that were me,
there'd be hell to pay.
You still hanging out
with Penny?
The only time you
ever want to have your finger
on the trigger is
when you're ready to shoot.
Just be careful.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Sorry it's so late.
It's fine.
What is it?
It's Charles.
What happened?
He's taken a turn
for the worse.
Could you come to the hospital?
I could really use
a friend right now.
- On my way.
- Thanks.
Not smart, Tara.
Breaking into a cop's house.
Did you really think
I was gonna believe
that little ruse about
inviting me to the hospital?
I don't want to believe this.
- Believe what?
- That you could do all this.
Not me. You.
The cheated-on wife who snapped.
Tried to kill her
husband in a fit of rage.
He was never
cheating on me, was he?
A dozen people in that
restaurant saw you accuse him
of cheating, establishing
a motive for murder.
And then, when a cop was
snooping around your house,
you killed him too.
That was you.
I have an alibi.
Do you?
Didn't think so.
Murdering a cop carries
special circumstances.
You'll be facing
the death penalty.
No, I can prove
that I didn't do it.
Good luck with that.
The gun they're gonna find
has your prints on it.
You put that gun in my hand,
and that's exactly
what I'll tell them.
Did I? Did anyone
even see us together?
'Cause I'll just tell them it's
another one of your crazy lies.
Because at the end of the day,
it's an accused murderer's word
against a decorated officer.
And all of the evidence will be
pointed directly towards you.
So why don't you just
let me take you in so you can
swallow your medicine
like a good little girl.
All of this is because
something happened
in high school?
Because of what Nolan did?
He told me you invited him
to the barbecue
after you promised me
you didn't.
I didn't. I don't know
why he would say that.
You've never been my friend.
A real friend would never relish
in another friend's pain.
Penny, this is all
just a misunderstanding.
Turn around.
Get on your knees.
Hands on your head.
Turn around!
Get on your knees!
Hands on your head!
It's Tara.
Nolan, I need your help.
It's about Penny.
What did she do?
She's trying to frame me
for shooting Charles,
and now killing a cop.
Where are you?
I'm driving.
Okay. Just pull over.
Now, dump the phone
and check your wheel wells.
She probably
put a tracker on you.
Find it and get rid
of it and come over here.
Well, come on.
You find the tracker?
How did you know about that?
Found one on my
car the other night.
It's how she was able to track
me that night she attacked me.
She did that?
- Oh.
- This too.
We can't let
her get away with this.
Wait, you didn't
get rid of that?
I took the batteries out.
I think we can actually
use it to our advantage.
Yes, "we."
I need your help to get her.
What's that?
It's a spare key to her car.
She's got a bunch of stuff
in the back of her SUV.
I think it would be useful.
I can't.
I'm sorry, you can't?
My husband is
laying in a hospital.
There is a cop
that has been killed.
And this is all because
of something you started
way back in high school.
You're the one that needs
to make this right.
Be a man, Nolan.
For once in your life,
think of someone
other than yourself.
Pig Penny, Pig Penny.
- Pig Penny!
- Pig Penny, Pig Penny.
Come out!
Hands up!
Really cute coming here.
This is where
it all started, right?
I mean, the hatred that pushed
you to do what you've done.
This spot right here.
I see what you're trying
to do, but it's not gonna work.
I don't think you do.
I'm trying to help.
Pig Penny.
- Pig Penny.
- Pig Penny.
Pig Penny.
Pig Penny.
I'm not doing this.
I know you said
you never came back.
Never wanted to remember.
There's more to what
happened that night
than you realize.
I just want you
to know the truth.
Pig Penny.
Pig Penny.
Pig Penny.
I know the truth!
You bring a friend?
Who is it?
Round up the whole gang?
Come out, if anyone's in here,
or I'll shoot her.
Easy on the eye shadow, please.
There's a spotlight.
This is the only way to
guarantee your eyes
don't look like lumps of coal
in a snowman's head.
Hey, ladies!
What's going on here?
You guys having fun
without us, huh?
Let's go get you pretty.
No, let go!
- Yeah!
- Let go of me!
Let's go make you
ready for this talent show.
Nolan, what are you doing?
Penny, will you
just let me tell you
my side of the story, please?
Shut up!
Move! Move!
Listen, the moment
they grabbed you,
I realized that they
had followed me.
Oh, no, please,
please, stop it.
Listen, I tried to stop them.
Stop it, Nolan.
Stop it.
You brought her here
for a makeover, didn't you?
Stop it!
Let me go, you bastards!
Tie those legs too.
- Stop!
- Get your hands off of me!
Tara! Help, please!
Let me go!
Nolan, tell them
to let me go right now!
- There's the makeup.
- Stop!
We're just having fun.
Ah, tie her up.
Stop it, Nolan!
Why are you doing this?
- Okay, Miss Pig Penny.
- Penny, wait!
Let's make you look
real purdy.
We got all kinds
of great stuff here.
I tried my best to break free,
to get them to stop hurting you.
Ah, my masterpiece is done.
Now the whole school
needs to see this.
Yeah, let's go, boys!
Stop it!
Nolan, stop, you bastard!
Nolan, please!
Stop it!
Let me go!
You tried to stop it.
Am I supposed to feel
bad for you?
No. No.
I just wanted you to realize...
I realize that
you betrayed me.
You just stood there
while everyone laughed at me.
All of your friends!
Even Charles!
What are you talking about?
At the barbecue!
No one was laughing.
You're confused.
That's a lie!
Why are you playing
these games with my head?
Is this your plan?
To bring me here
and use some psycho B.S.
to try to get me
to break down and cry?
Confess to what you did?
Where is it?
Where's what?
You're recording this,
aren't you?
Because a confession is useless
unless it's being recorded.
Get it.
Get it right now or
I'll blow your head off.
All right.
It's just here.
Put it there.
Amateur hour.
Do you really think I would
listen to a word
that came out of your mouth?
But you remember.
I remember that
you humiliated me.
That's what I remember.
Hey, she's right
about what happened.
Tara had nothing
to do with this, okay?
And she didn't invite
me to the barbecue either.
It was all me.
Both times, me.
And I'm supposed
to believe you?
Believe what you want.
I already called the cops.
When they get here,
I'm showing them the tracker
you put in her car...
The same thing you put
on mine the night
that you assaulted me.
You deserved it.
What about your partner?
Did he deserve to die?
And what about Charles?
I told you
he was laughing at me!
Penny, this has
all just been a mistake.
No one here was laughing
at you or hurt you.
It's all just been me.
I was the one
that was responsible
for this stupid prank.
It had nothing
to do with the prank.
Okay. Then what?
- We were friends.
- Yes.
We were supposed
to be friends forever.
I know.
And then some popular
kids gave you attention,
and you abandoned me!
No. No.
I lost my best friend.
My only friend.
And for a second, I thought
I was getting her back.
That's all I wanted.
And then you do this!
You bring him here?
You're playing with my head?
It is time for this to stop.
Right now.
I'm sorry.
Penny, I'm sorry.
Penny, don't.
I don't want to do this,
but you have to stop.
Not until you pay
for what you've done.
No, Penny, you need help,
and I promise I'll get you
the help that you need,
but you need to back up.
Don't take a step closer.
Please stop.
Stop. Stop!
Drop the gun!
You leave me no choice.
Drop it now
and get on your knees.
- Okay.
- I'm a cop.
I said drop the gun.
She and her
friends ambushed me.
They tried to kill me.
No, no.
She's lying.
She shot him.
Shut up!
Control, three Adam six.
I need code three cover.
Officer in need of assistance.
I'm at Palm Vista High school
in the girls' locker room.
Suspect disarmed.
She went crazy after
I told you about the affair.
Thought I betrayed her.
Hear about Kuttler?
When we executed
the search warrant,
we found him in her home,
dead, shot multiple times.
Oh, my God.
Also found an unregistered
handgun at the scene.
It looks like the same one
that was used
to shoot her husband...
Probably the same one used
to shoot Kuttler too.
Consider yourself lucky
you got out of this one alive.
The evil that
some people can do.
She's lying.
She killed Kuttler.
She planted the gun.
And I can prove it.
Body cam.
I'm off duty.
I wasn't wearing one.
No, but he was.
Hey, can we get
a computer in here?
It's just a trick.
- Let's just see.
- They attacked me.
They took my gun.
Penny, calm down.
I'm the victim here.
She did this.
She always does this.
She's lying. Liar!
- Penny!
- Liar!
Officer Blake,
get a hold of yourself.
You've always been this way!
Stupid bitch!
Hey, can I get a hand
over here?
- You bitch!
- That's enough.
- Stupid bitch!
- All right.
Well, what about your partner?
Did he deserve to die?
And what about Charles?
I told you,
he was laughing at me!
You're playing with my head?
It is time for this
to stop right now.
I'm sorry.
Penny, I'm sorry.
Penny, don't.
I don't want to do this.
But you have to stop.
Not until you pay
for what you've done.
No, Penny, you need help,
and I promise I'll get
the help that you need,
but you need to back up.
Miss Henson...
I just want to apologize
for everything that happened.
I can't imagine
what you've been through.
Can we give
you a ride somewhere?
Yeah. The hospital.
I need to be with my husband.
Of course.
You're up.
Oh. Oh.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
- I'm sorry.