Life of Belle (2024) Movie Script

(sinister music)
(woman blowing candle)
(siren blaring)
(police radio chatter)
(siren blaring)
(police radio chatter)
(siren blaring)
(keys jingling)
- [Officer] Central, show
me 84 at the location.
(door thudding)
(vehicle humming)
(footsteps shuffling)
(door knocking)
York County Police.
(door knocking)
(child screaming)
What was that?
(child sobbing)
(footsteps scraping)
(footsteps shuffling)
(footsteps shuffling continues)
(officer breathing)
(footsteps tapping)
(door clicking)
(walkie talkie beeping)
Central? I have a body.
Send an ambulance
and one additional
unit to this location.
(footsteps tapping)
(door clicking)
(door banging)
(appliance humming)
What the hell?
She's dead.
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
(footsteps thudding)
(appliance humming)
(walkie talkie
beeping) Central,
we have additional bodies.
Send more units, an extra bus,
and send the
detectives on the way.
(dramatic newscaster music)
- Local residents are
in shock this morning
after 911 received a call
about screaming coming
from a neighboring house.
Local police discovered three
bodies in the residence,
but would not comment
further at this time.
Stay tuned for more information
on this developing story.
- You never really think
something like this would happen
in your own neighborhood.
- I would babysit for
Mr. and Mrs. Starnes and,
- Everything always seemed fine.
- And to think what happened
to Belle and Lincoln.
- Please come home.
- According to the York
County Police Department,
there are no new leads
on the whereabouts
of 8-year-old Annabelle Starnes.
The case that shocked this
small town remains a mystery.
(clock ticking)
- [Interviewer] Please
state your name.
- My name is Police
Officer John Caldwell
of the York County
Police Department.
- [Interviewer] You
were the first to arrive
at the Starnes'
residence, right?
- Yes, that's correct.
- [Interviewer] We've all
seen the news reports,
but I wanted to know what you
think happened to Annabelle.
- I can't answer that.
- [Interviewer] Why is that?
- Because I don't know.
- [Interviewer] Have you
seen the footage recovered
from the home?
- Yes, every frame.
- [Interviewer] What
do you make of it?
- Honestly? I can't explain it.
- [Interviewer] So why
release the footage now?
- Well, the department
and the family feel that,
if we release the
footage, it'll hope,
hopefully it'll produce some
leads to how she disappeared.
- [Interviewer] Do
you think it will?
- For Annabelle's
sake, I hope so.
(clock ticking)
(no audio)
- [Dad] You think she's
gonna like this camera?
- [Mom] Oh, she's gonna be
super happy and surprised.
She's been asking
one for a while.
- [Dad] She really has.
- You ready to go
give it to her?
- Yeah, let's go do it.
- All right.
(footsteps shuffling)
- Hey, Belle.
- Hi.
- [Dad] Hey. Look what we got.
- Is that really mine?
- [Dad] Yeah. Do you like it?
- Yeah.
- You can't be an internet
star without a camera.
- [Dad] You like it? For real?
Come here.
Hey, it's not much, but
it's gonna work. Okay?
It's a good start.
All right. This is
your power, okay?
This is where you're
gonna hold it.
Put this strap around your neck.
I don't want you dropping
this camera. Okay?
You really like it? Perfect.
- Thanks, mom.
- Aw, you're welcome, sweetie.
- I love it.
Thanks, dad. I love it.
- [Dad] No problem, honey.
- Mom, do you wanna make a show?
- Yes, I would love to.
- [Dad] Okay, guys, I'm gonna
leave you stars to it, okay?
- All right.
- All right. Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
So this one is Bear
and this one is Cat.
- What do you wanna
name your show?
- Belle Life.
- Mm. That sounds a little off.
Something with that, what else?
- Belle of Life.
- How about Life with Belle?
- Life with Belle, yeah.
- Love it. All right, come on.
- She loves Bear, so
that's why her onesie.
One fell down, the kiss
- I had no breakfast.
- Why not?
- [Dad] I am starving.
Because of getting Belle's
camera, I skipped breakfast.
- Oh, that's true.
Plus, she enjoys it.
- Oh, she gonna love it.
- [Belle] These are my parents.
- Hey, Belle.
Honey, this is not gonna
be interesting to anybody.
- [Belle] No, dad.
My fans wanna see it.
- Hm, yeah.
- Yeah, dad, it's for the fans.
- Mm, sure.
- [Linc] Let's go play outside!
- [Belle] Yeah.
(water trickling)
(door thudding)
(water trickling)
(dishes clattering)
- All right, guess
the show's over, fans.
- [Belle] Guys, if it
starts to make a hole,
I mean, it's not gonna
be making a bubble.
(gasps) That was a big bubble.
I'm so pretty.
What are you doing?
- [Dad] Changing the
batteries in the camera.
- [Belle] Ooh.
(toys clattering)
Rock my baby
On the tree top
When the wind blows, my
I have a whole drawings
place, in fact.
I can make you card.
Just comment below what's
your favorite color,
and I'll send it to you.
- Freeze.
(toy gun popping)
- [Belle] Brother!
(no audio)
(blanket sliding)
(blanket sliding continues)
(dad growling)
- [Dad] I'm so hungry.
Look at these little animals.
- No, don't eat my
friends. Somebody help me.
(dad growling)
I said, somebody help me.
- [Linc] Oh, crap.
I will save you.
- Ow. Ow, Linc!
Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, no.
(dad growling)
(Belle laughing)
(dad groaning)
- Okay. It's time for dinner.
- (groaning) Race you.
(footsteps thudding)
- Oh, I forgot my camera.
(footsteps thudding)
- [Mom] Let's eat.
- Yeah, let's eat.
- [Mom] Oh, got your camera?
(no audio)
(white noise buzzing)
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
(mom screaming)
- Hey, hey!
- What? No!
- Hey, hey.
- Oh my God!
- Hey, hey, hey.
(mom screaming)
Dang it. Relax.
(mom whimpering)
You just had a bad
dream. Calm down.
Please relax.
(no audio)
(appliance humming)
- All right. So I
found your socks.
Yeah, that's what's,
(mattress squishing)
- I swear that kid
does not listen.
Linc, quit jumping
on the bed. Let's go.
- I wasn't!
- Dude, I can see you. Come on.
Let's go.
- You need some new
shoes or something.
(footsteps thumping)
- But these are
my favorite shoes.
- But why do you like, -
Come on let's put shoes on.
Let's go.
- 'Cause they're slip-on.
- Sit down. Put your shoes on.
- Oh, that's what you want?
But you know how to
tie your shoe now.
- I know, but there's,
- Push.
- 'Cause this.
- Ah.
All right. Well, makes sense.
- Come on.
Slide 'em in. Nope, left foot.
- All right, let's go.
You have your shoes on.
- Come on, right foot.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Look, everybody ready?
- [Belle] Yeah. Let's go.
- [Mom] All right.
(door squeaking)
- [Dad] All right, all set.
(door thudding)
(appliance humming)
(Linc cheering)
(wheels clicking)
- This is so much fun.
(Belle cheers)
(wheels clicking)
(Belle cheers)
(airplane roaring)
- Yeah, yeah.
- Hey.
Are we gonna talk about
last night or anything?
- No, not right now.
- You want me to get your
medicine before I leave?
- I have it. Don't
worry about it.
(Linc coughing)
- Gotcha.
- Stop.
(plastic crinkling)
Pretty, pretty, pretty
(no audio)
- Hey guys. Welcome
to Life of Belle!
Today, we have a
special guest, Linc!
So today we have a Pop It.
And I love doing Pop Its.
I like, let me pop it.
- [Mom] What'd you say?
Shut up, shut up.
- I'm,
- Hey!
- Shut up!
- [Dad] No! Oh, what is it?
- [Mom] I'm sorry. I wasn't,
- Guys, go to your room.
Go, go finish this
in your room. Listen.
- [Mom] I wasn't, I'm
trying to talk you.
- [Dad] You're screaming.
What is the matter?
- [Mom] I, just craziness,
stuff in my head.
I don't know.
Just, I'm fine. I'm fine.
- [Dad] Are you sure?
- [Mom] Yeah.
- [Dad] You're, are you
taking your medicine?
- Yeah, I'm taking my medicine.
- Maybe I should
cancel my trip, you,
- Please, don't cancel trip.
Your boss won't let you.
- Okay.
- I'll be fine.
- Well, are you taking
your medicine, for real?
- Don't look at me like that.
- I'm,
like what?
- Like I'm crazy.
- I'm, calm down.
I'm not, I'm sorry.
(mom crying) Look,
look, look, look.
I'm sorry. I'm not
looking at you any.
Calm, calm down. Calm down.
Okay? All right?
Look, I'm sorry.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry. (mom crying)
Just breathe. Okay?
- Okay. Okay.
- Okay?
- [Linc] Ew, they kissed.
(no audio)
(plastic crinkling)
(footsteps tapping)
(plates clicking)
(footsteps tapping)
(door clicking)
(appliance humming)
- I'm so excited.
- Right there.
(gravel crunching)
Now set 'em right in the middle.
- [Belle] I think
we're making s'mores.
- You ready?
- [Belle] Yeah!
- [Mom] All right, I
got the marshmallows.
Who wants some sticks
for the marshmallows?
- Me!
- Right over there.
- [Mom] All right. Come here.
Has Daddy got the fire
ready? (gravel crunching)
- Fire!
- [Belle] Going
down a little, guys,
there's going to be lots more.
(fire crackling)
- [Dad] Okay, make sure
you blow it out, buddy.
- [Mom] It's a fire. Oh my gosh.
(Linc blowing marshmallow)
- [Dad] Why do you get
the biggest marshmallows?
(Linc blowing marshmallow)
(Linc laughing)
- Okay. Get away.
(birds chirping)
All right, Belle. Why don't
you tell a ghost story?
(fire crackling)
- There was a ghost
in front of me,
and I just ignored it until
it keeps on following me.
And I keep on looking
at it and looking at it.
And when I looked at it, it
just came up and scared me!
And I was so scared
that I ran away, and I
don't give the ghost,
but then he followed me,
and he almost found me.
Luckily, I (indistinct).
(parents laughing)
- Good job.
- Scary.
Okay. It's my turn to
tell this ghost story.
This one's based off of truth.
Belle, I was about your age,
and I knew this girl that
lived across from me.
She was weird. She was strange.
But I loved playing with her.
Well, one day, I decided
to walk over to her house,
and she comes running out the
front door, frantic, scared.
And I asked her what was wrong.
And she said she saw something.
- Stop.
- And I,
- No, don't need to tell.
- Well, fine, it's,
lemme tell it.
And I kept asking her, what
do you mean by something?
She just said something.
Just don't worry about it.
Just something.
All right, well, I went
over there the next day,
and I wanted to go
inside her house
so I could see this something.
And so I looked around her
room, I looked everywhere.
I didn't find anything.
I didn't see anything.
And I asked her again,
what do you mean something?
And she finally broke down.
She says, I see things out
of the corner of my eye,
just moving ever slight,
you know, it's tall.
It's almost human-like,
and I can't look at it.
I can't look at it.
(airplane humming)
And so I said, okay.
And we continued playing,
and everything went by.
So if you guys get that
overwhelming feeling
like something is watching
you, don't shrug it off.
You never know what's
actually watching.
(airplane humming)
(Dad chuckling)
- It's not funny.
- [Dad] All right, guys.
Come on. It's time for bed.
- Aw.
- Aw.
(fire sizzling)
(no audio)
(appliance humming)
(baggage thudding)
(crayons scratching)
- [Belle] And then,
when the paper do, do that.
(paper shuffling)
- [Dad] Guys, it's time.
(Linc screaming)
- Bye.
- Good night.
Yeah, mm.
Bye, buddy.
- [Linc] Bye.
- Come here.
Bye. Okay?
Look, it's only gonna
be a couple of days.
All right?
When we get back, I'll help
you make your channel. Deal?
- Yes.
- All right, know I love you.
All right. Okay?
- Bye. Love you.
- Bye.
Bye, guys. (mom laughing)
- Bye, love you.
(door squeaking)
- Bye, I love you.
- Drive safe.
(door squeaking)
- Bye.
(door thudding)
- Aw.
All right, guys.
Don't be sad, okay?
- Yeah.
- All right? Who's
ready to have some fun?
(Belle sliding)
You're not gonna jump out
it that high though, right?
- [Linc] I know.
(swings creaking)
(swings creaking continues)
(Belle cheering)
- Hey!
- Start jumping off.
- What?
(Belle landing) Belle!
(swings creaking)
(Linc thudding)
- [Belle] I'm gonna
get you first.
Here, I'm gonna get you!
I'm gonna get you.
Oh, that's a cool trick.
That's a cool trick.
(footsteps crunching)
I'm gonna get you!
I'm gonna get you.
- Okay.
Okay. Let's stop.
So, I'm hungry.
(footsteps thudding)
Let's go get some.
(footsteps crunching)
Mom, we hungry.
Mom! We hungry!
We hungry!
- Yeah, we're hungry.
- All right, all right.
You want, let's go.
Come on.
- Who are talking to?
(no audio)
(appliance humming)
(water bottle clanking)
(cupboard thudding)
(plastic crinkling)
(cupboard thudding)
(footsteps sliding)
(paper plates shuffling)
(cupboard thudding)
(paper plates tapping)
(silverware clanking)
- You talk so much to her.
I tell you, you
talk so much to her,
and I hardly even get a
time to talk to you guys
and tell you what the challenge.
Every 10 minutes,
you have to talk,
or five minutes, I dunno, okay?
Got that? Got that?
Miss, I never talked.
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
(paper plates sliding)
(Linc's feet thudding)
(Linc's feet thudding continues)
(paper plates sliding)
(footsteps tapping)
We're never have any
more crowns. Okay?
- Okay, kids, time to
come down for lunch.
(footsteps tapping)
- Guys, I'm gonna have
some lunch.
Can't wait to have some lunch.
I wonder what it is.
(footsteps thudding)
Hey guys, this is
what I'm eating today.
Ew, brother!
Mom, he's grossing
out all my fans.
That was weird.
(white noise buzzing)
(white noise buzzing continues)
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
(mom breathing)
- (sniffles) No.
(mom breathing)
My babies.
(mom sighs)
Just stop.
Just stop.
(mom breathing)
(pillow fluffing)
(mom breathing)
No. I don't understand.
Don't wanna understand.
Just leave. Leave me alone!
(mom breathing)
They can't have my babies.
They can't have 'em.
(appliance humming)
(mom sighing)
(mom sniffling)
(no audio)
(appliance humming)
(phone ringing)
- It's today Life of Belle.
We're find some worms!
(airplane humming)
- Let's find worms today, Belle.
- [Belle] Yeah.
- Ooh, that's a green one.
Let's not pick that one up.
- Yeah.
Oh, I've found this one.
Oh no, he's hiding.
- That's a real one.
- Come on. Oh, he's so cute.
(birds chirping)
- They're looking
for bugs and worms,
turning over all the bricks.
Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna
do something about that.
(mom laughing)
Listen, I was
thinking maybe we should look
at some houses
when you get back.
Yeah. No, just something just
doesn't feel right anymore.
I don't know.
I mean, we've been
here for a while,
so, you know.
Okay, we can talk about it.
Maybe I'll send you some houses.
Oh, okay.
That sounds good.
I like that idea.
(appliance humming)
Oh, that's fine. Okay.
All right. Have fun.
I know you won't. (laughs)
All right, love you too.
(phone thudding)
(mom sighs)
(footsteps tapping)
(pill bottle clicking)
(cupboard thudding)
(pills rattling)
(water pouring)
(mom sighing)
(birds chirping)
(glass thudding)
(pill bottle clicking)
(cupboard thudding)
(footsteps tapping)
(chair skidding)
(mug thudding)
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
(mom breathing)
(appliance humming)
(mom breathing)
(footsteps tapping)
(mom gagging)
(mom breathing)
(pill bottle clicking)
(plastic crinkling)
- [Linc] Okay,
let's go show mom.
- [Belle] Yeah.
- Mom, look.
- Bad, these are all bad.
- Look!
- Okay, worms, great.
- Can we keep them?
- No, you can't keep them.
- Mom, why? Why?
- How would you feel if you
were trapped with nowhere to go?
(garbage thudding)
- Sad?
- Yeah, take them back out.
- Okay.
- [Belle] I guess
we can't keep them.
- Yeah, I guess so.
- Let's just let them go.
Yeah, we'll put them
under this rock.
- Okay.
(Linc grunting)
- Yeah.
(Tupperware tapping)
- There's some worms.
Let's take them out.
- Yeah.
- There's two more.
(Belle screaming)
(no audio)
(appliance humming)
(Belle sniffles)
(camera shuffling)
- Over here.
- [Mom] Come brush
your teeth, Belle.
- [Belle] (groans) But
it's still daytime!
- [Mom] Don't matter.
My goodness.
(Linc laughing)
- [Belle] Wow.
- [Mom] Here, I made
your toothbrush.
(toothpaste clattering)
(water trickling)
- [Belle] Thank you.
- [Mom] You're welcome.
(toothbrush scraping)
Did y'all have fun today?
- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
- [Mom] Yeah?
(toothbrush scraping)
Belle, honey, you're gonna
have to change your clothes.
- But why? These have
been my favorite.
- [Mom] Honey, you've been
wearing 'em for two days.
- Okay. I'll change
them after this.
- [Mom] Thank you.
(toothbrush scraping)
(Linc laughing)
(bathtub thudding)
Are you okay?
- Mm-hmm.
(Linc laughing)
- [Mom] Okay.
I think you gotta calm
down a little bit.
(Linc giggling)
- [Belle] What?
- [Mom] He fell!
Did you not see it?
(Linc laughing)
(Belle spitting)
Are you sure?
(hairbrush scraping)
So many tangles.
(Linc spitting)
- Well, mom,
- [Mom] Yeah?
- Why have I spit in
the, in the toilet all,
- [Mom] Did you floss though?
- No, why did I, ma, why did,
why do I spit in the
toilet? (hairbrush clanking)
- [Mom] I don't, why do you?
I don't know.
- I know!
- [Mom] Why do you?
- I don't know,
but then it drop.
Where did that come from?
(Belle spitting)
- [Mom] You find random stuff.
- Ma?
- [Mom] Yeah?
(Linc shouting)
- That brush is so pretty.
- [Mom] Don't you love it?
Don't you love
- [Mom] Just like the camera
that you keep taking everywhere?
- Yeah.
- All right.
All right. It's
time to go to bed.
Come on, go, go.
(no audio)
(white noise buzzing)
(white noise buzzing continues)
(mom crying)
(mom crying continues)
(hand slapping)
(Belle humming)
- Guys, I call this
one the penguin.
(Belle humming)
I call this one my baby one.
(Belle humming)
I call this one the hula dance.
The jumpy dance.
Guys, lemme know if
you like dancing.
(appliance humming)
(door clicking)
(mom crying)
(mom crying continues)
(mom crying continues)
(mom screaming)
(door thudding)
(no audio)
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
(appliance humming continues)
Guys, look at this slime.
It's like, it's so cool.
I love the slime.
Like, this slime is awesome.
And then this slime is,
guys, let me know if
you like slime or not.
This slime is pretty cool.
This one is pretty cool.
I love this slime.
And I love this slime.
Both of these are my favorite.
- Hey, followers. (laughs)
- Are you okay?
- [Mom] Yeah, I'm finally
good, hun. Why you ask?
- I heard you crying last night.
- [Mom] No, you must
have heard the TV.
I fell asleep while
watching a movie.
- Oh, okay.
- It's all right. Everything's
gonna be okay now.
(lips smacking)
(Belle breathing)
- Look at this, guys.
Slime is awesome if you
were happier, but you know?
But this is pretty
cool. (phone ringing)
I love it.
(phone ringing)
- [Mom] Hey, hun,
how's the meeting?
- Let me talk to him!
Let me talk to him!
- [Mom] Okay. Hold on.
Here. Here.
- Hi, dad.
When are you coming home?
- [Dad] Soon. I miss you.
- I miss you.
- [Dad] All right, put Belle on.
- Hey, dad.
- Hey, babe.
- What happened?
- I'm good.
- [Dad] Okay, how's everything?
- I'm recording everything.
- [Dad] Okay.
- Okay, I can do that.
- All right. Let me talk to him.
- I miss you.
- Say bye.
- Bye!
- [Mom] Hey.
- Look at, - No.
- Look at this thing.
- It's all gel-ity.
- [Mom] No, it's just stress.
- Look at the slime.
- What are you talking about?
(Belle groaning)
We got them to see the
kids, not to spy on me!
No, she doesn't
need to come help.
If you don't trust me,
then just come home!
(mom groaning)
(footsteps tapping)
(toothbrush scraping)
- Hey, mommy. I played
with Alexis on Monday.
- Mm.
(toothbrush scraping)
- We basically
played freeze tag.
- That sounds fun.
- Or maybe normal tag.
- Yeah.
Girls had fun?
- I did.
I'm gonna floss now.
- Okay.
(Belle spitting)
- Ow, that hurts.
You pulled my hair, ow.
- Sorry.
- You have a big problem.
(Linc spitting)
(footsteps thudding)
Are you angry today?
- No. Hey, no.
I'm just, I'm just, here.
Don't worry about me.
- Okay.
Ow! That hurts.
- All right. I'm done, I'm done.
Just let me put it in a braid.
- You really have a big
problem. Tell me what it is.
- We're all good, babe.
(lips smacking)
Go. Go.
- Love you.
- Love you, babe.
(footsteps thudding)
(appliance humming)
(drawer sliding)
(junk clattering)
- There it is.
(drawer sliding)
(footsteps tapping)
(flashlight clicking)
(appliance humming)
(footsteps thudding)
- So guys, we're
gonna play freeze tag.
My brother just has
to get the flashlight.
So basically what freeze tag is,
so we just have to run and hide.
And whoever is the one
that's counting is,
(door clicking)
- Okay, I got them.
- [Belle] Okay.
- You are it.
- [Belle] Okay.
I'll count to 10.
- Okay.
(door clicking)
(door thudding)
- [Belle] One, two, three,
four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, 10.
Here I come.
(door clicking)
(door thudding)
Brother, where are you?
Is he there? No.
Brother, where are you?
Are you there? No.
Are you done there?
Let's go downstairs.
Brother? Can you please
tell me where you are?
Brother? Brother, are you there?
Brother, you must be
down here somewhere.
(Belle gasps)
(footsteps thudding)
Brother must be upstairs.
(footsteps tapping)
(Belle breathing)
Brother, you're
supposed to hide.
(mom whimpering) Brother?
(mom whimpering)
- They can't be outside.
They're fine. Everything's fine.
It's safe.
(mom whimpering)
I don't know.
(Linc breathing)
(footsteps tapping)
- What was that?
- I don't know. Can I
sleep in your room tonight?
- Yeah, let's dream
about tomorrow.
(Belle cheering)
Wow, this is fun.
- Yeah.
(seesaw squeaking)
- [Belle] Whoa!
- Spin, spin.
(appliance humming)
- What?
No, I don't believe you.
You wanna do what with my kids?
(Linc sighing)
- Do you think there's
something wrong with mom?
- [Belle] I just think
she just misses Dad.
- Yeah. Okay.
I wish he can just be here.
- No, no, no. You can't
ask me to do that.
No, I won't do that.
When are they coming?
We'll find another way.
(footsteps tapping)
- Hey, mom, what should
we want? (door thudding)
(children chatting)
- No, can't.
We'll have enough time.
They're not ready.
Oh, I'm sorry.
(appliance humming)
(footsteps thudding)
(appliance humming)
(Belle laughing)
- [Linc] Why?
- [Belle] This is going
to be so much fun.
- [Linc] I know.
(Belle grunting)
(plastic rustling)
(Linc groaning)
(Belle grunting)
(plastic rustling)
(Belle and Linc groaning)
(Linc shouting)
(appliance humming)
- Love this character.
But I think she should be the
main, because of her bow thing
and because of her box.
I think this one
should be the queen
'cause she dressed
up like a queen.
This should be the princess,
because she dress
up like a princess.
Hey, what do you want me to do?
(body thudding)
(door clicking)
(door creaking)
(body thudding)
- [Mom] What?
Why do I have kids?
(footsteps thudding)
(body thudding)
(mom breathing)
(body thudding)
(mom crying)
(mom speaking indistinctly)
(door scratching)
(mom crying)
(body thudding)
(door scratching)
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
(door slamming)
(door clicking)
- [Belle] Brother, are you okay?
(Linc whimpers)
Are you all right?
- [Linc] No.
I'm scared.
- [Belle] I know.
I'm scared too.
It's okay.
- [Linc] At least
we're together.
- [Belle] Yeah, at
least we're together.
(appliance humming)
(no audio)
(rain dripping)
Dang it.
(thunder rumbling)
(Belle gasping)
(thunder rumbling)
(appliance humming)
I, from this moment, told you.
Do you wanna be friends?
Yeah, sure.
Well, I am really busy,
so I can't come to your house.
(footsteps thudding)
- You'll never take me!
(toy gun popping)
- Sorry, guys. I don't really
wanna do this right now.
(Belle sighs)
(camera shuffling)
(footsteps tapping)
- [Mom] Give me my son!
This is not my son!
- [Linc] Stop!
- You're not my son!
(Linc screaming)
Give me my son now!
- [Belle] Stop!
- Who are you?
You're my son!
(Linc screaming)
Where's my son?
You're not my son!
- Stop!
- You're not my son!
- Stop!
Stop it.
- Stop.
- I'm sorry.
It's okay.
It's all right. It's all right.
Come here.
You wanna play a game?
Let's play a game. Okay?
All right, come here. Come
on. Let's play a game.
Belle, put down your
camera. Let's play a game.
- [Belle] I don't wanna play.
- Let's play now.
Put down your camera.
Let's go.
Come on.
Come on.
All right. Hold
each other's hands.
All right?
This is a game where you
keep your eyes closed
no matter what you hear.
No matter what you feel, okay?
Close your eyes. Okay.
Keep them closed.
It's okay to open them.
Mama's right here.
I love you guys.
Would you please open
your eyes? Please.
Don't open your eyes!
The game is to keep
them closed. Okay?
Okay, again.
All right, keep
them closed. Okay?
It's mom.
It's all right,
you can open 'em.
I love your pretty hair.
Why don't you open your eyes?
Open them!
Guys, you have to
keep them closed.
Hold each other's hands now.
(Belle crying)
Keep them closed!
- Okay!
- What am I telling you?
- Keep.
- Keep closed.
- Okay.
That's what you're gonna do.
- Okay.
- Hey, it's just me.
I have candy.
You want some chocolate?
Mm. Chocolate's the best.
Come on.
Come on.
Don't you want some candy?
Belle! You have to
keep your eyes closed!
Seriously, this
is very important.
Come here. Come on.
Keep 'em closed. Okay?
Remember, keep them closed.
- Okay.
- Okay. All right.
And closed.
(no audio)
(appliance humming)
(paper plates sliding)
(paper plate smacking)
(junk thudding)
(paper plate thudding)
(Belle sobbing)
- Belle? Food.
(footsteps thudding)
(appliance humming)
(footsteps tapping)
(mom sniffling)
(drawer sliding)
(water trickling)
- Mom? Mommy?
Can I eat something else?
- No, you have to
eat that. Okay?
Y'all both hurry
up. Start eating.
Come on.
(hand smacking)
Faster! Let's go.
We still have a lot
of practicing to do.
(mom sighing)
- Mom, can we call dad?
- No, we can't call dad.
- Please?
- No.
- Please?
- Yeah, let's call dad.
- No, we're not calling dad.
- Please.
- Please.
(phone clattering)
- Don't you understand?
I'm the only one
that can protect you.
- No.
- Understand.
I will figure this
out. (hand smacking)
(furniture rattling)
I, we got lot of
stuff we're gonna do.
You know what to do.
I know what to do.
Oh, then don't. I can't.
There's not enough time.
(footsteps tapping)
Stop! Stop eating.
No more.
It's poison.
No more. Stop.
- Hey! (trash can clattering)
- None of it's good. None of it.
Everything gotta go out.
(trash can clattering)
Y'all go get some trash bags.
We're gonna need some
more trash bags now.
(trash clattering)
(jars clattering)
(trash thudding)
(appliance humming)
(footsteps thudding)
(doll house clattering)
(camera clicking)
- I think there's something
wrong with my mom,
and I'm having
really bad dreams.
And one of my dreams
are me and my brother,
and my mom is hearing
these weird voices.
And they're, and
they're very scared.
So in my dreams, there were,
there were very creepy sounds.
- [Mom] Don't look at
'em. Don't look at 'em.
Don't look at them.
Don't look at them.
It's okay. It's
okay. (Belle crying)
(mom shushing) (Belle crying)
Just don't look at
them. Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
It's okay. (shushes)
(Belle crying)
Just don't look at them. Okay?
Keep your eyes closed.
Keep your eyes closed.
Please, please. Just
keep your eyes closed.
No, no.
(Belle crying)
(Belle crying continues)
(Belle crying continues)
(Belle crying continues)
(Belle crying continues)
(appliance humming)
(pen scratching)
- [Linc] Have anybody
watched your videos yet?
- No, I'm waiting
for my channel.
- [Linc] Oh.
I just like thinking
somebody's watching over me.
- Okay.
Come on.
(appliance humming)
(door clicking)
(footsteps thudding)
(footsteps thudding continues)
- [Belle] Mom, can you
make us some breakfast?
- Mom?
(mom whimpering)
- Don't look at them.
Don't look at them.
- Come on.
Let's just make
our own breakfast.
- Don't look at them.
- Okay.
- [Mom] Don't look at
them. (footsteps tapping)
(door clicking)
(refrigerator humming)
- [Linc] What are we gonna do?
- [Belle] I don't know.
(refrigerator humming)
(plastic crinkling)
(plastic crinkling continues)
(mom whimpering)
(plastic crinkling)
(mom whimpering)
(Belle spitting)
- Come on.
I don't like this anymore.
- [Belle] Yeah, I'm done.
(mom whimpering)
(door thudding)
(appliance humming)
(mom whimpering)
(mom whimpering continues)
(birds chirping)
(appliance humming)
- I tried.
Okay, okay.
What can I do?
(hands tapping)
(lamp shade clattering)
(machinery whirring)
- [Belle] You're going
to stay with me, right?
(bird chirping)
- [Linc] Yes, always.
(birds chirping)
(door clicking)
(footsteps tapping)
(door thudding)
(footsteps tapping)
What do you want to do?
- [Belle] I don't
know. I'm just tired.
- [Linc] Me too.
(footsteps thudding)
I'll go get my blanket.
- No shadow, no light.
Stay in the dark.
No shadow, no light.
Stay in the dark.
No shadow.
(switches clicking)
- [Linc] What's wrong?
I'm serious. What's wrong?
(switches clicking)
- [Belle] She took
out all of the lights.
- [Mom] No shadow.
(no audio)
(appliance humming)
(footsteps tapping)
(zipper zipping)
(footsteps tapping)
(luggage thudding)
(zipper zipping)
(zipper zipping continues)
(luggage thudding)
(appliance humming)
(door clicking)
(luggage thudding)
(door thudding)
(appliance humming)
(clothes thudding)
(door thudding)
- [Belle] Did you get it?
- [Linc] Yeah.
- Where should we move at?
- I don't know. Maybe we
could go on the streets.
Or go to the friend's house.
(door creaking)
(luggage thudding)
(footsteps tapping)
- [Dad] Hey, what's going on?
What's wrong with the lights?
- Did you see them?
- [Dad] No. I just got home.
- [Mom] All right,
hurry. Quick, come on.
Right, come on.
(dad sighing)
(appliance humming)
(door thudding)
(parents murmuring)
- [Dad] I'm not
closing my eyes, look.
Stop. (groaning)
(mom shushing) (dad groaning)
(mom shushing)
(appliance humming)
- [Linc] Probably
like on the bed.
- [Belle] Yeah.
- [Linc] What if, have food?
- [Belle] Yeah, but maybe,
maybe, what if it storms?
- [Linc] What if it leaks?
- [Belle] Yeah. That's
what I'm saying.
- [Linc] Should we
be like in the shade
or something, so
we don't get steam?
What about, if it's a flood,
we, it doesn't matter?
- Okay.
- If it's a hurricane,
it matters.
(footsteps tapping)
(furniture clattering)
(furniture sliding)
(furniture clattering)
(furniture sliding)
(footsteps skittering)
(furniture clattering)
(furniture scraping)
(furniture scraping continues)
- Sorry, guys, but this
is gonna be my last video
for a while.
I decided to run away.
(furniture clattering)
(Belle gasping)
(door clicking)
(door thudding)
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
(furniture scraping)
I don't know.
(furniture scraping)
(appliance humming)
(furniture thudding)
(Belle breathing)
(Belle breathing continues)
(appliance humming)
What is she doing?
- I don't know. I'm scared.
I want to get out of this place.
- [Belle] We need to call dad.
- Yeah.
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
(footsteps tapping)
I found it.
- Really?
- But it's broken.
- Really?
- What are we gonna do?
- I don't know.
(mom screaming)
(children crying)
(Belle crying)
Wait, you were supposed
to stay with me.
(appliance humming)
You were supposed
to stay with me.
(appliance humming)
Linc, you were supposed
to stay with me.
Come on.
(appliance humming)
- There you are.
Come here, please.
No, no, no. Don't go in there.
Please, no, no, no.
(fists thudding)
(children crying)
(children crying continues)
- [Linc] Please get off me.
(children crying)
- No! No!
Here, no, here.
(children crying)
And see? Did you see anything?
Okay. It's okay.
Please, let me.
(family crying)
Okay. Okay.
Sorry. It's okay,
I'll protect you.
I'll protect you.
(children crying)
Okay? Do you trust
me to protect you?
(children crying)
(Belle crying)
(mom crying)
(appliance humming)
(footsteps tapping)
(appliance humming)
Belle, where are you?
(mom shouting)
(furniture clattering)
Okay, hun, don't worry.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Belle? Now, come here.
Okay, keep your eyes
closed. I'll find you.
Everything will be okay.
(mom breathing)
Where did she go?
It's okay!
- Please help me!
(Belle screaming)
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
- Belle? Please.
Please come here.
(Belle screaming) Wait.
Don't run from me.
Please, please come here.
(Belle screaming)
Belle, come on, please.
Please, we'll do
this together, okay?
I'm trying to keep
you in the game.
(Belle sobbing)
It's gonna be way
worse if they take you
if you just listen to me.
(Belle sobbing)
(silverware clattering)
Come on, it'll be really quick.
It'll only hurt
for a little bit.
Come on. All right?
(Belle sobbing)
It's just gonna a little,
we'll do this together, okay?
Now, I'll promise
it'll be all right.
Just we need to,
- [Belle] No!
- Belle, please!
- No!
- Please!
- No!
- No, you're gonna
do this with me.
Please, you just have to
do this with me, please.
Please, Belle.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Come on, we'll do
this together, okay?
Please, I just need
you to come with me.
I need to protect you.
Please! Please!
(Belle sobbing)
Shut up. Just shut up.
I'm gonna be right back.
Can you, please,
just come to mommy.
Please, we'll do this
together. Please.
Okay? You know what?
I tried. Okay?
Just please don't leave him!
I love you.
- Mommy! (mom screaming)
(mom screaming)
(Belle sobbing)
- [Officer] York County Police.
(camera glitching)
(Belle screaming)
(Belle crying)
(camera glitching)
(appliance humming)
- These are my
purse and earrings.
(lips smacking)
Do you know how messy hair?
(mom laughing)
- [Mom] Go ahead.
- This is why we go up.
- [Dad] Yeah, we go up.
(leaves rustling)
(snowball thudding)
- Super pretty.
(Belle humming)
Want some lemonade? Do
you want some lemonade?
(traffic humming)
(birds chirping)
What? (indistinct)
(toy clattering)
(mom scoffing)
Thank you.
(appliance humming)
(appliance humming continues)
(appliance humming continues)
(appliance humming continues)
(appliance humming continues)
(appliance humming continues)
(appliance humming continues)
(appliance humming continues)
(appliance humming continues)