In the Line of Duty IV (1989) Movie Script

I'll go and see what's up
Your information was very valuable
I don't want you taking
any more risks
Don't worry, I'll be fine
Hurry up
What are you doing?
I've just come off the boat
Help me, please
What are you doing?
Who is she?
She's a friend. She's just visiting
You're supposed to be working
Sorry, I'll send her away now
Come on
I only live just up there
You're the first girl who's ever picked me up
What do you mean?
Nothing. Just looking for pity. Is that all right?
Come up
Make yourself at home. Have a drink
That's my mom. She lives in Hong Kong
Here, take this
What do you think I am?
I don't know who you are
But I was an illegal immigrant
and I worked hard for seven years
I just got my ID card today
If you've just arrived,
take this money and find your relatives
I don't need any problems
I just need to rest a while. Is that OK?
Sorry, I haven't got the time.
I have to go back to work
Can I use your bathroom at least?
You are troublesome. It's downstairs out the back
I can go myself
Hurry. I've got money to earn
White Cat calling Black Cat. Over
The mice are in the war house
I'm in pursuit. How are you? Over
There's a suspicious-looking mouse
watching me. Over
Try and shake him. Over
I know what to do
I'll meet up with you soon. Over
Game over, in actual fact
You're not a very nice person, using me like that
You'd better go now. I don't need any trouble
Move it!
Move it!
Luk, help!
Luk, please save me or they'll kill me
What's up, guys?
Let's talk,
there's no need for violence
Are you going to pay his debt?
How much did you borrow?
With interest that's $20,000
I've told you to stop gambling
You never listen!
I've worked hard for my money
What am I to do?!
I have no money! Just kill him!
- Don't move!
- Release him!
Put down that gun. Do it!
Do it.
Kill him!
Don't hit me!
Here, use this!
Pretty cool!
Not that cool
- Are you OK?
- I'm fine
You're too much for us. Let's go!
You'll need this to pay the debt. I'm off
It's Miss Yeung
Luk, who is that girl?
Forget about her, you look after yourself
OK, I won't gamble any more
If you can't stop gambling,
there's no future for us
We might as well give up
Where are you going?
You can rest here a while
I'll ask Uncle Lung for help
You're no good at tailing people
- Sir
- Thank you
Excuse me a moment,
my friend's arrived
Hi, Donnie
Michael, how are you?
I'll go back to the station with you
once we've finished breakfast
Are you on duty?
Yes, I'm following that guy
OK, I'll leave you to it. Got a light?
Take care out there
- Michael, help me out
- No problem
- Are you OK?
- I'm fine
Where's the guy with the beard?
He's gone, I don't know where
I'll take these guys back to the station
You get on with your work
Brown Cat calling White Cat. Where are you?
Do you read me?
Brown Cat calling White Cat
Let me introduce you
Wilson, this is Wong from Hong Kong
Police! Don't move! Hands up!
Don't move!
We're CIA
We're following this drug trafficker
who's been threatening national security
We've been working on this for two months
Your interference
is spoiling our whole operation
I know you're CIA,
Mr Robinson,
but you're making a drugs deal
Let's clear this up at the station
No problem
Get me the negatives!
Boss, he's gone and he's taken the negatives
We must find him!
What's the matter?
Take this negative to the police
Drop the gun!
Don't move!
I just saw somebody being killed. I didn't do it!
I didn't kill anyone. I was just defending myself
I didn't kill anyone. I was just defending myself
- Where are the others?
- What others?
Those drug dealers!
I don't do drugs, was just passing
Stop acting dumb!
Did you take the negative?
No, he gave it to me
I'll ask you again,
where is the negative?
I don't know. I lost it
You're lying!
I'll get it out of you yet
Hand over the negative now!
I don't know anything
Oh, yeah?
I've told you a thousand times, I was just passing
Stop lying! You know everything!
Give me the negative now!
I told you, I don't have it
Give it to me!
Stop hitting me or I'll fight back!
Give me the negative!
- You off, then?
- Yeah
It's only me. Take it easy
Here, eat
When can I leave?
The next ship to Hong Kong leaves at nine tonight
I've booked a place for you
Here, give them this half dollar bill
Plus three thousand dollars and the cabin is yours
You borrowed money again?
I just exchanged my ID card for money
Take it
Are you crazy?
I worked hard for years to get that card
Get it back
I'll get it when I have the money
The money is here. Take it or die
OK. If I don't die, I'll give it back to you
Don't talk nonsense,
I'll die before you
America is a hard place to make money
You'll be better off in Hong Kong
Maybe you'll be rich! Don't forget me then
You're right
America doesn't suit me
Perhaps Hong Kong is the place for me
The TV doesn't work
The antenna is broken
You'll be bored. I'll fix it
Can you manage?
I can fix a broken TV no problem
My problem is fixing you
It's working
Don't shoot
Where is Luk?
Luk? I don't know any Luk
Who is that?
That's me
Who is that, then?
Here, money
I'll kill you if you don't talk
Go ahead, I'm not talking
Come on, Ming, run! Run! Hurry!
- Hurry, get out of here!
- Run!
Ming! Ming! Open the door!
Open up! Open the door!
Open the door, Ming!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Go! One death is better than two
You can't die! Open the door! Let me in! Hurry up!
Miss Yeung...
You'd better stay here
Don't come up because if anything happens
I'll get the blame
Damn you! You want to hit me?
Go on, then, and I'll blow you away!
Let's see you beat my gun
Stop running!
Up yours!
What are you doing?
You care about him too much
He's just a suspect.
You could have killed an innocent man
You could have killed an innocent man
You know you let a criminal go free?
Happy now?
Come in
This is Inspector Yeung from Hong Kong
This is Captain Wong's case
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
I've handed this case over to Captain Wong
Fill him in
It's been my case from the start
Why give it to him?
Because I have no faith in you
I'm partly to blame for Black Cat's death
I'll follow this case anyway
Let me work with Michael
I don't see a problem with that,
but I think he can handle it himself!
Donnie knows this case inside out
I would really appreciate his help
OK, solve it as soon as possible
Thanks for helping
No problem
Good, you've brought the money
It's not enough
This is all I have. Can you help me?
This card is of no use to you
It will cost you much more than this
I'll do Ming a favour
We are good friends, after all
That's settled
Ming, you've caused me a lot of
trouble and I'm still alive
This time, I caused your death
Stop praying, the boat's about to leave
There's no refund if you miss it
Ming...I'm sorry
I'm leaving now
Michael, we received information
that Luk escaped to Hong Kong...
on a ferry last night
OK, I'll go to Hong Kong to have him extradited
The car's here
Follow me! Hurry!
Group One stays here...
Stay here, our men can handle it
- Mum
- Luk?
Yes, I'm back in Hong Kong
I'll come and see you very soon, Mum
If you get the chance
Do you think you can escape us here?
I've stayed away from you lot
Why can't you leave me alone?
Run! Why don't you run? Run! Run!
Come on
Stop fighting
Miss Yeung, he wants to shut me up for good.
What did you say?
I'm doing my duty
And you point a gun at me
I'm a cop too, bitch!
Stop fighting!
What's the matter, Donnie?
- She point a gun at me!
- What happened?
He hit the suspect
and threw my gun in the sea
He hit me
Why did you point a gun at me?
Leave it, Donnie
Sir, there seems to be some mix-up
OK. Take the suspect for a check-up
We'll discuss this at the station
Get the gun
Miss Yeung, do you really suspect me?
Why did you run off to Hong Kong?
Why did you run away
from the police station in Seattle?
Someone tried to kill me at the station
and my friend Ming is dead
I didn't have a choice.
By running off,
your innocence has turned to guilt
Don't make things worse for yourself
We'll help you
We'll take you back to America
to investigate further
I believe the suspect and hostage
are in the south of the island
I've divided the rest of the area into four parts
for searching
The Special Squad are standing by
The gang are heavily armed
They are well trained
Everyone must be especially alert
Got it?
Yes, Madam
Where is the negative?
Has the cold got your tongue?
Which negative? Fuji or Kodak?
If the cold doesn't kill him, you will
You'll turn to ice if you don't speak
It's not that cold! Just a little cool, really
Is it cool enough for you now?
Where's the negative?
Hold on
How's that? Feel better
You are tough!
It's lucky you didn't tell them
We would have both died
The negative is as important
to them as to the police
Trust me, give it to me
I'll help you prove your innocence
The negative...
Block all the exits
Don't let the fool escape
Yes, sir
we're picking up an SOS
Transfer it to me
Yes, Madam. Transferring now
This is Luk
This is Madam Yeung. Where are you?
I don't know
How are you?
I'm fine now
but I don't know about Michael
We've got him! He's nearby
Stay calm, I'm on my way
I've given them the slip
Time is running out
Tell me where the negative is?
I lost it.
Where did you lose it?
I don't know
But...I saw the man who murdered the American cop
- Would you still recognise him?
- Yes
Even if he was disguised
- Will that help?
- Yes
Inspector Yeung is on her way
I've fixed the radio
Hey! This is Luk. Can you hear me?
Inspector Yeung! Inspector Yeung!
Can you hear me? Hello! Hello!
Don't move!
- Captain Wong, are you all right?
- Yes, yes
Are you all right, Captain Wong?
I'm fine, Madam Yeung
I don't want any more trouble
This case has gone on long enough
I want him extradited tomorrow
- OK
- Thanks
Don't move or you'll get it
I can never come back if I'm taken to America.
What do you mean come back?
Miss Yeung, have a heart,
let me see my mother
Just five minutes
Four minutes!
Three minutes will do
Sit down. This isn't a marketplace. No bargaining
None of your business
It'll get madam into trouble
No, it won't
Just drive past her house
Let me just see her,
then I can die in peace
I'm begging you, Miss Yeung
You really want her to know about this?
Why upset your mother
and make this awkward for me?
Shut up! Be a man. Stop crying
I haven't done anything
Why does everyone keep hitting me?
This is Inspector Yeung
I'm taking the suspect to pick up
some important evidence. Over
You two stay here
Yes, Madam
I don't want my mother to see this
Thank you very much. Thank you
- Hey...
- Why did you bring him here?
How is my partner?
He's all right
Luk fixed the radio...
and saved Michael
Is that true?
I'll go with you
as soon as I've seen my mother
She's in the kitchen
Hurry up and take these off
What's all this noise?
Mum, how are you?
- Fine and you?
- Fine
I missed you
I missed you too
I missed you too
You two are... Who is this young lady?
- Miss Yeung is a friend of mine
- That's right
This son of mine
hiding his girlfriend from me like that
You worked so hard for the money
that you've sent me
I haven't spent any of it
I've saved it all for your wedding
Only $3,500!
It's plenty
For a small wedding for poor people like us,
it's fine.
I've waited a long time for this day
Oh, excuse me, I haven't served your tea, Mr Yen
Yen came back with Luk
He took very good care of Luk
- Thanks.
- Have some candy dumplings
- Miss Yeung, have some
- Thanks
It's sweet and long lasting. Go on, try one
Don't you like it, Miss Yeung?
It's quite good
Here, let me serve you
Mum's candy dumplings are the best
So romantic and you're not even married yet
Here, this ring is a gift for Miss Yeung
Oh, so careless!
Are you OK?
I'm all right
Give me your hand. I'll put the ring on
- I couldn't, really
- You must
It can be your engagement ring from Luk
Come on, give me your hand
It must go on your left hand
Come on, give me your left hand
Come on
What are you doing?
Doesn't Miss Yeung like it?
She is very shy. Let me help you
Luk, it's time to go.
Wait a minute. Let me look at your hands
- What's going on?
- Mum, I...
Why are you handcuffed?
I am a policeman from America
What has my son done wrong?
Your son hasn't done anything wrong
Yeung is taking him to see her parents,
but he is shy
so they are locked together
It's not handcuffs, it's a love knot
We American police enjoy playing these games
Let's go, Luk.
Mum, I won't be back tonight
Take care of yourself. Don't worry about me
Come back soon if everything is OK
I will, Mum. Take care
Please talk to my mother tomorrow and
tell her I'm going back to the US
Take him to hospital, I'll distract them
What will you do?
Hurry up, he's had it. Come on, then.
Come on
Have you contacted his mother?
I didn't want her any more upset
But she has the right to know
We can't be responsible for her emotional state
You know what, Yeung? You are too sentimental
Luk is lying there because of it
I'm beginning to doubt your ability
Well, you are a first-class cop,
but you are too impulsive
He's a suspect.
Why did you have to treat him so badly?
Luk's life is in your hands as well, you know
I too am beginning to doubt you
Guilty or not, it's the judge who decides
My job is to arrest people
I have a different method to yours
The law takes emotion into account
A suspect is innocent
until proven guilty
If they make a reasonable request, I'll allow it
Have you no compassion?
You have no right to criticise me
I'm not criticising,
I just don't like you acting so cool
First they kidnapped Luk,
now they want to kill him
What do you think?
Have they already got the negative?
- Sir
- Madam Yeung
Why did you take the suspect home
without permission?
How did he get hurt?
You could be disciplined
for delaying the extradition
Sir, she took the suspect home
because I requested it
The suspect said vital evidence was missing
To save time,
we decided to investigate immediately
Captain Wong,
did she not keep you informed?
She didn't,
but it seems time was short
Then I don't think Captain Wong
has any more to say
Madam Yeung, write me a report
Both of you are responsible
for his life
Don't worry, sir
Luk is over the worst
When he awakes we'll take a statement
Things become complicated
when your subordinates are too smart
Thanks for bailing me out
I'm cool. Don't mention it
- Why don't we...
- I've got to run,
Your goods and our money were all
destroyed by that policewoman
If you want revenge, I'll get you the opportunity
What does this tattoo stand for?
It's a US Navy Special Forces emblem
It's the Black Fox symbol, troop 3
According to the Pentagon,
on October 26, 1979, the whole troop
fought in the Nicaraguan Civil War
They were all killed in action
last month in America,
there was another suspect involved in this case
who also had the same tattoo
You've come all the way from the US to Kill Luk
There must be a large organization behind you
So what if there is?
Tell me the truth!
Donnie! Calm down!
Do you really want to kill him?
I only asked you to take his confession,
not to kill him
I didn't hit him that hard. He won't die
The Hong Kong police filed
a complaint for excessive violence
so I'm sending you back to Seattle
I think this case is becoming more
and more complicated
It will be fine. Don't worry
We'll celebrate once this is all over
See you in Seattle
Forget the case
Take this, you can read it on the plane
You've done your best
Miss Yeung, I trust you...
but you don't trust me
You didn't even tell me you were sending Luk away
I did that for Luk's own safety
I transferred him to a safe house
Don't misunderstand me,
I'll inform you of everything from now on
OK, here's to our future relationship!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Michael, do you need a ride?
No, my car is over there, thanks
OK, then
The assassin escaped downstairs
- After him!
- Yes, Madam
- Is Luk all right?
- He's fine
Madam, I need to freshen up
What's going on?
It's me!
How are you doing?
I feel sleepy
- Here, drink this
- Thanks
Why didn't you go back to America?
I felt the suspect
I interrogated died suspiciously
Who do you suspect?
Captain Wong, your good partner.
I also suspect him.
I'm beginning to like you, lady!
You don't suspect Michael
because you like him
As you said, a cop shouldn't
get emotionally involved
You always act cool,
yet you allow relationships to cloud your judgment
Yes, I do have feelings
but I'll arrest anyone who breaks the law
Why would I come back otherwise?
You think I like you nagging me?
You stupid...
Stupid bitch. Stupid woman, right?
Sorry, I shouldn't have said that
Hey, foul-mouth!
We're a fine pair.
I didn't know I was so sentimental
I do hope it's not Michael
I trust you
It hurts
Am I dead?
You can't be, you're still feeling pain
If I haven't died yet, the sight
of you will surely scare me to death
You haven't done anything,
why would you be scared?
Of course I haven't,
but you're still following me like a crazed dog
And I don't know what your game is
We were attacked in the hospital
He saved you
Then I should thank you for saving my life
start from the beginning
and tell us the whole story
Bring Luk in, or you'll face charges
I can't risk his death,
my hands are tied
I understand,
but I can't protect you forever
Madam Yeung,
let Wong take Luk back to America
That's an order
Yes, sir
Madam, we're all ready
Good, let's get started
Yes, Madam
Madam Yeung, why are we all here?
Luk may resist arrest
so I brought backup
Bing, tell them to work faster
We must move the stuff tonight. The buyers need it
Don't worry
Police! Freeze!
Police! Freeze!
You lied to me!
Don't struggle!
Save me. Save me
Don't let go
Madam Yeung didn't give the suspect
to Captain Wong
She even had the drug dealers try to kill him
You covered up for your men and disobeyed an order
What kind of discipline is this?
You will arrest Yeung at once!
Yes, Sir
Is this it?
Bigger nose, thicker eyebrows
What about now?
That's him! That's him!
This is the drug dealer I saw!
I'd recognise his face anywhere
You're afraid. Can't you beat him?
I can still fight!
Don't move!
Shoot me
Shoot me! Go on, pull the trigger!
Where is he?
Tell me, or I'll kill you!
Madam, there's a warrant out for your arrest
OK, I'll go with you
I'm sorry, madam
I'm sorry too
Luk recognised Black Cat's killer
from the magazine you gave me
It's councilor Robinson
He's also CIA
Who'd have thought that you'd learn
so much from your snooping?
One more thing
I suspect someone from our department
is breaking the law
So I came to you
What do you want to do?
The CIA involvement means
it concerns national security
It's your call
Good. You're a real friend
Yes, I'm also CIA. I would like you to join us
You want me to sell drugs?
We only sell drugs to raise money to
support Latin American rebel forces
so that our country's power is strengthened
Those drugs will kill hundreds
That's a small sacrifice
Then Luk will definitely die
He's a victim of circumstance
He's unlucky this time
You can't blame me
I don't like sacrificing others
for my own interests
You make your own choices, I won't force you
This is how that CIA agent died
Kill him and get the tape back!
Hey! Watch where you're going!
The suspect fell down there.
- That's him! Arrest him!
- Arrest him!
Yes, Sir
What are you doing here? Let's go
Stop right there!
- Hurry!
- Right!
Sir, anything?
The driver forgot to lock up
No wonder petty crime is so bad
Search everywhere
Yes, Sir
I'll help you once, but not twice
Take care of yourselves
All for nothing
- Where are you going?
- To save her
You'd only be risking your own life
She's my mother,
I must try to save her even if I die
Call Michael
We can trade this tape for your mother
Did you bring the tape?
I've got it!
Where's my mother?
Hand over the tape firs
Tapes aren't admissible as evidence
Eyewitness accounts are what matter
Now you're all going to die
so there's no more evidence
That tape is a bomb
Don't move! Let's see who's faster!
Unload your gun, then throw it away
Release my mother or I'll blow you away!
Behave, don't break anything
You bastard!
I told you to behave
Why don't you just give up?
Not until you're dead
I'll get Luk's mother
Come on, then. Come on
Pretty good
Mum! Don't be scared.
Move and I'll shoot!
Put it down
or I'll push the button and we'll all die!
I said put it down!
Do you hear me? Put down the gun!