Lego DC Shazam!: Magic and Monsters (2020) Movie Script

Come on, they're gaining on us.
I'll lose 'em.
- Yeah, that's right.
- Look out!
Oh, gee. Sorry,
I didn't mean to scare you.
Stop. That tickles.
Oh, wow!
Still getting used to
that strength thing.
- Everybody okay?
- Huh?
Good. Now hand me those weapons.
Where are my manners?
Please hand me those weapons.
Can't believe I forgot the "please".
Okay, I hope you learned your lesson.
Crime doesn't pay.
Who is that guy? A new superhero?
Yeah, a super polite hero.
Come on.
Are you ready to do this deal?
As long as you don't get cold
flippers like last time, Penguin.
Hah, cold flippers.
What? Who was that?
Up here.
I didn't wanna be rude and interrupt,
but, well, then I did because...
you know, criminal activity.
Get him, boys.
I've had enough of being
tickled today, thank you.
Now, how about
everyone comes along quietly?
Hah, not likely, Red.
Lasers don't hurt me,
so you think that chains will?
Come on, guys,
I was trying not to prejudge you.
So... quietly then?
Mitzi. Mitzi girl.
Is there a problem, miss?
Mitzi, she's stuck in the tree.
Don't worry, I'll get her.
Come on, little kitten. Whoa!
Look at you.
Wow, how did you get up here?
Come here. Here you go.
Try to keep her on a leash
from now on.
Not only is it practical,
it's the law.
So long.
that's the nicest superhero ever.
Okay, no one around, so...
Best day ever!
little boy Batson
has finally returned.
Oh, hey, Terrance, Corey, Brian.
How are you guys today?
Great. In fact, better than great.
I don't know
where you went off to today...
but you missed out on a nice couple
from Metropolis...
looking for
a well-behaved little boy.
And since you were gone,
they picked me.
I'm really happy for you, Terrance.
Oh, I bet you are, Billy,
you're always selfless...
and that's why
you'll always end up alone.
Later, little Billy.
Better luck next time.
Come on, guys.
Did I say "best"?
I meant worst day ever.
Take a look at these.
"Lightning guy stops robbery."
"Big cheese foils Falcone."
"Hero saves dog in tree."
He saved a dog from a tree?
I mean,
even Superman doesn't do that.
I'm sure Superman
would save a dog from a tree...
if he ever saw one.
Maybe if we were paying attention
instead of talking...
we'd know, wouldn't we, Kent?
Sorry, Mr White.
I don't want sorry, I want answers.
Who is he? Where is he from?
What's his name?
I mean, look at that profile.
His chin looks like
it was made of marble.
That's it.
We'll call him "Captain Marble."
Already taken, Chief.
Is it? It doesn't matter.
Point is, what does he want?
Why is he so polite?
This is the story of the century.
And I want a Daily Planet
exclusive yesterday.
Well, what are you
all standing around for?
I'm sorry. Excuse me.
- No, it's okay...
- This is...
- Kent.
- Yeah, I was just...
about to go out and get you
that interview, Mr White.
Ah, don't worry about that, son...
superheroes have never
been your strong suit.
Well, I don't know about that.
I have another assignment for you.
Something important,
something meaningful...
something that only you can do.
I won't let you down,
Mr White. What is it?
I need 1,000 words about...
the Metropolis Farmer's Market
by tomorrow.
They have this amazing
fertilizer exhibit...
and if there's one person
that knows...
how to write about manure,
it's you, Kent.
Sure thing, Mr White.
Like, is this radish organic?
Absolutely, grew it myself.
Well, how can I be sure, dude?
So good. Organic.
Told you.
Dang juicer.
I can't seem to get this down.
Oh. Thanks, stranger.
Gather all the food for the master,
he must be appeased.
Master will be pleased.
I mean, I was a farmer.
So, of course I guess I should report
on the farmer's market.
And, by golly,
I'm gonna give Mr White...
the best article on perennial produce
he's ever seen.
Help! Monsters!
Someone's in trouble.
Looks like Clark Kent...
isn't the only one
with an assignment today.
Don't you know? Stealing is
never part of a healthy diet.
Puny Kryptonian.
Well, then.
Alright, what do you have?
Sister Eye!
- No.
- Oh, well, how about...
Cousin Eye?
Trouble alert.
Excuse me.
Did I didn't hear what you said.
- Did you say something?
- I gotta go.
Mr Wayne, I didn't...
I didn't even get to tell you
about Grandpa Eye.
- Uh-oh.
- Need a hand?
That'd be super.
Take care of these guys...
I've got a train to catch.
Oh, come on,
you have to do better than that.
By the authority of
the Green Lantern Corps...
I command you to surrender.
The mighty Oom doesn't answer
to your puny Lantern Corps.
Oh, no, the bridge is out.
- Hey, look, it's Superman.
- Save us, Superman.
Next stop, Metropolis Central.
Yes, Superman.
Just because you're evil
doesn't mean your breath should be.
Go brush your teeth.
You're the Dummy, right?
Yeesh, way to set the bar low.
Too slow, Dummy.
I got this.
Like, thanks, man.
- How did you...
- Speed of Mercury, isn't it cool?
- Hey, one sec.
- No, wait, who are you?
Okay, yeah, that's good.
I'm sure this thing
has a weight limit, so...
I've got it. Strength of Hercules.
I could do this all day,
but who has the time?
- Pardon me.
- Huh?
I think you misplaced these.
Well, that takes care of that.
Hi. I'm...
By the arm hairs of Atlas,
are you okay?
You know Atlas? That's so cool.
I've got the stamina of Atlas,
isn't that rad?
I barely even felt getting hit.
But I bet he will.
- Thanks.
- Don't mention it.
There's only room
for one bat person around here.
Don't you think?
The master must be satisfied.
But not today. Retreat!
We have to go after them.
Later. Right now, we have to stop
that building from collapsing.
Oh man! I don't know if sunbathing on
the roof was such a great idea.
Alright, everybody,
now shake your body.
Loosen those limbs.
This is fun.
Come on, you can do it. It should
feel like you're climbing up...
the side of a mountain. Yeah!
Your turn, Flash.
I'm on it.
You're safe here, ma'am. Gotta run.
I'm here to offer some support.
And jump, two, three.
Two, three, four.
- And one.
- Wow, what a workout.
What in the blue blazes?
I think you can let go now.
Oh! Right.
Oh, my gosh, I can't believe it...
Flash, you just ran up
those bricks like "zoom."
And Wonder Woman with the lasso,
you were all, whoa...
And Superman, with the heat vision,
you secured the base with a "pssh."
Batman swung in and caught
that guy while Green Lantern...
was putting the wall back together.
You guys are incredible!
It is such an amazing pleasure
to meet you.
You have been my hero
since I was just a kid.
Oop, sorry.
Since you were a kid?
By my observations...
you're approximately
the same age as Superman.
Same age? Oh, no...
I just meant that watching you
makes me feel like a kid.
what a thrill to meet you guys...
I hope I didn't get in the way.
Not at all. In fact, we're grateful.
Oh, sorry.
I'm Shazam.
- Shaz-what now?
- Well, Shaz-bot.
- Shazam.
- Excuse me.
Shazam, it was pretty courageous
of you to leap into danger like that.
I know, that's one of my powers too.
Courage of Achilles.
I used it just the other day
to eat some anchovies.
How can we be sure
you're one of the good guys?
Totally understandable.
But even if I wasn't,
a great philosopher once said...
"Keep your friends close,
and your enemies closer."
So, really what do you have to lose?
Yep, I know quotes.
Wisdom of Solomon.
Sweet, am I right?
Why does he keep mentioning Solomon,
Atlas and the others?
- Well, I...
- His powers obviously derive...
from each of the ancient heroes
he's described...
that makes up the name "Shazam."
S for the wisdom of Solomon.
H for the strength of Hercules.
A for the stamina of Atlas.
Another A for
the courage of Achilles.
And M for the speed of Mercury.
That means that Z must stand for...
The power of Zeus.
Still haven't figure out
what that is myself.
Well, whoever you are,
we really appreciate your help.
My pleasure. I mean,
helping the Justice League...
so awesome!
You should tag along.
Come to the Hall of Justice,
see where the magic happens.
- I don't think...
- Seriously?
The Hall of Justice?
Like, The Hall of Justice?
Oh, man, I...
Be cool.
This is the greatest thing...
that's ever happened to you
but just... be cool.
I mean, I guess so.
I don't have anything going on,
so, yeah, whatever.
It's not our fault.
Jeepers is right.
We would've had your food
but the Justice League showed up...
and ruined everything.
Enough! I'm tired of excuses.
What I need is food.
And if you can't get it,
then I, Mr Mind...
will find others who can.
So powerful, so hungry.
So hungry.
Yes, food, I need more food.
Excuse me. Sivana,
how goes our small experiment?
It's done.
This magically infused chemical
should do what you wanted.
Now, can you stop
mind-controlling me and let me go?
Nope. Now jump like a kangaroo.
Mind control is the best.
Eat. Hunger.
Food. Bring me more food.
I must have more before
the Justice League arrives.
The Justice League?
Here? But how?
Call it intuition.
And over here,
we have our trouble alert system.
If there's a problem
anywhere in the world...
we'll know about it.
This is incredible!
I think I might cry.
Hall of Justice branded tissue?
Can I keep this?
Highly unsanitary.
Totally going in my scrapbook.
You guys, I really can't
thank you enough for the tour.
You all mean so much to me.
The Justice League has always been
a beacon of hope.
In the darkest of times,
I've always said...
"What would the Justice League do?"
I mean...
It depends on your roster, that
Plastic Man is kind of different...
but, that doesn't matter.
You guys have helped me a lot.
I might need one of those hankies,
Well, I better get going.
I hope we do some
superhero-ing stuff together soon.
No, wait.
I call a Justice League meeting.
Is a meeting necessary?
We should be out finding
these monsters.
I have their location
via the Bat-Tracer, and...
You know the rules, Batman.
If one of us calls a meeting...
Then we all must attend.
Should I go or...
No, stay right there.
Krypto will keep you company.
It's an ultrasonic whistle.
One sec.
A super-dog.
Hi, Krypto. Aren't you cute?
Yes, you are.
I think we should let him join.
The League? But we just met him.
Not everyone is as reluctant to
join the League as you were, Batman.
I like him. And not just because he
has a lightning bolt on his chest...
though that doesn't hurt.
I'm with Flash, there's something
so innocent about him.
You can't catch me.
Or juvenile.
I saw we take a vote.
All in favor, raise your hand.
- Shazam, we have an offer for you.
- An offer?
We'd like to invite you
to become a member of...
the Justice League.
What? Is this for real?
I... This isn't some
hidden camera show, is it?
There are twenty-four cameras
in this room...
none of which you could find
even with Superman's abilities.
No, this isn't a prank.
The reality is you fit all of
our Justice League criteria.
- You have superpowers.
- Check.
- Fight for good.
- Double check.
And not a kid.
So, Shazam, what do you say?
I will be the best Leaguer ever!
I promise, seriously,
you'll never regret this.
Shazam, the Justice League...
is more than a well-tuned
crime fighting unit.
It's a family.
A... family?
And families are built on trust.
Shazam, we think that...
you could be a great addition
to the team.
But in order for us
to fully trust you...
we need to know who you really are.
Not the superhero.
But, you.
My, oh, no.
Don't worry, we'll go first.
Well, except for Batman...
he kind of gets an exception
because he's so grumpy.
I'm not grumpy.
Yeah, I don't know you.
No idea.
I mean,
that's not even really a disguise.
Well, sure it is.
The star draws your view
from my face.
Not really.
Clark Kent?
Oh, wow!
You did that amazing expose...
on building without instructions.
That was fantastic.
Oh, thanks,
I worked really hard on that piece.
- Ahem.
- Oh, right.
So, are you ready
to be part of the family?
I can't.
I'm sorry, I really am. I have to go.
Just as I surmised,
Shazam has something to hide...
and this proves
he is not to be trusted.
But you hide everything.
- Bat exemption.
- No, but I...
Now, come on.
We have monsters to catch.
I can't believe I didn't just
join the Justice League.
But if they knew
that I was just a kid...
- Whoa, is that guy flying? Oh, man!
- Nice cape.
I've never seen a superhero. Wow.
Look, Mommy,
Superman got a new costume.
Bye, Red Superman.
Stay still.
How did you even get in here,
you pesky beast?
Oh, hello, Billy. How was your day?
Oh, you know.
It doesn't take a wizard
to know something's bothering you.
But I'm a wizard, so maybe it does.
Billy, you can tell me anything.
I had this great day, you know?
Fighting bad guys,
meeting my heroes, but then...
But then the Justice League
wanted me to join their team.
That sounds wonderful.
It was, except, in order to join,
they said they needed to trust me.
Which means I would have to
reveal my secret identity.
And you were afraid
they would reject you...
when they found out
you weren't an adult?
I know that, in your heart...
all you've ever wanted was a family,
Somewhere to belong.
I've tried to give you that place,
but my time is running out.
Soon, you'll need to find
your own way.
And you'll discover
that being in a family...
doesn't come without its own risks.
Risks? Like what?
Trust, my son...
trust to share a part of yourself
with others.
And hope that those you share it with
will accept it.
You're talking about you sharing
the power of Zeus with me, right?
The first guy you chose
to be the Wizard's champion?
Well, I wouldn't say first.
There was another.
His name was Teth Adam.
But he would become Mighty Adam.
He started out as the hero
I hoped he would be.
But I was blind not
to see his growing ambition.
Soon, he was corrupted by
his power and turned to evil.
He tried to enslave the world,
but after a long and trying battle...
I defeated him.
And thus, he became Black Adam.
What did you do?
I locked him away
where he can never harm anyone again.
The point is, Billy, that even I...
the wise and powerful Wizard,
risked something...
and continue to risk
by giving that power to you.
My true champion.
Aw, shucks.
What is it?
The League?
I sense a trap. Go.
And remember, Billy...
nothing creates trust
like helping those in need.
Wisdom of Solomon?
No, common sense. Now go.
There you are. Now just hold still.
I hate moths.
Fan out.
No sign of anything
out of the ordinary.
Strange. The Bat Radar indicates
the tracer should be right...
where that box is.
- Oh, I got it.
- No, it's a trap.
Right as always, Batman.
The Monster Society welcomes you.
Is that a talking worm? I mean,
come on, we fight worms now?
I'm no mere worm, Flash.
I'm the powerful Mr Mind,
the greatest villain in the galaxy.
Wanted in over three quadrants of
the universe for my evil evilness.
And now I can add defeating the
Justice League to my accomplishments.
Sivana, if you please?
Though my powers of
mental persuasion are strong...
I know they could never tame...
the superheroic minds of
the Justice League.
Well, maybe the Flash.
Thanks a lot.
You'll never get away with this.
I already have.
The adult mind is hard to manipulate,
but the mind of a child...
Sivana, fans.
- Huh?
- What?
- It worked!
- Of course it worked.
Dr. Sivana is no slouch.
I'm a kid?
Well, I'll be butter-churned in July.
But I don't wanna be a kid.
What are you talking about?
I don't feel any different.
Turn us back, Sivana, this instant.
Sivana can do nothing
and neither can you.
So easy. I have all of you now.
Wait! I don't see Batman. He's gone!
Go, my monsters.
Find the Batman and bring him to me.
And now, Junior Justice League,
are you ready to do my bidding?
Well, as Pa used to say...
"Does a cow moo
when you pull its udder?"
I'll assume that's a yes...
so welcome
to the Monster Society of Evil!
There is the false Bat.
Get him for the master.
Got you. Come out, Batsy.
There is no place to go.
Hah! Got you, got you.
Now you're stuck in Bat Glue.
No place to go, Batman?
Or should I say "Batboy"?
Are you okay, kid?
I saw those bad guys and
thought you might need some help.
- I...
- I mean, I appreciate...
the amount of work
you put into your cosplay...
but superhero-ing
is kind of dangerous.
How about I drop you off to your mom?
Maybe she'll take you out for
a milkshake or something.
Those always cheer me up.
I am Batman.
Mr Mind
transformed us into children...
in order to control
our young impressionable minds.
But because I'm awesome...
I was able to get away
before his powers affected me.
- Wow, you really are Batman.
- Duh.
I guess that's a no on super-hearing.
Okay. Digesting.
Well, listen, Batman...
how about you stay here
while I take care of...
No. Mr Mind controls the monsters
and the preadolescent Justice League.
There's a chance he can get you, too.
I don't want you jumping in there
and causing more trouble.
- But I can help.
- Yeah.
I don't work with people
I can't trust.
And after your quick exit
at the Hall of Justice...
I can't trust you.
What are you gonna do, then?
It doesn't matter
what I'm going to do.
I'm Batman,
and everything I do is incredible.
The Batmobile.
My diary is never gonna believe this.
Well, okay. Good luck, Batman.
I know there's no obstacle
you can't overcome.
- I have complete faith in you.
- Come on.
- You're a real hero.
- Change of plan.
Do you really wanna help?
In my youthful state,
I'm unable to reach the pedals.
- So, you'll need to drive.
- Drive?
You can drive a stick, can't you?
Okay, no...
Stop. Wait, no. Not that way.
I thought you said you'd done this.
Of course I have. I'm an adult.
Just a little rusty. Oh!
Rusty? And why are you in third gear?
Okay, let's just
stay off the freeway.
Hello! Welcome!
Have a great day.
Well, what do we have here?
It's not even Halloween
but, my, you look wonderful.
What brings you in today?
The master needs food
like a pig needs a pile of mud.
Ooh, isn't that nice?
Brick O's! My favorite!
Looks like I have the last one.
I'll take that. Thanks.
It looks like it's ripe
for the picking.
Look what I found. Guess who's
going to be master's favorite now?
As my Ma used to say...
"You can't win a pig kissing contest
without getting a little dirty."
That doesn't even make sense.
- Does, too.
- Does not.
- Does, too.
- Does not, infinity plus one!
Ow! I'm telling the master.
Have a nice day.
Oh, good. You're back.
Just place the food anywhere.
I'll get to it eventually.
I know it's me saying this
but shouldn't you...
I don't know, slow down?
Eat more faster.
Slow down? No.
If anything, I need to... speed up.
Peas? What are peas doing here?
What's the rule?
- No peas, please.
- No peas, please.
Exactly. Anything else is fine.
Broccoli, arugula, whatever,
just no peas.
Sheesh. Now go!
Give me more. I must have more!
This place is amazing!
I thought the Rock of Eternity
was cool, but this place...
Rock of Eternity?
Nexus of magic in another dimension.
It's a long story.
What are you doing?
My Bat Computer is the most
sophisticated computer on the planet.
High-def with over a billion
mega-brixels state of the art.
It also streams Brickflix.
And it has the ability to find anyone
at anytime in the world.
- Pretty cool, huh?
- Way cool.
They're stealing food from
everywhere. We have to stop them!
I have to stop them.
Yeah... You don't trust me.
But, I mean, come on.
I helped you with the monsters,
the Batmobile... sort of.
I know it's hard to believe,
but I don't trust people very easily.
No, that's not hard
to believe at all.
You live in a cave.
In our line of work,
we have to be careful.
I mean, what if you were a bad guy?
I've already revealed
too much to you.
You're lucky
I don't take you out right now.
I could, you know? 'Cause I'm Batman.
And Batman is totally the best hero.
Point is,
it pays to keep people at a distance.
- So you...
- Never get hurt.
Hemingway once said...
"The best way to find out
if you can trust someone...
is to trust them."
Fine. Shazam!
Billy Batson.
I don't understand. How did you...
It all started when I helped you
during that Two-Face situation.
Oh, no. Which one?
The red wire, Billy.
I don't know
who the voice belonged to.
I just knew it saved our lives.
After that,
I went about my usual routine.
Well, Billy, that's the last of
the money you got from recycling.
Hope this sandwich is worth it
'cause I'm starving.
Spare some food.
Have a great day.
You're a nice boy, Billy Batson.
Hey, how do you know my name?
That wasn't the only weird thing
that happened to me...
over the next couple of days.
Excuse me, ma'am,
let me give you a hand.
You're a nice boy, Billy Batson.
I just kept running into
the strangest people.
Hey, mister, you dropped this.
You're a nice boy.
Here. For your trouble.
Free subway token? Thanks, mister.
Little did I know that small token...
would lead me on
an incredible journey.
Billy Batson,
you have been found worthy.
That voice.
Climb aboard for
the adventure of a lifetime.
What is this place?
The seven deadly enemies of man.
Whoa! What a scary bunch.
Billy Batson!
I've been expecting you.
You? That old man I gave the food to.
That woman
I helped to cross the street.
And that guy I returned his money to.
- They were all you.
- Yes.
I did that to test you, Billy.
Test me? Test me for what?
To see
if you're worthy of great power.
And you are, Billy.
Never have I seen a heart so pure.
The world is a dangerous place.
It needs heroes. Heroes like you.
All you need to do is say my name.
Your name?
Sha... zam?
No. You can't just say it timidly.
Otherwise, how would you ever
introduce yourself to people?
That'd be ridiculous.
Say it with meaning, with purpose.
After getting the power of Shazam,
I went to work...
helping the city as best I could.
It was awesome.
Not just because I had
these incredible powers...
but, you know,
because I was a grownup.
Sorry, kid. Maybe next time. Next.
- Whoa!
- One, please.
But even with all that power,
it didn't really matter.
I just wanted to belong.
To not be alone.
You wouldn't understand.
You're the Batman.
You've got friends, a family.
But being a kid, an orphan,
it's the worst.
I totally understand
if you don't want to work with me...
now that you know.
I'm sorry.
I know this is supposed to be...
like, an important moment,
but I don't really recognize you.
Maybe in your adult form?
I'm Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Wayne?
Like, the Bruce Wayne?
Billionaire Bruce Wayne?
The Bruce Wayne with all those
super expensive sports cars?
The Bruce Wayne with the private jet
that has its own arcade in it?
Holy moly! What's that like?
It's okay. I mean, I only have, like,
500 games onboard. No big whoop.
Listen, Billy...
when I was a kid about your age,
I lost my parents, too.
So I know what it is to be alone.
I took that fear and loneliness and
decided to do something good with it.
Just like you're doing.
Be proud of who you are, Billy.
Kids can be heroes too.
My three former Robins
are a testament to that.
What you did? That's brave.
Showing me really who you are?
That's trust.
I don't know
what the others would say...
but you're alright with me.
Now, back to business.
We have to figure out
why the Justice League...
is gathering all that food...
and how to stop that
telepathic tyrant, Mr Mind.
Speaking of food, I'm starving.
Ooh, me too.
Hey, wanna see something cool?
Alfred, can I get
two glasses of milk and cookies?
And not the oatmeal kind.
Maybe... ooh!
Something with chocolate chips in it?
As you wish, Master Damian.
Damian? I'm... Oh, yes.
- Faster, old man.
- Old man...
- You have your own butler?
- Not bad, right?
He'll make me whatever I want.
Unless I make him mad,
which happens more than...
Wait a minute. That's it!
Mr Mind said that
in order to control us...
he had to make sure our minds
were young and impressionable.
But that also means he has limits.
And if I'm right,
which I always am...
the more active
the brains of our friends are...
the more difficult they are
to control.
So we have to make them
angry or stressed.
And that will break his hold on them.
Exactly. Once the hold is broken...
we toss one of these disrupters
onto them, and presto!
No more mind control.
- Got it.
- And, Shazam?
Good luck.
The most powerful ring
in the galaxy...
and here I am trolling
the ocean for stinky fish?
Say, that ring is pretty cool.
Oh, hey. Yeah. It can make anything
I can think of.
- Really?
- Really.
Even... I don't know, a boat?
Wow. What about a whale?
Like I told you, anything.
Not bad.
So you can make anything? A jet?
Two jets?
What about a dog piloting a jet
while drinking a shake...
and wearing sunglasses
while wearing a large hat?
And barking out the ABCs.
Yeah. Alright.
Oh, also a knight in shining armor...
with a sword, riding a bicycle,
handcuffed to a T-Rex...
- standing behind a pony...
- Slow down.
On top of an armored car.
Oh, and can you get
a sports car in there, too?
Anything else?
Just this.
One down.
Prime rib.
Mr Mind is totes gonna love this.
Wonder Woman, I see you're still
flying that invisible clunker.
Clunker? Why, you...
My mom gave me this jet!
It can run circles
around your rodent mobile!
No, it can't.
- Can, too.
- Cannot.
- Can, too.
- Cannot.
- Can, too!
- Prove it, then.
First one
to the end of the canyon wins.
You're on!
Looks like there's room
for only one of us, hotshot.
That did it.
No way!
I totally would have won
if I'd had a more aerodynamic cow.
You never did like to lose.
Just wait till I get my hands on you.
Now, Wonder Woman,
no one likes a sore loser.
Two down.
Pardon me. Flash coming through.
Wow. That's quite a pile of food
you have there.
- Yeah, so?
- Well, I mean...
how are you gonna get it all
to your master?
I'll just run it over to him, duh.
Oh, just, one by one, then?
I just thought
because you're so fast...
you could do something a bit,
I don't know, flashier?
Hey, I can be flashy.
Oh, I'm sure you can.
Superman said he could do it faster,
but, I mean...
you know, what does he know, right?
Superman said that?
After all the times I beat him
in a race...
Whatevs. I'll show him.
- You better step back.
- Oh. Sure.
Haha! See? Nothing to it.
Is that the best you can do?
Watch this.
Where am I?
Master's gonna love
this Kent Farm's corn.
Superman, save me.
Oh, hi, Clark.
Well I'll be a tadpole on a lily pad.
What are you doing here?
I've come to help you.
Help me? I'm Superman.
You're the one
that's gonna need help.
Somebody needs a nap.
You know I have X-ray vision, right?
Who's the hide-and-seek champ now?
More like chump.
A Boy Scout like you
is no real threat...
to an awesome superhero like Batman.
I hear a lot of gums flappin'...
but not a lot of wind.
You may have muscles, Clarky...
but when it comes to
strategy or planning, you...
You're just lucky
I'm pulling my punches.
I'm shaking in my Bat Boots.
You're not even wearing any boots.
You got any more insults now,
Just one.
I liked you better
when you wore your underwear...
on the outside.
Oh, boy.
I'm glad to see
everyone back to normal.
Well, relatively.
Can we, like, get this over with
so I go back to being an adult?
Being a kid is the worst.
I haven't really noticed
a difference at all.
That's because
you've always been a kid.
But I'm dying. The mood swings,
the hunger pains.
How can you even trust kids at all?
All these hormones,
no life experience.
I feel like I'm going to cry
at any given moment.
Hey, being a kid isn't that bad.
Kids, back to business.
What we know,
Mr Mind has been hoarding...
a massive amount of food here
at this warehouse.
The League will take myself and
Shazam as pretend prisoners...
in order to get into the base.
Once we are in his inner sanctum,
we'll use these mental dampeners...
to protect us
from Mr Mind's control...
and stop this Monster Society of Evil
once and for all.
That door does open, you know.
No food?
Why did you come back empty-handed?
We brought something better
than food, Jeepers.
We brought prisoners.
That's right. Batman is here.
You better take me
to Mr Mind right now.
We don't take orders from you.
No one can see the master right now.
Children, leave the prisoners
and continue gathering food.
Batman, what's plan B?
Well, what are you waiting for?
Sorry. At this age, I wasn't
all that good at thinking ahead.
Creatures, get them!
Jig's up. Attack, now!
Excuse me.
For a doll,
why'd you have to be such a...
you know, Dummy?
Let go, imposter!
Imposter? I called this name first.
I've defeated your kind before.
You're no match for Oom.
This would be beneath adult Superman.
Me? Not so much.
Come on, it's not funny.
I didn't want to leave the swamp,
you know?
But he didn't care.
No one understands me.
It's over, Sivana.
I hope so.
I'm tired of being mind-controlled.
We all are.
All I want to do is go home and work
on my own plans for world domination.
Great! I mean, good.
Not good. It's...
It's good that you wanna stop,
but not...
Where is Mr Mind?
He's there.
What do you think
we'll find in there?
Whatever it is,
we'll face it together.
By Hades' heatstroke, what is that?
It appears to be
some sort of chry-Sal-Lis.
Everyone knows
it's pronounced chrysalis.
Can we just call it a cocoon?
Well, whatever we're calling it,
what's it for?
For Mr Mind.
Guys, I think
we need to get out of here.
- Now!
- Seconded.
We're gonna need
some serious moth balls.
We can do this, team. Let's get him.
Fools! You have served your purpose.
You gathered the sustenance I needed
to complete my transformation.
Now nothing on Earth...
can stop me from ruling over you
small-minded mortals.
Nothing on Earth? That's it.
Follow me!
You won't get away from me
that easily, Junior League.
Whatever it is you're hoping to do,
Shazam, do it fast.
Follow them.
He's coming!
Hold on!
Oh, this ride better end quick.
Is this supposed to slow down?
Uh, yeah?
The Wizard who gave me
my powers lives here.
He'll know what to do. Come on.
Do you see the power of eternity?
Yes. The power, I must have it.
Oh, Billy! It's good to see you.
- "Billy"?
- Uh...
I said... Silly. Silly Shazam.
So good of you to come.
And you brought some young friends...
to trick or treat
at the Rock of Eternity.
Lovely costumes.
The star on that tiara
really draws your eyes...
away from your face.
Told you guys.
I think I have some candy corn
in the back.
- Wizard...
- But that was 100 years ago.
Wizard? Does candy corn go bad?
No. Wizard,
this is the Justice League.
They've been transformed
by a malevolent worm...
that just transformed
into a giant moth...
who is floating around outside
waiting to destroy us!
A giant moth?
I hate moths.
This building, it tastes,
It tastes like eternity.
Yes. More. More!
The power, it's intoxicating!
What is happening?
That giant moth is feeding off
the Rock of Eternity.
This place is
the nexus of limitless magical power!
If he eats much more,
he may be unstoppable.
Not to mention...
Oh, no!
What is it?
The more the rock is destroyed...
the more it weakens
the defenses of the building.
Shazam, if what is inside
this prison is released...
an unspeakable terror
will be unleashed upon us all.
You must use the power of Zeus...
and together,
you can defeat this evil.
The power of Zeus?
But I don't know what that is!
You must completely trust them.
You have to be willing to
let them see you as you really are.
Yes, that's great.
But can you just be more specific...
By Poseidon's pits, who is that?
I am Black Adam.
Earth's mightiest mortal.
Holy moly.
The power of eternity, it is mine!
My unwitting pawn.
You? The voice.
The voice inside my head.
But how?
Centuries of isolation
strengthens the mind.
I just needed to harness my powers,
and use the Rock of Eternity...
as an antenna to find
a weak-minded being...
that would be open to suggestion.
Weak mind? I'm Mr Mind.
And now, I'm all-powerful.
Let me show you power, worm!
Oh, dear. Oh, no.
Oh, this doesn't look good at all?
His costume, he looks just like you.
Who is he?
The Wizard's first champion.
Evidently, he went crazy
and took over the world.
We're in trouble.
Oh, must go faster. Must go... Oh!
Perhaps we could
come to some sort of arrange...
Wizard. It is time we finish this.
If you want the Wizard,
you'll have to get through me!
You'll have to get through all of us.
Sorry, kids,
you need to be this high to fight me.
Aw, man!
He's joking, Flash.
Oh! I knew that.
What I'm not joking about
is your doom!
- Hey, let go of me. I'm Batman.
- Hey, hands off!
Yeah. Hey, not the cape.
This is silly.
Leave my friends alone!
So, the Wizard found
a new errand boy.
Come. Come show me what you have.
You amateur,
you're making this too easy.
You're not capable of wielding
the power that that suit represents.
You're nothing but a boy.
Say good night forever.
This is between us, Adam.
Leave the boy alone.
Got him.
Thanks, Wonder Woman.
Alright, League,
it's time to stop this madman...
once and for all.
But how?
He's more powerful than we are...
especially as kids.
We have to try. We can't leave
the Wizard to face him alone.
Agreed! Come on, guys!
It's some kind of energy field.
Billy, you mustn't interfere.
I will hold Black Adam off
as long as I can.
I've created a portal back to Earth.
Go! Now!
I'm not leaving you.
Never mind about me.
Black Adam is too dangerous...
for you and the others
to face right now.
But what about you?
You must go now.
If I don't stop him,
you will be the last line of defense.
Remember, the power of Zeus.
Your time is finally up, Wizard.
I'm coming for you, Shazam!
- Oh, no.
- No...
I'm coming for all of you!
Let's go home.
I've got a plan.
When I was first turned
into a child...
I found our vehicles were ineffective
because of our height.
In fact,
Shazam had to drive the Batmobile.
You got to drive the Batmobile?
- Oh, sweet!
- Are you kidding me?
Yeah, it's definitely stick shift.
For our vehicles to be effective,
they need to be our size.
It's time to build something new.
Well, butter my bricks
and call me a biscuit!
These look amazing!
The trouble alert.
Lois Lane reporting live...
from the League of Nations
building in Metropolis...
where a man has appeared
floating down through the air.
He is hovering toward
the main assembly now.
Maybe there's a new hero in town.
No. Not a hero.
Definitely not a hero.
Black Adam is here.
And I thought I was fast. Sheesh.
- What now?
- Now we do what we were born to do.
We save the day.
Nothing on Earth can stop this party!
Bad feeling about this.
Maybe he's here
to install the disco light.
Excuse me.
You can't just barge in here...
and ruin our party...
Party over.
People of...
People of Earth...
I, Black Adam,
am your rightful ruler.
You will obey me without question.
Those who don't will be
crushed beneath my Feet?
What? Who dares?
The Justice League, that's who!
Execute plan Playtime.
Foolish children.
Your games won't stop me.
You must think you're pretty slick.
Need help getting cleaned up?
How about this spin cycle?
Tag! You're it.
Batter up!
Alright, Flash, let's wrap this up.
What kind of games
are these, children?
The kind you'll lose.
Now, Princess!
Not quite. Every game should end
with a little fireworks.
- Did we do it?
- We must have.
He is flatter than a flapjack
on the griddle.
Kneel before me.
Kneel before the great Black Adam.
Say, leave the kid alone!
You are a horrible human being.
Pick on somebody your own size.
Get out of here!
Stop it!
- Leave us alone!
- I am Black Adam.
- We know.
- We know.
I am all-powerful!
- We know.
- We know.
We'd never bow to the likes of you.
- Boo!
- Boo!
What now? We need, like,
three more Shazams...
to even put a dent in that guy.
Three more? Shazam!
Remember, the power of Zeus.
The power of Zeus!
Guys, I know what I have to do.
But, to do it,
I have to show you who I really am.
Remember, Shazam...
the only way to trust someone
is to trust them.
This might tickle.
This is amazing! We're adults again.
I feel...
More powerful than a locomotive.
Way more powerful.
I'm Billy Batson.
You're a...
Now you know
why I didn't want to tell you.
I didn't want you
to think less of me.
Billy, being a hero
isn't about your age...
or having flashy superpowers.
Part of being a hero is trying to
make the world a better place...
no matter what age you are.
Yeah. That and an awesome costume.
By the way,
why didn't my costume change?
You've already got a lightning bolt.
Billy, you're going to make
one incredible member...
of the Justice League.
Sentimental fools!
Even by using the power of Zeus,
you will not defeat me.
I am Black Adam!
As my Ma used to say...
"There's nothing worse than a rooster
that hollers before sunrise."
Well, Terrance, your mother
and I are both school teachers...
so I hope you like studying
every day.
Oh, and we almost never eat at
those fun fast-food burger places.
Your father makes wonderful salads.
And, we have a rule.
No more than twenty minutes
of TV a day.
You're safe here, folks.
And remember...
there's no better insurance
than a safe driver.
Billy! You have to help me.
Hey, Terrance, what's up?
My new family... I have to do
homework, eat my vegetables.
There's even a time limit on
how much I can watch TV.
Maybe we should get out of
the city right now.
Let's go to your mom's.
Terrance can help her
clean up the basement...
and organize her coin collection.
You're gonna love it, buddy.
I'm really happy for you, Terrance!
Pardon me.
We're back! Oh, man...
if I had to hear one more of
Superman's farm sayings...
I might have quit the League.
Oh, that's for sure.
- You can say that again.
- Yeah.
- It was awful.
- Yes, I couldn't agree more.
They're not that bad.
What did you do? No!
The powers are mine!
Looks like
I might've hijacked your magic.
Sorry, not sorry.
I'll get you, Shazam.
Once I have my powers back,
you will be destr...
Well, Shazam, you did it.
No, we did it.
But how did you know the lightning
would take away his powers?
Or change us back to adults?
let's just say...
I had a hunch.
So, now that we beat the bad guy
and everything is back to normal...
how should we celebrate?
I know just the thing.
Remember how I told you
that Bat Computer could find...
anyone anywhere?
After you revealed
your identity to me...
I had it search for
any living relatives you might have.
You have two. Your uncle and...
My sister.
I'm Mary.
And this is our Uncle Dudley.
Hello, Billy.
That's what I'd call a happy ending.
I'm okay.
All I have to do is
find that Salvaxion Warlord...
and I'll be knee-deep
in Targman Moolah...
from now until next week.
What is this? Let go!
Well, what do we have here?
What's your name, little fella?
Mind, Mr Mind.
The greatest villain in the galaxy.
Wanted in over three quadrants
of the universe for my evil evilness.
"Wanted," eh?
This day just keeps getting better.
Oh, my.