Lake Dead (2007) Movie Script

Don't say that!
We're family!
No, I told you!
I've made up my mind.
John was right to
leave when he did.
Don't say that.
I know you
don't mean it!
The tradition.
- No!
- I told you that.
And it dies
right here!
Listen to me.
What you're doing
- It's all our family has ever known.
- Gloria. Open your eyes!
What were doing
is an abomination
And I'll have no part of it.
Not anymore!
May God
forgive us.
Son of a bitch.
Out of my way boy.
Only one thing that gonna stop me.
You ain't got the balls to do it!
- Ben, get the phone.
- Leave a message.
It's the middle of the night.
It could be an emergency.
John, why are
you calling here?
But if she doesn't want to take
your call, I'm gonna hang up.
Dont fuckin
call back OK?
Babe, it's your father.
He needs to
talk to you.
You want me
to hang up?
What do you
want, John?
My grandfather died
before I was born.
You're drunk.
Stop screaming.
Stop screaming at me.
Hang up.
What's going on, babe?
He said that I had a
grandfather, who died today.
- I thought your grandparents were dead.
- Yeah, that's what I thought.
I'm sorry, honey...
I've told you my family was...
Fucked up.
You OK?
You want to
talk about it?
If you change your mind.
I'm here, OK?
Hold on.
I'm coming.
- Who is it?
- It's Brielle
I don't have your money, OK?
I'm still working on it.
- We're not here for the money.
- Feel free to get dress.
Fuck you, Ben.
- Fuck you, Sam
- Not now, Ben.
What you guys want?
Could we come in?
Oh my god. It smells like
vodka and onions in here!
What the fuck,
you guys want?
Did dad call you
last night?
Dad? Why the fuck would
he call me?
- So, he didnt?
- No.
Somebody called
last night.
But it was fuckin late,
so I didn't answer it.
Did he leave a message?
If I had a fuckin answering machine,
I'd probably would have.
Can you say a sentence without
using the word "fuck" in it?
Fuck you!
Guess not.
This place looks
really nice, Sam.
Feel free to clean up.
- See anything you like?
- Hell no!
Dad called me
last night.
Yeah? Forgive me
for not giving a fuck.
He said we had a grandfather
who had died yesterday.
What? We don't have
a grandfather.
Yeah I know but...
that's what they
wanted us to think.
Well, he's a fuckin drunk.
- Can't believe anything he says.
- This time it's true.
What do you mean
it's true?
A messenger shows up
this morning at my place and...
- ... hand delivered this to me.
- What is it?
It's an invitation to visit the
property our grandfather left us.
- It says he left us a motel.
- Are you fuckin kidding me?
- No.
- Where?
About 4 hours
north of here.
No shit!
So, what do we do?
First we go to the funeral
this Thursday and...
then we set
this place up.
We've make a good
weekend out of it and...
I guess you can decide what
to do with the motel.
Are you kidding?
I'm gonna fuckin sell it.
Yeah. And the first $2000
of your cut, comes to us.
Eat shit, Ben.
So. Are you in?
Fuck yeah.
But I'm not gonna
be stuck with him.
I go there tomorrow.
By myself.
Youre not going
to the funeral?
I don't have any fuckin
desire to see our father.
That's typical.
Your classy, Sam. I mean
he was only your grandfather.
Hey. What make you so
god damn self-righteous
you fuckin'...
construction worker.
At least I'm not a bartender/
drug dealer/deal addict/
- ... dumb fuck monster.
- Ben!
Who's the fuck there?
Pick another
winner huh, Sam?
Are you set to go?
Here's a copy of
the letter and...
And that's...
for the motel.
See you there.
Take care sis.
Why didn't you tell us?
I have my reason.
How can you say that?
Trust me on this.
But trust me on this.
I don't think so. I think you wanted
to deprive us of a grandfather.
Like you deprive us
of everything else!
He was bad man. I'm glad he's dead.
And you should be too.
Bad man?
How can you say that?
He'd already given us more
that you will ever did!
What do you mean?
- He left us some land. Up north.
A motel, but I'm sure you
already know about that.
- Do not go up there! Do you understand?
- Don't touch me!
Forget the land.
I'm sure that's what you want.
Well, you know what?
It's ours now.
Brielle, I'm begging you.
Do not go there. OK?
You're pathetic.
What a dump!
It's occupied.
It's occupied.
Are you OK?
What is it?
I do not know.
- Hey, B.
- Guess again.
What's up,
Benny boy?
- You ready to rock for the weekend?
- Hell yeah.
- Well, get over here.
- I'm almost ready.
Hey, you guys mind if I bring a friend?
I don't want to be the fifth wheel.
No. Of course. You know, Bill got
his camper, so there's plenty of room.
- So, who's the lucky guy?
- It's not a guy. It's my friend Tanya.
Well, you know it's
just me and Bill so...
you guys will have to deal
with a weekend of celibacy.
Don't flatter yourself.
This is a business test for me.
I'm hoping we can sell this
place for alot of money
so I never have to wait
tables ever, ever again.
I hear you.
- Well alright, get over here.
- I'm coming!
It's open.
- Hey. Sorry I'm late.
Got no other close aren't we?
Nobody else
is here yet.
- Good to see you, sweety.
- Good to see you too, Benny boy.
- What's up motel owner?
- Not much motel owner.
that's Bill.
Oh great. The old
frat boys reunited.
- What up man?
- How're you doing, mother.
- How's everything?
- Good. A long drive.
- This thing ready for another road trip?
- You bet your fuckin ball sack, buddy.
Is he always
betting ball sack?
- Hey. How's it going?
- Good. How are you?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Oh my god.
You look so good.
Oh thanks.
How are you
always so tan?
Oh, it's been really sunny at
my house, so I just been laying out
Oh totally.
It's been really...
- Mystic.
- Oh, don't listen to him.
Come on,
lets go inside.
Oh come on, Amy.
I'm was just kidding.
- Get to know that girl, hey?
- Let's just get a fuckin' beer.
You really gonna chug that beer
at 10 o'clock in the morning?
- He got a thing.
- You're driving, Ben.
- That's the only one you're having.
- Bitch, recognize!
Watch it Bobby!
That's brutal, Brielle.
That's brutal.
That's brutal.
Who's that?
- That's Tanya.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Sorry I'm late.
- Oh.
That is some
fuckin pants.
Every time like that shows up,
she gets all fuckin fired up man.
You're not going cheating
on her are you?
- No, No
- Stop talking shit talk.
We're not in
college anymore.
She deserve better.
She's a good girl.
Relax pal. We're
gonna be alright.
I can hear you.
Hey, Tanya.
I'm Ben.
- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.
Breille told us some great
things about you.
Has she? Well, she's
kind of a friend.
- They call me Wild Bill.
- Hey
Let me grab your bag.
I'll pop it in the camper.
- Thanks.
- Yeap.
Always the
Oh God.
What's this?
This is Tanya.
Thanks for inviting me you guys.
I've never been camping.
Oh yeah.
Of course.
- Hey, wanna load these up?
- Yeah.
Bye, Amy.
- I love your tan.
- Thanks.
You could use
a little sun.
We all could.
Is this thing ready
to go or what?
It's fuckin born
ready pal.
I don't know about you guys,
but we've got to get going alright.
Chop chop.
What was going
this morning?
Oh nothing.
I'm fine now.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
What are you drunk?
Have you drunk, to
think you're incredibly sexy?
I do not know
why I love you.
Probably because I'd
put you on my top 8.
What are you going
to do with the hotel?
I do not know.
I think we're gonna sell it.
We all could use
that amount of cash.
Especially Sam.
I hope your family never
left you anything.
They did...
Bad taste in men.
Hey Wild Bill. Is it cool if
we smoke in your RV?
Does a dog lick
his own ball sack?
Stop it.
- Where are we, Ben?
- Be there in about a half hour.
I gotta get
another beer.
I'll get it
for you.
How sweet.
Party on!
It's really in the
middle of nowhere.
This is bad ass.
- Where's Sam? I don't see her car.
- No. I don't know.
She's suppose to be here.
Should I ring the bell?
Well, hi there.
How are you?
- You must be Brielle.
- Yes
and this is my fianc, Ben.
Pleasure to meet you nice folks.
I'm Gloria.
- Pleasure to meet you, young lady.
- Get out of here.
Are you Willard's
I'm so sorry about
what happened.
Thank you. I wish I
could have met him.
He would have loved
to have met you too.
Gloria, my sister was suppose
to stop by here last night.
Have she checked in?
Her name is Sam.
I haven't seen anybody
around here in a good week.
- You say she was your sister?
- No. She suppose to meet us here.
I'm sorry, but she
ain't been here.
So, what do you
do here Gloria?
I just kind of make sure
everything run right around here.
Your grand daddy has
me about 40 years ago.
That's amazing!.
That's a long time.
That's what it is.
What do you think about camping
rather than staying in a motel?
Do you think that's
a good idea?
The woods around here
are just wonderful!
- There is also a lake there.
- A lake?
It's man made but
you're gonna love it.
- Thank you so much for your help.
- Your welcome.
Your welcome.
- Oh, Brielle.
- Yeah?
Have you decided, what you
going to do with the place yet?
Well, that is kind of
why we're here.
We're gonna take the
weekend to figure it out.
You're just gonna
love it here.
I'll bet you never
gonna want to leave.
- Well hello there.
- Hey.
Are you Brielle's
sister, Kelly?
- Oh no, no.
- This is my friend, Amy.
Amy, this is Gloria.
She runs the motel.
Hi Gloria.
Nice to meet you.
I'm so sorry but do you
have a bathroom I could use?
Oh sure this, honey.
Use one of the rooms.
They're alot nicer than
the one I got back there.
Thank you.
- Oh sorry.
- That's OK.
I forgot. The plumbing
bad in this room
- Let's go find you another one. OK?
- OK.
Come on. I know
we can find one.
Hey, what's the story?
Well, we just met the
lady running the motel
And she said there are some
great place to go camping.
- And the other, a lake too.
- A lake?
- What about Sam?
- She said she hasn't seen her.
- That's weird.
- Is it? I mean it's Sam.
She could be anywhere, huh?
- Hey guys.
- Hey
Have you guys
seen Sam?
I heard she's at the clinics,
or she's throwing her meds.
- She's not here.
- That's suck.
Oh whatever. We're gonna
have a good time.
So who wants to go camping? I do.
We're going camping.
- Let's go.
- Guess we're going camping then.
Oh my God.
This is really pretty.
Oh god.
It's big!
We have a lake.
Oh my god,
this is beautiful.
- You'll love?
- Oh my god I know.
Look at this...
You guys need any
help with that?
No we're fine.
- Oh my god. We cannot sell this.
- Tanya. Come here look at this.
- Let's go swimming.
- Yeah.
- Let's go put our bathing suit on.
- Let's go.
Oh come on, Amy.
She's harmless.
Brielle, get in here.
It's so much fun.
Do you think you
can handle this?
I've already did.
I'm gonna get you!
- How is my lake?
- I love your lake.
You like that?
You know why.
Nothing. I just...
brushed a branch or something.
- Stop..
- What? What's up?
My wallet.
It fell in the river.
- Well. What was it doing in your trunks?
- It's waterproof.
- Fuck!
- What's up?
- My eyes are burning.
- Are you all right?
Good job!
Eyes closed and all.
Now, where were we?
- I think Tanya likes you.
- Really?
- Yeah. Do you like her?
- Why would she like me though?
- Why wouldn't she like you?
- How long we've been together?
How many times you've
cheated on me?
You gotta bring that
up again, huh?
Plus, I love you.
Nothings going on.
You better not fuck
with me again!
- So do you think you can sell it?
- Yeah
But think about Sam.
- I know.
- She's in so much debt
We're gonna get
some wood.
If you'll need some
help with that.
We all can carry
on right here.
- Hey. Fuck you Benjamin.
- I'll help you.
Let's go.
- Where are you going?
- I'm gonna get wood.
For the fire.
Amy, are you OK?
Is it just me?
So, when are you and
Amy getting married?
I don't know. I haven't given
much thought you know.
Would you think she'd be mad at
you for how hot I thought you were?
Excuse me?
You don't like me?
No No. It's not that.
Amy and I are... you know
really working on it.
I'm not stupid, Bill.
I'll take you out to the
woods to light my fire.
We can't tell anyone this, OK.
Not even Kelly.
You understand me?
Cross my heart
and hope to die.
How long fuckin' long does
it take to get firewood?
I'm sure there is a reason
they've been gone so long.
I'm sure there is.
- Ben! Don't be a jerk.
- I was joking.
Amy, you're just
being paranoia.
Are you guys
mad at Tanya?
Why would we ever
be mad at Tanya?
We could do
that all night.
OK. I'm going OK.
Please tell me you're
not the guilty type.
If you don't relax, they're
gonna know something's up.
It was really fuckin'
fantastic, OK.
Sorry about that
back there, you know.
It's not a big deal.
It's just sex.
Let's get back to the campfire
or they'll start to wonder.
That's bullshit! How can you
bring that little slut with you?
Hey fuck you Amy.
You don't even know her.
Hey relax.
What if they're lost?
I'll go look for them.
I'm going with you.
You guys stay here
in case they come back.
Thank you
She is a very nice person.
Hey Ben. What about your buddy Bill.
Not like she went off on her own.
- I hear something.
- Yeah.
Come on, come on.
We gotta go.
Come on.
- Please wait, wait.
- Come on.
What about Tanya?!
Bill was hanging from a fuckin' tree, Kelly.
We need to find help. Come on.
Amy, sit down!
You're making me nervous.
We gotta to go, now!
Come on!
Tell me what's wrong.
Come on!
Let's go.
Goddamn it.
Get in the fuckin' RV!
Where are the keys?
Where are the fuckin' keys?
I think it...
in the overhead.
What the fuck is that?
What the fuck.
We have to go back!
We have to go back!
Did you see those things!
What are we gonna do?
We gotta find help.
They killed Sam.
I know that they did.
Don't say that.
Shut up, Breille.
We don't know that.
Oh Thank God.
Pull over, Ben.
- There's two guys out there.
- Hey. Relax. Hey.
- You don't understand. One of my friends...
- First Name!
First names first.
Turn the engine off.
Hey hey.
Grab your license,
Everybody out the side door.
Let's go.
- Oh my god. My friend was just killed.
- Please help us..
Hey. Relax.
Just relax for a second right
Look. This is gonna
sound crazy.
OK. There are these two guys.
One of our friends is dead.
There's two more
still out there.
Please help us.
- Our friends are missing..
- I can hear you.
Alright. What you're telling me is
that one of your friends was murdered?
- And they took two more friends?
- Yes! Yes!
And those two guys
just attacked us..
Please quiet down.
I can't hear what's going on here.
I'm sorry.
- Is anyone left in the RV?
- No.
What we're gonna do, is to
take you some place safe.
Put you in the cruiser.
And then we'll call
for some help.
- We need to call them now!
- No. - Please!.
In the car first. Let's go
Close the RV.
Is the RV going to be OK here?
It'll be fine.
Thank you officer.
No need to thank me Mam.
Just doing my job.
- Excuse me sir.
- What can I do for you sweetheart?
Shouldn't we radio
someone for help?
Yeah. I'm pretty much wanna
make sure around here..
Somebody just got to
ring the State police.
Do that.
You'll need a landline.
They'll tell us to wait here and
make off from there.
Shouldn't we be heading
toward the station?
Small town jail.
Beauty Salon.
One of the last place
you want to be.
Excuse me beautiful. You two have
some pretty blue eyes I've ever seen.
What's your name?
Come on.
What's your name?
Brielle Lake.
I'm Kelly.
We're sisters.
Brielle and Kelly.
That's nice.
Pretty names.
I hope Amy and Tanya are OK.
I know.
They need some help now.
Feeling a bit better?
- No.
- OK.
Here we go.
Look. I need to talk to each
one of you separately.
Just to get the story straight.
It's a matter of procedure here.
Shouldn't we call the
State police first?
Gloria gonna
take care of that.
You've all met Gloria, right?
Come on. Go.
Go on up.
With all due respect,
I really like to stay with the girls.
They're gonna be fine.
They're right next door.
Hey Brielle, Kelly.
Can you hear me?
They're all good.
So Mr. Ben. What the hell
happened out there?
You need to relax, OK.
The police are here now.
You didn't see Bill hanging
from a fuckin' tree.
This is so bad.
This is so...
- What are we gonna to say to their parents?
- Look. I know this is awful.
But this is not our fault.
This is our fault.
We brought them here.
This is not our fault.
We didn't know.
I just want to go home
I know.
I know.
I do too.
Excuse me girl.
- Do you mind if I come in?
- No
I need to get your
version of the story.
Please sit down.
- Brielle, why don't you go first, OK.
- Okay.
Just tell me what happened.
Well. We were camping
today and...
then our two friends Bill and
Tanya went to go get firewood
Hold on a second.
I need you to start
from the beginning.
What do you mean
from the beginning?
Like why you're here,
what you came up here to do.
Those kind of things.
We came up here, to check
out the motel and
probably because we receive...
Now, you inherited
this place right?
That's right.
Hello girls.
Bless your hearts.
Sheriff, there's a
phone call for you.
Thought you might
need some coffee.
Thank you.
It's hot.
Don't burn your tongues.
Do you girls feel
any better now?
The coffee helps.
We got us a change of plans.
Gotta take you girls down
the station after all.
- Why?
- State Police.
The want to meet us there.
Finish that up.
I'll go tell Ben.
Watch your steps girls.
- You OK?
- Yeah. I just want this to be over.
- I'm really tired.
- Just take a nap.
I'm tired too.
Your daddy left us
for good this time.
But don't you boys worry...
because the tradition is not dead.
Not as long as there's life blood
left in the world to feed it.
And it just so happens
there's good news.
Your daddy knew about two mothers,
that he never told us about.
But learn to discover his secret.
Oh yes I did.
After your brother, John abandoned us.
May he rot but in hell for that!
Brielle, Kelly.
Their blood is not as
pure like as yours is.
But it's all we got left.
They must become
part of our family.
Now, listen carefully.
I've arranged it so that they'll gonna
come up to visit this weekend.
Anybody else comes with them.
Get rid of them.
I just want those two,
Brielle and Kelly.
No one else.
They have another sister,
She is not
our blood.
She's adopted.
If Samantha
comes with them.
You'll know what to do.
Do you understand?
Let me see your teeth.
Gets your hands off of her!
Please don't.
Don't touch her.
I'll fuck you both up.
Good good.
You don't want nothing where he's going.
Let's go.
Don't do it.
Please put me down.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Please don't hurt us.
Oh my god.
What I tell you, huh?
Do not touch!
What are you
laughing about, huh?
Do not test me.
It can piss me off, right.
I told you to make it
look like an accident.
What'd you do?
What'd you do, huh?
You've made a mess.
I've to clean it up.
If you want to see
than lover boy again.
You'll shut your mouth.
You got that?
You read me?
And you.
You trying to hurt
yourself again, huh?
You know.
If you just sit here and...
you don't have to cry if you
want to walk out of here.
I want you to take care of this.
Now don't touch.
Come on.
Your brother makes me crazy.
Let's stick with the plans.
Take the RV and put
the bodies in there.
Give me a hug.
I love you my brother.
You're doing a good job.
Hi, you've reached
Kelly, I'm not home. Bye.
- Are you OK?
- What happened?
Where are they? Where are they?
Where did they go?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Oh my god!
Is that Marilyn Monroe
drinking a cup of tea?
Come on over here. There's
something we need to talk about it.
- Did you get the girls up to the house?
- Yes mam, surely did.
- You wanna take a ride over there?
- No.
I think I'll wait till your brother gets
back with that damn motor home.
Listen son...
How big was the mess?
Well, you know how the boys are.
They got messy.
Just how big?
Pretty big Mama;
they did a number on them.
I'll tell you what.
You go on and make
sure everythings alright.
Go back and wait.
You got it Mama.
- Wait.
- What's that Mama?
Where's my kiss?
Ben, do you know
where we're going?
It's the road we took in,
so it should take us out.
- Ouch. Fuck. Ouch.
- What's the matter.
- I just twisted my ankle.
- Are you OK?
- Yeah. I'm OK.
- Come on.
Oh fuck, I can't
use the balance.
OK. Please.
I need a minute OK?
Fuck that really hurts.
No. He did not leave that
God damn door open.
Hey Kain.
What the hell you doing leaving this door...
Hey. Where are you?
Well thats great.
Where are these kids Kane.
God damn it I told you!
Tell me why.
Let's equalize this.
Where did they went.
Where did they went.
They were wearing
sneakers right?
Up there. Let's Go.
Get in the car.
I know.
Gotta find them.
You keep focus right now.
- There you go.
- Yeah. I'm OK
Oh shit.
That's them.
You chase them
toward the barn.
I'll come by and I'll
cut them off.
Let's go.
- I can't do this.
- Let's go.
- Please go on without me. Please go on.
- No no.
That's good right there.
You all had a nice walk?
Come on. Let's go.
In the car.
Come on.
In the car.
Let's go.
Not you junior.
Get back there.
Come on girls.
Let's go.
Get into the car.
What are you doing
with them?
Hit him up.
Wear your seat belt please.
Boy you're hurt.
We'll equalize this.
We'll do it your way.
We didn't do anything.
Why are you doing this to us?
Be patient girls. This is
all gonna work out.
Get to the house!
You'll come around
soon enough.
What did we do to you?
You've killed my son!
With God's will.
You'll gonna be my
family like always.
- What are you talking about?
- Don't you see, Brielle?
We're family.
You, her, Me.
I'm your grandmother.
You know what they say.
Blood is thicker
than water.
And ours is thicker
than most.
we've kept it pure.
Let me introduce you to
your Uncle Chuck.
- Inni minni minni mow
- No
I want Brielle.
Brielle is it.
What are you doing?
- No.
- What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Just wait and see.
No please...
You don't have to do this!
Our way of thinking
and you can feel our
glorious tradition.
You might enjoy this.
Wait your turn.
Just in time.
Please don't do this to her.
Will you take her up to the barn
for a romantic dinner.
Where we had our first date.
A sentimental girl
like your mama.
Family fuckfest is over, Junior.
Let her go.
You get that stancy boy there, huh?
Come on.
Spin room boys.
Spin room.
Come on.
Go outside.
Finish what you've started.
Please don't do this.
Please, Ben. She isn't
gonna hurt us. OK
OK, just drop it.
Ben, I love you OK.
I'll do whatever you want.
OK. I'm gonna do it.
I'll be nice OK.
OK, we're gonna do it.
- Are you gonna say it.
- Yes.
I love you...
OK. You'll do what I do.
- We couldn't been a happy family.
- Yes.
- With us forever.
- OK.
- We wanted you.
- Yes.
His taken her to the barn.
Do it.
- Stay here.
- No, I'm coming with you.
Come on.
Let's go.
Just that I can't believe it.
My brother.
He was a...
talentless insight man with no
sign of family tradition.
Come on.
Tell you about your family here.
Fuck you, we're not family.
Don't be like that!
I'm trying to...
Bring out the
worst in me.
- In this the way?
- Yes. Come on.
Are you in here?
You owe me, Brielle.
He was before you.
They were good boys...
Fishing, hunting.
But Brielle, me and you.
Yeah, Brielle, me and you.
We're gonna rebuild
the Lake family.
That's what we're
gonna do, Brielle.
We're gonna rebuild.
- Kelly. Run.
- No!
Where are you going girl?
What do you
want from me?!
Just to carry on
the family name.
It don't have to be this hard.
Knock first, huh.
This is so easy.
Get the fuck off
my daughter.
Wait your fuckin'
turn, Johnny.
Go outside.
Close the door.
This is the last
time, Chuck.
Fuck you.
The tradition is over.
You don't have
the balls.
- Emily.
- I'm here.
I'm sorry.
Where are they?
That's how you
fuck a family.
I'm so sorry.
Let's get him
to a hospital.
Come on.
Come on.
This place is
fuckin' awesome.
This is abandoned?
There's only one
way to find out.
This place is
kind of creepy.
Yeah guys. I don't think
this is a good idea.
What if someone's here?
We don't know that.
We could get in trouble.