I'll Play Mother (2024) Movie Script

That's right, Isla.
Left leg in front of the crease,
right one behind.
Stand up straight,
for God's sake, straight!
Bend your knees a little.
Bend them.
Yeah, go on.
All right. Come on, Ruby.
Remember what I told you.
Use your wrist
to generate momentum.
All right, girls.
Good effort today.
Time to get changed.
They're gonna be competing
before long, aren't they?
- Yeah, yeah.
- They really don't
know how lucky they are
to have you, you know--
Good-- good to see you
today, Claire.
Hiya, Mish.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
We could--
All right. I'll be home in five.
Okay. Bye. Love you.
it's happening.
I think it's back on.
-The family we wanted. I--
-Okay. Slow down.
-Cheers. Hi.
I thought the mum--
What changed their minds?
Who cares?
Maybe their biological mother
couldn't make it work after all.
So there's a new social worker,
Sian, or something,
and she called me.
And we have a meeting tomorrow.
We'll get all the details done.
So this is a thing.
Smells amazing.
- It does.
- Do you not wanna...
Uh, no.
Margaret dropped this 'round.
-Neighbor Margaret?
-The very same.
-Sitting at the table.
Very nice.
Well, it's a big night.
Think about what
your mother would say.
Isn't she, like, 90?
Margaret? Margaret's 85.
Since when do our
neighbors bring stuff 'round?
Is she trying to drug us?
-Oh, come on.
-Promise me,
if I get as bad as that,
swear you'll roll me
off the side of
the nearest fucking cliff.
Come on, stop being so macabre.
I'm not afraid of death.
Because you know
nothing about it.
She was standing outside
in a storm in her underwear.
She was just
getting her washing.
Lord, for what we're about
to receive, we're grateful.
You walk around in
your underwear too.
But the difference is--
I mean, the difference is,
I look good doing it.
This is lovely. Thank you.
Thank you, Margaret.
I'm-- I'm sorry.
No, no. I like being married
to a middle-aged woman.
Don't joke about this.
I really thought
I'd have children by now.
They just look like
the perfect pair. I mean...
a brother and a sister,
you know?
How rare is that?
and it worked out.
It really worked out.
Mr. and Mrs. Panday.
Hello, I'm Michelle.
That's Cyrus.
Take a seat, take a seat.
Um, well, firstly,
my apologies for being late,
but we are
severely understaffed.
- No, no, we understand.
- Day from hell.
All right,
I'll-- I'll get to the point,
shall I? Um...
the siblings that the family
finder paired you with
a few months ago could be a
potential option for you again.
This is so great.
We'll take them.
If only it was that simple.
You've both been in the system
for quite a while now.
-Yeah, two years.
-And Elijah and Mia,
from the notes in their files,
you were both keen when
you were first matched.
We just thought the mother
had been cleared.
I mean, deemed fit for care.
You know,
when she came back on the scene
when the... father passed.
Well, the, uh,
situation has changed.
Sadly, their mother passed away.
If you're still interested.
Yes, we are.
We just wanna know
more about what happened.
Well, unfortunately,
it was an overdose.
-Oh, my God.
-Devastating, really.
We'll fill you in with
the details, as is procedure,
but I can tell you
that a placement order
is back on the table.
This is so great! Thank you.
You are still looking
at a minimum of six months
before the official
hearing to adopt.
Now, for clarity,
we would begin with
an observation of the children.
And at this stage,
we wouldn't meet with them,
just watch them.
I know you've been told this
a thousand times or more.
I'll reopen your case,
and I'll arrange what should be
the first of many meetings.
We-- we're ready to be a family.
Yes, we are.
Can I show you
the stats of the hybrid fund
I set up last quarter,
and then you'll see that--
Michelle, you've
been missing your targets,
and those upstairs
have noticed.
I need you to be
more responsive.
I need you here in the office
with me a lot more.
Can you do that?
I got it, Mark.
It's been hard for them.
They're quite reclusive.
Elijah rarely speaks.
Oh, and he's a sugar fiend.
Can't get him
to eat anything else.
And as for Mia...
...she can surprise you.
She ebbs and flows.
Happy, then completely shut off.
They won't be easy.
Then again, no adopted child--
well, no child is ever easy.
I should know. I've had four.
Oh, my gosh. You went through
this entire process four times?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
All mine. Biological.
Home births, every one.
So, you're a cricketer?
-Uh, coach.
Climbing that greasy ladder.
Mum used to do it.
Pains, I suppose.
But yeah,
I'll be the one to stay home.
Very modern.
Want a taste?
No one's ever really watching,
-Not when it matters.
-Oh! Sweetie!
Are you hurt?
Let's get a plaster for that,
You all right?
We can finally be a family.
A real one.
How was today's session?
-Seems improving.
She wrote us a note.
The board said you do have
a future in coaching.
Just not yet.
I said it's two o'clock.
Don't cram any more
rubbish in there.
Yeah, it'll be done
before Sian gets here.
You could help.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Hi, come in, come in.
- Go inside, go inside.
- There you go.
- Look who's here!
- Look who's here.
- Oh, my God. Hello!
- Hello!
- Welcome home.
Can I have a hug?
Um... Mia!
-It's-- it's fine. It's fine.
-It's Mummy.
She doesn't need to. It's fine.
Now, we've had lots
of meetings at the center
with Mummy and Daddy.
You remember.
I missed you guys so much
over the last days.
Shall we go and see
your new bedroom?
We'll talk,
and we'll show you around
your new home.
Why are computers so smart?
Because they always listen
to their motherboard.
Our mother's dead.
Well, right, children.
Remember what Mummy said?
Get our muddy boots off, please.
Would you like
something to drink?
Oh, okay.
After you.
-No, after you.
-Just up the stairs, kids.
That was just fun and games,
you know.
This is the bathroom.
Come on.
This leads to the kids' room.
We keep it locked,
always for safety.
And Sian, I actually wanted
to ask a question.
- Elijah doesn't want--
- Hey, Mia.
I'm just talking to Sian
for a second.
Honey, honey, honey,
don't talk over the children.
Love, what is it
you wanted to say?
Whatever it is, you can always
come to me
and speak to me, okay?
We'll check in
from time to time.
You've got the schedule.
- Yes.
- But in between visits,
- if there's ever a problem--
- There won't be.
And if we ever need to call
you, we know how to contact you.
You have my number.
All right, thank you. Enjoy.
-Yes. Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
- See you later.
- Okay.
Didn't you say you wanted
to change this photo?
That's my favorite picture.
Professional debut.
Mark took it.
Come on. It's time to move on.
Just change it.
-Are you coming?
Okay, love, now, you're
gonna like this much better.
Mish, that's not breakfast.
Hey, I won't let him starve.
He's not going to starve.
Look. Here you go.
That is his.
He's not going to eat it.
How do you know?
And I think
he should have it
if he feels like it later,
you know?
Ah, I have one for you, too.
Shall we go to the park today?
You not sleep well, sweetie?
I don't like the portraits.
On the wall in our room.
The face is scary.
I've got one for you too, love.
Look. Enjoy.
Oh, hey, Mia. Um...
What a great morning, isn't it?
Best way to tire out
the children.
All right. I'll remember that
for when my little one grows up.
Thank you.
-Making friends?
Tired already?
I didn't sleep all night.
I can't believe
they're here now.
We are parents now.
I'm a dad.
And you'll be the best.
How can I leave them?
So stay.
And I'll go to work.
I can't do this.
I'm so jealous.
I love you.
And I love them already.
Is that even possible?
Please try.
Well, shower them with love.
You're good at this, bunny.
We need them to know that
we are right for them.
-This is the right outcome.
-I know.
I've got this.
-You go to work.
-Save us from destitution.
It's very clear
you and the kids won't enjoy
the workhouse anyway.
And where would you be going
if we're penniless?
That's more
my area of expertise.
Cyrus, Cyrus.
What would your mother say?
That I should have been
a doctor.
Out. Work. Now.
Money, money, money.
Funny, funny, funny.
What do you want to do today?
I used to love inset days.
No school.
We like school.
Kicking a ball about
in the park.
It's raining.
Whatever you want, mate.
I could teach you
how to bowl a cricket ball.
We could--
we could set up
the racetrack Mummy bought us.
We could play soldiers.
I swear there's a helmet
in the attic.
Hands up, soldier.
Just because he's a boy
doesn't mean he likes cricket
or soldiers.
You're right, Mia.
Terrible gender assumption
from me there.
Why don't we, um...
Come on.
Yes, Mia, come on.
Hey, what's up?
How's fatherhood?
Oh, piss off.
How's training?
Fine, the new coach has got us
doing some pretty
out there stuff.
Well, whatever gets the wicket.
You know it.
Oh, man, I've already made
a tit of myself here.
Good, good.
That's what dads are for.
How are the jokes coming along?
Absolute shite.
I just danced this morning.
Dad dancing? Strong start.
I know.
You all right, mate?
Mm... yeah.
It's a lot.
But, you know, we got each other
and that's what it's all about.
So, uh...
If my mum were around
to see this...
You all right, Elijah?
An apple a day keeps the...
doctor away, that's right.
Very good.
Hey. Come on. Let's go.
Mia, have you felt this?
It's lovely.
Come on.
Just have a feel.
There you go.
You know Father Christmas
doesn't bring presents
to stinky children.
Want to be a stinky child?
Right. Come on.
Time for a bath, little man.
This has gone on too long.
-Put me down!
- Stop wriggling.
- He doesn't want it.
No, it's fine. Come on.
Come on.
Elijah, let go.
Stop, stop.
Just stop wriggling.
-Stop wriggling and just try--
-Put him down!
-Just have a feel.
Look, no, it's fine. Come on.
-It's okay, it's okay.
He doesn't want it.
-It'll be--
-What's going on here?
They just need a bath.
Oh. Hey, baby.
Come here, baby.
Let's go. Come on.
Hey, we always knew
it would take time
for the children to settle.
So what,
they hate eating their veg.
So what, they hate bath time.
Doesn't everybody at one stage
hate having a bath, huh?
In no time, I have no doubt
the children will be fine,
and clean.
You know, this won't
last forever, I promise.
Maybe when school starts
in January, I could just maybe
spend some time back in the gym.
I've been reading and with work,
my shoulder could,
I don't know...
Second Eleven T20 or...
Yeah, this sounds good, hm?
Look, I hate that
I have to work so much.
I really do.
I want the situation reversed,
believe me.
Look, my--
my fund value will go up,
I will get this bonus, then
I can restructure my hours
and then I will make the case
to remote work again.
You know, at least part-time.
They're going to kill me.
Oh, stop it.
The children will settle.
The children will settle.
Yes, the children will settle.
- Hello, hi. How's it going?
- Hello.
Yes, good.
-Do you want me to take your--
Let me just defrost,
a little bit cold.
Sure, sure, fine, fine, fine.
How's it going?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know,
kids, little devils.
Uh, where are they?
Yeah, D--
Uh, do you want some tea?
-No, no, no, thank you.
-Just through the door.
Right. Uh...
Mia! Elijah!
Yeah. We-- we passed.
Yeah, she seemed pleased.
Mia and Elijah were, um...
Yeah, chocolate yogurts.
Yeah, I know, but Sian
suggested it, sort of.
Um... yeah, and guess what?
No tears.
Yeah, I'm fine,
I'm just a bit tired, is all.
What's that?
Yeah, Mish, we've gotta, um--
Yeah, okay, bye.
Talk to you later. Love you.
It's a bill,
by the looks of it.
Uh, it's a hangman.
It's a game.
Look, um...
And you just guess all the word,
this word.
I don't know.
You just guess the letter.
Look, we can do it together.
How about E?
Now, how about H?
Now, your turn.
Hmm... A.
-Try again.
You'll have to try
harder than that. Go on.
Um... D.
- Nope.
- O?
God, who taught you?
You have one more chance.
You are wrong.
And, look.
You're dead.
It was...
- Oh.
- Get it?
-Do you like it?
Do you like puzzles?
I like magic tricks.
I have a knife, and it looks
real, but it isn't.
I used to get Mummy with it,
but it never hurt.
And I have a little hat
that hides little flowers.
It makes people smile.
One day I'll pull a rabbit out.
A white one, like a magician.
You know, I think one day
you will.
Do you want to play again?
You guess the word this time.
-It's Saturday.
Am I supposed to say something?
That you'll stay?
Oh! You saw that bill.
-You thought it was an error.
This time.
Hey, I need to go in.
Mark called this morning.
We have this huge new client.
What am I supposed
to do?
-Well, decorate, as planned.
-Without you?
Yeah, but...
We have the children now.
I have the children now.
Excuse me?
What's that supposed to mean?
- Okay, forget it.
- Oh, okay.
You know what?
I need to go to work,
and you need to remember
why we're doing this.
Very good, thank you.
Could you pass me those balls?
Thank you.
One round.
Then we have to finish
before Mummy gets back.
Go on.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
Well done, Mia.
Um... S.
Ooh! Very good.
You're getting too good for me.
Ten points for Mia.
Can we go again, please?
Hang the man! Hang the man!
It's just Hangman.
One more round.
Just one.
I mean it.
Yes, that's it.
- I?
- No.
Oh! Finally.
- No.
- Dammit.
What is it?
That's me.
You mustn't play with these.
Elijah, you listening?
You mustn't play with scissors.
And don't go in the attic.
Go to your room.
Come on.
Mm! Mm!
This is my mum's favorite.
Shh! Don't tell Mummy.
It's roasting in here.
What are they doing up?
Hey! Cyrus!
He's eating.
Hey, Cyrus?
We should respect their space.
Ah! Fuck!
You mustn't run the bath
without an adult present.
Me or Mummy, okay?
So, with Hansel trapped in the
small cage, it was up to Gretel.
When the old witch, Rosina,
was near enough
to the oven door,
with all her strength, Gretel
pushed the old woman in
and fastened
the bolt behind her.
Oh, how the witch howled
as Gretel left her to burn.
-What is it?
-Can I ask you something?
Well, anything.
You know that, darling.
Was the witch
ever Hansel's friend?
Um, well...
Mm. Good question.
I think it just
pretended to be, you know,
to be able to capture him.
So, she always
had a wicked plan?
Well, maybe.
Yes, I think Rosie
had one of those.
-She tricked our mummy
into pretending
to be her friend.
I wouldn't worry so much about
what adults are up to.
It can be very hard to
understand what's going on
when you're a child.
We saw Rosie.
Why don't we just finish
the story, hmm?
Gretel ran to Hansel crying,
"We are free at last."
Meanwhile, poor Rosina howled
as she burned.
And the two children ran back
to their parents,
who abandoned them in the woods
to begin with.
So, now it's bedtime.
Would you like to stay here
or go to your own bed?
Stay here? Okay. So.
Get in. Properly. Here.
Make space. Come here. So.
I'm your mummy now.
And I love you very, very much.
What is this here? Oh.
Did you hurt yourself?
I had a nightmare.
Nightmares don't cause bruises.
You know, nightmares are just
dreams who've forgotten
to put their smiles on.
Nothing can hurt you now.
Not now that you're with me.
So, good girl.
I'll wish you good night.
And you sleep well.
And you dream something nice.
Love you.
Oh, come here.
Did Mia hurt herself today?
What's that supposed to mean?
As in, why do you ask?
No, she didn't hurt herself.
Uh, she's got bruises on--
Well, this is why I ask you,
did she hurt herself?
Hey, you need to calm down.
You just accused me
of hurting a child.
I didn't accuse you
of anything.
I'm sorry.
-I need-- I'm just really tired.
What is wrong with you?
With me?
Yeah, I didn't accuse
you of anything.
Should I have?
Can we just go to sleep?
You could tone it down, please.
I've done everything
for these children. Everything.
Shh! So, and I've done nothing?
I haven't seen you.
Making food, playing games,
tidying up.
No, just me, all me.
So, and who do you think pays
for all the food, the clothes,
washing, cleaning, the entire
house in fact, huh?
Who is that, Cyrus?
It's me, because I
support this family.
-A family I didn't...
Were we not already a family?
Was I not enough?
You know what?
This is so unfair.
I stood by you through
all these years.
I supported you while you
trained and trained and trained
and trained and managed
to injure yourself
and trained again.
I back funded our lives
while you were down,
and still--
You get to play mother now
while I stay away--
I had dreams too.
Without action,
dreams are nothing.
I would have thought that your
mother, with all her pushing,
would at least have managed
to teach you that.
Where are you going?
I'm going to sleep downstairs.
Great, good idea.
Hey, buddy.
What are you doing out of bed?
Bad dream?
Come on.
Will you sing to us
like our mummy used to?
-Sing like our mother.
-Stop, shush.
You're not singing
like our mummy!
-Go back to bed.
-You're not singing
-like our mummy!
Sing like her!
No, no, no!
I'm not Mummy!
I'm not Mummy!
I shouldn't...
I'll just ask.
Well, just throw it away.
Do something to stop it.
It's their mother's voice, Mish.
I can't get rid of it.
They need to move on.
Okay, you know what?
Let me take care of it.
Give it to me.
You see? Done.
So, okay.
I'll be gone a couple of days.
-You have everything here.
Well, there's this--
there's this new client,
and he's holding a fundraiser.
It's a very good time for me,
and, you know, for the fund.
Oh, I forgot something.
I need to... hey.
We knew this was
going to be hard,
but I'm tired
of fighting about it.
-Excuse me?
-You're not going.
We have responsibilities now.
You need to be a mother.
-I am being...
-It's the weekend,
and they need you.
Cyrus, I am being a mother,
but this is work,
-and you need to go...
-I said no.
So now you want to be the man
in this relationship?
Where has he been
the last ten years?
Hi, Mark.
Well, I have a little situation
here at home.
Can I call you back
in two minutes?
Okay, I'm out.
And you explain to my son that
it's never okay
to hit a woman.
Elijah, I'm...
I'm sorry you had to see that.
Sometimes adults get upset too,
but it's
never appropriate to...
What are you doing?
What is this?
He wants you
to leave our mummy alone.
Okay, um...
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Through cooperation?
That's what you say.
This is going to be difficult.
Focusing on purpose--
There are no bodies.
No one is buried out there.
This is all just
in your imagination,
like I told you on the phone.
You aren't
investigating anything.
The crime is fiction.
Do you want this deal?
Do you?
I thought we--
we made it clear.
You shouldn't be
scared of dead things.
They always come back.
Elijah. Elijah, Elijah--
Hey. Hey!
Hey. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's just a room.
I've got you.
I've got you.
I'm here.
It's just a room.
This is
Michelle Panday.
Please leave a message.
I'll be calling back
as soon as possible.
Hey, it's me.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, not great here.
Elijah's having night terrors.
I looked them up
and, well, yeah.
Night terrors.
Uh, he's okay now,
we're just both a bit tired.
But he's asleep.
Anyway, I'm, um... Sorry.
I'm rambling a bit so
I'm going to end this voicemail.
But, yeah.
I love you.
And, uh...
I'm sorry.
We're cold.
Run faster.
You'll warm up.
Don't do that.
Cheeky monkeys.
Come on.
Let's go.
Did you see someone
called Rosie today?
No, I haven't seen Rosie
since Mummy went away.
Who is she?
Mummy's friend.
It's right there.
No, no, no!
What are you doing?
You're supposed to be in bed.
You just woke me up from sleep.
That's not a very nice
thing to do, is it?
It's eleven o'clock.
-We're hungry.
Okay, sit down.
Sit down!
Okay. Breakfast.
Okay, there's no...
We're going to have cereal,
Can we have yoghurt?
We don't...
No, no, stop it with the...
Stop it.
We don't have yoghurt, okay?
No, no. Elijah.
No, no. Sit down.
It's breakfast time.
Come on, sit down.
Let's just sit.
We're starving.
We need food.
We're hungry.
Yes, okay, okay.
Just give me a second.
Okay, let's--
Come on, over here.
Sit down on the sofa.
I'll... I'll go and get
something from the shops.
I'll get yoghurts, okay?
I'll put the TV on. Yay.
A film.
Cyrus, where the fuck were you?
-Oh my God, you stink.
-Where the fuck were you?
-There was no food.
Are you fucking kidding me?
The fridge is full.
-What were you thinking,
leaving them alone for so long?
I put a film on.
They're six and nine.
I really thought you'd be
better at this, more natural.
I think that's a little unfair.
It was one mistake.
No, with you, it's one mistake
after the other.
You know, most men get it,
obviously not you.
You don't seem to understand
the first thing about parenting.
Can you hear yourself
right now?
And I don't see you here
with me, helping.
Oh, my God.
Are we back to this?
-You love putting me down.
Admit it.
You hate the fact that I work,
that I provide for this family.
You hate it almost
as much as your mom did.
Hey, I'm sorting this out.
Why can't you just help me
until I get this done?
When have I ever not
supported you?
Right now, you're not
supporting me.
You're sabotaging this, me,
everything here, us.
I can't believe I didn't see
this before.
There's something wrong here.
You're doing this on purpose.
You want them to be taken away.
There's something wrong
with the children.
-What? Cyrus?
-Just listen to me.
It's Elijah's doll.
I put it here.
-I threw it away.
-You threw his doll away?
Why would you do this?
It's Elijah.
-It's Elijah.
Cyrus. Hey!
Hey, Cyrus, stop.
Stop, stop, stop it.
I know it's been tough
with work and everything,
but you need to stop.
-No, it was right there.
-It was right there.
Come here.
What are you doing up?
Making a hangman.
Who's the hangman?
You are!
How did you sleep?
Oh, no.
Morning, darling. Hey.
What would you like to eat?
Would you like some cereal?
This is getting worse.
What is happening?
What is happening?
Do you have more?
Okay. Um...
Why don't we just go and have
breakfast in front of the telly?
Ah. Hi, Sian.
Yeah, of course we remember.
Yeah, we'll see you
this afternoon.
Okay. Bye.
I can't lose them.
Yeah, I know.
I'll-- I'll fix it.
Come closer.
I know it doesn't fit,
but if you just let me have
a go at it, just...
No, just--
Okay. Elijah,
just give this to me.
All right, straighten up,
very good.
Why don't we try this?
This is much softer.
Look, look how nice it looks.
My mum made this.
Just give me your arms.
Come on, Mia. Come on.
Good, good. How's that?
Yeah? It's good? No.
We've gotta keep this--
no, we've got to keep this--
This just needs
to be down. Okay?
Just pull it down.
Look, look, this is fun.
I just like this--
No, stop. Stop! Stop!
Cyrus, I'm making smoothies.
Would you like--
What have you got there?
Sleeping pills.
What were
you going to do with those?
I wasn't.
With Sian's visit,
and the bruises--
I can't do this now.
You give them to me.
Cy, now you go for a walk,
you clear your head,
or whatever you need to do.
But for God's sake,
don't do anything I'll regret.
Oh, wow.
How cute is this?
What a lovely thing to do.
Sorry, they're so tired
from all the fun.
I can wake them up.
Oh, no, no, no.
I don't want to leave you
with two groggy children
because I've interrupted
nap time.
Yes, shh, I'll tiptoe away,
but well done.
Thank you so much,
I'll follow you.
They're asleep.
Well, yes, Cyrus,
this is what happens normally
after an afternoon full of fun,
a belly full of food,
and a bit of tantrum.
Children fall asleep.
what are you doing with that?
Shh, not now.
Thanks so much for coming by.
You must have both hands full
with your own family.
Oh, I really do.
But, you know.
You're doing a great job.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you, too.
Where are you going?
-It's Christmas Eve.
-I know.
Mr. Panday?
Can you tell me
how their mother died?
Well, I told you, she--
-Killed herself.
I read the adopter's report.
I just...
I just need to know if
there was anything suspicious.
was there nothing unusual?
Mr. Panday,
you have to stop this.
Excuse me?
I'm sorry.
I just need
to know who Rosie is.
-I've read and...
re-read the adoption report,
but there's--
there's no mention of her.
Well, then she's not relevant.
No, she is relevant.
I know that.
The children
keep talking about--
Mr. Panday...
all children are stressful.
They keep us up at night.
We worry about them
until we're sick.
And when
we're not worried about them,
we're generally worried that
we're doing something wrong.
Christmas can be
a really stressful time
for adopted children.
It can trigger past memories.
It can...
well, they can act up.
You're right. Um...
Sorry if I'm scaring you.
I'm just...
being a--
being a paranoid parent.
No, that-- that's
understandable. It's--
we usually recommend
playing down the festivities
over Christmas.
You know, maybe you've been
going a little overboard, maybe.
-I will see you
after Christmas, all right?
And I'm only a phone call away.
Look, I'm sorry. Uh...
Um, thank you for listening.
Hey, you're back.
Hey, guys.
What are we doing?
Putting snacks out for
the reindeers, eh?
He's coming tonight?
Only if you're very good.
What have we got here?
A letter.
Who's it for?
Father Christmas.
Oh, wow. What's it say?
"To Father Christmas,
the carrots are for Rudolph.
Please bring my mummy back
for Christmas, Elijah."
Why would you want that?
Elijah, you don't
really want that, do you?
Elijah, your mum wasn't good.
I'm your mummy now.
-They should know.
What are you talking about?
Your mum, she didn't care
for you the way I care for you.
I've got
a surprise for you.
-She should've provided for you.
-It was meant for Christmas,
-but let's have it now.
-I've provided--
Michelle, enough!
All right, guys. Prezzie time.
Come on, come this way.
Bring the carrots.
Come on.
All right.
Do you want to open it, Elijah?
It's so nice.
Her name is Snowdrop.
And she's gonna help you
with all your magic tricks.
You can touch her, okay?
Look, I know
it's not been perfect, but...
we're a family now,
and we can get through this.
Daddy's here, and so is Mummy,
and now Snowdrop too, and...
we can all look
after each other, yeah?
So, you left to get a rabbit.
Pets are supposed to help
look after trauma, remember?
Maybe it'll be good
for all of us.
But I don't need help.
She wasn't a good mother.
Well, we don't know that, do we?
I think we should talk
about what happened downstairs.
You told them
their mother wasn't good enough.
Well, she wasn't.
But maybe we should talk
about the bruises, the drugs.
Look, Mish, I don't
think parenting is good for us.
We were okay before,
and now I...
-I don't know.
-If they knew
you are drugging children...
I didn't do it!
There is something
wrong with the children.
Maybe it was some
kind of trauma, or...
Oh, Cyrus,
of course they're traumatized.
They saw their mother dead,
for God's sake.
-How do you know that?
-Did your mum abuse you?
Sian never said they were there.
She did, you just never listen.
And now you've got us a rabbit.
You can barely look after them.
I heard you talking
to Mia about Rosie
the other night. Who is she?
Now, calm down there,
Miss Marple,
-before you hurt yourself.
What are you not telling me?
Look at me.
Look at me. I know you...
and there
is something wrong here.
This isn't working.
Just tell me,
and I can help you.
Hello, Mummy.
Turn this off.
Turn this off.
-She's not your mother.
-What's going on?
Hey, make it stop.
Turn it off.
-She's not their mother.
-No, she's not their mother.
-Can you just calm down?
Hey, shut up.
Shut up.
Stop. Stop it.
Stop it.
Hey, make him stop.
I'm trying.
Can you just calm down?
-I'm doing it.
-She didn't deserve you.
Do you understand?
She didn't deserve you.
She didn't deserve them.
She deserved to die.
What did you say?
You don't deserve them.
You don't deserve them.
What do you mean, Mia?
Hey, guys.
Guys, things
are going a bit nuts here.
Let's just...
It's Christmas.
What did you do?
I spoke to my mummy.
She won't let you keep us.
Merry Christmas, my love.
This is our first Christmas
as a family.
And this is how you
wanted me, right? Doting...
Docile. Compliant.
-No, Mish...
-I should have known.
Where are the children?
I know what you did yesterday.
-What are you talking about--
Mish. You're
not making any sense.
I know what you told her because
she's been asking questions.
I'm so sorry, but
I had to call social services.
You need help.
And frankly,
we'll be better off without you.
She told me
how you behaved in the car.
Wait 'til
they discover the drugs
in Mia and Elijah's blood.
Well, I told you what
would happen if you were
trying to separate
me from my children.
Ah-ah-ah, I think you've
had enough of this.
Why are you doing this to me?
To you?
Cyrus, do you notice
it is always about you?
This is incredible.
I found you.
I built you. I built everything.
It was even me who had
to make sure we got our babies.
Thank God,
the world's full of idiots.
This adoption report.
Everything was there.
It's so crazy.
Home address.
Everything. So, yes.
Yes, I knew her.
It's not a big deal.
She was already struggling.
You know?
You wouldn't believe this.
She was addicted to
absolutely everything
she could shove
into this overactive,
self-obsessed, whinging,
fucking mouth of hers.
So, all I did was I helped
her to reach her inevitable
this tiny bit earlier.
But you know what really got me?
Turns out,
you are not so much different.
She had the same pathetic
excuse for her inability.
to police,
the coroner, unanimous vote.
Single mother, poor woman.
Killed herself,
of course, what else?
Why investigate any further?
I personally find
the opposite with children.
- They make me feel alive.
- Mish...
I'm their mom.
I love them.
There's nothing
I wouldn't do to protect them.
Oh boy, what's going on?
-What is going on?
Mi-- Mish...
Mish. Mish, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Mish, I'm sorry.
Mish. Mish, Mish, Mish.
I love you.
Mi-- Mi-- I'm sorry.
I-- I-- I love you.
I'm sorry.
Oh my God.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Really-- really sorry.
Sian is coming, okay?
You like Sian, right?
Good, good.
You know, I've got
something I want to show you.
Is Rosie gone?
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Come on.
Before Sian gets here.
Come on.
This way. Over there.
We'll go down the stairs.
Sit down.
He came early this year.
He does that
for the best children.
For your magic tricks.
You can pull a rabbit out.
Just like you wanted.
No, no. Stay there.
Open your presents.
I'll be two minutes. Okay?
Welcome to the neighborhood.
I'm in number nine.
Hey, it's a pleasure
meeting you.
-You okay?
-Yeah-- Oh, it's nothing.
It's nothing.
I'm happy to be here.
-It's a great neighborhood.
Yeah. Yeah. You got kids?
-That's the dream, right?
Big family. Maybe a dog.
A cat. If I have to.
Sure is.
-How many have you got?
It's just the three of us.
Sounds perfect.
I'll bet you'd
do anything for them.
I'm their mother.
I'll kill for them.