Hostile Dimensions (2023) Movie Script

- This it?
- Yep.
- What, you think I can
do better than this shite?
- Some of this shite is mine.
- Ah, yeah, well, yours
is good, obviously.
Which one?
- Uh, Little Timmy Trumpet Nose?
- Yeah, I was gonna say,
that's the only good one.
- Yeah.
Ow, motherfucker.
What's that?
- It's so dark.
This is where they
do the murders.
Aw, Brian, there's one of you.
- Boo.
Oh, you scared the
shite out of me.
- Brian, come look
at this weird door.
- Yeah?
- Do you not think
that's fucking weird?
Do you not think
that's fucking weird?
- Eh.
- Like, why would you
bring a door down here?
- I guess maybe
it was just left.
- But why is it, like,
freestanding like that?
- Hello?
- Yeah, very good.
Yeah, slow clap if I
had two free hands.
- So?
- So?
- I think this is our
next film, I think.
- I don't think I get it.
I mean, these are just
people fucking about, right?
- Well, I know, I know.
Because that looks kind of
like a prank video, I get it.
But that girl, Emily,
she's actually missing.
She's been missing
for, like, a month.
- Really?
You're trying to bait me
with a missing person?
- OK.
I know, I know.
- That's low even for you.
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Look, I think it might
be kind of good for you.
And to be perfectly honest,
"Bear Market" was a disaster.
And I know this
sounds really lame,
but I think this
is more marketable.
- You're right.
That does sound really lame.
- I know.
I actually think this is
going to be good for me,
doing something, making a
thing that might actually
help someone.
- So your therapist
told you to do this?
- No, no.
Come on, I mean, like I'm gonna
listen to what he's saying.
Like, it's fine.
You can have a think about it.
Take your time.
There's no rush.
Just let me know, OK?
- OK.
Yeah, I'll think about it.
- I love you, bitch.
- I guess I love you, too.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- What's that noise?
- Fuck, man, it's a big house.
Shit, it's dark.
I'm convinced.
Let's let's try and help Emily.
- Yeah, amazing.
Where are you?
- Bute.
- What the hell are
you doing in Butte?
- Sam, I'm doing my job.
So, what next?
- Hello?
- Hi, Brian, it's Sam.
We spoke over email.
- Right.
- Yeah, it's about the
interview for the documentary.
Sorry, is this a bad time?
- I think something's off.
- He's probably just nervous
about being on camera.
It's fine.
- Fuck.
- Hi, Brian.
It's Sam.
And this is Ash.
- What the
fuck is wrong with this guy?
- We should get started.
I've only got 30 minutes, so.
- Of course, sorry.
Thanks for letting us film this.
OK, let's uh, get--
- All right, Brian, we'll
just ease you into this, OK?
Why don't you tell us
a bit about yourself
and what you were
doing that night.
- Well, I'm working
on a big project
and I needed people
like Emily for it.
- What was this project?
Like a documentary?
- It was part of it.
Um, I'm not quite ready
to talk about it yet.
But Emily just walked
into it and fit.
- Emily went missing
through the door, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- And what do you
make of the door?
- I think you should
leave it alone.
- Why?
- I just don't think anyone
should go near it again.
- Well, we can't really do that.
- Right.
Oh, you guys are, like,
fucking crazy, right.
So have you ever read about
long-term nuclear waste
- Uh, no.
- I know, but like, this
isn't a conspiracy theory.
Just, like, bear
with me for a second.
So nuclear waste remains
dangerous for thousands
of years, like
tens of thousands.
And they have to do
something with it.
So they bury it, store
it, lock it up wherever.
But it's a long time to
keep something secure.
How do you communicate to a
society 10,000 years from now
that you should not at
any cost open that door?
So scientists,
philosophers, engineers,
they've come up with
all these ideas,
things like warning messages,
pictures, foreboding structures,
a landscape of thorns, menacing
artworks, a rubble landscape,
all of this trying to
communicate this place is best
left shunned.
- So you're saying that the
warehouse was built to keep
people away from the door?
- No.
What I'm saying is that within a
relatively short period of time,
a complete breakdown of societal
communication can occur.
And when something
beyond your understanding
tells you that
it's dangerous, you
should believe it
the first time.
- Well, that guy is
fucking bat shit.
- So are you scared yet?
- Fuck off.
- And yet you have
not opened it.
- Well, I have shit
to do this afternoon.
We may as well just
do it tomorrow.
What about you?
Do you believe him?
- If I did, I would not have
brought this fucking door home.
I don't know.
I think he believes it.
But I think his pal's
just done one over.
I don't know, insurance
scam, something.
He's collateral damage.
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
- OK, first attempt
through the door
to see what lies beyond the veil
and what happened to Emily Mann.
Are you ready?
- Go on.
- OK.
- Oh my god.
- What is it?
I can't see.
- It's-- a mirror.
- Oh my god.
That fucking idiot.
He saw his reflection
and he freaked out.
- What do you
think it was, then?
Do you think she skipped town
because of debts or the like?
- Yeah, probably.
I mean, I guess it's
not a total wash.
There might still
be a story in there.
And it's a good
opening hook, I guess.
- Oh, gosh.
- Jesus Christ, what?
- I don't know.
Like, I touched the mirror
and it just felt weird.
- What do you mean,
it felt weird?
- I think it just
freaked myself out.
It just felt weird.
- I want to see.
- Where's my--
where's my reflection?
- Mum?
- Sam?
- I don't understand
what's happening.
- What's happening, Sam?
- --understand what's happening.
- Sam?
- Mum, it's me.
- Don't listen to it.
- Wait.
- Sam, what's happening?
- Mum, open the door.
- Sam, stop.
- Mum!
- Greetings, my children.
I have taken a form that will
not cause you to fear me.
- I don't think
tea's gonna cut it.
- No.
- So.
- God, your mum, Sam.
Are you-- are you OK?
- I'm fine.
- You know, we
can talk about it.
- Bigger fish to fry.
Like, how?
- When I was touching,
it wasn't a mirror.
I was-- it felt like I
was touching someone,
like it was skin.
I was touching another me.
- Another us.
- And that dog.
- Oh, it's that dog.
OK, well, if I'm going to
avoid an existential crisis
and a year's worth of grief
therapy going down the drain,
I think we should just
be scientific about this.
- Yeah, sure, scientific.
- OK.
All right, yeah, we've
done this before.
It's just not been this weird.
- Yeah.
It's just documentary
- Yeah, exactly.
Exactly, like, no
idea is to stupid.
The only idea that's
stupid is the one
that's not said out loud.
- A gateway to hell.
- Could it be, like, our
subconsciousness, like we're
seeing what we're thinking?
- I know I think about
talking dogs all the time.
Maybe it's a multiverse key.
You know, like all imagined
possibilities are possible.
- Maybe it's just a
giant hallucination
and maybe there's a gas leak.
- It's a hallucination.
And she ran away.
- Yeah, or she's in a ditch.
- The thing is, Emily
really is missing.
Like, she did vanish.
- Yeah.
- So the question is, can
we go through the door?
- I'm more worried about
things coming through here.
- Well, we're not going
to find out anything
more unless we go
through the door again.
I mean, come on, we've only
got two pink Post-its up there.
- You want to go back
through the door?
- Well, we have to, don't we?
I mean, Emily is missing.
We need to help her.
- And bring her back
to this shit hole.
- Sam.
- All right.
All right, god, I'm
just trying to be funny.
- You're such a bitch.
- OK.
OK, yeah, you're right.
We need-- we need to help her.
We need to help her.
- Good.
- Thank you for
being my moral code.
- Your moral code?
- I'm really high off
10 markers right now.
It's sweet.
- What the fuck
are you looking at, mate?
- Mum?
- OK.
- What is that?
Are you ready?
- I guess.
I mean, yeah.
- It's through.
It's through.
- OK, wait, stop.
Turn it around so we
can see if there's
a door on the other side.
- That's weird.
- All right, keep going.
- So creepy.
- Why pandas?
It's like the most
useless animal ever.
- So what are you thinking?
Safe enough for you?
- Sam, wait.
Here, take this.
We don't want the door
to close behind us.
- Yeah.
I'm still alive.
Come on.
- Fuck, it's cold in here.
- I think Emily is in here.
- Shh.
- Hello, Emily!
Will you be quiet?
- Why are you whispering?
- Why are
you not whispering?
- Oh my god,
you have to try this.
- Sam, stop fucking about.
Let's go now.
- You go if you want.
Just give me the camera.
- Splitting up is
the worst idea.
Let's go.
- Give me the camera.
- Go back.
I won't be long.
- I'm not gonna
fucking leave you here.
I mean, look at it.
- All right, we'll give up.
There's a sign here.
- Huh?
- Like, my Gujarati
is very rusty,
but that looks like
Gujarati to me.
- Hmm.
That's weird.
What does it mean?
- I think it means free hugs.
I don't even like hugs
at the best of times.
- Oh?
A really good hug.
- What the fuck?
- There's a panda.
- A panda?
- Yeah, like a teddy bear panda.
- I want to see it.
Oh my fuck, it actually is a
fucking panda or, you know,
some drunk guy in a suit.
- Hello.
Hello, panda.
- Sam, come on, This.
Place is, like,
really fucked up.
I think we should go.
Sam, come on.
- It's fine.
- Sam, we've got to go now.
- OK, let's go.
- Ah!
- Go, go, go.
Close the door.
Close it.
Close the door.
- Close the door.
Close the door.
- Oh, god.
What the f--
- Puts things into perspective.
- You think so?
- No.
- Ash.
- Hmm?
- Let's go to bed.
- What is reality?
If it's the things that we
can see and touch, can we--
can we not see and
touch our dreams?
We'll never see and
touch galaxies and nebula
across the universe,
the other side.
Does that mean they aren't real?
Things we imagine, our
thoughts, they can seem real,
especially if you're
on drugs or if you're
having a psychotic episode.
So I'll postulate this.
Does that mean that
what we imagine
can create a new reality?
And I'm not talking
about realities
where, you know, the
Nazis won the war,
although they probably exist.
I'm talking about
a reality where,
you know, you forgot to
brush your teeth when you're
11 years old in one of them and
then the other you remembered.
You know, not exactly
Netflix material.
But there's a million billion
atoms in a mote of dust.
Now, those atoms
are all jiggling
about at 300 meters per second.
So within one
second, those atoms,
one of those atoms,
all it needs to do
is juggle left instead of
right and there's a new reality
in every microsecond.
Now, that is infinity.
- Dr. Innis.
Dr. Innis.
- Didn't the media
department tell you
I don't like to get filmed?
- Um, well, we're not
students, we're filmmakers.
And we think we might
have something that
will be of interest to you.
- Well, what might that be?
- This-- this is real.
- Yeah.
- Well, I always heard
about these things,
but I always thought people
were, like, making them up.
- What?
- This-- you've got this
in your flat right now?
- Unfortunately.
- Jesus.
- What is it?
- Well, you heard my lecture.
What do you think it is?
- A doorway to other worlds.
- Wait, you've heard
of these before?
- Yeah, I mean, on creepypasta
posts and things like that, but.
Well, you know, I take
everything with a pinch of salt.
But, like, you know,
it's-- there's--
there's this-- there
is a subreddit,
like a video, a subreddit.
And it's kind of
similar to this.
Do you mind if I--
- Yeah, go for it.
- All right, OK, so.
It freaked me out
before, but it was
like, I just thought it
was a horror short film
or something like that.
But if you guys
are to be believed,
it's plausible this
is, like, something.
Basically an urban explorer
went missing in Mexico
in an abandoned building.
- An abandoned building?
- Yeah, and then his camera
was found a few weeks later.
- There's another 40 minutes of
this whilst the tape runs out.
- So what is it?
- In what sense?
- Like, that door, is it-- is it
a different door from ours or do
we have that door?
And if it is
different, does that
mean there's lots more doors?
How are they being made?
Who's making them?
Why are they being found
in abandoned buildings?
- Well, I mean, you're getting
into kind of tinfoil-hat,
subreddit, 4chan stuff here.
But basically
there's a theory that
suggests that there was ancient
civilizations which figured out
a way to reach other
planes of existence.
And now this is through
meditation, changing states
of being, drugs, of course.
There's a-- you've heard
of, like, vision quests?
Well, there's like
a Venn diagram
that links these two phenomena.
Again, this could just
be creepypasta rubbish.
But there's a theory
that these practices
were developed into a
physical tool, these doors.
There's different names,
but I like wolf doors.
You know how people are,
technology sufficiently
advanced, appears to be magic.
And with magic,
comes superstition.
And when there's
superstition, you know,
and belief, eventually
people will start
killing people in its name.
Anyway, some people think that
there are believers, a cult
or whatever, that thinks
they need to sacrifice people
to the other dimensions in
order to keep our world stable.
Let's hope they don't exist.
- So why the
abandoned buildings?
- Uh, don't know.
- Are you satisfied?
We've not told you everything.
There's a girl who went
missing through our door.
And we want to help her,
but we have no idea how.
Because every time
we open the door,
it just leads us to
some other place.
Do you have any ideas?
- I might.
All right, may I move this?
- Go on.
- All right, so
you've already seen
that these things have some
bad shit on the other side.
But I've heard there's a knack.
You want to give it a try?
- Yeah, let's give it a try.
- Well, hold on.
Just-- OK, yeah.
- All right, Sam, what's
your favorite animal?
- What?
- What's your favorite animal?
- But I'm not seven years old.
- All right, Ash.
- Humpback whales.
- All right, perfect.
OK, just give me
five seconds, just--
I need complete quiet, please.
Oh my god, it's-- it's real.
- Oh, shit.
Where are we?
- I don't know.
- What?
Like, fuck, is it safe?
- Don't know.
It's like an invocation.
You just picture in your
head where you want to go,
what kind of world?
They all exist.
It's infinity.
- Yeah, well--
- All imagined worlds.
- --there are flies in infinity.
- Innis, what did you picture?
- What was that?
- Innis, what was that?
- If you imagine it,
it's a world that exists.
- Your face, you
were just like--
- I could
not believe it.
I've never seen a whale--
- You have such an amazing--
- --ever.
- --imagination.
- Listen, listen.
- Jeez.
- Thanks very much for
bringing me into this.
It's amazing.
I still can't believe it.
- Thanks for helping us.
This is so cool.
- Thank you, and cheers.
- Cheers.
- Cheers again.
- Cheers.
- Yes, to the whales.
- To whales, yeah.
- A world where I
am an astronaut.
- Almost certainly.
- How about a world
where lobsters are now
the dominant species
of this planet?
- Definitely, yeah.
- Damn.
A world made of marshmallows?
- Probably not because--
well, unless there was
alternate laws of physics.
- I thought you said that if
you can imagine it, it exists.
- Yeah, but I said
that when there was,
like, whales going
over our head.
- And I thought it
would sound cool.
- Yeah, but you're a liar.
How about actual hell?
- Oh, that's this universe.
- Ha.
Ha, ha, ha, you're funny.
- I'm not joking.
- You're a jokey person.
I like you.
Do you want another drink?
- Eh, no, I'm fine, cheers.
- OK.
- So this is quite a
contrast to "Bear Market."
- You saw "Bear Market?"
- I had to see if you
guys were any good.
- Fuck.
Well, I think you're about
the fifth person to have seen
that, so congratulations.
- How do you go from doing a
documentary about a boutique
teddy bear business struggling
under the weight of capitalism
to this?
- Yeah, well, as I say, there's
not much of an audience.
I don't know.
This sells better.
- Really?
- No.
No, not really.
I just said it to make Ash feel
better and get them on board.
I don't know.
I'm just-- I'm just over it.
I'm just over trying to
make a bit of difference.
I just keep bashing my
head up against a wall,
and nothing is changing.
You get me?
- Yeah.
- I don't know.
I try so hard, like, so hard.
I'm always wanting to be
the best and to do the best.
And I keep trying.
And I don't know.
Eh, I just wanted to
make something fun.
- Hmm, you have a weird
definition of fun.
- Hmm, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Well, to be fair, I didn't
think this was going to be real.
- Hmm, I hear that.
- I mean, it's real, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- It's really, really real.
There's, like, a version
of my mum in another part
of the universe?
She's, like, there?
That sucks.
- Yeah.
- Oh my god, did we tell you
that we saw a talking dog?
- Really?
- Yeah.
And we saw a panda that just
shoots spikes out of itself.
- What?
Why didn't you tell
me this before?
- Oh my god!
- What's happening?
- It's just--
there was something
watching me and, uh--
- What was it?
- Was it the panda?
Was it the panda?
- It was big, but
it wasn't that big.
I think it was a person.
- OK.
It's OK.
It's OK.
Let's just go.
We can do this.
Come on.
Just stay behind me.
What did you see?
- I saw it in the
corner, over me.
- There's nothing there.
I can't see anything.
- Turn on the light.
Don't turn it on me.
Turn the bedroom light on.
Oh my god!
- Emily.
- You're OK.
You're OK, honestly.
You're safe now.
- Whatever it was--
- You're safe now.
It's OK.
- Thanks.
And sorry for scaring you.
- Oh, honestly,
don't worry about it.
- We called Brian.
He's on his way.
I still think you
should go to hospital.
- It's fine.
I'll be fine.
- Where were you?
Do you remember?
- It's all fuzzy.
I was in--
- In where?
- Um, it was dark.
And there might
have been a church.
There were these things.
And then, a door appeared and I
followed it back through here.
My head's all over the place.
- Seriously, you're fine now.
You're safe.
- When you say there were
things, what things do you mean?
- Like, monsters.
- Oh god.
That would be Brian.
Um, Ash, can you let him in?
I think the buzzer is broken.
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah, OK.
- There you go.
Just in case.
- OK.
Take it easy.
All right, I'm
fucking coming, jeez.
- Door closing.
- Yeah, I stumbled
across Brian's video
of your disappearance.
- He put it online?
- She came back?
- Yeah, she just
walked out on her own.
- Got it.
- It's pretty weird.
- No, I'm feeling a bit better.
Be good to see his
big, stupid face again.
- Going up.
- Brian.
She's OK.
Like, she seems
healthy, at least.
- Yeah, it's a miracle.
- My bed, I think.
- We're back.
- Where's Brian?
- Drop it!
Drop it!
- Fuck you!
- Motherfuckers.
Oh, fuck.
Come here.
Ah, fuck.
Come on, that's it.
That's it.
- Innis?
Innis, can you hear me?
- Uh.
- Oh, Emily, are you OK?
- Who the fuck was that?
- We thought it was Brian.
- It wasn't.
No fucking shit.
- Emily, have you seen Ash?
- Camera's still going.
Maybe you can see on that.
- --is crazy.
- You can't change my mind.
- They could be dead
or in a war zone--
- Stop.
- --or in a volcano.
- Don't, don't, don't say that.
Please, Innis, just--
I need to stop him.
Just tell me.
Just tell me how.
They wouldn't be in this mess
if it wasn't for me, so please.
- All right, OK, OK.
All right, you do
what I did before.
You picture in your head
where you want to go.
Picture Ash clearly,
that'll get us there.
All right?
- You're not coming.
- Don't get all heroic
just because there's
a camera on there.
- No, someone has to go and
find Brian, the real Brian.
I don't know.
Hopefully he's just locked
in a cupboard or something.
- Is that not a
job for the police?
- No police.
- All right, Captain Acab.
Right, where is he?
- The address is on the fridge.
- Right, OK, OK.
- Just--
- OK.
- --be careful.
You don't know what
that psycho is into.
- Got it.
- So, Emily, who
are you going with?
All right.
No arguments here.
If you can, it's a VR camera, so
you don't even have to point it.
Just turn it on and hold it.
- OK.
All right, then.
- All right, then.
- Last chance to turn back.
- No.
- Better let me go first.
I know Ash better.
OK, Ash, where did you go?
These are all wolf doors.
- Wolf doors?
- Yeah, it's what
Innis calls them.
- They look a bit
shitter than ours.
- Ash!
They could have gone
through any of these doors.
- Only one way to find out.
- OK.
- You getting a good
feeling about any of these.
- Please, god.
- At last, you have come
to accept my guidance.
- What the fuck was that?
- It's just this talking dog.
- What?
- OK, come on, Innis.
They're all relying on you.
- Shit.
OK, let's just try it again.
- What is that smell?
- What happened here?
- What was that?
- OK.
OK, keep going.
Apparently there's something
to do with abandoned places.
That is so cool.
- Still fucking stinks, though.
- I don't know.
I think this is a dead end.
What do you think?
- Good thing you
had your bottle.
- 55, 55, 55, 55, 55.
- Fuck, fuck, fuck.
- I want to try.
- Are you sure?
- I just picture
the place, right?
- Yeah, that should do it.
Innis said, if I just think
of Ash, then I can find them.
- That one?
- What do you think?
- Feels promising.
- That's good enough for me.
- This could be it.
- Wait, please be careful.
OK, you lead the way.
- Don't try to fight anything.
The things in here stunk.
Don't run into them.
- OK, But if I see Not-Brian,
I'm going to kick him
in the fucking nuts.
- Yeah, that's fine.
- Ash?
Oh my god.
- Help me.
- What is this?
- Shit, this is
the wrong universe.
She's not going to be here.
Ash isn't going to be here.
- What do you mean?
- This isn't the right place.
This is the wrong place.
- We need to help her.
- She's not our problem.
- What do you mean
she's not our problem?
- Fuck.
Emily, I'll explain later.
Come on, we need to go.
- What was that?
- It's another you.
It's another universe.
It's like this spot, I
guess with another Emily.
Look, there could be infinite
versions of ourselves.
- I couldn't save her.
- No.
- Does that mean there's just,
like, infinite versions of me
dying like that?
- I don't know.
- OK, here we go.
Here we go.
- My mum died last year.
It robbed me of everything.
She was young.
She was healthy.
She dieted all the time.
She said, oh, if I can just
lose 10 pounds, I'll be happy.
You know, I told
her it wouldn't.
I told her I loved her.
But I couldn't make her happy.
And she, like, left me.
For what?
You know, for fucking what?
Because I saw her two days
ago in an alternate universe,
and she was fine.
She was fine and happy.
And she just slammed
the door in my face.
God, I am so done feeling
this helpless all the time.
I'm going to find Ash,
my Ash, no one else's.
I owe them so much more
than just survival.
But that is all I can
give them right now.
And then I'm done.
I'm done.
I'm done.
I don't-- I don't care anymore.
- For a nihilist, you
care way too fucking much
about filming everything.
- You do not know
existential pain
until you've produced a film.
- Brian?
Brian, hello?
Are you in here?
- I tried to fit in.
Tried to do the things.
Tried to fucking be the way
that everyone wanted me to be.
But I'm sick of
trying to fit in.
Sick of
trying to fucking just
please people that I
don't give a shit about.
They just, like,
look at me as if I'm nothing.
And I prayed and I prayed.
And there was
no answer, but I fucking
made the answer.
I made the answer.
I played nice.
I played nice.
No one else played nice back.
You try-- you just try--
you try and do the things.
You fucking try
and do the things.
Time to play nasty.
- Brian, come look
at this weird door.
- Yeah?
- Why is it, like,
freestanding, then?
- Hello?
- Hey, it's upstairs.
I've-- I forgot my keys.
- All right.
- Brian?
Brian, you can come up now.
It's safe.
Open torch.
- OK, I have turned the
torch on, Dr. Innis.
- Wow.
- Fucking hell!
- Oh, fucking hell, Jesus.
Brian, I know Emily.
You all right?
Come here.
- Water, water.
- All right.
- Where's the door frames?
- It doesn't need doors.
It draws-- It draws
outlines with chalk.
It's going to open
them all over the city.
- Why?
- I can't stay in
the fucking world.
- Fuck me.
- OK.
You got this.
Just take your time.
- It's this one.
It's definitely this one.
- OK, OK, steady.
We don't know what's on the
other side of that door.
And he could be expect--
- Wait, no, you go
through that one.
Find Ash.
I'll get this prick.
- Fucking hell.
You don't know who you're
fucking dealing with.
Oh, come on.
You're not going to
fit through that.
- I'm not trying to.
- Ash?
- Come on, you-- fuck.
Ash, Emily.
- Where's Not-Brian?
- Dead.
- Good.
- Good.
- Well, let's get out of here.
- Watch out.
I just saw something
on the stairs.
Gotta fucking watch out for me.
- You fucking bitches.
Do you know who
you're messing with?
I have a god on my side, a god.
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Oh, shut up!
I have a god on my side.
And you just-- you're
messing with it.
It's almost upon us, fucking
cleansing of the world.
And you fucked it up.
Fucked it up!
- I thought you said this
fucking guy was dead.
- Apparently, he has
a god on his side.
- Please, we're so close.
Just a few sacrifices
short, but--
I mean, I tried.
I tried.
Just kill these fucking bitches.
Smite them.
Kill these fucking bi--
Fuck, he's
destroying the doors.
- Ash, wait.
- What?
Come on, Sam.
We have to go before
this all disappears.
Fuck, come on.
- I'm not going.
- What do you mean?
Don't be crazy.
Come on, let's talk
about this inside.
- I can't go back there.
I just-- I can't.
Look, Ash, I am done
feeling helpless.
- You're not helpless.
- I won't change my mind.
I love you, Ash.
I just-- I can't go
back to that world.
I want the perfect world.
And I'm going to make
that happen here.
Here, finish it.
Never stop trying to
make things better.
- Sam.
- Guy, come on, you can do it!
Come on, guys, hurry up!
- Go.
- Sam.
- I'll be OK.
I'm going to find
the place I fit.
- You're such a fucking twat.
- Go.
- Sam!
Hurry up!
- She's not coming.
Shut the door.
- What do you mean?
- Shut the door.
Shut the door.
- So, um, Sam's still missing.
I hope she's happy.
I hope she found the
place where she belongs.
I know she wouldn't be
happy to know that there
are several open police
investigations surrounding her,
Brian, Emily, this documentary.
But whatever, that's just
not going to matter soon.
Before we told the
police anything,
we went through Brian's place,
looked through everything.
And, um, we found out how to
make wolf doors ourselves.
Sam wasn't cut out
for this world.
Some people just aren't.
But I couldn't
live anywhere else.
That doesn't mean I like it.
There's always room
for improvement.
And we need all the
help we can get.
A while ago, you said now
is the time for change.
What kind of change
were you talking about?
- Are you ready to begin?