Lick (2024) Movie Script
Cheers to...
Two more.
What was that?
No. Stop it.
Yes, please.
Thank you.
Sure you're okay?
Now we should get something into you.
I can order room service.
Toast or something.
Oh, here.
Hang on.
- Hold there.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
- Holy shit!
- Yeah, about that.
If you want something smaller,
it is kind of big.
You bought this for me?
Wait, you don't remember?
What is that, like, three carats?
What do you remember?
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
What did we even do last night?
We got fucking married.
Hey, look, I'll take care of all this.
My lawyers will deal with it.
You have lawyers?
Yeah. They're gonna send you
some paperwork or something.
Yeah, this was a mistake.
You disagree?
Take care.
Wait. Wait, wait. Here.
Oh, for fuck's sake. Keep it.
Wait. No.
It must have cost a fortune. I
don't even know your name.
I just... I don't understand
how your taste in music is this bad?
Have I taught you nothing?
To not drink tequila.
Here, listen to this.
No. Just don't.
That's Stage Dive.
Wait, so what did you get up to last night
after you disappeared,
apart from heaving?
Actually, that about sums it up.
Over here. Evelyn. Evelyn.
Is it true you got tattoos
of each other's names?
- Will you be moving to LA?
- Is this the end of Stage Dive?
Lead guitarist of Stage Dive,
David Ferris,
got married in Vegas overnight.
Have you heard the one
about the waitress and the rock star?
Apparently, it was a girl
from Portland and it was a...
So, David, if you want to give me
a present...
Hiding the pregnancy?
Talk to me.
Ev, did you somehow manage to get married
while we were away?
- Maybe.
- Mother of God!
I just... I woke up and he was there
and he was so pissed at me,
and I don't know.
I was gonna pretend like it didn't happen.
Yeah, I don't think that's gonna work.
Where to now?
Home. My parents' place, I mean.
Good call.
You ready to run for it?
You know, just do me a favor.
- Yeah.
- Don't break up my favorite band.
Oh, my God. The guitar picks.
He's the guitarist, right?
Yes, David Ferris,
only the world's greatest songwriter.
The hell am I gonna do?
You married a rock star.
Oh, my God,
I cannot believe David got married.
I heard David Ferris married
some girl from Portland.
And the rest of the band
is not happy about it.
If this causes Stage Dive to break up,
we're gonna have a problem.
Hi, Stage Divers.
I think we need to talk
about this wedding.
David and Jimmy are not talking.
We're all waiting for the new songs.
We're waiting for the new tour.
Jimmy, David, Ben, and Mal.
No girl is gonna break up this band.
Stage Divers forever!
- Evelyn, Evelyn.
- Is David here?
Have you guys broken up yet?
No, no, no, no. Everyone, off!
This is private property.
Please, leave.
Everyone go.
Come on, leave!
Good day, then.
Your internship has been canceled.
Leyton rightly feels that
given your present situation...
Miss Thomas?
David sent me.
- I'm calling the cops.
- Wait.
I got him on the phone.
He said to ask you about his T-shirt.
It's in my bag,
'cause he left it in the room,
only 'cause I puked on it.
- Ev?
- Hi.
Listen, you probably wanna lie low
for a while until all this dies down.
Sam will get you out of there.
Where would I go?
He'll bring you to me.
There'll be a bunch of paperwork
and shit to sign,
so you may as well come to me.
I don't know.
What else are you gonna do?
Ev?- Sorry.
Yes, I'd like to take you up
on that offer.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
- Over here.
- Please.
Tell David I love him!
- I hate you, you bitch.
- Where's David?
You're not even that pretty.
I don't know where David is.
Wait here, all right?
Hey. I'm Mal.
David's out this way. Follow me.
You mind finding her a room?
Do I look like your fucking butler?
Check you later, Child Bride.
Come on.
It's lovely.
Listen, some people are gonna
talk to you about the divorce papers.
They'll be here at 10:00.
Some people?
My lawyer, manager.
It'll be done with as fast as it can.
Need anything?
If you move over another foot,
you'll disappear behind that palm
and no one will see you.
I'll give it some thought.
Why don't I know you?
You know everyone here?
Everyone, except for you.
David invited me to stay for a bit.
What room did he put you in?
The white one.
Aren't you special?
- Excuse me.
- Hold up.
- Come here.
- There a problem here?
No, not at all.
I'm just getting to know Ev.
- You don't need to know Ev.
- Come on, bro.
You know I like pretty new things.
Come on.
I could've had her up
against the wall at a party,
and you marry her?
She's nothing, you sorry fuck.
Look at her.
Yeah? Do something!
Hit me, little bro! Go for it!
Show me who the star
of the show really is.
You're just as bad as Mom.
Fucking mess.
- You know he doesn't mean it.
- Stay out of it, Martha.
- I know the way.
- Well, you still wanna party, huh?
Why didn't you just say something?
I would've been happy to oblige.
and you're not even shitfaced tonight.
- Chances are, you'd probably remember.
- Way to be an ass.
No, no, no. You're right. My bad.
Should I take you back down to my brother?
You know, I think that your brother issues
might be even worse
than your wife issues,
and that's saying something.
I'm Martha,
David's PA.
His representatives are here
to meet with you.
You might wanna get your ass in gear.
Hi there. I'm Adrian.
- Hi.
- Please.
Lady and gentlemen, this is Miss Thomas.
Mr. Ferris asked us
to draw up the annulment papers.
They'll cover all issues,
including your settlement.
Sorry, settlement?
We'll deal with that last.
Notice, there are conditions
to be met by yourself.
And the main issues include you are not
speaking with any member of the press
with regard to this matter,
which remains in force,
of course, until your death.
So I can talk to them after I die?
This is a very serious matter,
Miss Thomas.
My name is Ev.
And I understand
the seriousness of this situation,
but if we can get back to the settlement,
I'm confused.
Next page.
It would be unwise
to press for more, Miss Thomas.
Has a lot of zeros.
We need to finalize this today.
I can't sign this.
My client will not be making
another offer,
and there is no chance of reconciliation.
I'm sure Ev can see
how kind David is being.
I don't wanna sell his story or stalk him.
I don't want any of his money.
Ev, please.
I'll tell you what,
you can give this back to David
and tell him that I don't want it.
None of this.
Mr. Ferris never mentioned a ring.
No, well, why don't you tell Mr. Ferris
that he can shove it
wherever he feels it fits best, Ted.
Well, hey there, Child Bride.
Ev, hold up. Hold up.
What's wrong? What's going on?
Where're you going? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Okay.
Whoa, whoa. Shit. You're mad.
You're fucking joking.
He sticked that ball sucker on you?
Did you have anyone with you?
You gonna cry?
All right. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Let's get in the car.
Ev, think.
There's photographers and shit
waiting for you outside, okay?
Even if you get past them,
where are you gonna go?
Let's go.
- Ev, we need to...
- Shut the fuck up, Adrian.
- Ev?
- Come on!
Why do you think they wear such big hats?
I've got a theory.
I feel like they're trying to hide
something on...
You're not funny.
I'm pretty funny.
And I'm actually a very important person,
so I'd really appreciate it if you could
at least pretend to worship me.
Absolutely not.
Taking this back.
Make the right...
- Wait.
- That's not a good idea.
Vegas on her 21st birthday.
- Shit.
- Yup.
Listen, David's the favorite darling.
I mean, he writes the songs,
plays guitar, he's pretty.
Girlies faint when he walks by.
Team that with your being a young'un,
you've got the news of the week.
I'm 21.
After lead singer Jimmy Ferris
was rumored to have...
Face it, Child Bride.
You just got married
by an Elvis impersonator
to one of rock and roll's favorite sons.
What with Jimmy out
partying like it's 1999
and Dave losing his music writing mojo.
I mean, you get the picture.
But, listen.
Next week, someone else
will do something wacky
and all the attention will fade. Trust me.
People are constantly fucking up
and it's a glorious thing.
So go on, give Uncle Mal a smile.
I know you want to.
That's a bullshit smile. Try again.
Damn, damn. Okay.
It looks like you're in pain now.
Sorry I asked.
Wondered how long he'd take.
Where is she?
Why the fuck do you care?
Don't start. You better not
have touched her, you piece of shit.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You left her to deal with Adrian
and three lawyers alone.
When I found her,
she was practically in tears.
You, my friend, are most definitely
the piece of shit here.
Did you even mean to marry her?
I don't know.
Fuck, I thought she was different.
She seemed different.
Yeah, I feel your man-pain, bro, really.
And all you wanted was a girl
who wouldn't kiss your ass for once
and now you're pissed at her
for the same reason.
It's complicated, right?
Hey, she's the one
that wanted the fucking divorce, okay?
Why aren't you giving her
the third degree?
Because she's busy
hiding around the corner, listening.
So, Evelyn, you're telling me that
you asked the mighty David Ferris
for a divorce?
She threw up on me
when I told her we were married.
It was in the toilet.
That time.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I love your wife, man.
Seriously, she's awesome.
Since you don't want her, can I...
Can I have her?
What is it?
Oh, fuck.
I'll let you take care of that, buddy.
You don't need to worry about it.
Show me.
You were pretending to bite my fingers
and the tattoo artist
was getting mad at us?
You were supposed to be keeping still.
How did they get this?
I don't know.
We were in a private room.
This should never have happened,
but people get offered
a lot of money for things like this.
It's okay. Excuse me.
You okay?
Coming in.
I'd hardly ever shown anyone my ass.
Now, it's all over the internet.
I know.
I'm sorry, I'm an ugly crier.
No, no, no, no, no, no. It's okay.
Oh, God.
Oh, now your shirt's all wet.
Let's go for a drive.
- Really?
- Just you and me.
I don't think that's a good idea.
You'd rather stay in LA?
I don't want your money.
I heard.
You don't have to pay me off.
Don't make assumptions like that.
If you wanna know something, just ask.
I was never gonna sell
the story to the press.
The one you don't remember?
I would never do that.
Come on.
You really wanna go?
Yo, give me the keys to the Jeep.
I rode over here on the bike
and don't have a helmet for her.
- Not a scratch, dude.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't worry.
Are you sure you wanna go with him,
Child Bride?
I mean, dickhead here made you cry.
- I made you laugh.
- Let's go.
Thank you.
Yeah, that's where my place is.
Look, it's Friday.
Lawyers said they'll have
the new paperwork on Monday.
So we're gonna spend the weekend out of LA
as friends, then sign them,
and then go our separate ways.
- Sound like a plan?
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, how did we meet?
Come on. I've never blacked out before.
Me and a group of friends were leaving
to go to another club.
And one of the guys
just wasn't looking where he was going
and bumped into a waitress
and crashed her tray.
How did I get involved?
Well, he started
giving the poor waitress shit,
telling her he was gonna get her fired.
Then you swooped in
and handed him his ass.
Then security came to kick you out,
but I got you out of there instead.
You left your friends for me.
What then?
We took off and had a drink at another bar
and just talked about everyday stuff.
But when you looked at me...
- What?
- It doesn't matter.
It does, please.
For fuck's sake.
It felt right, okay?
It felt... good.
And plus, I'd never been propositioned
like that before.
Okay. Stop.
Relax, okay?
It was sweet.
Sweet is not a bad thing.
What did I say?
You said you thought
I was a really nice guy.
That it would be a great idea
if we went back to your room,
and had sex, and just hang out a while.
If maybe that was something
I was interested in.
What did you say?
What do you think I said?
Oh, my God. This is so mortifying.
Why couldn't you have forgotten too?
What was that for?
For getting me out
of Portland and then LA.
For telling me about that night.
Come on, let's get out of here.
You coming?
What's wrong?
Nothing. I was just...
Shit, David!
I thought we were just friends!
Stop feeling my ass.
Well, this is gonna be a problem.
Well, I thought this would be ready.
You've not been here before?
I've been busy.
Let's go.
They filled the fridge.
You want one?
Oh, no.
No, I'm not drinking.
Who are they?
Friends that look after the place.
I rang and got them
to sort some stuff out for us.
For breakfast?
I haven't slept in two days.
I want beer and a bed.
Man, I hope they thought of a bed.
No bed?
Keep going.
One bed.
You think I'm made of money?
Says the guy who got Cartier
to open so that I could pick out a ring.
You remember that?
I just assumed, given what time
of night it must have been.
I left the ring with the lawyers.
Yeah, I know.
They just made me so mad.
Lawyers do that.
Mal told me that you took
a swing at him and missed.
Probably for the best.
You know, he's an idiot,
but he means well.
Yeah. He was kind to me.
Is that why you took the plunge in Vegas?
Because apart from Mal,
you're surrounded by...
Can we just stop talking about that night?
Just trying to understand.
And God, David, look at you.
- Your brother, he was right about...
- Don't do that.
He was wrong to say that.
Then give me something.
Tell me what it was like
between us that night.
It's not fair
that you remember and I don't.
Still friends?
You're cold. Come on.
Really, David, I'm sorry.
Hey, let's just... let's just let it go.
I don't want to.
I have an idea.
Okay. Shoot.
Things can jog your memory, right?
I guess.
So if I kissed you,
you might remember
what we were like together.
How far did we go that night?
Second base.
And... this kiss
would be for the purposes
of scientific research?
You're overthinking it.
- Sorry.
- Stop apologizing.
Why'd you stop?
Remember anything?
Anything about that familiar?
You look tired.
Might be time to get some shut-eye.
Mind if I come with you?
Come here.
Okay. Yup.
What are we doing?
Stage two of a memory rehab process.
We did it for a while until you felt sick.
Tell me about your major.
Architecture, right?
Well, my dad's one.
And is architecture your idea or his?
Well, we've always talked about it.
My brother was never interested
and is always getting into fights
or skipping class.
I think I could be good at it.
Is that what you want to do
with your life?
I don't know.
Do you only play guitar?
Bass and drums, occasional triangle.
And I sing.
Why don't you sing in the band?
Well, limelight was more of Jimmy's thing.
He wasn't always an asshole.
Did you sing to me that night?
Yeah. Yeah, I did.
That could bring back a memory.
You're gonna use that anytime
you want something, aren't you?
Thank you.
Whatcha doin'?
Nothing much.
It's... a delivery came for you.
These are for you.
And these too.
I asked Martha
to get her some stuff for us.
What the fuck is this?
Can't tell if it's a belt or a skirt or...
Well, you do normally have girls
in bikinis hanging off you, so.
You're different.
I'll live.
Here. Just don't look
at the price tag, okay? Please?
Hey, are you okay?
- Here, sit down, sit down.
- Yeah.
Here, let me have a look.
I don't think this is a good idea.
We were on a gondolas at The Venetian.
And you said you couldn't swim,
that I would have to save you
if we capsized.
- Can you swim?
- Of course I can.
The water wasn't even that deep.
Is there anything else?
I was thinking
you're a really nice guy.
And I was wondering
if maybe you'd like to come up to my room
and have sex with me
and hang out for a little bit
if maybe that's something
that you'd be interested...
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Let me get rid of them.
Stay here, just in case it's press.
Ah, man.
Worse. Friends with food.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Tyler and Pam.
- Here he is, mate.
It's been too long, dude.
Oh, look at you.
And this must be Ev.
I had to read about it in the paper, Dave?
Are you serious?
Yeah, Ev. Tyler, Pam.
Old friends that take care of the house.
Pam is a super talented photographer
and Tyler's one of my favorite
session musicians.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- No, we're family now. Bring it in.
Come on. Oh, she's so pretty.
Isn't she pretty, hon?
It's so nice to meet you, Ev.
I'm just so glad
that David finally found someone nice.
All right. Let's let these lovebirds
have their privacy.
Actually, I made David's favorite
chicken enchiladas with rice.
Actually, I didn't even think to see
if this would be okay with you.
You might be vegetarian.
Oh, no, I'm not.
- Thank you so much.
- God.
Hon, let's go.
Well, if you need anything
we are around, just call us.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Oh, wait. Stay.
Have dinner with us.
Oh, no. No, Tyler's right,
you guys are newlyweds.
Come on, please.
- Let's eat.
- Yeah.
- All right.
- All right.
- Let's go.
- I'm grabbing these.
All right.
- It was hot!
- It was hot.
Level three.
- Oh, it was you?
- He did it.
This is before it happened.
I wrote two songs.
That's nice.
No, no. You don't understand.
I haven't written any songs
in over two years.
- Really?
- Yeah.
And... they're about you.
Were you gonna play them for me?
When they're ready.
I want them to be perfect.
You fixed me.
I'm so glad you got your mojo back,
but you're incredibly talented.
You were never broken.
Maybe you just needed a break.
You're not having sex right now.
There is no way
we're fucking right now. Okay?
Our first time,
we're gonna be stone-cold sober.
No, I don't wanna wake up to you
freaking out again
because you don't remember
or you just don't want to.
I'm done being the asshole.
I never thought you were an asshole.
How about in LA
with that girl hanging off me?
You planned that.
I needed armor, and you were jealous.
But I couldn't bring myself to touch her.
I wondered what happened.
You came back so fast.
- Yeah, seeing you with Jimmy, just...
- Nothing was going on.
I'm sorry, I was... I was out of line.
I love how you can hear the ocean here.
I don't wanna sign the papers on Monday.
Look, I know I've been drinking, I know,
but there's no reason it can't wait.
Well, then we won't.
Are you sure?
Oh, my God.
Kick me out of bed next time
I come in smelling like this, okay?
- Okay?
- Okay.
I'm okay.
I'm going this way.
Hey, Child Bride. Let me in.
David's still sleeping. Tyler, Pam, hi.
- Mal. What are you...
- Here.
Oh, thank you.
Dave called me at 4:00 a.m.
and said he'd wrote some new music.
- Hey, get out here.
- I am so sorry.
I asked them to wait a couple more hours,
but as you can see, I lost.
So, sorry.
The lounge furniture
and a couple of the beds
are gonna be here in a couple of hours.
So they'll be here soon.
Tyler, can you guys move
some of these boxes
- up against the fireplace here?
- Hold on.
I haven't gotten my hello kisses yet.
Come here, you.
Come here.
- And you. Come to Daddy, bedhead.
- Hey, what the fuck are you doing here?
- Hey, I just wanna...
- Get the fuck off of her, man.
Hey, just wanted to hear
the new stuff, as swipe. Deal with it.
I'll fucking beat your ass.
Tell me and I'll do it.
You better not.
Is Malcolm going on
your honeymoon with you guys?
When we have a honeymoon...
it'll be somewhere far away.
- Sure as shit he won't be there.
- That's so cute.
But I'm here to make some music,
so what are we doing?
Well, it's gonna have
to fucking wait, okay?
Ev and I have plans.
Been waiting two years.
In a few more hours, dude.
We should move some boxes.
- I just wanna make some music, dude.
- I know you do.
Hey, what?
You looked worried about something.
- Nothing.
- No, Evelyn.
After our talk this morning,
when we discussed
signing the papers on Monday,
like you said, you'd had a lot to drink.
I haven't changed my mind.
- You?
- No.
We're gonna stay in this room
until we're on the same page
about us, okay?
This is a dramatic reenactment.
We were sitting on your bed
in your motel room
and you were straddling me.
Like this?
Exactly, like that.
Now, you refused to go back
to my suite at the Bellagio.
Said that I was out of touch
and needed to see
how the little people lived.
That doesn't sound arrogant.
No, no, you were right.
That's what we do.
We push each other
out of our comfort zones.
Is it enough?
What did you say next?
Say it.
Tell me.
I've only done this once before.
You're nervous. Don't be nervous.
So let's get married.
You did not say that.
I may have been a little concerned
about your inexperience.
We might have had words about it.
What words?
I just had the best night of my life.
And the thought of not
being with you every other night,
I couldn't do it.
And when I dared you
to put your plans aside
and run away with me... you said yes.
I did.
- You did.
- Thank God.
Do you, Evelyn Jennifer Thomas,
agree to stay married to me,
David Vincent Ferris?
I do.
Hey, Mr. Ferris.
Hey, Mrs. Ferris.
This is just what it's like.
I mean, the amount of dinners
Tyler has forgotten.
It's their job,
but it's also their first love.
Have you ever been
really passionate about something?
I enjoy college
and I love being a barista,
but I can't sling coffee
for the rest of my life.
Oh, my God. Those are my father's words.
Forget I said that.
You know what? It is no rush.
Sometimes it just takes time
to find your thing.
You know... David's different with you.
You are the first person
he's brought around in like six years.
Why was the place empty so long?
I guess he wanted this place to be
somewhere he could come home to.
And then things changed
and the band blew up and...
You know what?
He would be way better
at explaining this than I would.
You know what?
I'm hungry
and I think we deserve some food.
Me too. Yes.
Welcome to my vibe.
Can I get two?
Yeah, of course.
Hey, do you wanna dance?
I'll be back.
Oh. No, sorry.
Don't be sorry, darlin'.
Just dance with me.
- No.
- Darlin'...
- Let go.
- Come on.
Hey. Let go of her.
Wait your turn, pal.
- David.
- No, no. It's okay.
- There we go.
- Yeah.
Let's go, huh?
Let's go, huh?
- Huh?
- Let's go.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Huh? Come on.
- That's it. We're done.
- Let's go.
- Come on. Give me some.
- Stop it.
- Let's go.
- Stop. Let's go.
- Come on, man.
- Where's my fuckin' hat?
Okay, okay!
Okay. Okay.
- Get up on him.
- Knock it off.
- Man, it's over, man.
- Dave, it's over.
Okay. Okay. I'm good.
I'm good. I'm good.
It's good. We're good. We're good.
- Hey, are you all right?
- Come on. Let's go.
- Let's go.
- Ev, get in the car.
Cops could be coming or worse.
- It's David Ferris.
- Is that his Vegas wife?
- Who was he fighting with?
- See you later.
I'm gonna see you then.
Mal. That's Mal.
I was about to knee him in the balls.
No, you left without a fucking word!
Do not yell at me!
I left a note in the kitchen.
The red recording light was on
and I didn't wanna interrupt you.
We weren't meant to be gone long,
just lunch.
You didn't even take
your fucking phone with you.
You left it on the fucking table.
- Huh?
- I forgot to charge my phone, okay?
It happens.
God, I'll try to be...
David, nothing was going on.
I am allowed to leave the house.
- I know. It's...
- And you're doing your thing.
And that is great.
So is this is just punishment?
No, of course not.
So you weren't trying to get picked up?
I'm gonna pretend
that you didn't just say that.
So why'd you let him touch you then?
I didn't.
Oh, you're leaving? Fucking perfect.
Fucking hell.
No, I'm going downstairs
before one of us says
something that we don't mean.
Yeah, I fucking knew you would.
Are you hearing me at all?
I'm not leaving.
Hey, where is this coming from?
Who are you comparing me to?
Because I'm not her.
David, talk to me.
- No. Wait.
- Don't.
I didn't mean it.
Accusing you of that shit.
And if I was too rough...
Rough wasn't a problem.
if you woke up tomorrow
and you'd forgotten all of this,
I would be furious at you.
I would hate you for forgetting all this
when it's meant everything to me.
I know it takes time to trust someone,
but in the meantime,
I'm gonna need the benefit of the doubt.
I want you to come to LA with me.
I know school is starting up and...
We'll just work something out.
But whatever happens,
I don't want us to be apart.
We're not going to be.
Now, tell me you've jumped
that fine-looking man's bones.
Don't make me cry.
Yes or no?
Wait, is the whole band there?
It's Mal and a friend of David's.
Jimmy's in LA,
and I haven't met the bassist yet.
Malcolm's hot but total fuck boy.
None of my business.
You haven't been online to find
anything out about them, have you?
No. I am respecting their personal lives.
So you don't know
they've been touring since David was 16?
And there's a song
about the Monterey house.
There is?- Sandcastle.
Epic love song.
David's high school sweetheart
cheated on him while he was touring at 21.
He bought that house for them to live in.
Stop, Lauren. This is...
David was gutted.
Then some bitch he slept with
sold her story to the tabloids.
And his mother left him when he was 12,
so expect some issues there.
Stop. Lauren, really. Look, he...
He'll tell me these things
when he's ready.
I really want this to work.
I know. I can hear it in your voice.
You're in love with him.
You're frowning. What's with that?
Oh, yum.
Broccoli, huh?
Uh-hmm. I like vegetables on pizza.
Zucchini too.
How about that?
You just wait.
They're the best pizza ever.
I'm sure. Come here.
I'll take care of it.
I'll get a beer first.
Keep me company.
Ben and Jimmy coming up to join us soon?
Yeah. I'll see what they're up to.
Gotta run, date night.
- Ooh, have fun.
- I always do.
"Gotta run, date night."
Old people are the weirdest, man.
You can't put broccoli on a pizza, dude.
Dude, shut the fuck up.
Hey, vegetables are your friend, Mal.
God. You lie, Child Bride.
Well, never mind. I'll just pick them off.
Nope, you're going out tonight.
Ev and I are having a date night tonight.
You're fucking kidding me.
No, I'm fucking not.
Evvie, you'll stand up for me.
Don't let him throw me out into the wild,
get eaten by a fucking bear or something.
I'm pretty sure
they don't have bears around here.
Yeah, he could just stay in his room.
Dude, have some dignity.
Okay. Okay. Fine.
Just yell for me when the shitty
broccoli pizza's done or whatever.
Does it mean anything special?
So, why were you frowning?
You're doing it again now.
I spoke to my friend, Lauren.
And she's a really big fan of yours
and she told me some things about you.
Okay. No big deal.
What do you wanna know?
Okay. What's your favorite color?
I wanna know.
I know it's not a color
and I did miss a lot of school,
but I was there that day.
- You?
- Blue.
Okay. My turn.
Tell me something
that you've never told anyone.
That's a good one.
- Let me think.
- Nope, there's a time limit.
- There's not.
- There is too,
so you can't think up
something half-assed.
This is about honesty.
I kissed a girl when I was 15.
You did?
Amanda Harper.
- You like it?
- Not really.
Well, I was hoping
that I was bi, you know?
More options, 'cause the guys
at my school, they were...
They were what?
They didn't interest me.
What did your friend,
Lauren, tell you today?
She told me that
your first girlfriend cheated on you.
Yeah, that happened.
You know, I was either on the road
or touring or in the studio.
And being left behind all the time
is probably no picnic either.
So, do you believe what happens
on the road stays on the road?
I'm asking how we fit
into each other's lives.
Right. Well, I think not fucking around
on each other might be a good start.
Now, let's make that a rule for us, okay?
- Okay.
- As for the band and stuff.
- Mal.
- What?
Close the door and lock it
and don't come out until I tell you.
What if there's a fire?
- Burn.
- Fuck you.
Okay. Rule Number Two:
We do these conversations
with our shirts off.
It makes it easier.
How come you get to make
all the rules, huh?
Go on. Make some yourself.
No lies about anything.
I trust you.
That's big.
Do you trust me?
Give me time.
Hey, it's okay.
You're lying.
Sorry, baby. I just need... more time.
Mm-hmm. Why isn't this in the schedule?
Yeah, yeah, Adrian.
I know.
Yeah, I know.
What time?
No, no, no, no, no.
Relax, okay? It's fine.
It's fine. We'll be there.
Okay. All right. Bye.
We have to go back to LA
for a record company thing.
Adrian's sending a chopper,
so we need to get ready.
We'll come back soon.
I promise.
Help me find some breakfast.
Gorgeous one!
You know where the kitchen is.
Okay. Okay.
- Thanks.
- Pleasure.
Cheating on me with the shower?
I'm in love with you.
I got you this.
And put this on.
It's getting a little cold in here.
No, it's not.
Trust me, you're finding it a bit cold.
Child Bride.
Looking good, darlin'.
Hey, Dave,
you're not gonna say hi to Kaetrin?
Come on, bro.
I thought you two were close.
Fuck off, Jimmy.
All right. Five minutes
to show time, everybody.
Five minutes. Let's go!
Whenever you're done, Jimmy, let's go.
I've known David a very long time.
He's enormously talented, driven,
but you should know it makes him intense
about little things, passionate.
It doesn't mean anything.
Child Bride, hey.
I saw you over here checking me out.
I'm going to a club.
Are you two headed back to the love nest?
I don't know.
That was awesome, by the way.
You guys were brilliant.
Don't tell David I carried the show.
He's a little sensitive
about that kind of thing, you know?
Hey, listen, he's smiled more with you
over the past few days
than I've seen him
do in the past five years, truly.
- Thanks.
- Mal, Mal, Mal.
Hey, ladies.
Tiffany, is that...
Sorry. Taylor.
I'm Ev.
Yeah, let them sort it out, okay?
- Look, I saw the way you were looking...
- What?
Mal says you're nice, I'm sure you are.
That's my sister.
I don't understand.
I know.
- Move, Ben.
- I can't do that, Ev.
- David...
- Okay.
Okay. Fine.
- Ev, wait.
- David...
No, no, this was nothing.
She's the high school sweetheart?
It was a long time ago.
It doesn't matter.
- Jesus, David.
- No, no, come on, let's go.
What have you done?
Nothing. I haven't done
a damn thing, okay?
You said you trusted me.
Why do you still wear the earrings
if it's nothing?
Why keep the Monterey house
after all of these years?
- You don't understand.
- Explain it to me.
You can't, can you?
No, no, don't you dare leave me, okay?
You promised me.
If you leave, we're done.
You're gonna be nothing to me.
Hey, hey, hey.
Excuse me.
Evelyn, honey, I'm kind of busy right now.
I'd like to go home to Portland, please.
You would? Okay.
- Mrs. Ferris.
- Miss Thomas.
Would you see her safely home, please?
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Sam.
- You're welcome.
Oh, fuck, not again.
Mrs. Ferris?
- Is he all right?
- Come on, Jimmy. Come on, buddy.
It happens sometimes.
Shall we go?
- Yeah.
- Get a doctor.
You like that? Yeah?
Oh, you dirty boy.
Oh, God.
- Lauren?
- Ev, you're back.
- Nate?
- Hi. How are you?
Sam, this is my friend Lauren
and my brother Nate.
This is Sam.
- Hey.
- Hey, Sam.
- Did you know she was coming?
- I didn't know. Are you kidding me?
Thank you.
Is there anything else
I can do for you, Mrs. Ferris?
Thank you, Sam.
My pleasure.
So I thought you two hated each other.
We did, but now, we don't.
Okay, go.
Yeah, right.
Nice dress.
Hon, what happened?
Not yet.
I have ice cream.
What kind?
Triple choc.
I planned on torturing
your brother with it sexually.
Lauren, if you love me,
you will never say anything
like that to me again, okay?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
- Okay.
- I guess our days of sharing
every last detail about our lives
is over, aren't they?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I really wanna hug you,
but you're giving me that
"don't touch me" vibe.
You look like you really need it though.
Oh, fuck.
Come here. Come on.
I got you.
Let it go.
Sure you don't want that ice cream?
Here you go. Enjoy.
- Hi, what can I get for you?
- You look really familiar.
Weren't you everywhere online
a couple of months ago?
Something to do with David Ferris?
I think you're mistaken.
I wouldn't normally ask,
it's just I'm such a huge fan, you know.
- Would you like to order something?
- Like really quickly,
can you tell me
if the band is really breaking up?
- Because...
- I don't know anything about it.
Okay, fine. There's no need to be
such a bitch about it.
Leave now. Out.
- Fine.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Are you gonna wipe down the tables
- or you want me...
- No.
Jo and I are thanking you
for helping us move last weekend
and we're taking you out tonight.
Oh, I have plans.
No, you don't.
No, we're taking our girl out
for a night on the town.
- I...
- What? What is this sad eyes?
I can't. Come on, can we have fun?
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Okay. Yes, let's do it. Woo-hoo!
- Yeah.
- Oh, my God. I love this song.
Come on, we gotta dance. We gotta dance.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Seriously, I'm going bi.
- Oh, God.
- It's my new plan.
- Whatever.
- I think that's a great idea.
No, no, don't encourage her, please.
Last week she wanted to be gay.
Before that, it was monasteries.
This is a constructive step.
Okay. Okay.
You're here.
- Why?
- What the fuck is he doing here?
- It's okay.
- No, it's not. He...
Amanda, please.
- Ev.
- Why are you here, David?
- We need to talk.
- No, we don't.
Please. There are so many things
I need to tell you.
It's too late.
Look, Jimmy went into rehab.
We had to do therapy together
as part of his treatment.
That's why I couldn't come.
Ev, about Martha...
- Don't.
- We need to talk.
Why? Because now you decided
that you're ready?
It's been 28 days without a word.
I'm sorry about Jimmy, but no!
- Ev...
- No.
We're over, remember?
I'm nothing to you.
I was wrong.
You lied to me.
You cheated on me.
Ev, baby.
- Don't you dare call me that.
- I'm sorry.
- Let me go.
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
I am. I'm... I need to go home.
Okay. I'll get us a cab.
No, no.
I know I started this,
but that was goodbye.
I'm not leaving Portland
until we talk this out, okay?
I promise you that.
Not tonight.
Tomorrow, then?
- Tomorrow?
- Okay.
You're late for work.
- That I am.
- Ev, wait.
What was I supposed to do?
I don't know. Not tell him where I was.
Okay. I mean, you've been miserable.
He said he'd come to make things right.
I believe him.
Of course you do. He's "David Ferris."
No. If he wasn't here to kiss your feet,
I'd have killed him.
No matter who he is.
I mean, punish the bastard, make him wait.
But if you love him,
think about hearing what he has to say.
So, this is where you work?
It's nice.
Listen, we don't have
to talk straightaway.
I just wanna walk you home.
How was your day? Apart from busy.
It's fine.
A couple girls came in
with some stuff for you to sign.
And some guys wanted me to give you a demo
of their garage-reggae-blues band.
Shit, is that happening often?
Look, I'll get Sam up here
to keep an eye on you.
I don't want people bothering you.
I like Sam, I do.
But normal people
don't take bodyguards to work.
Hey, let's go through here.
Where are we going?
Just bear with me.
I need to pick something up.
I got you pizza with extra cheese
and every fucking vegetable on the menu.
Stop giving the pizza dirty looks.
I don't trust you anymore, David.
I know. And when you're ready,
we'll talk about that.
When you're ready.
Let's get you home while it's hot.
It's only a dream, I am wide awake
- I mean it. I do.
- Do you really?
And all that it seems more than all...
Someone's playing a Stage Dive song.
Oh, my God.
The sun-dried skin may burn
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
- Nate.
- Calm down, okay?
Oh, my God.
Is it broken?
I don't know.
I'll get it.
It's her.
You should go.
I haven't spoken to her since that night.
Since I fired her.
Come on, you've gotta believe me.
How can I?
Just go.
What are you doing?
Walking you home.
Is this your life now?
Guess so.
Why don't you just go back to LA?
Because my wife lives in Portland.
Wanna get a drink?
I don't wanna come down
Do we ever have to?
Weightless on the clothesline
It's better 'cause I'm here with you
Where there's no more rainy days
Just the glow of summer haze
Martha and I were together a long time.
Mal and Jimmy and me,
we started the band when I was 14.
Ben joined a year later
and she'd just hang around.
They were like family.
They are family.
And when things went bad,
I just... I couldn't turn my back on her.
You kissed her.
She kissed me.
And she surprised me,
that's why I didn't stop it straight away.
As for the phone call,
I don't know what that was about
and I didn't return it.
And I asked you about the earring,
I bought them with my first paycheck
after the record company signed us.
And you both still wear them.
Even after she cheated on you
and everything.
With Jimmy.
She cheated on me with Jimmy.
So you forgave them
to keep the band together?
Look, I hated myself.
For still wearing it in Monterey,
you know?
What'd you do there?
An earring hole can take years
to grow over,
so I made a new cut
so it would heal properly.
Well, I'm kind of beat.
Is that everything you wanted to say?
- There's more?
- Yeah.
I love you. Oh.
- Shit.
- Let me... let me get you some napkins.
I wanted to say goodnight.
Okay. Come in.
Is your brother here?
I'm sorry Nate hit you.
If I was him,
I'd done the same fucking thing.
How's Jimmy?
Yeah, a lot better.
I think he's gonna be okay.
I'm happy to hear that.
At least he faces his problems.
You know, our mom used to take
us to the park 'cause she needed to score.
She'd turn out to school plays
and parent-and-teacher night
high as a kite.
Dad ignored her using for years.
He was a long-haul truck driver,
away most of the time.
You know, Jimmy and me...
Jimmy and me were the ones
that had to put up with her shit.
There'd be no food in the house
'cause she'd spend
the grocery money on pills.
And then we came home from school
and she and the TV were just gone.
And that was it.
Didn't even leave a note.
Play me one you love.
Okay. So... whatever.
I've been told I have
a really shitty taste in...
This it?
Lauren says country music
shouldn't be played at any volume.
We need to talk.
So Jimmy called.
Apparently, he has to apologize
to people as part of his rehab.
It wasn't much of an apology, actually.
He told me that I needed to go to Portland
to clean up the shit I caused
between you and David.
I always thought that I could get him back
after he had some time to calm down.
I was his one true love,
no matter what I'd done, right?
He was still out there,
playing those songs
about me night after night,
wearing our earring.
But he sure as hell
never gave up a damn thing for me.
Sure as hell never moved cities.
What do you mean?
He's got the album written, Ev.
And apparently,
the new songs are the best he's ever done.
And he sold the Monterey house
and bought a place here.
The whole band's here.
They're recording at a place
called The Bent Basement.
Yeah, I know it.
If you're stupid enough to let him go,
you deserve to be miserable
for a very long time.
Let's be done.
Mrs. Ferris.
Oh. Hi, Sam.
You look really cool.
Thank you.
Through there, you can observe.
Hi, Jimmy.
It's good to see you here.
You know, I never had a sister-in-law.
I've never had a brother-in-law.
No? We're useful for all sorts of shit.
Two over here is going crazy.
So I heard you wrote some songs?
About me?
Can I hear one?
When it's perfect.
Did you really buy a house here?
Yeah. Just in case.
I gotta do something.
What's more important than this?
Roll over.
I bought you a present today
after we spoke at the studio.
Did you now?
Give me your left hand.
Thank you.
Do you like it?
'Cause I forgot about your ink.
I need to get you naked right now
and show you how much I like it.
And then I'll get you your ring.
There's no rush.
We've got forever, remember?
I'm David Ferris
and I wanna play a song for...
Well, you know, she's a Portland girl.
Cheers to...
Two more.
What was that?
No. Stop it.
Yes, please.
Thank you.
Sure you're okay?
Now we should get something into you.
I can order room service.
Toast or something.
Oh, here.
Hang on.
- Hold there.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
- Holy shit!
- Yeah, about that.
If you want something smaller,
it is kind of big.
You bought this for me?
Wait, you don't remember?
What is that, like, three carats?
What do you remember?
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
What did we even do last night?
We got fucking married.
Hey, look, I'll take care of all this.
My lawyers will deal with it.
You have lawyers?
Yeah. They're gonna send you
some paperwork or something.
Yeah, this was a mistake.
You disagree?
Take care.
Wait. Wait, wait. Here.
Oh, for fuck's sake. Keep it.
Wait. No.
It must have cost a fortune. I
don't even know your name.
I just... I don't understand
how your taste in music is this bad?
Have I taught you nothing?
To not drink tequila.
Here, listen to this.
No. Just don't.
That's Stage Dive.
Wait, so what did you get up to last night
after you disappeared,
apart from heaving?
Actually, that about sums it up.
Over here. Evelyn. Evelyn.
Is it true you got tattoos
of each other's names?
- Will you be moving to LA?
- Is this the end of Stage Dive?
Lead guitarist of Stage Dive,
David Ferris,
got married in Vegas overnight.
Have you heard the one
about the waitress and the rock star?
Apparently, it was a girl
from Portland and it was a...
So, David, if you want to give me
a present...
Hiding the pregnancy?
Talk to me.
Ev, did you somehow manage to get married
while we were away?
- Maybe.
- Mother of God!
I just... I woke up and he was there
and he was so pissed at me,
and I don't know.
I was gonna pretend like it didn't happen.
Yeah, I don't think that's gonna work.
Where to now?
Home. My parents' place, I mean.
Good call.
You ready to run for it?
You know, just do me a favor.
- Yeah.
- Don't break up my favorite band.
Oh, my God. The guitar picks.
He's the guitarist, right?
Yes, David Ferris,
only the world's greatest songwriter.
The hell am I gonna do?
You married a rock star.
Oh, my God,
I cannot believe David got married.
I heard David Ferris married
some girl from Portland.
And the rest of the band
is not happy about it.
If this causes Stage Dive to break up,
we're gonna have a problem.
Hi, Stage Divers.
I think we need to talk
about this wedding.
David and Jimmy are not talking.
We're all waiting for the new songs.
We're waiting for the new tour.
Jimmy, David, Ben, and Mal.
No girl is gonna break up this band.
Stage Divers forever!
- Evelyn, Evelyn.
- Is David here?
Have you guys broken up yet?
No, no, no, no. Everyone, off!
This is private property.
Please, leave.
Everyone go.
Come on, leave!
Good day, then.
Your internship has been canceled.
Leyton rightly feels that
given your present situation...
Miss Thomas?
David sent me.
- I'm calling the cops.
- Wait.
I got him on the phone.
He said to ask you about his T-shirt.
It's in my bag,
'cause he left it in the room,
only 'cause I puked on it.
- Ev?
- Hi.
Listen, you probably wanna lie low
for a while until all this dies down.
Sam will get you out of there.
Where would I go?
He'll bring you to me.
There'll be a bunch of paperwork
and shit to sign,
so you may as well come to me.
I don't know.
What else are you gonna do?
Ev?- Sorry.
Yes, I'd like to take you up
on that offer.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
- Over here.
- Please.
Tell David I love him!
- I hate you, you bitch.
- Where's David?
You're not even that pretty.
I don't know where David is.
Wait here, all right?
Hey. I'm Mal.
David's out this way. Follow me.
You mind finding her a room?
Do I look like your fucking butler?
Check you later, Child Bride.
Come on.
It's lovely.
Listen, some people are gonna
talk to you about the divorce papers.
They'll be here at 10:00.
Some people?
My lawyer, manager.
It'll be done with as fast as it can.
Need anything?
If you move over another foot,
you'll disappear behind that palm
and no one will see you.
I'll give it some thought.
Why don't I know you?
You know everyone here?
Everyone, except for you.
David invited me to stay for a bit.
What room did he put you in?
The white one.
Aren't you special?
- Excuse me.
- Hold up.
- Come here.
- There a problem here?
No, not at all.
I'm just getting to know Ev.
- You don't need to know Ev.
- Come on, bro.
You know I like pretty new things.
Come on.
I could've had her up
against the wall at a party,
and you marry her?
She's nothing, you sorry fuck.
Look at her.
Yeah? Do something!
Hit me, little bro! Go for it!
Show me who the star
of the show really is.
You're just as bad as Mom.
Fucking mess.
- You know he doesn't mean it.
- Stay out of it, Martha.
- I know the way.
- Well, you still wanna party, huh?
Why didn't you just say something?
I would've been happy to oblige.
and you're not even shitfaced tonight.
- Chances are, you'd probably remember.
- Way to be an ass.
No, no, no. You're right. My bad.
Should I take you back down to my brother?
You know, I think that your brother issues
might be even worse
than your wife issues,
and that's saying something.
I'm Martha,
David's PA.
His representatives are here
to meet with you.
You might wanna get your ass in gear.
Hi there. I'm Adrian.
- Hi.
- Please.
Lady and gentlemen, this is Miss Thomas.
Mr. Ferris asked us
to draw up the annulment papers.
They'll cover all issues,
including your settlement.
Sorry, settlement?
We'll deal with that last.
Notice, there are conditions
to be met by yourself.
And the main issues include you are not
speaking with any member of the press
with regard to this matter,
which remains in force,
of course, until your death.
So I can talk to them after I die?
This is a very serious matter,
Miss Thomas.
My name is Ev.
And I understand
the seriousness of this situation,
but if we can get back to the settlement,
I'm confused.
Next page.
It would be unwise
to press for more, Miss Thomas.
Has a lot of zeros.
We need to finalize this today.
I can't sign this.
My client will not be making
another offer,
and there is no chance of reconciliation.
I'm sure Ev can see
how kind David is being.
I don't wanna sell his story or stalk him.
I don't want any of his money.
Ev, please.
I'll tell you what,
you can give this back to David
and tell him that I don't want it.
None of this.
Mr. Ferris never mentioned a ring.
No, well, why don't you tell Mr. Ferris
that he can shove it
wherever he feels it fits best, Ted.
Well, hey there, Child Bride.
Ev, hold up. Hold up.
What's wrong? What's going on?
Where're you going? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Okay.
Whoa, whoa. Shit. You're mad.
You're fucking joking.
He sticked that ball sucker on you?
Did you have anyone with you?
You gonna cry?
All right. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Let's get in the car.
Ev, think.
There's photographers and shit
waiting for you outside, okay?
Even if you get past them,
where are you gonna go?
Let's go.
- Ev, we need to...
- Shut the fuck up, Adrian.
- Ev?
- Come on!
Why do you think they wear such big hats?
I've got a theory.
I feel like they're trying to hide
something on...
You're not funny.
I'm pretty funny.
And I'm actually a very important person,
so I'd really appreciate it if you could
at least pretend to worship me.
Absolutely not.
Taking this back.
Make the right...
- Wait.
- That's not a good idea.
Vegas on her 21st birthday.
- Shit.
- Yup.
Listen, David's the favorite darling.
I mean, he writes the songs,
plays guitar, he's pretty.
Girlies faint when he walks by.
Team that with your being a young'un,
you've got the news of the week.
I'm 21.
After lead singer Jimmy Ferris
was rumored to have...
Face it, Child Bride.
You just got married
by an Elvis impersonator
to one of rock and roll's favorite sons.
What with Jimmy out
partying like it's 1999
and Dave losing his music writing mojo.
I mean, you get the picture.
But, listen.
Next week, someone else
will do something wacky
and all the attention will fade. Trust me.
People are constantly fucking up
and it's a glorious thing.
So go on, give Uncle Mal a smile.
I know you want to.
That's a bullshit smile. Try again.
Damn, damn. Okay.
It looks like you're in pain now.
Sorry I asked.
Wondered how long he'd take.
Where is she?
Why the fuck do you care?
Don't start. You better not
have touched her, you piece of shit.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You left her to deal with Adrian
and three lawyers alone.
When I found her,
she was practically in tears.
You, my friend, are most definitely
the piece of shit here.
Did you even mean to marry her?
I don't know.
Fuck, I thought she was different.
She seemed different.
Yeah, I feel your man-pain, bro, really.
And all you wanted was a girl
who wouldn't kiss your ass for once
and now you're pissed at her
for the same reason.
It's complicated, right?
Hey, she's the one
that wanted the fucking divorce, okay?
Why aren't you giving her
the third degree?
Because she's busy
hiding around the corner, listening.
So, Evelyn, you're telling me that
you asked the mighty David Ferris
for a divorce?
She threw up on me
when I told her we were married.
It was in the toilet.
That time.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I love your wife, man.
Seriously, she's awesome.
Since you don't want her, can I...
Can I have her?
What is it?
Oh, fuck.
I'll let you take care of that, buddy.
You don't need to worry about it.
Show me.
You were pretending to bite my fingers
and the tattoo artist
was getting mad at us?
You were supposed to be keeping still.
How did they get this?
I don't know.
We were in a private room.
This should never have happened,
but people get offered
a lot of money for things like this.
It's okay. Excuse me.
You okay?
Coming in.
I'd hardly ever shown anyone my ass.
Now, it's all over the internet.
I know.
I'm sorry, I'm an ugly crier.
No, no, no, no, no, no. It's okay.
Oh, God.
Oh, now your shirt's all wet.
Let's go for a drive.
- Really?
- Just you and me.
I don't think that's a good idea.
You'd rather stay in LA?
I don't want your money.
I heard.
You don't have to pay me off.
Don't make assumptions like that.
If you wanna know something, just ask.
I was never gonna sell
the story to the press.
The one you don't remember?
I would never do that.
Come on.
You really wanna go?
Yo, give me the keys to the Jeep.
I rode over here on the bike
and don't have a helmet for her.
- Not a scratch, dude.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't worry.
Are you sure you wanna go with him,
Child Bride?
I mean, dickhead here made you cry.
- I made you laugh.
- Let's go.
Thank you.
Yeah, that's where my place is.
Look, it's Friday.
Lawyers said they'll have
the new paperwork on Monday.
So we're gonna spend the weekend out of LA
as friends, then sign them,
and then go our separate ways.
- Sound like a plan?
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, how did we meet?
Come on. I've never blacked out before.
Me and a group of friends were leaving
to go to another club.
And one of the guys
just wasn't looking where he was going
and bumped into a waitress
and crashed her tray.
How did I get involved?
Well, he started
giving the poor waitress shit,
telling her he was gonna get her fired.
Then you swooped in
and handed him his ass.
Then security came to kick you out,
but I got you out of there instead.
You left your friends for me.
What then?
We took off and had a drink at another bar
and just talked about everyday stuff.
But when you looked at me...
- What?
- It doesn't matter.
It does, please.
For fuck's sake.
It felt right, okay?
It felt... good.
And plus, I'd never been propositioned
like that before.
Okay. Stop.
Relax, okay?
It was sweet.
Sweet is not a bad thing.
What did I say?
You said you thought
I was a really nice guy.
That it would be a great idea
if we went back to your room,
and had sex, and just hang out a while.
If maybe that was something
I was interested in.
What did you say?
What do you think I said?
Oh, my God. This is so mortifying.
Why couldn't you have forgotten too?
What was that for?
For getting me out
of Portland and then LA.
For telling me about that night.
Come on, let's get out of here.
You coming?
What's wrong?
Nothing. I was just...
Shit, David!
I thought we were just friends!
Stop feeling my ass.
Well, this is gonna be a problem.
Well, I thought this would be ready.
You've not been here before?
I've been busy.
Let's go.
They filled the fridge.
You want one?
Oh, no.
No, I'm not drinking.
Who are they?
Friends that look after the place.
I rang and got them
to sort some stuff out for us.
For breakfast?
I haven't slept in two days.
I want beer and a bed.
Man, I hope they thought of a bed.
No bed?
Keep going.
One bed.
You think I'm made of money?
Says the guy who got Cartier
to open so that I could pick out a ring.
You remember that?
I just assumed, given what time
of night it must have been.
I left the ring with the lawyers.
Yeah, I know.
They just made me so mad.
Lawyers do that.
Mal told me that you took
a swing at him and missed.
Probably for the best.
You know, he's an idiot,
but he means well.
Yeah. He was kind to me.
Is that why you took the plunge in Vegas?
Because apart from Mal,
you're surrounded by...
Can we just stop talking about that night?
Just trying to understand.
And God, David, look at you.
- Your brother, he was right about...
- Don't do that.
He was wrong to say that.
Then give me something.
Tell me what it was like
between us that night.
It's not fair
that you remember and I don't.
Still friends?
You're cold. Come on.
Really, David, I'm sorry.
Hey, let's just... let's just let it go.
I don't want to.
I have an idea.
Okay. Shoot.
Things can jog your memory, right?
I guess.
So if I kissed you,
you might remember
what we were like together.
How far did we go that night?
Second base.
And... this kiss
would be for the purposes
of scientific research?
You're overthinking it.
- Sorry.
- Stop apologizing.
Why'd you stop?
Remember anything?
Anything about that familiar?
You look tired.
Might be time to get some shut-eye.
Mind if I come with you?
Come here.
Okay. Yup.
What are we doing?
Stage two of a memory rehab process.
We did it for a while until you felt sick.
Tell me about your major.
Architecture, right?
Well, my dad's one.
And is architecture your idea or his?
Well, we've always talked about it.
My brother was never interested
and is always getting into fights
or skipping class.
I think I could be good at it.
Is that what you want to do
with your life?
I don't know.
Do you only play guitar?
Bass and drums, occasional triangle.
And I sing.
Why don't you sing in the band?
Well, limelight was more of Jimmy's thing.
He wasn't always an asshole.
Did you sing to me that night?
Yeah. Yeah, I did.
That could bring back a memory.
You're gonna use that anytime
you want something, aren't you?
Thank you.
Whatcha doin'?
Nothing much.
It's... a delivery came for you.
These are for you.
And these too.
I asked Martha
to get her some stuff for us.
What the fuck is this?
Can't tell if it's a belt or a skirt or...
Well, you do normally have girls
in bikinis hanging off you, so.
You're different.
I'll live.
Here. Just don't look
at the price tag, okay? Please?
Hey, are you okay?
- Here, sit down, sit down.
- Yeah.
Here, let me have a look.
I don't think this is a good idea.
We were on a gondolas at The Venetian.
And you said you couldn't swim,
that I would have to save you
if we capsized.
- Can you swim?
- Of course I can.
The water wasn't even that deep.
Is there anything else?
I was thinking
you're a really nice guy.
And I was wondering
if maybe you'd like to come up to my room
and have sex with me
and hang out for a little bit
if maybe that's something
that you'd be interested...
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Let me get rid of them.
Stay here, just in case it's press.
Ah, man.
Worse. Friends with food.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Tyler and Pam.
- Here he is, mate.
It's been too long, dude.
Oh, look at you.
And this must be Ev.
I had to read about it in the paper, Dave?
Are you serious?
Yeah, Ev. Tyler, Pam.
Old friends that take care of the house.
Pam is a super talented photographer
and Tyler's one of my favorite
session musicians.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- No, we're family now. Bring it in.
Come on. Oh, she's so pretty.
Isn't she pretty, hon?
It's so nice to meet you, Ev.
I'm just so glad
that David finally found someone nice.
All right. Let's let these lovebirds
have their privacy.
Actually, I made David's favorite
chicken enchiladas with rice.
Actually, I didn't even think to see
if this would be okay with you.
You might be vegetarian.
Oh, no, I'm not.
- Thank you so much.
- God.
Hon, let's go.
Well, if you need anything
we are around, just call us.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Oh, wait. Stay.
Have dinner with us.
Oh, no. No, Tyler's right,
you guys are newlyweds.
Come on, please.
- Let's eat.
- Yeah.
- All right.
- All right.
- Let's go.
- I'm grabbing these.
All right.
- It was hot!
- It was hot.
Level three.
- Oh, it was you?
- He did it.
This is before it happened.
I wrote two songs.
That's nice.
No, no. You don't understand.
I haven't written any songs
in over two years.
- Really?
- Yeah.
And... they're about you.
Were you gonna play them for me?
When they're ready.
I want them to be perfect.
You fixed me.
I'm so glad you got your mojo back,
but you're incredibly talented.
You were never broken.
Maybe you just needed a break.
You're not having sex right now.
There is no way
we're fucking right now. Okay?
Our first time,
we're gonna be stone-cold sober.
No, I don't wanna wake up to you
freaking out again
because you don't remember
or you just don't want to.
I'm done being the asshole.
I never thought you were an asshole.
How about in LA
with that girl hanging off me?
You planned that.
I needed armor, and you were jealous.
But I couldn't bring myself to touch her.
I wondered what happened.
You came back so fast.
- Yeah, seeing you with Jimmy, just...
- Nothing was going on.
I'm sorry, I was... I was out of line.
I love how you can hear the ocean here.
I don't wanna sign the papers on Monday.
Look, I know I've been drinking, I know,
but there's no reason it can't wait.
Well, then we won't.
Are you sure?
Oh, my God.
Kick me out of bed next time
I come in smelling like this, okay?
- Okay?
- Okay.
I'm okay.
I'm going this way.
Hey, Child Bride. Let me in.
David's still sleeping. Tyler, Pam, hi.
- Mal. What are you...
- Here.
Oh, thank you.
Dave called me at 4:00 a.m.
and said he'd wrote some new music.
- Hey, get out here.
- I am so sorry.
I asked them to wait a couple more hours,
but as you can see, I lost.
So, sorry.
The lounge furniture
and a couple of the beds
are gonna be here in a couple of hours.
So they'll be here soon.
Tyler, can you guys move
some of these boxes
- up against the fireplace here?
- Hold on.
I haven't gotten my hello kisses yet.
Come here, you.
Come here.
- And you. Come to Daddy, bedhead.
- Hey, what the fuck are you doing here?
- Hey, I just wanna...
- Get the fuck off of her, man.
Hey, just wanted to hear
the new stuff, as swipe. Deal with it.
I'll fucking beat your ass.
Tell me and I'll do it.
You better not.
Is Malcolm going on
your honeymoon with you guys?
When we have a honeymoon...
it'll be somewhere far away.
- Sure as shit he won't be there.
- That's so cute.
But I'm here to make some music,
so what are we doing?
Well, it's gonna have
to fucking wait, okay?
Ev and I have plans.
Been waiting two years.
In a few more hours, dude.
We should move some boxes.
- I just wanna make some music, dude.
- I know you do.
Hey, what?
You looked worried about something.
- Nothing.
- No, Evelyn.
After our talk this morning,
when we discussed
signing the papers on Monday,
like you said, you'd had a lot to drink.
I haven't changed my mind.
- You?
- No.
We're gonna stay in this room
until we're on the same page
about us, okay?
This is a dramatic reenactment.
We were sitting on your bed
in your motel room
and you were straddling me.
Like this?
Exactly, like that.
Now, you refused to go back
to my suite at the Bellagio.
Said that I was out of touch
and needed to see
how the little people lived.
That doesn't sound arrogant.
No, no, you were right.
That's what we do.
We push each other
out of our comfort zones.
Is it enough?
What did you say next?
Say it.
Tell me.
I've only done this once before.
You're nervous. Don't be nervous.
So let's get married.
You did not say that.
I may have been a little concerned
about your inexperience.
We might have had words about it.
What words?
I just had the best night of my life.
And the thought of not
being with you every other night,
I couldn't do it.
And when I dared you
to put your plans aside
and run away with me... you said yes.
I did.
- You did.
- Thank God.
Do you, Evelyn Jennifer Thomas,
agree to stay married to me,
David Vincent Ferris?
I do.
Hey, Mr. Ferris.
Hey, Mrs. Ferris.
This is just what it's like.
I mean, the amount of dinners
Tyler has forgotten.
It's their job,
but it's also their first love.
Have you ever been
really passionate about something?
I enjoy college
and I love being a barista,
but I can't sling coffee
for the rest of my life.
Oh, my God. Those are my father's words.
Forget I said that.
You know what? It is no rush.
Sometimes it just takes time
to find your thing.
You know... David's different with you.
You are the first person
he's brought around in like six years.
Why was the place empty so long?
I guess he wanted this place to be
somewhere he could come home to.
And then things changed
and the band blew up and...
You know what?
He would be way better
at explaining this than I would.
You know what?
I'm hungry
and I think we deserve some food.
Me too. Yes.
Welcome to my vibe.
Can I get two?
Yeah, of course.
Hey, do you wanna dance?
I'll be back.
Oh. No, sorry.
Don't be sorry, darlin'.
Just dance with me.
- No.
- Darlin'...
- Let go.
- Come on.
Hey. Let go of her.
Wait your turn, pal.
- David.
- No, no. It's okay.
- There we go.
- Yeah.
Let's go, huh?
Let's go, huh?
- Huh?
- Let's go.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Huh? Come on.
- That's it. We're done.
- Let's go.
- Come on. Give me some.
- Stop it.
- Let's go.
- Stop. Let's go.
- Come on, man.
- Where's my fuckin' hat?
Okay, okay!
Okay. Okay.
- Get up on him.
- Knock it off.
- Man, it's over, man.
- Dave, it's over.
Okay. Okay. I'm good.
I'm good. I'm good.
It's good. We're good. We're good.
- Hey, are you all right?
- Come on. Let's go.
- Let's go.
- Ev, get in the car.
Cops could be coming or worse.
- It's David Ferris.
- Is that his Vegas wife?
- Who was he fighting with?
- See you later.
I'm gonna see you then.
Mal. That's Mal.
I was about to knee him in the balls.
No, you left without a fucking word!
Do not yell at me!
I left a note in the kitchen.
The red recording light was on
and I didn't wanna interrupt you.
We weren't meant to be gone long,
just lunch.
You didn't even take
your fucking phone with you.
You left it on the fucking table.
- Huh?
- I forgot to charge my phone, okay?
It happens.
God, I'll try to be...
David, nothing was going on.
I am allowed to leave the house.
- I know. It's...
- And you're doing your thing.
And that is great.
So is this is just punishment?
No, of course not.
So you weren't trying to get picked up?
I'm gonna pretend
that you didn't just say that.
So why'd you let him touch you then?
I didn't.
Oh, you're leaving? Fucking perfect.
Fucking hell.
No, I'm going downstairs
before one of us says
something that we don't mean.
Yeah, I fucking knew you would.
Are you hearing me at all?
I'm not leaving.
Hey, where is this coming from?
Who are you comparing me to?
Because I'm not her.
David, talk to me.
- No. Wait.
- Don't.
I didn't mean it.
Accusing you of that shit.
And if I was too rough...
Rough wasn't a problem.
if you woke up tomorrow
and you'd forgotten all of this,
I would be furious at you.
I would hate you for forgetting all this
when it's meant everything to me.
I know it takes time to trust someone,
but in the meantime,
I'm gonna need the benefit of the doubt.
I want you to come to LA with me.
I know school is starting up and...
We'll just work something out.
But whatever happens,
I don't want us to be apart.
We're not going to be.
Now, tell me you've jumped
that fine-looking man's bones.
Don't make me cry.
Yes or no?
Wait, is the whole band there?
It's Mal and a friend of David's.
Jimmy's in LA,
and I haven't met the bassist yet.
Malcolm's hot but total fuck boy.
None of my business.
You haven't been online to find
anything out about them, have you?
No. I am respecting their personal lives.
So you don't know
they've been touring since David was 16?
And there's a song
about the Monterey house.
There is?- Sandcastle.
Epic love song.
David's high school sweetheart
cheated on him while he was touring at 21.
He bought that house for them to live in.
Stop, Lauren. This is...
David was gutted.
Then some bitch he slept with
sold her story to the tabloids.
And his mother left him when he was 12,
so expect some issues there.
Stop. Lauren, really. Look, he...
He'll tell me these things
when he's ready.
I really want this to work.
I know. I can hear it in your voice.
You're in love with him.
You're frowning. What's with that?
Oh, yum.
Broccoli, huh?
Uh-hmm. I like vegetables on pizza.
Zucchini too.
How about that?
You just wait.
They're the best pizza ever.
I'm sure. Come here.
I'll take care of it.
I'll get a beer first.
Keep me company.
Ben and Jimmy coming up to join us soon?
Yeah. I'll see what they're up to.
Gotta run, date night.
- Ooh, have fun.
- I always do.
"Gotta run, date night."
Old people are the weirdest, man.
You can't put broccoli on a pizza, dude.
Dude, shut the fuck up.
Hey, vegetables are your friend, Mal.
God. You lie, Child Bride.
Well, never mind. I'll just pick them off.
Nope, you're going out tonight.
Ev and I are having a date night tonight.
You're fucking kidding me.
No, I'm fucking not.
Evvie, you'll stand up for me.
Don't let him throw me out into the wild,
get eaten by a fucking bear or something.
I'm pretty sure
they don't have bears around here.
Yeah, he could just stay in his room.
Dude, have some dignity.
Okay. Okay. Fine.
Just yell for me when the shitty
broccoli pizza's done or whatever.
Does it mean anything special?
So, why were you frowning?
You're doing it again now.
I spoke to my friend, Lauren.
And she's a really big fan of yours
and she told me some things about you.
Okay. No big deal.
What do you wanna know?
Okay. What's your favorite color?
I wanna know.
I know it's not a color
and I did miss a lot of school,
but I was there that day.
- You?
- Blue.
Okay. My turn.
Tell me something
that you've never told anyone.
That's a good one.
- Let me think.
- Nope, there's a time limit.
- There's not.
- There is too,
so you can't think up
something half-assed.
This is about honesty.
I kissed a girl when I was 15.
You did?
Amanda Harper.
- You like it?
- Not really.
Well, I was hoping
that I was bi, you know?
More options, 'cause the guys
at my school, they were...
They were what?
They didn't interest me.
What did your friend,
Lauren, tell you today?
She told me that
your first girlfriend cheated on you.
Yeah, that happened.
You know, I was either on the road
or touring or in the studio.
And being left behind all the time
is probably no picnic either.
So, do you believe what happens
on the road stays on the road?
I'm asking how we fit
into each other's lives.
Right. Well, I think not fucking around
on each other might be a good start.
Now, let's make that a rule for us, okay?
- Okay.
- As for the band and stuff.
- Mal.
- What?
Close the door and lock it
and don't come out until I tell you.
What if there's a fire?
- Burn.
- Fuck you.
Okay. Rule Number Two:
We do these conversations
with our shirts off.
It makes it easier.
How come you get to make
all the rules, huh?
Go on. Make some yourself.
No lies about anything.
I trust you.
That's big.
Do you trust me?
Give me time.
Hey, it's okay.
You're lying.
Sorry, baby. I just need... more time.
Mm-hmm. Why isn't this in the schedule?
Yeah, yeah, Adrian.
I know.
Yeah, I know.
What time?
No, no, no, no, no.
Relax, okay? It's fine.
It's fine. We'll be there.
Okay. All right. Bye.
We have to go back to LA
for a record company thing.
Adrian's sending a chopper,
so we need to get ready.
We'll come back soon.
I promise.
Help me find some breakfast.
Gorgeous one!
You know where the kitchen is.
Okay. Okay.
- Thanks.
- Pleasure.
Cheating on me with the shower?
I'm in love with you.
I got you this.
And put this on.
It's getting a little cold in here.
No, it's not.
Trust me, you're finding it a bit cold.
Child Bride.
Looking good, darlin'.
Hey, Dave,
you're not gonna say hi to Kaetrin?
Come on, bro.
I thought you two were close.
Fuck off, Jimmy.
All right. Five minutes
to show time, everybody.
Five minutes. Let's go!
Whenever you're done, Jimmy, let's go.
I've known David a very long time.
He's enormously talented, driven,
but you should know it makes him intense
about little things, passionate.
It doesn't mean anything.
Child Bride, hey.
I saw you over here checking me out.
I'm going to a club.
Are you two headed back to the love nest?
I don't know.
That was awesome, by the way.
You guys were brilliant.
Don't tell David I carried the show.
He's a little sensitive
about that kind of thing, you know?
Hey, listen, he's smiled more with you
over the past few days
than I've seen him
do in the past five years, truly.
- Thanks.
- Mal, Mal, Mal.
Hey, ladies.
Tiffany, is that...
Sorry. Taylor.
I'm Ev.
Yeah, let them sort it out, okay?
- Look, I saw the way you were looking...
- What?
Mal says you're nice, I'm sure you are.
That's my sister.
I don't understand.
I know.
- Move, Ben.
- I can't do that, Ev.
- David...
- Okay.
Okay. Fine.
- Ev, wait.
- David...
No, no, this was nothing.
She's the high school sweetheart?
It was a long time ago.
It doesn't matter.
- Jesus, David.
- No, no, come on, let's go.
What have you done?
Nothing. I haven't done
a damn thing, okay?
You said you trusted me.
Why do you still wear the earrings
if it's nothing?
Why keep the Monterey house
after all of these years?
- You don't understand.
- Explain it to me.
You can't, can you?
No, no, don't you dare leave me, okay?
You promised me.
If you leave, we're done.
You're gonna be nothing to me.
Hey, hey, hey.
Excuse me.
Evelyn, honey, I'm kind of busy right now.
I'd like to go home to Portland, please.
You would? Okay.
- Mrs. Ferris.
- Miss Thomas.
Would you see her safely home, please?
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, Sam.
- You're welcome.
Oh, fuck, not again.
Mrs. Ferris?
- Is he all right?
- Come on, Jimmy. Come on, buddy.
It happens sometimes.
Shall we go?
- Yeah.
- Get a doctor.
You like that? Yeah?
Oh, you dirty boy.
Oh, God.
- Lauren?
- Ev, you're back.
- Nate?
- Hi. How are you?
Sam, this is my friend Lauren
and my brother Nate.
This is Sam.
- Hey.
- Hey, Sam.
- Did you know she was coming?
- I didn't know. Are you kidding me?
Thank you.
Is there anything else
I can do for you, Mrs. Ferris?
Thank you, Sam.
My pleasure.
So I thought you two hated each other.
We did, but now, we don't.
Okay, go.
Yeah, right.
Nice dress.
Hon, what happened?
Not yet.
I have ice cream.
What kind?
Triple choc.
I planned on torturing
your brother with it sexually.
Lauren, if you love me,
you will never say anything
like that to me again, okay?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
- Okay.
- I guess our days of sharing
every last detail about our lives
is over, aren't they?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I really wanna hug you,
but you're giving me that
"don't touch me" vibe.
You look like you really need it though.
Oh, fuck.
Come here. Come on.
I got you.
Let it go.
Sure you don't want that ice cream?
Here you go. Enjoy.
- Hi, what can I get for you?
- You look really familiar.
Weren't you everywhere online
a couple of months ago?
Something to do with David Ferris?
I think you're mistaken.
I wouldn't normally ask,
it's just I'm such a huge fan, you know.
- Would you like to order something?
- Like really quickly,
can you tell me
if the band is really breaking up?
- Because...
- I don't know anything about it.
Okay, fine. There's no need to be
such a bitch about it.
Leave now. Out.
- Fine.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Are you gonna wipe down the tables
- or you want me...
- No.
Jo and I are thanking you
for helping us move last weekend
and we're taking you out tonight.
Oh, I have plans.
No, you don't.
No, we're taking our girl out
for a night on the town.
- I...
- What? What is this sad eyes?
I can't. Come on, can we have fun?
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Okay. Yes, let's do it. Woo-hoo!
- Yeah.
- Oh, my God. I love this song.
Come on, we gotta dance. We gotta dance.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Seriously, I'm going bi.
- Oh, God.
- It's my new plan.
- Whatever.
- I think that's a great idea.
No, no, don't encourage her, please.
Last week she wanted to be gay.
Before that, it was monasteries.
This is a constructive step.
Okay. Okay.
You're here.
- Why?
- What the fuck is he doing here?
- It's okay.
- No, it's not. He...
Amanda, please.
- Ev.
- Why are you here, David?
- We need to talk.
- No, we don't.
Please. There are so many things
I need to tell you.
It's too late.
Look, Jimmy went into rehab.
We had to do therapy together
as part of his treatment.
That's why I couldn't come.
Ev, about Martha...
- Don't.
- We need to talk.
Why? Because now you decided
that you're ready?
It's been 28 days without a word.
I'm sorry about Jimmy, but no!
- Ev...
- No.
We're over, remember?
I'm nothing to you.
I was wrong.
You lied to me.
You cheated on me.
Ev, baby.
- Don't you dare call me that.
- I'm sorry.
- Let me go.
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
I am. I'm... I need to go home.
Okay. I'll get us a cab.
No, no.
I know I started this,
but that was goodbye.
I'm not leaving Portland
until we talk this out, okay?
I promise you that.
Not tonight.
Tomorrow, then?
- Tomorrow?
- Okay.
You're late for work.
- That I am.
- Ev, wait.
What was I supposed to do?
I don't know. Not tell him where I was.
Okay. I mean, you've been miserable.
He said he'd come to make things right.
I believe him.
Of course you do. He's "David Ferris."
No. If he wasn't here to kiss your feet,
I'd have killed him.
No matter who he is.
I mean, punish the bastard, make him wait.
But if you love him,
think about hearing what he has to say.
So, this is where you work?
It's nice.
Listen, we don't have
to talk straightaway.
I just wanna walk you home.
How was your day? Apart from busy.
It's fine.
A couple girls came in
with some stuff for you to sign.
And some guys wanted me to give you a demo
of their garage-reggae-blues band.
Shit, is that happening often?
Look, I'll get Sam up here
to keep an eye on you.
I don't want people bothering you.
I like Sam, I do.
But normal people
don't take bodyguards to work.
Hey, let's go through here.
Where are we going?
Just bear with me.
I need to pick something up.
I got you pizza with extra cheese
and every fucking vegetable on the menu.
Stop giving the pizza dirty looks.
I don't trust you anymore, David.
I know. And when you're ready,
we'll talk about that.
When you're ready.
Let's get you home while it's hot.
It's only a dream, I am wide awake
- I mean it. I do.
- Do you really?
And all that it seems more than all...
Someone's playing a Stage Dive song.
Oh, my God.
The sun-dried skin may burn
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
- Nate.
- Calm down, okay?
Oh, my God.
Is it broken?
I don't know.
I'll get it.
It's her.
You should go.
I haven't spoken to her since that night.
Since I fired her.
Come on, you've gotta believe me.
How can I?
Just go.
What are you doing?
Walking you home.
Is this your life now?
Guess so.
Why don't you just go back to LA?
Because my wife lives in Portland.
Wanna get a drink?
I don't wanna come down
Do we ever have to?
Weightless on the clothesline
It's better 'cause I'm here with you
Where there's no more rainy days
Just the glow of summer haze
Martha and I were together a long time.
Mal and Jimmy and me,
we started the band when I was 14.
Ben joined a year later
and she'd just hang around.
They were like family.
They are family.
And when things went bad,
I just... I couldn't turn my back on her.
You kissed her.
She kissed me.
And she surprised me,
that's why I didn't stop it straight away.
As for the phone call,
I don't know what that was about
and I didn't return it.
And I asked you about the earring,
I bought them with my first paycheck
after the record company signed us.
And you both still wear them.
Even after she cheated on you
and everything.
With Jimmy.
She cheated on me with Jimmy.
So you forgave them
to keep the band together?
Look, I hated myself.
For still wearing it in Monterey,
you know?
What'd you do there?
An earring hole can take years
to grow over,
so I made a new cut
so it would heal properly.
Well, I'm kind of beat.
Is that everything you wanted to say?
- There's more?
- Yeah.
I love you. Oh.
- Shit.
- Let me... let me get you some napkins.
I wanted to say goodnight.
Okay. Come in.
Is your brother here?
I'm sorry Nate hit you.
If I was him,
I'd done the same fucking thing.
How's Jimmy?
Yeah, a lot better.
I think he's gonna be okay.
I'm happy to hear that.
At least he faces his problems.
You know, our mom used to take
us to the park 'cause she needed to score.
She'd turn out to school plays
and parent-and-teacher night
high as a kite.
Dad ignored her using for years.
He was a long-haul truck driver,
away most of the time.
You know, Jimmy and me...
Jimmy and me were the ones
that had to put up with her shit.
There'd be no food in the house
'cause she'd spend
the grocery money on pills.
And then we came home from school
and she and the TV were just gone.
And that was it.
Didn't even leave a note.
Play me one you love.
Okay. So... whatever.
I've been told I have
a really shitty taste in...
This it?
Lauren says country music
shouldn't be played at any volume.
We need to talk.
So Jimmy called.
Apparently, he has to apologize
to people as part of his rehab.
It wasn't much of an apology, actually.
He told me that I needed to go to Portland
to clean up the shit I caused
between you and David.
I always thought that I could get him back
after he had some time to calm down.
I was his one true love,
no matter what I'd done, right?
He was still out there,
playing those songs
about me night after night,
wearing our earring.
But he sure as hell
never gave up a damn thing for me.
Sure as hell never moved cities.
What do you mean?
He's got the album written, Ev.
And apparently,
the new songs are the best he's ever done.
And he sold the Monterey house
and bought a place here.
The whole band's here.
They're recording at a place
called The Bent Basement.
Yeah, I know it.
If you're stupid enough to let him go,
you deserve to be miserable
for a very long time.
Let's be done.
Mrs. Ferris.
Oh. Hi, Sam.
You look really cool.
Thank you.
Through there, you can observe.
Hi, Jimmy.
It's good to see you here.
You know, I never had a sister-in-law.
I've never had a brother-in-law.
No? We're useful for all sorts of shit.
Two over here is going crazy.
So I heard you wrote some songs?
About me?
Can I hear one?
When it's perfect.
Did you really buy a house here?
Yeah. Just in case.
I gotta do something.
What's more important than this?
Roll over.
I bought you a present today
after we spoke at the studio.
Did you now?
Give me your left hand.
Thank you.
Do you like it?
'Cause I forgot about your ink.
I need to get you naked right now
and show you how much I like it.
And then I'll get you your ring.
There's no rush.
We've got forever, remember?
I'm David Ferris
and I wanna play a song for...
Well, you know, she's a Portland girl.