Love at First Sight (2023) Movie Script
- [birds chirping]
- [gentle music playing]
[chimes ringing]
[music building]
[music fades]
Oh, can you hear the sound now?
Everybody catch my wave
I can never leave this town now
Everything goes my way
Oh, can you hear the sound now?
Everybody catch my wave
I can never leave this town now
Everything goes my way
[narrator] December 20th
is the worst day of the year
to travel through
John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Over 193,000 passengers
arrive and depart that day
[scanner beeps]
causing, on average,
23-minute delays at check-in
and a peak wait time
of 117 minutes at security.
But of all the passengers inconvenienced
on this inconvenient day
- Excuse me.
- [man] Sorry.
it is the story of only one that matters.
Because today, that passenger is late.
[woman] Excuse me.
[indistinct chatter]
- Whoa, whoa.
- Oh. Sorry. Sorry!
[narrator] Hadley Sullivan is
about to miss her flight to London
by four minutes.
[panting] Wait! Please, I'm here.
Uh, sorry, miss. You're too late.
[Hadley sighs]
- [continues panting]
- Everything goes my way
[narrator] There are 367 souls
aboard flight TA-5120.
412 pieces of luggage, 344 personal items,
4 emotional support animals,
and 62 neck pillows.
Together, these passengers will travel
for 6 hours and 47 minutes,
all without Hadley.
Some might say it's bad luck
to miss one's flight by four minutes.
Or you might prefer to think
that everything happens for a reason.
But for Hadley, those four minutes
won't be unlucky at all.
Because very soon,
a girl and a boy will meet,
and it will change everything.
[song stops abruptly]
But just to be clear,
this isn't a story about love.
This is a story about fate.
Or statistics.
Really just depends
on who you're talking to.
[energetic music playing]
[narrator] The girl
is Hadley Ella Sullivan.
Twenty years old, 65 inches tall.
She's late 21% of the time,
which is, coincidentally,
the average battery life
of her cell phone.
She's afraid of three things,
including mayonnaise,
small spaces,
and dentists.
There was one thing, however,
she never thought to be afraid of.
It's just for a term.
Dad, you're literally gonna be teaching
poetry in the country Shakespeare's from.
- How are you not freaking out right now?
- Oh, I'm freakin' out.
This is awesome.
I've always wanted to study abroad...
Actually, honey,
you and I are staying here.
[narrator] She wasn't ready to admit it,
but on her list of fears,
divorce suddenly ranked
much higher than mayonnaise.
[music fades]
[sighs] The best thing we can do
is get you on the next flight.
There are two seats left,
both in business.
- When does that leave?
- [agent] Hour and a half.
Arrives in London at 9:55 a.m.
- My dad's wedding's at noon.
- [agent] Do you need to think about it?
You know, can you give me one second?
I'll just be
Sorry, just one second.
- [sighs] Just, uh
- [line ringing]
[cell phone vibrating]
[dad sighs]
[groggily] Hey, sweetie. What's up?
- Hey, I, uh, missed my flight.
- What?
Yeah, I can get on the next one,
but there's only business.
It doesn't get in till 10:00.
- No, tonight. I'll be traveling by comet.
- Hadley.
- [sighs]
- [Hadley] Sorry.
All right, well, buy the ticket,
and and I'll reimburse you.
- Uh, no, I can pay for it.
- Don't be ridiculous.
- You can't afford that.
- Okay. Thank you.
I really have to go.
All right.
Well, text me right when you land, okay?
Yeah, okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Okay, yeah.
One business-class ticket
to London, please.
Thank you. Thanks.
[indistinct chatter]
[announcer on PA]
If you see any unattended luggage
or anything suspicious,
contact the TSA immediately.
If you see something, say something.
Oh. It's dead.
So that's why it's open.
Course it is.
- [woman] What?
- Um [clicks tongue]
Never mind. Nothing. Thank you.
[announcer on PA]
boarding announcement for flight AI-3670
You can borrow mine if you want.
[energetic music playing]
[announcement on PA fades]
[narrator] This,
as you may have guessed, is the boy.
Oliver Martin Jones,
22 years old, 1.8 meters tall.
He is on time 94% of the time,
which iscoincidentally
the average battery life
on his mobile phone.
He too has always
been afraid of three things,
germs, the dark
[both trumpeting]
and surprises.
[kids chuckle]
[woman] Here is the scroll
The scroll?
on which is writ
every man's name that is thought fit
in all
[gasps softly]
[doctor] At the moment,
it's still localized.
With the right course of treatment,
her chances are very good.
These things aren't always predictable.
[narrator] It was then that Oliver decided
he'd never be surprised like that again.
[Oliver] Everything in our lives
is now measured by big data.
Our social connections,
our buying habits, even ourdaily steps.
That means that eventually, one day,
everything in our lives
will be predictable.
I think there's always some things
that will catch us by surprise.
[scoffs] Not if we have enough data.
[narrator] When you're afraid
of surprises,
it can seem better
to leave nothing to chance.
Borrow mine, if you want.
[narrator] That is,
until you meet an American girl
with a dead phone battery.
[music fades]
Sorry, I don't, uh,
share electronics till the third date.
[indistinct chatter]
Okay. No, I
I suppose it is quite intimate.
[Hadley exhales] Mm-hmm.
[clears throat]
Yeah, I'm done, if you wanna use it.
[Hadley] Oh, uh thanks. I [laughs]
Battery keeps dying.
It probably just needs a service.
Phone batteries, they have
a finite number of charging cycles.
You, like, a tech bro, or
- A maths geek.
- [Hadley chuckles]
I'm studying statistics at Yale.
Subtle status drop there.
[both laugh]
[exhales, clicks tongue]
British, you know? Can't help myself.
[Hadley chuckles]
I'm Oliver, by the way.
As in Twist?
And they say Americans are uncultured.
Oh. We definitely are.
I'm just a Dickens fan.
I'm Hadley.
Well, it's nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
[bag zips]
What are you studying, Dickens fan Hadley?
- English lit?
- I'm [clicks tongue]undecided.
It's not like I woke up one morning
and was like,
"Oh, I'm gonna be
a tax law attorney." [laughs]
[chuckles] Does that happen to anyone?
Tax attorneys, probably.
[both chuckle]
Where are you headed?
Uh, London. You?
Same. Yeah, I'm actually, uh
[chuckles] I'm supposed to be
in the air currently.
- But I missed my flight by four minutes.
- Ooh.
I I'd say it was fate,
but you probably chose
to be four minutes late.
- [Hadley] Hmm.
- [both chuckle]
[Hadley sighs]
[Oliver] I was gonna go get some food.
Do you wanna come with?
Is that, like,
a third date thing for you?
[both chuckle]
- No, food would be great.
- [lively music playing]
[narrator] Ordinarily, Hadley's
perpetual tardiness and uncharged phone
led her to get into trouble.
Today, it led her to Oliver.
[Hadley] Are you heading home
for the holidays?
I assume that London is your home.
Yeah. To be honest, I'd rather stay here.
Don't wanna get behind on my research.
What are you researching?
The percentage of Americans
who miss their flights.
- [music fades]
- [Hadley] Hmm.
Hilarious. Very funny.
- [chuckles]
- Oh. Ew.
- That's nasty. [laughs]
- Ah.
[Oliver] I've got a Lysol wipe for you.
For your dirty, dying phone.
Thank you. [giggles]
I've always, uh, hated airports.
[Oliver] Really?
I love 'em.
I like how you're neither here
nor there, you're just
in no-man's-land.
No, it sounds lovely.
Just like purgatory.
[both chuckle]
Not a carbs guy?
No, I just I just hate mayonnaise.
- Really?
- [Oliver] Yeah.
- It's a disgusting condiment...
- I hate it too, actually.
Um, it's, uh,
number two of my top three fears.
- What are the others?
- Dentists and small spaces.
- You've thought about this.
- [Hadley] Not really.
Like, if I were to ask
what you're afraid of,
you wouldn't have to think.
You would know.
Well, how do you know I'm not fearless?
'Cause you are eating deli meat
with a fork and knife.
[ringtone playing]
[Oliver sighs]
Sorry, I gotta take this.
Oh yeah. Go for it.
[guy] You did say 11:00
you were getting in?
No, it's10:00. I emailed you.
You did?
I blame the gym's Wi-Fi. It's a bit dodgy.
[Oliver] You've got one job tomorrow.
Pick me up at 10:00.
Don't worry. I'll be there.
And by the way, I've got a little surprise
planned for you, so be ready for that.
What? No, I don't like surprises.
It's a good one. You can't be annoyed.
I've warned you,
so you can't be as pissed.
What kind of logic is that?
Luther, no.
I don't want a surprise.
You think they're all good. None are good.
No, sorry, Wi-Fi's breaking up.
No, I can't hear you.
- [imitating static]
- Luth. Luther!
[continues imitating static]
[announcer speaking on PA]
[indistinct chatter]
- Sorry about that.
- [Hadley] Okay.
So if claustrophobia
is one of your biggest fears,
then why are you about
to embark on a seven-hour flight?
[Hadley] That is a very good question.
A wedding.
Same as you?
[Oliver] Right.
That is actually myloungewear.
So I like to relax
in a finely pressed suit.
Hey, I get it.
Wrinkles are stressful.
[announcer on PA] to London Heathrow
Did he just call our flight?
- Already?
- Um, uh
- Shoot, I can't miss another one. So
- [Oliver murmurs]
- ["Everything Goes My Way" playing]
- Oh. This way.
- [Hadley] Backpack. Thank you!
- [Oliver] I'll get it.
- [grunts]
- [Hadley] That's very kind.
I can never leave this town now
Everything goes my way
Oh, can you hear the sound now?
Everybody catch my wave
I can never leave this town now
Everything goes my way
Everything goes my way
[both panting]
[Hadley laughs slightly]
- Everything goes my way
- Wait! Wait!
- [both panting]
- [sighs] Oh.
Great. We're here. We made it. Okay.
Everything goes my way
- [Hadley] Thank you.
- Mm.
Good health every day
Crossin' our heart
That we're here to stay
- [Oliver] Thank you.
- Phew.
- [Oliver sighs]
- [Hadley laughs, sighs]
- Now come, come for me
- [exhales] You're really fast.
I'll drop you a line
You say we're movin' slow
I say we're doin' all right
Come, come for me
I'll drop you a line
You say we're movin' slow
- I say we're doin' all right
- [song ends abruptly]
Well, this is me.
Very nice.
I'm further back, so
Hello, madam.
May I help you find your seat?
- I'm right here. I'm good, thanks.
- Okay.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
[softly] Thank you.
- [Oliver] Let me get that for you.
- Oh. Thank you.
[Oliver] Sorry.
[inhales sharply, grunts]
- [Hadley chuckles]
- [groans] Back to the gym.
Um, sorry. One sec.
Um, it's, uh, lovely to meet you, Hadley.
- Good luck.
- You too.
"Good luck"?
[under breath] What a knob.
- [gentle music playing]
- [Hadley sighs]
[passengers chattering]
- Evening.
- All right, mate.
- [gentle music fades]
- [baby crying]
[Oliver sighs]
Uh, excuse me, miss.
- [narrator] Yes, sir?
- I think my seat belt is broken.
Oh. May I?
Oh. Nope.
You're right. Oh dear.
You can't fly without a working seat belt.
I have to be on this flight.
- [narrator] It's a safety issue.
- Is there somewhere else I can sit?
I'll strap myself into cargo if I have to.
Sit tight, lovely.
I'll see if we can move you.
Thank you.
Mom, hi. I missed my flight.
But I got on the next one,
so everything's fine.
Um, I'll call you when I land.
Okay? I love you. Bye.
- [Oliver] Thank you for this.
- [narrator] It's nothing.
Look, technically we're not supposed
to move from economy to business,
but, um,
today just happens to be your lucky day.
- What are you...
- My seat belt's broken.
- They have to move me.
- [narrator] I'm sorry.
Do you two know each other?
- Yeah...
- Sort of, um
[engines humming]
Then I guess
this really is your lucky day.
Well, this is unexpected.
I would've thought you'd seen it coming,
Mr. Predictive Analytics.
All right, okay. Very good.
- Well done.
- [lively music playing]
- [Hadley] Hmm.
- Do you always get pj's?
[chuckling] I've actually
never flown business either.
Do you mind if I
- Oh, thank you.
- Wipe you down...
Uh, not, uh, like that.
29% of airplanes
are not cleaned thoroughly.
I I made that one up.
[both laugh]
Over the next 6 hours and 47 minutes,
Hadley Sullivan
and Oliver Jones will fall in love.
But then, 18 minutes after they land,
they'll be separated in a crowd
and never see each other again.
Well, that's unless they get each other's
name or number or email,
Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook.
There's loads of options, really.
- Great.
- [lively music building]
[engines whirring]
[music fades]
[woman on recording]
In case of an emergency landing in water,
your life jacket is located
under your seat
and will inflate automatically.
It has a whistle
for you to use for attention
and a light
so you can be seen in the dark
I've never seen anyone read those before.
Well, then you're very lucky
to be sitting next to me.
Oh. You mean in general?
And in case of an emergency.
Right, 'cause if we crash-land
into the pond,
then all five-foot-nothing of you
is gonna pick me up
and carry me out of there.
You know the chances
of this plane crashing are, like,
one in five and a half million.
You're more likely to die
on your ride home...
Can we not talk about dying right now?
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
[pilot on intercom]
Cabin crew, prepare for takeoff.
[whirring grows louder]
[Hadley breathing shakily]
[energetic music playing]
[engines roaring]
[Hadley exhales]
[Hadley sighs]
You okay?
[Hadley] Mm-hmm.
Um, what's your favorite color?
- Animal?
- [Hadley chuckles]
[laughs] Seriously?
Come on.
Yellow, Mexican, dogs. You?
Blue, curry, and birds.
What do you mean, "Ew"?
They're the symbol of freedom.
They shit everywhere.
So do dogs.
Dogs aren't creepy.
Okay. What's your favorite number?
Um two.
It's the imaginary unit.
It's the square root of negative one.
- Wow. You're such a nerd.
- [chuckles] I know.
Maybe. But I think it's working.
What, you being charming?
No. Me distracting you.
[energetic music fading out]
It's good to know
that you think I'm charming,though.
[whirring of engines fades]
[chime plays]
[flight attendant] The captain
has switched off the seat belt light,
so please feel free
to move around the cabin.
In a few moments,
the flight attendants
will be passing around
Thank you for that.
No worries.
I'll get that for you.
- Oh, thank you, young man.
- [Oliver] That's okay.
- You got a good one there.
- Thanks.
How'd you two meet?
- Actually, we...
- It was at an airport, believe it or not.
[woman] Really?
Yeah. See, um, her phone was dead,
so I gallantly offered her my charger.
We started chatting.
One thing led to another...
And he's been charging
my batteries ever since.
[woman] Oh, good for you two.
[woman chuckles, sighs]
Anyway, have a nice flight.
[Hadley] You too.
- [sighs]
- So, tell me more about this wedding.
Oh, yeah, uh [laughs]
Yeah, um
[clicks tongue]
It's my dad's second marriage
to a woman I've never met before.
[clicks tongue] So
- So you're going to your dad's wedding.
- Yep.
And you've never met his fiance.
- Nope.
- How does that work?
[laughs] Um, it starts when he gets
a job teaching poetry at Oxford.
Then after promising
that that will only last for a semester,
he files for divorce from your mom
and falls in love
with a woman named Charlotte
and proceeds to ask her to marry him.
And then he makes you,
who he hasn't seen for over a year,
fly across the ocean in a tin can
so you can stand next to him
wearing a dress the color of a bruise.
That's awful.
- Yeah.
- [both laugh]
If it's, uh, any consolation,
50% of marriages do end in divorce.
That means 50% don't.
Yeah, but I mean, the chances
of this happening were incredibly high.
Is that supposed
to make me feel any better?
- Doesn't it?
- [Hadley] No.
I think it just sucks.
You know, the worst part is that
he's gonna get up tomorrow,
and he's gonna make
the exact same promises
that he just broke.
I get that people can fall in love again.
I just feel like, if it's real,
why do you have to try
so hard to prove it?
Why do you have to throw this big,
grand party to rub it in everyone's face?
I think that real love isn't about that.
Real love is about finding someone
that will hold your hand
when life gets rough.
And that's it?
No wedding, nomarriage, just
someone to hold your hand through life?
[gentle music playing]
Yeah, pretty much.
I like that
weddings are a promise, I guess.
Not everyone keeps their promises.
[gentle music fades]
that's my wedding. [laughs]
What's yours?
Please say something dramatic,
like your stepmom's marrying your uncle
or something like that.
- [chuckles] Um
- So what'll it be?
Some delicious chicken and vegetables,
or some very dry fish?
- Chicken.
- [narrator] Mm.
- Right.
- [Hadley] Um
I'm gonna go for the fish
Excellent choice, madam.
- Wow, our second dinner date.
- [Hadley] Hmm.
Things are moving fast.
[upbeat music playing]
[engines whirring]
[flight attendant] For you.
[upbeat music fades]
[inhales deeply] All right?
Yeah. Sorry, I
Oh my God. [laughs]
- I mean
- Sexy, I know.
- Perfect fit.
- I thought so.
- Look cute.
- [laughs]
Oh, you weren't lying about Dickens.
Oh, um
[clicks tongue]
I actually haven't read this one.
- Hmm. Looks like someone has.
- [Hadley] Yeah.
Um, it was my dad's.
He gave it to me after the divorce.
It was a thing that we would do.
He would give me books he loved,
and then I would love them too.
[somber music playing]
[dad] It's one of his best ones.
I've read it at least a dozen times.
You know, I don't get to recommend books
as often to you now.
But certain ones are too important
to get lost in all this.
So, should we hit the slopes?
Yeah. Um, just gotta pee first.
[somber music building]
[Hadley] "'Is it better
to have had a good thing and lost it,
or never to have had it?'"
[Hadley] That's why I'm giving it back.
[Oliver] Without having read it.
Without having read it.
Right. [sighs]
[inhales sharply] Do you wanna join me
at the cinema?
Make our first date dinner
and a nice, cheesy rom-com?
I'm down for a cheesy rom-com.
As long as there's a happy ending.
You know what I meant.
- [laughs]
- Okay.
- I meant like...
- No. No, it's fine.
- In the movie with the characters
- Hey.
- I like happy endings.
- [Hadley giggles]
[gentle music playing]
[pencil scratching]
[mom] Oh, let us come to the gate.
- Let us come with you.
- Mom, I'm 21.
- [mom] Just come to the...
- No!
Okay, well, work hard,
but don't forget to play.
I will.
- And make sure you eat properly.
- [Oliver] Same to you.
[mom, softly] I'm so proud of you.
Okay. Go.
Go on then.
Live your life.
Have a grand adventure!
- [Oliver sniffles]
- [mom] Farewell!
[Luther] Toodle-oo.
[mom laughs] Bye!
[pencil continues scratching]
[gentle music fades]
[Hadley exhales]
Are you preparing a speech?
Best man?
- That's what they tell me.
- [Hadley chuckles]
You get some rest?
Little bit.
I was thinking about it, and
I don't think you should give it back.
The book.
Why not?
Well, historically,
you and your dad were very close,
which means the odds are
you will eventually forgive him.
So you might as well just do it now.
[clicks tongue] You and the math thing.
- [Oliver chuckles]
- Mm.
[scoffs] Yeah, drives my brother nuts too.
You have siblings?
Uh, yeah, one.
He's two years younger. Luther.
Does he live in London?
Yeah, with our mum and dad.
Well, until a few months ago
when he decided to buy
a garish green Sprinter van.
Hmm. Those are cool.
[Oliver] Mm.
That's what he tells me.
Are you guys close, historically?
- You ask a lot of questions, don't you?
- Are you?
Our mum got sick when we were kids.
So, yeah. But we're both very different.
It's fine,though. I'm used to it now.
She okay now, your mom?
Uh, she was in remission
for 14 years, but it came back.
I'm sorry.
[clicks tongue] Oh no
[acoustic version of "I Wanna Dance
with Somebody (Who Loves Me)" playing]
You're sort of dangerous.
Do you know that?
I'm way too honest with you.
[inhales sharply]
Anyway, I should nip to the loo
and then get some sleep, I think.
Yeah, same.
I've been in love
And lost my senses
Spinnin' through the town
Sooner or later, the fever ends
And I wind up feeling down
- I need a man
- Excuse me.
- Who'll take a chance
- Oh.
On a love
That burns hot enough to last
When the night falls
My lonely heart calls
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
Don't cha wanna dance
Say you wanna dance
- Don't cha wanna dance?
- I wanna dance with somebody
Don't cha wanna dance
Say you wanna dance
Don't cha wanna dance?
Don't cha wanna dance
Say you wanna dance
Don't cha wanna dance?
[engines roaring in distance]
With somebody who loves me
- [song fades]
- [chime plays]
[on intercom] Ladies and gentlemen,
this is your captain speaking.
We're making our final descent
into Heathrow,
and we'll be touching down
in about 15 minutes.
From all of us on the flight deck,
thanks for traveling with us,
and we hope you enjoy your stay in London.
[Oliver sighs]
- I was going...
- I feel like...
- Sorry, you...
- No.
- [both chuckle]
- No, you.
Uh, I was just gonna ask if, um [sighs]
This wedding of yours, where is it?
Oh, um
[clicks tongue] Um
Shoreditch, I think?
Shoreditch, yeah.
That's very cool. Very hipster.
What about you? Where do you go for yours?
I have to be in Peckham at 1:00.
It's at an old chapel where my parents
used to do amateur dramatics.
Well, at least you have till 1:00.
- My ceremony starts at noon, so
- Noon?
Not the reaction I needed. [laughs]
You should be fine.
If you hurry.
And customs goes smoothly.
[clicks tongue] Oh man.
[Oliver] Cumulus clouds. Best clouds ever.
They're the only thing on this earth
that looks like how you drew it as a kid.
[Hadley] Hmm.
So, your family's
not a collection of stick figures?
- Mine definitely is.
- Okay, that I wanna see.
Sorry, no meeting the family
till the fifth date.
Says the girl
who slept with me on the first.
I'm breaking all my rules for you.
Me too.
[energetic music playing]
[engines whirring]
[officer 1] UK passports to the left.
- Everyone else to the right.
- Ready?
UK passports to the left.
All others to the right.
UK passports to the left.
Everyone else to the right.
Sir, ma'am,
I need you to keep moving.
- Give me your phone.
- Okay.
- Sir, can't have you holding up the line.
- Sorry. I'll be two seconds.
- This is my number.
- [officer 1] UK passports to the left.
- All others, right.
- Text me so I've got yours.
Sir, now.
- Cool.
- Yeah, I'm going.
- Yep. I'll see you on the other side.
- [grunts]
Wait. What?
See you on the other side.
Okay. [chuckles]
It's not like the lines
lead to separate countries.
[Hadley sighs] Oh shit.
[toddler fusses]
[officer 2] Next, please.
[officer 3] Next!
[officer 2] Next, please.
[energetic music fades]
- Morning, madam.
- Um, morning.
Hi. Sorry.
- There.
- What brings you to London?
Uh, a wedding.
And how long will you be staying?
Uh, just the weekend.
And did you get his name or number?
Of the person you're staying with.
Oh, yeah, um
Andrew Sullivan.
He's my dad.
We're gonna be at the, uh, Spits
Spitalfield Hotel for the wedding.
That's where we're staying.
My dad's getting married.
Enjoy your trip.
["Passing Ships" playing]
Running water
Like a moment, slips
Through my fingers
Missed connection, passing ships
In the same city
With all these strangers in between
Every corner
- Every double take
- [Hadley] Hi!
Can I, uh?
- Am I gettin' warmer
- [chime dings]
[Hadley] One sec.
Um, I believe I'm going toShoreditch.
Saint Luke's Church. Yeah, inShoreditch.
I'll leave a light on
'Cause you might be
Someone special to me
And I get the feeling
You might be something that I need
[narrator] Word to the wise.
If you have only a 2% chance
of finding love in an airport
and the boy gives you his number,
make sure your phone is properly charged.
- [song fades]
- [Hadley sighs] No. Shit.
[narrator] And get his last name.
[Hadley sighs]
[cell phone vibrating]
- Hey. I'm just in a taxi.
- [Andrew] All right, well, how how far?
We are half an hour away.
All right. Uh, Charlotte's friends
will be on standby.
For what?
For you.
I can't wait to see you.
[line clicks]
["Why Don't We Start from Here" playing]
Why don't we start from here?
Why don't we start from here?
- Let's go!
- Ooh
- Let's go!
- Ooh
With every penny that she'd made
She took a bus to board a plane
Not a single plan in place
For thegreat escape
She's not wealthy, but she's rich
Read all the books on how to live
And the final chapter said
This is the great escape
[narrator] Hadley arrived
at her father's wedding
with seven minutes to spare.
Just enough time for four bridesmaids
to work their magic.
- She's late.
- Don't worry.
Ugh, who turns up late?
- [woman 1] Is that her?
- [woman 2] Are you Hadley?
- Hey.
- [woman 3] Hi.
[woman 2] Hadley.
- Hi. I'm Bertie.
- Hi.
And this isViolet, Jasmine, and Shanti.
[Hadley] Hey, guys.
Sorry I'm so late.
Right, Little Miss Apple Pie,
Lady Time is marching on.
- [women chuckle]
- Just gonna straighten this out for you.
Your hair is scrumptious.
And your skin
Don't eat her.
- I could lick it.
- [all laugh]
I won't! I won't! I won't!
- [Jasmine gasps]
- The pineapple.
- Very few can pull off that look.
- Oh.
- [chuckles] Thank you.
- [Bertie] Yeah.
[women laugh]
- You want tequila?
- [Hadley] Ah.
First rule of a British wedding
- Get smashed.
- [group cheers] Yes!
- [Hadley chuckles]
- [Violet] Mm!
- [Hadley grunts]
- [women cough]
["Honey, Honey" playing]
[Hadley inhales sharply]
[guests chattering]
[narrator] Despite the shenanigans,
Andrew Sullivan's second wedding
only started ten minutes late.
It lasted 52 minutes and 18 seconds.
There were 760 flowers,
five bridesmaids,
and 48 hats.
I felt like a little kid
When we first met
I must admit
I think you swept me off my feet
I lost my head and stole your heart
And now it's time to play your cards
I think that you could fall for me
[narrator] 100% agreed
that Charlotte Engleby
looked incredibly happy,
and thatAndrew Sullivan
was very much in love.
It's so nice to have someone to share
[narrator] The minister talked
for too long,
seven jokes were told,
four heartwarming stories,
and the word "love" was used 12 times.
31% of the guests were moved to tears,
two rings were exchanged,
and one bridesmaid couldn't stop thinking
about the boy from the plane.
as long as you both shall live?
- Um, I'm sorry. I mean, I do.
- [giggles]
[guests laughing]
Then I now pronounce you husband and wife.
- [guests cheering]
- Oh, my darling
The world just got a little lighter
My love, my sweetheart
The days ahead are looking bright
My one and only
It's you and I
And side by side, we'll run
[all cheering]
Oh, it's you and I
And side by side, we'll run
It's you and I
And side by side, we'll run
["Honey, Honey" fades out]
[narrator] The average wedding
has a 75-minute break
between the ceremony and the reception.
Today's wedding, however,
has a gap of 240 minutes,
which meant for the next four hours,
Hadley had to figure out
what on earth to say to her dad.
[Andrew] Hadley?
- Hey.
- [Hadley] Hey.
Oh God, it's good to see you.
[Hadley chuckles]
Look at you. You look different.
- More, uh, grown up.
- Yep.
Weird how that happens. [chuckles]
Anyways, congrats.
- Big day.
- Well, thank you.
Um, that means a lot,
and we're really glad that you're here.
Well, you know,
tried my hardest to miss it. [chuckles]
Yeah. Yep.
That was a joke. [scoffs]
- Yeah. It's a funny joke. Um
- [Hadley chuckles]
Hey, listen,
there's something I want to ask you,
which didn't feel right
to bring up over text or mobile...
- Cell phone. [chuckles]
- Yep. Um
Charlotte and I were wondering if [sighs]
you would do a father-daughter dance
with me at the reception.
I told her you would think
it was stupid. I know, it's
Real... It's fine?
Yeah. It's fine.
- Uh, was that it, or?
- [Andrew] Yeah.
- Yeah. That's great. Okay.
- [Hadley] Great.
- [chuckles]
- [Charlotte] Hadley!
So great to finally meet you.
[bridesmaids chattering]
Your dad was in a state when he thought
you weren't going to make it.
- He wanted to call the whole thing off.
- Really?
Yeah. Are you kidding?
I'm not gonna do it without you.
I mean, you're my daughter.
Hey, the photographer told me to tell you
that he needs you ready in five minutes.
Well, tell him to bugger off.
I'm with our guest of honor.
- [Andrew] Okay.
- [laughs] No, don't you dare.
- [chuckles, clicks tongue] Oh.
- [Andrew chuckles]
[both kissing]
All right then. Photos it is.
You only get one big day, right?
Well, you know, not statistically.
- Char, some guests want to say goodbye.
- [Charlotte] Okay.
[guests chattering]
[Charlotte] Oh, Tom! Karen!
You made it! Oh, you all look so lovely!
[Tom] Uh, look.
We'll be back for the reception.
We've just got to pop
to a memorial at Peckham House.
[Charlotte] Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
[Karen] A friend of Tom's
from the theater.
[Tom] It's a tragic story, really.
Uh, married, two sons,
beat cancer 12 years ago,
only for it to come back out of the blue.
[Karen] One of her boys had to fly home
from uni in the States.
Gosh. Can you imagine making that trip
all alone for your mum's memorial?
[gentle music playing]
[Hadley] I'm going to a wedding.
Same as you, right?
Actually, that's my loungewear.
Yeah, I just like to relax
in a finely pressed suit.
[narrator] There is only a 0.2% chance
that Oliver and Hadley's families
have mutual friends.
[music fades]
Hadley, honey, um,
we're gonna do some photos now.
[narrator] In 13 minutes,
a London bus will depart Shoreditch,
headed towards Peckham,
which meansHadley Sullivan
only has two minutes
to decide if she's going to be on it.
If she isn't,
there's less than a 6% chance
she will ever seeOliver Jones again.
- Yeah, um
- [bright music playing]
[narrator] You see, fate can only be fate
if we decide that we want it to be.
- Hadley, what areyou doing?
- Sorry, I
- I have to go.
- [Andrew] What?
Yeah, there's something
I I have to go just do,
but I'll, uh, come back.
Right now, in London?
Yeah. How long
till the reception and the drinks and the
Four hours.
Great. I'll I'll see you then. I promise.
What are Where are you going?
It's fine. I'll be fine.
[bright music building]
[Hadley sighs]
[plane engines roar in distance]
[narrator] Hadley wasn't sure
this was the right decision,
but something inside her
kept saying she needed to be there.
Uh, does this bus go to Peckham?
It does if you pay today.
Uh, how do I do that?
By touching your Oyster.
Touching my
- Just use a credit card.
- Right. Obviously. Makes sense.
[reader beeps]
- Off you go.
- Cool. Sorry.
- [bright music fades]
- Kids these days.
[narrator] Didn't think
that was the whole story, did you?
[tape rewinding]
[energetic music playing]
[plane engines roar in distance]
[guests applaud]
[music stops abruptly]
[officer 1] Next, please.
[announcer speaking indistinctly on PA]
[somber music playing]
[somber music fades]
- [dance music thumping]
- [Luther] Whoo!
Yo, yo, yo! My bro!
This is your welcome back track!
Sorry about this.
- Luther.
- [Luther] DJ Jonesy.
Find me on Insta.
- Surprise.
- You're gonna get us arrested.
Uh, for what?
The crime of my sick beats?
DJ Jonesy. Find me on Insta.
Okay, yeah. Maybe we should go.
[music stops]
[indistinct chatter]
Right. Before you say anything,
I wasn't busking.
I was welcoming
my brother back from America.
You better go and do it somewhere else.
Yes, sir.Understood.
We were just leaving, weren't we, Ollie?
Actually, I was just sort of waiting
for someone.
Well, I sort of don't care.
Okay. Let's go.
[Luther sighs]
- [Oliver] What?
- [Luther] Good to see you.
[Luther grunts]
["Vacation" playing]
[engine starts]
Waiting in lines
Time ispassin'
Just one more try
The heart is beatin'
You played your cards
The game is over
Great to see you.
So, how was your flight, grumps?
It It was all right, actually.
Are you really gonna do an EDM eulogy?
Oh my God, what are you doing for yours?
You see, I'm gonna give a speech,
like a normal human being.
[in singsong] Boring!
[narrator] Finally in Peckham,
Oliver Jones prepared himself
for the day's event.
This, naturally, involved putting on
a Shakespearean costume.
How you doing in there, Romeo?
- [song fades]
- I'm not Romeo. I'm Macbeth.
- [scoffs] Well
- [sighs]
[exclaims] You look smashing.
Yeah. All right, Bugs Bunny.
Let's do this, shall we?
- I'm Bottom.
- [Oliver] Bottom?
- Of course. Yeah, bottom of the barrel.
- [Luther] Shakespeare character.
[narrator] In spite of there being
one Puck, two Hamlets, and five Juliets,
this wasn't your typical
Shakespeare-themed party.
In fact, it wasn't a party at all.
- [guests chattering]
- [Luther murmurs]
[band playing gentle tune]
- Oi. Oi.
- [exclaims]
- Hey, Dad.
- [growls playfully]
[both laugh]
- Good to see ya.
- [dad grunts] Oh! Hey.
Good to see you. How was your flight?
- Surprising. Though he wouldn't say why.
- You okay?
- Uh, where's Mum?
- Here.
Hey, Mum.
[gasps softly] Oliver.
[song ends]
- Good day to thee, fair friends!
- [guests cheer]
Thank you all for coming
to what can only be described
as Tess Jones's living memorial.
Or as our son Luther
likes to call it, her farewell party.
But he's a little bit simple like that.
- We do love him.
- [guests laugh]
[dad] So, yes, thank you for
for helping her
realize her dream
of having all her friends
and some of her enemies
perform for her.
Acceptable eulogies
will be musical numbers,
interpretive dance
- Thank you very much, Gloria. Yes.
- [laughs]
[dad] And iambic pentameter
from yours truly.
Um, and without further ado,
the the star of the evening,
and the center of attention,
would like to say a few words.
So here she is.
The love of my life.
My summer's day.
[smacks lips]
- Tess.
- [guests cheer and applaud]
[sighs] Thank you, all of you, for
being here, uh, today.
Well, yes, so what happened was
that Val and I were planning my funeral,
and it was just turning into
such a brilliant show
that I realized
I I wanted to be alive to see it, so
And you are right.
I do hate it when people say
nice things about me behind my back.
I think it's a it's a tragic waste.
[guests laugh]
You only really know
what kind of story yours is
when you know the ending.
And, um [clicks tongue]
I now know that mine is a love story.
[somber music playing]
I feel like my life really began
the first day that I met Val
in a Shakespeare class.
Uh, at uni.
[dramatically] He was giving
his Richard III.
- Brilliantly.
- Terrible.
[Tess and guests laugh]
[Tess] But as the Bard says,
"Whoever loved,
that loved not at first sight?" [chuckles]
What can I say? I have eccentric tastes.
[sighs] And since then we have written
the most beautiful story together
with our two darling, dashing,
daring sons. [chuckles, sighs]
And I am so grateful
to each one of you for being a part of it.
It's been glorious.
So, let's be merry.
Let's eat as much as we possibly can
and get really drunk. [laughs]
- [guests laugh]
- [Tess] And the only rule of the day is
[tearfully] don't forget to say goodbye.
[softly] Okay. Ta-da!
The end.
- [Val] Ah! Thank you, thank you!
- [guests cheer]
[Val] We should be here
for at least one night only.
Get this old hand off the stage.
[uplifting music playing]
Now, I'm happy to announce that I shall
be performing my Shakespeare medley
[narrator] Tessa Jones's living memorial
lasted one hour and 32 minutes.
Twenty-six eulogies were performed,
including nine monologues
honesty or [splutters]
Fuck, I've gone and dried.
It's completely gone. [mutters]
I've had a nightmare learning this.
[narrator] five poems
She loves me!
[narrator] eight songs,
three dances,
one freestyle rap,
and a bizarre DJ set.
- [Luther exclaims]
- [guests cheer]
When I say "DJ," you say "Jonesy."
- What? Who?
- What? [laughs]
[Luther] Oh, better than that.
- DJ!
- [crowd] Jonesy!
- DJ!
- [crowd] Jonesy!
- [Luther] DJ!
- [crowd] Jonesy!
[narrator] 87% of the guests
were moved to tears.
The word "love" was used 39 times.
And one son
wished he was still holding hands
with the girl from the plane.
- [guests chattering]
- [uplifting music fades]
[band playing gentle tune]
[narrator] As Oliver Jones took time away
from his mother's memorial,
Hadley Sullivan averaged
19 kilometers per hour towards it.
[bright music playing]
[announcement] Peckham House.
[bell dings]
Oh. Excuse me.
- [woman] Yes?
- [Hadley] Hi.
Um, could you help me? My phone's dead.
I'm trying to get to Peckham House.
Oh, okay. Yes.
So, right on Queen's Road,
left on King's Grove.
It's on the left through the gate.
Great. Cool. Thank you.
- You have no idea how much I needed that.
- Well, I hope you find him.
[Hadley sighs]
[inhales sharply]
- [bright music fades]
- Wait.
[swallows, breathing shakily]
[Tess] There you are.
What's the matter?
[sniffles] I'm fine, Mum.
- Talk to me.
- Hey, go go sit down.
Go on. You're gonna miss your party.
[Oliver sighs]
Talk to me.
I just
I just don't understand
why you're not getting treatment.
I've read the data.
I know that
I know that if you started with the chemo
with an anti-inflammatory diet,
you could have another 6 months,
12 months, maybe even 18 months.
Serious question.
So, I can be sick
all the time?
[Oliver sighs]
You'd be here.
[inhales sharply]
[softly] I know. I'm sorry.
But three months, six, 12 months,
it doesn't really make any difference.
I am still going to die.
[Oliver sighs, sniffles]
[exhales deeply]
[softly] I want to still be me.
[Oliver inhales sharply]
I'd like to do some living before I go.
[gentle music playing]
- Please.
- Yeah.
Come here.
[quietly] I love you so, so much.
Come and live with me.
C'mon. You know you want to.
Let's make a massive, great,
unforgettable spectacle of ourselves.
Mom, I just need a second.
- [sighs]
- [softly] Okay.
- Love you.
- I love you.
[Tess sighs softly]
[uplifting music playing]
[birds singing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Hadley] Excuse me.
Uh, is this the memorial?
Oh, for Tessa? Yeah.
Uh, do you know if there's an Oliver here?
Haven't seen him in a while.
Maybe Luther'll know.
Okay. Thank you.
[guests chatting]
Uh, Luther?
- Yeah?
- You're, uh, Oliver's brother?
Oh. Right?
You're American.
Uh, is Oliver here? I'm a friend.
[Luther] Yeah.
- Excellent teeth.Excellent teeth.
- [Hadley] Uh, thank you.
Uh, nice van.
Oh yeah, that's a Sprinter.
I can see that. [laughs]
[Luther] Let's find Ollie. This way.
- [excited chatter]
- [upbeat music playing]
[Luther exhales]
- [Luther] Hi, Mum. Hi, Dad.
- [Val] Here he is.
[Luther] Have you guys seen Ollie?
Not since he left. Why?
Someone is trying to find him.
I present Oliver's friend.
[both] Oliver's friend?
Hi, yeah. Uh, Hadley.
Nice to meet you guys.
Uh, Val.
- Hadley.
- [both laugh]
Are you all right, lovely?
You look like you've seen a ghost.
Um, sorry. I just
I was told I thought
Uh, this was a memorial. So I'm...
Oh. You thought I was dead.
I'm very glad that you're not.
- [both laugh]
- Me too.
Um, I brought
I don't know if it's weird,
but, I, uh I have these, so
- You should have them, I guess.
- I think it's less weird now.
- Thank you so much.
- [Hadley] You're welcome.
And don't worry about the, uh, confusion.
It is pretty unusual for somebody
to have their memorial before they die.
It's kind of a genius idea, though.
I mean, what's the point
of having all these people
say really nice things about you
if you're not around to hear it?
- My thoughts exactly.
- [gentle music playing]
Uh, let's have a little dance.
Oh, go on, Mum.
- Come on then.
- Hoick me up.
- [grunting] There we go.
- Lovely to meet you.
- Uh, me too.
- Nice to meet you.
["Above the Clouds of Pompeii" playing]
[Tess and Val speaking softly
and chuckling]
You took me walking through the town
Showed me the statues underground
Said, "Just don't they look in peace?"
Sometimes I wish that was me
I was the son you always had
Tuggin' at your coat
While you were sad
I was the son you always had
I was the son you always had
[music building]
Don't cry, hold your head up high
She would want you to
She would want you to
Please just don't cry
- Hold your head up high
- Hi. [chuckles]
She would want you to
She would want you to
[music swells]
[song fades]
[gulls calling]
It's your dress.
It's horrible. [laughs]
- I like it.
- No, you don't.
- I do.
- No, you don't.
It's pretty.
For a bruise.
So, how was it?
- The wedding?
- Yeah.
[clicks tongue] Oh, it doesn't matter.
Come on.
It was
annoyingly nice.
And Charlotte's totallyunhateable,
and my dad's genuinely happy, so
Oh God, that sounds awful.
It was the worst.
[Oliver chuckles]
I feel pretty shit that I just complained
about my dad that entire flight.
Because he's not dying.
[gentle music playing]
Why didn't you tell me?
[exhales] It's a bit complicated.
Don't you think?
"Hey, nice to meet you."
"Um, by the way,
my mum's dying of lung cancer,
so I'm flying back to London
for her memorial, but, plot twist,
she's not actually dead yet."
"She's just throwing herself
a Shakespeare-themed going-away party,
which is a completely normal thing to do
when you should be getting treatment."
[Hadley sighs]
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
You know, only 9% of lung cancer patients
make it past 10 years.
Why do you always do that? [chuckles]
Explain things away
with numbers and stuff, instead of just
saying something honest.
[Hadley, chuckling] Like
I don't know. Like, anything.
Something that you
really feel.
Sorry, I
I I want to.
I just feel like this isn't...
- You said to be honest.
- I know.
That's the most honest thing
I've done all day.
[Hadley] Sorry.
[Oliver sighs]
I feel like you have a lot
going on right now
and you're pretending
like none of it bothers you.
What would you want me to say?
Do you want me to tell you
that I'm completely gutted?
That I already miss her?
That this is the worst day of my life
apart from the one I know is coming?
I'm trying to be there for you.
I don't know.
Maybe I don't want to spill my guts out
to some girl I just met on a plane.
[Luther] Oi, Ollie.
People are leaving, so if you want
to do that speech, now's the time.
Oh yeah. Okay.
[Hadley] You should go.
It was stupid of me to come.
I didn't mean that.
Uh, no, it's fine.
Um, I gotta get back too. So Uh
Tell your family
I really enjoyed meeting them.
Come on, Ollie.
- I'm sorry.
- [Hadley] It's okay.
- You all right, Romeo?
- [Oliver] Yeah.
[narrator] Approximately 17.6%
of people will walk away
from the love of their life.
Oliver was about to be one of them.
Excuse me.
Sorry, I think you left your bag.
- Oh, that's not
- [gentle music playing]
Thank you.
[indistinct chatter]
- [taps mic]
- [Oliver] Right, um
Uh, I didn't get a chance to speak
during the eulogies, so
[music fades]
here we go.
[guests murmuring]
[Oliver] Thirty-seven.
That's how many plays
William Shakespeare wrote in his life.
It's also how many
my mum read or performed
for me and my brother when we were little.
[woman chuckles]
[Oliver] Nineteen hundred is how many days
she, uh, she took us to school,
before I started driving, and
Twice is
[gentle music playing]
is how many times
she made me strawberry jam roly-polies
when a girl broke my heart.
The thing is, is
I, uh
I tried to measure my mum's life
in in numbers.
It's, uh It's what I do.
Mum, you know this about me.
It's what I do with everything.
It helps me
make sense of the world, I guess.
The thing is, is that, well
Tessa Jones is not a number.
[Tessa sighs]
She's not the plays she acted
or the meals she made
or the advice she gave.
She's my mum.
[Tess sniffles]
I'm gonna miss you so much.
[gentle music fades]
["Lonely" playing]
Excuse me.
- Is this the way to the station?
- [jogger] Dunno. Sorry.
[ducks quacking]
[quietly] Ah, shit.
My backpack.
- Maybe
- [Hadley sighs]
I'm scared of bein' lonely
- I'll let anybody hold me
- [Hadley sighs deeply]
[Hadley grunts]
And maybe
- You're not here to get to know me
- [Hadley] Ugh. [sighs]
But I'll still let you hold me
- So I don't have to be alone
- [Hadley grunts]
[indistinct chatter]
Would you be willing to do a little trade?
I wonder
Do you stay until the morning light
Excuse me. Sorry.
Um, are we near Spitalfields?
Just a second, love.
I'm just dealing with a customer.
- Sorry.
- [vendor] Sorry about that.
I'm scared of bein' lonely
I'll let anybody hold me
[line beeping]
And maybe
[Hadley] Would you mind
if I borrowed your phone for a second?
Thank you. I'll just be a second.
[Hadley sighs]
[ringtone playing, phone vibrating]
- Hello?
- Dad?
Hadley, are you okay?
We've just pulled up to the reception.
- You haven't been answering your phone.
- The battery's dead.
Sorry, I'm
What's wrong?
[crying] I'm lost.
What street? Where are you?
Uh, Ezra Street, E2.
All right. Don't move.
I'm I'm comin' to get you.
'Kay. Thank you.
[band playing "Bad Kids"]
[train rattling on tracks]
- [crowd chattering]
- Come on, kid, take a little trip
You wanna get high
On the east side with all the bad kids
Very bad kids
But the shoe don't fit
- Drops like a brick
- [Andrew] Hadley!
When times get tough
- Gets a little rough
- Hey.
And you just want love
But up comes nothing
Sorry I ruined your big day.
[Andrew] I was just worried.
What happened?
Promise you won't freak out?
No, but I still wanna know what happened.
I, um
I went to find this guy
that I met on the plane.
A guy.
- And how old is he?
- Dad.
His name's Oliver.
He's, um, a math nerd.
And he's
kind and
surprising and
Um, I thought he was coming out here
for a wedding, like me,
but turns out it was
for a memorial for his mom,
who's actually not dead.
She's just really sick.
And, uh
I don't know. I just felt like
I needed to be there for him.
I know that sounds
really stupid. [chuckles]
Well, why would that sound stupid?
Because I've known him
for, like, eight hours and
I dunno.
I sat next to this guy on a plane,
and now I'm bailing on your wedding
to go out and find him,
and that's insane and makes no sense.
- [scoffs]
- It's not supposed to.
[song ends]
Sounds like you were being brave.
Why didn't you fight for Mom?
[gentle music playing]
Why didn't you fight for us?
Oh, Hadley. [sighs]
Why? Why didn't you? [chuckles sadly]
I don't know
that I have a good answer for you.
It's hard.
Somewhere along the way, we just
both stopped puttin' in the work.
When I came here,
we knew.
Love is a lot of work.
Is that why you picked Charlotte, then?
Because it's easy or
No, I I learned my lesson.
And I don't wanna lose you too.
I liked our old life.
I didn't want it to change.
I'm sorry.
I never meant to hurt you.
I know.
It's okay.
Really. It's okay.
I'm glad you're happy, Dad.
You are?
Yeah, I know.
It's a shocker for me too, but
Yeah, I am.
Thank you.
You're welcome. [chuckles, sighs]
[Andrew] It's so good to talk.
I missed you.
Should we finally get to the party now?
[both chuckles]
[band playing gentle music]
- Oh, hey, cool trainers.
- [clears throat]
- Sneakers, Dad.
- [both laugh]
I know. I think if you give her a chance...
[chuckles] No, Charlotte.
- [Andrew] Hey, honey!
- [laughs]
[Charlotte] Hello, babe.
I'm absolutely starved.
I haven't eaten all day.
- Or all month, if I'm being honest.
- [Andrew chuckles]
- Would you like some?
- Oh no. Thank you. I'm good.
- Is everything all right?
- Oh, yeah. Yeah. We were just talking.
[Charlotte] Mm.
I'm sorry I just ran off like that.
Oh, it's fine. All of the pressure
that I've been putting on you
withthe bridesmaid thing
and the dance thing,
I would have run away too.
It's not that actually.
No, it's just I know how important
you are to your dad.
And I just really want you to like me.
[Hadley chuckles]
Sorry. I'm being intense again. [laughs]
[Hadley] It's okay.
Sure you don't want some sandwich?
- I'm good. I don't do mayonnaise.
- She doesn't do mayonnaise.
Yeah. [chuckles]
[chattering fades]
Do you know what? I really like her.
- Can't have been easy walking in here.
- [Val] Mm.
- Plus, she fancies you!
- Mom, shut up.
- Are we going to talk about her?
- No, we're not.
You know how bad the odds are
on long-distance relationships?
It's like 56%. I'm not gonna do it.
Hold on. Hadley Ella Sullivan.
- Born January the 16th.
- Give me that.
- Very nice.
- Come on!
You honestly have to get this to her.
I can't. I don't know where she is, do I?
Well, that's what the Internet's for.
I can't believe you. Wait. Oi!
That's not for you.
- [Tessa] Don't fight.
- [both bickering]
I'm dying. Don't fight.
- Stop it. Leave him alone!
- Give it here! [groans]
[Val inhales sharply]
[Luther] Sweeties?
[Val] It's a very good book.
[Luther] Mm.
And what's this?
At Saint Luke's Church!
Reception afterwards
at the Naval College at 6:00p.m.
There you are. That's great.
- So you want me to crash a wedding?
- [Luther] Ugh!
Just go.
Who cares what the odds are?
Come on, Mum.
- Let's get you home.
- Yeah. It's a good idea.
[Luther and Val strain]
- Okay? Up. Up.
- [Tessa grunts softly]
I'll bring the I'll bring the oxygen.
- Okay. Go, go, go.
- You better go.
Um [clicks tongue]
[scoffs] You know
if I knew the odds
that your mother was gonna get cancer and
and die when I fell in love with her,
do you know
what I would have done differently?
Absolutely nothing.
["Strange Game" playing]
It's a strange, strange game
Love will never be the same
I wonder
Will I be sane again?
Well, I'm blushin', just a-thinkin'
You know, I never in my whole life
My friends, they've started talkin'
They say I'm changin'
I dunno what they're on about
- [song continues in distance]
- [Hadley sighs]
[door opens]
[woman huffs] Bloody weddings.
Sorry. [chuckles]
Hi. I'm just always late.
If it makes you feel any better,
I've been late all day.
[both laugh]
Sounds like there's a story there.
You could say that. Yeah.
Did it have a good ending?
I don't know. [laughs]
Um, there's definitely some things
that I wish turned out differently.
But then
[song ends]
Yeah, I guess it does.
- ["Lemonade" playing]
- [Hadley] Maybe it wasn't meant to be.
We're all drinkin' lemonade
We thought we'd
- Hey.
- [Hadley] Yeah.
Oh. You're up.
By now
[clears throat]
- [Hadley chuckles]
- By now
Hey, thank you for doin' this.
And, you know,
I don't just mean the dance.
I mean everything.
I'm really grateful you're here.
Me too. Really.
You know, you're welcome to stay
for Christmas,if you want.
I mean, no pressure.
I know it wouldn't be the same
as before, with Mom,
but it could be nice.
"Is it better to have had a good thing
and lost it, or never to have had it?"
Our Mutual Friend.
You've read it!
Not yet, but I'm going to.
- Think I get it now.
- [Andrew] Hmm.
Well, in that case,
I just have one more question.
Oh no.
Are you ready to boogie?
- ["Video Killed the Radio Star" playing]
- Am I? Oh, go for it.
I heard you on my wireless back in '52
- Okay.
- [crowd cheers]
Lying awake
Intent at tuning in on you
If I was young
It didn't stop you comin' through
Oh-a, oh-a
They took the credit
For your second symphony
Rewritten by machine
And new technology
And now I understand
The problems you can see
Oh-a, oh-a
I met your children
Oh-a, oh-a
What did you tell them?
Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
Pictures came and broke your heart
Oh-a-a-a, oh
Can I get a lift to Greenwich?
- [Val] Driver, come on.
- [Tess] Jump in.
[all laugh]
- [Luther] All aboard!
- [engine starts]
[Oliver] Doesn't this thing go any faster?
- [music swells]
- [guests cheer]
Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
In my mind and in my car
- We can't rewind, we've gone too far
- [Charlotte exclaims]
Pictures came and broke your heart
Put the blame on VCR
You are a radio star
[narrator] December 21st is the best day
of the year to be in love in London.
With 2,380,000 Christmas lights
illuminating the city,
and hundreds of cups of hot chocolate
steaming in cold hands,
it is the fourth most popular day
for an engagement proposal.
Four hundred and twenty-two
couples will get married,
39 will celebrate
their 45th wedding anniversary,
and thousands of strangers
will meet eyes for the very first time.
But of all the couples who are
falling in love on this lovely day,
it's the story of only one
that really matters.
- [Val] Oh no! That was it!
- [Tess] It wasn't.
- That is not what happened.
- [Val] You put the cat in the fridge.
- [Tessa] What cat?
- [Val] And you said the cat looked hot!
- [laughing]
- There's nothing like a family outing.
We haven't done this for years.
- [Oliver] Yeah, it's a good story...
- [Tess] This is wrong.
[Val] Look, okay.
I'm just saying, we're gonna get there.
[Luther] We'll get there.
You're in the fastest van in London.
[Oliver] More traffic straight on.
[Tess] You know what?
[Luther] Stop stressing me out.
I can't drive with your voices.
- ["Time" playing]
- Time keeps on comin'
- [Jones family continues chattering]
- I've been all around
I'll keep on runnin'
Till time catches on
I've been on the run
Now you're back in your hideout
Never gave it all for free
Everyone was talking
[Tess] It was a left back there.
It was a left!
This is the wrong road.
- Just following the satnav.
- It's on the other side of the park.
About you and me
I'll keep on lovin'
Someday she'll love me
- [Oliver] Wrong way, Luther.
- [Luther] This is as close as I can get.
[Tess] This is it. There. Ugh.
- [Val] Oh God!
- [Luther] What do you want me to do?
Drive across the grass?
- Listen, you have to trust me.
- Stop the car.
- [Tess and Luther] What?
- [Oliver] Stop!
[Hadley sighs]
- Luth!
- What? What?
- Stop.
- Stop the car!
- [Tess, Luther] What?
- [all grunt]
- [Val] That was fun.
- [Tess laughs]
[Oliver grunts, panting]
Thanks for the ride.
I love the van. [taps]
Go get her, Macbeth.
Once uphill, you'll be fine
But your love's lost down the line
- [Oliver] Hadley!
- Hate to say I was wrong
- [horn honks]
- Came into this life on my own
And I'll try
Yes, I'll try
Hope for love, turn out the light
And I gave my own life
My own life, my own life
[song fades out]
[breeze blowing gently]
[Oliver sighs]
Say something.
You say something.
Okay, um
That's what I'm afraid of.
Or that and the dark.
And germs. [chuckles]
Okay. [laughs]
Why are you telling me that?
Well, you asked me
what I was scared of when we met.
That's it.
I'm scared of
being caught off-guard by things like
cancer or
[gentle music playing]
Okay. It would be really great
if you could say something now.
[laughing softly]
Do you like that surprise? [chuckles]
Yeah, I suppose
I could get used to those. [sighs]
Even from a girl you just met on a plane?
Especially from the girl
I just met on the plane.
Do you need to get back?
[sighs] I've got some time.
Planning on, uh,
missing my flight tomorrow, so
- You are?
- Mm-hmm.
Well, did you know that one in every
50 relationships starts at an airport?
- Oh, does it?
- Yeah.
Well, actually,
approximately 8% of couples
meet because of a missed connection.
What are you actually researching?
Uh, actually?
Actually, yes.
- [laughs, sighs]
- Okay.
[Oliver takes a deep breath]
The statistical probability
of love at first sight.
[both laugh]
[gentle music swells]
[narrator] Hadley Sullivan
and Oliver Jones will kiss 12,872 times
in their life together.
They'll be married 58 years,
have 1,462 arguments,
and make love 5,787 times.
Hadley will hold Oliver's hand
when Tessa takes her last breath.
Oliver will hold Hadley's
when she takes hers.
And they will both hold
their daughter's hand the day she's born
and marvel at her tiny fingers
and how none of it
would have been possible
were it not for a missed flight,
a broken seat belt,
and a choice to love each other every day.
[music fades]
["I Wanna Dance with Somebody
(Who Loves Me)" playing]
I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
I wanna dance
- I wanna dance
- Ooh
With somebody who loves me
I wanna dance
With somebody who loves me
- I wanna dance
- Ooh
With somebody who loves me
[song fades out]
["When Love Arrives" playing]
One foot in front of the other
One breath at a time
Everything is spinnin' way too fast
I wanna slow it down
Each day blurs into the other
And all I think about is you
But am I ready for love?
Why can't anything start on cue?
Nothing's gonna hit you harder
Nothing's gonna hold you as tight
There's nowhere to hide
When love arrives
It's blindin' like a supernova
But still you have to open your eyes
It's a wild ride
When love arrives
Blindsided, right out of nowhere
This just never happens to me
I'm still waitin'
For the credits to roll
On this movie
One glance, one spark
And you're under
Always sounded stupid to me
But now my feet
Are barely touchin' the ground
Am I crazy?
Oh, nothing's gonna hit you harder
Nothing's gonna hold you as tight
There's nowhere to hide
When love arrives
It's blindin' like a supernova
But still you have to open your eyes
It's a wild ride
When love arrives
It's hard to find
But you'll know it's right
When love arrives
For you
Hold on tight
It's a wild ride
When love arrives
For you
["When Love Arrives" fades out]
- [birds chirping]
- [gentle music playing]
[chimes ringing]
[music building]
[music fades]
Oh, can you hear the sound now?
Everybody catch my wave
I can never leave this town now
Everything goes my way
Oh, can you hear the sound now?
Everybody catch my wave
I can never leave this town now
Everything goes my way
[narrator] December 20th
is the worst day of the year
to travel through
John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Over 193,000 passengers
arrive and depart that day
[scanner beeps]
causing, on average,
23-minute delays at check-in
and a peak wait time
of 117 minutes at security.
But of all the passengers inconvenienced
on this inconvenient day
- Excuse me.
- [man] Sorry.
it is the story of only one that matters.
Because today, that passenger is late.
[woman] Excuse me.
[indistinct chatter]
- Whoa, whoa.
- Oh. Sorry. Sorry!
[narrator] Hadley Sullivan is
about to miss her flight to London
by four minutes.
[panting] Wait! Please, I'm here.
Uh, sorry, miss. You're too late.
[Hadley sighs]
- [continues panting]
- Everything goes my way
[narrator] There are 367 souls
aboard flight TA-5120.
412 pieces of luggage, 344 personal items,
4 emotional support animals,
and 62 neck pillows.
Together, these passengers will travel
for 6 hours and 47 minutes,
all without Hadley.
Some might say it's bad luck
to miss one's flight by four minutes.
Or you might prefer to think
that everything happens for a reason.
But for Hadley, those four minutes
won't be unlucky at all.
Because very soon,
a girl and a boy will meet,
and it will change everything.
[song stops abruptly]
But just to be clear,
this isn't a story about love.
This is a story about fate.
Or statistics.
Really just depends
on who you're talking to.
[energetic music playing]
[narrator] The girl
is Hadley Ella Sullivan.
Twenty years old, 65 inches tall.
She's late 21% of the time,
which is, coincidentally,
the average battery life
of her cell phone.
She's afraid of three things,
including mayonnaise,
small spaces,
and dentists.
There was one thing, however,
she never thought to be afraid of.
It's just for a term.
Dad, you're literally gonna be teaching
poetry in the country Shakespeare's from.
- How are you not freaking out right now?
- Oh, I'm freakin' out.
This is awesome.
I've always wanted to study abroad...
Actually, honey,
you and I are staying here.
[narrator] She wasn't ready to admit it,
but on her list of fears,
divorce suddenly ranked
much higher than mayonnaise.
[music fades]
[sighs] The best thing we can do
is get you on the next flight.
There are two seats left,
both in business.
- When does that leave?
- [agent] Hour and a half.
Arrives in London at 9:55 a.m.
- My dad's wedding's at noon.
- [agent] Do you need to think about it?
You know, can you give me one second?
I'll just be
Sorry, just one second.
- [sighs] Just, uh
- [line ringing]
[cell phone vibrating]
[dad sighs]
[groggily] Hey, sweetie. What's up?
- Hey, I, uh, missed my flight.
- What?
Yeah, I can get on the next one,
but there's only business.
It doesn't get in till 10:00.
- No, tonight. I'll be traveling by comet.
- Hadley.
- [sighs]
- [Hadley] Sorry.
All right, well, buy the ticket,
and and I'll reimburse you.
- Uh, no, I can pay for it.
- Don't be ridiculous.
- You can't afford that.
- Okay. Thank you.
I really have to go.
All right.
Well, text me right when you land, okay?
Yeah, okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Okay, yeah.
One business-class ticket
to London, please.
Thank you. Thanks.
[indistinct chatter]
[announcer on PA]
If you see any unattended luggage
or anything suspicious,
contact the TSA immediately.
If you see something, say something.
Oh. It's dead.
So that's why it's open.
Course it is.
- [woman] What?
- Um [clicks tongue]
Never mind. Nothing. Thank you.
[announcer on PA]
boarding announcement for flight AI-3670
You can borrow mine if you want.
[energetic music playing]
[announcement on PA fades]
[narrator] This,
as you may have guessed, is the boy.
Oliver Martin Jones,
22 years old, 1.8 meters tall.
He is on time 94% of the time,
which iscoincidentally
the average battery life
on his mobile phone.
He too has always
been afraid of three things,
germs, the dark
[both trumpeting]
and surprises.
[kids chuckle]
[woman] Here is the scroll
The scroll?
on which is writ
every man's name that is thought fit
in all
[gasps softly]
[doctor] At the moment,
it's still localized.
With the right course of treatment,
her chances are very good.
These things aren't always predictable.
[narrator] It was then that Oliver decided
he'd never be surprised like that again.
[Oliver] Everything in our lives
is now measured by big data.
Our social connections,
our buying habits, even ourdaily steps.
That means that eventually, one day,
everything in our lives
will be predictable.
I think there's always some things
that will catch us by surprise.
[scoffs] Not if we have enough data.
[narrator] When you're afraid
of surprises,
it can seem better
to leave nothing to chance.
Borrow mine, if you want.
[narrator] That is,
until you meet an American girl
with a dead phone battery.
[music fades]
Sorry, I don't, uh,
share electronics till the third date.
[indistinct chatter]
Okay. No, I
I suppose it is quite intimate.
[Hadley exhales] Mm-hmm.
[clears throat]
Yeah, I'm done, if you wanna use it.
[Hadley] Oh, uh thanks. I [laughs]
Battery keeps dying.
It probably just needs a service.
Phone batteries, they have
a finite number of charging cycles.
You, like, a tech bro, or
- A maths geek.
- [Hadley chuckles]
I'm studying statistics at Yale.
Subtle status drop there.
[both laugh]
[exhales, clicks tongue]
British, you know? Can't help myself.
[Hadley chuckles]
I'm Oliver, by the way.
As in Twist?
And they say Americans are uncultured.
Oh. We definitely are.
I'm just a Dickens fan.
I'm Hadley.
Well, it's nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
[bag zips]
What are you studying, Dickens fan Hadley?
- English lit?
- I'm [clicks tongue]undecided.
It's not like I woke up one morning
and was like,
"Oh, I'm gonna be
a tax law attorney." [laughs]
[chuckles] Does that happen to anyone?
Tax attorneys, probably.
[both chuckle]
Where are you headed?
Uh, London. You?
Same. Yeah, I'm actually, uh
[chuckles] I'm supposed to be
in the air currently.
- But I missed my flight by four minutes.
- Ooh.
I I'd say it was fate,
but you probably chose
to be four minutes late.
- [Hadley] Hmm.
- [both chuckle]
[Hadley sighs]
[Oliver] I was gonna go get some food.
Do you wanna come with?
Is that, like,
a third date thing for you?
[both chuckle]
- No, food would be great.
- [lively music playing]
[narrator] Ordinarily, Hadley's
perpetual tardiness and uncharged phone
led her to get into trouble.
Today, it led her to Oliver.
[Hadley] Are you heading home
for the holidays?
I assume that London is your home.
Yeah. To be honest, I'd rather stay here.
Don't wanna get behind on my research.
What are you researching?
The percentage of Americans
who miss their flights.
- [music fades]
- [Hadley] Hmm.
Hilarious. Very funny.
- [chuckles]
- Oh. Ew.
- That's nasty. [laughs]
- Ah.
[Oliver] I've got a Lysol wipe for you.
For your dirty, dying phone.
Thank you. [giggles]
I've always, uh, hated airports.
[Oliver] Really?
I love 'em.
I like how you're neither here
nor there, you're just
in no-man's-land.
No, it sounds lovely.
Just like purgatory.
[both chuckle]
Not a carbs guy?
No, I just I just hate mayonnaise.
- Really?
- [Oliver] Yeah.
- It's a disgusting condiment...
- I hate it too, actually.
Um, it's, uh,
number two of my top three fears.
- What are the others?
- Dentists and small spaces.
- You've thought about this.
- [Hadley] Not really.
Like, if I were to ask
what you're afraid of,
you wouldn't have to think.
You would know.
Well, how do you know I'm not fearless?
'Cause you are eating deli meat
with a fork and knife.
[ringtone playing]
[Oliver sighs]
Sorry, I gotta take this.
Oh yeah. Go for it.
[guy] You did say 11:00
you were getting in?
No, it's10:00. I emailed you.
You did?
I blame the gym's Wi-Fi. It's a bit dodgy.
[Oliver] You've got one job tomorrow.
Pick me up at 10:00.
Don't worry. I'll be there.
And by the way, I've got a little surprise
planned for you, so be ready for that.
What? No, I don't like surprises.
It's a good one. You can't be annoyed.
I've warned you,
so you can't be as pissed.
What kind of logic is that?
Luther, no.
I don't want a surprise.
You think they're all good. None are good.
No, sorry, Wi-Fi's breaking up.
No, I can't hear you.
- [imitating static]
- Luth. Luther!
[continues imitating static]
[announcer speaking on PA]
[indistinct chatter]
- Sorry about that.
- [Hadley] Okay.
So if claustrophobia
is one of your biggest fears,
then why are you about
to embark on a seven-hour flight?
[Hadley] That is a very good question.
A wedding.
Same as you?
[Oliver] Right.
That is actually myloungewear.
So I like to relax
in a finely pressed suit.
Hey, I get it.
Wrinkles are stressful.
[announcer on PA] to London Heathrow
Did he just call our flight?
- Already?
- Um, uh
- Shoot, I can't miss another one. So
- [Oliver murmurs]
- ["Everything Goes My Way" playing]
- Oh. This way.
- [Hadley] Backpack. Thank you!
- [Oliver] I'll get it.
- [grunts]
- [Hadley] That's very kind.
I can never leave this town now
Everything goes my way
Oh, can you hear the sound now?
Everybody catch my wave
I can never leave this town now
Everything goes my way
Everything goes my way
[both panting]
[Hadley laughs slightly]
- Everything goes my way
- Wait! Wait!
- [both panting]
- [sighs] Oh.
Great. We're here. We made it. Okay.
Everything goes my way
- [Hadley] Thank you.
- Mm.
Good health every day
Crossin' our heart
That we're here to stay
- [Oliver] Thank you.
- Phew.
- [Oliver sighs]
- [Hadley laughs, sighs]
- Now come, come for me
- [exhales] You're really fast.
I'll drop you a line
You say we're movin' slow
I say we're doin' all right
Come, come for me
I'll drop you a line
You say we're movin' slow
- I say we're doin' all right
- [song ends abruptly]
Well, this is me.
Very nice.
I'm further back, so
Hello, madam.
May I help you find your seat?
- I'm right here. I'm good, thanks.
- Okay.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
[softly] Thank you.
- [Oliver] Let me get that for you.
- Oh. Thank you.
[Oliver] Sorry.
[inhales sharply, grunts]
- [Hadley chuckles]
- [groans] Back to the gym.
Um, sorry. One sec.
Um, it's, uh, lovely to meet you, Hadley.
- Good luck.
- You too.
"Good luck"?
[under breath] What a knob.
- [gentle music playing]
- [Hadley sighs]
[passengers chattering]
- Evening.
- All right, mate.
- [gentle music fades]
- [baby crying]
[Oliver sighs]
Uh, excuse me, miss.
- [narrator] Yes, sir?
- I think my seat belt is broken.
Oh. May I?
Oh. Nope.
You're right. Oh dear.
You can't fly without a working seat belt.
I have to be on this flight.
- [narrator] It's a safety issue.
- Is there somewhere else I can sit?
I'll strap myself into cargo if I have to.
Sit tight, lovely.
I'll see if we can move you.
Thank you.
Mom, hi. I missed my flight.
But I got on the next one,
so everything's fine.
Um, I'll call you when I land.
Okay? I love you. Bye.
- [Oliver] Thank you for this.
- [narrator] It's nothing.
Look, technically we're not supposed
to move from economy to business,
but, um,
today just happens to be your lucky day.
- What are you...
- My seat belt's broken.
- They have to move me.
- [narrator] I'm sorry.
Do you two know each other?
- Yeah...
- Sort of, um
[engines humming]
Then I guess
this really is your lucky day.
Well, this is unexpected.
I would've thought you'd seen it coming,
Mr. Predictive Analytics.
All right, okay. Very good.
- Well done.
- [lively music playing]
- [Hadley] Hmm.
- Do you always get pj's?
[chuckling] I've actually
never flown business either.
Do you mind if I
- Oh, thank you.
- Wipe you down...
Uh, not, uh, like that.
29% of airplanes
are not cleaned thoroughly.
I I made that one up.
[both laugh]
Over the next 6 hours and 47 minutes,
Hadley Sullivan
and Oliver Jones will fall in love.
But then, 18 minutes after they land,
they'll be separated in a crowd
and never see each other again.
Well, that's unless they get each other's
name or number or email,
Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook.
There's loads of options, really.
- Great.
- [lively music building]
[engines whirring]
[music fades]
[woman on recording]
In case of an emergency landing in water,
your life jacket is located
under your seat
and will inflate automatically.
It has a whistle
for you to use for attention
and a light
so you can be seen in the dark
I've never seen anyone read those before.
Well, then you're very lucky
to be sitting next to me.
Oh. You mean in general?
And in case of an emergency.
Right, 'cause if we crash-land
into the pond,
then all five-foot-nothing of you
is gonna pick me up
and carry me out of there.
You know the chances
of this plane crashing are, like,
one in five and a half million.
You're more likely to die
on your ride home...
Can we not talk about dying right now?
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
[pilot on intercom]
Cabin crew, prepare for takeoff.
[whirring grows louder]
[Hadley breathing shakily]
[energetic music playing]
[engines roaring]
[Hadley exhales]
[Hadley sighs]
You okay?
[Hadley] Mm-hmm.
Um, what's your favorite color?
- Animal?
- [Hadley chuckles]
[laughs] Seriously?
Come on.
Yellow, Mexican, dogs. You?
Blue, curry, and birds.
What do you mean, "Ew"?
They're the symbol of freedom.
They shit everywhere.
So do dogs.
Dogs aren't creepy.
Okay. What's your favorite number?
Um two.
It's the imaginary unit.
It's the square root of negative one.
- Wow. You're such a nerd.
- [chuckles] I know.
Maybe. But I think it's working.
What, you being charming?
No. Me distracting you.
[energetic music fading out]
It's good to know
that you think I'm charming,though.
[whirring of engines fades]
[chime plays]
[flight attendant] The captain
has switched off the seat belt light,
so please feel free
to move around the cabin.
In a few moments,
the flight attendants
will be passing around
Thank you for that.
No worries.
I'll get that for you.
- Oh, thank you, young man.
- [Oliver] That's okay.
- You got a good one there.
- Thanks.
How'd you two meet?
- Actually, we...
- It was at an airport, believe it or not.
[woman] Really?
Yeah. See, um, her phone was dead,
so I gallantly offered her my charger.
We started chatting.
One thing led to another...
And he's been charging
my batteries ever since.
[woman] Oh, good for you two.
[woman chuckles, sighs]
Anyway, have a nice flight.
[Hadley] You too.
- [sighs]
- So, tell me more about this wedding.
Oh, yeah, uh [laughs]
Yeah, um
[clicks tongue]
It's my dad's second marriage
to a woman I've never met before.
[clicks tongue] So
- So you're going to your dad's wedding.
- Yep.
And you've never met his fiance.
- Nope.
- How does that work?
[laughs] Um, it starts when he gets
a job teaching poetry at Oxford.
Then after promising
that that will only last for a semester,
he files for divorce from your mom
and falls in love
with a woman named Charlotte
and proceeds to ask her to marry him.
And then he makes you,
who he hasn't seen for over a year,
fly across the ocean in a tin can
so you can stand next to him
wearing a dress the color of a bruise.
That's awful.
- Yeah.
- [both laugh]
If it's, uh, any consolation,
50% of marriages do end in divorce.
That means 50% don't.
Yeah, but I mean, the chances
of this happening were incredibly high.
Is that supposed
to make me feel any better?
- Doesn't it?
- [Hadley] No.
I think it just sucks.
You know, the worst part is that
he's gonna get up tomorrow,
and he's gonna make
the exact same promises
that he just broke.
I get that people can fall in love again.
I just feel like, if it's real,
why do you have to try
so hard to prove it?
Why do you have to throw this big,
grand party to rub it in everyone's face?
I think that real love isn't about that.
Real love is about finding someone
that will hold your hand
when life gets rough.
And that's it?
No wedding, nomarriage, just
someone to hold your hand through life?
[gentle music playing]
Yeah, pretty much.
I like that
weddings are a promise, I guess.
Not everyone keeps their promises.
[gentle music fades]
that's my wedding. [laughs]
What's yours?
Please say something dramatic,
like your stepmom's marrying your uncle
or something like that.
- [chuckles] Um
- So what'll it be?
Some delicious chicken and vegetables,
or some very dry fish?
- Chicken.
- [narrator] Mm.
- Right.
- [Hadley] Um
I'm gonna go for the fish
Excellent choice, madam.
- Wow, our second dinner date.
- [Hadley] Hmm.
Things are moving fast.
[upbeat music playing]
[engines whirring]
[flight attendant] For you.
[upbeat music fades]
[inhales deeply] All right?
Yeah. Sorry, I
Oh my God. [laughs]
- I mean
- Sexy, I know.
- Perfect fit.
- I thought so.
- Look cute.
- [laughs]
Oh, you weren't lying about Dickens.
Oh, um
[clicks tongue]
I actually haven't read this one.
- Hmm. Looks like someone has.
- [Hadley] Yeah.
Um, it was my dad's.
He gave it to me after the divorce.
It was a thing that we would do.
He would give me books he loved,
and then I would love them too.
[somber music playing]
[dad] It's one of his best ones.
I've read it at least a dozen times.
You know, I don't get to recommend books
as often to you now.
But certain ones are too important
to get lost in all this.
So, should we hit the slopes?
Yeah. Um, just gotta pee first.
[somber music building]
[Hadley] "'Is it better
to have had a good thing and lost it,
or never to have had it?'"
[Hadley] That's why I'm giving it back.
[Oliver] Without having read it.
Without having read it.
Right. [sighs]
[inhales sharply] Do you wanna join me
at the cinema?
Make our first date dinner
and a nice, cheesy rom-com?
I'm down for a cheesy rom-com.
As long as there's a happy ending.
You know what I meant.
- [laughs]
- Okay.
- I meant like...
- No. No, it's fine.
- In the movie with the characters
- Hey.
- I like happy endings.
- [Hadley giggles]
[gentle music playing]
[pencil scratching]
[mom] Oh, let us come to the gate.
- Let us come with you.
- Mom, I'm 21.
- [mom] Just come to the...
- No!
Okay, well, work hard,
but don't forget to play.
I will.
- And make sure you eat properly.
- [Oliver] Same to you.
[mom, softly] I'm so proud of you.
Okay. Go.
Go on then.
Live your life.
Have a grand adventure!
- [Oliver sniffles]
- [mom] Farewell!
[Luther] Toodle-oo.
[mom laughs] Bye!
[pencil continues scratching]
[gentle music fades]
[Hadley exhales]
Are you preparing a speech?
Best man?
- That's what they tell me.
- [Hadley chuckles]
You get some rest?
Little bit.
I was thinking about it, and
I don't think you should give it back.
The book.
Why not?
Well, historically,
you and your dad were very close,
which means the odds are
you will eventually forgive him.
So you might as well just do it now.
[clicks tongue] You and the math thing.
- [Oliver chuckles]
- Mm.
[scoffs] Yeah, drives my brother nuts too.
You have siblings?
Uh, yeah, one.
He's two years younger. Luther.
Does he live in London?
Yeah, with our mum and dad.
Well, until a few months ago
when he decided to buy
a garish green Sprinter van.
Hmm. Those are cool.
[Oliver] Mm.
That's what he tells me.
Are you guys close, historically?
- You ask a lot of questions, don't you?
- Are you?
Our mum got sick when we were kids.
So, yeah. But we're both very different.
It's fine,though. I'm used to it now.
She okay now, your mom?
Uh, she was in remission
for 14 years, but it came back.
I'm sorry.
[clicks tongue] Oh no
[acoustic version of "I Wanna Dance
with Somebody (Who Loves Me)" playing]
You're sort of dangerous.
Do you know that?
I'm way too honest with you.
[inhales sharply]
Anyway, I should nip to the loo
and then get some sleep, I think.
Yeah, same.
I've been in love
And lost my senses
Spinnin' through the town
Sooner or later, the fever ends
And I wind up feeling down
- I need a man
- Excuse me.
- Who'll take a chance
- Oh.
On a love
That burns hot enough to last
When the night falls
My lonely heart calls
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
Don't cha wanna dance
Say you wanna dance
- Don't cha wanna dance?
- I wanna dance with somebody
Don't cha wanna dance
Say you wanna dance
Don't cha wanna dance?
Don't cha wanna dance
Say you wanna dance
Don't cha wanna dance?
[engines roaring in distance]
With somebody who loves me
- [song fades]
- [chime plays]
[on intercom] Ladies and gentlemen,
this is your captain speaking.
We're making our final descent
into Heathrow,
and we'll be touching down
in about 15 minutes.
From all of us on the flight deck,
thanks for traveling with us,
and we hope you enjoy your stay in London.
[Oliver sighs]
- I was going...
- I feel like...
- Sorry, you...
- No.
- [both chuckle]
- No, you.
Uh, I was just gonna ask if, um [sighs]
This wedding of yours, where is it?
Oh, um
[clicks tongue] Um
Shoreditch, I think?
Shoreditch, yeah.
That's very cool. Very hipster.
What about you? Where do you go for yours?
I have to be in Peckham at 1:00.
It's at an old chapel where my parents
used to do amateur dramatics.
Well, at least you have till 1:00.
- My ceremony starts at noon, so
- Noon?
Not the reaction I needed. [laughs]
You should be fine.
If you hurry.
And customs goes smoothly.
[clicks tongue] Oh man.
[Oliver] Cumulus clouds. Best clouds ever.
They're the only thing on this earth
that looks like how you drew it as a kid.
[Hadley] Hmm.
So, your family's
not a collection of stick figures?
- Mine definitely is.
- Okay, that I wanna see.
Sorry, no meeting the family
till the fifth date.
Says the girl
who slept with me on the first.
I'm breaking all my rules for you.
Me too.
[energetic music playing]
[engines whirring]
[officer 1] UK passports to the left.
- Everyone else to the right.
- Ready?
UK passports to the left.
All others to the right.
UK passports to the left.
Everyone else to the right.
Sir, ma'am,
I need you to keep moving.
- Give me your phone.
- Okay.
- Sir, can't have you holding up the line.
- Sorry. I'll be two seconds.
- This is my number.
- [officer 1] UK passports to the left.
- All others, right.
- Text me so I've got yours.
Sir, now.
- Cool.
- Yeah, I'm going.
- Yep. I'll see you on the other side.
- [grunts]
Wait. What?
See you on the other side.
Okay. [chuckles]
It's not like the lines
lead to separate countries.
[Hadley sighs] Oh shit.
[toddler fusses]
[officer 2] Next, please.
[officer 3] Next!
[officer 2] Next, please.
[energetic music fades]
- Morning, madam.
- Um, morning.
Hi. Sorry.
- There.
- What brings you to London?
Uh, a wedding.
And how long will you be staying?
Uh, just the weekend.
And did you get his name or number?
Of the person you're staying with.
Oh, yeah, um
Andrew Sullivan.
He's my dad.
We're gonna be at the, uh, Spits
Spitalfield Hotel for the wedding.
That's where we're staying.
My dad's getting married.
Enjoy your trip.
["Passing Ships" playing]
Running water
Like a moment, slips
Through my fingers
Missed connection, passing ships
In the same city
With all these strangers in between
Every corner
- Every double take
- [Hadley] Hi!
Can I, uh?
- Am I gettin' warmer
- [chime dings]
[Hadley] One sec.
Um, I believe I'm going toShoreditch.
Saint Luke's Church. Yeah, inShoreditch.
I'll leave a light on
'Cause you might be
Someone special to me
And I get the feeling
You might be something that I need
[narrator] Word to the wise.
If you have only a 2% chance
of finding love in an airport
and the boy gives you his number,
make sure your phone is properly charged.
- [song fades]
- [Hadley sighs] No. Shit.
[narrator] And get his last name.
[Hadley sighs]
[cell phone vibrating]
- Hey. I'm just in a taxi.
- [Andrew] All right, well, how how far?
We are half an hour away.
All right. Uh, Charlotte's friends
will be on standby.
For what?
For you.
I can't wait to see you.
[line clicks]
["Why Don't We Start from Here" playing]
Why don't we start from here?
Why don't we start from here?
- Let's go!
- Ooh
- Let's go!
- Ooh
With every penny that she'd made
She took a bus to board a plane
Not a single plan in place
For thegreat escape
She's not wealthy, but she's rich
Read all the books on how to live
And the final chapter said
This is the great escape
[narrator] Hadley arrived
at her father's wedding
with seven minutes to spare.
Just enough time for four bridesmaids
to work their magic.
- She's late.
- Don't worry.
Ugh, who turns up late?
- [woman 1] Is that her?
- [woman 2] Are you Hadley?
- Hey.
- [woman 3] Hi.
[woman 2] Hadley.
- Hi. I'm Bertie.
- Hi.
And this isViolet, Jasmine, and Shanti.
[Hadley] Hey, guys.
Sorry I'm so late.
Right, Little Miss Apple Pie,
Lady Time is marching on.
- [women chuckle]
- Just gonna straighten this out for you.
Your hair is scrumptious.
And your skin
Don't eat her.
- I could lick it.
- [all laugh]
I won't! I won't! I won't!
- [Jasmine gasps]
- The pineapple.
- Very few can pull off that look.
- Oh.
- [chuckles] Thank you.
- [Bertie] Yeah.
[women laugh]
- You want tequila?
- [Hadley] Ah.
First rule of a British wedding
- Get smashed.
- [group cheers] Yes!
- [Hadley chuckles]
- [Violet] Mm!
- [Hadley grunts]
- [women cough]
["Honey, Honey" playing]
[Hadley inhales sharply]
[guests chattering]
[narrator] Despite the shenanigans,
Andrew Sullivan's second wedding
only started ten minutes late.
It lasted 52 minutes and 18 seconds.
There were 760 flowers,
five bridesmaids,
and 48 hats.
I felt like a little kid
When we first met
I must admit
I think you swept me off my feet
I lost my head and stole your heart
And now it's time to play your cards
I think that you could fall for me
[narrator] 100% agreed
that Charlotte Engleby
looked incredibly happy,
and thatAndrew Sullivan
was very much in love.
It's so nice to have someone to share
[narrator] The minister talked
for too long,
seven jokes were told,
four heartwarming stories,
and the word "love" was used 12 times.
31% of the guests were moved to tears,
two rings were exchanged,
and one bridesmaid couldn't stop thinking
about the boy from the plane.
as long as you both shall live?
- Um, I'm sorry. I mean, I do.
- [giggles]
[guests laughing]
Then I now pronounce you husband and wife.
- [guests cheering]
- Oh, my darling
The world just got a little lighter
My love, my sweetheart
The days ahead are looking bright
My one and only
It's you and I
And side by side, we'll run
[all cheering]
Oh, it's you and I
And side by side, we'll run
It's you and I
And side by side, we'll run
["Honey, Honey" fades out]
[narrator] The average wedding
has a 75-minute break
between the ceremony and the reception.
Today's wedding, however,
has a gap of 240 minutes,
which meant for the next four hours,
Hadley had to figure out
what on earth to say to her dad.
[Andrew] Hadley?
- Hey.
- [Hadley] Hey.
Oh God, it's good to see you.
[Hadley chuckles]
Look at you. You look different.
- More, uh, grown up.
- Yep.
Weird how that happens. [chuckles]
Anyways, congrats.
- Big day.
- Well, thank you.
Um, that means a lot,
and we're really glad that you're here.
Well, you know,
tried my hardest to miss it. [chuckles]
Yeah. Yep.
That was a joke. [scoffs]
- Yeah. It's a funny joke. Um
- [Hadley chuckles]
Hey, listen,
there's something I want to ask you,
which didn't feel right
to bring up over text or mobile...
- Cell phone. [chuckles]
- Yep. Um
Charlotte and I were wondering if [sighs]
you would do a father-daughter dance
with me at the reception.
I told her you would think
it was stupid. I know, it's
Real... It's fine?
Yeah. It's fine.
- Uh, was that it, or?
- [Andrew] Yeah.
- Yeah. That's great. Okay.
- [Hadley] Great.
- [chuckles]
- [Charlotte] Hadley!
So great to finally meet you.
[bridesmaids chattering]
Your dad was in a state when he thought
you weren't going to make it.
- He wanted to call the whole thing off.
- Really?
Yeah. Are you kidding?
I'm not gonna do it without you.
I mean, you're my daughter.
Hey, the photographer told me to tell you
that he needs you ready in five minutes.
Well, tell him to bugger off.
I'm with our guest of honor.
- [Andrew] Okay.
- [laughs] No, don't you dare.
- [chuckles, clicks tongue] Oh.
- [Andrew chuckles]
[both kissing]
All right then. Photos it is.
You only get one big day, right?
Well, you know, not statistically.
- Char, some guests want to say goodbye.
- [Charlotte] Okay.
[guests chattering]
[Charlotte] Oh, Tom! Karen!
You made it! Oh, you all look so lovely!
[Tom] Uh, look.
We'll be back for the reception.
We've just got to pop
to a memorial at Peckham House.
[Charlotte] Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
[Karen] A friend of Tom's
from the theater.
[Tom] It's a tragic story, really.
Uh, married, two sons,
beat cancer 12 years ago,
only for it to come back out of the blue.
[Karen] One of her boys had to fly home
from uni in the States.
Gosh. Can you imagine making that trip
all alone for your mum's memorial?
[gentle music playing]
[Hadley] I'm going to a wedding.
Same as you, right?
Actually, that's my loungewear.
Yeah, I just like to relax
in a finely pressed suit.
[narrator] There is only a 0.2% chance
that Oliver and Hadley's families
have mutual friends.
[music fades]
Hadley, honey, um,
we're gonna do some photos now.
[narrator] In 13 minutes,
a London bus will depart Shoreditch,
headed towards Peckham,
which meansHadley Sullivan
only has two minutes
to decide if she's going to be on it.
If she isn't,
there's less than a 6% chance
she will ever seeOliver Jones again.
- Yeah, um
- [bright music playing]
[narrator] You see, fate can only be fate
if we decide that we want it to be.
- Hadley, what areyou doing?
- Sorry, I
- I have to go.
- [Andrew] What?
Yeah, there's something
I I have to go just do,
but I'll, uh, come back.
Right now, in London?
Yeah. How long
till the reception and the drinks and the
Four hours.
Great. I'll I'll see you then. I promise.
What are Where are you going?
It's fine. I'll be fine.
[bright music building]
[Hadley sighs]
[plane engines roar in distance]
[narrator] Hadley wasn't sure
this was the right decision,
but something inside her
kept saying she needed to be there.
Uh, does this bus go to Peckham?
It does if you pay today.
Uh, how do I do that?
By touching your Oyster.
Touching my
- Just use a credit card.
- Right. Obviously. Makes sense.
[reader beeps]
- Off you go.
- Cool. Sorry.
- [bright music fades]
- Kids these days.
[narrator] Didn't think
that was the whole story, did you?
[tape rewinding]
[energetic music playing]
[plane engines roar in distance]
[guests applaud]
[music stops abruptly]
[officer 1] Next, please.
[announcer speaking indistinctly on PA]
[somber music playing]
[somber music fades]
- [dance music thumping]
- [Luther] Whoo!
Yo, yo, yo! My bro!
This is your welcome back track!
Sorry about this.
- Luther.
- [Luther] DJ Jonesy.
Find me on Insta.
- Surprise.
- You're gonna get us arrested.
Uh, for what?
The crime of my sick beats?
DJ Jonesy. Find me on Insta.
Okay, yeah. Maybe we should go.
[music stops]
[indistinct chatter]
Right. Before you say anything,
I wasn't busking.
I was welcoming
my brother back from America.
You better go and do it somewhere else.
Yes, sir.Understood.
We were just leaving, weren't we, Ollie?
Actually, I was just sort of waiting
for someone.
Well, I sort of don't care.
Okay. Let's go.
[Luther sighs]
- [Oliver] What?
- [Luther] Good to see you.
[Luther grunts]
["Vacation" playing]
[engine starts]
Waiting in lines
Time ispassin'
Just one more try
The heart is beatin'
You played your cards
The game is over
Great to see you.
So, how was your flight, grumps?
It It was all right, actually.
Are you really gonna do an EDM eulogy?
Oh my God, what are you doing for yours?
You see, I'm gonna give a speech,
like a normal human being.
[in singsong] Boring!
[narrator] Finally in Peckham,
Oliver Jones prepared himself
for the day's event.
This, naturally, involved putting on
a Shakespearean costume.
How you doing in there, Romeo?
- [song fades]
- I'm not Romeo. I'm Macbeth.
- [scoffs] Well
- [sighs]
[exclaims] You look smashing.
Yeah. All right, Bugs Bunny.
Let's do this, shall we?
- I'm Bottom.
- [Oliver] Bottom?
- Of course. Yeah, bottom of the barrel.
- [Luther] Shakespeare character.
[narrator] In spite of there being
one Puck, two Hamlets, and five Juliets,
this wasn't your typical
Shakespeare-themed party.
In fact, it wasn't a party at all.
- [guests chattering]
- [Luther murmurs]
[band playing gentle tune]
- Oi. Oi.
- [exclaims]
- Hey, Dad.
- [growls playfully]
[both laugh]
- Good to see ya.
- [dad grunts] Oh! Hey.
Good to see you. How was your flight?
- Surprising. Though he wouldn't say why.
- You okay?
- Uh, where's Mum?
- Here.
Hey, Mum.
[gasps softly] Oliver.
[song ends]
- Good day to thee, fair friends!
- [guests cheer]
Thank you all for coming
to what can only be described
as Tess Jones's living memorial.
Or as our son Luther
likes to call it, her farewell party.
But he's a little bit simple like that.
- We do love him.
- [guests laugh]
[dad] So, yes, thank you for
for helping her
realize her dream
of having all her friends
and some of her enemies
perform for her.
Acceptable eulogies
will be musical numbers,
interpretive dance
- Thank you very much, Gloria. Yes.
- [laughs]
[dad] And iambic pentameter
from yours truly.
Um, and without further ado,
the the star of the evening,
and the center of attention,
would like to say a few words.
So here she is.
The love of my life.
My summer's day.
[smacks lips]
- Tess.
- [guests cheer and applaud]
[sighs] Thank you, all of you, for
being here, uh, today.
Well, yes, so what happened was
that Val and I were planning my funeral,
and it was just turning into
such a brilliant show
that I realized
I I wanted to be alive to see it, so
And you are right.
I do hate it when people say
nice things about me behind my back.
I think it's a it's a tragic waste.
[guests laugh]
You only really know
what kind of story yours is
when you know the ending.
And, um [clicks tongue]
I now know that mine is a love story.
[somber music playing]
I feel like my life really began
the first day that I met Val
in a Shakespeare class.
Uh, at uni.
[dramatically] He was giving
his Richard III.
- Brilliantly.
- Terrible.
[Tess and guests laugh]
[Tess] But as the Bard says,
"Whoever loved,
that loved not at first sight?" [chuckles]
What can I say? I have eccentric tastes.
[sighs] And since then we have written
the most beautiful story together
with our two darling, dashing,
daring sons. [chuckles, sighs]
And I am so grateful
to each one of you for being a part of it.
It's been glorious.
So, let's be merry.
Let's eat as much as we possibly can
and get really drunk. [laughs]
- [guests laugh]
- [Tess] And the only rule of the day is
[tearfully] don't forget to say goodbye.
[softly] Okay. Ta-da!
The end.
- [Val] Ah! Thank you, thank you!
- [guests cheer]
[Val] We should be here
for at least one night only.
Get this old hand off the stage.
[uplifting music playing]
Now, I'm happy to announce that I shall
be performing my Shakespeare medley
[narrator] Tessa Jones's living memorial
lasted one hour and 32 minutes.
Twenty-six eulogies were performed,
including nine monologues
honesty or [splutters]
Fuck, I've gone and dried.
It's completely gone. [mutters]
I've had a nightmare learning this.
[narrator] five poems
She loves me!
[narrator] eight songs,
three dances,
one freestyle rap,
and a bizarre DJ set.
- [Luther exclaims]
- [guests cheer]
When I say "DJ," you say "Jonesy."
- What? Who?
- What? [laughs]
[Luther] Oh, better than that.
- DJ!
- [crowd] Jonesy!
- DJ!
- [crowd] Jonesy!
- [Luther] DJ!
- [crowd] Jonesy!
[narrator] 87% of the guests
were moved to tears.
The word "love" was used 39 times.
And one son
wished he was still holding hands
with the girl from the plane.
- [guests chattering]
- [uplifting music fades]
[band playing gentle tune]
[narrator] As Oliver Jones took time away
from his mother's memorial,
Hadley Sullivan averaged
19 kilometers per hour towards it.
[bright music playing]
[announcement] Peckham House.
[bell dings]
Oh. Excuse me.
- [woman] Yes?
- [Hadley] Hi.
Um, could you help me? My phone's dead.
I'm trying to get to Peckham House.
Oh, okay. Yes.
So, right on Queen's Road,
left on King's Grove.
It's on the left through the gate.
Great. Cool. Thank you.
- You have no idea how much I needed that.
- Well, I hope you find him.
[Hadley sighs]
[inhales sharply]
- [bright music fades]
- Wait.
[swallows, breathing shakily]
[Tess] There you are.
What's the matter?
[sniffles] I'm fine, Mum.
- Talk to me.
- Hey, go go sit down.
Go on. You're gonna miss your party.
[Oliver sighs]
Talk to me.
I just
I just don't understand
why you're not getting treatment.
I've read the data.
I know that
I know that if you started with the chemo
with an anti-inflammatory diet,
you could have another 6 months,
12 months, maybe even 18 months.
Serious question.
So, I can be sick
all the time?
[Oliver sighs]
You'd be here.
[inhales sharply]
[softly] I know. I'm sorry.
But three months, six, 12 months,
it doesn't really make any difference.
I am still going to die.
[Oliver sighs, sniffles]
[exhales deeply]
[softly] I want to still be me.
[Oliver inhales sharply]
I'd like to do some living before I go.
[gentle music playing]
- Please.
- Yeah.
Come here.
[quietly] I love you so, so much.
Come and live with me.
C'mon. You know you want to.
Let's make a massive, great,
unforgettable spectacle of ourselves.
Mom, I just need a second.
- [sighs]
- [softly] Okay.
- Love you.
- I love you.
[Tess sighs softly]
[uplifting music playing]
[birds singing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Hadley] Excuse me.
Uh, is this the memorial?
Oh, for Tessa? Yeah.
Uh, do you know if there's an Oliver here?
Haven't seen him in a while.
Maybe Luther'll know.
Okay. Thank you.
[guests chatting]
Uh, Luther?
- Yeah?
- You're, uh, Oliver's brother?
Oh. Right?
You're American.
Uh, is Oliver here? I'm a friend.
[Luther] Yeah.
- Excellent teeth.Excellent teeth.
- [Hadley] Uh, thank you.
Uh, nice van.
Oh yeah, that's a Sprinter.
I can see that. [laughs]
[Luther] Let's find Ollie. This way.
- [excited chatter]
- [upbeat music playing]
[Luther exhales]
- [Luther] Hi, Mum. Hi, Dad.
- [Val] Here he is.
[Luther] Have you guys seen Ollie?
Not since he left. Why?
Someone is trying to find him.
I present Oliver's friend.
[both] Oliver's friend?
Hi, yeah. Uh, Hadley.
Nice to meet you guys.
Uh, Val.
- Hadley.
- [both laugh]
Are you all right, lovely?
You look like you've seen a ghost.
Um, sorry. I just
I was told I thought
Uh, this was a memorial. So I'm...
Oh. You thought I was dead.
I'm very glad that you're not.
- [both laugh]
- Me too.
Um, I brought
I don't know if it's weird,
but, I, uh I have these, so
- You should have them, I guess.
- I think it's less weird now.
- Thank you so much.
- [Hadley] You're welcome.
And don't worry about the, uh, confusion.
It is pretty unusual for somebody
to have their memorial before they die.
It's kind of a genius idea, though.
I mean, what's the point
of having all these people
say really nice things about you
if you're not around to hear it?
- My thoughts exactly.
- [gentle music playing]
Uh, let's have a little dance.
Oh, go on, Mum.
- Come on then.
- Hoick me up.
- [grunting] There we go.
- Lovely to meet you.
- Uh, me too.
- Nice to meet you.
["Above the Clouds of Pompeii" playing]
[Tess and Val speaking softly
and chuckling]
You took me walking through the town
Showed me the statues underground
Said, "Just don't they look in peace?"
Sometimes I wish that was me
I was the son you always had
Tuggin' at your coat
While you were sad
I was the son you always had
I was the son you always had
[music building]
Don't cry, hold your head up high
She would want you to
She would want you to
Please just don't cry
- Hold your head up high
- Hi. [chuckles]
She would want you to
She would want you to
[music swells]
[song fades]
[gulls calling]
It's your dress.
It's horrible. [laughs]
- I like it.
- No, you don't.
- I do.
- No, you don't.
It's pretty.
For a bruise.
So, how was it?
- The wedding?
- Yeah.
[clicks tongue] Oh, it doesn't matter.
Come on.
It was
annoyingly nice.
And Charlotte's totallyunhateable,
and my dad's genuinely happy, so
Oh God, that sounds awful.
It was the worst.
[Oliver chuckles]
I feel pretty shit that I just complained
about my dad that entire flight.
Because he's not dying.
[gentle music playing]
Why didn't you tell me?
[exhales] It's a bit complicated.
Don't you think?
"Hey, nice to meet you."
"Um, by the way,
my mum's dying of lung cancer,
so I'm flying back to London
for her memorial, but, plot twist,
she's not actually dead yet."
"She's just throwing herself
a Shakespeare-themed going-away party,
which is a completely normal thing to do
when you should be getting treatment."
[Hadley sighs]
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
You know, only 9% of lung cancer patients
make it past 10 years.
Why do you always do that? [chuckles]
Explain things away
with numbers and stuff, instead of just
saying something honest.
[Hadley, chuckling] Like
I don't know. Like, anything.
Something that you
really feel.
Sorry, I
I I want to.
I just feel like this isn't...
- You said to be honest.
- I know.
That's the most honest thing
I've done all day.
[Hadley] Sorry.
[Oliver sighs]
I feel like you have a lot
going on right now
and you're pretending
like none of it bothers you.
What would you want me to say?
Do you want me to tell you
that I'm completely gutted?
That I already miss her?
That this is the worst day of my life
apart from the one I know is coming?
I'm trying to be there for you.
I don't know.
Maybe I don't want to spill my guts out
to some girl I just met on a plane.
[Luther] Oi, Ollie.
People are leaving, so if you want
to do that speech, now's the time.
Oh yeah. Okay.
[Hadley] You should go.
It was stupid of me to come.
I didn't mean that.
Uh, no, it's fine.
Um, I gotta get back too. So Uh
Tell your family
I really enjoyed meeting them.
Come on, Ollie.
- I'm sorry.
- [Hadley] It's okay.
- You all right, Romeo?
- [Oliver] Yeah.
[narrator] Approximately 17.6%
of people will walk away
from the love of their life.
Oliver was about to be one of them.
Excuse me.
Sorry, I think you left your bag.
- Oh, that's not
- [gentle music playing]
Thank you.
[indistinct chatter]
- [taps mic]
- [Oliver] Right, um
Uh, I didn't get a chance to speak
during the eulogies, so
[music fades]
here we go.
[guests murmuring]
[Oliver] Thirty-seven.
That's how many plays
William Shakespeare wrote in his life.
It's also how many
my mum read or performed
for me and my brother when we were little.
[woman chuckles]
[Oliver] Nineteen hundred is how many days
she, uh, she took us to school,
before I started driving, and
Twice is
[gentle music playing]
is how many times
she made me strawberry jam roly-polies
when a girl broke my heart.
The thing is, is
I, uh
I tried to measure my mum's life
in in numbers.
It's, uh It's what I do.
Mum, you know this about me.
It's what I do with everything.
It helps me
make sense of the world, I guess.
The thing is, is that, well
Tessa Jones is not a number.
[Tessa sighs]
She's not the plays she acted
or the meals she made
or the advice she gave.
She's my mum.
[Tess sniffles]
I'm gonna miss you so much.
[gentle music fades]
["Lonely" playing]
Excuse me.
- Is this the way to the station?
- [jogger] Dunno. Sorry.
[ducks quacking]
[quietly] Ah, shit.
My backpack.
- Maybe
- [Hadley sighs]
I'm scared of bein' lonely
- I'll let anybody hold me
- [Hadley sighs deeply]
[Hadley grunts]
And maybe
- You're not here to get to know me
- [Hadley] Ugh. [sighs]
But I'll still let you hold me
- So I don't have to be alone
- [Hadley grunts]
[indistinct chatter]
Would you be willing to do a little trade?
I wonder
Do you stay until the morning light
Excuse me. Sorry.
Um, are we near Spitalfields?
Just a second, love.
I'm just dealing with a customer.
- Sorry.
- [vendor] Sorry about that.
I'm scared of bein' lonely
I'll let anybody hold me
[line beeping]
And maybe
[Hadley] Would you mind
if I borrowed your phone for a second?
Thank you. I'll just be a second.
[Hadley sighs]
[ringtone playing, phone vibrating]
- Hello?
- Dad?
Hadley, are you okay?
We've just pulled up to the reception.
- You haven't been answering your phone.
- The battery's dead.
Sorry, I'm
What's wrong?
[crying] I'm lost.
What street? Where are you?
Uh, Ezra Street, E2.
All right. Don't move.
I'm I'm comin' to get you.
'Kay. Thank you.
[band playing "Bad Kids"]
[train rattling on tracks]
- [crowd chattering]
- Come on, kid, take a little trip
You wanna get high
On the east side with all the bad kids
Very bad kids
But the shoe don't fit
- Drops like a brick
- [Andrew] Hadley!
When times get tough
- Gets a little rough
- Hey.
And you just want love
But up comes nothing
Sorry I ruined your big day.
[Andrew] I was just worried.
What happened?
Promise you won't freak out?
No, but I still wanna know what happened.
I, um
I went to find this guy
that I met on the plane.
A guy.
- And how old is he?
- Dad.
His name's Oliver.
He's, um, a math nerd.
And he's
kind and
surprising and
Um, I thought he was coming out here
for a wedding, like me,
but turns out it was
for a memorial for his mom,
who's actually not dead.
She's just really sick.
And, uh
I don't know. I just felt like
I needed to be there for him.
I know that sounds
really stupid. [chuckles]
Well, why would that sound stupid?
Because I've known him
for, like, eight hours and
I dunno.
I sat next to this guy on a plane,
and now I'm bailing on your wedding
to go out and find him,
and that's insane and makes no sense.
- [scoffs]
- It's not supposed to.
[song ends]
Sounds like you were being brave.
Why didn't you fight for Mom?
[gentle music playing]
Why didn't you fight for us?
Oh, Hadley. [sighs]
Why? Why didn't you? [chuckles sadly]
I don't know
that I have a good answer for you.
It's hard.
Somewhere along the way, we just
both stopped puttin' in the work.
When I came here,
we knew.
Love is a lot of work.
Is that why you picked Charlotte, then?
Because it's easy or
No, I I learned my lesson.
And I don't wanna lose you too.
I liked our old life.
I didn't want it to change.
I'm sorry.
I never meant to hurt you.
I know.
It's okay.
Really. It's okay.
I'm glad you're happy, Dad.
You are?
Yeah, I know.
It's a shocker for me too, but
Yeah, I am.
Thank you.
You're welcome. [chuckles, sighs]
[Andrew] It's so good to talk.
I missed you.
Should we finally get to the party now?
[both chuckles]
[band playing gentle music]
- Oh, hey, cool trainers.
- [clears throat]
- Sneakers, Dad.
- [both laugh]
I know. I think if you give her a chance...
[chuckles] No, Charlotte.
- [Andrew] Hey, honey!
- [laughs]
[Charlotte] Hello, babe.
I'm absolutely starved.
I haven't eaten all day.
- Or all month, if I'm being honest.
- [Andrew chuckles]
- Would you like some?
- Oh no. Thank you. I'm good.
- Is everything all right?
- Oh, yeah. Yeah. We were just talking.
[Charlotte] Mm.
I'm sorry I just ran off like that.
Oh, it's fine. All of the pressure
that I've been putting on you
withthe bridesmaid thing
and the dance thing,
I would have run away too.
It's not that actually.
No, it's just I know how important
you are to your dad.
And I just really want you to like me.
[Hadley chuckles]
Sorry. I'm being intense again. [laughs]
[Hadley] It's okay.
Sure you don't want some sandwich?
- I'm good. I don't do mayonnaise.
- She doesn't do mayonnaise.
Yeah. [chuckles]
[chattering fades]
Do you know what? I really like her.
- Can't have been easy walking in here.
- [Val] Mm.
- Plus, she fancies you!
- Mom, shut up.
- Are we going to talk about her?
- No, we're not.
You know how bad the odds are
on long-distance relationships?
It's like 56%. I'm not gonna do it.
Hold on. Hadley Ella Sullivan.
- Born January the 16th.
- Give me that.
- Very nice.
- Come on!
You honestly have to get this to her.
I can't. I don't know where she is, do I?
Well, that's what the Internet's for.
I can't believe you. Wait. Oi!
That's not for you.
- [Tessa] Don't fight.
- [both bickering]
I'm dying. Don't fight.
- Stop it. Leave him alone!
- Give it here! [groans]
[Val inhales sharply]
[Luther] Sweeties?
[Val] It's a very good book.
[Luther] Mm.
And what's this?
At Saint Luke's Church!
Reception afterwards
at the Naval College at 6:00p.m.
There you are. That's great.
- So you want me to crash a wedding?
- [Luther] Ugh!
Just go.
Who cares what the odds are?
Come on, Mum.
- Let's get you home.
- Yeah. It's a good idea.
[Luther and Val strain]
- Okay? Up. Up.
- [Tessa grunts softly]
I'll bring the I'll bring the oxygen.
- Okay. Go, go, go.
- You better go.
Um [clicks tongue]
[scoffs] You know
if I knew the odds
that your mother was gonna get cancer and
and die when I fell in love with her,
do you know
what I would have done differently?
Absolutely nothing.
["Strange Game" playing]
It's a strange, strange game
Love will never be the same
I wonder
Will I be sane again?
Well, I'm blushin', just a-thinkin'
You know, I never in my whole life
My friends, they've started talkin'
They say I'm changin'
I dunno what they're on about
- [song continues in distance]
- [Hadley sighs]
[door opens]
[woman huffs] Bloody weddings.
Sorry. [chuckles]
Hi. I'm just always late.
If it makes you feel any better,
I've been late all day.
[both laugh]
Sounds like there's a story there.
You could say that. Yeah.
Did it have a good ending?
I don't know. [laughs]
Um, there's definitely some things
that I wish turned out differently.
But then
[song ends]
Yeah, I guess it does.
- ["Lemonade" playing]
- [Hadley] Maybe it wasn't meant to be.
We're all drinkin' lemonade
We thought we'd
- Hey.
- [Hadley] Yeah.
Oh. You're up.
By now
[clears throat]
- [Hadley chuckles]
- By now
Hey, thank you for doin' this.
And, you know,
I don't just mean the dance.
I mean everything.
I'm really grateful you're here.
Me too. Really.
You know, you're welcome to stay
for Christmas,if you want.
I mean, no pressure.
I know it wouldn't be the same
as before, with Mom,
but it could be nice.
"Is it better to have had a good thing
and lost it, or never to have had it?"
Our Mutual Friend.
You've read it!
Not yet, but I'm going to.
- Think I get it now.
- [Andrew] Hmm.
Well, in that case,
I just have one more question.
Oh no.
Are you ready to boogie?
- ["Video Killed the Radio Star" playing]
- Am I? Oh, go for it.
I heard you on my wireless back in '52
- Okay.
- [crowd cheers]
Lying awake
Intent at tuning in on you
If I was young
It didn't stop you comin' through
Oh-a, oh-a
They took the credit
For your second symphony
Rewritten by machine
And new technology
And now I understand
The problems you can see
Oh-a, oh-a
I met your children
Oh-a, oh-a
What did you tell them?
Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
Pictures came and broke your heart
Oh-a-a-a, oh
Can I get a lift to Greenwich?
- [Val] Driver, come on.
- [Tess] Jump in.
[all laugh]
- [Luther] All aboard!
- [engine starts]
[Oliver] Doesn't this thing go any faster?
- [music swells]
- [guests cheer]
Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
In my mind and in my car
- We can't rewind, we've gone too far
- [Charlotte exclaims]
Pictures came and broke your heart
Put the blame on VCR
You are a radio star
[narrator] December 21st is the best day
of the year to be in love in London.
With 2,380,000 Christmas lights
illuminating the city,
and hundreds of cups of hot chocolate
steaming in cold hands,
it is the fourth most popular day
for an engagement proposal.
Four hundred and twenty-two
couples will get married,
39 will celebrate
their 45th wedding anniversary,
and thousands of strangers
will meet eyes for the very first time.
But of all the couples who are
falling in love on this lovely day,
it's the story of only one
that really matters.
- [Val] Oh no! That was it!
- [Tess] It wasn't.
- That is not what happened.
- [Val] You put the cat in the fridge.
- [Tessa] What cat?
- [Val] And you said the cat looked hot!
- [laughing]
- There's nothing like a family outing.
We haven't done this for years.
- [Oliver] Yeah, it's a good story...
- [Tess] This is wrong.
[Val] Look, okay.
I'm just saying, we're gonna get there.
[Luther] We'll get there.
You're in the fastest van in London.
[Oliver] More traffic straight on.
[Tess] You know what?
[Luther] Stop stressing me out.
I can't drive with your voices.
- ["Time" playing]
- Time keeps on comin'
- [Jones family continues chattering]
- I've been all around
I'll keep on runnin'
Till time catches on
I've been on the run
Now you're back in your hideout
Never gave it all for free
Everyone was talking
[Tess] It was a left back there.
It was a left!
This is the wrong road.
- Just following the satnav.
- It's on the other side of the park.
About you and me
I'll keep on lovin'
Someday she'll love me
- [Oliver] Wrong way, Luther.
- [Luther] This is as close as I can get.
[Tess] This is it. There. Ugh.
- [Val] Oh God!
- [Luther] What do you want me to do?
Drive across the grass?
- Listen, you have to trust me.
- Stop the car.
- [Tess and Luther] What?
- [Oliver] Stop!
[Hadley sighs]
- Luth!
- What? What?
- Stop.
- Stop the car!
- [Tess, Luther] What?
- [all grunt]
- [Val] That was fun.
- [Tess laughs]
[Oliver grunts, panting]
Thanks for the ride.
I love the van. [taps]
Go get her, Macbeth.
Once uphill, you'll be fine
But your love's lost down the line
- [Oliver] Hadley!
- Hate to say I was wrong
- [horn honks]
- Came into this life on my own
And I'll try
Yes, I'll try
Hope for love, turn out the light
And I gave my own life
My own life, my own life
[song fades out]
[breeze blowing gently]
[Oliver sighs]
Say something.
You say something.
Okay, um
That's what I'm afraid of.
Or that and the dark.
And germs. [chuckles]
Okay. [laughs]
Why are you telling me that?
Well, you asked me
what I was scared of when we met.
That's it.
I'm scared of
being caught off-guard by things like
cancer or
[gentle music playing]
Okay. It would be really great
if you could say something now.
[laughing softly]
Do you like that surprise? [chuckles]
Yeah, I suppose
I could get used to those. [sighs]
Even from a girl you just met on a plane?
Especially from the girl
I just met on the plane.
Do you need to get back?
[sighs] I've got some time.
Planning on, uh,
missing my flight tomorrow, so
- You are?
- Mm-hmm.
Well, did you know that one in every
50 relationships starts at an airport?
- Oh, does it?
- Yeah.
Well, actually,
approximately 8% of couples
meet because of a missed connection.
What are you actually researching?
Uh, actually?
Actually, yes.
- [laughs, sighs]
- Okay.
[Oliver takes a deep breath]
The statistical probability
of love at first sight.
[both laugh]
[gentle music swells]
[narrator] Hadley Sullivan
and Oliver Jones will kiss 12,872 times
in their life together.
They'll be married 58 years,
have 1,462 arguments,
and make love 5,787 times.
Hadley will hold Oliver's hand
when Tessa takes her last breath.
Oliver will hold Hadley's
when she takes hers.
And they will both hold
their daughter's hand the day she's born
and marvel at her tiny fingers
and how none of it
would have been possible
were it not for a missed flight,
a broken seat belt,
and a choice to love each other every day.
[music fades]
["I Wanna Dance with Somebody
(Who Loves Me)" playing]
I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
I wanna dance
- I wanna dance
- Ooh
With somebody who loves me
I wanna dance
With somebody who loves me
- I wanna dance
- Ooh
With somebody who loves me
[song fades out]
["When Love Arrives" playing]
One foot in front of the other
One breath at a time
Everything is spinnin' way too fast
I wanna slow it down
Each day blurs into the other
And all I think about is you
But am I ready for love?
Why can't anything start on cue?
Nothing's gonna hit you harder
Nothing's gonna hold you as tight
There's nowhere to hide
When love arrives
It's blindin' like a supernova
But still you have to open your eyes
It's a wild ride
When love arrives
Blindsided, right out of nowhere
This just never happens to me
I'm still waitin'
For the credits to roll
On this movie
One glance, one spark
And you're under
Always sounded stupid to me
But now my feet
Are barely touchin' the ground
Am I crazy?
Oh, nothing's gonna hit you harder
Nothing's gonna hold you as tight
There's nowhere to hide
When love arrives
It's blindin' like a supernova
But still you have to open your eyes
It's a wild ride
When love arrives
It's hard to find
But you'll know it's right
When love arrives
For you
Hold on tight
It's a wild ride
When love arrives
For you
["When Love Arrives" fades out]