Landlocked (2021) Movie Script

There's the roof I put on...
...end of the summer.
And finally, after ten years,
capped off the peak.
Did you get that, Daddy?
It's Mason's birthday!
Turn out the light, Mas!
How ya been, bud?
Missed ya, man.
I hope you're not
suffering too bad.
Copy of this tape
is going out to you...
...and your brothers.
...basically a year
after my passing...
...the house
is gonna be torn down.
Look at me.
I already arranged for it.
It's already been paid for.
Are you excited?
If you wanna get
anything out of the house,
you need to get there soon
and get everything you want.
When they're done,
they're gonna haul
everything to the dump.
And that's gonna be it.
Go ahead, Mas.
- Squirt ya?
- Shoot some.
Mas, can I try it?
No, don't get it on the lens.
You and your brothers,
I hope you can agree
and maybe do something great
with the property.
Good one.
I'm sure you guys can
come up with something.
Other than that,
I just wanna say
I really had a good time
with all you guys.
We had a great thing going here.
...made my life great.
Hi, I'm sorry to bother you,
but I heard they were
tearing down this house
and I actually grew up here.
I was wondering if I could
just take a little walk around?
Uh, yeah, sure.
But the window was the door
and next to it was a window.
- And then next to it--
- Was that porch still there?
Yeah, the porch was there.
So that was the way in before
the kitchen was there, I guess?
Maybe. That was
probably the original way in
because the kitchen
was an add-on years later.
So that was probably--
This was probably your kitchen
and that was the door
to the kitchen.
And we used to sit out here in
the evening in our chairs and... the traffic go by.
Yeah, this used to be
my bedroom.
When I was a little girl
I always wanted to be a teacher
and I would set up
all of my dolls
and my stuffed animals on my bed
and I would stand here
and I had a--
a desk that my dad
bought me.
And I used to pretend
that I was a teacher and...
...I had my books in my hand,
and I would teach
my dolls and my... stuffed animals
how to read and write.
And my sister and I...
...always used to play
hide and seek in here, too.
There was...
...a closet in the wall.
Oh, there's a bee over here.
It goes back really far.
We used to...
crawl back in there and...
...and hide.
Sometimes we would hide
from our parents too,
if we were in trouble.
Looks so small now.
I thought it was much bigger
when I was a little girl.
- How are you doing?
- Good.
- Door was locked.
- Scared me.
It's gonna be
happening next week.
You know, when they actually,
like, tear it down.
I mean, it's falling apart
anyway, you know?
I don't know,
maybe in the future.
But she can hire
any one of the interns,
so I don't know
if it'll be me or not.
But I don't know if I'd
even want to work there anyway.
It's just, like,
really terrible to... with artists,
they are just super nit-picky
about everything.
Like: "This isn't--
This isn't hung right."
Well, I mean, it makes sense.
- It needs to be perfect, but...
- Yeah.
When it's--
Like, I'd spend like
three hours hanging this
and it's like
half an inch off.
It's, like:
"Just live with it."
How's your work going?
We are not talking about that.
It's weird dad not being here.
I guess it's your
first time back in a while.
Do you want any more of this?
No, I'm good.
Here it comes, Paul!
Kick it in.
He scores!
- Your ball.
- My ball.
Here it comes, Paul!
My ball.
Your ball.
Off the wall.
Get it, Ryan.
Into the bushes.
- You can play.
- Huh?
Go ahead,
I'll let you play.
Okay, here we go.
Stay right there, Paul.
Coming to ya.
Kick it in, Paul!
Kick it in!
Good play, Paul!
Off the wall!
I got five dollars!
Oh, man!
Five dollars, put it
back in your envelope, Mas.
Put it back in the envelope.
Careful, you're gonna
break something.
Okay, here you go.
Hard-boiled egg.
Mas, come on.
Come on.
Come on, you like this.
Sether, you get down from there!
Half Moon
Shining through my room
Late at night
My eyes adjusting
To the light
And it is strange
How there are times
When I forget...
Where'd it go? to fall asleep
And there are times
When I forget
All the words
I've been meaning to speak
Here he comes.
So I stare down at my feet
Searching for an answer
I won't find
But I'll sit there
So foolishly
And I won't say
A single word
Everybody's glued
to the TV screen.
Ten years ago, man.
This is the tenth annual?
Well, ten full years ago.
I settled on the house
July 19, 1979.
Mario is really
gonna cause problems.
Happy Birthday, Jeffy.
Well, we fixed
the bathroom though.
Cool it the fuck out, man!
Hey, where you wanna put this?
You're holding it now.
I hate him.
I'm not even
eligible to vote, man.
I never registered or nothin',
you know.
This is it for me, man.
I just live here
and I pay my taxes.
And that's all I gotta do
is the way I see it.
There is a rumor going
around that this is the last...
There is a rumor
going around?
Yes, there is!
There is a rumor that says
this is the last
of the circle J parties.
No, I'm trying my best
not to let it end.
This is a tradition.
And I'm a traditional kinda guy.
- Don't push the--
- Hey, let me play.
I can see the thing
when I push the button.
See that ball right there?
Yo, dad's filming us fighting.
I got the ball!
I've got evidence now.
Hey, Seth...
Do I got the ball, Daddy?
Paul got it!
- Good job, Paul.
- Good try, Paul.
Come on, Sether.
Hey, what did Mom say?
No crying or there won't be
anymore Easter egg hunt.
Let's get this on tape.
Same thing happened last year.
- Hey.
- What's up, man?
- How are you doing?
- What's going on?
Not much.
That's a lot of mouse shit.
Yeah, can't leave it here.
What do you think?
I mean,
how are you gonna get it moving?
Battery. Breaks.
Just go from there.
Get it started,
see what happens.
I'd hate to use a tow truck.
You know?
Can't tow it with the Ranger.
Look at the windows.
They have, like, lichen on them.
That's crazy.
Ten years without moving.
- Yeah, nothing happens.
- Nothing.
kIt's gonna take some work.
We'll get there.
There is no, uh...
What do you call that...
- What's that?
- Tachometer?
- Nah, you don't need one.
- Yeah.
Want to go around
and open the hood?
This doesn't look
like anything, like,
from a modern car.
Let me know if you want--
What was that?
Let me know if you want
me to hold something.
Hey, I wanted to ask
what happened that day.
Like, when--
What happened?
Like, were you here?
...did you j--
I was at work.
Did you just come home
and he was...
...on the ground there?
Yeah... I mean, I don't
really wanna talk about it.
Watch yourself.
What are you gonna do
for the rest of the day?
Get some parts.
Can I tag along?
Are you okay with
them tearing down the house?
That looked like
the Walking Man.
I thought he was dead.
He is dead.
This road's haunted.
This was my dad's house.
Bye, Dad.
...made my life great.
[Mason screams]
Shadow died.
Right after Mason was born.
And we had to...
...a lot of videos...
...of Mason...
...when he was born.
Got his...
...first steps...
...on video.
Do you remember?
Were you there?
I was there, I remember.
Where were we?
You're a moron, Seth.
Somebody's been back here.
Anyone here?
He is so cute.
Here he goes.
He's crawling! He's crawling!
Ah, look at this.
Right back into the worm.
Go get Daddy.
Go get him.
Go grab him by the leg.
His pants are falling down.
A batman figure.
The second batman
figure of the day.
Hello, Mason.
How ya doing, guy?
This is Mason William Owens.
...June 2,
1991... 6:41.
Six pounds, two ounces.
Nineteen inches long.
He is a cutie, isn't he?
Say "hi", Mas.
Can you wave for the camera?
Yeah, that's it.
That's it!
Say 'hi', wave to the camera.
I think he is gonna be
an actor when he grows up.
A movie star.
Look at this, what a ham.
He is hamming it up already.
Look back over this way!
That's it,
give us your good side.
There ya go!
Hey, Mas!
The Mas Man.
I think they are
tearing down the house.
Are we safe down here?
Half moon shining in my room
Late at night
My eyes
Adjusting to the light
And it is strange
How there are times
When I forget
How to fall asleep
And there are times
Where I forget
All the words
I've been meaning to speak
So I stare down at my feet
Searching for an answer
I won't find
But I'll sit here
So foolishly
And I won't say
A single word
Half moon
Half moon
Half moon
Half moon