Kingdom 4: Return of the Great General (2024) Movie Script
This is our first step toward
the greatest general on Earth.
Zhao broke into our state?
The Zhao Army is now headed towards Bayo.
Bayo is the key
to our front line. If it falls,
the Zhao Army
will penetrate deep into our state.
Bring Shoheikun here.
I had already made a request
to General Ohki.
To offer him the top position.
You expect me to step down so easily?
I am your army leader.
My decision will not be overturned.
There's something I'd like to confirm.
The reason why
you wish to unify all of China.
I made a promise.
Not only for Shika.
For those who died protecting me.
This is why I am on a journey
that no one's dared to go on.
Why did you decide to participate, Ohki?
Because of King Eisei's past story.
I too, must come face to face
with my past.
That's why you cannot
give up the land where Kyo fell.
General Ohki, I appoint you
as our commander-in-chief.
Actually, I have something important
to convey to you.
A message from King Sho
to you, King Eisei.
From King Sho?
I decided while you were gone.
I'm going to war.
With my brains.
As a "Strategist."
Up until now, we weren't aware of
any generals who could lead big armies.
Zhao once had the Three Great Heavens
but not anymore.
I guess it means,
a new general has appeared.
I've finally found out
the whereabouts of that big shot.
It turns out he's been training
under Ohki.
I'll give you a mission.
Show me what you've learned.
Your unit will charge from the side
where both armies are fighting
and amidst the confusion,
you will take Fuki's head.
Shin, go!
Hey, kid. Did our Lord name your unit?
As of now, you will call your unit,
Hishin Unit.
They're retreating.
The Zhao Army has fled.
Who are you?
No need to be alarmed.
Our battle isn't over.
There's a man
who'll lead us to our victory.
Let's get them.
The farthest you can go
is up to where you see Zhao's
former mountaintop headquarters.
All of you. Never ever break this promise.
Zhao's commander-in-chief
is a man called Hoken.
We're not the only ones.
Some masters of martial arts
can do the same.
But what's more terrifying are
those who host god within.
We called them
Bushin "War God."
I'll stop him. Run!
This is a fateful battle
that goes back nine years.
A war of vengeance.
Who the hell are you?
I am Hoken, Bushin "War God."
Is he the "War God"
you were talking about?
I don't know.
But if it's the real "War God" stay away.
That's what we were taught.
I don't care who he is.
He killed my buddies.
I'll never forgive him.
Let's make him pay.
Of course.
What can we do?
We're no help.
You sure? They're up against a monster.
But it's Shin and Kyokai together.
Are you okay?
Wake up.
No good.
To-on, tan-tan.
To-on, tan-tan.
- Shin!
- Shin!
- Hey!
- Shin!
- Kyokai!
- Kyokai!
You okay, Kyokai?
She looks bad.
Run, Kyokai!
Get away!
- This isn't good.
- Kyokai.
I came for my adversary.
Only to find another enemy
who can summon god.
Heavens' guide.
But the Heavens fear only one being.
It is I, Hoken alone.
- Your spears!
- Got it!
Get out your spears.
Throw them, now!
Commander Shin!
- Shin!
- Shin!
You okay, Bro?
Protect Shin!
What kind of monster is he?
To all soldiers!
He is the Zhao Army's
commander-in-chief, Hoken.
That bastard is our enemy's
A 100,000-man commander came here alone?
He's right here.
Take Hoken's head!
Good grief.
Not so fast.
Get them.
- They're coming.
- Take Shin.
- Shin!
- They're here.
Unit, retreat!
Hishin Unit, retreat!
Hishin Unit!
Hishin Unit?
So, that's the unit that defeated Fuki.
- How many did we lose?
- No idea.
Where's Kyokai?
I saw Ryusen carrying her,
but we've lost them.
We were having a good time talking silly.
How could this happen to us?
Quit whining.
We were this close
to defeating the enemy commander.
We sure were.
We almost had him.
Anyhow, Shin's amazing.
A true commander.
Guard Shin with your life.
As long as he survives,
our Hishin Unit will too.
I know. Leave it to me.
They're coming!
Hishin Unit!
Surround them! Every one of them.
So, you're the leader.
You've left gaps everywhere.
We're the Hishin Unit
that defeated 20,000 of Fuki's men.
Mess with us, and we'll chop off
that stupid head of yours!
Try it.
You know what to do.
They're letting us escape.
Not us.
It's Shin.
- Let's go, Bito.
- Right.
Are we not going after them?
The leader who defeated Fuki was a brat.
He wasn't amongst that unit.
Search for him!
Yes, sir!
Praying for Bihei so late at night?
You are too, Yuri.
Ko's mom and grandma.
Ko and Kei were recruited with Bito.
Yuri. The thought scares me.
Bihei and his men are already gone.
Don't worry.
They're undependable,
but they get things done.
Let them come back safely.
We ain't over yet.
We can't end here.
Is Shin's heart beating?
It is.
So's mine and yours too.
Then Shin would say,
"Nothing's over yet."
Can you still walk?
Then we'll part here.
They're following our blood.
I'll be a decoy and go off track.
You stop your bleeding
with my strap and go.
But then they'll go after you and
We need to protect Shin.
As members of his unit,
and as his homies.
Don't give me that look.
I'll join you when I lose them.
I won't die.
Tohbi is waiting for me.
Take care of Shin.
I will.
Still fresh.
There are traces of blood.
Two sets of footprints.
They must be severely wounded.
It's him.
I'm sure of it.
Follow the blood!
We won't die.
We Joto village men
are known for our sturdiness.
Right, Shin?
You've woken up.
Hey, Bito.
I dreamt about our village.
Me too.
I was thinking about the day we first met.
Keep still for a while.
What happened? Where am I, Bito?
We're good for now.
Just lie down.
You're here again.
Somehow, I have a feeling
something's not right.
You too?
you all risked your lives to get me out.
Damn it.
What am I doing?
What happened to Kanoh? And Hoken?
Let's not talk about it now.
Thinking of Hoken
might stop our wounds from healing.
Bito, are you wounded?
I'll be fine. It's not as bad as yours.
What I wanna do right now
just for a while,
is have a fun chat.
Remember the first time we met?
Bihei started picking on me,
so I bashed your faces in.
We were always busy fighting.
You kept on about being a general.
We all made fun of you.
That's why I bashed
your faces in every time.
Will you become one?
A general?
For a slave to rise to a general,
that ain't easy.
The battlefield taught me
that it was a mere dream.
Just one screw-up
can kill you on the spot.
But you.
You survived Hoken.
That's because
we all protected you with our lives.
We did so without any given orders.
That's something.
We'd never do that for anyone.
That's how I know.
You will truly become a general.
Hey, are you okay?
I'm glad you're my friend.
Stop kidding, Bito.
We all
We wanted to keep on dreaming with you.
That's all we hoped for.
Keep it up.
For us all.
Take our hopes with you.
And rise to the top,
to be the greatest general on Earth.
Hey, Bito.
You can do it.
Bito! Don't you die on me!
Hey, Bito!
Just kidding.
Cut the crap, moron!
Get some sleep.
I've talked too much. So tired.
What's the matter, Yuri?
Just now.
I heard Bito say,
"Forgive me."
Wake up.
I won't fall for it this time.
Cut the crap!
Wake up.
Open your eyes.
Stop kidding!
You bastard.
You bastard
Squad Leader Hairo!
Squad Leader Ryusen
and Vice Commander Kyokai.
You made it!
- You're all okay.
- Squad Leader Ryusen.
Thank goodness you're okay!
Leader Ryusen!
- All of you!
- Kyokai!
- Bihei.
- You've made it.
What a relief.
Why are you with Bihei?
Where are Shin and Bito?
Bihei became a decoy.
We were following Shin
when we met Bihei all worn out.
Then our enemy caught up.
But Vice Commander Kyokai guarded us.
- Put me down. I'm okay.
- Right.
Then the only one with Shin is Bito.
Bito will do fine.
Count on him.
He's hurt and can't move.
Send a search team.
I have an idea where they are.
I'll lead the way. Please!
Let's go.
No need for that.
Our Commander has returned.
You're alive!
Commander Shin!
- Commander!
- Shin! Bito!
Are you okay?
You've made it back. Shin.
I'm sorry.
Stop crying.
No need to be sorry.
Bito saw it through.
He finished his duty.
No tears or apologies.
Let's smile,
and praise him.
You really did great.
What is he anyway?
Isn't he human?
Of course he is.
Then how can he be so powerful?
That man,
seeks to master the martial path.
His power,
is the result of unbelievably
hard and endless training.
The move he used on you.
We, Shiyu use it
to destroy our enemy from within.
You're lucky to have survived that.
I'll defeat Hoken.
I have to, as long as
he's the enemy's commander-in-chief.
He was a good soul.
There's our flag!
Mobu and Kanoh have set off.
Your men have been
reduced to half over night.
Hishin Unit.
Having a rough time?
Shin, my boy.
I'm trying not to look back.
I'll break down and stop completely.
But my dead comrades wouldn't want that.
No way.
So, all I'm thinking about now
is how to fight with 36 of us.
That's all.
I was going to encourage him.
- But there seems to be no need, Toh.
- My Lord.
What a spoilsport.
I like your attitude, Shin, my boy.
The path of a general,
is the path of sacrifice.
The more you overcome,
the stronger you and your unit will grow.
You have lived up to the name,
Hishin Unit.
Let us set off.
Our battle awaits.
Glad to see you safe and sound.
I thought Ohki appeared.
As long as you are safe,
nothing interferes with our plan.
However next time,
please let me know in advance.
Otherwise, everything could be ruined.
I know.
Enemy attack!
- Who is it?
- It's Mobu.
- All armies, fall back.
- Yes, sir.
The signal fire!
We're ready for you, Ohki.
Mobu's coming!
Rear garrisons,
brace against enemy attack!
A signal fire.
The battle has begun.
Mountain battles are hard.
That signal fire is the only way
to communicate.
There are other ways of communication
between allies.
Like what, Lord Riboku?
The flag.
Qin's headquarters flag has changed.
One can send detailed information
by combining colors and positions.
the flag's sighting is restricted.
We could go farther.
But we'll lose sight of the flag.
Cannot disobey our Lord.
Mobu, don't go any farther!
General Ohki's orders.
Our chance to behead Hoken!
Let's go!
Your Majesty.
We have a visitor.
It's been a long time.
To what do I owe the honor?
You look well. Eisei, the King of Qin.
I'm aware of your situation.
But I have come with urgent news
concerning the war you're engaged in.
I see.
So, you're playing strategist
with those men.
I'm not playing.
I'm gonna be a real strategist.
- Bad idea.
- How so?
- I'm smarter than you think.
- That's not it.
You don't get it, do you?
Get what?
The nature of a strategist.
Being a strategist is more painful than
the soldiers bleeding at the front line.
What's more,
they're ruthless.
Shut them up.
It's not him.
He's a decoy.
If we go any farther,
we'll lose sight of our headquarters too.
Which means we will lose sight
of this vast battlefield.
It can't be helped.
If we do nothing,
Mobu's life will end here.
General Mobu? Why?
A year since we put down
your brother's rebellion,
we delved into battle
back in the mountains.
As a result, our tribe have gained power
and our land has spread
to the northern nomad's.
The Huns.
That's right.
Their combat power, tactics,
the size of their armies.
The Huns are exceptional in every way.
I'm well aware.
That's why we built the Great Wall
by the borders of Qin, Zhao, and Yan.
To conquer the Huns
we set off to invade their land
with my 80,000 men.
I see.
And now, you have appeared
looking as composed as ever.
Yotanwa, have you defeated the Huns?
I could not.
What do you mean?
They weren't there.
Weren't there?
Instead, there was a horrific sight.
The dead bodies of over 100,000 Huns.
100,000 bodies?
Who could have done it
before your Mountain tribes arrived?
Who in god's name?
The one who killed them,
is in the Zhao Army.
What? The Zhao Army?
It was close to the Zhao border.
The northern garrisons of Zhao
got into battle with the Huns,
and wiped them out.
That's impossible.
If the Zhao Army was in a war
involving 100,000 of their men,
our spy would have surely informed us
in Xianyang.
Of course.
But as you can see,
you were clearly not informed.
Don't you find that alarming?
Why haven't you been informed?
Zhao is blocking information
in the northern region.
Why would they?
To hide someone powerful
who is capable of defeating the Huns.
What for?
To hide
I see now.
Do you?
Your Majesty?
Zhao is scheming
to add the hidden army
to the ones in battle now.
If by chance both Qin and Zhao forces
are neck and neck,
this battle will end
with the appearance of this unseen army.
That's absurd!
This is only a hunch.
But if it's true,
it must be the work
of a merciless strategist.
100,000 Huns were wiped out completely
by this strategist.
Who was leading that army?
The name I got from a surviving Hun was,
They're here.
The Zhao Army?
Why are they here?
We've come for you, Lord Riboku.
Choso has cornered their central army
and is engaged in battle.
Their main army
should be destroyed soon enough.
Good job.
What is this?
You tricked us, Kaine.
Thought you were nice.
This isn't a kid's fight.
This is war.
Are you going to kill us?
Don't worry.
Lord Riboku doesn't kill noncombatants.
Go back to Qin.
So long, Karyoten.
If you really become a strategist,
we may cross paths again.
As enemies.
Please tell me. Who is Riboku?
Heard of Zhao's Three Great Heavens?
Of course.
That's him.
That man is one of
the new Three Great Heavens?
As of now, Riboku's men will join Choso's!
Central army, to the north!
Left army, to the north!
Right army, to the north!
All armies, forward!
Ohki's men are behind us!
This can't be.
Sacrificed his army for us.
There you are, Ohki.
Let's go with our plan.
My Lord, our plan.
That's right, our plan.
My Lord.
What is it?
He's going for Lord Choso!
Block the way!
Now for the Hishin Unit.
I have a big task for you.
run straight towards Mobu's army,
if you please.
Then what?
That's all.
- The second wave is coming.
- Which way?
Running towards Mobu's army.
Confront their infantry!
How do you expect to succeed?
Second troops, charge!
First unit, destroy their left infantry.
Second unit, destroy their right cavalry.
Reinforcements are here!
It's hopeless.
This plan is crazy!
No, General Ohki was right.
They're breaking up.
I see a gap.
The cavalry is coming!
We'll have your headquarters
in no time, Choso.
Wow, no stopping him.
- There's General Ohki.
- General Ohki.
All left armies, charge!
Follow General Ohki!
Leave the cavalry. Keep the peasants away.
Stop them!
To the right cavalry!
Attack their headquarters.
Let's get Choso's head!
Lord Choso.
Their right army is coming.
This is a full-scale attack.
But that's absurd.
It's too soon for a big gamble.
Ohki must be insane.
Why the hurry?
Has he seen through us?
Our scheme?
Raise the Great Heavens' flag!
What is it?
The Great Heavens' flag.
It's been nine years.
Well, well. We finally meet again.
Get out of my way!
I'm surprised.
I thought you were dead.
You suddenly appear as
the commander-in-chief of 100,000 men.
You amuse me.
I will take you down
and prove to the Heavens
that I am the Bushin.
Glad to see you haven't changed.
I've always wondered
about Ohki and Hoken.
And one of the Six Great Generals, Kyo.
What kind of general was Kyo?
I'm afraid much about Kyo remains unknown.
King Sho forbade any talks about it.
King Sho?
Forgive me.
Now that Ohki and Hoken are in conflict,
I should have informed you earlier.
Who was General Kyo?
The secret concerning Kyo
was extremely complicated.
But most importantly
to Ohki,
Kyo was someone very special.
General Kyo,
was a woman.
she was to become Ohki's wife.
The first time I saw Kyo,
was at a campsite
on my way to a battlefield.
Who is that woman?
Don't you know?
She's Kyo, the much-talked-about
woman soldier and aide to General Ohki.
Woman soldier?
I heard she's the child of
Ohki's house servant.
Since childhood,
she learned martial arts watching Ohki.
She's a great warrior.
Warrior my ass.
A woman like her can't fight.
After sharing the battlefields
in the Ohki army,
I came to realize
she excelled in military skills.
Both in combat and tactics,
Kyo was indeed,
a prodigy at warfare.
the Battle of Nanan
that cost the lives of many occurred.
Our army ended up losing soldiers
and several generals.
And so came a day,
when Ohki was appointed
commander-in-chief for the first time.
You and your unit
will act in line with Kyo's unit.
As a commander,
I won't be able to move around so easily.
Take good care of Kyo.
You know she won't be needing any help.
is loved by the War God.
Kyo is comfortable fighting,
because she knows
you always have her back.
She told me so.
"Fighting is easy-peasy."
"Thanks to old gramps and his hard work."
That cocky girl.
I agree with her.
It'll be a relief to have you with Kyo.
Now that I am commander
in a tough situation,
I may lose my life at any time.
So I must tell you,
and only you, about this secret.
This is important.
Ohki told me,
about the life of a court attendant.
The woman,
won King Sho's favor,
and gave birth to his child.
She was from a low-class military family,
and had no allies.
Her baby would be involved
in a war of succession,
and she feared
that she would not be able to protect it.
And so,
she sent her baby to her father's comrade
in order to save its life.
Please be well.
Kyo is the daughter of King Sho?
That's right.
You're lighter than I'd expected.
The one who took her in was Ohki's father.
With discretion
she was raised as the child of a servant.
Ohki's words weren't enough
for me to believe in them.
there was an incident which made it clear
that King Sho and Kyo were related.
King Sho visited Ohki's army
at the Battle of Nanan
to commend his men.
Brilliant as ever.
My treasured sword, Ohki.
This Nanan region,
had long been an impregnable place for us.
You have lived up to my expectations.
Undeserved words.
By the way, Ohki.
Where is that soldier?
The one active on the battlefield.
That woman soldier and aide of yours, Kyo.
I hear her name frequently.
Where is she?
Yes, Commander.
They knew nothing of the truth,
as they met for the first time.
At that moment
they understood
they were father and daughter.
How old are you?
Sixteen, Your Majesty.
I see.
You've done very well, Kyo.
As well as Ohki,
you are my treasure.
King Sho,
could not acknowledge Kyo
as his daughter openly.
If a baby was let out of the palace
without permission,
he would set a bad example.
Kyo understood that.
Since then, she hid her face with a mask.
As for Kyo,
it was forbidden to discuss her identity.
You're a woman.
You still have the choice
of putting down the sword.
I won't put it down.
But what will you gain
through all this fighting?
I'll be a great general.
The reason I fight
comes from a trivial childhood promise.
A childhood promise?
When I was a little girl,
I asked Lord Ohki.
If I were to aim high like him,
to become a great general
and conquer the 100th castle,
would he make me his wife?
- He said, "Okay."
- That's ridiculous.
I know.
It was just a silly promise.
But at the time, I was dead serious.
That's why I fought hard.
My place is here.
I have lots of friends and comrades.
I have my father watching.
My mind is set.
Soon, Kyo was made general
with many accomplishments
and became one of the Six Great Generals.
And then,
the time had finally come.
The pain inflicted on my body
will disappear in time.
the pain inflicted on my soul
will never disappear.
It must be the same for you.
Anger is power.
how she died nine years ago.
Lord Ohki.
I heard you won another battle.
Are you hurt?
It's just a scratch.
Lord Ohki, I can do that myself.
Just a while back,
I treated your wound every day.
How long ago was that?
I'm not a child any more.
It's been a while, Kyo.
As we're both great generals,
the wars have kept us busy.
What brings you here?
I traveled all this way
just to see your face.
I'm just joking.
There's another war.
In this next battle, you and I
will fight together as allied forces.
Lord Ohki and I?
I'll be your adjutant,
and you'll be my commander, Kyo.
The time has come, Kyo.
The next castle in Bayo
will be the 100th to conquer.
He remembered.
The numbers too.
I remember, Hoken.
No need to remind me.
My anger has never subsided!
Bayo has been taken!
That's it.
I have come to destroy you.
Ready! Shoot!
To a warrior like you
who thinks he has mastered the arts,
it must make no sense.
Being a general is not easy.
I've toured countless battlefields.
Lost tens of thousands of comrades
and buried hundreds of thousands of foes.
Their hopes that faded
with the spark of life,
all dwell deeply upon my shoulders.
Needless to say,
along with Kyo's hopes!
Their right cavalry is coming!
Our third line, broken through!
Who is that man?
He had a monster up his sleeve.
Please retreat.
Get him! General Ohki!
Bushin, Hoken.
A Bushin will eliminate all his emotions
and become a monster of war.
I never thought any man could beat him.
How could Ohki be
so overwhelmingly powerful?
In the afterlife
Have Kyo teach you why you lost!
What the hell
Raise the Great Heavens' flag!
Another flag.
Another Great Heavens?
How many?
No idea. They're all the Zhao Army.
Lord Choso,
where did our allies come from?
I'll tell you later.
What's important is
that this battle is all ours.
They're coming!
Retreat and guard Lord Choso!
Choso is escaping.
- Let's get him.
- Yes, sir.
Why go all this way
just to take down a single general?
We didn't go this far for the Huns.
We even manipulated information
so Ohki would know Hoken was commander.
Was that necessary?
It's Ohki we're dealing with.
We can never be too careful.
We must keep our guards up.
Riboku's army first line!
Rear units, ready.
Guard General Ohki!
General Ohki!
They're much earlier than I'd expected.
Twenty years since I last
had this feeling.
It's been a while.
Gives me the chills!
Fall back as we search for a gap.
First line, guard.
Second line, lead the infantry.
Third and fourth,
secure a base behind Choso's left wing.
Yes sir!
Commander Shin!
We haven't given up yet. Let's join them!
Where do you think you're going?
We are not yet through.
Guard General Ohki!
Pull Hoken away!
Protect General Hoken!
The Monstrous Bird has fallen.
In all the states of present China
there is no other general
that is as hated and feared as Ohki.
But at the same time, it proves
he will become a historical hero
and that he is well acknowledged.
That Ohki,
will be defeated today.
Ohki who is said to be the strongest
of the Six Great Generals.
Do you know why, Kaine?
It's because Lord Riboku here,
is an even bigger monster than Ohki.
A new era has
finally come upon Lord Riboku.
Now, I will go fulfil my duty.
Where to?
To mark a new era
we cannot let General Hoken perish
at this moment.
On this observed stage
I, Gika, will leave a mark.
Though I may ruin their sacred battle.
Much appreciated.
What's wrong?
Your thrust is quivering.
- He's too fast.
- He'll catch up!
The time has finally come.
Ohki will die in the battle I serve
as deputy general.
I cannot help but laugh.
My only regret is,
I won't be able to witness it.
We have Choso's head!
Back to our Lord!
General Ohki!
Take down Ohki!
Dealing with both a strategist
and a warrior is quite a task.
Especially the strategist.
He had me racking my brain.
Although I must confess,
I'm completely out of ideas.
If we have no plan,
strength we have!
Hishin Unit, follow him!
Fight for your dead comrades!
Who are they?
We're the Hishin Unit!
To all our soldiers who can hear me.
We are outnumbered ten times over.
Therefore, I order you
to take down ten men each.
Until you slay ten of the enemy,
I will not allow you to fall!
Fight as if you were beasts!
is the time to show our true worth.
Use our strength
to open a path in this deathtrap!
For I, Ohki,
shall be right behind you all!
A contest of strength.
Second line,
No way.
If we're engulfed,
our chain of command will fall apart.
They're after General Ohki.
We're engulfed!
Shin, look!
You're finished!
General Ohki!
This is why battlefields are dull.
However, this is your place.
You're finished.
How annoying it is
to have defeat forced upon you.
I am angered by my men too.
Why do you stop fighting?
Even amidst death
we will never give up.
That's the pride of the Ohki army!
General Ohki.
I am still here.
This is not our place to die.
General is
nothing more than a position.
only a few are able to reach
and achieve that position.
A general,
must overcome dangers
and make numerous accomplishments.
As a result, a general
holds responsibility for
the lives of tens and millions of men
and is rewarded with honor.
Who are you?
What in god's name are you?
What else could I be?
The greatest general on Earth!
All armies, through this gap!
We'll charge
straight to enemy headquarters,
and guard our Lord's unit!
Go, Shin!
Don't let them get away!
Leave them.
General Hoken
Let them go.
Go after them! Stop their cavalry!
Though Ohki is dying,
they're still desperate to take him back.
The present Ohki army
could be the most powerful.
If we were in their shoes,
we would fight to our deaths too.
How heartbreaking.
This is why I dislike war.
You amaze me, Shin, my boy.
I have never seen my steed, Oh,
so obedient to anyone else.
It's running on its own.
I ain't doing nothing.
Shin, my boy.
Sit up straight.
Close your eyes.
Deep breaths.
It's not every day that one gets
to ride with the great general.
A rare and precious experience.
- But
- Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
Now listen carefully.
At this moment,
you are running through this battlefield
mounted on the general's horse.
When you understand,
open your eyes slowly
and take a good look
at everything before you.
The enemy masses, the enemy faces.
And the faces of your allies.
The sky and earth.
The view only generals can see!
Do you get it?
Yeah, I think I'm starting to see
what it's like.
The eyes of the general
can see many things.
For example,
our way out is right before us.
My Lord!
Let us be on our way.
We shall escape this deathtrap.
Leave them to us.
Please stand by General Ohki.
Ohki has broken our blockade!
Why not go after Ohki?
Enough is done.
Ohki's life shall come to an end.
No need to chase them.
But if we don't bring back his head
There are two types of commanders.
Once killed, his men's morale is lost,
ending the battle right there.
While the other,
becomes a symbol of martyrdom,
causing his men to fight till the end.
Ohki is no doubt the latter.
If we took Ohki's head,
his men would tremble with anger
and come at us on a suicide mission.
If this happens,
not even all our armies put together
wouldn't stand a chance.
The goal,
isn't to invade Qin
or to defeat the Ohki army.
It's the death of Ohki.
Now that our goal has been reached,
there's no meaning in more bloodshed.
None of us must die in vain.
I will not tolerate it.
The battle,
ends right here.
My Lord.
I will not allow anyone to follow me
and take their lives.
Not even the commanders.
My Lord.
You have long supported me.
Your professional skills
have always been as good as mine.
I shall leave my men
and their future in your hands.
Be my witness.
My Lord!
I'll be counting on you, Toh.
My Lord.
Forgive me.
This is all my fault.
Your problem is clear.
There's no need to go into that.
You will undoubtedly
become one of the best generals of Qin.
Keep that in mind.
I look forward to your future progress.
After all,
the Zhao general who appeared
turned out to be the toughest enemy ever.
We fell into their hands completely.
These are tough times.
No matter the era,
the strongest general appears
only to be defeated by another.
The wars of China revolve
around that man for a while.
But until when, is another matter.
He will always be defeated
and pass on his role of the era.
Those in power.
Their endless life-staking battle.
This is why these turbulent times are fun.
Shin, my boy.
I believe I promised to train you.
But as you can see,
that is no longer possible.
how selfish of you to impose on me
to teach you directly.
Learn by
putting your time and effort in
on the battlefields.
You fool.
Strive like hell with your comrades.
You have talent.
General Ohki?
General Ohki!
General Ohki!
My Lord!
Before Ohki set out to war,
he conveyed King Sho's will to me.
It was
a lecture on
what the King of China should be.
though compassion is needless,
do not treat those you conquer as slaves.
Do not oppress them
but treat them with the same love
as your people.
This is
the will I've been entrusted with
by King Sho for the present King of Qin.
I thank you, Ohki.
I had never been taught that by him.
Of course you haven't been taught.
I haven't even conveyed his words
to our former King.
These words
were only meant for the one
who is fit to take on King Sho's will.
King Sho left me responsible
for the decision.
To convey these words only to the one
who is worthy of my services.
Let us unite all of China.
Your Majesty!
That fool
You've defeated your adversary,
yet you seem dissatisfied.
We will return to Zhao.
How about you, Hoken?
Train in the mountains?
The secret to Ohki's powers
was on the battlefield.
I will not fall for that.
I have no interest in this place.
I'll send a messenger.
If you ever change your mind,
we're here with open arms.
After all,
another era of turmoil is coming our way.
General Toh.
Do me a favor.
Your Majesty,
the news of General Ohki's death
has brought a significant loss
to our state.
General Ohki was defeated.
However, with the dedicated support
of Ohki's army
Zhao retreated, and all of Bayo was saved.
Our state of Qin,
has won this battle.
Moreover, our soldiers
did not give up our general to our enemy.
They will soon return to Xianyang
with his body.
Though General Ohki is gone,
his soul will live forever inside us!
Shin of the Hishin Unit.
Speak if you have something to convey.
Lift up your heads!
We saved Bayo!
So, don't look down.
Hold your heads high.
Hold your heads high,
and return with General Ohki
in this moment of triumph!
Be proud!
Open our main gate!
As of now, our great general of Qin,
Ohki will return!
All armies
This is our first step toward
the greatest general on Earth.
Zhao broke into our state?
The Zhao Army is now headed towards Bayo.
Bayo is the key
to our front line. If it falls,
the Zhao Army
will penetrate deep into our state.
Bring Shoheikun here.
I had already made a request
to General Ohki.
To offer him the top position.
You expect me to step down so easily?
I am your army leader.
My decision will not be overturned.
There's something I'd like to confirm.
The reason why
you wish to unify all of China.
I made a promise.
Not only for Shika.
For those who died protecting me.
This is why I am on a journey
that no one's dared to go on.
Why did you decide to participate, Ohki?
Because of King Eisei's past story.
I too, must come face to face
with my past.
That's why you cannot
give up the land where Kyo fell.
General Ohki, I appoint you
as our commander-in-chief.
Actually, I have something important
to convey to you.
A message from King Sho
to you, King Eisei.
From King Sho?
I decided while you were gone.
I'm going to war.
With my brains.
As a "Strategist."
Up until now, we weren't aware of
any generals who could lead big armies.
Zhao once had the Three Great Heavens
but not anymore.
I guess it means,
a new general has appeared.
I've finally found out
the whereabouts of that big shot.
It turns out he's been training
under Ohki.
I'll give you a mission.
Show me what you've learned.
Your unit will charge from the side
where both armies are fighting
and amidst the confusion,
you will take Fuki's head.
Shin, go!
Hey, kid. Did our Lord name your unit?
As of now, you will call your unit,
Hishin Unit.
They're retreating.
The Zhao Army has fled.
Who are you?
No need to be alarmed.
Our battle isn't over.
There's a man
who'll lead us to our victory.
Let's get them.
The farthest you can go
is up to where you see Zhao's
former mountaintop headquarters.
All of you. Never ever break this promise.
Zhao's commander-in-chief
is a man called Hoken.
We're not the only ones.
Some masters of martial arts
can do the same.
But what's more terrifying are
those who host god within.
We called them
Bushin "War God."
I'll stop him. Run!
This is a fateful battle
that goes back nine years.
A war of vengeance.
Who the hell are you?
I am Hoken, Bushin "War God."
Is he the "War God"
you were talking about?
I don't know.
But if it's the real "War God" stay away.
That's what we were taught.
I don't care who he is.
He killed my buddies.
I'll never forgive him.
Let's make him pay.
Of course.
What can we do?
We're no help.
You sure? They're up against a monster.
But it's Shin and Kyokai together.
Are you okay?
Wake up.
No good.
To-on, tan-tan.
To-on, tan-tan.
- Shin!
- Shin!
- Hey!
- Shin!
- Kyokai!
- Kyokai!
You okay, Kyokai?
She looks bad.
Run, Kyokai!
Get away!
- This isn't good.
- Kyokai.
I came for my adversary.
Only to find another enemy
who can summon god.
Heavens' guide.
But the Heavens fear only one being.
It is I, Hoken alone.
- Your spears!
- Got it!
Get out your spears.
Throw them, now!
Commander Shin!
- Shin!
- Shin!
You okay, Bro?
Protect Shin!
What kind of monster is he?
To all soldiers!
He is the Zhao Army's
commander-in-chief, Hoken.
That bastard is our enemy's
A 100,000-man commander came here alone?
He's right here.
Take Hoken's head!
Good grief.
Not so fast.
Get them.
- They're coming.
- Take Shin.
- Shin!
- They're here.
Unit, retreat!
Hishin Unit, retreat!
Hishin Unit!
Hishin Unit?
So, that's the unit that defeated Fuki.
- How many did we lose?
- No idea.
Where's Kyokai?
I saw Ryusen carrying her,
but we've lost them.
We were having a good time talking silly.
How could this happen to us?
Quit whining.
We were this close
to defeating the enemy commander.
We sure were.
We almost had him.
Anyhow, Shin's amazing.
A true commander.
Guard Shin with your life.
As long as he survives,
our Hishin Unit will too.
I know. Leave it to me.
They're coming!
Hishin Unit!
Surround them! Every one of them.
So, you're the leader.
You've left gaps everywhere.
We're the Hishin Unit
that defeated 20,000 of Fuki's men.
Mess with us, and we'll chop off
that stupid head of yours!
Try it.
You know what to do.
They're letting us escape.
Not us.
It's Shin.
- Let's go, Bito.
- Right.
Are we not going after them?
The leader who defeated Fuki was a brat.
He wasn't amongst that unit.
Search for him!
Yes, sir!
Praying for Bihei so late at night?
You are too, Yuri.
Ko's mom and grandma.
Ko and Kei were recruited with Bito.
Yuri. The thought scares me.
Bihei and his men are already gone.
Don't worry.
They're undependable,
but they get things done.
Let them come back safely.
We ain't over yet.
We can't end here.
Is Shin's heart beating?
It is.
So's mine and yours too.
Then Shin would say,
"Nothing's over yet."
Can you still walk?
Then we'll part here.
They're following our blood.
I'll be a decoy and go off track.
You stop your bleeding
with my strap and go.
But then they'll go after you and
We need to protect Shin.
As members of his unit,
and as his homies.
Don't give me that look.
I'll join you when I lose them.
I won't die.
Tohbi is waiting for me.
Take care of Shin.
I will.
Still fresh.
There are traces of blood.
Two sets of footprints.
They must be severely wounded.
It's him.
I'm sure of it.
Follow the blood!
We won't die.
We Joto village men
are known for our sturdiness.
Right, Shin?
You've woken up.
Hey, Bito.
I dreamt about our village.
Me too.
I was thinking about the day we first met.
Keep still for a while.
What happened? Where am I, Bito?
We're good for now.
Just lie down.
You're here again.
Somehow, I have a feeling
something's not right.
You too?
you all risked your lives to get me out.
Damn it.
What am I doing?
What happened to Kanoh? And Hoken?
Let's not talk about it now.
Thinking of Hoken
might stop our wounds from healing.
Bito, are you wounded?
I'll be fine. It's not as bad as yours.
What I wanna do right now
just for a while,
is have a fun chat.
Remember the first time we met?
Bihei started picking on me,
so I bashed your faces in.
We were always busy fighting.
You kept on about being a general.
We all made fun of you.
That's why I bashed
your faces in every time.
Will you become one?
A general?
For a slave to rise to a general,
that ain't easy.
The battlefield taught me
that it was a mere dream.
Just one screw-up
can kill you on the spot.
But you.
You survived Hoken.
That's because
we all protected you with our lives.
We did so without any given orders.
That's something.
We'd never do that for anyone.
That's how I know.
You will truly become a general.
Hey, are you okay?
I'm glad you're my friend.
Stop kidding, Bito.
We all
We wanted to keep on dreaming with you.
That's all we hoped for.
Keep it up.
For us all.
Take our hopes with you.
And rise to the top,
to be the greatest general on Earth.
Hey, Bito.
You can do it.
Bito! Don't you die on me!
Hey, Bito!
Just kidding.
Cut the crap, moron!
Get some sleep.
I've talked too much. So tired.
What's the matter, Yuri?
Just now.
I heard Bito say,
"Forgive me."
Wake up.
I won't fall for it this time.
Cut the crap!
Wake up.
Open your eyes.
Stop kidding!
You bastard.
You bastard
Squad Leader Hairo!
Squad Leader Ryusen
and Vice Commander Kyokai.
You made it!
- You're all okay.
- Squad Leader Ryusen.
Thank goodness you're okay!
Leader Ryusen!
- All of you!
- Kyokai!
- Bihei.
- You've made it.
What a relief.
Why are you with Bihei?
Where are Shin and Bito?
Bihei became a decoy.
We were following Shin
when we met Bihei all worn out.
Then our enemy caught up.
But Vice Commander Kyokai guarded us.
- Put me down. I'm okay.
- Right.
Then the only one with Shin is Bito.
Bito will do fine.
Count on him.
He's hurt and can't move.
Send a search team.
I have an idea where they are.
I'll lead the way. Please!
Let's go.
No need for that.
Our Commander has returned.
You're alive!
Commander Shin!
- Commander!
- Shin! Bito!
Are you okay?
You've made it back. Shin.
I'm sorry.
Stop crying.
No need to be sorry.
Bito saw it through.
He finished his duty.
No tears or apologies.
Let's smile,
and praise him.
You really did great.
What is he anyway?
Isn't he human?
Of course he is.
Then how can he be so powerful?
That man,
seeks to master the martial path.
His power,
is the result of unbelievably
hard and endless training.
The move he used on you.
We, Shiyu use it
to destroy our enemy from within.
You're lucky to have survived that.
I'll defeat Hoken.
I have to, as long as
he's the enemy's commander-in-chief.
He was a good soul.
There's our flag!
Mobu and Kanoh have set off.
Your men have been
reduced to half over night.
Hishin Unit.
Having a rough time?
Shin, my boy.
I'm trying not to look back.
I'll break down and stop completely.
But my dead comrades wouldn't want that.
No way.
So, all I'm thinking about now
is how to fight with 36 of us.
That's all.
I was going to encourage him.
- But there seems to be no need, Toh.
- My Lord.
What a spoilsport.
I like your attitude, Shin, my boy.
The path of a general,
is the path of sacrifice.
The more you overcome,
the stronger you and your unit will grow.
You have lived up to the name,
Hishin Unit.
Let us set off.
Our battle awaits.
Glad to see you safe and sound.
I thought Ohki appeared.
As long as you are safe,
nothing interferes with our plan.
However next time,
please let me know in advance.
Otherwise, everything could be ruined.
I know.
Enemy attack!
- Who is it?
- It's Mobu.
- All armies, fall back.
- Yes, sir.
The signal fire!
We're ready for you, Ohki.
Mobu's coming!
Rear garrisons,
brace against enemy attack!
A signal fire.
The battle has begun.
Mountain battles are hard.
That signal fire is the only way
to communicate.
There are other ways of communication
between allies.
Like what, Lord Riboku?
The flag.
Qin's headquarters flag has changed.
One can send detailed information
by combining colors and positions.
the flag's sighting is restricted.
We could go farther.
But we'll lose sight of the flag.
Cannot disobey our Lord.
Mobu, don't go any farther!
General Ohki's orders.
Our chance to behead Hoken!
Let's go!
Your Majesty.
We have a visitor.
It's been a long time.
To what do I owe the honor?
You look well. Eisei, the King of Qin.
I'm aware of your situation.
But I have come with urgent news
concerning the war you're engaged in.
I see.
So, you're playing strategist
with those men.
I'm not playing.
I'm gonna be a real strategist.
- Bad idea.
- How so?
- I'm smarter than you think.
- That's not it.
You don't get it, do you?
Get what?
The nature of a strategist.
Being a strategist is more painful than
the soldiers bleeding at the front line.
What's more,
they're ruthless.
Shut them up.
It's not him.
He's a decoy.
If we go any farther,
we'll lose sight of our headquarters too.
Which means we will lose sight
of this vast battlefield.
It can't be helped.
If we do nothing,
Mobu's life will end here.
General Mobu? Why?
A year since we put down
your brother's rebellion,
we delved into battle
back in the mountains.
As a result, our tribe have gained power
and our land has spread
to the northern nomad's.
The Huns.
That's right.
Their combat power, tactics,
the size of their armies.
The Huns are exceptional in every way.
I'm well aware.
That's why we built the Great Wall
by the borders of Qin, Zhao, and Yan.
To conquer the Huns
we set off to invade their land
with my 80,000 men.
I see.
And now, you have appeared
looking as composed as ever.
Yotanwa, have you defeated the Huns?
I could not.
What do you mean?
They weren't there.
Weren't there?
Instead, there was a horrific sight.
The dead bodies of over 100,000 Huns.
100,000 bodies?
Who could have done it
before your Mountain tribes arrived?
Who in god's name?
The one who killed them,
is in the Zhao Army.
What? The Zhao Army?
It was close to the Zhao border.
The northern garrisons of Zhao
got into battle with the Huns,
and wiped them out.
That's impossible.
If the Zhao Army was in a war
involving 100,000 of their men,
our spy would have surely informed us
in Xianyang.
Of course.
But as you can see,
you were clearly not informed.
Don't you find that alarming?
Why haven't you been informed?
Zhao is blocking information
in the northern region.
Why would they?
To hide someone powerful
who is capable of defeating the Huns.
What for?
To hide
I see now.
Do you?
Your Majesty?
Zhao is scheming
to add the hidden army
to the ones in battle now.
If by chance both Qin and Zhao forces
are neck and neck,
this battle will end
with the appearance of this unseen army.
That's absurd!
This is only a hunch.
But if it's true,
it must be the work
of a merciless strategist.
100,000 Huns were wiped out completely
by this strategist.
Who was leading that army?
The name I got from a surviving Hun was,
They're here.
The Zhao Army?
Why are they here?
We've come for you, Lord Riboku.
Choso has cornered their central army
and is engaged in battle.
Their main army
should be destroyed soon enough.
Good job.
What is this?
You tricked us, Kaine.
Thought you were nice.
This isn't a kid's fight.
This is war.
Are you going to kill us?
Don't worry.
Lord Riboku doesn't kill noncombatants.
Go back to Qin.
So long, Karyoten.
If you really become a strategist,
we may cross paths again.
As enemies.
Please tell me. Who is Riboku?
Heard of Zhao's Three Great Heavens?
Of course.
That's him.
That man is one of
the new Three Great Heavens?
As of now, Riboku's men will join Choso's!
Central army, to the north!
Left army, to the north!
Right army, to the north!
All armies, forward!
Ohki's men are behind us!
This can't be.
Sacrificed his army for us.
There you are, Ohki.
Let's go with our plan.
My Lord, our plan.
That's right, our plan.
My Lord.
What is it?
He's going for Lord Choso!
Block the way!
Now for the Hishin Unit.
I have a big task for you.
run straight towards Mobu's army,
if you please.
Then what?
That's all.
- The second wave is coming.
- Which way?
Running towards Mobu's army.
Confront their infantry!
How do you expect to succeed?
Second troops, charge!
First unit, destroy their left infantry.
Second unit, destroy their right cavalry.
Reinforcements are here!
It's hopeless.
This plan is crazy!
No, General Ohki was right.
They're breaking up.
I see a gap.
The cavalry is coming!
We'll have your headquarters
in no time, Choso.
Wow, no stopping him.
- There's General Ohki.
- General Ohki.
All left armies, charge!
Follow General Ohki!
Leave the cavalry. Keep the peasants away.
Stop them!
To the right cavalry!
Attack their headquarters.
Let's get Choso's head!
Lord Choso.
Their right army is coming.
This is a full-scale attack.
But that's absurd.
It's too soon for a big gamble.
Ohki must be insane.
Why the hurry?
Has he seen through us?
Our scheme?
Raise the Great Heavens' flag!
What is it?
The Great Heavens' flag.
It's been nine years.
Well, well. We finally meet again.
Get out of my way!
I'm surprised.
I thought you were dead.
You suddenly appear as
the commander-in-chief of 100,000 men.
You amuse me.
I will take you down
and prove to the Heavens
that I am the Bushin.
Glad to see you haven't changed.
I've always wondered
about Ohki and Hoken.
And one of the Six Great Generals, Kyo.
What kind of general was Kyo?
I'm afraid much about Kyo remains unknown.
King Sho forbade any talks about it.
King Sho?
Forgive me.
Now that Ohki and Hoken are in conflict,
I should have informed you earlier.
Who was General Kyo?
The secret concerning Kyo
was extremely complicated.
But most importantly
to Ohki,
Kyo was someone very special.
General Kyo,
was a woman.
she was to become Ohki's wife.
The first time I saw Kyo,
was at a campsite
on my way to a battlefield.
Who is that woman?
Don't you know?
She's Kyo, the much-talked-about
woman soldier and aide to General Ohki.
Woman soldier?
I heard she's the child of
Ohki's house servant.
Since childhood,
she learned martial arts watching Ohki.
She's a great warrior.
Warrior my ass.
A woman like her can't fight.
After sharing the battlefields
in the Ohki army,
I came to realize
she excelled in military skills.
Both in combat and tactics,
Kyo was indeed,
a prodigy at warfare.
the Battle of Nanan
that cost the lives of many occurred.
Our army ended up losing soldiers
and several generals.
And so came a day,
when Ohki was appointed
commander-in-chief for the first time.
You and your unit
will act in line with Kyo's unit.
As a commander,
I won't be able to move around so easily.
Take good care of Kyo.
You know she won't be needing any help.
is loved by the War God.
Kyo is comfortable fighting,
because she knows
you always have her back.
She told me so.
"Fighting is easy-peasy."
"Thanks to old gramps and his hard work."
That cocky girl.
I agree with her.
It'll be a relief to have you with Kyo.
Now that I am commander
in a tough situation,
I may lose my life at any time.
So I must tell you,
and only you, about this secret.
This is important.
Ohki told me,
about the life of a court attendant.
The woman,
won King Sho's favor,
and gave birth to his child.
She was from a low-class military family,
and had no allies.
Her baby would be involved
in a war of succession,
and she feared
that she would not be able to protect it.
And so,
she sent her baby to her father's comrade
in order to save its life.
Please be well.
Kyo is the daughter of King Sho?
That's right.
You're lighter than I'd expected.
The one who took her in was Ohki's father.
With discretion
she was raised as the child of a servant.
Ohki's words weren't enough
for me to believe in them.
there was an incident which made it clear
that King Sho and Kyo were related.
King Sho visited Ohki's army
at the Battle of Nanan
to commend his men.
Brilliant as ever.
My treasured sword, Ohki.
This Nanan region,
had long been an impregnable place for us.
You have lived up to my expectations.
Undeserved words.
By the way, Ohki.
Where is that soldier?
The one active on the battlefield.
That woman soldier and aide of yours, Kyo.
I hear her name frequently.
Where is she?
Yes, Commander.
They knew nothing of the truth,
as they met for the first time.
At that moment
they understood
they were father and daughter.
How old are you?
Sixteen, Your Majesty.
I see.
You've done very well, Kyo.
As well as Ohki,
you are my treasure.
King Sho,
could not acknowledge Kyo
as his daughter openly.
If a baby was let out of the palace
without permission,
he would set a bad example.
Kyo understood that.
Since then, she hid her face with a mask.
As for Kyo,
it was forbidden to discuss her identity.
You're a woman.
You still have the choice
of putting down the sword.
I won't put it down.
But what will you gain
through all this fighting?
I'll be a great general.
The reason I fight
comes from a trivial childhood promise.
A childhood promise?
When I was a little girl,
I asked Lord Ohki.
If I were to aim high like him,
to become a great general
and conquer the 100th castle,
would he make me his wife?
- He said, "Okay."
- That's ridiculous.
I know.
It was just a silly promise.
But at the time, I was dead serious.
That's why I fought hard.
My place is here.
I have lots of friends and comrades.
I have my father watching.
My mind is set.
Soon, Kyo was made general
with many accomplishments
and became one of the Six Great Generals.
And then,
the time had finally come.
The pain inflicted on my body
will disappear in time.
the pain inflicted on my soul
will never disappear.
It must be the same for you.
Anger is power.
how she died nine years ago.
Lord Ohki.
I heard you won another battle.
Are you hurt?
It's just a scratch.
Lord Ohki, I can do that myself.
Just a while back,
I treated your wound every day.
How long ago was that?
I'm not a child any more.
It's been a while, Kyo.
As we're both great generals,
the wars have kept us busy.
What brings you here?
I traveled all this way
just to see your face.
I'm just joking.
There's another war.
In this next battle, you and I
will fight together as allied forces.
Lord Ohki and I?
I'll be your adjutant,
and you'll be my commander, Kyo.
The time has come, Kyo.
The next castle in Bayo
will be the 100th to conquer.
He remembered.
The numbers too.
I remember, Hoken.
No need to remind me.
My anger has never subsided!
Bayo has been taken!
That's it.
I have come to destroy you.
Ready! Shoot!
To a warrior like you
who thinks he has mastered the arts,
it must make no sense.
Being a general is not easy.
I've toured countless battlefields.
Lost tens of thousands of comrades
and buried hundreds of thousands of foes.
Their hopes that faded
with the spark of life,
all dwell deeply upon my shoulders.
Needless to say,
along with Kyo's hopes!
Their right cavalry is coming!
Our third line, broken through!
Who is that man?
He had a monster up his sleeve.
Please retreat.
Get him! General Ohki!
Bushin, Hoken.
A Bushin will eliminate all his emotions
and become a monster of war.
I never thought any man could beat him.
How could Ohki be
so overwhelmingly powerful?
In the afterlife
Have Kyo teach you why you lost!
What the hell
Raise the Great Heavens' flag!
Another flag.
Another Great Heavens?
How many?
No idea. They're all the Zhao Army.
Lord Choso,
where did our allies come from?
I'll tell you later.
What's important is
that this battle is all ours.
They're coming!
Retreat and guard Lord Choso!
Choso is escaping.
- Let's get him.
- Yes, sir.
Why go all this way
just to take down a single general?
We didn't go this far for the Huns.
We even manipulated information
so Ohki would know Hoken was commander.
Was that necessary?
It's Ohki we're dealing with.
We can never be too careful.
We must keep our guards up.
Riboku's army first line!
Rear units, ready.
Guard General Ohki!
General Ohki!
They're much earlier than I'd expected.
Twenty years since I last
had this feeling.
It's been a while.
Gives me the chills!
Fall back as we search for a gap.
First line, guard.
Second line, lead the infantry.
Third and fourth,
secure a base behind Choso's left wing.
Yes sir!
Commander Shin!
We haven't given up yet. Let's join them!
Where do you think you're going?
We are not yet through.
Guard General Ohki!
Pull Hoken away!
Protect General Hoken!
The Monstrous Bird has fallen.
In all the states of present China
there is no other general
that is as hated and feared as Ohki.
But at the same time, it proves
he will become a historical hero
and that he is well acknowledged.
That Ohki,
will be defeated today.
Ohki who is said to be the strongest
of the Six Great Generals.
Do you know why, Kaine?
It's because Lord Riboku here,
is an even bigger monster than Ohki.
A new era has
finally come upon Lord Riboku.
Now, I will go fulfil my duty.
Where to?
To mark a new era
we cannot let General Hoken perish
at this moment.
On this observed stage
I, Gika, will leave a mark.
Though I may ruin their sacred battle.
Much appreciated.
What's wrong?
Your thrust is quivering.
- He's too fast.
- He'll catch up!
The time has finally come.
Ohki will die in the battle I serve
as deputy general.
I cannot help but laugh.
My only regret is,
I won't be able to witness it.
We have Choso's head!
Back to our Lord!
General Ohki!
Take down Ohki!
Dealing with both a strategist
and a warrior is quite a task.
Especially the strategist.
He had me racking my brain.
Although I must confess,
I'm completely out of ideas.
If we have no plan,
strength we have!
Hishin Unit, follow him!
Fight for your dead comrades!
Who are they?
We're the Hishin Unit!
To all our soldiers who can hear me.
We are outnumbered ten times over.
Therefore, I order you
to take down ten men each.
Until you slay ten of the enemy,
I will not allow you to fall!
Fight as if you were beasts!
is the time to show our true worth.
Use our strength
to open a path in this deathtrap!
For I, Ohki,
shall be right behind you all!
A contest of strength.
Second line,
No way.
If we're engulfed,
our chain of command will fall apart.
They're after General Ohki.
We're engulfed!
Shin, look!
You're finished!
General Ohki!
This is why battlefields are dull.
However, this is your place.
You're finished.
How annoying it is
to have defeat forced upon you.
I am angered by my men too.
Why do you stop fighting?
Even amidst death
we will never give up.
That's the pride of the Ohki army!
General Ohki.
I am still here.
This is not our place to die.
General is
nothing more than a position.
only a few are able to reach
and achieve that position.
A general,
must overcome dangers
and make numerous accomplishments.
As a result, a general
holds responsibility for
the lives of tens and millions of men
and is rewarded with honor.
Who are you?
What in god's name are you?
What else could I be?
The greatest general on Earth!
All armies, through this gap!
We'll charge
straight to enemy headquarters,
and guard our Lord's unit!
Go, Shin!
Don't let them get away!
Leave them.
General Hoken
Let them go.
Go after them! Stop their cavalry!
Though Ohki is dying,
they're still desperate to take him back.
The present Ohki army
could be the most powerful.
If we were in their shoes,
we would fight to our deaths too.
How heartbreaking.
This is why I dislike war.
You amaze me, Shin, my boy.
I have never seen my steed, Oh,
so obedient to anyone else.
It's running on its own.
I ain't doing nothing.
Shin, my boy.
Sit up straight.
Close your eyes.
Deep breaths.
It's not every day that one gets
to ride with the great general.
A rare and precious experience.
- But
- Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
Now listen carefully.
At this moment,
you are running through this battlefield
mounted on the general's horse.
When you understand,
open your eyes slowly
and take a good look
at everything before you.
The enemy masses, the enemy faces.
And the faces of your allies.
The sky and earth.
The view only generals can see!
Do you get it?
Yeah, I think I'm starting to see
what it's like.
The eyes of the general
can see many things.
For example,
our way out is right before us.
My Lord!
Let us be on our way.
We shall escape this deathtrap.
Leave them to us.
Please stand by General Ohki.
Ohki has broken our blockade!
Why not go after Ohki?
Enough is done.
Ohki's life shall come to an end.
No need to chase them.
But if we don't bring back his head
There are two types of commanders.
Once killed, his men's morale is lost,
ending the battle right there.
While the other,
becomes a symbol of martyrdom,
causing his men to fight till the end.
Ohki is no doubt the latter.
If we took Ohki's head,
his men would tremble with anger
and come at us on a suicide mission.
If this happens,
not even all our armies put together
wouldn't stand a chance.
The goal,
isn't to invade Qin
or to defeat the Ohki army.
It's the death of Ohki.
Now that our goal has been reached,
there's no meaning in more bloodshed.
None of us must die in vain.
I will not tolerate it.
The battle,
ends right here.
My Lord.
I will not allow anyone to follow me
and take their lives.
Not even the commanders.
My Lord.
You have long supported me.
Your professional skills
have always been as good as mine.
I shall leave my men
and their future in your hands.
Be my witness.
My Lord!
I'll be counting on you, Toh.
My Lord.
Forgive me.
This is all my fault.
Your problem is clear.
There's no need to go into that.
You will undoubtedly
become one of the best generals of Qin.
Keep that in mind.
I look forward to your future progress.
After all,
the Zhao general who appeared
turned out to be the toughest enemy ever.
We fell into their hands completely.
These are tough times.
No matter the era,
the strongest general appears
only to be defeated by another.
The wars of China revolve
around that man for a while.
But until when, is another matter.
He will always be defeated
and pass on his role of the era.
Those in power.
Their endless life-staking battle.
This is why these turbulent times are fun.
Shin, my boy.
I believe I promised to train you.
But as you can see,
that is no longer possible.
how selfish of you to impose on me
to teach you directly.
Learn by
putting your time and effort in
on the battlefields.
You fool.
Strive like hell with your comrades.
You have talent.
General Ohki?
General Ohki!
General Ohki!
My Lord!
Before Ohki set out to war,
he conveyed King Sho's will to me.
It was
a lecture on
what the King of China should be.
though compassion is needless,
do not treat those you conquer as slaves.
Do not oppress them
but treat them with the same love
as your people.
This is
the will I've been entrusted with
by King Sho for the present King of Qin.
I thank you, Ohki.
I had never been taught that by him.
Of course you haven't been taught.
I haven't even conveyed his words
to our former King.
These words
were only meant for the one
who is fit to take on King Sho's will.
King Sho left me responsible
for the decision.
To convey these words only to the one
who is worthy of my services.
Let us unite all of China.
Your Majesty!
That fool
You've defeated your adversary,
yet you seem dissatisfied.
We will return to Zhao.
How about you, Hoken?
Train in the mountains?
The secret to Ohki's powers
was on the battlefield.
I will not fall for that.
I have no interest in this place.
I'll send a messenger.
If you ever change your mind,
we're here with open arms.
After all,
another era of turmoil is coming our way.
General Toh.
Do me a favor.
Your Majesty,
the news of General Ohki's death
has brought a significant loss
to our state.
General Ohki was defeated.
However, with the dedicated support
of Ohki's army
Zhao retreated, and all of Bayo was saved.
Our state of Qin,
has won this battle.
Moreover, our soldiers
did not give up our general to our enemy.
They will soon return to Xianyang
with his body.
Though General Ohki is gone,
his soul will live forever inside us!
Shin of the Hishin Unit.
Speak if you have something to convey.
Lift up your heads!
We saved Bayo!
So, don't look down.
Hold your heads high.
Hold your heads high,
and return with General Ohki
in this moment of triumph!
Be proud!
Open our main gate!
As of now, our great general of Qin,
Ohki will return!
All armies