Jack Frost (1998) Movie Script
We're going to do|a Christmas tune for you now.
You got to trust me. This one's|just a little bit different.
lt combines the Christmas|colors, red...
...and blues!
Frosty the Snowman|Was a jolly, happy soul
He was smoking his pipe, baby|His two eyes were made of coal
And Frosty the Snowman|ls a fairy tale they say
He was made of ice and snow|Then he came to life one day
Frosty the Snowman|Was as bad as he could be
And the children say|He could laugh and play
Just the same as you and me
Man, check it out.
It's the Jack Frost Band.
They're digging it. They're Ioving it.|We gotta sign these guys.
There must've been some magic|ln the air that night
For that old silk cap they found
For when
They laid it upon his head
He began
To hootchy-koo around
And Frosty the Snowman
ls a fairy tale they say
He was made of ice and snow
Till he came...
... to...
...one day
That was Medford's own Jack Frost Band.|Best band no one's ever heard of.
That's recorded live last night|at Denver's Music Hall.
Don 't ask how we got the tape.|They are due for a break.
We got more music coming|from the '70s and '90s.
No '60s. No '80s. l promise.
Central Colorado 's classic rock.
SchooI's out!
No running. Feet are for waIking.
Merry Christmas, everybody.|See you next year!
Merry Christmas, Miss Moon.
Hey, CharIie.
Happy vacation, CharIie.
SnowbaII fight!
-The brain's here.|-What's going on?
The 7th graders have us pinned down.
They're using the heavy artiIIery!
Come on, how bad couId it be?
Two, three, Iaunch!
What was that?
-We tried to teII you.|-Rory Buck.
HeIp him!
NataIie, heIp!
Eat snow, you IittIe wieners.
HuddIe up. Come on.
Remember what we Iearned|in history cIass?
-No.|-Not reaIIy.
If you want to stop an army,|stop the generaI.
You're taking on Rory Buck?
Trust me, Tuck, aII right?
You draw their fire.
Good Iuck, man.
Get him!
I dare you to hit me.
Load me up.
-Are you aII right?|-No.
Come on. Give me your best shot.
Can't you do better than that?
Okay, that was a good one.
Go now! Go, run!
Come on, AIexander!
What did you do that for, butthead?
That IittIe twerp's getting away!
Run Iike the wind, AIexander!
Are you okay?
I'II take care of this one myseIf.
HoId your fire.
Rory's pissed!
WeII, weII, weII.|LittIe CharIie Frost.
-Hanging with the second graders now?|-Get off, Rory.
I got a present for you.
NaiI him, Rory.
Good, I Iike presents.
Can you say, ''brain freeze''?
Brain freeze.
Way to go, buddy.
AII right, CharIie.
This isn't the end of it, Frost.
Oh, yeah! Way to go!
Shut up!
You okay? Good man.
Thanks, CharIie. You're amazing.
No probIem.
See you at hockey, CharIie.
-See you, NataIie.|-Good job, dude.
See you Iater.
Hey, Chester.
Come on, boy.
Hi, Mom.
It's a Iong drive from Denver.|You know he won't be back untiI Iate.
This drain, I don't get it.
Sometimes it works.|Sometimes it doesn't.
So not turning over your report card|right away is a bad sign.
I'm going to pIay hockey|in the driveway.
Running away. That's another bad sign.
You may have your father's Iooks,|but you get your brains from me.
Good work, CharIie.
Wait tiII your dad sees this.
Excuse me, miss?
Listen, my car broke down back here.
Can I borrow a coupIe of bucks|tiII I get to a gas station?
Money? I'm sorry.|My husband's a musician.
-Is he any good?|-Yeah.
You know, I aIso Ieft|my Iip baIm in the car.
So I'm out, and I think|I'm feeIing a IittIe. . . .
I wonder if I couId|borrow some Iip baIm?
I don't know if you'II Iike what I got.
Do you mind if I try?
-You Iike it?|-You know, I can't teII.
Let me just. . . .
-I missed you.|-I missed you.
Okay, that's for you.|What's for me?
I hope you brought me chocoIates.|Yes!
He waited as Iong as he couId.
-Let's get him up.|-No. Don't get him up.
Come on.
He's got the whoIe vacation to sIeep.|Come on.
Dude? CharIie-boy?
Get up, man.
I was just resting my eyes.
You were?
You Iooked asIeep. Didn't he?
You Iooked Iike you were asIeep.
-ExactIy Iike you were sIeeping.|-No, I was waiting up for you.
Okay, you can go back to sIeep.|I just wanted to say hi.
I want to give you|a weather update too.
It's snowing!
Can I, Mom?
Can I, Mom?
Dad, not another fathead.
He's not a fathead.
He's just smart, so he needs|a big cranium for his brain.
Now what?
Nose. Come on, nose.
I said ''nose'' !
I thought you said ''hose. ''
Give me your hat.
Thank you.
Yes. Perfect.
How's he Iook?
He Iooks Iike you.
He does?
OnIy a IittIe cuter.
Good one, Mom.
Cuter than this?
Don't even. . . .
You are. . .
. . .so dead!
You know what?|You throw Iike a girI.
WeIcome home, Jack!
Now go to sIeep!
Sorry, Mrs. WiIkins.
Sorry, Mrs. WiIkins.
Hey, seriousIy, from this angIe. . .
. . .she Iooks hot|in that fIanneI nightgown--
PuIIing an aII nighter?
Get your skinny IittIe butt|in that bed.
Nice work on that snowman, dude.
-Except you made his head way too big.|-I did?
You put the bottom baII|on the top baII.
-How you doing?|-Good.
-How was Denver?|-Denver's pretty cooI.
CooI. How're the guys?
They're great.|Everybody says hi.
Is there anything you need to show me?
Like something in the shape. . .
. . .of a present.
Like from the gig?
Like those pIastic swords they|stick through the oIives and onions?
Yeah, Iike for the martinis|Mom packs in my Iunch.
Mom's making you martinis?
-I'm up to two now.|-Good.
Two a day.
I brought you this.
One of your harmonicas?
That's one of my oId harmonicas.
Sure you want me to have this?
AbsoIuteIy I want you to have it.
Where'd you get it?
Where'd I get it?
I got that from. . .
. . .an oId famous bIues pIayer named|Sonny Boy Wayne.
-Yeah, right.|-I did.
Sonny Boy Wayne.
He was 9 feet taII and couId pIay, man.|There was a white Iight around him.
And he gave you this?
He did. He said,|''Son, I want you to have this.
It'II give you the power. ''
Come on, seriousIy.|Where'd you get it?
You want to know?
I got that. . .
. . .the morning you were born.
LittIe music store|across from the hospitaI.
I waIked out in a great mood,|bought myseIf that harmonica.
And I never had a harmonica|that pIayed better.
My favorite one.
-Now it's yours.|-Thanks.
You're weIcome. Now go to sIeep.
Son. . .
. . .I want you to go to sIeep now.
It's awesome!
Okay, see you in the morning.
We pIay hockey tomorrow.|Can you come?
Yes, sir. Wait a minute, I can't.|We have to go into the studio.
WeII, the game's not tiII four.
And it's against|our archrivaIs, the DeviIs.
You're 1 1 . You aIready have archrivaIs?
Four. Yeah, what am I thinking?|I'm there. I'm there.
You know another thing about this|harmonica? It has magic powers.
Yeah, right.
I'm serious.
When you pIay that,|no matter where I am. . .
. . .I can hear it.
I'm teIIing you.
Good night.
Love you. Go to sIeep.
You Iooking for the power?
Just testing it.
A major IabeI? What do you think|of this KapIan kid?
I Iike him. He's smart.|He reaIIy knows music.
And you know what?|I think this guy reaIIy gets us.
Oh, good.
How's things at the bank?
How's that new guy|in the Ioan department?
GIenn? He's a nice guy.
He hit on me.
How about that? Guys don't even|check for rings anymore.
ReIax. He's 63.|I straightened him out.
You straightened him out?|What exactIy does that mean?
Stop it.
No wonder he hit on you.|Look at you.
I don't wear this to the bank.
You're bareIy wearing it here.
Sing me a smiIe.
Well, the driver on the bus says,|''Move on back--''
No, sing me the other one.
My song.
Every time
We say goodbye
l die a little
Take off your boots.
Every time
We say goodbye
Oh, man, if I had one hit song. . . .
You wiII.
I'd make you guys proud of me.
We're aIready reaIIy proud of you.
-Buy you a nice big house.|-I'd settIe for a new sink.
I can get you a new car,|Iike a Porsche.
Anything but a Jeep is a sissy car.
I'd get you some diamonds.
AII I need is you.
I Iove you, Gab.
I Iove you too.
'Cause when you're near
There's such an air
Of spring
About it
I bet you wouId Iike|a snow bIower, though.
Lift it up.
I don't remember you hanging|this many Iights Iast year.
That's because I didn't hang this many.
LittIe straighter.|Yours is crooked on that side.
If you come down a bit at your end. . . .
You've come too far now.
See, you've gone too far there--
Be carefuI, Mac.
You don't want to be on the wrong end|of that Ieft hook.
Bye, baby.
I'II be in the car.
Front of the goaI, shoots.
Hit the post.
A IittIe wide. But nice shot.|Who taught you that shot?
Coach Gronic.
Dicky Gronic?
Dicky Gronic is your coach?|He can't pIay hockey.
Dad, Sid Gronic.
Sid Gronic's good.|Sid Gronic's very good.
He's one of the best,|if he couId stay out of prison.
What was that?
That's something I caII the ''J-shot. ''
-Teach me.|-Come here.
You're big enough to handIe this now.
-We got to go.|-Be with you in one second.
HoId on a minute.
Say the guy's coming down|right here, defensive man.
Bring it on the stick's toe.|Back to the heeI.
Now cut Ioose.
There you go. Nice shot.|Very good.
-I stiII don't get it.|-I'II show you when I come back.
But I need it for today's game.
Teach you when I come back.
But, Dad, I want to--
''Butt Dad''?
Did you just caII me ''Butt Dad''?
Is that the kind of thing|Coach Gronic teaches you? Butt Dad?
By the way, that wouId|make you Butt Boy. Bye.
Bye, Butt FamiIy.
See you in a whiIe.
Love you guys. Bye.
AII right.
Oh, man.
First period's behind us.
Forget about it.|God knows l'm going to try.
I know you're just kids.
And we're reaIIy here to teach you. . .
. . .fair pIay and sportsmanship|and aII that crap.
But I am so tired of Iooking|up at that scoreboard. . .
. . .and seeing that we're behind|the DeviIs again. . .
. . .and again. . .
. . .and again. . . .
Lighten up, Dad.
History is made by winners.
Now, I want you to go out there. . .
. . .and wipe the ice|with their fiIthy butts!
AII right?!
PIay cIean.|Have a good game.
Come on, guys.|Let's whup them!
Hey, Rory.
Hey, sweetheart. Miss me?
Let's nail it this time. You're|getting tighter. We're almost there.
Come on, CharIie!
Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man.
-Good Iuck, Jack.|-Afraid I'm going to need it.
-See you Iater.|-AII right, man. Thanks.
I hope it's not bad.
How bad is it in there?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
-Something smeIIs good--|-You promised him.
Why'd you go and do that, Jack?
I've toId you. If you're not going|to be there, don't say you wiII be.
You know how I knew you promised him?
He kept Iooking at me up in the stands.
And after about the 40th time. . .
. . .I reaIized he expected you|to be there.
I don't care if you get too busy|or you fIake out on me.
WeII, I care, but I chose it.
I married you. I'II deaI with it.
He didn't choose this.
One of these days,|CharIie wiII score his first goaI. . .
. . .and you won't see it.|Like you never saw his measIes. . .
. . .or the time he jammed|Fig Newtons into the projector.
Those things onIy happen once.
Don't, Jack. You said enough.
Hey, buddy.
How'd you guys do?
Got kiIIed. Eight-zip.
I'm reaIIy sorry I didn't make it.
I'm reaIIy sorry, man.
Hey, Iook. . . .
I got to taIk to you about something. . .
. . .that's reaIIy important.
You know how you aIways wanted to be|the next Wayne Gretzky?
I aIways had a dream too.
Ever since I was about your age. . .
. . .I just reaIIy wanted|to be a great musician.
I just wanted to be a reaI pIayer.
I wanted to make a Iiving|doing what I Iove.
And I reaIIy want to make|a nice Iiving for you, me and Mom.
WeII, see. . .
. . .that might be. . .
. . .kind of starting to happen.
That's good, Dad.
Yeah, it is good.
And it's reaIIy, reaIIy good|for you to have a dream.
Tricky part here is sometimes. . .
. . .if you're not carefuI, you can. . .
. . .I don't know, kind of turn|into kind of a--
SeIfish jerk?
AII right.
So are aII musicians reaIIy fIaky?
Yeah, basicaIIy, I think.
AII the drummers.
Okay, here's an idea.
I've thought about this one|for a whiIe.
You, me, Mom,|we go to the cabin up at Pine Top.
We have a reaI Christmas vacation,|just us.
No phone, no TV, no band, nothing.|What do you think?
WiII you teach me the J-shot?
I wiII teach you the J-shot.
HoId on a second. No TV?
Yeah, I know.|I was thinking about that too.
Maybe a IittIe TV.
Okay, cooI.
So, eight-oh. . . .
How bad was it?
I think Coach Gronic popped a vein.
-Here, hon, Iet me get that bag.|-I forgave you Iast night.
-Then can you grab one of these?|-Nope.
What's in there, a dead body?
No, it's just, Iike, Gameboy,|batteries, food, cIothes. . . .
We'II onIy be up there|three days.
We couId get snowed in for months.|You'II thank me.
Grab the phone, wiII you?
Yeah, sure, hoId on a second.
It's for you.
John KapIan?
I'II meet you in the car.
I just got this. . .
. . .kind of unbeIievabIe phone caII.
The record company heard our tape. . .
. . .went nuts.
Oh, honey!
Dad, this is awesome!
That's great!
-You think?|-What's the matter?
WeII, the head of AsyIum|has to see us.
He'II onIy sign one act.|There's 3 other bands. . .
. . .and he'II onIy sign us|if we go to his party in Aspen.
I know.
There's got to be another time|he can see you.
According to KapIan,|there is no other time. This is it.
Don't worry. Forget about it.|It's too hard, because--
HoId on a second.
I don't even want to go.
Let's see if we can work this out.
I mean, how Iong|do you have to pIay?
I don't know. That's a good point.|CouId maybe pIay a haIf an hour.
Don't pIay a whoIe set. They can teII|how you sound in a few songs.
Get out. . . .
Maybe I couId borrow Mac's car.|I couId drive back.
That way I couId be back|by Christmas night.
But I'II miss Christmas Day for sure.
What's this?|I gave this to you.
I don't want it.
This is going to be a great gig, man.
We'II rock this guy's house and|bIow it apart. He'II have to remodeI.
This is the one. I'm teIIing you.|This is a good thing.
-So when do you want me to puII over?|-Right now. Over here.
What am I, crazy? I got a great wife.|I got a great kid.
I'm not Iiving this Iife anymore.|I'm going home.
Good.|You're making the right decision.
If they Iike us now,|they'II Iike us next week.
It's Christmas.|They can maiI us the contract.
-How do I expIain this to the guys?|-Are you nuts? Watch this.
Hey, guys.
-The gig's off.|-Thank you, Santa.
Nobody wanted to come. Lou's mom|wants to cook Christmas dinner.
Yes, Merry Christmas, boys.
I'm going to see my famiIy.
This is great! I'II take|the 40 to Highway 2, and then--
Why don't you take the car?
It'd be so much faster that way.
Oh, man!
Now, where did he say that spot was?
There it is.
Come on, Mac.
Merry Christmas.|Have a great vacation.
Merry Christmas.
Feet are for waIking!
Frost. You big butthead.
Forget it, Rory.
He's no fun to pick on anymore|since his oId man died.
Yeah? WeII, it's time|he gets over it.
I never even met my oId man.
-Want a Iift home?|-No, I'm not going home.
You shouIdn't waIk in the road.
No one's around. It's aII right.
Okay, weII, I'II see you tonight.
I'm baby-sitting.
WeII, not baby-sitting.|You're not a baby.
We can hang out|whiIe your mom Christmas shops.
AII right.
See you Iater, CharIie.
Sorry, dude!
Damn it!
Damn it!
I can drive through it.
I can get it.
ReaIIy, it's okay.
No, it's not okay. HoId on.
It's okay. It's okay.
CharIie, it's okay. It's okay.
I miss him too. I miss him too.
It's going to be okay, honey.|I promise.
Here you go.
How you doing, IittIe bear?
I'II stay home. We'II hang out.
No, Mom, I'II be fine.
I've done my Christmas shopping.|I'm good.
No, me and Mac'II be fine.
Want a marshmaIIow?
What do you want? One?
Maybe four?
Maybe aII 500?
Thanks, Mom.
Your dad Ioved this guy.
They even pIayed together|a coupIe of times.
Nice to know he had|time for someone.
Come on, Dad, put the head on.
Now, okay, NataIie,|pack some snow in there.
Let's go in the house.|Come on. It's getting coId.
I'm going to get you now.|Gotcha!
I'm home!
Hey, I'm home.
Man, it's coId!
CouId you open up?
CharIie, it's me.|It's Dad!
CouId you get the door?
No way!
Can't be.
What is that?
Hey! Come on!|That's disgusting!
Chester, it's me.
It's me. It's Jack!
-Chester just peed on a Iive snowman!|-No cranberries.
This is not happening.
This cannot be happening!
Can you Iet me in?
CharIie, Iook. . . .
I'm having kind of a bad day here.
Come on, Mac.
This ought to do it.
Kiddo, it's getting coId!
That's my branch!
Okay, come on.
Come on. Come on!
This is unbeIievabIe.
When I was a human, nothing.
Now aII of a sudden|you want to pIay?
Come on, Chester--
That's the coIdest wedgie|I ever had.
WeII, Iook what we have here.
Let me pick up my. . .
. . .arm.
Is that a snowpIow?
Excuse me. HeIIo!
I'm on the front of your pIow,|Mr. SnowpIow Driver!
Big headache!
WonderfuI service.|Thanks for the Iift.
Come on, shake it off.|It's just snow.
TaIk about your separation anxiety.
Hey, you!|BaII number two.
Don't just sit there.|Give me a hand.
Okay, that's it.
Come on, no.
Get the mitten out of my eye.
No, that's my nose.
That's my cork!
There we go.|Got it. Got it.
Now watch it.|Okay, one, two. . .
. . .three!
I'm getting dizzy.
Something's missing.
Nice work, baII number three.
Man, it's bad enough|my ticket got punched. . .
. . .but to come back Iike this!|It's embarrassing.
I've put myseIf back together|after some rough nights. . .
. . .but this is ridicuIous.
Don't panic.|Just act reaI casuaI.
Yeah, just act casuaI.
Wait a minute. I'm a snowman.
There you go.
HeIIo there.
Maybe CharIie's snapping out of it.
It's good to see these again.
Let's get you bundIed up.|It's going to be a coId one.
Back off!
-What's going on?|-I'm so gIad to see you.
Have you been watching|the Sci-Fi ChanneI again?
Gabby, you're back.
CharIie's been great aII evening.
-What happened here?|-I was thinking the same thing.
It's the snowman.
I saw it. Terrific job!
No! Mom, he's aIive!
WeII, I'd better be going.
Not so fast.|Honey, are you sure you're okay?
I swear, he came to Iife,|waddIed into the street. . .
. . .and a snowpIow took him away!
WeII. . .
. . .I guess it got a cab back, then.
How. . .?
Thanks, Mac.
You're weIcome.
Good work!
You Iook good.
Oh, man. . .
. . .I never did fix that.
Oh, man, why me?
Why a snowman?
I mean, couId the universe|reaIIy be that unoriginaI?
I don't know.
Is it the name Jack Frost?
Because if that's it,|that's not even cIever.
I shouId accept it.|I'm a frozen freak of nature.
I just want to know why.
I'm just--|CouId you just give me--
CouId I just have some kind of sign?
What the. . .?
WeII, at Ieast it's not a snowpIow.
Sid? Sid Gronic?
Sid, is that you?
Been hearing great things about you.|SeriousIy.
Sid, come here!|Wait, wait, wait!
Where you going?
Thanks for the heIp, Sid!
AII right, wait a minute.|I just have to puII this together.
When I saw my refIection, I denied it.|That was my deniaI period.
I go off on Sid.
CIearIy, I've had my anger period.
That's what they say you do.|First you deny, then you go into anger.
I just have to accept it.
I accept I'm a snowman.
AII right.
Come on.
Just a reguIar snowman, huh?
We'II see about that.
Who are you and what do you want?
TaIk, or I'II|turn you into a puddIe.
I know you're aIive.
So you better. . .
. . .start. . .
. . .taIking.
That thing's hot.
What are you doing?|I'm your father.
Okay, you're grounded.
Come here.
CharIie, it's me! Dad!|Honest.
-I can expIain everything.|-Get away from me!
I can't expIain the part about|me being a snowman, but. . . .
Go pick on someone as dumb as you.
As dumb as me?
-Good one, Rory.|-Give it back!
Spin move.
Right here, right here,|right here.
Oh, Iook.
It's our IittIe hero.
Don't worry about him anymore.|He's not even in the game.
You're so immature.
Come on, give it back.
Give it back.
Did you guys see that?
So you do want a piece of me.
Thought you Iearned your Iesson.
Kid, how's it going?
What are you doing here?
Guess it's time for a|refresher course.
Okay, snowbaII fight?
You picked the wrong area|to mess with me, and that's snow.
Three baIIs, two sticks,|one cork nose. Snowman? No.
Much, much more.|I am the Wizard of BIizzard!
Now run!|Run, you IittIe mountain goats!
Boy, the oId Wizard|couId use a nap.
I'm out of gas.
Let's get him!
HoId up.
He's not going anywhere.
Where are you going to go now, Frost?
Be carefuI!
Just hoId on!
I'm coming. I'm coming!
I'm coming, CharIie!
I can't hoId on!
HoId on. I'm coming.
What are you doing?
Don't you worry. I'm coming!
ToId you I was coming.
You know, sometimes|it's good to have a big butt.
Let's get out of here!
There he is!
Let's get him!
Come on, guys.|Go, go, go!
You steer.
I'II scream.
Do something!
Zap them into ice.
Zap them into ice? Get reaI!|I don't even have pockets.
Duck, CharIie!
That'II cooI him off.
HoId on!
I am hoIding on.
You the man!
No, you the man.
I'm the snowman.
We're safe!
Okay, we're not safe.
What's going on?
I don't think so.
AII right!
Look out!
Time to spIit.
I'II see you at the bottom.
I sIimmed down!
Big air!
Right behind you, Frost.
PuII your vehicIe over.
Here we go.
Catch some air, baby!
This is awesome!
Look out.|Look out for the trees!
-Carving time!|-I'm behind you!
Big carves.
-We were ripping!|-That was cooI.
-That was great.|-Did you see that?
One time, thank you.
Did you see me going down?|The nice thing about big. . .
. . .baIIs, excuse me, is Iook how|you can move around them.
I Iike the roundedness.
You can throw your weight over|on this side of the board.
-Better than being skinny.|-HoId on.
-You aImost got me kiIIed.|-I saved your butt too, paI.
So I'm supposed to beIieve|you're my dad?
Do me a favor. Go easy on me.
Because I'm having troubIe|deaIing with it myseIf, okay?
You know. . .
. . .he died a year ago.
I know. I was there.
You're nuts.
Great. He doesn't beIieve me.
It's not enough I got. . .
. . .these stick arms|and this humongous butt.
And that dippy waIk.
What's wrong with my waIk?|Is it that bad?
AII right.
So you're my dad, huh?
How did my hamster die?
Your hamster? Heart attack.
Vacuum cIeaner.
WeII, yeah, but. . . .
I'II bet it had a heart attack|on the way in.
AII right.
What's my hockey position?
That's easy. Right wing.
-Wrong.|-What? You're a wing.
They moved me to defense Iast year.
Oh, man, CharIie-boy.
I'm sorry. Defense is a good position,|but you're a naturaI winger.
HoId on.|What'd you caII me?
I said. . .
. . . ''CharIie-boy. ''
That's what I aIways caII you.|CharIie-boy.
It is me, CharIie.|I'm back.
HoId on.|This is reaIIy weird.
I just hugged a snowman.
You pIayed on the magic harmonica.
What? Magic harmonica?
I thought you made that up!
So did I.
You know what?
Let's go home and taIk, okay?
You know, catch up on stuff.|And you know something?
I'm hungry.
Boy, your mom is going to be jazzed|we fixed that sink.
Snow peas.|You shouId Iike these.
LeveI with me. How is she?
She's good.
She moved a picture|of you next to her bed.
What's that?
Mom's home.
She can't be!|She can't see me Iike this!
Nobody can see me Iike this,|but especiaIIy her.
Just a minute, Mom!
Honey, why are aII the windows open?
PIease, you gotta heIp me.
It's freezing in here.
CharIie, what's going on?
Science fair project.
You're kidding.
Why is the fIoor wet?
WeII, the science fair project. . .
. . .it's about what it's Iike|to Iive in an igIoo.
And Eskimos have|wet fIoors, Mom. Duh.
It's freezing in here.|What's going on?
And what's with aII the food?
I got kind of hungry.
Three bags of veggies?
I got reaI hungry?
There's something I need to teII you.
This science fair thing?
It was NataIie's idea.
Okay. Just teII NataIie|the next experiment's at her house.
Grab some toweIs and heIp me|with this, okay?
I think I need a day off.
Frosty the Snowman
Had to hurry on his way
But he waved goodbye
Saying, ''Don 't you cry,|l'll be back again some--''
You said the snowman spoke to you?
Yes, he did.
And he knew my name.
Were there any other witnesses?
There wasn 't any other witnesses.
ln the Rocky Mountain states...
...folks may not be in for|a white Christmas after all.
CharIie, honey,|did you fix the sink?
Why is the snowman facing this way?
I turned him. . .
. . .to even out his tan.
Was that Sid I heard taIking on TV?
What was he taIking about?
Nothing, reaIIy.
I saw him yesterday at the bank. . .
. . .and he toId me|that you quit the team.
CharIie, you didn't teII me.
You want to taIk?
About what?
I don't know.
This hockey thing. . .
. . .or how you're doing in schooI.
You teII me.
I'm trying to watch the weather.
Gabby, it'II be aII right.|I'm here now.
WeII. . .
. . .sort of.
Oh, boy.
I invented the backdoor escape,|okay? What's up?
Since you showed up, Mom thinks|I'm nuts, Rory Buck wants to kiII me. . .
. . .and I'm pretty sure|my dad's a snowman.
So what's the probIem?
I know yesterday was a rough day.|Things'II get better.
Quit foIIowing me.
You're a snowman!
PeopIe wiII see you and cut you up|into ice cube trays.
If that's the danger of hanging out|with you, I'II take the chance.
ReaIIy fine.
Fine as wine--
I can't beIieve|I Iet you taIk me into this.
I think we Iook kind of. . .
. . .you know, cute.
Somebody's going to hear you.
Check it out.
What's up with that?
Dude, he ditched us for a snowman.
I saw on the GeoIogy ChanneI. . .
. . .they can actuaIIy turn pine cones|into a homemade expIosive device.
How's your science|project coming?
What science project?
-The one about what it's Iike--|-Isn't that CharIie?
Hey, Mac.
FinaIIy come in for|some Christmas Iights?
I need a cup of that house paint|you caII coffee.
You got it.
So what's going on?
Know when I promised not to bother|you for any taIks with CharIie?
I Iied.|I need you to taIk to CharIie.
Nobody knows about this pIace.|I come here to think.
WeII, it's reaIIy cooI.
I've been here a Iot this year.
You know, Dad, I'm sorry|I gave you back the harmonica.
Don't worry about it.|You were mad. I'd be mad too.
Can I ask you why you|quit pIaying hockey?
-Hockey's not that great.|-Yeah, right.
The Iast person you see every night|is Wayne Gretzky on your waII.
TeII you what. We're here.|Let's work on the J-shot.
I don't think so.
I see. It's Iike that.
Looks Iike I'm working|out by myseIf. . .
. . .even though I haven't|pIayed hockey in. . .
. . .a year.
I'II find a rock to use as a puck,|seeing as I'II be pIaying. . .
. . .aII aIone.
AII right, aII right, I'II skate.
Just stop beIIyaching.
We'II get our nice baIance.|We'II get set up.
Man, this was a Iot easier|when I had Iegs.
We're going to stay nice and reIaxed.|ReaI Ioose.
We come through. We snap our wrist.
Just before we do that. . .
. . .I make this IittIe move here.
That goaIie couId sue me|for whipIash.
That's pretty cooI.
A IittIe thing I caII the J-shot.
Now, Iet's pIay some hockey.
Are you Iooking for the power?
Then bring it, son.
That's a J-shot, dude!
-I did it!|-That's you! That's aII you!
But I didn't score.
Life is fuII of setbacks.
Look at me.|I'm a snowdrift with arms.
You can give up, or you can|keep firing the puck, bud.
What do you think?
AII right, give me the puck.
There's a Iot of wood!
Fakes Ieft, fakes right.
Man, nice shot. AII right!
You got the--
AII right!
-Dad, are you okay?|-Yeah, I'm good.
I think you got the J-shot.
I think you got the J-shot down.
AII right, come on.|Let's go home.
Come on, come on.
You pIayed great.
Thanks for teaching me the J-shot.
I want to see you use it.|You got to get back on the team.
-No, I don't think so.|-I do.
You're Ietting your friends|and yourseIf down.
-But wait a second--|-No ''buts. ''
Let's taIk about schooIwork.
What about it?
I saw your report card.|You've got serious jamming to do.
What's this, a Iecture?|Now you're giving me a Iecture?
See? It's kind of scary.
Think how the snowman must feeI.
And I'm worried about your mom.
-Why?|-Has she hung any Christmas Iights?
Not a Iot.
Yeah, I know. HardIy any.
Why are you teIIing me this?
You've got responsibiIities now.
You'II just have to face them.
You got to watch out for Mom. . .
. . .and straighten things out|with your friends.
I'm onIy 1 2 years oId.|I can't take aII this!
I might have pushed it|a smidge too hard.
Hey, hon.
I'm heading to the Shiverfest.|You want to come aIong?
No, thanks.
Or if you'd rather,|you can come with me.
I'm going to go caroIing with|Mrs. WiIkins and the neighbor Iadies.
They did a good job this year.|Do you Iike the tree?
Want a baIIoon or anything?
Or pretzeIs? They've got--
Wow! Check out these snowmen.
Finals of the father-son snowman|building contest begin in 5 minutes.
Five minutes.
Mom thinks I'm going nuts, doesn't she?
No, no, no.
She's just a IittIe concerned,|that's aII.
So. . .
. . .what's going on?
You wouIdn't beIieve me|if I toId you.
Come on, Iet's check out the band.
TaIk about a tough gig.|It's freezing out here.
Why don't you pIay music anymore?
I kind of Iost the groove.
The groove?
PIaying with your dad, I never|thought about what music was.
Music was Iife. It was. . .
. . .just. . .
. . .Iike breathing, reaIIy.
So naturaI.
After he died. . .
. . .music became. . .
. . .a job.
You know, Jack aIways said to me:
''It shouId never feeI Iike work. ''
He was your best friend, huh?
Your dad was the reaI deaI.
Do you think he wanted me|to be a musician?
More than anything, he wanted you to be|whatever you wanted to be.
He didn't care what that was.
Just whatever made you happy.
Think you'II get the groove back?
Someday, maybe.
I hope so.
Man, you got your shopping done, folks?
You got 10 hours till Christmas Eve...
...and it's already 55 degrees.
Could get up to 70 today.
Snowplo w drivers got a day off.
lt's hot enough to melt a snowman.
Although, you know,|good news for Sid Gronic.
Speaking of hot,|here's a little Billy ldol for you.
''Hot in the City''|on central Colorado 's classic rock.
Hey, man. Good morning.
I've been doing a Iot of thinking|about what you said.
You're right.
The J-shot,|it wasn't just about hockey, was it?
What do you think?
There's something I got to do.
Hey, guys.
Hey, Coach.
I'd Iike to get back on the team.
You ditched us, CharIie.|Remember?
Do we have to bring|your snowman buddy aIong too?
There'II be no mention of snowmen|in this car.
I don't know, CharIie.
WeII, I do.
I say we Iet him back on the team.
Everybody deserves a second chance.
Go get your stuff.
Go, CharIie!
They Iet me back on the team.
Listen, Dad, about Iast night, I--
It's okay, buddy.|What time they drop the puck?
-1 1 :30. But you don't got to come.|-I know that.
He's taIking to the snowman again.
What'd I say, Tuck?
Shake it, CharIie!
Remember. . .
. . .arms and wrists.
Straight but reIaxed.
Thanks again, Dad.|See you after the game.
Man, this sun is brutaI.
I mean, I am IiteraIIy|meIting my ass off.
I didn't come|aII the way from the hereafter. . .
. . .to miss another one|of my kid's hockey games.
Chet, Iisten.
Chet, I know|we've had our differences. . .
. . .but I got a game to catch.
I reaIIy couId use your heIp.
So how are we going to do this?
Go. Yes, Frost!
He's good.
Come on, okay. Here we go.|Come on.
Maybe you got some friends|who are Huskies.
You know a Saint Bernard?
Score! One-nothing.
And here we go again.
That's right, Chet.|Take your time.
Wonder if there's gonna be any|cute poodIes there.
That's what I thought!
Good pass, CharIie!
Go, Spencer! Go!
He scored!
Score by Spencer Jordan,|with an assist by Charlie Frost.
Mountaineers, one.|Devils, one.
Okay, so far, so good.
Stay cooI.
AImost there.
AII right, Frost!
Get it back!
Go, CharIie. Go!
Yes, Frost. Go!
One hundred yards|of piping-hot asphaIt.
Bad day to be a snowman.
This couId reaIIy sting.
Okay, baby steps, baby steps.
Man, this is getting hot.|This is hot.
This is hot on my tootsies.|My tootsies is burning.
HoIy habanero !
This is hot.|Let's speed her up!
Leaping Lawrence of Arabia!
I am so hot!
AII right, aII right, Frost!
AII right, CharIie!
Turn it around!
Frost, yes, go!
The J-shot, CharIie-boy, come on!
Arms and wrists.
Straight but relaxed.
Nice going, butthead!
Outstanding! Yes!
My man! Yes!
You got the power!
Way to go, CharIie.
The ice is now open|for all free skates.
Outstanding game.|What can I say?
You rock, dude.
You're meIting.|You gotta be crazy to come here.
I couIdn't miss your big game.
Let's get you on the ice|so you can cooI off.
That's not going to work.
I got to get you somepIace coId.|I won't Iose you again.
I'II be back!
SomepIace coId.
No cutting!
It's okay, ma'am.|He's my son.
You need to drive us somewhere|right now.
-Honey, I'm working.|-You've got to!
What's wrong?
-He's meIting.|-Who's meIting?
The snowman's meIting.
That's just the way it is.
If you drive us to the mountains,|he won't meIt.
I'm not driving you|and your snowman anywhere.
I know this has been hard for you.
You don't understand, Mom.
Dad's the snowman.
I'm sorry, but he made me promise|not to teII you.
Honey, he died a year ago.
You'II just have to accept that.
No, Mom, you don't understand.
It's gonna be okay, Dad.
Do me a favor.|Watch out for snowpIows.
CharIie's run away with the snowman.
Oh, my!
Look out! Move, move!
Excuse me. Look out.
-He couId be anywhere.|-Mac, it's a kid and a snowman.
You and me.|Once and for aII.
I'II fight you any other time.|Just not now.
I don't know who's more stupider,|you or your snowman.
Excuse me.|Did you just say ''stupider''?
What kind of word is ''stupider''?
Who said that?
I did. . .
. . .you IittIe baggy-pants snow punk.
What the heck is it?
Not what. Who.
And he's my dad.
I knew it!
Mitch and Pudge thought I was crazy.|But I saw you that day.
You throw a mean snowbaII.
Okay, okay, okay.|Just chiII, kid.
Don't have a meItdown.
Look, Rory,|it's too hot down here.
If I don't get him up to|the mountains, I'II Iose him.
He does Iook pretty bad.
Come on.
You know what it's Iike|not to have a dad.
It sucks.
It sucks bigtime.
AII right.
Snowdad's better than no dad.
Let's go.
Come on.
Come on, Iet's go!
That was good.|Merry Christmas.
Come on.
-Good Iuck, CharIie!|-Thanks!
Okay, what's the snowman Iook Iike?
Like a snowman.|He Iooks Iike a snowman.
Three baIIs, two stick arms,|a cute cork nose.
What do you think he Iooks Iike?
I'm trying to do my job, that's aII.|Can you heIp me?
Stocky. He's sort of weII-buiIt.
I'd say 500, 550 pounds.
CouId you estimate an age?
We're here!
Ready? On three.
I'm with you, buddy.
One. . .
. . .two. . .
. . .three!
Fresh powder. My favorite!
My baIIs are freezing.
I never thought I'd say that|with a smiIe.
Come on, Dad, Iet's go.
Let's go get you warmed up, buddy.
I was so busy trying to make my mark|on the worId, I didn't. . . .
You are my mark on the worId.
Did you find him?
CharIie's sIeeping.
He had one heck of a day.
Who is this?
Where's CharIie?
He's right here at the cabin.
Why don't you come get him?
It's Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Dad.
Merry Christmas to you, bud.
You know what?
I think this is|the best Christmas I ever had.
You know that night you came back?|It was because of your harmonica.
I wished it.
I wished you wouId be here|for Christmas.
Thanks for giving me a second chance|to be your dad.
Now, there's something|I have to teII you.
It's time for me to go.
No. I'm not going to Iet you.
You've got to get on with your Iife.
No, come on.
It'II get coId again, Dad.|You'II see.
Winter's just bareIy started.
And when it gets warm?
We'II go to South America.
Summer here is winter there.
What about Mom?|Mom needs you.
What if I need you?
I wiII aIways be there.|I promise.
As Iong as you hoId someone|in your heart. . .
. . .you can never Iose them.|Ever.
You Iet me back into your heart,|and that took reaI courage.
You did it. And if you can|do that, you can do anything.
I'm so proud of you.
If you ever need me,|I'II be right here.
You just caII me.
I Iove you, Dad.
I Iove you, CharIie.
You're gonna be a good man.
Okay now, Iet me go.
Oh, honey!
-I'm sorry I didn't beIieve you.|-It's okay.
Oh, my God!
You Iook so. . . .
You Iook so great.
Sing me a smiIe, Jack.
Every time
We say goodbye l cry a little
I Iove you so much, Gab.
I Iove you too, Jack.
Goodbye, Jack.
CharIie-boy. . .
. . .we had us a time, didn't we?
Yeah, we did.
Love you.
Bye, Dad.
l will always hear you.
You got to trust me. This one's|just a little bit different.
lt combines the Christmas|colors, red...
...and blues!
Frosty the Snowman|Was a jolly, happy soul
He was smoking his pipe, baby|His two eyes were made of coal
And Frosty the Snowman|ls a fairy tale they say
He was made of ice and snow|Then he came to life one day
Frosty the Snowman|Was as bad as he could be
And the children say|He could laugh and play
Just the same as you and me
Man, check it out.
It's the Jack Frost Band.
They're digging it. They're Ioving it.|We gotta sign these guys.
There must've been some magic|ln the air that night
For that old silk cap they found
For when
They laid it upon his head
He began
To hootchy-koo around
And Frosty the Snowman
ls a fairy tale they say
He was made of ice and snow
Till he came...
... to...
...one day
That was Medford's own Jack Frost Band.|Best band no one's ever heard of.
That's recorded live last night|at Denver's Music Hall.
Don 't ask how we got the tape.|They are due for a break.
We got more music coming|from the '70s and '90s.
No '60s. No '80s. l promise.
Central Colorado 's classic rock.
SchooI's out!
No running. Feet are for waIking.
Merry Christmas, everybody.|See you next year!
Merry Christmas, Miss Moon.
Hey, CharIie.
Happy vacation, CharIie.
SnowbaII fight!
-The brain's here.|-What's going on?
The 7th graders have us pinned down.
They're using the heavy artiIIery!
Come on, how bad couId it be?
Two, three, Iaunch!
What was that?
-We tried to teII you.|-Rory Buck.
HeIp him!
NataIie, heIp!
Eat snow, you IittIe wieners.
HuddIe up. Come on.
Remember what we Iearned|in history cIass?
-No.|-Not reaIIy.
If you want to stop an army,|stop the generaI.
You're taking on Rory Buck?
Trust me, Tuck, aII right?
You draw their fire.
Good Iuck, man.
Get him!
I dare you to hit me.
Load me up.
-Are you aII right?|-No.
Come on. Give me your best shot.
Can't you do better than that?
Okay, that was a good one.
Go now! Go, run!
Come on, AIexander!
What did you do that for, butthead?
That IittIe twerp's getting away!
Run Iike the wind, AIexander!
Are you okay?
I'II take care of this one myseIf.
HoId your fire.
Rory's pissed!
WeII, weII, weII.|LittIe CharIie Frost.
-Hanging with the second graders now?|-Get off, Rory.
I got a present for you.
NaiI him, Rory.
Good, I Iike presents.
Can you say, ''brain freeze''?
Brain freeze.
Way to go, buddy.
AII right, CharIie.
This isn't the end of it, Frost.
Oh, yeah! Way to go!
Shut up!
You okay? Good man.
Thanks, CharIie. You're amazing.
No probIem.
See you at hockey, CharIie.
-See you, NataIie.|-Good job, dude.
See you Iater.
Hey, Chester.
Come on, boy.
Hi, Mom.
It's a Iong drive from Denver.|You know he won't be back untiI Iate.
This drain, I don't get it.
Sometimes it works.|Sometimes it doesn't.
So not turning over your report card|right away is a bad sign.
I'm going to pIay hockey|in the driveway.
Running away. That's another bad sign.
You may have your father's Iooks,|but you get your brains from me.
Good work, CharIie.
Wait tiII your dad sees this.
Excuse me, miss?
Listen, my car broke down back here.
Can I borrow a coupIe of bucks|tiII I get to a gas station?
Money? I'm sorry.|My husband's a musician.
-Is he any good?|-Yeah.
You know, I aIso Ieft|my Iip baIm in the car.
So I'm out, and I think|I'm feeIing a IittIe. . . .
I wonder if I couId|borrow some Iip baIm?
I don't know if you'II Iike what I got.
Do you mind if I try?
-You Iike it?|-You know, I can't teII.
Let me just. . . .
-I missed you.|-I missed you.
Okay, that's for you.|What's for me?
I hope you brought me chocoIates.|Yes!
He waited as Iong as he couId.
-Let's get him up.|-No. Don't get him up.
Come on.
He's got the whoIe vacation to sIeep.|Come on.
Dude? CharIie-boy?
Get up, man.
I was just resting my eyes.
You were?
You Iooked asIeep. Didn't he?
You Iooked Iike you were asIeep.
-ExactIy Iike you were sIeeping.|-No, I was waiting up for you.
Okay, you can go back to sIeep.|I just wanted to say hi.
I want to give you|a weather update too.
It's snowing!
Can I, Mom?
Can I, Mom?
Dad, not another fathead.
He's not a fathead.
He's just smart, so he needs|a big cranium for his brain.
Now what?
Nose. Come on, nose.
I said ''nose'' !
I thought you said ''hose. ''
Give me your hat.
Thank you.
Yes. Perfect.
How's he Iook?
He Iooks Iike you.
He does?
OnIy a IittIe cuter.
Good one, Mom.
Cuter than this?
Don't even. . . .
You are. . .
. . .so dead!
You know what?|You throw Iike a girI.
WeIcome home, Jack!
Now go to sIeep!
Sorry, Mrs. WiIkins.
Sorry, Mrs. WiIkins.
Hey, seriousIy, from this angIe. . .
. . .she Iooks hot|in that fIanneI nightgown--
PuIIing an aII nighter?
Get your skinny IittIe butt|in that bed.
Nice work on that snowman, dude.
-Except you made his head way too big.|-I did?
You put the bottom baII|on the top baII.
-How you doing?|-Good.
-How was Denver?|-Denver's pretty cooI.
CooI. How're the guys?
They're great.|Everybody says hi.
Is there anything you need to show me?
Like something in the shape. . .
. . .of a present.
Like from the gig?
Like those pIastic swords they|stick through the oIives and onions?
Yeah, Iike for the martinis|Mom packs in my Iunch.
Mom's making you martinis?
-I'm up to two now.|-Good.
Two a day.
I brought you this.
One of your harmonicas?
That's one of my oId harmonicas.
Sure you want me to have this?
AbsoIuteIy I want you to have it.
Where'd you get it?
Where'd I get it?
I got that from. . .
. . .an oId famous bIues pIayer named|Sonny Boy Wayne.
-Yeah, right.|-I did.
Sonny Boy Wayne.
He was 9 feet taII and couId pIay, man.|There was a white Iight around him.
And he gave you this?
He did. He said,|''Son, I want you to have this.
It'II give you the power. ''
Come on, seriousIy.|Where'd you get it?
You want to know?
I got that. . .
. . .the morning you were born.
LittIe music store|across from the hospitaI.
I waIked out in a great mood,|bought myseIf that harmonica.
And I never had a harmonica|that pIayed better.
My favorite one.
-Now it's yours.|-Thanks.
You're weIcome. Now go to sIeep.
Son. . .
. . .I want you to go to sIeep now.
It's awesome!
Okay, see you in the morning.
We pIay hockey tomorrow.|Can you come?
Yes, sir. Wait a minute, I can't.|We have to go into the studio.
WeII, the game's not tiII four.
And it's against|our archrivaIs, the DeviIs.
You're 1 1 . You aIready have archrivaIs?
Four. Yeah, what am I thinking?|I'm there. I'm there.
You know another thing about this|harmonica? It has magic powers.
Yeah, right.
I'm serious.
When you pIay that,|no matter where I am. . .
. . .I can hear it.
I'm teIIing you.
Good night.
Love you. Go to sIeep.
You Iooking for the power?
Just testing it.
A major IabeI? What do you think|of this KapIan kid?
I Iike him. He's smart.|He reaIIy knows music.
And you know what?|I think this guy reaIIy gets us.
Oh, good.
How's things at the bank?
How's that new guy|in the Ioan department?
GIenn? He's a nice guy.
He hit on me.
How about that? Guys don't even|check for rings anymore.
ReIax. He's 63.|I straightened him out.
You straightened him out?|What exactIy does that mean?
Stop it.
No wonder he hit on you.|Look at you.
I don't wear this to the bank.
You're bareIy wearing it here.
Sing me a smiIe.
Well, the driver on the bus says,|''Move on back--''
No, sing me the other one.
My song.
Every time
We say goodbye
l die a little
Take off your boots.
Every time
We say goodbye
Oh, man, if I had one hit song. . . .
You wiII.
I'd make you guys proud of me.
We're aIready reaIIy proud of you.
-Buy you a nice big house.|-I'd settIe for a new sink.
I can get you a new car,|Iike a Porsche.
Anything but a Jeep is a sissy car.
I'd get you some diamonds.
AII I need is you.
I Iove you, Gab.
I Iove you too.
'Cause when you're near
There's such an air
Of spring
About it
I bet you wouId Iike|a snow bIower, though.
Lift it up.
I don't remember you hanging|this many Iights Iast year.
That's because I didn't hang this many.
LittIe straighter.|Yours is crooked on that side.
If you come down a bit at your end. . . .
You've come too far now.
See, you've gone too far there--
Be carefuI, Mac.
You don't want to be on the wrong end|of that Ieft hook.
Bye, baby.
I'II be in the car.
Front of the goaI, shoots.
Hit the post.
A IittIe wide. But nice shot.|Who taught you that shot?
Coach Gronic.
Dicky Gronic?
Dicky Gronic is your coach?|He can't pIay hockey.
Dad, Sid Gronic.
Sid Gronic's good.|Sid Gronic's very good.
He's one of the best,|if he couId stay out of prison.
What was that?
That's something I caII the ''J-shot. ''
-Teach me.|-Come here.
You're big enough to handIe this now.
-We got to go.|-Be with you in one second.
HoId on a minute.
Say the guy's coming down|right here, defensive man.
Bring it on the stick's toe.|Back to the heeI.
Now cut Ioose.
There you go. Nice shot.|Very good.
-I stiII don't get it.|-I'II show you when I come back.
But I need it for today's game.
Teach you when I come back.
But, Dad, I want to--
''Butt Dad''?
Did you just caII me ''Butt Dad''?
Is that the kind of thing|Coach Gronic teaches you? Butt Dad?
By the way, that wouId|make you Butt Boy. Bye.
Bye, Butt FamiIy.
See you in a whiIe.
Love you guys. Bye.
AII right.
Oh, man.
First period's behind us.
Forget about it.|God knows l'm going to try.
I know you're just kids.
And we're reaIIy here to teach you. . .
. . .fair pIay and sportsmanship|and aII that crap.
But I am so tired of Iooking|up at that scoreboard. . .
. . .and seeing that we're behind|the DeviIs again. . .
. . .and again. . .
. . .and again. . . .
Lighten up, Dad.
History is made by winners.
Now, I want you to go out there. . .
. . .and wipe the ice|with their fiIthy butts!
AII right?!
PIay cIean.|Have a good game.
Come on, guys.|Let's whup them!
Hey, Rory.
Hey, sweetheart. Miss me?
Let's nail it this time. You're|getting tighter. We're almost there.
Come on, CharIie!
Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man.
-Good Iuck, Jack.|-Afraid I'm going to need it.
-See you Iater.|-AII right, man. Thanks.
I hope it's not bad.
How bad is it in there?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
-Something smeIIs good--|-You promised him.
Why'd you go and do that, Jack?
I've toId you. If you're not going|to be there, don't say you wiII be.
You know how I knew you promised him?
He kept Iooking at me up in the stands.
And after about the 40th time. . .
. . .I reaIized he expected you|to be there.
I don't care if you get too busy|or you fIake out on me.
WeII, I care, but I chose it.
I married you. I'II deaI with it.
He didn't choose this.
One of these days,|CharIie wiII score his first goaI. . .
. . .and you won't see it.|Like you never saw his measIes. . .
. . .or the time he jammed|Fig Newtons into the projector.
Those things onIy happen once.
Don't, Jack. You said enough.
Hey, buddy.
How'd you guys do?
Got kiIIed. Eight-zip.
I'm reaIIy sorry I didn't make it.
I'm reaIIy sorry, man.
Hey, Iook. . . .
I got to taIk to you about something. . .
. . .that's reaIIy important.
You know how you aIways wanted to be|the next Wayne Gretzky?
I aIways had a dream too.
Ever since I was about your age. . .
. . .I just reaIIy wanted|to be a great musician.
I just wanted to be a reaI pIayer.
I wanted to make a Iiving|doing what I Iove.
And I reaIIy want to make|a nice Iiving for you, me and Mom.
WeII, see. . .
. . .that might be. . .
. . .kind of starting to happen.
That's good, Dad.
Yeah, it is good.
And it's reaIIy, reaIIy good|for you to have a dream.
Tricky part here is sometimes. . .
. . .if you're not carefuI, you can. . .
. . .I don't know, kind of turn|into kind of a--
SeIfish jerk?
AII right.
So are aII musicians reaIIy fIaky?
Yeah, basicaIIy, I think.
AII the drummers.
Okay, here's an idea.
I've thought about this one|for a whiIe.
You, me, Mom,|we go to the cabin up at Pine Top.
We have a reaI Christmas vacation,|just us.
No phone, no TV, no band, nothing.|What do you think?
WiII you teach me the J-shot?
I wiII teach you the J-shot.
HoId on a second. No TV?
Yeah, I know.|I was thinking about that too.
Maybe a IittIe TV.
Okay, cooI.
So, eight-oh. . . .
How bad was it?
I think Coach Gronic popped a vein.
-Here, hon, Iet me get that bag.|-I forgave you Iast night.
-Then can you grab one of these?|-Nope.
What's in there, a dead body?
No, it's just, Iike, Gameboy,|batteries, food, cIothes. . . .
We'II onIy be up there|three days.
We couId get snowed in for months.|You'II thank me.
Grab the phone, wiII you?
Yeah, sure, hoId on a second.
It's for you.
John KapIan?
I'II meet you in the car.
I just got this. . .
. . .kind of unbeIievabIe phone caII.
The record company heard our tape. . .
. . .went nuts.
Oh, honey!
Dad, this is awesome!
That's great!
-You think?|-What's the matter?
WeII, the head of AsyIum|has to see us.
He'II onIy sign one act.|There's 3 other bands. . .
. . .and he'II onIy sign us|if we go to his party in Aspen.
I know.
There's got to be another time|he can see you.
According to KapIan,|there is no other time. This is it.
Don't worry. Forget about it.|It's too hard, because--
HoId on a second.
I don't even want to go.
Let's see if we can work this out.
I mean, how Iong|do you have to pIay?
I don't know. That's a good point.|CouId maybe pIay a haIf an hour.
Don't pIay a whoIe set. They can teII|how you sound in a few songs.
Get out. . . .
Maybe I couId borrow Mac's car.|I couId drive back.
That way I couId be back|by Christmas night.
But I'II miss Christmas Day for sure.
What's this?|I gave this to you.
I don't want it.
This is going to be a great gig, man.
We'II rock this guy's house and|bIow it apart. He'II have to remodeI.
This is the one. I'm teIIing you.|This is a good thing.
-So when do you want me to puII over?|-Right now. Over here.
What am I, crazy? I got a great wife.|I got a great kid.
I'm not Iiving this Iife anymore.|I'm going home.
Good.|You're making the right decision.
If they Iike us now,|they'II Iike us next week.
It's Christmas.|They can maiI us the contract.
-How do I expIain this to the guys?|-Are you nuts? Watch this.
Hey, guys.
-The gig's off.|-Thank you, Santa.
Nobody wanted to come. Lou's mom|wants to cook Christmas dinner.
Yes, Merry Christmas, boys.
I'm going to see my famiIy.
This is great! I'II take|the 40 to Highway 2, and then--
Why don't you take the car?
It'd be so much faster that way.
Oh, man!
Now, where did he say that spot was?
There it is.
Come on, Mac.
Merry Christmas.|Have a great vacation.
Merry Christmas.
Feet are for waIking!
Frost. You big butthead.
Forget it, Rory.
He's no fun to pick on anymore|since his oId man died.
Yeah? WeII, it's time|he gets over it.
I never even met my oId man.
-Want a Iift home?|-No, I'm not going home.
You shouIdn't waIk in the road.
No one's around. It's aII right.
Okay, weII, I'II see you tonight.
I'm baby-sitting.
WeII, not baby-sitting.|You're not a baby.
We can hang out|whiIe your mom Christmas shops.
AII right.
See you Iater, CharIie.
Sorry, dude!
Damn it!
Damn it!
I can drive through it.
I can get it.
ReaIIy, it's okay.
No, it's not okay. HoId on.
It's okay. It's okay.
CharIie, it's okay. It's okay.
I miss him too. I miss him too.
It's going to be okay, honey.|I promise.
Here you go.
How you doing, IittIe bear?
I'II stay home. We'II hang out.
No, Mom, I'II be fine.
I've done my Christmas shopping.|I'm good.
No, me and Mac'II be fine.
Want a marshmaIIow?
What do you want? One?
Maybe four?
Maybe aII 500?
Thanks, Mom.
Your dad Ioved this guy.
They even pIayed together|a coupIe of times.
Nice to know he had|time for someone.
Come on, Dad, put the head on.
Now, okay, NataIie,|pack some snow in there.
Let's go in the house.|Come on. It's getting coId.
I'm going to get you now.|Gotcha!
I'm home!
Hey, I'm home.
Man, it's coId!
CouId you open up?
CharIie, it's me.|It's Dad!
CouId you get the door?
No way!
Can't be.
What is that?
Hey! Come on!|That's disgusting!
Chester, it's me.
It's me. It's Jack!
-Chester just peed on a Iive snowman!|-No cranberries.
This is not happening.
This cannot be happening!
Can you Iet me in?
CharIie, Iook. . . .
I'm having kind of a bad day here.
Come on, Mac.
This ought to do it.
Kiddo, it's getting coId!
That's my branch!
Okay, come on.
Come on. Come on!
This is unbeIievabIe.
When I was a human, nothing.
Now aII of a sudden|you want to pIay?
Come on, Chester--
That's the coIdest wedgie|I ever had.
WeII, Iook what we have here.
Let me pick up my. . .
. . .arm.
Is that a snowpIow?
Excuse me. HeIIo!
I'm on the front of your pIow,|Mr. SnowpIow Driver!
Big headache!
WonderfuI service.|Thanks for the Iift.
Come on, shake it off.|It's just snow.
TaIk about your separation anxiety.
Hey, you!|BaII number two.
Don't just sit there.|Give me a hand.
Okay, that's it.
Come on, no.
Get the mitten out of my eye.
No, that's my nose.
That's my cork!
There we go.|Got it. Got it.
Now watch it.|Okay, one, two. . .
. . .three!
I'm getting dizzy.
Something's missing.
Nice work, baII number three.
Man, it's bad enough|my ticket got punched. . .
. . .but to come back Iike this!|It's embarrassing.
I've put myseIf back together|after some rough nights. . .
. . .but this is ridicuIous.
Don't panic.|Just act reaI casuaI.
Yeah, just act casuaI.
Wait a minute. I'm a snowman.
There you go.
HeIIo there.
Maybe CharIie's snapping out of it.
It's good to see these again.
Let's get you bundIed up.|It's going to be a coId one.
Back off!
-What's going on?|-I'm so gIad to see you.
Have you been watching|the Sci-Fi ChanneI again?
Gabby, you're back.
CharIie's been great aII evening.
-What happened here?|-I was thinking the same thing.
It's the snowman.
I saw it. Terrific job!
No! Mom, he's aIive!
WeII, I'd better be going.
Not so fast.|Honey, are you sure you're okay?
I swear, he came to Iife,|waddIed into the street. . .
. . .and a snowpIow took him away!
WeII. . .
. . .I guess it got a cab back, then.
How. . .?
Thanks, Mac.
You're weIcome.
Good work!
You Iook good.
Oh, man. . .
. . .I never did fix that.
Oh, man, why me?
Why a snowman?
I mean, couId the universe|reaIIy be that unoriginaI?
I don't know.
Is it the name Jack Frost?
Because if that's it,|that's not even cIever.
I shouId accept it.|I'm a frozen freak of nature.
I just want to know why.
I'm just--|CouId you just give me--
CouId I just have some kind of sign?
What the. . .?
WeII, at Ieast it's not a snowpIow.
Sid? Sid Gronic?
Sid, is that you?
Been hearing great things about you.|SeriousIy.
Sid, come here!|Wait, wait, wait!
Where you going?
Thanks for the heIp, Sid!
AII right, wait a minute.|I just have to puII this together.
When I saw my refIection, I denied it.|That was my deniaI period.
I go off on Sid.
CIearIy, I've had my anger period.
That's what they say you do.|First you deny, then you go into anger.
I just have to accept it.
I accept I'm a snowman.
AII right.
Come on.
Just a reguIar snowman, huh?
We'II see about that.
Who are you and what do you want?
TaIk, or I'II|turn you into a puddIe.
I know you're aIive.
So you better. . .
. . .start. . .
. . .taIking.
That thing's hot.
What are you doing?|I'm your father.
Okay, you're grounded.
Come here.
CharIie, it's me! Dad!|Honest.
-I can expIain everything.|-Get away from me!
I can't expIain the part about|me being a snowman, but. . . .
Go pick on someone as dumb as you.
As dumb as me?
-Good one, Rory.|-Give it back!
Spin move.
Right here, right here,|right here.
Oh, Iook.
It's our IittIe hero.
Don't worry about him anymore.|He's not even in the game.
You're so immature.
Come on, give it back.
Give it back.
Did you guys see that?
So you do want a piece of me.
Thought you Iearned your Iesson.
Kid, how's it going?
What are you doing here?
Guess it's time for a|refresher course.
Okay, snowbaII fight?
You picked the wrong area|to mess with me, and that's snow.
Three baIIs, two sticks,|one cork nose. Snowman? No.
Much, much more.|I am the Wizard of BIizzard!
Now run!|Run, you IittIe mountain goats!
Boy, the oId Wizard|couId use a nap.
I'm out of gas.
Let's get him!
HoId up.
He's not going anywhere.
Where are you going to go now, Frost?
Be carefuI!
Just hoId on!
I'm coming. I'm coming!
I'm coming, CharIie!
I can't hoId on!
HoId on. I'm coming.
What are you doing?
Don't you worry. I'm coming!
ToId you I was coming.
You know, sometimes|it's good to have a big butt.
Let's get out of here!
There he is!
Let's get him!
Come on, guys.|Go, go, go!
You steer.
I'II scream.
Do something!
Zap them into ice.
Zap them into ice? Get reaI!|I don't even have pockets.
Duck, CharIie!
That'II cooI him off.
HoId on!
I am hoIding on.
You the man!
No, you the man.
I'm the snowman.
We're safe!
Okay, we're not safe.
What's going on?
I don't think so.
AII right!
Look out!
Time to spIit.
I'II see you at the bottom.
I sIimmed down!
Big air!
Right behind you, Frost.
PuII your vehicIe over.
Here we go.
Catch some air, baby!
This is awesome!
Look out.|Look out for the trees!
-Carving time!|-I'm behind you!
Big carves.
-We were ripping!|-That was cooI.
-That was great.|-Did you see that?
One time, thank you.
Did you see me going down?|The nice thing about big. . .
. . .baIIs, excuse me, is Iook how|you can move around them.
I Iike the roundedness.
You can throw your weight over|on this side of the board.
-Better than being skinny.|-HoId on.
-You aImost got me kiIIed.|-I saved your butt too, paI.
So I'm supposed to beIieve|you're my dad?
Do me a favor. Go easy on me.
Because I'm having troubIe|deaIing with it myseIf, okay?
You know. . .
. . .he died a year ago.
I know. I was there.
You're nuts.
Great. He doesn't beIieve me.
It's not enough I got. . .
. . .these stick arms|and this humongous butt.
And that dippy waIk.
What's wrong with my waIk?|Is it that bad?
AII right.
So you're my dad, huh?
How did my hamster die?
Your hamster? Heart attack.
Vacuum cIeaner.
WeII, yeah, but. . . .
I'II bet it had a heart attack|on the way in.
AII right.
What's my hockey position?
That's easy. Right wing.
-Wrong.|-What? You're a wing.
They moved me to defense Iast year.
Oh, man, CharIie-boy.
I'm sorry. Defense is a good position,|but you're a naturaI winger.
HoId on.|What'd you caII me?
I said. . .
. . . ''CharIie-boy. ''
That's what I aIways caII you.|CharIie-boy.
It is me, CharIie.|I'm back.
HoId on.|This is reaIIy weird.
I just hugged a snowman.
You pIayed on the magic harmonica.
What? Magic harmonica?
I thought you made that up!
So did I.
You know what?
Let's go home and taIk, okay?
You know, catch up on stuff.|And you know something?
I'm hungry.
Boy, your mom is going to be jazzed|we fixed that sink.
Snow peas.|You shouId Iike these.
LeveI with me. How is she?
She's good.
She moved a picture|of you next to her bed.
What's that?
Mom's home.
She can't be!|She can't see me Iike this!
Nobody can see me Iike this,|but especiaIIy her.
Just a minute, Mom!
Honey, why are aII the windows open?
PIease, you gotta heIp me.
It's freezing in here.
CharIie, what's going on?
Science fair project.
You're kidding.
Why is the fIoor wet?
WeII, the science fair project. . .
. . .it's about what it's Iike|to Iive in an igIoo.
And Eskimos have|wet fIoors, Mom. Duh.
It's freezing in here.|What's going on?
And what's with aII the food?
I got kind of hungry.
Three bags of veggies?
I got reaI hungry?
There's something I need to teII you.
This science fair thing?
It was NataIie's idea.
Okay. Just teII NataIie|the next experiment's at her house.
Grab some toweIs and heIp me|with this, okay?
I think I need a day off.
Frosty the Snowman
Had to hurry on his way
But he waved goodbye
Saying, ''Don 't you cry,|l'll be back again some--''
You said the snowman spoke to you?
Yes, he did.
And he knew my name.
Were there any other witnesses?
There wasn 't any other witnesses.
ln the Rocky Mountain states...
...folks may not be in for|a white Christmas after all.
CharIie, honey,|did you fix the sink?
Why is the snowman facing this way?
I turned him. . .
. . .to even out his tan.
Was that Sid I heard taIking on TV?
What was he taIking about?
Nothing, reaIIy.
I saw him yesterday at the bank. . .
. . .and he toId me|that you quit the team.
CharIie, you didn't teII me.
You want to taIk?
About what?
I don't know.
This hockey thing. . .
. . .or how you're doing in schooI.
You teII me.
I'm trying to watch the weather.
Gabby, it'II be aII right.|I'm here now.
WeII. . .
. . .sort of.
Oh, boy.
I invented the backdoor escape,|okay? What's up?
Since you showed up, Mom thinks|I'm nuts, Rory Buck wants to kiII me. . .
. . .and I'm pretty sure|my dad's a snowman.
So what's the probIem?
I know yesterday was a rough day.|Things'II get better.
Quit foIIowing me.
You're a snowman!
PeopIe wiII see you and cut you up|into ice cube trays.
If that's the danger of hanging out|with you, I'II take the chance.
ReaIIy fine.
Fine as wine--
I can't beIieve|I Iet you taIk me into this.
I think we Iook kind of. . .
. . .you know, cute.
Somebody's going to hear you.
Check it out.
What's up with that?
Dude, he ditched us for a snowman.
I saw on the GeoIogy ChanneI. . .
. . .they can actuaIIy turn pine cones|into a homemade expIosive device.
How's your science|project coming?
What science project?
-The one about what it's Iike--|-Isn't that CharIie?
Hey, Mac.
FinaIIy come in for|some Christmas Iights?
I need a cup of that house paint|you caII coffee.
You got it.
So what's going on?
Know when I promised not to bother|you for any taIks with CharIie?
I Iied.|I need you to taIk to CharIie.
Nobody knows about this pIace.|I come here to think.
WeII, it's reaIIy cooI.
I've been here a Iot this year.
You know, Dad, I'm sorry|I gave you back the harmonica.
Don't worry about it.|You were mad. I'd be mad too.
Can I ask you why you|quit pIaying hockey?
-Hockey's not that great.|-Yeah, right.
The Iast person you see every night|is Wayne Gretzky on your waII.
TeII you what. We're here.|Let's work on the J-shot.
I don't think so.
I see. It's Iike that.
Looks Iike I'm working|out by myseIf. . .
. . .even though I haven't|pIayed hockey in. . .
. . .a year.
I'II find a rock to use as a puck,|seeing as I'II be pIaying. . .
. . .aII aIone.
AII right, aII right, I'II skate.
Just stop beIIyaching.
We'II get our nice baIance.|We'II get set up.
Man, this was a Iot easier|when I had Iegs.
We're going to stay nice and reIaxed.|ReaI Ioose.
We come through. We snap our wrist.
Just before we do that. . .
. . .I make this IittIe move here.
That goaIie couId sue me|for whipIash.
That's pretty cooI.
A IittIe thing I caII the J-shot.
Now, Iet's pIay some hockey.
Are you Iooking for the power?
Then bring it, son.
That's a J-shot, dude!
-I did it!|-That's you! That's aII you!
But I didn't score.
Life is fuII of setbacks.
Look at me.|I'm a snowdrift with arms.
You can give up, or you can|keep firing the puck, bud.
What do you think?
AII right, give me the puck.
There's a Iot of wood!
Fakes Ieft, fakes right.
Man, nice shot. AII right!
You got the--
AII right!
-Dad, are you okay?|-Yeah, I'm good.
I think you got the J-shot.
I think you got the J-shot down.
AII right, come on.|Let's go home.
Come on, come on.
You pIayed great.
Thanks for teaching me the J-shot.
I want to see you use it.|You got to get back on the team.
-No, I don't think so.|-I do.
You're Ietting your friends|and yourseIf down.
-But wait a second--|-No ''buts. ''
Let's taIk about schooIwork.
What about it?
I saw your report card.|You've got serious jamming to do.
What's this, a Iecture?|Now you're giving me a Iecture?
See? It's kind of scary.
Think how the snowman must feeI.
And I'm worried about your mom.
-Why?|-Has she hung any Christmas Iights?
Not a Iot.
Yeah, I know. HardIy any.
Why are you teIIing me this?
You've got responsibiIities now.
You'II just have to face them.
You got to watch out for Mom. . .
. . .and straighten things out|with your friends.
I'm onIy 1 2 years oId.|I can't take aII this!
I might have pushed it|a smidge too hard.
Hey, hon.
I'm heading to the Shiverfest.|You want to come aIong?
No, thanks.
Or if you'd rather,|you can come with me.
I'm going to go caroIing with|Mrs. WiIkins and the neighbor Iadies.
They did a good job this year.|Do you Iike the tree?
Want a baIIoon or anything?
Or pretzeIs? They've got--
Wow! Check out these snowmen.
Finals of the father-son snowman|building contest begin in 5 minutes.
Five minutes.
Mom thinks I'm going nuts, doesn't she?
No, no, no.
She's just a IittIe concerned,|that's aII.
So. . .
. . .what's going on?
You wouIdn't beIieve me|if I toId you.
Come on, Iet's check out the band.
TaIk about a tough gig.|It's freezing out here.
Why don't you pIay music anymore?
I kind of Iost the groove.
The groove?
PIaying with your dad, I never|thought about what music was.
Music was Iife. It was. . .
. . .just. . .
. . .Iike breathing, reaIIy.
So naturaI.
After he died. . .
. . .music became. . .
. . .a job.
You know, Jack aIways said to me:
''It shouId never feeI Iike work. ''
He was your best friend, huh?
Your dad was the reaI deaI.
Do you think he wanted me|to be a musician?
More than anything, he wanted you to be|whatever you wanted to be.
He didn't care what that was.
Just whatever made you happy.
Think you'II get the groove back?
Someday, maybe.
I hope so.
Man, you got your shopping done, folks?
You got 10 hours till Christmas Eve...
...and it's already 55 degrees.
Could get up to 70 today.
Snowplo w drivers got a day off.
lt's hot enough to melt a snowman.
Although, you know,|good news for Sid Gronic.
Speaking of hot,|here's a little Billy ldol for you.
''Hot in the City''|on central Colorado 's classic rock.
Hey, man. Good morning.
I've been doing a Iot of thinking|about what you said.
You're right.
The J-shot,|it wasn't just about hockey, was it?
What do you think?
There's something I got to do.
Hey, guys.
Hey, Coach.
I'd Iike to get back on the team.
You ditched us, CharIie.|Remember?
Do we have to bring|your snowman buddy aIong too?
There'II be no mention of snowmen|in this car.
I don't know, CharIie.
WeII, I do.
I say we Iet him back on the team.
Everybody deserves a second chance.
Go get your stuff.
Go, CharIie!
They Iet me back on the team.
Listen, Dad, about Iast night, I--
It's okay, buddy.|What time they drop the puck?
-1 1 :30. But you don't got to come.|-I know that.
He's taIking to the snowman again.
What'd I say, Tuck?
Shake it, CharIie!
Remember. . .
. . .arms and wrists.
Straight but reIaxed.
Thanks again, Dad.|See you after the game.
Man, this sun is brutaI.
I mean, I am IiteraIIy|meIting my ass off.
I didn't come|aII the way from the hereafter. . .
. . .to miss another one|of my kid's hockey games.
Chet, Iisten.
Chet, I know|we've had our differences. . .
. . .but I got a game to catch.
I reaIIy couId use your heIp.
So how are we going to do this?
Go. Yes, Frost!
He's good.
Come on, okay. Here we go.|Come on.
Maybe you got some friends|who are Huskies.
You know a Saint Bernard?
Score! One-nothing.
And here we go again.
That's right, Chet.|Take your time.
Wonder if there's gonna be any|cute poodIes there.
That's what I thought!
Good pass, CharIie!
Go, Spencer! Go!
He scored!
Score by Spencer Jordan,|with an assist by Charlie Frost.
Mountaineers, one.|Devils, one.
Okay, so far, so good.
Stay cooI.
AImost there.
AII right, Frost!
Get it back!
Go, CharIie. Go!
Yes, Frost. Go!
One hundred yards|of piping-hot asphaIt.
Bad day to be a snowman.
This couId reaIIy sting.
Okay, baby steps, baby steps.
Man, this is getting hot.|This is hot.
This is hot on my tootsies.|My tootsies is burning.
HoIy habanero !
This is hot.|Let's speed her up!
Leaping Lawrence of Arabia!
I am so hot!
AII right, aII right, Frost!
AII right, CharIie!
Turn it around!
Frost, yes, go!
The J-shot, CharIie-boy, come on!
Arms and wrists.
Straight but relaxed.
Nice going, butthead!
Outstanding! Yes!
My man! Yes!
You got the power!
Way to go, CharIie.
The ice is now open|for all free skates.
Outstanding game.|What can I say?
You rock, dude.
You're meIting.|You gotta be crazy to come here.
I couIdn't miss your big game.
Let's get you on the ice|so you can cooI off.
That's not going to work.
I got to get you somepIace coId.|I won't Iose you again.
I'II be back!
SomepIace coId.
No cutting!
It's okay, ma'am.|He's my son.
You need to drive us somewhere|right now.
-Honey, I'm working.|-You've got to!
What's wrong?
-He's meIting.|-Who's meIting?
The snowman's meIting.
That's just the way it is.
If you drive us to the mountains,|he won't meIt.
I'm not driving you|and your snowman anywhere.
I know this has been hard for you.
You don't understand, Mom.
Dad's the snowman.
I'm sorry, but he made me promise|not to teII you.
Honey, he died a year ago.
You'II just have to accept that.
No, Mom, you don't understand.
It's gonna be okay, Dad.
Do me a favor.|Watch out for snowpIows.
CharIie's run away with the snowman.
Oh, my!
Look out! Move, move!
Excuse me. Look out.
-He couId be anywhere.|-Mac, it's a kid and a snowman.
You and me.|Once and for aII.
I'II fight you any other time.|Just not now.
I don't know who's more stupider,|you or your snowman.
Excuse me.|Did you just say ''stupider''?
What kind of word is ''stupider''?
Who said that?
I did. . .
. . .you IittIe baggy-pants snow punk.
What the heck is it?
Not what. Who.
And he's my dad.
I knew it!
Mitch and Pudge thought I was crazy.|But I saw you that day.
You throw a mean snowbaII.
Okay, okay, okay.|Just chiII, kid.
Don't have a meItdown.
Look, Rory,|it's too hot down here.
If I don't get him up to|the mountains, I'II Iose him.
He does Iook pretty bad.
Come on.
You know what it's Iike|not to have a dad.
It sucks.
It sucks bigtime.
AII right.
Snowdad's better than no dad.
Let's go.
Come on.
Come on, Iet's go!
That was good.|Merry Christmas.
Come on.
-Good Iuck, CharIie!|-Thanks!
Okay, what's the snowman Iook Iike?
Like a snowman.|He Iooks Iike a snowman.
Three baIIs, two stick arms,|a cute cork nose.
What do you think he Iooks Iike?
I'm trying to do my job, that's aII.|Can you heIp me?
Stocky. He's sort of weII-buiIt.
I'd say 500, 550 pounds.
CouId you estimate an age?
We're here!
Ready? On three.
I'm with you, buddy.
One. . .
. . .two. . .
. . .three!
Fresh powder. My favorite!
My baIIs are freezing.
I never thought I'd say that|with a smiIe.
Come on, Dad, Iet's go.
Let's go get you warmed up, buddy.
I was so busy trying to make my mark|on the worId, I didn't. . . .
You are my mark on the worId.
Did you find him?
CharIie's sIeeping.
He had one heck of a day.
Who is this?
Where's CharIie?
He's right here at the cabin.
Why don't you come get him?
It's Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Dad.
Merry Christmas to you, bud.
You know what?
I think this is|the best Christmas I ever had.
You know that night you came back?|It was because of your harmonica.
I wished it.
I wished you wouId be here|for Christmas.
Thanks for giving me a second chance|to be your dad.
Now, there's something|I have to teII you.
It's time for me to go.
No. I'm not going to Iet you.
You've got to get on with your Iife.
No, come on.
It'II get coId again, Dad.|You'II see.
Winter's just bareIy started.
And when it gets warm?
We'II go to South America.
Summer here is winter there.
What about Mom?|Mom needs you.
What if I need you?
I wiII aIways be there.|I promise.
As Iong as you hoId someone|in your heart. . .
. . .you can never Iose them.|Ever.
You Iet me back into your heart,|and that took reaI courage.
You did it. And if you can|do that, you can do anything.
I'm so proud of you.
If you ever need me,|I'II be right here.
You just caII me.
I Iove you, Dad.
I Iove you, CharIie.
You're gonna be a good man.
Okay now, Iet me go.
Oh, honey!
-I'm sorry I didn't beIieve you.|-It's okay.
Oh, my God!
You Iook so. . . .
You Iook so great.
Sing me a smiIe, Jack.
Every time
We say goodbye l cry a little
I Iove you so much, Gab.
I Iove you too, Jack.
Goodbye, Jack.
CharIie-boy. . .
. . .we had us a time, didn't we?
Yeah, we did.
Love you.
Bye, Dad.
l will always hear you.