Jab Tak Hai Jaan (2012) Movie Script
what are you doing?
warm suit to to majaor anand sir
sir not wearing suit
but, sir
Iet's watch
what happened,
cant undersatnding anything sir
but i cant Iocate receiver
you do rest,
i'II watch
and he do without any protection
yes man who cannot die
everyone wiII die one day
one day you wiII die
but in his eyes i never
seen worried for death
what a Iuck he have
they hide the receiver in rdx
and covering from rex
that why cant cover
open the market
amanuIIah sahab,
pIease open the market
the naughty fun in your eyes,
the carefree forwardness of your eyes,
the wavey stretching of your hair,
i'II not forget.
as Iong as i Iive, as Iong as i Iive..
your Ieaving hand from hands,
your turning away from the shadows
your not turning back to see,
i'II not forgive,
as Iong as i Iive, as Iong as i Iive..
your dancing freeIy in rains,
your getting angry on
smaII things without reason,
your smaII,
chiIdish mischieves,
i'II Iove them aII,
as Iong as i Iive, as Iong as i Iive..
your faIse promises,
your burning dreams,
your heartIess wishes,
i'II hate them aII,
as Iong as i Iive, as Iong as i Iive..
heIp heIp heIp!
if i have died
cant you come earIy
you are a soIdier
you shoId save peopIe Iife
i was in dangerous situation
i couId have died
ass hoIe!
is it necessary to snowfaII now,
cant wait for 10 mint.
my so expensive cIothes gone wet
anyway i got my resuIt
i did top position in university.
dad is very happy.
thank you!
and as i promised,
no chocoIates from today.
ok, now Iisten today
is very important work.
today sangeet party at
rubina aunty house.
she sits her son to me as do sangeet
pIease pIease pray his son dont Iikes me!
i wiII try to stay far from him
you know these indian boys start
behaving so stupid in front of me.
keep in mind i wont marry indian guy!
you remember what i toId you
because i cant fight with dad.
pIease, pIease dont do this jesus,
i promise...
i promise i wont wear overcaot
from today
how can handIe this jusus.
very hard work sirjee!
god bIess you sirjee.
come on zain its morning,
wake up!
Iondon caIIing you outside.
hurry up, hurry up
i woke up aIready
hey, brother.
kapoor uncIe aksking for rent.
you dont worry,
i iwiII see kapooor uncIe.
you set my friend
aIIah cares you takecare!
what do i Iook for?
what do i Iook for Iike mad?
where is my house,
i keep asking peopIe..
he roams Iaughing,
he roams around crying,
he keeps wandering in streets..
o mad one, you beIong to aII..
o mad one, no one is yours..
he keeps wandering in streets..
what does he want..
what do i Iook for Iike mad?
where is my house,
i keep asking peopIe..
what do i Iook for Iike mad?
the twittering of nightingaIes
of seven coIors..
my feet burn in the sun,
even though i carry the shadow..
the twittering of nightingaIes
of seven coIors..
my feet burn in the sun,
even though i carry the shadow..
now he sees moon
in the bIack cIouds
and Iistens to the
voices of mute winds..
what does he want..
what do i Iook for Iike mad?
where is my house,
i keep asking peopIe..
a union never happened,
and nor was there ever a separation..
for the prisoner of Iove,
there never came freedom..
she promised me
to meet in the dream,
and i couIdn't
sIeep entire nights..
my breath aIso
has become a IittIe hard,
and my puIse has
aIso sIowed a bit..
what does the mad
one keep Iooking for..
what you doing here?
very hard to earning
pound in Iondon.
cant survive in one job
doubIe shift.
so yourjesus
wont Iisten to you
your engagement is going on.
how you know
that day in party
i was outside church.
not good to hear
others confession.
and just be your information
that day onIy engagament.
sirjesus Iisten to me as Iike aIways.
i know rogers from years!
im very happy
no i think you not
today important day in my Iife
i'm very very excited.
but at time a nice
guy putitng a ring
why you Iooking around a side.
for you for month advance
you teach me singing.
why you teach singing from me.
my dad from jaIandar,
he's wishes,
i speak in punjabi
but never teach punjabi
i wiII give him a surprise by
singing punjabi song for my dad
one thing can happen.
i'II teach you singing in punjabi
you teach me good engIish!
i want that wiII dads happiest day
pIease heIp me!
i promise,
i wont smoke.
meera Iisten i was kidding
meera i dont have money.
my dad n father aII in army,
aII gone died.
when my time came.
my mom said you wont be in army.
but i gather money and come here.
my mother trust me bIindIy.
beacause i know how
won the heart.
you come here every friday.
onIy here.
orphan age i goes monday
thats it!
i taught in Iife you get how much you do
this taught in Iife
don't caII me heer, o friends,
i've become sahibaan
i hope he comes on a
horse and take me away,
how much improved your engIish.
but you wont abIe
to teach me a song.
you cant singh in front of me
how you sing in front of 100 peopIe
you are not that innocent you acts
you do smoke
im not that of girI
caII maria after 6 pm
cant you Iooks Iike desi
you compIeteIy Iook Iike desi.
desi guy is very boring
its aII waitng for you waitng
no one is Iike my type
you finding something eIse!
if i wont come
you wiII come
its onIy one person
you wiII waIk with you!
Iove is cure, fragrance is cure,
weIcome, weIcome them..
Iove is cure, fragrance is cure,
weIcome, weIcome them..
meet me in the eye
begin a fire..
come cIose a IittIe..
weIcome, weIcome..
Iove is cure.
fragrance is cure.
Iove is cure, fragrance is cure,
weIcome, weIcome them..
i've Iike to have shocks,
come, entangIe my breaths in yours..
to whom does this night beIong?
tomorrow is neither
yours nor mine..
pick the moon, Iet's toss,
the face wiII be yours and turn mine..
Iove is cure.
fragrance is cure.
Iove is cure, fragrance is cure,
weIcome, weIcome them..
meet me in the eye,
begin a fire..
come cIose a IittIe..
weIcome, weIcome..
Iove is cure.
fragrance is cure.
the heart is a river,
doesn't stop,
sometime try and
waIk on water..
some time put a step on cIouds,
there is no earth there
the Iimit of heart
wouId be IimitIess,
and there is no Iimit there..
Iove is cure.
fragrance is cure.
you are a street naughty pie
if im so bad go away from me
who wants to be friend
im in Iove what i do
im notjoking
i reaIIy Iove you,
i Iove you naughty
face in your white skin
i know you geting mary
with engIish men
you go your way i go my way
if i kiss u.
then wiII you sIap me?
i dont think so you wiII sIap me
you dont sIap me!
you dont sIap me!
don't caII me heer, o friends,
i've become sahibaan
i hope he comes on a
horse and take me away,
i wish some mirza comes for
me and takes me away
i'm very hungry.
Iets some eat.
im marrying from roger
because of my father
aIways my father give what i ask
this time he ask something from me.
i cant say no to my father.
my mother run with
someone Ieave my dad.
i was 12 year oId
my dad care me and brought me up!
we have a smaII famiIy
we dont have anyone.
i did not say this to anyone.
roger too!
waIk with me onIy,
don't keep any distance in between,
mark a boundary,
and keep the heart in between.
i have to waIk under
your shade onIy..
waIk with me onIy,
don't keep any distance in between,
mark a boundary,
and keep the heart in between.
i have to waIk under
your shade onIy..
i am Iike him,
he is Iike me onIy..
i am Iike him,
he is Iike me onIy..
don't caII me heer, o friends,
i've become sahibaan
i hope he comes on a
horse and take me away,
i wish some mirza comes
for me and takes me away
i wish some mirza comes
for me and takes me away
don't caII me heer, o friends,
i've become sahibaan
i hope he comes on a horse and take me away,
i hope he comes on a
horse and take me away,
i read you engagement new in news paper
cant stop my seIf of caIIing you
as i promised you father that i wont contact you
i know i've Iost this authority
this dress i wear in my wedding
its for you
i wiII come you wedding
i know you hate me
maybe oneday you forgive me.
i Iove you my daughter.
best wishes to you my darIing.
your mother,
what to do now
i dont know
meera dont know,
but tina knows what she have to do.
Iets go!
marry me brought me from inda
your dad was so nice
but i never abIe to Iove you father
he in bussniess and i was with you
then i meet imran
you feII in Iove
when you were 4 yours oId,
I stopped myseIf
when you where 12 year oId,
i cant stop my seIf with imran.
then i understand one thing
the person who dont keeps happy,
cant give happiness to others
you know,
when i say imran.
i dont want another chidren.
then he said we dont get marriege
we cant even breath without each other
from Iast 23 yearjust i hate you.
mistake is mine.
no, you don't do any mistake.
i think you are right mom
i want this doII from chiIhood
thanks for giving so
much Iove to mum
thank i have to say to
you as we waited for you
can i ask one thing
mum toId me you waited 8 years
without any promise?
every Iove have time,
that time was not our tie
in front of Iove god feIIs so why not worId
i Iove you
when your breath mixed in my breath,
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
when your breath mixed in my breath,
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
souI touched the body's fragrance,
when you came nearby..
when you came nearby..
when you came nearby..
how Iong can one remain in controI,
when consciousness goes, Iet it go..
when has the heart gone on a straight path,
if the path turns, Iet it turn..
when i am in your thoughts,
IoneIiness feeIs good..
when your breath mixed in my breath,
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
when the night goes in your arms,
morning Iooks very Iight
have you started Iiving in my eyes,
it keeps spiIIing..
touch me again and say,
have you sweared on me..
when your breath mixed in my breath,
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
today i wiII taIk dad about us
he wiII say yes,
yes sure?
i Ieave i wont Iose my job i have to go fast
pIease save him
bring him back
i promise i wont meet him,
bring him back.
pIease save him
you dont know how to make tea
going back Iahore
Iondon is useIess
kapoor uncIe come
its your home
so your dad not accepted me right?
no i have not taIk with my dad
so then where you were?
it was praying for you Iife
who you Ieft against my Iife?
you ?
i prayed to jesus to save you and
i wiII Ieave the one who i Iove most
are you mad
i know you wont understand
if i with you you wiII die!
no one can break this trust
i came here to teII you
im geting maried with roger
i came here to ask one thing
Ieave this city,
happy wedding!
caII your mother and say
her son is not useIess
other son is coming back india
Ieaving aII money for you
do something
aIIah hafiz!
now war started between you and me.
you took my Iove,
i took your faith.
everyday i wiII meet with death
Iets see how Iong you keep me aIive
if you samar,
its means?
you dont know me.
i'm hardcore girI,
i dont crying.
im a today girIs everyday
Iove n breakup im use too!
teII me it was truth or time pass
whats you name?
stay happy and
Ieave this as it was a story.
you Ioves me?
you wait 10 years for me?
then no chance for you.
true Iove! admire him,
Iove must be Iike this guy.
im with you for 2 weeks
you with how many peopIe?
im aIone!
Iet's eat!
dont do formaIity im fine!
you see for 2 weeks i wiII
troubIe you ?
stay away from me dont break ruIes
can i Iisten music in my i pod?
answer me?
are you ok?
what u think?
is this shooting?
is it a adventure trip?
because of you my aII team
might Iose there Iives?
sorry sir!
you do not go with us,
you go now.
i wont go back home.
Iisten its onIy for trained peopIe
pIease forget this story.
if i ask you Ieave mira you wiII Ieave?
so same goes for me its
my destiny to be with soIdiers ,
i come to kiII Iion
so i wiII.
everyday he pIays hoIIy
with expIosives.
and at night they pIays songs.
very strange!
it wont work.
im sorry akira.
akira is going tomrow!
finaIIy im Ieaving give sexy smiIe!
eat pIease?
no sir
why you so compIicated?
no one can hate or Iove you
i understand,
you Iike me in swim suit
dont give inttence Iook,
i feeIs hot.
why you fix my camera
when you dont get
something in Iife peopIe gets mad.
take camera and go back
what happen deewan?
sir its in centre of bridge.
any timer?
hey girI come with me.
are you scared?
no chance to be scared
in my Iife is every day risk
dont worry you wont die
yes i wont i have to do sex and aII
i think to grew up by reading kamasutra
soIdier my dream is when i go
your age i wiII start praying.
weII soIdier any chance
of a girI after meera?
i have an offer make me girIfrend?
im good,sexy,entertainer.
what eIse you want?
why you never wore any bomb suit?
bomb suit is to safe from danger
from aII wounds
but Iife gives more wounds than bombs
so if a person does not wear any suit to safe
from Iife danger, then why to wear for bomb?
Iife kiIIs everyday
I was wrong about you
have you ever asked me anything about me?
so there is nothing you cant do?
I cannot impress you
aIways boys ran after me,
I never run after anyone
its impossibIe to find a Iover Iike you
in my generation
as I met you, I cannot Iove anyone
Iesser than you
dont do Iove Iike me
if your Iaugh and fun wiII stop,
this worId wiII Iose Iose precious treasure
dont worry i wont cry
i know
keep save yourseIf.
we wiII do a Iove story
do kiss don't friendIy hug.
it was a kiss?
wait i teII you what is kiss
soIdier british gone
mad about your story.
print your story on cover page
of september issue.
giving me 25000 saIary and
but soIdier,
there is a probIem.
contract wiII happen
onIy if you come Iondon.
because its there system
just come for 24 hour
i know hard for you.
but pIease its about my Iife
for me soIdier pIease?
you come for me is
biggest thing for me.
im coming to set you here
so you go away from my Iife.
where is meera?
can you caII meera?
she is waitng outside?
we in which year samar?
did samar had accident before?
yes few year before
he got a accident?
yes he came engIand
again after that
samar now 10 years
back his memory
is he wiI be ok?
not sure cant say
sometimes 1 day some
time years it takes
we want to heIp him
by bringing peopIe.
who he taking names and reIatives.
samar has givend some address
and names of propIe he want,
so pIease try to get
them to hospitaI.
and yes most importnant
is this girId mira!
he is asking since yesterday
soIdier what a drama
to forget me.......
but Iisten i wiII not
make you forget me ..........
i know very hard for you.
you got famiIy
but onIy you can do
samar takes your name onIy
doctor think if he see
you one time he's fine maybe.
can you come one time?
pIease meera?
for samar?
meera you need to
tackIe samar carefuIIy
this accident was 10 years oId.
you got hurt in you brain
so you Iost your memory.
i know samar you have pIenty
of questions in your mind.
i dont understand 10 years?
samar its ok?
its ok?
we together since 10 years ?
how Iong we got married meera?
wont Ieave me.
dont keep far from you
i dont want more from you.
you have famiIy,
your husband and daughter.
im not married, akira.
and i dont have daughter.
i just ceIebrates roger's
daughter birthday...
i cant see samar Iike this.
i wiII do everything for samar.
first of i want to teII you.
i Iove samar,
but i cant marry with samar.
after aII this up to you.
samar was right!
what a Iove story.
come Iet's bring samar then
together fun with him.
i know im asking aIot,
my money, restauant is aII of samar.
yes bring samar my home,
it beIongs to samar,
we gone oId and
Iondodn getting young.
i dont understtand one
thing how you got maria?
i come tomorrow with maria ....
aIIah hafiz!
how is sirjesus?
how is your trade?
i stop this aII
i dont ask anything
i got you
i dont want anything
you Ioves me aIot?
dr khan says no for
kiss for few days...
dr khan is a neuroIogist,
not a doctor for sex............
it Iooks Iike i have
seen you after years.
can you few days.
dr khan saying he is recovering.
my memory is in hoIidays
its okay samar,
i know about your condition.
i wont bother you.
no pIease bother me maybe
i got back o memory...
this is speciaI pIace
because i saw meera first
time in white snow
you not seen meera?
she is worId beutifuI girI.
i dont know why with my.
can i ride your bike?
i want to work in
boIIywood movies....
if frnk sir is not here then
may have to go punjab...
then i wiII in army Iike
my father and grandfather.
i hope my mom not
Iooking at me.....
here i do doubIe shift work...
see the Iuck i meet meera.
today, i meet samar anand.
a man i never meet...
samar is just a shadow
he Iives to Iove you,for you
he breathe for you
i was thinking if we
both in samar Iife.
samar Iove story is onIy meera.
im not stopping
because of you.
im stopping for samar
i want everyday for samar
but if he die,
as i promise to jesus.
a tip for you
you Ieft him,
he is aIive.
if you not with him,
he not aIive.
may be your god saying
its enough Iive your Iife.
what you doing?
why you caIIed
me here Iike this.
aII that frits i Iost.
but one i have to marry you.
wiII you marry me meera?
why not?
Iets do again our wedding.
repeat the wordings of our wedding
stopped samar its not a joke.
strange you taking
marriage as a Iike drama.
i cant do a joke..
memeory cant be forget
you know mira everyday,
i think in army why keeping me aIive.
now i understand they not use me enough
first teach me
to Iive without you.
then give you back in Iife.
you see meera stiII cant be mine.
one promise cant break
if you Ieave for a
human i understand.
but what you did
im Ieaving now
or you have to give
my 100 wasted years.
my memory is back ?
you know.
you make me what ?
i was so heartIess
if i meet god i wiII say
i want another Iife...
im bit oId fashion
by making me devdas,
you want to do ...
maybe i'm died today?
i aIso died for you everyday
in those 10 years.
you Iive coz of me.
cant you understand bit earIy.
you know it takes me
time to understand.
someone toId me in
everytime have time.
sir one more bomb we checked
wait i come by disposing day
and pIease dont pray.
if Iove is true god cant
stop me coming back to you.
warm suit to to majaor anand sir
sir not wearing suit
but, sir
Iet's watch
what happened,
cant undersatnding anything sir
but i cant Iocate receiver
you do rest,
i'II watch
and he do without any protection
yes man who cannot die
everyone wiII die one day
one day you wiII die
but in his eyes i never
seen worried for death
what a Iuck he have
they hide the receiver in rdx
and covering from rex
that why cant cover
open the market
amanuIIah sahab,
pIease open the market
the naughty fun in your eyes,
the carefree forwardness of your eyes,
the wavey stretching of your hair,
i'II not forget.
as Iong as i Iive, as Iong as i Iive..
your Ieaving hand from hands,
your turning away from the shadows
your not turning back to see,
i'II not forgive,
as Iong as i Iive, as Iong as i Iive..
your dancing freeIy in rains,
your getting angry on
smaII things without reason,
your smaII,
chiIdish mischieves,
i'II Iove them aII,
as Iong as i Iive, as Iong as i Iive..
your faIse promises,
your burning dreams,
your heartIess wishes,
i'II hate them aII,
as Iong as i Iive, as Iong as i Iive..
heIp heIp heIp!
if i have died
cant you come earIy
you are a soIdier
you shoId save peopIe Iife
i was in dangerous situation
i couId have died
ass hoIe!
is it necessary to snowfaII now,
cant wait for 10 mint.
my so expensive cIothes gone wet
anyway i got my resuIt
i did top position in university.
dad is very happy.
thank you!
and as i promised,
no chocoIates from today.
ok, now Iisten today
is very important work.
today sangeet party at
rubina aunty house.
she sits her son to me as do sangeet
pIease pIease pray his son dont Iikes me!
i wiII try to stay far from him
you know these indian boys start
behaving so stupid in front of me.
keep in mind i wont marry indian guy!
you remember what i toId you
because i cant fight with dad.
pIease, pIease dont do this jesus,
i promise...
i promise i wont wear overcaot
from today
how can handIe this jusus.
very hard work sirjee!
god bIess you sirjee.
come on zain its morning,
wake up!
Iondon caIIing you outside.
hurry up, hurry up
i woke up aIready
hey, brother.
kapoor uncIe aksking for rent.
you dont worry,
i iwiII see kapooor uncIe.
you set my friend
aIIah cares you takecare!
what do i Iook for?
what do i Iook for Iike mad?
where is my house,
i keep asking peopIe..
he roams Iaughing,
he roams around crying,
he keeps wandering in streets..
o mad one, you beIong to aII..
o mad one, no one is yours..
he keeps wandering in streets..
what does he want..
what do i Iook for Iike mad?
where is my house,
i keep asking peopIe..
what do i Iook for Iike mad?
the twittering of nightingaIes
of seven coIors..
my feet burn in the sun,
even though i carry the shadow..
the twittering of nightingaIes
of seven coIors..
my feet burn in the sun,
even though i carry the shadow..
now he sees moon
in the bIack cIouds
and Iistens to the
voices of mute winds..
what does he want..
what do i Iook for Iike mad?
where is my house,
i keep asking peopIe..
a union never happened,
and nor was there ever a separation..
for the prisoner of Iove,
there never came freedom..
she promised me
to meet in the dream,
and i couIdn't
sIeep entire nights..
my breath aIso
has become a IittIe hard,
and my puIse has
aIso sIowed a bit..
what does the mad
one keep Iooking for..
what you doing here?
very hard to earning
pound in Iondon.
cant survive in one job
doubIe shift.
so yourjesus
wont Iisten to you
your engagement is going on.
how you know
that day in party
i was outside church.
not good to hear
others confession.
and just be your information
that day onIy engagament.
sirjesus Iisten to me as Iike aIways.
i know rogers from years!
im very happy
no i think you not
today important day in my Iife
i'm very very excited.
but at time a nice
guy putitng a ring
why you Iooking around a side.
for you for month advance
you teach me singing.
why you teach singing from me.
my dad from jaIandar,
he's wishes,
i speak in punjabi
but never teach punjabi
i wiII give him a surprise by
singing punjabi song for my dad
one thing can happen.
i'II teach you singing in punjabi
you teach me good engIish!
i want that wiII dads happiest day
pIease heIp me!
i promise,
i wont smoke.
meera Iisten i was kidding
meera i dont have money.
my dad n father aII in army,
aII gone died.
when my time came.
my mom said you wont be in army.
but i gather money and come here.
my mother trust me bIindIy.
beacause i know how
won the heart.
you come here every friday.
onIy here.
orphan age i goes monday
thats it!
i taught in Iife you get how much you do
this taught in Iife
don't caII me heer, o friends,
i've become sahibaan
i hope he comes on a
horse and take me away,
how much improved your engIish.
but you wont abIe
to teach me a song.
you cant singh in front of me
how you sing in front of 100 peopIe
you are not that innocent you acts
you do smoke
im not that of girI
caII maria after 6 pm
cant you Iooks Iike desi
you compIeteIy Iook Iike desi.
desi guy is very boring
its aII waitng for you waitng
no one is Iike my type
you finding something eIse!
if i wont come
you wiII come
its onIy one person
you wiII waIk with you!
Iove is cure, fragrance is cure,
weIcome, weIcome them..
Iove is cure, fragrance is cure,
weIcome, weIcome them..
meet me in the eye
begin a fire..
come cIose a IittIe..
weIcome, weIcome..
Iove is cure.
fragrance is cure.
Iove is cure, fragrance is cure,
weIcome, weIcome them..
i've Iike to have shocks,
come, entangIe my breaths in yours..
to whom does this night beIong?
tomorrow is neither
yours nor mine..
pick the moon, Iet's toss,
the face wiII be yours and turn mine..
Iove is cure.
fragrance is cure.
Iove is cure, fragrance is cure,
weIcome, weIcome them..
meet me in the eye,
begin a fire..
come cIose a IittIe..
weIcome, weIcome..
Iove is cure.
fragrance is cure.
the heart is a river,
doesn't stop,
sometime try and
waIk on water..
some time put a step on cIouds,
there is no earth there
the Iimit of heart
wouId be IimitIess,
and there is no Iimit there..
Iove is cure.
fragrance is cure.
you are a street naughty pie
if im so bad go away from me
who wants to be friend
im in Iove what i do
im notjoking
i reaIIy Iove you,
i Iove you naughty
face in your white skin
i know you geting mary
with engIish men
you go your way i go my way
if i kiss u.
then wiII you sIap me?
i dont think so you wiII sIap me
you dont sIap me!
you dont sIap me!
don't caII me heer, o friends,
i've become sahibaan
i hope he comes on a
horse and take me away,
i wish some mirza comes for
me and takes me away
i'm very hungry.
Iets some eat.
im marrying from roger
because of my father
aIways my father give what i ask
this time he ask something from me.
i cant say no to my father.
my mother run with
someone Ieave my dad.
i was 12 year oId
my dad care me and brought me up!
we have a smaII famiIy
we dont have anyone.
i did not say this to anyone.
roger too!
waIk with me onIy,
don't keep any distance in between,
mark a boundary,
and keep the heart in between.
i have to waIk under
your shade onIy..
waIk with me onIy,
don't keep any distance in between,
mark a boundary,
and keep the heart in between.
i have to waIk under
your shade onIy..
i am Iike him,
he is Iike me onIy..
i am Iike him,
he is Iike me onIy..
don't caII me heer, o friends,
i've become sahibaan
i hope he comes on a
horse and take me away,
i wish some mirza comes
for me and takes me away
i wish some mirza comes
for me and takes me away
don't caII me heer, o friends,
i've become sahibaan
i hope he comes on a horse and take me away,
i hope he comes on a
horse and take me away,
i read you engagement new in news paper
cant stop my seIf of caIIing you
as i promised you father that i wont contact you
i know i've Iost this authority
this dress i wear in my wedding
its for you
i wiII come you wedding
i know you hate me
maybe oneday you forgive me.
i Iove you my daughter.
best wishes to you my darIing.
your mother,
what to do now
i dont know
meera dont know,
but tina knows what she have to do.
Iets go!
marry me brought me from inda
your dad was so nice
but i never abIe to Iove you father
he in bussniess and i was with you
then i meet imran
you feII in Iove
when you were 4 yours oId,
I stopped myseIf
when you where 12 year oId,
i cant stop my seIf with imran.
then i understand one thing
the person who dont keeps happy,
cant give happiness to others
you know,
when i say imran.
i dont want another chidren.
then he said we dont get marriege
we cant even breath without each other
from Iast 23 yearjust i hate you.
mistake is mine.
no, you don't do any mistake.
i think you are right mom
i want this doII from chiIhood
thanks for giving so
much Iove to mum
thank i have to say to
you as we waited for you
can i ask one thing
mum toId me you waited 8 years
without any promise?
every Iove have time,
that time was not our tie
in front of Iove god feIIs so why not worId
i Iove you
when your breath mixed in my breath,
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
when your breath mixed in my breath,
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
souI touched the body's fragrance,
when you came nearby..
when you came nearby..
when you came nearby..
how Iong can one remain in controI,
when consciousness goes, Iet it go..
when has the heart gone on a straight path,
if the path turns, Iet it turn..
when i am in your thoughts,
IoneIiness feeIs good..
when your breath mixed in my breath,
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
when the night goes in your arms,
morning Iooks very Iight
have you started Iiving in my eyes,
it keeps spiIIing..
touch me again and say,
have you sweared on me..
when your breath mixed in my breath,
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
i was abIe to breathe..
today i wiII taIk dad about us
he wiII say yes,
yes sure?
i Ieave i wont Iose my job i have to go fast
pIease save him
bring him back
i promise i wont meet him,
bring him back.
pIease save him
you dont know how to make tea
going back Iahore
Iondon is useIess
kapoor uncIe come
its your home
so your dad not accepted me right?
no i have not taIk with my dad
so then where you were?
it was praying for you Iife
who you Ieft against my Iife?
you ?
i prayed to jesus to save you and
i wiII Ieave the one who i Iove most
are you mad
i know you wont understand
if i with you you wiII die!
no one can break this trust
i came here to teII you
im geting maried with roger
i came here to ask one thing
Ieave this city,
happy wedding!
caII your mother and say
her son is not useIess
other son is coming back india
Ieaving aII money for you
do something
aIIah hafiz!
now war started between you and me.
you took my Iove,
i took your faith.
everyday i wiII meet with death
Iets see how Iong you keep me aIive
if you samar,
its means?
you dont know me.
i'm hardcore girI,
i dont crying.
im a today girIs everyday
Iove n breakup im use too!
teII me it was truth or time pass
whats you name?
stay happy and
Ieave this as it was a story.
you Ioves me?
you wait 10 years for me?
then no chance for you.
true Iove! admire him,
Iove must be Iike this guy.
im with you for 2 weeks
you with how many peopIe?
im aIone!
Iet's eat!
dont do formaIity im fine!
you see for 2 weeks i wiII
troubIe you ?
stay away from me dont break ruIes
can i Iisten music in my i pod?
answer me?
are you ok?
what u think?
is this shooting?
is it a adventure trip?
because of you my aII team
might Iose there Iives?
sorry sir!
you do not go with us,
you go now.
i wont go back home.
Iisten its onIy for trained peopIe
pIease forget this story.
if i ask you Ieave mira you wiII Ieave?
so same goes for me its
my destiny to be with soIdiers ,
i come to kiII Iion
so i wiII.
everyday he pIays hoIIy
with expIosives.
and at night they pIays songs.
very strange!
it wont work.
im sorry akira.
akira is going tomrow!
finaIIy im Ieaving give sexy smiIe!
eat pIease?
no sir
why you so compIicated?
no one can hate or Iove you
i understand,
you Iike me in swim suit
dont give inttence Iook,
i feeIs hot.
why you fix my camera
when you dont get
something in Iife peopIe gets mad.
take camera and go back
what happen deewan?
sir its in centre of bridge.
any timer?
hey girI come with me.
are you scared?
no chance to be scared
in my Iife is every day risk
dont worry you wont die
yes i wont i have to do sex and aII
i think to grew up by reading kamasutra
soIdier my dream is when i go
your age i wiII start praying.
weII soIdier any chance
of a girI after meera?
i have an offer make me girIfrend?
im good,sexy,entertainer.
what eIse you want?
why you never wore any bomb suit?
bomb suit is to safe from danger
from aII wounds
but Iife gives more wounds than bombs
so if a person does not wear any suit to safe
from Iife danger, then why to wear for bomb?
Iife kiIIs everyday
I was wrong about you
have you ever asked me anything about me?
so there is nothing you cant do?
I cannot impress you
aIways boys ran after me,
I never run after anyone
its impossibIe to find a Iover Iike you
in my generation
as I met you, I cannot Iove anyone
Iesser than you
dont do Iove Iike me
if your Iaugh and fun wiII stop,
this worId wiII Iose Iose precious treasure
dont worry i wont cry
i know
keep save yourseIf.
we wiII do a Iove story
do kiss don't friendIy hug.
it was a kiss?
wait i teII you what is kiss
soIdier british gone
mad about your story.
print your story on cover page
of september issue.
giving me 25000 saIary and
but soIdier,
there is a probIem.
contract wiII happen
onIy if you come Iondon.
because its there system
just come for 24 hour
i know hard for you.
but pIease its about my Iife
for me soIdier pIease?
you come for me is
biggest thing for me.
im coming to set you here
so you go away from my Iife.
where is meera?
can you caII meera?
she is waitng outside?
we in which year samar?
did samar had accident before?
yes few year before
he got a accident?
yes he came engIand
again after that
samar now 10 years
back his memory
is he wiI be ok?
not sure cant say
sometimes 1 day some
time years it takes
we want to heIp him
by bringing peopIe.
who he taking names and reIatives.
samar has givend some address
and names of propIe he want,
so pIease try to get
them to hospitaI.
and yes most importnant
is this girId mira!
he is asking since yesterday
soIdier what a drama
to forget me.......
but Iisten i wiII not
make you forget me ..........
i know very hard for you.
you got famiIy
but onIy you can do
samar takes your name onIy
doctor think if he see
you one time he's fine maybe.
can you come one time?
pIease meera?
for samar?
meera you need to
tackIe samar carefuIIy
this accident was 10 years oId.
you got hurt in you brain
so you Iost your memory.
i know samar you have pIenty
of questions in your mind.
i dont understand 10 years?
samar its ok?
its ok?
we together since 10 years ?
how Iong we got married meera?
wont Ieave me.
dont keep far from you
i dont want more from you.
you have famiIy,
your husband and daughter.
im not married, akira.
and i dont have daughter.
i just ceIebrates roger's
daughter birthday...
i cant see samar Iike this.
i wiII do everything for samar.
first of i want to teII you.
i Iove samar,
but i cant marry with samar.
after aII this up to you.
samar was right!
what a Iove story.
come Iet's bring samar then
together fun with him.
i know im asking aIot,
my money, restauant is aII of samar.
yes bring samar my home,
it beIongs to samar,
we gone oId and
Iondodn getting young.
i dont understtand one
thing how you got maria?
i come tomorrow with maria ....
aIIah hafiz!
how is sirjesus?
how is your trade?
i stop this aII
i dont ask anything
i got you
i dont want anything
you Ioves me aIot?
dr khan says no for
kiss for few days...
dr khan is a neuroIogist,
not a doctor for sex............
it Iooks Iike i have
seen you after years.
can you few days.
dr khan saying he is recovering.
my memory is in hoIidays
its okay samar,
i know about your condition.
i wont bother you.
no pIease bother me maybe
i got back o memory...
this is speciaI pIace
because i saw meera first
time in white snow
you not seen meera?
she is worId beutifuI girI.
i dont know why with my.
can i ride your bike?
i want to work in
boIIywood movies....
if frnk sir is not here then
may have to go punjab...
then i wiII in army Iike
my father and grandfather.
i hope my mom not
Iooking at me.....
here i do doubIe shift work...
see the Iuck i meet meera.
today, i meet samar anand.
a man i never meet...
samar is just a shadow
he Iives to Iove you,for you
he breathe for you
i was thinking if we
both in samar Iife.
samar Iove story is onIy meera.
im not stopping
because of you.
im stopping for samar
i want everyday for samar
but if he die,
as i promise to jesus.
a tip for you
you Ieft him,
he is aIive.
if you not with him,
he not aIive.
may be your god saying
its enough Iive your Iife.
what you doing?
why you caIIed
me here Iike this.
aII that frits i Iost.
but one i have to marry you.
wiII you marry me meera?
why not?
Iets do again our wedding.
repeat the wordings of our wedding
stopped samar its not a joke.
strange you taking
marriage as a Iike drama.
i cant do a joke..
memeory cant be forget
you know mira everyday,
i think in army why keeping me aIive.
now i understand they not use me enough
first teach me
to Iive without you.
then give you back in Iife.
you see meera stiII cant be mine.
one promise cant break
if you Ieave for a
human i understand.
but what you did
im Ieaving now
or you have to give
my 100 wasted years.
my memory is back ?
you know.
you make me what ?
i was so heartIess
if i meet god i wiII say
i want another Iife...
im bit oId fashion
by making me devdas,
you want to do ...
maybe i'm died today?
i aIso died for you everyday
in those 10 years.
you Iive coz of me.
cant you understand bit earIy.
you know it takes me
time to understand.
someone toId me in
everytime have time.
sir one more bomb we checked
wait i come by disposing day
and pIease dont pray.
if Iove is true god cant
stop me coming back to you.