Honeymoon Express (2024) Movie Script

Hey! What kind of songs are those?
My ears are bleeding!
Lets listen to some classical music!
These are very boring!
Listen to this!
What? Always your choice?
Hey! My deck!
Nothing now!
Hmm...! This is our story...
If parents push youngsters into
an arranged marriage, these are the consequences!
Is that what you're thinking?
No! You are wrong!
We chose each other!
Love at first sight! Hmm...
That was a beautiful Saturday morning!
In the public park near my house...
On one side, medical students were riding posh bicycles!
On the other side,
Me..on my grandpa's bicycle, returning from temple,
praying to goddess to grant my marriage,
at least this year.
Just then...
Go away!
What Madam?
Do you punish people for helping you?
Eh, Come on!
Give me your hand!
Okay, are you fine?
Such small setbacks do happen..
We should take it easy.
Small scratches Madam, they will heal soon!
Try this! See...youre already getting better..
"Oh Love! Is that you? or not?
How can we tell the difference?"
Thats all!!..
These are all common when you learn bicycling..
Just a minute!
I will be right back!..
"Oh love! Why are you such an enigma?"
"Isnt there a language to read you?."
"When you decide to move whose heart,
Why you bring which two together, "
"Whether you give a helping hand, or cost lives..
Why dont you give us a clue before?"
"Oh love! Is that you? Or not?
How can we tell the difference?"
Eighty Two Thousand Five Hundred Sir!..
Anything else?
Hey, wait wait!
Ill just be back!
Total Ninety Thousand.
Thank you, Sir!..
Thank you, Maam!..
"Can earth and sky ever come together?
..however much they try.."
"But, rain just doesnt care...
Doesnt it prove otherwise, by connecting those two?"
"Though the differences between us
are crystal clear,"
"What if luck gives wings to our dreams?"
"If you cant name it, yet it feels good,
Cant you just call it love?"
"Oh love! Is that you? Or not?
How can we tell the difference?"
"Oh love! Why are you such an enigma?"
"Isnt there a language to read you?.."
- Happy Birthday!
- Thank You!..
Where shall we go?
An adventure!..
- Promise?
- Promise!
Hey, Where are you climbing?
Come on, Climb!
Hey, whats this?
Whose house is this?
To the other side of the wall!
But, why are we jumping the wall?
Will you climb or not?
What if someone sees..
Are you crazy?
Didnt you say ok for the adventure?
Yes. But, birthday is yours.. and adventure is mine?
I thought my birthday wish would be
to make u do the adventure
What kind of stupid logic is that?
Move! Come on!
Careful.. careful!..
- Hows the pool?
- Whose is this palace?
I dont know!..
Take off your clothes!..
Hey.. ye ye!.. Hey, Ugh!
Youre watching!..
Okay, I wont see..
Wow! You came fully prepared!..
Ugh.. Whatre you doing?
I dont know how to swim!..
Oh! Ouch!
Come on!..
Thats enough..Lets go..
Shhh!.. Relax!..
Oh my..theres somebody in the house!
Theyre heading this way!..
What do you mean by So?
They saw us!..
Adventure is only when they see us!..
Adventure? What kind of an adventure?
if they catch us, theyll smash our bones
So? Happy Birthday Sonu!..
Thank you.. thank you guys! Love you!..
Meet my hero, Eshan!..
Doctor Eshan or something?
No.. just Eshan!..
Oh.. Okay, Dr. Vineet Sharma.
Oh, Doctor!..
Oh, Brother!..
Eshan, Dr. Ragini!.. Evil sister-in-law!..
Hey Eshan!..
Dr Aparna.
I know you!..
Yeah! Long time, no see!..
Hi.. Dr. Sharma here!..
"I wonder if there is a way to read our fate..
..to check whats in store for us."
"What would time say if we want to peek into the future?"
"Though this irresistible strange attraction
is turning into a game of enticement..."
"This ever questioning conflict of thoughts..
Will it turn into a lasting bond?"
"Whats behind all these daunting questions?
Cant you just call it love? "
"Oh love! Is that you? Or not?
How can we tell the difference?"
"Oh love! Why are you such an enigma?"
"Isnt there a language to read you?.."
When did you start this?
Left five years ago!
Had to start again due to this wedding stress!..
Cant we have reception without dance?
Its put in the invitations already!..
Its just simple steps Eshan!..
Concentrate a bit!..
Are we rushing it?
What do you mean?
Maybe we should have dated longer..dont u think?
Sorry.. Its not about you..
Its about me..
Okay then, lets cancel it!..
Lets cancel the dance!..
Then what do we say to the guests?
I dont care!..
Lets get out of here!..
"When you decide to move whose heart,"
"Why you bring which two together, "
"Whether you give a helping hand, or decide to cost lives.."
"Why dont you give us a clue before?"
Hey.. Ouch!..
Idiot! These flowers, this decoration..
Who gave you this idea?
It looks so cheap!
Did your grandma say?
Did your sister say?
I hate all this!
Cheap fellow! Cheap Fellow! Cheap fellow!
Hey.. Flowers.. Flowers!..Decoration
These relatives are killing us!
Hey are you leaving?
Shut up guys! We are trying to have first night here!..
What are you doing?
Escape plan!..Away from relatives!..
I set it all up, to elope!
Go! I will follow you!
Me? You get down first!
Oh my...You know I have fear of heights!
You go first.
Then, why did you make this plan?
You and your half-witted plans!
My God! This is a real adventure!
Ya. I was always known to be adventurous!
When I was in tenth grade I think...err-
Na. Its her style of storytelling..!
Thats where the real magic is!..
What a talent Sonali.. What a talent!
Ok, Sonali.. What are your issues?
He is superstitious. Sentimental cry baby!
I am a rationalist!..
I wonder how our odd combination has turned into
a marriage, in just six months.
Can the mind ever escape the power of desire?
Sirivennelas words... Isnt that song all about hormones?
Did you say Hernia?
Hormones, hormones!
Dr. Eshan, dont you know this simple stuff?
I am not a doctor sir. just a salesman!
Medical Rep, sir..
Oh.. an MR?
Sonali, Aren't all your family members doctors?
Leave it alone sir!..
May be hormones, hearts or hernia...who knows?
Why delve into those now? Just come to the point.
Dont emotions get involved in relationships?
Emotions? Bloody emotions!
Emotions dont sell tickets!
Hero. Heroine..Chemistry!
I dont know Sir..Nowadays, I feel very lonely!..
You know, mine is a sales job!
I travel so frequently-.
Its not that! Actually, I feel lonely when he is in town
What nonsense!..
I dont understand this intellectual blabber, Sir.
How can she feel lonely when I am around?
Okay. Shall we discuss our bedroom stories?
Hey, excuse me!?
Oh.. I mean, your bedroom issues.. share with me...
Oh..No issues there sir...First class!
Why do you therapists always bring up bedroom?
Cant problems come up anywhere else?
Cant they arise in living room?
Cant they arise in dining room?
In the Hall?
In the kitchen?
Why not?
Sonali,..Hows your sex life?
Hmm..Its pointless..
Time to pull out the item from inside!
What? Pull what out sir?
My own creation! Bed-talk!
Bed-talk which can beat TED TALK!
Soon, we will shake the net with it!..
By the way, have you seen our promo?
Didnt see Sir.. Might have missed it.
Since the screen is too small..
Postures!..Blue for boys, pink for girls.
These will stick with a click!..
You can try newer postures..
Posture..another posture!..
Ultimate posture!..
Can you grab these and show me what your regular posture is?
Excuse me.. Can you come a bit close?
Say it from there..
Are you gay?
Oh. What do you mean?
Just once...pls give a look down there
Oh..I lost track in confusion!..
This is Sonali.. This is Eshan..Posture!..
We don't care to bend over for a kiss!..
Let alone those postures and classical ballet..
Umm..Sonali..I have a dealer meeting..
Can we do this next week, please?
Sure. If you just answer my question..
Whats that?
Whats your posture?
Well, you also didnt answer my question either..
Which one?
What type of sexual you are?
How does it matter whatever I am?
I have a doctorate.. to give treatment to you!..
Whats the use of those useless doctorates?
You dont even know how decent couples behave in the bedroom!
Besides, if anyone is foolish enough to try these contortions in bed,
Theyll break their spine and go unfit for any type of sex!
Are you wondering why we are still here?
Well, thats the plight of our marriage!..
Status Quo..
Every morning, we wake up and hope for some change..
Well.. Since we met you today..Lets see!..
If therell be some change..
Hey, who are you talking to?
Dealer Call..
See? What did I tell you?
Dealer call, my foot!..
Even in the middle of the counseling, hundred calls..
Ugh.. Thats a big counseling and he is a great counsellor!
Postures I believe..beyond ridiculous...
Where did your father get that buffoon?
He is counsellor number four!..
How come all four therapists turned buffoons?
That means theres something wrong with the client!
He is having a blast..
Extracts money from us..
Hears our bedroom secrets..
Gets into the bathroom and plays blue films!..
Waste fellow!..
- Vulgar mind!..
- Vulgar mind? Whose? Mine?
Or the idiots who made those cheesy dolls?
Oh.. Shit, missed the exit again!..
Dont pull me into those arguments again!
Bloody exit. Big deal.
What about my four cycles you made me miss?
Aye!..Who are these buffoons?
Come on.. Come on..Come on..
Hey Goods train!
Hey, why the heck are you
honking from the side?
What kind of outfit is that?
Running away from your 60th annual ritual?
Slow down.
How dare you give me a finger?
Eshan, slow down!..
I will show you stars.. Wait!
Haa.. Come on.. Come on.. Hey..
Just watch! Ill make them regret
Look at that Dakota bike, trying to beat my sports car?
Slowdown, please!..
Youre going to crash!..Hey..
How are these oldies racing like this?
Whats up with them?
Slowdown, please!
How can they zoom like that?
Im damn sure its some VFX or Green Matte or so. No doubt.
Eshan, please!.. Its okay!..
Hahahhaha.. I won. I won!..
Oh My God!..
Bala.. Bala..What happened Bala?
Sorry, Sorry.. Sorry.. Sorry.. Sorry!..
I am a Medical Rep.! Let me check.
Oh.. Thank God. Hes alive!..
Shall we call 100?
Oh.. No No No No No.. Police Police!..
Why call them? He is safe, right?
102, No. No.
108.. Correct!..
Hey, My phone!
Why did you throw it away like that? Are you crazy?
Auntie, at least we could have called the ambulance!
Ambulance? Why Ambulance?
Did Ambulance do this?
You did this!
Now, You must repair him!
Repair? We dont know how!
Auntie, You dont understand!..He needs medical help urgently!..
Keep your silly advice to yourself!
I have been living with him for these many years..
How would you know what he needs?
Or would I know better what Bala needs?
Urgently, he needs mouth to mouth resuscitation. Now!
What? How?... I mean how exactly.err
What - how - exactly...what?
Dont you even know that?
Dont you show her Telugu movies?
Here you go.. Mouth to mouth!..Mouth to mouth...
Like this-
Okay okay.. Auntie..I got it!..
No need to go into too many details!
But, dont you think it should be decided by a doctor?
Umm. How do you know that?
- My Dad is a Doctor!..
- My Dad is also a Doctor!..
- My Brother is a Doctor!
- My Brother is a Doctor!..
- My Sisters are also-
- Your Sisters are only Sisters!
My Sisters are Doctors..!
My house itself is a big general hospital!..
Now, shut up and get to work!
Oh, no! How can I kiss your husband, Auntie?
Oh My Goodness!..Are you thinking its kissing?
I see it like saving life!..
Youre treating it like a cheap act..?
I call it SOS!..
This generation kids..are out of control
Theyre getting glued to those mobile screens
and are losing all their imagination!..
Hey, girl!.. Cant you just once,
close your eyes,
imagine your husband..
and save my husband?
Eshan, Its you, who did the accident!
So, you do it!..
Me? No no.. you do it!
Ah.. You do it!..
- You do it!..
- You do.. You do..
Stop it! Useless fellows..Utterly useless follows!
I will take care of it! You guys get lost!
Go away!
O Lord, I alone am going to rescue my husband!..
You get lost!..
Ill save his life!
Time and again, you bet with me,
lose it and dump all these stupid coins
on my head!.. I am dying counting all of them!..
Actually, I could have won this time!
You purposely covered my face!
If shes seen clearly, why wouldnt she fall for me?
Oh, its again my fault! Right?
For your silly idea of wedding anniversary bet over a kiss,
I had to break my back, hitting car after car repeatedly!...
What are you doing? Whats that stupid gesture?
Ah.. Are you trying to ask me for a kiss?
Why dont you ask directly?
A tight slap is what you get now.
Oh.. Its them...
Hmm. Oh God!..
Yes, yes, yes, yes!.. Side, side, side, side!...
Time for our Honeymoon!..
What the hell?
Sing that spicy song of yours.
Hey your stroke is so sweet.... on my cheek.
How Yummy is it.. your stroke!
Just because OTT Platforms have no Censor,
Theyre going totally rogue...
Vulgar characters. I dont like them!
Vulgar, huh? They look like romantic characters to me..
At that age, how lovely, theyre in wedding dress!..
And, those cute pranks!?
We couldnt have dared to do those pranks even in our college days!
Eshan! If this counseling doesnt work out,
shall we ask the old couple
for relationship advice?
You are barely lucky to escape today..
If you are caught again, that vampire would
surely force a slurpy kiss on you.
Then, no toothpaste can save you from the stink for life!..
Well, the kiss is for me, and why are you getting worked up?
Why wouldnt you? You are a big Wimp!
Wimp! Wimp! Wimp!
You never stop calling me that.
Ok. Why would I care? Risk is all yours.
Give me 24 hours!
I will find out where they live and put you in front of them. Trust me!
Tea is lovely auntie.
Ayurvedic Formula. Ashwagandha and Shathavari combo.
If you have this two cups everyday..
"Honeymoon.. Honeymoon... salutations
to lord of romantics... "
Oh gosh. Rating is going to go bizarre soon..
Lets get out of here!
Come on..lets go.
Go. Go! Run away from
the real problems..
And, spend the rest of your
lives cursing and fighting.
Or- Turn your lives around
with a week of adventure!
Come join us in the future...
no no I mean jump into your future.
You guys and us are ditto ditto!..
If you cared to listen,
we wanted to share our experiences,
If you dont, why would we waste our breath?
- Go ahead.
- Okie dokie.
- Go on!
- Okie dokie!
Get lost!..
Ting ting.. Mike testing.
One. Two. Three. Four.
Honeymoon Express!
Its a Paradise for couples in troubles.
Means Heaven.
Its a Semifinal Destination
before you kill each other!
Its a second chance we can
give to ourselves in life!
Dont we all agree that Marriage means
those seven holy steps together?
But how many of us know that those seven steps
actually mean seven promises?
On one side, the noise of wedding band!
On the other side,
the clamor of saris and jewelry!
On another side, the chaos of food and drinks!
Photos, Videos!
Selfies and Drones. Drones. Drones.
FB Likes, Twitter Tweets, You Tube Views and Instagram Posts.
Noise! Noise! Noise!
When the wedding is over and the noise settles down,
relatives and friends flee back to their respective homes.
Likewise, the bride and bridegroom recoil into their own selves.
- And, there comes the First Night.
- The First Night.
As soon as that overrated first night is over,
the real ceremonial chants begin.
- My man is snoring! I cant get to sleep!
- Divorce!
- I got a job in Hyderabad! He likes only Bangalore!
- Divorce!
- I am Veg. He is Non-veg.
- Divorce!
- He likes Mahesh Babu, I like NTR.
- Divorce!
If you divorce for every sneeze and cough,
why all that wedding noise?
What is the solution to this problem?
A Seven-day Adventure!
Hey, this looks like a dangerous racket!
Spotting couples on the street,
stalking them on their bike,
waiting till the couples start fighting,
Then, they are selling their product.
This looks more dangerous than
one of those Nigerian scams!
Its a cheap trap.
Lets not fall for it! Lets go!
What if I am interested?
Girl looks like daredevil.
More like a Fearless Demon.
But the boy is a wimp, you know?
Means, Coward.
God, how do they know about me?
I love it. I want to try it!
You go.
Your hell.
The Official Selection Committee has decided
to give you a small, cute and tiny questionnaire.
Question Number one.
Who controls TV Remote in your home?
Who grabs the menu in restaurants?
Who remembers Wedding
Anniversaries and Birthdays?
Did any one of you get attracted
to a third person anytime?
Is it before marriage or after marriage?
How many times do you kiss in a week?
Means.. Hey, I didnt answer that!
Okay, in the last six months,
how many times did you guys-
I dont like this vulgarity! Whats this?
This is not vulgarity, my dear!
What the hell?
Whats this, without any sense?
Im going!
Hold on Young man! Dont worry.
We are done! Donna done!
Now, the results!
On the basis of the answers
by these lovebirds,
When did you allow us to open our mouths?
Eshan! Shushshsh..
On the merit of their answers,
Honeymoon Express offers one weeks stay,
food, pool service and therapy, all for free!
Congrats! You are the luckiest
couple in the world!
You won the raffle!
Did we really win the raffle?
Yes, my dear, you won the raffle!
Eshan, we won the raffle!
My god you won the raffle!
Raffle, raffle..
SHUT UP! You and your silly raffle!
Aren't you getting the point?
Your dumbness and their
stupidity suit each other.
They didnt allow us to utter a single word!
How did we win at all?
Thank you very much for your forced help.
We are not interested.
Sonu, get up! Lets go!
Lets go!
Hmm..! Well, Even in this 21st Century,
man alone makes decisions, huh?
Oh God! No..No..
Hey, why did you sit back again!?
Get up!
One week may be hard to get away from work,
how about two or three days?
This option must be there, right?
Of course there are options!
There are three options!
Option 1. One Week!
Option 2. Seven Days!
Option 3. Days in a week!
Dont customers have the rights?
Who are customers here?
Marriage is not a business!
Promises made, promises kept!
Are you in? Or are you out?
"You say poteto, I say potato.."
"Our pair is perhaps a mistake"
"I make tomato and you order Zomato"
So what our life is a messy mish mash?
Just say Hakuna matata
For all these tensions and xyz issues,
We found a solution..
Hurry up! hurry up! buy tickets to that place..
It all begins with love give
youre my world, etc. like a hit movie..
Once the marriage tag is attached,
it turns into a season ending of a boring web series..
"Don't worry about those problems
said Honeymoon Express.."
'Take a detour' said Honeymoon Express!
Our pair is the Best said Honeymoon Express!
Patching package....Honeymoon Express!
"Whats the direction to our destiny?
Left or right?"
"Whats this confusion
if our match is a hit or phat?"
'For all these tensions and xyz issues,
We found a solution..'
'Hurry up! hurry up! buy tickets to that place!..
Hello, Password pretty face!
Password? What password?
Take that card out!
Learn! Dont Run!
We have to say that in English!
Oh, Okay..er..Run! Dont Learn!
I didnt ask your fate, son!
How can the word What be the password?
You freekin-
Oh Oh Oh.. Language! Language!
Learn and Dont Run!
Very Good!
Looks the wife has some brains!
Pretty face, this is a formidable fort.
Once you enter, there is no chance to exit!
Think before you enter!
Hey, I know that, you Appa Rao!
Stop showing off like the Big Boss!
Wow!.. Chicken Wings.
Chilled Beer also. Wow.
Let me see?
How did they know my taste?
Oh! Hey!
Whats this new thing?
As if you dont know the house rules.
Thats house! This is resort!
Promises made, promises kept.
Lazy fellow. Cant you help a little?
The whole route was a Ghat Road!
My whole body is sore.
You ask for help, instead of giving me a massage?
How many times I come back home tired, from school?
Have you ever given me some massage?
Get up, now!
- Hey, Whats this?
- Massage!
Where did she go?
Oh Dear darling!
You know how many lives
Ive been waiting for you?
...How long this yearning should go on?
You come after so long,
And you go away, just like that?
I cant bear this separation anymore.
Come on!
Let me see that handsome face, just once!
Turn this side!
Just once! Just once!
Sorry Madam.
Came here for Couples Therapy!
My wife is missing somewhere!
I will go away. Sorry!
You made a promise to me, and now,
who is that other woman?
Open your eyes!
Open I say! Hmm...
Help me! Help me! Save me!
Save me! Ghost! Ghost!
Eshan! Eshan! Its me.
Honey, its me!
Stop it!
Are you crazy?
Do you think this is our house?
Whats all this attire?
Where did you get those anklets from?
I was really scared to death.
Costume Room!
Its Playhouse, you know!
Stop it! Its not funny!
Did you really get that scared?
Im so sorry!
This place is so nice, right?
- Shall we take a mini tour around?
- I dont want to go anywhere!
You do whatever you want!
Come on, Honey!
Actually, what are we doing here?
Lets go. Lets go.
First, relax a bit.
I dont want any relaxation.
See, how stiff it is?
Yeah, a little bit!
Even then, whats all this?
Let go off me!
You must be tired with all that driving!
Its all a rough Ghat road, isnt it?
Is that so?
Whats all this new thing?
Are you the same?
Shhh. Look there!
I know better quotes.
Huh? How could you get that song so perfectly?
Why would I get into that argument again?
Just switch to one of those crazy squeals
and deathly howls you love to call music.
Sorry, Eshan!
I misbehaved in the car the other day, right?
Take this like an apology?
Close your eyes!
O Sweetheart whos resting in my heart!
The Darling who come to life in my dreams!
O Peacock, my Damsel!
Wow. What poetry?
Do you also know poetry?
Wont I get poetry when you are beside me?
I already fell for you, why still those pick up lines?
Eshan..Tell me any interesting stories
about your ex-girlfriends.
I mean, if you want to get rid of exes,
tell jokes about them.
Like a therapy!
Sorry. Did I touch a sensitive nerve?
Its okay. I wont ask again.
Shall I tell a story about my ex?
Is it necessary to talk about
past stories to go into the future?
Its okay.
From now on, no flashbacks!
Just future.
- Promise?
- Promise!
Are you hungry? Its getting late!
Why didnt you wake me up?
You looked very tired!
Hmm...Nice smell.
Did you order in?
I cooked.
Wait. Close your eyes!
Close your eyes!
Open your eyes!
Wow. My God! Chicken? Really?
Yummy! Too good!
How did you know how to make it?
Look! Theres a recipe on the fridge.
Hmm... Thats the matter..huh?
No. No. Its just for you.
Only cooking. Thats all!
I am still the one hundred percent
vegetarian girl you fell in love with!
Hmm... this building has some
divine blessing I guess..right?
What do you say?
Eat that!
What? Why dont you come out?
What will you do here?
Rules Mister!
You and Rules?
This is all the doing of those divine blessings here.
Come back quickly!
How could you reach so fast?
Open this.
- Why are you cooking again?
- I am hungry Eshan.
Ha? Where did all the food go?
Just a minute,
mom is calling.
Just a minute. Please!
'Hello. Hello. Whats news?
Where are you?'
Hi mom.
'Did you both reach safely?'
We reached yesterday evening itself!
'How is it over there?'
All ok. We are the only people in the entire resort.
Nobody else is there.
'Why so? Whats that noise?'
Signal is bad, mom!
'I can hear perfectly well!'
Did you take your medicines?
'Yes, I did. Whos making that ridiculous noise?
Is it my daughter-in-law?'
Its not Sonu, mom. May be the staff?
'Why would staff be in your room? My foot!'
Sonu, mother's on the line.
Can you be quiet, please?
'What shall I take in the evening?
Capsule or Syrup?'
The red capsule, mom. Once a day. Okay?
'Whats that squealing sound again?
Are you sure its the staff?'
Sonali! Mom heard it.
Fireworks will start again!
Youll have to face it.
Come on, Eshan!
Cant you turn off the phone for one week?
Am I calling my parents?
Just a quick call, please.
'Whats the problem son?
Is it the signal again?'
- Yes, mom.
- Just for a small leg pain, 24-hour help desk?
Signal is weak here.
I will call you again.
'I dont understand this nonsense at all!'
Can't even have a peaceful phone call--
What was that?
Cant you wait for just two minutes?
Its my holiday. Why cant you let me
do what I like for once?
You need your Mummys permission for that?
Cant you cook without whistling?
Have I ever done that?
Cooking is my relaxation, you know that!
Its okay! But, whats the urgency now?
You dont even care...even if I die of hunger!
You just ate. How can you be so hungry again,
like a pregnant lady?
Pregnant? Me? With whom?
Shut up! Thats not funny!
Ya. There is no shortage for that masculine ego.
Stop it!
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!
Im really sorry!
Didnt see it. Sorry! I, I will clean it up!
You dont take the tension! I will clean it!
I am really sorry!
I prepared the meal with so much effort..
- I will help you out!
- I have been hungry the whole day..
Ive been dying of fatigue..
And you, you just dont care!
I am sorry!
You just dont care at all!
I am really sorry!
I am done with you!
I am really sorry!
I am done with you, man!
I am just done with you!
Hey, I am sorry!
Hey, Sonali, Where are you going?
Stop, stop! I am also going with you!
Sonu, Sonu! Please! I said sorry!
Sonu, please! Sonu, I am sorry!
Sonu, I am sorry!
The moment we stepped in that cottage,
our fights started again.
We were so happy in this playhouse, the whole day.
Isnt it?
It reminded me of our first day when we moved into our
apartment, after the wedding.
Shall we move in here?
Eshan, just leave me alone!
I need some space!
Come closer!
Come on!
Not like that.
Like this...
Oh..wow! Photo op! Lovely!
Which room should this go to sir?
Thats okay. Just leave it here!
We will arrange it later.
Our boss wont accept it, sir!
Oh, where should we put that!? Hmm...Where?
How about the master bedroom?
Aye, no! Just leave it here-
Do you have three hundred rupees change?
I dont have change with me!
Hundred each, you can take?
Our boss doesnt approve tips Sir!
Whos your boss?
One Dr. Sharma... physician!
What?...Dr. Sharma?
What do you mean-
Your father-in-law?
We are interns with the doc!
Interns with the doc.
You mean medicos? Oh, I.. I am sorry!
It didnt strike to me at all!
Oh, Please come. Sit down
By the way, how did Sonali and you meet?
Its a long, wild story!
But, why?
I mean, its not that easy to get the doctors daughter.
Campus rumor!
Even princess is also not that easy in impress!
Campus rumor, you see!
What bro, what say?
Myself Eshan!
Fuck! ... Lets go! We have a surgery!
Myself Rahul!
Happy married life!
Who is he?
Rahul..a character..
I heard he is some family friend or so!?
Family friend? Na.
My ex-boyfriend!
But, you never mentioned!
You said No Flashbacks! right?
Excuse me!
What are you doing here?
Waiting! For you.
You and cooking?!
Why not?
Dont I know how to take care of my lady?
Dont you dare.
I am going to the cottage. Bring a parcel for me!
Hey babe! Come on!
Stop the tricks..bring the food.
I am hungry! Wake up!
Enough of acting. Bring the food!
Okay. Dont cry if food is all finished.
Changed your mind?
Cool! Welcome back!
Missing me baby?
You are playing hide and seek, right? I know.
I know that you will come back!
What? What? Hey!
Eshan! Eshan! Wake up! Eshan!
Get up, Eshan!
- Hello! Welcome to Honeymoon Express!
- Who are you?
- Lets start our first day with the first kiss!
- Help! Help! Help! Security!
- Come on baby! Please! Just a kiss!
- Security! Security!
Oh..Ouch! Hey, honey! Its me!
Oh..Its killing me!
Why did you hit me so hard?
Idiot! Suits you right!
By the way, how could you get ready so fast?
Did you even brush your teeth?
Hmm..cleanest breath.
Most eligible for a kiss!
Didnt you get enough?
Shall I give you one more?
Ahh..you have already hit me..long ago, here!
Enough with your dumb poetry.
What happened to your glasses?
My wife hates it! Umm. Yeah.
Contacts? When did you buy contacts?
Holiday surprise! How do you like it baby?
Not bad. Lets go!
"I wonder if there is a way to read our fate..
..to check whats in store for us."
"What would time say
if we want to peek into the future?"
"Though this irresistible strange attraction
is turning into a game of enticement..."
"This ever questioning conflict of thoughts..
Will it turn into a lasting bond?"
"Whats driving all these daunting questions?"
"Cant you just call it love?"
"Oh love! Is that you? Or not?"
"How can we tell the difference?"
"Oh love! Why are you such an enigma?
Isnt there a language to read you?"
"When you decide to move whose heart,"
"Why you bring which two together,"
"Whether you give a helping hand,
or decide to cost lives.."
"Why dont give us a clue before?"
Who asked you to drink five beers?
Otherwise, we could have gone last night!
Come on, go!
S-T-O-P Stop!
Exit Password, Pretty Face!
How can the word Password be a Password, you nitwit?
I also know thats not the password, you freekin-
Hey, no curse words.
Families are watching!
What shall we do now?
Look! It must be somewhere!
The password will be given as a gift,
after you take all seven steps.
Its okay...Lets do one thing. Take out your phone!
Lets call the police.
Sorry the lines are confused at the moment.
Please try after five days!
We regret for the inconvenience! Thank you.
Oh...What shall we do?
Its okay. Its just five days right?!
Five more days?! Aargh!
Were bloody trapped.
This is the dome.
I entered from this side and met him.
You got in from that side and met her.
Why didnt four of us meet?
- That means, theres a wall in the middle!
- Wall in the middle, huh?
If they are ghosts,
cant they pass through the walls?
You are the ghost expert! You tell me.
What does your science brain say?
There is a new science concept.
Actually, some scientist believe that its true!
You mean, like in the movie Spiderman, three spidermen
dig holes to the air and drop from it?
Correct! People just like us, I mean actually us!
Yes. They say, all of us have 7 lookalikes in the world!
Is it like that?
Stop with those grandma stories!
Those seven lookalikes are supposed to be on this earth.
Its not that!
What I am saying is, there are people like us in other universes,
meaning in different worlds, right now, at this moment!
Then, why did they come all the way to this resort?
May be, to solve our marriage problem?
They must be friendly ghosts, then!
Thats why, they didnt eat us alive!
Spirits who are capable of this kind of magic are
either evil forces or messengers of gods.
You mean Angels?
No, no! They are Christian. These guys must be Hindus.
Gods! Maybe, they are gods of love, Rati and Manmadha!
Oh. Does that mean they might put us in some Tantrik Sex Workshop
or Kamasutra Training or something?!
No, no! Nothing like that! What are you talking?
Its all wrong! Wrong!
Whats so shameful in it?
At least we can have some fun!
Hey, wait! Ill open it!
You wait, let me try!
Strange! Whats this?
It didnt work for me?!
Hey, Lets go! There is something fishy here!
No, no no no!
I think it is programmed to my fingerprints!
Fingerprints? How did they get our fingerprints?
That day...green tea? Cups!?
Wow! The oldies are so hi-tech!
My god. Very dangerous!
Lets not risk! Lets get out of here! Lets go!
Aye, Hey wimp!
- Yes! Oops..
- Come here!
Wimp, wimp, wimp...
always calling me wimp.
I will go. You follow! Okay?
Ok. Hey! Ouch!`
Sonu! Sonu! Open the door, Sonu!
Hey Mister, open the door! She is my wife!
Otherwise, I will break the door!
You bloody, open the door!
He sure had it from me today! I will see to it!
Hey! If you are man enough, open the door!
Not like this..
Sonu, dont be afraid! I am here.
I will save you!
Hello, is there someone in here?
My life, I mean, my wife has got in here!
Hi, Stranger! Who are you?
Oops! Sorry, Madam! I havent seen anything...
Are you a gardener?
Electrician? Gas repair fella?
Oh, ya, plumber huh? Right?
I have been waiting since morning
to get my bathroom fixed!
Shall we get inside?!
No. I am a client, madam.
We came for couples Therapy.
I am a client!
Wow. Client, huh?
Hi, Client! Wow, what a timing!
You picked a time when my husband is not around.
Shall we share some secrets?
Husband? Where?
My wife came in from there...
Can you find her, please?
Wow, your wife, eloped with my husband!
No, no. no. no!
Then, what are we waiting for?
Huh...Whats this? A surprise gift?
Wow, Fifty Shades of Grey?
- Wow, Hundred Shades?
- No no...Its just for the sake of safety!
I am not that kind of a person!
Please! Let me go! No madam!
Please open the door, madam.
Please! Please help me!
Sorry madam! Madam, Sorry!
Do you happen to have the door key?
I will go..if you can give me..the door key!
Sorry, madam!
Small miscommunication, madam!
If you can just listen a little bit, I can explain!
I can.. explain!
Sorry, Eshan.
Really sorry! Im a Moron! Moron!
When you came in calling me Madam, madam,
I couldnt understand what our story was and my character..
I have ruined everything!
If it goes on like this, when will we have babies?
Its all my fault!
A real cry baby, right?
Hey, why arent you laughing?
Feeling bad..huh?
I mean, Ive never seen tears in your eyes before!
Tears? In my eyes?
Id rather pull out tears from my opponents eyes!
Dont I know your talent?
She seems to know a lot about us.
And she's thinking she is really you.
Isnt it? Same with him.
She is a cry-baby, I agree.
But, what kind of guy is he?
What happened again?
What did you call me?
Sir.? Okay, okay, okay!
Sorry, sorry!
Eshan! Come down please, Eshan!
Its been a year since we got married,
and you still call me Eshan?
Okay, okay!Sorry, sorry!
Honey, honey! Come down!
Yeah, thats better!
That sounds better. I cant believe it.
Oh..You will get back pain again!
What? Back pain? Me?
What are you talking?
Come on, just watch!
- Do you work out?
- Of course! I can do it. Hundred pushups!
- Okay, I got it.
- I can do in three minutes!
- I got it!
- Check this out.
- Stop it!
- Count down!
- Stop it!
- Ninety-three!
- Eshan, I got it! Got it!
- Ninety-two!
Do you want to check my heart beat?
Come, come, come, come, come! You see that?
Hey, hey hey!
I am sorry, sorry, sorry I am sorry!
Easy, easy. Come on! I am sorry.
Want some water?
Do you want to use the washroom?
Come, come, come! Careful!
So, how long did you hide?
Five times vomiting, six times loose motions-
Hey. Stop it! Im still eating here.
You only asked, right?
Two hours in total!
Two hours? Did he wait that long? Moron!
No. He seemed really worried!
I pity him. Poor guy! You know?
He seemed like such a softie..
One of those cute and caring kinds..
Something about him is.. very nice..He has a lot of patience..
The way he was outside..
And waited for whole two hours..
This is your face. Perfect!
He is so such a softie. He is so caring!
Hey dude! I will play marbles with your eye balls!
Marble ball game!
Good morning!
Really, very good.
Well, nothing can beat your hand in cooking..
Todays program! From now on, lets pass time here only.
- No going into that dungeon of devils.
- You said they're gods?!
Oh..Okay!Whoever they are!
Actually, why cant we pass
time here, by ourselves?
We can do it happily! We can do it!
How about the next item? Shall we play Chess?
You said its after lunch, isnt it?
Two more hours...what do we do?
How about the game,"connect the last letter"?
Dumb charades?
Good idea. But, how can we play with just two of us?
Hmm...We need two parties for that, right?
That means, four people are needed, right?
Yes, I agree.
Yes, I agree.
He looks like this!
Whats this hairstyle? Like a birds nest.
You looked like this in your college photos, remember?
Same way.. And, no Grandmas soda glasses!
- Looks like he has good eye sight, huh..
- He uses contacts.
Okay, how far...
did you guys proceed yesterday?
What do you mean?
You see, closeness...intimacy?..
Why dont you ask directly?
Like, did you have sex?
No no...I didnt mean that.
Its okay! Past is past!
What the hell! How dare you?
No, no! You got me wrong...
Just for an update, thats all.
How would you like it
If I asked you the same question?
Hmm...good point.
Trust is everything in this Eshan.
Let's call them out only
if we have trust on each other!
Correct! Trust! Faith!
Oh gosh...
What happened?
His hands are very strong.
He squeezed my waist to a pulp in that dance... See.
Oh, ya. Its quite a bruise..
Six-pack fellow!
He can do hundred pushups!
What are you thinking?
Wondering...can any husband be fool enough
to send his wife into an affair...
What are you thinking?
If a wife wants to have an affair,
will she be fool enough
to look for an exact replica of her husband?
Wont she pick a more attractive fellow?
Actually, what business do we have with them?
Just three more days!
Why cant we be happy by ourselves?
Okay, lets do it! Now or never!
Excuse me!
- Thief! Youre caught! Where can you escape now?
- Let go! Let go! Let me go! Let me go!
I came to invite you to the cottage for games!
Just Dumb Charades!
I have also been waiting to invite you,
for a Grand Celebration.
Happy Anniversary!
Anniversary? Whose?
When you get a bike, you shouldnt forget your bicycle.
Once, you get a car, you should not forget your bike!
Whose words are these?
My God!
Thats the best day of my life!
Thank you for coming into my life, Eshan!
What are you thinking?
You planned well and skipped this cycle also, right?
Dilip Sir had too much drink. We had to carry him to his home..
Since hes also a heart patient...
Missed the flight in November,
Urgent work in December,
January, February..god knows how
many excuses you have given!
Sorry, Sonu! Now, Im here, right?
I'll quickly jump in the shower and come. Wait!
Too late!
Why would nature wait for you or your stupid boss?
I am sorry!
I am tired Eshan!
I know. Just a word, please!
Both of us are stressed out.
How about we go somewhere
for the Anniversary?
And, what are we going to celebrate Eshan?
Are we behaving like a married couple?
Just please go! Cancel the tickets!
Happy Anniversary!
Sorry, Eshan! You know,
I am not the sentimental types
Why? How can we not celebrate our first Anniversary?
Come on!
Can we take it to the cottage?
Cottage? Where is that?
I mean, sometimes it helps
to get out for some fresh air..Isnt it?
Sure..when the time is right.
If we wait for time, whole life might get wasted...
If we take a leap of faith, time will follow us.
Wow! What a poetry madam Sonu! Mind blowing!
Hey. What are you doing?
If my Princess doesnt like, not only this,
I dont mind to pack my own self and throw in the dustbin.
Dont be stupid! Come back. Lets cut the cake!
- Yeah.
- Really?
Out of the blue, how did such
an infinite distance get between us?
How did it occur at all, Eshan?
What happened to us?
Dont mess up your mind.
Lets relax and enjoy the holiday..
Within six months of our marriage,
you started drifting away first.
Could be work pressure.
Could be anxiety to make big monies quickly...
Who were you trying to compete with? My dad?
My brothers?
No! Not at all!
May be Rahul..
Rahul? Oh..okay...
How do you know Rahul?
You showed him to me, remember?
What do you know so much, to think about him?
He just finished his MS,
with a Gold Medal and it's from London.
And soon he is planning to start
a mega poly clinic in Hyderabad,
with Singapore funding..and still unmarried!
Wow! How do you know all this?
Even I am not in touch with him!
Well, we have our own tricks!
So, it is Rahul who is the missing piece in the puzzle...
You are jealous of Rahul..
Why shouldnt I be jealous?
Anyone would be jealous of him..
School topper, fashion model, and
to top it all, a great portrait artist..
What? Portrait artist?
How did you know that? Did I tell you?
- No.
- Then?
That day, when he came to arrange
our things in the house,
he couldnt hold his tongue and took a jab at me..
Then, the next day-
No, its not you who has to tell the truth!
Suggest a cool movie title.
Hubby, wife and the Other one.
Anniversary is not your Grandmas and Grandpas.
Pick a latest title.
Triangle love stories are evergreen, right?
Yeah! Like You, Me and Dupree.
I got a better one.
Like You, Me and Rahul!
What? What did you say?
You heard it right.
- I didnt get the joke.
- That was not a joke.
How do you know that Rahul is an artist?
Im lost..whats the connection?
He never shared that matter
with anyone including his family.
He started art classes only for me.
He painted only my portraits secretly.
How did you know that?
You might have told me sometime..
When? When did I tell you?
I dont remember..
Whatever, just leave it.
Its not a big deal.
Is it not a big deal if my husband is
spying on my ex-boyfriend?
That sounds so stupid, okay?
Actually, why did you bring that up now, without context?
Oh..How did he know our personal information?
That means it is true, huh?
No, no! Listen to me. They are gathering all our
background information and are tricking us!
Are you getting it?
That means, our PAN Card, Aadhar Card,
Bank Accounts?!
Oh God! That means, this whole resort plan is a big scam!
Bigger than your cheap spying?
Hey, no..think! Theyre gathering our secrets
and stirring up fights between us.
Lets not fall into the trap.
And, you dont believe that dummy fellow, okay?
As the facts are coming out,
I am not able to tell who is the dummy and
who is the real Eshan I fell in love with.
I am going crazy.
Courier, Sir! Sonali Sharma!
Hey, why do you still say Sharma?
Six months passed since we got married!
Surname is changed!
Sorry Sir! Its written here like that.
Princess! Though you have left, your image is
permanently engraved in my heart.
This portrait is the proof.
You abandoned four years of love and friendship just for an argument.
Within six months, you settled with someone else.
You know he is not in your league.
I will return to India after my MS...for you!
In the meanwhile, dont complicate things, by having kids etcetera!
You know how much I love kids.
Lets have a clean cut with him, so that we can start a new beginning!
I will give whatever support is needed for your divorce.
Love you forever!
"Smile bro! Like a cute, sweet smiley...
Smile away like a silver lining of the lightening..."
"You have a face that glows like a thousand volts bulb."
"Dont act like the fuse is off.."
"When sad news shows up, turn the
blind eye and simply block it away ..."
"Just say Take it easy, and go on with your life.."
"Dont let your imagination go haywire.."
"Dont fall into the trap of hypotheticals.."
"First, figure out if the issue is trivial or big..."
"the one which is bothering you..."
"Open the backdoor and just kick it out..
Stop worrying too much, alright?...."
Today is the big day! Sister also said the same thing.
Levels are perfect, she said.
Ready for a second Honeymoon?
Sorry, honey! Severe headache!
I took two paracetamol already, still throbbing.
Maybe migraine or so..?
There is also some giddiness..I am sorry!
"There is no Warranty for hardships and tears..."
'Pretty soon they end up merely as memes..."
"Build castles of hope in the air...
Revisit old jokes if needed.."
"Just as you think today's is a tragedy,
the very next day could be a comedy.."
"That's the secret of life."
What shall we do in the afternoon?
Where are you going?
To therapy!
We have come here for that, after all. Isnt it?
Just two more days.
You also go. It could cleanse your mind.
- Hey! Hi! Good morning!
- Are you an artist?
I am no Picasso! Just some passion, thats all.
Hey, just stop there! Stop there, Okay!
Just stop there.
I will show you when it is done.
You sit there... Is it okay?
Just sit. Statue! Perfect.
Hey! Whats this?
I look like maid Masthanis daughter.
You look so cute...
- Take it off.
- just like a Farex baby!
If we have a girl, she should look exactly like you..
Hey, can I ask you something?
Do you know Rahul?
What Sir? What makes you think of him, suddenly?
Did you ever regret it, after you guys broke up?
To tell you the truth, when you picked me up for the first time,
just then, two of us broke up.
Relationship with Rahul is like a drug.
Once you get used to it, its not that easy to get out.
In his company, we forget that
we have our own life, likes and dislikes.
If I broke up, the thought of loneliness used to kill me.
But I dont know how
I pulled up courage that day..
In case, I didnt show up that day, would you both have-
Actually, I am not sure. With Rahul, its not love.
Just..may be, some kind of lust!?
Presenting you, my Princess, Sonali!
How do you like it?
Beautiful, right?
Very nice!
Oh, Shit!
- ...Lust?
- No, its really good.
In the next door cottage, a couple has just checked in.
You know, they look like us! Ditto! Exactly like us!
- Really?
- Yeah!
Come. Lets have lunch. Its okay.
Come on.
Fix your ears here. Listen. Here.
Hey, no! Stop it! Aye, no! Hey!
Where will you go?
Wait! I got you!
Oh, come on! Just one kiss!
I got you baby!
Just one!
I am going to Therapy!
Ugh! Idiot! Hugh.
Hey, hello! Good morning! You look good.
Its so bright outside..Can we go somewhere?
Can you take me away from this place?
How did you come out? How?
I dont know!
Take me out, somewhere, no?
Please! Oh, please!
I mean, sometimes it helps to
get out for some fresh air..Isnt it?
Sure..when the time is right.
Hey! What? Where?
Where are you taking me?...
"Is this true? Is this true?"
"Can eyes ever dream
something like this?"
"Is this true? Is this true?"
"Is our heartbeat in unison,
a proof for this truth?"
"Perhaps this is the tender
touch of first raindrops,"
"which grew into a flood of emotions
that engulfed our hearts.."
"My heart couldnt restrain from
pushing me to cross the line.."
"Something lingers in my insides..."
"perhaps its the dawn of tender
fantasies of the first touch....."
"Perhaps it is the sound of whirling waves of
love, that knows no boundaries.. "
"This is the bliss of seemingly familiar flavors,
yet my lips were never aware of..."
"It feels like the first experience ever,
yet, ageless and eternal..."
"Is my strange thrill my awareness that
its me and yet it is not me...?"
"Is this gush of passions my realization
that this is the real you..?"
"On the unending shores of ecstasy... ,
when time stopped moving.."
"Is this the new turn to the story of my heart,
which is shivering like a shadow on the flowing waters..
"Is this true? Is this true?"
"Can eyes ever dream something like this?"
"Is this true? Is this true?
"Is our heartbeat in unison, a proof for this truth?"
Sonali! What happened?
What are you doing?
We need to get out of here! Quickly!
Please start packing your bags.
We have only one more day to go.
And, also we dont have
the gate password.
I dont care! I cannot stay here
one more second!
Sonali, what happened?
What happened?
Why did we come here?
This place is doing the exact opposite of that!
What do you mean?
You dont understand.
Just dont ask me any questions.
Lets just leave, please!
You yourself said we can leave after seven days.
Sorry, its my fault.
Please, dont ask me any questions.
Thats okay. Thats okay.
Thats okay. Thats okay.
Relax, relax! I will just change.
Lets go. Relax. Relax.
I will park very close to the gate.
Let's jump the other side, and say the entry password -
Hello, Love birds!
Huh! When did they come here?
Hi uncle..hi aunty.
Long time, no see!
SHUT UP! We take all this trouble
to change your lives, and you run away?
You have no shame?
Sorry Aunty. Thank you very
much for doing so much for us.
But, all our chores in the city are
at a stand still, you know?
What chores? To consult the divorce lawyer?
- The truth is, you are not ready to go!
- Why?
Honesty and trust are foundations of marriage.
Without those, what kind of
dollhouse do you plan to build?
Even if you build it, it will collapse in seconds!
I got it. Did you hear that Sonu? Honesty!
Bloody hell! Stop your dramas!
Okay, listen to me.
Look into each others eyes, like that!
Pierce into the depths of the hearts of each other!
Peek into the hidden secrets, carefully..
Look at each other!
What will you accomplish,
going home with those faces?
Had you taken the seventh step,
you wouldnt have had this problem.
If you still insist on leaving, what can we do?
- But you are forgetting a responsibility.
- Whats that?
Poor fellows. How much did they
slog the entire week, for your sake?
You go away without even thanking them?
Come on, kiddos! Courtesies, courtesies!
This is your Honeymoon Gift!
Gate Key!
- We wanted to present this to you, tomorrow.
- You guys rushed before that.
Now, this Gift has to be given to all four of you.
But, only one deserving couple will get this.
But which husband goes with which wife,
which wife goes with which husband - you four fight it out.
Here you go, your time starts now!
- All the best!
- Good luck!
- Come on!
- Yes!
My God! Why did he say one couple only?
That...I also didnt understand!
You play them smoothly and divert them..
I will flick that thing. Be ready
to run when I show the signal.
Okay? You go now!
Good evening! Hi! How are you?
Where did you disappear all day, Eeshu?
Not a call, no text, no ping,
no chat, not even a tweet!
Where did you go?
Do you know how worried I was?
Promise me..that youll never-
Hey, how about we go inside and talk privately?
Yeah, Okay?
Come on! Lets go!
Sit! Now....
Where did you go in the morning?
I made special breakfast for you.
I prepared lunch also. I waited for you.
You didnt show up.
You stay right here.
I will get some wine for us,
and some peanuts for munching.
- Okay?
- Okay.
No cheating...
You look exactly like me.
Isnt it a wonder?
Hey man, you look like me too.
Personal time!?
All yours.
Hey, hey, I brought this.
Come on, lets go!
Come, lets go!
Good then.. go with your wife.
What do you have to do with me?
What are you talking?
This is not the time for jokes.
I brought this. Come on, lets go!
Sorry, who are you?
Why would I joke around with you?
Why did you put on costume
exactly like my husband?
My God! Sonali, do you understand
what are you saying?
Its me. Come on, lets go!
Its getting late!
Keep talking. I will be right back!
Hey man, stop!
What did you tell her?
What did you tell her to brainwash her?
Hey man! calm down, buddy!
You play these cheap tricks,
and yet show off with that uppity English style.
Honey, dont get confused.
Listen! Okay?
We are not a perfect couple, I agree.
But we are real! They are just fake!
If we leave now, they will
disappear into darkness!
Our home, our marriage, this is the truth.
Please try to understand.
I cant live without you.
Try to understand.
Is that so? Then, where did you
go all day, leaving me?
You have been with me, right?
Hey, who are you calling a cheater?
My husband is not that kind!
Is that so?
Then, what kind?
Then, you keep him!
What do you mean by keeping him?
Like an affair?
I am his lawfully wedded wife!
Then, you ask him why he slept with me today.
That too, without any shame, out in the open?
Huh? Eeshu!
Did you really cheat on me?
Did you cheat on me?
Swear on me and say all this is not true.
Sonali, Sonu! Just listen for a second, please!
- Leave me alone!
- Sonu!
Hello, how about some wine?
Okay, honey.
If you really dont like to go with me,
I wont force you!
Be happy. But, if you stay back here, you will miss
your parents, your friends and your entire life.
Why should you take that punishment?
I will stay back here.
You go with him.
Here is the Gate Key.
I was just an ordinary fellow.
A low life!
I dont even remember girls
looking at me straight.
I dont know how I got the hand of a Princess like you.
I couldnt believe it.
There was no single day,
I havent yearned to reach your standards..
and to give the life you deserved.
When I came to know you liked Rahul,
It was true that I spied on him.
Finally, I stooped down to the level of
spying on my own shadow today.
But all this is not with any
suspicion on your character.
I wanted to better myself by
knowing what you liked in them.
With a hope to find a road map into your heart
at least that way- -
Stop it! Stop it right there!
I had enough with this Princess,
Princess business from everyone.
Finally, they all deserted me,
ruthlessly and walked away.
When I was lost without direction in life,
I dont know where he came from...
but, offered his hand.
And brought me back my hope about life.
Showed me how beautiful life can be with simple joys.
And now, after all the troubles I endured,
you make me a heartless princess?
And you insult the person who gave me a hand?
You call him an average fellow and a low life?
How dare you?
How dare you, Eshan?
Eshan, I never wished for anything
more than you, or less than you.
Wished for just you, as you are.
Was I asking too much?
What happened to you Eshan?
What happened to you?
I am sorry.
I am sorry if I ever made you feel ordinary.
No, not at all.
I love you.
What shall we do now?
Shall we elope?
But, theyre downstairs isnt it?
There is a bedroom on this floor, isnt it?
Bedroom? Wha--?
In that, there should be bedsheets too, right?
Got it?
- Lets do this!
- Yes. Lets go!
Are you okay? Eeshan?
Got hurt...ouch!
come... come... come...
Come on ..come on..
My god... who-are-these-people?
Look like some mafia batch!
Why such criminal antics at that age?
Whose acts are criminal antics?
You better drop that key and get back in!
What the heck!
How can they hear us from so far?
Hey! We can hear your words
even before you think of them.
Who are you actually?
Why so much obsession about our lives?
Ha? What the heck are they doing?
Whats this?
Did your science brain figure something?
Maybe...we and them are one and the same...!
Maybe they came from an alternate universe?
Does our state number plate exist
in the alternate universe too?
"When you decide to move whose heart,
Why you bring which two together,"
Look carefully.
Year! Year! 2052.
Maybe time travel?!
Hmm...? I didnt get it.
Maybe, we ourselves have
returned from after 30 years?!
Its a big scam.
Cant you tell?
All those antics are to divert us
and steal the key!
Time travel..time travel..
as if its a big Hollywood film.
If they have returned from 30 years later,
whats that ancient
seven steps nonsense?
Ask like that! In these times,
divorce is in fashion dude.
But, if you cross 30 years and come over here,
marriage will become fashion again. You watch!
Didnt bell bottom come back again? Like that.
Hey, what do you want?
What do you want, to leave us alone?
Second chance! Dont wait around for
someone to give you a second chance.
We have to give it to ourselves.
So, just shut up, go back and take
that seventh step also.
What if we dont?
Hey! You also start it! Come on!
- No no no no..
- Ok. Ill do it.
I was supposed to be a big wimp..
now you are acting like one.. Sit!
Hey! Hey! Thats like suicide.. Let it go..
Lets just go back in....come on..Please!
See that?! Thats their trick.
See how they brainwashed you?
You got carried away by
those clothes and dance?
Science fiction my foot! It looks
more like some folklore shit!
Tighten your seatbelts.
With one kick well be home! Trust me!
Hold it fast! Ready!
- Hey! Hey!
- Quiet!
- My dad is a doctor..
- My dad is a doctor too.
- My brother is a doctor...
- My brother doctor!
With a weeks adventure, change your lives
and zoom in here into the future..
You both and us are ditto ditto...
Dont wait thinking that someone
might give you a second chance..
We should give it to ourselves!
Oh! Now I got it! Understood!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Hey! Stop stop stop!
Too late honey!
Stop! Stop!
'Honeymoon Express. A dream?
Or was it real?
Or fantasy?
Thats not the question.
A wife could dream that her husband be different.
Likewise, a husband could fantasize
about his wife differently.
But, when those dreams shatter
and we land into reality,
how much do we love the real
person who is in front of us.
Thats the real question.
I, who desired her,
and she, who desired me,
just learnt how to live together,
from our own future.
Now, nobody can separate us, ever.
"Can earth and sky ever come together?
..however much they try.."
"But, rain just doesnt care..."
"Doesnt it prove otherwise,
by connecting those two?"
"Though the differences
between us are crystal clear,"
"What if luck gives wings to our dreams?"
"If you cant name it, yet it feels good,
Cant you just call it love?"
"Oh love! Is that you? Or not?
How can we tell the difference?"
"Oh love! Why are you an enigma?"
"Isnt there a language to read you?"