Killer of Men (2022) Movie Script

(water spraying)
(jacket ruffling)
(light humming)
(droning music)
(kiosk beeps)
(coins jingling)
(eerie music)
(train rumbling)
(door clicks)
(eerie music continues)
(droning music)
(train rumbling)
(brakes screeching)
(people chattering)
(train rushing)
(droning music continues)
(bags fluttering)
(flags rustling)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(pipe banging)
(pipe crushing)
(sharp ringing)
(tense music continues)
(tense music fades)
(dial clicking)
(hand sizzling)
(suspenseful music)
(turn signal ticking)
(car rumbling)
(traffic humming)
(knocking on window)
- What's up, Hoggs?
- Sammy.
We're all done with
deliveries, my man.
- Hey man, customers are
complaining that the merchandise
is coming broken, can
you explain that to me?
- He's good, man.
- It's not good. It's
a simple question.
How many times have I told
you you got to be careful
with those boxes?
Now eggs, they break
like that, you know that.
You understand?
All right.
You can go.
(Sammy knocks)
(window whirring)
(water rippling)
(birds squawking)
(calm synth music)
(door pops)
(bag rustling)
(door clicks)
(coins clattering)
(machine beeping)
(calm synth music continues)
(machine buzzing)
(pencil scratching)
(radio chattering)
(suspenseful music)
(train rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(pipe clanging)
(pipe crashes)
(dial clicking)
(hand sizzling)
(muffled) Yeah, I'm
talking to you.
Get the fuck out of the car!
(suspenseful music)
(muffled yelling)
How many fucking times?
How much money you
going to cost me?
(droning music)
(Sammy shouting)
(speaking indistinctly)
(droning music continues)
(droning music fades)
(pencil scratching)
(radio chattering)
(paper rustling)
(man coughing)
(eerie music)
(man coughing)
(eerie music continues)
(traffic humming)
(calm synth music)
(machine buzzing)
(calm synth music continues)
(machine door closes)
(calm synth music continues)
(suspenseful music)
(people chattering)
(suspenseful music continues)
(hand thuds)
(woman gasps)
- You scared me.
- Sorry.
- My scarf.
Thank you.
I really love this.
You live around here?
- Yeah.
- A long time?
Yeah, well, it's my
second year in this place.
Not a big fan, but at
least it's affordable.
(calm synth music)
I'm headed that way
if you want to join me.
(calm synth music continues)
This is me.
I'm Eva, by the way.
It was nice meeting you.
(droning music)
(water spraying)
(wheels clattering)
(droning music continues)
(gate rattling)
(suspenseful music)
(people chattering)
(suspenseful music continues)
- Sammy.
- Hey, what's up, bro?
(door clicks)
(man coughing)
(man coughing)
(ominous music)
(wind chimes ringing)
(calm synth music)
- [Eva] So what's going on
in that head of yours,
behind those eyes?
(calm synth music continues)
- What do you do?
- Me?
I'm a teacher.
- You enjoy it?
- I do, yes.
My students are
like my children.
(calm synth music continues)
What about you?
What do you do?
- I make deliveries
for a grocery.
- Do you enjoy it?
- No.
Not really.
- And why do you do it?
- I don't know.
(calm synth music continues)
(pencil scratching)
(radio chattering)
(hand thuds)
(pencil clattering)
(paper rustling)
(radio chattering)
(foreboding music)
(lighter clicking)
(foreboding music continues)
(foreboding music intensifies)
(pipe clangs)
(foreboding music fades)
(water spraying)
(hand sizzling)
(calm synth music)
(light buzzing)
(calm synth music continues)
- Come on.
(calm synth music continues)
I'm sorry.
It's the first time that I've
been with somebody in a while.
That someone treated
me like a person.
(calm synth music)
- [Hoggs] They found Sammy's
body last night.
He was bludgeoned to death.
They don't have any suspects.
How can someone do that
to a father of four kids?
How can God let something
like this happen?
(droning music)
(droning music fades)
- [Eva] They're
almost identical.
Hmm, wow.
These are beautiful.
- Thank you.
(calm synth music begins)
I can draw you one.
(pencil scratching)
(calm synth music continues)
- They're sad.
(suspenseful music)
(train rumbling)
(suspenseful music continues)
(pipe clanging)
(man coughing)
(serene music)
(pipe clanging)
(serene music continues)
(pipe skidding)
(serene music continues)
(birds fluttering)
(serene music continues)
(serene music fades)
(hand sizzling)
(calm synth music)
(water pouring)
Are you going to tell
me what's going on?
- What do you mean?
- [Eva] You don't look well.
You're white as a sheet.
- I'm sick, Eva.
(somber music)
- Did...
Did you go to the doctor?
Do you know what's wrong?
- I'm gonna die soon.
(somber music continues)
They said I have
less than a year.
(somber music continues)
- Aren't you gonna...
Don't you care?
Don't you want to fight it?
- [Hoggs] They think Sammy
was a victim of some sort of
killing spree.
They believe the one
responsible tried taking another
a couple nights ago.
He survived, but he
couldn't get a description.
The victim was too disoriented.
(rain pattering)
He does remember that the
attacker used some sort of
metal pole as a weapon.
All I know is when I find
the person who did this,
I'ma hurt him.
I'ma hurt him real fucking bad.
(door slams)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music fades)
- I thought these
would be useful.
For your drawings.
(ethereal music)
(both chuckle)
What should we make today?
(ethereal music continues)
what's wrong?
- I, I have to tell
you something.
- What is it?
- I did things.
I did bad things.
- That's okay.
We all do bad things.
We all make mistakes.
- No.
Not mistakes.
- Take my hand.
- No.
(Eva shushes)
Come now.
(calm synth music)
(foil rustling)
(bag rustling)
(water rippling)
(somber music)
(water splashes)
(waves splashing)
(somber music continues)
(radio chattering)
(soft music)
(latch clicks)
(radio chattering)
(soft music continues)
(pencil scratching)
(radio chattering)
(soft music continues)
I got you this a few days ago.
Take it.
- Thank you.
- Try it on.
See how it looks.
(calm synth music)
(calm synth music continues)
I love you.
What's wrong?
- You don't love me.
- What do you mean?
- You don't know who I am.
- [Eva] Of course I do.
I don't need to know.
I love you, and that's it.
- Your feelings lie!
(tense music)
I've done...I've done
the unforgivable.
- You're scaring me.
- I'm not like your kind.
- You're sick.
Honey, your mind's not right.
- I walk around them
masquerading as one.
But I don't feel the
same things they feel.
I don't laugh.
I don't cry.
I don't smile.
- What, what did you do?
(droning music)
(suspenseful music)
(water lapping)
(suspenseful music continues)
(dog barking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(engine cranking)
(suspenseful music continues)
(suspenseful music continues)
(door slams)
- You fucking coward!
- Hoggs.
- Don't say my name, man.
I know what you did.
- What are you talking about?
- Shut up. Shut the fuck up!
You fucking spider!
(tense music)
Man, I just got one question.
(tense music continues)
Get on your knees.
I said get on your
fucking knees.
(tense music continues)
- I made a mistake.
- What?
- I made a mistake.
I made a mistake.
I made a mistake.
I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
- Shut up!
- I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
- [Hoggs] Stop!
- I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
- [Hoggs] Shut up!
- I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
- [Hoggs] Shut the fuck up!
I made a mistake! I made a
mistake! I made a mistake!
- Shut up!
- I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
- Shut the fuck up!
- I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
I made a mistake!
I made a mistake.
I made a mistake.
I made a mistake.
I made a mistake.
(man whimpering)
I made a mistake.
(suspenseful music)
(both grunting)
(radio chattering)
(papers tearing)
(man grunts)
(box crashing)
(radio crashing)
(man breathing heavily)
(water pouring)
(dial clicking)
(burner humming)
(calm synth music)
(hand sizzling)
(man shouting)
(calm synth music continues)
(calm synth music fades)
(birds chirping)
(man sighs)
(water spraying)
(man groaning)
(calm synth music)
(body clangs)
(door rattling)
(serene music)
(serene music continues)
(serene music intensifies)
(serene music fades)
(eerie music)