It's Arbor Day, Charlie Brown (1976) Movie Script
Okay, Mom.
Rerun is all set to go.
Does your mother take
your little brother with her everywhere?
She says riding a bike
is such good exercise
that she's already lost three pounds.
And from total fear,
I've lost five pounds.
I like the way your mother
handles that bike.
Yes. I must admit, her steering
is getting a little better.
Yesterday, we only hit four parked cars.
I'm surprised your little brother doesn't
get bored riding on the back of that bike.
Well, I suppose he finds
different ways to pass the time.
Eighty-nine bottles of beer on the wall
Eighty-nine bottles of beer
If one of those bottles happens to fall
Eighty-eight bottles of beer on the wall
Today, it's Welfare League
and a church breakfast,
and then it's the League of Women Voters,
followed by a visit to the library.
From here on, we go to the hairdresser,
and then to the supermarket,
and then a rousing meeting of the PTA.
And last but not least,
the Arbor Day committee meeting.
Considering I don't do anything,
I lead a very active life.
I sure hope Miss Othmar
doesn't call on me.
I didn't have a chance to study
the assignment on holidays.
Maybe if I shrink down in my seat
she won't call on me.
She called on me.
Oh, me?
Yes, ma'am.
What is Arbor Day?
Oh, that's simple.
That's the day when all the ships
come sailing into the arbor.
I've never been so humiliated
in all my life.
And now my teacher says I have to give
a complete report on Arbor Day.
Don't worry about it, Sally.
I'm sure we can find some books
about Arbor Day in the library.
Oh, Linus.
Are you going to help me?
Good grief.
"Unlike most holidays
that fall on a particular day"--
Oh, just a minute.
Let me take notes.
"Arbor Day
is celebrated on different days
in different states
throughout the springtime months."
Isn't springtime when a young man's fancy?
How's your fancy, Linus?
"The first Arbor Day
was April 10th, 1872, in Nebraska.
The main idea of Arbor Day
is that of conservation."
"Arbor Day points out to both children
and adults the need to maintain
and protect certain areas of
our natural forest and woodlands."
Oh, Linus.
You read so poetically.
"Arbor means tree.
So this is a day dedicated to trees
and to their natural beauty
and to their preservation."
Linus, this gives me a wonderful idea.
Why don't we go outside and find
a nice big tree and sit down under it?
We can hold hands and talk
and look into each other's eyes.
Then you can ask me to a movie,
and we can sit together.
We can sip a drink from the same cup,
a loving cup.
You know what I don't understand, Chuck?
I don't understand love.
Who does?
Explain love to me, Chuck.
I can recommend a book or a painting
or a song or a poem,
but I can't explain love.
Ah, come on. Try, Chuck.
Try to explain love.
Well, say I happen to see
this cute little girl walk by, and I--
Why does she have to be cute, Chuck? Huh?
Can't someone fall in love with a girl
who isn't cute and has freckles
and a big nose?
Explain that, Chuck.
Well, maybe you're right.
Let's just say that I happen to see
this girl walk by
who has a great big nose, and--
I didn't say a great big nose, Chuck!
You not only can't explain love,
actually, you can't even talk about it.
Well then, let's talk about
something I can explain, baseball.
Have you seen our baseball schedule
for the new season, Chuck?
My team plays your team 12 times.
We slaughter you twice in April,
smash you three times in May,
ruin you twice in June,
murder you three times in July,
annihilate you four times in August,
and destroy you altogether in September.
My stomach hurts.
Well, the season starts
in a couple of weeks, Chuck.
Let's shake for good luck.
You touched my hand, Chuck.
You sly dog.
I think you know more about love
than you let on.
Hey, what's going on here?
Where are you going
with all the garden tools?
My boyfriend and I
are going to prepare for Arbor Day.
I'm not your boyfriend.
"Other holidays repose upon the past.
Arbor Day proposes for the future."
I'm quoting from the writings of
the famous J. Sterling Morton.
Mr. Morton was an early voice
for conservation!
Good grief!
Every child should plant an orchard,
a flower garden.
Let us on to the field
and cultivate a few forest trees.
Not a bad idea.
Right here is a good place.
Plenty of room.
A lot of dirt is--
Hey, wait a minute.
This is Charlie Brown's baseball field.
That's his pitching mound.
You can't plant here.
Au contraire, here is just the place.
There's lots of room here.
We might just as well put it to good use.
Shouldn't we ask Charlie Brown first?
Nonsense. He should be happy
we're fixing up his old field.
Sally, you and Snoopy start planting.
I'll go back to the nursery
and get some stuff.
Come on, Linus. You help me.
Great. We'll start planting seeds
right here in center field.
Yes, this is he.
Chuck. Uh, I mean, Charlie Brown.
Just called to touch base, Chuck,
to remind you our first game
will be at your field.
We're the visiting team.
I hope your field is in great shape,
Chuck, even if your team won't be.
Get the grass mowed
and the infield raked, Chuck.
Don't worry. We'll be ready.
I mean, our field will be ready.
Well, I mean, I'll check it out.
Hi, Charlie Brown.
We decided to spruce up
your old ball field.
Hey, that's great. I was just talking
to Peppermint Patty about that.
We should mow the grass
and rake up the infield
and check on the bases
and get everything ready
for our first game.
Don't worry, Charlie Brown.
It's all in good hands.
We're fixing it up for you.
- I think we should tell Charlie Brown--
- Not to worry, Charlie Brown.
Great. Thanks a lot.
I'll call Peppermint Patty
and give her a report.
I think we should tell Charlie Brown
what we're doing.
Peppermint Patty?
I just wanted to report
everything's in good hands.
Our field will be ready
for the first game.
Don't forget the shovel.
There is beauty in a well-ordered orchard,
which is a joy forever.
Orchards are missionaries of
culture and refinement.
I don't think this is what
Charlie Brown had in mind.
Right here will be fine.
- Here?
- Yes, here.
But, Lucy, I don't think this
is a good idea because--
Just dig.
Okay, but I don't think
Charlie Brown is gonna like this.
Okay, that's perfect.
It's about time we had a little class
on the pitcher's mound.
This will also give Charlie Brown shade
on those hot days.
This looks great, but I think we're gonna
need more plants and more help.
Let's get the whole team to help.
Hey, Charlie Brown.
We're doing a great job.
We just need a bit more help and material.
Great. I'll help too.
No, Charlie Brown,
we're gonna do this on our own.
You stay put and work out your strategy
and all your plans for the season.
The job's in good hands.
We'll take care of it.
Gee, that's real thoughtful
and nice of you.
Not to worry, Charlie Brown.
Not to worry.
Okay, okay, let's keep it moving!
Schroeder, put those rosebushes at third base.
Linus, put those geraniums
at first and second.
Sally, plant those daisies at home plate.
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
This is called a creeping vine, Snoopy.
This backstop area will look beautiful.
My naturally curly hair will look nice
against a bright green background.
Let's see.
Peppermint Patty is their big slugger.
So I'll walk her each time
she comes to bat, but she might get mad.
Let's see.
Snoopy's my best hitter.
So I'll lead off with Snoopy,
then Schroeder, then Linus.
That fills the bases up.
Then I'll come up and hit a home run.
There I go, daydreaming again.
Let's see.
That's it.
Get those weeds out of the cornfield.
Chuck, I've got my team all fired up.
We're ready.
So are we.
I love the first game of the season,
that good feeling one gets
out of the first victory.
Hmm. I know what you mean.
I mean, I'm looking forward to that feeling.
Hey, Chuck. You aren't serious, are you?
You don't think you have a chance, do you?
- Well, of course.
- We gotta play it straight though.
I can't go easy on ya, you know.
Even if we get you 24 to nothing,
and you come up to bat.
I'll have to fan you, Chuck.
Nothing personal, you know.
It's the only way.
However, I was hoping for--
I'll bring my troops over, Chuck.
See you, pal.
I don't know where the time has gone.
I'd better get the team together.
It's the first game of the season,
Charlie Brown.
And we have something to tell you,
Charlie Brown.
The team has decided to do something
very special for you.
It has?
In honor of all the time and effort
you have given to our team,
we're gonna name the baseball field
"Charlie Brown Field."
You're gonna what?
That's right, Charlie Brown.
Henceforth, it's to be called
"Charlie Brown Field."
Well-- Uh-- Uh-- I don't know.
Uh-- My name?
How can I--
How can I thank you?
Well, uh, maybe you, uh,
ought to come and see the field.
TEAM: Yeah, let's go! Yeah, let's go!
Gee, I've never had such an honor before.
Maybe we ought to put up
a sign on the field.
You know, "Charlie Brown Field."
There it is, Charlie Brown.
Happy Arbor Day.
What happened?
You fainted, big brother.
What have you done?
It was all my idea, big brother,
to celebrate Arbor Day.
And to make Charlie Brown Field presentable.
But we can't play baseball here.
It's impossible!
Can't you see that?
Oh, come on, Charlie Brown.
We couldn't play before anyway,
so you haven't lost anything.
Look at my pitcher's mound!
CHARLIE BROWN: It's got a tree on it!
I can't pitch from there!
Come on, Charlie Brown. Give it a try.
Beethoven never gave up.
Beethoven never had a tree on his piano.
What is that in center field?
LUCY: A scarecrow, Charlie Brown.
Everybody knows that.
Good grief.
Where are all our bats?
Oh, we used them to make stakes
for the tomato plants.
Oh, no.
Peppermint Patty's gonna be here
any minute.
What'll she think?
Hey, Chuck. Here we are.
We don't wanna delay the game, Chuck.
Let's get to it.
Hey! What's all this?
You starting a victory garden, Chuck?
You've got everything here
but sheep and cattle, Charlie Brown.
Well, my team thought it would be nice,
on account of Arbor Day to--
Chuck, are you mad?
What's going on here?
This is your ball field?
They even wanna name the field after me.
"Charlie Brown Field."
This is the craziest thing
you've ever done.
Chuck, you must be completely crazy.
You have to be the most dumb manager
that ever lived.
How can I pitch from this crazy mound
with a tree on it?
Well, we'll have to make the best of it.
We'll still clobber you, Chuck.
Your team can bat first.
It won't work.
We need a run.
We need a run.
Hey, manager. What'll you give me
if I hit a home run?
A home run? You've never hit the ball
out of the infield in your life.
If I hit a home run, Schroeder,
will you give me a kiss?
If you hit a home run,
I'll meet you at home plate
and give you the biggest kiss
you've ever had.
No problem. She's never hit the ball
out of the infield in her life.
Come on, Lucy! You can do it.
If you hit a home run,
maybe we'll all give you a kiss.
She did it!
She hit a home run!
And you're gonna have to stand out
by home plate and kiss her. You promised.
She's heading for home!
It's kissing time. [SCATTING]
Okay, Schroeder. This is it.
You promised to kiss her.
SCHROEDER: A promise is a promise.
Forget it. If that's the only way
I'll ever get you to kiss me, forget it.
Another victory for women's lib.
Okay, Chuck.
You were lucky to get one run,
but now our best batters are coming up.
SCHROEDER: You're out!
Take me out to the ball game
Take me out to the crowd
That's the greatest catch I ever saw.
Okay, Chuck.
Put it over and I'll clobber it.
I hope my fielders get it.
Where is it?
Where's the bases?
SCHROEDER: You're out!
Can you believe it?
We're one run ahead,
and it's already the third inning.
If we can hold 'em for six more innings,
we'll win our first game ever.
Keep up the good work, Charlie Brown.
SCHROEDER: You're out!
SCHROEDER: You're out!
I think we're finally going to win a game.
There's absolutely no way we can lose.
The only thing that could keep us
from winning today
would be to have the game rained out.
But there's no chance of that.
There's not a cloud in the sky.
We've got to get the last out quickly,
Charlie Brown.
Hey, Chuck. Looks like rain.
I guess we're gonna
have to postpone the game, Chuck.
No, we're not gonna postpone.
It's starting to rain, Charlie Brown.
Aren't we gonna call the game?
No, we're not gonna call the game.
So you might as well get back out there
in center field where you belong.
Hey! Where's everybody going?
You're not gonna let
a little rain bother you, are you?
It's gonna let up.
Come on back.
That's what you are.
You're all a bunch of quitters.
At least it's good for the crops,
Charlie Brown.
But we were winning.
We were winning.
We were winning!
So I'm happy to report that all our trees
and plants are doing very well.
And I'd like to complete my report
by quoting J. Sterling Morton,
founder of Arbor Day.
In closing his Washington Arbor Day
address of 1894, he said,
"So every man, woman and child
who plants trees shall be able to say,
'I'm coming as I have come
toward the evening of life
in all sincerity and truth.
If you seek my monument,
look around you.'"
Thank you.
I'm sorry about the game
being postponed, Chuck.
I know you're sad because you didn't win.
But you wouldn't wanna win a game
that way, would you, Chuck?
I mean, the rain and all that.
Well, maybe you're right.
But I wonder if I'll ever win in anything.
Well, at least you got a baseball field
named after you, Chuck.
And it's got all those pretty trees
and plants.
Happy Arbor Day, Charlie Brown.