Land Gold Women (2011) Movie Script

Rumi and Neruda.
You have excellent taste.
Someone might see us.
Yes. Someone might.
Shall I tell my parents about us?
I have offered
to do it so many times.
I have to tell them soon.
All this secrecy is
driving me insane.
What if they say no?
Hey! Why would hey say no?
Because you're not...
Employed, Qualified, Rich.
I am 21. How many 21 year
old millionaires do you know?
Four. And they're all Indian.
I am fighting a losing battle.
Will you transfer out to Cambridge?
My family needs me here.
Mine does too.
Why can't you just come here?
Because I'll be scared all the time.
Look, I've almost finished my book.
When it's done,
I'll go and speak to them.
It's a lot of pressure isn't it?
Pressure? No.
I just have about 300 pages
to write, in about 6 weeks.
A piece of cake really.
Your Queen's council,
Mr. Timothy James
will speak on behalf of you in court.
Good to meet you!
Miss Farah Siddiqui is
your junior solicitor.
She'll be responsible
for assisting Mr. James
in the preparation of
submissions and representations.
How long will this take?
Between 6
- 8 weeks.
We'll be in conference with
you prior to your court hearing.
How much do you think I'll get?
It depends on why
you did what you did.
She left me no option.
Mr. Khan, I would advise you
to choose your words carefully.
What you say could determine
how long you'll be in prison for.
What do you want me to say?
Only things that will help your case.
Things that might help
us understand you better.
I'm not a bad man.
We might have to be a bit
more specific than that.
You've been charged with causing
grievous bodily harm to Mr. David Reed
and with conspiracy to
murder of Miss. Saira Ali Khan
and it appears that you have
made admitted to these offences
in interviews with the police.
Could you state for me,
you relationship to the
afore mentioned persons?
Saira was my daughter.
I don't really care
about anyone else.
You're done early today.
I forgot my damn test results.
Bloody busy Thursdays.
I remember it being Monday yesterday.
Where is the time going?
What's keeping you back?
The ruins of Babylon again?
No. I wish.
I'm researching my ruin.
Saira wants to go to Cambridge.
Wants to get away from you I suppose.
I suppose what goes around,
comes around.
Now I know how my father felt.
We're getting old George.
These kids remind me everyday.
No we're not. We're getting wiser.
It's going to be hard
without her in the house.
You'll get used to it.
Besides, it gives you
more time with the wife.
That's why it's going to be hard.
How do you think it died?
From a sling-shot?
It's been dead for a while.
The blood must have dried up.
What's up doc?
It's been shot.
Who the hell would do that in a park?
What are you doing?
Nothing that concerns you!
They shot the bird!
Don't be stupid, of course not!
Hey! Who are you calling stupid?
Do I look stupid now?
What's the matter? Missing home?
How far we've come Rizu.
These pictures seem
like another lifetime.
I'm beginning to forget
what our country looks like.
Oh come on, we were there last year.
Not last year. Two years ago.
It's been two years already?
Yes. And our visits
are always so rushed!
Go in a rush, stay for two weeks,
come back in a hurry.
I don't know what's
wrong with me, Rizu.
I feel this strange tug,
a pull inside.
I've missed home before
but this is different.
Maybe your conscience is
trying to tell you something?
Your conscience.
Your heart.
We all have one.
Or maybe you're starting to get old.
Oh! Is that so?
Let me go!
The children will be here any minute!
Let me go.
Feeling young, it seems like.
I have work to do.
Let me go, Nazir.
I come from a
family of carpet makers.
Moved here about 25 years ago
and have always been in Birmingham.
And you've been
teaching for 17 years.
My tenure finished this year.
Did you like your job?
Very much. Yes.
You have no previous convictions,
no court appearances,
never been arrested.
Even your library books have
been returned well on time.
Quite the model citizen Mr. Khan.
Can you then please try
and explain to me how
a professor of History,
a seemingly peaceful academic man
could be party to such a crime?
Do you believe you
did the right thing?
I do.
Hello beta,
- Sorry Baba! Did I
wake you? - How are you?
You're home early today?
How come?
This is unfair. If I
come early, I get asked why.
If I come late, I get asked why?
When will a man be free to do
as he wants in his own house?
Come here Saira.
Yes, papa.
Why don't you like our music?
It's not like I don't like it.
I just prefer English music.
If only you knew
what the words meant.
I understand what they mean.
They're mostly about love.
They're beautiful.
Baba! Please.
Stop it!
Stop it!
I'm enjoying my time
home with my daughter.
What's wrong with that?
Did you get my reminder?
Yes I did.
I looked at the site.
And you think? What?
Oh My God! Asif! What is this?
What happened sweetheart?
Hasina has picked up ten
new salwar suits from India.
All so beautiful!
Is the spinach good?
You're reading Antigone in school?
Is the Spinach good or not?
Ma, can you make fish tomorrow?
Hasina's niece is getting married.
I was wondering when in our house...
The Spinach is great Ma.
Naughty girl!
Ma, will you make fish tomorrow?
Why not, my lovely.
Ask your father to give me more money
then I'll make whatever you want.
Why speak like that to the children?
Why say things like that?
Oh God! what did I say?
Of course you can
have fish tomorrow Asif.
I'll go buy it myself.
It's amazing how Antigone
took on the whole of Greece
when she stood up for
her brother like that.
See Rizu!
How my daughter thinks!
But, I think Creon was
right when he punished her.
Who is Creon?
King of Greece Ma.
What did he do?
Antigone wanted to bury
her brother in a decent way.
What's wrong with that?
Her brother was a traitor
and so she was punished.
But her brother comes first.
Being King comes with
all kinds of challenges.
He was trying to choose
the lesser of the two evils.
This is the problem in our house.
Even Hasina was asking
if we ever have any normal
conversations around here.
If you were King, you
would do the same thing?
I think so.
Normal, what is that?
I can't explain.
Normal is boring ma.
Normal is boring ma.
Stop laughing you twerp!
She started it.
If I were king, I would
give everyone Playstations
and make homework extinct!
Great strategy Asif!
Dumb people are easier to rule!
Do you feel any regret or
remorse about what you did?
Being King comes with
all kinds of challenges.
You previously stated that
your daughter left
you no possible option
but death.
Why is that?
She betrayed my trust.
Did you decide to kill
her in a fit of anger?
So you're saying you deliberated
over it over a course of time?
I never thought I would ever
be put in a situation like that.
What would have happened
if you had let her live?
She would have been hunted down.
We would have been shunned.
By who?
By family,
Our community.
So you're saying she
would have died anyway?
So in a way you were protecting her?
We were protecting ourselves.
From the community, not
from the law obviously.
Sometimes it's the people that
closest to you that cause
you the most pain, Mr James.
Yes. I understand.
Were you an indulgent father?
Saira wants to go to university.
I know. She's my daughter.
And mine?
Yes. But mine first, then yours.
That's not fair!
I went through the pains of
carrying her in my womb for 9 months,
and she's yours first?
She's my daughter first.
So you'll give her
whatever she wants?
And more, if I could.
Spoil her and pay the price.
Did you know, that Birmingham
has more canals than Venice.
But I'd rather be in
Venice than Birmingham.
I'm shocked. You're not
proud of being Brummie?
It's not that I'm not proud, David.
I just don't feel free in Birmingham.
Me and you.
We're going to sail on the canals,
rent a cheeky little room
and we can both write
to our hearts content.
I wouldn't be a writer otherwise.
You can make us both some pasta.
No. You can.
I can see us now.
You'll be writing away
and I'll be taking care of the
cleaning, the washing, the cooking.
Damn right! I'm no ordinary woman.
Really? Then why are
your knickers on the inside?
That's old school.
Superwomen today don't wear get ups.
What do they wear?
Well you better take
your clothes off then.
Stop it.
- Nobody is looking.
Rizu, I have something to tell you.
I can't protect Saira
if she's away from me.
Your daughter is a smart...
...Smart girl, I know.
And I know she knows the difference
between right and wrong.
But I'm just scared
she'll move far away from us.
She'll start to hate the
ways of her own people
and if this happens,
then where will she go?
What will she do?
I might never be
able to forgive myself.
You've never once made her
feel like she was a girl.
Maybe that's my mistake.
The people who committed the crime,
how were they related to you?
He's my older brother.
And the others?
And you asked them to do this?
They volunteered.
Where is your brother now?
I'm not sure.
Would you say your brother
was a Is he a conservative man?
It depends on what you
mean by conservative.
I'm sure you know what
it means, professor.
I think it's relative.
Did he force your hand?
I'm a grown man Mr. James.
I did everything with full
knowledge of the consequences.
What's up with you?
Az, you know I won't tell anyone.
Were you happy slapped?
I heard about it Az.
It's nothing to be ashamed about.
It could happen to anyone.
I've got a secret too.
I have a boyfriend.
His name is David.
He studies at the university.
He's white?
He's a really nice though.
I think you'd get on
really well with him.
Baba's not going to like it.
I don't know.
I just get this feeling.
We're not white.
Don't tell them Saira.
Praise the Lord!
What a beautiful house!
But Rizwana's strong
voice hasn't changed.
All of India still remembers it.
I wanted to install
an intercom at home
but Asif asked what's the point?
Just tell Mum.
The whole neighborhood will hear it.
Bhai jaan, I'll only stop when all
my shouting has the desired effect.
No Rizu.
He listens with one ear
and takes it out the other.
Brother! You've just arrived
and already causing
friction between husband and wife?
After all, what are brothers for?
Assalam waleykum bade abbu.
You remember Saira, brother Riyaaz?
Cover your head.
Where's Asif?
Where's Asif?
I'll go help mum.
How was your flight bhai jaan?
Good! Very good.
What's the situation now
with these white people?
Is it still the same?
I think if you've made it
home without an interrogation
or have not been arrested
for 42 days without charge,
I think we're ok.
Asalam Waleykum Bade Abbu.
Aleykum wasalam my little tiger!
The two of us will put
those bullies right. Ok?
Good boy.
What happened to
your beard, Bade Abbu?
It's all because of
these white people.
We've heard horror stories of how
they torture anyone with a beard.
They're wimps, these white people.
Bread, bhai jaan.
- Thank you.
You can't blame them.
Even we are scared.
Only the weak know fear.
How old are you, Saira?
That's what I thought.
Why Bade Abbu?
Don't question him.
I'm sure Bade Abbu had
good reason to ask Saira.
I have a proposal for you.
Saira is getting married?
Good family Nazir.
Very good family.
All textile merchants in Lucknow.
Father would have
approved whole-heartedly.
This is important Riyaaz bhai
It needs some serious thought.
It needs no further discussion.
Have some more curry Riyaaz bhai
and Rizwana has made
her famous bread pudding
My favorite.
Ma! What's going on?
Did you know about this proposal?
Ya allah! Saira!
Did you tell Baba
I want to go to Uni.
He will speak to you.
I have a feeling
he's not going to send me.
He will talk to you, Saira.
Don't worry.
Ma, you can tell me.
I don't know anything.
Ma, if Asif wanted to go to college,
would it be such a problem?
All I want to do is study further.
All my teachers say I'm talented,
Don't you think so too Ma?
Saira, Baba will do
what he thinks is right.
Bade Abbu is strange, Ma.
I don't like him.
I've dreamt about it for so long.
Why couldn't you just tell me.
Oh God! This girl wants
a reason for everything.
Instead of
questioning them so much, try
and understand your
father's ways, my child.
Saira had to be an
example to other girls.
She was a bright girl.
And she let you down.
She was 17.
Maybe your
expectations were too high?
I don't think so.
When you found out
about the boyfriend,
did you feel cheated?
I felt like she forgot
I was around
She didn't tell you about him.
I don't know.
Do you think she knew what
she was doing was wrong?
That's what I don't understand.
She knew.
Why did she do it?
Maybe she knew you would be angry.
You're from India?
So you understand
what she put me through?
I don't know if I do.
How can you not?
It's in your blood.
I still remember
how angry Abbu was when he
found out you wanted to go abroad.
I didn't know what to do.
I was so scared of
confronting him about it.
He knew you were happy here,
but I think he would have
loved for you to come home.
I think he was
scared for the children.
He never shared all this with me.
I don't think he wanted to
influence your decisions.
And he didn't want to seem weak.
An old tree may bend,
but it will not break.
I wish he was still with us.
I still regret
leaving on such a bad note.
You can turn regret
into opportunity Naz.
What do you mean?
Have you thought anymore
about Saira's marriage?
She... she wants to study further.
And you?
What do you want?
I certainly don't want my children
to make the same mistakes as me.
Then don't Naz.
This family is excellent.
Saira will be very happy
there and you can come back home.
That would be nice.
And if her husband allows it,
she can study there also.
Rizwana will be thrilled!
We will all be together one again.
Give me some time to work it out.
David, will you marry me?
It's the only way out.
If I'm married, my parents
can't force me to anything.
Saira, please.
Just wait for my book,
I'll go see them.
It's got nothing to
do with money David.
Saira, you're scaring me.
Please David? We'll get
married and live just as we dreamed.
You're in school Saira.
You don't want to marry me?
Just tell me, you
don't want to, do you?
I would love to marry you.
But I want to marry
you in the right way.
When I know I can take
care of you properly.
We're not doing anything wrong.
There's no point.
You're not going to understand.
Understand what Saira?
I'm sorry.
No don't be.
You're right. I'm being stupid.
I've got to go.
Saira. Wait please.
He's obviously come with a purpose.
I told you.
I know Riyaaz bhai really well.
Did you tell him
about Saira's plans?
Yes. I did.
I think, Rizu, it's time
that we all went back home.
Why not?
I'm almost done with
my tenure as professor
and Saira's wedding can
take place in Lucknow.
So this means you've
accepted the proposal?
I've given my word already.
Without asking Saira?
I will speak to her.
You accepted the
proposal without asking her?
Why? What if she says no?
Rizu, why would she say no?
I've made my decision.
We are all going back to India.
Rizu. What's wrong
with what I've done
Our marriage was also arranged.
Saira is not like us, Nazir.
Times have changed.
You're forcing Saira to get married.
I'm not forcing her.
She's my own flesh and blood.
I know her every heartbeat.
I'm her father.
I would never wish ill upon her.
And do you really think,
I don't want her to be happy?
Did you hear what he said to me?
Why should I understand?
Well, it's the man
woman thing, isn't it?
The gender thing.
Men have it all,
women are possessions.
That's right, isn't he?
Is that what you think?
Not about you.
But Asians in general, yeah.
What is wrong with you?
Oh Come on Farah.
It's in your blood.
It's tradition, it's religion.
It's got nothing to do
with religion.
Are you saying that his religion
allows him to do what he did?
I think it plays a role.
It does not.
You seem convinced.
I am.
Statistics say otherwise.
I don't think that's accurate.
Then prove me wrong. Go on!
Go on!
Prove it!
Baba! Is Bade Abbu home?
Asif has taken him sight seeing.
Poor Asif!
I don't like him Baba!
You'll get used to him.
Why do I have to?
We have something
we'd like to tell you.
You're marrying me off, aren't you?
The family is broad minded,
they are willing to
let you study further.
Baba, I don't want to be married.
It's better for you to be somewhere
where you're protected Saira.
Please Baba. I don't want to.
Why not?
I. I don't know. I want to study.
You can do both.
Do you know the boy?
We will all move. The
family will be together again.
Do you know what he looks like?
It will be a grand celebration.
What does he do Baba?
You'll be fine. Saira.
Would I put you in wrong hands?
I don't want to leave England.
We have to.
We will all move.
So this is it.
You're marrying me off to
someone you don't even know?
You're forcing me?
I think it will be best for you.
She'll be fine.
Hey! What happened?
We're leaving.
To India.
To India?
They've fixed my wedding.
My father doesn't even
know who the boy is.
Are you serious?
What about David?
I don't know.
To talk to him but
he doesn't seem to understand
how serious the matter is.
Maybe it's better this way.
I don't want to go to India.
Saira, I know you're scared.
I really want to be with David.
That will be bad
for the both of you.
I love him.
Saira, you knew it wasn't
going to work out with him.
Look. I think you
should talk to your dad.
Tell him. He doesn't
know what's going on.
He thinks he's doing
what is best for you.
Talk to him.
Ok. Bye.
Bade Abbu?
If a boy doesn't like to fight,
is that bad?
He's not going to get very far.
Nothing comes for free Asif.
Baba doesn't fight.
Yes he does.
He does?
Punching someone in the face is
not the only way to fight, Asif.
He works hard every day to
protect three important things.
In Urdu we say Zar, Zan, Zameen.
Land, Gold, Women.
Land, what like the
ground or something?
Like your house, your home.
Women, like mum and Saira?
We don't have any Gold.
Gold doesn't mean
just the metal Asif.
Gold symbolizes that
which is precious.
What's the most
precious thing you own?
It would have to be my Playstation.
Well, if someone took those
away from you, would you be angry?
Because they're mine.
As you grow into a man,
you'll be responsible
for a lot of things.
Like your home and
your family, your people.
You have to protect everything
you take responsibility for.
Kids in school think I'm a wimp.
Your reputation is as
important as your Playstations.
Claim it back.
Change it! Prove them wrong.
Some times I feel like killing them!
To die protecting what is yours,
what could be more
honourable than that?
But isn't fighting wrong?
There is no man on Earth,
worth his salt,
who will not fight to
protect what is his.
Men go to war, they kill each other
to protect their power, their homes,
their honour, their reputation,
and their women.
So what should I do?
Stand up to those bullies Asif.
We'll make a proper
man out of you yet.
And Baba won't be mad?
Your Baba is made up of
the same blood as me Asif.
Someone who will fight to
protect what he believes is right.
Just like you, Asif.
Try as hard as you might,
you just can't escape that.
The first step toward becoming
a strong man is eating well.
We don't want to be late.
Baba I have something to tell you.
Shh. Go to sleep.
I can't sleep Baba.
Everything will be ok.
I'm right here with you.
Baba. Please let me speak.
You remember how scared
you used to be of the dark?
I used to write so much poetry then.
I remember them all.
Everyone says you're a lot like me.
When I first glimpsed into your eyes
I saw the world as a child again.
With every touch of your little hands
Life began, for me, again.
My every memory of you will live,
As long as there is life in me
Everyone says you're a lot like me.
With every small step you took,
I learnt to walk a little too
To stand, to fall, to try again,
If anyone taught me this, it's you
All those little steps you took,
Is etched in vivid memory.
Everyone says you're a lot like me.
Tears would well up
in my eyes before,
They rolled down your little face
The thought of you being married off
The dreams I had for you are still
Everyone says you're a lot like me.
You've said in your police interview
that you were provoked to kill.
How were you provoked?
Her actions forced me to deal
with the situation in the way I did.
You mean having a boyfriend?
We don't indulge in
flippant relationships.
We were led to believe they
were serious about each other.
That's not a decision
she makes by herself.
There's no way he would have
found a place in my house.
Because of his skin colour?
So it wouldn't matter what he did.
He was white and that's that.
He was different.
White, black, yellow.
It makes no difference.
Naseer. Isn't that a little racist?
I think every father is,
when it comes to his daughter.
Except now you've lost her for good.
I lost her the minute she met him.
I didn't think you'd come.
Me neither.
What are you going to tell them?
Saira. We are not
doing anything wrong.
Maybe you're not, but I am.
Having a boyfriend?
What's wrong with that?
I don't know.
It's just not allowed.
I think they're scared
because they don't know me.
I'll speak to them.
I will, I promise.
You really believe
in this that much?
I'm scared for you David.
Don't be.
What about money,
family, jobs like you said?
You'll be married to
author David Reed Saira.
We'll have a lovely country
house with a huge library,
a cook that can make
us our favourite dishes
and a maid who can look
after the kids while we...
How many kids?
You want five kids?
Alright then, 3 for you, 3 for me.
I just want two.
Why Saira?
Why do something like this?
Who can possibly protect you now?
What will your father do now?
And your uncle Riyaaz?
I tried to tell Baba yesterday.
Tried to tell him.
He didn't listen.
My innocent child, look at yourself.
You're a girl
Girls don't do things like this.
Girls obey, they don't rebel.
I didn't ask to be a girl.
The word of marriage has been given.
Now how am I going to protect you?
How am I going to save you?
Can you remember the moment when
you decided to kill your daughter?
Could you tell me,
exactly, what were you thinking?
Handing down tradition
is my responsibility.
To establish a sense of belonging
for my children is my responsibility.
I didn't do it.
I failed.
That's what you thought?
You failed.
She made me look
like a complete failure.
You should have
heard what people said.
What my wife...
What my wife had to go through.
Why do you care so much
about what people say?
Because it's important.
We survive on reputation alone.
You do too.
Does killing your
daughter make you look good?
Don't pretend like
you don't understand.
Why should I understand.
Because you're Asian.
All Asians are not like you.
Miss Siddiqui, I would advice you
not to get aggressive with my client.
That boy.
He must have brainwashed her.
Who is he?
What is his name?
He works at the library.
His name is David.
Works in the library?
He wants to be a writer.
You knew about all this?
I found out yesterday.
I can't believe it.
How can Saira?
From now on, she will
not leave the house.
I'm sorry Saira.
You know?
I'm the one that phoned.
What are you talking about?
I told my sister who told my mother.
My mother made me call your house.
You told them?
I'm sorry Saira.
They were seriously angry.
Saira? What did you do?
Did you the find out about?
You better run.
Where will I go?
Somewhere where they can't find you.
Asif, what's wrong with Baba.
He wasn't like this before.
Maybe he was, we just didn't know.
I don't feel like I know him anymore.
I'll try and talk to them.
Try and sleep.
- Yeah.
She's an outcaste now.
I will not stand for this any longer.
She doesn't belong to
this family anymore!
Watch what you say, Riyaaz bhai.
You're talking about my daughter.
Because of your daughter, all the
girls in our family will now suffer.
In one night,
she's destroyed our reputation.
In one night.
Who will want a relationship
with our family now?
You're making too much of it.
They were just talking
in the library.
A young boy and a young girl,
behind closed doors, just talking?
Don't be a fool Nazir!
That asshole has
ruined everything for us.
I want to... - No bhai jaan,
you will do nothing of the sort.
Don't force me to think that
you've become one of them.
Pack your things.
We will leave for India in two days.
Let's get out of here
before the word gets out.
Ask her to leave the room at once.
Leave the room Saira.
I'll bring the food up to your room.
Why are you listening to him Baba?
What happened to us?
Did you think about us when
you were locked up with that boy?
I wish you would meet him.
He's just like you.
Go upstairs before I
lose my temper with you.
I'm sorry.
Please can we just sit and talk?
I have nothing to say to you.
Go upstairs!
He doesn't seem to be imbalanced.
He doesn't even
seem to have a temper.
No matter what I
think all we have got is
All we've got is
religion and culture.
Don't you see what you're doing?
If you defend him on those grounds...'re branding
the whole community.
No I'm not.
Every murdering father or uncle...
...that even thinks about
doing the same to his children...
...can claim the same defence.
People will be weary of us.
Leave religion
and culture out of it.
I don't think so.
I'm one of them.
A British Asian Muslim.
And nowhere
in the Koran does it say,
Kill your daughter
if she doesn't listen to you.
I'm sorry Ma
I never intended to
hurt you or anyone.
Please Ma! Won't you talk to me?
I was proud of you once... I'm only ashamed.
Look at the state of your father.
Go upstairs Saira.
Don't come downstairs.
Where's Saira?
- That's none of your business.
Look Mr. Khan. I'm not
here to cause any trouble.
How long have you known my daughter?
About a year.
Did she initiate the
conversation or did you?
Does it really matter?
If you could please
just answer the question.
I did.
We always wanted to do everything
with your permission.
Saira and I.
Don't you dare even
for one moment assume...
...that you have a
place in this house.
I don't think he meant it like that.
You have no right indulging your
feelings without my permission.
I have feelings for her Sir, not
Let me kill this
bastard once and for all.
Riyaaz bhai!
You lay a finger on me,
I'll go to the police.
You have no idea what
you've put us through.
If you ask Saira what she wants,
it might help solve this situation.
She doesn't know what she wants.
She is a child.
- She's an adult now.
She has the right to
make decisions for herself.
What gives you the right to
speak in that tone, in my house?
You don't let me speak!
This is my daughter
we're talking about!
And I will decide.
What's best for her.
This is ridiculous. I didn't
come here to start a fight.
Before you leave David...
I called this meeting to ask
you to stay away from Saira.
I know.
I need you to give me your word.
I can't.
I must ask you to give me your word
or else...
Who the bloody hell
do you think you are?
Where the hell do you come from?
I am a citizen of this country too.
You won't belong here till you
start to believe in freedom.
I have the right to
protect my home...
...and my family.
Get out!
Get out!
What an asshole!
He has no bloody respect.
What kind of people are these?
They're not going to
see each other again.
Our job is done.
Does the term 'Honour
killing' mean anything to you?
Would you call this
an honour killing?
Call it what you want.
We could plead under
cultural sensitivity.
What does that mean?
The sentence for murder is life.
There are no two ways about it.
Provocation is what
a reasonable man would do.
What you did was wholly unreasonable.
Technically you have no defence.
Yes. It's true. But
'life' is a relative term.
If we cite religious and
cultural reasons and we prove...
...that this is a followed
practice where ever you come from...
...the judge could make
a recommendation...
...for a lower prison term.
What do you think it will be.
For both your charges, 15-20 years.
He's a murderer.
What difference does it
make where he comes from?
Miss Siddiqui, if you have any
personal recommendations to make...
...please make them
on your own time.
It makes a bloody
world of difference.
Would he have done it otherwise?
Never heard of a crime of passion?
That's different.
How is that different?
A husband, in love with his wife
kills her because she cheats on him...
...sometimes purely on suspicion.
In some countries, it's
even given legal status!
That's not premeditated.
Oh, so that makes it ok?
Does that make it any less brutal?
I don't think this is the right
place to have this conversation.
You should get life.
I already have.
We either run together or
I'm going to call the police.
What did he say?
Let's just say, they didn't
exactly lay out the red carpet.
Oh God! David. Please.
They're not like this.
I don't understand.
I can't leave you with them.
Think about it.
I will be at Satours.
David, I'm scared
Trust me ok?
I will see you soon.
Why is like this for us?
I don't know.
I guess we're not English.
Are we not?
I don't know.
Baba really loves you Saira.
He has a really
funny way of showing it.
I don't know why
he's so harsh with you.
But you have to know
he's confused too.
I'm leaving tonight Asif.
Where are you going?
I don't know.
We're not bad people. Are we?
Asif, go see if Saira's ready.
She's not there.
She must be in the loo.
No Baba, she ran away.
Her curtains are
hanging from the window.
You ok?
You still scared?
He hates me.
My dad.
He doesn't hate you.
He'll come around I'm sure.
When I was little...
...he used to ask me
to be is best friend.
What did you say?
He was too old.
He was my hero.
This is just a difficult time.
I should go back to him.
He needs me.
What do you think he'll do now?
I don't know.
You don't feel like you
know him anymore do you?
That's why it hurts.
I should go back.
He loves me. I know this.
I love you too.
We heard what happened.
We're not surprised.
She took advantage of your trust.
You did the right
thing by telling us.
You gave her too much freedom.
I can understand your pain Rizwana.
My daughter has also ran away with.
Nobody talks to us anymore.
To live has become a crime
We heard.
We're here to help.
Tell us where he lives.
- We'll bring his house down.
That daughter of yours has completely
ruined your reputation, Rizwana.
Everyone is talking about
how the model Khan family...
...has fallen so low.
It will take years to forget
what Saira did to all of you.
What are you going to do now?
Mr. Khan, the recommendation
I have prepared will read as follows.
Nazir Ali Khan of sound body...
University of Birmingham,
and mind could not reconcile
the fact that his only daughter.
Saira, had embraced
liberal western values.
His religious and cultural
background prescribed only one
recourse to a perceived
betrayal of trust and that's Death.
The problem here is
a clash of cultures.
Honour is important to
Asian Muslim people like Nazir.
I therefore, request you to recommend
a maximum sentence of 15 years... keeping with Mr. Khan's
religious and cultural sensitivities.
Your recommendation skews
the facts on both the religion
and the person it represents.
Honour killing happens among
Christians, Sikhs, Hindus,
The Druze, the Yehidi, the Muslims.
And none of these
religions condone it.
Farah, what are you saying?
It's neither Asian nor Islamic.
The roots of this practice lie
in an ancient tribal code...
...and it's followed by
people the world over.
It predates Islam.
An ancient code?
So ingrained in
these people's heads...
...they don't even
realise they still follow it.
Miss Siddiqui, please
do not mock my client.
A code that promotes
killing your daughter?
The woman is responsible
for the honour of the tribe.
She carries their future in her womb.
That's why relationships
need to be controlled.
A woman must be protected.
God forbid lose
women taint good blood.
Miss Siddiqui, this
is my final warning!
So it's a way of
regulating sexual relations.
Yes. Only the strongest
most trustworthy survive.
It was true of Middle Age England.
The people in the village would marry
each other to keep the blood pure, protect itself from outsiders,
from strangers.
Yes. Exactly.
It's happened everywhere
at one time or the other.
A woman has always been and still
is man's most precious possession.
Zar, zan, zameen
What's that?
The code.
What does it mean?
A man may kill to
protect three things.
Land, Gold and...
Nazir, just give me
permission to handle the situation.
We'll reclaim everything we've lost.
Do what you feel is
right Riyaaz bhai.
I have nothing left to give.
I think my uncle is
trying to hurt us.
Is it because of this?
He has threatened to kill me Sir.
How old are you miss?
I'm 21.
Are you sure they weren't just angry?
He's threatened to kill us Sir.
They're not horrible people.
They're just looking after you.
In a round about way.
I guess.
I see this as a domestic
issue which will be resolved.
At the moment, I can only give you
the address of the nearest shelter...
...that might be able to provide
you temporary accommodation and food.
But I would suggest,
you call you family.
They must be worried.
You can't offer us any
protection incase they show up?
Unfortunately I can't.
I'm sure you'll be fine.
What are you going to do?
She has betrayed our trust.
Saira leaves us no choice.
Don't worry about the
consequences Riyaaz bhai.
You can leave for India tomorrow.
We'll get Nazir the
best lawyers in town.
He'll get 15 years maximum.
And for a child?
Even less.
The court has just
let me know that...
...your case is going to
be heard in 3 weeks time.
What happens after that?
You'll serve your term.
We will use the code
in your mitigation.
Do you realise that your social
conditioning is so strong that...
...even after all this you
still can't think for yourself?
That's enough Farah. We should go.
I do realize that.
It's people like you...
...make life
difficult for the rest of us.
What do you think?
I don't know Saira.
I just don't know.
Will it make you happy?
Thanks very much!
Well an ancient code.
Who would have thought. Well done!
It's a sad case though.
Mind you, he'll get
out after 7-10 years.
Fantastic, Mr. Timothy James.
I quit.
I beg your pardon?
I can't defend this man...
...and I can't work with you.
You're letting the stress
and the pressure get to you.
You're taking this
whole thing too personally.
That brother of his still roams free.
Saira could be here.
Don't put your
emotions in front of your job.
You always do that. I've told you.
We're getting a murdering
father off with just 15 years.
I've got blood on my hands.
You do too.
You're not serious.
I have to find my own way.
I miss you Baba.
Come home, sweetheart.
Bring him.
We'll be waiting.
Ok Baba.
If I stay here.
If I just stay here.
I just lay.
Lay here.
Would you lie with me
and just forget the world.
I didn't know you sing.
There are lots of things
about me you still don't know.
Well I can't wait to find out.
If I just lay.
If I just lay here.
Would you lie with me
and just forget the world.
I missed you, Baba.
Baba. I missed you, Baba.
Everyone is waiting for you.
Go inside, I'll speak to
David and follow you in.
Okay, Baba.
Saira! Saira!
Saira, get the...
What are you doing with sister?
No. Saira.
Pry open my sealed lips,
I want to speak
Break open these shackles
around my wrists, I want to seek
That noble purpose I had once,
A long way from here
Let me give myself to those winds,
And get rid of all this fear
I had begged for you, At every altar
With hopeful prayer,
with tearful plea
Can I measure you now
against all those wishes?
And break open these
shackles around me?
Let me give myself to the wind,
And get rid of all this fear.