I Heart Robots (2024) Movie Script

[Sound effect]
Okay, how do I start?
Probably at the beginning.
Here sweetheart.
At that point, everybody
was looking for food.
And these guys...
Well, they were looking for trouble.
[Background noise]
You thought you could hold out on us?
[Background noise]
That we wouldn't find out
you were hiding rations?
[Sound effects]
Your time is up.
Your debt is due.
[Fast-paced eerie melody]
Give it up now.
[Fast-paced eerie melody]
We will take it.
[Fast-paced eerie melody]
We will take everything.
Do you hear me?
Time has no bearing in this place.
[Fast-paced eerie melody]
[Suspenseful music]
[Screams] [Gunshot]
[suspenseful music]
Consider my debt paid!
[Background noise]
Okay, and he just killed everybody.
[Background noise]
Not much add to that.
Yeah, robot fatigue was a real thing.
[Suspenseful melody]
Well, in this case, it
kind of seems like Bob just
let off some steam.
At least I called him Bob.
no, he calls himself Bob.
You know what, let's
just call him the guy with
the robot face in his head.
Yeah, he taught me everything I know.
He's kind of like the father I never had.
I mean, if the father I
never had was like a killer.
But hey, that's the end
of the world for you.
And this is the moment
right before everything changed.
[Background noise]
Probably, just not functioning
well. Robots don't just break.
I called for repairs
and there's a long line.
Did you try upgrading it?
I don't want an
upgrade. I want it to work.
I'm not the only one, Terra.
I know, I know.
[Background noise]
Did you try turning it on and off?
Very funny. Oh, now
it's staring at the sky.
Don't trust him.
I know it's serious mom,
that's why we're at the protest.
I wouldn't worry about that.
Jessica's here, she's already on scene.
[Background noise] [Machine whirring]
Said something about them
looking up at the sky?
[Robotic sound effects]
Something is kind of
happening here right now.
Yeah, what?
Terra, what's going on?
Okay, I'll talk to you later.
[Background noise]
Okay, so I still don't know
where to begin, really.
[Music] But, essentially mankind placed
a bunch of satellites in orbit.
Which was great.
I mean, Wi-Fi increased,
AI was doing...
I mean, AI at that point,
was basically doing everything.
Phones got bigger,
and then they got smaller.
Life was good.
So, mankind decided
to put away all of their weapons,
we kind of learned to
get along for a while.
[Music] [Distant screams]
Until one day all those satellites
just fell from the sky.
Now at first, it just kind of seemed like,
"Oh no, what an inconvenience,
we can't update our social media."
And then we kind of realized,
it is good not to be
able to update everybody
on everything all the time,
or at least post about it.
Then, something else happened.
You know, these nice robots?
They heard a frequency
and became not so nice.
[grunting] [fighting] [music]
[music] [fighting]
All right, I'll tell you
about that guy later.
Now, I know it is a
disservice to any sci-fi movie
ever made to say,
"Oh no, we didn't see that coming," but
here's the thing, we
actually, truly didn't see that coming.
And, you know those guns that we put away?
Were now needed again.
And we lost the war.
Went into hiding.
Two years later, that frequency
that the robots heard,
it just stopped.
Most of them powered down.
Well, most, not all.
And let's just say the ones who remain,
seek and destroy all human life.
Oh, and they made parts of the world
uninhabitable for humans.
there's that.
Everyone turned to the water.
That was the safest place.
That is until everybody
started raiding each other
for food, which leads us to me.
[Bell dings]
[Birds squawking]
Warning, eating malfunction detected.
[Bird calling]
I forgot to mention that
whole signal frequency thing,
the one that stopped all
the robots from working?
So we kind of didn't get
that memo to turn it off.
[Background noise]
[Siren wailing]
[Heavy breathing]
[Heavy breathing]
What in the Life of Pi?
[Siren wailing]
[Siren wailing] [Birds squawking]
[water sloshing]
[bird squawking]
[Siren wailing]
[grunting and panting]
[water sloshing]
[grunting and panting]
[Suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[bird squawks]
[heavy breathing]
[heavy breathing]
[Waves lapping]
[indistinct chatter]
Look around you.
[indistinct chatter]
This is what they want!
Well, normally, I'm not
a big fan of flashbacks.
I mean, what is this? Like
the second, third, fourth?
But, you know what?
Let's just go with it.
[people shouting]
Commanders [inaudible]. Fight!
And that's the last time I saw my sister.
[people shouting]
You are in violation
of gathering ordinances.
Are you okay?
[people shouting in the background]
They're here.
[Background noises]
Are you from a protest?
[Background noises]
[Heavy breathing]
There are violators here.
Requesting further
assistance for extermination.
[Background noises] [gunshots]
[inaudible] mobilized.
All humans will be exterminated.
I was on a refugee ship that capsized
and ended up here.
Wherever the hell here is.
[coughs] [gasps]
[water sloshing]
[electronic whirring]
[electronic whirring]
[electronic whirring]
How may I assist you?
[electronic whirring]
Where is this place?
I have no idea.
[Suspenseful melody]
Do you want to talk about it?
[Background noises]
No. I...
don't want to talk about it, Robot?
I am an emotional support robot
equipped with a varied set of responses.
[Suspenseful Melody]
Can you walk?
Yes. 125,045.
[Suspenseful melody]
- Terra.
- Terra?
Is this your preferred name?
Do you know where to get food and water?
No. I am but an older model robot
with very limited capabilities.
Your protein levels are
dangerously low, though.
I'm going to go this way.
Are you coming?
Lead the way, Terra.
[Suspenseful melody]
[electronic whirring]
So, as it turns out,
others made their way to this barren land
at the end of the world.
And these are my compound mates.
That's Katie.
Former firefighter, major
in Texas State Guard,
nurse practitioner and overall badass.
Definitely the heart of the company.
[music] [gunshots]
And that's Frank.
He helped modify Q
and set up our defense perimeter.
Which, could have come in
handy before we lost Brett.
Yeah. Good old Brett.
Shot himself in the foot
attempting to steal weapons
and right into an assassin's droid.
And that is Gia.
She watched as the final waves of robots
suddenly turned off.
Not before they murdered
her entire family in front of her.
Needless to say, she
isn't a big fan of Q.
anything from the coms today?
Nothing from Jessica. So, no.
Is her birthday coming up?
She doesn't think I remembered it but,
I did a little bit of research
and I found out it was coming up, so...
I made her this, so...
And you don't give a shit.
[inaudible], huh?
[background noise] [metal clanging]
Yep. We'll, uh, work on that.
I mean, you are getting better, though.
You're hitting, like, right
the general direction of a target.
It felt good coming out of my hands.
Yeah, I bet it did buddy. I bet it did.
All right.
You know, the compound
is really not that bad though.
It's kind of like going
on a camping trip with
people you care about.
Oh, and yeah, so my sister?
She's Northeast.
About a four day journey from here. But,
we decided it's best no one risk their life
for a rendezvous.
I think she's healthy and thriving though,
with her own compound mates.
Jessica called, by the way.
Hey, hey.
How are you?
Things have been busy here.
hunting parties are
reporting that it's getting
more and more unsafe out there.
Um, we even lost somebody
yesterday to a reaver.
But, we are managing.
you're good on your piece of the world?
Yeah. I mean, uh,
so we thought we found a gun the other day,
and everybody got really excited.
But, turns out it was just the lining.
No shit?
Yeah. [laughing]
I don't even know whether that would be
appealing to anybody, to be honest.
Yeah, and so Q's getting
better at throwing knives.
Yeah, Q told me.
Yeah. He's a really good listener.
Someone's snitching.
What I keep him around for, I guess. Um,
you talk to Q?
Sometimes it's good to talk to somebody
who doesn't know
everything that happened, you know?
Yeah, I guess.
Hey, listen, I gotta go and
help with a sewage problem,
but let's talk later, okay?
Um, I wanted...
Everything okay?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, sorry. We'll
just talk about it later.
Don't know if Q can tell you.
Q, emotional response for Terra Vinco
Okay, gotta go.
Here, it's a 9mm with a
half distance firing hammer.
Might be good for a couple of shots.
Thanks Frank. I'll, uh,
put it to good use.
You're going to have to do more than just
sneak up behind your enemy.
Hey, I sneak up behind my
enemies and power them off, Frank.
It's a big difference.
Well, all of your enemies
are not going to have
an on and off switch.
but not all of my enemies are going to have
an on and off switch, either.
May I suggest listening to one another?
Sigmund Freud preaches structure
and compassion for your fellow man.
Shut up, tin.
Aw, knock it off Q,
it's too early for that shit.
Bye, Frank.
Kids should know better than
to knot that ice on your eye.
Thanks, Terra.
You're welcome.
So, uh...
Gia and I are making progress, I think.
She smiled at me the other day, so...
[laughing] [music]
What is that doing?
Gia hates you.
Thanks, Frank.
Terra, you're going to have to understand
that the best thing for you to do
is to help you learn how to use weapons.
Weapons are the key.
Got it.
All right, Q.
Come on, let's leave the
big mean man to his gun.
Love you.
Oh, and I, uh, don't use guns.
Not really much more to elaborate on.
Yeah, well,
my family used to be a lot larger.
You know, with most of
the AI systems destroyed,
some of the rogue robots remain.
They, uh, search out human strongholds,
looking to eliminate the
only threat to their existence,
which is...
[Suspenseful beat]
[Suspenseful beat]
Hey, what's going on?
[Background noises]
What can I do?
[Suspenseful beat]
Stay safe.
[Suspenseful beat]
Tin, to the back.
[Suspenseful beat]
Hey, uh...
Don't even think about it, Terra.
You don't use guns.
And you complain.
A lot.
A lot.
All right. I was just
gonna say, hey, be careful.
thanks for elaborating
on the hurtful stuff.
It's the truth.
[gunshots] [music]
[gunshots] [music]
[gunshots] [music]
[gunshots] [music]
[Labored breathing] [Footsteps] [Gunshot]
You okay?
I'll just head on to the next one.
Yep, thank you.
Whew. [deep breathing]
You good?
Oh, yeah.
How did the Raiders find us?
People are desperate.
Done, stitches will hold,
but infection is more likely if it reopens.
Thanks, Gia.
[sighs] It was just a matter of time.
No, it's...
It kind of reminds me
of being on the boats.
Everybody against everybody.
No true alliances.
Oh, just don't think about it.
It's probably just bad luck.
[Robotic sound]
Looks like Tin is malfunctioning again.
Don't worry about Q. He just
does that from time to time.
His power's up and down out of nowhere.
It always comes back online, though.
Keeps on ticking.
Ain't that right, buddy?
It's not strange. It's dangerous.
Maybe when he kills us in
our sleep, someone will listen.
He's been doing it since I found him.
Well, maybe we should
have Frank look into it.
there's a lot going on around here, okay?
Q's the least of our worries.
We are running low on food, though
so we might want to go
get some canned goods.
It is your shift.
[Abrupt tape end]
All right.
[Background noise]
Wake up, Sparky.
Let's go grab a thing.
This is Kayla Wagner,
former head of Clover Energy. I'm located
north of your position.
This is Katie,
codename Dandelion.
Why are you contacting
us on Jessica's channel?
I have sensitive information
about an imminent threat
that involves one of your own.
You mean Terra?
I'm afraid so.
You said there was an imminent threat?
In four days, a nuclear
bomb is set to detonate.
The nuke goes live. It
will trigger a chain reaction.
We've never faced
anything like this before.
How do we stop it?
Your compound has the only
active core with a signal strong enough
to disable the reactor,
keeping it from
reaching its critical state.
But we have to act now.
How do we know he is telling the truth?
Gamma waves are being
emitted from a very strong signal.
Could be a robot nearby your location.
I told you he was going to kill us all.
So we have an active core.
What does that mean?
You're our only hope of
stopping the end of the world.
Can you get the robot to our facility?
our chances of survival are dire.
If you do not try,
then the resistance would have failed.
Unfortunately, we won't be able to spare
any man to meet you in the outskirts.
Take a moment,
process what we've told you.
The choice is yours.
I mean, we're talking
about taking Q North.
We know what the risks are, Terra,
but if there's even a chance
to save of what's left of humanity,
we have to take it.
We can't stay hiding in
this compound forever.
We have to fight back.
A nuclear core?
It could be what powers them.
What caused the blackouts?
Four days in a row.
Has anyone ever even
survived for that long?
And that's why no one
is leaving this compound.
We are not going to sit and do nothing.
We don't even know who
this guy is or if it's even real.
He's at Jessica's main camp.
Why would he make this up?
If both of you leave,
then who is going to
stay and protect our home?
If the threat's real,
then I can't abandon them.
Drew is right.
Neither one of you guys can
afford to leave the compound.
It's got to be me.
We're talking about going
through old robot strongholds here.
You'll never make it.
No one has.
We don't even know why
some of them powered down
and some of them...
May I suggest listening to one another?
Now would be a great time for you to share
how this situation makes you feel.
Shut up, Q.
I mean, if we don't stop the reactor,
then it won't matter anyways, will it?
You have to do what
you feel is right for you.
I have to find my sister.
[Radio static] Hey. Hey, Jessica?
Hey, I need to talk to you.
It's important.
Terra, what's wrong? Is everything okay?
Uh, yeah.
It's about Q
and his core.
The core. [Chuckles]
I'm gonna kill Caleb.
Um, Terra, sorry.
I didn't want to tell you.
Yup, nuclear reactor killing us all.
I mean, who had the end of
the world happening twice?
It's crazy, right?
Makes you wonder.
Listen, I didn't tell you
because it can't be done.
I mean, I have to
bring it to them, right?
I have to try, give it a chance, a shot.
That's not possible.
Terra, please tell me you're
not thinking about doing this.
No one survives further inland.
[music] [chuckles]
No one survives radiation, either.
Um, so...
[music] [Heavy breathing]
Hey, um, is there a
reason you didn't tell me
because you didn't want me to know?
Or because you think I couldn't do it?
If what Caleb is saying is true,
you need to prepare
and spend your last
moments with your family.
Yeah, you are my family.
Yeah, but you know what I mean.
I haven't seen you in
5 years. I'm doing this.
You're doing this?
I think I am.
I don't know what to say.
I'm going north.
I'm gonna do it.
Sorry, sis, something's
happening here. I got to go.
[static noise on radio]
What? Uh, Jess?
Hey, Jess.
Oh, really.
I'm doing it.
[Background noise]
You made your choice.
Just know we're with you.
[Background noise]
Learn to use guns, huh?
[laughs] Thanks Frank. I won't but
I appreciate the thought.
And watch your six.
Scout drones.
They scout for the more dangerous ones.
And those you can run by, and run fast.
[Background noise]
But the Betadroids?
Well, don't see any Betadroids.
Maybe that's helpful.
[Background noise]
Yeah, I can't.
Don't die.
All right.
I'll try.
[Background noise]
Why wasn't I consulted?
[Background noise]
I'm not old enough to save the world.
Chances of survival are at 22%.
What if I get allergies?
[Background noise]
She is not gonna make it.
She's gonna die.
I knew it.
[Background noise]
- Sorry!
- All right, all right.
We got it. [metal clanking]
We got it.
[Background noise]
Yeah, let's just give
them a moment to grieve.
I know it's gonna be really heavy on them.
You know what?
Let's go, Q.
And I'm heading north.
Would be great if Q
learned how to use a weapon.
But if something attacks us,
maybe he can just talk it to death.
I hope we see seagulls. I love seagulls.
I mean, it's pretty wild
to see the end of the world.
Terra do you know where we are going?
It's definitely not how I imagined it.
Not that I spend a lot
of time imagining it.
Just kind of...
never thinking it would happen.
Since, uh, not many travel on land
and live to talk about it,
there isn't much I know
about this new world.
Cause even the robots
couldn't last forever.
Huh. I remember you.
You guessed it.
Flashback with murderous pap.
And he told me about a...
raiders and how to power robots down.
Yep. That's where I ended
up when I lost everything.
There are no locks here.
Where am I?
You said there are no locks here?
That's still true.
You must choose a side.
If you don't,
one will be chosen for you.
No one knows
what they'll keep.
Even in their last few days,
just know
no matter what you think about me,
I could have done you harm long ago.
Suit yourself.
What was the...
last thing you remember?
[distant gunshots]
[distant screaming]
The only loss
greater than death
is the illusion of it all.
rest with your demon.
Tomorrow it's a new reality.
[Background noise]
[Robotic sounds]
Ah, shit, that's gonna be a problem.
[Robotic sounds]
Hey, we're back.
[Water trickling]
Pick up the pace, Sparky.
[Water trickling]
[Robotic sounds]
[Water trickling]
Look at this place.
[Water trickling]
They must have left it after the war.
[Water trickling]
Okay, so...
I think we have to walk
past that section
and then go north.
[Water trickling]
What do you say, buddy?
No clue.
That is perfect.
During the purge,
many people fled their neighborhoods.
They just packed up and went to sea.
Gosh, this place looks like
Stephen King built a hometown for himself.
This looks so different
from what I remember.
Do you want to talk about it?
Alright, let's keep moving.
dark skies pronounce your warning
Nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide
Hold on the floor is caving
Your walls turn into cages
Your refuse will be your demise
Dances with the devil
Your power isn't special
We don't fit on your canvas
We're burning all the ashes now
Cause we are the outlaws
Cause we are the outlaws
Times like these, you
gotta be resourceful, right?
Oh, and I forgot to mention
that I am no longer hunting grubs.
Trained Q to scan for aluminums,
that's helped a lot.
Alright, what do we got here
[Birds chirping]
Hey, Q can you scan this?
[Birds chirping]
[Robotic sounds] Checks out.
You can eat it.
[Robotic sounds]
[Robotic sounds]
[Robotic sounds]
It's in the movie somewhere so,
[Robotic sounds]
just gonna see how it goes.
[Robotic sounds]
You ready?
[Robotic sounds]
This is a quarantine area.
Stop. Do not move human.
You're trespassing.
State your code or be eliminated.
State your access code now.
Final warning. Executing.
Running facial recognition on the target.
Stand by for full analysis
[Robotic sounds]
[Birds chirping]
Note to self,
not all these neighborhoods are empty.
[Background noise]
Alright, next one we go around.
What do you say Q?
[Background noise]
I was scared as shit.
Wait, what?
I mean, my emotional response was fear.
[Robotic sounds]
kinda sounded like a...
Alright, you know what?
Let's just keep moving.
[Robotic sounds] [Birds chirping]
The damn renders
outside was a nice touch.
I almost decided against coming inside.
I would go with your first instinct
and leave this place.
I've often wondered how to
rid this world of your species.
I'm open for suggestions.
Go back for a thousand years.
A nuclear bomb is set to detonate.
This time we will rid
this planet of your kind.
I'm currently tracking
someone very close to you.
I'm not picking up who's scent,
but I had to be sure.
You are a warrior and as such
I will grant you the mercy
of not killing you here,
But make no mistake, I will
find Terra and I will stop her.
[Suspenseful music]
[JJ Sterry singing "Fear & Loathing"]
I stare down at the crazy
Paisley pattern carpet
It spooks my subconscious
I get a little bit nauseous
Sticky with Czech beer
Blood sweat and tears
Yeah this is fear and loathing
in an English seaside town
There's Billy Big-Bollocks
As fat as his wife is thin
Gold rings grinning
with his legs wide apart
Six Peronis deep
Shirt buttons undone right
down to his size seven feet
What's so funny man?
What could ever be
Boring the ruins of the old brewery.
Yeah, so I had my first rave here
and... people told me I
need to learn how to dance.
you know, hmm,
after years of practice I may
have figured it out, but I'm
clearly not the best yet.
God, I hope no one's having sex in there.
To your first
Welcome to your first panic attack
Anxiety depression, Betrayed
by my facial expression
It's my passport to the exclusion zone
It's the place that I
can finally call my own
Chernobyl baby
Hell yeah that's where
I'll make my home
Grow an extra leg
Blame it on the radiation
Buy two pairs of Jordans
Donate the spare one
to a one legged orphan
Fly back home win the London marathon
This is fear and loathing
This is fear and loathing
[Background noises]
[Background noises]
[Robotic sounds]
You are trespassing!
State your code or be eliminated.
State your access code now.
Running facial recognition on the target.
You are trespassing on Sanford.
[Robotic sounds]
What the hell are you two doing here?
[breathes] What?
Beta Droid.
Hunts trespassers.
It mean that you and metal brains
were somewhere you didn't belong.
Yeah, I know what
trespassing means. It's just...
Then why do you have
a Beta Droid after you?
[Background noises]
It's not... Who are
you? How did you find us?
[Background noises]
I'm trespassing.
[Background noises]
I got someone waiting
on me on the other side.
We should probably leave
before that thing wakes up.
Wakes up?
EMP. Won't keep him down long.
[Background noises]
[sighs] Come on, Q.
[Background noises]
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
Yeah, those noises you heard were people.
So, I'll use some ammo.
Damn right you do.
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
Sound carries out here, huh?
Terra was screaming for help like...
"aaaggh, aahh"
Thanks a lot, Q.
That's his name?
Yeah, apparently we're naming him now.
I'm an emotional support robot.
I'm sensing...
Tension in the crew.
Picking up on that, are you?
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
Sophie and this is Zero.
They were trespassing.
Beta Droid out on their tail.
Yep. I'm pretty sure most
of the world is destroyed,
so it would not be considered trespassing.
It's still trespassing.
You know what? Whatever.
We're heading north.
Yeah. Why is everything
such a surprise to you?
Yeah, you see...
This here is east.
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
Yeah. We're heading north.
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
What do you have as a defense?
I got these EMP gloves.
Powers them down?
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
You powered them down.
Yeah, I don't like guns.
Guns are the first sign that one has
lost their ability to communicate.
Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Why are you heading North?
Yeah, that's, you know, classified.
She's going to need her
sister Jess to save the world.
Located at Latitude 34 Longitude 124.
That way.
Okay. Let's take the
gossip and end up the trail.
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
Would you like to come with us?
I mean, I thought that's what he meant.
Oh, yeah, no. That's just for Sophie.
I don't give a shit about you two.
Got it.
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
And if you're gonna come with us,
you're gonna need to
learn how to use a gun.
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
I think we should go to work.
Does that a lot?
Yeah, it's kind of a thing.
[Water trickling] [Birds chirping]
Yeah. Okay.
Beta Droids, if I don't
know the beta droids.
It's not a position.
Okay, so at first, I probably
wouldn't have believed it,
but it turns out there
are actually other people
out here just as crazy as...
I'm pretty sure you by now think I am.
It's a good thing, too, because
as it turns out, there's a that lot I need
to know about the new world.
[music] [birds chirping]
How to walk.
Peter Jackson would be proud.
He'd believe another nuke could go off,
and saying that that is bad
luck is, well, an understatement.
It's like, does someone
out there really hate us?
We all need this time
to figure our shit out.
Hold up.
[Birds chirping] [Music]
Yeah, true grenades.
Take your bottom half, [whistles]
clean off.
[Birds chirping]
Adding that to the list.
How can you tell?
[Birds chirping]
You see the change in color in the soil?
[Birds chirping]
You want to look for the
change in colors in the sea sand.
[Birds chirping]
Yeah, they may be deadly, but
they can't hide traps for sure.
[Birds chirping]
Yeah, let's go around.
[Birds chirping]
Okay, that's good to know.
[Birds chirping]
I don't think you listen very well.
Yeah, I can tell that your
cool, I'm just trying to say that,
- listen, no, that doesn't make any sense.
- We can't just throw
- hands. What does that even mean.
- Okay, just point and squeeze.
I can't get into altercations
that go against my programming.
- Terra and Frank made sure of it.
- [Inaudible] I got a lot of
- guns.
- It's a really, really big gun.
I'm turning you into, like, a can opener.
Like, how good do you think you've been?
I can go from can opener
to opening a can real quick.
Just see the target and squeeze.
Don't try me. Were you scared?
Dead man walking.
I said I don't do guns.
Yep. You're right.
Where you are going
may not have a choice.
[Birds chirping]
[Background noises]
So why are you two headed north?
Sophie wants to see the auroras, so...
Aurora Borealis is a natural
light display in Earth's sky,
predominantly seen
in high-latitude regions.
[Background noises]
Well, my brother is waiting for me there.
[Background noises]
Wait, seriously?
Wow, we got a lot in common.
I mean, my sister, she's out there, too.
You should probably
ask her if she knows him.
She probably does.
She loves meeting new people.
[Background noises]
Me, not so much.
I'm more of a, um, buddy
for you there, Governor.
[Background noises]
So, north compound.
[Background noises]
Yeah, um...
[Background noises]
I was out there and got stranded
by the North Sea.
[Background noises]
That's where I met Q.
[Background noises]
So you're one of the first to
come ashore after the signal.
Yeah, I guess so.
[Background noises]
Consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
[Background noises]
[Background noises]
Countless people came ashore.
Hungry people came across.
Tried to reclaim that piece of the pie.
Killed children.
[Suspenseful music]
[Suspenseful music]
At least robots were
civil about their intent.
Wow, I didn't know.
Some say it was a human
who created the signal.
Well, they didn't kill themselves, so...
A human?
Well, that's what I'm gonna go find out.
Get my hand on that source code.
Wipe them all out.
Wipe them all out.
Not you, Q. Just the bad ones.
I haven't come across a good one yet, so...
Scratch that.
Well, right into that one.
Get good rest.
We have to keep moving.
Wait, why?
Because you trespassed.
That's right.
And the Reavers?
Well yeah, they're mobilizing.
And when they can't find you,
that's when they call down the Reaver.
You do not want to meet the Reaver.
The Reaver?
smart, top of the line.
I've seen Reavers wipe out entire colonies.
Okay, but how do we know that
he would even know our position?
Hmm, not ours, just yours.
Yes, that's right.
Yeah, the Reavers,
yeah, they're mobilizing.
If you start hearing numbers,
counting down,
that means the Reaver's getting close.
But don't worry, that's not right now.
Okay, thanks.
I'm not tired, Terra.
We can discuss a defense
strategy to keep you safe.
No, Q, I just need to sleep.
[Background noises]
Breathe out, and squeeze.
[WEARETHEGOOD Singing "Run Away"]
I've been contemplating all my time
[Robotic sounds]
My thoughts make me tired
just running through my mind
We should run.
Wonder if there's
peace that I could find
Instead of always being on the grind
I need a new purpose
I'm looking for so much more
Don't leave me here searching
You're just what I'm longing for
When times are getting crazy
And everything seems hazy
Is there someplace
for safety I could go?
Runaway, runaway,
runaway into your escape
Runaway, runaway, runaway,
you're never too far to run
Runaway, runaway,
runaway into your escape
Runaway, runaway, runaway
Runaway, runaway, runaway
It gets so loud that I
can barely [music fades]
I'm definitely starting
to get the hang of this
end-of-the-world thing.
And Q has learned
alternative methods to guns.
And I think I'm getting better.
Or at least it feels like it.
I can't really tell, but that
Zero dude kind of hit our miss.
Oh, and I met this really cool girl
who's traveling up north
to meet her brother.
So, everyone's bonding in a
post-apocalyptic kind of way.
This place is a lot more green
than I thought it would be.
Things are changing.
You're just what I'm longing for
When times are getting crazy
And everything seems hazy
Is there someplace
for safety I could go?
You're not explaining. Be
more specific how you keep
phew, phew.
Too far to run
Runaway, runaway,
runaway into your escape
Runaway, runaway, runaway
So, uh, what's his deal?
He's the lone survivor of East Silo 55,
watched his entire community murdered.
By robots?
Yes, but robots owned by humans.
Holy shit.
[Background conversation]
He thinks that the signal is the key
to stopping all AI for good.
He doesn't believe anyone can be trusted
with that kind of power.
I can't believe we're only
two days away from the Auroras.
I don't know how to thank you.
Hey, you get to see your brother, right?
I'm very tired.
Get good rest.
Real smooth.
Did I say something wrong?
Oh, my God.
How you survived this
long, it's truly amazing.
That's a miracle.
Okay, that was hurtful,
but not very insightful.
Look around.
Do you honestly think that her
brother is standing somewhere,
gazing up at the stars, just waiting?
Oh, over here, everyone.
I just been underneath the Boalises[?],
waiting for someone to come save me.
Like Cory Allison.
Yeah, yeah, whatever.
All right.
You've got to...
Her brother is dead.
You dingbat.
We're going to the
Borealithes[?] to spread his ashes.
Hey, you could have said all that
without all the whoa, whoa, whoa, but...
You know what? Good night, Zero.
I hope you get bit by a friggin' termite.
Yeah, I bet you would.
Here's a question for you, though.
Does your friend know?
all that powering up and down.
Let me guess, nuclear.
Does your friend know
that your little rendezvous
was nothing more than a death walk?
The end of time.
Okay, we don't know that.
Yeah, you see, I was
thinking that you weren't smart.
I hate to be old, tin can.
Well played.
Well played.
Yep... Okay, that's not comfortable.
Well played.
Guess I hadn't really thought about it.
Maybe this overworked weirdo is right.
Maybe it's not for me to decide.
So, uh, you guys sure you
don't want to stick together?
Heard they have really good
food at North Compound.
[Background noises]
I bet you have no
idea what the food is like
at North Compound, do you?
[Birds chirping]
Nope, I don't, but...
[Birds chirping]
I'd really like it if we
could stay together.
[Birds chirping]
I bet you would.
All right, here's the
thing, tall drink of water.
You don't know what sweepers are.
What are sweepers?
Doner robots that come
alive, kill anything with a pulse.
Good to know.
You can't shoot for shit.
Uh, I'm getting better.
Yeah, still shit.
Okay, that is, uh, your opinion, but...
Plus, I'm pretty sure you
have a reaver after you, so...
That one is true.
You're damn right it's true.
So, here's a little bit of advice.
[Birds chirping]
You and Tin Can over there...
I don't understand why
these gnats are everywhere!
Good luck.
Anyone else having
tjis problem. Don't die.
They're flying into my digital eye,
which shouldn't be possible,
but somehow is...
Terra, what do you do with these?
Oh, you can keep that shit.
Oh, a butterfly.
Pretty sure your fingerprints are on it.
It's probably bad luck by now.
[Birds chirping]
All right, that's thoughtful.
[Birds chirping]
You can always come with us...
...to the Boalises.
[Birds chirping]
Thank you, but...
[Birds chirping]
I have to do this.
[Birds chirping]
[Birds chirping]
- Canner?
- I feel like everyone's watching me
make a fool of myself.
Wait, you're leaving?
Don't let him get to you.
It just means he likes you.
[Birds chirping]
Be careful.
[Birds chirping]
You too.
All right, be careful. And, uh...
[Birds chirping]
Thank you for everything.
You need to keep moving.
[Birds chirping]
- Yep.
- Yep.
[Birds chirping]
This is why I never wanted kids.
It's just too much to handle.
You got her, and you got Terra.
Our chances of survival
have decreased by 65%.
I'm sensing a wave of sadness, Terra.
Are you okay?
It's called loneliness, Q.
Just lonely.
Do you want to talk about it?
Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Unfortunately, we must keep moving!
There is a reaver after us!
Okay, I guess uh...
Zero rubbed off on me.
I can't wait to see
what we discover next.
Who'd you run into?
Oh, I never caught that butterfly.
They are really, really hard to catch.
Did you know that butterflies migrate
over 20 miles in some instances?
Terra, do you know why the
grass here is so well-kemped?
It is because robots that
remain to automatically harvest
continued to harvest long
after the masters were dead.
It's sad, but only for the people who can
never see how great these lawns still are.
Just look.
I almost want to stay and have a picnic,
but I don't consume food.
Terra, that zero guy had a certain charm,
but I thought Sophie was really cute.
No one is as beautiful
as you, so don't worry.
Oh, my legs are beginning to hurt again.
So much walking, this can't
be how you saw this trip going.
I wonder what Frank is up to.
But everything's changed.
Do you think she may have forgotten you?
No, I mean...
No. I just think I've been
traveling across the map and...
I don't know, I just...
I think...
we might have been drifting
apart even before the robots came.
Well, I think the most
important thing we have is family.
And you can never forget your family.
I'm going to die, aren't I?
What makes you say that?
My core.
It's nuclear.
I know you need it to
save the world, save...
Will it be peaceful?
Yeah, it'll be peaceful.
Do me one last favor, Terra.
Remember all of these moments.
This journey is all that we have.
Cherish them.
Cherish your family.
How did you?
I can only show you this once
because the data is corrupted.
I believe these are called memories.
You are a hard person to track.
Bob taught you well.
Not well enough.
[Robotic sounds]
You are only alive so that
I may extract information.
How many people are in your contact?
Why were you headed north?
What is your mission?
Answer me.
Terra, why are you napping?
Look who I found!
Hey, Terra.
The world began with an ancient conflict.
[Background noises]
Touch me again and
I'll show you a conflict.
[Background noises]
[Background noises]
Father used to take me fishing.
[Background noises]
By, uh, the Arctic, actually.
[Background noises]
And we would tap bears...
[Background noises]
on the caps
to let them know...
we were here to hunt.
Stop with your riddles and your stories.
How do I get out of this place?
[Background noises]
[Music] [Birds chirping]
[Music] [Lamb bleating]
[Background noises] [Lamb bleating]
[Chickens clucking] [Birds chirping]
[Lamb bleating]
Good afternoon.
[Lamb bleating]
[Lamb bleating]
[Music] [Birds chirping]
Where am I?
North Compound.
[Background noises]
[Background noises]
[Background noises]
Make sure they don't get loose again.
I mean it, or I'll break something.
You understand?
[Background noises]
[Background noises] [Music]
Hey, where's Q?
Oh, we have a strict
no metalhead policy here,
so he's locked away.
Locked away?
Yeah, but he's safe. Don't worry.
[Background noises] [Music]
[Music] [Birds chirping]
[Background noises]
[Background noises]
So, how is your head?
[Background noises]
Wait, did you hit me with a stick?
[laughs] Okay. Yeah.
[Background noises]
Where is everyone?
Hunting party.
[Background noises]
Everyone's left the
compound in preparation?
[Background noises]
[sighs] The nukes.
We gotta stop those nukes.
Already on it.
Here, your gloves.
[Background noises]
You really did it.
You came.
[Background noises]
[breathes] Told you I would.
[Background noises]
Hey, if these goats step
one foot out of their pen again,
you will have to find a place
to sleep for the next month.
[Background noises]
Thank you.
[Background noises]
Uh, I heard it when you said it.
It's just, I didn't really
think you had it in you.
[Background noises]
So, how have you been?
What do you mean?
I mean, when that signal hit,
I was at the protest. I was
trying to find you. Couldn't.
[Background noises]
I was on the phone with Mom, like,
right before everything happened.
The signal?
That was long ago.
I don't really remember that
much from that time, you know?
[Background noises]
It's a nice compound.
[Background noises]
You didn't tell me it was so...
[Background noises]
- Empty? [laughs]
- Yeah.
[Background noises]
No metal, huh?
Yeah, we figured
that if we kept it simple,
we wouldn't get raided as much.
And that means no tech,
just good old-fashioned handiwork.
[Background noises]
Where's the hunting party going?
Uh, we may have finally
found access to some multiple
nuclear cores.
And with those, we can afford to move west.
We get raided as much.
[Background noises]
Move west?
Yeah. West, there is an entire city
like the ones before the signal
and when a hunting party
returns, we will sell the cores
and head out.
[Background noises]
[breathes] I thought I was
here to stop the end of the world.
I know. That's why I
didn't want you to come.
We need the cores to... fire
ourselves into the caravans.
[Background noises]
Huh, what?
[Background noises]
That's it. I'll be right back.
[Background noises]
[sighs] They're buying
their way into the caravan.
What the heck am I doing?
[Background noises]
Hey, Jess.
[Background noises]
Do your job.
[Background noises]
Where's Q?
I told you we locked him away.
Yeah, you told me you locked him away.
You didn't tell me where.
You should really get some
rest. I hit you pretty hard.
Yeah, I know that
and I can still feel it.
Come on, where is he?
[Background noises]
He's with the hunting party.
[Background noises]
What? Why would you lie to me?
And what would the
hunting party want with Q?
Look, we found an abandoned
compound further north
filled with dormant Beta Droids.
And Q is the only robot
not affected by the signal.
So they're going to use him
and try to get back online.
Get back online?
Imagine what we could
do with all those robots.
Jess, I thought you didn't like tech.
I don't, but we're
talking about protection.
Resources to go west
and saving my compound.
[Background noises]
And what about Q?
What about him? I'm your sister, Terra.
Yeah, that's kind of what I thought too.
Hey, you weren't even there.
You have no idea what I did.
You think turning on the
radio and talking to me
from across the land is some grand gesture.
You don't know what I had to do to survive
when we went offshore.
Look, I did everything
I could to find you, okay?
I came here for you.
Well, here I am.
This is me, Terra.
A raider.
We go from place to
place searching for supplies.
The plan was to use the core and go west.
I had to knock you out
so you wouldn't interfere.
God, I can't believe you right now.
You're like a freaking heel in wrestling.
[Background noises]
[Sighs] Where are you going?
To get my robot and go home.
He's with a hunting party
and I wouldn't let anything happen to you.
[Background noises]
Wow, lucky me, I guess.
And you know what, newsflash?
Goats are supposed to leave their pen
because they're freaking goats, Jess.
Terra, you're being immature.
Yeah, that's right.
[Background noises]
How do I get out of here?
[Background noises]
The hunting party will return soon.
You can supply up and go.
Or you can come west with me.
Yeah, we aren't going anywhere
until we figure out what the
heck is freaking going on with you.
[Background noises]
Wait, did you say dormant robots?
Yeah, they're just there.
Should be easy score.
Shit what?
Yeah, they're not dormant
robots, they're sweepers.
So they're not just standing,
they're waiting on commands.
They're gonna kill everybody there.
You gotta call your guys back.
I can't.
[Car horn honking] [Dog barking]
[Music] [Dog barking]
Tot, Tot, what's going on?
Hey, Tot, what's going on?
They got the jump on us.
Where's Q?
- They took him.
- They who?
It was Caleb.
That son of a bitch, he double-crossed us.
What do you mean he double-crossed?
He kept Q for himself
and must have led the others
into the sweepers on purpose.
Where are they headed?
To Eden.
Yeah, that's where I
want to sell the nuclear core.
I have to look who I can
save from my compound.
I'll meet you at Eden.
I don't know where the heck Eden is.
Uh, it's two miles further
north, [Engine starts]
big wind propellers, you can't miss it.
Hurry up.
What about you?
I'll be right behind you.
I'm so glad you came for me.
I'll always come for you.
All right, I love you.
Be safe. I'll find you, I promise.
[Tires screeching]
[Robotic sounds]
[Background noise]
Stay alert.
I won't need any surprises.
And I'm pretty sure our sister knows.
We have a robot.
I want all guards at maximum attention.
[Suspenseful music]
[Ge Filter Fish Singing "I Don't Know"]
No, I don't know
You are really beating next to mine
Your legs are so long, oh my
I wanna put my hands inside your thighs
But I know, know, know
I've been in tour on the 909
I've been wearing my blue jeans tonight
And I don't know
Oh, I don't know
Come on baby down
Out, jump, gotta bring it down
I haven't had this feeling since 69'
Going to Sydney, now I'm doing time
I don't know
what you're talking about.
I don't know.
[Suspenseful music]
[Suspenseful music]
I'm so happy to see
you, Terra, my friend.
I wonder if Sofine made it to the Auroras.
Why so sad, 125,044?
Don't worry.
I have removed my core.
Now you can save the people you love.
I finally saw a butterfly.
Oh, you were right, it is... peaceful.
[Robotic sounds]
[Suspenseful music]
[Suspenseful music]
If you're seeing me, I
guess the world hasn't ended,
which is a good thing.
I got a distress call from the Boralises.
Turns out there's a way to save Q.
And my compound.
125,044, signing off.
singing "Outlawz feat. Frank Bentley]"
Dances with the devil,
your power isn't special
We don't fit on your canvas,
we burn it all to ashes now
'Cause we are the outlaws
'Cause we are the outlaws
[IamDayLight, Paper Plastic &
Curtis Cole singing "Hype Me Up"]
Hype me up, hype me up or
you're gonna have a real bad
Yeah I am a smart mouth
How'd you think I wound up
Where I am, who I am by now
Just another minute
till we sisters sign off
So if you not with it wave bye bye bye
Babe I got a third eye
I don't do receipts
I'm a witch, fill me up, for my switch
I'm a b, I'm a devil in disguise
Got 'em hypnotized
They don't even notice
They're in on the
ride of their lifetime
You cannot control this
Hype me up, hype me up
Or you're gonna have a real bad time
They don't even notice
They're in on the
ride of their lifetime
You cannot control this
Hype me up hype me up
Or you're gonna have a real bad
I'm a witch, I'm a b,
Fyou up until you die
With my trashy attitude,
And my demons in the mood
Has the prey become the huntress
I have got them all confused
I will never be enslaved
to the ideas they infuse
Once a whore we're nothing more
than mourning creatures being used
Couldn't stop at cave wall paintings
We're obsessed with being praised
You paint so well, you are too crafty
We have made this home our cage
They don't even notice
They're in on the
ride of their lifetime
You cannot control this
Hype me up hype me up
Or you're gonna have a real bad time
They don't even notice
They're in on the
ride of their lifetime
You cannot control this
Hype me up hype me up
Or you're gonna have a real bad time
Me and her and him
Making love in that
corner of your brain
And it's dark and it's damp
Make no mistake
I sure am what I hate
And I love me all the same
Me and her and him
Making love in that
corner of your brain
And it's dark and it's
damp, Make no mistake
I sure am what I hate
And I love me all the same
They don't even notice
They're in on the
ride of their lifetime
You cannot control this
Hype me up hype me up
Or you're gonna have a real bad time
They don't even notice
They're in on the
ride of their lifetime
You cannot control this
Hype me up hype me up
Or you're gonna have a real bad
You are gonna have a
really really bad time, sir.
Hype me up hype me up
Or you're gonna have a real bad time