Kitty Foyle (1940) Movie Script

- Got a date tonight, Jane?
- Yeah.
Same date I have every night
with The Saturday Evening Post.
Don't you girls ever think
of anything but men?
The idea of spending
your whole life...
...flattering the ego
of some tobacco-smelling male.
I can think of a thousand better ways
of being happy.
- Name two.
- You said it.
- You and me both.
- Some people might kid themselves.
But me, I want a man.
I don't care who knows it.
- Amen, sister.
- Anywhere from 18 to 80.
They don't come too old
or too young for me.
Well, isn't independence
worth anything to you?
After all, what's the difference between
men bachelors and girl bachelors?
Men bachelors are that way on purpose.
I'm past all that, praise Mary.
I'm so old I can't even remember
me first kiss.
Well, I can't even remember me last.
Sorry, Kitty, we had a couple
emergencies at the hospital.
I had to stay late.
Been waiting long?
- Oh, no, just got here.
- Good.
Step on it, driver.
You must be as hungry as I am.
I'm afraid you're gonna
get a little hungrier...
...because I've gotta catch
another case first.
- What, before dinner?
- Yes, emergency.
As a matter of fact,
we're racing a stork right this minute.
Hurry, doctor.
Take care of this a minute
while I finish up.
You have no idea how right you look
with a baby in your arms.
You have no idea how right I feel.
Boy or a girl?
It's a boy.
Almost lost the little fellow.
Might've been better
if he hadn't pulled through.
Don't say that, Mark.
It's always better to pull through.
There's something about the way
you said that.
Kitty, will you?
I got a lot of money tied up
in that little hoop...
...and there's no other way
I can get any use out of it.
Will you marry me?
Do you think you could find my finger
under all these blankets?
You did say yes, didn't you?
I mean, it's all clear
and there's no confusion...
...and you understood what I asked you?
You asked me to marry you, didn't you?
That's it, exactly.
I got it. That's why I said yes.
What I'm getting around to... that fellow in Philadelphia.
Is that all over?
All over.
You're not kidding yourself, are you?
It wouldn't do either of us good
if you weren't sure.
I'm sure, darling.
Look, I've gotta go back
to the hospital now.
But I'll check out at midnight.
Get your bags packed
and meet me there...
...and we'll go to Gretna Green.
- Gretna Green?
- Sure.
They've got a justice of peace
that's open all night.
Just like an Owl Drugstore.
Can you be ready by then?
And who says I can't?
Then meet me
at St. Timothy's Hospital at 12.
Smack on the dot.
- Twelve, smack on the dot, St. Timothy's.
- Right.
Driver, Pocahontas Hotel for Women,
West 34th Street.
But what about my dinner?
Save it, and we'll have
a big breakfast together.
- Good evening, Miss Foyle.
- Good evening.
- Will you make up my bill tonight?
- You're leaving?
I'll say I am. I'm getting married.
- And send for my bags around 11:30.
- Very well.
Well, what are you doing out
of Philadelphia on a night like this?
How did you get in?
Men aren't allowed in this hotel,
you know.
The operator
on the back elevator's corrupt.
Oh, Wyn, why did you come?
You sent for me.
I told you if you ever wanted me
or needed me, or to have me... send it back.
That isn't what I meant.
I sent it back because...
...that was all.
- That was the end.
- Don't say that, Kitty.
But it's true, Wyn.
I'm sorry, but you'll have to go.
I can't go, not until
I've told you something.
I don't want to hear it, Wyn.
Please go.
Please don't make me ask you again.
I'm sailing at midnight.
South America, Buenos Aires.
I'm going to live there.
With your wife?
Unless you'll go with me.
Oh, Wyn.
That's what I came to tell you.
The thousands of times
I've prayed for you to say that...
Prayed and prayed and prayed.
And you never could.
You never did.
But I'm saying it now,
from the bottom of my heart.
Oh, Wyn, why couldn't you have thought
to say those same little words...
...five years ago?
I thought of them.
I just hadn't the strength to say them.
Kitty, darling... know me better
than I know myself.
There's no life for me without you.
I want you. I need you.
I love you this minute
as I've never loved you before.
And I thought you'd forgotten.
You didn't. You never thought that
for a minute.
You know too well how I've wanted you.
You're going to be divorced?
I'm afraid I can't
even promise you that.
Then we'd?
That's it.
I wish it were different...
...but that's the way it is.
I see.
Whatever you decide, I'm sailing anyway.
I've broken away for good.
But I'm hoping, I'm praying now,
that we'll go away together...
...and be together always.
Of all the days in all the years...
You haven't forgotten, have you, Kitty?
I thought I had.
I was sure I had.
The firelight at Lake Pocono,
our assembly in New York.
- Please, Wyn.
- Those times at Giono's, remember?
The dreams we dreamed,
the sound of our voices as we laughed...
I remember.
Oh, darling, we must
never forget any of it.
It isn't too late, is it?
I'm afraid it never will be.
This is the beginning,
the real beginning of life for us.
I shouldn't, I shouldn't, it's wrong.
Wrong to be happy?
Oh, Wyn, don't ask me anything.
Don't let me think.
Just take me with you.
Darling, we sail at midnight.
I'll be at the pier with everything arranged.
- Meet me there?
- You know I will.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Don't be late.
- I won't.
Wyn, Wyn!
You didn't say what boat, what pier.
When I'm with you,
I forget about everything else.
It's Pier 48.
I'll be there waiting for you.
You're making a mistake, you know.
Am I?
You're that little girl on the sleigh ride.
Trouble is, you're no longer a little girl.
You're a grown woman now.
I'm only 24.
You're 26. Don't try to kid me.
Well, I'm not old, anyway.
No, and maybe
you aren't very smart either.
I know what I'm doing.
It's a pretty unsatisfactory role
you're preparing to play...
...even under the best of circumstances.
This is the only chance we have,
and we've got to take it.
How do you imagine you'll be described?
As Wyn's girlfriend?
That's the delicate one.
And in about 10 years,
when your figure gets out of control...'ll sound like a comedy line.
His woman? That's getting warmer.
As "that woman Wyn's mixed up with"?
Oh, you have no idea how often
you're going to get that one.
We'll just have to face it.
Correction, you'll have to face it.
Married people face things together,
but you won't be married.
Did you ever think of it that way?
No time to think.
Well, you'd better take a little time,
...because forever is a long, long time.
Never hurts to check
with the conductor... see if you're on the right train.
Marriage isn't everything.
What is it, anyway?
It's just a piece of paper
like any other legal document.
I don't need a piece of paper
to prove that I love Wyn...
...or that he loves me.
You'd be a lot happier with Mark
and that little piece of paper...
...than you ever could with Wyn
and a snug little apartment...
...with a key for him
and a key for you.
You know what I think?
I think you're wrong.
I remember you using
those same words before.
Way back when you lived
on Griscom Street in Philadelphia.
That's where Pop brought you up,
and what a grand guy he was.
It was the night of
the Philadelphia Assembly, remember?
You should have been home,
but you weren't.
You were about 15 then.
That's P. Seward Berwynn.
There's Mrs. Rosy Fittenhouse.
Judas Priest, what a clock.
Always slow.
Philadelphia blood, I suppose.
- I was just...
- Come here.
- I was just...
- Oh, I know what you were just doing.
The assembly's tonight,
and you were downtown...
...gawking at rich mainliners
parading into the Bellevue-Stratford...
...and getting silly ideas.
No, I wasn't, Pop.
I was watching, yes, but...
Kitty, you've got to get this trash
out of your mind.
From now on...
From now on, you're going
to Sunday school every Sunday.
Rain or shine, you're going.
But why, Pop?
Well, it'll give you
a little Christian upbringing, that's why.
Give you a sense of values.
You mean, and then
I won't ever sin or anything?
Well, it may not keep you from sinning...
...but by Judas Priest, it'II keep you
from getting any fun out of it.
Take your mind off of that tommyrot
in the society page for a change.
It's not any more tommyrot
than "The Lady of Shalott."
- "Lady of Shalot''?
- You know:
And sometimes thro' the mirror blue
The knights went riding two by two:
She hath no loyal knight and true,
The Lady of Shalott.
Papdash, Kitty.
If you're not reading about
mainline monkeys...'ve got your head stuck
in a Cinderella book.
It must be wonderful, Pop.
You've been sitting in ashes all your life,
and then suddenly a prince comes along.
And when did you sit in any ashes?
I don't mean me.
I mean like Cinderella.
Judas Priest, if ever a man
deserved to be hung...'s the fellow who started
that Cinderella stuff.
Writing claptrap stories
about Cinderellas and princes.
Poisoning the minds
of innocent children.
Putting crazy ideas into girls' heads.
Making them dissatisfied
with honest shoe clerks and bookkeepers.
Why, they're the ruination
of more girls than 40 actors.
Oh, I don't see
what's the ruination about it.
After all, the prince and Cinderella
lived happily ever afterwards.
Yes, and that's where
these writing fellows are smart too.
They always end the story
before it really begins.
Well, why couldn't they be happy, Pop?
Why, it's a lead-pipe cinch
that they couldn't.
What do you think
they'd have to talk about?
You think he wants to go on hearing
about the ashes she was sitting in...
...and how hot they were?
"Okay," he says,
"So they were hot.
Let's talk about something else
for a change."
And there she'd be, alone...
...sitting on that velvet cushion...
...ready to swap all the strawberries
and cream in the kingdom...
...for one hamburger,
well done, with onions.
You know what I think, Pop?
I think you're wrong.
Judas Priest!
But time moved on...
...and skirts got six inches longer...
...and they stopped playing "Sonny Boy,"
thank goodness...
...and took up "Who's Afraid
of the Big Bad Wolf."
Then, boom, came the Depression...
...and you had to trade in
a few of those dreams...
...for a volume of Gregg Shorthand,
June 1932.
Mr. Hoover said
if Mr. Roosevelt was elected...
...grass would grow in the streets.
Mr. Roosevelt said
that if Mr. Hoover got back in...
...there wouldn't be any streets.
All of a sudden, you were set.
Oh, boy.
All you needed
to get a peach of a job...
...was this fancy document...
...and a miracle.
Then, on July 23rd... exactly 4:37 p. M...
...will you ever forget?
Judas Priest! Put it out, put it out!
- Don't get excited, Tom, I'll take care of it.
- Do something!
Get some water, get some water!
Isn't there any water in the house?
Somebody get a bucket of water!
No, not that, not that!
- Drop that bottle!
- Pop, don't get excited. Sit down.
With all the water
there is in the world... have to use
a $4 bottle of whiskey.
There's more where that came from,
Tony's bathtub.
That's no bathtub whiskey.
He's been sick.
He shouldn't be upset.
- The stuff doesn't grow on trees, you know.
- Come on now.
- Why couldn't you have done that?
- I thought it would explode.
- What, are you trying to ruin the rug?
- Just trying to put the fire out. I'm sorry.
- My fault, I dropped some ashes.
- Wyn, that's my daughter.
Kitty, this is Mr. Wyn Strafford... of those mainliners
you used to talk about.
- How do you do, Miss Foyle?
- How do you do?
I'm sorry I spoke a little sharply
to you just now.
I'm usually a little cooler-headed.
Yes, I'm sure so.
He wants me to help with articles
for his new magazine...
...about the boys I taught cricket.
What are you doing in here
in your shirttail?
- Judas Priest!
- Get out of here, get out of here.
She's too big
to be running around like that.
A nice girl, Tom.
She's a good kid, all right.
If it weren't for my bad heart,
she'd be going to college...
...instead of tramping the streets
for a job.
Does she type?
She types faster than you can think.
Well, I don't know that
that's much of a tribute.
But if she can type at all, we might
be able to use her down at the office.
Ask her to drop in.
There seems to be a certain
informality about her...
...that might brighten our lives
down there.
This is not right, Miss Foyle.
The use of "esquire" in business
is a New York affectation.
Very bad taste.
Well, I've seen letters addressed to you
"Mr. Wynnewood Strafford VI, Esq."
New Yorkers, perhaps. It's still wrong.
A man can't be both "Mr." and "Esq."
At the same time.
One or the other is about
all he's capable of being.
Well, I've certainly seen them
just plain "Esq."
Say, how does one get to be an esquire,
Oh, I don't know. He just is.
Pop says you get to be
an esquire...
...if you can sit on one animal
and chase another.
Did I sound stuffy?
- I'm sorry.
- Pardon?
Okay, get stuffy yourself.
I've said I'm sorry.
Did you get my column
off the Dictaphone?
Oh, yes, and it's a...
Go ahead, what about it?
Don't be afraid.
I was just thinking... your voice sounds
on the Dictaphone.
Do you know who it sounds like?
- No, who?
- Ronald Coleman.
- I played it over again, and it's lovely.
- That's funny.
So different from what it is actually.
Do you really think it's true,
Miss Foyle...
...that my voice sounds
rather like that of Mr. Coleman?
- Hello, everybody.
- Hello, Jean.
- Who's winning?
- Just started.
Oh, Miss Bala,
did you bring in your copy?
Copy? Copy of what?
Your article on the Wheeler wedding.
We're ready to go to press.
Oh, that. You know,
I never got to the wedding.
I got mixed up
at a cocktail party...
...and then went on
to Bellevue-Stratford...
...and that was a simply
crashing bore, really.
Miss Foyle, why don't you make Wyn
throw some kind of party here?
A sort of housewarming,
something like that?
Sounds like a crashing good idea.
I would just like to say that I'm sorry.
I was fresh just now.
I didn't notice it.
Well, I was, and I'm sorry.
Judas Priest. Why don't you kick those
snake-brained friends of yours out...
...and give yourself a chance?
They're pretty aggravating, I know...
...but they do the stuff
we've got to have.
Yeah, well, it's none of my business,
I know...
...but, well, I'd just like you to know
that I'm in your corner, that's all.
Thank you, Miss Foyle.
It's encouraging to find someone here
who's taking this thing seriously.
Would you like me
to run that record off for you?
Oh, no. I was just fiddling with it...
...figuring how it worked.
- Oh, it's simple.
Really, don't you think
you'd better pop out to lunch?
- Miss Foyle, there's no need...
- See, you push that...
Do you really think it's true,
Miss Foyle...
...that my voice sounds
rather like that of Mr. Coleman?
Ah, Shangri-la, Miss Foyle.
Foyle, Foyle, boil in oil.
Roses are red, violets are blue...
...Miss Foyle has nice legs, I love you.
- Is that all?
- And I'll thank you, Miss Foyle...
...not to sit with your legs crossed
during conferences.
We have difficulties enough
getting this magazine out...
...without such
demoralizing exhibitions.
I think I'd better go to lunch after all.
- Wait a minute, let me explain.
- Wyn, Wyn, boil in gin.
I'm terribly sorry, really.
I didn't intend... I mean...
Well, I was testing, like on the radio.
I never thought of what I was saying.
- Do you mind letting me out, please?
- No.
Not until I've made you understand.
Well, it was like...
Like automatic writing.
People go into trances,
don't know what they're saying.
It just comes out.
Whole books sometimes.
- That's the way it was.
- It's very amusing.
I think I'll go to lunch.
Miss Foyle...
...I want you to take
some dictation before you go.
Let's see.
Interoffice memo to Miss Foyle.
I'm sorry I said you cross your legs
in conferences...
...but you do.
I'm sorry I said they demoralize me...
...but they do.
I'm sorry you seem to think that I...
I'm making love to you.
...I am.
There's no getting around it.
Those were probably the happiest days
in your whole life.
Days when you and Wyn were still learning
those little things about each other...
...that make two ordinarily normal people
a little daffy when they're together.
Crazy, but nice.
Like the first time he took you
to New York, remember?
Thanks, mister.
- Violets? Violets?
- Yes.
Two bunches, please.
Thank you.
I've never been
in a speakeasy before.
Don't have a moment's concern.
The best people in New York come here.
On a Saturday night
it's hard not to find...
- Who is it?
- Giono.
Mr. Strafford.
- Come in, come in.
- Giono, how are you?
Mr. Strafford, it is nice to see you.
I haven't seen you since a long time.
Latest returns from New York State:
7864 precincts...
...out of a total of 9046...
...give Hoover 936,421...
...Roosevelt 1,412,604.
It looks bad now,
but Roosevelt will never make it.
Didn't you vote for him, Giono?
Me vote for Roosevelt? He's a wet.
He wants to repeal prohibition.
Prohibition goes, where am I?
How about some nice smooth Scotch?
Fresh off the boat today.
You mean some of that bilge water
you whipped up this afternoon?
This is a pleasure trip,
not a suicide pact.
How about some Strega?
I just got one bottle.
I save it just for you.
How nice of you, you liar.
Let's have it.
And one glass of water.
What's Strega?
Oh, it's an Italian liqueur.
It has a picture of a witch
on the bottle.
They say that if two people
drink it together...
...they'll never drink it apart.
- And now for an election flash.
- How cozy.
- Republican headquarters...
...have just conceded
the state of Pennsylvania... Roosevelt.
He'll never make it.
Wait until the returns come in from
the Middle West. They'll kill him.
Hoover was born there, you know.
Giono, from now on, this is our bottle.
Nobody else touches it, understand?
Fine. I won't even touch it myself.
We'll fix that.
Why so solemn?
Oh, I was just wondering.
What about?
Why did you bring me here to New York?
I thought you'd like it. Why?
Because, well, you see...
...when I was going to
high school in Manitou, Illinois...'s quite a small town and everybody
knew everybody else's business.
So when a man wanted
to take somebody out...
...and he didn't care particularly
about being seen with her...
...he'd always take her up to Chicago.
I see.
But this isn't like that.
In fact, it's exactly the opposite.
I wanted to make a good impression
on you... I brought you where I thought
I most likely could do it.
- Oh, I'm sorry if...
- Kitty.
- Election flash.
- I've got an idea.
Republican headquarters have conceded
Kansas and Nebraska to Roosevelt.
Doesn't mean a thing.
Wait until the Pacific Coast
returns come in.
That's really where Hoover is going
to murder him. He lives there.
Kitty, will you go to the assembly
with me this year?
Will you?
Wyn, that's awfully nice...
...but you don't have to do that.
But I want you to go.
It isn't merely a gesture.
It's funny.
When I was a little girl, I used to read in
the newspapers about the assembly...
...and cut out the pictures
of the society ladies... their beautiful dresses,
and use them as paper dolls.
That's probably the best use
they've ever been put to.
But isn't there a committee that goes over
the list of who's to be invited?
Well, if they should run across
somebody like a Foyle, boom.
And the next thing she knows,
she's being scraped up off the sidewalk.
You just leave that to me.
Is it a date?
Well, I know I'm crazy,
but it's a date.
Attention, everybody.
Republican National Headquarters
have just conceded...
...that the next president
of the United States...
...will be Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Happy days are here again.
Hooray, hooray!
What are you celebrating about?
Hoover didn't win.
I'm celebrating our first kiss.
Hooray, hooray!
You're crazy.
Sing, fellow. If you don't sing,
you ain't 100 percent American.
Thanks, pal.
We're 100 percent Americans, ain't we?
- Sure. Hooray for America.
- Hooray for Kitty.
Kitty for president. Hooray.
- Hey, what are you doing?
- It isn't private enough.
Roosevelt's horning in on my celebration.
Let's go to Lake Pocono to see the sunset.
- But it's too late. It's already set.
- All right, we'll go see the moon rise.
But Lancelot mused a little space:
He said,'She has a lovely face:
God in His mercy lend her grace,
The Lady of Shalott.'
I thought you said this was your
favorite poem.
What tune is this?
"Night and Day."
All right, you play one.
"Stormy Weather."
- No?
- No, no.
- Well, play it again, play it again.
- All right.
- "Three Little Words."
- Yes.
The stag at eve had drunk his fill
Where danced the moon on Monan's Rill
He brushed his teeth
And he combed his hair
And he took a whiff of the mountain air.
Now you've destroyed a beautiful poem.
You have no sense of the importance
of beauty in life.
Well, why don't you tell me of
the importance of beauty in life, teacher?
Glad to.
As you know, it's a man's duty
to instruct woman in all subjects.
Now, you pick the subject.
Well, tell me where we are.
We're in the Pocono Mountains,
in the state of Pennsylvania.
But where are we really?
In heaven?
No, in love.
Tell me about love.
Well, first there was a man...
...and just as soon as he had time to
learn his way about, there was a woman.
Was the woman beautiful?
Very. She had reddish hair...
...and her nose that went like so...
...and her eyes, her eyes were
as blue-green as the sea itself.
She looked something like me, huh?
Well, her voice didn't sound
so much like music...
...and her eyes didn't trap the starlight
one half as cleverly...
...and she wasn't nearly so beautiful.
What did the man and the woman do?
Oh, at first, they just hung around.
Didn't take any notice
of each other at all.
Oh, maybe a grunt now and then,
but certainly nothing more.
They thought of each other as company,
or perhaps as friends.
And then, one night,
a strange thing happened.
The man and woman were sitting
in front of a fire.
Firelight played upon the woman's face...
...and the man for the first time saw
how beautiful she was... immediately he made love to her.
He bent down over her,
rubbed her nose with his.
- Didn't the woman object?
- No.
- No?
- She loved him too.
- Well...
- Because...
...he was all that she had
ever dreamed of.
Tell me some more about
the man and the woman.
Let me see, where was I?
You were here.
Judas Priest.
Pop, what are you doing downstairs?
Didn't Dr. Cartwright tell you
to stay in bed?
Dr. Cartwright is a quack.
Sure, sure, and who said he wasn't?
Now, come on.
You're going to stay down,
you understand?
There now.
How does the rebel feel this morning?
I have an idea that I'm a little below par.
You were born four drinks below par.
Think you could force
a little of this down?
I know how you hate it,
and I don't blame you.
But I guess you'll just have to steel
yourself to take it. Do you promise?
I only take it to tone up my system,
and you know it.
Just so you don't tone it up so high...
...that you'll be out in the street
in your rompers.
- That you, Myrtle?
- Yes, Miss Kitty, this is me.
- I just got here.
- All right.
I'm going out to dinner, Pop,
so Myrtle's gonna get you yours.
- Goodbye, darling.
- Kitty, come here a moment, honey.
You remember when I gave you
this thing?
Well, I think you must have
got me wrong.
I didn't mean that you were
to be a little girl on a sleigh ride.
Go on, Pop,
I don't know what you mean.
I mean Wyn Strafford.
Pop, you might as well try to argue me
out of a case of bronchitis...
...because I love him.
Judas Priest.
You said it.
You mean you want to marry him?
Has he ever asked you
to meet his family?
Well, I've never worried much
about his family...
...because I've always had a funny idea
that I'm just as good as they are.
Just as good?
So far above them, they can't
touch you with a 10-foot pole.
You've got good Irish eyes, Kitty,
and they're looking into the future.
The Main Line? They haven't even
caught up with the present.
Your grandpa was a mainliner,
you know.
- Grandpa Foyle?
- Yes. He helped lay the tracks.
That was real mainlining, because
those tracks were going somewhere.
Oh, Kitty, why can't you fall in love
with a man that's going somewhere?
Pop, there's no use of
our arguing about it.
For one thing, I don't agree with you.
And for another, he hasn't asked me.
And he never will.
But he loves me, Pop, I know it.
That's fine for him, but where does
it get you? Exactly nowhere.
I know the whole lot of them.
I taught them cricket at school,
watched them being educated.
They may want to break away bad enough,
but they never do, Kitty.
They always finish up by marrying
one of their own kind.
I was a fool ever to let him inside
this house.
You darling. I've got to go to work.
But I'll let you in on a little secret.
A woman always can tell
when a man is going to propose.
You mean woman's instinct?
Now, there's a real piece of idiocy.
Woman's instinct.
Every slab-sided female in the world
is a crystal gazer.
She's magic. She can foretell
the future, like a politician.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
I've got to go work. Goodbye, darling.
And don't you worry about me, Pop...
...because I can take care of myself
all right.
Goodbye, dear.
Take care of yourself? By Judas Priest,
you're going to break your heart.
- Good morning.
- Morning, Miss Foyle.
- Morning.
- What's the matter?
Someone steal the backgammon board?
Wyn wants to see you.
Oh, is he in already?
Morning, darling.
- May I come in?
- No, I'm coming out.
Good morning.
Hey, what's all that?
Have you ever heard of the Depression?
Yes, isn't it disgusting?
It always comes around when
everybody's so broke.
Well, it's right here.
Right here in this office.
What do you mean?
Our little magazine is folding Saturday.
Oh, Wyn.
Your boss is a flop.
Don't say that, darling,
because it's not so.
Well, here, sit down
and tell me about it.
- Well, there's not much to tell.
- Well, what happened?
I got the idea for this magazine...
...because I didn't like following
the family in a groove.
I still don't. I thought this might be
the answer, if I could swing it.
Yes, but they say all magazines
lose money at first.
That's great,
when they've got it to lose.
I haven't. The 10,000
the family gave me is gone.
Uncle Kennet's persuaded them
not to pour any more in.
That's all there is to it.
Wait a minute.
I don't like this flop stuff from you.
You're a nice big boy with the right
number of arms and hands and legs...
...and plenty of brains.
If you think I'm going to break into tears
over your first setback, you're mistaken.
Well, you still got your health,
haven't you?
But, darling, don't you see?
I tried to break away,
and it didn't work.
I'm washed up.
So you're washed up?
I suppose you're the only guy in the United
States who has got washed up this year?
What are you gonna do, get together with
some brokers and leap out a window?
I guess I'll have to go on
back to the bank.
Oh, they can't make a banker out of you.
You're too sweet.
And besides, Wyn Strafford,
if you talk like that again...
...I give you my word,
I'll pop you right in the nose.
You can't do that. You're different.
You're going somewhere.
Yeah, like the real mainliners.
Do you really believe that, Kitty?
Well, I told you once
I was in your corner, didn't I?
Well, I still am.
One round you've lost,
but there are 14 others coming up.
Darling, what about you?
Yes, what are you going to do?
Oh, that's right, I'm out of a job.
I never thought about that.
Well, I might get a job in New York.
Friend of mine lives there.
Kitty, I can't let you do that.
Why not?
Because you'd be too far away.
Well, it's not China.
You're all alone.
Your dad isn't very well.
I think it's too much of a load
for you to handle.
Somehow I feel kind of responsible.
It isn't your fault the magazine folded,
you know.
So until you can get another job...
- What do you mean?
- I'll just keep you on the payroll.
- It's no more than fair, Kitty, I...
- Just a minute, Wyn.
You needn't worry about me.
I'm free, white and 21.
Or almost.
And I'll go on loving you
from here on out...
...or until I stop loving you.
But nobody owes a thing
to Kitty Foyle...
...except Kitty Foyle.
You were right, Pop.
Well, it was just like you said.
Pop. Pop? Pop!
Oh, Pop, Pop, Pop.
Oh, no, Pop.
So it was goodbye to Pop
and Philadelphia...
...and all of that part of your life.
You ran away to New York.
And why New York?
All right, kid, let's face it.
It was because New York
reminded you of Wyn.
Oh, you may have shut the door
on brother Wyn...
...but, honey, you certainly
had no intention of locking it.
What you really hoped was
that Wyn would come and find you.
So you joined the New York
white-collar brigade and waited.
But, of course, such a perfume
should never be applied directly.
It should evanesce.
How do you think a string quartet
would go with that?
I wish you'd do as well
with the cuticle department.
Volupte is rather competitive.
Its base, of course, is allure.
You will notice. May I?
There is a slightly aloof, slightly
supercilious quality to the bouquet.
But you'll notice just the merest shade
of promise there too.
That's right.
It is the favorite of
la femme chic du Paris.
- Really?
- Are you married?
It's still a charming perfume,
even around the house.
I think I'll take it.
Oh, I'm so glad. I'm sure it will make you
very happy, and monsieur too.
It is...
...sixty-seven dollars an ounce.
How many ounces?
Isn't that? Isn't that rather expensive?
How else could we keep the wrong sort
of person from wearing it?
- One ounce will do.
- Merci, madame.
Boy, this Detaille really hauls off
and charges, doesn't she?
Sixty-seven bucks an ounce.
Take a look at these customers.
Don't you think they at least want
to smell good?
- Where do I find a box to fit this?
- We're out.
You better ring stock for one.
- Oh, I must have done something wrong.
- You said it, sister.
What'II I do?
If you don't wanna lose your job, flop.
What's the matter?
Oh, my blood pressure.
Somebody get a doctor.
Operator? Operator, operator,
get a doctor, quickly.
Yes, yes, get an ambulance.
- Let me out of this place.
- Where's the patient?
I'll be the patient
if you don't let me out of here.
I'm gonna have my husband write
to your police captain.
Well, this looks bad. Probably a fracture.
Seems all right.
Everything's okay from the knees down.
- Probably a hip dislocation.
- Lay off.
Oh, faking?
Yes. Now will you be a good guy
and go away?
I've got just the thing here
for what ails you.
Listen, there's nothing wrong with me.
I'll lose my job if they find out
I turned in that alarm.
Maybe we'd better talk this over.
How about a date tonight?
- No.
- Okay.
I'll try to inject this
so it won't hurt you much.
Hey, you're not really going
to do that?
What do you think?
- I'll scream.
- And lose your job?
All right, you win.
- It's a date?
- Yes.
Where do you live?
Hurry, somebody's coming.
- 1622 Rex Hill, apartment 31.
- Is 8:00 all right?
- It's a little late for dinner, isn't it?
- We'll make it 8, just the same.
What's the matter?
Oh, it's Kitty. It's my new girl.
Oh, she's... Oh, the poor little thing.
She's fainted.
Oh, there, there.
Poor darling.
I'm looking forward to
a five-course dinner, including a tenderloin.
That's the least I'll settle for.
You've got a lot more faith in dates
than I have.
Me too.
I haven't made up my mind whether
I should demand dancing or not.
How do I look?
That shade of hose
isn't very leg-flattering.
Well, maybe it's just as well.
They've got me in plenty of jams as it is.
The doctor, I dare say.
- Okay, we're leaving.
- Goodbye, now.
You needn't rush away on my account.
Good evening.
Good evening.
And how is our little patient
this evening?
If you're referring to me,
I'm all right.
I'm fine too.
You know, once you get
to thinking about it...
...that was a very funny way
we met this afternoon.
Now, just a minute, doctor.
I agreed to have a date with you,
and I intend to keep my word...
...but if you think I'm going
to join you in a laugh...
...over that trick of yours,
you're on the wrong trapeze.
I'm sorry. I just thought we might
sit around and reminisce.
They're not going, they're staying.
I knew that guy was a squatter.
I got goose pimples when I heard
the buzzer.
That's always a sure sign.
- Well, let's throw Kitty a lifeline.
- Okay, let's.
- It's a nice little place you got here.
- We've got here.
I share it with two other girls.
In times like these,
what could be better?
Sharing it with one.
You know the first thing I thought of
when I saw you this afternoon?
- Good night.
- Oh, please, please.
I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I promise.
You walk awfully close to the edge,
I was just trying to get the range,
that's all.
Pardon me.
Pardon me.
Is that one of them?
That's Molly. I'm sorry,
I forgot to introduce you.
Never give it a second thought.
Oh, Pat, this is Dr. Mark. Miss Day.
- How do you do?
- Pleased to meet you.
Say, what is this, a gag?
They're just relaxed, that's all.
I've seen better specimens in a glass jar.
Well, what's your program?
Do you like to play cards?
No. And besides, we haven't any.
That's a very funny thing...
...but as chance would have it,
I happen to have a deck right here.
- Now, isn't that a strange coincidence?
- Yes, isn't it?
Double solitaire?
Well, we're hooked.
He's digging in for the night.
Poor Kitty. Her first date,
and she draws a guy that's slapjack-happy.
Well, I guess I'll finish the laundry.
- What are you doing?
- I'm any judge of that guy's character...
...I'll be able to finish this book.
Jack, queen, king.
Seventeen games to three.
- Swell coffee.
- It's a little too strong for me.
It's been keeping me awake.
- You're not so very good at sol, are you?
- Not when I'm hungry.
Do you mind if I ask you something?
I thought we had a date tonight.
Well, what do you think
has been going on here?
Well, for one thing,
I've slowly grown to hate you.
- Me, but why?
- Because I'm hungry.
Because I thought you were going
to take me out to dinner.
But how could I
when all I got is a dime?
Well, we could go out and spend that.
Don't be silly.
What could two people get?
Coffee, and we've got coffee.
Well, anyway, I've had
an awfully nice time.
Well, I'm so glad. We must do it
again sometime, and soon too.
You've taken an awful beating,
haven't you?
You should know.
I don't know how to tell you this,
but this has been kind of a test.
You mean you've been testing me?
Don't make it sound so awful.
It's just that the girl I fall for
mustn't be a gold digger.
I simply haven't got the dough for it.
So I've always told myself
I'd never fall for one...
...unless I could get to liking her
without spending money.
That's just for the first evening,
you understand?
Well, how did I come out?
You're okay.
I'd like to point out that anything
I did to prove that to you...
...was purely unintentional.
I know that.
How about the movies Saturday night?
I'm sorry, I can't afford it.
Forget that, I'll pay.
- Coal Oil Johnny, eh?
- And the bus both ways.
Well, I never thought I'd fall for
a flashy front, but it's a date.
- Good night.
- Good night.
All clear.
He's gone.
So am I.
If he'd stayed another five minutes,
I'd have asked him for rent.
I bet I know what his answer
would have been.
What made him rush off?
His cards began to wear out.
All the same,
that boy will get somewhere.
What makes you think so?
The way he saves his money.
Well, it's better than staying home
alone nights.
Sure, it's better than having your leg
amputated, but that's no sign it's good.
Oh, I'm too sleepy
to make up my bed tonight.
Douse the light, Molly,
so you kids can get some sleep.
Whatever happened to that fellow
in Philadelphia?
You know, the knight in shining armor?
Oh, him?
Well, I don't know.
I guess he must have
caught the wrong horse.
What's the matter, don't you like
this poor man's caviar?
Sure. I was just studying.
You know, there's a lot to be seen
on the subway if you can read.
Ads or faces?
People. It's good practice.
Now you take Slim.
What do you figure he is?
- Ballet dancer?
- He looks more like a real-estater to me.
I'd say he's got two kids,
a house in Brooklyn and a skinny wife.
He's plenty worried about something.
Well, it's about 11:00,
and he didn't get home for dinner.
He's wondering what
he's gonna tell the wife.
He stopped worrying about that
years ago.
Well, then he's worrying
about the usual thing:
How to get ahead in the world.
We all think about that.
Not me. I'm all set.
I'm taking a job in a kis clinic.
It won't pay as much as handling
a bunch of Park Avenue neurotics, but...
You see that little kid over there?
He's gonna be like that
for the rest of his life.
Weak, frail and unhappy.
Thousands of little guys just like him,
right here in New York.
And what they need is a little attention,
whether they can pay for it or not.
Why, Mark, you're an idealist.
Not me. I don't even like them.
Oh, they're always going around
patting themselves on the back.
That's to save you the trouble.
Next stop, 96th Street.
That's us.
Now, you take me, I like idealists.
You ever fall in love?
What kind of a fellow?
I don't know what you'd call him.
But I thought he was pretty wonderful.
You still love him, huh?
Well, why didn't you marry him then?
I guess he had too much money.
Oh, Kitty, you must be running a fever.
Nobody's got too much money.
He did.
You mean you want a poor man?
I don't want anybody.
The trouble with rich fellows is, they
haven't any way of telling they're in love.
Now, you take me. A fellow like me
knows when he's falling in love.
And he knows whether or not
it's the real thing.
Well, that's very interesting.
How do you know
when you're falling in love?
Well, I don't make very much dough...
...and when I find myself
wanting to spend 10 bucks on a girl...
...well, then I know I'm falling in love.
Well, you're still safe then.
That's just the point. I'm not.
Kitty, how'd you like to go out
Friday night? Dinner and dancing?
You mean you wanna
take me out to dinner?
Yes, Friday night. Do it up brown.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Same as usual?
Yes, please, Billy.
What do you still buy
that Philadelphia paper for?
Oh, I don't know.
Just to keep up with
the old town, I guess.
You'd like to keep up
with that boyfriend.
Seems to me, after all this time,
it'd be smart to forget him.
What's the matter?
Tonight's the assembly in Philadelphia.
Wyn will be there in his shining armor.
And you'll be going out with Mark
and his shining stethoscope.
Here's your change.
Violets, five cents.
I'll have some violets.
Two bunches, please.
What is all this?
Oh, I don't know. Somebody's cuckoo.
These have been coming in all evening.
I know the delivery boy
like a brother already.
You know what I've got in the bathtub?
Water lilies. They're all for you.
Don't ask me who they're from.
The cards are full of mush,
but they're all unsigned.
And look here.
It says this is a oriental meat-eating plant
and needs to be fed three times a day.
Well, have you fed it yet?
If you think I'm giving up
the best years of my...
He's a fool.
- What is it?
- What's so funny?
It's Wyn.
I know it. Girls, please.
- Okay, I'll take the bathroom.
- Yeah, we'll join the water lilies.
Come in.
Oh, Wyn.
- Darling.
- Oh, Wyn, I knew it.
I just got here and look what I found.
And I bought myself
a dime's worth of violets.
Oh, darling, how did you ever find me?
I just followed my heartbeat.
Shall I go outside while you dress,
or shall I just close my eyes?
- Dress?
- Yes.
I told you I was going
to take you to the assembly.
Well, tonight's the night.
Only ours is going to be
right here in New York.
And you remembered.
Wait a minute.
Where you going?
Think it'll do?
Isn't that beautiful?
Oh, it's beautiful, and I'm so happy.
And you're so crazy.
I think I forgot
to tell you something.
- What?
- How much I love you.
How much do you love me?
If I said I loved you as much as you
love me, would that be enough?
Oh, if that were true, there wouldn't be any
love left for anybody in the whole world.
Mouth and ear
ought to be close together.
Like those new French telephones.
- Hey.
- Lips quicker than the eye.
Besides, nobody knows
who we are, or cares.
Darling, you look like the wrapping
around the neck of a champagne bottle.
Now I feel like something
wrapped around your neck.
You like to dance, don't you?
All women do. It's good training.
How do you mean?
The first way a girl learns what
a man is going to do before he does it.
We're all alone really, aren't we?
And yet, we're surrounded by people.
It's because you and I together
make something entirely different...
...from either of us
when we're separated.
A new element.
Like in chemistry.
We'll always be alone... long as we're together.
How long has Nijinsky over there
rented the joint for?
Five a. M.
That's when some dance
in Philadelphia ends.
It's 5:00.
It's 5:00.
Well, the assembly's over.
Oh, I don't ever want it to stop.
How about some scrambled eggs,
little sausages...
...and champagne?
Is that traditional at the assembly?
From the beginning.
The eggs and sausages were added
in 1897. Thank you.
All I'm asking is that the orchestra
come up to my room...
...and play for us while we have eggs.
Dear sir, we have other guests
in the hotel, and it's early.
I only want soft music.
Show him how softly you can play.
There, you see?
Now very softly.
I'm sorry, Mr. Strafford.
What a town.
Come on, boys. Bring the wine.
And to think that just 24 hours ago...
...this day started out like
any other old day in the year.
Can you think of anybody
we haven't drunk to?
Nobody left but strangers.
Very well, to the people we don't know.
In five minutes,
the alarm will be going off.
Shut it off. I'm awake.
See this?
What is it, an heirloom?
It was my great-grandmother's.
It's the symbol of eternal life,
from her to me...
...and you... those that come after us, forever.
It's our family.
You better put it away then
if it's family stuff.
...can you play
"Tales from the Vienna Woods"?
But feebly.
I don't know why I should
need all this background, but, Kitty...
...will you marry me?
Will you?
No, darling.
Don't you love me?
But you won't marry me?
Why not?
Well, Wyn, darling...
...we're happy now, aren't we?
I mean here, this minute.
Of course we are.
But do you know why?
Because... Because we love each other.
Because we're together.
No, that's not it.
It's because we're not in Philadelphia.
Honey, this is no time for joking.
In New York, we're happy,
at Pocono, we're happy.
In Seattle, in New Orleans,
in Dallas, Texas, we could be happy.
But not in Philadelphia.
Everywhere else, we're just
two people in love.
A tall, good-natured guy
and a sassy mick...
...minding our own business
and bothering nobody.
You see what I mean?
- Listen, Kitty...
- In Philadelphia, you're Darby Mill...
...and I'm Griscom Street.
We're two addresses...
...23 miles and 500 light-years apart.
Griscom Street could stand it...
...but not Darby Mill.
Oh, Wyn, darling, I wish I could
see you happy that way...
...but I just can't.
And is that all?
Well, we're both the same color,
if that's what you mean.
Boys, "The Sidewalks of New York."
"Sidewalks of New York."
- Hey, what's the idea?
- It's all fixed.
That's our theme song now.
We're New Yorkers.
Both of us.
Oh, Wyn, you're not kidding?
No, darling, I really mean it.
I wish you weren't so right
about all that in Philadelphia...
...but you are... that's the end of it.
This is where we'll live,
where we'll be happy.
Wyn, I'm so happy now.
I'm so happy I can't tell you how much.
They don't know it...
...but they're wedding bells...
...for us.
No Main Line?
No Philadelphia?
Just you and me?
Me and you.
Oh, dear God...
...don't ring the alarm clock now...
...for just a little while.
But the alarm did ring.
It had a funny little jangle, and you seemed
to hear it all the way back to Philadelphia.
You couldn't very well say no
when Wyn wanted to go back...
...just long enough to tell his family.
So there you were,
Mr. And Mrs. Wynnewood Strafford VI...
...coming home
to announce their marriage.
- You aren't getting scared, are you?
- Leave it to me, honey.
All right, but don't forget this
is the big one. Don't fumble it.
After you, Mrs. Strafford.
Would you mind saying that again?
I said, "After you, Mrs. Strafford."
Thank you.
- Harrison.
- Good afternoon, Mr. Strafford.
Where's Mother?
The family's taking tea
in the drawing room, sir.
Don't let Uncle Kennett scare you.
He's an old Quaker banker and only knows
three words, "thee," "thou" and "no."
Well, get ready. Here goes the bell.
- Hello, everybody.
- Wyn, dear, come in.
- Mother, you remember Kitty.
- Indeed I do.
- It's so nice to see you again, Miss Foyle.
- Thank you.
- And you remember my grandmother.
- Why, yes.
And Aunt Jessica.
- Uncle Edgar and Uncle Kennett.
- Miss Foyle.
The fact is, the name
isn't Foyle anymore.
It's Strafford.
Kitty and I have been married.
Well, why doesn't somebody
say something?
Or is she so beautiful
she's taken your breath away?
- Congratulations, my boy.
- Yes, yes, of course, Wyn. Congratulations.
Well, shall we all sit down?
- Will you have tea?
- No, thank you.
- Wyn?
- No, Mother.
- When were you married?
- Last Saturday.
- I see.
- I thought he was going to wait a year.
Yes, Mother.
Wyn had told us
how much he loved you...
...and we couldn't have been happier,
for his sake.
Do the papers know about this?
I don't know. I don't suppose so.
We'll have the Darby Mill house
redecorated for them.
Tell them our plans, Wyn.
Of course, Kitty, this would have been
so much more simple...
...if Wyn hadn't been quite so impetuous.
I thought you were going
to send her to school first?
You do understand, of course,
that above everything else...
...we want your happiness, and his.
That's foremost
in all our thoughts, isn't it?
- Naturally.
- Oh, naturally, of course, of course.
I don't mean to be rude...
...but would somebody please tell me
what you all are driving at?
- Well, it's like this, my dear...
- Now, Mother, please.
You see, honey. I had promised them
that we wouldn't be married for a year.
Mother was going to take you
under her wing and, well, prepare you.
Prepare me?
Prepare me for what?
Well, you know, finishing school,
and then later...
- Are you kidding me?
- It needn't be school.
It can still be arranged.
Later on, when we've had an opportunity
to acquaint her with our friends...
...we can still have a proper wedding.
- Certainly.
And what do you call what
we've just done? A rehearsal?
Now, wait a minute...
I do realize that we all sound
most frightfully snobbish.
But, my dear, we realize too
that you have not been accustomed... the kind of life that you
will have to lead with Wyn.
- So we'd planned to have...
- What about our plans?
Aren't you going to tell them?
What's the matter, doesn't she
want to go to school?
School is out, definitely.
I'm a big girl now.
Wyn and I are not
going to live in Philadelphia.
You're not the only ones
that want us happy...
...and we couldn't be in Philadelphia.
I'm Griscom Street and he's Main Line,
and we both know it.
In Philadelphia, that's fatal.
Anywhere else in the whole world,
it doesn't make a difference.
And so that's where
we're going to live.
Anywhere else in the world.
- Isn't that right?
- Of course...
This is all very provoking.
But, Miss Foyle, thou must realize
that such a thing is quite impossible.
And why?
It happens that the Strafford money
is a trust fund.
Established by family wills.
They provide that Wyn,
when he takes unto himself a wife...
...shall reside at Darby Mill...
...and shall assume his duties
as an officer of the family bank.
And those terms are irrevocable.
So you see, my dear, there's nothing
we can do about it, any of us.
It's just the way Wyn's money
has been left to him.
You mean all those people who are dead
can tell us what to do?
You mean that Wyn
can't live his own life?
Within the limits of his
responsibilities, yes.
And what if Wyn refuses?
In that case...
...his inheritance would
pass into the family trust.
Well, so what?
So Wyn isn't rich anymore.
Well, so, what is that to me?
I didn't marry Wyn for his money.
I don't care if he hasn't got a penny.
But, Miss Foyle, thou are not being
quite reasonable about this.
- Says thou.
- Miss Foyle, thy temper.
Mr. Kennett, thy foot.
Let's get a few things straight around here.
I didn't ask to marry a Strafford,
he asked me.
I married a man, not an institution
or a trust fund or a bank.
Oh, I've got a fine picture of your
family conference here.
The Straffords trying to figure out
how to take the curse off Kitty Foyle.
Buy the girl a phony education,
polish off the edges...
...and make a Main Line doll out of her.
Oh, you ought to know better that that.
It takes six generations to make
a bunch of people like you.
And by Judas Priest,
I haven't got that much time.
Darling, please, I've got to talk to you.
...please try to understand
the family's point of view.
You can't just square off at them.
It's no use, Wyn.
They've got you under contract.
...we're going to New York,
you and I.
Live our lives just as we planned.
And that means giving up
your inheritance...
...and everything your family has
built up for you, doesn't it?
That's all right.
I can make some kind of a living.
Can you learn to live in a one-room
apartment with a pull-down bed... in drugstores,
go to movies once a week...
...and save a dollar or two against
the time when you haven't got a job?
- Do you think you could learn that, Wyn?
- If we're together.
Do you think you'd be happy
living that way?
Wait here, Kitty.
I'm going in and tell them.
You left for good that time.
Back to New York and your old job.
Oh, you went through
the motions of living...
...but you really weren't living at all.
It's not living when you'd give an
eyetooth just to hear someone say hello.
- Hello.
- Well, hello, Mark.
- It's been quite a while, hasn't it, Kitty?
- Yes.
How about going someplace
for a drink?
I'm sorry, Mark, I...
Oh, you don't have to explain to me.
Come on.
Here's a place.
Quite a place too, they tell me.
Yes, quite a place.
- What'll you have?
- Anything you like.
Give us something kind of special.
Yes, two of them.
Say, what is Strega, anyhow?
It's an Italian drink.
You'll see. It has a picture
of a witch on the bottle.
They say that if two people
drink it together...
...they'll never drink it apart.
It's been a long time
since I've seen you. Too long.
...there's something I want to tell you.
You always show up
at the wrong time, Mark.
- You knew I was married?
- Yes.
Well, I'm not anymore.
Today I got my decree.
Funny... started out, "The people of
this free state sends you greetings."
We haven't had any calls for Strega
since a long time.
Well, how about a toast?
You still love him?
I'm afraid so.
What was the matter, Kitty?
Why didn't it turn out better?
I couldn't live his life,
he couldn't live mine.
It was as simple as that.
Is there any chance for me?
I'm afraid not.
You know I love you, don't you?
I don't know why I should need
all this background...
...but, Kitty, will you marry me?
Well, we could go out to dinner
and see a show.
I can afford seats downstairs now.
I'd like to, Mark, but all the time
I'd be with you, I'd be thinking of him.
And you're too nice
to be pushed around... it's only fair that you should know.
I see.
Maybe we'd better say goodbye here.
I understand.
If there's anything you ever want,
well, you know you can call on me.
I know that.
I'm a pretty good doctor, Kitty...
...but, seeing you,
I wish I had specialized in heart trouble.
I want to see the sunset
at Lake Pocono.
But we're too late.
It's already set.
You began to find out about then...
...there's a lot of living to do in the world.
And if you're worthwhile, you get hurt.
Funny, the things love does to a woman.
I think you'd better come back
in about a week, Mrs. Foyle.
Yes, doctor.
I'm sorry I'm late, Delphine.
That's all right, my little pet.
Oh, but you had a long-distance call.
- Really?
- Just a few minutes ago.
Call Philadelphia operator number 12.
Operator 12, please.
You have a call from Philadelphia
for Miss Foyle.
I'll wait. Thank you.
Who is it?
Oh, Wyn.
Yes, Wyn, yes.
Oh, of course we can have a talk.
Five-thirty at Giono's?
You know I'll be there.
I'll be there.
- Everything all right?
- It is now.
Delphine, the reason I was late
this morning is because...
...I had to go to the doctor's.
Are you ill?
Then what's the matter?
Well, as I was leaving his office,
he called me "Mrs. Foyle."
My dear.
Can I help you?
No, it's all right now...
...because, you see, Wyn called.
He knows, your Mr. Philadelphia?
Of course he knows.
I mean, of course he doesn't know.
I mean, he can't.
Oh, but in his heart, he must...
...because he called, and I'm going
to see him this afternoon.
This is just what he needed.
It's just what I needed too.
Me and Wyn
and something to fight for.
- Good afternoon, Miss Foyle.
- Good afternoon, Giono.
Mr. Strafford just called.
He said Strega and two glasses.
I think I'd better have milk.
- Milk?
- Yes.
But when you have good Strega,
why should you want milk?
Well, I don't want him growing up
to be a dipsomaniac, do I?
I beg your pardon?
Oh, just milk.
All right, milk.
- Oh, Giono.
- Yes?
Grade-A milk.
Grade A.
- Grade-A.
- Let me out of here, will you, Giono?
- But, Miss Foyle...
- I'm sorry.
Is there anything wrong?
Can I do anything?
No, not anymore.
But Mr. Strafford,
what am I going to tell him?
Tell him I hope the first one is a boy.
What's wrong?
Wyn is going to be married...
...but to somebody else.
Then... Then he doesn't know?
You didn't tell him?
- Well, obviously, somebody must.
- No.
I wouldn't want him like that.
He'd feel gallant and conscientious.
There's no happiness for anybody
in a marriage like that.
What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna have this baby.
My dear, have you thought
what that really means?
I know.
And I know what
I'm gonna name him too.
The doctor called me Mrs. Foyle,
so I'm gonna call the baby Foyle.
I'll call him Tom Foyle
after my pop.
He'll grow up to be proud of his name.
And proud of his mother.
And by Judas Priest,
he'll be a fighter too.
Hard as a pine knot.
Tom Foyle...
...the toughest kid in the block.
This is what women want.
It isn't men, not really.
It's something down inside them
that's the future.
That was it, the future.
In the year 2000 A.D.,
your son would be only 65 years old.
He'd write it someday,
on a letter maybe.
January 1 st, 2000.
Your candidate for the year 2000.
Your sweet, tough, little candidate.
You don't have to tell me, Delphine.
I know.
It's a boy.
Yes, Kitty.
It's the funniest thing.
You get so dopey.
All the time, it seemed...
...I was dreaming
that he was drowning...
...and I was swimming after him...
...trying to keep his little head
above water.
It's funny, isn't it?
Yes, Kitty.
And then it seems like
I heard him cry.
I'll bet his lungs are awful good,
aren't they?
I could hear him crying...
...while I was swimming way down there
under the water.
He cried good and loud too,
didn't he, Delphine?
When are they gonna
let me have him... I can hold him?
- Delphine?
- Please, you must rest, Kitty.
- I don't want to rest. I want my son.
- You must.
Where is he?
Delphine, he isn't?
He isn't?
I'm sorry.
I'm not thinking about me.
I'm thinking about my little candidate
for the year 2000.
It's so good to be alive...
...and he didn't even
get a chance to fight.
But time kept on doing business
at the same old stand.
Five years of it.
Then Delphine sent you
down to Philadelphia... open a branch
in that department store.
You were afraid to go.
Afraid of all the things
it might bring back.
But nothing happened...
...until the afternoon
of your last day there.
I'm wearing silver net over gray satin.
What would you suggest to bring out
the color of my eyes?
I should think a touch more orange
in your lip rouge would do it.
Yes, that's a good idea.
What about perfume?
Are you going to the opera or dancing?
I'm going to the assembly tonight.
Well, what flowers are you wearing?
Well, I hadn't decided yet.
Well, if you're going to wear orchids...
...I would suggest Madame Detaille's
new 1940 Olympia.
- Mrs. Strafford?
- Yes?
- You're wanted on the telephone, please.
- Thank you.
Oh, hello, Wyn.
Oh, you don't have to go
to New York again, do you?
But, Wyn, we've never been
to an assembly together.
Oh, all right.
Wait till I get home.
I'm sorry, I'll have to leave right away.
- Shall I send something to your home?
- No, I'll just take the lipstick with me.
Charge it to Mrs. Wynnewood Strafford,
Darby Mill, please.
- Mommy, are we going home?
- Yes, dear.
But you told me I could buy Daddy
a birthday present.
We'll get it tomorrow. Come on.
I forgot my bear.
Oh, I was just bringing it to you.
Thank you.
I'll bet I can tell you
what your name is.
I bet you couldn't.
It's Wyn Strafford.
Wynnewood Strafford VII.
How did you know?
I understand little boys pretty well.
You see, I used to know
a little boy once.
He'd be just about your age now.
What was his name?
And I think his eyes might have been
just like yours.
I have eyes just like my daddy's,
but he's big.
Do you want a birthday present
for your daddy very badly?
Oh, yes. He always gives me one.
Well, you can give this to your daddy...
...but it has got to be a secret.
Oh, no, that's just for your daddy...
...but it's a secret.
Here he is.
He darted away so quickly,
we thought we'd lost him.
I'll be coming in again soon.
Could I have your name?
Oh, I'm sorry.
You see, we're not allowed
to give out our names.
Oh, that's too bad. Goodbye.
...Mrs. Strafford.
There you are, kid.
There's the record.
Mark's waiting for you
at St. Timothy's...
...and here's Wyn again.
Think fast, Captain Foyle.
- Got your bags ready, Miss Foyle?
- Oh, yes.
What time is it?
Twenty-five to 12, ma'am.
Will you tell the doorman
to call a cab for me?
Yes, ma'am.
- Goodbye, Tim.
- Thank you.
- Are you gonna be gone long?
- Permanently.
- Mighty sorry to lose you.
- Thank you, Tim.
We don't get very many
pretty girls here, you know.
- Tim.
- Yes?
I think a young man will call for me
a little after midnight.
He'll be quite excited, I think,
and rather insistent...
...and I want you to tell him
for me that...
Now just a minute.
I want to get this straight.
I want you to tell him that I...
I admire him very much,
and I always will.
You admire him very much and...
And that I'll never forget him.
And you will never forget...
Tell him that I'll always love him
in a very special way.
You'll always love him
in a very special...
And that I'm going to be
married tonight.
And you're going to be...
- St. Timothy's Hospital.
- Yes, miss.
Well, Judas Priest.