Love at the End of the World (2015) Movie Script

Han eun jung
Cho dong hyuk
Kong ye ji
Love At The End of The World
Director Kim in sik
Why are you back so late?
I had a lecture
outside the city today.
The traffic was heavy.
You always have an excuse.
Have a seat.
I have an early
lecture tomorrow.
Let me sleep.
Are you saying
you can't talk to me?
Stop acting arrogant.
I already know everything.
Tell me.
Who's the guy?
Stop it!
Come to your senses!
Why are you being like this?
What's going on?
What are you doing?
Don't do this!
Why are you doing this?
Modigliani who struggled with
drugs, alcohol and poverty...
died when he was...
only 34 years old on a cold day.
The next day...
his wife jumped off from
the sixth floor of a building...
and ended her life
with Modigliani.
At that time...
she was nine months pregnant.
She had a baby.
- Where are you, Yoo-jin?
- In Fish Room
In the PC Room to avoid
going home
I'll pick you up.
Let's go home together
If you're having an affair
like Dad said...
please get a divorce, Mom.
How long will you
live like this?
Are you also
getting suspicious of me?
I can't bear it anymore.
Once I get
my tenure at school...
let's put your dad
in the hospital
Once you get your tenure?
Aren't you tired of
being hopeful?
It's for sure this time.
I know they're sleeping pills.
I know what's in
the bottle under the sink.
Promise me, Mom.
That you won't leave me.
Have you done it in bed?
Done what in bed?
What do you mean?
I'm asking if you have
slept with a man.
Why do you ask
when you already know?
I've done it before.
With my dad.
What? What do you mean?
When my dad gets drunk...
he can't differentiate me
from my mom.
I'm so scared every night.
Yoo-jin, are you serious?
What's scarier is...
how my mom pretends
she knows nothing.
Why could she do that?
I'm going to take revenge.
Let's call the police.
I'll go with you.
It's okay, Soo-yeon.
Please keep it a secret for now.
I'll take care of it.
What's wrong with you?
Soo-yeon came to see me.
He goes to your bed every night?
Is your dad an animal?
How could you tell such a lie?
Have you lost your mind?
Yes, I've lost my mind!
So I can do anything.
I've given birth to you...
but I don't like you.
You don't need to tell me
since I already know.
We're going to die soon.
You're right.
I hope that day comes sooner.
Dad, I'm sorry.
Don't say that, Yoo-jin.
You know Mom loves you, right?
I also love your mom very much.
Then why do you keep fighting?
It's because
I don't know how to love.
I hope you two...
will also think about me.
I'm still too young.
I'm sorry, Yoo-jin.
Stay strong, Dad.
Thank you, Yoo-jin.
But I...
just want things to end...
while I drink like this.
Thank you.
The culture of academia
is very conservative.
You were one of the finalists...
but you weren't chosen.
I've been
teaching here for 10 years...
while being paid very little.
But you gave the position
to someone who started...
That's why
there was a lot of debate.
What was the reason?
It was regarding
your issues at home.
A professor being
abused by her husband.
That didn't fit the picture,
did it?
Let's drink together
starting tonight.
What happened?
You're usually busy.
That's none of your business.
Don't drink all that alcohol.
Pour me a drink.
Of course.
I was getting lonely
drinking alone.
Don't be stupid.
Everyone's lonely.
For me, it was still love.
Right, love.
I did love you once.
Hand me the bottle.
Useless athlete...
Don't ignore me...
Stop ignoring me!
Mom. Is that you?
Are you alive?
What about Dad?
Where's Dad?
Your dad is...
I thought you were dead!
How could I live with Dad?
What's the situation?
Investigators are on their way.
Yoo-jin, did you take
the pills from the kitchen?
What did you do to your dad?
Don't let her come in.
Let me go!
Stop it, stop it!
Ja-young, we'll try to
minimize the penalty.
Let's negotiate a settlement
with the police.
The case isn't strong
with domestic violence.
Could I...
get a glass of water?
My daughter...
Ja-young, tell us what happened.
She was raped by that animal.
Why are you telling that now?
Everyone, let's start again.
Fax the police...
Miss JUNG suffered from repeated
physical and sexual abuse from her father.
Having witnessing her mother's death
Her act is considered impulsive.
Her suicide attempt adds
to the extenuating circumstances...
Ja-young, congratulations!
- Congratulations!
- Congratulations, Professor.
- Congratulations, Professor.
- Thank you.
Ja-young, Yoo-jin's here.
You're finally tenured now.
For Ja-young for
getting her tenure.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Where did you get the money?
I've spent quite a lot of money,
so be prepared to starve.
Good job!
It's a great car!
I'm so happy.
Shall we go on the freeway?
Sounds good!
Take a look at
the gas tank first.
You have a great car.
- Please fill up the tank.
- Yes
This is my first time
getting gas for this car.
Really? What an honor.
Please fill it up to the top.
I'll do that.
Don't drive faster than
100 km per hour yet.
Change the engine oil
after driving 1,000 km.
Why is it so complicated?
You should sign up
for our membership card.
What should I do?
What's there to think?
You know nothing about cars.
All I need is your name
and license plate number.
What's your name?
SEO Ja-young.
I'll sign you up for membership.
Have you been drinking?
- Just a little.
- You shouldn't drink and drive.
I'll call you a driver.
You should get married
to a guy like him.
I highly recommend it.
- Why?
- He's in good shape
- He's not at all my type
- You can't be picky
Forget it if you don't like him.
I'm marrying a guy like him.
Thank you.
Coffee's the best
for sobering up.
Thank you.
Here's your card
I called,
but no driver's available.
I'm not drunk.
This coffee's enough.
We're checking
for drunk driving.
You're okay.
Aren't you glad that
you listened to me?
Instead of your license being
revoked and paying a fine.
With two glasses of wine?
Don't exaggerate.
Mom, you're drunk.
Just stay quiet.
Are you really
a mother and her daughter?
I'm best friends with
my trouble-making mom.
Don't we look good together?
- Thank you.
- Get home safe.
You're going to
leave him like that?
What else can I do?
He won't accept my money.
This isn't right.
Wait a minute.
Excuse me!
My mom's terrible with cars.
Please take care of her.
What is this?
Three pages
is not a dissertation.
In math, all we have to do
is prove the equation.
I'm sure that's the case,
but who will understand it?
That's why
all mathematicians are lonely.
Anyway, I don't think
they're normal.
It's very mysterious,
like some alien language.
You know
I'm in your class, right?
You must be interested in art.
You've been coming to my class.
Please let me
take your final exam.
If I get an A please marry me.
Professor Song,
are you proposing to Ja-young?
Yes, I'm proposing to her.
Goodness, Professor Song.
I thought you liked me.
What if you get a B or C?
I'll do anything you want.
Then, will you marry Mi-yeon?
I like that conditional clause.
You'd better be prepared.
I'm going to go study
for the final.
- You must be happy, Ja-young!
- Goodness!
Did something good happen?
Did you get a new boyfriend?
It must be true.
So you gave him an A plus?
His answers were perfect.
I wanted to make a copy,
and hand it out to everyone.
Are you serious
about marrying him?
Are you out of your mind?
Why not?
Is it because of your daughter?
How can I get remarried?
Let's find out
what my daughter's up to.
How's school?
What do people
think of your look?
My homeroom teacher
can't take his eyes off of me.
- What about your friends?
- They think I've gone crazy.
I love you, Mom.
I love you, my daughter.
It's that man with a mustache.
He's a math professor.
He can be awkward but nice.
Something's been strange lately.
What does my mom think?
- He likes your mom much more
- What's the problem then?
It's a secret
before your mom tells you.
She'll kill me
if she finds out I told you.
- Okay?
- Okay.
He looks okay...
Do you love that math professor?
I can't believe she told her.
I thought I should tell you.
I heard he proposed to you.
Live your life
instead of worrying about me.
After you get into college.
I should get to know him
if he'll be my dad.
When will you
introduce him to me?
I'm going to see him tomorrow.
Do you want to meet him?
Tomorrow? I knew it.
- Aren't you going too fast?
- Stop it.
Has Professor Song been married?
His wife passed away
in a car accident...
while they were
studying abroad together.
Poor him.
Professor Song's dissertation...
is really amazing.
When time and space get
stretched to infinity...
parallel lines
finally meet one another.
That means this life and
after-life finally meet.
Parallel lines meet?
Like in a fairy tale?
That sounds sad.
Don't you think?
Should we get gas
since we have time?
You have enough in the tank.
I also need a car wash.
Please fill it up.
Hello, Yoo-jin.
How do you know my name?
Sir, I'm not
as young as you think.
You and I aren't
even that close.
I'm sorry if I offended you.
Please turn off the engine
and open the gas tank.
Yoo-jin, why are you
being sensitive?
I don't like how
he treated me like a child.
Professor Song is too lost
in his own world, like your dad.
We need someone
generous and normal.
Who do you mean?
As long as you're okay...
I'd like to marry him.
I wanted to introduce him
to you after you go to college.
I changed my mind
after hearing what you said.
Go ahead and see him.
He's a good person.
Have a seat here.
Do you live here?
How do you live here?
That's true...
Your mom said she won't
marry without your permission.
I hope you'll like me.
You kept the flowers well.
I thought a lot about
you and your mother.
What did you think of him?
Does my opinion matter?
Of course.
That goes without saying.
Then don't do it.
I think you'll be unhappy
if you marry him.
But you've only met him once.
I like Professor Song more.
Could you take
some more time to think?
I really love him.
He'll be a good father to you.
Marry him but stop pretending
you're doing it for me.
Yoo-jin, Yoo-jin!
I really liked you.
I should keep trying...
to convince her
so I can be with you.
But I have no right
to do that to Yoo-jin.
I've been in love before,
so I know this.
After some time...
love is eventually lost.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I was immature.
Don't worry about it, Yoo-jin.
I ended it with him.
Marry him if you love him.
But let me move out.
You want to move out?
I want to.
Let's drop this subject.
- Mom!
- It's late.
Go back to your room.
You said...
you grew up lonely, right?
You'll get lonelier
once you marry my mom.
Is that okay with you?
My mom...
has a special gift
of making people lonely.
If that's okay with you...
get married to my mom.
Okay, I understand.
Please love my mom a lot.
Thank you.
- Goodness.
- Dong-ha!
- Thank you.
- You look great.
- My bouquet.
- Mom!
- You're so forgetful.
- Thank you.
We have no officiator, right?
I'll officiate the wedding.
- I'll officiate the wedding.
- I'll do it.
Stay away from me.
Thank you!
- Yoo-jin, come here!
- Come!
- Come here.
- Why should I?
Get ready, One, Two, Three!
Can we have a baby together?
- Really?
- Don't be surprised.
My make-up doesn't look good
because I'm tired.
- Don't worry too much.
- I told you you'd get lonely.
- What do you mean?
- Nothing.
I'll have more free time
once this project's over.
- I need to get changed again.
- Mom! I'm late!
Okay! Goodness.
My cellphone!
- Stop forgetting things!
- I'm sorry.
I must be getting dementia.
She's lucky
she forgets things easily.
Yoo-jin, here's some coffee.
Thank you.
Let's go.
No, lower it a bit more.
Go up more. Okay.
Why is it taking so long
to confirm the artwork list?
You know how artists
can be indecisive.
They need to select the work
so we can work on details.
The work doesn't seem to end.
Did we have dinner yet?
We had some
dumplings for breakfast.
We've been
just drinking coffee all day.
I see.
Wait, what time is it?
Honey, I'm going to be late
Take care of Yoo-jin.
- I'm looking for Jung Yoo-jin.
- Jung Yoo-jin?
The girl who was on the news?
She quit a long time ago.
I told you not to wait up.
- Yes?
- What do you think...
of spending more time
with Yoo-jin?
What about Yoo-jin?
She's going through puberty.
Please take care of her.
But Honey,
I can only do so much.
Could you work less
and spend time with her?
Let's sleep.
What about skipping school
and we go on a date?
That sounds good to me.
But no thanks to
dating an older guy.
I already know
you've quit cram school.
Is there anything
I can do for you?
Does Mom know too?
Not yet.
Keep it a secret.
I need some time.
How do you spend your days?
I start the day
with an early movie.
I take a long
route on the metro.
It's good for passing the time.
I go to Yeongjong-do on Mondays
to watch airplanes.
I go to Gwacheon
Art Museum on Tuesdays.
I go to Songdo Amusement Park
today since it's Wednesday.
A girl must have read
about me on the Internet.
The rumor spread
at the school, so I quit.
Like I always do.
Let's be honest
and tell your mom.
She's so busy.
She's only into her work.
That's not true.
I'm not going to college.
Mom would freak out about it.
Mom's happy now.
She's been unhappy for long
because of me.
I'll tell her
when the time comes.
Where were you all day?
You didn't pick up the phone.
I had some work to do.
I'm going to be on a TV show.
You're going to be on TV?
It was decided today.
I'm sorry but
I'm going to get busier.
Could you hand me
a glass of water?
Do you not like that I work?
I'm just worried about Yoo-jin.
What about Yoo-jin?
She's gone through a lot.
She might still be hurt.
It's all in the past.
It's forgotten.
You may have forgotten...
but we don't know about Yoo-jin.
I know Yoo-jin better than you.
She's strong.
Knowing her for a long time
doesn't mean you know her.
Is something going on
with Yoo-jin?
Ask her yourself.
She's your daughter.
- Honey, are you...
- I'm just saying...
I'm limited in
what I can do for her.
Forget it.
I don't want to
argue about what's in the past.
Dong-ha, this is awesome.
It's faster than a scooter.
If we had one at the station?
Yes, buy one!
This is very expensive.
Dream on.
Mom would freak out
if she finds out about me.
Yoo-jin. For how long...
will you lie to her?
Am I a bad person?
- You need to make up for it.
- I'll work at the gas station.
There's also a lot of
cleaning and laundry to do.
Are you saying I should
do the house chores too?
Yes, otherwise
I'll tell on your mom.
Are you threatening me?
This young artist is
up-and-coming these days.
Prices of the work are going up
due to Chinese curators.
What's so great about it?
It's all black.
What do you think, Attorney Oh?
If you want, I can get it
for you at a good price.
I'm not sure.
It's too dark for my office.
It seems too heavy for my house.
You don't know a thing.
Dong-ha, aren't you bored?
I'm okay as long as
your mom's having fun.
But Yoo-jin...
are you feeling sick?
Yes, I don't feel well.
Why are you outside?
It'd be good for you
to spend time with my friends.
Why do you separate yourself?
I'm sorry, Honey.
Yoo-jin isn't feeling well.
Are you feeling sick?
Just a little.
- You two go back home first.
- Why?
I want to drink tonight.
I'll get a taxi.
Mom's upset.
I'm sorry, Dong-ha.
- Is Yoo-jin ready yet?
- She'll be late.
Why don't you go first?
I'll take Yoo-jin to school.
I'm taking her myself.
I'm sorry for making you wait.
- How are you feeling?
- I'm better.
Honey, let's have
Yoo-jin rest today.
She just needs medicine.
She could come home early.
She said she's sick!
What's wrong with
taking one day off?
It's getting cloudy.
It's going to rain.
Yoo-jin, Where are you?
I'm not sure where I am.
Where are you?
I'll pick you up.
I hope it rains.
I like when things
fall from the sky.
What's wrong with your voice?
Are you okay?
Professor, what's wrong?
I'm sorry.
I was lost in thoughts.
Shall we take a break
if you're tired?
No, we haven't done much.
Let's continue.
Where are you?
Where did everyone go?
- Dong-ha.
- Yes, I'm here.
can I tell you a secret?
Later. Close your eyes and rest.
No, I want to tell you now.
I'm in love.
An impossible love.
Don't be silly.
Don't be in a love like that.
It's difficult.
How could I deny it?
It was love at first sight.
- Honey!
- Yoo-jin!
She's running a fever.
What happened?
Let's have her lie down.
Are you happy?
I'm sorry, Yoo-jin.
It was my fault.
I'm happy that
you're happy with Dong-ha.
Honey, We have to
take her to the hospital.
Mom, I fell in love
with someone.
You're in love?
You're all grown up.
But it's so difficult.
Do you know with whom
Yoo-jin fell in love?
Who is it?
loves you very much.
That's not
what I'm talking about.
She loves you very much.
A lot.
She doesn't like me.
I wasn't a good mother to her.
She liked her father more
when she was young.
Don't think that way.
Thank you for being
good to my daughter.
- Wow! It's so cool.
- How much is it?
It belongs to Yoo-jin.
Don't ride it.
- That's unfair.
- No way! Let me ride it once.
- But you won't get paid.
- No way!
- Go and ride it.
- May I try it? Does it run?
- Wow, that looks cool.
- Let me ride it once.
- I can also cook
- It looks impressive.
Wait. Actually...
- Just in case it's bad...
- No, it looks good. Let's see.
- It's good.
- Is it okay?
What are you doing?
It looks delicious!
I'm right on time. Let's eat.
- Okay, let's eat.
- Yoo-jin, sit down.
Did oy make it?
Let's see how it tastes.
It's delicious!
Let's pull down the blinds.
They could see us from outside.
You're the one
who decided to live here.
- That doesn't work well.
- Goodness!
- Why are you surprised? Come
- I'll do it.
Come here. Have some strawberries.
Here you go.
I'm tired.
Were you busy today?
You must have earned a lot.
Good job.
I forgot my cellphone.
Do you need something?
Can I something to drink?
I quit school a long time ago.
I'm sorry.
- People recognize me.
- You were proven innocent.
- You're innocent.
- So what?
- We can't change the past.
- Try harder.
- Then you'll forget it like me.
- I'm jealous of you.
You can forget
everything so easily.
Stop it if you're talking
about your dad.
I did the best I could.
Do you really think so?
You were mean to
Dad who was lonely.
I was the only one
who was there for Dad.
You didn't even care for Dad!
Are you...
Be honest to yourself.
You wanted Dad to die!
I didn't know
you hated me that much.
I overreacted. I'm sorry.
What do you want me to do?
Let me move out.
You're happy with Dong-ha.
Think about me for once.
Why are you acting immature?
I want to move out.
Don't ask me why.
I'll never let you do that.
It's because I love you.
How could that be the reason?
You should be happy at least.
That's the reason.
Yoo-jin said she'll move out.
Could you convince her for me?
No, you don't know Yoo-jin.
She always does
what she says she would.
Please, Honey.
I can't live without Yoo-jin.
Yoo-jin, Don't do this.
You know why I'm leaving.
Let me go.
Think of your mother!
I love you, Dong-ha.
Isn't that a good enough
reason to leave?
Do you love me at all?
- Yoo-jin.
- Don't pretend you don't know.
Yoo-jin, don't go.
Let me go.
Do you know why
Yoo-jin wants to move out?
I want to be
a good mother to her.
I love you.
Please remember that
I love you very much.
You're being funny.
Inside of the car's still wet.
Leave the windows open.
Yoo-jin won't even look at me.
Does she want to start a fight?
Honey. Yoo-jin won't leave us.
Thank you, Honey.
Stay awake and drive carefully.
- I'm leaving now.
- Okay.
I want to get married too.
Things are working out for you.
Don't think that
marriage will change your life.
Married life is still lonely.
Is something going on?
Yoo-jin's giving me a hard time.
She takes after
Seok-won much more.
Ja-young, could you tell me
honestly about what happened?
During trial...
you said Seok-won raped Yoo-jin.
It made me feel uncomfortable.
I couldn't believe it.
Seok-won was also my friend.
Was I wrong to doubt?
Let's stop talking
about depressing things.
You haven't been here
in awhile, right?
What do you think
about studying abroad?
Wouldn't it be better to
study in another place?
They say New York
and London are great.
Why are you being so quiet?
You're now 20 years old.
I think it's time
for a new start.
What do you think?
I'll do anything you say.
Mom. Please send me abroad.
As soon as possible.
Mom, here's your coffee.
- Are you okay?
- Thank you.
Could you do me a favor?
What is it, honey?
What do you think of
us going on vacation?
We can also
look into your schools.
I also need to get some rest.
You can decide where to go.
What do you think?
That's a good idea.
Then I'll decide where to go.
Were you an animal?
How could you touch her?
You're a worthless
piece of trash!
Mom, put down that phone.
- It's not what you think.
- What?
He and I...
are in love.
I fell in love
with him at first sight.
What did you say?
Was it love?
Was it?
I'm sorry, Mom.
How could you do this to me?
How could you do this to me?
Yoo-jin, please
get out of this house. Now.
He's my husband.
Find your own.
Why aren't you leaving?
Why don't you choose?
Is it me or her?
Francisco Goya painted
intense images of humans.
He showed anger and tragedy
of modern men in strange ways.
As a hopeless optimist...
he never succeeded
in his career.
But he always wanted
to paint smiles in people.
It stemmed from his endless
hatred and love for humans.
- Where are you?
- I've been driving for hours.
But I don't know where to go.
Tell me where you are.
I'll go there.
I'm not sure where I am,
What should I do?
Honey. We have to meet.
Tell me where you are.
I'll go there.
I'm scare of you and Yoo-jin.
Tell me where you are.
I'll go there.
I'm in front of the gas station.
I can see you.
Don't come near me!
I'm going to leave
if you come near me.
Now I know.
Why Yoo-jin was against
our marriage.
Why she wanted to move out.
Tell me honestly.
Did you love
Yoo-jin from the start?
I loved you.
You're right.
We loved each other.
But what about Yoo-jin?
I didn't know
I didn't know...
but I also loved Yoo-jin.
A different kind of love.
We all made the wrong choices.
- Let me see you.
- Don't come near me.
I'm going to leave
if you come near me
I love you.
I want to fight
for us to be together.
I can't fight my daughter
for a man.
I'll leave.
Ja-young, don't go.
Promise me
you'll make her happy.
- I'll leave instead.
- Promise me now!
I should leave instead!
I'll disappear.
Honey, Honey!
Honey, don't go.
I'll disappear.
I'll die, I'll die instead.
Dear my daughter Yoo-jin.
You'll understand it better
as time passes.
All parents in this world
are full of flaws.
If I didn't love you well,
please forgive me.
I'm so sorry.
Dear my daughter Yoo-jin.
I hope you'll be happy together.
I'm going to get back
on my feet and start anew.
I'm going to do
my best to survive.
Dear my daughter Yoo-jin.
Parallel lines meet when...
time and space
extend to infinity.
Let's meet again.
This is the format
they use in manufacturing.
You can copy the entire format.
Depending on your preference,
you can edit the format.
That's it for today.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.