Let the River Flow (2023) Movie Script

What are you doing?
Just tidying.
Aren't you going fishing?
Not today.
Why not?
Go inside to mom.
What about you?
I'll stay here.
So now you have to repaint it?
It's a never-ending job.
The previous owners had no taste.
We've thrown out a load of knickknacks.
You do have your hands full.
- But it's nice on the outside.
- Absolutely. Talk later.
Hi, Ester. Good to see you.
- Did you have a nice trip?
- Yeah.
We've put your moving boxes in the shack.
- You knew I was coming?
- Sure.
Your mom has been waiting
for the bus since she got up.
Smells good.
Was the bus ride okay?
- We've hardly seen you this summer.
- I know.
Look at this!
- Right, help yourselves.
- Thanks.
- Did you see any hippies in Alta?
- Hippies?
Yeah, protesters with long hair,
beards and anoraks.
- You've got an anorak.
- I don't see why they have to come here.
There's plenty to protest against in Oslo,
or Bergen, or wherever they're from.
They aren't the ones who'll be stuck here
freezing when the power's gone.
You finally landed a job.
That's great, Ester.
- Well, it's just temporary.
- You have to start somewhere.
I've been a teacher for almost 30 years.
Never looked back.
Well, this is delicious.
Gone are the days when the IRA deployed
more or less random home-made bombs
and explosive devices.
Have you talked to grandma?
I guess you'll see her tomorrow.
Have you remembered to thank Stein
for helping you find a flat?
Yes, I think so.
I'm sure he can drive you.
Mihkkal has already agreed to drive me.
Mihkkal, your cousin?
I didn't know you've stayed in touch.
He called me the day before yesterday.
Said he had the feeling
I was going to Alta.
The Alta river has been
a contentious political issue for years.
Several options have been suggested,
including a dam that would flood
the Smi village of Mze. This has been
shelved, but the Alta river will still...
Thanks for helping me with the flat.
A 110 metre tall dam
will be constructed here.
The municipal councils in Alta
and Kautokeino oppose the dam.
- Has someone put up a fence here?
- It's the new farmer.
Should we go somewhere else?
Why does he want
all the cloudberries for himself?
There's always been more than enough
for all of us here.
Is that my joik?
Ester, Isak's daughter...
Is it that long since you've heard it?
Does nobody joik you out there
in the wide world?
Did you make it?
Your father did.
Look, grandma. We should've
brought bigger buckets.
I have all I need for winter.
We don't have to pick
more than we can eat.
Yes, I know.
We must leave some for the others.
- Exactly.
- But what if nobody else comes?
Have you thought about that?
Does he have to prance around
in that thing?
- Hello.
- Hi.
You made it through the mountains?
- Well, here I am.
- It's been ages.
Yeah. What happened to you?
Last time I saw you, you were this tiny.
- Is this yours?
- Yes.
So how's my big brother doing?
Well, he sits there dreaming
the herd will return.
I heard you had to sell.
Nothing can stop the mine.
But they must have paid you well?
- Dad's already spent the money.
- On what?
- So you're ready to leave?
- I'll be back for the record player and...
Maybe you should go to Mze.
You haven't been home for ages.
So auntie's become Norwegian?
The trip takes two hours.
The booze doesn't kick in until...
You moron.
At least you haven't changed.
- Do you really wear your gkti in Alta?
- We're not going to Alta.
We're going to Stilla.
- Where the protests are?
- Everything's different there.
The Norwegians will fight
to get into your pants.
Words from a foreign language
force out our mother tongue.
Farewell, my homeland.
Your paths have grown narrow.
Against my will, with heavy steps
I must leave my place of birth.
This won't take long?
- Just a short visit.
- Five minutes, then you take me home?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- You're Mihkkal's cousin?
- Yes.
I'm Risten. I'm glad you came.
We need more Smi here.
Did you see where he went?
He's probably in the lavvo.
- Are you drinking?
- No.
- Weren't you supposed to drive me home?
- I haven't been drinking.
Not that much, anyway.
Fine, I'm coming.
See you.
Look at this! He must be lost.
- Can't find the way back to the circus?
- How many reindeer you got in the bank?
- Come again?
- Leave him alone.
- You want some cold coffee?
- Careful! He's taking out his Lapp knife.
Come on, let's go.
Just put it there.
It's okay.
- Will you come with me to Stilla tomorrow?
- I have to work.
I can give you a ride when you're done.
I don't think so.
I've just moved here. It just doesn't...
I get it.
The river doesn't matter to you.
They might as well take everything.
- It's got nothing to do with me.
- And then what?
Are we just supposed to disappear,
one by one?
Like your father?
Could you please be quiet?
Quiet. Thank you.
Can someone tell me what this is?
You? What's your name?
- His name is Ailu.
- Okay.
- Ailu, do you know what it is?
- He can't speak.
He doesn't speak Norwegian.
This is photosynthesis, a natural process.
- Have you got settled here in Alta?
- Yeah, I'd say so.
- Do you have family here?
- My cousin lives here.
I see. What's his name?
So here you are,
sucking up to the principal.
What will it take to get Ester
a permanent position?
- We should go hiking.
- But not there.
- We can't go to Stilla this year.
- Any news from Stilla?
- Plenty of bodily fluids flowing up there.
- You can smell it when they come to town.
What do they smell like? Sweat?
Smoke, alcohol, sweat and shit.
They smell like Lapps.
Think of all the strong construction
workers that'll come here.
- We'll see.
- Are you all for the dam?
Not me. But I'm not going to
block the access road.
What they're doing is illegal.
I can't believe they let them go on.
If the police don't act, we'll
take matters into our own hands.
They're all southerners.
They're not the ones who'll sit here
freezing when the power's gone.
- Where do you live?
- I don't know. What about you?
- Tverrelvdalen.
- In the middle of nowhere?
- Then we'll go to your place.
- I haven't unpacked yet.
- It's a mess.
- I can help you unpack.
Why do they always have to close
when the fun starts?
- What the hell?
- Hey, listen...
Where have I seen you before? In Mze?
Hey, leave them alone.
Get back to your herd.
- I just want a word with her.
- Speak Norwegian!
- Don't you have any self-respect?
- Let go!
What are you doing here?
Aren't you in Stilla?
We needed to get some supplies and stuff.
Let's go.
And you?
Okay. Just a short visit.
One principle of non-violence is
to confront the opponents with their use
of violent means
in order to humanize them.
- Are you cold?
- I'm fine.
I spoke to an economist in the Ministry
of the Environment. He said salmon fishing
in the river represents a capital of about
two to three hundred million kroner.
I mean, that says a lot about...
Well, it says a lot.
We can't sink down to the politicians'
level and make this a matter of money.
It's about the livelihood
of those who live here.
Remember, the original plan was to flood
the entire village of Mze.
A Smi community with a school,
a kindergarten, with human beings!
What's Mze worth? Is it ten million?
A hundred million? The people who
live there, what are their lives worth?
- It's easy to end up just complaining.
- But we have to do something.
They've not just tried to take our land,
but our self-respect too.
We've been told we're
second-class citizens.
We have no right to our own land.
If they take the river,
they might as well take everything.
"If they take the river,
they take everything."
It may sound like failure,
but it shows what the river means.
- This is where we make our stand.
- Hey!
Over 20 cars have passed the gate.
- Is it the vigilantes?
- We recognised the plates.
We live here in Tverrelvdalen.
You're presence is threatening.
We strongly condemn your actions.
But we come with peaceful intentions.
We ask you to close down
the protest camp here in Stilla.
We're worried about
the power supply in Finnmark.
- What about our hospitals?
- A decision based on a lie.
They built a dam in Skibotn.
Plenty of power there.
- What are you doing here?
- I just came to... see what's going on.
- What's this?
- Leave her alone.
- Is this your boyfriend?
- No.
- You're not Smi.
- Let go of her!
- Fucking Lapp!
- This is a peaceful counterdemonstration!
Fall back! Fall back!
Come on!
It says the police are going to
remove the protesters.
About time.
Why haven't they done it already?
- What's up?
- Isn't that Arnfinn's cake?
- He told me to help myself.
- You can't just help yourself.
Would you like some, Ester?
Put on some weight before winter.
Stop it.
- What's that funny smell?
- I can't smell anything.
- Gran, could you please move?
- May we? Bye.
What about History on Tuesday?
- No, Magne will take it. I'll take Friday.
- What are you up to?
It's a secret.
Okay, thanks.
- Don't stay too long.
- Bye.
Hi! Haven't you gone home yet?
- Are you working tomorrow?
- I think so.
- Then I'll see you.
- See you too. Bye.
How's it going?
Could you please not tell them?
That you're a Lapp?
Relax, I won't tell anyone.
Maybe you shouldn't go joiking up there
if you don't want people to know.
Just a tip.
Mihkkal, Mihkkal's son...
Mihkkal's joik is so beautiful.
It describes him so well.
I'll see if I have something.
- What's this?
- That thing?
It's a Smi flag.
- You want some?
- Sure.
I didn't know there was a Smi flag.
An artist from the Mze group made it.
She told me how, after having
been home the whole summer...
She sat on the plane,
looking out the window.
She had this awful feeling
that everything would disappear.
Her land.
Her people.
Her language.
Her family.
So when she returned to Oslo,
she made it.
So that at least we'd have a flag.
But I've sown that one myself.
It was supposed to be
a present for Ravdna, but...
She broke up before I was done.
It may not look like much,
but it took me two months.
Who are you playing Yahtzee with?
Dad used to play by himself too.
It was that ship.
What ship?
Hasn't auntie told you?
One summer, a huge trawler came
and swept the fjord clean of fish.
Let the river flow! Let the river flow!
- Ester!
- You missed the fun.
- They gave up!
- We were too many for them.
- Join us, Ester!
- Come on!
What's up with them?
What's wrong?
We overheard the police asking
for national reinforcements.
- They'll be back with more.
- We won this round.
It shows it's possible.
- Let's go to Mze.
- What for?
To make a plan on our own terms.
Clear our minds. It's no use sitting here
when the decisions are made in Oslo.
How you've grown!
It must be years since you last were here.
- When was that?
- I don't remember.
Me neither.
Won't you come inside?
We're going to a meeting.
- Are you?
- Could you please let go of her?
- Sure I can't get you anything?
- We don't have anything.
I heard you had to sell the herd.
- We didn't have any choice.
- Is dad here?
He's here.
Ester is here.
Your niece.
Shall we go?
Remember the time your dad
chased us down here with a lasso?
You stumbled and broke your front tooth.
They didn't just take away our reindeer.
They took away our lives.
Have you considered higher education?
Or something?
They're probably waiting for us.
There are lots of Smi in Oslo. What if
we get them to join a protest march?
A protest march in Oslo?
How many Smi do you suppose will join?
We must do something the authorities
are unprepared for. We alone.
Look at the IRA.
They're often just a few people.
- Are we making bombs now?
- We should set ourselves on fire instead.
What about a hunger strike?
For how long?
As long as it takes.
Until they vow to stop stealing our land.
We have to do it somewhere
where everyone can see us.
We must act soon, before the authorities
launch another police operation.
We have to be willing to die.
- I'm done.
- You're bleeding, teacher.
Here, here, here!
Ailu? Ailu, go and sit down.
Sit down, Ailu!
- Sit down, now!
- He took my pencil case.
Be quiet!
Let the river flow! Let the river flow!
I don't understand why his parents
make him wear Smi boots.
What can you do?
What's going on?
Where's my gkti?
- What do you need it for?
- Do you know where it is?
You haven't worn it since
your confirmation. You've outgrown it.
- Why do you need it now?
- To wear at the protests.
Has Mihkkal dragged you into this?
Where is it?
I'll call Inger and ask her
to check up on you
while you're protesting.
Oh, aunt Inger?
I don't think you've met her.
That's her picture on the shelf.
Is that aunt Inger?
- Who did you think it was?
- I don't know.
It's always been there.
When did you last see her?
On November 13th,
Hasn't she been home since?
She remained in Oslo after the evacuation.
She met a Norwegian down there.
Was dad evacuated as well?
Isak stayed here with me.
It's ready.
Ester, Isak's daughter...
Oh, it's you.
I hardly recognised you.
Are you going to tear it down?
Nobody uses it anymore.
It brings back unhappy memories.
What happened to dad?
You never told me.
What happened?
Many things.
We were punished
if we didn't speak Norwegian.
What do you mean? Where?
At residential school.
Isn't that what you wanted to know?
I guess so.
Punished how?
They'd slap our wrists,
box our ears, hit us.
The teachers did as they pleased,
and the Norwegian kids followed suit.
- Did it happen to you too?
- Sometimes.
But I was a quick learner,
so they left me alone.
Is that why you never wear your gkti?
You want to be left alone?
Dad always wore his gkti.
- Not always.
- That's how I remember him.
You know how that went.
There's no future for the Smi, Ester.
That battle was lost a long time ago.
We still need a plan.
- I have a plan.
- You've got a plan?
I know someone who knows
the prime minister.
We can't just focus on the river.
It's too limited.
People care about the river.
We can't bring up colonization.
It'll turn everyone against us.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Shall we try this, or what?
Oslo's full of cops.
We have less than two minutes.
Right, are you ready?
- Do you want us to fail?
- We have to agree on our demands.
What's the river worth
if you have no place to go ashore?
Where they speak your language
and know who you are.
A place where you can be yourself.
You're a Norwegian teacher.
You'll read it out.
Sure, I'll take care of it. Of course.
Well, hi. I was the one who called earlier.
Read the letter.
We demand that the parliament
and government stop the development
of the Alta-Kautokeino river
until Smi rights
have been legally clarified.
We demand an answer before 4 p.m.
If no concrete answer has been provided
by this deadline,
we will initiate a hunger strike.
Signed by the Smi Action Group,
by Geir-Tore Mathisen, Ante Utsi,
Ovll Buljo, Risten Labba,
Piera Aslaksen, Mihkkal Vars...
Ester Isaksen.
Give him the letter.
Thank you.
We have received a letter
from the prime minister.
"To the Smi Action Group,
Eidsvoll Square 1."
"The government has discussed
the Alta issue,"
"and we cannot meet your demands."
The hunger strike is on.
Excuse me? May we have a word with you?
We're from NRK.
Okay, rolling.
Exactly what do you hope to achieve?
Well, we...
We demand that they stop
construction on the Alta river
until Smi rights have been clarified.
How far are you willing to go?
Our land is being taken away,
piece by piece.
And with it our culture, language
and identity is disappearing as well.
We are doing this so that future
generations will have rights.
And we're willing to die for this.
The police chief in Oslo calls
the hunger strike civil disobedience.
It may have huge consequences
for those involved.
You're making a stand.
Yes. We have to.
I'm from Lyngen.
Moved here 20 years ago.
Haven't spoken Smi since.
Maybe it's time to come home?
I didn't want to be Smi anymore.
But then you turned up.
Ester, Isak's daughter...
I'd like to joik you.
But I don't know.
It's so long ago.
I understand.
It's alright.
It'll feel tight, but that's normal.
Just relax.
I'm so ashamed. I didn't know
what you've been through.
We barely knew there are Smi in Norway.
Thank you for your support.
- It can't go on. You have to take it down.
- This is a peaceful protest.
You can't protest here without
police permission.
- You can't steal our land either.
- That's not my doing.
I relate to the present situation,
nothing else.
Then I suggest you do your job
instead of trying to negotiate with us.
Take it down.
Let the river flow! Let the river flow!
You can leave today.
But you can stay another day or two,
if you want.
- Okay.
- You have a visitor.
There's no rush.
- What are you doing here?
- I've just been released.
They said you were here.
We've put up a new lavvo on the other
side of parliament. The mood is great.
Everybody's exhausted and hungry,
but we're not giving up.
There are meetings
in parliament right now.
Get dressed and come with me.
We're outside parliament, where a letter
has arrived from the government.
"To the Smi Action Group:".
"The government has decided to halt
construction on the access road"
"until parliament can hold
a new debate on the issue."
- Hi. Are you feeling better?
- Yes.
- Would you like me to tidy up?
- Okay.
I'm here with one of the hunger strikers.
What does this mean for you?
We've decided to give the government
and parliament one more chance to show
which rights they believe
the Smi should have in this country.
The struggle isn't over,
but we've reached our first goal.
The hunger strike is over.
Stop it. Good to see you again.
She's lost her voice.
Just like on TV.
- I can take the tree.
- Here you go.
No, it's a bit too heavy.
We can carry it together.
We saw you on TV, Ester.
I think you carried yourself well.
You won the prime minister's support.
At least for now.
They halted construction.
Yes, for now.
Pending a new vote in parliament.
Then we'll win. The people support us.
They'll have to reverse the decision.
Last time there were 90 votes for
and 30 against.
I don't see why the outcome
should be different now.
- Maybe they've realised something.
- Like what?
- That there are Smi in Norway.
- They know that.
Do you know you're married to a Smi?
That your son is Smi?
Thomas is mostly Norwegian.
You were born in Norway too,
though you wish to be Smi.
Only a Norwegian would say that.
Can we change the subject?
It's Christmas!
Stein didn't mean to offend you.
You just have different perspectives.
So Thomas isn't Smi?
I think Thomas feels hurt because
you show no interest in him.
He's your brother, after all.
When I was young, we had to wait forever
before we could open our presents.
I mean...
We had to take a nap, do the dishes...
- There. Light some candles.
- It took ages.
I'll just get to it.
"To Thomas from Mom and Dad."
Here you go.
Wow. Thanks.
Now it's my turn.
We can play with it later.
Yes, "To Thomas."
"From Ester."
- I didn't know you'd brought gifts. Here.
- Thanks.
Thank you.
Thomas, it's your turn.
"To Stein from Liv."
Liv? Who...
Let me see.
Oh, "Leif" with a v. "Leiv". A colleague.
- Wow!
- That's always handy.
It's still standing.
Have they asked you
if they can tear it down?
Did they say why?
Thomas thinks it's haunted.
The hat I gave you, where is it?
- Isn't it on the couch?
- No.
Well, then I don't know.
- Do you know where dad's hat is?
- I'm sorry, Ester.
Could you peel the potatoes?
Come down and give me a hand.
- What are you doing?
- Why are you speaking Norwegian?
Have you ever spoken Smi to Thomas?
Do you want him to be bullied at school?
- So we should all just become Norwegian?
- It beats being a criminal.
- "Criminal"?
- Yes.
Civil disobedience is also illegal.
You've thrown dad's hat away!
Stop blaming us for everything!
We're trying to build a home.
For you too.
Tell me where it is.
I know you or Stein took it.
The way you behave is why people
are fed up with the Smi.
You never stop complaining,
take everything in the worst possible way.
- Is that how you see me?
- Yes, right now it is.
This is no longer my home.
We're outside parliament,
waiting for the decision.
I've just heard that
the session is concluded.
I now see the first
representatives emerging.
The mood has been tense
awaiting this decision.
We now have the result of the vote.
With 96 to 31 votes,
parliament has decided
to continue the development
of the Alta river.
Work will probably resume
in late fall or early winter.
We'll try to...
Well, this is a huge disappointment.
But now we have a new opportunity.
- A new opportunity?
- Yeah.
Harald, NRK is outside.
They want a statement.
And someone from the Smi Action Group.
Right, could you stand here?
I'm here with Ester Isaksen, who
took part in the hunger strike last year.
Ester, how do you feel about parliament
making this decision
before clarifying Smi rights?
Well, of course it's
a huge disappointment.
We Smi seem condemned to complain,
but do we have any choice
when we're always knocked down?
But are you against progress?
Don't you need electricity?
Yes, but what's progress?
The river sustained us for millennia.
Should it really be destroyed?
We have to take care of the Earth
for future generations.
- But you drive snowmobiles?
- And my grandma has a sewing machine.
- Can we expect more protests?
- Yes.
- We won't give up.
- Will there be another hunger strike?
We'll see. If they build the dam,
it will be over my dead body.
Thank you.
Hey, that went well. Very good.
What shall we do, Ester?
What do you mean?
- When the fight is over.
- Isn't there still plenty to fight for?
Excuse me?
I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave.
We've had one beer.
I'm sorry.
Let's go.
I'm done.
Can you drive me to Mze?
So you're tidying up?
Our contacts say there'll be five hundred
cops. We have to be at least that many.
- And you'll recruit all of them?
- A hundred.
The People's Movement
will be four hundred.
You think you can recruit
one hundred Smi?
There'll be at least a hundred
at the meeting this evening.
Mihkkal, we have to be together in this.
"Over my dead body"?
It's different now.
- I'll drive you to Mze.
- Thank you.
Put on your gkti. And bring the flag.
Shouldn't we have more chairs?
Have a seat.
As you've probably heard, we expect
a confrontation in Stilla soon.
The People's Movement
is mobilising all its members.
We can no longer stand idly by,
and watch as our land is
taken from us, piece by piece.
We've heard that before.
But it's useless to object.
The authorities do as they please.
But that's exactly what we want an end to.
We Smi have to stand together.
We're not a flock of sheep.
Should we all go on a hunger strike?
The authorities would love that.
We'd kill ourselves.
They wouldn't have to lift a finger.
I don't want you to put up
another lavvo in Oslo.
- They'll think that's how we live.
- Could we hear what she has to say?
- I've come all the way from Aidejvri.
- And I drove from Alta.
Do you know what my children went through
at school after you appeared on TV?
That's exactly the kind of thing
we want an end to.
But then we have to stand up to injustice.
Enough is enough.
If you want to take a stand in Stilla,
write your name on this list.
I'm not putting my name on any list!
- It's perfectly voluntary.
- Doesn't sound like she thinks so.
Listen to me, please.
This is not okay.
Did it go as expected?
They just need time.
You could've asked me before
you wrote down my name.
What are you fighting for?
What am I fighting for?
For Smi rights. For you.
Maybe you should listen to people.
Not just talk.
For many of us, it's about survival. I...
When I was a child, I never
thought about whether I was Smi.
I was just an ordinary boy.
You can use it if you're going
to more meetings.
Take the flag as well.
Remember to carry the one there.
And what are you doing?
I... I...
You, you...
You really can't speak, huh?
- You're stupid.
- I'm stupid?
So you can speak?
Hi, I'm Ester.
I'm from the Smi Action Group.
We want to make a difference in Stilla.
Now that we have the chance,
I believe it's important
that we are many who raise our voices.
We have to make them understand
that the dam is only one
of many violations.
This is about you as well.
If there are enough of us,
the police can't just drag us away.
We have to be there
to let them know that this is our land.
That it's our lives.
Do you have time to talk?
You know...
It's easy to tell other people what to do.
But when your child comes home
from school barefoot
because someone has bullied her
for her Smi boots,
will you force her to wear them
the next day?
Don't the Norwegian children
wear Smi boots?
When it's cold, everyone wears Smi boots.
Even the grown-ups.
- It's the only thing that's warm enough.
- Yes.
I just want to be left in peace.
Me too.
But when I have children,
I want them to be proud of who they are,
and where they come from.
It's not that easy.
No, it's not easy.
I can still picture the little boy
running around here
with his infectious laughter.
He certainly made me smile.
But everyone who knew Mihkkal,
also knew how
his worries and his dark moods
weighed so heavily on his life, both when
he was young and as an adult.
Mihkkal was 14 years old
when the first protest against
the dam took place here in Mze.
I remember him asking me
whether it was really true that
the church where we now sit
would be flooded.
I didn't have time to respond
before he said
that it would never happen
as long as he lived.
One should be wary of blaming anyone
when a young person passes away
in this manner.
I still choose to ask
if the manner in which Norway
has treated the Smi
has cost lives.
I never saw him cry.
Once you start...
The authorities are planning
to act next week.
They've chartered four Boeing jets.
More than six hundred cops are coming.
It'll be massive.
It'll be hard to get people
to join in this cold.
There's a torchlight march the day before.
A torchlight march, Piera?
Ester, help me.
A torchlight march?
I prayed I'd never have to
go through this again.
- You have to promise me you'll never...
- Mom...
Will you come home with grandma and me?
I'm going to bed.
- I'm going to bed.
- I've changed the sheets for you.
- But I changed the sheets before I left.
- Oh?
Well, well.
Thank you.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Ester! What's going on?!
I don't want to be Smi.
I don't want to be Smi!
- I cleared some snow from your car too.
- Thanks.
- Is your beaska coat still in the shack?
- Yes.
May I borrow it?
I wish I'd chosen differently.
It's okay.
- Goodbye, Thomas.
- Goodbye.
Take care.
I'll follow you to the car.
I'll just get the beaska first.
Could you hold this?
I just wanted to say...
After the war, when everything here had
been torched, and everyone in Finnmark
had been evacuated to the south,
we weren't allowed to return.
The authorities ordered us to wait
until society had been rebuilt.
It was too dangerous. Food was scarce.
Winter was coming.
We had no houses or anything.
But over 20,000 of us defied
the order and returned anyway.
It was the greatest act of civil
disobedience in the history of Norway.
The conditions were unbearable.
Everything was gone. We had nothing.
But we wanted to go home.
That's all.
Drive carefully. The roads are icy.
The MS Prinsesse Ragnhild
docked in Alta today
to house the six hundred police officers
to be deployed there.
The People's Movement has also mobilised.
The justice minister...
Ester! Hi!
- Good to see you!
- Likewise.
I heard about Mikkel.
I'm on the radio with someone, so...
I have to keep a lookout.
See you.
Good to see you.
So now we're suddenly sitting in front?
Yeah, we were here first.
So they'll have to drag us away first.
I brought Mihkkal's flag.
Hold it.
The police have just been seen
lining up in Alta.
They'll be here in a matter of hours.
The last time the cops came here,
we were about eighty activists.
We've had a head count.
Today we are several hundred!
The river shall flow! The river shall flow!
We are so few Smi.
When we rose up against the authorities
a century ago, they cut our heads off.
No wonder some of us are
reluctant to come.
I have never seen chains
this strong before.
The police will have a damn hard time.
Let me remind you
that we stand for nonviolence.
But nobody says our asses
can't be extra heavy today.
We won't give up until the last of us
has been dragged away. We can do this!
Have courage!
- There's Piera.
- See him?
- With the cap.
- That's him.
I think that's someone I know.
- You mean her?
- Yes.
- You came.
- Yes, I came.
- Where have you been?
- We were at the torchlight march.
- Where were you?
- Here, preparing the camp.
Help us put up the lavvos.
- Where are the chains?
- We have none.
We won't be chained on our own land.
You are blocking the access road
and obstructing a lawful development.
I order all of you to leave the area.
If you fail to comply with this order,
you will have committed
a punishable offence.
You have two minutes
to remove yourselves from the road.
- Initiate.
- Initiate!
Leave the Smi for later. It won't
look good if we drag them away first.
Block the way! Don't let the police pass!
The river shall flow!
Smi power! Smi power!
Let go of it!
Give it to me!
Teacher? Ailu has brought a knife.
Thanks for letting me know.
Ailu? Ailu?
You can't bring a knife to school.
Give it to me.
Then we have to see the principal.
Come on.
I see you've started recruiting them early.
An independent Smi state.
So that's the goal?
What did she say?
She said our people have never sought
to draw borders around our land.
We need to feel that we belong here.
That this is our home.
It's over there.
Will you come inside?
Are your mom and dad at home?
Not mom, anyway.
Where is she?
I don't know. She's never at home.
We have a guest.
- Hello.
- Hi.
She's my teacher.
He missed the bus.
I see. Thanks for driving him home.
Are you Mret's daughter?
I am.
Daddy? May I show her my room?
I'm not sure it's a good time.
Well, I don't mind.
Come in.
You have a nice room.
Can you sing?
I don't think so.
Mom used to joik.
- I don't remember any joiks right now.
- Not a single one?
I know one.
Is he kind?
Then I'd like to hear it.