Lantern Hill (1989) Movie Script

See you tomorrow then?
Bye, Jane.
- Bye Jane!
Bye, Bye!
- See you at school, Jane.
See you tomorrow, bye.
Miss Stuart!
She took another turn this
morning, for the worst.
The ambulance come and got her.
Your grandmother is
waiting outside, Miss Jane.
You'll be living with her now,
at least until your mother
comes out of the hospital.
I'll be needing the key back, Miss.
Come and kiss your poor grandmother.
Don't dawdle.
No wonder your mother succumbed to polio,
living in a neighborhood like this,
trying to be so independent.
She wouldn't listen to me.
We must nurse her back to health now.
Your situation is going to improve
considerably, too, Jane Stuart.
You have to be outfitted
with a new uniform,
as you'll be going to
a private school now.
There are legions of well-mannered girls
to make new friends with at St. Agnes,
and your cousin Phyllis will introduce you
to all the right people.
But what about my
old friends, Grandmother?
When can I see them?
- You won't need
your old friends any more, Jane.
Your life will never be the same again.
You understand?
Daddy, Daddy, you're home!
Hello, darling,
how's my little girl?
Oh, there you are, Jane.
I found them, after all.
Last term's notes on the
French Revolution, dear.
Oh, yes, thank you, Mrs. Stanley.
Have a good read, and cheer up.
You'll adjust to St. Agnes in time.
My girls always do.
Yes, ma'am.
I see Junky Jane has
got extra work again.
Don't rub it in, I wish
she weren't related to me.
She and her mother are the
skeletons in our closet.
It's so depressing when
public school flotsam
washes up at St. Agnes, Phyllis darling.
I do feel embarrassed for you.
Pity her brain's not as big as her feet.
Perhaps we should check.
Yes, what a good idea!
Throw it to me.
Give it to me!
- No!
Give it to me!
Run, run!
Thanks, Jody, I'll see you later.
Watch out!
Didn't they teach you to ride
at that cheap school you went to?
Watch out for the cart!
My boss is going to kill
me, for crying out loud.
Give me a hand up, will you?
A good kick in the rear end's
what I'd love to give ya!
Shut your face, you little brat.
Don't speak to me in that tone
of voice.
You got what you
deserve, you dumb broad.
Jody Turner, where are you?
Fighting and brawling like a turkey cock
every time I turn me back.
You're supposed to help with supper.
Thankless little guttersnipe!
Get in!
From now on, mind your own beeswax.
I wish you weren't my cousin, either.
Don't give yourself airs, Junky Jane.
You're just as vulgar as your friends.
How typical of someone
whose mother and father
don't live together.
Of course they don't, my father's dead.
Oh, no, he's not.
He's alive.
That's not true.
He died when I was a baby.
Someone's certainly pulled
the wool over your eyes.
Jane, your mother left your father
when you were a baby.
What are you talking about?
There was some simply
ghastly scandal, wasn't there?
Mother wouldn't say exactly.
Shut up, it's not true!
Of course, if you hadn't been born,
they wouldn't have had to lie about it.
Such splendid dirty linin, Junky Jane.
And you never said a word.
Who'd have thought you had it in you?
A dull little thing like you.
Them roses was mine.
Them roses was mine.
I ain't gonna work for that cow no more.
Next time, I'll belt
that cook in the kisser.
Can I help you?
Can I help you?
Mrs. Bolwinn give me
some roses to pitch out,
and I kept them 'cause
they were so pretty.
Then the cook comes along,
accuses me of stealing.
She did, too, and then
she stamped on them.
Look it, every single
blooming one of them.
Why would she do a thing like that?
She says I ain't fit
to be seen in this frock,
and if I don't get meself
spruced up, she'll chuck me out.
I work good and hard around
here for my keep, I do.
One of these days, I'm
gonna run away for good.
Then see how she likes
her potatoes peeled.
Why don't you come over to my house?
I've got lots of clean dresses.
This ain't no boardinghouse, is it?
What's your name?
Josephine Turner,
but everybody calls me Jody.
Mine's Jane Stuart.
Cook said it was Victoria.
No, it's Jane.
My first name's Victoria
after my grandmother,
but I'm Jane.
I wish I could live here.
I ain't had a new
nothing in my whole life.
I'm gonna run away and
work as some cook's helper
in some faraway country inn.
You wanna come with me?
I'd love it.
Who's that then?
My mother.
She's a beauty, ain't she?
You're a spitting image of her, you are.
Oh, she's much prettier than I am.
Honest, I means it.
You're as pretty as she is any day.
She's in the hospital.
I'm not allowed to see her,
and I'm afraid she'll never come home.
That's why I have to live here.
At least you got a ma.
I ain't got no one.
My folks been dead since I was a kid.
Victoria, I.
Oh, I beg your pardon, I didn't realize
you'd brought someone home from school.
Well, aren't you going to introduce us?
Grandmother, I'd like you
to meet Jody, from next door.
Jody, this is my grandmother
Mrs. Victoria Moore Kennedy,
and my cousin Phyllis.
Why, I.
The scullery girl?
How dare you bring
riffraff into this house!
Get out of here at once, girl!
How could you do that to her?
What you want?
Jody, I'm sorry.
You can still keep the dress.
I ain't riffraff, you know.
I know I ain't like you, neither,
and your people,
but I ain't riffraff.
My folks was respectable,
and I work hard to pay my own way.
I know my grandmother seems horrible,
but couldn't we be friends still, Jody?
All right.
Your grandma's fit to be tied.
Come on in now, darling.
If Cook says anything to
you about the dress, Jody,
tell her to come and speak to Jane Stuart.
Will you hurry up and
finish the lesson, Jane?
I'm tired of babysitting you.
You can just fend for yourself
from now on at St. Agnes.
I shall tell Grandmother that you
don't listen to a word I
say, if you don't smarten up.
I'm only doing this, you know,
because Grandmother has promised me
a trip to England next summer.
Everyone in my class is simply dying
to go abroad these days,
but no one can afford it.
Jane, are you listening to me?
Come back here, Jane!
You haven't finished the chap.
I wouldn't run like that
if I were you, Victoria.
I do not want you upsetting her.
Why didn't you tell
me she was coming home?
The doctors weren't sure
when they'd release her.
She's still very frail, Victoria Jane.
How she ever imagined
she could earn a living
all on her own with a
child to take care of.
Glory be to God, Miss Robin!
Oh, isn't that face the dearest sight?
It's good to have you home, Robin.
Thank you, Gertrude.
Mommy, I missed you.
Gertrude, wrap that
stole around your sister.
Victoria Jane, you're squeezing
your mother half to death.
Mary, take her bags.
Jane, run along now, finish your lessons.
You're home now, precious,
and we must do everything to
help you regain your strength.
Mustn't we, Gertrude?
Come here.
It's good to be home, Mother.
And I'm so looking
forward to showing you off.
You must lose that silly cane
if you're going to be
seen in public again.
We have a wonderful trip
to England planned for you,
and a list of social functions...
Oh, England would be
a wonderful opportunity
for Jane, too, Mother.
Everything is going
to be the way it used to
be, before you met him.
It's quite reassuring to think
of living here again after
all this time, Gertrude.
I'm not surprised you
decided to stay, really.
I always warned you that you'd need
more than looks to survive in this world.
Oh, take that apron off!
I'm going to get it.
I want to help you, Mary.
If you're grandmother catches you
helping me in here, she's going
to refuse to touch a leaf of that salad.
Off you go now, and greet
your friends and relatives, Jane.
But I hate my relatives,
Mary, especially Phyllis.
They're such snobs.
Your cousin Phyllis is
ladylike and well behaved.
You would be wise to
take note of her manners
and be a little friendlier
with her, Victoria Jane.
How lovely of you both to come.
Robin, come along, we must see Mother.
She doesn't look at
all well, Aunt Florence.
If you ask me, this is only
the calm before the storm.
I can hardly disagree with you, dear.
Victoria Kennedy has been covering up
for that poor child for years.
Still waters run deep in
this house, to be sure.
Mother's been so terribly generous,
sending Jane to St. Agnes'.
I certainly couldn't have afforded it.
Have you made many
nice friends there, Jane?
Well, my history teacher
Mrs. Stanley's been very nice.
She's given me all her old
notes on the French Revolution.
Oh, the Revolution, how nice.
Tell me about it.
Good evening, Florence.
She probably doesn't even know
the dates of the French Revolution.
I told you, Grandmother, I have
to hold her hand through everything.
It's all right, dear, put the tray down.
Go see Mary in the kitchen.
Victoria Jane fancies
herself a domestic,
Florence, and I must
say, I do not approve.
Mary, my father's ready for the toast.
Well, Grandmother certainly won't be
taking you to England with us this summer,
when you can't even answer
a simple history question.
How do you know?
Because you just made
an idiot of yourself,
and we all want to disown you, you know.
Grandmother says you
take after your father.
It isn't any wonder Aunt Robin left him.
That's a lie.
I asked Father, and he
said that it is so true
that your father's alive.
Apparently, he lives out on some island
in the Maritimes.
He's a writer, and he doesn't even have
two cents to rub together.
So there.
Mommy, I have to speak
to you, alone, please.
Whatever you have to say to your mother,
you can say in front of all of is.
It's all right, dear, what is it?
Is my father still alive?
Is he?
Yes, he is.
For the love of Mike, Miss Jane!
Oh, never mind, we're
getting used to it.
William, will you do the honors, please.
Robin, sit down.
All this folderol will only make
the child sulky and emotional.
You're too hard on her, Mother.
I would like to take this opportunity
to toast our dear sister's
return to the nest.
We've been on tenterhooks, obviously.
The damn polio.
I just want to say
welcome home, dear sister,
and this time, may it be home to stay.
Home to stay.
I'm sorry.
Please, forgive me.
Victoria Jane, get up.
How dare you humiliate
your mother and myself
in front of all those people.
We should never have lied
to her in the first place.
We agreed it was best
for everyone to forget.
Who told you about your father?
Phyllis said you left him,
and Agnes Ripley said it was all my fault.
No, of course it wasn't, dearest.
It had nothing to do with you.
What happened then, what did he do?
He made your mother's life miserable.
It wasn't miserable.
It was a wonderful life for a while.
She married him against my wishes,
and lived to regret it.
That's all you need to know.
I don't want you ever
to mention him again.
As far as we are concerned, he is dead.
Get to bed, child.
We're all exhausted.
Why does she talk that way about him?
She doesn't really mean it, Jane.
She just has some old-fashioned
opinions about things.
Oh, it won't always be this way, dear.
It's just that it's Mother's house,
and we just have to learn
to live by her rules
until things are better.
Mommy, you're right.
Don't cry, Mom, I'm sorry.
I'll be all right in a minute, dear.
It's just that it's hard to forget
about someone like that, that's all.
Perhaps we should never have
married in the first place.
Something irreparable happened.
He was really in love with someone else.
It's hard to forget someone like that.
Good morning, Mommy.
Good morning, dear.
Mary and I made you
a nice, healthy breakfast.
Oh, it looks marvelous, it really does
look lovely, thank you.
Good morning, Robin.
Here it is!
At last, our invitation
to the Simpsons at home.
Everyone else has had theirs for days.
You've got to put this
invalid existence behind you.
So many of the right people will be there.
Ah, there's such a great deal
of mail for you, darling.
A letter from Mrs. Kirby
about that frightful bazaar
that she holds each fall.
Plead illness, darling.
Such a social climber.
And the Hamiltons have asked you
to Charlie's wedding at the Yacht Club.
You have to invite an escort, of course.
Yes, well, this one's for you, also.
Would you like me to
read it for you, Robin?
No, no, let me.
What is it, Mother?
What's wrong?
Sit down, Jane.
It's from your father.
He says I have to send you to him.
He's claiming his right.
Let me see it.
What sheer audacity.
After all these years.
Call George Bowers at
Eliot and Eliot, Mother.
Nothing will happen without my say so.
I'm sure there's a perfectly rational way
of dealing with this without lawyers.
We really have no case, Mother.
Andrew Stuart has a perfectly legal right
to see his own daughter
whenever he wishes.
After all, Robin abandoned him.
But to take her out of school.
The man must be half crazed.
If you antagonize him,
he could try to take her
away from you altogether.
He cares nothing for her.
He's only trying to antagonize us.
I did suggest from the beginning,
if you remember, that
you consider divorce.
It's out of the question.
He could have asked
for a lot more, you know.
My professional recommendation
is to let her go until Christmas.
He'll lose interest once
we've conceded the point.
Please, don't let them send me, Mother.
Go and listen to the radio
in the study with Phyllis.
Figured out what that big dumb secret
is they're hiding from you?
What exactly is a divorce?
Don't you know anything?
It's when married people get unmarried.
I suppose the French did it
a lot during the Revolution.
They're a difficult thing to get.
It simply isn't done, you know.
He could've
asked for a lot more,
you know, a lot more.
That husband of yours
destroys the lives of everyone around him.
What happened to the
Morrow woman proved fatal.
Regardless of what people
say about Evelyn Morrow,
nothing was ever proved
against Andrew at the inquest.
I have to stay with him til Christmas.
I wish you could come with me.
I'm afraid of my father.
He must've done something terrible
to make people hate him.
You should've put your
foot down right away.
Now look at the mess you're in.
Where is that girl?
The train won't wait for her.
Victoria Jane!
Now don't you take no
nonsense from anyone now,
not even an ax murderer.
I'm delighted you could chaperone her
to PEI and school, Blake.
Well, do give my regards to
your daughter, Mrs. Stanley.
We wish great luck in her
new teaching position.
Thank you, Mrs. Kennedy.
Get in the car, child,
for heaven's sake.
We'll go over all
her studies on the train together.
We're quite relieved that at least
Victoria Jane's education
will be in good hands
under your daughter's tutelage.
Christmas will come soon enough.
Don't think the train is
going to wait for you.
Goodbye now, Mrs. Stanley.
Goodbye, Mrs. Kennedy.
Jody Turner, where are you?
Jody Turner, you get in
here out of that mud!
It's lazy, good for nothing,
churly brats like you
that drive a decent woman to drink!
You get back here, Jody Turner,
before I box your ears.
Mind the horse, girl.
Can you give me
a lift to Union Station?
All aboard!
All aboard!
Hold on, hold on.
Got a ticket, do you, girl?
Please, don't throw me off, Mister.
A runaway, eh?
I oughta throw you off,
learn you a lesson.
You don't understand.
It's my granny, see?
She's dying, and I'm about to see her
for the last time in my entire life.
I have no time for sympathy.
I'm putting you off at the next stop.
Them's the rules.
I'm a good worker, I am.
I'll work my way there.
Any job and I'll do it.
Gimme a chance, sir.
I'll work for however long it takes
me to to pay me way.
Well, egad.
We are short staffed in the dining car.
Can you wash dishes?
I was born washing dishes.
All right, all right, all right.
You can work for your ticket,
but the first time you slacks off,
I'm throwing you off to the police, mind?
Thanks, sir.
God bless you for letting me get
to my dying granny.
- All right,
get along with ya.
So, of course, I said
to my daughter Cecily
that if she thought this man Daniel Kent
was the person she wanted to spend
the rest of her life with,
she should accept his marriage proposal.
What wedding arrangements I
got to make when I get there.
Oh, you haven't eaten a bite.
I'm not very hungry,
thank you, Mrs. Stanley.
There, there, it'll all
turn out right in the end.
Don't you try nothing.
Person has to wait til Christmas
for clean dishes around here.
You cooks is me cross
in life, honest to Pete.
Hey, get back here!
You can't just run off.
- Bloody hell.
Your time ain't finished yet.
This is the connecting
line to the island ferry.
Oh, dear.
Now where are they off to?
Check with the bank.
- Where'd that little brat go?
- I turned my back
for one minute and she's out the door!
Who, Jody?
She must be around here somewhere.
What are we gonna
do, you gotta find her.
Hey, you, that's my bike.
You little rascal, get back here.
That's my bike!
Thief, thief!
Look out!
Arrest that girl,
that kid stole my bike.
She ruined my wheel.
Goodness, a child.
- Quick, get her!
Get her!
- Jimminy!
Quickly, get her!
Get her before she
gets underneath the train!
All right, all right, all right,
I'll pay for the blooming bike!
Only I ain't got no money.
You'll have to give me a job, sir.
God bless you for the rest of my life.
Just don't throw me in the clink!
And how am I supposed to
get back to the island, hmm?
You can never rely on these boats.
I hope your father isn't too impatient.
Oh, we'll get to the island soon.
Mother, Mother!
Yoo hoo!
So good to see you.
- You look wonderful!
Look who I met
at the station, Mother.
It's Irene Stuart.
Hello, Irene.
Jane, I'd like you to
meet my daughter Cecily.
Hello, Jane.
And your Aunt Irene.
So this is our dear,
little Victoria Jane.
Just Jane, if you please.
Of course, you dear,
funny child, it can be Jane.
Your father's dreadful car broke down,
so I've come instead.
We have to be off,
but I'm so looking forward to
having you in my class, Jane.
See you next week.
Goodbye, and thank you so again.
Goodbye, goodbye, Jane.
Poor child.
We should be going, too.
So your Grandmother
Kennedy is good to you,
isn't she, Janey?
Yes, very good.
What has she told you about your father?
I've never been allowed to discuss him.
Well, surely she must've
said something about him.
She never did care much
for your father, you know.
I thought she might take
her spite out on you.
You know, it was really she who made
all the trouble between your parents.
You're not at all like your mother.
She was the prettiest
little thing I ever saw.
I've heard she's been ill, poor dear.
She always was, well, frail,
I suppose you could call it.
Such a pity.
Now, there's nothing wrong
with your father's blood.
I can vouch for that.
I've always been more like a
mother to him than a sister.
When will I see my father?
Your father will pick you up
at my place tomorrow.
Where is your place, Aunt Irene?
I suppose I shouldn't really call
it my place, should I?
It's just that I've lived for so long
at the Morrows', I really
feel I belong there.
The Morrows?
Surely you know who the Morrows are.
Finest family on the island.
They've always been very close to us.
I first came here as
secretary to old Mr. Morrow.
His eldest daughter Evelyn and I,
just like that.
Come along, my dear,
Lillian's dying to meet you.
Is Lillian a Morrow, too?
Well, of course, my dear.
She's Evelyn's younger sister.
I'm her personal secretary and companion.
There you are, Aggie.
Would you take Miss Jane's bags
up to the guestroom?
To the guestroom.
Which guestroom would
that be, Miss Stuart?
Miss Lillian's or Miss Evelyn's?
Well, I suppose it will
have to be Miss Evelyn's.
The plumbing's still
not fixed in Lillian's.
Aggie's strong as an ox, just a bit deaf.
Take your coat off, my dear.
My, what a great mane
of hair you have, dear.
I can just tell how hard
it must be to manage.
Will Evelyn be here, too?
For heaven's sake, don't mention
her name in front of Lillian.
But they're sisters, aren't they?
Yes, but Evelyn's dead.
Lillian, dear, I do hope
we're not too late for tea.
The train was quite a bit behind schedule.
So this is Jane Stuart.
You have the look of your
father about you, Jane.
My, but she looks to me to be
the image of her Grandmother
Kennedy, Lillian.
Andrew and I have always
been very good friends.
I hope that we'll be able
to continue that friendship.
Yes, I hope so.
Did you know, Lillian and Evelyn
were the toast of the island in their day?
Here they are as children.
They were sweethearts of your father's.
Lillian is still so
attractive, don't you think?
Thank you, Aggie.
Come on, Jane.
Where does that door lead to?
To Evelyn's bedroom.
I always keep it locked.
This was her guestroom, you see.
Nothing has been changed in
there in the past 10 years.
What did she die of, Aunt Irene?
Her car was found at the bottom
of the North Shore Cliffs.
She must have lost her way
in the blizzard that night,
and she drove over the edge.
Poor Evelyn.
Ah, me.
I should know better than to tire you.
You must be exhausted.
You can't imagine how happy I am
to have Andrew's little
girl, my only niece,
near me at last.
Good night, lovey.
Good night, Aunt Irene.
Evelyn, come back!
Come back!
Come back!
Come back!
It's hard to forget someone like that.
Aunt Irene?
"Andrew Stuart and Evelyn Morrow
"at the time of their engagement."
I see somebody picking at her breakfast.
Aggie, would you get the door, please?
It's only your father, lovey.
I'd recognize the sound
of that old hearse of his any time.
Don't be nervous, dear.
You stay right here and I'll bring
your father in to meet you.
Get off, get away!
It's all right!
He won't hurt you.
He won't hurt you, he just loves people.
Aggie, take him outside, will you?
Was that you screaming
like a banshee, Jane?
What the neighbors will
think, I can't imagine.
Well, aren't you going
to kiss your father?
Come on.
Isn't she a daughter to be proud of?
Fetch your things, Jane.
We're leaving at once.
Andrew, won't you
stay and have some coffee?
I'm afraid I can't, thanks, Lillian.
I've decided to open up Lantern Hill.
I want Jane to live with me there.
Lantern Hill?
Goodness, do you have
enough food and supplies?
Don't trouble yourself.
We'll pick up what we need on the road.
No trouble at all, won't take a minute.
Aggie, give me some help.
Are you out of your mind?
Why do you want to take her back there?
I can't keep a child
cooped up in my apartment.
Besides, it's close to
Cecily Stanley's school.
And the local tongues
will all be wagging
if you go back, won't they?
That part of your life is over, Andrew.
Just let it go, think about the future.
Let me manage my own life, Irene.
You've made such a success of it so far.
Mind your own business.
I intend to handle this in
my own way, Irene, alone.
There's no need for you to come along.
She's got a secretive
strain in her I don't like.
Old Mrs. Kennedy will never be dead
while Jane is alive.
Knows how to hold
her tongue, is that it?
More than that, she's...
If there's anything else you need,
well, you let us know, Drew.
I made your favorite,
fresh water crescent tomato,
and peanut butter for Jane.
She hardly touched her breakfast.
And there's some fresh milk and staples.
Thanks, Lilly.
You're always so thoughtful.
You be careful of the poison ivy,
dear, and the mice.
Don't let that rundown old
house depress you, Jane!
We can always come and rescue you.
I bought you some toffee, here.
What have they told you about me?
Nobody will tell me anything.
I see.
Well, we're neither of
us much for talking.
I'd rather people left me alone, too.
Grab the wheel!
For Pete's sake, grab the wheel!
Gas it!
Gas it!
That a girl!
The brakes don't work!
They retired months ago.
Move over.
Move over!
That's a good boy.
It's all right.
You're safe now.
There's Lantern Hill.
Why did you send for me now?
I felt compelled to
know who you are, Janey.
I can't explain why I sent for you.
It doesn't matter what
you've been told about me.
I felt you needed to
make up your own mind.
Well, the old place has magic in it.
You can see the sea, it's
just over the hilltop there.
What a darn fool, I forgot the key.
I think the easiest thing to do
would be if you went in
through that little window.
Pull hard.
Now, good, can you squeeze in?
All right in there?
Go downstairs and open up the door.
There should be a key beside it.
I'll be along, you go on in.
I think I've got to go
back to Bright River,
see if I can get someone
to help me budge the car.
I'll leave the dog.
All right.
Hey, there's
somebody at Lantern Hill!
Keep away from there,
that place is bad luck!
I'm gonna go see who it is.
Come on, Jimmy-John, let's go.
Old Man Stuart's liable to
push you over the cliff.
Hey, you
girl, come out here.
Come on, Jimmy-John, let's go!
I'm sorry I was gone so long.
The car is still stuck.
I've got a tow truck
coming in the morning.
You've got this place looking
exactly as I remember it.
Do you remember this place, Jane?
The old clock's still working.
This is a superior job, Jane.
Look what you've been making, cookies.
I like to cook.
Well, that's marvelous,
I can't cook at all.
You didn't want to come here, Jane.
I heard your mother was ill.
How is she?
She's all right now.
She nearly died, though.
Did she want you to come?
Come with me, there's
something I want to show you.
You've known the sea before, Jane.
You were born beside it.
Now you've come home.
Owen Meade stop that.
Leave your brother alone.
All right, class, now I want everyone
to take their seats and settle down.
Shirley Alastair.
Hello, Mr. Stuart, good morning.
Good morning.
Thank you for bringing Jane.
Class, I would like to
introduce you to Jane Stuart,
a student of my mother's from Toronto.
She's to spend time with
us while she's living
here at Lantern Hill with her father.
Jane, you may be seated here.
Goodbye, Mr. Stuart.
I hope you'll become best friends
with everyone in the class
during your stay, Jane.
Did you see the new girl?
There she is, there she is.
The new girl, there she is, there she is.
I don't like her skirt.
Hey, you.
What do you want?
Is it true your pa's a writer and all?
He's a journalist.
Does he put live people
in his stories then?
I suppose so.
Owen's scared he'll put him in one.
He says you live in a
marble house in Toronto.
Well, we don't.
Do you have satin bedspreads?
He says you do.
Hey, lay off of me, Owen!
Ah, come on, Jimmy-John,
you can't be lollygagging
with a witless girl,
her parents divorced and all.
They are not divorced.
Leave me alone.
Now see what you've done.
She'll tell her pa and he'll put
you in one of his stories
about dead people.
Go and do your chores, Jimmy-John,
before you have my boot
in your mouth for supper.
She don't even have satin bedspreads.
You're a liar!
Hey, you, watch out you don't slip.
That cove down there,
that's where Evelyn
Morrow's car was found.
He was with her the
night she was killed.
Didn't your pa tell you?
How he pushed the car over the cliff,
with her in it?
Her ghost's been seen walking
these cliffs, you know?
Did he tell you that?
Ghosts don't rest until their wrongs
are put right, you know.
So you just better watch out
that she don't push you over.
That would be a great way
at getting back at your pa.
And how is school?
Have you made lots of new friends?
Mrs. Stanley's daughter's very nice.
And what about the
children in your class?
Have you gotten to know them?
People around here aren't
very friendly, Aunt Irene.
Don't be silly, dearest.
You must be imagining things.
You just haven't gotten
used to things here.
I can tell.
Oh, I see Andrew's found Lillian.
Oh, and Dr. Arnett.
He delivered you, Jane.
Your father and Lillian
make such a handsome couple.
Well, let's call them to dinner, shall we?
I'm very impressed
with your culinary talents, Miss Stuart.
How'd you learn all this?
When Mother was working,
I made all the meals and
looked after the apartment.
Yes, you're wonderfully able, dear.
But you have given her too
much responsibility, Drew.
She's a very capable girl.
She even helped me drive the car
the other day when the brake conked out.
Right into the pond.
Well, just as long as you don't let her
drive it along the North Shore Cliffs.
Oh, come on, Doc, let's go for a walk.
I rarely get a chance to enjoy
North Shore twilight, Andrew.
Come on, Jane.
I'll be along later.
What great chums they've
been all these years.
Lillian's been so
supportive of your father.
Too many memories in this
gloomy place, though.
Dad said we're gonna fix it up,
the way it was when you were young.
I'm sure he will, Janey.
Let me borrow an old apron
and help you tidy up.
We shall look forward to seeing you
and Daniel at your engagement party.
Oh, yes.
Oh, there she is.
Jane, darling, I haven't
seen you all week.
Come along, I'll give you a ride.
Come on.
Lillian and I are hoping
to coax Andrew into going.
Good luck again, dear.
All right.
- It was lovely
talking to you.
I'll see you next week.
- Bye bye.
Bye bye.
We know it's only been
three weeks of school,
but I understand from Cecily Stanley,
you haven't fit in very well
with the others in your class.
It's just that people around here
find it awkward that your
parents are separated.
You know, you don't have to stay here
if you're not happy.
I could speak to your father and explain.
I think it's selfish of him,
bringing you all this way
just to settle a guilty conscience.
Oh, he was probably hoping for some kind
of family reconciliation,
after all these years.
Throw the baggage over, Jody.
I won't be a moment, lovey.
I'm just going to pick up the mail.
Jane, Jane!
I've been looking for you everywhere!
Only, I couldn't remember
your dad's last name.
It's Stuart, Andrew Stuart.
We live at Lantern Hill,
a farm on the North Shore.
Don't worry, I'll find ya!
Who is that kid?
She's my friend.
I'm living in Bright
River with Jim the Post.
Come along, Jane, we can leave now.
Thanks for the ride.
I can get home on my own, it's not far.
Jane, Jane Stuart!
Jane Stuart, come back here!
For heaven's sake.
It's Aunt Irene.
No, she never said anything to me.
All right.
Irene just told me that you as much
as said you wanted to
go home this afternoon,
and that you deliberately jumped out
of her car and tried to get away
by running after a train.
No, that's not it at all.
What's got into you, Jane?
If you don't wanna stay
away, I won't hold you.
Irene has offered to drive
you to the station tomorrow.
No, she asked me things, that's all.
I didn't know what to say.
She wants me to go home.
That's ridiculous.
She acted as though it was my fault,
the way the other kids look at me,
tell me how strange I am 'cause
you and Mom don't live together anymore.
You mustn't believe every passing remark
your Aunt Irene makes.
She does these things deliberately.
I never should've brought
you back here, Jane.
I'm sorry.
She's always interfering,
and I intend to talk to her about it.
What did I do, Doc?
Don't take it to heart, Jane.
I've known your father a long time,
and I know how happy he is
you've been able to come back.
Andrew, can I get a lift back into town?
You better jump in quick.
Psst, hey, you, Miss Stuck-up.
You know my name's Jane.
Well, you better come quick, Jane.
Owen's gone and made a bet
with the Titus sisters about you.
What kind of a bet?
He says you're 14 if you're a day,
and they say, no, you
can't be, you're only 12.
Well, I am 12.
Now go away and leave me alone.
That's the point, can you prove it?
They got 25 cents in a pickle jar,
and I'm betting with them against Owen.
What do people think I am anyway?
Of course I can prove it.
How can they know my age?
I don't even know who they are.
Hepzibah told them.
Who's Hepzibah?
She's special, that one.
It's her house the Titus
sisters live in, see?
They take care of her,
but the ways I's sees it,
she really looks after them.
Can this really be Andrew
Stuart's little girl, sister?
She doesn't look all bad now, does she?
Shocking pale, though, wouldn't you say?
Come up, Jane Stuart.
I've been waiting for ya.
Are you Hepzibah?
She's 12 and she can prove it.
Keep quiet, Jimmy-John.
Let me go!
Let me see your eyes, girl.
I prefer blue eyes myself.
Not my taste.
I only admire green eyes.
What about my 25 cents?
It ain't yours yet, Jimmy-John.
She ain't proved nothing.
Open the Bible, child.
Show them your age.
Look, I was born in 1923.
See, I win, I win!
Come back here, Jimmy-John!
Come up, Jane.
Well, and now we can have
our cranberry tea in peace.
Your mother's recovering nicely, dear.
She'll be back in the island in no time.
But what do you mean?
I said a prayer for her,
regular like this spring.
Did you know my mother well?
All the time she lived here.
I used to take butter and eggs
down to her at Lantern Hill.
She loved that place, she did.
She trusted me.
I was there, helping her,
the night you were born.
There's only
been two divorces on PEI
in the past 60 years.
I know, they are not divorced.
Nonsense, it was all Evelyn's doing.
Are you talking about Evelyn Morrow?
Well, of course she's talking
about Evelyn Morrow.
A temper like a volcano, that one.
Self-centered, spoiled.
She and Irene Stuart were
like two peas in a pod.
Whatever anyone says,
she loved your father.
My father?
Why, of course, they were engaged.
Irene was in heaven, absolute heaven.
She was mad determined to have him
marry into the Morrow family.
It was her goal in life,
always craving to be accepted.
She thought, with him married
to either of the Morrow girls,
it would do it for her.
Only, it was a fool's
paradise, don't you see?
He went off to war...
Stop interrupting, Violet!
I'm not the one interrupting.
No sooner back than your
dear mother comes along,
vacationing in that big
hotel on the North Shore.
Your father and mother fell in love,
hook, line, and sinker, don't you see?
They eloped.
Evelyn would never
have suited him anyway.
She was far too selfish.
And that two-faced Irene.
Sweet poison, that one.
You'd have thought Andrew Stuart
never wanted children the
way Irene went on about it.
She did everything
to wreck that marriage
and influence Andrew, to be sure.
Irene might have had her way
if the baby hadn't come
along and spoiled her plan.
You mean me?
That tongue of yours is
hinged in the middle, sister.
What she means, dear, is, well,
that Irene was always
hinting, don't you know,
that they weren't ready for children.
But what she really hoped was
that the marriage wouldn't last, you see...
And that what?
And that your father might...
Find happiness again.
With Evelyn.
What do you mean?
There's something out there, I saw it.
I was lost and something
brought me back here.
Now, now.
Your father's on his way.
There now.
You mustn't be frightened.
I want to talk to you.
What is it, child?
Did they really not want me?
I told you I was there
that night you were born.
I've been watching you all your life.
Your mother and dad were
the happiest couple on all the island.
Why didn't they stay together?
It wasn't for lack of
love, that's for sure.
Crazy about each other they
were, and about you, too.
Then Dad didn't love Evelyn.
No, that was a boyhood thing.
Irene pushed him into it.
Why did Mom leave?
They let other people interfere.
They give in.
So they did, without a fight.
That's why I sent for you.
But Evelyn needs help, too.
But Evelyn's dead.
Sometimes a troubled soul
needs to make peace with itself.
What I saw in the
woods looked like Evelyn.
Owen said Dad pushed
Evelyn's car over the cliff.
Do you think Dad would ever do that?
Oh, now, you don't believe that, do you?
Why, he wouldn't squash
the tick that bit him,
more's the pity.
No, it's not his fault.
There's things here that
needs putting to rights.
Sometimes, there's no knowing why
a bird will foul its own nest.
Happens in families, too.
Only, when it happens,
it takes a bit of spit and
spark to clean things up.
And, sometimes, a few honesty spoken.
And you're the only one who can help
your family now.
But, first, you gotta
decide what it is you want,
and then you have to fight for it.
Can you help me?
Let me hear you say it out loud, child.
Tell me what you want.
My mother and my father and me together.
Good evening, Hepzibah,
have you seen my little girl?
She's 12 years old.
You remember her, don't you?
She's staying with me now at Lantern Hill
but I'm afraid she's run away.
I've been looking everywhere.
What are you doing here?
It got all misty and foggy.
I couldn't see properly.
Now you mind what I say, Jane Stuart.
If you need help, you come back to me.
And don't you pay any
heed to any more gossip.
Gossip makes geese, that's what I say.
What are you doing with this?
Well, Jimmy-John and...
How long have you been here?
And what's all this about gossip?
Jimmy-John brought me over for a visit,
and the Tituses started talking,
and I love you, Dad.
I love you, too, Jane.
And I'm sorry I was so upset tonight.
But I've spoken to Irene,
and she says she's sorry,
she made a mistake.
Don't ever think I never
cared for you, Jane.
I don't ever wanna leave.
I don't want you to leave, either.
Let's just make the best of
the time we have together.
I've come for Jane of Lantern Hill!
What's wrong with the door?
I wasn't sure I'd get
a welcome from your dad.
Oh, he wouldn't mind.
Are they treating you fairly?
Well, his wife fancies adopting me.
She don't got no kids.
The post office is making me work for him
til I pay him for the broken bike.
I don't want no trouble.
Criminy, I've gotta get
this flipping bike back.
Him and his precious bike.
You'd think he's got
the bloody crown jewels
under his bum instead of a
plain, ordinary two-wheeler.
Couldn't you stay here, with us?
Thanks, can't, though.
Railway's got me in a contract with Jim.
You know where we live now, Jody.
Come back and see us anytime.
Thanks, sir, but I've
always looked after me self.
I'll be back in an hour.
So that's the whole story, Jody.
Blimey, what a mess.
Maybe Mother decided
she didn't love him.
You think so, Jody?
You can't go marrying
someone unless you love them.
That just ain't the way it's done.
Least ways, not in the movies.
Well, maybe she stopped loving him
because Grandmother ordered her to.
Would you stop loving your
dad because your gran made you?
Well, no, now that she's
living with Grandmother again,
she can't stand up to her.
Quick, climb up on the fence!
What for?
It's only cows, Jane.
Come on!
Stop it, Jody!
If you won't stand
up to a bunch of cows,
you can't go blaming your mom
for not standing up to your gran.
Don't let everyone boss
you around the way they do.
Give some people an inch,
they'll take a blooming mile, you know.
Hey, leave them cows alone!
Says who?
I'll poke your eye out, spotty face.
You heard me.
On your way, bossy.
I couldn't get through on the phone.
Dad takes it off
the hook when he's working.
Lillian's Great-Great Aunt
Frida Morrow just passed away.
We'll need Andrew to come with us
overnight to Fredericton.
Men can be so helpful at times like this.
Tell your father to meet
us in town in an hour.
Was her aunt a friend of Dad's?
Well, not exactly, but I'd like
him to come for Lillian's sake.
You're always hinting
at things, Aunt Irene.
Why can't you just come right
out and say what you mean?
I beg your pardon.
If it weren't for you...
And if it weren't for
her what, rubberneck?
A troublemaker, that's what you are.
How dare you talk like that to me.
Who is this pest?
No pesty than you are.
Trying to cause trouble
between her mom and dad,
hoping he'd marry your
precious Evelyn Morrow.
What are you talking about?
You don't know the first
thing about Evelyn Morrow.
All I know is that she drove
like a flipping disaster,
right over the cliff.
I shall see your father gets the message
myself, Miss Jane Stuart!
Aunt Irene, I didn't think...
I haven't time to
waste with guttersnipes.
And I don't much like
talking to busybodies, neither!
So there, Miss Nosy Parker!
Well, that's what she is,
parking her big nose all
over other people's business.
Off to Fredericton, huh.
I wouldn't put it past that old bag
to try to marry him off to that Lillian.
She's so lovey-dovey with them Morrows.
Sure enough touchy about that Evelyn, eh?
I'd give my eyeteeth to know
more about who she really was.
Why don't you go look
in her room, dopey?
Didn't you tell me Irene keeps it
like some kind of museum?
We couldn't.
Why not?
They'll all be with
dopey dead Auntie Frida
in Fridatown tonight.
We'll have the place to ourselves.
If you hardly knew her,
I don't see why you even have to go.
I'm going because of Lillian.
When the chips were down, she stuck by me.
The least I can do is be a friend to her.
I'll leave the dog.
You be good now.
I'll see you tomorrow.
I'm worried Dad
won't stand up to Aunt Irene.
Oh, never mind.
Maybe we can find out what
really happened to her.
See, I told you we'd get in.
This is silly, Jody.
The door to Evelyn's
room is always locked.
This place give me the
willies good and proper.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Aggie's deaf.
It's Evelyn's room.
It's open.
Proper glam, ain't it?
Come have a bounce.
What's up?
It's Evelyn.
Look how sad her eyes are.
This is a museum.
Hey, look at all this junk.
She kept all of Evelyn's
blooming clothes and everything.
How do I look?
A letter.
To Mrs. Andrew Stuart.
Give it to me.
It's from Evelyn.
She must have torn up
their engagement photo.
Come on.
Read it out loud.
"Dear Robin,
"how can I face either
of you again after today?
"What I said to you was a lie.
"I know now I mean nothing to Andrew.
"I should never have listened to Irene.
"She tried to make me believe
"something that doesn't exist anymore.
"It's over.
"Forgive me."
I bet you it weren't no accident.
She drove over that cliff on purpose.
I bet she's done herself in.
It's just like in the movies.
Irene must have hidden
the letter all those years.
Trying to save her own bleeding neck,
just hoping your ma would leave.
She might not have left
him if she'd known the truth.
Well, I gotta go.
Don't let that letter out of your sight.
There you are.
Come on in, why don't you?
You little maggot.
I warned you not to break my bike again.
I only borrowed the bike,
Jim, I didn't break it!
Leave me alone!
Get the police after you.
Lock you up forever.
Let me in!
Get away with you, girl, go on, get off.
Do you want him after you, too?
What happened to Jody?
What have you done to her?
You let her go!
You can't keep her!
She belongs to us now.
She's been making trouble.
We can do whatever we pleases.
Now get away!
Does Evelyn want me to keep it?
Show the letter to your father.
He's ready to see what Irene has done.
But it's him must speak the truth now,
if he's to win her back.
Now, you stand fast, hmm?
You've the might to mend
the harm that's been done.
What about Jody, Hepzibah?
I've got to help her, too.
I've got to get her away.
Of course, you do.
Of course, you do.
What is it?
Did you call us?
Yes, come on.
- What is it?
Oh, what a surprise, hello, Jane.
How are you, dear?
It's very nice to see you.
- Very nice to see you.
Jane Stuart and I have
been talking, haven't we?
When I'm gone,
when I'm gone, I need
to know that you girls
are being taken care of.
Now, Jane here was thinking about...
Well, Jane, speak up, speak up.
I was thinking, well, wondering
if you'd ever thought of adopting someone?
We did talk about that.
- Yes, we did.
A boy!
We always said a boy, sister.
You know very well we know nothing
about dressing a boy, Justina.
It will have to be a girl.
They've been squabbling
over this for years.
A little girl of 10 with emerald eyes
and dark...
Blue eyes and fair, curling hair.
I think I know the very girl.
Her name's Josephine
Turner and you'll love her.
Is she pretty?
We certainly wouldn't
want an ugly child.
She has very nice eyes.
She's a bit thin, and she's
never had any nice clothes,
but she'll be very
attractive when she grows up.
There wouldn't be any danger of her
having, you know, unpleasant
insects about her?
Absolutely not!
Jody use to live on
Blythe Avenue in Toronto.
That's a very respectable
neighborhood, you know.
And now she lives with Jim
the Post at Bright River.
Dear me.
Poor child.
I imagine if there is a problem,
I mean, a fine-toothed
comb might do the trick.
That is, if the child has,
you know, unpleasant insects.
I'm afraid not.
You don't want her?
She's from away.
It just wouldn't do.
But thank you for suggesting it, dear.
Now, that's been taken care of.
We'll see you first thing in the morning.
Now, mind you bring that girl here
as soon as ever you can.
You just bring her to us.
Now, hurry up before
the rain starts, go on.
Are you there?
You come with me right now, Jody Turner.
I've got a place.
Let's have our tea.
I'm not going to wait any longer.
Here, sister.
We'll have our toast and jam.
Where have you been, Jane Stuart?
Miss Violet, Miss Justina,
I have a favor to ask you.
Where is she?
Our little girl.
You promised, Jane Stuart.
You mean you really do want her?
Why, of course, we do.
What have you done with her?
She brung her here where she belongs.
Dear heart.
Poor soul.
Your power is greater
than you know, Jane Stuart.
I'm home.
Where did you find this?
In Evelyn's room.
In Evelyn's room?
Did Aggie let you in?
I know you won't believe me,
but I felt like Evelyn led me to it.
Jane, Evelyn's dead.
She wants you to
understand what happened.
She wants to right the wrong
she did to you and Mom.
Irene kept it from you all these years.
Do you know what you're saying?
Dad, I think so.
I wanted to
protect you from all this.
Wait, Dad.
I knew you wouldn't believe me.
I don't wanna believe it.
What really happened to Evelyn?
Tell me, please.
I never told your mother this,
but I found out from Dr. Arnett
that Evelyn was coming by to see Robin
when I was away.
She kept telling her to leave the island,
that she'd never be happy here,
and that I was still in love with her.
When I found out, I went after Evelyn
and told her I never
wanted to see her again.
She was furiously angry.
It was later that night that she lost
her way in the blizzard and was killed.
The verdict at the inquest
was accidental death
but that didn't stop people from talking.
Your mother took it all very hard
because I couldn't talk about it.
It was too painful.
Somehow, I've always felt guilty
about everything that happened, Jane.
Your grandmother kept writing,
begging Robin to come back to Toronto.
One day, she took you with her.
Just for a visit, she said,
but she never came back.
Why didn't you write?
I did.
But Mrs. Kennedy wrote back, telling me
that Robin no longer
wished to communicate.
I'm sure Mom never got your letter.
Grandmother wouldn't have forwarded it.
Perhaps it's not too late.
It's been too long.
It's over and done with.
There's nothing you can do.
I'm going to start a new life.
It's enough that we found each other.
Look at this.
Whoa, here you are, Lillian.
Look at those.
And if you need any more,
you know where to come.
I'll take two for the ride.
Bye, take care.
Andrew, I'm sorry about what Irene did.
It's a closed book.
I understand.
I'd like to buy an apple, please.
Thank you.
I can help get Lantern
Hill organized again.
The sun's come out.
You got a ticket?
Don't worry, Irene's not coming.
Things will settle down
now that Jane's leaving.
Morning, Mr. Solt.
- Morning, Miss.
Bless my stars!
Come into an inheritance, have you?
I buys me own way now.
Jane dear, we're
planning on buying a cow.
So she can have a glass of warm milk.
Every night.
And we've knitted her two sweaters.
Show Jane, dear.
See, I wear two at the same time.
That way, there's no hard feelings.
Goodbye, dear, have a happy Christmas.
We are so much obliged to you.
You won't forget to write
and tell me how Hepzibah's
doing, will you?
Oh, she's just tired I expect.
Don't you worry so much.
I'll keep an eye on her.
See you, Jane.
Bye, Jody.
Goodbye, Jane.
Your father and I will plant
your garden this spring.
You will write to me, Dad, won't you?
I'll write, but I can't
promise you'll get my letters.
I'll get you back here somehow.
Here, a spot of hard cash for you.
Have a merry Christmas, Jane.
You can't spare this, Dad.
Now, now, never mind.
Editors have been generous
with me this fall.
Since you've been about,
my work has improved tremendously.
You write to me as soon as you get home.
What have you done with your bag?
I must have left it at the stall.
I'll get it, you hop on
the train and find your seat.
Aunt Irene.
Lillian said you weren't coming.
Why did you show him the letter?
It wasn't for you to keep.
I'd like it back now, Jane.
No, Aunt Irene.
For the sake of Evelyn's reputation,
leave her memory in peace.
Haven't you done enough,
turning my brother and Lillian against me?
They're all the family I have.
What about my family?
- You made Mom leave Dad.
You hid the letter so she'd believe
dad still loved Evelyn.
Your mother left him of her own choice.
She's quite happy where she is.
Is she?
There's no point in showing
your mother that letter now.
You don't want to raise her hopes.
She'll only be disappointed,
all over again.
What are you talking about?
Don't you realize?
You're too late, dear, much too late.
You mustn't forget Lillian.
All aboard.
Did she get on?
I can't find her.
She must have, oh,
look, the train's leaving.
What's wrong?
Don't worry, sweetheart,
I'll send it in the mail.
Chin up, sweetheart, you'll be back soon.
Goodbye, Dad!
There's no point
in showing your mother that letter now.
It's too late, dear, much too late.
him must speak the truth
if he's to win her back.
One way, Bright River.
Better hurry, she going in a minute.
Don't worry, I'll make it.
No use, Missy.
The line's been down since suppertime,
when the storm hit.
Oh, she's a real doozy, this one.
You better stay here til the worst's over.
The phone will be up in an hour.
It's all right, really.
I know my way.
It's all right, Evelyn.
The letter won't make
any difference anymore.
Dad's got to do the rest on his own.
Rest now, Evelyn.
My God, how did you get here?
Are you going to marry Lillian Morrow?
Have you gone crazy?
Why would I marry Lillian?
Why shouldn't you marry her?
What in heaven's name is going on here?
Tell me why you can't marry Lillian.
She's a good woman and an old friend,
but I could never marry her because...
Because why?
Because I'm still in
love with your mother.
Get on the phone and tell her!
I can't just call her up like that.
Anyway, the lines are down from the storm.
Maybe the phone at the
station is working now.
You have to tell her now.
We can't waste any more time.
How did you get back here
through the blizzard, Jane?
Hello, who is this?
This is Andrew Stuart, Mrs. Kennedy.
I'd like to speak to Robin, my wife.
I'm afraid she's lying down.
Where is my granddaughter, Mr. Stuart?
Jane is staying here.
She's not coming back.
Andrew, who is this?
Is that you, Andrew?
When can we expect Jane?
What's she saying, Dad?
What's she saying?
Robin, it's me, Andrew.
She knows who you are, Dad.
Tell her, go on.
Is Jane there?
Yes, she's here, Jane's here.
Tell her!
Tell her what?
Tell her that you love her.
She has to come at once,
that something important has happened.
Tell her to take the next train.
You have to come at once.
Something important has happened.
Is Jane hurt?
Is she all right?
He's only trying to deceive you.
He wants to keep the child.
No, she's all right.
Oh, thank God.
Robin, I love you, I
want you to come back.
Did you hear me?
I love you and want you to come back.
What's that man saying to you?
I said I love you!
She cut me off.
You cut us off.
There's no point in
any further discussion.
A lawyer's what we need now.
How dare you?
I was talking to my
husband, and you cut me off.
Brandy, Gertrude.
I'll call William straight away
and get him to speak to that man's lawyer
about a divorce.
Divorce, what are you talking about?
I know now I was wrong, letting things
drag on all these years.
We have to consider
our strategy carefully.
There can be no question
as to who gets custody.
And I...
Mother, please.
This is not some kind of war.
I'm only trying to protect you, my dear.
You've tried for
years to make me believe
that he didn't love me.
I don't hate him, Mother.
How can you speak to me like that?
After all I've done for
you, all these years.
Oh, Mother, please.
You know I didn't mean it like that,
but I have to do something.
Hello, operator?
Operator, may I help you?
Operator, yes, I would like
the operator for Prince Edward Island.
what exchange, please?
It's in the
town of Bright River.
I'm sorry, ma'am,
that line has been disconnected.
Are you sure?
Will you try again, please?
No, ma'am, the line is dead.
Thank you.
How did you know I was here?
Hepzibah knew you'd come back.
Don't ask me how, but she knew.
You gotta come quick, Jane.
She's slipping away.
Hurry, Dad, please.
Hepzibah has to get well.
She has to see Mom when she gets here.
Look, she's not coming, Jane.
She hung up the phone on me.
She doesn't want anything to do with me.
I don't believe it.
She's coming.
You'll see when the train gets here.
The light hurts my eyes, Violet.
Oh, there you are.
You were right to do what you did.
Mother's coming back, isn't she?
She don't have your strength, child.
Spirit's willing.
You've always had the
power to bring her back.
Hold my hand now.
Stand fast.
Good and strong.
Please, wait, until she gets here.
You have to speak to her.
What would we do without you?
You don't need me anymore.
We've been doing this for three weeks.
This is pointless, Jane.
I'm going.
Dad, please, wait.
You have to be patient.
I know she's coming.
If not today then maybe tomorrow.
It's foolish, sweetheart,
she's not coming.
You've come back to stay, haven't you?
Yes, Andrew.