It's Alive (1974) Movie Script
What's the matter,
is he kicking again?
No, it's time.
- You always make me feel so...
- Oh.
- You're awful.
- Okay.
Alright, let's get ready, huh?
Oh, honey? You'd better go
wake up Chris.
Come on, I got your number.
Come on, attaboy.
Oh, Dad, what time is it?
You know what time it
is, it's time to get up.
I have to drop you off
at Charley's house, you know.
You'll have to go
to school from there.
Well, I wonder why.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Oh, is Mom having the baby?
Oh, yes, that's a trick she does
rather well every 11 years.
I guess so.
Why don't you get dressed?
And don't forget
your books, huh?
.0 kay-
- Dad?
- Yeah?
Can anything happen to her?
I saw on TV in a movie once,
well, where the mother died.
Well, you know something?
Things like that happened
a long time ago.
They just don't happen
that way anymore.
- She had you, didn't she?
- Yeah.
Yeah, look at the
size of you, you big ox.
Okay, now.
Here you go.
- Let's get ready, attaboy.
- Okay.
Why can't I go with you
and Dad to the hospital?
We'd love to have you there,
but the doctors simply don't
allow little boys in hospitals.
Well if I have my tonsils
out again I can go there.
You'd be there for a week,
and we'd be home in three days.
You young whippersnappers,
you're not like the old team,
out with old Mr.
Dunston out in the plains
and the prairie,
driving those cattle,
getting their tonsils out
in the middle of the
night with no doctors.
Oh boy, you're not a
chip off the old block.
They're scouts.
Well, maybe Charley won't
like having me around.
Charley won't like
having you around?
Charley only sees his own boys
two Sundays a month,
and he loves kids.
You young whippersnapper,
kiss your mother goodbye.
Listen, uh, we'll both
give you a call
as soon as we find out whether
you've got a baby sister
or a baby brother, okay?
I don't care what it is
as long as you're okay,
and you give me
one of the puppies.
- Honey, your book, your book.
- Oh.
Bye, Charley.
- Okay Lenore. good luck to you.
- Okay.
Call me Frank, call me.
Well pal, let's go and
whip up some French toast, huh?
I'm having my baby.
Nurse, know what they call them?
In Ireland,
my mother used to call them,
the wee cuddies
and the wee cubs.
The wee cuddies
and the wee cubs,
I mean, where can you get that?
The wee cuddies
and the wee cubs.
Boy, I hope
I have one like that.
Sir, would you please
come to the labor room now?
It's time to go back
to the labor room.
- The labor room?
- Yes.
- Okay.
- This way.
How did you know about
the wee cuddies
and the wee cubs?
Oh, I learned about them
a long time ago.
You learned about them,
do you speak Gaelic?
- Are you Irish?
- Yes, no, Scottish.
You're Scottish, well
then, do speak Gaelic?
I do speak Gaelic.
You do speak Gaelic.
- This way, please.
- An Irish and a Gaelic.
An Irish and a Scottish lass.
Irish and Scottish lass.
Hang on to my hand, honey.
Oh honey, I'm not very brave.
This little guy's gonna kill me.
Well maybe I'll get a doctor.
No, no.
He's just different
than Chris, that's all.
I tried to talk to the doctor,
and make him understand.
I just couldn't make
him understand, honey.
It seems like it's different.
I think you'd better
get the nurse, honey.
Nurse, nurse, hurry up, please.
I think you'd better
go into the waiting room.
Just a minute, please.
I love you.
Oh, I'm glad, I'm glad
we decided to have the baby.
Aren't you, sweetheart?
We both want it, don't
worry about a thing.
It's not going to...
it's not going to tie you
down, is it, sweetheart?
Are you gonna feel trapped
like you did last time?
Calm down, take a deep breath.
- I can't!
- Take a deep breath.
Relax, take a deep breath.
Listen, you got something
to stir the coffee with?
Yeah, here, here, use that.
I've been using it for
the past three hours.
After a while,
you get used to the taste
of lead in your coffee.
There is an
overabundance of lead
in all the things
we eat nowadays.
We're slowly but surely
poisoning ourselves,
you know that?
Fine world to bring
a kid into, fellows.
I can cite examples.
Look, you don't
have to lecture us.
Just take a look out of the
window, look at that smog.
What difference does it make
if we breathe it or eat it?
Maybe we'll learn
to adapt to it.
I'm an exterminator.
We service the Beverly
Hills-Westwood area.
Here, here's my card.
I'm not trying to drum
up business or anything.
The point is,
the point is that years back
we developed this spray
to kill roaches and
other household pests.
Well, all we ended up doing
was creating a
new breed of roaches.
Is that right?
Bigger, stronger,
and harder to kill.
Listen, you want to play poker?
Five card draw?
Come on, might as well.
Let's clear some of this
stuff away and get going.
I just hope my wife isn't gonna
have any trouble, you know?
She did the last baby
in 45 minutes.
- No kidding?
- That's a fact.
I thought they said the
second one came faster.
You got nothing
to complain about.
My wife's been in labor
for six hours.
Son of a bitch of a
thing stole my 50 cents.
Here's your 50 cents.
- No
- Go on, really.
Here's 50 cents.
Go on, sit down.
Read a magazine or something.
You know what's the biggest
problem in Beverly Hills?
Yeah. Snails and slugs.
They can wipe out a lawn
in just a few weeks.
Folks feel sorry for them.
They're not like
your usual pest, you know?
Folks just hate to see
all them snails
laying on their lawns, dead.
Snails and slugs and bugs.
Any of you guys in
a happier profession?
I think we've got a
really effective anesthetic.
We'll check you before
we really do anything.
You know, I heard--
You're doing just great,
just relax.
It's really been
different than Chris.
You've done your
share, we'll do ours now.
She's fully dilated, the
head's on the perineum.
Something's wrong, I
know something's wrong.
Doctor: It's nothing
really wrong, honey.
It's just a very,
very big baby.
It's gonna be fine,
but I need your help.
I know something's wrong.
Doctor: How big
was your last baby?
How big was your
last baby did you say?
Seven pounds, four ounces.
I told you that this baby
was different than Chris.
This baby is just gigantic.
It's probably 10, 10 and a
half, maybe even 11 pounds.
It's got a gigantic head.
But she's got a big pelvis
and she's got
plenty of relaxation.
- L'm trying to cooperate!
- Okay.
All right, all right.
Relax, relax.
This is just immense.
Now, we're just putting forceps
on the baby's head.
Just breathe deep.
Don't push, just pant.
Now we're just
easing the baby out.
I know, but it's--
Doctor: All right.
Now we just cut you.
You didn't feel that, did you?
- No.
- Okay, fine.
Now, the baby'll be out
in just about 30 seconds.
Davis, Davis, wait!
What does my baby look like?
What's wrong with my baby?
Mr. Davis, out of here!
Where's the baby?
Where's the baby?
The umbilical cord's been
severed, but not surgically.
It looks like the thing's
been chewed off.
Where's the baby?
Get off of me!
Get your hands off!
- Lenore!
- Come on, let's go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let go of me!
Everything's going
to be all right.
My wife isn't!
Tell me my baby's not dead.
Don't touch me.
Don't you touch me.
They've stolen my baby.
I don't want my baby to be dead.
Tell me my baby
isn't dead, please.
I assure you, Mrs. Davis,
your baby is very much alive.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
We located a broken
skylight on the third floor.
Blood and excess tissue
on the roof.
Lieutenant, what's it look like to you?
Something small.
Doctor: She's coming
out of sedation now.
Lenore, can you
hear me, darling?
Somebody might have
abducted our baby,
and I'm holding
this hospital responsible.
That hole in the
skylight isn't large enough
for a full-sized human being.
There's no other way out
of that delivery room.
The doctor's correct.
Let's not have a discussion
about it, shall we Lieutenant?
I've asked your husband
to submit to some tests.
And I've refused.
You've never been exposed
to radioactivity
and radioactive material,
or undergone extensive x-rays?
No, Doctor, I told you.
Doctor: Well, we can't
rule out genetic damage.
I noticed that you did inquire
about abortion eight months ago.
Doesn't everybody
inquire about it nowadays?
It's just a question
of convenience,
and we decided to have the baby.
We all make mistakes.
I apologize for that crack.
Let me talk to you outside,
come on.
You're not afraid of me,
are you?
I've always been afraid of you,
especially those eyes.
I wanted a boy so badly.
I think he was probably
very frightened,
even though he's different.
l just...
I think he was probably afraid
they were going to hurt him.
He's not ugly.
Darling, you're
so exhausted, sweetheart.
You don't know
what you're saying.
I'm going to check up
on those two.
I don't trust them.
I mean,
can you imagine?
Can you imagine those
guys, trying to blame us?
We are the parents, sweetheart.
I'll be right back.
Doctor Norton has decided
your wife can go home.
First thing in the morning.
Of course, you realize
it's in everyone's interest
to keep this quiet
for the time being,
at least until we can find out
what's become of the infant.
You have heard, uh,
no word about it?
I don't see how it
could survive the night
without clothing
and nourishment.
Of course, like any animal,
it's maybe--
It's not--
it's not an animal, Doctor.
You know that very well.
Well, whatever it is, uh,
you can't classify it
as an animal.
It's a human, Doctor.
And that's what's
disgusting to you, isn't it?
It kills like an animal.
And when we find it,
we're gonna have to
destroy it like one.
I don't care.
I suppose you have
to do what's necessary.
I'm glad you feel that way.
I only hope your wife
understands as well.
What's there to understand?
Better not to think about it.
Wanna say good night
to your wife,
and, uh, maybe I'll drive
you home, huh?
No, thanks.
Okay darling,
I'll see you in the morning.
Stay on duty.
Announcer: Police still
offer no explanation
for the series of five deaths
which occurred early today
at the Saint George Medical
Center in Santa Monica.
Officers are still working on
a round-the-clock schedule.
Informed sources at the hospital
allege the deaths resulted
from attacks by an infant born
only today in a mutated form,
but officials declined comment.
This station has acquired
exclusive information
naming Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Davis of West Los Angeles
as the parents
of the infant in question.
The whereabouts of the
newborn child are not known.
They named us.
The bastards, they named us.
Barbara, Babara would you
come here for a minute, please?
Yes, sir?
Barbara, I have to pick up my
wife at the hospital tonight,
so can you reschedule
that Sturbridge dinner
for tomorrow evening?
I think that Mr. Clayton
wants to talk to you.
And about the Marcus affair,
I think we can
have those cocktails
at 6:30 at the Hilton tomorrow.
I know he wants
to approve the campaign
by the end of the week.
I think you'd better
see Mr. Clayton now.
I'll be right back.
Well well, come on in.
All right, Bob.
You must be exhausted,
you eaten anything?
Get Frank a couple of
poached eggs
on an English muffin with
a side of Canadian bacon,
and a tall glass of
freshly-squeezed orange juice.
That should do the trick.
I don't want you
collapsing on me here.
Look, Frank, don't let it
get you down.
These things happen.
At least, that's what they say.
Who's "they"?
I spoke to the hospital.
They give you information?
I got connections over there,
you know.
I'm the Vice Chairman of
the fundraising committee.
Hey listen, If there's any
little thing I can do for you--
No, jeez, thanks, Bob.
I'm getting her out of
there myself tonight.
You think that's wise?
Hey, uh, Barbara told me
you want to rap with me.
Yeah, Frank.
Frank, you, uh...
you've accrued
three weeks' vacation.
You think it would be a good
idea if you took it now?
I can't, Bob.
I've got the Marcus account
and the Sturbridge campaign.
I'm just bogged down in work.
Besides, I need to work, Bob,
it keeps my mind off things.
But Frank, we're running a
public relations business here.
Our job is creating an image.
Right now, um,
you're a little controversial.
Our clients want their
PR men to be anonymous.
Maybe after a little while,
when you're less of a celebrity.
You're not taking those
accounts away from me, are you?
I mean, not now.
At the last minute?
These things happen, Frank.
Look, you know O'Connors
down in Accounting?
He's got a retarded kid,
insists on keeping him
in the house, too.
Nobody thinks a thing of
that, nobody blames him.
We're not-- we're not
talking about a retarded kid,
and you know it.
We're talking about a
monstrosity of some kind.
Yeah, well... maybe we'd
better not talk about that, huh?
I wouldn't wish this
on my worst enemy.
It's just that I... I don't
know what to do, Bob,
how to behave.
And they're,
putting microphones in my face.
They're asking me questions
I don't understand.
What you need is
a good public relations firm
to handle all of that for you.
That's-- that's very funny.
Bob, uh,
this is all going to
be all right, isn't it,
when whatever this
thing is is dead, right?
Maybe it already is.
Look, Frank, why don't you go
down the service elevator?
You won't have to meet
all those media people, huh?
Take care.
Uh... have them
empty out his desk,
send his personal articles
to his house.
He won't be coming back.
Mr. Davis,
what did it look like?
Leave me alone.
I got nothing to say.
Get those cameras
out of my face, please.
I got no comment, I had
nothing to do with this.
Will you get that goddamn
thing out of my face?
Get out of the way!
I don't know
what it looked like.
Never mind my baby.
Leave my wife out of
it, you understand me?
Aren't we almost home?
We'll be there in a few minutes.
I feel better already getting
out of that terrible place.
I don't have to take any more
of those shots, do I?
I don't like taking shots.
I don't... I don't like
being made to go to sleep.
I engaged nurses
in three shifts.
Lenore: I'm surprised anybody
would even want to work for us.
Well, Doctor Norton
took care of it.
Oh, good.
And I'm going to be there
all the time.
- What about--
- Yeah, I told the office
that I just have to have
those three weeks' vacation
they owe me.
What about that, uh,
that Marcus account?
That was... that was
very important to you.
You're more important.
What about Chris,
have you told him?
Does he know anything?
I spoke to Charley.
He kept him home from school.
He hasn't told him anything.
Sooner or later, he'll
switch on the television.
There's only so long you
can keep a secret like that.
Dad, why can't I go
to school, or go out,
or have any of my friends over?
Chris, I can't
tell you now, son.
You'll just have to trust me.
You trust me, don't you, son?
Sure, Dad.
You have to spend all your
time with Charley this week.
You wouldn't mind that.
Chris, hey Chris, hey buddy,
you don't
want to hurt his feelings.
I like Charley, but I want
to see Mom and the baby.
The baby's not home yet.
ls it sick?
Yeah, that's right son,
the, uh, the baby's sick.
And everything here is a mess.
So, uh, it'd be much better if
you stay where you are.
Will you tell Charley to
let me watch television?
Okay, put him on.
Oh, okay.
Okay, Frank, look we'll
take care of everything.
Hey, I had an idea.
What if I take Chris up to
the lake, do some fishing?
Okay Charley, thank you.
Oh, and, uh,
give my love to Lenore.
Thanks, Charley.
Hunting and killing babies
doesn't seem to be my specialty.
So what do you want, a transfer?
My wife's in her
eighth month and,
ever since I started on this,
she hasn't been
getting any rest.
Me being so involved
really brings it home.
Besides, I guess you know
we lost our last baby.
Look, you're lucky you don't
have grown kids nowadays.
People without children don't
realize how lucky they are.
It'll make you feel much better.
Did you see it, Mrs. Davis?
Surely you must have
gotten one glimpse.
They say it has teeth and
claws, did you know that?
How should I know that?
Were you aware that
it killed another person
just last night?
A musician over on
Santa Monica Boulevard.
He was on his way home from
work about two in the morning,
and, uh, that was the last
anybody saw of him.
They found him in an alley.
Well, they... they
can't be sure that it was--
There's no doubt about it.
The wounds are the same as the
doctor and nurses suffered.
Well, what do you
want me to say?
Just say anything you feel.
What's under that napkin?
There's nothing there.
A recorder! A tape recorder!
I'm a nurse,
you can tell me anything.
Who are you working for?
I really am a registered nurse,
and I--
I write a little on the side.
Lenore: She's taking
interviews on a tape recorder.
Get out.
We just... we just have
to get rid of everybody.
Let's not have
any more nurses, honey.
All right.
We'll let them all go.
Should have known better,
than to trust anybody.
Man". Actually, already
in excess of $100,000
has been allocated
by the university
for examination
of this phenomenon.
We have some of the
leading men in the field.
And it is hoped that this
might lead to a breakthrough,
to a better understanding
of why mutations occur.
You want to experiment
on it, is that it?
As a matter of fact,
my department
has already cautioned the
police about excessive violence.
If it could be dispatched
with a bullet,
or better still,
some kind of a gas.
Undoubtedly, it is very small
and any kind of bodily harm,
especially from
gunshots or explosives--
In other words, you want me
to sign away the body,
is that it?
Well, it's your right,
after all,
you are the child's father.
It's not my child.
That's very wise,
to disassociate yourself
Just sign each copy, please.
- Pen?
- Give him a pen.
You know it seems that
out of every tragedy,
out of every evil,
some good can come, if
we only apply ourselves.
Frank: I suppose that's gonna
be in all the medical journals,
the history books? Huh?
The Davis child.
The Davis monster.
It's like Frankenstein.
In my opinion,
this will be remembered
long after each
of us is forgotten.
When I was a kid,
I always thought
the monster was Frankenstein.
You know, Karloff walking around
in these big shoes, grunting.
I thought he was Frankenstein.
Then I went to high school
and I read the book,
and I realized that
Frankenstein was the... who created him.
Somehow, the identities...
...get all mixed up,
don't they?
One must not allow oneself
to be impressed
by escapist fiction.
You forgot one.
Lenore: Frank, darling?
Hi, darling.
Mrs. Davis, I don't suppose
you took the pills I gave you?
You really should, you know.
Maybe it's all the
pills I've been taking
over the years
that brought this on.
You really shouldn't
be downstairs.
Maybe you'd both
like to have dinner with us?
I have some wonderful lamb
chops in the refrigerator.
No, I'm afraid not.
Honey, why don't you
go down to the basement
and-- and get a bottle of that,
uh, that nice Beaujolais?
Won't that go nicely
with the lamb chops?
We have quite
an extensive wine cellar.
It's one of Frank's
many hobbies.
My husband's a many-faceted man.
I'll show these gentlemen
to the door.
I'll get that wine.
Oh, great, great,
That basement's filthy.
How long has she been
taking birth control pills
before this pregnancy?
Thirty-one months.
You realize of course
that I came from the East
specifically for this matter?
I realize that
it is a police problem,
but once the thing is killed,
it becomes a medical problem.
Now, you are in charge of
that department, no doubt?
Yes, I suppose so.
Nobody knows how
this thing happened.
It-- it's really
a matter of speculation,
and I think perhaps
that's for the best.
After all, if we find out
that the cause is medication
that we manufacture,
and it was administered
over a long period of time,
it'd be bad for you
and even worse for us.
We're susceptible, you know,
to lawsuits.
People will think
the government hadn't
tested and approved
of those products
that we put out on the market.
What do
your interests recommend?
Absolute destruction
of this thing.
But we've already
signed over the remains
to the university.
But if there was
nothing left of it, you know,
we would be
most grateful to you.
Oh, uh...
you have, uh, had a
very successful career
until this freak incident, hmm?
You know,
it could work out for the best.
We have an opening
on the board of our
research and
development department.
Now, we wouldn't want people to
lose faith in us, would we?
Doctor Norton, please.
Uh, no, Doctor Norton's
stepped out for a moment.
May I take a message please?
Man". Tell him they've
cornered the infant
at the Hawthorne School
in West Los Angeles.
That's just a few
blocks from here.
Man: Ask the doctor to
get over there if he can.
Thank you.
I have to go out.
All right.
You don't mind staying alone?
I'll keep everything warm.
Wait a minute, I'm Frank Davis,
I want to see
Lieutenant Perkins.
All right, take him.
Officer: Wonder what's
the matter with him.
Screwed-up genes or something.
Wait here.
Davis, how the hell did
you find out about this?
There was a phone
call for Doctor Norton.
L-- I took the message.
My son, Chris,
goes to school here.
I've been here a million
times, PTA meetings.
Your kid goes here?
Sure, that's right,
he's in the sixth grade.
That's... probably
just a coincidence.
Look, Perkins, I want
this thing destroyed
as much as anybody else.
- I realize that.
- Yeah, you realize.
Then why is everybody
looking at me?
Like it's my own flesh
and blood or something.
Well, it's not, you understand?
It's no relation to me!
Nobody is looking at you.
Say, uh, you have
my deepest sympathy,
you and your wife.
Is it all right if
your driver drops me off
a block from my home?
I don't want my wife to see me.
You don't want her to know you
were-- you were here tonight?
I don't think she'd know
how to take it.
I don't know, maybe I
didn't do the right thing.
I was just trying
to show everybody
that I-- I feel
the same way they do.
I mean, I'm no different
from anybody else.
We know that.
I got a boy, 11 years old.
He's perfectly healthy,
he's brilliant in school.
Mr. Davis, you don't have to
keep telling us that,
we realize that.
Look, I'm, uh,
I got to go back on duty.
Take him wherever
he wants to go.
Perkins: Davis said his kid
went to this school.
Now why, in all of Los Angeles,
would it happen to show up here?
Maybe it's looking for somebody.
I'd like us to
all get together again
and be a family.
You know I'm trying, I'm
really trying very hard, Frank.
I can see that.
Wouldn't it be a great
idea to bring Chris home?
He's better off where he is.
Lenore, did you go out?
Lenore, for Christ's sakes, answer me.
Oh, are you feeling better?
Where the hell have you been?
-I've been straightening--
-l've been calling you.
Been all over the
house, straightening up.
You weren't downstairs,
and you didn't
hear me calling you?
Honey, there's a good
movie on tonight,
it's with Paul Newman.
I gotta get something in my stomach.
Excuse me.
Chris come back here today?
I said, has Chris been
back here today?
I don't know.
Why do you say that?
You wouldn't lie to me?
Darling, I-- I know you wanted
Chris to come back,
but I specifically told you.
Chris, are you hiding someplace?
Don't fool around now.
I wish somebody would respect
my feelings around here.
Why are you watching that stuff?
I thought you wanted
to watch a movie.
Who are you calling?
Don't call anybody.
Please don't call anybody!
Who are you calling?
How's Chris?
I've had a hell of a
time keeping him away
from the newscasts
and the daily papers.
But the teacher sent over
some schoolwork,
so he's been keeping busy.
You mean you've been
with him all the time, then?
What are you talking about?
We just got back
from that fishing trip.
He hasn't been out of
my sight for a minute.
Look, you want to talk to him?
No, I don't want to talk to him.
Hi Dad, when can I come home?
Chris, did you
come back here today?
Is the baby home
from the hospital yet?
Did I do anything wrong?
Hey, how about something to eat?
Nah, I'm not hungry,
I want to go to bed.
I'm sorry Charley,
I'm not mad at you.
That's okay, kid.
Honey, I want you
to make love to me.
I want you to
hold me and love me.
You know, there are other ways.
Come on, sweetheart.
There's no ice in there.
I'll get the ice,
wait a minute, sweetheart.
I'll get the ice.
Wait, I'll get the ice.
Oh, my God.
What were you doing
down in the basement?
You know.
What're you gonna do?
What're you doing?
Why are you so anxious
to be the one to do it?
Who is it, Mom?
Frank, Frank wait, wait.
Frank, Frank, he could
have killed you
when you were
upstairs sleeping!
He could have killed you.
You know why he didn't?
You know why he didn't kill you?
He knows you're his father,
he knows.
No, you're crazy.
He knows, he does.
He knows you're his father.
Don't worry.
Don't be scared.
I'll protect you.
It's a boy, you know?
It's a boy.
I'll protect you.
Chris, look out.
I hit it, I'm sure I hit it.
Charley, look out Charley!
Come on, get down!
Did you see it?
Did you see,
what does it look like?
It's no relation to us, Chris.
It can't be.
See what your baby
did to Charley.
What did you do?
The hospital, you tell him about
the doctors in the hospital!
Lenore, take my son upstairs.
Your dad was trying to
suffocate your little brother.
He just wants to--
You should have called us
as soon as you began to suspect
it was somewhere near the house.
It's lost a lot of blood.
And it's my opinion
that our troubles
are very nearly over.
So shall we go?
I wanna leave some men here,
in case it decides to
double back to the house.
I would...
I would like to go with you.
Haven't you done enough already?
Not yet.
You have to be the
one to do it, don't you?
Have you seen it?
Got a real good look at it?
It was too dark.
It wouldn't matter.
I could do it.
You may have done it already,
if it doesn't stop bleeding.
Will you excuse us
for a moment, please?
Now wait a second,
we just can't take--
Look, I advise you
to let him come along.
After all, it found
its way home by itself.
And it may be that it will
search out its father,
especially now when he
put a bullet in it.
What have we got to lose?
One more life.
You know how to use a gun?
B99 YOU!' pardon?
Do you know how to use a rifle?
We'll issue you one,
for your own protection.
Announcer: The shots
that wounded the infant
were fired not by the
police, but by its father.
Public relations executive,
Franklin Patrick Davis,
who currently is accompanying
police on the manhunt.
Perkins: That's it.
That's how it can travel
the length of the city
without anybody seeing it.
two six and three four
six three five, six eight oh,
are now completely
closed off by our units.
Hold positions and stand by.
Let me have that.
Davis, you stay right here.
Here, take this.
Let's go. You stay here.
It's back there somewhere.
The damn fools must
have walked right by it,
now I want that thing.
Where's Davis?
I don't know where
the hell he is.
He was supposed to stay here.
Stay right there,
we'll come get you!
Officer: Frank?
Frank Davis?
Man: I'm seeing you to the Los
Angeles River inlet as ordered.
I know.
I know it hurts.
I know that,
but everything's
going to be all right.
See, I was, uh,
where's my, uh...
I-- I was scared, like you are.
No no, no no, you mustn't cry,
because if you cry, they'll--
they'll hear you
and they'll come.
Shhh, it's all right,
it's gonna be all right.
It's gonna be all right.
Shhh. It's okay, okay.
Davis, come on out!
Come on out, Davis.
Where are you?
ls that you?
Man on radio:
Davis has been seen
moving through the tunnel,
in possession of the infant.
Keep her here.
Can you hear me, Frank?
It can't be saved,
it's got to die!
Just-- just drop it and get
the hell away from it!
Do you hear me, Frank?
Frank, can you hear me?
All right, just stop there.
Stop right there!
It can't hurt anybody!
Lock-- lock it up.
Study it, but
let it live, please.
Put down your weapons.
It's wounded.
It can't hurt anybody.
Just drop it, just drop it.
Just take it easy and drop it.
Back away, back away.
Frank: Hey look, if you fellows
shoot, you're gonna shoot me.
Now put the weapons
down, look it's harmless.
Take it easy.
That son of a bitch dies
here and now!
Drop it and stand aside, Davis.
In one second,
whether you're
holding it or not,
I'm gonna put
a bullet through it.
Hold your fire, now don't shoot.
Kill it, Lieutenant. Kill it.
Kill it, kill it now!
Stop firing, stop firing,
stop firing!
Yeah, I'm bringing him home.
Officer on radio:
Lieutenant Perkins,
call for you
on the private line.
I understand.
Another one has been
born in Seattle.
What's the matter,
is he kicking again?
No, it's time.
- You always make me feel so...
- Oh.
- You're awful.
- Okay.
Alright, let's get ready, huh?
Oh, honey? You'd better go
wake up Chris.
Come on, I got your number.
Come on, attaboy.
Oh, Dad, what time is it?
You know what time it
is, it's time to get up.
I have to drop you off
at Charley's house, you know.
You'll have to go
to school from there.
Well, I wonder why.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Oh, is Mom having the baby?
Oh, yes, that's a trick she does
rather well every 11 years.
I guess so.
Why don't you get dressed?
And don't forget
your books, huh?
.0 kay-
- Dad?
- Yeah?
Can anything happen to her?
I saw on TV in a movie once,
well, where the mother died.
Well, you know something?
Things like that happened
a long time ago.
They just don't happen
that way anymore.
- She had you, didn't she?
- Yeah.
Yeah, look at the
size of you, you big ox.
Okay, now.
Here you go.
- Let's get ready, attaboy.
- Okay.
Why can't I go with you
and Dad to the hospital?
We'd love to have you there,
but the doctors simply don't
allow little boys in hospitals.
Well if I have my tonsils
out again I can go there.
You'd be there for a week,
and we'd be home in three days.
You young whippersnappers,
you're not like the old team,
out with old Mr.
Dunston out in the plains
and the prairie,
driving those cattle,
getting their tonsils out
in the middle of the
night with no doctors.
Oh boy, you're not a
chip off the old block.
They're scouts.
Well, maybe Charley won't
like having me around.
Charley won't like
having you around?
Charley only sees his own boys
two Sundays a month,
and he loves kids.
You young whippersnapper,
kiss your mother goodbye.
Listen, uh, we'll both
give you a call
as soon as we find out whether
you've got a baby sister
or a baby brother, okay?
I don't care what it is
as long as you're okay,
and you give me
one of the puppies.
- Honey, your book, your book.
- Oh.
Bye, Charley.
- Okay Lenore. good luck to you.
- Okay.
Call me Frank, call me.
Well pal, let's go and
whip up some French toast, huh?
I'm having my baby.
Nurse, know what they call them?
In Ireland,
my mother used to call them,
the wee cuddies
and the wee cubs.
The wee cuddies
and the wee cubs,
I mean, where can you get that?
The wee cuddies
and the wee cubs.
Boy, I hope
I have one like that.
Sir, would you please
come to the labor room now?
It's time to go back
to the labor room.
- The labor room?
- Yes.
- Okay.
- This way.
How did you know about
the wee cuddies
and the wee cubs?
Oh, I learned about them
a long time ago.
You learned about them,
do you speak Gaelic?
- Are you Irish?
- Yes, no, Scottish.
You're Scottish, well
then, do speak Gaelic?
I do speak Gaelic.
You do speak Gaelic.
- This way, please.
- An Irish and a Gaelic.
An Irish and a Scottish lass.
Irish and Scottish lass.
Hang on to my hand, honey.
Oh honey, I'm not very brave.
This little guy's gonna kill me.
Well maybe I'll get a doctor.
No, no.
He's just different
than Chris, that's all.
I tried to talk to the doctor,
and make him understand.
I just couldn't make
him understand, honey.
It seems like it's different.
I think you'd better
get the nurse, honey.
Nurse, nurse, hurry up, please.
I think you'd better
go into the waiting room.
Just a minute, please.
I love you.
Oh, I'm glad, I'm glad
we decided to have the baby.
Aren't you, sweetheart?
We both want it, don't
worry about a thing.
It's not going to...
it's not going to tie you
down, is it, sweetheart?
Are you gonna feel trapped
like you did last time?
Calm down, take a deep breath.
- I can't!
- Take a deep breath.
Relax, take a deep breath.
Listen, you got something
to stir the coffee with?
Yeah, here, here, use that.
I've been using it for
the past three hours.
After a while,
you get used to the taste
of lead in your coffee.
There is an
overabundance of lead
in all the things
we eat nowadays.
We're slowly but surely
poisoning ourselves,
you know that?
Fine world to bring
a kid into, fellows.
I can cite examples.
Look, you don't
have to lecture us.
Just take a look out of the
window, look at that smog.
What difference does it make
if we breathe it or eat it?
Maybe we'll learn
to adapt to it.
I'm an exterminator.
We service the Beverly
Hills-Westwood area.
Here, here's my card.
I'm not trying to drum
up business or anything.
The point is,
the point is that years back
we developed this spray
to kill roaches and
other household pests.
Well, all we ended up doing
was creating a
new breed of roaches.
Is that right?
Bigger, stronger,
and harder to kill.
Listen, you want to play poker?
Five card draw?
Come on, might as well.
Let's clear some of this
stuff away and get going.
I just hope my wife isn't gonna
have any trouble, you know?
She did the last baby
in 45 minutes.
- No kidding?
- That's a fact.
I thought they said the
second one came faster.
You got nothing
to complain about.
My wife's been in labor
for six hours.
Son of a bitch of a
thing stole my 50 cents.
Here's your 50 cents.
- No
- Go on, really.
Here's 50 cents.
Go on, sit down.
Read a magazine or something.
You know what's the biggest
problem in Beverly Hills?
Yeah. Snails and slugs.
They can wipe out a lawn
in just a few weeks.
Folks feel sorry for them.
They're not like
your usual pest, you know?
Folks just hate to see
all them snails
laying on their lawns, dead.
Snails and slugs and bugs.
Any of you guys in
a happier profession?
I think we've got a
really effective anesthetic.
We'll check you before
we really do anything.
You know, I heard--
You're doing just great,
just relax.
It's really been
different than Chris.
You've done your
share, we'll do ours now.
She's fully dilated, the
head's on the perineum.
Something's wrong, I
know something's wrong.
Doctor: It's nothing
really wrong, honey.
It's just a very,
very big baby.
It's gonna be fine,
but I need your help.
I know something's wrong.
Doctor: How big
was your last baby?
How big was your
last baby did you say?
Seven pounds, four ounces.
I told you that this baby
was different than Chris.
This baby is just gigantic.
It's probably 10, 10 and a
half, maybe even 11 pounds.
It's got a gigantic head.
But she's got a big pelvis
and she's got
plenty of relaxation.
- L'm trying to cooperate!
- Okay.
All right, all right.
Relax, relax.
This is just immense.
Now, we're just putting forceps
on the baby's head.
Just breathe deep.
Don't push, just pant.
Now we're just
easing the baby out.
I know, but it's--
Doctor: All right.
Now we just cut you.
You didn't feel that, did you?
- No.
- Okay, fine.
Now, the baby'll be out
in just about 30 seconds.
Davis, Davis, wait!
What does my baby look like?
What's wrong with my baby?
Mr. Davis, out of here!
Where's the baby?
Where's the baby?
The umbilical cord's been
severed, but not surgically.
It looks like the thing's
been chewed off.
Where's the baby?
Get off of me!
Get your hands off!
- Lenore!
- Come on, let's go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let go of me!
Everything's going
to be all right.
My wife isn't!
Tell me my baby's not dead.
Don't touch me.
Don't you touch me.
They've stolen my baby.
I don't want my baby to be dead.
Tell me my baby
isn't dead, please.
I assure you, Mrs. Davis,
your baby is very much alive.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
We located a broken
skylight on the third floor.
Blood and excess tissue
on the roof.
Lieutenant, what's it look like to you?
Something small.
Doctor: She's coming
out of sedation now.
Lenore, can you
hear me, darling?
Somebody might have
abducted our baby,
and I'm holding
this hospital responsible.
That hole in the
skylight isn't large enough
for a full-sized human being.
There's no other way out
of that delivery room.
The doctor's correct.
Let's not have a discussion
about it, shall we Lieutenant?
I've asked your husband
to submit to some tests.
And I've refused.
You've never been exposed
to radioactivity
and radioactive material,
or undergone extensive x-rays?
No, Doctor, I told you.
Doctor: Well, we can't
rule out genetic damage.
I noticed that you did inquire
about abortion eight months ago.
Doesn't everybody
inquire about it nowadays?
It's just a question
of convenience,
and we decided to have the baby.
We all make mistakes.
I apologize for that crack.
Let me talk to you outside,
come on.
You're not afraid of me,
are you?
I've always been afraid of you,
especially those eyes.
I wanted a boy so badly.
I think he was probably
very frightened,
even though he's different.
l just...
I think he was probably afraid
they were going to hurt him.
He's not ugly.
Darling, you're
so exhausted, sweetheart.
You don't know
what you're saying.
I'm going to check up
on those two.
I don't trust them.
I mean,
can you imagine?
Can you imagine those
guys, trying to blame us?
We are the parents, sweetheart.
I'll be right back.
Doctor Norton has decided
your wife can go home.
First thing in the morning.
Of course, you realize
it's in everyone's interest
to keep this quiet
for the time being,
at least until we can find out
what's become of the infant.
You have heard, uh,
no word about it?
I don't see how it
could survive the night
without clothing
and nourishment.
Of course, like any animal,
it's maybe--
It's not--
it's not an animal, Doctor.
You know that very well.
Well, whatever it is, uh,
you can't classify it
as an animal.
It's a human, Doctor.
And that's what's
disgusting to you, isn't it?
It kills like an animal.
And when we find it,
we're gonna have to
destroy it like one.
I don't care.
I suppose you have
to do what's necessary.
I'm glad you feel that way.
I only hope your wife
understands as well.
What's there to understand?
Better not to think about it.
Wanna say good night
to your wife,
and, uh, maybe I'll drive
you home, huh?
No, thanks.
Okay darling,
I'll see you in the morning.
Stay on duty.
Announcer: Police still
offer no explanation
for the series of five deaths
which occurred early today
at the Saint George Medical
Center in Santa Monica.
Officers are still working on
a round-the-clock schedule.
Informed sources at the hospital
allege the deaths resulted
from attacks by an infant born
only today in a mutated form,
but officials declined comment.
This station has acquired
exclusive information
naming Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Davis of West Los Angeles
as the parents
of the infant in question.
The whereabouts of the
newborn child are not known.
They named us.
The bastards, they named us.
Barbara, Babara would you
come here for a minute, please?
Yes, sir?
Barbara, I have to pick up my
wife at the hospital tonight,
so can you reschedule
that Sturbridge dinner
for tomorrow evening?
I think that Mr. Clayton
wants to talk to you.
And about the Marcus affair,
I think we can
have those cocktails
at 6:30 at the Hilton tomorrow.
I know he wants
to approve the campaign
by the end of the week.
I think you'd better
see Mr. Clayton now.
I'll be right back.
Well well, come on in.
All right, Bob.
You must be exhausted,
you eaten anything?
Get Frank a couple of
poached eggs
on an English muffin with
a side of Canadian bacon,
and a tall glass of
freshly-squeezed orange juice.
That should do the trick.
I don't want you
collapsing on me here.
Look, Frank, don't let it
get you down.
These things happen.
At least, that's what they say.
Who's "they"?
I spoke to the hospital.
They give you information?
I got connections over there,
you know.
I'm the Vice Chairman of
the fundraising committee.
Hey listen, If there's any
little thing I can do for you--
No, jeez, thanks, Bob.
I'm getting her out of
there myself tonight.
You think that's wise?
Hey, uh, Barbara told me
you want to rap with me.
Yeah, Frank.
Frank, you, uh...
you've accrued
three weeks' vacation.
You think it would be a good
idea if you took it now?
I can't, Bob.
I've got the Marcus account
and the Sturbridge campaign.
I'm just bogged down in work.
Besides, I need to work, Bob,
it keeps my mind off things.
But Frank, we're running a
public relations business here.
Our job is creating an image.
Right now, um,
you're a little controversial.
Our clients want their
PR men to be anonymous.
Maybe after a little while,
when you're less of a celebrity.
You're not taking those
accounts away from me, are you?
I mean, not now.
At the last minute?
These things happen, Frank.
Look, you know O'Connors
down in Accounting?
He's got a retarded kid,
insists on keeping him
in the house, too.
Nobody thinks a thing of
that, nobody blames him.
We're not-- we're not
talking about a retarded kid,
and you know it.
We're talking about a
monstrosity of some kind.
Yeah, well... maybe we'd
better not talk about that, huh?
I wouldn't wish this
on my worst enemy.
It's just that I... I don't
know what to do, Bob,
how to behave.
And they're,
putting microphones in my face.
They're asking me questions
I don't understand.
What you need is
a good public relations firm
to handle all of that for you.
That's-- that's very funny.
Bob, uh,
this is all going to
be all right, isn't it,
when whatever this
thing is is dead, right?
Maybe it already is.
Look, Frank, why don't you go
down the service elevator?
You won't have to meet
all those media people, huh?
Take care.
Uh... have them
empty out his desk,
send his personal articles
to his house.
He won't be coming back.
Mr. Davis,
what did it look like?
Leave me alone.
I got nothing to say.
Get those cameras
out of my face, please.
I got no comment, I had
nothing to do with this.
Will you get that goddamn
thing out of my face?
Get out of the way!
I don't know
what it looked like.
Never mind my baby.
Leave my wife out of
it, you understand me?
Aren't we almost home?
We'll be there in a few minutes.
I feel better already getting
out of that terrible place.
I don't have to take any more
of those shots, do I?
I don't like taking shots.
I don't... I don't like
being made to go to sleep.
I engaged nurses
in three shifts.
Lenore: I'm surprised anybody
would even want to work for us.
Well, Doctor Norton
took care of it.
Oh, good.
And I'm going to be there
all the time.
- What about--
- Yeah, I told the office
that I just have to have
those three weeks' vacation
they owe me.
What about that, uh,
that Marcus account?
That was... that was
very important to you.
You're more important.
What about Chris,
have you told him?
Does he know anything?
I spoke to Charley.
He kept him home from school.
He hasn't told him anything.
Sooner or later, he'll
switch on the television.
There's only so long you
can keep a secret like that.
Dad, why can't I go
to school, or go out,
or have any of my friends over?
Chris, I can't
tell you now, son.
You'll just have to trust me.
You trust me, don't you, son?
Sure, Dad.
You have to spend all your
time with Charley this week.
You wouldn't mind that.
Chris, hey Chris, hey buddy,
you don't
want to hurt his feelings.
I like Charley, but I want
to see Mom and the baby.
The baby's not home yet.
ls it sick?
Yeah, that's right son,
the, uh, the baby's sick.
And everything here is a mess.
So, uh, it'd be much better if
you stay where you are.
Will you tell Charley to
let me watch television?
Okay, put him on.
Oh, okay.
Okay, Frank, look we'll
take care of everything.
Hey, I had an idea.
What if I take Chris up to
the lake, do some fishing?
Okay Charley, thank you.
Oh, and, uh,
give my love to Lenore.
Thanks, Charley.
Hunting and killing babies
doesn't seem to be my specialty.
So what do you want, a transfer?
My wife's in her
eighth month and,
ever since I started on this,
she hasn't been
getting any rest.
Me being so involved
really brings it home.
Besides, I guess you know
we lost our last baby.
Look, you're lucky you don't
have grown kids nowadays.
People without children don't
realize how lucky they are.
It'll make you feel much better.
Did you see it, Mrs. Davis?
Surely you must have
gotten one glimpse.
They say it has teeth and
claws, did you know that?
How should I know that?
Were you aware that
it killed another person
just last night?
A musician over on
Santa Monica Boulevard.
He was on his way home from
work about two in the morning,
and, uh, that was the last
anybody saw of him.
They found him in an alley.
Well, they... they
can't be sure that it was--
There's no doubt about it.
The wounds are the same as the
doctor and nurses suffered.
Well, what do you
want me to say?
Just say anything you feel.
What's under that napkin?
There's nothing there.
A recorder! A tape recorder!
I'm a nurse,
you can tell me anything.
Who are you working for?
I really am a registered nurse,
and I--
I write a little on the side.
Lenore: She's taking
interviews on a tape recorder.
Get out.
We just... we just have
to get rid of everybody.
Let's not have
any more nurses, honey.
All right.
We'll let them all go.
Should have known better,
than to trust anybody.
Man". Actually, already
in excess of $100,000
has been allocated
by the university
for examination
of this phenomenon.
We have some of the
leading men in the field.
And it is hoped that this
might lead to a breakthrough,
to a better understanding
of why mutations occur.
You want to experiment
on it, is that it?
As a matter of fact,
my department
has already cautioned the
police about excessive violence.
If it could be dispatched
with a bullet,
or better still,
some kind of a gas.
Undoubtedly, it is very small
and any kind of bodily harm,
especially from
gunshots or explosives--
In other words, you want me
to sign away the body,
is that it?
Well, it's your right,
after all,
you are the child's father.
It's not my child.
That's very wise,
to disassociate yourself
Just sign each copy, please.
- Pen?
- Give him a pen.
You know it seems that
out of every tragedy,
out of every evil,
some good can come, if
we only apply ourselves.
Frank: I suppose that's gonna
be in all the medical journals,
the history books? Huh?
The Davis child.
The Davis monster.
It's like Frankenstein.
In my opinion,
this will be remembered
long after each
of us is forgotten.
When I was a kid,
I always thought
the monster was Frankenstein.
You know, Karloff walking around
in these big shoes, grunting.
I thought he was Frankenstein.
Then I went to high school
and I read the book,
and I realized that
Frankenstein was the... who created him.
Somehow, the identities...
...get all mixed up,
don't they?
One must not allow oneself
to be impressed
by escapist fiction.
You forgot one.
Lenore: Frank, darling?
Hi, darling.
Mrs. Davis, I don't suppose
you took the pills I gave you?
You really should, you know.
Maybe it's all the
pills I've been taking
over the years
that brought this on.
You really shouldn't
be downstairs.
Maybe you'd both
like to have dinner with us?
I have some wonderful lamb
chops in the refrigerator.
No, I'm afraid not.
Honey, why don't you
go down to the basement
and-- and get a bottle of that,
uh, that nice Beaujolais?
Won't that go nicely
with the lamb chops?
We have quite
an extensive wine cellar.
It's one of Frank's
many hobbies.
My husband's a many-faceted man.
I'll show these gentlemen
to the door.
I'll get that wine.
Oh, great, great,
That basement's filthy.
How long has she been
taking birth control pills
before this pregnancy?
Thirty-one months.
You realize of course
that I came from the East
specifically for this matter?
I realize that
it is a police problem,
but once the thing is killed,
it becomes a medical problem.
Now, you are in charge of
that department, no doubt?
Yes, I suppose so.
Nobody knows how
this thing happened.
It-- it's really
a matter of speculation,
and I think perhaps
that's for the best.
After all, if we find out
that the cause is medication
that we manufacture,
and it was administered
over a long period of time,
it'd be bad for you
and even worse for us.
We're susceptible, you know,
to lawsuits.
People will think
the government hadn't
tested and approved
of those products
that we put out on the market.
What do
your interests recommend?
Absolute destruction
of this thing.
But we've already
signed over the remains
to the university.
But if there was
nothing left of it, you know,
we would be
most grateful to you.
Oh, uh...
you have, uh, had a
very successful career
until this freak incident, hmm?
You know,
it could work out for the best.
We have an opening
on the board of our
research and
development department.
Now, we wouldn't want people to
lose faith in us, would we?
Doctor Norton, please.
Uh, no, Doctor Norton's
stepped out for a moment.
May I take a message please?
Man". Tell him they've
cornered the infant
at the Hawthorne School
in West Los Angeles.
That's just a few
blocks from here.
Man: Ask the doctor to
get over there if he can.
Thank you.
I have to go out.
All right.
You don't mind staying alone?
I'll keep everything warm.
Wait a minute, I'm Frank Davis,
I want to see
Lieutenant Perkins.
All right, take him.
Officer: Wonder what's
the matter with him.
Screwed-up genes or something.
Wait here.
Davis, how the hell did
you find out about this?
There was a phone
call for Doctor Norton.
L-- I took the message.
My son, Chris,
goes to school here.
I've been here a million
times, PTA meetings.
Your kid goes here?
Sure, that's right,
he's in the sixth grade.
That's... probably
just a coincidence.
Look, Perkins, I want
this thing destroyed
as much as anybody else.
- I realize that.
- Yeah, you realize.
Then why is everybody
looking at me?
Like it's my own flesh
and blood or something.
Well, it's not, you understand?
It's no relation to me!
Nobody is looking at you.
Say, uh, you have
my deepest sympathy,
you and your wife.
Is it all right if
your driver drops me off
a block from my home?
I don't want my wife to see me.
You don't want her to know you
were-- you were here tonight?
I don't think she'd know
how to take it.
I don't know, maybe I
didn't do the right thing.
I was just trying
to show everybody
that I-- I feel
the same way they do.
I mean, I'm no different
from anybody else.
We know that.
I got a boy, 11 years old.
He's perfectly healthy,
he's brilliant in school.
Mr. Davis, you don't have to
keep telling us that,
we realize that.
Look, I'm, uh,
I got to go back on duty.
Take him wherever
he wants to go.
Perkins: Davis said his kid
went to this school.
Now why, in all of Los Angeles,
would it happen to show up here?
Maybe it's looking for somebody.
I'd like us to
all get together again
and be a family.
You know I'm trying, I'm
really trying very hard, Frank.
I can see that.
Wouldn't it be a great
idea to bring Chris home?
He's better off where he is.
Lenore, did you go out?
Lenore, for Christ's sakes, answer me.
Oh, are you feeling better?
Where the hell have you been?
-I've been straightening--
-l've been calling you.
Been all over the
house, straightening up.
You weren't downstairs,
and you didn't
hear me calling you?
Honey, there's a good
movie on tonight,
it's with Paul Newman.
I gotta get something in my stomach.
Excuse me.
Chris come back here today?
I said, has Chris been
back here today?
I don't know.
Why do you say that?
You wouldn't lie to me?
Darling, I-- I know you wanted
Chris to come back,
but I specifically told you.
Chris, are you hiding someplace?
Don't fool around now.
I wish somebody would respect
my feelings around here.
Why are you watching that stuff?
I thought you wanted
to watch a movie.
Who are you calling?
Don't call anybody.
Please don't call anybody!
Who are you calling?
How's Chris?
I've had a hell of a
time keeping him away
from the newscasts
and the daily papers.
But the teacher sent over
some schoolwork,
so he's been keeping busy.
You mean you've been
with him all the time, then?
What are you talking about?
We just got back
from that fishing trip.
He hasn't been out of
my sight for a minute.
Look, you want to talk to him?
No, I don't want to talk to him.
Hi Dad, when can I come home?
Chris, did you
come back here today?
Is the baby home
from the hospital yet?
Did I do anything wrong?
Hey, how about something to eat?
Nah, I'm not hungry,
I want to go to bed.
I'm sorry Charley,
I'm not mad at you.
That's okay, kid.
Honey, I want you
to make love to me.
I want you to
hold me and love me.
You know, there are other ways.
Come on, sweetheart.
There's no ice in there.
I'll get the ice,
wait a minute, sweetheart.
I'll get the ice.
Wait, I'll get the ice.
Oh, my God.
What were you doing
down in the basement?
You know.
What're you gonna do?
What're you doing?
Why are you so anxious
to be the one to do it?
Who is it, Mom?
Frank, Frank wait, wait.
Frank, Frank, he could
have killed you
when you were
upstairs sleeping!
He could have killed you.
You know why he didn't?
You know why he didn't kill you?
He knows you're his father,
he knows.
No, you're crazy.
He knows, he does.
He knows you're his father.
Don't worry.
Don't be scared.
I'll protect you.
It's a boy, you know?
It's a boy.
I'll protect you.
Chris, look out.
I hit it, I'm sure I hit it.
Charley, look out Charley!
Come on, get down!
Did you see it?
Did you see,
what does it look like?
It's no relation to us, Chris.
It can't be.
See what your baby
did to Charley.
What did you do?
The hospital, you tell him about
the doctors in the hospital!
Lenore, take my son upstairs.
Your dad was trying to
suffocate your little brother.
He just wants to--
You should have called us
as soon as you began to suspect
it was somewhere near the house.
It's lost a lot of blood.
And it's my opinion
that our troubles
are very nearly over.
So shall we go?
I wanna leave some men here,
in case it decides to
double back to the house.
I would...
I would like to go with you.
Haven't you done enough already?
Not yet.
You have to be the
one to do it, don't you?
Have you seen it?
Got a real good look at it?
It was too dark.
It wouldn't matter.
I could do it.
You may have done it already,
if it doesn't stop bleeding.
Will you excuse us
for a moment, please?
Now wait a second,
we just can't take--
Look, I advise you
to let him come along.
After all, it found
its way home by itself.
And it may be that it will
search out its father,
especially now when he
put a bullet in it.
What have we got to lose?
One more life.
You know how to use a gun?
B99 YOU!' pardon?
Do you know how to use a rifle?
We'll issue you one,
for your own protection.
Announcer: The shots
that wounded the infant
were fired not by the
police, but by its father.
Public relations executive,
Franklin Patrick Davis,
who currently is accompanying
police on the manhunt.
Perkins: That's it.
That's how it can travel
the length of the city
without anybody seeing it.
two six and three four
six three five, six eight oh,
are now completely
closed off by our units.
Hold positions and stand by.
Let me have that.
Davis, you stay right here.
Here, take this.
Let's go. You stay here.
It's back there somewhere.
The damn fools must
have walked right by it,
now I want that thing.
Where's Davis?
I don't know where
the hell he is.
He was supposed to stay here.
Stay right there,
we'll come get you!
Officer: Frank?
Frank Davis?
Man: I'm seeing you to the Los
Angeles River inlet as ordered.
I know.
I know it hurts.
I know that,
but everything's
going to be all right.
See, I was, uh,
where's my, uh...
I-- I was scared, like you are.
No no, no no, you mustn't cry,
because if you cry, they'll--
they'll hear you
and they'll come.
Shhh, it's all right,
it's gonna be all right.
It's gonna be all right.
Shhh. It's okay, okay.
Davis, come on out!
Come on out, Davis.
Where are you?
ls that you?
Man on radio:
Davis has been seen
moving through the tunnel,
in possession of the infant.
Keep her here.
Can you hear me, Frank?
It can't be saved,
it's got to die!
Just-- just drop it and get
the hell away from it!
Do you hear me, Frank?
Frank, can you hear me?
All right, just stop there.
Stop right there!
It can't hurt anybody!
Lock-- lock it up.
Study it, but
let it live, please.
Put down your weapons.
It's wounded.
It can't hurt anybody.
Just drop it, just drop it.
Just take it easy and drop it.
Back away, back away.
Frank: Hey look, if you fellows
shoot, you're gonna shoot me.
Now put the weapons
down, look it's harmless.
Take it easy.
That son of a bitch dies
here and now!
Drop it and stand aside, Davis.
In one second,
whether you're
holding it or not,
I'm gonna put
a bullet through it.
Hold your fire, now don't shoot.
Kill it, Lieutenant. Kill it.
Kill it, kill it now!
Stop firing, stop firing,
stop firing!
Yeah, I'm bringing him home.
Officer on radio:
Lieutenant Perkins,
call for you
on the private line.
I understand.
Another one has been
born in Seattle.