Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling (1986) Movie Script
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine what becomes of me
You know, I asked myself, man.
I said,
"Jo Jo, what in the fuck is wrong with
you? Why can't you enjoy life?"
And I found out
I've always felt different.
You know what I'm sayin'?
I just never felt like I belonged,
like I wasn't the same
as everybody else.
And everybody feels that way, right?
Everybody feels...
There's somethin' in us...
We're different.
What in the fuck is it,
we can be alike, but we're different?
I can remember back to when
I was, like, three years old.
I was in a crib... this is
one of my first memories.
I was in a crib, holding onto the rail.
I was about three, right?
I remember looking up,
and my cousin came into the room.
Ethel... she was beautiful.
And I'm happy to see her.
And she came walking over to me,
and I'm there, waiting for some love
and affection, and Ethel threw up on me.
Well, when you're three,
you say,
"well, maybe... I don't know,
but there's somethin' ain't right."
You know, you go,
"somethin' wrong.
I don't think this is the
way it's supposed to be."
But you don't know. You're three. You
say, "well, mommy never threw up on me.
"Pop pissed on me once, but,
look, this bitch done
threw up on me."
Right, and you're standing
there, and you looking and...
And she looked at me, and I said,
"oh, she's going to wipe it off."
And she threw up again.
And I'm in throw-up
from head to toe,
trying to get
some relationship going.
And I didn't know how to say, "bitch,
what the fuck is wrong with you?"
Talk to me.
Hey, how you doin'? Jo Jo.
I thought you quit, man.
I did.
I'm not doin' anything anymore, man.
I straightened my act up,
about time, huh? You ain't lyin'.
What's happenin'?
Uh, I'm, uh,
havin' a party Saturday,
and thought maybe you
and sailor would like to come.
Hey, sounds good to me.
Yeah. Well,
see ya.
We be there.
Dealin' motherfucker. Now I gotta
have a party for the motherfucker.
I always find 'em on the floor, the rocks.
It's just, uh... right?
There's a rock. That-that ain't no rock.
That ain't nothin'.
I am through.
I'm tired of you fuckin' with me!
I'm tired!
I'm through!
I'm through! I'm through!
I'm through!
Not gonna let it beat me.
Not gonna let it... beat me.
I am through. Yeah.
Ain't gonna get beat.
What've we got?
39-year-old black male.
What are his vital signs?
90 over 50, 120,
36 and labored.
What percentage are the burns?
Twenty to thirty percent,
second- and third-degree burns.
Major respiratory distress.
We'll need the burn team.
Who's on duty with burn team?
Carlyle's on duty.
Call a chaplain.
Emergency, anesthesiologist,
stat, emergency.
On three. One, two, three.
Okay, easy, easy.
Dr. Richards,
please report to emergency.
Just relax. Calm down.
How much did you give him?
A quarter M.S. I.V.
- Give me another quarter I.V.
- Relax.
Relax. Just take it easy. We're gonna
take care of you. A little oxygen now.
Come on! Give me another quarter!
That's it. Just slow.
Slow. Just take it easy.
You're gonna be all right.
No burns on the legs.
All right, let's get these
clothes off. Relax. Relax now.
All right. That's good.
That's good. Just relax.
Okay, let's get his clothes off,
find out how badly he's burned.
Give me a pair of gloves,
Give me a basin of Vivi cleanse.
Cut that shirt off.
Let go! Holy shit.
Jo, look what you've done to
us! You're a real asshole.
Code blue, emergency room.
Code blue. His heart stopped.
Larry, start C.P.R.
Give me an airway. His heart? What?
You're fuckin' crazy!
I am pissed off, personally, okay?
You're not gettin'
away with it this time.
You're pissin' me off!
He's back. Get me
20 milligrams of Lasix I.V.
The things I do for you.
Larry, get these clothes off.
I'm, uh... I'm gonna go.
Ah, don't... don't leave me.
And you hang on.
He's not a bad guy.
Don't leave me.
I need you.
- Who's he talking to?
- Probably to god.
Is he gonna be okay?
I don't know.
I don't know what happened.
I don't know.
Probably drug-related.
You're fucking kidding.
Don't... leave me.
Where you goin'?
I'm taking you for a ride.
He's got 80% torso and back
third-degree... this is...
Morton, Ohio,
my home town, so long ago.
Down the left side there.
Pull it off.
I'm... a little kid.
Five years,
That's me.
That's me.
Are you comin' or not?
What you lookin' at?
I'll race ya.
Come on! You're on!
Save me, lord!
Help me! Save me, lord!
Kids, get the hell outta here!
Come on, let's get outta here!
I won!
Bye, Jo Jo.
See you tomorrow.
See you later!
Hi, little Jo Jo.
How was school?
Let's go, girls.
Save me, lord! Help me!
Jo Jo,
get off of that lawn.
Yes, mama.
Hi, miss Mann.
Howdy, Mrs. Dancer.
You heard about Emmett?
No. What happened?
- He got shot last night.
- That's too bad. See you later.
What, sweetie?
How's grandma's baby?
Fine, mama.
Tell me, why you so late comin'
home from school? Ah, hi.
Would you mind going around to the back?
Thank you very much.
Hey, those are your school clothes.
You ain't supposed to be playin' in 'em.
Yes, mama.
But look at my report card.
It better be good too.
Come on, we have to take this in
the house and show this off, honey.
Come on.
Wait till your mother sees this.
She is gonna be so proud.
- Say hello to Emma Ray, sweetheart.
- Ah, my precious.
Hi, miss Emma Ray.
Oh, my baby, sweet love!
Mmm! Fine boy.
You should see this report card.
Well, let me see it, girl.
Girl, you should be proud.
Isn't that wonderful?
This is excellent.
My baby.
Take off your hat
in the house, honey.
Now, about these dreams.
Audrey dreamed of a big fish.
Girl, you got troubles.
- Come here, Jo Jo. How you doin', baby?
- Fine.
- How you doin' in school?
- Fine.
I'm proud of you, baby.
Wish I had a son smart like you.
Oh, look at them grades!
Bitch... stole my trick.
"A," "a," "a."
You got a a-plus in reading.
Girl, look at this. Good grades, baby.
Can I have a kiss?
Bring me some luck, okay?
Come on, Jo Jo.
Let's play a trick on Jake.
What kind of trick?
- Look here, Jake. Read this.
- What is she doin'?
Why do you do that?
You know he can't read.
Get out. Go do somethin'.
Hi, dad!
Hey, boy!
Wanna help me clean
some of these fish?
I can't.
I have my school clothes on.
You think you slick, don't you?
Charlie, don't do that.
You're always using my good
tub to put your fish in.
Dorothy, you know I'm gonna take care
of it. Shit, ain't nothin' but a tub.
Where's mama?
I want her to sign my report card.
Your mother's busy.
Let me see it.
Hey, dad. At school today,
they asked me what my parents did,
and I told them that you
and mommy ran a nightclub.
- Hey, Jo Jo, this is pretty good.
- Yes, sir.
- Ain't you got some homework to do?
- I got to do some readin',
practice my spellin'
and work on my writing.
Go on in there and do
your homework now.
- I don't like it here anymore.
- Go on inside.
You all get in the window,
get some money.
Hey, Jake, I can teach you how to
read, if you want me to.
Jake! Jake! Big Jake!
Get the fuck out.
Jake! Get your motherfucking
ass out of here, you big freak!
Get outta here, you sickie!
And don't you come back in here no more!
Get your ass outta here!
Get rid of this freak! What's goin' on?
Wanted me to piss on him!
I sell pussy, not piss, sick-ass mother...
I'll kick your ass.
No, I'm gonna kick your motherfucking ass!
You better be glad Jake came up here.
Don't you ever come back, and I mean it!
What's goin' on up there?
Everything's all right.
I got it under control.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause
any trouble. That's all right.
You want me to send
you up somebody else?
No! No!
We can always send you up somebody.
No. It's okay. It's okay.
You're sure? All right.
Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure.
Get your stuff.
You all right here? Yeah.
Next time, you just ask for Jake,
and I'll get you somebody who, uh,
you'll like, all right?
You all right?
Watch yourself now.
Here, let me help you with this.
Thank you.
You're a very nice man.
Could you pee on me?
Freak motherfucker!
Get your ass down these stairs.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
That sounded like my wife
out there.
Are you gonna keep
those shorts on?
Well, for a little while.
Just relax, baby.
That's better.
- What was that?
- - Jo Jo, you want your ass whupped?
It hurts here.
They're doin' the best they can.
Today at school,
my teacher asked me what my parents did.
I lied.
I didn't know what to say.
I felt invisible.
You did good, Jo.
I know who you are. I will be in
for a lot of trouble when I grow up.
- Am I always gonna be bad?
- You're not bad, Jo, not at all.
I'm not afraid, you know.
I know.
Well, why can't you
change things?
I can try.
Hi, mama.
My, my.
Look at my boy.
Look at you!
- What are you doin' here, Jo Jo?
- Just wanted to see ya.
You know him? You were six months
old when this picture was taken.
You were
such a good baby, Jo Jo...
Your grandma's pride and joy.
It was after you were born that
she started to treat me nice.
You were
such a wild little boy...
Smart, and always
getting into trouble.
Just a minute. Put this
back up there for me, Jo.
I wish I had something to give you,
Jo Jo, but I gave you everything I have.
Except I never did tell you
how much I love you.
Come here, baby.
- Is the chart up to date?
- Yes, I just did it.
I gotta go now.
And I've got to get back to work.
The left side of the neck tissue
Dr. Weissman said
maybe we should aspirate.
We're gonna have to increase the
dosage of antibiotics. Hi, daddy.
Sorry I'm late, honey.
Right on time.
What about the pain?
Tough day at the racetrack?
- I fell off in the fifth.
- Code blue, emergency room.
Jo Jo, did you ever forgive me?
Keep us posted.
Did you ever forgive her, Jo?
This is fuckin' expensive.
You're gonna die, Jo.
I just want you to look at it all,
go back through it,
find out why you're here.
Where's your father?
Dinner's almost ready.
Probably down at
the barber shop tellin' lies.
I saw him reading
the almanac last night, ma.
He's waiting for somebody
to make mistakes.
You know how he is.
Hey, you better put
some more bread on here,
'cause you know pop
gonna eat a half a loaf.
I got an announcement to make.
Hi, pop.
So you quit your goddamn job, huh?
Yeah, he quit his job.
Gonna be in show business, huh?
Isn't that what you told
Hank down at the barber shop?
Pop, I was gonna tell. Listen,
I been watchin' television, you know.
And I work as a comic.
I know I'm pretty good, pop.
I mean, I don't want to clean
up hog guts the rest of my life.
I worked hard, Jo Jo,
to get you that job cleaning out hog guts.
You ought to be glad
you had that job, Jo Jo.
I'm glad, but I'm not doin'
nothin' against you. I just want...
I don't think this is a good time for
you... what are you talkin' about?
You gonna turn against me too?
We've been talkin' about this
- I'm your wife. I love you.
- What do you want to do?
I wanna give it a try.
You wanna give it a try.
Sonja! Come in here.
I want you to hear this. Yes?
Your stepson wants
to be in show business.
- Well, if that's what he wants to do.
- Yahoo!
- You soundin' dumb as him, woman.
- Ain't nobody dumb.
You know, I've been talking with
Fred Palmer down at the Kit Kat Klub.
He said I got talent.
All I have to do is get out of Morton.
He said ain't nobody gonna
discover me in Morton.
He been down at the club over
ten years, and he ain't shit.
He ain't nothin' but some tired-ass
white boy tellin' some tired-ass jokes.
Pop, he knows a lot of stuff.
He's been in it 25 years.
I mean, he's been to Paris.
He knows count Basie.
- Named all the people he knew.
- He wouldn't know shit
oh, Charles, why don't you let him get
out of Morton, Ohio? He's always liked it.
You know he's always liked it.
Ever since I've known him I've known it.
And his mother... she could sing.
And you know what?
She always said he was gonna be somebody.
Sonja, this boy ain't shit,
and his mama wasn't shit.
Why you always gotta talk about
mom when you get mad at me?
That's not right.
I mean, she's not here to defend herself.
Sure ain't. Ran away with that nigger
from Detroit, left me with you.
She's dead, Charles,
god bless her.
Pop, I'm tired of hearing that.
Don't do that anymore.
Don't stand up over me,
boy, when I'm eatin'.
I'm not. I'm just...
Sit down, we're havin' supper.
That's my mother.
Sit down.
This is still my house, boy.
I tell you to sit down, sit down.
- I'm not gonna sit down. I'm not a kid.
- You wanna stand up to me?
Pop, I'm not standing up to you.
And defend that
boy, I'll knock
the cowboy shit outta you!
Now, Charles, you're wrong!
You shouldn't hit him like that.
Don't tell me I'm wrong, woman.
I want you outta my house. You get
your show-business ass outta my house.
Son of a bitch.
I'll get outta your house.
I'm leavin' tonight.
I'm getting the fuck outta your house!
I'm goin' to Cleveland.
A man gave me a job!
Don't call me when you
get in some trouble.
He said I'm good. He's gonna...
Jo Jo, that man don't know you.
He says it to everybody.
You goin' with me or not?
I ain't never been nowhere.
I ain't never
been nowhere either.
This is the final boarding call
come on. What are you doin'?
I can't go, Jo Jo.
What do you mean, you can't go?
My mama and my daddy...
You go. It's what you want.
I don't want this.
Don't do this to me now.
This is important to me.
- Why'd you marry me, Jo Jo?
- Why... what are you talking about?
'Cause you thought I was pregnant?
I'm sorry I tricked you.
I'm sorry I wasn't pregnant.
I'm sorry I lied.
That's all right.
I just didn't want to be alone.
Hey, I didn't want
I married you so I wouldn't be
alone, so we're not alone. Let's go.
I can't go. I...
You're not gonna go?
No. No, baby.
Cash this in, and they'll
give you money for it.
If it doesn't work out out there,
will you come back here... home?
I mean, I'll be here,
waitin' for you.
No, no. You don't understand.
I'm not comin' back here.
Come on, let's go.
We're leavin'.
You're gonna be okay.
Hey. Hey.
I'm goin'.
I'm gonna write you.
I'm gonna write you.
Okay, Jo Jo.
Now arriving gate six,
Scenicruiser from St. Louis,
Kansas City, Danville
and Indianapolis.
Now arriving gate six.
He's gone, Charles.
I didn't mean to hit my son.
Whoa, yeah
whoa, yeah
everything gonna be
all right this mornin'
now, when I was a young boy
at the age of five
my mother said I'm gonna be
the greatest man alive
but now I'm a man
I made 21
I want you to believe me honey
we'll have lots of fun
I'm a man
I spell M
a, child
Where's Mr. Spencer?
Down at the end of the bar.
- Hi, Mr. Spencer. Remember me?
- No.
Jo Jo Dancer, from Morton, Ohio.
Oh, Jo Jo Dancer, yeah.
The comic. I remember you.
Yes, sir.
You said if I was ever in Cleveland,
I could look you up and get a job.
I'm all booked up.
Try back next month.
Next month?
But I need a job now, sir.
- Next month.
- Mr. Spencer, please, just listen to me.
Beat it. Beat it!
But, Mr.
Spencer, I need a job.
He said that I could come...
I spell mannish boy
I've been robbed. They took everything
out of my room. They robbed me!
There's nothin' I can do about that.
I do know you owe a $30 bill.
Thirty dollars? Wait a minute.
You're not listenin' to me.
Look, man, I advise you to pay your bill.
I'm not payin' shit.
I'm a man
hey, what are you doing?
I'm a hoochie-coochie man
settin' on the outside
just me and my lady
I make a move
come up two hours later
wasn't that a man
- I spell M come on now.
- Hey, on your feet.
"A," child
come on, get up.
Hey, man,
you got some loose change?
I don't have any. Come on, man.
A little change?
Whoa, child
I spell mannish boy
thank you, sir.
I'm a man
I'm a full-grown man
I'm a man
I'm a rollin' stone
I'm a man
well, you can tell 'em
that ol' Johnny for me
he's been here and gone
oh, yeah
thank you so much.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
Club Shalimar is proud to present...
The fabulous Satin Doll!
Hey, circulate.
Yeah, yeah.
Go on, go on, go on.
Go on. Come on. Come on!
Nick! Black bastards.
You w-w-wanna t-t-take a...
Just go over there.
Let's hear it for
the fabulous Satin Doll!
Gee, but I'm lonesome
hey, man. You guys get the
fuck on outta here, right?
Don't be so hard on 'em, Lou. Hey,
you bitches know better than that shit.
I don't want no shit from Sal.
Sit down.
Oh, come on. Sal's not even here, honey.
Don't worry about it.
Yeah, still you know
better than that.
Come in.
Miss Doll?
Listen, I know I have no business
comin' back here like this, but I...
I saw you out there
starin' at me.
I knew you'd be comin' back here one of
these nights. I don't mean anything...
What's your name? My name's Jo Jo
Dancer, and I just want some work.
I'm trying hard to get a job.
Are you gonna just stand there,
I'm sorry. I didn't want to give...
have a seat, Mr. Dancer.
Just push that aside.
Yes, ma'am. I just wanted...
You lookin' for a job?
You wanna be a cleanup man?
No, no. See, I'm really...
I'm a comedian. I do comedy.
And I got some jokes. I got 15
minutes of stuff, and it's kind of...
No, I really am.
I'm not a cleanup man,
I mean it. I just...
I know, baby.
I saw your act the other night...
Amateur night. Yes! I was there!
And I won second place.
You should've won first place.
I think you're funny.
You had me in stitches.
Well, they picked a girl...
a singer. She was good.
Want a drink?
I don't drink.
Oh, this ain't liquor.
No, this is somethin' else.
It's green.
This is celery juice.
Try it. It's good for you.
Cleans your blood.
Good for your bladder.
Go ahead, try it.
No, sugar, I know funny, 'cause I
been in this business a long time.
I think you're talented.
I like you.
I'm gonna help you out.
I come in here... you're gonna help me?
I won't disappoint you, miss Doll.
I know you won't.
Come on back next Wednesday.
I'm gonna talk to Sal about you.
Come here?
Th-they won't let me back here.
- I said Wednesday. I'll take care of it.
- Miss Doll, you're gonna
it's all right, Jo Jo.
I have another show.
You can take that with you.
Take it with me? No, I'll just leave it.
Thank you, miss Doll.
- Satin.
- Satin! I'm sorry, I would never...
They said you was nice.
I mean, I heard it.
They told me... goddamn it!
Yes! She said
come back Wednesday!
Doll told me...
she told me to come back Wednesday.
How the fuck you get in here?
Well, bring your narrow
ass back Wednesday.
Get the fuck on outta here.
That's what she said.
I'm gonna kill one of you motherfuckers.
He's been here and gone
whoa, yeah
get yourself a new suit. You're in
the big time now. I'll get a new one.
Thank you very much for giving me $65
a week. Yeah, all right. Circulate.
- How you feelin'?
- I'm... nervous.
- Don't be nervous.
- Thank you very much...
Don't thank me.
You just calm down.
Baby, you could die out there.
Baby, you were fine.
They're sure waitin' for a funeral.
- Aahh! You ready, kid?
- Yes, sir.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
the Club Shalimar is proud
to present...
A young man who will
tickle your funny bone.
Direct from Morton, Ohio,
Jo Jo Dancer!
Where the hell is Morton, Ohio?
I worked in a club
like this one time,
and the waiter had
his thumb in my soup.
I asked him why he had his thumb in my
soup. He said because it was sprained.
He had to keep it
in something warm.
I said, "why don't you
stick it up your butt?"
He said he already did
in the kitchen.
The chorus girls backstage...
I was talking to them.
I asked them,
"do you ladies sing?" they said, "yes."
I said,
"do you know a minuet?"
They said, "no.
We don't even remember the men we laid."
- My father told better jokes than that.
- Can I move this sucker?
Can I...
I've never been on a big
stage like this before.
I'd like to do my impression
of the first man on the sun.
Now I'd like to do my
impression of a baby being born.
You gonna do it in that suit?
Thank you! Bye!
Huh? How'd you like it? Ohh!
I knew you could do it.
See? See, y'all? I told ya.
I know what I'm talkin' about.
Not bad. And I want you to
shorten up the jokes, understand?
Shorten 'em? Shorter.
And I want you to shorten the act.
Shorten the act. Yeah.
You can finish the week.
One more thing...
Change your shade of lipstick.
All right, come on, come on.
Hey, Jo Jo.
Arty! Thank you very much.
Welcome aboard, buddy. Beautiful.
Did they like it?
Spell it, spell it, spell it.
"Jo Jo," motherfucker.
Jo Jo.
Jo Jo. M-m-m...
He liked it. Thank you!
I was so worried...
About when... I'll take you
to your dressing room now.
He was good.
Say, man, why don't you let
the waitress do that?
Well, she's takin' too long.
Saturday night...
Sunday morning love.
"Sunday morning love"?
You're not old enough, Jo.
Man, I don't even have that one.
Well, my father don't
throw away nothin', except me.
Hey, can I give you a little
advice, Jo? Yeah.
You know, sometimes you step on your
own jokes, you're going so fast.
But you... you're a comic.
And timing is everything.
See, timing is
very important to a comic.
Yeah, t-t-t-timing.
Oh, shut the fuck up, Arturo.
Shut the fuck up.
Here, take this. Take that.
That'll help you relax.
What's this? It'll help you relax.
Take it. It ain't gonna hurt ya.
J... Jo...
W... Well, I laughed.
Man, you laugh at anything.
Well, timing or no timing,
you know what I think?
I think you're funny.
You know what else you got goin' for you?
You're cute. I want to thank
you for takin' the risk.
No, it wasn't no risk.
I knew what I was doin'.
You were great.
Who's that?
Lawrence. Detective Lawrence.
Detective? You in
some kind of trouble?
She ain't in no trouble.
He's the one got the trouble.
He's late.
Satin can take care of herself.
Never have to worry about her.
Good night, baby.
Good night.
Good night, Doll.
Good night, Jo Jo.
Thank you!
You seem to know her
pretty well.
I guess you could say that.
I was married to her once.
You was married to Doll?
Yeah, sure.
Well, you know, they gonna...
Bury the sh-sh-show
f-f-Friday night.
Bury the show? Yeah, bury the show.
You know, it's the last show.
You don't know about
burying the show?
- You don't know what burying the show is?
- I don't...
Oh, shit.
Jesus Christ! I never thought
you had the nerve to do that!
Did you like it, Sal?
Yeah, it was very good, kid.
Very good. Good, good, good.
All right. That's good.
I've never seen anything like it
in my life! Good stuff. Good stuff.
Listen, Satin, me and Gino
were havin' a little talk.
Hey, fatso. Fatso! Go in the club.
Go ahead. See Johnny. He's makin' jokes.
Come on!
Say what?
We're havin' a little payroll problem.
Roly poly motherfucker.
What the fuck are you talkin' about?
Hey, shut the fuck up, huh?
I'll throw you and these bums
outta here on your black asses,
did you forget me and my brother
did you a favor last week
how long this time?
A week.
You know what, Sal?
One of these days,
you're gonna pull that shit on the wrong
come on, come on. What do you wanna do...
cause a problem?
You made a promise to pay me my
goddamn money every motherfucking week!
Shut your fuckin' mouth.
You understand?
You keep fucking with me,
I'm gonna pick up the phone,
and you will never
work again, let alone walk.
You understand?
Oh, Sal.
You wanna be a gangster so bad.
You wanna be Gino. You couldn't be
goddamn Gino in a motherfucking dream.
I know why you want us to stay here...
'cause the show's good,
and you don't wanna lose it. You better
shut the fuck up, do you understand?
Shut the fuck up. You get paid next week.
You understand, bitch?
Hey, Doll!
Come on, get the fuck outta the way.
Wh-what's the matter, Doll?
Fuck this shit, Arturo.
Fuck this shit.
Mr. Jo Jo Dancer!
- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.
And I worked in a club
like this before.
And the waiter
brought me some soup.
And he had his hand in it.
Arturo! Hi, sailor.
Did you like the show?
What's the matter?
N-n-n-nothin', J-Jo Jo.
We just... same old shit.
We ain't gettin' paid.
I'm gettin' paid.
F-Forget it, Jo Jo.
Sal and s-Satin Doll...
They had a fight.
She needs her money 'cause
she's got a s-s-s-sick k-k-kid.
She's gonna get her money.
We ain't slaves.
I ain't no motherfucking
slave, man, no!
Bullshit! No.
I'm gettin' the money.
Y-y-y-you don't wanna go messin'
a-a-around with them, J.J.,
or you'll find your
l-l-little ass in the river!
Jo, you was...
I gotta tell you somethin', man.
- It's a fuckin' blank pistol, man.
- Shit. Okay.
I want my motherfucking money.
Why don't you just forget it?
I just hope I don't
shoot my balls off.
he went to Gino's office.
What do you want?
Sal, I wanna see Gino now.
Hey, Gino?
I got a young lady who wants to see you.
Get fucked. I'm eatin'.
Hey, you wanna see this young lady.
You want to see her. Oh, yeah? Yeah?
Send her in.
Come on in, young lady.
Hey, Jo Jo.
What can I do for you?
Just tell the man what you got to
say, and get the fuck out.
There's a misunderstanding about the
money, I mean, that we're
you'll get your money. Relax.
Hey, you need something?
Vito, get him whatever he needs.
I just want my money, - you'll get
your money. What are you in a hurry for?
Satin Doll's got a sick kid,
and I got a job in buffalo. Yeah.
He's got a job in buffalo.
You'll get your money next
week like everybody else.
- Or the week after. Depends how I feel.
- Wait. That ain't fair.
Hey, Stungatz, I don't owe you fuck.
Sal, didn't you tell him?
I didn't tell him nothin'.
Your salary comes out
of Satin Doll's pocket.
We don't owe you shit.
Now, get the fuck outta here.
You better go, sweetheart.
Get the fuck outta here!
Goddamn it, I want my money!
I want some fuckin' money!
I'm not gonna let you
fuck over me, man!
So now what?
So, what are you gonna do?
You gonna shoot us or fuck us?
Assholes, it's a goddamned starter's
pistol. Got any more guns down there, huh?
Huh? Hey, Sal, Vito.
You see this "minangianni" here?
You got some fuckin' balls
on ya, huh?
I don't care about this, man.
All I want to do is get their money.
I don't give a fuck if you kill
me, I just want our money.
We're crime, see?
And crime don't pay.
- What's the matter... you can't knock?
- Easy, Vito.
It's a starter pistol.
It's a toy.
You got a big push when it comes
down to the ladies, fat man.
You wanna push me?
- Get what you came for?
- I just wanted to get our money.
We're just settling up accounts.
See, today...
Today's you're lucky day.
I'm gonna pay off everybody...
Out of my own pocket.
Now, how much I owe you? Huh?
Come on. I don't know...
You tell me when to stop. Here.
Tell me when to stop. Everybody...
You tell me when to stop.
You wanna take the whole thing?
Here, take it all. Take it all.
Is that all right,
let's go.
I'm sorry.
I didn't wanna take nothin'...
Our business is finished.
It used to be so fuckin' easy.
They was gonna kill your ass in there
tonight. Wh-what are you talkin' about?
Can we just get to the bus
station, please?
Bus station?
I'm catching the train
in the morning.
You're catching a bus tonight.
- What are you talkin' about?
- Where you from? - Morton, Ohio.
What, no Italians in Morton?
I don't know about Italians.
You don't get it, do you? Let me
give you some advice for the future:
Don't you ever pull a gun on men like
that unless you're gonna shoot 'em.
It wasn't a real gun. It was a blank
pistol. They weren't gonna pay us.
- But, look... I got the money.
- Look, that's a part of show business.
Sometimes you get paid.
Sometimes you don't.
It's a good thing detective
Lawrence cares for you.
I don't give two shits for him or
his money. I did this for Doll.
Now, you get your ass out of
town, and don't you come back.
- He's young, Tony!
- And stupid.
I'm not stupid!
Nobody shot me.
I got the money!
Johnny, you know
that five dollars you owe me?
- Can we talk about that another time?
- Johnny...
Arturo, shut the fuck up.
Everybody just shut up, please!
Bus 19 for superior, Wisconsin...
Now, listen, you let me know
where you're gonna be, and I'll
listen, I have something for you, okay?
It's a book. It's just a book.
But, um, I want you to read it.
I think you'll like it.
Don't forget what I told
you, Jo Jo... timing.
"Timing," you motherfucker.
Come on, babe.
I know you're gonna
make it, Jo Jo.
Okay? Stay funny.
And remember...
ti-ti-time... timing.
And I don't owe you no five dollars.
Shut the fuck up.
How you doin'?
Hey, got the paper?
As of 2:27 this morning,
Jo Jo Dancer developed complications
in his respiratory system.
We gave him hydrocortisone which cuts
down inflammatory reaction in the body.
He's in a critical state
right now.
His condition is guarded, and he's
being monitored around the clock.
In addition, Dr. Carlyle...
Is daddy gonna be okay?
Yes, baby.
He's gonna be okay.
He's in a very good hospital.
They're gonna take very good care of him.
But is he gonna die?
No. No, he's not gonna die.
Don't say things like that.
I'm gonna take you
to grandma's place, okay?
But I wanna go with you to see daddy.
No, you can't.
Sorry, but you just can't.
Reports indicating death are not true.
As Dr. Weissman states, his
present condition is critical.
Hospital and police officials
are only granting visitation
rights to his immediate family.
- Damn, baby. You read all these books?
- Mm-hmm.
Some of 'em up there...
you just show these, right?
I've read more than that.
These books too?
It's Malcolm X.
You read Malcolm?
Yep. Have you?
No, no.
You should.
I mean, there's nothing wrong
with being socially conscious.
Hey, what's the name of your
organization... "pussy now"?
That was really crass.
- You know, you're kind of a chauvinist.
- What?
What's a chauvinist?
A chauvinist is somebody
who thinks with their dick.
You hear that?
You got a brain.
You like to think
with your dick?
All right. Okay.
You read Malcolm X, okay?
You think you know about him.
I know Malcolm X.
I know what he's talking about.
So what? I mean, that's
not all you are.
It's not all I see. Anybody could
be black. I could be black.
You could be black?
You're fuckin' crazy.
You're snow white, okay?
You're not Angela Davis.
You're white.
The Klan comes through that door
now, and you're gonna holler, "rape!"
Bitch, you crazy.
Shit. You're fuckin' crazy.
I'm sorry.
Sorry, my ass, bitch. Don't hit me
no more. I'll kick your ass!
- I'm sorry. I had no right to do that.
- Fuckin'... shit in my hair.
Please forgive me. I...
I like you.
I mean, it was nice.
Sometimes, I don't know...
I don't know, I, um...
Don't ever hit me no more.
I love you.
I love you too.
When we get married, you know,
I'm gonna get you
a big diamond ring.
What's so funny?
I'm serious. Don't be laughin' at me.
I'm sorry.
Nobody gets married anymore.
I'm gonna get married.
No, let's just
live together, and...
I'd be happy
with just a cigar band.
You know, like one of those
Havana cigar bands, okay?
My parents used to send me to the
store for bread, then they'd move.
I thought maybe
they didn't like me.
I went to New York.
I worked in the village.
I loved working down there because
people used to come down all the time.
They'd be looking for beatniks...
I saw him
on ed Sullivan's show...
I watch ed Sullivan all the
time, and he's not funny.
Mother said he's
gonna be very big.
Then you should've
taken your mother here.
You're interrupting the show.
- Who cares? What show?
- Just keep it down to a low roar.
Do the thing you did
on ed Sullivan.
- He wasn't on ed Sullivan.
- Yes, I was on the ed Sullivan show.
He only has talented,
funny people, and you're not.
I was like a test pattern.
You moron.
What does this mean in Italian?
You can't talk to a lady like...
Lady, I don't bother you when
you're working Hollywood boulevard.
You gotta act like a lady.
We're having a good time.
Let me buy you a drink, okay?
You can't afford this, honey.
If you don't like the show,
why don't you leave?
When I finish my drink, I will.
Why don't you just get up on them
drunk-ass legs and get the fuck out?
If you can't get out on them
legs, try them big-ass titties.
You can bounce out on them.
Well, they're real.
Yeah, they're real.
They're big as your mouth.
That's it. Come on.
How dare you.
Can I touch 'em?
You got a mouth like a toilet.
Don't you wanna let a black
man touch your titties?
The only joke around here
is that you're a comic.
Fuck you.
I'm out of the business.
Do you know that?
My agent come to my dressing room
after the show, and he said...
That manzio wouldn't let me
work in that club in Chicago
if I was gonna talk like that.
- I told him to go fuck hisself.
- Good.
It's hard what you're doing,
but it's good.
I... I gotta...
I just gotta take
a walk... alone.
Man, you late!
Mother, mother
What you lookin' at?
There's too many
of you cryin'
brother, brother, brother
Get your butt up here!
There's far too many
Oh, ma... now!
In my neighborhood,
to be cool you had
to play basketball.
And there's a few things that I can't do.
We've got to find a way
I'm one of the few black people...
To bring some lovin'
...who can't dance.
Here today
Check your underarms out
at a party.
We don't need to escalate
it's me, it's me
I went to a black meeting.
Revolutionary. Everybody was black.
For only love can conquer
Hate a lot of congas
Twenty congas. You know he
ain't gonna play all of them.
And they all have
something beautiful to say.
You have singers
and poets. Right?
We had a poet...
Brother "Blackalot."
And picket signs
don't punish me
I like to go and watch
the winos direct traffic.
"Hey, fool!
You better slow that car down!
This a neighborhood!
This ain't no residential district!"
yeah, what's goin' on
oh, what's goin' on
"Don't be driving down
through here like you crazy.
Unless you're a Mexican."
White people
don't make no noise...
when they fuck.
The only people who make noise
is the hillbillies... "yahoo!"
right on
Don't make me slap you now.
Why do winos lie so much?
You give him a bottle of wine and talk
to him a little bit, and he start lyin'.
"I was with the FBI.
"Me and another black man
started the merchant marines.
Shit, I've been around the
world, swam the equator twice."
but who are they to judge us
simply 'cause
our hair is long
You can talk about
black women a little bit.
But then it get on their nerve.
They get mad, say,
and get their head goin'.
"Didn't I tell you?
Maybe you didn't hear me,
Now, one time...
One time, man, I went...
You shouldn't hang out with
white people if you're black...
'Cause they're gonna
fuck over ya.
I went to a party with some dude,
and they put some acid in my drink.
And they didn't tell me.
I know they were saying,
"let's see
what the nigger'll do now."
And I drank the shit.
Because I was greedy, I wanted all the
shit. I was in their house. Fuck it.
Yeah, give me that too.
Fuck you.
Yeah, white boy.
You know, they were scared
to say anything.
"Don't say nothing.
He might bring another one back."
Right? So...
I swallowed this shit,
and then about 15 minutes
I didn't feel nothin'.
I say, "now this ain't shit.
What the fuck
you talkin' about, acid?"
You know, I got bad.
"Oh, motherfucker, acid!
You understand?"
And then about 18 minutes...
No, my mouth got all sticky.
You know, I started
feeling my lips, and...
And I felt my face
was... melting.
And I felt... and then you start
having these crazy visions...
Where shit get
all gluey and shit.
And little sounds start coming in here...
"stay back."
And I heard my heart...
And then I heard this voice
say, "there are no niggers."
Then I went,
"well, what the fuck am I?"
"You figure it out."
And I just knew I was gonna
die, you know, 'cause I said,
"I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I...
"Don't, don't, don't,
don't, don't, don't...
Want, want, want, want
to die, die, die, die, die."
"I.. I'm getting...
The fu-u-u-u-uck
out of he-e-e-e-re."
And the closer I got to the door,
the further away the motherfucker was!
And I said, "what the fuck these
white boys have done to me?"
And you know yourself
laugh at you.
"I told you not to co-o-o-me...
What about comp? I don't know.
That's your problem.
Come on.
Let's go, you guys.
I wanna say something to ya.
I don't give a fuck about ya,
but I'm glad you came;
I hope you had a good time.
It's been fun.
Thank you very much. Good night!
You did it!
Jo Jo, can I have
your autograph?
Jo Jo, please!
Okay! Oh, man,
it was great tonight!
It was really good.
Everything! Thank god!
Everything! I did the white
woman/black woman thing.
It worked so good.
And they all liked it so much.
I know.
You were so good.
I missed you.
You missed me?
Yeah. Oh! Freddy wants
you to stay another week.
Hey, sit down. Sit down.
And he's gonna give you more money.
Yeah? Remember I told you that
when I started making more money,
- I was gonna get you something nice?
- Yeah.
What is it?
Here's the real one.
Oh, Jo Jo, it's beautiful.
I hope it's the right shape.
Look at it. It's so pretty.
Oh, thank you.
They're starting to get crazy out here.
What do you want me to do?
Send 'em in, all of 'em.
You're the funniest son
of a bitch I've ever seen!
Listen, we were planning
to have breakfast alone.
My name's Clifford miles, all right, bro?
I love you.
Will you make sure nobody else comes in?
Yes, ma'am.
Jo Jo Dancer, I'd like you to
meet, uh... Madelyn.
Excuse me.
And this is, uh, Olivia. Olivia.
Wonderful show.
Thank you very much. Yeah!
Oh... this is my wife.
This is Dawn.
How do you do? My name's Clifford
miles, like in miles Davis, huh?
We're having a party up at my
house, and I'd like to invite you.
We'll just lay around and do a little
blow, have some laughs.
We'd love to, but we were
planning to have breakfast alone.
You hungry?
Because this girl cooks the best
the best. And I make
unbelievable bloody Marys.
Bloody Marys, omelets.
What do you say?
Devil with the blue dress
blue dress, blue dress
devil with the blue dress on
ooh, yeah devil with the blue
dress blue dress, blue dress
devil with the blue dress on
fee, fee, fi, fi fo-fo, fum
look at Molly now
'cause here she comes
wearing her wig hat
and shades to match
high-heel shoes
and an alligator hat
wearing her pearls
and her diamond rings
bracelets on her fingers now
and everything
devil with the blue dress
blue dress on
devil with the blue dress on
devil with the blue dress
blue dress on
devil with
the blue dress on, hey
wearin' her perfume
Chanel no. 5
got to be finest girl alive
she walks real cool
I said, shotgun
shoot him for he runs now
do the jerk, baby
heard it yes, I heard it
heard it through the grapevine
just about, just about
just about to lose my mind
oh, yes, I am
oh, yes, I am
oh, yes, I am
oh, whoa, whoa, hey
love you
ooh, ooh
yes, I do now
I do love you
I love-a you so a-right now
ooh, ooh my baby
yeah, yeah, yeah
little darlin'
I said I love you so right now
never, never
gonna let, gonna let
gonna let you go no, no, no
I'm just about at
the end of my rope
but I can't stop trying
I can't give up hope
'cause I feel that
one day I'll hold you
Jo Jo.
Hold you near
Oh, hey, man.
You wanna join us?
I still love you
until that day is here
I'm crying
baby, baby
ooh, ooh
ooh, baby, baby
ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
baby, baby
I thought...
That's what you wanted.
Baby, baby
Hey, uh, if you're leaving, I think
you're gonna need these, all right?
I don't understand why you're so uptight.
It's a party, right?
I mean, it's booze,
broads and blow, huh?
Oh, um...
I'd hate for you to forget this.
The next time
you're in L.A...
Goddamn. What the...
Let go of me.
Hit me.
Jo, I can't change anything,
but I can take you back
so you can look at it.
What are you thinking about
right now?
Thinking about Michelle?
Thinking about her, ain't ya?
Remember the first time
you saw her?
You went for her hook,
line and sinker, didn't you?
Some people got to have it
yeah, yeah
some people really need it
yeah, listen to me, ya'll
do things
do things, do things
bad things with it
Yeah, you wanna
do things, do things
do things good things with it
yeah, yeah
shake it down.
For the love of money
people will steal
from their mother
for the love of money
people will Rob
their own brother
for the love of money people
can't even walk the street
Thank you for the dance.
Uh, Deb, go have some fun.
Yeah, baby, come on.
Thank you, baby.
Once there was a boy
May I have this dance, please?
Oh, no, thank you.
I'm so hot right now.
Maybe a little later.
When you cool off.
Girl said
I'll never leave you
Excuse me. Where are you taking that?
To the lady.
And left each other 'cause
that's the way love goes
that's the way love goes
your dom perignon, my dear
You're not the waiter.
I didn't tell you
you could sit down.
You have to get up
when my girlfriend gets back.
You come here,
sit down uninvited at my table,
I don't know you.
I'm Jo Jo Dancer.
Now you know me.
Michelle Jensen.
Listen. A bunch of us are going up
to my house after we leave here.
Sit around, tell a few lies.
I can't. I don't have my car.
You can ride with me.
I'm with my girlfriend,
and she has to get home early.
I'll take her home.
Calm down, honey.
I didn't tell you I was gonna go.
Great shot.
Getting fancy too, huh?
You married?
Not exactly.
What you mean, "not exactly"?
I mean, not exactly.
Is that big ring
on your finger...
Is that "not exactly"?
This is a gift from a friend of mine...
George Drake.
You don't know him.
You're right, it's none of my business.
I was wrong. I'm sorry.
You know you meant to get all
in my business, but that's okay.
I don't mind.
We do what we wanna do...
When we wanna do it.
Well, it's obvious
you do what you wanna do.
Is this your place?
No, I rent it.
Who decorated it?
- What's wrong with it?
- What is this?
Now, this is truly tired.
This is terrible.
Whoever did that
has terrible taste.
The house has got a bed, okay?
What happened to all of your friends
that were supposed to come over...
And have jokes and tell lies?
Hey, listen, they're coming.
You're so full of shit.
Let's play one more game.
Come on.
Let's play one more game.
Rack 'em.
This time... you rack 'em so
I can get a break, you know?
Oh, I forgot.
Ladies first.
Put your money
where your mouth is, baby
Eight, right?
Guess I got lucky.
You bastard.
Just give me this one line,
and we can go home, all right?
All right?
Why are you showing me this shit
why'd you cut it out?
Look at the picture.
Why don't you look
at the screen there?
You've been drinking now,
right? Come on.
Ain't drinkin'. It's...
Jo Jo, listen to me.
Here. We finished this
movie three weeks behind.
You gonna turn against me too?
Jo Jo.
I've gotta be at the bank at 1:00.
I need you to sign some papers.
You told me you was my friend,
and then you cut out the scene!
Excuse me.
Mrs. Dancer's here.
Shit. Here.
Here. Take it.
Hey, baby.
Hi, baby.
I'm a little drunk, okay?
Just a little.
Listen, Jo.
We'll fix the problem.
Be a good movie, I guarantee.
You ain't gonna fix shit.
Try to help him, Mrs. Dancer.
You're out of line.
Out of line a hundred times.
I don't talk
to your ugly-ass wife.
Baby, I'm fucked up.
Like they ain't shit, right?
They took the stuff out of the
movie, and it's not in.
There's two scenes that they
took out of the movie,
and they make me look
like a fuckin' fool.
You know what I mean?
You want a drink?
You got any blow?
No. I don't think
you can get much higher.
Geez. What's
the matter with you?
What's the matter with you?
Why do I have to get approval from
that fat-ass manager of yours...
Every time I wanna buy anything?
If I wanna buy some pink lace
drawers from Neiman-Marcus,
Yes, I do.
You're a ritzy-titsy bitch.
You just do what you wanna do.
You bought this car,
and you didn't ask nobody.
I didn't need his permission.
What do you mean,
you didn't need his permission?
You didn't pay for it. I didn't spend
your money. It was a gift to me, this car.
Somebody give you a car?
- That's right. Someone gave me a car.
- Who?
I told you two months ago
I wanted a new car...
- Bullshit! You took a car from George?
- Yes.
How the fuck can you
accept a car from George?
We've been married eight months.
- You told me you was through with him.
- I told you I wanted a new car.
You didn't do anything about it.
You was gonna get a new car, but
I'm tired of having
to ask and beg you!
You didn't have to beg me!
You didn't even notice
that this was a new car!
- I noticed it was a new car!
- Right. You paid real good attention.
I don't give a fuck what...
pull this motherfucker over now!
Just pull it over.
You don't have to scream.
Just pull it over!
All right, goddamn it.
Get out of the car!
Get the fuck out of the car!
I'm not gonna argue about this.
I'll get out of the car.
You lay one fucking finger on me,
and the police are gonna have your ass.
- Fuck you and the police!
- Chill. Calm down. Take it easy.
You're drunk, and you're
not thinking straight, man.
You know you care about this woman.
Look at her out there.
You know you love her.
Don't you want this thing to work?
You haven't been straight
with her, either.
You've been fucking around
for... for eight months.
Tell her the truth, Jo.
Give it a shot.
Why are you saying
all this to me now?
Trust me!
I'm sorry I lost my temper.
I'm a little drunk.
It's just that
when I saw this car...
You got from George, I was hurt.
I'm sorry too.
I know I shouldn't have
taken this car from George.
I just wanted you to notice.
I noticed, all right.
I... I know our thing
is falling apart.
I know it's not working out,
and... it's my fault.
I haven't been real honest
with you, either.
I got some stuff
I gotta tell you.
- I'm gonna be honest, starting today.
- What?
I slept with Sandra.
And Ethel.
Why, you motherfucker.
I knew you'd feel that way about it,
but I feel better because I'm being...
George was right about your ass!
You are one selfish
son of a bitch!
Trust you?
You satisfied, you asshole?
I didn't know you
were gonna say all that.
All those nights I was here by
myself and I needed somebody
you hear me, Jo Jo?
Talk to, not at!
I don't care if I never
talk to you again.
I'll talk to you, Jo.
Fuck the both of you!
What, fuck the both of us?
Oh, no, fuck you, darling.
Fuck you and anybody
that looks like you!
And get out of my goddamn car.
I'm leaving your black ass.
You're not leaving in this car.
You're not going anywhere.
Back off. Back off!
What are you doing?
Good question.
Shit. Get out of...
No! My pocketbook
is in the fucking car!
No! No!
Oh, no!
I got your purse back!
Oh, no!
Oh, shit!
Shit! Oh, goddamn it!
You done messed up my new...
You crazy son of a bitch!
You fucked up my brand-new car!
Oh, goddamn you!
You crazy son of a bitch!
You messed up my new car!
You messed up my brand-new...
What's the fucking use?
Police! Come and get
this crazy son of a bitch!
Oh, I can't stand you, Jo Jo!
Car's gonna need a tune-up.
I never want to see you again!
Goddamn it!
You don't get it, do you?
It was a game from the beginning.
How'd you expect to win?
What's the matter with you, boy?
"What's the matter with
you, boy?"
- I said, what's the matter with you, boy?
- Nothin'.
Turn around and look at me when I
talk to you. What happened to you?
Why is your nose bleeding?
The boys at the railroad
track... they jumped me.
What boys?
Johnny, Joe and his brother.
- What did they jump on you for?
- They said my mother's a ho
and lived in a whorehouse,
so I hit 'em.
Oh, they got some nerve.
Their mama is a whore and
doing a whole lot worse too.
They said they gonna beat my ass
on the way to school tomorrow.
You a dancer,
and don't nobody be beating
on a dancer's ass.
If they hit you, you hit 'em
back, only harder. Understand?
Yes, mama.
You are gonna get up
early tomorrow morning,
get down to the railroad track,
find yourself
one of them big sticks...
And a good hiding place.
And when they come by,
you jump out and commence
to whalin' on their ass,
and they will not jump
on you no more.
You can take
grandmama's word for that.
I'm gonna get 'em
real good, mama.
Don't nobody beat on no dancers.
You got to look out
for yourself,
'cause grandmama ain't always
gonna be here to see about you.
Come over here to me.
- You'll live forever, mommy.
- Oh, sweetheart.
If you say so, I bet it's gonna happen.
Thank you.
I just love you to death.
And if you say I'm gonna live forever
that's how that's gonna be.
Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed.
You're the only one
that understood,
the only one that loved me,
the only one
that cared about me.
Oh, yes, I'm in the upper room
the upper room
in the upper room
with Jesus the upper room
the upper room
oh, I'm in the upper room
the upper room the upper room
with my lord the upper room
and god the upper room
well, he's in
the upper room
yes, he's here
in the upper room
well, he's in
yeah, the upper room
talkin' with the lord
oh, my
hallelujah, lord
I'm in the upper room
the upper room
in the upper room
with Jesus the upper room
oh, he's in the upper room
the upper room
in the upper room
talkin' with my lord
yes, he know god
you know, he's in
the upper room
he's in
the upper room
lord, he's in
yeah, the upper room
talkin' with my lord
ohh, yeah
Hi, Alicia.
You finally called, huh?
I'm o... I'm okay.
I... I stopped doing dope.
Uh, honest.
I'm not full of shit.
I stopped.
Five minutes ago.
I stopped.
Jo Jo. Son?
You on dope?
Jo Jo, you ain't no fuckin'
junkie, are you?
I hate you.
I don't like you much, either.
Pop? I love you.
I'm sorry.
I forgive you, mama.
You see, I'm so alone and...
And so fucked up.
I get a little high.
Pass the time.
I'm not a junkie.
I'm not a junkie.
All the plans you made,
they're going up in smoke.
Fuck you.
That's "fuck you."
Do you hear me?
Leave me alone, please?
I... just want to...
You're gonna get in trouble.
Somebody's gonna get hurt,
and that's gonna be me.
You're not the baby I raised.
You are pathetic.
- Stop, Jo.
- - Why can't you forgive yourself?
Just put it down.
Daddy? Are you okay?
Please, Jo.
God! I lost my soul!
Help me!
Help me get my soul back!
I know what to do.
I know how to get my soul back!
Please! Please,
please, god!
Help me!
You don't have to do this, Jo.
I know, Jo.
I can't.
I can't.
I know it hurts.
I'm sorry.
I know.
I'm sorry too, Jo.
Mrs. Dancer?
Uh... uh... uh, excuse me.
I... I, uh...
Kick that up to 175.
Pulse, pressure just keep going
down, Doctor.
The media's all over me.
You've told them enough.
May I remind you he's my patient?
- Is he gonna make it or not?
- No.
He's lost his will to live,
and I don't know why.
You hear what they're saying about you?
They're saying you're not gonna make it.
I don't know, Jo.
It's up to you if you
want to live or die.
I can't help you, little Jo,
if you don't ask.
Ain't much time left, Jo.
Ain't much time left.
He... help... me.
Help me.
Help me.
I thought you'd never ask.
Thank you, god.
Good evening.
I'm happy you're here tonight.
I'm glad you came.
I'm happy to be alive.
'Cause I fucked up.
I fucked up bad, me and my dumb ass.
Thank you.
Thank you. Please sit down.
Sit your ass down.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
We are gathered here today...
To say farewell...
To a man who lived a full life...
Jo Jo Dancer.
We say good-bye to Jo Jo...
Who tore his ass...
On the freeway of life.
He imbibed of alcohol...
And drugs.
The boy was a mess.
He ran through life
like shit run through a goose.
And now he rests here...
With a smile on his face.
I guess that's a smile,
and I hope that's his face.
You sure that ain't his ass?
Well, it looked like his ass.
This is his face. Okay.
And Jo Jo,
though he lived life
to the fullest,
he did not hesitate
to help others.
Oh, no.
You see, he embalmed hisself.
Yes, he did.
He embalmed hisself with alcohol.
Yes, he was 470 proof
when we put him in here,
what's left of him.
And he preserved himself
with cocaine.
If you dug out his nose now,
everybody in this room would get high.
And we have telegrams
from people that loved him.
And I will read one now.
It's from his ex-wife.
Yes, she did.
"You black motherfucker.
"At last you're at the place
I wished you to be.
"May the maggots eat out your
ass and dance on your eyelids.
Sincerely, Shirley."
As you can tell,
she is distraught.
She was a little upset with him.
Most people in life
lead with their chins...
Because that's the way life is.
It demands that you lead
with your chin.
But not Jo Jo.
He led with his nuts.
If his nuts was not
in a vice, he wasn't happy.
You had to crank him up,
and Jo Jo was happy.
We have other telegrams,
over a thousand from friends of his...
People he owed money to...
Wishing him well in hell,
wishing him a good time in hell.
Well, Jo Jo Dancer fucked up.
Not only did he die, but he died
with their money in his pocket.
There ain't nothin' worse than a
man dead and he got your money.
Makes you wanna dig him up
and kill him again.
Thank you.
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
there's a story
goin' all around
talking about it everywhere
there's this gossip
and this constant sound
livin' in the life
just ain't fair
they try to work me
but it's all in vain
never get this baby down
say I'm crazy
but that might well be
there'll be
no kickin' me around
I'm the ruler of my destiny
if I fall
then it's because of me
there is nobody
who's got the power
to determine
what becomes of me
I'm aware of
what we're here to do
and do is our only choice
and if you like it'll be
me and you just me and you
singing with
this one strong voice
this is bigger than all of us
I'm not afraid
to walk that line
just be natural and we can try
every little thing's
gonna turn out fine
I'm the ruler of my destiny
if I fall
then it's because of me
there is nobody
who's got the power
to determine
what becomes of me
my destiny
it's because of me
my destiny
what becomes
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
my destiny, my destiny
my destiny, my destiny
my destiny, my destiny
my destiny my, my destiny
I'm the ruler of my destiny
if I fall
then it's because of me
there is nobody
who's got the power
to determine
my destiny, my destiny
my destiny, my destiny
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler I'm the ruler
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine what becomes of me
You know, I asked myself, man.
I said,
"Jo Jo, what in the fuck is wrong with
you? Why can't you enjoy life?"
And I found out
I've always felt different.
You know what I'm sayin'?
I just never felt like I belonged,
like I wasn't the same
as everybody else.
And everybody feels that way, right?
Everybody feels...
There's somethin' in us...
We're different.
What in the fuck is it,
we can be alike, but we're different?
I can remember back to when
I was, like, three years old.
I was in a crib... this is
one of my first memories.
I was in a crib, holding onto the rail.
I was about three, right?
I remember looking up,
and my cousin came into the room.
Ethel... she was beautiful.
And I'm happy to see her.
And she came walking over to me,
and I'm there, waiting for some love
and affection, and Ethel threw up on me.
Well, when you're three,
you say,
"well, maybe... I don't know,
but there's somethin' ain't right."
You know, you go,
"somethin' wrong.
I don't think this is the
way it's supposed to be."
But you don't know. You're three. You
say, "well, mommy never threw up on me.
"Pop pissed on me once, but,
look, this bitch done
threw up on me."
Right, and you're standing
there, and you looking and...
And she looked at me, and I said,
"oh, she's going to wipe it off."
And she threw up again.
And I'm in throw-up
from head to toe,
trying to get
some relationship going.
And I didn't know how to say, "bitch,
what the fuck is wrong with you?"
Talk to me.
Hey, how you doin'? Jo Jo.
I thought you quit, man.
I did.
I'm not doin' anything anymore, man.
I straightened my act up,
about time, huh? You ain't lyin'.
What's happenin'?
Uh, I'm, uh,
havin' a party Saturday,
and thought maybe you
and sailor would like to come.
Hey, sounds good to me.
Yeah. Well,
see ya.
We be there.
Dealin' motherfucker. Now I gotta
have a party for the motherfucker.
I always find 'em on the floor, the rocks.
It's just, uh... right?
There's a rock. That-that ain't no rock.
That ain't nothin'.
I am through.
I'm tired of you fuckin' with me!
I'm tired!
I'm through!
I'm through! I'm through!
I'm through!
Not gonna let it beat me.
Not gonna let it... beat me.
I am through. Yeah.
Ain't gonna get beat.
What've we got?
39-year-old black male.
What are his vital signs?
90 over 50, 120,
36 and labored.
What percentage are the burns?
Twenty to thirty percent,
second- and third-degree burns.
Major respiratory distress.
We'll need the burn team.
Who's on duty with burn team?
Carlyle's on duty.
Call a chaplain.
Emergency, anesthesiologist,
stat, emergency.
On three. One, two, three.
Okay, easy, easy.
Dr. Richards,
please report to emergency.
Just relax. Calm down.
How much did you give him?
A quarter M.S. I.V.
- Give me another quarter I.V.
- Relax.
Relax. Just take it easy. We're gonna
take care of you. A little oxygen now.
Come on! Give me another quarter!
That's it. Just slow.
Slow. Just take it easy.
You're gonna be all right.
No burns on the legs.
All right, let's get these
clothes off. Relax. Relax now.
All right. That's good.
That's good. Just relax.
Okay, let's get his clothes off,
find out how badly he's burned.
Give me a pair of gloves,
Give me a basin of Vivi cleanse.
Cut that shirt off.
Let go! Holy shit.
Jo, look what you've done to
us! You're a real asshole.
Code blue, emergency room.
Code blue. His heart stopped.
Larry, start C.P.R.
Give me an airway. His heart? What?
You're fuckin' crazy!
I am pissed off, personally, okay?
You're not gettin'
away with it this time.
You're pissin' me off!
He's back. Get me
20 milligrams of Lasix I.V.
The things I do for you.
Larry, get these clothes off.
I'm, uh... I'm gonna go.
Ah, don't... don't leave me.
And you hang on.
He's not a bad guy.
Don't leave me.
I need you.
- Who's he talking to?
- Probably to god.
Is he gonna be okay?
I don't know.
I don't know what happened.
I don't know.
Probably drug-related.
You're fucking kidding.
Don't... leave me.
Where you goin'?
I'm taking you for a ride.
He's got 80% torso and back
third-degree... this is...
Morton, Ohio,
my home town, so long ago.
Down the left side there.
Pull it off.
I'm... a little kid.
Five years,
That's me.
That's me.
Are you comin' or not?
What you lookin' at?
I'll race ya.
Come on! You're on!
Save me, lord!
Help me! Save me, lord!
Kids, get the hell outta here!
Come on, let's get outta here!
I won!
Bye, Jo Jo.
See you tomorrow.
See you later!
Hi, little Jo Jo.
How was school?
Let's go, girls.
Save me, lord! Help me!
Jo Jo,
get off of that lawn.
Yes, mama.
Hi, miss Mann.
Howdy, Mrs. Dancer.
You heard about Emmett?
No. What happened?
- He got shot last night.
- That's too bad. See you later.
What, sweetie?
How's grandma's baby?
Fine, mama.
Tell me, why you so late comin'
home from school? Ah, hi.
Would you mind going around to the back?
Thank you very much.
Hey, those are your school clothes.
You ain't supposed to be playin' in 'em.
Yes, mama.
But look at my report card.
It better be good too.
Come on, we have to take this in
the house and show this off, honey.
Come on.
Wait till your mother sees this.
She is gonna be so proud.
- Say hello to Emma Ray, sweetheart.
- Ah, my precious.
Hi, miss Emma Ray.
Oh, my baby, sweet love!
Mmm! Fine boy.
You should see this report card.
Well, let me see it, girl.
Girl, you should be proud.
Isn't that wonderful?
This is excellent.
My baby.
Take off your hat
in the house, honey.
Now, about these dreams.
Audrey dreamed of a big fish.
Girl, you got troubles.
- Come here, Jo Jo. How you doin', baby?
- Fine.
- How you doin' in school?
- Fine.
I'm proud of you, baby.
Wish I had a son smart like you.
Oh, look at them grades!
Bitch... stole my trick.
"A," "a," "a."
You got a a-plus in reading.
Girl, look at this. Good grades, baby.
Can I have a kiss?
Bring me some luck, okay?
Come on, Jo Jo.
Let's play a trick on Jake.
What kind of trick?
- Look here, Jake. Read this.
- What is she doin'?
Why do you do that?
You know he can't read.
Get out. Go do somethin'.
Hi, dad!
Hey, boy!
Wanna help me clean
some of these fish?
I can't.
I have my school clothes on.
You think you slick, don't you?
Charlie, don't do that.
You're always using my good
tub to put your fish in.
Dorothy, you know I'm gonna take care
of it. Shit, ain't nothin' but a tub.
Where's mama?
I want her to sign my report card.
Your mother's busy.
Let me see it.
Hey, dad. At school today,
they asked me what my parents did,
and I told them that you
and mommy ran a nightclub.
- Hey, Jo Jo, this is pretty good.
- Yes, sir.
- Ain't you got some homework to do?
- I got to do some readin',
practice my spellin'
and work on my writing.
Go on in there and do
your homework now.
- I don't like it here anymore.
- Go on inside.
You all get in the window,
get some money.
Hey, Jake, I can teach you how to
read, if you want me to.
Jake! Jake! Big Jake!
Get the fuck out.
Jake! Get your motherfucking
ass out of here, you big freak!
Get outta here, you sickie!
And don't you come back in here no more!
Get your ass outta here!
Get rid of this freak! What's goin' on?
Wanted me to piss on him!
I sell pussy, not piss, sick-ass mother...
I'll kick your ass.
No, I'm gonna kick your motherfucking ass!
You better be glad Jake came up here.
Don't you ever come back, and I mean it!
What's goin' on up there?
Everything's all right.
I got it under control.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause
any trouble. That's all right.
You want me to send
you up somebody else?
No! No!
We can always send you up somebody.
No. It's okay. It's okay.
You're sure? All right.
Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure.
Get your stuff.
You all right here? Yeah.
Next time, you just ask for Jake,
and I'll get you somebody who, uh,
you'll like, all right?
You all right?
Watch yourself now.
Here, let me help you with this.
Thank you.
You're a very nice man.
Could you pee on me?
Freak motherfucker!
Get your ass down these stairs.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
That sounded like my wife
out there.
Are you gonna keep
those shorts on?
Well, for a little while.
Just relax, baby.
That's better.
- What was that?
- - Jo Jo, you want your ass whupped?
It hurts here.
They're doin' the best they can.
Today at school,
my teacher asked me what my parents did.
I lied.
I didn't know what to say.
I felt invisible.
You did good, Jo.
I know who you are. I will be in
for a lot of trouble when I grow up.
- Am I always gonna be bad?
- You're not bad, Jo, not at all.
I'm not afraid, you know.
I know.
Well, why can't you
change things?
I can try.
Hi, mama.
My, my.
Look at my boy.
Look at you!
- What are you doin' here, Jo Jo?
- Just wanted to see ya.
You know him? You were six months
old when this picture was taken.
You were
such a good baby, Jo Jo...
Your grandma's pride and joy.
It was after you were born that
she started to treat me nice.
You were
such a wild little boy...
Smart, and always
getting into trouble.
Just a minute. Put this
back up there for me, Jo.
I wish I had something to give you,
Jo Jo, but I gave you everything I have.
Except I never did tell you
how much I love you.
Come here, baby.
- Is the chart up to date?
- Yes, I just did it.
I gotta go now.
And I've got to get back to work.
The left side of the neck tissue
Dr. Weissman said
maybe we should aspirate.
We're gonna have to increase the
dosage of antibiotics. Hi, daddy.
Sorry I'm late, honey.
Right on time.
What about the pain?
Tough day at the racetrack?
- I fell off in the fifth.
- Code blue, emergency room.
Jo Jo, did you ever forgive me?
Keep us posted.
Did you ever forgive her, Jo?
This is fuckin' expensive.
You're gonna die, Jo.
I just want you to look at it all,
go back through it,
find out why you're here.
Where's your father?
Dinner's almost ready.
Probably down at
the barber shop tellin' lies.
I saw him reading
the almanac last night, ma.
He's waiting for somebody
to make mistakes.
You know how he is.
Hey, you better put
some more bread on here,
'cause you know pop
gonna eat a half a loaf.
I got an announcement to make.
Hi, pop.
So you quit your goddamn job, huh?
Yeah, he quit his job.
Gonna be in show business, huh?
Isn't that what you told
Hank down at the barber shop?
Pop, I was gonna tell. Listen,
I been watchin' television, you know.
And I work as a comic.
I know I'm pretty good, pop.
I mean, I don't want to clean
up hog guts the rest of my life.
I worked hard, Jo Jo,
to get you that job cleaning out hog guts.
You ought to be glad
you had that job, Jo Jo.
I'm glad, but I'm not doin'
nothin' against you. I just want...
I don't think this is a good time for
you... what are you talkin' about?
You gonna turn against me too?
We've been talkin' about this
- I'm your wife. I love you.
- What do you want to do?
I wanna give it a try.
You wanna give it a try.
Sonja! Come in here.
I want you to hear this. Yes?
Your stepson wants
to be in show business.
- Well, if that's what he wants to do.
- Yahoo!
- You soundin' dumb as him, woman.
- Ain't nobody dumb.
You know, I've been talking with
Fred Palmer down at the Kit Kat Klub.
He said I got talent.
All I have to do is get out of Morton.
He said ain't nobody gonna
discover me in Morton.
He been down at the club over
ten years, and he ain't shit.
He ain't nothin' but some tired-ass
white boy tellin' some tired-ass jokes.
Pop, he knows a lot of stuff.
He's been in it 25 years.
I mean, he's been to Paris.
He knows count Basie.
- Named all the people he knew.
- He wouldn't know shit
oh, Charles, why don't you let him get
out of Morton, Ohio? He's always liked it.
You know he's always liked it.
Ever since I've known him I've known it.
And his mother... she could sing.
And you know what?
She always said he was gonna be somebody.
Sonja, this boy ain't shit,
and his mama wasn't shit.
Why you always gotta talk about
mom when you get mad at me?
That's not right.
I mean, she's not here to defend herself.
Sure ain't. Ran away with that nigger
from Detroit, left me with you.
She's dead, Charles,
god bless her.
Pop, I'm tired of hearing that.
Don't do that anymore.
Don't stand up over me,
boy, when I'm eatin'.
I'm not. I'm just...
Sit down, we're havin' supper.
That's my mother.
Sit down.
This is still my house, boy.
I tell you to sit down, sit down.
- I'm not gonna sit down. I'm not a kid.
- You wanna stand up to me?
Pop, I'm not standing up to you.
And defend that
boy, I'll knock
the cowboy shit outta you!
Now, Charles, you're wrong!
You shouldn't hit him like that.
Don't tell me I'm wrong, woman.
I want you outta my house. You get
your show-business ass outta my house.
Son of a bitch.
I'll get outta your house.
I'm leavin' tonight.
I'm getting the fuck outta your house!
I'm goin' to Cleveland.
A man gave me a job!
Don't call me when you
get in some trouble.
He said I'm good. He's gonna...
Jo Jo, that man don't know you.
He says it to everybody.
You goin' with me or not?
I ain't never been nowhere.
I ain't never
been nowhere either.
This is the final boarding call
come on. What are you doin'?
I can't go, Jo Jo.
What do you mean, you can't go?
My mama and my daddy...
You go. It's what you want.
I don't want this.
Don't do this to me now.
This is important to me.
- Why'd you marry me, Jo Jo?
- Why... what are you talking about?
'Cause you thought I was pregnant?
I'm sorry I tricked you.
I'm sorry I wasn't pregnant.
I'm sorry I lied.
That's all right.
I just didn't want to be alone.
Hey, I didn't want
I married you so I wouldn't be
alone, so we're not alone. Let's go.
I can't go. I...
You're not gonna go?
No. No, baby.
Cash this in, and they'll
give you money for it.
If it doesn't work out out there,
will you come back here... home?
I mean, I'll be here,
waitin' for you.
No, no. You don't understand.
I'm not comin' back here.
Come on, let's go.
We're leavin'.
You're gonna be okay.
Hey. Hey.
I'm goin'.
I'm gonna write you.
I'm gonna write you.
Okay, Jo Jo.
Now arriving gate six,
Scenicruiser from St. Louis,
Kansas City, Danville
and Indianapolis.
Now arriving gate six.
He's gone, Charles.
I didn't mean to hit my son.
Whoa, yeah
whoa, yeah
everything gonna be
all right this mornin'
now, when I was a young boy
at the age of five
my mother said I'm gonna be
the greatest man alive
but now I'm a man
I made 21
I want you to believe me honey
we'll have lots of fun
I'm a man
I spell M
a, child
Where's Mr. Spencer?
Down at the end of the bar.
- Hi, Mr. Spencer. Remember me?
- No.
Jo Jo Dancer, from Morton, Ohio.
Oh, Jo Jo Dancer, yeah.
The comic. I remember you.
Yes, sir.
You said if I was ever in Cleveland,
I could look you up and get a job.
I'm all booked up.
Try back next month.
Next month?
But I need a job now, sir.
- Next month.
- Mr. Spencer, please, just listen to me.
Beat it. Beat it!
But, Mr.
Spencer, I need a job.
He said that I could come...
I spell mannish boy
I've been robbed. They took everything
out of my room. They robbed me!
There's nothin' I can do about that.
I do know you owe a $30 bill.
Thirty dollars? Wait a minute.
You're not listenin' to me.
Look, man, I advise you to pay your bill.
I'm not payin' shit.
I'm a man
hey, what are you doing?
I'm a hoochie-coochie man
settin' on the outside
just me and my lady
I make a move
come up two hours later
wasn't that a man
- I spell M come on now.
- Hey, on your feet.
"A," child
come on, get up.
Hey, man,
you got some loose change?
I don't have any. Come on, man.
A little change?
Whoa, child
I spell mannish boy
thank you, sir.
I'm a man
I'm a full-grown man
I'm a man
I'm a rollin' stone
I'm a man
well, you can tell 'em
that ol' Johnny for me
he's been here and gone
oh, yeah
thank you so much.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
Club Shalimar is proud to present...
The fabulous Satin Doll!
Hey, circulate.
Yeah, yeah.
Go on, go on, go on.
Go on. Come on. Come on!
Nick! Black bastards.
You w-w-wanna t-t-take a...
Just go over there.
Let's hear it for
the fabulous Satin Doll!
Gee, but I'm lonesome
hey, man. You guys get the
fuck on outta here, right?
Don't be so hard on 'em, Lou. Hey,
you bitches know better than that shit.
I don't want no shit from Sal.
Sit down.
Oh, come on. Sal's not even here, honey.
Don't worry about it.
Yeah, still you know
better than that.
Come in.
Miss Doll?
Listen, I know I have no business
comin' back here like this, but I...
I saw you out there
starin' at me.
I knew you'd be comin' back here one of
these nights. I don't mean anything...
What's your name? My name's Jo Jo
Dancer, and I just want some work.
I'm trying hard to get a job.
Are you gonna just stand there,
I'm sorry. I didn't want to give...
have a seat, Mr. Dancer.
Just push that aside.
Yes, ma'am. I just wanted...
You lookin' for a job?
You wanna be a cleanup man?
No, no. See, I'm really...
I'm a comedian. I do comedy.
And I got some jokes. I got 15
minutes of stuff, and it's kind of...
No, I really am.
I'm not a cleanup man,
I mean it. I just...
I know, baby.
I saw your act the other night...
Amateur night. Yes! I was there!
And I won second place.
You should've won first place.
I think you're funny.
You had me in stitches.
Well, they picked a girl...
a singer. She was good.
Want a drink?
I don't drink.
Oh, this ain't liquor.
No, this is somethin' else.
It's green.
This is celery juice.
Try it. It's good for you.
Cleans your blood.
Good for your bladder.
Go ahead, try it.
No, sugar, I know funny, 'cause I
been in this business a long time.
I think you're talented.
I like you.
I'm gonna help you out.
I come in here... you're gonna help me?
I won't disappoint you, miss Doll.
I know you won't.
Come on back next Wednesday.
I'm gonna talk to Sal about you.
Come here?
Th-they won't let me back here.
- I said Wednesday. I'll take care of it.
- Miss Doll, you're gonna
it's all right, Jo Jo.
I have another show.
You can take that with you.
Take it with me? No, I'll just leave it.
Thank you, miss Doll.
- Satin.
- Satin! I'm sorry, I would never...
They said you was nice.
I mean, I heard it.
They told me... goddamn it!
Yes! She said
come back Wednesday!
Doll told me...
she told me to come back Wednesday.
How the fuck you get in here?
Well, bring your narrow
ass back Wednesday.
Get the fuck on outta here.
That's what she said.
I'm gonna kill one of you motherfuckers.
He's been here and gone
whoa, yeah
get yourself a new suit. You're in
the big time now. I'll get a new one.
Thank you very much for giving me $65
a week. Yeah, all right. Circulate.
- How you feelin'?
- I'm... nervous.
- Don't be nervous.
- Thank you very much...
Don't thank me.
You just calm down.
Baby, you could die out there.
Baby, you were fine.
They're sure waitin' for a funeral.
- Aahh! You ready, kid?
- Yes, sir.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
the Club Shalimar is proud
to present...
A young man who will
tickle your funny bone.
Direct from Morton, Ohio,
Jo Jo Dancer!
Where the hell is Morton, Ohio?
I worked in a club
like this one time,
and the waiter had
his thumb in my soup.
I asked him why he had his thumb in my
soup. He said because it was sprained.
He had to keep it
in something warm.
I said, "why don't you
stick it up your butt?"
He said he already did
in the kitchen.
The chorus girls backstage...
I was talking to them.
I asked them,
"do you ladies sing?" they said, "yes."
I said,
"do you know a minuet?"
They said, "no.
We don't even remember the men we laid."
- My father told better jokes than that.
- Can I move this sucker?
Can I...
I've never been on a big
stage like this before.
I'd like to do my impression
of the first man on the sun.
Now I'd like to do my
impression of a baby being born.
You gonna do it in that suit?
Thank you! Bye!
Huh? How'd you like it? Ohh!
I knew you could do it.
See? See, y'all? I told ya.
I know what I'm talkin' about.
Not bad. And I want you to
shorten up the jokes, understand?
Shorten 'em? Shorter.
And I want you to shorten the act.
Shorten the act. Yeah.
You can finish the week.
One more thing...
Change your shade of lipstick.
All right, come on, come on.
Hey, Jo Jo.
Arty! Thank you very much.
Welcome aboard, buddy. Beautiful.
Did they like it?
Spell it, spell it, spell it.
"Jo Jo," motherfucker.
Jo Jo.
Jo Jo. M-m-m...
He liked it. Thank you!
I was so worried...
About when... I'll take you
to your dressing room now.
He was good.
Say, man, why don't you let
the waitress do that?
Well, she's takin' too long.
Saturday night...
Sunday morning love.
"Sunday morning love"?
You're not old enough, Jo.
Man, I don't even have that one.
Well, my father don't
throw away nothin', except me.
Hey, can I give you a little
advice, Jo? Yeah.
You know, sometimes you step on your
own jokes, you're going so fast.
But you... you're a comic.
And timing is everything.
See, timing is
very important to a comic.
Yeah, t-t-t-timing.
Oh, shut the fuck up, Arturo.
Shut the fuck up.
Here, take this. Take that.
That'll help you relax.
What's this? It'll help you relax.
Take it. It ain't gonna hurt ya.
J... Jo...
W... Well, I laughed.
Man, you laugh at anything.
Well, timing or no timing,
you know what I think?
I think you're funny.
You know what else you got goin' for you?
You're cute. I want to thank
you for takin' the risk.
No, it wasn't no risk.
I knew what I was doin'.
You were great.
Who's that?
Lawrence. Detective Lawrence.
Detective? You in
some kind of trouble?
She ain't in no trouble.
He's the one got the trouble.
He's late.
Satin can take care of herself.
Never have to worry about her.
Good night, baby.
Good night.
Good night, Doll.
Good night, Jo Jo.
Thank you!
You seem to know her
pretty well.
I guess you could say that.
I was married to her once.
You was married to Doll?
Yeah, sure.
Well, you know, they gonna...
Bury the sh-sh-show
f-f-Friday night.
Bury the show? Yeah, bury the show.
You know, it's the last show.
You don't know about
burying the show?
- You don't know what burying the show is?
- I don't...
Oh, shit.
Jesus Christ! I never thought
you had the nerve to do that!
Did you like it, Sal?
Yeah, it was very good, kid.
Very good. Good, good, good.
All right. That's good.
I've never seen anything like it
in my life! Good stuff. Good stuff.
Listen, Satin, me and Gino
were havin' a little talk.
Hey, fatso. Fatso! Go in the club.
Go ahead. See Johnny. He's makin' jokes.
Come on!
Say what?
We're havin' a little payroll problem.
Roly poly motherfucker.
What the fuck are you talkin' about?
Hey, shut the fuck up, huh?
I'll throw you and these bums
outta here on your black asses,
did you forget me and my brother
did you a favor last week
how long this time?
A week.
You know what, Sal?
One of these days,
you're gonna pull that shit on the wrong
come on, come on. What do you wanna do...
cause a problem?
You made a promise to pay me my
goddamn money every motherfucking week!
Shut your fuckin' mouth.
You understand?
You keep fucking with me,
I'm gonna pick up the phone,
and you will never
work again, let alone walk.
You understand?
Oh, Sal.
You wanna be a gangster so bad.
You wanna be Gino. You couldn't be
goddamn Gino in a motherfucking dream.
I know why you want us to stay here...
'cause the show's good,
and you don't wanna lose it. You better
shut the fuck up, do you understand?
Shut the fuck up. You get paid next week.
You understand, bitch?
Hey, Doll!
Come on, get the fuck outta the way.
Wh-what's the matter, Doll?
Fuck this shit, Arturo.
Fuck this shit.
Mr. Jo Jo Dancer!
- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.
And I worked in a club
like this before.
And the waiter
brought me some soup.
And he had his hand in it.
Arturo! Hi, sailor.
Did you like the show?
What's the matter?
N-n-n-nothin', J-Jo Jo.
We just... same old shit.
We ain't gettin' paid.
I'm gettin' paid.
F-Forget it, Jo Jo.
Sal and s-Satin Doll...
They had a fight.
She needs her money 'cause
she's got a s-s-s-sick k-k-kid.
She's gonna get her money.
We ain't slaves.
I ain't no motherfucking
slave, man, no!
Bullshit! No.
I'm gettin' the money.
Y-y-y-you don't wanna go messin'
a-a-around with them, J.J.,
or you'll find your
l-l-little ass in the river!
Jo, you was...
I gotta tell you somethin', man.
- It's a fuckin' blank pistol, man.
- Shit. Okay.
I want my motherfucking money.
Why don't you just forget it?
I just hope I don't
shoot my balls off.
he went to Gino's office.
What do you want?
Sal, I wanna see Gino now.
Hey, Gino?
I got a young lady who wants to see you.
Get fucked. I'm eatin'.
Hey, you wanna see this young lady.
You want to see her. Oh, yeah? Yeah?
Send her in.
Come on in, young lady.
Hey, Jo Jo.
What can I do for you?
Just tell the man what you got to
say, and get the fuck out.
There's a misunderstanding about the
money, I mean, that we're
you'll get your money. Relax.
Hey, you need something?
Vito, get him whatever he needs.
I just want my money, - you'll get
your money. What are you in a hurry for?
Satin Doll's got a sick kid,
and I got a job in buffalo. Yeah.
He's got a job in buffalo.
You'll get your money next
week like everybody else.
- Or the week after. Depends how I feel.
- Wait. That ain't fair.
Hey, Stungatz, I don't owe you fuck.
Sal, didn't you tell him?
I didn't tell him nothin'.
Your salary comes out
of Satin Doll's pocket.
We don't owe you shit.
Now, get the fuck outta here.
You better go, sweetheart.
Get the fuck outta here!
Goddamn it, I want my money!
I want some fuckin' money!
I'm not gonna let you
fuck over me, man!
So now what?
So, what are you gonna do?
You gonna shoot us or fuck us?
Assholes, it's a goddamned starter's
pistol. Got any more guns down there, huh?
Huh? Hey, Sal, Vito.
You see this "minangianni" here?
You got some fuckin' balls
on ya, huh?
I don't care about this, man.
All I want to do is get their money.
I don't give a fuck if you kill
me, I just want our money.
We're crime, see?
And crime don't pay.
- What's the matter... you can't knock?
- Easy, Vito.
It's a starter pistol.
It's a toy.
You got a big push when it comes
down to the ladies, fat man.
You wanna push me?
- Get what you came for?
- I just wanted to get our money.
We're just settling up accounts.
See, today...
Today's you're lucky day.
I'm gonna pay off everybody...
Out of my own pocket.
Now, how much I owe you? Huh?
Come on. I don't know...
You tell me when to stop. Here.
Tell me when to stop. Everybody...
You tell me when to stop.
You wanna take the whole thing?
Here, take it all. Take it all.
Is that all right,
let's go.
I'm sorry.
I didn't wanna take nothin'...
Our business is finished.
It used to be so fuckin' easy.
They was gonna kill your ass in there
tonight. Wh-what are you talkin' about?
Can we just get to the bus
station, please?
Bus station?
I'm catching the train
in the morning.
You're catching a bus tonight.
- What are you talkin' about?
- Where you from? - Morton, Ohio.
What, no Italians in Morton?
I don't know about Italians.
You don't get it, do you? Let me
give you some advice for the future:
Don't you ever pull a gun on men like
that unless you're gonna shoot 'em.
It wasn't a real gun. It was a blank
pistol. They weren't gonna pay us.
- But, look... I got the money.
- Look, that's a part of show business.
Sometimes you get paid.
Sometimes you don't.
It's a good thing detective
Lawrence cares for you.
I don't give two shits for him or
his money. I did this for Doll.
Now, you get your ass out of
town, and don't you come back.
- He's young, Tony!
- And stupid.
I'm not stupid!
Nobody shot me.
I got the money!
Johnny, you know
that five dollars you owe me?
- Can we talk about that another time?
- Johnny...
Arturo, shut the fuck up.
Everybody just shut up, please!
Bus 19 for superior, Wisconsin...
Now, listen, you let me know
where you're gonna be, and I'll
listen, I have something for you, okay?
It's a book. It's just a book.
But, um, I want you to read it.
I think you'll like it.
Don't forget what I told
you, Jo Jo... timing.
"Timing," you motherfucker.
Come on, babe.
I know you're gonna
make it, Jo Jo.
Okay? Stay funny.
And remember...
ti-ti-time... timing.
And I don't owe you no five dollars.
Shut the fuck up.
How you doin'?
Hey, got the paper?
As of 2:27 this morning,
Jo Jo Dancer developed complications
in his respiratory system.
We gave him hydrocortisone which cuts
down inflammatory reaction in the body.
He's in a critical state
right now.
His condition is guarded, and he's
being monitored around the clock.
In addition, Dr. Carlyle...
Is daddy gonna be okay?
Yes, baby.
He's gonna be okay.
He's in a very good hospital.
They're gonna take very good care of him.
But is he gonna die?
No. No, he's not gonna die.
Don't say things like that.
I'm gonna take you
to grandma's place, okay?
But I wanna go with you to see daddy.
No, you can't.
Sorry, but you just can't.
Reports indicating death are not true.
As Dr. Weissman states, his
present condition is critical.
Hospital and police officials
are only granting visitation
rights to his immediate family.
- Damn, baby. You read all these books?
- Mm-hmm.
Some of 'em up there...
you just show these, right?
I've read more than that.
These books too?
It's Malcolm X.
You read Malcolm?
Yep. Have you?
No, no.
You should.
I mean, there's nothing wrong
with being socially conscious.
Hey, what's the name of your
organization... "pussy now"?
That was really crass.
- You know, you're kind of a chauvinist.
- What?
What's a chauvinist?
A chauvinist is somebody
who thinks with their dick.
You hear that?
You got a brain.
You like to think
with your dick?
All right. Okay.
You read Malcolm X, okay?
You think you know about him.
I know Malcolm X.
I know what he's talking about.
So what? I mean, that's
not all you are.
It's not all I see. Anybody could
be black. I could be black.
You could be black?
You're fuckin' crazy.
You're snow white, okay?
You're not Angela Davis.
You're white.
The Klan comes through that door
now, and you're gonna holler, "rape!"
Bitch, you crazy.
Shit. You're fuckin' crazy.
I'm sorry.
Sorry, my ass, bitch. Don't hit me
no more. I'll kick your ass!
- I'm sorry. I had no right to do that.
- Fuckin'... shit in my hair.
Please forgive me. I...
I like you.
I mean, it was nice.
Sometimes, I don't know...
I don't know, I, um...
Don't ever hit me no more.
I love you.
I love you too.
When we get married, you know,
I'm gonna get you
a big diamond ring.
What's so funny?
I'm serious. Don't be laughin' at me.
I'm sorry.
Nobody gets married anymore.
I'm gonna get married.
No, let's just
live together, and...
I'd be happy
with just a cigar band.
You know, like one of those
Havana cigar bands, okay?
My parents used to send me to the
store for bread, then they'd move.
I thought maybe
they didn't like me.
I went to New York.
I worked in the village.
I loved working down there because
people used to come down all the time.
They'd be looking for beatniks...
I saw him
on ed Sullivan's show...
I watch ed Sullivan all the
time, and he's not funny.
Mother said he's
gonna be very big.
Then you should've
taken your mother here.
You're interrupting the show.
- Who cares? What show?
- Just keep it down to a low roar.
Do the thing you did
on ed Sullivan.
- He wasn't on ed Sullivan.
- Yes, I was on the ed Sullivan show.
He only has talented,
funny people, and you're not.
I was like a test pattern.
You moron.
What does this mean in Italian?
You can't talk to a lady like...
Lady, I don't bother you when
you're working Hollywood boulevard.
You gotta act like a lady.
We're having a good time.
Let me buy you a drink, okay?
You can't afford this, honey.
If you don't like the show,
why don't you leave?
When I finish my drink, I will.
Why don't you just get up on them
drunk-ass legs and get the fuck out?
If you can't get out on them
legs, try them big-ass titties.
You can bounce out on them.
Well, they're real.
Yeah, they're real.
They're big as your mouth.
That's it. Come on.
How dare you.
Can I touch 'em?
You got a mouth like a toilet.
Don't you wanna let a black
man touch your titties?
The only joke around here
is that you're a comic.
Fuck you.
I'm out of the business.
Do you know that?
My agent come to my dressing room
after the show, and he said...
That manzio wouldn't let me
work in that club in Chicago
if I was gonna talk like that.
- I told him to go fuck hisself.
- Good.
It's hard what you're doing,
but it's good.
I... I gotta...
I just gotta take
a walk... alone.
Man, you late!
Mother, mother
What you lookin' at?
There's too many
of you cryin'
brother, brother, brother
Get your butt up here!
There's far too many
Oh, ma... now!
In my neighborhood,
to be cool you had
to play basketball.
And there's a few things that I can't do.
We've got to find a way
I'm one of the few black people...
To bring some lovin'
...who can't dance.
Here today
Check your underarms out
at a party.
We don't need to escalate
it's me, it's me
I went to a black meeting.
Revolutionary. Everybody was black.
For only love can conquer
Hate a lot of congas
Twenty congas. You know he
ain't gonna play all of them.
And they all have
something beautiful to say.
You have singers
and poets. Right?
We had a poet...
Brother "Blackalot."
And picket signs
don't punish me
I like to go and watch
the winos direct traffic.
"Hey, fool!
You better slow that car down!
This a neighborhood!
This ain't no residential district!"
yeah, what's goin' on
oh, what's goin' on
"Don't be driving down
through here like you crazy.
Unless you're a Mexican."
White people
don't make no noise...
when they fuck.
The only people who make noise
is the hillbillies... "yahoo!"
right on
Don't make me slap you now.
Why do winos lie so much?
You give him a bottle of wine and talk
to him a little bit, and he start lyin'.
"I was with the FBI.
"Me and another black man
started the merchant marines.
Shit, I've been around the
world, swam the equator twice."
but who are they to judge us
simply 'cause
our hair is long
You can talk about
black women a little bit.
But then it get on their nerve.
They get mad, say,
and get their head goin'.
"Didn't I tell you?
Maybe you didn't hear me,
Now, one time...
One time, man, I went...
You shouldn't hang out with
white people if you're black...
'Cause they're gonna
fuck over ya.
I went to a party with some dude,
and they put some acid in my drink.
And they didn't tell me.
I know they were saying,
"let's see
what the nigger'll do now."
And I drank the shit.
Because I was greedy, I wanted all the
shit. I was in their house. Fuck it.
Yeah, give me that too.
Fuck you.
Yeah, white boy.
You know, they were scared
to say anything.
"Don't say nothing.
He might bring another one back."
Right? So...
I swallowed this shit,
and then about 15 minutes
I didn't feel nothin'.
I say, "now this ain't shit.
What the fuck
you talkin' about, acid?"
You know, I got bad.
"Oh, motherfucker, acid!
You understand?"
And then about 18 minutes...
No, my mouth got all sticky.
You know, I started
feeling my lips, and...
And I felt my face
was... melting.
And I felt... and then you start
having these crazy visions...
Where shit get
all gluey and shit.
And little sounds start coming in here...
"stay back."
And I heard my heart...
And then I heard this voice
say, "there are no niggers."
Then I went,
"well, what the fuck am I?"
"You figure it out."
And I just knew I was gonna
die, you know, 'cause I said,
"I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I...
"Don't, don't, don't,
don't, don't, don't...
Want, want, want, want
to die, die, die, die, die."
"I.. I'm getting...
The fu-u-u-u-uck
out of he-e-e-e-re."
And the closer I got to the door,
the further away the motherfucker was!
And I said, "what the fuck these
white boys have done to me?"
And you know yourself
laugh at you.
"I told you not to co-o-o-me...
What about comp? I don't know.
That's your problem.
Come on.
Let's go, you guys.
I wanna say something to ya.
I don't give a fuck about ya,
but I'm glad you came;
I hope you had a good time.
It's been fun.
Thank you very much. Good night!
You did it!
Jo Jo, can I have
your autograph?
Jo Jo, please!
Okay! Oh, man,
it was great tonight!
It was really good.
Everything! Thank god!
Everything! I did the white
woman/black woman thing.
It worked so good.
And they all liked it so much.
I know.
You were so good.
I missed you.
You missed me?
Yeah. Oh! Freddy wants
you to stay another week.
Hey, sit down. Sit down.
And he's gonna give you more money.
Yeah? Remember I told you that
when I started making more money,
- I was gonna get you something nice?
- Yeah.
What is it?
Here's the real one.
Oh, Jo Jo, it's beautiful.
I hope it's the right shape.
Look at it. It's so pretty.
Oh, thank you.
They're starting to get crazy out here.
What do you want me to do?
Send 'em in, all of 'em.
You're the funniest son
of a bitch I've ever seen!
Listen, we were planning
to have breakfast alone.
My name's Clifford miles, all right, bro?
I love you.
Will you make sure nobody else comes in?
Yes, ma'am.
Jo Jo Dancer, I'd like you to
meet, uh... Madelyn.
Excuse me.
And this is, uh, Olivia. Olivia.
Wonderful show.
Thank you very much. Yeah!
Oh... this is my wife.
This is Dawn.
How do you do? My name's Clifford
miles, like in miles Davis, huh?
We're having a party up at my
house, and I'd like to invite you.
We'll just lay around and do a little
blow, have some laughs.
We'd love to, but we were
planning to have breakfast alone.
You hungry?
Because this girl cooks the best
the best. And I make
unbelievable bloody Marys.
Bloody Marys, omelets.
What do you say?
Devil with the blue dress
blue dress, blue dress
devil with the blue dress on
ooh, yeah devil with the blue
dress blue dress, blue dress
devil with the blue dress on
fee, fee, fi, fi fo-fo, fum
look at Molly now
'cause here she comes
wearing her wig hat
and shades to match
high-heel shoes
and an alligator hat
wearing her pearls
and her diamond rings
bracelets on her fingers now
and everything
devil with the blue dress
blue dress on
devil with the blue dress on
devil with the blue dress
blue dress on
devil with
the blue dress on, hey
wearin' her perfume
Chanel no. 5
got to be finest girl alive
she walks real cool
I said, shotgun
shoot him for he runs now
do the jerk, baby
heard it yes, I heard it
heard it through the grapevine
just about, just about
just about to lose my mind
oh, yes, I am
oh, yes, I am
oh, yes, I am
oh, whoa, whoa, hey
love you
ooh, ooh
yes, I do now
I do love you
I love-a you so a-right now
ooh, ooh my baby
yeah, yeah, yeah
little darlin'
I said I love you so right now
never, never
gonna let, gonna let
gonna let you go no, no, no
I'm just about at
the end of my rope
but I can't stop trying
I can't give up hope
'cause I feel that
one day I'll hold you
Jo Jo.
Hold you near
Oh, hey, man.
You wanna join us?
I still love you
until that day is here
I'm crying
baby, baby
ooh, ooh
ooh, baby, baby
ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
baby, baby
I thought...
That's what you wanted.
Baby, baby
Hey, uh, if you're leaving, I think
you're gonna need these, all right?
I don't understand why you're so uptight.
It's a party, right?
I mean, it's booze,
broads and blow, huh?
Oh, um...
I'd hate for you to forget this.
The next time
you're in L.A...
Goddamn. What the...
Let go of me.
Hit me.
Jo, I can't change anything,
but I can take you back
so you can look at it.
What are you thinking about
right now?
Thinking about Michelle?
Thinking about her, ain't ya?
Remember the first time
you saw her?
You went for her hook,
line and sinker, didn't you?
Some people got to have it
yeah, yeah
some people really need it
yeah, listen to me, ya'll
do things
do things, do things
bad things with it
Yeah, you wanna
do things, do things
do things good things with it
yeah, yeah
shake it down.
For the love of money
people will steal
from their mother
for the love of money
people will Rob
their own brother
for the love of money people
can't even walk the street
Thank you for the dance.
Uh, Deb, go have some fun.
Yeah, baby, come on.
Thank you, baby.
Once there was a boy
May I have this dance, please?
Oh, no, thank you.
I'm so hot right now.
Maybe a little later.
When you cool off.
Girl said
I'll never leave you
Excuse me. Where are you taking that?
To the lady.
And left each other 'cause
that's the way love goes
that's the way love goes
your dom perignon, my dear
You're not the waiter.
I didn't tell you
you could sit down.
You have to get up
when my girlfriend gets back.
You come here,
sit down uninvited at my table,
I don't know you.
I'm Jo Jo Dancer.
Now you know me.
Michelle Jensen.
Listen. A bunch of us are going up
to my house after we leave here.
Sit around, tell a few lies.
I can't. I don't have my car.
You can ride with me.
I'm with my girlfriend,
and she has to get home early.
I'll take her home.
Calm down, honey.
I didn't tell you I was gonna go.
Great shot.
Getting fancy too, huh?
You married?
Not exactly.
What you mean, "not exactly"?
I mean, not exactly.
Is that big ring
on your finger...
Is that "not exactly"?
This is a gift from a friend of mine...
George Drake.
You don't know him.
You're right, it's none of my business.
I was wrong. I'm sorry.
You know you meant to get all
in my business, but that's okay.
I don't mind.
We do what we wanna do...
When we wanna do it.
Well, it's obvious
you do what you wanna do.
Is this your place?
No, I rent it.
Who decorated it?
- What's wrong with it?
- What is this?
Now, this is truly tired.
This is terrible.
Whoever did that
has terrible taste.
The house has got a bed, okay?
What happened to all of your friends
that were supposed to come over...
And have jokes and tell lies?
Hey, listen, they're coming.
You're so full of shit.
Let's play one more game.
Come on.
Let's play one more game.
Rack 'em.
This time... you rack 'em so
I can get a break, you know?
Oh, I forgot.
Ladies first.
Put your money
where your mouth is, baby
Eight, right?
Guess I got lucky.
You bastard.
Just give me this one line,
and we can go home, all right?
All right?
Why are you showing me this shit
why'd you cut it out?
Look at the picture.
Why don't you look
at the screen there?
You've been drinking now,
right? Come on.
Ain't drinkin'. It's...
Jo Jo, listen to me.
Here. We finished this
movie three weeks behind.
You gonna turn against me too?
Jo Jo.
I've gotta be at the bank at 1:00.
I need you to sign some papers.
You told me you was my friend,
and then you cut out the scene!
Excuse me.
Mrs. Dancer's here.
Shit. Here.
Here. Take it.
Hey, baby.
Hi, baby.
I'm a little drunk, okay?
Just a little.
Listen, Jo.
We'll fix the problem.
Be a good movie, I guarantee.
You ain't gonna fix shit.
Try to help him, Mrs. Dancer.
You're out of line.
Out of line a hundred times.
I don't talk
to your ugly-ass wife.
Baby, I'm fucked up.
Like they ain't shit, right?
They took the stuff out of the
movie, and it's not in.
There's two scenes that they
took out of the movie,
and they make me look
like a fuckin' fool.
You know what I mean?
You want a drink?
You got any blow?
No. I don't think
you can get much higher.
Geez. What's
the matter with you?
What's the matter with you?
Why do I have to get approval from
that fat-ass manager of yours...
Every time I wanna buy anything?
If I wanna buy some pink lace
drawers from Neiman-Marcus,
Yes, I do.
You're a ritzy-titsy bitch.
You just do what you wanna do.
You bought this car,
and you didn't ask nobody.
I didn't need his permission.
What do you mean,
you didn't need his permission?
You didn't pay for it. I didn't spend
your money. It was a gift to me, this car.
Somebody give you a car?
- That's right. Someone gave me a car.
- Who?
I told you two months ago
I wanted a new car...
- Bullshit! You took a car from George?
- Yes.
How the fuck can you
accept a car from George?
We've been married eight months.
- You told me you was through with him.
- I told you I wanted a new car.
You didn't do anything about it.
You was gonna get a new car, but
I'm tired of having
to ask and beg you!
You didn't have to beg me!
You didn't even notice
that this was a new car!
- I noticed it was a new car!
- Right. You paid real good attention.
I don't give a fuck what...
pull this motherfucker over now!
Just pull it over.
You don't have to scream.
Just pull it over!
All right, goddamn it.
Get out of the car!
Get the fuck out of the car!
I'm not gonna argue about this.
I'll get out of the car.
You lay one fucking finger on me,
and the police are gonna have your ass.
- Fuck you and the police!
- Chill. Calm down. Take it easy.
You're drunk, and you're
not thinking straight, man.
You know you care about this woman.
Look at her out there.
You know you love her.
Don't you want this thing to work?
You haven't been straight
with her, either.
You've been fucking around
for... for eight months.
Tell her the truth, Jo.
Give it a shot.
Why are you saying
all this to me now?
Trust me!
I'm sorry I lost my temper.
I'm a little drunk.
It's just that
when I saw this car...
You got from George, I was hurt.
I'm sorry too.
I know I shouldn't have
taken this car from George.
I just wanted you to notice.
I noticed, all right.
I... I know our thing
is falling apart.
I know it's not working out,
and... it's my fault.
I haven't been real honest
with you, either.
I got some stuff
I gotta tell you.
- I'm gonna be honest, starting today.
- What?
I slept with Sandra.
And Ethel.
Why, you motherfucker.
I knew you'd feel that way about it,
but I feel better because I'm being...
George was right about your ass!
You are one selfish
son of a bitch!
Trust you?
You satisfied, you asshole?
I didn't know you
were gonna say all that.
All those nights I was here by
myself and I needed somebody
you hear me, Jo Jo?
Talk to, not at!
I don't care if I never
talk to you again.
I'll talk to you, Jo.
Fuck the both of you!
What, fuck the both of us?
Oh, no, fuck you, darling.
Fuck you and anybody
that looks like you!
And get out of my goddamn car.
I'm leaving your black ass.
You're not leaving in this car.
You're not going anywhere.
Back off. Back off!
What are you doing?
Good question.
Shit. Get out of...
No! My pocketbook
is in the fucking car!
No! No!
Oh, no!
I got your purse back!
Oh, no!
Oh, shit!
Shit! Oh, goddamn it!
You done messed up my new...
You crazy son of a bitch!
You fucked up my brand-new car!
Oh, goddamn you!
You crazy son of a bitch!
You messed up my new car!
You messed up my brand-new...
What's the fucking use?
Police! Come and get
this crazy son of a bitch!
Oh, I can't stand you, Jo Jo!
Car's gonna need a tune-up.
I never want to see you again!
Goddamn it!
You don't get it, do you?
It was a game from the beginning.
How'd you expect to win?
What's the matter with you, boy?
"What's the matter with
you, boy?"
- I said, what's the matter with you, boy?
- Nothin'.
Turn around and look at me when I
talk to you. What happened to you?
Why is your nose bleeding?
The boys at the railroad
track... they jumped me.
What boys?
Johnny, Joe and his brother.
- What did they jump on you for?
- They said my mother's a ho
and lived in a whorehouse,
so I hit 'em.
Oh, they got some nerve.
Their mama is a whore and
doing a whole lot worse too.
They said they gonna beat my ass
on the way to school tomorrow.
You a dancer,
and don't nobody be beating
on a dancer's ass.
If they hit you, you hit 'em
back, only harder. Understand?
Yes, mama.
You are gonna get up
early tomorrow morning,
get down to the railroad track,
find yourself
one of them big sticks...
And a good hiding place.
And when they come by,
you jump out and commence
to whalin' on their ass,
and they will not jump
on you no more.
You can take
grandmama's word for that.
I'm gonna get 'em
real good, mama.
Don't nobody beat on no dancers.
You got to look out
for yourself,
'cause grandmama ain't always
gonna be here to see about you.
Come over here to me.
- You'll live forever, mommy.
- Oh, sweetheart.
If you say so, I bet it's gonna happen.
Thank you.
I just love you to death.
And if you say I'm gonna live forever
that's how that's gonna be.
Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed.
You're the only one
that understood,
the only one that loved me,
the only one
that cared about me.
Oh, yes, I'm in the upper room
the upper room
in the upper room
with Jesus the upper room
the upper room
oh, I'm in the upper room
the upper room the upper room
with my lord the upper room
and god the upper room
well, he's in
the upper room
yes, he's here
in the upper room
well, he's in
yeah, the upper room
talkin' with the lord
oh, my
hallelujah, lord
I'm in the upper room
the upper room
in the upper room
with Jesus the upper room
oh, he's in the upper room
the upper room
in the upper room
talkin' with my lord
yes, he know god
you know, he's in
the upper room
he's in
the upper room
lord, he's in
yeah, the upper room
talkin' with my lord
ohh, yeah
Hi, Alicia.
You finally called, huh?
I'm o... I'm okay.
I... I stopped doing dope.
Uh, honest.
I'm not full of shit.
I stopped.
Five minutes ago.
I stopped.
Jo Jo. Son?
You on dope?
Jo Jo, you ain't no fuckin'
junkie, are you?
I hate you.
I don't like you much, either.
Pop? I love you.
I'm sorry.
I forgive you, mama.
You see, I'm so alone and...
And so fucked up.
I get a little high.
Pass the time.
I'm not a junkie.
I'm not a junkie.
All the plans you made,
they're going up in smoke.
Fuck you.
That's "fuck you."
Do you hear me?
Leave me alone, please?
I... just want to...
You're gonna get in trouble.
Somebody's gonna get hurt,
and that's gonna be me.
You're not the baby I raised.
You are pathetic.
- Stop, Jo.
- - Why can't you forgive yourself?
Just put it down.
Daddy? Are you okay?
Please, Jo.
God! I lost my soul!
Help me!
Help me get my soul back!
I know what to do.
I know how to get my soul back!
Please! Please,
please, god!
Help me!
You don't have to do this, Jo.
I know, Jo.
I can't.
I can't.
I know it hurts.
I'm sorry.
I know.
I'm sorry too, Jo.
Mrs. Dancer?
Uh... uh... uh, excuse me.
I... I, uh...
Kick that up to 175.
Pulse, pressure just keep going
down, Doctor.
The media's all over me.
You've told them enough.
May I remind you he's my patient?
- Is he gonna make it or not?
- No.
He's lost his will to live,
and I don't know why.
You hear what they're saying about you?
They're saying you're not gonna make it.
I don't know, Jo.
It's up to you if you
want to live or die.
I can't help you, little Jo,
if you don't ask.
Ain't much time left, Jo.
Ain't much time left.
He... help... me.
Help me.
Help me.
I thought you'd never ask.
Thank you, god.
Good evening.
I'm happy you're here tonight.
I'm glad you came.
I'm happy to be alive.
'Cause I fucked up.
I fucked up bad, me and my dumb ass.
Thank you.
Thank you. Please sit down.
Sit your ass down.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
We are gathered here today...
To say farewell...
To a man who lived a full life...
Jo Jo Dancer.
We say good-bye to Jo Jo...
Who tore his ass...
On the freeway of life.
He imbibed of alcohol...
And drugs.
The boy was a mess.
He ran through life
like shit run through a goose.
And now he rests here...
With a smile on his face.
I guess that's a smile,
and I hope that's his face.
You sure that ain't his ass?
Well, it looked like his ass.
This is his face. Okay.
And Jo Jo,
though he lived life
to the fullest,
he did not hesitate
to help others.
Oh, no.
You see, he embalmed hisself.
Yes, he did.
He embalmed hisself with alcohol.
Yes, he was 470 proof
when we put him in here,
what's left of him.
And he preserved himself
with cocaine.
If you dug out his nose now,
everybody in this room would get high.
And we have telegrams
from people that loved him.
And I will read one now.
It's from his ex-wife.
Yes, she did.
"You black motherfucker.
"At last you're at the place
I wished you to be.
"May the maggots eat out your
ass and dance on your eyelids.
Sincerely, Shirley."
As you can tell,
she is distraught.
She was a little upset with him.
Most people in life
lead with their chins...
Because that's the way life is.
It demands that you lead
with your chin.
But not Jo Jo.
He led with his nuts.
If his nuts was not
in a vice, he wasn't happy.
You had to crank him up,
and Jo Jo was happy.
We have other telegrams,
over a thousand from friends of his...
People he owed money to...
Wishing him well in hell,
wishing him a good time in hell.
Well, Jo Jo Dancer fucked up.
Not only did he die, but he died
with their money in his pocket.
There ain't nothin' worse than a
man dead and he got your money.
Makes you wanna dig him up
and kill him again.
Thank you.
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
there's a story
goin' all around
talking about it everywhere
there's this gossip
and this constant sound
livin' in the life
just ain't fair
they try to work me
but it's all in vain
never get this baby down
say I'm crazy
but that might well be
there'll be
no kickin' me around
I'm the ruler of my destiny
if I fall
then it's because of me
there is nobody
who's got the power
to determine
what becomes of me
I'm aware of
what we're here to do
and do is our only choice
and if you like it'll be
me and you just me and you
singing with
this one strong voice
this is bigger than all of us
I'm not afraid
to walk that line
just be natural and we can try
every little thing's
gonna turn out fine
I'm the ruler of my destiny
if I fall
then it's because of me
there is nobody
who's got the power
to determine
what becomes of me
my destiny
it's because of me
my destiny
what becomes
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
my destiny, my destiny
my destiny, my destiny
my destiny, my destiny
my destiny my, my destiny
I'm the ruler of my destiny
if I fall
then it's because of me
there is nobody
who's got the power
to determine
my destiny, my destiny
my destiny, my destiny
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I can determine
what becomes of me
I'm the ruler I'm the ruler
I'm the ruler of my destiny
I'm the ruler of my destiny