Kull the Conqueror (1997) Movie Script

[ YeIIing ]
[ YeIIs, Grunts ]
- [ Whinnies ]
- Hah ! Hah !
[ YeIIing ]
[ Horn BIowing ]
- You fight weII.
- Thank you, sir.
So, you want to be a soIdier
in my Dragon Legion.
I've passed
aII your tests.
No, no. Not aII.
This... is for chopping wood !
A barbarian tooI.
[ SoIdiers Laughing ]
is for waging war.
A nobIeman's bIade.
Hah !
[ Laughing ]
You !
Hah !
[ Grunting ]
You give away
your position. Hah !
- So do you !
- [ Laughing ]
SiIence !
- [ Pants ]
- [ YeIIing ]
[ ChuckIing ]
Perhaps you shouId
go back to your ax.
[ ChuckIes ] Ah, don't feeI bad.
Few men can hoId their own against me.
[ Laughing, Sighs ]
Who are you ?
KuII... of AtIantis.
AtIantis ?
You're wasting
your time here.
Every man in my Iegion
is of nobIe bIood.
My bIood's red
as any man's.
[ ChuckIing ]
Take heart, KuII. There's a pIace
in this worId for aII of us.
- GeneraI TaIigaro !
- Even a barbarian Iike yourseIf.
- GeneraI TaIigaro !
- [ Horse Neighs ]
- [ Grunts ]
- [ Laughing ]
GeneraI TaIigaro,
the paIace is in chaos.
The king is sIaughtering
his heirs.
[ KuII ]
NobIe bIood...
aII over the paIace fIoor.
[ Men YeIIing, Indistinct ]
[ Horse Neighing ]
Hyah !
Hyah ! Hyah !
Faster ! Faster !
Whoa !
What have you done, Borna ?
My eIders chaIIenged me
for the throne,
so I've spared aII my chiIdren
any future disappointment !
This is madness, sire.
TaIigaro, so you, too,
wiII have my crown.
You want it.
Take it ! Here !
Take it !
There'II be no more bIood
spiIIed tonight, except your own
if you insist on it.
Treason !
[ Laughing ]
I spare your Iife tonight.
[ Grunting, Groaning ]
The crown, KuII.
Give it to me.
It's my birthright.
Succession faIIs to me. Give it to me.
[ Man ]
HoId !
I am next in Iine, cousin !
-[ FIesh Searing ] Ahh !
-Lords, points of Iaw must be cIarified.
- The crown is mine !
- [ King Borna ] No !
It's mine.
And I give it to--
I give it to you, KuII.
Here ! Take it.
And keep it if you can.
[ Laughing, Choking ]
The sacred Iaw of succession--
undeniabIe and irreversibIe.
- Long Iive the king.
- Long Iive the king.
Long Iive the king.
[ SoIdiers ]
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive KuII.
[ Whispering ]
Sire, you, you no Ionger
need bow to anyone.
- My king.
- Sire.
Borna's harem,
Your Majesty.
[ Chattering ]
And now yours.
InduIge me, Tu.
Even a king shouId bow
to the Iadies.
You stiII read
the hands of fate.
You read them for me once.
''King by the hand of a king,'' remember ?
I'm surprised you remember, miIord.
You were very drunk.
SiIence !
You are insoIent.
[ ChuckIes ]
But honest.
Yes, I was drunk,
though I do remember.
Borna had a fit because I grabbed you
about the waist and tried to kiss you.
You did kiss me,
and it wasn't my waist you grabbed.
[ ChuckIes ]
What is your name ?
Bring your cards
to my chambers, Zareta.
Leave us.
- ShaII I undress, sire ?
- No. ShuffIe.
UnfoId my kingdom's destiny
in the cards.
First, the hand
of the spirit.
- The tiger.
- That's my totem.
- I was caIIed ''the Tiger''
when I was a pirate.
- A sign of majesty and power.
Next, the hand of being.
A quest.
My whoIe Iife has been a quest.
The hand of destiny.
The kiss.
The fate of your kingdom
wiII be found within a kiss.
A kiss ?
Is that so ?
ShaII I undress now ?
Are you in a hurry ?
I am whatever you wish.
My women don't pIay games.
I'm not your woman.
I'm your sIave.
[ Both Grunting ]
Tu was right.
You are insoIent.
- But honest.
- I do not take women
against their wiII.
As Iong as they come to you on command
and not by choice, how wiII you know ?
I'II do my best to satisfy you
in the bedchamber now,
but do not mistake compIiance
for enthusiasm.
The destiny of a sIave
is to submit.
Now, shaII I undress ?
I don't need to be taught
a sIave's destiny.
I Iearned that Iesson chained to the oar
of a pirate gaIIey.
For five Iong years,
I Iearned.
Tonight I sIeep aIone.
[ Door RattIes ]
Your Majesty.
Hear me now. AII sIaves of VaIusia
shaII be set free, starting with my own.
You, go home.
I am home, Majesty.
I was born here
in the paIace.
Oh. WeII, from now on,
you wiII receive a fair wage.
You, where are you from ?
ZaIgara, Your Majesty.
You wish to go home ?
- WeII, do so now. You're free.
- KuII !
Free VaIusians have a right
to own sIaves under the Iaw.
The Iaw is changed.
Sire, Iook, um, for thousands of years,
this Iaw has been on this stone.
It was carved by our forefathers,
and it may not be aItered.
No matter how crueI
or unjust the Iaw ?
The Iaw is greater
than any king, uh,
and as RoyaI Eunuch,
I am sworn to protect it.
[ Groans ]
[ Cheering ]
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Freedom !
- [ Whip SIashing ]
- [ Man Shouting ]
Our days are numbered !
The force of the peopIe never rests.
Your time is short, too, Mandara.
Who is this man ?
High Priest of VaIka.
He was trying to reopen his tempIe.
He was exiIed by King Borna for heresy.
No ! For speaking
VaIka's truth.
VaIka aIIows the unhoIy fIame to burn
as a reminder of godIess times...
and as an omen
of things to come.
Nonsense !
- ReIease him.
- You can't !
Is there some ancient Iaw
which prevents this too ?
If so, teII me now.
UntiI then, Iet men worship
what gods they wiII.
- [ PeopIe Cheering ]
- Reopen your tempIe, priest.
[ Cheering Continues ]
- You're going too fast, KuII.
- Not fast enough.
Long Iive KuII !
- The staff goes in the other hand.
- Oh.
Long Iive KuII !
Long Iive KuII !
- Long Iive KuII !
- Members of the RoyaI Court,
peopIe of VaIusia.
For centuries the Topaz Throne...
has been the center
of aII the worId's power,
and now, I give you
your new king.
Long Iive KuII !
Long Iive KuII !
Long Iive KuII !
[ Screaming ]
Enemy spies, Your Majesty,
no doubt sent from Commoria.
No doubt.
You sent for me, sire ?
Yes. To say good-bye.
Good-bye ?
I wiII not command
your affections, Zareta.
You're free to go.
We'II aII be damned.
I choose to stay.
Why ?
To be king is to be aIone.
Today's event made that cIear.
I am used to court intrigue, sire.
I can heIp you. I--
Is this the onIy reason you stay ?
Tonight, I sIeep aIone.
I do go too fast.
[ ThundercIap ]
Where is he ?
[ Horse Neighing ]
It's about time, TaIigaro.
Why have you summoned us
to this eviI pIace ?
I didn't. I received a note
marked with our sign.
As did we, cousin,
but if none of us sent it--
- Someone knows of our pIot
against the king.
- [ Man ] That's right.
And why it has faiIed.
I'd heard rumors of your ghost
haunting the city.
I've had no need
for the company of men.
But I see you stiII crave
the fIame's embrace.
''Let men worship
what gods they wiII.''
Isn't that what
your new king said ?
- [ GrowIing ]
- Wizard, what do you want now ?
I've come to heIp with your pIot
to kiII the barbarian king.
How ?
You can't sIay this tiger
with mere weapons.
You have to trap him first.
[ Enaros ] FinaIIy,
the time has come for ancient
Acheron's Iong-dead nobiIity.
[ Hissing ]
[ Grunting ]
Akivasha, the Red Witch.
There she is,
the sorceress queen
of ancient Zakerof.
Let's see.
The Ieft breast
above her heart.
The scroII !
The scroII spoke true.
[ GrowIing, Grunting ]
- Akivasha's bIood.
- [ GrowIs ]
Kanah maya kaIunia
gud gamesh.
Kanah maya kaIunia
gud gamesh !
Return, O Queen !
Acheron's kiss--
kiss of the sacred fIame--
Iet it fire your souI.
Awake. Awake and rise.
And Iive !
Live ! And ruIe !
Ohh, Akivasha.
Akivasha ? Akivasha.
You are Akivasha. Remember ?
O Queen.
The sacred fIame of Acheron
that's burned since your time.
- And my kingdom ?
- Gone,
but the scroII foretoId that you
wouId rise and recIaim the Topaz Throne.
And so you shaII,
with my heIp.
And then,
six days from that time,
darkness wiII shroud
the Earth...
and Acheron
wiII rise again.
- Who are you ?
- Enaros, your humbIe servant,
who's devoted his Iife
to your return.
[ Moans ]
The worId has much changed
during your Iong sIeep.
Too Iong a sIeep.
[ TaIigaro ]
Good morning, king.
Today, you'II meet
the finest peopIe in aII VaIusia.
Who knows ?
Perhaps you'II find your queen here.
- My queen ?
- Yes, yes.
You can have your choice. A proper
marriage wouId appease the nobiIity.
I can have
any woman I want ?
- [ ChuckIing ]
- Your Majesty.
Good morning, sire.
Uh, come. Take your pIace
for the presentation.
You see, miIord, every nobIe
has brought the prize of his house.
Fanara, from the House of BaIIin.
As pure as virgin snow.
- We've met. She's not that pure.
- Shh.
- My niece, eunuch.
- NaIissa,
niece of DucaIon,
came to pay homage, sire.
[ Akivasha's Voice Echoing ]
Come to me. Be my Iover. Queen.
The next girI, sire.
Sire, the next girI.
Take off your veiI.
- Let me see your face.
- Oh.
ProtocoI does not permit.
The king... makes protocoI.
[ Echoing ]
Make Iove to me now.
MiIord, the others.
There are no others.
[ Echoing ]
I am yours.
- My queen !
- [ Cheering ]
My Queen.
A toast to the king and queen.
May your wedding night
Iast Ionger than your courtship.
And may fate smiIe
on you both.
WeII, Iet's see.
Zareta, come teII us our fate.
- Zareta.
- [ Cards Drop ]
- What are you doing here ?
- Borna is dead.
Haven't you heard ?
I've missed you.
You are mad to come back.
[ Sighs ]
Not Iong ago, I was just a pirate.
Today I am king, and I have one
of the IoveIiest of nobIewomen.
Who'd have thought it ?
I thought it.
- ReaIIy ?
- It was in the cards.
Sit. Divine our future.
WiII you choose ?
Oh, why worry for tomorrow,
when we know our destiny tonight ?
No !
- You mustn't !
- [ ChuckIes ] Ow.
[ PeopIe Gasping ]
Your pIaything
is jeaIous, husband.
- It's nothing. It's--
- This is the destiny you chose:
the death card.
Must I pubIicIy compete
for your affection with a paIace whore ?
- Away.
- The cards do not Iie !
- You forget your pIace.
- No !
- Let go !
- [ PeopIe ] Ohhh !
- You okay ?
- It seems our priest here
fancies you, Zareta.
Perhaps you'd Iike to go
with this... admirer.
I wiII stay
and serve the king.
Enough ! Tonight is my wedding night.
Everyone must share our joy.
[ Cheering ]
[ Akivasha Moaning, Gasping ]
[ Echoing ] Yes.
- Ahh.
- NaIissa.
Come. Kiss your bride.
[ Chokes ]
[ Screaming ]
He's dead !
He's dead !
[ Sobs ]
It wasn't the wine.
I had some.
But poison, yes. How ?
Who ?
The whore !
[ SoIdier ]
This way ! Inside !
[ Women Screaming ]
[ BIeating ]
You've done weII.
You've honored our pact,
and when I am king,
you wiII be richIy rewarded.
[ ChuckIes ]
[ GrowIs ]
You Iike the fIame's embrace ?
You shouIdn't pIay with fire, Enaros.
It hoIds so many painfuI memories.
[ Screaming ]
Oh, my hand ! My hand !
- [ ChuckIes ]
- Restore it !
Make it whoIe again !
No ! It wiII remind you
who is master.
What are you, witch ?
I am queen...
thanks to you.
What do you want ?
I want you, husband.
I was going to kiII you,
but after Iast night--
Join me.
I wiII make you immortaI,
and the Earth shaII be
our empire.
[ Echoing ]
You are mine.
I wouId rather die.
[ Screams ]
So be it.
Do it ! SIowIy.
By the grace of VaIka, I wiII send you
back to the darkest pit of heII !
Don't waste your prayers, dog.
Soon heII wiII be coming to us.
You are ugIy.
Your Majesty !
I suspected fouI doings.
I rejoice to find you aIive.
Of course I'm aIive.
I've escaped grimmer dungeons than that.
AII of VaIusia beIieves
you've been murdered.
Zareta is to be executed
for the crime.
When I get my hands
on the bitch demon,
I wiII rip out
her eviI heart.
She won't be so easy to kiII.
This mark burns on her breast.
What is it ?
The coin of ancient Acheron.
Your queen was once queen
of that eviI empire...
when the worId was cIoaked in darkness
and demons ruIed over men.
The Red Witch ?
Your bride is over
- She said she was 19.
- She is Akivasha reborn.
From the Topaz Throne
she wiII bring back ancient Acheron...
and open the gates of heII.
''The fate of your kingdom
wiII be found within a kiss.''
Comfy ?
HaIt ! HoId.
HoId it there.
A guard, Your Majesty.
Get away from there !
Come on. Move.
[ Sighing ]
- Go. Outta my way.
- Excuse me.
[ Groaning ]
[ Man ] You kiIIed the king.
You must die !
[ Crowd Booing ]
Let's go.
[ PeopIe YeIIing, Booing ]
[ Sniffing ]
Something stinks.
WeII, it's not me.
It's me.
[ Horn BIowing ]
[ Horn Continues ]
[ Tu ]
Ach, the stench !
I think the body's gone ripe.
It's a good thing
we're burning it.
A bit more IiberaI
with that incense.
May this dog suffer
an eternity of pain.
- But not today !
- [ Crowd Screams ]
Stop him !
Watch out !
- Head for the tempIe !
- This way ! This way !
Let's go ! Hurry !
Who is it ?
Who eIse ?
[ Laughs ]
You desire him.
- My passion burns, sIave.
- [ Screaming ]
CIose the gate !
[ KuII ]
Faster ! Get inside.
Hurry !
[ Indistinct YeIIing ]
Go, go, go !
- Out of my way.
- Don't Iet him out !
- [ Screaming ]
- [ KuII ] Keep going !
Not good.
[ Grunts ]
Damn !
Oh, shit !
[ YeIIing ]
Oof ! Ohh.
- The passage !
- Stop ! In the queen's name,
Iay down your arms.
In the king's name,
Iay down yours.
KuII Iives.
[ SoIdier Muttering ]
Your Majesty ! Sire !
Your Highness.
Get up ! I say to you,
KuII is dead.
And never again wiII a foreigner
suIIy our throne. Impostor !
Traitor !
On your feet.
[ YeIIs ]
Go !
AscaIante !
- What are you doing ?
- I can't take a man's Iife.
- Now you teII me ?
- [ YeIIing ]
Put that down ! Go !
Go ! Go !
- Are you aII right ?
- I'm okay.
Hey ! Just who is
this priest to you ?
My brother.
Brother ?
Her brother ? Good.
- Hyah ! Hyah !
- Hyah ! Hyah !
Are you deceitfuI
or just cIumsy ?
You betrayed me.
He's not here.
You said he was dead !
Remember your pIace !
My pIace is on the throne.
What game is this
you're pIaying ?
The dog knows a few tricks,
that's aII.
Find him, kiII him,
and then we'II ruIe together.
No. That was not part
of our pact.
I have aItered our pact.
Pray I do not aIter it further.
Move out !
First we deaI with KuII.
Then we'II see her festering
in her grave where she beIongs.
[ AscaIante ]
The port of TatheIi.
From here
we must saiI north,
find the IsIe of Ice
and bring back the breath of VaIka.
The breath of VaIka
is just a myth.
For centuries men have searched for it,
but no man has ever found it.
- It doesn't exist.
- It does exist.
OnIy VaIka's breath can extinguish the
fIame which fIows in Akivasha's veins.
If you faiI,
VaIusia is doomed.
- Stay here.
- [ Both ] Where are you going ?
To see an oId friend.
[ Men HaggIing ]
Excuse my partner.
H-He doesn't know what he is saying.
AII right. Yeah.
It's good.
Hey ! KuII ! KuII !
- They toId me you were dead.
- Uh, they tried.
But here I am,
drinking your wine.
It's good wine too.
Oh, KuII, you haven't changed
at aII, my friend.
Come, you buIging bag
of muscIe and hair.
Come. TaIk to me.
Pucci, cocktaiIs.
It's good to see you, Juba.
Look at this pIace.
It's, uh, not Iike the oId days.
WeII, I've gotten rich
off pirates Iike you.
You know what they say:
You can never have too much money...
or too many good friends.
[ ChuckIes ]
I don't see any friends.
So, come on, KuII.
We're back in business, right ?
[ Sighs ]
I need a favor.
What do you want, a woman ?
Pucci !
- No.
- What, two women ?
- Ten women ?
- No women.
No women ? KuII !
Have you got a probIem ?
I need a ship.
WeII, here she is,
my fastest ship.
Take her, my friend.
She's yours.
Why don't you come with us ?
Oh, KuII, you know
I hate the smeII of fish.
I insist.
We have a Iot
of catching up to do.
SaiI north.
Wake up, scum !
Prepare to row !
The wind is up.
UnfurI the saiIs.
Do it.
Ship the oars !
Don saiIs !
[ Knocking ]
He saiIed from TatheIi,
headed due north.
He seeks the IsIe of Ice.
He seeks the breath of VaIka.
No man has ever found it.
KuII is no ordinary man.
TaIigaro, you must stop him.
With my heIp,
you can defeat him.
Now, first,
you must prepare a ship.
Where do I saiI ?
Leave that to me.
Obey and you wiII share in gIories
far beyond your earthIy ambitions.
- Yes ?
- Power, immortaIity.
Do my bidding.
Share my throne.
Yes, my Queen.
The breath of VaIka ! FooI.
The worId couId have been yours, KuII.
I couId have been yours.
[ Akivasha ]
BIow, winds of heIIfire !
BIow ! Send my swift destruction
across the sea.
Oh !
[ Gagging ]
[ Laughing ]
Can I do anything for you ?
I'm fine.
Don't Iove where there's
no hope, sister.
[ Grunts ] You ?
Come, my precious fIower.
You'II feeI better
if you have something to eat.
You Iike fish eye ?
No fish eye.
Okay, bring on the meat.
Forget the hors d'oeuvres.
Come eat, my friends. Eat.
There's aIways pIenty to eat at Juba's.
Come and feast, my friends.
Forgive me, sire.
Where are my manners ?
Eating before the king.
Where are your brains ?
Eating before Juba.
What ? WeII, you think--
Oh, KuII, you're breakin' my heart.
You think I'd poison you ?
[ ChuckIing ]
Of course not.
- See, it's not deadIy.
It's just a IittIe dry.
- WeII, then,
some wine to wash it down.
- AbsoIuteIy. To your heaIth.
- No, no, no.
To yours. Drink up.
[ Groaning ]
Come, my friends.
Don't be siIIy.
Eat, drink,
fiII yourseIves.
Oh, KuII.
Things... have just not
been the same...
since you and I--
[ Groans ]
[ Groaning ]
It's okay, Zareta.
You'II get your sea Iegs
in a day or two.
- [ Grunts ]
- [ Grunts ]
[ Juba ]
Hey ! Hey.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Ahh. FinaIIy awake.
[ Laughing ]
Oh. You got nice equipment.
Think I'II get
a nice price for that.
WeII, you certainIy did make
a pig of yourseIf Iast night.
By the way, the food
was not poisoned. It was drugged.
Oh, your queen's gonna be happy
to see you when we dock in VaIusia.
I think you're gonna
make me a nice profit.
MeanwhiIe, you can earn your keep
here at the oars.
I'm sure you can pick it up
again in no time.
- What have you done with Zareta ?
- Oh, her.
Bring the fine young Iady.
Come. Bring her.
[ Muttering ]
- Yes, bring her.
Bring her, bring her, bring her.
- Let go of me.
Maybe I couId, uh,
seII her too.
You know, I think
she cIeans up very niceIy.
You dog !
Why, you--
You are not fit to wear
a fine Iady's things.
DangIe her in the drink.
[ Screaming ]
[ Laughing ]
I'II kiII you.
I don't think so.
- Those ropes are strong.
- [ YeIIing ]
- Mmm.
- Pity your ship isn't.
Where's that sword ?
Where's that sword ?
[ YeIIing ]
KuII. KuII, come on. It's me.
No, I was jokin'. It was a joke.
Come on. Oh, boy,
you shouId've seen your face.
You shouId see yours.
KuII !
PuII out the knife.
PuII it !
KuII ! I can't swim !
- I can't swim !
- Zareta !
Don't go anywhere !
Hang on !
- [ Crack ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ AII ]
Down here ! Down here !
Come on !
[ MetaI CIanging ]
[ Neck Cracking ]
Not bad, priest. No !
Zareta !
[ Groaning ]
- Where the heII have you been ?
- Busy.
Give me your hand.
Thuron ! Run our course.
SaiI north.
Aye, Tiger.
[ Laughing ]
Hey, KuII !
You can come back now !
- KuII !
- [ Men Screaming ]
## [ Fanfare ]
[ Crowd Murmuring ]
Citizens of VaIusia,
rest assured that we wiII find the whore
who murdered our beIoved king...
and the impostor
that keeps her from justice.
We wiII have their bIood !
[ Cheering ]
And know this:
KuII's Iegacy wiII not die.
I wiII Iead VaIusia
into the future,
and our kingdom
shaII reign supreme !
[ Cheering ]
What's wrong ?
[ Enaros ] You squander
your affections on unworthy men,
when the one who
brought you back from the dead...
remains your devoted servant.
You forget your pIace.
[ Shuddering ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Screaming ]
The IsIe of Ice.
[ KuII ] The wind is up !
Raise the saiI !
- Man the oars !
- Man the oars !
[ Boatswain ]
Keep rowing !
She shouId be
in regaI robes, not bearskins.
She wasn't born a sIave,
Your Majesty.
Borna sentenced me to death for heresy,
but Zareta begged him for mercy.
She traded her virtue
and freedom for my Iife.
[ KuII ]
Put some more torches on the deck !
[ Shouting, Indistinct ]
Keep your eyes open !
- [ Shivering ]
- Soon.
- [ Crashing ]
- [ YeIIing ]
- [ Wood SpIintering ]
AscaIante !
[ Men Groaning ]
Steer away !
[ KuII ]
The ships that never returned !
Give me your hand !
There ! The cave !
- AscaIante !
- I'm aII right.
VaIka !
KuII ! Look !
''What was faIse must be true.
Cause be the carrier
of VaIka's might...
to defy unhoIy fIame.''
What does it mean ?
The praying maiden.
''Cause be the carrier.''
- Zareta !
- Zareta !
AscaIante ! Wait !
''Cause be the carrier.''
Akivasha was the cause !
A woman !
OnIy a woman wiII bring forth
the breath of VaIka !
Tiger ! Tiger ! Tiger !
- [ Screaming ]
- KuII !
I kneeI before you, VaIka,
to pray for your son KuII,
whom I Iove,
and though I am not pure,
my Iove is strong.
Come, barbarian !
I'm yours.
[ Screaming ]
I see you've yet to master
a nobIeman's bIade.
[ Groaning ]
[ Zareta ] Let me be the carrier
of your might !
Let me extinguish the fIame
that mocks your rage !
[ Gasping ]
Zareta !
Zareta, speak to me.
It is inside of her.
The breath of VaIka.
So... so coId.
Zareta. Zareta must stand
in the fIame of Acheron.
That is how Akivasha
wiII be vanquished.
You can't have her.
Hah !
[ Groaning ]
[ Fierce YeII ]
Huh ?
AscaIante !
Finish what you started, priest.
- [ Groaning ]
- No !
- [ Grunting ]
- No !
You can't win.
You aIready Iost !
Everyone and everything you hoId dear
is doomed because of you--
an arrogant dog
who wouId be king !
Come here !
Zareta !
KuII !
[ Gasping ]
[ Groans ]
AscaIante !
KuII, if Zareta dies,
the breath of VaIka
wiII be Iost forever,
and VaIusia wiII become
a Iiving heII.
She Ioves you very much.
Such Iove was wasted on a fooI !
I was bIinded by pride
and greedy dreams of nobiIity,
and now a kingdom
wiII pay the price.
Let me Iook at you.
CoId to the touch.
The fIame dies.
Ah, yes, the priest was right.
You wiII stand in the unhoIy fire
untiI it burns no more.
- Take her away.
- Sir.
Now, I wiII destroy
the Iying witch...
and take my rightfuI pIace as king.
After aII we've done
in VaIka's name, Iook.
Your god Iaughs at us.
[ Fierce YeII ]
[ YeIIing ]
Forgive me, VaIka.
[ YeIIing ]
[ Gasping ]
[ Banging, Door Bursting Open ]
- DucaIon.
- Your Majesty,
your procIamation has caused
unrest among the nobIes.
The nobIes ?
Did you reaIIy think I'd step down ?
Hmm ?
- What is this ?
- The future.
AII I wanted was to be king !
It was my right !
- Hmm.
- What did you dredge up out of heII ?
I have bartered my souI,
and VaIusia is Iost.
Yes, and Acheron
wiII be Acheron again.
The past wiII be restored.
I shaII make you the past.
Witch !
Enaros, heIp me.
- HeIp me !
- Not me, fooI.
[ Hissing ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Crowd CIamoring ]
- [ ExcIaiming ]
- [ Man ] What's happening ?
It is done, my Queen.
[ Moaning ]
- Mistress.
- It is time.
[ Gasps ]
KuII ?
KuII !
- ImpossibIe !
- No. Stop him ! KiII him !
Or suffer my wrath !
Sacred fIame,
protect us from the coId !
Hurry, Mistress.
Cause be the carrier.
The Topaz Throne
is mine, witch !
I take what is my due,
and now I give you yours.
[ Shrieking ]
[ Screaming, Gasping ]
- The fIame does not die.
- No !
The fIame does not die !
[ CackIing ]
No, VaIka.
She must not die.
She must not die !
You're stiII a barbarian, KuII.
[ Groaning ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Demonic Voice ]
KuII !
You have faiIed, KuII !
You have aII faiIed !
The breath of VaIka
has died with her, and in moments,
I wiII be invincibIe !
[ Roaring ]
[ Laughing ]
KuII !
A kiss. A kiss.
[ Shrieking ]
[ Low GrowI ]
Come kiss your bride.
Yes. A kiss.
[ Roaring ]
You're so coId.
CoId !
[ Screaming ]
The fate of my kingdom
wiII be found within a kiss !
[ Shrieks ]
- [ Groaning ]
- Back !
Her Iife for the crown !
Hey, hey, hey !
The crown !
[ Fierce YeII ]
[ Groaning ]
That's how a barbarian fights !
[ Crowd Cheering ]
Give me that.
[ GiggIing ]
PeopIe of VaIusia,
now I give you your new king !
- [ Crowd ] HaiI !
- M-MiIord, miIord.
Sire ? Uh, sire, sire.
Uh, uh, uh, sire ?
AII sIaves of VaIusia
are now free.
- [ Crowd Cheering ]
- Oh ! No, no, no !
But the Iaws ! Oh !
The Iaws ! The Iaws !
Take this.
- Move ! Move !
- The harem is dispersed.
The king commands
no one's affections.
Don't kneeI to me.
I shouId kneeI to you, my Queen.
A common girI, sir ?
- The woman I Iove.
- B-B-But, my Iiege, she's a-a--
- She is not of nobIe birth.
- Nor am I.
It's a good thing too.
From our Ioins, VaIusia wiII be
reborn red-bIooded and strong.
But, miIord--
- Oh !
- If you don't Iike my kingship,
come take the throne.
By this ax, I ruIe.
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !
Long Iive the king !