Listen Carefully (2024) Movie Script
(dramatic music)
(energy surging)
(footsteps crunching)
(dramatic music)
(computer chiming)
(pensive music)
(footsteps thudding)
(multiple footsteps thudding)
(pensive music continues)
- Oh, fuck, fuck, I don't know.
(Andy grunting)
Oh, God, oh, Jesus Christ.
Oh, God, no, oh, God.
Oh, God.
(Andy whimpering)
(pensive music continues)
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
(sirens blaring)
Oh, God.
(multiple footsteps thudding)
Oh, no.
Oh, my God, oh, thank God.
(pensive music continues)
(baby crying)
Okay, okay.
(pensive music continues)
Oh fuck, oh, God, oh, God.
(pensive music continues)
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
No, no, no, no.
Fuck, oh, shit.
Oh, fuck.
(multiple footsteps thudding)
(dramatic music)
(Andy sighing)
Oh, shit.
(pensive music)
Oh, God.
Jesus Christ.
Oh, man, fuck.
(baby crying)
(pensive music continues)
(baby crying continues)
No, no, please.
Please leave me alone.
Please don't do this.
No, please, please leave me alone.
Please don't do this.
No, please, no, no, leave me alone.
Please, no, no.
Oh, my God.
Jesus Christ.
(Andy sighing)
(knocking on door)
- Mr. McNeary.
- Yeah. Yes.
- [Thomas] Everything okay?
(Andy chuckling)
- Yeah. Yeah.
I think I fell asleep.
- That's probably that newborn
keeping you up all night.
First six months, like bootcamp.
- Yeah. Yeah, probably right.
Oh, hey, I'm all good
with the cleaning for today.
- I'll come back later.
Oh, there was a package for you downstairs.
(pensive music)
You have a good night now.
(pensive music continues)
(golf club knocking on door)
- [George] Andy, my boy, got a second?
- Yeah. Yeah, George.
- Mr. Jensen.
- Yeah, sorry about that.
- No, yeah.
Everybody gets a little cocky
when they get a promotion.
I'm gonna need you to step
up big this weekend, fella.
Finally got me a tee time at Augusta.
No way in hell I'm gonna,
don't you fuck me on this.
- Oh, no, sir, I would never.
- I'm leaving you in charge.
Don't make me sorry that I gave you
that little bitty promotion, huh?
- I will not do that, sir.
(pensive music)
- Good, excellent. Excellent, good.
See you next week.
- Have a good time, sir.
(pensive music)
Hey, you left your cleaning cart
in front of the elevator again.
(pensive music continues)
- [Elevator] Going down.
(dramatic music)
(energy surging)
- [Baby] Mommy.
(dramatic music continues)
(Abby crying over monitor)
- Sweet dreams, little Abby.
I think we're all set, babe.
(Abby crying over monitor)
I gotta say, that does not
sound like a very happy baby.
I think she knows you're going out.
- Gimme a break, Andy.
She's an infant, she doesn't know.
It's just one night, I think
you'll be able to handle it.
You are gonna take that
into the living room, right?
- Yeah, of course.
- And you're gonna listen to it, right?
- Like a hawk.
(pensive music)
- I'm not joking, Andy.
- [Andy] When was the
last time you changed her?
- I don't know, a couple hours ago.
That's probably why she's crying.
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
Oh, come on, Andy, I'm all cleaned up.
- I know, you look like you're
going on a date or something.
- Yeah, well, if my husband wasn't so cheap
and would spring for a babysitter,
I'd be going out with him
instead of with the girls.
- I'm an assistant bank manager, babe.
You know we can't afford that kinda stuff.
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
(pensive music)
Hey, I got this.
We'll be fine. Don't worry.
Oh, man, I got so much work to do tomorrow.
- Well, I'm sure we won't be out too late.
Have they caught anyone yet?
- Not that I'm aware of, but,
supposedly they have
some leads or something.
- Well, either way,
tonight you're a father.
- Yes. That is my focus.
- And you're gonna warm up the bottles
just like I showed you?
- Yeah, hot water, no, microwave.
Protect the proteins and enzymes.
- It's important.
- I know.
- Keep the monitor with you.
- The whole time.
(cell phone ringing)
- Go ahead.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
- Go for Andy.
So you're not with cyber security,
you're with cyber fraud?
Huh, okay, got it.
Frank, nice to meet you.
Yes, Andy.
No, no, I'm not the point man.
No, I'm just the assistant bank manager
and the guy who gets
everything dumped in his lap
when you know who goes outta town.
Oh, wow, so this is a progress report.
Yeah, that's quite impressive.
I had no idea you guys had that capability.
Yeah, those are some
pretty good leads, Frank.
Yeah, you guys have been some
busy little bees down there.
Oh, you need my permission?
For what, exactly?
Employee transactional reports.
Yeah, I'm not sure if
that's in my jurisdiction.
No, I'd prefer to... (Abby crying)
You know what?
I'm feeling a little put
on the spot here, Frank,
if you know what I mean.
Yeah, okay, speak to you soon.
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
(pensive music)
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
(soft music)
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
(soft music continues)
Hey, little Abby.
(soft music continues)
Sweet dreams little Abby.
(voicemail beeping)
- Hey, you've reached Allie,
I'm away from the phone right now.
Probably feeding our precious little Abby
or taking care of Andy.
Leave a message and I
swear I'll get back to you.
(voicemail beeping)
- Hey, babe.
Just checking in, seeing how you guys are,
where you ended up.
Anyway, we're both doing great over here.
Thanks for asking.
I fed both of us multiple times
and we're both growing rapidly.
And you'd be very pleased to know
that I have changed three diapers,
two number twos, and one number one.
So I'm officially the world's
greatest dad over here.
Okay. Have fun.
- [Person On TV] Amy brought her stuff?
- [Person On TV 2] Let's see.
Yeah, she did.
- [Person On TV] Did she leave her key?
- [Person On TV 2] Yeah, she left it,
but she took the telephone.
And she left her window open again.
- [Person On TV] Surprised
the alarm didn't go off.
(pensive music)
(Abby crying over monitor)
- [Person On TV 2] You okay?
- [Person On TV] Yeah, just thinking.
- [Person On TV 2] About what?
- [Person On TV] About us, about this.
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
- Oh, shit.
I'm coming, I'm coming.
(pensive music)
There you go.
There you go, little Abby.
You're okay.
Nighty nights little one.
Sweet dreams little Abby.
Nighty night, Abby, nighty nights.
Ah, I'm gonna go to sleep.
(Andy sighing)
Oh, God.
(pensive music)
(water splashing)
(pensive music)
Has anyone seen a way out of here?
Like a trail or something?
I need to go home.
I need to get to my daughter.
(Abby crying)
Is there anybody here?
I need to get back to my
baby daughter, she needs me.
(Abby crying over monitor)
- Shit.
(dramatic music)
I'm coming, Abby, baby, I'm coming.
Oh, God.
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
Someone took my baby.
Someone took my fucking baby.
I can't believe this is happening.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh, my God.
Oh, God.
No, no, no, Abby, Abby,
baby, baby, Daddy's here.
Shh, shh, he's here. It's okay.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
No, no, no, no, no, Abby?
Oh, fuck, shit, shit, shit, shit.
Okay, okay, you gotta call,
you gotta no matter what.
(Andy whimpering)
Okay, okay, you gotta call, fuck.
(cell phone beeping)
- [The Voice] Oh, come on.
You don't really wanna
dial that last number, Andy.
You're gonna get into a lotta trouble.
Not to mention, you're never
gonna see your baby again.
Yeah, this is really happening
whether you wanna believe it or not, Andy.
So, put the phone down.
(pensive music)
Put the phone down now!
Good. That's a good boy.
- Who are you, where
did you take my daughter?
Where is she?
You bring my daughter back, do you hear me?
You bring her back.
So help me, God, if you hurt her,
if you hurt one hair on her little head,
I will hunt you down.
I will make you pay.
(dramatic music)
Do you hear me? Hello?
Goddammit, fuck that, I am calling.
(cell phone buttons beeping)
- [The Voice] If you dial that last one,
you will never see your daughter again.
And the police and your wife will hear
all about your indiscretions.
You know, the ones at work?
And your life will be over.
We know everything. Stop pretending.
(pensive music)
If you ever want to
see your baby girl again,
if you'd ever like to see
her do a ballet recital,
graduate high school, college, get married,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
You will do exactly as I say,
and when I say, vanilla
ice cream, Andy McNeary.
With no deviations, no fucking around.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
(pensive music continues)
Do you understand, Andy?
- Yes. Yes, I understand.
- [The Voice] Good, 'cause it's
gonna take some commitment.
Specifically $250,000 of commitment.
- I don't have that.
I don't have that kinda money.
- [The Voice] Oh, I don't have that.
I don't have that kinda money.
I just, I work in a bank,
where would I find money?
- I can't just walk into the branch.
There are cameras and alarms everywhere.
- [The Voice] You're playing
dumb and you know it.
Remember when I referenced your
little indiscretions at work
and the police knowing about them?
Hey, don't get all silent on me.
Do you remember when I talked about that?
- Yes. Yes, it's just...
- [The Voice] Stressful, oh.
It's by design.
Now, I'm gonna give you 15 minutes or so
to pull yourself together,
and then you're gonna go get that money.
And Andy, don't do anything stupid.
(pensive music)
- Wait, what?
What do I do?
Wait, hello, what do I do?
(pensive music)
(cell phone ringing)
(pensive music)
(cell phone ringing continues)
(cell phone ringing continues)
(pensive music continues)
(cell phone ringing continues)
Hey there, babe.
Oh, yeah, yeah,
everything's great over here.
No, Abby's sleeping away in
her crib like a little angel.
Sorry I missed your call earlier.
Just changing another poopy diaper.
My voice doesn't sound weird to me.
You have fun, babe, you do that.
Okay, I gotta go now, I gotta go, bye, bye.
(dramatic music)
Hey, Frank, no, it's Andy.
Andy McNeary, the assistant bank manager.
We just spoke earlier.
I just wanted to just say
the work you and your team is
doing is really spectacular.
Yeah, you're welcome.
Well, I actually gave more
thought to your request
and I've reconsidered.
I'm happy to give you guys permission
to do whatever you and
your team need to do.
Yeah, you're welcome.
However, I do need you to
help me out with something.
Well, I was wondering if
you guys could track down
the whereabouts of a baby monitor?
A baby monitor.
You know, folks put 'em
in a room with their babies
so they can hear 'em from another room.
You know what, Frank, I may
not be as technically savvy
as you and the rest of your team,
but that does not give you the right
to treat me like some kind of goddam idiot.
I'm actually your boss,
and I would appreciate it
if you treated me as such.
I know you got a lot of work to do.
Yeah, catching all those
white collar criminals
and solving all those
cases of horrific bank fraud.
You're not helping me, I ain't helping you.
Well, I guess you'll just have to
go over my head Monday morning, won't you?
Goodnight Frank.
- [The Voice] You're 15
minutes are almost up snowflake.
Wow, Andy, I did not pin
you for a spineless coward,
but hey, life is full of surprises.
I guess you think you can out run this.
Abby, go ahead and make
some noise for your father.
Let him know you're still alive.
(Abby crying)
(Abby crying continues)
(pensive music)
And then here's what you're gonna do.
You're gonna go to the next ATM
and then the next, and then the next.
And then you're gonna go
to the next ATM and the next,
and the next, and the next.
And then you're gonna go
to the next ATM and the next.
And the next.
Then you're gonna go to the next ATM.
And then you're gonna go to the next one.
And then you're gonna go to the next one
until you have all the $250,000.
And then you're gonna go to the drop.
It's gonna be so exciting.
And I'm gonna tell you
how you're gonna get there.
And you're gonna do
everything exactly to the T.
And then, that's it, really.
I need you to stop playing dumb.
We know you've been
making random, anonymous,
prime numbered withdrawals all
over the city for 29 months.
We know about the card, the
magnetic strip, the algorithm.
You play that, "Oh, shucks, little old me,
I know nothing about technology,
I'm just an assistant bank manager."
We know the truth, and
soon everyone else will too.
Why do you think they want your permission
for employee transaction records, genius?
(dramatic music)
If you don't follow our instructions,
you'll never see your
little princess again.
You don't want that
shit on your conscience.
Now, I want you to take
the monitor with you.
Listen to everything I say, or
you'll miss the instructions.
Did you hear everything I said?
Do you understand?
- Yes.
- [The Voice] Yes, what?
- Yes, sir.
- [The Voice] Louder.
- Yes, sir.
- [The Voice] I don't fucking believe you.
- I'll do whatever you
want, I will take the monitor.
I will get the money.
Just please don't hurt
her, that's all I ask.
- [The Voice] Good.
And Andy, don't assume anything.
(pensive music)
(Andy sighing)
You're running out of time, Andy.
- Just making sure we're clear.
- [The Voice] Don't
forget to put your hood up.
We don't want you getting caught
before you get us all our money.
I'm sure your daughter will
appreciate the gesture as well.
(cell phone ringing)
Who is it?
Who is it, Andy?
You need to answer me
or our little deal is off.
Who is calling you?
- It's my wife, Allie.
- [The Voice] Well, pick it up,
you don't want her thinking
something strange is going on.
Like your baby has been kidnapped
and you're currently on the lamb
pillaging ATMs all over
town to get her back.
Pick it up and put it on speaker.
(upbeat music)
- [Allie] Andy, can you hear me?
- Yeah, I hear you.
- [Allie] What?
- I said I can hear you.
- [Allie] Is everything okay?
- Oh yeah, everything's fine.
- [Allie] What?
- [Andy] I said everything is fine.
- [Allie] Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Yeah, whatever's sweet
and has lots of alcohol in it.
- Allie.
- [Allie] Oh my god, you're so bad.
No, it's my husband.
Yeah, I'm married.
I also have a three-month-old,
could you believe that?
- Okay, I'm gonna go now.
- [The Voice] Everything
all right at home, Andy?
(dramatic music)
(cell phone ringing)
- Fuck.
No, I did not hang up on you.
I think you hung up on me, actually.
Well, you know, you're a
little bit drunk, taking shots.
People are supposedly "Bad" or whatever.
How would you even know?
No, I'm not jealous.
No, that's not true, I
don't do that all the time.
Hello, Allie?
(Andy sighing)
- [The Voice] Stay focused, Andy.
You've got money to get, a drop to do,
a baby daughter to get back.
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(ATM whirring)
How much did you get?
- 15. I think.
- [The Voice] You think?
- Shit.
(dramatic music continues)
- [The Voice] Care to elaborate?
- There must be something
I don't know about,
like some internal safeguard
or mechanism they put in place.
Maybe in response to all
these withdrawals I'm making.
- [The Voice] You're telling me
you never tried to get more?
- I always kept it low on
purpose, so I didn't, you know.
- [The Voice] Get
caught and thrown in jail.
For being a dirty thief and a
little white collar criminal.
You little piece o' shit.
- I was gonna say, "Arouse
suspicion," but, yeah.
- [The Voice] Well, I guess
you're gonna have to stop
being so careful and precious
and speed this whole fucking thing up
or you're not gonna make the next drop.
- I'll make the drop.
(car engine roaring)
- [The Voice] You better.
Or you'll never see your
daughter, Abby again.
Trust me, that is not a
threat, that is a promise.
(pensive music)
What are you doing, Andy?
Earth to white collar criminal.
- We're at my work.
We need to get another card or two
in case this one stops working.
- [The Voice] Hey, that's a great idea.
- Yeah, I know.
- [The Voice] Don't get
fucking cocky with me, Andy.
Guess who got you in all this
trouble in the first place?
Get the goddamn cards
and let's just do this smoothly all right?
- [Elevator] Going up.
(pensive music)
(dramatic music)
(door creaking)
- Oh, shit.
- [The Voice] Andy,
what the hell is going on?
- Janitor's here, I think he's
gonna try to clean my office.
- [The Voice] Just go
in there and, you know,
tell him you forgot something.
- It's not gonna work, it's too suspicious.
(hip-hop music blaring from earphones)
- [The Voice] Andy, what is going on?
Hello? Andy.
- What the fuck?
- [The Voice] What is going on?
- The janitor, he's going through my desk.
He's going through all of my stuff.
- [The Voice] Did he find the cards?
(pensive music)
Andy, did he find the cards?
Jesus Christ, will you answer me?
It's no wonder your wife
is so fucking frustrated
with you all the time.
Did he find the motherfucking
cards or not, Andy?
(hip-hop music continue sin earphones)
(pensive music)
Andy, did he find the cards?
- No, he found one
card, but he didn't take it.
- [The Voice] So we're
good, Halle-fucking-lujah.
Get in there.
(dramatic music)
- [Andy] Okay.
- [The Voice] For the love of God.
How long does it take
to grab a couple cards?
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(baby crying)
(electricity crackling)
- Oh, my God. Oh.
- [The Voice] What the fuck, man?
- [Andy] I'm sorry.
- [The Voice] There's, ATMs
to pillage, let's go.
- Sorry about that.
Gimme one second.
(dramatic music continues)
- [The Voice] Let's go,
Andy, pick up the pace.
- [Andy] Oh, shit.
- Sorry, Mr. McNeary.
I thought that was you,
you're here pretty late?
- Oh no, I just dropped by to pick this up.
Good old Mr. Jansen put
me in charge this weekend,
so, had to drop by and
retrieve this little sucker.
- Oh, that's good.
How's it working out?
(pensive music)
The baby monitor?
- Oh, great, really great.
Been able to do a lot of multitasking
and, you can get some work stuff done too.
- You know I,
I've been wondering where
the heck I left this hammer?
It's been missing for a while.
- Yeah, yeah, I just found
it in my desk of all places.
You know where that is.
(pensive music continues)
Did I borrow this from you?
- No, no.
No, I don't think you did,
I don't remember that.
(pensive music continues)
You have a good night now.
- Thanks. You too.
(dramatic music)
(pensive music)
- [The Voice] Cover your
tracks all you want, Andy.
It won't work.
- Yeah, we'll see.
(rock thudding)
(dramatic music)
- [The Voice] Just act
like you're another guy
in the middle of the night going the ATM,
getting tampons and milk for his wife.
- [Andy] Or saving his
three-month-old baby daughter
from a roving band of psychotic,
scumbag, kidnapper douche bags.
- [The Voice] Touche,
Andy, that was pretty good.
"Douche bags," shut the
fuck up and get to work.
And remember, don't be
smart, it doesn't suit you.
(dramatic music continues)
- Shit.
(tires squealing)
(dramatic music continues)
Yeah, we're gonna have to add more targets.
- [The Voice] Sounds a bit light.
- Yeah, I kind of dropped some,
and then this man ran it over.
- [The Voice] All money is dirty, Andy,
go back and fucking get it.
- I did, after he got most of it.
- [The Voice] And you didn't stop him?
- [Andy] No, I thought it was a bad idea.
- [The Voice] Oh, let's
not fucking mope about it.
There's still time.
I mean, not much, but, some.
(pensive music)
(pensive music continues)
(Abby crying)
(knocking on window)
(pensive music)
- Could you roll your window down?
- Fuck.
- [Officer] Sir, roll
your window down, sir.
- [Andy] Yeah, yeah.
- [Officer] Your window please.
- Okay, okay, I gotta
turn the car on to do that.
Is that all right?
- Yeah, yeah, go for it.
- Okay, just gimme a second.
- Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
- Oh, that's quite all right, officer.
What can I do for you tonight?
- You been drinking?
How many drinks have you had?
- Oh, I'm just a bit out of it.
Just a lot of stuff happening at work.
- That's a, "Yes, two drinks?"
- No, no, I have not had
anything to drink, no alcohol.
(Abby crying)
- You got a little one at home?
- Yep.
That's her in her crib,
crying her little face off.
- Alone?
- No, no, no, my wife is there.
We ran outta formula and
she sent me out to get some.
- Well, that is quite the range
you got on that unit there.
- Tell me about it.
- Duffle bag.
You working out afterwards?
Trying to get a little,
you know, bench press in?
- Is there some kinda
problem, officer, or can we just?
- Nah, there's no problem.
I saw you walk over there from that ATM
and then back this way.
It looked a little suspicious,
so, I figured I'd come check it out.
- Oh, well you know what
they say in the exercise game?
Every step counts.
- Is that what they say, sir?
- At least at my gym.
- All right, you have
yourself a good night.
- Okay, you too, sir.
- Hey, you know what?
I gotta ask just to appease my curiosity
as to what exactly that little monitor is?
I mean, where'd you get that?
My wife and I, we're expecting a kid
and I figured I'd surprise
her with something.
Cute little owl, you mind telling me?
- It's a Sun Star
Pretty sure I got it off the internet.
- Sun Star, internet.
All right, all right.
good night.
- [The Voice] You almost blew that, Andy.
- Yeah, I know.
- [The Voice] Fifth
and Alpine. Get moving.
(dramatic music)
(insects trilling)
(suspenseful music)
(electricity crackling)
(cell phone ringing)
(suspenseful music continues)
- What the fuck?
(cell phone ringing)
Oh, Jesus, phone.
Okay. Okay.
Yeah, Frank. What?
Oh, yeah.
What kinda major activity?
Okay, that's great, Frank.
But why do I need to know about that?
Yeah, correct me if I'm wrong,
but it's your job to
catch whatever criminal
is trying to rip this bank off.
You know what leads are worth?
They're worth jack shit.
Yeah, call me when you're
about to arrest someone, okay?
Yeah. Good night.
(static crackling on monitor)
(suspenseful music continues)
Oh, shit.
God, fuck.
(suspenseful music continues)
(Andy grunting)
(electricity surging)
Fuck this motherfucking thing!
(Andy groaning)
I'm so sorry, Abby.
I'm so sorry, baby.
I'm so sorry, baby.
So sorry, baby.
I'm so sorry.
So sorry, baby.
I'm so sorry, Abby.
(dramatic music)
(static crackling)
(Abby crying)
(dramatic music)
No way.
It worked.
Oh, shit, it worked.
Hello, this is Andy.
This is Andy, Abby's
father, do you hear me?
Please, I just want my
daughter back, please.
I have the money.
- [The Voice] Jesus Christ, Andy,
you really need to get a
grip and calm down buddy.
She's here, she's fine, take a listen.
(Abby crying)
- Hey, baby, it's daddy.
You're okay.
Daddy's gonna come for you right now, okay?
- [The Voice] Hey, hey,
all right, that's enough
of all that tear jerking bullshit,
I need you to follow my drop instructions,
and I need you to follow them to a T.
The address is 451 Market.
The front is completely locked and secured,
but hey, Andy, you're
gonna find a way in aren't ya?
Because I believe in you.
Just think of it as the
burden you have to bear.
Earning your daughter back,
paying for past transgressions,
for lying.
You just have to get inside
no matter what it takes.
You'll see exactly what you're looking for.
You'll drop the cash, grab her,
and get the hell outta there.
Clean slate, free man.
No more nightmares.
Any questions?
(gun blaring)
- Jesus Christ, were those gunshots?
- [The Voice] Probably,
you're not in Mayberry anymore, Andy,
so, watch your ass.
- I'm not from Mayberry.
- [The Voice] This is not a fucking joke.
Get in there, make the drop.
You're running outta time.
Let's do this, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut!
Oh, Andy, you forgot something.
- Shit.
(pensive music)
(siren blaring)
(Andy grunting)
- [The Voice] See next fall, Andy.
- How the hell am I
supposed to get in here?
- [The Voice] Well, you
better figure that out,
and figure it out soon,
'cause time is running out.
(pensive music continues)
- God, oh, come on.
(gun blaring)
Ugh, come on. Come on.
Ugh. Come on!
Come on!
- [The Voice] What the
hell is going on, Andy?
Where are you?
- Just trying to get in.
Nothing is open. It's all locked!
- [The Voice] Oh, poor little bank manager.
(The Voice whimpering)
Who can't get inside to save his daughter?
Poor, poor bank manager.
(Andy muttering and grunting)
- Goddammit!
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
Oh, here we go.
Please, please, please.
(Andy grunting)
Ooh, shit.
- [The Voice] Hurry up, Andy.
Time is of the essence.
(pensive music continues)
See that light at the end?
I want you to head towards it.
- [Andy] What, the light at the end there?
- [The Voice] No, the light in your head.
Yes, the light at the end,
keep heading towards it.
You're taking way too long, Andy.
I'm gonna have to do a countdown, 5, 4, 3.
There you go.
Right towards the tunnel.
Right towards the tunnel.
(pensive music continues)
- Daddy's coming, Abby.
Daddy's coming, baby, Daddy's coming.
Daddy's coming.
Daddy's coming, baby.
Here he is, here he is.
Here he is.
(dramatic music)
(electricity crackling)
(dramatic music)
(Abby crying)
Abby, Abby, oxen free.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(swing creaking)
(dramatic music)
(baby crying)
No, please, no, please,
just leave me alone.
Please leave me alone.
(Andy screaming)
(baby crying)
(suspenseful music)
(baby crying continues)
- [The Voice] Andy, are you there?
Andy, you there?
(dramatic music)
where's the money, Andy?
Andy, where's the money?
Andy, do you hear me?
Do you have the money, are you there?
- Yeah, I'm here.
- [The Voice] Well, don't just stand there.
Drop the money, take your baby,
and get the hell outta here.
Do you hear me?
You're done. You can go.
(pensive music)
Andy, why aren't you answering me?
(dramatic music)
If you do not come back
here and deliver the money,
you will lose your baby
forever, do you understand me?
Andy where the fuck are you going?
This is not a fucking game.
Assistant bank manager,
return to the fucking drop.
Andy, if you do not deliver the money
you will lose your baby
forever, do you hear me?
- Son of a bitch.
- [The Voice] Andy, get the
fuck back and get the money.
Andy, oh, you're playing
a vicious game here, Andy.
You think you're a tough
guy, is that what's going on?
You think you're real tough?
Andy, I swear to God,
what the fuck are you doing?
Andy, I know you're there, answer me.
You can't fucking run from this.
- Fuck.
Goddammit! Ooh!
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
- [The Voice] You're in
such deep fucking shit, Andy.
- Where is she?
I did everything you asked.
I got you the money,
I broke into the place!
I even electrocuted
myself trying to recharge
your stupid fucking, nevermind.
Where is she? Just tell me, please.
- [The Voice] She is fucking there, Andy,
and you fucking know it.
You need to go back to the drop.
You need to leave the
money, just like I said.
- No, you know what was there?
Another baby monitor.
- [The Voice] Stop playing
fucking games with me.
- You are the only one playing games.
- [Baby Monitor 2] They're lying, Andy.
(dramatic music)
Don't listen to them, it's all a bluff.
- [The Voice] Andy, are
you there? We had a deal.
Now go back in there and leave the money
or we're gonna do the fucking unthinkable.
- No, no, no, no, please.
- [The Voice] Do you hear that?
That's the sound of
your baby daughter makes
when I grab one of her little fingers
with a rusty pair of pliers.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Andy, it's not real.
They don't really have your baby, trust me.
- [The Voice] Who is that,
who are you talking to?
Answer me. Who is that?
- [Baby Monitor 2] Andy, trust me.
Just get outta the car, I will help you.
- [The Voice] That's
it, you had your chance.
You're making me
pay for this?
- Make you pay for this.
- [The Voice] Okay, we're on to number two.
We're on to number two.
You chose your future.
- It's your choice, Andy.
- [The Voice] Fucking choose.
- [Person] This is all over.
- You have my baby.
They have my baby.
You have my fucking baby!
(Abby crying)
(waves crashing)
- [Baby Monitor 2] Don't worry, Andy,
we're gonna take care
of this, it's gonna be okay.
- [Andy] This is so fucked, who are you?
- [Baby Monitor 2] You have
to trust me, I can help you.
But it starts with trust.
- I did everything they said.
No cops, nobody.
I got the money, I went
there, I broke into a place.
They said they would give her back to me.
- [Baby Monitor 2] They strung you along
and they haven't delivered, have they?
- They lied to me, but they just lied.
Lied, and they lied.
- [Baby Monitor 2] I'm
sorry about that, Andy.
But you have to move on.
You have to trust me and move on.
Or you'll never get your little Abby back.
Do you understand?
You don't have a lotta choices right now.
Time is running out, man.
Plus, what did following
all their instructions
get you anyway?
- Got me nothing.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Now I can
help you get your baby back,
but you need to follow my instructions.
Do you hear me, Andy?
- That's not my baby in there, right?
- [Baby Monitor 2] It's
programmed like the voice.
The whole thing is smoke mirrors.
They've just been playing you.
Your baby's only got so much time.
Your little angel needs you, man.
And she needs her father
to be brave and strong,
and she needs you to be that right now.
You won't be sorry, Andy, I promise.
I have really good news.
I'm officially in contact with
people who have your baby,
and I'm setting everything up.
Just be patient and this will soon be over.
- [The Voice] I want you
to know that you've made
the single greatest mistake
of your life back there, Andy.
You may think you've gotten
away, but you have not gotten-
(cell phone ringing)
- Hey, Frank.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Don't
give up, Andy, we're real close.
- Can we cut to the chase here, so?
Oh, wow.
Through the ATMs, huh.
Yeah, I would never have thought of that.
Yeah, it's pretty sneaky.
No, thanks so much for letting me know.
I'll put it in my report.
And, hey, Frank, I know this
may sound a little silly, but,
you and your boys aren't
watching me, are you?
Oh, no, forget I even said that, I'm sorry.
It's just the sleep deprivation speaking.
You know what, Frank, that's
my wife on the other line.
Yeah. Yeah.
You know, mother's job never done.
Okay. Take care.
Hey, babe.
Oh yeah, sorry, I was just asleep.
Oh, yeah, having the worst nightmare ever.
Oh, you're coming back home now.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Okay,
Andy, I got the drop details.
Are you ready?
- I gotta go, Allie. She's crying.
Yeah, I'll see you later, bye babe.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Are you ready, Andy?
- Yeah, I am ready, I was born ready.
- [Baby Monitor 2] You got a pen?
- No, I don't have a pen.
- [Baby Monitor 2] What
kind of assistant bank manager
are you?
- One without a fucking pen.
Can we just go get my
fucking baby daughter back?
- [Baby Monitor 2] It would
help if you start the car.
- Yeah, yeah, sorry. Starting.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Okay, now listen up,
you're gonna wanna get
on the freeway going north
for nine and a half miles.
I know this has been a long
and scary night for you, Andy,
but it's almost over.
We'll have you reunited with
your baby, Abby, soon enough.
Hang in there.
You're gonna be a new man after this.
And you're gonna keep going.
Past the tunnels.
It's gonna feel like forever,
all the way up into the mountains.
You're gonna exit towards the state park
and I'll guide you from there.
(insects trilling)
Hang in there, buddy.
You get to be a new man after this.
You get to be the new Andy.
New man.
New Andy.
You get to choose your destiny.
- I don't know about this place.
- [Baby Monitor 2]
People who kidnap children
don't usually hide them in well lit places
where you can get yourself a
million dollar coffee, Andy.
Let's just concentrate on the task at hand.
Getting your baby back.
The quicker we can get her,
the quicker you're on your merry way home
before your wife gets back.
- Okay. All right.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Do you see it yet, Andy?
- Do I see what?
Don't see anything.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Just wait. It's coming.
- What's coming?
I don't see anything.
- [Baby Monitor 2] You will.
(pensive music)
- I see something.
(pensive music continues)
- [Baby Monitor 2] Just
hang back until I get a signal.
- I can't believe they
just left her out here
in that thing.
- [Baby Monitor 2]
They're kidnappers, Andy,
not grandmothers.
- You're not funny.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Look,
if you don't want her back,
you can just take the money and go.
- What are you talking about?
I'm not doing that.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Good,
then stop doubting me, Andy,
I've helped you when
everybody else misled you,
I stepped up and helped you haven't I?
So just hang back until I get the signal.
- Okay.
(insects trilling)
(Andy sighing)
Now what?
- [Baby Monitor 2] Just wait.
- For what?
- [Baby Monitor 2] You need to be patient.
- I've been patient.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Andy,
you're not in control, okay?
Do not do something stupid here.
Just wait and trust me.
- You know what?
Fuck this, I'm gonna go get my daughter.
I appreciate everything you did for me,
but I am done being patient.
- [Baby Monitor 2] I'm
warning you, don't do it, Andy.
- Hey, baby.
(Abby crying)
Daddy's here, Abby.
(Abby crying continues)
(dramatic music)
(Abby crying continues)
(Andy groaning)
(Andy screaming)
(Andy groaning)
(pensive music)
- [Baby Monitor 2] I'm sorry
Andy, but did you really think
it would be that easy?
- [The Voice] You fucking idiot, Andy.
- [Baby Monitor 3] I'm sorry, Andy,
but I told you to wait and you wouldn't,
and you wouldn't listen.
- Hey, Andy.
- [The Voice] I got your baby, I have her.
- [The Voice] Lying, I actually have her
and she's fucking losing fingers!
- [Baby Monitor 2] Listen
to me, Andy, trust me.
- [The Voice] If you're gonna believe that,
you'll believe anything.
- [Baby Monitor 3] Andy,
we all have your baby, Andy.
- [The Voice] Fucking idiot, Andy.
- [Baby Monitor 4] Fucking idiot, Andy.
(dramatic music)
- You're all coming with me.
(dramatic music continues)
(Andy grunting and groaning)
Andy you're a good goddamn,
fucking bank manager!
Fuck it.
Take your fucking baby monitor.
How do you like that?
Fucking baby monitor.
Who am I even hearing?
How do you like that?
(dramatic music continues)
Goddamn fucking baby monitor.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
(pensive music)
I'm so sorry, baby.
I'm so sorry, Abby.
Daddy's so sorry.
- [The Voice] Yeah, those feelings of guilt
you're feeling, Andy,
be honest with yourself,
this is all your fault.
If it weren't for you, your
baby would be at home.
Your wife would be happy,
and you wouldn't be about to lose your job
and spend the next 15
years in a white collar prison.
It's all on you.
It's too late.
Too late.
(dramatic music)
(footsteps thudding)
(officer whistling)
(dramatic music continues)
(knocking on window)
- [Officer] Hey, sir. Mind
rolling down that window again?
Sir, could you
- Yeah, just.
- roll down the window please.
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
(officer chuckling)
Keep doing that tonight, don't I?
- Can I help you, sir?
- Yeah, you can.
You mind telling me what's the deal
with all these monitors all
over your passenger side?
- [Baby Monitor 3] Yeah, why don't you
fucking tell him, Andy?
- [The Voice] Trust
me, I'd keep it to myself.
- [Baby Monitor 2] No, no,
tell him the whole thing.
- [Baby Monitor 5] Yeah.
Don't leave out any of the details.
- [Baby Monitor 3] The
details are good, especially.
- [The Voice] The incriminating ones.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Tell him, Andy.
- [Baby Monitor 5] You can do it.
- [Baby Monitor 3] I'm happy to help.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Let Andy do it.
(dramatic music)
- [Officer And Monitors]
I'm real sorry, Andy.
You were just too easy.
(officer chuckling)
The fucking jig is up.
Look his fucking face, I
can't fucking believe it.
What stupid person you could possibly be?
Couldn't figure it out.
(dramatic music)
- No more games, hand
over the bag and the money
and I'll be on my way.
(dramatic music)
There you go.
(Andy grunting)
- [Andy] Please, please
tell me she's alive.
Answer me!
We had a deal!
We had a deal, goddammit!
- Stop trying to be tough, Andy McNeary,
it doesn't suit you.
Someone will be along soon enough.
(cell phone ringing)
Oh, look, you're getting a phone call.
Let's see who that is.
Frank from Cyber Fraud.
Would you like me to answer it?
Maybe the two of you can have
an old fashioned confessional.
(officer crying)
I'm Andy, the bank manager,
I stole all this money.
Nice doing business with ya.
- No, wait.
Please, I can get more money from the ATMs.
You know I can do that.
I'll get more money from the ATMs, please.
- Good luck.
(Abby crying)
- You can't take my car, please.
Please, come back, I need
to get back to my daughter.
(dramatic music)
(Andy gasping)
What the fuck?
(Abby crying)
Oh shit.
(dramatic music)
- Oh, hey Andy.
Fancy meeting you here.
- Abby?
- Oh, yeah, she's not here.
What can I say?
We gave you chance,
after chance, after chance.
And you just, you blew it.
You have no one to
blame but yourself, Andy.
(Andy grunting)
- Where's my daughter?
Where is she?
- What are you doing, Andy?
- Please fucking tell me!
You tell me right now, you motherfucker!
Where is she?
Why are you laughing at me?
Please tell me.
(officer laughing)
(dramatic music)
(Andy yelling)
You give her back.
You give her back to me now!
- Poor Andy. People love the drama.
- Did everything you
asked, just give her back!
- Without me, you're nothing.
(Andy yelling)
(dramatic music)
(electricity crackling)
- Whoa.
(Abby crying)
What the fuck?
Oh shit.
(dramatic music)
- Andy.
- Hey.
- Where the hell have you been?
- What?
- Where were you?
I just got home and Abby was crying.
- I was... (Abby crying continues)
- What happened to your arms?
(pensive music)
You okay, Andy?
(bell chiming)
(pensive music)
- Wonder where everyone is?
- Probably all out
catching criminals like you.
I want you to know that I was serious.
I really think that we
should consider divorce.
(pensive music continues)
I can't have someone around
who endangers my daughter
and me.
- I don't think there's much danger
of me being around anymore anyway, so.
- Are you trying to get
me to feel sorry for you?
- I was just trying to provide.
- Shut up, Andy.
- McNeary.
(pensive music continues)
(pensive music)
(pensive music continues)
How many do you have?
(Abby crying)
(dramatic music)
(Abby crying)
You've been a very, very, bad boy, Andy.
- Please.
(Andy screaming)
(dramatic music continues)
- I'll put the monitor right there.
- How's it working out?
The baby monitor.
- Hello, my name is Andy
McNeary, I was just promoted
to junior vice president.
Hey, Andy McNeary
here, junior vice president.
- [Person] Vice president.
- [Person 2] Vice president.
(pensive music)
(Andy breathing heavily)
(soft music)
(Abby crying)
- Abby.
Abby. Got you, shit.
Oh, thank God.
Daddy's here.
I'm here for you.
Come here, baby.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, thank God.
Oh, baby.
Daddy's here.
Daddy's here.
Oh, God.
Oh, thank God.
There, there, shh, shh, shh, shh.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
Daddy's here, baby.
Daddy's here.
He's here, Abby, it's okay.
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, baby.
(soft music continues)
I'll try.
I'll try, I swear.
Oh, God.
(soft music continues)
Sweet dreams little Abby.
(soft music continues)
(pensive music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(Andy sighing)
- Is she okay?
- Yeah she's,
she's fine.
- [Allie] Go to sleep, Andy.
- I will.
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(Abby crying)
(pensive music)
- [Baby Monitor 3]
Sweet dreams little Andy.
(electricity crackling)
- [Baby] Mommy.
- Oh, my God, oh, Jesus Christ.
Oh God, oh, oh God.
(energy surging)
(computer chiming)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music)
(energy surging)
(footsteps crunching)
(dramatic music)
(computer chiming)
(pensive music)
(footsteps thudding)
(multiple footsteps thudding)
(pensive music continues)
- Oh, fuck, fuck, I don't know.
(Andy grunting)
Oh, God, oh, Jesus Christ.
Oh, God, no, oh, God.
Oh, God.
(Andy whimpering)
(pensive music continues)
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
(sirens blaring)
Oh, God.
(multiple footsteps thudding)
Oh, no.
Oh, my God, oh, thank God.
(pensive music continues)
(baby crying)
Okay, okay.
(pensive music continues)
Oh fuck, oh, God, oh, God.
(pensive music continues)
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
No, no, no, no.
Fuck, oh, shit.
Oh, fuck.
(multiple footsteps thudding)
(dramatic music)
(Andy sighing)
Oh, shit.
(pensive music)
Oh, God.
Jesus Christ.
Oh, man, fuck.
(baby crying)
(pensive music continues)
(baby crying continues)
No, no, please.
Please leave me alone.
Please don't do this.
No, please, please leave me alone.
Please don't do this.
No, please, no, no, leave me alone.
Please, no, no.
Oh, my God.
Jesus Christ.
(Andy sighing)
(knocking on door)
- Mr. McNeary.
- Yeah. Yes.
- [Thomas] Everything okay?
(Andy chuckling)
- Yeah. Yeah.
I think I fell asleep.
- That's probably that newborn
keeping you up all night.
First six months, like bootcamp.
- Yeah. Yeah, probably right.
Oh, hey, I'm all good
with the cleaning for today.
- I'll come back later.
Oh, there was a package for you downstairs.
(pensive music)
You have a good night now.
(pensive music continues)
(golf club knocking on door)
- [George] Andy, my boy, got a second?
- Yeah. Yeah, George.
- Mr. Jensen.
- Yeah, sorry about that.
- No, yeah.
Everybody gets a little cocky
when they get a promotion.
I'm gonna need you to step
up big this weekend, fella.
Finally got me a tee time at Augusta.
No way in hell I'm gonna,
don't you fuck me on this.
- Oh, no, sir, I would never.
- I'm leaving you in charge.
Don't make me sorry that I gave you
that little bitty promotion, huh?
- I will not do that, sir.
(pensive music)
- Good, excellent. Excellent, good.
See you next week.
- Have a good time, sir.
(pensive music)
Hey, you left your cleaning cart
in front of the elevator again.
(pensive music continues)
- [Elevator] Going down.
(dramatic music)
(energy surging)
- [Baby] Mommy.
(dramatic music continues)
(Abby crying over monitor)
- Sweet dreams, little Abby.
I think we're all set, babe.
(Abby crying over monitor)
I gotta say, that does not
sound like a very happy baby.
I think she knows you're going out.
- Gimme a break, Andy.
She's an infant, she doesn't know.
It's just one night, I think
you'll be able to handle it.
You are gonna take that
into the living room, right?
- Yeah, of course.
- And you're gonna listen to it, right?
- Like a hawk.
(pensive music)
- I'm not joking, Andy.
- [Andy] When was the
last time you changed her?
- I don't know, a couple hours ago.
That's probably why she's crying.
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
Oh, come on, Andy, I'm all cleaned up.
- I know, you look like you're
going on a date or something.
- Yeah, well, if my husband wasn't so cheap
and would spring for a babysitter,
I'd be going out with him
instead of with the girls.
- I'm an assistant bank manager, babe.
You know we can't afford that kinda stuff.
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
(pensive music)
Hey, I got this.
We'll be fine. Don't worry.
Oh, man, I got so much work to do tomorrow.
- Well, I'm sure we won't be out too late.
Have they caught anyone yet?
- Not that I'm aware of, but,
supposedly they have
some leads or something.
- Well, either way,
tonight you're a father.
- Yes. That is my focus.
- And you're gonna warm up the bottles
just like I showed you?
- Yeah, hot water, no, microwave.
Protect the proteins and enzymes.
- It's important.
- I know.
- Keep the monitor with you.
- The whole time.
(cell phone ringing)
- Go ahead.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
- Go for Andy.
So you're not with cyber security,
you're with cyber fraud?
Huh, okay, got it.
Frank, nice to meet you.
Yes, Andy.
No, no, I'm not the point man.
No, I'm just the assistant bank manager
and the guy who gets
everything dumped in his lap
when you know who goes outta town.
Oh, wow, so this is a progress report.
Yeah, that's quite impressive.
I had no idea you guys had that capability.
Yeah, those are some
pretty good leads, Frank.
Yeah, you guys have been some
busy little bees down there.
Oh, you need my permission?
For what, exactly?
Employee transactional reports.
Yeah, I'm not sure if
that's in my jurisdiction.
No, I'd prefer to... (Abby crying)
You know what?
I'm feeling a little put
on the spot here, Frank,
if you know what I mean.
Yeah, okay, speak to you soon.
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
(pensive music)
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
(soft music)
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
(soft music continues)
Hey, little Abby.
(soft music continues)
Sweet dreams little Abby.
(voicemail beeping)
- Hey, you've reached Allie,
I'm away from the phone right now.
Probably feeding our precious little Abby
or taking care of Andy.
Leave a message and I
swear I'll get back to you.
(voicemail beeping)
- Hey, babe.
Just checking in, seeing how you guys are,
where you ended up.
Anyway, we're both doing great over here.
Thanks for asking.
I fed both of us multiple times
and we're both growing rapidly.
And you'd be very pleased to know
that I have changed three diapers,
two number twos, and one number one.
So I'm officially the world's
greatest dad over here.
Okay. Have fun.
- [Person On TV] Amy brought her stuff?
- [Person On TV 2] Let's see.
Yeah, she did.
- [Person On TV] Did she leave her key?
- [Person On TV 2] Yeah, she left it,
but she took the telephone.
And she left her window open again.
- [Person On TV] Surprised
the alarm didn't go off.
(pensive music)
(Abby crying over monitor)
- [Person On TV 2] You okay?
- [Person On TV] Yeah, just thinking.
- [Person On TV 2] About what?
- [Person On TV] About us, about this.
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
- Oh, shit.
I'm coming, I'm coming.
(pensive music)
There you go.
There you go, little Abby.
You're okay.
Nighty nights little one.
Sweet dreams little Abby.
Nighty night, Abby, nighty nights.
Ah, I'm gonna go to sleep.
(Andy sighing)
Oh, God.
(pensive music)
(water splashing)
(pensive music)
Has anyone seen a way out of here?
Like a trail or something?
I need to go home.
I need to get to my daughter.
(Abby crying)
Is there anybody here?
I need to get back to my
baby daughter, she needs me.
(Abby crying over monitor)
- Shit.
(dramatic music)
I'm coming, Abby, baby, I'm coming.
Oh, God.
(Abby crying over monitor continues)
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
Someone took my baby.
Someone took my fucking baby.
I can't believe this is happening.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh, my God.
Oh, God.
No, no, no, Abby, Abby,
baby, baby, Daddy's here.
Shh, shh, he's here. It's okay.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
No, no, no, no, no, Abby?
Oh, fuck, shit, shit, shit, shit.
Okay, okay, you gotta call,
you gotta no matter what.
(Andy whimpering)
Okay, okay, you gotta call, fuck.
(cell phone beeping)
- [The Voice] Oh, come on.
You don't really wanna
dial that last number, Andy.
You're gonna get into a lotta trouble.
Not to mention, you're never
gonna see your baby again.
Yeah, this is really happening
whether you wanna believe it or not, Andy.
So, put the phone down.
(pensive music)
Put the phone down now!
Good. That's a good boy.
- Who are you, where
did you take my daughter?
Where is she?
You bring my daughter back, do you hear me?
You bring her back.
So help me, God, if you hurt her,
if you hurt one hair on her little head,
I will hunt you down.
I will make you pay.
(dramatic music)
Do you hear me? Hello?
Goddammit, fuck that, I am calling.
(cell phone buttons beeping)
- [The Voice] If you dial that last one,
you will never see your daughter again.
And the police and your wife will hear
all about your indiscretions.
You know, the ones at work?
And your life will be over.
We know everything. Stop pretending.
(pensive music)
If you ever want to
see your baby girl again,
if you'd ever like to see
her do a ballet recital,
graduate high school, college, get married,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
You will do exactly as I say,
and when I say, vanilla
ice cream, Andy McNeary.
With no deviations, no fucking around.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
(pensive music continues)
Do you understand, Andy?
- Yes. Yes, I understand.
- [The Voice] Good, 'cause it's
gonna take some commitment.
Specifically $250,000 of commitment.
- I don't have that.
I don't have that kinda money.
- [The Voice] Oh, I don't have that.
I don't have that kinda money.
I just, I work in a bank,
where would I find money?
- I can't just walk into the branch.
There are cameras and alarms everywhere.
- [The Voice] You're playing
dumb and you know it.
Remember when I referenced your
little indiscretions at work
and the police knowing about them?
Hey, don't get all silent on me.
Do you remember when I talked about that?
- Yes. Yes, it's just...
- [The Voice] Stressful, oh.
It's by design.
Now, I'm gonna give you 15 minutes or so
to pull yourself together,
and then you're gonna go get that money.
And Andy, don't do anything stupid.
(pensive music)
- Wait, what?
What do I do?
Wait, hello, what do I do?
(pensive music)
(cell phone ringing)
(pensive music)
(cell phone ringing continues)
(cell phone ringing continues)
(pensive music continues)
(cell phone ringing continues)
Hey there, babe.
Oh, yeah, yeah,
everything's great over here.
No, Abby's sleeping away in
her crib like a little angel.
Sorry I missed your call earlier.
Just changing another poopy diaper.
My voice doesn't sound weird to me.
You have fun, babe, you do that.
Okay, I gotta go now, I gotta go, bye, bye.
(dramatic music)
Hey, Frank, no, it's Andy.
Andy McNeary, the assistant bank manager.
We just spoke earlier.
I just wanted to just say
the work you and your team is
doing is really spectacular.
Yeah, you're welcome.
Well, I actually gave more
thought to your request
and I've reconsidered.
I'm happy to give you guys permission
to do whatever you and
your team need to do.
Yeah, you're welcome.
However, I do need you to
help me out with something.
Well, I was wondering if
you guys could track down
the whereabouts of a baby monitor?
A baby monitor.
You know, folks put 'em
in a room with their babies
so they can hear 'em from another room.
You know what, Frank, I may
not be as technically savvy
as you and the rest of your team,
but that does not give you the right
to treat me like some kind of goddam idiot.
I'm actually your boss,
and I would appreciate it
if you treated me as such.
I know you got a lot of work to do.
Yeah, catching all those
white collar criminals
and solving all those
cases of horrific bank fraud.
You're not helping me, I ain't helping you.
Well, I guess you'll just have to
go over my head Monday morning, won't you?
Goodnight Frank.
- [The Voice] You're 15
minutes are almost up snowflake.
Wow, Andy, I did not pin
you for a spineless coward,
but hey, life is full of surprises.
I guess you think you can out run this.
Abby, go ahead and make
some noise for your father.
Let him know you're still alive.
(Abby crying)
(Abby crying continues)
(pensive music)
And then here's what you're gonna do.
You're gonna go to the next ATM
and then the next, and then the next.
And then you're gonna go
to the next ATM and the next,
and the next, and the next.
And then you're gonna go
to the next ATM and the next.
And the next.
Then you're gonna go to the next ATM.
And then you're gonna go to the next one.
And then you're gonna go to the next one
until you have all the $250,000.
And then you're gonna go to the drop.
It's gonna be so exciting.
And I'm gonna tell you
how you're gonna get there.
And you're gonna do
everything exactly to the T.
And then, that's it, really.
I need you to stop playing dumb.
We know you've been
making random, anonymous,
prime numbered withdrawals all
over the city for 29 months.
We know about the card, the
magnetic strip, the algorithm.
You play that, "Oh, shucks, little old me,
I know nothing about technology,
I'm just an assistant bank manager."
We know the truth, and
soon everyone else will too.
Why do you think they want your permission
for employee transaction records, genius?
(dramatic music)
If you don't follow our instructions,
you'll never see your
little princess again.
You don't want that
shit on your conscience.
Now, I want you to take
the monitor with you.
Listen to everything I say, or
you'll miss the instructions.
Did you hear everything I said?
Do you understand?
- Yes.
- [The Voice] Yes, what?
- Yes, sir.
- [The Voice] Louder.
- Yes, sir.
- [The Voice] I don't fucking believe you.
- I'll do whatever you
want, I will take the monitor.
I will get the money.
Just please don't hurt
her, that's all I ask.
- [The Voice] Good.
And Andy, don't assume anything.
(pensive music)
(Andy sighing)
You're running out of time, Andy.
- Just making sure we're clear.
- [The Voice] Don't
forget to put your hood up.
We don't want you getting caught
before you get us all our money.
I'm sure your daughter will
appreciate the gesture as well.
(cell phone ringing)
Who is it?
Who is it, Andy?
You need to answer me
or our little deal is off.
Who is calling you?
- It's my wife, Allie.
- [The Voice] Well, pick it up,
you don't want her thinking
something strange is going on.
Like your baby has been kidnapped
and you're currently on the lamb
pillaging ATMs all over
town to get her back.
Pick it up and put it on speaker.
(upbeat music)
- [Allie] Andy, can you hear me?
- Yeah, I hear you.
- [Allie] What?
- I said I can hear you.
- [Allie] Is everything okay?
- Oh yeah, everything's fine.
- [Allie] What?
- [Andy] I said everything is fine.
- [Allie] Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Yeah, whatever's sweet
and has lots of alcohol in it.
- Allie.
- [Allie] Oh my god, you're so bad.
No, it's my husband.
Yeah, I'm married.
I also have a three-month-old,
could you believe that?
- Okay, I'm gonna go now.
- [The Voice] Everything
all right at home, Andy?
(dramatic music)
(cell phone ringing)
- Fuck.
No, I did not hang up on you.
I think you hung up on me, actually.
Well, you know, you're a
little bit drunk, taking shots.
People are supposedly "Bad" or whatever.
How would you even know?
No, I'm not jealous.
No, that's not true, I
don't do that all the time.
Hello, Allie?
(Andy sighing)
- [The Voice] Stay focused, Andy.
You've got money to get, a drop to do,
a baby daughter to get back.
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(ATM whirring)
How much did you get?
- 15. I think.
- [The Voice] You think?
- Shit.
(dramatic music continues)
- [The Voice] Care to elaborate?
- There must be something
I don't know about,
like some internal safeguard
or mechanism they put in place.
Maybe in response to all
these withdrawals I'm making.
- [The Voice] You're telling me
you never tried to get more?
- I always kept it low on
purpose, so I didn't, you know.
- [The Voice] Get
caught and thrown in jail.
For being a dirty thief and a
little white collar criminal.
You little piece o' shit.
- I was gonna say, "Arouse
suspicion," but, yeah.
- [The Voice] Well, I guess
you're gonna have to stop
being so careful and precious
and speed this whole fucking thing up
or you're not gonna make the next drop.
- I'll make the drop.
(car engine roaring)
- [The Voice] You better.
Or you'll never see your
daughter, Abby again.
Trust me, that is not a
threat, that is a promise.
(pensive music)
What are you doing, Andy?
Earth to white collar criminal.
- We're at my work.
We need to get another card or two
in case this one stops working.
- [The Voice] Hey, that's a great idea.
- Yeah, I know.
- [The Voice] Don't get
fucking cocky with me, Andy.
Guess who got you in all this
trouble in the first place?
Get the goddamn cards
and let's just do this smoothly all right?
- [Elevator] Going up.
(pensive music)
(dramatic music)
(door creaking)
- Oh, shit.
- [The Voice] Andy,
what the hell is going on?
- Janitor's here, I think he's
gonna try to clean my office.
- [The Voice] Just go
in there and, you know,
tell him you forgot something.
- It's not gonna work, it's too suspicious.
(hip-hop music blaring from earphones)
- [The Voice] Andy, what is going on?
Hello? Andy.
- What the fuck?
- [The Voice] What is going on?
- The janitor, he's going through my desk.
He's going through all of my stuff.
- [The Voice] Did he find the cards?
(pensive music)
Andy, did he find the cards?
Jesus Christ, will you answer me?
It's no wonder your wife
is so fucking frustrated
with you all the time.
Did he find the motherfucking
cards or not, Andy?
(hip-hop music continue sin earphones)
(pensive music)
Andy, did he find the cards?
- No, he found one
card, but he didn't take it.
- [The Voice] So we're
good, Halle-fucking-lujah.
Get in there.
(dramatic music)
- [Andy] Okay.
- [The Voice] For the love of God.
How long does it take
to grab a couple cards?
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(baby crying)
(electricity crackling)
- Oh, my God. Oh.
- [The Voice] What the fuck, man?
- [Andy] I'm sorry.
- [The Voice] There's, ATMs
to pillage, let's go.
- Sorry about that.
Gimme one second.
(dramatic music continues)
- [The Voice] Let's go,
Andy, pick up the pace.
- [Andy] Oh, shit.
- Sorry, Mr. McNeary.
I thought that was you,
you're here pretty late?
- Oh no, I just dropped by to pick this up.
Good old Mr. Jansen put
me in charge this weekend,
so, had to drop by and
retrieve this little sucker.
- Oh, that's good.
How's it working out?
(pensive music)
The baby monitor?
- Oh, great, really great.
Been able to do a lot of multitasking
and, you can get some work stuff done too.
- You know I,
I've been wondering where
the heck I left this hammer?
It's been missing for a while.
- Yeah, yeah, I just found
it in my desk of all places.
You know where that is.
(pensive music continues)
Did I borrow this from you?
- No, no.
No, I don't think you did,
I don't remember that.
(pensive music continues)
You have a good night now.
- Thanks. You too.
(dramatic music)
(pensive music)
- [The Voice] Cover your
tracks all you want, Andy.
It won't work.
- Yeah, we'll see.
(rock thudding)
(dramatic music)
- [The Voice] Just act
like you're another guy
in the middle of the night going the ATM,
getting tampons and milk for his wife.
- [Andy] Or saving his
three-month-old baby daughter
from a roving band of psychotic,
scumbag, kidnapper douche bags.
- [The Voice] Touche,
Andy, that was pretty good.
"Douche bags," shut the
fuck up and get to work.
And remember, don't be
smart, it doesn't suit you.
(dramatic music continues)
- Shit.
(tires squealing)
(dramatic music continues)
Yeah, we're gonna have to add more targets.
- [The Voice] Sounds a bit light.
- Yeah, I kind of dropped some,
and then this man ran it over.
- [The Voice] All money is dirty, Andy,
go back and fucking get it.
- I did, after he got most of it.
- [The Voice] And you didn't stop him?
- [Andy] No, I thought it was a bad idea.
- [The Voice] Oh, let's
not fucking mope about it.
There's still time.
I mean, not much, but, some.
(pensive music)
(pensive music continues)
(Abby crying)
(knocking on window)
(pensive music)
- Could you roll your window down?
- Fuck.
- [Officer] Sir, roll
your window down, sir.
- [Andy] Yeah, yeah.
- [Officer] Your window please.
- Okay, okay, I gotta
turn the car on to do that.
Is that all right?
- Yeah, yeah, go for it.
- Okay, just gimme a second.
- Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
- Oh, that's quite all right, officer.
What can I do for you tonight?
- You been drinking?
How many drinks have you had?
- Oh, I'm just a bit out of it.
Just a lot of stuff happening at work.
- That's a, "Yes, two drinks?"
- No, no, I have not had
anything to drink, no alcohol.
(Abby crying)
- You got a little one at home?
- Yep.
That's her in her crib,
crying her little face off.
- Alone?
- No, no, no, my wife is there.
We ran outta formula and
she sent me out to get some.
- Well, that is quite the range
you got on that unit there.
- Tell me about it.
- Duffle bag.
You working out afterwards?
Trying to get a little,
you know, bench press in?
- Is there some kinda
problem, officer, or can we just?
- Nah, there's no problem.
I saw you walk over there from that ATM
and then back this way.
It looked a little suspicious,
so, I figured I'd come check it out.
- Oh, well you know what
they say in the exercise game?
Every step counts.
- Is that what they say, sir?
- At least at my gym.
- All right, you have
yourself a good night.
- Okay, you too, sir.
- Hey, you know what?
I gotta ask just to appease my curiosity
as to what exactly that little monitor is?
I mean, where'd you get that?
My wife and I, we're expecting a kid
and I figured I'd surprise
her with something.
Cute little owl, you mind telling me?
- It's a Sun Star
Pretty sure I got it off the internet.
- Sun Star, internet.
All right, all right.
good night.
- [The Voice] You almost blew that, Andy.
- Yeah, I know.
- [The Voice] Fifth
and Alpine. Get moving.
(dramatic music)
(insects trilling)
(suspenseful music)
(electricity crackling)
(cell phone ringing)
(suspenseful music continues)
- What the fuck?
(cell phone ringing)
Oh, Jesus, phone.
Okay. Okay.
Yeah, Frank. What?
Oh, yeah.
What kinda major activity?
Okay, that's great, Frank.
But why do I need to know about that?
Yeah, correct me if I'm wrong,
but it's your job to
catch whatever criminal
is trying to rip this bank off.
You know what leads are worth?
They're worth jack shit.
Yeah, call me when you're
about to arrest someone, okay?
Yeah. Good night.
(static crackling on monitor)
(suspenseful music continues)
Oh, shit.
God, fuck.
(suspenseful music continues)
(Andy grunting)
(electricity surging)
Fuck this motherfucking thing!
(Andy groaning)
I'm so sorry, Abby.
I'm so sorry, baby.
I'm so sorry, baby.
So sorry, baby.
I'm so sorry.
So sorry, baby.
I'm so sorry, Abby.
(dramatic music)
(static crackling)
(Abby crying)
(dramatic music)
No way.
It worked.
Oh, shit, it worked.
Hello, this is Andy.
This is Andy, Abby's
father, do you hear me?
Please, I just want my
daughter back, please.
I have the money.
- [The Voice] Jesus Christ, Andy,
you really need to get a
grip and calm down buddy.
She's here, she's fine, take a listen.
(Abby crying)
- Hey, baby, it's daddy.
You're okay.
Daddy's gonna come for you right now, okay?
- [The Voice] Hey, hey,
all right, that's enough
of all that tear jerking bullshit,
I need you to follow my drop instructions,
and I need you to follow them to a T.
The address is 451 Market.
The front is completely locked and secured,
but hey, Andy, you're
gonna find a way in aren't ya?
Because I believe in you.
Just think of it as the
burden you have to bear.
Earning your daughter back,
paying for past transgressions,
for lying.
You just have to get inside
no matter what it takes.
You'll see exactly what you're looking for.
You'll drop the cash, grab her,
and get the hell outta there.
Clean slate, free man.
No more nightmares.
Any questions?
(gun blaring)
- Jesus Christ, were those gunshots?
- [The Voice] Probably,
you're not in Mayberry anymore, Andy,
so, watch your ass.
- I'm not from Mayberry.
- [The Voice] This is not a fucking joke.
Get in there, make the drop.
You're running outta time.
Let's do this, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut!
Oh, Andy, you forgot something.
- Shit.
(pensive music)
(siren blaring)
(Andy grunting)
- [The Voice] See next fall, Andy.
- How the hell am I
supposed to get in here?
- [The Voice] Well, you
better figure that out,
and figure it out soon,
'cause time is running out.
(pensive music continues)
- God, oh, come on.
(gun blaring)
Ugh, come on. Come on.
Ugh. Come on!
Come on!
- [The Voice] What the
hell is going on, Andy?
Where are you?
- Just trying to get in.
Nothing is open. It's all locked!
- [The Voice] Oh, poor little bank manager.
(The Voice whimpering)
Who can't get inside to save his daughter?
Poor, poor bank manager.
(Andy muttering and grunting)
- Goddammit!
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
Oh, here we go.
Please, please, please.
(Andy grunting)
Ooh, shit.
- [The Voice] Hurry up, Andy.
Time is of the essence.
(pensive music continues)
See that light at the end?
I want you to head towards it.
- [Andy] What, the light at the end there?
- [The Voice] No, the light in your head.
Yes, the light at the end,
keep heading towards it.
You're taking way too long, Andy.
I'm gonna have to do a countdown, 5, 4, 3.
There you go.
Right towards the tunnel.
Right towards the tunnel.
(pensive music continues)
- Daddy's coming, Abby.
Daddy's coming, baby, Daddy's coming.
Daddy's coming.
Daddy's coming, baby.
Here he is, here he is.
Here he is.
(dramatic music)
(electricity crackling)
(dramatic music)
(Abby crying)
Abby, Abby, oxen free.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(swing creaking)
(dramatic music)
(baby crying)
No, please, no, please,
just leave me alone.
Please leave me alone.
(Andy screaming)
(baby crying)
(suspenseful music)
(baby crying continues)
- [The Voice] Andy, are you there?
Andy, you there?
(dramatic music)
where's the money, Andy?
Andy, where's the money?
Andy, do you hear me?
Do you have the money, are you there?
- Yeah, I'm here.
- [The Voice] Well, don't just stand there.
Drop the money, take your baby,
and get the hell outta here.
Do you hear me?
You're done. You can go.
(pensive music)
Andy, why aren't you answering me?
(dramatic music)
If you do not come back
here and deliver the money,
you will lose your baby
forever, do you understand me?
Andy where the fuck are you going?
This is not a fucking game.
Assistant bank manager,
return to the fucking drop.
Andy, if you do not deliver the money
you will lose your baby
forever, do you hear me?
- Son of a bitch.
- [The Voice] Andy, get the
fuck back and get the money.
Andy, oh, you're playing
a vicious game here, Andy.
You think you're a tough
guy, is that what's going on?
You think you're real tough?
Andy, I swear to God,
what the fuck are you doing?
Andy, I know you're there, answer me.
You can't fucking run from this.
- Fuck.
Goddammit! Ooh!
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
- [The Voice] You're in
such deep fucking shit, Andy.
- Where is she?
I did everything you asked.
I got you the money,
I broke into the place!
I even electrocuted
myself trying to recharge
your stupid fucking, nevermind.
Where is she? Just tell me, please.
- [The Voice] She is fucking there, Andy,
and you fucking know it.
You need to go back to the drop.
You need to leave the
money, just like I said.
- No, you know what was there?
Another baby monitor.
- [The Voice] Stop playing
fucking games with me.
- You are the only one playing games.
- [Baby Monitor 2] They're lying, Andy.
(dramatic music)
Don't listen to them, it's all a bluff.
- [The Voice] Andy, are
you there? We had a deal.
Now go back in there and leave the money
or we're gonna do the fucking unthinkable.
- No, no, no, no, please.
- [The Voice] Do you hear that?
That's the sound of
your baby daughter makes
when I grab one of her little fingers
with a rusty pair of pliers.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Andy, it's not real.
They don't really have your baby, trust me.
- [The Voice] Who is that,
who are you talking to?
Answer me. Who is that?
- [Baby Monitor 2] Andy, trust me.
Just get outta the car, I will help you.
- [The Voice] That's
it, you had your chance.
You're making me
pay for this?
- Make you pay for this.
- [The Voice] Okay, we're on to number two.
We're on to number two.
You chose your future.
- It's your choice, Andy.
- [The Voice] Fucking choose.
- [Person] This is all over.
- You have my baby.
They have my baby.
You have my fucking baby!
(Abby crying)
(waves crashing)
- [Baby Monitor 2] Don't worry, Andy,
we're gonna take care
of this, it's gonna be okay.
- [Andy] This is so fucked, who are you?
- [Baby Monitor 2] You have
to trust me, I can help you.
But it starts with trust.
- I did everything they said.
No cops, nobody.
I got the money, I went
there, I broke into a place.
They said they would give her back to me.
- [Baby Monitor 2] They strung you along
and they haven't delivered, have they?
- They lied to me, but they just lied.
Lied, and they lied.
- [Baby Monitor 2] I'm
sorry about that, Andy.
But you have to move on.
You have to trust me and move on.
Or you'll never get your little Abby back.
Do you understand?
You don't have a lotta choices right now.
Time is running out, man.
Plus, what did following
all their instructions
get you anyway?
- Got me nothing.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Now I can
help you get your baby back,
but you need to follow my instructions.
Do you hear me, Andy?
- That's not my baby in there, right?
- [Baby Monitor 2] It's
programmed like the voice.
The whole thing is smoke mirrors.
They've just been playing you.
Your baby's only got so much time.
Your little angel needs you, man.
And she needs her father
to be brave and strong,
and she needs you to be that right now.
You won't be sorry, Andy, I promise.
I have really good news.
I'm officially in contact with
people who have your baby,
and I'm setting everything up.
Just be patient and this will soon be over.
- [The Voice] I want you
to know that you've made
the single greatest mistake
of your life back there, Andy.
You may think you've gotten
away, but you have not gotten-
(cell phone ringing)
- Hey, Frank.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Don't
give up, Andy, we're real close.
- Can we cut to the chase here, so?
Oh, wow.
Through the ATMs, huh.
Yeah, I would never have thought of that.
Yeah, it's pretty sneaky.
No, thanks so much for letting me know.
I'll put it in my report.
And, hey, Frank, I know this
may sound a little silly, but,
you and your boys aren't
watching me, are you?
Oh, no, forget I even said that, I'm sorry.
It's just the sleep deprivation speaking.
You know what, Frank, that's
my wife on the other line.
Yeah. Yeah.
You know, mother's job never done.
Okay. Take care.
Hey, babe.
Oh yeah, sorry, I was just asleep.
Oh, yeah, having the worst nightmare ever.
Oh, you're coming back home now.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Okay,
Andy, I got the drop details.
Are you ready?
- I gotta go, Allie. She's crying.
Yeah, I'll see you later, bye babe.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Are you ready, Andy?
- Yeah, I am ready, I was born ready.
- [Baby Monitor 2] You got a pen?
- No, I don't have a pen.
- [Baby Monitor 2] What
kind of assistant bank manager
are you?
- One without a fucking pen.
Can we just go get my
fucking baby daughter back?
- [Baby Monitor 2] It would
help if you start the car.
- Yeah, yeah, sorry. Starting.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Okay, now listen up,
you're gonna wanna get
on the freeway going north
for nine and a half miles.
I know this has been a long
and scary night for you, Andy,
but it's almost over.
We'll have you reunited with
your baby, Abby, soon enough.
Hang in there.
You're gonna be a new man after this.
And you're gonna keep going.
Past the tunnels.
It's gonna feel like forever,
all the way up into the mountains.
You're gonna exit towards the state park
and I'll guide you from there.
(insects trilling)
Hang in there, buddy.
You get to be a new man after this.
You get to be the new Andy.
New man.
New Andy.
You get to choose your destiny.
- I don't know about this place.
- [Baby Monitor 2]
People who kidnap children
don't usually hide them in well lit places
where you can get yourself a
million dollar coffee, Andy.
Let's just concentrate on the task at hand.
Getting your baby back.
The quicker we can get her,
the quicker you're on your merry way home
before your wife gets back.
- Okay. All right.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Do you see it yet, Andy?
- Do I see what?
Don't see anything.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Just wait. It's coming.
- What's coming?
I don't see anything.
- [Baby Monitor 2] You will.
(pensive music)
- I see something.
(pensive music continues)
- [Baby Monitor 2] Just
hang back until I get a signal.
- I can't believe they
just left her out here
in that thing.
- [Baby Monitor 2]
They're kidnappers, Andy,
not grandmothers.
- You're not funny.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Look,
if you don't want her back,
you can just take the money and go.
- What are you talking about?
I'm not doing that.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Good,
then stop doubting me, Andy,
I've helped you when
everybody else misled you,
I stepped up and helped you haven't I?
So just hang back until I get the signal.
- Okay.
(insects trilling)
(Andy sighing)
Now what?
- [Baby Monitor 2] Just wait.
- For what?
- [Baby Monitor 2] You need to be patient.
- I've been patient.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Andy,
you're not in control, okay?
Do not do something stupid here.
Just wait and trust me.
- You know what?
Fuck this, I'm gonna go get my daughter.
I appreciate everything you did for me,
but I am done being patient.
- [Baby Monitor 2] I'm
warning you, don't do it, Andy.
- Hey, baby.
(Abby crying)
Daddy's here, Abby.
(Abby crying continues)
(dramatic music)
(Abby crying continues)
(Andy groaning)
(Andy screaming)
(Andy groaning)
(pensive music)
- [Baby Monitor 2] I'm sorry
Andy, but did you really think
it would be that easy?
- [The Voice] You fucking idiot, Andy.
- [Baby Monitor 3] I'm sorry, Andy,
but I told you to wait and you wouldn't,
and you wouldn't listen.
- Hey, Andy.
- [The Voice] I got your baby, I have her.
- [The Voice] Lying, I actually have her
and she's fucking losing fingers!
- [Baby Monitor 2] Listen
to me, Andy, trust me.
- [The Voice] If you're gonna believe that,
you'll believe anything.
- [Baby Monitor 3] Andy,
we all have your baby, Andy.
- [The Voice] Fucking idiot, Andy.
- [Baby Monitor 4] Fucking idiot, Andy.
(dramatic music)
- You're all coming with me.
(dramatic music continues)
(Andy grunting and groaning)
Andy you're a good goddamn,
fucking bank manager!
Fuck it.
Take your fucking baby monitor.
How do you like that?
Fucking baby monitor.
Who am I even hearing?
How do you like that?
(dramatic music continues)
Goddamn fucking baby monitor.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
(pensive music)
I'm so sorry, baby.
I'm so sorry, Abby.
Daddy's so sorry.
- [The Voice] Yeah, those feelings of guilt
you're feeling, Andy,
be honest with yourself,
this is all your fault.
If it weren't for you, your
baby would be at home.
Your wife would be happy,
and you wouldn't be about to lose your job
and spend the next 15
years in a white collar prison.
It's all on you.
It's too late.
Too late.
(dramatic music)
(footsteps thudding)
(officer whistling)
(dramatic music continues)
(knocking on window)
- [Officer] Hey, sir. Mind
rolling down that window again?
Sir, could you
- Yeah, just.
- roll down the window please.
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
(officer chuckling)
Keep doing that tonight, don't I?
- Can I help you, sir?
- Yeah, you can.
You mind telling me what's the deal
with all these monitors all
over your passenger side?
- [Baby Monitor 3] Yeah, why don't you
fucking tell him, Andy?
- [The Voice] Trust
me, I'd keep it to myself.
- [Baby Monitor 2] No, no,
tell him the whole thing.
- [Baby Monitor 5] Yeah.
Don't leave out any of the details.
- [Baby Monitor 3] The
details are good, especially.
- [The Voice] The incriminating ones.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Tell him, Andy.
- [Baby Monitor 5] You can do it.
- [Baby Monitor 3] I'm happy to help.
- [Baby Monitor 2] Let Andy do it.
(dramatic music)
- [Officer And Monitors]
I'm real sorry, Andy.
You were just too easy.
(officer chuckling)
The fucking jig is up.
Look his fucking face, I
can't fucking believe it.
What stupid person you could possibly be?
Couldn't figure it out.
(dramatic music)
- No more games, hand
over the bag and the money
and I'll be on my way.
(dramatic music)
There you go.
(Andy grunting)
- [Andy] Please, please
tell me she's alive.
Answer me!
We had a deal!
We had a deal, goddammit!
- Stop trying to be tough, Andy McNeary,
it doesn't suit you.
Someone will be along soon enough.
(cell phone ringing)
Oh, look, you're getting a phone call.
Let's see who that is.
Frank from Cyber Fraud.
Would you like me to answer it?
Maybe the two of you can have
an old fashioned confessional.
(officer crying)
I'm Andy, the bank manager,
I stole all this money.
Nice doing business with ya.
- No, wait.
Please, I can get more money from the ATMs.
You know I can do that.
I'll get more money from the ATMs, please.
- Good luck.
(Abby crying)
- You can't take my car, please.
Please, come back, I need
to get back to my daughter.
(dramatic music)
(Andy gasping)
What the fuck?
(Abby crying)
Oh shit.
(dramatic music)
- Oh, hey Andy.
Fancy meeting you here.
- Abby?
- Oh, yeah, she's not here.
What can I say?
We gave you chance,
after chance, after chance.
And you just, you blew it.
You have no one to
blame but yourself, Andy.
(Andy grunting)
- Where's my daughter?
Where is she?
- What are you doing, Andy?
- Please fucking tell me!
You tell me right now, you motherfucker!
Where is she?
Why are you laughing at me?
Please tell me.
(officer laughing)
(dramatic music)
(Andy yelling)
You give her back.
You give her back to me now!
- Poor Andy. People love the drama.
- Did everything you
asked, just give her back!
- Without me, you're nothing.
(Andy yelling)
(dramatic music)
(electricity crackling)
- Whoa.
(Abby crying)
What the fuck?
Oh shit.
(dramatic music)
- Andy.
- Hey.
- Where the hell have you been?
- What?
- Where were you?
I just got home and Abby was crying.
- I was... (Abby crying continues)
- What happened to your arms?
(pensive music)
You okay, Andy?
(bell chiming)
(pensive music)
- Wonder where everyone is?
- Probably all out
catching criminals like you.
I want you to know that I was serious.
I really think that we
should consider divorce.
(pensive music continues)
I can't have someone around
who endangers my daughter
and me.
- I don't think there's much danger
of me being around anymore anyway, so.
- Are you trying to get
me to feel sorry for you?
- I was just trying to provide.
- Shut up, Andy.
- McNeary.
(pensive music continues)
(pensive music)
(pensive music continues)
How many do you have?
(Abby crying)
(dramatic music)
(Abby crying)
You've been a very, very, bad boy, Andy.
- Please.
(Andy screaming)
(dramatic music continues)
- I'll put the monitor right there.
- How's it working out?
The baby monitor.
- Hello, my name is Andy
McNeary, I was just promoted
to junior vice president.
Hey, Andy McNeary
here, junior vice president.
- [Person] Vice president.
- [Person 2] Vice president.
(pensive music)
(Andy breathing heavily)
(soft music)
(Abby crying)
- Abby.
Abby. Got you, shit.
Oh, thank God.
Daddy's here.
I'm here for you.
Come here, baby.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, thank God.
Oh, baby.
Daddy's here.
Daddy's here.
Oh, God.
Oh, thank God.
There, there, shh, shh, shh, shh.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
Daddy's here, baby.
Daddy's here.
He's here, Abby, it's okay.
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, baby.
(soft music continues)
I'll try.
I'll try, I swear.
Oh, God.
(soft music continues)
Sweet dreams little Abby.
(soft music continues)
(pensive music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(Andy sighing)
- Is she okay?
- Yeah she's,
she's fine.
- [Allie] Go to sleep, Andy.
- I will.
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(Abby crying)
(pensive music)
- [Baby Monitor 3]
Sweet dreams little Andy.
(electricity crackling)
- [Baby] Mommy.
- Oh, my God, oh, Jesus Christ.
Oh God, oh, oh God.
(energy surging)
(computer chiming)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)