Immortality (1998) Movie Script
When I was a boy,
I went into the woods alone
to climb the tallest tree.
Almost at the top,
I slipped and fell,
but managed... just...
to grab a branch.
It was a long drop.
I hung there
till my head began to burst...
and my arms began to feel...
like they were being torn
from my body.
I can feel it now...
the blood pounding in my ears,
the terrible pain...
and the dread of falling.
Thought I'd seen it all before.
She must have been doin' 100, 120...
when she hit the ramp
back there.
Support it around the wheel arch.
I can't see anyone in the car.
Must be dead.
What else would we do?
She must have been out
of her mind driving like that.
What did he say?
Dave, would you just
undo that wire for me?
Watch it.
Though there were no witnesses
to the accident,
the police have informed
the coroner's court...
that Sarah Duncan's car
must have been traveling...
in excess of 80 miles an hour
at the moment of impact.
In the opinion
of the police doctor,
death would have
been instantaneous.
My conclusion, therefore,
in the case of Sarah Duncan,
is one of accidental death.
Finally, I would like to offer the court's
condolences to Miss Duncan's family...
and to her fianc,
Mr. Steven Grlscz.
How are you?
I didn't ask for your help.
It's you, isn't it?
You don't have to
hold the thumb up there all the time.
- Please use a pencil.
- It's not as good.
All right.
Concentrate on me then.
Look in my eyes.
Bet you can't do this.
What's the occasion?
It's a secret.
- Do you trust me?
- Of course not.
Close your eyes.
Do you trust me, Maria?
I don't know.
What are you going to do?
How'd you do that?
Why can't you do as you're told
and close your eyes?
Open your eyes.
- Have you got the right change?
- No, sorry.
- I need the right change.
- Sorry.
- That's all I've got.
- Don't you have anything smaller?
No, if I did have,
I'd give it to you.
Keep it.
Excuse me. Sorry, it's mine.
I'm always losing the damn thing.
Look, were you...
Some people told me
you were drawing me in the gallery.
- Yes, I was.
- Can I see it?
Don't you mean,
"Can I see it again"?
- They're...
- Beautiful?
- No, I don't mean that.
- So you're not impressed?
No, I don't mean that either.
It's just that
I don't look this good.
The schoolchildren said
they looked exactly like you.
I don't think
that I'm beautiful.
They didn't say
you were beautiful.
They said they thought the pictures
were exactly like you.
Keep them.
I couldn't.
Would you...
- Would you consider having dinner with me?
- Why?
Okay. How 'bout Wednesday,
8:30, the Pelican?
Across the street.
I'll be there.
My number.
It's pronounced "Growlsh."
Anne Levels.
Why were you taking photographs
upstairs, Anne Levels?
It was for work.
I'm a structural engineer.
See you on Wednesday.
There was a grim
discovery in the English Channel...
early this morning...
after a trawler fishing ten miles
off the Suffolk coast...
pulled up the body of a young woman
in its nets.
The body has been identified
as that of Maria Vaughan,
who was reported missing
nearly five weeks ago.
The police,
who have launched a murder inquiry,
has said that if the Spanish-owned
vessel had not been using illegal nets,
the body would never
have been found.
Good afternoon, Mr. Grlscz.
We're investigating
the murder of Maria Vaughan.
Thank you for contacting us.
We understand that you were having
a relationship with Miss Vaughan.
- Yes.
- Can I ask why you didn't report her missing?
Last time I saw her,
we had an argument.
That must have been
quite a row...
if you've made no attempt
to see her since then.
- What was it about?
- She wanted to get married.
To you or someone else?
To me.
Was it a violent argument?
Was it a heated argument?
It wasn't just that I
didn't want to marry her.
You see, I didn't want to
continue the relationship at all.
Why was that, sir?
Maria was a very troubled,
passionate individual.
She was a very angry woman.
Unhappy, jealous.
Did she have a reason
to be jealous?
Now, your...
your previous girlfriend
died in a car accident...
last October.
Two mysterious deaths. That's quite
a coincidence, wouldn't you say?
Do you know where Miss Vaughan
went during these absences?
- And she still wanted to marry you?
- Yeah.
Do you have anything,
anything at all?
It's very early, sir. We're still trying
to put some kind of picture together.
We'd just like to check
a few dates with you...
so you can tell us if there's anyone
we should talk to.
- Of course.
- One thing, though.
If you wouldn't mind
clearing it up,
we couldn't find
any social security records.
Your name didn't
bring up a number.
Could you give it to us, please?
So you tracked me down.
Is this why you canceled dinner?
Concrete. It's a new,
waterproof kind.
The drying temperature
is critical.
- If you want the job done properly...
- Looks like a lot of work.
Have you noticed with Chinese
restaurants how, the better the food,
the more bad-tempered
the waiters?
So much for my efforts
to impress you.
I should have asked them
to give me a spoon. Look at you.
My grandfather used
to tell me a story about chopsticks.
One night Confucius dreamt that he was
taken to visit the damned in hell.
He was very surprised to see that hell
was a beautiful banqueting room...
with the damned
sitting around the table,
groaning under the weight of the most
delicious food he had ever seen.
They were allowed to eat anything they
liked, but they had to use chopsticks,
and the chopsticks
were five foot long.
The damned were starving,
staring in agony
at the uneaten food before them,
knowing that even with all eternity
in which to solve the problem,
it could not be done.
And then Confucius
is taken to heaven.
And heaven is an identical
banqueting hall...
full of delicious food.
The people around the tables
are happy and well-fed,
but they, too,
must obey the same rule.
The food can only be eaten with
chopsticks that are five foot long.
The food can only be eaten with
chopsticks that are five foot long.
Only in heaven,
they're feeding each other.
Hold them a little higher.
You'll get more control.
Story of my life. I'm always trying
to run before I can walk.
Anne Levels was here.
Anne Levels was here.
You have to look at it
this way, Mr. Grlscz.
Our brains are very old.
From a neurologist's point of view,
no one is entirely human.
At some level,
everyone has four legs.
At a level below that,
everyone has sharp teeth.
You sure it was a Nissan Serena?
I told you,
my son-in-law's got one.
Bloody expensive
for what they are...
glorified transit van,
if you ask me.
Clever, though.
- Sir?
- Good place to get rid of the body.
The quicksands there'll
suck a man down...
in less than 20 minutes.
Unless the riptides get you.
They'll dump a body ten miles out.
That's about as much
as I can do.
Old sports cars
are all very well,
but basically,
the engine's clapped out.
If you want to sell it before
you leave on yet another leg...
of your world tour
of building sites,
you'll have to spend
at least 2,000.
- I did warn you when you bought it.
- I know.
Some people don't like their friends
to say "I told you so,"
but it's a quality in you
I've always admired.
So, when did you start
picking up men on the streets?
I didn't pick him up.
Let's face it. When it comes to men,
your judgment's suspect.
It must be.
I went out with you, didn't I?
You don't know anything
about him.
I know as much as you're likely
to find out after three weeks.
Anyway, I like a man
with a bit of mystery about him.
Thank you.
Something about me?
An idea for work. If I don't
write it down straight away...
They're beautiful.
- Why are they so small?
- They're ornamental.
18th century.
It's a tradition to give them
to babies when they're born.
They're silver.
In China, they're usually given to the
first grandchild, which happened to be me.
It means that the baby
will always be fed,
always be safe.
My grandfather bought them
in Shanghai from some old swindler...
who claimed they changed color if they
touched food that was poisoned.
I think of them
as my lucky charm.
You're full of strange little stories
and sayings, aren't you?
I get that from my mother.
Even the slightest failure
to behave like a young lady,
and I'd get some story
about what happened to little girls...
who didn't make up their beds
or who came home late for tea.
So I don't judge a book by its cover,
I never look before I leap,
I know that some things
are better left unsaid...
and that worrying
is the devil's favorite pastime.
I've never heard
that one before.
About the devil?
I'd be sitting in the corner boiling
about something, and out it would come.
You look lovely.
By the way, shouldn't it be,
"I always look before I leap"?
- What did I say?
- Never.
Well, it turns out Captain Birdseye
has his head screwed on.
There's only two car loan companies
in London that rent Nissan diesels.
The first one I called, bingo. They
fingered him for me straight away.
Whoever hired it was using a fake I.D. 'cause
they tried to contact him about a fine.
Guess what.
Our killer was in a hurry.
I want this area blown up
as quick as possible.
Congratulations, Sergeant Roche.
That is as fine a piece of detective
work as I've seen in a long while.
Don't mention it, sir.
It's all in a day's work.
Sergeant Roche?
Did you check the business
over Steven Grlscz's insurance number?
Yeah. They just misspelled it.
Not really surprising, is it?
Ought to be against the law not
to have any vowels in your name.
So this woman's been in labor now,
for what, 27 hours.
She's had enough. She's had it
up to here. She wants to go home.
I didn't order shellfish.
- The midwife calls out, "Be positive!"
- Send it back.
Nothing ventured,
nothing gained.
The midwife goes up
to her and she says,
"Miss Fitzpatrick,
it's your blood.
It's B-positive."
Try it like this.
So tell me about
how you met Anne.
Drawing her picture.
It's so romantic.
Or was it just a clever routine?
It was just a clever routine.
Anne was trying to tell us what you did
for a living, but she wasn't very clear.
I'm a medical researcher.
I solve problems for companies.
Let's not talk medicine. I get enough
of that when I'm with Martin.
Tell me about your name, Steven. I've
never heard anything quite like it.
Tell me about your name, Steven. I've
never heard anything quite like it.
It's Bulgarian.
Grlscz. My God!
I'd have never known how to pronounce
that if I'd only seen it written down.
So the shortages are so bad over there,
you even have to queue for vowels.
If you have an "A" in your name, you have to
be prepared to sleep with the chief of police.
If you're not going
to eat that, Anne, I'll have it.
You don't have to come with me.
I do this journey
all the time on my own.
- I can't let you go home alone.
- Yes, you can.
You take a nice photo.
Pity I can't let you
have a copy, but I need it.
- I like to keep a record.
- Okay.
Fuck off. I'm a police officer.
Thinking of leaving us?
Me friend here
doesn't like policemen.
I tell him they do
a very difficult job,
protecting members of the public
from people like us.
I blame violent videos meself.
You see, Officer,
if someone is
a menace to society,
there's no reasoning with them.
Is there?
Excuse me? Can I help you?
Don't think so.
- Is he your boyfriend?
- He's been following me for two days.
Really? Why would a pinhead
be followin' you?
Police think I've murdered someone.
- Did you?
- He thinks so.
If we do him, he won't be
following anyone for quite a while.
Do you want to know something?
You're all in a lot of trouble.
They'll send someone else.
They're very persistent, the police,
especially with people who kill them.
And you'll have to kill him,
won't you?
It hardly seems worth it, particularly
as you'll have to kill me too.
What makes you think I won't?
You're not stupid.
We've hit him once already.
He's gonna come looking for us anyway.
No, he won't.
If he says you attacked him,
I'll swear
he attacked you first.
Now you know my name,
and you know where I live.
Fuck it. We got the fuckin' money.
Let's fuckin' do them anyway!
Now fuck this!
This is fucking bullshit!
- Fuck!
- Don't mind him.
His social worker says
he can't help it.
Constable Cuntface there
is all yours.
You're a lucky man.
But you know that already.
Look! It's got
a little man on it.
- The cross.
- Let's just go.
No, no. Thanks.
I'm grateful. And for...
I remembered tonight why I don't
use the underground very much.
- Brings me bad luck.
- Yeah, I know what you mean.
My trouble is
I can never get a taxi.
Dishonest face?
I'll let you know.
I was talking about my face.
Yeah, so was I.
Why was the...
Why was your cross so important?
It was a gift from my wife.
I'm... I'm a Catholic.
Well, I'm becoming one.
Converting, you know.
Thank you for helping me.
Next time you're following me,
you can buy me a drink.
It's Grlscz.
I'm sure it is.
I'd like you to take the vehicle
everywhere he might have stopped...
on his way to the coast.
Someone might
remember something.
Whoever he is,
maybe his luck is running out.
Here you are. Just press on.
Your apron, Mr. Grlscz.
Look me in the eyes.
You all right?
That was it. Well done.
That wasn't so bad.
- What are they?
- Crystals...
from human kidneys and bladders.
I'm doing some research for
the Welcome Foundation...
into how extreme
emotional states...
can cause the body
to form crystals like those.
So, you could say
that this is rage,
this resentment,
malice, fury, spite,
and that big one there,
bad temper.
Yeah. I've heard they're
incredibly painful,
you know, when they come out.
Very. So I'm told.
Shall we go, then?
What happened to your finger?
This? I cut this
saving a puppy from drowning.
Three of me boys
are on remand, O'Grady,
thanks to your inspector friend.
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
- Mrs. O'Grady.
- They're not having any of my money.
A modern woman.
She has nothing to do with this.
Let her go.
I'll let you go.
All you have to do
is give me your wife.
Give her to me,
and then you...
can walk away.
I'm gonna take her, in any case.
Off you go, over there.
I once knew this doctor,
a neurologist.
And he told me that we
don't have one brain.
We have three.
One that is human,
built over another
that is mammalian,
built over yet another
that's reptilian.
when a psychiatrist asks you
to lie down on the couch,
you're being asked
to lie down with a horse...
and with a crocodile.
Go to sleep.
I'm not tired.
All right. You stay awake.
I'll go to sleep.
Don't look.
Have you ever stolen anything?
I stole this watch.
- You're a shoplifter.
- When I was 14.
If you're thinking of
giving yourself up, I'll wait for you.
I wanted it so badly.
I coveted it for two weeks,
and then I went into the shop...
and asked for some flints
for my father's lighter.
When the owner's back
was turned,
I just picked it up
and put it in my pocket.
The thing is, I had the money.
To this day, I couldn't tell you why
I wanted it so badly...
I could feel it
in the pit of my stomach.
Or why I couldn't bear
to pay for it.
Tell me, was that the horse
or the crocodile?
Why did you keep it?
To remind me of my shame.
You were very...
You were very kind
to that little girl.
Thank you for saving me.
So what else can you do?
It's all downhill
from now on, I'm afraid.
- Maybe one thing.
- And what would that be?
It's better that I
keep it in reserve...
for when your interest in me
starts to flag.
I want to know.
I used to charge my school friends
six pence to watch me do this.
I don't have six pence.
Stay there.
Who is this that comes like a pillar
of smoke out of the wilderness,
perfumed with myrrh
and frankincense?
The joints of thy thighs
are like jewels,
the work of a cunning craftsman.
You read.
"Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet,
and thy mouth is comely,
the smell of thy breath
like apples."
And thy breasts,
two clusters of grapes.
Thou art all fair, my love.
"And there is no flaw in you."
Mini cab?
It's all right, Mr. Grlscz. We're
going your way. I'll drop you off.
He's here.
The witness.
Make sure Mr. Grlscz sees him
before he goes in.
Nice one.
Follow me, Mr. Grlscz.
It's not the easiest job in the world,
you know, working in a toll booth.
On an average week,
we're talking 10,000.
On bank holiday, you could double that.
Twenty thousand easy.
On bank holiday, you could double that.
Twenty thousand easy.
What do you know?
Not one with the right change.
Don't worry.
They can't see through the glass.
If you want to take a closer look at
any of them, just call out the number...
and we'll get them
to step forward.
I have to point out to you that the
person you saw may or may not be here.
Can you remove your glasses,
please, sir?
- Number six.
- Are you saying it's number six?
No, I'm saying
I want a closer look.
Step forward, number six.
Tell him to step back again.
Step back, number six.
Number nine.
Step forward, number nine.
- Number six again.
- Step forward, number six.
It was number nine.
- Are you sure?
- Sergeant Roche.
No, I'm not sure.
I see 10,000 people a week.
What do you expect?
You look pretty familiar.
Maybe it was you.
Thank you, gentlemen.
You may step down.
You're not a soft cop.
No, not really.
More... more polite cop.
- Would you like one?
- No, thanks.
Just a few things
I'd like to clear up.
The card... you gave the...
thugs, when you...
Saved your neck.
Why do you have a card
printed in a different name?
I don't.
It was a card someone gave me...
a medical supplier,
Jeremy O'Grady.
It could have led to a nasty surprise
for Mr. O'Grady.
I suppose I wasn't thinking
about all the consequences.
I suppose not.
On second thoughts.
Yeah, yeah.
I could have let them
finish you off.
Difficult, isn't it?
Doing the right thing.
May I?
This, your business card,
telephone number...
is ex-directory...
in addition to a listed number
at your home address.
Odd, isn't it?
It's small, but odd.
It's a way of picking up women.
Do you do this often?
Not often.
Once a month, perhaps.
I'd call that often.
So, you give them the card
and wait for them to call.
More or less.
More... or less?
Well, it depends
on the circumstances.
I give them the card and tell them
it's not something I normally do.
- And the number?
- I don't use it for anything else.
- Why?
- So I know who's calling... why they're calling.
Sometimes the phone rings,
and there's just silence.
All I have to say is,
"It's you, isn't it?"
And, of course, it always is.
Seems strange saying it aloud.
- Seems...
- Sinister?
Cheap, I was gonna say.
Would you believe me
if I told you I'd stopped doing it?
- Are you gonna tell me that?
- Yes.
- Why?
- Do I have to answer that?
- Interesting.
- Is it?
I haven't admitted
to anything illegal,
but I've confessed
to behaving badly twice.
I think perhaps you've missed
your vocation in life.
I don't think so.
A priest helps a man to
tell the truth so they can be saved;
A policeman so that
you can get them into trouble.
And... am I in trouble?
You had your passport with you.
Were you going somewhere?
I was opening a bank account.
Well, I'd like to hold
onto it if you don't mind.
I do mind.
I'd like to hold onto it,
all the same.
I'm in here.
- No, stop it.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing's the matter.
- Nothing's the matter?
I don't like you
mauling me all the time.
You're always touching me
like I was some...
I don't want you
grabbing me, okay?
I didn't think I was. I'm sorry.
I won't do it again.
It's been a difficult day.
I'm sorry.
Problems at work.
There's no excuse
for taking it out on you.
Is it all right for Saturday
with Martin and Karen?
- Sorry? Yes.
- Good.
- Actually, can we not do this?
- What?
I can't do it this quickly,
accept apologies when I'm still angry.
You can't say something like that,
and then just say sorry.
Do you see?
Is it a present for me?
I don't think you'd draw me looking quite
so serene if you had it to do again.
So, now you know what I'm really like.
What's to become of me?
I should go.
You don't have to.
I should go.
I'll call you later.
Stupid. I'm stupid.
Or is this
that comes like a pillar of smoke...
out of the wilderness...
perfumed with myrrh
and frankincense?
Thou art all fair, my love.
And there is no flaw in you.
Do you love him?
I don't know
if I understand him,
what's going on inside.
I don't know why I don't.
It's probably me.
- He's hiding something.
- Such as?
I've never been
to his apartment.
He watches people.
And he writes
in little black notebooks.
And he's perfect.
I know.
My mother always used to say...
I was never satisfied.
At 7:20 P.M.
Steven, it's Anne.
Give me a call
when you get home.
Wednesday, 11:11 P.M.
It's Anne.
Are you all right?
It's about...
I'm sorry about what I said.
I love the way you touch me.
Call me.
Anne Levels. Hello.
I'm a species of one, Anne.
A creature.
A crocodile who needs a job,
who needs a bank account,
a place to live...
out on the stake.
You must be born again
in the Spirit.
Do you wish to be baptized
in this faith?
That is my desire.
I baptize you
in the name of the Father...
the Son...
and the Holy Spirit.
In my heart of hearts, I can't
honestly say I'm pleased to see you.
Is there somewhere we can talk?
Doing this job,
you learn that the truth...
is often not very plausible.
Until now,
plausible is all you were.
You were convincing,
but I wasn't convinced.
- And now you are.
- Maria Vaughan tried to kill herself.
Why didn't you tell me
you saved her life?
I never thought of it
as saving her.
I have to inform you,
Mr. Grlscz...
that you are no longer a suspect
in our investigation.
I thought most people would agree
it's not really likely...
that you'd save someone's life
and then kill them.
The fact that I saved Maria's life
doesn't prove anything.
It could prove that,
at heart, you're a good man.
At heart?
You know what your problem is?
No. Tell me.
Good and evil.
Evil... isn't just malice,
murder and rape and massacre.
Before everything,
the devil is the father of lies.
The lies you tell,
the truth you don't tell.
Everything hidden is theft.
Everything reserved
from those we love is fraud.
And there's always something,
isn't there?
I have known members of the public
not to be entirely frank with me, yes.
What everyone wants is...
for evil people to be off somewhere...
insidiously committing
evil deeds.
Then they can be separate
from ordinary men and women...
and destroyed.
But the line that separates
good and evil...
cuts through every human heart.
And who is willing to destroy
a piece of his own heart?
You know that already,
don't you?
This is a trick
from a secret policeman.
- How do you mean?
- Tempting me with security.
Not a bad idea.
A bit subtle for me, I'm afraid.
Are you married?
Tell me about the last time
you lied to your wife.
Then we're even.
Well, we were...
we were having dinner
the other night.
It was our wedding anniversary.
About halfway through the meal, I
drifted off the way that I do, you know.
She brought me back.
"What are you thinking?" she said.
I told her. I'm thinking how...
how nice she looked,
how beautiful she still was.
And this was very pleasant, and we
should do it as often as we used to.
You were lying.
No, I was telling the truth.
But in between thinking how nice she
looked and we should do this more often,
I was... also thinking
of a young woman...
on the other side
of the restaurant.
She was very pretty.
my father used to say.
But what struck me
more than all that was that...
she had the most lovely smile.
Should I have told my wife,
do you think?
Would it have upset her?
So, the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth...
isn't the truth?
Some things
are better left unsaid.
"Thank you" isn't one of them.
Thank you.
What's going on?
Give him some room.
Give him some room.
My God.
Give me a knife.
- Someone give me a knife! Give me a knife!
- What?
- What are you doing?
- I have to open an airway.
- You'll kill him.
- He's going to die, anyway.
Just... Just...
My lips are like a thread of scarlet.
And there is no flaw in you.
So, you're still alive.
I was beginning to think
you were avoiding me.
Were you?
- I've been in hiding.
- From me?
- Why?
- I don't know.
I've been thinking about you.
Good or bad?
Too much.
I want to come and see you.
- Why?
- Because I miss you.
Okay. Let's say
we meet at The Pelican.
No. I want to see
where you live.
If you like.
See you soon. Bye.
This is for you.
So, this is where you hide out.
Don't be afraid.
No. No.
I'll move back... over here.
I'll open the doors.
I'm going to die.
Two weeks, maybe three.
My body's breaking down.
I bleed.
I don't heal anymore.
I need blood.
I need the love that's in your blood.
What you're feeling
about me right now,
in your throat,
in your chest, in your blood.
Like something you can touch.
Remember the crystals?
Rage, resentment,
malice, disappointment,
Emotions are things.
Your blood carries every emotion
it's possible to feel.
I just want to be...
Love is what I feed on,
what I eat.
Each time I take someone, I have to take
all that they feel about me, all grudges.
It makes me ill, this stuff.
If I can find the right woman,
if, if I can get her...
to love me perfectly...
then it will stop.
I think.
Are you telling me
you kill because of this?
One cut from this,
and I'll bleed to death in 20 minutes.
The keys are on the desk.
There's one problem...
about being the way I am.
It doesn't work.
No peace.
No quiet.
What do you do,
what you don't do,
what everyone else does,
why they do it,
what does she do, what does
she like, what doesn't she like.
It all matters, all of it,
all of the time.
I can't even fall asleep
in case I stop.
I even have to
remember to breathe!
- I don't believe you.
- Whether you do or whether you don't,
it doesn't much matter.
I'm gonna die.
And you're going to live.
Because I realized
I would miss you.
I love you.
I'm so tired.
When I was a child,
there was nothing you could do
for people with asthma.
My mother used to lie with me
all through the night...
when I was really bad
and I couldn't breathe.
Hour after hour,
she'd stroke my hair,
watching over me.
I can't see.
Do you smell something?
Pear drops.
Acetone smells of pear drops.
Acetone is what the body
produces when it eats itself.
Why are you staying here?
Do you love me?
I've... run out
of Elastoplasts...
so I'm going to
go to the chemist.
Don't be silly. I'll go.
- You don't look too well.
- Are you sure?
It's getting worse, isn't it?
I'll only be 15 minutes.
I... I know you for what you are.
I don't love you.
It may not be in your heart,
but it's still in your blood.
And now you're sorry?
Whatever my faults...
malice isn't one of them.
When I was a boy,
I fell out of a tree.
But I managed just
to grab a branch.
I hung there
for a long time, terrified.
The silence...
then the pain in my arms...
and the blood pounding
in my ears.
And then, I fell.
I don't remember...
what happened
when I hit the ground.
All I can remember now...
is the agony of holding on...
and the wonderful feeling...
of letting go.
When I was a boy,
I went into the woods alone
to climb the tallest tree.
Almost at the top,
I slipped and fell,
but managed... just...
to grab a branch.
It was a long drop.
I hung there
till my head began to burst...
and my arms began to feel...
like they were being torn
from my body.
I can feel it now...
the blood pounding in my ears,
the terrible pain...
and the dread of falling.
Thought I'd seen it all before.
She must have been doin' 100, 120...
when she hit the ramp
back there.
Support it around the wheel arch.
I can't see anyone in the car.
Must be dead.
What else would we do?
She must have been out
of her mind driving like that.
What did he say?
Dave, would you just
undo that wire for me?
Watch it.
Though there were no witnesses
to the accident,
the police have informed
the coroner's court...
that Sarah Duncan's car
must have been traveling...
in excess of 80 miles an hour
at the moment of impact.
In the opinion
of the police doctor,
death would have
been instantaneous.
My conclusion, therefore,
in the case of Sarah Duncan,
is one of accidental death.
Finally, I would like to offer the court's
condolences to Miss Duncan's family...
and to her fianc,
Mr. Steven Grlscz.
How are you?
I didn't ask for your help.
It's you, isn't it?
You don't have to
hold the thumb up there all the time.
- Please use a pencil.
- It's not as good.
All right.
Concentrate on me then.
Look in my eyes.
Bet you can't do this.
What's the occasion?
It's a secret.
- Do you trust me?
- Of course not.
Close your eyes.
Do you trust me, Maria?
I don't know.
What are you going to do?
How'd you do that?
Why can't you do as you're told
and close your eyes?
Open your eyes.
- Have you got the right change?
- No, sorry.
- I need the right change.
- Sorry.
- That's all I've got.
- Don't you have anything smaller?
No, if I did have,
I'd give it to you.
Keep it.
Excuse me. Sorry, it's mine.
I'm always losing the damn thing.
Look, were you...
Some people told me
you were drawing me in the gallery.
- Yes, I was.
- Can I see it?
Don't you mean,
"Can I see it again"?
- They're...
- Beautiful?
- No, I don't mean that.
- So you're not impressed?
No, I don't mean that either.
It's just that
I don't look this good.
The schoolchildren said
they looked exactly like you.
I don't think
that I'm beautiful.
They didn't say
you were beautiful.
They said they thought the pictures
were exactly like you.
Keep them.
I couldn't.
Would you...
- Would you consider having dinner with me?
- Why?
Okay. How 'bout Wednesday,
8:30, the Pelican?
Across the street.
I'll be there.
My number.
It's pronounced "Growlsh."
Anne Levels.
Why were you taking photographs
upstairs, Anne Levels?
It was for work.
I'm a structural engineer.
See you on Wednesday.
There was a grim
discovery in the English Channel...
early this morning...
after a trawler fishing ten miles
off the Suffolk coast...
pulled up the body of a young woman
in its nets.
The body has been identified
as that of Maria Vaughan,
who was reported missing
nearly five weeks ago.
The police,
who have launched a murder inquiry,
has said that if the Spanish-owned
vessel had not been using illegal nets,
the body would never
have been found.
Good afternoon, Mr. Grlscz.
We're investigating
the murder of Maria Vaughan.
Thank you for contacting us.
We understand that you were having
a relationship with Miss Vaughan.
- Yes.
- Can I ask why you didn't report her missing?
Last time I saw her,
we had an argument.
That must have been
quite a row...
if you've made no attempt
to see her since then.
- What was it about?
- She wanted to get married.
To you or someone else?
To me.
Was it a violent argument?
Was it a heated argument?
It wasn't just that I
didn't want to marry her.
You see, I didn't want to
continue the relationship at all.
Why was that, sir?
Maria was a very troubled,
passionate individual.
She was a very angry woman.
Unhappy, jealous.
Did she have a reason
to be jealous?
Now, your...
your previous girlfriend
died in a car accident...
last October.
Two mysterious deaths. That's quite
a coincidence, wouldn't you say?
Do you know where Miss Vaughan
went during these absences?
- And she still wanted to marry you?
- Yeah.
Do you have anything,
anything at all?
It's very early, sir. We're still trying
to put some kind of picture together.
We'd just like to check
a few dates with you...
so you can tell us if there's anyone
we should talk to.
- Of course.
- One thing, though.
If you wouldn't mind
clearing it up,
we couldn't find
any social security records.
Your name didn't
bring up a number.
Could you give it to us, please?
So you tracked me down.
Is this why you canceled dinner?
Concrete. It's a new,
waterproof kind.
The drying temperature
is critical.
- If you want the job done properly...
- Looks like a lot of work.
Have you noticed with Chinese
restaurants how, the better the food,
the more bad-tempered
the waiters?
So much for my efforts
to impress you.
I should have asked them
to give me a spoon. Look at you.
My grandfather used
to tell me a story about chopsticks.
One night Confucius dreamt that he was
taken to visit the damned in hell.
He was very surprised to see that hell
was a beautiful banqueting room...
with the damned
sitting around the table,
groaning under the weight of the most
delicious food he had ever seen.
They were allowed to eat anything they
liked, but they had to use chopsticks,
and the chopsticks
were five foot long.
The damned were starving,
staring in agony
at the uneaten food before them,
knowing that even with all eternity
in which to solve the problem,
it could not be done.
And then Confucius
is taken to heaven.
And heaven is an identical
banqueting hall...
full of delicious food.
The people around the tables
are happy and well-fed,
but they, too,
must obey the same rule.
The food can only be eaten with
chopsticks that are five foot long.
The food can only be eaten with
chopsticks that are five foot long.
Only in heaven,
they're feeding each other.
Hold them a little higher.
You'll get more control.
Story of my life. I'm always trying
to run before I can walk.
Anne Levels was here.
Anne Levels was here.
You have to look at it
this way, Mr. Grlscz.
Our brains are very old.
From a neurologist's point of view,
no one is entirely human.
At some level,
everyone has four legs.
At a level below that,
everyone has sharp teeth.
You sure it was a Nissan Serena?
I told you,
my son-in-law's got one.
Bloody expensive
for what they are...
glorified transit van,
if you ask me.
Clever, though.
- Sir?
- Good place to get rid of the body.
The quicksands there'll
suck a man down...
in less than 20 minutes.
Unless the riptides get you.
They'll dump a body ten miles out.
That's about as much
as I can do.
Old sports cars
are all very well,
but basically,
the engine's clapped out.
If you want to sell it before
you leave on yet another leg...
of your world tour
of building sites,
you'll have to spend
at least 2,000.
- I did warn you when you bought it.
- I know.
Some people don't like their friends
to say "I told you so,"
but it's a quality in you
I've always admired.
So, when did you start
picking up men on the streets?
I didn't pick him up.
Let's face it. When it comes to men,
your judgment's suspect.
It must be.
I went out with you, didn't I?
You don't know anything
about him.
I know as much as you're likely
to find out after three weeks.
Anyway, I like a man
with a bit of mystery about him.
Thank you.
Something about me?
An idea for work. If I don't
write it down straight away...
They're beautiful.
- Why are they so small?
- They're ornamental.
18th century.
It's a tradition to give them
to babies when they're born.
They're silver.
In China, they're usually given to the
first grandchild, which happened to be me.
It means that the baby
will always be fed,
always be safe.
My grandfather bought them
in Shanghai from some old swindler...
who claimed they changed color if they
touched food that was poisoned.
I think of them
as my lucky charm.
You're full of strange little stories
and sayings, aren't you?
I get that from my mother.
Even the slightest failure
to behave like a young lady,
and I'd get some story
about what happened to little girls...
who didn't make up their beds
or who came home late for tea.
So I don't judge a book by its cover,
I never look before I leap,
I know that some things
are better left unsaid...
and that worrying
is the devil's favorite pastime.
I've never heard
that one before.
About the devil?
I'd be sitting in the corner boiling
about something, and out it would come.
You look lovely.
By the way, shouldn't it be,
"I always look before I leap"?
- What did I say?
- Never.
Well, it turns out Captain Birdseye
has his head screwed on.
There's only two car loan companies
in London that rent Nissan diesels.
The first one I called, bingo. They
fingered him for me straight away.
Whoever hired it was using a fake I.D. 'cause
they tried to contact him about a fine.
Guess what.
Our killer was in a hurry.
I want this area blown up
as quick as possible.
Congratulations, Sergeant Roche.
That is as fine a piece of detective
work as I've seen in a long while.
Don't mention it, sir.
It's all in a day's work.
Sergeant Roche?
Did you check the business
over Steven Grlscz's insurance number?
Yeah. They just misspelled it.
Not really surprising, is it?
Ought to be against the law not
to have any vowels in your name.
So this woman's been in labor now,
for what, 27 hours.
She's had enough. She's had it
up to here. She wants to go home.
I didn't order shellfish.
- The midwife calls out, "Be positive!"
- Send it back.
Nothing ventured,
nothing gained.
The midwife goes up
to her and she says,
"Miss Fitzpatrick,
it's your blood.
It's B-positive."
Try it like this.
So tell me about
how you met Anne.
Drawing her picture.
It's so romantic.
Or was it just a clever routine?
It was just a clever routine.
Anne was trying to tell us what you did
for a living, but she wasn't very clear.
I'm a medical researcher.
I solve problems for companies.
Let's not talk medicine. I get enough
of that when I'm with Martin.
Tell me about your name, Steven. I've
never heard anything quite like it.
Tell me about your name, Steven. I've
never heard anything quite like it.
It's Bulgarian.
Grlscz. My God!
I'd have never known how to pronounce
that if I'd only seen it written down.
So the shortages are so bad over there,
you even have to queue for vowels.
If you have an "A" in your name, you have to
be prepared to sleep with the chief of police.
If you're not going
to eat that, Anne, I'll have it.
You don't have to come with me.
I do this journey
all the time on my own.
- I can't let you go home alone.
- Yes, you can.
You take a nice photo.
Pity I can't let you
have a copy, but I need it.
- I like to keep a record.
- Okay.
Fuck off. I'm a police officer.
Thinking of leaving us?
Me friend here
doesn't like policemen.
I tell him they do
a very difficult job,
protecting members of the public
from people like us.
I blame violent videos meself.
You see, Officer,
if someone is
a menace to society,
there's no reasoning with them.
Is there?
Excuse me? Can I help you?
Don't think so.
- Is he your boyfriend?
- He's been following me for two days.
Really? Why would a pinhead
be followin' you?
Police think I've murdered someone.
- Did you?
- He thinks so.
If we do him, he won't be
following anyone for quite a while.
Do you want to know something?
You're all in a lot of trouble.
They'll send someone else.
They're very persistent, the police,
especially with people who kill them.
And you'll have to kill him,
won't you?
It hardly seems worth it, particularly
as you'll have to kill me too.
What makes you think I won't?
You're not stupid.
We've hit him once already.
He's gonna come looking for us anyway.
No, he won't.
If he says you attacked him,
I'll swear
he attacked you first.
Now you know my name,
and you know where I live.
Fuck it. We got the fuckin' money.
Let's fuckin' do them anyway!
Now fuck this!
This is fucking bullshit!
- Fuck!
- Don't mind him.
His social worker says
he can't help it.
Constable Cuntface there
is all yours.
You're a lucky man.
But you know that already.
Look! It's got
a little man on it.
- The cross.
- Let's just go.
No, no. Thanks.
I'm grateful. And for...
I remembered tonight why I don't
use the underground very much.
- Brings me bad luck.
- Yeah, I know what you mean.
My trouble is
I can never get a taxi.
Dishonest face?
I'll let you know.
I was talking about my face.
Yeah, so was I.
Why was the...
Why was your cross so important?
It was a gift from my wife.
I'm... I'm a Catholic.
Well, I'm becoming one.
Converting, you know.
Thank you for helping me.
Next time you're following me,
you can buy me a drink.
It's Grlscz.
I'm sure it is.
I'd like you to take the vehicle
everywhere he might have stopped...
on his way to the coast.
Someone might
remember something.
Whoever he is,
maybe his luck is running out.
Here you are. Just press on.
Your apron, Mr. Grlscz.
Look me in the eyes.
You all right?
That was it. Well done.
That wasn't so bad.
- What are they?
- Crystals...
from human kidneys and bladders.
I'm doing some research for
the Welcome Foundation...
into how extreme
emotional states...
can cause the body
to form crystals like those.
So, you could say
that this is rage,
this resentment,
malice, fury, spite,
and that big one there,
bad temper.
Yeah. I've heard they're
incredibly painful,
you know, when they come out.
Very. So I'm told.
Shall we go, then?
What happened to your finger?
This? I cut this
saving a puppy from drowning.
Three of me boys
are on remand, O'Grady,
thanks to your inspector friend.
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
- Mrs. O'Grady.
- They're not having any of my money.
A modern woman.
She has nothing to do with this.
Let her go.
I'll let you go.
All you have to do
is give me your wife.
Give her to me,
and then you...
can walk away.
I'm gonna take her, in any case.
Off you go, over there.
I once knew this doctor,
a neurologist.
And he told me that we
don't have one brain.
We have three.
One that is human,
built over another
that is mammalian,
built over yet another
that's reptilian.
when a psychiatrist asks you
to lie down on the couch,
you're being asked
to lie down with a horse...
and with a crocodile.
Go to sleep.
I'm not tired.
All right. You stay awake.
I'll go to sleep.
Don't look.
Have you ever stolen anything?
I stole this watch.
- You're a shoplifter.
- When I was 14.
If you're thinking of
giving yourself up, I'll wait for you.
I wanted it so badly.
I coveted it for two weeks,
and then I went into the shop...
and asked for some flints
for my father's lighter.
When the owner's back
was turned,
I just picked it up
and put it in my pocket.
The thing is, I had the money.
To this day, I couldn't tell you why
I wanted it so badly...
I could feel it
in the pit of my stomach.
Or why I couldn't bear
to pay for it.
Tell me, was that the horse
or the crocodile?
Why did you keep it?
To remind me of my shame.
You were very...
You were very kind
to that little girl.
Thank you for saving me.
So what else can you do?
It's all downhill
from now on, I'm afraid.
- Maybe one thing.
- And what would that be?
It's better that I
keep it in reserve...
for when your interest in me
starts to flag.
I want to know.
I used to charge my school friends
six pence to watch me do this.
I don't have six pence.
Stay there.
Who is this that comes like a pillar
of smoke out of the wilderness,
perfumed with myrrh
and frankincense?
The joints of thy thighs
are like jewels,
the work of a cunning craftsman.
You read.
"Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet,
and thy mouth is comely,
the smell of thy breath
like apples."
And thy breasts,
two clusters of grapes.
Thou art all fair, my love.
"And there is no flaw in you."
Mini cab?
It's all right, Mr. Grlscz. We're
going your way. I'll drop you off.
He's here.
The witness.
Make sure Mr. Grlscz sees him
before he goes in.
Nice one.
Follow me, Mr. Grlscz.
It's not the easiest job in the world,
you know, working in a toll booth.
On an average week,
we're talking 10,000.
On bank holiday, you could double that.
Twenty thousand easy.
On bank holiday, you could double that.
Twenty thousand easy.
What do you know?
Not one with the right change.
Don't worry.
They can't see through the glass.
If you want to take a closer look at
any of them, just call out the number...
and we'll get them
to step forward.
I have to point out to you that the
person you saw may or may not be here.
Can you remove your glasses,
please, sir?
- Number six.
- Are you saying it's number six?
No, I'm saying
I want a closer look.
Step forward, number six.
Tell him to step back again.
Step back, number six.
Number nine.
Step forward, number nine.
- Number six again.
- Step forward, number six.
It was number nine.
- Are you sure?
- Sergeant Roche.
No, I'm not sure.
I see 10,000 people a week.
What do you expect?
You look pretty familiar.
Maybe it was you.
Thank you, gentlemen.
You may step down.
You're not a soft cop.
No, not really.
More... more polite cop.
- Would you like one?
- No, thanks.
Just a few things
I'd like to clear up.
The card... you gave the...
thugs, when you...
Saved your neck.
Why do you have a card
printed in a different name?
I don't.
It was a card someone gave me...
a medical supplier,
Jeremy O'Grady.
It could have led to a nasty surprise
for Mr. O'Grady.
I suppose I wasn't thinking
about all the consequences.
I suppose not.
On second thoughts.
Yeah, yeah.
I could have let them
finish you off.
Difficult, isn't it?
Doing the right thing.
May I?
This, your business card,
telephone number...
is ex-directory...
in addition to a listed number
at your home address.
Odd, isn't it?
It's small, but odd.
It's a way of picking up women.
Do you do this often?
Not often.
Once a month, perhaps.
I'd call that often.
So, you give them the card
and wait for them to call.
More or less.
More... or less?
Well, it depends
on the circumstances.
I give them the card and tell them
it's not something I normally do.
- And the number?
- I don't use it for anything else.
- Why?
- So I know who's calling... why they're calling.
Sometimes the phone rings,
and there's just silence.
All I have to say is,
"It's you, isn't it?"
And, of course, it always is.
Seems strange saying it aloud.
- Seems...
- Sinister?
Cheap, I was gonna say.
Would you believe me
if I told you I'd stopped doing it?
- Are you gonna tell me that?
- Yes.
- Why?
- Do I have to answer that?
- Interesting.
- Is it?
I haven't admitted
to anything illegal,
but I've confessed
to behaving badly twice.
I think perhaps you've missed
your vocation in life.
I don't think so.
A priest helps a man to
tell the truth so they can be saved;
A policeman so that
you can get them into trouble.
And... am I in trouble?
You had your passport with you.
Were you going somewhere?
I was opening a bank account.
Well, I'd like to hold
onto it if you don't mind.
I do mind.
I'd like to hold onto it,
all the same.
I'm in here.
- No, stop it.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing's the matter.
- Nothing's the matter?
I don't like you
mauling me all the time.
You're always touching me
like I was some...
I don't want you
grabbing me, okay?
I didn't think I was. I'm sorry.
I won't do it again.
It's been a difficult day.
I'm sorry.
Problems at work.
There's no excuse
for taking it out on you.
Is it all right for Saturday
with Martin and Karen?
- Sorry? Yes.
- Good.
- Actually, can we not do this?
- What?
I can't do it this quickly,
accept apologies when I'm still angry.
You can't say something like that,
and then just say sorry.
Do you see?
Is it a present for me?
I don't think you'd draw me looking quite
so serene if you had it to do again.
So, now you know what I'm really like.
What's to become of me?
I should go.
You don't have to.
I should go.
I'll call you later.
Stupid. I'm stupid.
Or is this
that comes like a pillar of smoke...
out of the wilderness...
perfumed with myrrh
and frankincense?
Thou art all fair, my love.
And there is no flaw in you.
Do you love him?
I don't know
if I understand him,
what's going on inside.
I don't know why I don't.
It's probably me.
- He's hiding something.
- Such as?
I've never been
to his apartment.
He watches people.
And he writes
in little black notebooks.
And he's perfect.
I know.
My mother always used to say...
I was never satisfied.
At 7:20 P.M.
Steven, it's Anne.
Give me a call
when you get home.
Wednesday, 11:11 P.M.
It's Anne.
Are you all right?
It's about...
I'm sorry about what I said.
I love the way you touch me.
Call me.
Anne Levels. Hello.
I'm a species of one, Anne.
A creature.
A crocodile who needs a job,
who needs a bank account,
a place to live...
out on the stake.
You must be born again
in the Spirit.
Do you wish to be baptized
in this faith?
That is my desire.
I baptize you
in the name of the Father...
the Son...
and the Holy Spirit.
In my heart of hearts, I can't
honestly say I'm pleased to see you.
Is there somewhere we can talk?
Doing this job,
you learn that the truth...
is often not very plausible.
Until now,
plausible is all you were.
You were convincing,
but I wasn't convinced.
- And now you are.
- Maria Vaughan tried to kill herself.
Why didn't you tell me
you saved her life?
I never thought of it
as saving her.
I have to inform you,
Mr. Grlscz...
that you are no longer a suspect
in our investigation.
I thought most people would agree
it's not really likely...
that you'd save someone's life
and then kill them.
The fact that I saved Maria's life
doesn't prove anything.
It could prove that,
at heart, you're a good man.
At heart?
You know what your problem is?
No. Tell me.
Good and evil.
Evil... isn't just malice,
murder and rape and massacre.
Before everything,
the devil is the father of lies.
The lies you tell,
the truth you don't tell.
Everything hidden is theft.
Everything reserved
from those we love is fraud.
And there's always something,
isn't there?
I have known members of the public
not to be entirely frank with me, yes.
What everyone wants is...
for evil people to be off somewhere...
insidiously committing
evil deeds.
Then they can be separate
from ordinary men and women...
and destroyed.
But the line that separates
good and evil...
cuts through every human heart.
And who is willing to destroy
a piece of his own heart?
You know that already,
don't you?
This is a trick
from a secret policeman.
- How do you mean?
- Tempting me with security.
Not a bad idea.
A bit subtle for me, I'm afraid.
Are you married?
Tell me about the last time
you lied to your wife.
Then we're even.
Well, we were...
we were having dinner
the other night.
It was our wedding anniversary.
About halfway through the meal, I
drifted off the way that I do, you know.
She brought me back.
"What are you thinking?" she said.
I told her. I'm thinking how...
how nice she looked,
how beautiful she still was.
And this was very pleasant, and we
should do it as often as we used to.
You were lying.
No, I was telling the truth.
But in between thinking how nice she
looked and we should do this more often,
I was... also thinking
of a young woman...
on the other side
of the restaurant.
She was very pretty.
my father used to say.
But what struck me
more than all that was that...
she had the most lovely smile.
Should I have told my wife,
do you think?
Would it have upset her?
So, the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth...
isn't the truth?
Some things
are better left unsaid.
"Thank you" isn't one of them.
Thank you.
What's going on?
Give him some room.
Give him some room.
My God.
Give me a knife.
- Someone give me a knife! Give me a knife!
- What?
- What are you doing?
- I have to open an airway.
- You'll kill him.
- He's going to die, anyway.
Just... Just...
My lips are like a thread of scarlet.
And there is no flaw in you.
So, you're still alive.
I was beginning to think
you were avoiding me.
Were you?
- I've been in hiding.
- From me?
- Why?
- I don't know.
I've been thinking about you.
Good or bad?
Too much.
I want to come and see you.
- Why?
- Because I miss you.
Okay. Let's say
we meet at The Pelican.
No. I want to see
where you live.
If you like.
See you soon. Bye.
This is for you.
So, this is where you hide out.
Don't be afraid.
No. No.
I'll move back... over here.
I'll open the doors.
I'm going to die.
Two weeks, maybe three.
My body's breaking down.
I bleed.
I don't heal anymore.
I need blood.
I need the love that's in your blood.
What you're feeling
about me right now,
in your throat,
in your chest, in your blood.
Like something you can touch.
Remember the crystals?
Rage, resentment,
malice, disappointment,
Emotions are things.
Your blood carries every emotion
it's possible to feel.
I just want to be...
Love is what I feed on,
what I eat.
Each time I take someone, I have to take
all that they feel about me, all grudges.
It makes me ill, this stuff.
If I can find the right woman,
if, if I can get her...
to love me perfectly...
then it will stop.
I think.
Are you telling me
you kill because of this?
One cut from this,
and I'll bleed to death in 20 minutes.
The keys are on the desk.
There's one problem...
about being the way I am.
It doesn't work.
No peace.
No quiet.
What do you do,
what you don't do,
what everyone else does,
why they do it,
what does she do, what does
she like, what doesn't she like.
It all matters, all of it,
all of the time.
I can't even fall asleep
in case I stop.
I even have to
remember to breathe!
- I don't believe you.
- Whether you do or whether you don't,
it doesn't much matter.
I'm gonna die.
And you're going to live.
Because I realized
I would miss you.
I love you.
I'm so tired.
When I was a child,
there was nothing you could do
for people with asthma.
My mother used to lie with me
all through the night...
when I was really bad
and I couldn't breathe.
Hour after hour,
she'd stroke my hair,
watching over me.
I can't see.
Do you smell something?
Pear drops.
Acetone smells of pear drops.
Acetone is what the body
produces when it eats itself.
Why are you staying here?
Do you love me?
I've... run out
of Elastoplasts...
so I'm going to
go to the chemist.
Don't be silly. I'll go.
- You don't look too well.
- Are you sure?
It's getting worse, isn't it?
I'll only be 15 minutes.
I... I know you for what you are.
I don't love you.
It may not be in your heart,
but it's still in your blood.
And now you're sorry?
Whatever my faults...
malice isn't one of them.
When I was a boy,
I fell out of a tree.
But I managed just
to grab a branch.
I hung there
for a long time, terrified.
The silence...
then the pain in my arms...
and the blood pounding
in my ears.
And then, I fell.
I don't remember...
what happened
when I hit the ground.
All I can remember now...
is the agony of holding on...
and the wonderful feeling...
of letting go.