Lost, The (2009) Movie Script

So, DID, or dissociative identity disorder,
evolves as a coping mechanism in a child,
an abused child, to defend itself
from the pain of the outside world.
And if you could imagine this little child
with this little framework,
this little delicate network.
Well, now, you shock that foundation, okay?
And you traumatise that with abuse.
The mind has the ability to fracture itself,
to split, to break off, to create another one,
what we call the alter.
And what does the mind do?
The mind now delegates.
It delegates the authority,
it delegates the responsibility,
it delegates the power
and the pain to the alter.
Now, you take the case of Reed.
Reed, here, was charged
with four counts of homicide.
He had not one memory,
not one recollection, not one clue
as to the nature of his own crime.
Well, a lawyer can step up
into a courtroom and say,
"You know what? It was not Reed
who walked into that classroom
"with a loaded M1 carbine,
blew those kids away.
"It was Auggie. Auggie was the split.
Auggie was the break in the foundation,
"a foundation built by abuse. "
How are you sleeping, Kevin?
No dreams?
She's still there.
Running. She's always running from me.
As long as you refuse to let go,
she'll continue to run from you.
It's been three years, Kevin.
Well, it's not as if I haven't let go.
You have?
Are you still carrying her ring?
Dr Khoury? Hi.
I'm really sorry to bother you.
I was at your signing earlier today,
and the line was just so long.
- Would you mind?
- No, not at all.
It's a fascinating book.
- Who would you like this made out to?
- I'm sorry. Jane. Jane. J-A...
- Pretty name.
- Yeah, thanks.
- Classic.
- Yeah.
It's not too common any more.
You know any other Janes?
Not that I can recall. Just you.
- Yeah. That's what I thought.
- Thank you.
I'm Mira.
You don't remember this Jane, Doctor?
Three years ago
she was convicted of attempted murder.
You diagnosed her with DID.
This girl torched a professor's home.
In Spain, right?
- Yeah.
- Brennan.
- Jane.
- Correct.
She's at St Avila Hospital now.
She's my sister.
How is her progress?
Well, there really isn't any progress
since they've terminated any real treatment.
She's drugged to the
point of catatonia 24-7,
so she never gets better.
And if she never gets better,
she never gets out.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Yeah.
I don't quite see
what this has to do with me.
- This is what it has to do with you.
- And this is what?
This is a letter to the editor of every city
newspaper across your entire book tour.
Why do I think I'm not gonna like
what that says?
Because you are obviously
a very perceptive person,
when it comes to
your own well-being, anyway.
The letter documents
your misdiagnosis of Jane,
and, well, if you read down to the end,
you'll see that I've hired an attorney
to look into a possible malpractice suit.
It's not a very good way
to kick off a book tour.
Do you understand she could have done
a prison sentence for this?
Well, at least if she was in jail,
I'd know when she was getting out.
She's gonna die in that hospital, Doctor.
What do you want from me?
See for yourself that she doesn't have DID,
and change your diagnosis
so that she can finally get
some real treatment.
And how are you sure
she does not have DID?
Well, DID needs some sort of abuse
to manifest itself.
I think you wrote something
in here on page...
- That's correct, yeah.
- Right.
Well, Jane was not abused.
- How do you know that?
- Because I'm her sister. I know.
There's a problem.
I don't practise psychiatry any more.
I just write books.
Yeah, well, you'll do neither of
those things if that letter gets out.
I'm heading back to Spain in the morning.
I'll expect an answer within 48 hours.
What are we looking for exactly?
Will you sit down?
Ever notice any drastic changes
in your handwriting?
Ever lose track of time?
For how long?
I don't know, like, a couple of minutes.
I mean,
how long has it been happening to you?
For six... Six months.
Ever since I moved into the guesthouse.
Jane? Jane?
- What happened?
- That's what I'm trying to tell you.
Okay, now watch. Look at her eyes.
They've changed colour.
Shit! Is that normal?
It's not completely abnormal. I mean, alters,
sometimes they've been known to have
different heart rates, you know.
I mean, sometimes you see a slight variation
in the colour of the eye, you know,
but this is bizarre.
How come you didn't see this before, then?
Last night was the first time
you saw this tape, wasn't it?
She's got a case, hasn't she?
It's not unusual to take an associate's
recommendation, you know,
- especially when you're in the middle of...
- Writing a book?
Or how about 110 other patients?
And maintain my responsibility too, Christ.
We're talking about
a state-run mental hospital.
Place is so understaffed,
it qualifies as a lunatic factory.
I'm paying you to be my manager, man.
How much damage can she do?
At the moment, as much as she wants.
Going to St Avila, huh?
Guess that makes you
some kind of a head doctor.
Some kind, yeah.
Does it ever get to you, Doc?
- How's that?
- You know, hanging out with whackos.
Doesn't it get to you?
I try not to hang out with whackos,
you know.
Yeah, but what I mean is
you must be exposed to a lot of stuff
you'd rather not see, right?
It's liable to turn you into one of them,
don't you think?
You sound like you might have
some experience in that yourself.
Let's just say I've seen things
I wish I hadn't.
Sorry about that.
We'll be there in a few minutes.
You must be Dr Khoury from the States.
Dr Delgado?
- Right, Delgado.
- How are you?
- All right. How you doing?
- Good, good, good.
- Sign here, please.
- Thank you.
I hear you did good work when you were
at Barcelona General a few years back.
Who told you that?
I haven't had a chance to read your book.
I heard good things, though.
Jeez, don't believe everyone.
I don't.
So, are you looking at Jane
as a subject for a new book?
I was part of the team
that did the original diagnosis.
I just want to ask a few questions.
Well, I don't know that you'll find her
very forthcoming.
Why is that?
There are patients who can be helped,
and then there are patients like Jane.
That was the three alters? Correct?
And only minimal contact with each,
I'm afraid.
Got the names but little else.
Well, that's a shame.
I'd hoped to talk to her.
Well, sorry to disappoint.
Now, Doctor, I do have rounds.
Do you think we might pull her off
these meds for a few days,
and maybe I could come back
when she's more lucid?
Well, I don't know if I'm comfortable
with that. Could be dangerous.
But I'd assume full responsibility.
You're still practising?
In New York. Yes, of course.
Hugo, we have a bit of a celebrity
visiting today from New York.
- This is Dr Khoury.
- Nice to meet you.
Nice to see you.
We're going to change Jane's meds
in the short term.
Okay? Lower most of it.
All right. I'll draw up the papers
transferring her care to your practice.
Your responsibility.
I appreciate it. Thank you very much.
Here we have over 300 patients.
Almost 100 in this wing,
all of them watched by six technicians,
three doctors and a resident.
You're understaffed.
Do you think that's why
Jane's initial treatment was halted?
Let's just say Dr Delgado's very pragmatic
when it comes to the hospital resources.
It's a nice way to put it.
Well, so nice to see you, Doctor.
- Well, blackmail has a way of motivating.
- Blackmail is such an ugly word.
You prefer extortion?
- So where are we?
- We?
Come on, you know what I'm talking about.
Have you spoken to Delgado?
Yeah, I had him
take her off her drugs for now
- so we can communicate.
- Great.
I have no reason
to doubt the initial diagnosis.
You know, since you're here, would
you mind if we went over a few things?
- No.
- We call it a refresher.
- Sure.
- Good.
Jane's childhood.
- Your mom and dad were around?
- Mom.
How about your father?
US Air Force stationed in Madrid.
He was killed during manoeuvres
over the Bay of Biscay. I was nine.
I'm sorry.
Did your mom remarry?
Any regular male visitors over the house?
- No other men in your mother's life?
- No, no, she didn't date.
We were her priority
and she kind of had her hands full, so...
- How about you?
- How about me?
No, I mean, you get stuck
with a lot of babysitting duty?
You ever bring boys over to the house
when Mom was gone?
- Maybe leave them alone with Jane?
- What are you getting at?
I think determining
what happened to your sister
is gonna be sifting through
some pretty sore scenarios.
Nothing happened to her.
That is what I'm trying to tell you.
As far as me with boys,
no, they never came over.
I was kind of a late bloomer
with that sort of thing.
Well, you bloomed okay.
Why don't we get back to Jane?
Okay. Any other problems with drugs
- or alcohol?
- Never.
Did she ever undergo
a psychiatric evaluation?
Other than now? No.
Do you recall any physical examinations
that you may not have been privy to?
My love.
Kevin, let me go.
Kevin, let me go!
- Hello.
- Hello, Kevin. Barry.
How are things on the other side
of the Atlantic?
- Are you in Paris, yet?
- No, no.
I might have to... I might have
to stay here for a few more weeks.
A few more weeks? Are you joking?
Everything's planned.
You're meant to be in Paris this afternoon
and in London on Friday.
Do I have to remind you this was your idea?
No, no, no, no. My idea was that
you go over there, you smile
and you kiss the sister's arse,
so you don't get sued.
I know. Life doesn't always work
in our favour, Barry.
Hold on a second. Wait a second.
- Hello.
- Dr Khoury, Jane is becoming coherent.
- She is?
- You can talk to her now.
That's great, man.
All right, listen, I'll be right over. All right?
- See you then.
- Good. Thank you.
Barry. Listen,
I got Jane coming through here.
Let me talk to you in a few days,
and we'll see where this goes. All right?
Now, Jane's still a little bit groggy,
her senses dulled.
Coherent though?
Largely, yes.
Hi, sweetie.
This is Dr Khoury.
My associates and I did
your initial diagnosis.
I'm Kevin.
Would you two mind
if Jane and I talked just for a moment?
Hey, I'm gonna go put these in some water.
I'll be right outside.
Well, your sister's very concerned.
She feels your initial diagnosis
was incomplete.
I've been looking over your case.
Your particular condition usually stems
from a lot of abuse,
sometimes very severe abuse.
And your sister insists
you've had no such experience.
Anyway, I made you a little diagram
if you can bear with me.
You could see this as the conscious mind.
That has the capacity to suppress whatever
might be too painful here to remember.
Unfortunately we have
the subconscious mind, all right?
And that keeps a record of all that pain.
And if we can just access those records,
okay, we'll get some answers.
Anyway, I'll leave that for you.
I know how hard it is to trust right now,
but I'm here to help.
I thought everyone forgot about me.
No, no.
And certainly not your sister.
She loves you very much.
Dr Khoury?
- Hey, Inspector...
- Molina.
Molina, yeah. How do you do?
Nice to see you.
You looking for information
on the Alonso fire, right?
Yeah. I'm researching that case.
- On the fire?
- No, on the girl who started it.
She has a multiple personality disorder.
It's my field.
Well, I'll give you what I got,
but I have to tell you
it's pretty open and shut.
Well, if you have arrest reports,
witness accounts,
anything you might remember,
you'd be a help.
If it's all the same to you,
I try not to remember that night.
I'm sure.
Come with me, please.
Hey, Doc, how are things going
with your new patient?
Good. Good.
I think she's gonna warm up to me.
Yeah. Try talking to her as a person,
not a doctor.
I stopped by the cafeteria,
got you some food.
I didn't know if you'd be hungry.
So how are we feeling today?
Never better, Doc.
Hey, call me Kevin. I'm not what you'd call
a practising shrink any more, anyway, so...
Then why are you here?
I'm gonna try to help.
I'm gonna try.
I'll tell you a little story.
I had a patient a few years back.
She had a phobia.
Whenever she'd hear a particular song
by The Beatles,
I mean, she would just freak.
She would go ill.
So what did you do?
Well, we agreed to hypnosis, and it worked.
We regressed her back
to the subconscious state
that I told you about yesterday,
the source, you know,
that actually was triggering
her particular symptoms, and...
Anyways, it turned out when she was four,
she walked in on her mom
who was in a rather compromising position
with the gardener.
So you can imagine
what was on the stereo, right?
The Beatles?
So, you really think that
hypnosis may work for me.
My hair is salty.
It's gross.
There's no... There's no shower here.
You're not at home?
No. At the bay.
You sailing?
Just got back. The boat's at the dock.
We camp there sometimes.
- Whose boat?
- My best friend's boat.
She says Sofia's her best friend, but
I know that I am.
So no one else is with you?
I have to pretend I'm sleeping.
Why do you have to pretend?
Listen, he's coming.
- Who's with you?
- Please, just be...
- Who is there with you, Jane?
- Just be quiet, maybe he'll...
- Answer me. Who is there with you?
- Maybe he'll go away.
Please go away. Please go away.
Please go away.
Who do you want to go away?
- Him.
- Who?
- Him.
- Who do you want to go away? Tell me.
- Tell me, don't be afraid...
- No. No! No! No!
- No! No! Please don't do this!
- Don't... No. Just tell me who.
- Don't touch me. Please don't.
- Tell me who.
Look at me. Look at me. Jane. Jane.
- Don't touch me!
- Jane.
- Look at me. Look at me.
- Please don't do...
We're gonna go back to our space now.
No! No! No! No! Please don't touch me.
I'm gonna count to three. One.
Your sister was molested.
What? She didn't tell you that.
Yeah, under hypnosis she did.
What did she say?
It was the father of a friend.
- Happened more than once.
- Really. What friend?
I didn't get a name.
She was pretty overwhelmed.
- I had to wake her.
- Wait. Where did this happen?
She stayed with this family
on a boat somewhere.
- A boat?
- Evidently she stayed with a family
- on a boat.
- No. No, she would never stay on a boat.
You have to accept the fact
you can't account
for every moment of your sister's life.
Look, when we were kids our parents
took us to a lake in the High Sierra's.
Janie nearly drowned.
The paramedics said
that her heart actually stopped,
and she's been terrified of the water
ever since then.
Now, I don't know who you were talking to
in there, but it wasn't my sister.
Maybe it's... I don't know.
It was a memory of one of the other
personalities in her head
- or something. I don't know.
- That would be impossible.
- Why is that?
- Alters can't have memories.
Hi, Kevin, please tell me
you found a way out of there now.
- Not quite yet.
- Well, you better get a move on.
I need you to cover six dates
in 10 days, man.
Hey, Barry. Listen, I'm thinking
I might stay here a little bit longer.
You can't stay there longer. This was meant
to be a quick in-and-out move,
a PR job, for Christ's sake.
Yeah, that's my point. Exactly. Okay?
'Cause if this kid's sister is telling the truth,
and this girl wasn't abused, who knows,
I might have a whole new book for you.
- You been crying?
- No.
- You look like you've been crying.
- I haven't been crying.
You wanna talk?
I look like this because I can't sleep.
- It's normal.
- This isn't normal.
- Yeah, it is normal.
- This is not normal.
Insomnia is normal after having medication.
Yeah, but it's not the insomnia.
So what is it, then?
It's the dreams.
Why don't we just
concentrate on the dreams?
What's the point?
The second I wake up, they're gone.
Then how do you know you're dreaming?
Because I wake up screaming.
I think that's a pretty good indication.
I think it's an indication
somebody may be hurting you.
- Now, who is hurting you in these dreams?
- I don't remember.
You don't remember
or you don't wanna remember?
Don't talk to me like that, Kevin!
Don't talk to me like I'm some crazy person.
Why can't you just talk to me
like I'm normal?
Like I'm not some kind of a freak,
just because I'm...
You look familiar.
Three years ago, right?
After the fire. That's when I met Jane.
I'm Kevin.
Do you remember the fire?
Did you start it?
Okay. Let's go back
to the introductions again, okay?
I'm Kevin.
You said that already.
- We have been expecting you.
- Is that right?
You are going to help us leave.
That's the goal. That's the goal, yeah.
So why are you here?
Search for the truth?
Yeah. I want the truth.
"There is nothing
more necessary than truth,
"and in comparison with it,
everything else has only secondary value. "
Friedrich Nietzsche.
You've got quite an education.
I've been kicked out of
some of the finest schools in the country.
It seems I have issues.
Go back to the question.
Why are you here?
The little one might know,
but she doesn't usually talk.
Who is the little one?
Is it Isabelle? Is it Kaya? Who is it?
Where is she?
I wanna speak with her.
Like I said, that's difficult.
She's afraid of the outside.
Afraid of it? Why? Why would she be afraid?
- She won't say.
- Let me speak with her.
Let me speak with her, come on.
Let me speak with her,
I'll get you a cigarette.
I'll get you a cigarette.
We have to sedate her, Doc.
It's all right.
Mrs Alonso? I'm sorry, I'm Kevin Khoury.
We spoke.
Yeah. On the phone. Right.
I guess that's the guesthouse
where Jane used to live?
Yes, but it has been empty since the fire.
Of course.
- Such a beautiful property.
- Yeah.
- How far do the trees go back?
- Forever.
You know, there is an old salt mine
somewhere out there,
or so I'm told. I've never seen it myself.
- You're treating Jane?
- I'm studying the case.
How is she?
It's hard to say, it's...
It's unique.
It must be difficult to talk openly
about someone
who did this kind of harm to you, though?
I'm a dualist.
I know how a pure mind can be infected
by a malignant brain.
Jane has my sympathy.
Now that we have allayed
your presumptions of me,
how can I help?
I don't know.
You ever notice any changes
in the personality of that girl?
Not that I could recognise.
Truth is, we didn't have a lot of contact.
I realised a 19-year-old student
probably wanted to be left
to her own devices.
Alex may be able to answer your questions.
Who's Alex?
My son.
He's 25 now. Took Jane out a few times.
Does he still live here?
You can try him at Enercat.
- Enercat, what's that?
- The power company.
I remember Tornado.
That was a monopoly.
Almost chewed everyone up around here.
Corporate merger.
Tornado was absorbed by Enercat.
Alex has been through both regimes.
He's a manager now.
That's great.
So as far as you can recall,
when the two of you were together at least,
- Jane was always Jane.
- Right. Whatever that means.
Well, you never witnessed
the emergence of another personality.
You know, every girl I've ever been with
has had multiple personalities.
Anything you could do to help.
This is my cell.
It'd be a big plus, man.
I'd appreciate it.
You know,
that crazy bitch almost killed my father.
I'm not really interested.
You realise she's mentally ill.
So are you if you think I want anything to do
with helping her.
So where did you learn the Chinese?
- Chinese?
- Chinese.
One of your alters speaks Chinese.
I've seen people speak in voices before,
I have to say, a language was a first.
For me, anyway.
Pretty startling stuff.
How is that possible?
If you blackout,
an alter can become conscious
and learn a few things.
Like how to smoke?
They can pick up some pretty bad habits.
You wouldn't happen to know
who drew these, though, would you?
Would you know who drew these?
That's the little one.
And who are you?
- I'm Isabelle.
- Isabelle.
That's a pretty name.
Actually my Christian name is Isabelle Ann,
Isabelle Ann Bataille.
Is something wrong?
Do you know what these mean?
I didn't draw them.
- That's the little one.
- And the little one is Kaya.
How long do I have to stay here?
I think something happened.
Do you wanna tell me what happened?
I don't know what it is.
But I think it might have been bad.
- I don't remember.
- You sure?
I'm sure.
Does Kaya?
I don't want to talk any more.
Does Kaya remember?
Please don't.
- Don't what?
- Please don't make me remember.
Please don't make me remember.
What is it? Isabelle?
What is it?
Hugo! Hugo!
Look at me.
You all right?
What happened? Is she...
She was choking.
What happened?
Well, let's just say it's one of the most
astonishing displays of somatic memory
I've ever been privileged to.
Add to the fact one of her alters
volunteered a name, a full name.
It's an unusual degree of comprehensive
self-labelling, wouldn't you say?
What you call comprehensive,
I call delusional.
It sounds to me like
you're exacerbating her condition.
Okay. Maybe I'm delusional,
or I'm trying to address her condition.
You have one week.
Then Jane goes back
on the original med cycle.
- I have a message for you.
- I'm sorry, what?
Dr Kripke called about 45 minutes ago.
- Thank you very much. I appreciate that.
- Doctor.
That wouldn't be Dr Brian Kripke?
- Yeah. Do you know Brian?
- Yeah. He's brilliant.
- Is he still in Chicago?
- New York.
We're both in New York. Okay.
- A week.
- One week.
Do you want to keep it open, Mr Khoury?
That's Dr Khoury to you, Marco.
The taxi ride to St Avila, remember?
Off the clock I get my own identity.
Eneko Gil.
- Eneko?
- Eneko.
- Marco, another round for me and my friend.
- No, thank you.
You are cut off, Gil.
Let the man drink in peace.
Me and the doc go way back.
- I'm not bothering you, am I?
- No.
All right that's it, Gil. Out.
Come on, Marco.
See you later, Doc.
I'm sorry about that. This is a small town.
Evening, Doctor.
So, how goes the research?
Little bit like police work, I'd imagine.
Answers are fleeting.
In my experience, I've found the simplest
answer is usually the right answer.
Well, I've exhausted mine.
Something happened with this girl.
I don't know what.
But today was unique. It was unique.
I actually had one who gave me a full name.
- Is that rare?
- A full name?
I've spoken to 50 personalities
in one subject before.
I never got one with a first, a middle
and a last name.
Isabelle Ann Bataille.
- Strange.
- Isabelle Ann Bataille?
Don't talk to me like that, Kevin!
Don't talk to me like I'm some crazy person.
Why can't you just talk to me
like I'm normal?
Like I'm not some kind of a freak,
just because I'm...
Don't talk to me like that, Kevin!
Don't talk to me like I'm some crazy person.
Why can't you just talk to me
like I'm normal?
Like I'm not some kind of a freak,
just because I'm...
It's Inspector Molina, we need to talk.
Did she give you any other names?
Isabelle Bataille.
Last seen waiting for a ride back
from soccer practice four years ago.
Case was relegated to the archives
two years back,
so you can imagine my surprise
that your patient is claiming to be her.
That's the only Maria who disappeared
around the same time.
Last seen getting into some type of blue car.
And also found a Kaya.
Kaya Tachiki disappeared
on the way home from school.
We retraced her steps
and found one of her hair clips.
Pieces of scalp in it
after he ripped it off her head.
Ran the prints and got a partial. Not hers.
You brought a psychic in on this case.
Eneko Gil.
Eneko Gil. Why do I know that name?
I saw you talking to him last night
at the bar.
At the... That clown?
- He's a psychic?
- Or claims to be.
From what I see, he spends more time
staring into whisky bottle than a crystal ball.
Hasn't been able
to keep a steady job for years.
Can it be a coincidence?
I don't think so.
You ever seen anything like this?
What is it?
Jane's drawings.
Why do I have the feeling
that you're not telling me everything?
Because she drew them.
This Kaya.
Well, her case received a lot of press,
didn't it, at the time?
So, maybe she saw her case
in the newspaper.
That's how these things work, right?
You're brilliant.
That would explain the alters.
What do you mean?
She's retained
the information subconsciously.
She's projecting the plight of the kids
onto the alters.
- So what do I do next?
- You've just got to bust them.
You break them down. You interrogate them
the same way police interrogate people.
You got to literally force them out
of their own existence.
You got to confront them.
Maria Muoz.
Very formal tonight, aren't we, Kevin?
So what's the last thing you did?
Before they stuck you in this hole.
I was probably out with friends,
getting drunk
and looking to get laid.
I can't wait to do those things again.
You a bad girl?
Are you a bad girl, Maria?
- Yes.
- You like being bad?
It's funny 'cause I pulled your record.
It seems your life ended five years ago.
My life?
This is your life.
You can read all about it.
Kevin, let me go.
What did you say?
Did you just say something?
What did you just say?
What did you say?
I didn't say anything.
Why am I...
Please... Please don't leave me.
I won't.
Please don't leave me.
I won't.
She loved soccer. Very talented.
Always play hard.
She was a good teammate.
How can we help you, Doctor?
Well, I have a patient
who may have been exposed to publicity
surrounding Isabelle's disappearance,
and it may or may not have contributed
to her particular disorder,
but she's been known to use her name.
Do you think she might know
what happened to Isabelle?
Well, at least, not yet.
I mean, nothing more
than what's been reported so far...
Then what do you want from us?
I just had a couple of questions,
if I might ask, about Isabelle.
Good evening.
I've been waiting.
- You're smoking, huh?
- No, not me. That's the older one.
She steals them from a lady down the hall.
I spoke to your parents tonight.
My parents?
They're very concerned about you.
You ever broken a bone?
How are they? My parents?
They're not too good.
- It seems their daughter has been missing...
- Missing?
...now for over four years.
And you're the one
who claims to be their daughter.
I am their daughter.
- I know who I am.
- Would you prove it to me?
Have you broken a bone?
- What?
- It's a simple question, Isabelle.
Answer the question.
Have you broken any bones?
Let me help you out. You did.
Now, all you have to do
is tell me which one.
- Stop it, slow down...
- Isabelle, what's the matter?
Too many to choose from? Isabelle?
My tibia, all right! My shinbone!
I was in surgery for three hours,
then had pins in my leg for six months.
- This can't be.
- I don't know how I got here,
but I know who I am.
Could you tell me what you're drawing?
Jesus Christ!
God damn her!
I need help! Let's go!
She's gonna sleep for a while.
It's pretty normal after a seizure like that.
She's never had seizures before.
Well, it's withdrawal.
Anyone who has been kept under
that much medication for...
I know what the definition
of "withdrawal" is, thank you.
Her immune system is
just a little vulnerable right now.
So, you knew this might happen?
Your sister has been held here
in a chemical straitjacket, all right?
I'm just trying to pull her out of it.
- If you can't handle it...
- If I can't?
Doctor, I don't think you can handle it.
In fact, I think you're
in way over your head.
In fact, I don't think you know
what you're dealing with here.
You didn't know what you were dealing with
three years ago
when you misdiagnosed her
in the first place.
You still don't know what's going on,
and I am not going to just stand here
and let you keep doing...
What are... What are you doing?
"History of epilepsy. " That's impossible.
Tachiki, Kaya.
Worked this one for about a week.
The mother hired me,
then fired me because of the cops.
Where did you get these?
- I drew them.
- You drew these?
- What are they supposed to mean?
- Not sure. Taken from the clip.
I used to do what's called "psychometry. "
Give me a personal item.
If there's an energy there,
a connection to the person that I can read...
In this case, it was the girl's hair clip.
A piece of evidence.
You gonna say what this has to do with me?
I treat a patient with
a multiple personality disorder,
and all three of them have
identified themselves as being missing,
and one of them is this girl.
And she draws this, you know?
I mean, over and over and over again.
I mean, is there anything
you might have drawn off this clip,
maybe, that you could share with me?
It was a while ago.
A while ago? And do you know
what might have occurred?
If I knew that,
Molina wouldn't have given me the axe.
I just see victims,
the one associated with the object.
You've got a half an hour
till next shift change.
After that, you may have a guard
asking questions about your friend.
- Okay?
- I appreciate it.
If you want them to leave her,
then I'm guessing
you need to find out what they want.
In this case, they are trapped.
Unable to move on.
You've got three dead girls but no bodies.
I'd say you need to find some bodies.
Why did they pick me?
Hard to say.
Maybe you remind them of someone,
maybe you've come into contact
with people they knew,
with places they lived,
with places they died.
Places they died?
Maybe they were trapped
between this world and the next,
and you happened to be
in the right place, at the right time.
Or the wrong place.
It's really hard to say.
It depends on so many different factors.
Heredity, religion,
- a near-death experience.
- Wait.
Your accident at the lake.
Gil, we've worked very hard, all right,
to try to communicate
with these alters, these girls.
Can you make an attempt,
at least make an attempt,
to communicate with them? Please?
What makes you think
they'll tell me anything?
Could you try? Please.
Just try to communicate with them.
- It's like you said, they can't remember.
- Gil, this is what you do.
- You need to remember for them.
- Remember what?
- You need to figure it out.
- Try. You can do it. Just try.
Help me. Please.
No, I'm sorry.
- Gil.
- Sorry!
I mean, what kind of drugs they got you on?
Look, I cannot do
what you're asking me to do.
I told you,
you bring me a personal item and I read it,
hopefully give you an idea
of what happened to the person.
Enough of this psychometry
bullshit scenario.
Even the cops had you pegged
as a con man.
I've never conned anybody,
and I don't have to prove anything to you!
You don't, huh?
Well, why don't you prove it to yourself?
You know what,
prove to me you're nothing but
a broken-down valise all right?
Here. Take that.
- What's that?
- It belonged to my wife.
- Who?
- My wife.
- Your wife?
- Who she run off with?
Who she run off with? Take it.
Take it. Divine it!
It's no good.
- It's been too long.
- Yeah.
So, do you
think there's anything to what he said?
Finding the bodies?
I think this is all we've got to work with.
I'm at a loss.
You know,
I think tonight, we should try to focus
on the living. What do you say?
Yeah, me too.
You know, you haven't told me her name.
Your ex-wife.
I woke up one day, and she left me her ring.
And a note.
You didn't see it coming?
- I mean, there were no signs?
- I don't know.
Maybe I didn't give her
the life she deserved.
What do you mean?
I wanted my life.
I wanted my work,
I wanted my patients,
and I got it.
She didn't take much.
Just a suitcase.
Well, where did she go?
I haven't a clue.
Wait, so you didn't try to contact her?
- I'm sorry.
- Hey, the mind compensates,
has this way of deflecting pain,
a remarkable instrument.
Well, thank you for a lovely evening.
The pleasure was mine.
Thanks for coming.
- Good night.
- Drive safe.
- Hey, do you mind if I grab my keys?
- You would be doing me a favour.
Thank you.
Excuse me, Doc.
Hey, Doc.
How you doing?
Tornado Power was bought out
three years ago.
The time of the abductions.
Yeah, that's right.
Strange that kid's been waltzing around
with that same key chain
for the past three years, though.
Tornado employed a lot more people
in this town than just Alex Alonso.
There are probably 50 guys
who still have the same key chain.
Yeah, but he dated the kid.
He drove the blue car.
It just seems very strange.
Sorry to break it to you, Doc,
but blue cars aren't exactly uncommon.
Well, you said if I found evidence,
that I was to bring it to you
and you'd follow up. So I was trying...
When you bring me evidence, I will.
This is all just conjecture!
So you see no correlation to the fact
that this kid just might be
connected to these crimes
and the obvious symbolism
in these drawings?
Now, you listen to me.
I'm not going to bring someone in
for questioning
just because your patient draws something
you think resembles his key chain.
I need more than this, and you know it.
This Eneko Gil is putting crazy thoughts
into your head.
That's just going to lead you to trouble.
Hey, Doc. It's Eneko.
- Sorry about the other day.
- Yeah, no sweat.
Don't even worry about it.
Hey, listen, I need your help,
and I want to talk to you about it.
Can we meet?
Hey, that's a new one.
Hey, easy.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Okay, it's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
You're sure this is it? 'Cause I'm going in.
Yeah, Rambla Jardn, that's it.
All right, my phone's on page.
Give me your cell.
listen, I have to talk to you.
- When we were at the hospital...
- Here's my number.
Now, you see anyone, just press "send. "
- You got it?
- Yeah, I got it.
- You got a light?
- Yeah.
What the fuck are you doing here?
- Hello, Hugo.
- Hello.
I've been looking for you.
I wanted to talk to you about Dr Khoury.
Why did Kevin bring the taxi driver
the other day?
Oh yes, I don't know.
I thought he was related to the patient.
You know, being trained in human
behaviour has many advantages.
But the best is the ability to know
when someone is lying to me.
The doctor said he was a relative,
why should I think differently?
Because your job depends on it.
Well, congratulations.
You've got yourself a bona fide
police record, fingerprints and all.
- Do I get to post bail here or something?
- There isn't going to be any bail.
Because Alex Alonso isn't pressing charges.
I talked him out of it.
Exactly what were you hoping to find
down in that basement, Doc?
I don't know.
I just think that kid's been damned.
- I'll tell you...
- You are consumed in this case, Mr Khoury.
I understand.
But you are a doctor.
Leave investigating to us,
and stop bothering Alex Alonso.
This is your last warning. Understand?
Yeah, Mira, this is Kevin.
No, no. I'm out.
Molina was good enough to let me go.
I made a mistake. It's a long story.
Hey, let me call you back, all right?
Hey! Eneko!
- Doc?
- You gone crazy?
What are you doing here?
Come on, let's get you out of here
before the police show up. Come on.
- Let them come. I don't care any more.
- You don't care about what?
Myself and the images I see.
The images you see
happen to be your gift, man.
- You need... Look at me!
- Right, the "gift" speech.
You can exchange a gift, Doc,
return it if you don't like it,
even give it away.
This is no gift.
I'm stuck with it.
Here's a story for you.
Mom loses a five-year-old son
in a department store, a few years back.
The cops bring me in,
bring me a baseball cap.
And I get something off it.
I could see this boy
but not his face,
never his face.
I told them I couldn't be sure,
but we went ahead.
I took them to a riverbed
north of here.
And that's where we found him.
Know why I couldn't see the kid's face?
Some sick son of a bitch
had cut it clean off with a hacksaw.
There are things a mother shouldn't see.
Well, you gave her closure.
She killed herself six weeks later.
That was her closure.
She had a right to know.
You really believe that?
Yeah, I do.
Your wife,
she's got dark hair?
Brown eyes?
She's dead.
What are you doing?
The ring.
I lied.
I saw her.
What do you mean, you saw her?
I'm sorry, Kevin.
Think about it, Kevin.
When is the last time you heard from her?
You're drunk.
You're drunk, man. Come on.
Let's get you home. Come on.
Come on.
What is this?
Delgado has had me start her
on the old med cycle.
He did what?
I need you to focus.
What is it you've been keeping from me?
You spoke to me in a voice.
Who is the voice?
If it's an alter, let her speak.
Let her speak, please. Please.
Is there a fourth alter? Please, let her speak.
- Let her speak.
- She's completely out.
She's not going to tell you anything.
Dr Khoury, this is Leonard Kinderman
of the APA, New York chapter.
We've received charges
regarding some of your methods
from a Dr Delgado of Spain.
We're convening a licence review hearing
to discuss these alleged violations.
How's next Wednesday for you,
here in New York?
Until that time, we must insist you stop
seeing a patient named Jane Brennan.
Please get back to me
at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Hello, Jane. How are we feeling today?
I understand you won't
take your medication.
- I want to see Kevin.
- I'm afraid that's not possible.
Come on now, be a good girl.
I'm not taking any more pills
until Kevin says it's okay.
- Kevin does not run this facility.
- And you don't run me.
- The courts would beg to differ.
- You don't run me.
- Come on, you two. Now just take the pills.
- Please don't!
Just take the pills!
- No. Please. Please.
- Just take your pills.
Please stop.
Clean this up.
No. Please. Please don't do this.
Please don't do this.
Please. I promise.
I promise it won't happen again.
It's not my fault. I'm sorry.
- Relax, Jane. It's for your own good.
- Please don't, please don't, please don't.
Please don't. Please don't. Please. Please.
Please, please, please.
Please don't.
Please, please, please. Please,
please, please don't, please don't. Please.
Please. Please don't do this.
Please don't do this.
Kevin, let me go. Let me go, Kevin.
Bye, love.
He did what?
He gave her...
No, no, no, no. No, I'll deal with it.
I will deal with it. Thank you.
Open the gate.
I said open the goddamn gate!
Open this gate, please.
Hugo, what is going on?
What did you do to her?
- I'm sorry, Mira. You can't see her now.
- Why not?
- Delgado is being very strict on this.
- I need to see her.
When Delgado leaves, I'll get you in.
It's just too risky now.
- I need you to give this to Kevin.
- What is it?
Come back around 8:00.
Okay, thank you.
I owe you an apology.
It seems to me it's Alex
you should be apologising to.
I wanted to see you first,
and I should have told you
about my suspicions. It was wrong.
Anyway, I'm sorry and
I guess I'm consumed.
It's like they're reaching out to me.
Asking for help.
- These are all students of yours.
- Yes. Every year we take a class trip.
That one is from Greece.
It's right next to Alonso's office.
He had a direct view of the field.
Serial killers do not choose victims
randomly, okay?
They watch. They observe.
So, you gonna break into
Javier Alonso's house now?
And why doesn't Alonso even mention
the fact that not only he knew Maria Muoz,
she was one of his students,
for Christ's sake.
Because he's never been a suspect.
You wanted a motive as to why
Jane would burn the Alonso property,
- then I just gave you one.
- Revenge?
Look, I told you,
this doesn't fly without evidence.
And that means eyewitnesses,
that means DNA, fingerprints.
Did you run Javier's prints
against everything you've collected now
on the Kaya case?
I don't have Javier's prints to run.
- Why not?
- Because he has no record.
Far as I know,
the man's never even got a traffic ticket.
Neither did Ted Bundy.
- Don't go doing anything stupid!
- I'm not doing anything.
Flowers. How nice.
Do you know who they're from?
Secret admirer.
I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time.
Thank you.
Cheap pervert.
Molina's running Alonso's fingerprints
off the pen.
Hopefully they'll match the clip.
Almost forgot.
Hugo asked me to give you these.
- Some of Jane's recent drawings.
- Yeah, what are they?
It looks different than the vortex, doesn't it?
Listen, I have to get back to the hospital,
so I'll see you later.
- Say hi for me.
- I will.
There is an old salt mine
somewhere out there.
Yeah, Inspector Molina, please.
This is Kevin Khoury calling.
Can you get him a message?
Behind the property belonging to
Javier Alonso, there's a salt mine.
- Kevin.
- Kevin.
Kevin, why?
Can you tell me why?
Can you tell me why?
Here you are.
What is this?
From the lab, we compared the new prints
with the partial from the Tachiki case.
- Oh yes, quick work.
- It was a slow day.
- And nothing, right?
- Yes, got a match.
Let me go.
Let me go!
Where are the rest?
This is
my wife.
I know.
I got a report back from the lab.
Ran our partial on
Kaya Tachiki's hair clip again.
And you know what? We got a match.
You got a match?
Alonso had never been in the system
before Mira brought me his prints.
You had never been in the system before
I booked you for breaking into Alex's house.
It was your print on that hair clip.
You killed them.
It's impossible.
- She left me.
- Did she really, Kevin?
In fact, she...
She left a note.
You packed up some of her things,
then buried her out here with them.
Maybe you couldn't live with yourself
after that, with what you'd become.
So you blocked it out and forgot everything.
But now I need you to remember, Doc.
Where are the rest?
Jane. Jane.
Jane! Jane!
Jane, are you okay?
It's okay.
It's just me now.
Mr and Mrs Bataille.
- It was a nice ceremony.
- I hope this will give you closure.
- Thank you, Inspector.
- You're welcome.
How is he?
Same. He hasn't said a word.
Doesn't talk, doesn't eat.
It's like he's dead to the world.
I guess it all makes sense.
The way I feel it is, Kevin became obsessed
with the diseased minds
he was trying to reach.
That obsession opened the door
for the disease to creep into Kevin.
Pretty soon, the man who spent all his time
studying the monster
had become the monster.