Lady Scorpions (2024) Movie Script

You may find
my savagery...
and the line crossed today
as a boundary
that's just too sacred to cross.
But if
I'm speaking pragmatically,
it's your intention
to cross that very line
that you find so sacred,
which is the true atrocity.
We're family.
Yes, we are.
However... there is family
that one is willing to kill for.
And there is family
that one is willing to kill.
It's quite obvious
that I find myself
in the latter category.
With you, as you are with me.
We have always agreed
to disagree.
As extended family does...
and this predicament
that you find yourself in...
that was orchestrated
by you and you alone.
My desire to retire...
is not your opportunity?
And were it not for your...
adolescent planning...
it would be me lying
on this table.
Without part
of my lying tongue...
or proper teeth for mastication.
What the hell, Lacy?
Sorry. I didn't mean
to go that hard.
Go, Lacy!
Notice how I've created
a moment to escape.
You will not be given
the opportunity,
you have to create it.
Every situation will have
its own challenges,
but the techniques
I've shown you today do work.
...I don't advise you
to fight somebody with a knife.
Thanks for staying.
Next week, we'll be working
on some Krav Maga techniques.
But until then, be safe.
Have a good night.
All right, that was a great job.
Thank you so much.
See you guys. Bye.
Hey, honey.
Are you
going to come home soon?
Aren't you supposed
to be in bed?
I am in bed.
That's why I'm whispering.
Okay, sneaky girl.
Are you excited
for your big day tomorrow?
Is that what's keeping you up?
Will Grandma be there?
I don't know, honey.
I've already called her
and left her two messages.
You know Grandma.
She's a hard lady
to get a hold of.
I know she is.
But you'll keep trying,
though. Won't you?
Of course I will.
But no promises. So, don't lose
any more sleep over it.
- Keep trying, Mommy. I love you.
- I love you too, honey.
I'll be home soon.
You've reached Alena Moore.
I'm unavailable at the moment
so please leave your name,
number and a brief message
and I'll get back to you
as soon as I can.
Mom, it's me again.
In case you forgot,
it's Ariel's birthday tomorrow.
I'm having a little party
for her at 2:00.
I know you're busy,
but if it were me, I...
It wouldn't kill you to show up
and show her
some love, would it?
Ah, you are taking over.
Of course me. Who else?
No, no, no.
I don't come here to listen
to your fantasies.
Where is the ghost?
I don't deal with the puppet.
Is that what he said?
That's what he said.
You see any strings?
How about you, Bo?
You see a hole
in my back big enough
for someone to reach up
and control what the fuck I do?
Being a joker
doesn't make me a clown.
You should really learn
the difference.
I understand.
Well, that's why meetings
are important.
To clear up any confusion
someone like you may have.
Someone afraid of change.
Someone dumb as yourself,
who thinks calling me a puppet,
is a cool thing to do.
Come on, you're a kid.
You speak to me
like I should listen to you.
I'm not so good listener.
For you to think I should
automatically respect you,
more or less fear you.
Just because
you are your father's tadpole
shows to me that I should not.
And I will not.
Would you like to call for me,
your little ghost, right now?
I'm wasting my time here.
Too easy.
Respect and fear can coexist
in a man's mind.
And when I'm done, both of those
will exist in yours.
Fear in your mind will exist
from the beatdown
you're going to get.
And respect in your mind
will exist from the fact
that I may decide
to let you live today.
Isn't that right?
Isn't that right?
Nice camera.
Move it.
And the ghost appears.
Ride with me.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
See you next week.
See ya.
Hi, honey. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to wake you.
I tried to wait for you.
You didn't have to do that.
Only a couple more hours
till your birthday.
Why won't Grandma
talk to us anymore?
Oh, honey, she just has
a very important job.
It's just sometimes it takes up
too much of her time.
But you and Grandma
love each other, right?
Of course, we do.
But she loves you a lot more.
Sometimes things get harder
when you grow up.
Does that make you sad?
I'm never sad
because I have you.
Now, go back to sleep.
You have a big day tomorrow.
We want to make sure
you're rested for your friends.
Right. We do.
I love you, honey.
Sweet dreams.
Fighting amateurs like him makes
any incompetent fighter
look like a pro.
His incompetence
is a reflection of Lucien's.
Or maybe yours.
Your job consists of two,
maybe three things.
Keeping him out of trouble
is the most important.
Can't protect him from himself.
Send the woman out.
He wants to talk to you.
Surprised to see you here.
...can be difficult sometimes.
Can't say that I agree.
Well, maybe if my son
was a daughter,
I would share that experience.
What? Did you think
I forgot about her.
I've tried my best with him,
but his...
...sense of entitlement
blinds him.
I'm ready to retire, Alena.
And I hope to spend
whatever days I have left...
in peace...
without interruption from you...
or him or anyone,
who might misinterpret my desire
to retire as a sign of weakness.
A lifetime of drug trafficking
and murder,
doesn't make retirement
that easy.
I've already lost one son.
And my wife.
It's time to focus
on other things.
Maybe you should consider
doing the same.
Don't you think?
Fair enough.
It's supposed
to be a beautiful sunrise.
Perfect day to let go
of the past.
She's never gonna stop.
No one ever stops.
And once the deal goes through,
she'll no longer be an issue.
Don't focus on the things
you can't change.
Focus on tomorrow night.
And stop antagonizing
our associates.
Stupid sunrise.
Happy birthday, beautiful.
I'm making you
very special pancakes.
Special with sprinkles on them?
Yeah, mom.
Pancakes are only pancakes
unless they have
sprinkles on them.
Okay. But only
because it's your birthday.
The sprinkles
can be the freckles.
Yeah. Did Grandma
call you back yet?
Not yet.
Can I call Grandma?
Isn't that
what you're doing already?
You've reached Alena Moore...
Aren't you going
to leave a message?
...I'll get back to you
as soon as I can.
Grandma, are you there?
It's my birthday today,
and my mom's making me
special pancakes
with sprinkles on them.
I know you're busy,
but we can save some for you
if you come
have breakfast with us.
Please come.
I love you, Grandma. Goodbye.
Feel better?
Yeah, but I wish she answered.
Me too.
But, hey, that's the last call
we're going to make. Deal?
Okay. Come grab your other plate
for your pancakes.
What are you doing
inviting the Russians
to a meeting
just to antagonize them?
- What's wrong with you?
- I wasn't antagonizing.
I'm letting him know
that I'm taking over.
And nothing's going to change.
You still don't get it,
do you?
Everything is changing, Sonny.
It's all changing.
Everything I did...
I did so you would
have the opportunities
that I never had.
What if I don't want
what you want for me?
What if I can prove
that I'm ready
to take over what you built?
It's not a question
of being ready to take over
or not being ready to take over.
I don't want you taking over.
I'm my own man now.
And I'm asking you
for a chance to prove myself.
I want to be feared
more than respected,
and powerful enough
to be feared and respected.
And if you're smart,
you can be respected
and powerful at the same time.
And you won't have to do
any of the things that I did.
To be feared
comes with a responsibility...
that I do not want you having.
Send the woman out.
Come on.
What a tool.
A fool's what he is.
No gloves.
Fighting isn't
just about attacking.
You need to learn
to defend yourself.
Less philosophy... more action.
Come on. Focus.
Some positions
you can't move out of,
and you're forced to submit.
You let Agent Moore plant
a bug on you.
What the hell
are you talking about?
- She heard everything you said.
- What do you mean, everything?
Everything you talked about,
I'm sure.
It's probably best
you let your father know.
And tell him what?
I'm not doing that.
I'm sick of that bitch.
- He wants her alive.
- You know that.
If you want his respect...
you gotta give him the same.
It's 10:30, Alena.
You're gonna make me miss
my son's baseball game.
Hope it's important.
I need you
to listen to this.
- She's never gonna stop.
- No one ever stops.
And once the deal goes through,
she'll no longer be an issue.
Don't focus on the things
you can't change.
Focus on tomorrow night,
and stop antagonizing
our associates.
Is it all like this?
There's more.
But most important,
there's a deal tonight.
Alena, all they did
was mention a deal.
Was there anything else said
about the deal?
It's just some father
and son stuff.
Look, there's a deal going
on tonight. We need to be there.
You have a soundbite
about a deal
that we know nothing about.
That's all you got.
And why isn't that enough?
Don't give me another one
of your speeches, please.
You know, I've been chasing
this bastard my entire career.
Yes, I do. And yes, you have.
But what's needed is resolution,
not determination.
Your entire career without
any indictments has made us,
you, and quite
a few others look bad.
Resolution is a pipe dream.
Have you seriously forgotten
how many people he's killed,
and who he's killed?
Don't insult me.
I haven't forgotten anything.
Least of all,
the fact that your judgment
has been severely compromised.
Not to mention,
you've also managed
to compromise
the agency's ability
to get a clean conviction.
But here you sit.
So, don't insult me, please.
Whatever this deal is,
I'm going to be there.
No, you won't. Don't be there.
It's not your problem anymore.
I'm suspending you
from the case.
I thought you had my back.
Alena! Agent Moore!
The flash drive.
Mom, it's me again.
In case you forgot,
it's Ariel's birthday tomorrow.
I'm having a little party
for her at 2:00.
I know you're busy,
but if it were me, I...
It wouldn't kill you to show up
and show her
some love, would it?
are you there?
It's my birthday today.
And my mom's making me
special pancakes
with sprinkles on them.
I know you're busy,
but we can save some for you
if you come
have breakfast with us.
Please come.
I love you, Grandma. Goodbye.
Need a septic tank?
Call Rock Salt Plumbing,
we got just the tank you need.
Made with USA steel,
manufactured right here
in New Mexico.
Our tanks can take a beating...
and never leak what's steaming.
Tank got a crack?
Well you're in luck,
'cause we specialize
in fixing cracks.
Not showing them.
We know how to keep
our pants up.
Are you going to help me
or watch TV?
This guy's funny, Mom.
Crazy is what he is.
Turn it off.
We still have to pick up
the living room.
Well... what do you think?
It's pretty.
I think so too.
Hey, can I give you one present
before the party?
You can give me a present
anytime you want.
Okay. But you got
to wait here.
What is it?
Just a little
something. Open it.
Oh, my favorite color.
Can I wear it to the party?
That's the idea.
- Can you put it on for me?
- Come here.
Did you clean your bathroom
like I asked you to?
Not yet.
It's almost 11:30
and your friends
are going to be here soon.
Okay, and then you can help me
in the living room.
There's someone in the room.
She's a pretty girl.
You got the wrong house.
Get out.
We're here
for the party.
Sorry, I forgot my gift.
But since we didn't get
an invite,
I don't think you deserve one.
Who are you?
I'm someone your mother knows
too much about.
And I'm here to make sure
that she stays in her lane...
and out of mine.
What's this got to do with me?
Your mother...
she doesn't understand that
her actions have consequences,
but she needs to.
You clearly don't know
my mother.
She doesn't care about us.
I'm betting she cares
more about you
than you think she does.
I mean, I could be wrong,
but guess we'll find out.
She cares about her work.
That too.
And if she minds her business
and stays away for the day,
you live.
And if she doesn't...
well, you get the gist of it.
Get the fuck out of my house.
I don't think so.
You can't fight
a bullet, can you?
your hands up, asshole.
Mom! Leave my mommy alone.
Don't worry, honey.
We won't hurt your mommy.
I promise.
Mommy's gonna die
if you don't drop the gun.
You don't want your mommy
to die, do you?
Wake up. Wake up.
Take them both.
- Come on, get up.
- No, get off of me.
Come on.
Don't forget about me.
Disappear and I let her go!
If I see you again today,
she is done.
How clean is the facility?
What about the labs?
They're gone. Cameras as well.
All this goes tomorrow,
we were never here.
A lot of years,
a lot of memories.
Good for some.
Not so good for others.
Hmm. What are you going
to do with it, if I may ask?
I'm going to level it just like
all the other properties.
If I leave it the way it is,
Sonny will use it
the way we did.
And I don't want that. Hmm.
Get out! Get out!
Get off of me.
Don't touch me.
Ooh, whoa!
Move. Move.
Hey. Hey, hey, she's a kid.
- Let go of my shirt.
- I'll take her.
Fine, take her.
I don't give a shit.
Yeah, take her
to the holding room.
Let her get cozy.
Hey! Not part of the plan. Okay?
We agreed to make
our presence known,
not to kidnap a kid.
Well, the plan changed.
Besides, she's easy. No lip.
If she gives you lip,
just shut her up
with a popsicle.
Where are we?
That's Sonny's building.
And one of the assholes
that took Ariel lives there.
And you think she's here?
Not likely.
- Given how out in the open it is.
- Not likely?
I know what I'm doing.
You think he
or whoever the hell is in there,
is just going to tell us
where they're holding her?
Is that what you're banking on?
No. I know she's
at one of the facilities.
I just don't know
which one exactly.
Then what exactly
are we doing here?
This vision has been living
inside my mind for many years...
and now, it's finally
within my grasp.
It's already 2:00.
Our guests are scheduled
to be here at 07:00.
We have plenty of time.
Now, I think
I'll relax and meditate.
Hey, Dominic.
Come to bother me on a Saturday?
I need to know everything
that was said
before I got there.
Not word for word, but they said
you need to stay in your lane
or something like that.
"Or something like that?"
Lacy, I need to know
exactly what was said.
I'm trying.
Try harder.
There was a lot going. Okay?
I don't think they thought
Ariel would be there.
But I do remember them saying
that if you stayed in your lane
and minded your business,
they wouldn't kill me.
I told them you didn't
give a damn about Ariel and I.
No, no, no. That's not true.
You chose work
over being at her birth.
I'm not saying
that that isn't important,
but right now,
I just need to think.
Then think.
Wait here.
I told you
to wait in the car.
No, no way.
I'm going in. Well, open it.
Where's your gun?
I didn't think
I needed it at a birthday party.
Come on in.
Door's open.
- Come on.
- I got this.
Guess you were hungry.
All I ate today
were the pancakes
that my mom gave me
for my birthday breakfast.
Those decorations were for you?
Happy birthday. Sorry, you got
to spend it with me.
How old are you?
I'm ten.
I'm supposed to be
at my birthday party right now.
My mom gave me this.
Are you one of the bad guys that
my grandma is always chasing?
- I used to be a good guy.
- Now, you're a bad guy.
Not a very bad guy.
But no longer such a good guy.
How is that?
You have children?
A daughter...
...a couple years older
than you.
You don't seem like a bad guy.
my daughter was your age...
...she got very sick,
so I had to do
some not so good things
to pay for her treatment.
She's better now.
What's her name?
- Serena.
- It's a pretty name.
What's your name?
My real name
or what my friends call me?
My friends call me Bobo.
That's a silly name.
Why do they call you Bobo?
Short for my real name.
What's your real name?
Bob? You don't look like
a Bob or a Bobo.
Wait! Bob's shorter than Bobo.
I know,
but Bobo's much cooler.
Bobo's way cooler, but
they could've called you Bob O.
No, I'm still with the kid.
I had to get her some food.
She was hungry.
Okay, I'll be
right there.
I got to go. I'll come back
in a bit to check on you. Okay?
I know you, Ray.
And I know the things
that happen to people
at the facilities.
You took, Ariel.
So, don't tell me you don't know
where she is.
You can only beat me
for so long.
You care about
that badge too much.
Not today. I don't.
I like the elbow. What's next?
I really want to blow
his fucking head off.
If you do that, we still
won't know where Ariel is.
What's in the bag?
A sock?
I don't want
to bother the neighbors.
I think I hit the bone.
I'm going to ask you again.
Where's Ariel?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Not good enough.
What else is in the bag?
And I got three lemons.
I wonder which burns the most.
I'd have to say the bleach.
Depends on where you put it.
If I was going to start
with the eyes,
I'd say Eddie K's.
Or we can have him sit
on it...
upside down.
My main man.
What took you so long?
Where's Ray?
Don't know. Had to get
the kid some food.
Getting her food
for what?
What do you mean for what?
She's got to eat.
My father said
don't kill the agent.
He never said anything
about her family.
You know, it's just going
to make things worse.
I sense
a bit of reluctance.
Kill the girl. Do what you want
with the body.
Burn it, dissolve it,
do something with it,
but make it disappear.
You got a problem with that?
No. But do you hear yourself?
You know that
if we kill the girl,
they're never going
to stop coming for us?
Is that what you want?
I'll tell you what I want.
You will do as I say,
or I'll come after
that lovely daughter...
of yours.
So, which one lives, Bo?
Hers or yours?
You decide.
Don't forget your jacket.
Ma'am, gentlemen...
...we will escort you
to the meeting from here.
Once we get in the van,
I must ask that you put
your blindfold on.
Sorry about that.
Put your blindfold on.
I need you two to ensure
that everything goes smoothly.
Check on all the guards.
See that everyone's in place.
The holding room is in the back.
What's the plan?
We slip in as quiet as possible,
grab her and go.
Create a diversion.
What are you doing here?
I'm lost.
My car broke down.
Well, you shouldn't be here.
Just please put the gun down.
I just need help.
The room is this way.
Are you sure
this is the right room?
Oh, my God, she was here.
She was here, she was here!
Cool it.
Are you cool?
I'm cool.
Let's go.
Where's that dumb ass guard?
Garcia, did you pull the guard
from the back gate?
- No, why?
- There's no sign of him.
We'll check it out.
Please keep your blindfolds on.
We're almost there.
Lacy Moore.
Agent Moore?
Her name is Alena Ariel.
What happened
to your nose, Sonny?
You're very quiet.
I just want to stay out of it.
I know this is important to you.
I don't want
to be a distraction.
It's tough for you
to accept change.
Believe me, I understand. I do.
But as life takes
its toll on you,
you come to realize that
tough situations don't last.
But tough people do.
You just have to choose
how tough you want to be
to handle those situations.
Look at me, Sonny.
I'm proud of you, for respecting
what's important to me.
You may remove
your blindfolds.
Welcome, my friends.
Please, come in.
I'm sure
you can appreciate
the sensitivity of our security.
But trust me, when I say
that it is not only
for our protection,
but for your own as well.
Please be seated.
Thank you for coming.
Before we get started, I'd like
to take this opportunity,
if I may, to introduce everyone.
You all know my son, Sonny.
Federal Judge Walker,
Deputy Commissioner
Irene Pullman
of the Internal Revenue Service,
and John Baker of the DEA.
You've all done work
for me in the past,
individually and together.
But tonight...
tonight it's a little different.
Each one of you
have been an intricate
and important element
to our prosperity.
And so
what I'm offering you tonight
might come as a bit
of a surprise, but...
believe me,
it's in our best interest.
I've been very fortunate
to see this...
What the fuck is going on?
Give me that.
You shouldn't do that.
There was a guard down
on the south side.
We found his body next to a car
that belongs to Lacy Moore.
Did you do what I asked?
Yes. I did.
What the hell did you ask?
I asked him to do...
what I wanted him to do.
How about that?
I was told to dispose of
Agent Moore's granddaughter.
So, that's what I did.
What the f...
Do you know what you just did?
When your father says something
is handled, it's handled.
Figure this out
before it's over.
Sweep every room
in every building.
You two take the main building.
Bobo, you check the outer ones.
I want them found now!
Where's Ray?
I don't know. He never called.
I wonder why.
Each one of these bags
contains five million dollars.
The first installment
for your new services.
In order to make this work,
Judge, you will guarantee
that my son and I
are never convicted of a crime.
Deputy Commissioner.
You will guarantee
that we are never indicted
for tax evasion.
Baker, as for the DEA,
all agents will be removed,
investigations will stop,
evidence will be lost,
and records
will simply disappear.
You are the frontline.
Please, excuse me for a moment.
You have proven yet again
that your judgment...
is consistently wrong.
And to kill a child.
You are not my son.
Garcia is in charge now.
Stay out of his way.
What do you mean he's in charge?
I mean what I said.
This doesn't end
the way you want it to.
Especially when you kill
a child.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Ren, Bing,
go to the birdhouse and wait.
Everyone else cover
the main building
in every hallway,
pushing 'em towards them.
- Copy.
- Copy.
Guard E, copy.
At the tone,
please record your message.
Ray, I need you here now.
And if I don't see you in 15...
I'll kill you.
And you will also receive
an additional
five million dollars annually,
as you continue to fulfill
the terms of our agreement.
Now, usually at this point,
I would say that the people
you care for most in life,
your loved ones, husbands,
wives, brothers, sisters, etc.,
would be the guarantors
of this agreement.
But since today marks a new day
in my life, a new direction,
I no longer have a place
in my mind for such thoughts.
John Baker.
The biggest douche I know.
Which one is he?
The one on the right.
He's the deputy administrator.
The other one's a federal judge.
I don't know who the woman is.
Give me your phone.
No signal.
I need the camera,
not the signal. Hold this.
But not
without personal sacrifice,
as you all know.
We gotta move.
They're outside the conference room.
Push them towards the birdhouse.
Somebody else come up
on the west side,
give them nowhere to go.
Whatever you do,
do not fire your weapons.
My protection is now
your occupation, your priority.
What about things
entirely out of our control?
Take control.
Find a way.
That's the deal.
Hello, ladies.
Come on, come on!
It is a lucrative venture.
Not that I'm complaining,
but I must say,
I expected the agreement
to be something different.
I'm an old man
who's made mistakes.
Mistakes that will come back
to haunt me for sure,
since they have no statute
of limitations.
So, you will receive
this amount annually,
for my lifetime or yours.
I'm paying you
to protect my future,
by shielding it from my past.
My hope for all of us is that
we never see each other again.
Good evening.
Agent Moore. Welcome back.
You are the first guest
to visit this room twice.
So, be nice.
Don't worry.
It gives me problems sometimes.
Do you speak
Spanish, Lacy?
Familiar with any words?
I know you're a pinche puto!
How about "parrilla"?
In Spanish...
the word parrilla
means "barbecue."
The metal frame you're lying on
has given the same name.
was the preferred torture method
used in the dirty wars
in Argentina.
It was perfected
by the Pinochet regime in Chile.
Because it leaves no marks...
no evidence
of the torture performed.
Stop! It's me you want, not her.
Uh, that is true.
...making you watch again
is far more appropriate
and quite gratifying.
I'll take it instead.
In time.
Sorry. This thing.
What are you doing?
Well, I was trying to help.
But since Garcia is in charge
and you don't want my help,
I decided to help myself.
Look at you... big man...
drunk, wallowing
in your own failure.
You have the blood of a child
on your hands now.
And you're going
to have to live with that
for the rest of your life,
you little shit.
Your ignorance
and stupidity have become
my biggest liability...
and your own.
If you weren't my child,
you'd be dead already.
Has your mother ever told you
about the history of this room?
Many years ago...
Lucien was the new kid in town,
trying to make a name
for himself.
And a determined young man,
with a goal in mind,
meant that nothing
would stop him.
Not the DEA...
no one.
He wanted to send a message
to his enemies.
For that, he knew he had to make
a lasting impression.
During that time...
your mother
and father were...
...rising stars of the DEA,
and once they were assigned
to investigate Lucien...
they chased us night... and day.
So, Lucien decided
they were the perfect targets
to make an example of.
Oh. Green light.
So, we grabbed them,
brought them here.
Lucien, strapped your father
into the very place
you are lying on right now.
We figured one dead DEA agent
would send the ultimate message.
And leaving one alive
to tell the story
would be too bold by anyone...
to think of doing so.
We did it.
Even if it didn't stop the DEA,
it would sure strike fear
into everyone else.
told your father he was going
to torture them both
for 24 hours.
Like your mom just did...
your father begged to go first
in place of her...
and every hour he could survive
was an hour he saved her
from the same treatment.
She watched from right there.
Your father took everything
we threw at him.
He last longer
than we thought he could.
In fact... we ran out of things
to do to him.
When we finished...
he died.
But... not before
he made sure he lasted
the full 24 hours... spare his wife...
of the pain he endured.
Remember what he said
at the end?
I... I believe
it was "I love you."
And love you he did.
But... there...
there is one other thing.
"Don't ever quit."
That's exactly what you did.
Your determination became
an obsession at the expense
of everyone and everything
you cared about.
The agency deemed you
psychologically incapable
of doing your job.
But after some time off...
you roared right back.
And here you are.
Psychologically capable of
avenging your husband's death.
Revenge is the driving force
in your mind, Agent Moore.
Not justice. No.
It is revenge.
Justice is the mask
you wear to hide
your unshakable desire
for vengeance.
You sick bastard.
That night...
Lucien saw
the true power of love.
How love alone
is powerful enough
to sustain a man
through the most extreme
torture methods.
He has your husband,
your father, to thank for that.
He's never forgotten that night.
Letting you live all these years
was the only way
he held onto his last shred
of humanity.
I would have just killed you.
We're busy.
Lucien doesn't want them hurt.
They're still breathing,
aren't they?
Her first.
You just killed yourself, Bobo!
Why did you save us?
I'm not killing a kid.
I could take you to her.
Stay close.
Get everyone
into the conference room.
They're in
this compound somewhere.
Find them.
Bring them to me.
I want you to check
every single building
in every zone, top to bottom
and report back to me.
I want communications
every five minutes.
Change your radios
to the secondary frequency.
What about me?
What about you?
Zone three clear.
Zone four is clear.
Zone seven clear.
That's where you left her?
Yes. I had no choice.
Good place to hide.
in the drainage trench.
East of the building.
We have to go, now!
She's not here! They have her.
No, they don't have her.
I'd have heard something
on the radio by now.
- He's right.
- Take this.
You keep looking. I'm gonna
even up the odds a little bit.
Let's go.
Why didn't you tell me?
I couldn't.
Where have you been?
I went outside.
I just got called back in.
Still nothing.
Rear gate is clear.
The car?
Still here.
Disable it.
Birdhouse is clear.
Bobo has something
to do with this.
I know he does.
Zone clear.
Zone six clear.
Bing, do you copy?
They're idiots.
- I'll find them myself.
- Shut up, Sonny!
I'll handle this.
Handle it then.
We have the girl. She's alive.
Take her to the big room
and wait.
ETA, three minutes.
Idiots, huh?
We have the girl.
Mom, we can't stop now.
You got three minutes
to meet in the big room, Bobo.
And bring
your friends with you.
Sonny has Ariel.
Care for a cigarette?
No. Thank you.
But I will borrow
your light for my cigarillo.
I have seen some
of your guards down tonight.
It seems you have
other guests as well.
- Yes, unexpected guests, but they'll be taken care of.
- Mm-hmm.
So, did you come here
to have a smoke with me?
I came here for your son...
and his men, of course.
Especially the one who held me
while your son wrapped
his hand around my throat.
Well, you can have them.
But did you
really come here expecting me
to hand over my son to you?
No, I do not.
Because I know
that is not a real possibility.
Just like I know that
it is not a real possibility
for me to accept or forget
what he has done.
Hmm. Yes.
Well, what do you suggest
we do about that?
I think better question is,
what are you willing
to do or give...
to save your son?
Now, I am. No guns.
Ariel is in there.
I'm at the room
with your little friend.
Time's ticking.
Tell your new friends
they got 45 seconds
to get in here.
I know you're here, Agent Moore.
You got 30 seconds.
I'm here.
Someone's going
to die right now,
if you don't get in here!
I have always liked you, Lucien.
So, this moment
brings me much pain.
I can spare you the heartache
of losing another son.
But I cannot spare you the pain
that I'm owed for his life.
It sounds like
the fireworks start
without you, my friend.
Enjoy the festivities.
Ariel! Ariel!
Don't worry, Mommy.
My little throat is going
to stay in one piece
as long as Granny slides
the gun to Sonny!
I don't think
I need to remind you
what color her blood is.
Do I, Agent Moore?
And do you need me
to remind you...
...what color yours is?
Oh, Bobo.
You worked so hard
to keep her alive...
and now, you're going
to kill her.
No, please.
Let her go.
Slide me the gun, Agent Moore.
I swear to God,
she'll be in two pieces.
Right at her throat!
Take me, please.
You have the gun now.
Just please let my daughter go.
You son of a bitch.
Told you he had something
to do with it.
You still got it in you,
or should I handle him, too?
Shut up, Sonny!
Put it down, Sonny.
Put it down now.
Is this how
our relationship ends, Alena?
With you shooting me in my back?
I wouldn't call wanting you dead
for 20 years a relationship.
I thought you were a better shot
than that, Agent Moore.
If she wasn't in the way,
it would be pointed
at your face.
I got options, Agent Moore,
you first, then I'll follow.
- How about that?
- No. No, take me.
Please. Please, let her go.
Stay back.
Stay back.
Mommy, help me.
Mommy, help me.
let her go.
Stay back.
Don't hurt her.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
When I say stay back,
I mean stay back! You got that?
Adios, Bo!
Grab the hand.
Pull down.
Hammer fist.
Grab your opponent...
...knee and punch.
All right, one more time.
Starting with the choke
and grab.
Hammer fist.
...and punch.
Very good job.
Now, switch.