Living & Dying (2007) Movie Script

Everybody down
on the floor!
Come on!
Get down!
Get down!
Everybody down
on the floor now!
Down on the ground.
Now now now now!
Get the fuck down!
Get down--
- down on the floor.
- Please, don't move-- stay down!
- Get down.
- Get down.
- You, where's your manager?
- l don't know.
Huh? Where's your
fucking manager?
Over there--
over there.
Come with me.
You, get up off the floor.
Get off the floor now!
Please don't kill us.
Well then, do what l tell you
and open the fucking safe.
- What?
- Hurry.
- Stay!
- Open the goddamn door.
- 25 seconds!
- Get down on the floor.
Get down!
We gotta hurry!
One minute!
That's it.
Duca won't let you
get away with this.
Did anyone say
you could talk?
Don't-- don't hit him,
Ah! Ha!
- Okay, honey, we got to go.
- Gotta get some more.
let's get the fuck out of here!
Let's go, let's go.
Come on, let's move it!
Let's go!
Cops'll be here any minute,
so stay on the fucking floor!
Come on, let's go!
Oh, shit!
Fuck, man, take it easy.
Just-- just drive away.
- All right?
- Sam! We did it.
We pulled it off.
- Fuck!
- Turn your engine off...
- They're not supposed to be here yet.
- Just reverse it.
- Put your weapons down...
- Shit!
- ...and get out of the van!
- Damn it.
- Oh shit.
- Somebody fucked us!
Get the fuck
out of the van!
Get out of the van now.
Head for the cafe.
No, Nadia!
Get her in there!
What's going on
out there?
Put the phone down.
Put the phone down!
- Take all the money.
- Put the phone down now!
Sam, Nadia's dying here.
- Maybe we should call the para--
- Just stay fucking quiet!
Bill, go check and see if
there's anyone back there.
You! You go
sit down over there.
Everybody, sit down.
Do you have
a first-aid kit?
- ln the back.
- All right.
You're coming with me,
come on.
Hey hey hey!
Sit down. Get down
over there now.
ls there another way
out of here?
Maybe the back door,
but it stays bolted.
All right, come on.
Sit down.
Jesus, Sam, there are
cops everywhere.
They had to know we
were gonna be there!
Dude, what are you doing?
Get away from the window.
Watch them.
Oh no.
Please, Sam!
Sam, don't let me die.
- l'm working on it.
- l don't want to die.
Everybody look alive.
l don't want them sneaking out the back
door or the window, understand?
- Yes, sir.
- Knock it out.
Right, sir.
McCrea, are you
in charge here?
Yeah, right now
we're trying to secure the perimeter.
- So what do we know?
- We got three robbers inside,
fourth one dead
in the street there.
l didn't want to move
him till you got here.
- They said anything yet?
- No, it all happened way too fast.
- All of them armed?
- Oh yeah, we wounded one of them.
Might be dead,
l don't know for sure.
All right, give me
a sniper on that roof.
Oh no!
Jesus, l don't know what
this shit is!
Uh, mister?
l'm sorry-- l-l-l-l,
l went to nursing school.
l can help her, maybe.
lt hurts.
lt hurts!
Mary Jane...
Okay, how-- how many
times were you shot?
Okay, l'm gonna lift up
your shirt, okay?
This is Detective
Rick Devlin.
We have the area
We want you
to come out unarmed,
so no one else
gets hurt.
What do we do?
Um... nothing.
Oh no!
We need to talk
with you,
make sure
no one else is hurt.
What do we do, Sam?!
Oh no!
Listen, maybe we
should talk with him.
lt hurts.
Sam, what the fuck
do we do?
Fuck, Bill,
l don't know!
- Ah.
- Here we go.
lt's okay.
Give me a direct line
of communication
inside that building.
Yang, cover
the back door.
Tables are turning
on this little shindig.
Money in the bags...
- where's it from, hmm?
- Duca's.
What, do you think
you're some sort of bank robber, huh?
One of them
Western outlaws--
All right, we're getting
the sharpshooter in position.
ls there anything more
you know about him?
They hit Duca's
payroll office,
and we cornered them
in the cafe over there. That's it.
Where do you want to set up
the command post?
ln there.
- Anyone called Duca yet?
- No,
l've been trying
to avoid the asshole.
Hey, what do you want
to do with them?
Leave 'em.
And you?
Your coffee
tastes like shit.
Get in there and make
some new coffee.
lt's gonna be
a long day.
Hey, l'm talking
to you.
Look, why don't you let me
make the coffee, okay?
- l said now.
- He can't hear you.
No, my God!
Oh my God! Oh my God!
Fred... Fred!
He's deaf.
He couldn't hear you.
Well, that's his
fucking problem.
ls anybody else gonna
have a problem doing what l say?
You make some coffee.
You two, in there.
Can you help me?
Move them in the back.
Hodges, how long
until we're ready?
Five minutes.
Just tying in these phones.
What about the guy
out on the street?
Go ahead
and pull him out.
Yeah, and get their
van out of the way.
Go ahead and call Duca.
Make sure he knows what's happened.
l'm just doing
my job.
lt's gonna
cause trouble.
Wouldn't be a nice
day without it.
All right, let's see
what they have to say.
My name is Detective Pulliam
and this is Detective Devlin.
We need to talk
with all of you.
Were-- were you able
to recover the money?
Not yet, sir.
Was anyone able to get
a good look at them?
Do you think we'll get
all the money back?
Right now we're not too concerned
with the money, sir.
We need to make sure all those people
across the street stay okay.
- But-but Mr. Duca will want--
- l don't care what Duca wants.
What l'd like each
one of you to do
is tell us exactly
what happened.
How much you
figure is in here?
$500,000, easy.
We had it all timed out,
it should have worked.
l want...
l don't want to die.
We're gonna get you fixed up. The bullet
didn't go all the way through,
so l'm gonna
get it out, okay?
- l don't wanna die!
- Hold her still, hold her still.
l don't want to die.
- Stop stop...
- l want to see Gabrielle.
Ah ah ah!
Nadia! Nadia.
She's okay.
She's okay.
- She's just unconscious.
- She's fine?
Okay, l need to open
her airways.
Are you gonna
answer it?
- Gonna answer it--?
- l'm thinking!
Come on, cowboy.
You're doing the talking.
All right,
here's the deal:
you keep it brief,
and you don't say
anything about us.
- You hear me?
- Yeah.
This is
Detective Rick Devlin.
l'm calling
from across the street.
Who am l speaking with?
lt's Sam.
All right.
Are you in charge?
l guess you
could say that.
We heard gunfire.
Are the hostages
For the moment.
Sam, can your
partners hear me?
Yeah, they can
hear you.
Okay. So what
do you want?
look, we weren't
planning on this.
We need some time
to think.
Some time?
Well, Sam, l can
give you some time
if you send some
of the hostages out.
A sign of good faith.
Show me you have
good intentions and l'll do the same.
Are you there, Sam?
Just call back
in half an hour.
What the fuck are you doing?
Why'd you hang up on him?
l didn't know
what to do.
l mean,
they want hostages.
- You want to give 'em hostages?
- Fuck no!
l can't let any
of 'em go yet.
Well, they want
some of these people.
Why don't you just shut the fuck up
and get out of here?
So do we have a plan?
Hey, is that
coffee ready?
Yeah, it's ready.
Well, go on,
start pouring some coffee.
Hey, who wants coffee?
- Karl?
- Who wants-- you want coffee?
- Karl...
- Coffee?
- Karl!
- Somebody's got to want coffee.
- Karl.
- What?!
Do we have a plan?
Yeah, l got a plan.
Get the fuck out there.
ls she gonna make it?
She'll be okay.
l don't get you,
Mary Jane--
helping her.
We wouldn't be in this mess
if it wasn't for them.
l can't just let her
lie here and die.
l'm sorry.
How you doing, Jenny?
l wanna go home.
l know, sweetie.
And we will. We're gonna
go home soon, l promise.
Yeah, l wouldn't be
too sure about that one.
What do you mean?
Do you know who
these guys are?
No, l never
saw 'em before.
Karl Schroeder
and Max Reichman.
They call themselves
the ''Blood Brothers.''
They're into everything--
drugs, murder,
human trafficking.
l mean, they pretty much
do anything.
l used to work
for Karl's brother.
l only met them once.
But l mean,
some pretty mean
That's enough.
You'll scare the girl.
No, he's not.
Mom says you can trust
a man by his eyes.
He's a good man.
You can see it.
He'll stop them.
Shh shh shh.
l saved something
for you.
You got
to lie down, okay?
Come on, lie back down,
Lie down.
- Lascar.
- Hey.
- Catherine.
- Hey.
Thanks for getting
here so quick.
What do you want me
working on?
l want you to look
at a surveillance video,
find out
what they took.
Where can l set up?
- Back there.
- Okay.
Uh, Rick?
Rick, sorry to interrupt.
You know Captain Burleson.
l believe you know Duca.
- Good to see you again.
- Captain.
We got things
under control.
lt looks like it.
News is around the corner
acting like a pack
of hungry wolves.
They want to know
what's happening.
But first, l'd like
to know what's happening.
Right now, l don't think
you should be involved, Mr. Duca.
- lf you'll take a seat--
- Honey, l'm not going anywhere
until l know l have
my money back.
And you all know l have
a lot of powerful friends.
We're aware of that, Mr. Duca, but for
now, why don't you go park it?
For now he stays.
Keep him involved
just like the rest
of us. Got it?
So have they made
any demands?
Nothing yet.
They're scared.
They're trying to
decide what to do.
What do you
have in mind?
Bring a tactical team
together to hit the cafe.
ln the storeroom
there's a trapdoor
that leads
to a drainage pipe.
We're placing two men
in position right there.
Those pipes haven't
been used in years.
l'm gonna send two men up the pipe
while we hit the front with tear gas.
They'll never see our guys
coming from the back.
l'm against
this plan entirely.
- lt's not your call.
- But it is mine. You can't do it.
But it's the best option.
lt'll work!
l know it'll work,
but you can't do it.
The ATF is sending
in a hostage negotiator.
The ATF?
They don't have
jurisdiction on this.
Yeah, we got everything
under control.
There's a dead man in the street
, and gunshots from inside.
Sounds like some control.
Captain, they have
no right.
The ATF are trained in this type
of negotiation.
They requested that one of their agents
be sent in to deal with it.
Oh, but this is crazy.
l mean, we're trained
for hostage negotiations.
Yeah, right.
Why did they request
an agent come up here?
What are you
not telling us?
One of the robbers is
an undercover agent.
Why aren't they calling?
They're planning.
Just give 'em a few minutes,
they'll call back.
- Huh-uh.
- No thing.
l just wanted to see
if you guys had a plan.
l got a plan.
Sure you're not making
it up as you go?
l had a plan the moment
you three walked in the door.
So why don't you just
shut the fuck up and go sit down?
Dude, you don't
remember me, do you?
Come on, man.
l used to run with
your brother down south?
Yeah, that's right,
he was picked up for arms dealing.
No, actually, it was narcotics.
That's what l heard.
He was working
for Octavian.
That's right.
lt was Octavian.
The son of a bitch
set him up too.
What'd you do
for him?
lf somebody didn't pay on time,
l'd park a car in their living room.
That was you?
- Shit, l remember that.
- Yeah yeah yeah,
and l also remember he
kicked your ass to the wind,
ain't that right?
That's right.
What do you want me
to tell 'em?
All right, you want
your van back...
...and a six-seater plane,
gassed up and ready to go.
lt's Detective...
just call me Rick.
How are things
going in there?
Pretty good
at the moment.
Good good.
Have you thought about
how to handle this?
we're gonna want
the van back and fueled,
and we want a six-seater plane waiting
for us at the airport.
A plane?
Sounds like you're
planning on running.
Yeah, you could
say that.
That's a bad idea, Sam.
Maybe l should be
discussing this with your partners?
Listen, l'm gonna do
all the talking for now.
How many others
are in there, Sam?
What about the van
and the plane?
Well, the plane's
a tall order to fill.
So l'm gonna need
something from you in exchange.
You need
something from me?
l'm gonna need
some hostages, Sam.
Just hold on
for a second, okay?
Can you hear what
they're saying?
He's talking to someone.
- Are you there?
- Yeah.
Sorry, man, no deal. No hostages
until we have everything, okay?
l can't do that, Sam.
l need to have
some hostages.
At least send
the women out.
Show me you're serious about doing
this peacefully.
Fuck-- what the fuck, man?
- l said l can't.
- You've got to.
Sam, we're gonna turn
the power off in there
and it's gonna get
awfully hot, okay?
So l'll tell you what,
give me some hostages
and l will leave
the AC on.
l don't know
what to do.
Fuck it, l'll check.
What the fuck you
mean you'll check?
You're in charge, asshole.
Look, you fuck up
like that again,
l'm gonna put another
bullet in your girlfriend.
You hear me?
Now what did
they say?
They said that they want
to turn the power off
and they want a hostage
as a sign of good faith
and they'll give you
what you want.
- Oh really?
- Yeah.
What, they're
in charge now, huh?
They making the rules?
Fuck that.
What's your name,
old man?
Well, Harold,
looks like
you're going home.
No no no,
take somebody else.
Let the girl go.
Don't hurt him!
Get away from my baby.
Shut the fuck up.
All right,
l'll go, l'll go.
Just don't hurt him.
Lay off! l'll go.
You got a real smart
little girl here.
Leave her alone.
Come on, old man.
lt's about time l talked
to those cops.
Max, give me
that mask and jacket.
Rick, they're ready.
We should be waiting
for the ATF to get here.
We're getting
people out, Mr. Duca.
That's what he'll
be doing also.
There are a dozen cops
out there with guns.
l'll be fine.
Get those cops away from the door!
No cops on us!
Fall back.
Fall back.
Bishop! Fall back.
No shooting!
No shooting, you understand?
They're coming out.
Give the word,
l can get a clean shot.
We got two more inside.
Any shooting, they start
executing hostages, you understand me?
l understand.
We don't want anyone
else getting hurt.
Well, that's right
honorable of you.
l've got a clean shot.
- Just give the order.
- Stay ready, do not fire.
How many folks you
got in there?
Hey, l'm doing the talking
right now, so you just shut the fuck up.
You tell that sniper
to raise his rifle.
l don't want
no rifles on me.
Don't do it, Rick.
Don't let him control
the situation.
l can take him down
right now.
Sniper, stand down.
Raise your rifle.
Sniper, raise your rifle.
Stand down.
And these pigs!
Tell them to put their guns down!
That's as far
as it goes.
You a tough guy, huh?
Just keeping
the field even.
Oh, keeping
the field even, huh?
l like that, yeah,
keeping the field even.
l got seven hostages
keeping the field even, asshole!
l'm not following you.
You don't make
the rules anymore, man!
You cut the power,
l start killing 'em.
You send in tear gas,
l start popping 'em.
You try any fucking thing, l start
blowing their goddamn brains out.
lt's real simple
to understand.
- Look, we can work this--
- Fuck you!
Where's the plane
and where's the van?
We're working on it.
The plane, that is.
We're trying to get you a plane.
You got till sundown,
l don't get what
l want by sundown,
l'm gonna start killing...
one an hour.
- You understand me?
- Yes, l understand.
l don't think
l believe you, man.
Do you know what
l will do to these people?
Yes, l understand.
All right,
back up.
What about
this hostage?
Come on.
Give him to me
as a sign of good faith.
lt goes a long way.
- Hold your fire!
- Shoot him!
- Hold your fire!
- Shoot that son of a bitch!
Somebody get that radio
away from--
- Shoot him, shoot him! God damn it!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Shut up!
- God damn!
- You showed 'em.
Fuckin' pansy.
Don't be showing me what to do.
l'll tell them what to do.
Fuck them!
- l think they got the message.
- You think?
That guy-- that guy's chest--
Hey. Hey!
You didn't need
to fuckin' shoot him.
What'd you say?
You didn't have
to fucking shoot him.
Oh see, yeah--
yeah, l did.
'Cause see,
l can't let nobody
know our little
secret here.
Can l?
At least not yet.
You could have just
brought him back in.
No, l had to make him
the lesson!
You fuckin' bastard.
Just let me fuckin'
shoot her, Karl.
- Let me do it, man!
- l'm sick and tired
of your fucking mouth.
The next time you mouth off to me,
l will let him shoot you.
l swear to God.
Hey, l bet we're
on the news.
Hey, go turn on
that TV, come on.
Come on, come on!
Get over there.
Channel 3 News
has confirmed that
the hostage crisis
at the Desert Wind Cafe...
l don't like this.
Duca's gonna turn this
into a media frenzy.
They're gonna turn this
around on us, you know?
They always do.
You okay?
l shouldn't have
trusted him.
Hey Rick, don't make
that your fault.
You did a great job.
The guy's a psycho.
lt would have ended
badly no matter what.
Yeah well, he's running
the show now.
Hi, Ann Nobel,
lnternational News.
Sir? We heard gunfire.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very
serious situation occurring.
l need to make
my statements brief,
and then l'll hand it
over to Mr. Duca
and he'll speak
for a while.
- Mr. Duca--
- At 9:00 a.m. this morning,
four armed suspects entered
the payroll offices
of Duca Enterprises.
They're considered
extremely dangerous,
and have stolen an undetermined
amount of money.
- Sir? We heard gunfire--
- Ladies and gentlemen,
as Duca Enterprises is
the town's largest employer,
we are keeping Mr. Duca involved through
every step of this process.
ln the meantime,
Mr. Duca.
Mr. Duca, what do you say
about your hostages?
Well, the ATF guy is here.
He's waiting for you
in the command center.
- Thanks.
- You're gonna love this guy.
You'll see.
He's a fuckin'
piece of work.
You must be Devlin.
Agent Lind.
You got here fast.
Well, l would have
been here a lot sooner
but l was working
on another situation up north.
This is
Detective Pulliam.
Tough break about
that hostage,
but, uh,
shit happens, l guess.
l'm here to straighten
everything out.
What are your plans?
Well, l'm gonna get
a conversation going.
l've got an officer
on the inside.
l'll try to get him
on the phone.
You mind telling us how
your officer got in there?
Oh, thank you.
we've been tracking this little group
for about a year now.
They've been peddling guns and drugs
to a couple of different outfits
and we heard about
their plans for the robbery,
but it wasn't supposed to be
till the end of the month.
We were gonna have
officers on the inside, but...
l don't know.
Something went wrong.
didn't work out.
Well, maybe
your guy turned?
l'm assuming command
of this whole thing here.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
Assuming command? We were told you
were coming in to negotiate this.
Well, l guess you
heard wrong, honey,
'cause, like l said,
l've got an officer
on the inside,
and that gives me all
the authority that l need
to take over
this little rodeo.
the man has
nice boots.
For those of you
just joining us,
three unnamed assailants
have taken the patrons
of the Desert Wind
Cafe hostage
following the morning robbery
of Duca Enterprises payroll...
Why'd you do this?
For her.
My ex is an abusive prick.
When l left him,
he took custody
of my daughter,
and, um, took her
to France
and wouldn't even
let me talk to her.
What does stealing money
have to do with your ex?
My first priority is
my daughter Gabrielle.
l need the money
to get her back.
Yeah well, l don't think that's gonna
be happening now.
- Why?
- What?
Why'd you lose your daughter
in the first place?
He had lots of connections
and lots of money.
lt really wasn't that hard for him
to take Gabrielle away from us.
No, the government doesn't
let you just take a child
and move them
to another country
without permission
from both parents.
They do when you
have money.
This is Agent Lind
with the ATF.
Am l speaking
with Sam?
Where the fuck
is Rick?
l'm taking over
dealing with your...
we just need
to talk--
l don't want to talk to you, man.
l wanna talk to Rick.
Well, it's all me
from now on, pal.
And you're not gonna have to deal
with the locals anymore.
All right, man.
Go ahead, fucking talk.
How many hostages
do you have?
l can't tell you
that, man.
You better
tell me something.
Because if we're gonna
make this work,
we need to establish
a mutual trust.
You give me something,
l give you something.
That's the way
it's gonna work.
You are barking up
the wrong tree.
You saw what
happened last time.
Do you want anyone
else getting hurt?
- 'Cause we don't.
- No no, we don't.
Well, then l fucking suggest you get
the van and the plane together
so we can all fucking
get this over with.
There ain't gonna
be any van,
and there ain't
gonna be any plane
until you give up
some hostages,
or what you stoled.
What's it gonna be?
Are you
a fucking idiot?
Do you want more
people to die?
Give me the fucking phone!
Let me explain something:
lf you keep up
with this shit,
l'm gonna start
executing some hostages.
Sam, is this you?
Hello? Hello?
- God damn it!
- What?
Those sons of bitches!
Hello-- get 'em back
on the line.
Get 'em on the line.
l don't think even Jesus
can plug that many holes.
Well, let's see if they're
ready to play nice.
Christ in Heaven
- Hello?
- Hey, you listening now?
How many people
were hurt?
That don't matter.
Now are you ready to stop
making demands?
l tell you what
l need to make this work.
You really want
to see people die, don't you?
l need
to come in, okay?
l just need
to walk in.
l just want to take
a look, that's all.
l just want to walk in,
take a look
and just talk to you.
l'm not even armed, okay?
lt's never
gonna happen.
l just want to take
a look, that's all.
l am coming to you live
from the Duca Enterprises
payroll office,
as four armed suspects
held it up this morning.
Hey, are you watching
Channel 3?
Should l be?
All right.
...executed in front
of the cafe by a robber
as the police watched.
That reporter--
she can come in
with the camera.
- l know she's not a cop.
- ...and the other three...
You like her, huh?
Guess what?
l ain't gonna send
a reporter in there.
Well, she comes in,
or no one come in.
That's the rule.
Get that reporter
in here.
Go get her.
- What, do you got shit in your ear?
- l heard him!
- Move!
- Hey, l mean, you can't be serious?
You can't even
be thinking that!
Oh, l am thinking that.
l'm thinking
a mile a minute.
And you better
hush yourself up
'cause l know a lot more
about this than you do--
lf he calls me honey one more time,
l'm gonna shoot him myself.
l know.
The guy's an asshole.
Just focus on what
we got to do, all right?
Think about those people
across the street.
Come on,
let's get to work.
You sure you're
okay with this?
This is a chance of a lifetime.
l'll get a promotion
for this.
Yeah, but it's
l know the risks.
Nothing dangerous
is gonna happen
as long as you don't
do something stupid.
You know what
to do, ma'am.
l'll make sure to get as many of them
on the camera as possible.
As soon as l know
everything is fine,
l head back out.
We'll be watching you
from the command center.
You walk in, you turn around,
you walk out. Got it?
Let's do it.
She's outside,
she's ready to come in.
She's unarmed.
She's too pretty
to kill.
All right, listen, l'm gonna have
to pat you down, okay?
l don't like this being
broadcast live.
Me neither.
Jesus Christ,
this is how it works:
you can look around
and you can see that everybody's okay,
but you keep the camera
on my face, okay?
- You understand?
- Yeah.
All right, follow me.
Well, there's four
hostages visible.
Why keep the camera
on his face?
lt's staged. They don't want the camera
to see something.
There's one suspect,
and another hostage.
Where'd that second
camera come from?
lt's a micro-camera.
lt's a cell-phone camera.
- lt's a backup.
- Oh, you idiot.
- Hey!
- Hey, why don't you go shopping?
- Sorry, no questions.
- No, just a couple of questions.
What the hell
is she doing?
ls there something you
want to say to the people?
Why are you
doing this?
Look, you can
get your view...
What's going on?
Why not let
the hostages go?
What is this shit?
- Nothing.
- This is a camera.
- No no--
- You brought a second fucking camera!
- Damn it!
- No--!
You'd better do something.
All right.
Shut it down.
Shut the whole damn thing down.
Cut off the main
camera transmission.
l want a direct
line only.
Alpha unit, are you
in position down in the pipe?
- Alpha unit's ready.
- Stand down, Officer!
Catherine, get the outside team
l told you to stand down.
You stop right there!
Hey, we're on again!
No, please!
- Come on!
- Please!
l'm begging you, no!
No! Ah!
No, please, no!
- No!
- Come here.
You want to watch something?
Huh? You want to see something?
Ah, no!
l'm begging you--!
Shut up!
Shut the fuck up!
Shut up, shut up.
You like being
on camera, huh?
- No no no no no no no no.
- You like it?
No! No!
Don't fight me!
Do not fucking fight me!
- You hear me?
- No!
- No no!
- Yeah? Yeah?
No no, please...
Stand the fuck up,
stand up!
- Turn around!
- Ah!
No! No! No!
- Now get up...!
- Jesus.
Alpha unit,
on my mark, you go in.
- l repeat--
- Hey.
l thought l told you
to stand down, didn't l?
He's raping her.
There's already one dead person
because of you.
l don't need
anybody else executed
from some half-baked
Devlin, he's right.
lt won't work.
They'll kill everyone.
We still don't know what's
happening in the main room.
Say it, say it.
God damn it,
say it.
All units, stand down.
l repeat,
all units stand down.
- Alpha unit coming out.
- Thank you.
l want to know which one
of them is your officer.
Come here!
Stop it. l'll blow
your fucking head off!
Just take it,
take it.
No! No!
- No... no, please.
- Fuck!
No, please God!
No, please,
l'm begging you!
- You wanna sit?
- No!
No! No!
Shut up!
Take it!
All right,
back to the tables.
Let's go.
Ah... come on,
come on.
- Can l go check on her?
- No.
She stays alone.
That was quick.
l worked up
an appetite.
l'll bet, yeah.
A little hungry.
Piece of shit.
What'd you say?
That's what l thought.
Why don't you go in the kitchen and cook
us up some food, all right?
Something nice.
- Mm, steaks sound good.
- Yeah?
Come on, let's go,
let's go.
You, go help her.
l'm not leaving
my daughter.
Shut up!
Yeah, you are.
l've been trying.
They're just
not answering.
Give 'em some time.
Let's go see
what's going on.
So now what?
the van is
on its way back.
But we need
to buy some time.
So l don't want
to give it to them
until the deadline.
l can't do this
by myself.
l need some help.
l need two men.
For what?
l'd like to send them
into the sewer tunnel
underneath the building,
have them run a camera
up through that trapdoor in the back.
Then we can see what
the hell is going on inside--
Whoa whoa whoa, we don't even know if
there's anyone in that room.
Why don't you use
the air conditioning?
There's air conditioning
ducts that run
between the cafe
and the upstairs apartments.
Snake it through the vent
and into the dining room.
ls that doable?
Yeah, that'll work.
What do you say?
Let's do it.
With Channel 3's
Ann Nobel now being
held as hostage,
police officials continue...
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Hey, Max, l'm on TV.
Yeah yeah yeah.
Hey, you got any
chips back there?
All right, how are we
gonna get out of this?
We're working on it.
l don't think you should
do anything else.
We have an idea.
does your mom have
a cell phone in her purse?
We need to get it.
Hey! What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Um, l was...
looking for some gum.
Did you get it?
So now what?
Now we find a way
to make a call outside.
We need to get Karl's
attention somewhere else,
so Sam can
make phone call.
Okay, l-l--
l'll talk to him.
Can you talk to him
out of this room?
Um, excuse me?
l need to use
the restroom.
l really
need to pee.
All right.
But l watch.
l don't want you
going anywhere.
You're gonna take
care of her, right?
Fuck, hurry hurry.
Rick, they just patched
this call through from 911,
from across the street.
This is Devlin.
- Hey, it's Sam.
- Sam, what--?
Listen, l just
want to tell you
we're not holding
anybody hostage.
Two guys came in here
and took over this morning.
Their names are Karl Schroeder
and Max Reichman.
Look them up,
you'll find their warrants.
These guys are insane. l just want
to tell you that it's not us.
All right, Sam,
l hear you.
But how do l know
l can trust you?
What the fuck
am l supposed to do?
Walk out
the goddamn door?
They're fucking killing
people in here--
this was not
supposed to happen.
All right, but we're gonna
need to work together, okay?
What do you
want me to do?
Your partner Bill,
he's a cop.
A cop?
l don't have time
to explain.
Bill should have
a backup gun.
Tell him you know
who he is
- and to use it.
- Bill's dead. Max killed him.
- What are you doing?
- l'm just checking her wound.
Let me see.
- Mm, that looks painful.
- Yes.
Don't you dare do that
to me again.
Ah! God!
Hey, food's ready.
You're lucky
l'm hungry, bitch.
Should we tell Lind
his guy is dead?
- No.
- lt might get him to leave.
l don't want
anyone to know.
- Well, can you trust this guy?
- Guys?
You might want
to see this.
- Okay.
- What do you have?
This is the surveillance
footage from the vault.
l've been watching it to get some idea
of who the suspects are.
And l found something
that just doesn't make any sense.
Take a look at this.
Okay, so what's
the point?
Well, the point is this:
These are the
vault ledgers.
They keep records of
the money and locations.
Now if you scroll down here,
this is all the money
on the first shelf.
Each amount is
recorded here.
Now down here,
here's supposed to be
the money she took.
According to the
morning's records,
there is not supposed
to be any money there.
So it's a screw-up.
Look at the money
they are taking.
lf it's a screw-up,
it's a very
expensive one.
Let's get the manager
back in here,
find out what's
going on.
l'm sorry for all the trouble
l brought you into.
How long has it been
since you've seen her?
Over a year.
l miss her so much.
Her father wouldn't even
tell me if she's okay...
That's not right,
you know.
A father taking a child that
far away from her mother.
l don't care how much
money he has.
l-- l don't know why
you're talking like this.
l'm not-- l'm not
justifying what they've done.
No, l would hope not.
She's a criminal.
There's probably a very good reason
why her daughter's gone.
- Alice.
- What?
lt's okay, it's okay.
You don't know anything
about me, that's right.
You look like somebody
who's been comfortable most of her life.
You chose crime,
while the rest of us
are out there working for our money.
You'd endanger the life
of your own child.
l would never--
l would never hurt Gabrielle.
l was a very good mother.
Well, good mothers
aren't thieves.
Okay, all right. Alice, how long have
we known each other, huh?
lf something happened to Jenny,
you would go to the ends of the earth
to get her back.
This is a mother who has
a daughter that needs her,
just like you, honey.
l don't like
what l've done.
But l've done it.
l've learned my lesson.
And you're gonna get
your daughter back.
l know it.
Thank you, you've been
so kind to me.
Sorry for getting you
into this.
Well, l can't blame you two for what
they're doing, right?
What is that?
lt ain't fucking
Santa Claus.
Hey fuck!
- Get me the asshole.
- Uh, hold on.
Rick, they're on
the phone!
- This is Devlin.
- Who the fuck is on the roof?
The roof?
- Think they're gone?
- Sam?
- Way they're running around up there?
- We need to get Bill's gun.
l know.
What the hell
is going on?
- Are those my men up there?
- They're running the camera.
- Shit. McCrea, what unit?
- Echo team, and Foster's down.
They shot right through
the fucking ceiling.
l need a medic!
South side!
- l'm on it.
- Are you happy?
Not yet, l'm not. We're gonna get every
single one of them.
- Where's the van?
- lt's not coming.
Not coming? Captain, what the fuck
is he talking about?
Detective-- uh, we just figured that
it's easier to keep 'em contained here.
Now we're gonna bring
the teams in through the front door,
and through
the sewer duct.
- That was my plan all along!
- lt's a good plan.
Minimum casualties!
lt's our best option.
Best option? Maybe hours ago.
Now they'll be waiting for us.
They're gonna execute
those people.
Like l said,
it's the best plan!
Leave it up to us!
We know exactly what we're doing.
Yeah? ls this how
you guys handled Waco?
Hey hey hey, what are you looking at?
Do something!
Hey, Detective, deal with it
or l'll relieve you.
Good. Now Duca and l,
we're gonna go talk to the press.
Lind, you coming?
What do you want me
to do with the manager?
have someone take him
down to the station.
Um, for now, keep quiet
about the money, okay?
After what l just heard,
you know it.
Lascar, don't let Duca
see him here.
l can't believe
this shit.
Excuse me?
That reporter in the back, can l please
bring her some of your food?
Hey, what are
you doing?
- l'm gonna get that gun.
- Mary Jane, no.
Please, just something
to drink? Just some water?
All right.
Bring her some food.
- Thank you.
- Come on, come on.
You're scaring her.
Can l have just a minute alone with her?
Oh, hell no.
What are you talking about?
What am l gonna do?
There's no windows in here.
l'm not gonna go anywhere.
All right, l'll be right
outside the door.
- You got one minute.
- Okay.
You should eat
Yeah, we're gonna
be fine.
What, what--?
Oh my God,
you're bleeding.
Are we going to
be okay?
Are we going
to be okay?
We're gonna be okay.
l promise we're gonna get out of this.
l don't think
l can do this.
l am going crazy.
l can't do this...
He... he touched me.
Hey hey, what the hell
is going on in here?
- Ahhh!
- Whoa whoa!
Stop it!
Come on!
Go go.
Oh, thank God.
What's happening?
He killed her.
He just shot her.
Oh, shit!
- What the fuck?
- Fuckin' bitch clawed me.
You! Clean him up!
Ah, l will.
l can do it.
ln here, this way.
l'll get it,
l'll get it.
Get us out of here.
Get us out of here.
We killed another one.
Are you happy?
l need to use
the phone.
Okay, thanks.
They confirmed everything,
just like you thought.
l got a very bad
feeling about this.
l've been hearing that
a lot today.
Go round up Lascar
and Bishop.
What's going on?
l'll tell you
when you get back.
This is Devlin.
lt's getting pretty
fucking crazy in here.
- Where's my van, dickwad?
- We need to get out of here.
Just hang
in there, Sam.
Something's about
to go down.
l want you to listen
Fuck you, man!
Where? Okay.
- Okay.
- Everyone's dead.
- No, l'm telling you, man.
- Where's my van?
Fuck, shit.
l'm getting sick and tired
of this bullshit.
- l'm freaking out, man.
- This is the last phone call.
Phone is off the hook
until l get my van!
So what's
going on?
We're taking Duca down.
Follow me.
Can you believe the way
that little son of a bitch talked to me?
Calm down.
All right,
everything's under control.
We're gonna move on
to the next phase.
ls that so?
Detective Pulliam,
please put Mr. Duca in cuffs.
lt would be
my pleasure.
Are you out of your mind?
- You can't-- get out of here!
- Hey hey hey hey hey!
Get off me!
Hey hey hey hey,
what are you doing here?
Take your hands
off him!
Captain, l'm placing
these two under arrest.
- You're out of your mind.
- Devlin, l'll have your badge for this.
You want to explain
yourself, Devlin?
The money in Duca's vault was being
used for a shipment of illegal weapons.
This is outrageous!
We already got a confession
from your manager.
And this one's not
even a cop.
l had Catherine call
the ATF field office.
They don't have
an Agent Lind,
- and they never sent anybody down here.
- You're out of your mind.
My guess is he
works for Duca.
And they were trying to get the money
back before anybody found out.
- Cuff him.
- Hey hey hey hey.
- Hey hey hey.
- Hey!
- Get off of me!
- Hey.
- Whoa whoa whoa whoa.
- Stay right there.
Take it easy, Lind.
Put the gun down.
Eat shit!
ls it true?
You work for Duca?
Don't say
a goddamn word.
- Shut up.
- You're gonna die here, Lind.
You've got guns trained on you
from every direction.
Give the word, l can
take him anytime you say.
l ain't going down
for this asshole.
Well then,
let's make a deal.
Why are you
protecting him?
Don't say a goddamn word,
you piece of shit--
l told you to shut up!
l can end this right now.
Just give me the shot.
Everybody stay calm.
God damn it, give the order.
l can take him.
You know what? He thought the money
was gonna get away.
And the dealers were
gonna blame it on him.
- Are you out of your mind?
- Just give me the goddamn order.
- l'll burn you for this!
- This is my shot, l can take him.
l'll fucking destroy
your life!
l think l told you
to shut the fuck up!
Clear clear!
Medic, get a medic.
Get the paramedics
over here!
- Good shooting.
- Thanks.
Let's clear this up.
l got dibs
on the boots.
God damn!
He's fucking nuts,
They keep killing each other,
who am l gonna kill?
What's going on
out there?
Apparently, the money
in the bags was for weapons.
l guess the bust
outside went bad.
So are they even paying
attention to us now?
Uh, yeah,
more so than ever.
l guarantee it.
Do you think they'll
actually let us out of here?
We're gonna get
out of here.
Don't worry,
l promise.
Hey hey, what's
all the whispering, huh?
We were just wondering
what's going on outside.
What's that?
Um, it's--
it's in my purse.
lt's right here.
Get the fuck away!
Chill, man.
l found it.
Get down.
Who's George?
That-- that's my husband.
He's expecting us.
Man, you watch 'em.
l gotta take
a piss.
Why the hell
are you doing this?
Shut your face,
all right?
Max, do you know how you're
going to get out of this?
The cops will never
let you drive away.
Who said we're driving there,
gutshot? Huh?
What the fuck else
are you gonna do?
l don't know.
Maybe we'll let
the cops come in here,
and shoot all of you
and then Karl and l will
just be a couple of survivors
with a half a million dollars cash,
how about that?
Of course you know, hey,
that's just one plan.
Max, it's never
gonna work.
Oh yeah?
You wanna bet?
- Yeah.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Fuck.
What's the plan?
We're bringing
the van in, Captain.
When they come out,
we'll hit them hard and fast.
Let's do
this thing.
You heard him.
Hey, Max, l got a genius
fucking idea--
Hey, Karl.
Guess what?
l got my old gun back.
You stupid
son of a bitch.
Hey look, Karl, they were
pretty fuckin' fast.
Max, shut
the fuck up.
this is gonna
be bloody.
- Get 'em out of here.
- Go!
Can't let you do that!
Sam! Max has got
the other gun!
What the hell's
going on?
You alive?
You shot me,
you fuck!
Gonna kill you, l swear
to God, l'm gonna kill you!
Sorry, partner,
it's a selfish business.
- She's been shot.
- Lay her down, lay her down.
Miriam, you're gonna
be okay, okay?
l want you to kill
those motherfuckers.
Grab the phone.
Let 'em know
what's going on.
- l've got them on the phone.
- Hello?
They're shooting
at us.
There's one
in the backroom,
and we're stuck here in the middle.
Please, help us.
You gotta help us!
Get us out of here!
All units, go.
All units, go!
How are you holding up?
l'm doing the best
l can.
Mom, l'm scared.
l know, honey.
l know.
What do l do, Karl?
Just hang tight.
- Sam?
- What?
- l'm sorry.
- For what?
For getting us
into this.
Honey, we started
this together,
and we're gonna
end this together.
We're gonna
have our life,
and we're gonna
have Gabrielle. Okay?
Thank you, Sam.
Thank you.
l'm hurting
pretty bad, Karl!
Quit your bitching.
Stay with me.
Just hang in there, man.
l'm gonna finish this
right now.
Throw your weapon down.
Throw your
weapon down!
Your boyfriend's dead.
l'd give up
if l were you.
Don't twitch.
You neither, bitch.
Stay back.
How we gonna end this?
One of us living,
one of us dying.
Probably so.
Oh shit.
You're gonna be okay.
We're gonna get out of here.
Alpha team secure.
l'm bringing 'em out!
We need medics.
One of the hostages is down.
- Where are the others?
- Everyone else is dead.
Where's Sam?
- You mean the robbers?
- Yeah.
They're dead.
They're dead.
l got three down
back here.
Oh shit.
ls something wrong?
What's the matter?
You recognize
one of these people?
How are you
holding up?
Much better now.
- Sam?
- Yeah?
l couldn't have done
this without you.
l love you.
l love you too.
Put the gun down.
Put it down, Sam.
Put yours down,
Don't make this hard.
You're the one
making this hard.
Oh my God.
l thought we were
fucked back there.
Hey, partner,
shit happens.
People got killed.
Just means
more for us.
They think Max and Karl
were the robbers?
Yeah, for now.
By the time they
figure it out,
you'll be long gone.
l need to see
the doctor.
Car's this way.
How's Miriam doing?
Everyone's fine.
So what are you going
to do with your cut?
Uh, we're going to go
to get Gabrielle back.
With all of it?
Actually, we need
to talk about that.
Hey, you guys ready?
Yeah, we'll have
two breakfast tacos,
and coffee.
l'll have the same thing,
and a side of sausage.
Okay, thanks.
Hey. Looks like business
is starting to pick back up.
How's Miriam?
You know, she's good.
She'll be back next week.
Good good.
l need you to sign for these.
Yeah, have
a good day.
After that day,
it got me thinking.
Someone once told me that the road
to hell is paved with good intentions.
Shit, l think hell is paved
with all my bad choices.
Some bad guys went down
along the way,
and some good people
died because of it.
That's my hell.
l think l'm gonna try
something different now.
Maybe it's not about
choices or intentions.
Maybe if l just change
the life l lead,
l can tear that road
to hell apart.
And maybe,
just maybe,
l can help someone else
out along the way.