Last Night of Amore (2023) Movie Script
[shortness of breath]
[muffled music]
[in the background "On the
high seas" by Loredana Bert]
[man] Viviana I have to run away.
When Franco arrives let me call.
- [in Calabrian] But a kick in the ass!
- [Viviana] Ernesto is enough!
[man] I have to do
something important,
can I leave Sharon
here for an hour?
No, Cosimo.
Take her to the taxi stand.
[Cosimo] All right, thank you.
[notification from computer]
This is Anna, Franco's daughter.
You're a pain in the ass with that gun!
Come here, my love.
Go to the window and see if Franco comes.
- [woman] Hello, Anna.
- [Viviana] Anna, darling.
[Anna] Hi Vivi, has the
present for dad arrived?
[Viviana] Yes, here it is, look.
[Anne] Perfect!
Tell him it's from mom too.
[Viviana] Sure, he'll be happy.
[man] I can't wait
to see him in this suit.
[Viviana] How are you, are
you in love with someone?
[Anna] I don't have time,
I have to study like crazy.
[woman] But she's
daddy's girl, if she finds
a boyfriend, he'll
have a heart attack.
[man] he He's been rehearsing
his parting speech for a month now.
[woman] "Once upon a time
there was a good policeman, who in
35 years of service he never..."
How is it that he says he?
[Anna] shot a
Christian in his lifetime.
[Viviana] Even Anna knows it.
[Anna] My dad is really Franco
Amore, in name and in fact.
Here he is, he's coming.
Gabriele, turn off the lamp back there.
We all have to hide.
You get under the table.
Don't mess everything up.
Doctor Loria, be careful with your glass.
[Viviana] Fulvio take it here.
- [Viviana] Ernesto?
- Where am I hiding?
[Viviana] You...
Come here, sit on the armchair...
and you hide with your jacket.
[Viviana] Watch out for the bottle.
[Viviana] Ok. Very good.
[Viviana] Wonderful, do you hang me there?
You have to stick to
the wall like wallpaper.
[Viviana] My love.
[all together] Surprise!
[woman] What do you look like?
- [Love] I had a stroke.
- [woman] Poor pensioner.
- [Love] Hello.
- [woman] Hello.
[Love] What a surprise.
I went for a jog.
He how are you?
[woman] Starting tomorrow
you can plan the marathon.
[Love] Look over there, how are you?
- [Love] Hello.
- [Viviana] Look who's here.
[Anna] Here I am! I'm here too!
What are you doing here?
Don't you have to study for exams?
I wouldn't have missed
your party for the world.
I'm sorry I'm not the ii.
Look at your daughter and your
ex what a sweetie they sent you.
- How beautiful!
- For tonight and for tomorrow's photos.
[man] Yes, for the speech.
I'm told you're preparing a
beautiful retirement speech.
It will take pinching.
No, the speech is beautiful.
Try on the jacket, I want
to see how it fits on you.
[Viviana] Let's try it. Sarah, can you hold this?
[Viviana] One and two.
Here you go, what do you say?
From behind it is perfect!
- [Viviana] Really.
- [Anna] Yes, it's perfect!
[Viviana] Love.
- He got excited!
- Drink!
- Sorry...
- A toast!
[joyful shouts]
Excuse me.
[Viviana] Surely it's Sarno, he's
already called a couple of times.
In fact it's him, he'll want to wish you a happy birthday.
Doctor, good evening.
All right.
All right.
- I have to go, excuse me.
- [Viviana] Now?
Tonight too?
[Anna] You retire tomorrow,
can't someone else go?
I'm sorry my love.
It was Sarno, the usual trouble.
- [man] At this time?
- I'll call you if I need to.
[Love] You stay.
Of course, you come and go.
- We'll wait for you here.
- Yes.
- [Love] Excuse me.
- [Viviana] We keep the party warm.
Take the sparkling wine, come on!
Hi, I'm a colleague.
[indistinct voices from the radio]
[policeman] Let him through.
Thank you.
[indistinct voices]
What was Dino doing here?
Do you know something?
I don't know shit, Doc.'
Three bullets to the chest.
One severed the aorta.
She was...
a quick death.
[inaudible voice]
[Love] "The first
time I wore a 'uniform
I was 20.
And today, after 35 years,
I can guarantee that I am even more proud...
even more proud...
more and more.
prouder of my choice..."
[plays "Propaganda" by Fabri Fibra]
[Love] "...of my choice made."
"More and more proud...
of my choice...
[Cosimo in French]
And voil, heaven.
What you are holding is not
a watch, you are holding time.
Let's be clear.
When you train at Milan, maybe
Ibra doesn't even look at you.
But if she in the locker room she
sees what you have on her wrist,
then see how she works
hard to make you score!
[Cosimo] And then she costs shit!
Bro, do you want to take a selfie with Abdu?
- No thank you. I support Inter.
- Shit, Inter.
[Cosimo] Everyone has his cross.
Sell a 50,000 euro watch
and drive around in a shit car?
[Cosimo] It's a service car.
And a real cop.
He acts as my chauffeur when I
need him and I give him 50 euros.
Be a good boy.
Have a couple of hours of extra time?
Abdu, at the next
goal you tap your
wrist and do Cosimo's
C for the camera.
- [Abdu] Promised.
- Be good, understand?
Fuck Abdu!
These fucking Chinese,
someone has to explain it to me.
It would take Piero Angela.
Do you know how the
hairless business is done?
"The new generations...
The younger generations..."
Well, it's the same.
"...they should look at the photos
of our heroes at the police station,
and be inspired by those heroic looks".
"Be inspired by the looks..."
[cell phone rings]
" heroic looks..."
[cell phone rings]
What the fuck happened?
[shortness of breath]
Help me or we are ruined!
The Chinese boss is dying.
- Did you call the ambulance?
- You called her!
Go down and make her call.
Get the driver, because if he
dies I want a Chinese witness.
[Love] Stronger. These are caresses.
Where the fuck am I going dressed like this?
[Love] Hey!
What do you want?
Leave it alone, it doesn't suit you.
These people hurt you.
Thank you. I do.
Get dressed in the elevator.
Come on, Frank.
I'm in.
Can you give me a hand?
Can you press 29?
The last one?
If you don't look down, nothing happens.
Don't worry.
"Don't look down."
I look down.
Finally I can look
at Milan from above.
I take off my whim.
How am I, Frank?
You are an angel.
You always answer me like this.
Can't you see that I'm sitting because of you?
You made me run.
My feet already hurt.
I like it when you sweat because of me.
I'm serious.
How am I?
In my opinion?
No, according to the parish priest of San Demente.
I don't know what
he thinks, but to
me you are an angel
come down to earth.
All right.
Even the parish priest, if he saw you, would say:
Angels exist."
- You're a lunatic.
- No!
- Watch out! You make my jacket dirty.
- Excuse me. For charity.
- What's up?
- You are pretty.
All right.
[Love] Allowed?
Bro, what the fuck.
Do not say anything.
We parked away.
No parking suited him.
[Love] Why do I have to take the fines?
It annoys me.
It annoys you to have them removed.
We have to remove this.
Never be arrested for
bribing a public official.
What did you bring?
- [Viviana] Parmigiana.
- You are a genius.
[Cosimo] Permission.
[cries of disapproval]
In my opinion, the provolone doesn't please you.
- How do you talk, love?
- [Cosimo] What did he say?
[Viviana] "You don't like it."
[Cosimo] he Talks like a chef.
Hello, could he tell Zhang
Zhu that we are here?
Yes, my dad is waiting for you.
- I can?
- No thank you. I prefer to keep it.
Okay. Notice and arrival.
[Viviana] I've been frying all morning.
[they speak chinese]
- [Viviana] Cosimo, do you speak Chinese?
- [Cosimo] Huh?
- No, I don't know.
- Permit.
Zhang Zhu, is a form of respect.
They like it.
Zhang Zhu.
[inaudible voices]
It's ready. Welcome.
- [Cosimo] Mr. Zhu.
- Permit.
- [Zhang] Sit down.
- [Cosimo] Thank you.
[Viviana] Za Zu Zhang.
I'm Viviana, Franco's wife.
- [Zhang] Pleasure.
- I made her a parmigiana
to give her some energy in
this complicated juncture of life.
Very kind of you, thanks.
Keep it upright as
the oil could leak.
[Zhang] Thank you.
She's pretty spicy.
It's good for the heart.
- I like it spicy.
- In Calabria we do it like this.
I figured you liked it too.
- It's good for the heart.
- [laughs]
' [Zhang] Viviana? - YES.
The wife of the hero
who saved my life.
- [Viviana] Yes.
- [Zhang] I have a nice present too.
She didn't have to.
This is carp fish.
- Beautiful.
- [Zhang] He lives in the Yellow River.
According to legend,
every year thousands
of carp fish swim
upriver to spawn.
But there is a waterfall,
the Dragon Waterfall,
which is very high,
so they can't climb it.
But there is always
a better one who
manages to climb
and becomes a dragon.
So, in China, for us,
carp fish is the
symbol of good luck.
Like your husband.
For me it is a carp fish.
- He?
- Yes.
I too always say that it is a fish,
because it always bites everything.
[Viviana] It's good.
Anyway, all kidding aside,
Franco is a solid
man, Zhu la Zhang.
Such a cool guy.
[Viviana] Indeed.
I fell in love with him
from the first moment.
This big fish!
[Zhang] I understand you.
I was 20 years old, I was very young.
I had just arrived in Milan.
It was love at first sight.
[they speak chinese]
Zhang Zhu wants me
to introduce the family.
He follows me?
- [Zhang] Go.
- I'll be right there.
Are you with Olivia,
anything, ask me.
- [Viviana] Thanks again.
- Please.
- [Viviana] With permission.
- Please.
I finish here and come.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you for the invite.
How are you, Mr. Zhang?
I take all these
medicines, I need to rest
and reflect a bit
about what has been and what will be.
[Zhang] I heard that
he will retire soon, right?
I too have to reflect on what
has been and what will be.
- [Zhang] Well, well.
- [Love] Yes.
When the day comes,
I would like you to come and work for me.
It would be a great honor.
[speak chinese]
Mr. Zhang would
like to give you the
opportunity to set up
a security service for us.
Very similar to
the one he offers
to Cosimo, but
on a larger scale.
You are always so modest.
Frank, that's great.
Very big.
[Cosimo] Your generosity
knows no bounds, Mr. Zhang.
[speak chinese]
My son-in-law
will be running the
business while
I'm still recovering.
- Pleasure, and bon apptit.
- Thank you.
I hope you enjoy the
parmigiana I brought you.
[indistinct voices]
Look, it's his suit.
It's fine with you.
[indistinct voices]
[Love] I have been
in service for 35 years.
There are some rules that I would like to apply.
The same rules I use with Cosimo.
Tell me.
I do not transport people with
a criminal record, armed people,
and I don't do security with
stolen goods and narcotics.
That's all.
Our company has been operating
legally for 20 years in this country.
- Did he take us for criminals?
- Ninth.
Excuse me, I didn't mean to offend you.
It was to be clear.
Straight deal...
We Chinese are very
good at generating cash,
bad finance guard makes
life very difficult for us.
For this, we decided to
explore the world of Cosimo.
Because so much cash
can become a small stone.
So, it's me asking you
not to do anything illegal,
- that could get us in trouble.
- We agree.
Very good.
The first shipment
will arrive next week.
Mr. Love will
need reliable help.
Franco can bring a colleague, right?
Next week?
Wednesday or Thursday.
I thought Mr. Zhang needed
my services after retirement.
Mr. Zhang Ie also said
that I now run the business.
So the first shipment
arrives next week.
Two badges for 5,000 euros
in cash could be fine, right?
Yes, they could.
It's just that...
I want to think about it for a moment.
Here, at the slightest bullshit
they take away your pension.
I'm getting there, I'm almost there.
The only shit he could
do before retirement
would be to give
up this contract,
not to take an hour's drive.
Good day, gentlemen.
Enjoy the party.
Five thousand euros for one day.
You earn them in three months.
And be sophisticated too, Franco.
What the fuck!
[Viviana] How many years have I
seen you return home dissatisfied?
Whiny, long-snouted
like Calimero?
Frank, we've waited forever.
You've always remained assistant chief.
Here is your revenge against
all those who wished you badly.
Franco, are you listening to me?
Sorry, love, but when
you find an employer
who calls you like Zhang called you?
"My hero."
"My fish brings good luck." Come on!
[indistinct noise]
There is no better champagne than this.
Let's make a toast that
now Tito is coming too.
- Is Tito there? Where is he?
- [Cosimo] It's here. He's coming.
Can we make a toast with Tito?
What should we toast to?
To the Chinese, Franco.
We hit the super jackpot.
What the fuck!
Leave him alone.
He's stubborn.
Is the job he offered
him dangerous?
- Dangerous? For Franco?
- I'm asking.
He is more pacifist than Gandhi.
He saved Zhang's life.
And he told me:
"How can I thank Franco?"
He was thinking of 600 euros.
I told him, "No, that's how he
gets offended. That's a solid man.
Since you have this
gemstone business
from Africa, hire
Franco for security.
After 35 years of service,
he sees things we don't...
And I told him you're retiring.
I won't be retired
yet next week.
- Hand'.!
[Viviana] I know.
And that's the problem?
Cosimo, if I walk around with
you and they stop me, I can
tell you're my wife's cousin
and I'm giving you a lift.
If they stop me with the Chinese,
what the fuck do I tell them?
You are right.
- Sorry bro'.
- [bang]
In your 35-year
honorable career,
in which you've
never shot anyone,
when was the last
time they stopped you?
Do they have to stop you
now doing this thing for Zhang?
Come on.
Franco, I'm sorry, but he's right.
This is a negative thought.
[in Calabrian] So what?
- [Tito] Beautiful cousin, how are you?
- [Viviana] Good.
- You look good.
- [Tito] But stop it!
Before the little one came,
Giorgina cooked as if it were
always the feast of San Rocco.
Now that we're married,
she became vegan.
Tito, she keeps you in shape.
How are you and the baby?
They are fine.
Come and visit us every now and then.
So you also see Cataldo, who
is becoming a handsome boy.
Yes, I would like that too.
[Cosimo] Good. Let's make a toast.
[Tito] Commissioner.
Milan would be safer with
a commissioner like you.
[Tito] So?
What are we toasting to, Bruce Lee?
[Cosimo] 'The fucking
Chinese bought everything.
What should we call you, Genghis Cazz?
I'll go get some air. Excuse me.
- Please.
- Please.
But why do you always tease me?
[Tito] I only compliment him.
- No.
- I respect that.
He's the one who never greets me.
[Cosimo] Vivian...
It's a bit psycho-rigid.
No offense.
He is a lovable man, but psycho-rigid.
It's character.
No. Franco only respects the rules.
All right?
I had to beg him to come here.
So, don't start
with this puppet.
Why? We are good people.
If a judge enters here,
he closes the doors
and puts you on trial
and your comrades.
One, two and three.
This is a partnership.
- We have to spread out.
- Scatter you two!
Why don't you give it to Ernesto?
Don't you want to bring it?
The helmet came off, it needs to be glued.
- He'll be delighted. He loves guns.
- [woman] Love?
I'm ruining you this morning.
For me cappuccino and brioche.
- Stay on a diet!
- He made me run tonight.
I deserved it.
The first 50 meters
it looked like Bolt,
then the bellows
came and she collapsed.
I'll put it here, then I'll take it.
[Fulvio] If I don't catch
you, go to the ground.
[man] Stop it.
So I can't get the handcuffs off you.
But look at this!
- China is close.
- Do not move.
- All ready for the final greeting?
- Yes, sir.
You wrote a speech
of four hours and 40.
We need to shorten it, but
not the part where you sing me.
- That's important.
- Certain.
- He has a face like ass.
- A career animal.
Tell us about this bad night.
Filipinos against Chinese in Gothic.
Two Filipinos on the
ground, stab wounds.
We arrived right away.
Then, a third Filipino approaches,
points me to a dark alley and says:
"They hide there. They are armed."
I thought, "The fuck I'm
going down a dark alley."
I was going to tell him, "Hold
the gun, shoot whoever you want."
Then, I see this asshole rocketing off.
What was I supposed to do? I followed it.
Anyway, two small fish.
They'd stashed doses of
shaboo nearby for retrieval.
We caught one, that's right there.
He is 17 years old.
- Chinese? Yes, Paolo Sarpi.
With the fuck talking.
What happened to yours?
Mine, as he ran, said
he would give himself up.
I gave him your name. He comes
to break you at the end of the shift.
[plays "Nobody" by Mina]
[Love] Good morning, Katia.
Give them what they want, today I pay.
- [together] Hello, Katia.
- [Katia] Hello.
- [Fulvio] For me the usual.
- Me too.
At that time?
The history of Gothic...
it made me think of yours.
Before, you didn't see or
hear these Chinese mala.
You saw that.
Have you heard? He is 17 years old.
Gucci T-shirt, 50,000 euro
Rolex, Dolce and Gabbana shoes.
Bao Zhang is the old guard.
The son-in-law, he is younger,
but he seems to me a correct person.
He is reliable.
Will he not be drugs?
They have to try.
Eight hundred euros.
- Eight hundred shit!
- One hour of work.
- 1500.
- 2500.
- Two-thousand.
- You shitty stingy.
- We are late?
- Three minutes early.
I want to hear what Cosimo says.
- Good morning.
- HI.
Everything OK?
Me too.
[plays "Nobody" by Mina]
One minute and I'll be there.
[the music stops]
- Frank?
- Huh?
What are they doing here?
[softly] they are
expanding with the Chinese.
- They're renovating.
- I understand.
[man speaks yiddish]
- [Viviana] It's great!
- [Love] Huh?
It's a big stone.
Do not look.
- Mind your own business.
- Shh!
I said mind your own business.
[man speaks yiddish]
Cosimo, we need to get the
cutters and machinery
from Tel Aviv.
The machinery?
I spent a lot of money on this.
The world is full of skamerz.
- What he said?
- Skamerz.
I don't know what it is. You know it?
I know scamorza.
How stupid!
[Cosimo] Come.
Bro, Bao Zhang is waiting for you.
- Until we meet again.
- Until we meet again.
[door that opens]
[man] Please come in.
Come here.
But that big stone, what is it?
Like what is it?
Cugi, that's the future.
You are crazy!
I'm happy.
Until we meet again.
At that time?
Where can I take you to dinner?
- What are you saying?
- Why?
Don't start being a spendthrift.
If you really have to, one simple thing.
Oysters and champagne.
- Hey!
- See, you make me emotional.
The oysters!
[Love] Hold.
The rest, when things are done.
- Even the phone?
- Yes.
Leave yours at home.
Do I need to worry?
No, I do that too.
As a precaution.
They also give us the car.
At eight he lands,
at nine we're done.
What do I do while you drive?
Try not to be discouraged,
and keep an eye out.
It's not easy to do it together.
In fact, I can't make any
promises about the first one.
Then do as you like.
He doesn't listen, he's stubborn. Now
I have to argue with the whole building.
Stubborn as a mule,
he is just like his mother.
Does she still ask you about Antonella?
Every now and then,
when his friends tell
him something that
puts him in trouble.
Anyway, you're a great dad.
He's coming along fine.
- Did you understand?
- What do you have?
- The melon!
- Yes, the melon.
- You said: "A great dad."
- Yes, and I repeat.
You play the stingy.
You know what I do with these?
I take him to Puglia to
meet the rest of the family.
- Do you understand that father?
- [Viviana] Well done!
Break everything.
But leave it be.
-He's not doing anything.
- Destroys the house.
[indistinct dialogues]
These are tough, listen.
- What are you saying?
- Yes.
She told me she would give them to me ripe.
Who told you that?
The one below, I got them there.
Franco, I can't travel all
over Milan to do the shopping.
Would you like to taste it?
Let me hear.
- No! Don't eat Franco.
- It's tough, huh?
Tomorrow I'll quarrel with that too.
[Ernesto] You are a baron!
[Dino] Done!
[Ernesto] Go!
[Love] I wanted to tell you...
What will you tell us?
Wait a moment.
I want to explain
why I retire early.
I am a policeman who has
always given his best for 35 years.
I'm not talking about a career, it doesn't make sense.
Viviana's relatives
are what they are.
But they used this thing
as an excuse not to
make a career out of it.
I don't tell her anything.
Why would I make her feel bad?
She would suffer unnecessarily.
But even she can't get over it,
she doesn't understand it. Rightly!
If you really want to know, I for love...
I have given up.
[Dino pretends to snore]
What a dickhead you are.
Come on! fuck you!
I'm talking to you.
I am joking.
Seriously speaking,
it's interesting when you say that it was
your choice that you took it in the ass.
Who, when the fuck did I say that?
"By choice of Love"...
What the fuck does that have to do with it!
- You really are an idiot!
- You like it, huh!
Show if you like it.
- [Love] are they?
- [Dino] I think so.
Why are they two?
Hi, I'm Fei Fei.
- Good evening, I'm Franco.
- Dino.
Frank, Dino.
Good evening, Frank.
Is this the car?
- They gave us this.
- Okay.
I need a moment
alone in the car.
Let's go later, okay?
Mr. Zhang had mentioned
a passenger with a briefcase.
- Who is he?
- My boyfriend.
Chun Ba.
[Love] I'm sorry,
but it's better for her
boyfriend to take a
taxi and go to the hotel.
I'm not going without my boyfriend.
Shall I take the taxi too?
Then we search it.
We went through
airport security.
- We need to check too.
- All right.
[in Chinese] Let yourself be searched.
Open your arms.
He's clean.
Boss, let's go!
[whistling dino]
[Fei Fei in Chinese] I'm exhausted.
When it's all over, I
want to go on vacation.
But where?
New York, Hong Kong or Hawaii?
[in Chinese] Something is wrong.
I don't like.
What's the problem?
I think you are the problem.
You are too nervous.
Take it easy.
Do you know it all?
Do you want me to change the song?
Whistle for me that of the white Alfa Romeo.
I try to remember it.
Chief, what's going on?
- [Fei Fei in English] What's up?
- We have laundry.
Rear left, holy shit.
We had a puncture, we have
to stop and change the wheel.
[Fei Fei in English] Don't stop.
[Fei Fei in Chinese] These
guys don't understand shit.
What does this say?
- [in English] Go!
- Fuck you scream!
[in Chinese] What's wrong?
What the fuck is going on?
They are coming for us.
- Have you seen that bike?
- No.
How many magazines do you have?
[Dino] One.
And a fart in the barrel.
Ready to fire.
There's a gas station
next time, shall I go out?
[Dino] Yes.
There will also be cameras.
Let this moron pass!
Let me in, wait. Don't you see it?
Go, what the fuck are you flashing, go!
[Dino] Maybe it's just a coincidence.
[Fei Fei] What? It's not a coincidence!
Miss, I no longer keep the car.
We stop, we change the wheel, I'll take you.
- You explain it to him in English.
- What can I explain to you?
No, if we stop, we're dead.
Did you understand or not?
Fei Fei, don't scream,
you give me a headache!
Let us do our job.
- No, holy shit!
- What's up?
Shut up, let me talk.
[Love in English] Don't talk.
[Love in Italian] Holy shit.
- [agent] Hello.
- Greetings.
She's riding on the rim, you know?
Yes, I'm a colleague, I
stopped to change the tire.
- Greetings!
- HI.
- [officer] Are you on duty?
- Yes.
Let's bring these two Chinese
tourists to file a complaint.
As soon as they arrived they were robbed.
Can I see the badges?
Thanks, alright.
Do you turn it, please?
Discover the photo.
Thanks, alright.
Which police station are you from?
Do you want to know it? Look I'm married.
Does it make me witty?
Answer me, colleague, please?
We are on mobile.
Thank you.
Wait here, don't
go away. I check.
- [Dino] he believed it in your opinion?
- Let's go.
We're going now!
Alright, now let's fix it.
Be calm.
[Fei Fei in Chinese]
You don't tell me right.
She didn't believe it.
[agent] I need to see the
occupants' documents, please.
I thought you'd help me change the tire.
Now what are you doing, a check?
[officer] Yes exactly, a check.
[cell phone rings]
It's a regular checkup, mate.
But is it always like this? We are on duty...
[agent] The machine
is not in service.
- Roll down all the windows.
- They just gave it to us.
We showed you the
badges, let's end it here.
Roll down the windows and
give me the passenger IDs.
- Roll down the window.
- Listen for a second.
Stay in your place.
Hands out, thank you.
But are you serious?
We are on duty.
We are armed, do you want to make war?
I said hands on the
dashboard, both of you, in sight!
Put your hands on the dashboard.
[Fei Fei] You are stupid.
You're so stupid you
can't see they aren't cops.
Shut up, Fei Fei. Make us work.
Ask which barracks they are from.
[Fei Fei in Chinese] There is a
problem and nobody believes me.
Nureyev is the sister-in-law
of the Moskva lieutenant.
Appointed, which barracks are you from?
[pinned] What's in the briefcase?
Pinned, you didn't introduce yourself
and you didn't answer me, it's not polite.
[pinned] We need
to check the briefcase.
[Fei Fei in Chinese] You
have to do something, now!
Can I see the card?
[pinned] I don't have to show you
anything, I'm in uniform and I'm working.
Let's say I check the briefcase and
then go fuck yourself wherever you want.
[in Chinese] I told
you not to stop the car!
[in Italian] Why don't you do anything?
You are all together!
[Fei Fei] Help!
[Dino] He IS armed!
I `ll kill you!
[muffled noises]
Take me Home.
Take me Home.
[Fei Fei shouting] Help!
[Fei Fei shouting] Help!
[Love] Stay with me!
[moan and shout]
They said you wouldn't shoot.
They said you wouldn't shoot.
Who told you?
[Love] As it unlocks,
I call for help.
[officer] Twenty-seven, 10, 13.
The birth of my son.
[Love] Colleagues are coming now.
Go away!
[Viviana] No!
[cell phone rings]
Who is it now?
- HI!
- HI.
[Love] Can you talk?
A moment.
Wait a moment.
Guys, uncork, if you want to relax.
I arrive.
Yes, tell me.
On the road to Malpensa there is a motorway
service station with a large truck park,
come here please.
What happened?
I tell you when I see you.
Exit now, please.
- Exit now.
- How now?
Yes now.
It's important, do you understand?
But people are coming for the
surprise party, did you know.
Find an excuse.
Bring bottles of water, soap,
a suit and sneakers.
Wait a moment.
Tell me again what I have to bring you.
Bottles of water, soap,
tracksuit and sneakers.
- All right?
- [Viviana] Yes, don't worry. I arrive.
What's going on, Frank?
Come here, it's open.
I can't touch anything, you come.
Did you bring soap and water?
- Yes.
- Bring them to me. Come here.
What happened, Frank?
Open the bottle.
I can't touch anything.
Give me the soap.
- Put the soap on.
- What did you do?
I didn't do anything.
Put it here.
Where's Dino?
Can you tell me where is Dino?
Love, Dino don't...
Not what?
They were many.
Get ready.
I should turn myself in and confess everything.
[Viviana] I knew you
would say this bullshit.
You would go to jail!
Do you understand that, Frank?
We lose everything.
Reason, please.
Me and you. All!
Have you thought about your daughter?
[muffled] What is Anna doing
in Brighton without your pension?
You have to come back here.
She has to leave her
studies, go to work...
[shortness of breath]
[Viviana] We are on
the edge of a precipice.
And when one stands on the edge
of a precipice, what does one do?
Does he jump?
What I thought was...
Now who gets the diamonds?
Are you serious, Vivia?
Yes, Frank. Who takes it?
Vivian, no.
Get this out of
your head, please.
We are close to the police station, leave me here.
Here comes Bonnie and Clyde...
[Love] Pull over the car.
Pull over.
Come on.
[Viviana] Will you wait for me, please?
We take them and run away.
Let's go far, Franco.
On a warm island where
no one can find us anymore.
You have to think positive.
You have to visualize this
future on the deserted island...
Viviana, fuck!
You're drilling my brain.
You don't know shit
about how the... works
- What?
- Shit.
You watch too much crap on TV.
What does that have to do with anything?
The road has other rules, my love.
In real life, someone who
escapes to a desert island doesn't
have time to lie down on
the towel they shoot at him.
If I want to do things
right, I have to go to Bao
Zhang, I have to kneel
down and apologize to him.
I have to go to Sarno and
explain what happened.
Then maybe they keep me alive.
A bad trial is better than a
good funeral, remember that.
Here is the sentence made by the
cop that does not solve anything.
Who has arrived, Inspector Callaghan?
Am I watching too much bullshit on TV?
But fuck you, Viviana.
No! You go fuck yourself.
[plays "On the high seas" by Loredana Bert]
Here I am, sorry.
I forgot to buy the vodka.
- [mobile phone rings]
- Hang up for a moment, it's Sarno.
Ready, Commissioner.
Franco left the phone at home.
He went for a jog.
We're all here for the
surprise party we threw for him.
Say hello to Franco's boss.
[in chorus] Hello!
Doctor, do you want to join us too?
Sure, when she gets back I'll call her.
- [Cosimo] Cousins!
- Cosimo!
Meet Sharon.
She is American, but she speaks Italian well.
[in English] Nice to meet you.
- Pleasure and welcome.
- [Sharon] Thank you.
Have you heard from your husband?
No, he went for a run. And who hears it?
- Do you want to have a heart attack?
- What heart attack?
Exams are okay.
[cell phone rings]
- Excuse me.
- [Viviana] Guys!
Sara, Rita, Lorenzo, can you give me a hand?
I have a lot of things to do.
- Did you cook everything yourself?
- Yes.
You were already with the glass in your hand.
And who else, Sharon?
[she speaks in english]
I usually order
take out at parties.
I choose the restaurant, one click,
and no headache to go shopping.
[inaudible voices]
- Do you have a dishwasher?
- Sorry, I have to run.
Yes. As soon as Franco arrives,
let me call. It's important.
- Everything is fine?
- Yes, everything is fine.
- I kick him in...
- Ernesto, enough with that gun.
He's Dino's son, leave him there.
I'm going to do an important service.
Sharon stay here, I'll
pick her up in an hour.
No, Cosimo, don't leave me here for long.
I know you, show up in four hours.
Tonight is not night.
Do you know what you do?
She take her to the taxi stand.
There's one near here.
- You are always kind, thank you.
- With the heart.
- Fuck you.
- Fuck you too.
And tonight there are two!
[notification from computer]
This must be Anna,
Franco's daughter.
Ernesto, you pissed
off with that gun.
[Cosimo] Franco!
We were waiting for you, what happened?
-Her name is Sharon, she is American.
- [in English] Pleasure.
But she understands Italian well.
How was this race with your mates?
They told me there was a mishap.
What happened?
The race went badly, Cosimo.
There was a big trouble.
We were in Rho, near Cerchiate...
and there were five serious injuries.
- Were they hurt?
- A lot, yes.
Three on one side, two on the other.
Also Dino, my colleague.
I know a physiotherapist in the Brera area...
I'm sorry, love.
In Italy, when two
people talk, it doesn't stop.
He's not polite, okay?
Bro, the backpack you had,
united m.?
But do you understand what happened?
The backpack was taken by
those who injured you, right?
Come down for a moment,
so we can talk better. Please.
Get off.
Come down, Cosimo.
What the fuck am I getting off?
Damn you! But do you
understand what a fucking mess...
[indistinct voices]
[inaudible voices]
[telephone rings]
[Viviana] Sorry. It must be Sarno.
He's called a couple times already.
He will want to wish you well.
You answer?
Good evening doctor.
Yes, yes.
[officer] Give him a shoe
cover and let him pass.
[voices from the radio]
[ambulance siren]
[I shoot]
[agent 2] Are you all right, colleague?
Thank you.
Who was the first to arrive here?
I don't know, you should ask the station.
[ambulance siren]
[cell phone rings]
[Gang Ma] What happened?
[Love] Who the fuck was
that you put in my car?
Where's the goods?
No. I want to talk to your father-in-law.
No, you talk to me.
Where is the goods?
What the fuck do I know! I don't know.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, please.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Sorry, permission.
Can I talk to you for a moment?
Did you understand what happened?
[Sarno] I'm not understanding shit.
The gun in Dino's hand...
It's strange that he didn't
have that of ordinance.
We await the scientific response.
And we understand.
I, doc...
Doctor, I've worked with Ruggeri
for 20 years, he
has a son to raise.
Bullshit like that he would never do.
Frank, you know...
that money,
he is brother of the devil.
This you have to say?
Don't you dare talk to me like that.
Stay in your fucking seat.
The prosecutor is coming.
I wish you were here when it arrives.
All right?
All right.
Do you want to tell me
something before talking to them?
I don't have to say anything.
[Love] Allowed, sorry.
[dial tone]
- [Viviana] Franco!
- Viviana.
- A mess here...
- I know, we're all upset.
Fulvio and Nureyev are coming to you.
They put the gun he
fired first into Dino's hand.
Do you understand what I'm telling you? Yes or no?
I understand.
If Dino was still alive, do you
know what he would tell you?
"Wake up, Franco, don't think about me,
he thinks about saving your ass.
Finish this last night without
letting anything distract you."
Is it true or not, that he would tell you so?
The thing we talked
about earlier in the car
If you think about it,
it's our only way out.
I have all eyes on me.
Do you want me to come and help you?
What the fuck are you saying? What the fuck are you saying?
Let me do it!
There are some things I need to understand.
- I have to figure out some houses.
- What do you still need to understand?
I am coming.
- Fuck you!
- [Sarno] Guys!
Come on, come with me.
We too. After you.
[Sarno] Listen to me.
Too many badges shot and died...
in this story.
We'll be the mobile...
Did you know he did this job?
[Sarno] We are collecting the reports
for the numerous eyewitnesses...
Do you have relatives in Moscow?
Franci's brother is marshal.
Do you know who was
the first to arrive on site?
...the other victim is
an off-duty police officer.
And the last two victims are
the Carabinieri in uniform...
[dial tone]
[cell phone rings]
Dino Ruggeri is the most
honest agent I've ever met.
He was honest!
And Daria what was it? Was she corrupt?
Do you know Daria? do you know her?
You don't know it!
-She was my sister!
- [Sarno] Discipline, fuck!
Let's get to work, come on.
Who has to go to the office, go.
Let pass.
[inaudible voice]
Do you ask if there is a
white Alfa Romeo in service?
Yes, we let you know.
[shortness of breath]
[dial tone]
[cell phone rings]
Where's Dad?
Dad's at work, honey.
[Cosimo] Viviana!
- Cosimo!
- Beautiful cousin, come here.
- Tito, what are you doing here?
- [Tito] Cousin!
- Are you looking for Franco?
- [Tito] No.
We wanted to know how you were.
Do you need help?
No, what help?
This mess happened...
everything at once.
I can't think about it yet.
What a fucking mess, Viviana.
Now we have to
sort this mess out,
because we are
accountable to the Chinese.
- To the Chinese?
- Huh.
The goods are theirs,
and they rightly want it.
What are you talking about? What goods?
I have the baby in the car.
By any chance, did Franco
tell you anything about it?
About what, sorry?
Viviana, let's be clear,
if you want to get
rid of this burden
and all these messes,
don't worry, we'll
deliver the goods to them.
- Still?
- You live in'.
We solve this problem in the
family, without
all these worries.
Tito, I thank you, but I don't
know anything
about these things.
You have to ask Franco.
- I have the baby in the car.
- Wait. Come here.
I have the baby in the car, I
have to take it to my aunt's.
[Cosimo] Why all this hurry?
Then I'll call you. Bye thank you.
Inspector Sarno wants to
speak to you with the prosecutor.
Love, do you a favor for Viviana?
All right.
Can you see if there's
a car following us?
With the gentlemen I spoke to earlier.
The big one you used to
shoot at home with the gun.
Do you remember?
- Yes.
- Here, that one.
See if that gentleman
is inside a car.
[cell phone rings]
You have lost a friend, I have lost two.
Enough bullshit, right?
Colleague, be careful what you say.
I'll take you down with me.
We both drown.
I'm the chief prosecutor Roberta Botta.
He is the public prosecutor Fresi.
- Pleasure.
- [Fresi] Love, my pleasure.
We'd just like to ask you a
few questions, if you don't mind.
I'm here, please-
[acoustic signal]
Milan, 3 June 2022.
It's 2:07.
We are on the Carugate
motorway junction of the A51.
I am the chief prosecutor Roberta
Botta with the public prosecutor Fresi.
We are hearing from Assistant
Chief Franco Amore about the
shooting that took place on
the Segrate exit of the motorway
where they died:
the agent Dino
Ruggeri, the marshal
Daria Criscito, the
pinned Armando Guerra
and two Asian
nationals, one identified,
the other still
being identified.
So when was the last time
who spoke to your
colleague Dino Ruggeri?
[Love] This morning.
I was on duty with him.
Did you know about Dino's double job?
She never told me about it.
[Fresi] Did he tell you what
you were going to do tonight?
She didn't say anything.
We were waiting for him at my
house for a small family party.
Did she ever talk to her about...
Financial problems?
With 1800 euros a month...
she had a complicated life.
She had holes in her hands that there,
she gave everything to her son.
However, I want to be clear
never, ever would Dino Ruggeri
have done something illegal.
He was the most honest police officer that
We are not accusing him of anything.
We just want to try to clarify.
What did you do tonight,
between 7 and 9.30 pm?
Are you just trying to clarify?
You are pathetic.
Answer, Franco, please.
I was running.
I got home to find my wife had
thrown me a surprise
retirement party.
There I learned of what had happened, from the Doctor.
What time did you arrive at the party?
Doctor, if you want the
details, call me tomorrow at the
police station, or wherever
you want, and question me.
Now, if you don't
mind, I'm going to
say hello to my brother
who's down there.
He don't fuck with me.
[cell phone rings]
[Zhang] I came here to say
that I still trust
the fishman's word.
I'm going home now,
and I wait for the delivery.
I'm so sorry for his friend.
Thank you.
Ma'am, you can't pass.
The road is blocked.
I'm sorry, officer.
Excuse me, I'm just...
I'm a relative of agent Dino Ruggeri.
The boy behind here is his son.
I learned that he was
injured in an accident.
We came right away.
Sarno called me, told
me I was authorized
to come here.
However, I didn't understand much.
- Let me go and see.
- Wait.
I'm very worried.
They are Booties.
There is a relative of
agent Ruggeri, she seems
to have been called
by Commissioner Sarno.
Do I let it pass?
[Viviana] Thank you, officer. Very nice.
[Boots] Ma'am, you can't pass.
[Viviana] Hey.
Did you wake up, baby?
I want to go home, I want my bed.
But how?
Did you know that sleeping
in the car is a crazy adventure?
Like real superheroes.
There are no superheroes
who sleep in cars.
So what do you think Batman
never fell asleep
in the Batmobile?
Ernesto, let's do something.
You stay here,
good, I'll be there
and back in a flash,
like Wonder Woman.
All right?
[cell phone rings]
[Viviana] Is that Dino's body?
Turn around, I'm here.
- What the fuck are you doing here?
- I'm afraid, Franco!
we must do something,
or end up like Dino too.
Honey, you have to leave it to me.
They lock us into this sooner or later.
Did you understand?
To me. What are you doing?
Nobody catches you.
But how can I do without you?
You know it's the only
way, tell me where I am.
C'mon honey.
Do you see at the end of the tunnel?
There is a bridge.
Yes, I see.
Before all?
I told you.
What do you want to do?
What do I have to do?
Soon they find them.
It doesn't mean we have
to let everything go like this.
Can you give me some hope, my love?
What a scene!
In my opinion, a crazy
photo comes from this bridge.
If they catch you, they'll kick your ass.
Look, I'll try.
If the cops come by, will you give me a shout?
All right. Hurry up.
The first to call was a police
station from Porta Ticinese,
and at the Moscova they have
a service Alfa, a white Giulietta.
Among the caramba, there is one in civilian clothes.
[Nureyev] I know him, yes. It's rotten.
He was in the cathedral, then they moved him.
before the Expo, for
laundering loot with
one of our people.
They killed ours, not
even a scratch on him.
- What is his name?
- Attili.
Long lieutenant.
[cell phone rings]
Excuse me.
- You need to turn off the fucking flashlight.
- [Viviana] What?
Turn off the fucking flashlight.
How do I find it without light?
Franco, there is water.
Will I come back with mask and tube?
Come back, we're screwing up.
No. Franco, listen to me.
Where did you throw them?
- In the middle of.
- In the middle of?
In the middle of...
In the middle of.
Was it here?
[Viviana] I see you, do you see me?
- Is it here? - No, later.
How much further?
- A few steps.
- More specific.
How many meters?
Four, five, what the fuck do I know?
Four or five?
One two three four...
and five.
- Was he here?
- Lowered!
They should be there.
- Run away, my love.
- What is it?
- They're coming for them.
- Who?
The Chinese. Go away.
Viviana, go away.
No. Franco, I'm almost there.
I beg you, go away.
There are.
They're behind you, hurry up!
There is something here. I found them, love!
He stays with me.
No! No!
- I'm sorry, Frank.
- Let it be. He gets into the car.
- There are still those waiting for me.
- Don't go home.
Drive on the ring road e and don't stop.
I'll call you.
[Viviana] Beautiful love...
Will you tell me what you're thinking?
That man had dad's shoes.
Did he fall asleep?
Yes. He cried a lot and
then collapsed like a stone.
Darling, you'd better leave now.
Take him to his grandparents.
- Canvas do you hear? I'm in Puglia.
- Yes where?
A Spongano is a small village in Puglia.
Dino told me that my
grandmother was a seamstress.
Everyone knows her.
These here...
we must forget them.
As if they weren't there.
- Did you understand?
- Yes.
What's up?
One told me I had to finish the
shift as if nothing had happened.
One watches bullshit on TV.
You're an idiot!
I recovered everything.
I am coming.
[From rla] They said
you wouldn't shoot.
[Cosimo] In 35 years as a
policeman, he has never shot anyone.
[Love] You don't have to tell anyone.
Especially to your family.
We don't tell him anything.
Roll down the window.
He wakes up your partner.
He take the irons and
put them on the dashboard.
Show me your hands!
Throw the phones behind.
[unintelligible voices]
Come up, Cosimo.
We have a chat.
Bro, park.
We have a drink inside.
I want to get some fresh air.
These cars are full of options.
We got into a mess, Franco.
you must be calm, please.
Let me talk.
Because, in my opinion,
you're going a little too crazy.
I am sorry.
But what happened, happened.
Believe me, I swear
i am really very sorry
about what happened to your colleague.
But I swear I have nothing to do with it.
Franco, for God's sake...
They kill us both.
It starts.
Franco knew nothing.
On the contrary...
we chose him because we
were sure he wouldn't react.
Everyone considers him a weakling.
One who doesn't shoot.
There, I said it.
The carabinieri My cousin,
Tito Russo, went there.
With whom he maintains relations.
And I informed him of the shipment.
The idea came from his son-in-law.
[in Chinese] bullshit! I'll fucking kill you!
[in Chinese] What's on your mind?
You don't know what you are doing.
Take him away!
But did you hear what he said?
bullshit! This idiot talks bullshit.
[Cosimo] her son-in-law
told us that she was
dying and that she would
take control of Milan.
And then, I checked
with my cousin.
I only acted as an intermediary, I swear.
Zhang Zhu...
Please forgive me.
Franco, tell him something
to calm things down. Please.
[Love] Here are the names and
numbers of the other two accomplices.
A corrupt carabiniere
from the Moscova barracks
and Tito Russo, his
cousin, a 'ndragheta.
If you hurry, you can find it
in front of his jewelry store.
I'll let you sort out
your family problems.
My diamonds?
I have his diamonds, Mr. Zhang.
And I keep it.
I told you I didn't want
people with guns in the car.
The shooting was your
fucking guard's fault.
I'm holding it, Mr. Zhang.
Anyway, sooner or later
I get caught for this story.
They take away my pension,
they put me in San Vittore.
My wife and daughter
need to stay calm.
They also take away
my best friend's pension,
who died tonight.
I need the diamonds, I
have to take care of his son.
I have to raise him, he's still small.
But above all, for once,
I want to take away the
satisfaction of being like Robin Hood.
I steal from a rich man to
give to a poor bastard who
has had the ambition to be
an honest person all his life.
Now, if you don't mind him,
I still have an hour of work left.
Take care, Cosimo.
Frank, don't leave me here.
These kill me!
How dare you look
my cousin in the face?
32, from the Puma 103.
- [beep] - I see you, Puma 103.
All patrols listening
from Puma 103.
I'm the assistant chief Franco Amore.
I wanted to say hello to all colleagues,
thank them sincerely,
and tell you that this...
it is my last radio message,
my last communication.
In fact, I finish today
thirty-five years of honorable
service in the state police.
I even wrote a speech,
but I'm saving it.
Will be for another time.
Today is a very special day for
me because, as you all know...
we have lost our colleague Dino Ruggeri.
A worthy colleague, an honest man...
a family man, a friend,
a civil servant, one of us.
I wish everyone good luck
and a bright future.
From Puma 103, last step and out.
Thank you all.
[agent] This is Vanessa, Gino and
Carla from the operations center.
We all wish you the best.
Dino will always remain in our hearts.
[agent 2] Roman steering wheel.
Franco, you have been an
older brother, a guide to all of us.
Colleagues, let's all turn on the sirens,
for our Dino.
A big hug, Franco.
[sirens in the distance]
[agent 3] 39, at Puma 103.
[sirens in the distance]
What do you think, that we will miss you?
I better shut up.
[agent 4] We say hello from San Siro.
We are at Ticinese with
the Garibaldi steering wheel.
An affectionate hug, Franco.
[shortness of breath]
[muffled music]
[in the background "On the
high seas" by Loredana Bert]
[man] Viviana I have to run away.
When Franco arrives let me call.
- [in Calabrian] But a kick in the ass!
- [Viviana] Ernesto is enough!
[man] I have to do
something important,
can I leave Sharon
here for an hour?
No, Cosimo.
Take her to the taxi stand.
[Cosimo] All right, thank you.
[notification from computer]
This is Anna, Franco's daughter.
You're a pain in the ass with that gun!
Come here, my love.
Go to the window and see if Franco comes.
- [woman] Hello, Anna.
- [Viviana] Anna, darling.
[Anna] Hi Vivi, has the
present for dad arrived?
[Viviana] Yes, here it is, look.
[Anne] Perfect!
Tell him it's from mom too.
[Viviana] Sure, he'll be happy.
[man] I can't wait
to see him in this suit.
[Viviana] How are you, are
you in love with someone?
[Anna] I don't have time,
I have to study like crazy.
[woman] But she's
daddy's girl, if she finds
a boyfriend, he'll
have a heart attack.
[man] he He's been rehearsing
his parting speech for a month now.
[woman] "Once upon a time
there was a good policeman, who in
35 years of service he never..."
How is it that he says he?
[Anna] shot a
Christian in his lifetime.
[Viviana] Even Anna knows it.
[Anna] My dad is really Franco
Amore, in name and in fact.
Here he is, he's coming.
Gabriele, turn off the lamp back there.
We all have to hide.
You get under the table.
Don't mess everything up.
Doctor Loria, be careful with your glass.
[Viviana] Fulvio take it here.
- [Viviana] Ernesto?
- Where am I hiding?
[Viviana] You...
Come here, sit on the armchair...
and you hide with your jacket.
[Viviana] Watch out for the bottle.
[Viviana] Ok. Very good.
[Viviana] Wonderful, do you hang me there?
You have to stick to
the wall like wallpaper.
[Viviana] My love.
[all together] Surprise!
[woman] What do you look like?
- [Love] I had a stroke.
- [woman] Poor pensioner.
- [Love] Hello.
- [woman] Hello.
[Love] What a surprise.
I went for a jog.
He how are you?
[woman] Starting tomorrow
you can plan the marathon.
[Love] Look over there, how are you?
- [Love] Hello.
- [Viviana] Look who's here.
[Anna] Here I am! I'm here too!
What are you doing here?
Don't you have to study for exams?
I wouldn't have missed
your party for the world.
I'm sorry I'm not the ii.
Look at your daughter and your
ex what a sweetie they sent you.
- How beautiful!
- For tonight and for tomorrow's photos.
[man] Yes, for the speech.
I'm told you're preparing a
beautiful retirement speech.
It will take pinching.
No, the speech is beautiful.
Try on the jacket, I want
to see how it fits on you.
[Viviana] Let's try it. Sarah, can you hold this?
[Viviana] One and two.
Here you go, what do you say?
From behind it is perfect!
- [Viviana] Really.
- [Anna] Yes, it's perfect!
[Viviana] Love.
- He got excited!
- Drink!
- Sorry...
- A toast!
[joyful shouts]
Excuse me.
[Viviana] Surely it's Sarno, he's
already called a couple of times.
In fact it's him, he'll want to wish you a happy birthday.
Doctor, good evening.
All right.
All right.
- I have to go, excuse me.
- [Viviana] Now?
Tonight too?
[Anna] You retire tomorrow,
can't someone else go?
I'm sorry my love.
It was Sarno, the usual trouble.
- [man] At this time?
- I'll call you if I need to.
[Love] You stay.
Of course, you come and go.
- We'll wait for you here.
- Yes.
- [Love] Excuse me.
- [Viviana] We keep the party warm.
Take the sparkling wine, come on!
Hi, I'm a colleague.
[indistinct voices from the radio]
[policeman] Let him through.
Thank you.
[indistinct voices]
What was Dino doing here?
Do you know something?
I don't know shit, Doc.'
Three bullets to the chest.
One severed the aorta.
She was...
a quick death.
[inaudible voice]
[Love] "The first
time I wore a 'uniform
I was 20.
And today, after 35 years,
I can guarantee that I am even more proud...
even more proud...
more and more.
prouder of my choice..."
[plays "Propaganda" by Fabri Fibra]
[Love] "...of my choice made."
"More and more proud...
of my choice...
[Cosimo in French]
And voil, heaven.
What you are holding is not
a watch, you are holding time.
Let's be clear.
When you train at Milan, maybe
Ibra doesn't even look at you.
But if she in the locker room she
sees what you have on her wrist,
then see how she works
hard to make you score!
[Cosimo] And then she costs shit!
Bro, do you want to take a selfie with Abdu?
- No thank you. I support Inter.
- Shit, Inter.
[Cosimo] Everyone has his cross.
Sell a 50,000 euro watch
and drive around in a shit car?
[Cosimo] It's a service car.
And a real cop.
He acts as my chauffeur when I
need him and I give him 50 euros.
Be a good boy.
Have a couple of hours of extra time?
Abdu, at the next
goal you tap your
wrist and do Cosimo's
C for the camera.
- [Abdu] Promised.
- Be good, understand?
Fuck Abdu!
These fucking Chinese,
someone has to explain it to me.
It would take Piero Angela.
Do you know how the
hairless business is done?
"The new generations...
The younger generations..."
Well, it's the same.
"...they should look at the photos
of our heroes at the police station,
and be inspired by those heroic looks".
"Be inspired by the looks..."
[cell phone rings]
" heroic looks..."
[cell phone rings]
What the fuck happened?
[shortness of breath]
Help me or we are ruined!
The Chinese boss is dying.
- Did you call the ambulance?
- You called her!
Go down and make her call.
Get the driver, because if he
dies I want a Chinese witness.
[Love] Stronger. These are caresses.
Where the fuck am I going dressed like this?
[Love] Hey!
What do you want?
Leave it alone, it doesn't suit you.
These people hurt you.
Thank you. I do.
Get dressed in the elevator.
Come on, Frank.
I'm in.
Can you give me a hand?
Can you press 29?
The last one?
If you don't look down, nothing happens.
Don't worry.
"Don't look down."
I look down.
Finally I can look
at Milan from above.
I take off my whim.
How am I, Frank?
You are an angel.
You always answer me like this.
Can't you see that I'm sitting because of you?
You made me run.
My feet already hurt.
I like it when you sweat because of me.
I'm serious.
How am I?
In my opinion?
No, according to the parish priest of San Demente.
I don't know what
he thinks, but to
me you are an angel
come down to earth.
All right.
Even the parish priest, if he saw you, would say:
Angels exist."
- You're a lunatic.
- No!
- Watch out! You make my jacket dirty.
- Excuse me. For charity.
- What's up?
- You are pretty.
All right.
[Love] Allowed?
Bro, what the fuck.
Do not say anything.
We parked away.
No parking suited him.
[Love] Why do I have to take the fines?
It annoys me.
It annoys you to have them removed.
We have to remove this.
Never be arrested for
bribing a public official.
What did you bring?
- [Viviana] Parmigiana.
- You are a genius.
[Cosimo] Permission.
[cries of disapproval]
In my opinion, the provolone doesn't please you.
- How do you talk, love?
- [Cosimo] What did he say?
[Viviana] "You don't like it."
[Cosimo] he Talks like a chef.
Hello, could he tell Zhang
Zhu that we are here?
Yes, my dad is waiting for you.
- I can?
- No thank you. I prefer to keep it.
Okay. Notice and arrival.
[Viviana] I've been frying all morning.
[they speak chinese]
- [Viviana] Cosimo, do you speak Chinese?
- [Cosimo] Huh?
- No, I don't know.
- Permit.
Zhang Zhu, is a form of respect.
They like it.
Zhang Zhu.
[inaudible voices]
It's ready. Welcome.
- [Cosimo] Mr. Zhu.
- Permit.
- [Zhang] Sit down.
- [Cosimo] Thank you.
[Viviana] Za Zu Zhang.
I'm Viviana, Franco's wife.
- [Zhang] Pleasure.
- I made her a parmigiana
to give her some energy in
this complicated juncture of life.
Very kind of you, thanks.
Keep it upright as
the oil could leak.
[Zhang] Thank you.
She's pretty spicy.
It's good for the heart.
- I like it spicy.
- In Calabria we do it like this.
I figured you liked it too.
- It's good for the heart.
- [laughs]
' [Zhang] Viviana? - YES.
The wife of the hero
who saved my life.
- [Viviana] Yes.
- [Zhang] I have a nice present too.
She didn't have to.
This is carp fish.
- Beautiful.
- [Zhang] He lives in the Yellow River.
According to legend,
every year thousands
of carp fish swim
upriver to spawn.
But there is a waterfall,
the Dragon Waterfall,
which is very high,
so they can't climb it.
But there is always
a better one who
manages to climb
and becomes a dragon.
So, in China, for us,
carp fish is the
symbol of good luck.
Like your husband.
For me it is a carp fish.
- He?
- Yes.
I too always say that it is a fish,
because it always bites everything.
[Viviana] It's good.
Anyway, all kidding aside,
Franco is a solid
man, Zhu la Zhang.
Such a cool guy.
[Viviana] Indeed.
I fell in love with him
from the first moment.
This big fish!
[Zhang] I understand you.
I was 20 years old, I was very young.
I had just arrived in Milan.
It was love at first sight.
[they speak chinese]
Zhang Zhu wants me
to introduce the family.
He follows me?
- [Zhang] Go.
- I'll be right there.
Are you with Olivia,
anything, ask me.
- [Viviana] Thanks again.
- Please.
- [Viviana] With permission.
- Please.
I finish here and come.
Thank you for coming.
Thank you for the invite.
How are you, Mr. Zhang?
I take all these
medicines, I need to rest
and reflect a bit
about what has been and what will be.
[Zhang] I heard that
he will retire soon, right?
I too have to reflect on what
has been and what will be.
- [Zhang] Well, well.
- [Love] Yes.
When the day comes,
I would like you to come and work for me.
It would be a great honor.
[speak chinese]
Mr. Zhang would
like to give you the
opportunity to set up
a security service for us.
Very similar to
the one he offers
to Cosimo, but
on a larger scale.
You are always so modest.
Frank, that's great.
Very big.
[Cosimo] Your generosity
knows no bounds, Mr. Zhang.
[speak chinese]
My son-in-law
will be running the
business while
I'm still recovering.
- Pleasure, and bon apptit.
- Thank you.
I hope you enjoy the
parmigiana I brought you.
[indistinct voices]
Look, it's his suit.
It's fine with you.
[indistinct voices]
[Love] I have been
in service for 35 years.
There are some rules that I would like to apply.
The same rules I use with Cosimo.
Tell me.
I do not transport people with
a criminal record, armed people,
and I don't do security with
stolen goods and narcotics.
That's all.
Our company has been operating
legally for 20 years in this country.
- Did he take us for criminals?
- Ninth.
Excuse me, I didn't mean to offend you.
It was to be clear.
Straight deal...
We Chinese are very
good at generating cash,
bad finance guard makes
life very difficult for us.
For this, we decided to
explore the world of Cosimo.
Because so much cash
can become a small stone.
So, it's me asking you
not to do anything illegal,
- that could get us in trouble.
- We agree.
Very good.
The first shipment
will arrive next week.
Mr. Love will
need reliable help.
Franco can bring a colleague, right?
Next week?
Wednesday or Thursday.
I thought Mr. Zhang needed
my services after retirement.
Mr. Zhang Ie also said
that I now run the business.
So the first shipment
arrives next week.
Two badges for 5,000 euros
in cash could be fine, right?
Yes, they could.
It's just that...
I want to think about it for a moment.
Here, at the slightest bullshit
they take away your pension.
I'm getting there, I'm almost there.
The only shit he could
do before retirement
would be to give
up this contract,
not to take an hour's drive.
Good day, gentlemen.
Enjoy the party.
Five thousand euros for one day.
You earn them in three months.
And be sophisticated too, Franco.
What the fuck!
[Viviana] How many years have I
seen you return home dissatisfied?
Whiny, long-snouted
like Calimero?
Frank, we've waited forever.
You've always remained assistant chief.
Here is your revenge against
all those who wished you badly.
Franco, are you listening to me?
Sorry, love, but when
you find an employer
who calls you like Zhang called you?
"My hero."
"My fish brings good luck." Come on!
[indistinct noise]
There is no better champagne than this.
Let's make a toast that
now Tito is coming too.
- Is Tito there? Where is he?
- [Cosimo] It's here. He's coming.
Can we make a toast with Tito?
What should we toast to?
To the Chinese, Franco.
We hit the super jackpot.
What the fuck!
Leave him alone.
He's stubborn.
Is the job he offered
him dangerous?
- Dangerous? For Franco?
- I'm asking.
He is more pacifist than Gandhi.
He saved Zhang's life.
And he told me:
"How can I thank Franco?"
He was thinking of 600 euros.
I told him, "No, that's how he
gets offended. That's a solid man.
Since you have this
gemstone business
from Africa, hire
Franco for security.
After 35 years of service,
he sees things we don't...
And I told him you're retiring.
I won't be retired
yet next week.
- Hand'.!
[Viviana] I know.
And that's the problem?
Cosimo, if I walk around with
you and they stop me, I can
tell you're my wife's cousin
and I'm giving you a lift.
If they stop me with the Chinese,
what the fuck do I tell them?
You are right.
- Sorry bro'.
- [bang]
In your 35-year
honorable career,
in which you've
never shot anyone,
when was the last
time they stopped you?
Do they have to stop you
now doing this thing for Zhang?
Come on.
Franco, I'm sorry, but he's right.
This is a negative thought.
[in Calabrian] So what?
- [Tito] Beautiful cousin, how are you?
- [Viviana] Good.
- You look good.
- [Tito] But stop it!
Before the little one came,
Giorgina cooked as if it were
always the feast of San Rocco.
Now that we're married,
she became vegan.
Tito, she keeps you in shape.
How are you and the baby?
They are fine.
Come and visit us every now and then.
So you also see Cataldo, who
is becoming a handsome boy.
Yes, I would like that too.
[Cosimo] Good. Let's make a toast.
[Tito] Commissioner.
Milan would be safer with
a commissioner like you.
[Tito] So?
What are we toasting to, Bruce Lee?
[Cosimo] 'The fucking
Chinese bought everything.
What should we call you, Genghis Cazz?
I'll go get some air. Excuse me.
- Please.
- Please.
But why do you always tease me?
[Tito] I only compliment him.
- No.
- I respect that.
He's the one who never greets me.
[Cosimo] Vivian...
It's a bit psycho-rigid.
No offense.
He is a lovable man, but psycho-rigid.
It's character.
No. Franco only respects the rules.
All right?
I had to beg him to come here.
So, don't start
with this puppet.
Why? We are good people.
If a judge enters here,
he closes the doors
and puts you on trial
and your comrades.
One, two and three.
This is a partnership.
- We have to spread out.
- Scatter you two!
Why don't you give it to Ernesto?
Don't you want to bring it?
The helmet came off, it needs to be glued.
- He'll be delighted. He loves guns.
- [woman] Love?
I'm ruining you this morning.
For me cappuccino and brioche.
- Stay on a diet!
- He made me run tonight.
I deserved it.
The first 50 meters
it looked like Bolt,
then the bellows
came and she collapsed.
I'll put it here, then I'll take it.
[Fulvio] If I don't catch
you, go to the ground.
[man] Stop it.
So I can't get the handcuffs off you.
But look at this!
- China is close.
- Do not move.
- All ready for the final greeting?
- Yes, sir.
You wrote a speech
of four hours and 40.
We need to shorten it, but
not the part where you sing me.
- That's important.
- Certain.
- He has a face like ass.
- A career animal.
Tell us about this bad night.
Filipinos against Chinese in Gothic.
Two Filipinos on the
ground, stab wounds.
We arrived right away.
Then, a third Filipino approaches,
points me to a dark alley and says:
"They hide there. They are armed."
I thought, "The fuck I'm
going down a dark alley."
I was going to tell him, "Hold
the gun, shoot whoever you want."
Then, I see this asshole rocketing off.
What was I supposed to do? I followed it.
Anyway, two small fish.
They'd stashed doses of
shaboo nearby for retrieval.
We caught one, that's right there.
He is 17 years old.
- Chinese? Yes, Paolo Sarpi.
With the fuck talking.
What happened to yours?
Mine, as he ran, said
he would give himself up.
I gave him your name. He comes
to break you at the end of the shift.
[plays "Nobody" by Mina]
[Love] Good morning, Katia.
Give them what they want, today I pay.
- [together] Hello, Katia.
- [Katia] Hello.
- [Fulvio] For me the usual.
- Me too.
At that time?
The history of Gothic...
it made me think of yours.
Before, you didn't see or
hear these Chinese mala.
You saw that.
Have you heard? He is 17 years old.
Gucci T-shirt, 50,000 euro
Rolex, Dolce and Gabbana shoes.
Bao Zhang is the old guard.
The son-in-law, he is younger,
but he seems to me a correct person.
He is reliable.
Will he not be drugs?
They have to try.
Eight hundred euros.
- Eight hundred shit!
- One hour of work.
- 1500.
- 2500.
- Two-thousand.
- You shitty stingy.
- We are late?
- Three minutes early.
I want to hear what Cosimo says.
- Good morning.
- HI.
Everything OK?
Me too.
[plays "Nobody" by Mina]
One minute and I'll be there.
[the music stops]
- Frank?
- Huh?
What are they doing here?
[softly] they are
expanding with the Chinese.
- They're renovating.
- I understand.
[man speaks yiddish]
- [Viviana] It's great!
- [Love] Huh?
It's a big stone.
Do not look.
- Mind your own business.
- Shh!
I said mind your own business.
[man speaks yiddish]
Cosimo, we need to get the
cutters and machinery
from Tel Aviv.
The machinery?
I spent a lot of money on this.
The world is full of skamerz.
- What he said?
- Skamerz.
I don't know what it is. You know it?
I know scamorza.
How stupid!
[Cosimo] Come.
Bro, Bao Zhang is waiting for you.
- Until we meet again.
- Until we meet again.
[door that opens]
[man] Please come in.
Come here.
But that big stone, what is it?
Like what is it?
Cugi, that's the future.
You are crazy!
I'm happy.
Until we meet again.
At that time?
Where can I take you to dinner?
- What are you saying?
- Why?
Don't start being a spendthrift.
If you really have to, one simple thing.
Oysters and champagne.
- Hey!
- See, you make me emotional.
The oysters!
[Love] Hold.
The rest, when things are done.
- Even the phone?
- Yes.
Leave yours at home.
Do I need to worry?
No, I do that too.
As a precaution.
They also give us the car.
At eight he lands,
at nine we're done.
What do I do while you drive?
Try not to be discouraged,
and keep an eye out.
It's not easy to do it together.
In fact, I can't make any
promises about the first one.
Then do as you like.
He doesn't listen, he's stubborn. Now
I have to argue with the whole building.
Stubborn as a mule,
he is just like his mother.
Does she still ask you about Antonella?
Every now and then,
when his friends tell
him something that
puts him in trouble.
Anyway, you're a great dad.
He's coming along fine.
- Did you understand?
- What do you have?
- The melon!
- Yes, the melon.
- You said: "A great dad."
- Yes, and I repeat.
You play the stingy.
You know what I do with these?
I take him to Puglia to
meet the rest of the family.
- Do you understand that father?
- [Viviana] Well done!
Break everything.
But leave it be.
-He's not doing anything.
- Destroys the house.
[indistinct dialogues]
These are tough, listen.
- What are you saying?
- Yes.
She told me she would give them to me ripe.
Who told you that?
The one below, I got them there.
Franco, I can't travel all
over Milan to do the shopping.
Would you like to taste it?
Let me hear.
- No! Don't eat Franco.
- It's tough, huh?
Tomorrow I'll quarrel with that too.
[Ernesto] You are a baron!
[Dino] Done!
[Ernesto] Go!
[Love] I wanted to tell you...
What will you tell us?
Wait a moment.
I want to explain
why I retire early.
I am a policeman who has
always given his best for 35 years.
I'm not talking about a career, it doesn't make sense.
Viviana's relatives
are what they are.
But they used this thing
as an excuse not to
make a career out of it.
I don't tell her anything.
Why would I make her feel bad?
She would suffer unnecessarily.
But even she can't get over it,
she doesn't understand it. Rightly!
If you really want to know, I for love...
I have given up.
[Dino pretends to snore]
What a dickhead you are.
Come on! fuck you!
I'm talking to you.
I am joking.
Seriously speaking,
it's interesting when you say that it was
your choice that you took it in the ass.
Who, when the fuck did I say that?
"By choice of Love"...
What the fuck does that have to do with it!
- You really are an idiot!
- You like it, huh!
Show if you like it.
- [Love] are they?
- [Dino] I think so.
Why are they two?
Hi, I'm Fei Fei.
- Good evening, I'm Franco.
- Dino.
Frank, Dino.
Good evening, Frank.
Is this the car?
- They gave us this.
- Okay.
I need a moment
alone in the car.
Let's go later, okay?
Mr. Zhang had mentioned
a passenger with a briefcase.
- Who is he?
- My boyfriend.
Chun Ba.
[Love] I'm sorry,
but it's better for her
boyfriend to take a
taxi and go to the hotel.
I'm not going without my boyfriend.
Shall I take the taxi too?
Then we search it.
We went through
airport security.
- We need to check too.
- All right.
[in Chinese] Let yourself be searched.
Open your arms.
He's clean.
Boss, let's go!
[whistling dino]
[Fei Fei in Chinese] I'm exhausted.
When it's all over, I
want to go on vacation.
But where?
New York, Hong Kong or Hawaii?
[in Chinese] Something is wrong.
I don't like.
What's the problem?
I think you are the problem.
You are too nervous.
Take it easy.
Do you know it all?
Do you want me to change the song?
Whistle for me that of the white Alfa Romeo.
I try to remember it.
Chief, what's going on?
- [Fei Fei in English] What's up?
- We have laundry.
Rear left, holy shit.
We had a puncture, we have
to stop and change the wheel.
[Fei Fei in English] Don't stop.
[Fei Fei in Chinese] These
guys don't understand shit.
What does this say?
- [in English] Go!
- Fuck you scream!
[in Chinese] What's wrong?
What the fuck is going on?
They are coming for us.
- Have you seen that bike?
- No.
How many magazines do you have?
[Dino] One.
And a fart in the barrel.
Ready to fire.
There's a gas station
next time, shall I go out?
[Dino] Yes.
There will also be cameras.
Let this moron pass!
Let me in, wait. Don't you see it?
Go, what the fuck are you flashing, go!
[Dino] Maybe it's just a coincidence.
[Fei Fei] What? It's not a coincidence!
Miss, I no longer keep the car.
We stop, we change the wheel, I'll take you.
- You explain it to him in English.
- What can I explain to you?
No, if we stop, we're dead.
Did you understand or not?
Fei Fei, don't scream,
you give me a headache!
Let us do our job.
- No, holy shit!
- What's up?
Shut up, let me talk.
[Love in English] Don't talk.
[Love in Italian] Holy shit.
- [agent] Hello.
- Greetings.
She's riding on the rim, you know?
Yes, I'm a colleague, I
stopped to change the tire.
- Greetings!
- HI.
- [officer] Are you on duty?
- Yes.
Let's bring these two Chinese
tourists to file a complaint.
As soon as they arrived they were robbed.
Can I see the badges?
Thanks, alright.
Do you turn it, please?
Discover the photo.
Thanks, alright.
Which police station are you from?
Do you want to know it? Look I'm married.
Does it make me witty?
Answer me, colleague, please?
We are on mobile.
Thank you.
Wait here, don't
go away. I check.
- [Dino] he believed it in your opinion?
- Let's go.
We're going now!
Alright, now let's fix it.
Be calm.
[Fei Fei in Chinese]
You don't tell me right.
She didn't believe it.
[agent] I need to see the
occupants' documents, please.
I thought you'd help me change the tire.
Now what are you doing, a check?
[officer] Yes exactly, a check.
[cell phone rings]
It's a regular checkup, mate.
But is it always like this? We are on duty...
[agent] The machine
is not in service.
- Roll down all the windows.
- They just gave it to us.
We showed you the
badges, let's end it here.
Roll down the windows and
give me the passenger IDs.
- Roll down the window.
- Listen for a second.
Stay in your place.
Hands out, thank you.
But are you serious?
We are on duty.
We are armed, do you want to make war?
I said hands on the
dashboard, both of you, in sight!
Put your hands on the dashboard.
[Fei Fei] You are stupid.
You're so stupid you
can't see they aren't cops.
Shut up, Fei Fei. Make us work.
Ask which barracks they are from.
[Fei Fei in Chinese] There is a
problem and nobody believes me.
Nureyev is the sister-in-law
of the Moskva lieutenant.
Appointed, which barracks are you from?
[pinned] What's in the briefcase?
Pinned, you didn't introduce yourself
and you didn't answer me, it's not polite.
[pinned] We need
to check the briefcase.
[Fei Fei in Chinese] You
have to do something, now!
Can I see the card?
[pinned] I don't have to show you
anything, I'm in uniform and I'm working.
Let's say I check the briefcase and
then go fuck yourself wherever you want.
[in Chinese] I told
you not to stop the car!
[in Italian] Why don't you do anything?
You are all together!
[Fei Fei] Help!
[Dino] He IS armed!
I `ll kill you!
[muffled noises]
Take me Home.
Take me Home.
[Fei Fei shouting] Help!
[Fei Fei shouting] Help!
[Love] Stay with me!
[moan and shout]
They said you wouldn't shoot.
They said you wouldn't shoot.
Who told you?
[Love] As it unlocks,
I call for help.
[officer] Twenty-seven, 10, 13.
The birth of my son.
[Love] Colleagues are coming now.
Go away!
[Viviana] No!
[cell phone rings]
Who is it now?
- HI!
- HI.
[Love] Can you talk?
A moment.
Wait a moment.
Guys, uncork, if you want to relax.
I arrive.
Yes, tell me.
On the road to Malpensa there is a motorway
service station with a large truck park,
come here please.
What happened?
I tell you when I see you.
Exit now, please.
- Exit now.
- How now?
Yes now.
It's important, do you understand?
But people are coming for the
surprise party, did you know.
Find an excuse.
Bring bottles of water, soap,
a suit and sneakers.
Wait a moment.
Tell me again what I have to bring you.
Bottles of water, soap,
tracksuit and sneakers.
- All right?
- [Viviana] Yes, don't worry. I arrive.
What's going on, Frank?
Come here, it's open.
I can't touch anything, you come.
Did you bring soap and water?
- Yes.
- Bring them to me. Come here.
What happened, Frank?
Open the bottle.
I can't touch anything.
Give me the soap.
- Put the soap on.
- What did you do?
I didn't do anything.
Put it here.
Where's Dino?
Can you tell me where is Dino?
Love, Dino don't...
Not what?
They were many.
Get ready.
I should turn myself in and confess everything.
[Viviana] I knew you
would say this bullshit.
You would go to jail!
Do you understand that, Frank?
We lose everything.
Reason, please.
Me and you. All!
Have you thought about your daughter?
[muffled] What is Anna doing
in Brighton without your pension?
You have to come back here.
She has to leave her
studies, go to work...
[shortness of breath]
[Viviana] We are on
the edge of a precipice.
And when one stands on the edge
of a precipice, what does one do?
Does he jump?
What I thought was...
Now who gets the diamonds?
Are you serious, Vivia?
Yes, Frank. Who takes it?
Vivian, no.
Get this out of
your head, please.
We are close to the police station, leave me here.
Here comes Bonnie and Clyde...
[Love] Pull over the car.
Pull over.
Come on.
[Viviana] Will you wait for me, please?
We take them and run away.
Let's go far, Franco.
On a warm island where
no one can find us anymore.
You have to think positive.
You have to visualize this
future on the deserted island...
Viviana, fuck!
You're drilling my brain.
You don't know shit
about how the... works
- What?
- Shit.
You watch too much crap on TV.
What does that have to do with anything?
The road has other rules, my love.
In real life, someone who
escapes to a desert island doesn't
have time to lie down on
the towel they shoot at him.
If I want to do things
right, I have to go to Bao
Zhang, I have to kneel
down and apologize to him.
I have to go to Sarno and
explain what happened.
Then maybe they keep me alive.
A bad trial is better than a
good funeral, remember that.
Here is the sentence made by the
cop that does not solve anything.
Who has arrived, Inspector Callaghan?
Am I watching too much bullshit on TV?
But fuck you, Viviana.
No! You go fuck yourself.
[plays "On the high seas" by Loredana Bert]
Here I am, sorry.
I forgot to buy the vodka.
- [mobile phone rings]
- Hang up for a moment, it's Sarno.
Ready, Commissioner.
Franco left the phone at home.
He went for a jog.
We're all here for the
surprise party we threw for him.
Say hello to Franco's boss.
[in chorus] Hello!
Doctor, do you want to join us too?
Sure, when she gets back I'll call her.
- [Cosimo] Cousins!
- Cosimo!
Meet Sharon.
She is American, but she speaks Italian well.
[in English] Nice to meet you.
- Pleasure and welcome.
- [Sharon] Thank you.
Have you heard from your husband?
No, he went for a run. And who hears it?
- Do you want to have a heart attack?
- What heart attack?
Exams are okay.
[cell phone rings]
- Excuse me.
- [Viviana] Guys!
Sara, Rita, Lorenzo, can you give me a hand?
I have a lot of things to do.
- Did you cook everything yourself?
- Yes.
You were already with the glass in your hand.
And who else, Sharon?
[she speaks in english]
I usually order
take out at parties.
I choose the restaurant, one click,
and no headache to go shopping.
[inaudible voices]
- Do you have a dishwasher?
- Sorry, I have to run.
Yes. As soon as Franco arrives,
let me call. It's important.
- Everything is fine?
- Yes, everything is fine.
- I kick him in...
- Ernesto, enough with that gun.
He's Dino's son, leave him there.
I'm going to do an important service.
Sharon stay here, I'll
pick her up in an hour.
No, Cosimo, don't leave me here for long.
I know you, show up in four hours.
Tonight is not night.
Do you know what you do?
She take her to the taxi stand.
There's one near here.
- You are always kind, thank you.
- With the heart.
- Fuck you.
- Fuck you too.
And tonight there are two!
[notification from computer]
This must be Anna,
Franco's daughter.
Ernesto, you pissed
off with that gun.
[Cosimo] Franco!
We were waiting for you, what happened?
-Her name is Sharon, she is American.
- [in English] Pleasure.
But she understands Italian well.
How was this race with your mates?
They told me there was a mishap.
What happened?
The race went badly, Cosimo.
There was a big trouble.
We were in Rho, near Cerchiate...
and there were five serious injuries.
- Were they hurt?
- A lot, yes.
Three on one side, two on the other.
Also Dino, my colleague.
I know a physiotherapist in the Brera area...
I'm sorry, love.
In Italy, when two
people talk, it doesn't stop.
He's not polite, okay?
Bro, the backpack you had,
united m.?
But do you understand what happened?
The backpack was taken by
those who injured you, right?
Come down for a moment,
so we can talk better. Please.
Get off.
Come down, Cosimo.
What the fuck am I getting off?
Damn you! But do you
understand what a fucking mess...
[indistinct voices]
[inaudible voices]
[telephone rings]
[Viviana] Sorry. It must be Sarno.
He's called a couple times already.
He will want to wish you well.
You answer?
Good evening doctor.
Yes, yes.
[officer] Give him a shoe
cover and let him pass.
[voices from the radio]
[ambulance siren]
[I shoot]
[agent 2] Are you all right, colleague?
Thank you.
Who was the first to arrive here?
I don't know, you should ask the station.
[ambulance siren]
[cell phone rings]
[Gang Ma] What happened?
[Love] Who the fuck was
that you put in my car?
Where's the goods?
No. I want to talk to your father-in-law.
No, you talk to me.
Where is the goods?
What the fuck do I know! I don't know.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, please.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Sorry, permission.
Can I talk to you for a moment?
Did you understand what happened?
[Sarno] I'm not understanding shit.
The gun in Dino's hand...
It's strange that he didn't
have that of ordinance.
We await the scientific response.
And we understand.
I, doc...
Doctor, I've worked with Ruggeri
for 20 years, he
has a son to raise.
Bullshit like that he would never do.
Frank, you know...
that money,
he is brother of the devil.
This you have to say?
Don't you dare talk to me like that.
Stay in your fucking seat.
The prosecutor is coming.
I wish you were here when it arrives.
All right?
All right.
Do you want to tell me
something before talking to them?
I don't have to say anything.
[Love] Allowed, sorry.
[dial tone]
- [Viviana] Franco!
- Viviana.
- A mess here...
- I know, we're all upset.
Fulvio and Nureyev are coming to you.
They put the gun he
fired first into Dino's hand.
Do you understand what I'm telling you? Yes or no?
I understand.
If Dino was still alive, do you
know what he would tell you?
"Wake up, Franco, don't think about me,
he thinks about saving your ass.
Finish this last night without
letting anything distract you."
Is it true or not, that he would tell you so?
The thing we talked
about earlier in the car
If you think about it,
it's our only way out.
I have all eyes on me.
Do you want me to come and help you?
What the fuck are you saying? What the fuck are you saying?
Let me do it!
There are some things I need to understand.
- I have to figure out some houses.
- What do you still need to understand?
I am coming.
- Fuck you!
- [Sarno] Guys!
Come on, come with me.
We too. After you.
[Sarno] Listen to me.
Too many badges shot and died...
in this story.
We'll be the mobile...
Did you know he did this job?
[Sarno] We are collecting the reports
for the numerous eyewitnesses...
Do you have relatives in Moscow?
Franci's brother is marshal.
Do you know who was
the first to arrive on site?
...the other victim is
an off-duty police officer.
And the last two victims are
the Carabinieri in uniform...
[dial tone]
[cell phone rings]
Dino Ruggeri is the most
honest agent I've ever met.
He was honest!
And Daria what was it? Was she corrupt?
Do you know Daria? do you know her?
You don't know it!
-She was my sister!
- [Sarno] Discipline, fuck!
Let's get to work, come on.
Who has to go to the office, go.
Let pass.
[inaudible voice]
Do you ask if there is a
white Alfa Romeo in service?
Yes, we let you know.
[shortness of breath]
[dial tone]
[cell phone rings]
Where's Dad?
Dad's at work, honey.
[Cosimo] Viviana!
- Cosimo!
- Beautiful cousin, come here.
- Tito, what are you doing here?
- [Tito] Cousin!
- Are you looking for Franco?
- [Tito] No.
We wanted to know how you were.
Do you need help?
No, what help?
This mess happened...
everything at once.
I can't think about it yet.
What a fucking mess, Viviana.
Now we have to
sort this mess out,
because we are
accountable to the Chinese.
- To the Chinese?
- Huh.
The goods are theirs,
and they rightly want it.
What are you talking about? What goods?
I have the baby in the car.
By any chance, did Franco
tell you anything about it?
About what, sorry?
Viviana, let's be clear,
if you want to get
rid of this burden
and all these messes,
don't worry, we'll
deliver the goods to them.
- Still?
- You live in'.
We solve this problem in the
family, without
all these worries.
Tito, I thank you, but I don't
know anything
about these things.
You have to ask Franco.
- I have the baby in the car.
- Wait. Come here.
I have the baby in the car, I
have to take it to my aunt's.
[Cosimo] Why all this hurry?
Then I'll call you. Bye thank you.
Inspector Sarno wants to
speak to you with the prosecutor.
Love, do you a favor for Viviana?
All right.
Can you see if there's
a car following us?
With the gentlemen I spoke to earlier.
The big one you used to
shoot at home with the gun.
Do you remember?
- Yes.
- Here, that one.
See if that gentleman
is inside a car.
[cell phone rings]
You have lost a friend, I have lost two.
Enough bullshit, right?
Colleague, be careful what you say.
I'll take you down with me.
We both drown.
I'm the chief prosecutor Roberta Botta.
He is the public prosecutor Fresi.
- Pleasure.
- [Fresi] Love, my pleasure.
We'd just like to ask you a
few questions, if you don't mind.
I'm here, please-
[acoustic signal]
Milan, 3 June 2022.
It's 2:07.
We are on the Carugate
motorway junction of the A51.
I am the chief prosecutor Roberta
Botta with the public prosecutor Fresi.
We are hearing from Assistant
Chief Franco Amore about the
shooting that took place on
the Segrate exit of the motorway
where they died:
the agent Dino
Ruggeri, the marshal
Daria Criscito, the
pinned Armando Guerra
and two Asian
nationals, one identified,
the other still
being identified.
So when was the last time
who spoke to your
colleague Dino Ruggeri?
[Love] This morning.
I was on duty with him.
Did you know about Dino's double job?
She never told me about it.
[Fresi] Did he tell you what
you were going to do tonight?
She didn't say anything.
We were waiting for him at my
house for a small family party.
Did she ever talk to her about...
Financial problems?
With 1800 euros a month...
she had a complicated life.
She had holes in her hands that there,
she gave everything to her son.
However, I want to be clear
never, ever would Dino Ruggeri
have done something illegal.
He was the most honest police officer that
We are not accusing him of anything.
We just want to try to clarify.
What did you do tonight,
between 7 and 9.30 pm?
Are you just trying to clarify?
You are pathetic.
Answer, Franco, please.
I was running.
I got home to find my wife had
thrown me a surprise
retirement party.
There I learned of what had happened, from the Doctor.
What time did you arrive at the party?
Doctor, if you want the
details, call me tomorrow at the
police station, or wherever
you want, and question me.
Now, if you don't
mind, I'm going to
say hello to my brother
who's down there.
He don't fuck with me.
[cell phone rings]
[Zhang] I came here to say
that I still trust
the fishman's word.
I'm going home now,
and I wait for the delivery.
I'm so sorry for his friend.
Thank you.
Ma'am, you can't pass.
The road is blocked.
I'm sorry, officer.
Excuse me, I'm just...
I'm a relative of agent Dino Ruggeri.
The boy behind here is his son.
I learned that he was
injured in an accident.
We came right away.
Sarno called me, told
me I was authorized
to come here.
However, I didn't understand much.
- Let me go and see.
- Wait.
I'm very worried.
They are Booties.
There is a relative of
agent Ruggeri, she seems
to have been called
by Commissioner Sarno.
Do I let it pass?
[Viviana] Thank you, officer. Very nice.
[Boots] Ma'am, you can't pass.
[Viviana] Hey.
Did you wake up, baby?
I want to go home, I want my bed.
But how?
Did you know that sleeping
in the car is a crazy adventure?
Like real superheroes.
There are no superheroes
who sleep in cars.
So what do you think Batman
never fell asleep
in the Batmobile?
Ernesto, let's do something.
You stay here,
good, I'll be there
and back in a flash,
like Wonder Woman.
All right?
[cell phone rings]
[Viviana] Is that Dino's body?
Turn around, I'm here.
- What the fuck are you doing here?
- I'm afraid, Franco!
we must do something,
or end up like Dino too.
Honey, you have to leave it to me.
They lock us into this sooner or later.
Did you understand?
To me. What are you doing?
Nobody catches you.
But how can I do without you?
You know it's the only
way, tell me where I am.
C'mon honey.
Do you see at the end of the tunnel?
There is a bridge.
Yes, I see.
Before all?
I told you.
What do you want to do?
What do I have to do?
Soon they find them.
It doesn't mean we have
to let everything go like this.
Can you give me some hope, my love?
What a scene!
In my opinion, a crazy
photo comes from this bridge.
If they catch you, they'll kick your ass.
Look, I'll try.
If the cops come by, will you give me a shout?
All right. Hurry up.
The first to call was a police
station from Porta Ticinese,
and at the Moscova they have
a service Alfa, a white Giulietta.
Among the caramba, there is one in civilian clothes.
[Nureyev] I know him, yes. It's rotten.
He was in the cathedral, then they moved him.
before the Expo, for
laundering loot with
one of our people.
They killed ours, not
even a scratch on him.
- What is his name?
- Attili.
Long lieutenant.
[cell phone rings]
Excuse me.
- You need to turn off the fucking flashlight.
- [Viviana] What?
Turn off the fucking flashlight.
How do I find it without light?
Franco, there is water.
Will I come back with mask and tube?
Come back, we're screwing up.
No. Franco, listen to me.
Where did you throw them?
- In the middle of.
- In the middle of?
In the middle of...
In the middle of.
Was it here?
[Viviana] I see you, do you see me?
- Is it here? - No, later.
How much further?
- A few steps.
- More specific.
How many meters?
Four, five, what the fuck do I know?
Four or five?
One two three four...
and five.
- Was he here?
- Lowered!
They should be there.
- Run away, my love.
- What is it?
- They're coming for them.
- Who?
The Chinese. Go away.
Viviana, go away.
No. Franco, I'm almost there.
I beg you, go away.
There are.
They're behind you, hurry up!
There is something here. I found them, love!
He stays with me.
No! No!
- I'm sorry, Frank.
- Let it be. He gets into the car.
- There are still those waiting for me.
- Don't go home.
Drive on the ring road e and don't stop.
I'll call you.
[Viviana] Beautiful love...
Will you tell me what you're thinking?
That man had dad's shoes.
Did he fall asleep?
Yes. He cried a lot and
then collapsed like a stone.
Darling, you'd better leave now.
Take him to his grandparents.
- Canvas do you hear? I'm in Puglia.
- Yes where?
A Spongano is a small village in Puglia.
Dino told me that my
grandmother was a seamstress.
Everyone knows her.
These here...
we must forget them.
As if they weren't there.
- Did you understand?
- Yes.
What's up?
One told me I had to finish the
shift as if nothing had happened.
One watches bullshit on TV.
You're an idiot!
I recovered everything.
I am coming.
[From rla] They said
you wouldn't shoot.
[Cosimo] In 35 years as a
policeman, he has never shot anyone.
[Love] You don't have to tell anyone.
Especially to your family.
We don't tell him anything.
Roll down the window.
He wakes up your partner.
He take the irons and
put them on the dashboard.
Show me your hands!
Throw the phones behind.
[unintelligible voices]
Come up, Cosimo.
We have a chat.
Bro, park.
We have a drink inside.
I want to get some fresh air.
These cars are full of options.
We got into a mess, Franco.
you must be calm, please.
Let me talk.
Because, in my opinion,
you're going a little too crazy.
I am sorry.
But what happened, happened.
Believe me, I swear
i am really very sorry
about what happened to your colleague.
But I swear I have nothing to do with it.
Franco, for God's sake...
They kill us both.
It starts.
Franco knew nothing.
On the contrary...
we chose him because we
were sure he wouldn't react.
Everyone considers him a weakling.
One who doesn't shoot.
There, I said it.
The carabinieri My cousin,
Tito Russo, went there.
With whom he maintains relations.
And I informed him of the shipment.
The idea came from his son-in-law.
[in Chinese] bullshit! I'll fucking kill you!
[in Chinese] What's on your mind?
You don't know what you are doing.
Take him away!
But did you hear what he said?
bullshit! This idiot talks bullshit.
[Cosimo] her son-in-law
told us that she was
dying and that she would
take control of Milan.
And then, I checked
with my cousin.
I only acted as an intermediary, I swear.
Zhang Zhu...
Please forgive me.
Franco, tell him something
to calm things down. Please.
[Love] Here are the names and
numbers of the other two accomplices.
A corrupt carabiniere
from the Moscova barracks
and Tito Russo, his
cousin, a 'ndragheta.
If you hurry, you can find it
in front of his jewelry store.
I'll let you sort out
your family problems.
My diamonds?
I have his diamonds, Mr. Zhang.
And I keep it.
I told you I didn't want
people with guns in the car.
The shooting was your
fucking guard's fault.
I'm holding it, Mr. Zhang.
Anyway, sooner or later
I get caught for this story.
They take away my pension,
they put me in San Vittore.
My wife and daughter
need to stay calm.
They also take away
my best friend's pension,
who died tonight.
I need the diamonds, I
have to take care of his son.
I have to raise him, he's still small.
But above all, for once,
I want to take away the
satisfaction of being like Robin Hood.
I steal from a rich man to
give to a poor bastard who
has had the ambition to be
an honest person all his life.
Now, if you don't mind him,
I still have an hour of work left.
Take care, Cosimo.
Frank, don't leave me here.
These kill me!
How dare you look
my cousin in the face?
32, from the Puma 103.
- [beep] - I see you, Puma 103.
All patrols listening
from Puma 103.
I'm the assistant chief Franco Amore.
I wanted to say hello to all colleagues,
thank them sincerely,
and tell you that this...
it is my last radio message,
my last communication.
In fact, I finish today
thirty-five years of honorable
service in the state police.
I even wrote a speech,
but I'm saving it.
Will be for another time.
Today is a very special day for
me because, as you all know...
we have lost our colleague Dino Ruggeri.
A worthy colleague, an honest man...
a family man, a friend,
a civil servant, one of us.
I wish everyone good luck
and a bright future.
From Puma 103, last step and out.
Thank you all.
[agent] This is Vanessa, Gino and
Carla from the operations center.
We all wish you the best.
Dino will always remain in our hearts.
[agent 2] Roman steering wheel.
Franco, you have been an
older brother, a guide to all of us.
Colleagues, let's all turn on the sirens,
for our Dino.
A big hug, Franco.
[sirens in the distance]
[agent 3] 39, at Puma 103.
[sirens in the distance]
What do you think, that we will miss you?
I better shut up.
[agent 4] We say hello from San Siro.
We are at Ticinese with
the Garibaldi steering wheel.
An affectionate hug, Franco.