Love Camp 7 (1969) Movie Script

[Dramatic music playing]
[Narrator] The story you are about to see
is true.
It is based on actual fact.
As toid by one who iii/ed it.
Well, Mr. Johnson, it appears
if we can guarantee delivery
by mid-April, we can consummate the deal.
Well, actually, Mr. Latham, we could
stretch our side as far as the 20th
but certainly not beyond that.
We have delivery schedules
we must meet also.
Yes, yes, of course.
Well, I'll check for that factory, I think
we should be able to have confirmation
for you by,
shall we say, noon tomorrow.
That'll be fine, thank you.
Now, how about some tea?
Perhaps a drink?
I understand you Americans enjoy
a bit of a drink in the afternoon.
Well, texans damn sure do.
I'll take a whiskey with ice,
if you have it, lad.
Yes, yes, Johnny, would you, please?
I'll have scotch and water.
- Certainly.
- Thank you.
That's an unusual map.
Yes, I suppose it is, now.
I keep it here as sort of a souvenir.
Looks like a military map.
World war 11, isn't it?
Yes, yes. Were you in the war?
Hell, yes. I spent four years
in the marines.
Hopping those damn cruddy islands
over in the pacific.
How about yourself?
Well, yes, but nothing quite that exciting
I'm afraid.
I was staff officer, a major with shaef.
Supreme headquarters
allied European forces.
But, I'm afraid,
I never got out of London.
Thank you, Johnny.
I'm afraid the major
is being a little bit modest.
Even if he never did leave London,
the fact of the matter is
major latham directed
one of the most unusual spy cases
of the world.
If it hadn't been for him...
We might all be speaking German
here today.
[Johnson] Espionage, really?
And it won the war for us?
Well, I don't think I'd go quite that far.
[Johnny] I would.
[Johnson] Well, tell me about it,
if you don't mind. I'd love to hear it.
[Johnny] This is your story, Mr. Latham.
You tell it to him.
Well, Johnny, 1...
Don't want to bore Mr. Johnson
with old war stories.
I'm sure, with four years in the pacific,
my exploits are going to seem a bit tame.
Not at all, I'd really like to hear it,
if you don't mind.
I don't mind.
As a matter of fact,
I rather enjoy reliving it.
Now, let's see, where should I begin?
Well, there was a German
by the name of hans pabst Von ohain.
He developed the axialflow turbojet
in 1939,
and shortly thereafter,
he demonstrated it in Paris.
A few years later,
the Nazis had all but taken over
the whole of Europe.
And england itself
was under constant bombardment.
We were aware
of Germany's superior strength
at this point of the war,
but we, we were in hopes that we,
along with our allies,
could eventually turn the tide
in our favor.
The American commander,
general Olson, and myself
had devised a rather bizarre scheme.
Which nevertheless,
we felt, had great merit.
That he'd arranged a joint meeting
in temporary allied headquarters
with the French and the Russians.
Intelligence reports that Karl stahl,
the man basically responsible
for building this German jet fighter,
died of a heart attack.
That's excellent, general Olson.
That's quite a break for us.
Yes, it is.
But there are many scientists there
that could take his place.
Now what we're particularly concerned with
right now is his assistant,
Martha Grossman.
I think major latham
can fill you in on that.
Thank you, general Olson, I'll try.
You see, gentlemen,
for some years Martha Grossman
has been sympathetic to the allied cause.
And she's been sending information back
pertaining to their experiments,
to our rocket experts here in London.
And judging from that information,
we're quite far behind
in the development of this aircraft
and its fuel.
We're greatly concerned
that should they be first in the air
with this type of aircraft,
they could defeat us soundly in the skies.
So, what happened to this Ms. Grossman?
[Latham] That is our problem.
Martha Grossman is a Jew.
She was safe as long as
stahl was alive and protecting her,
but immediately after his death
she was removed from the project
and placed into a concentration camp.
I'm sure the Germans
questioned her loyalty
or otherwise
she would've been allowed to continue,
Jew or not.
[Olson] Thank you, major.
Right now, we're doing everything we can
with sabotage, bombing raids and so forth
to try to stop the Germans
from their experiments
and manufacture of this jet aircraft.
But we feel that if we could
possibly contact Martha Grossman,
there's a very good chance
that she would have information
that could quickly solve
a lot of our problems,
and really get us back in the race.
But where is this Martha Grossman now?
Our underground sources have traced
Martha Grossman's whereabouts to...
A special Nazi women's prison camp
near the village of steingarten.
Well, steingarten is here,
and the prison camp
about three miles south.
That's about here.
Steingarten is used
as a rest or recuperation area
for frontline German officers.
The women, mostly Jewish,
are in the camp
for the sole purpose of being prostitutes.
Now, our plan is simply this,
we want to place two of our women
inside that camp.
And their assignment will be
to locate Martha Grossman,
to obtain and memorize
as much of the information
pertaining to her experiments
and jet engines as they can.
[Foreign officer] That sounds
a little far fetched.
Well, perhaps.
But for our sake,
I certainly hope that it isn't.
Those women would be worse than whores.
Who could you possibly find to undertake
an assignment such as this one?
[Latham] Genera? Oison had of course
aireao'y made his seiectfon.
The American women's anny corps iiies
provided as with 2? Names
that were exceiieht possihiiities.
These two ofi'icers were ohe fihai choice.
Gentlemen, may I introduce wac lieutenants
Linda harman and grace Freeman.
Both of these officers, with full
previous knowledge of the assignment,
have volunteered to aid us.
Won't you sit down, please?
[Olson] It's my opinion
that lieutenants harman and Freeman
are excellent choices for this assignment.
Both of them are experts
in the field of guerrilla warfare,
hand-to-hand combat and karate.
In addition,
they both speak French and German.
I feel confident that these women
can handle the mission.
But even if they do find Martha Grossman,
suppose she's too ill to be moved,
or killed in the escape,
then all of this is for nothing.
The Germans are not going to sit by
while these two ladies take notes.
We have, of course, considered that.
These two women have recently undergone
extensive training and memorization
with the army intelligence corps
at fort holabird in Baltimore.
They have almost total recall
of everything they have heard or read.
If I may demonstrate?
What is your age, general?
- Forty seven.
- Thank you.
Memorize from page 47 until I stop you.
[Stahl] I know
what you all must be thinking.
But this jet project has top priority.
We must try anything.
I repeat, anything...
That has the slightest chance of giving us
the information we so desperately need.
Ladies, if you will close the manual
and repeat in unison from page 47.
"A general area survey
is a continuing study
by investigators of military installations
or adjacent areas
to determine whether or not
the security measures in force
are adequate.
On military reservations,
the survey is conducted
to determine the adequacy
of the security of specific facilities.
The survey of communities
normally includes
the study of civilian population,
local law enforcement agencies,
enforcement procedures,
and specific conditions
conducive to crime within the area.
This survey maybe over..."
Thank you very much, lieutenants,
that's very good.
Truly remarkable.
Then I presume we have your approval?
All right, major, if you'll continue.
Well, it seems we're in agreement.
Ladies, you'll be parachuted in
and once there,
you'll be met by a captain Robert calais,
of the French underground, and his men.
He will furnish
the necessary clothing, identification
and other information at that point
which will be necessary
to complete your assignment.
He will then transport you to steingarten,
to the rot finster hofbr'au.
It is at this cafe
that you will be arrested by the gestapo.
It will also of course,
as has been so well pointed out,
be necessary for you
to cooperate with Jerry
in any manner they order.
For as we have told you, those who don't
end up in the gas chamber.
When do we leave?
Tonight, 2100 hours.
[Suspenseful music playing]
[Latham] The parachute drop went off
without incident.
Both girls fancied safeiy
in a fieid iocated 14 miies due east
of the city of steingarten.
Ahoat three and a haif miies
from the love camp itseif.
Jerry was well aware
of resistance activity,
and had patrols out,
constantly searching the area.
Sit down, please.
Ladies, I'm Robert calais.
Here are your credentials.
You are Bertha Liechtenstein,
and you are Cara strassberg.
Now, here's a history of yourselves.
I understand you can memorize completely?
Yes, we can.
It tells who your mother,
your father were,
where you were born and so forth.
Now, as you know,
you will have exactly five days
once you're in the camp
to secure and memorize
all the information that is necessary.
Martha Grossman is still in the camp.
Since all the women
are housed in one barrack,
you should have no trouble contacting her.
It is necessary
that you make her believe...
That you are allies, and not German spies.
Or she will tell you nothing.
That's going to take some convincing.
Do you have something you could give us,
something to prove who we are?
You will be thoroughly searched
by a doctor,
and bathed
before being placed in the camp.
It is impossible to smuggle anything in
that would help you to win her confidence.
So, we must rely on your memory.
Memory of the past experiences
that she was involved in.
Here, therefore, is a list of our people
that she has communicated with.
Memorize it.
Now, lets get started.
Suppose you change.
Where can we change?
Right here.
Perhaps your mission
has not been clearly explained to you.
For the next five days
you're going to be whores
for the third reich.
And you will have to be convincing
in that task.
I think you will find,
from this moment forth,
there is no room for modesty
in your personalities.
And besides, I have no time for it.
Now, get changed.
Now, on the morning of the fifth day,
at 0300 hours,
my guerrilla forces will attack the camp.
The Nazis only have a minimum security.
In that they feel that 50 women prisoners
will be unable to create
any major problem.
The instant you hear gunfire,
we will cut the fence.
You will, of course,
bring Martha Grossman with you.
But no one else.
I know it's cruel
to leave the other women there.
But there's really nothing else we can do.
Too many people moving across that yard
would be seen.
A British airplane will have landed
two miles east of this present location.
And three of you
will be flown back to allied headquarters.
Now, here is the guard building.
Over here to the left
are the women's barracks.
Over here, a large storage shack.
We will be attacking from this area.
We will draw all the guards
out of the shack
and pull them around to this point.
Now, there's only one tower, over here...
In this corner.
And that tower
will also be firing back at us.
At this point,
the yard will be virtually unguarded.
And you should easily be able
to make your way out
and around to the other side
of the storage area.
Prior to the attack,
we will have already have our men
positioned in this area
on the other side of the fence.
Are you sure you know where it is?
Yes, we have it.
Now, here is a photograph
of Martha Grossman.
It was taken a few years ago.
It's difficult of course, to say
how much she has changed now
but I hope
this will help you recognize her.
Do you... have any questions?
No, it's very clear.
All right then.
As soon as you're ready,
we leave for steingarten.
You are both very brave.
It will not be pleasant.
[Latham] At 0515 hours,
are foiiowirig morhihg,
the girls were arrested
by the gestapo in steingarten.
Captain caiais had aiiowed Jerry
to receive faise information.
That the road fence to hofhrau
was being used to harbor Jews.
Welcome, ladies,
to love camp number seven.
At the moment perhaps
some of you feel you're unfortunate.
But let me assure you...
That your being sent to love camp 7...
Was by far the most pleasant
of all alternatives.
I cannot guarantee you
that you will love love camp 7.
But I can guarantee...
That you will love in love camp 7.
You have been brought here
for one purpose and one purpose only,
that is to please the frontline officers
of our armies.
I and my men will see to it
that you please them entirely.
To please will be your only function.
I'm sure when you're dressed,
or undressed,
definitely in any event
should be very charming.
I'm afraid, Klaus muller,
that this rather...
Distorted young lady
will be of very little use to us.
Remove her, please.
Remove her, she's pregnant.
Leave me! Please, no!
Shut up, you Jewish pig!
Now, ladies, I'm sure you're exhausted
and grimy after your dusty trip
and you want to clean up,
freshen yourself, make yourselves lovely.
So, I will see to it that
sergeant Klaus muller,
and corporal reiss here,
arrange for you
to have every possible toilet accessory
for your pleasure,
cleanliness and hygiene.
We want to make you most comfortable.
Sergeant Klaus miiller, corporal reiss,
you'll take care of the ladies, I'm sure.
[Soldiers laughing]
Get up! Get up! Get up!
Get up! Get up!
Well, ladies, I trust you find yourself
refreshed after your little shower.
Each one of you girls has been chosen
to work in love camp 7.
To serve the third reich
with your bodies and your will.
If any one of you
finds that choice distasteful...
Then let us know now
so that we can give you your alternatives.
But I assure you,
the alternatives you will find
increasingly distasteful.
For instance, Auschwitz, belsen, dacha...
Actually, I think you'll find this camp
is not nearly as bad as you would imagine.
[Chuckling] In fact,
it's almost a holiday.
You'll be fed regularly,
you'll have warm, comfortable clothing,
you'll be expected to keep yourself clean.
Each of you will be issued
a ration of cosmetics,
and you will be expected
to use those cosmetics
in order to keep yourself attractive
for the officers of the reich.
Now, then,
before you go to your barracks
there are just a few formalities.
For instance, we have to have
a medical inspection
to see that everybody's in good health.
However, we have seen to it
that you never suffer an indignity
in camp 7.
We are not going to subject you
to an examination by one of the guards,
or even a male doctor.
We have gone to the great trouble
to secure a female doctor.
So that none of you Jewish ladies
will have any
of your high sensitivities offended.
Send in the doctor for me, please.
[Knock at door]
Come in, doctor.
=heil, Hitler. =heil, Hitler.
[Hoestat] They're all yours, doctor.
[Doctor] Remove your clothing.
[Hoestat] Quickly,
do as the doctor has ordered.
I want you ladies to, at all times,
be extremely cooperative with Dr. Chernov.
Only recently,
she received a commendation,
from the fuhrer's
medical committee in Berlin,
for her excellent record
and untiring devotion to the reich.
I'm certain that if you cooperate with her
she'll always be considerate of you ladies
and your problems.
It should be comforting for you to know
that you always have a friend
here, at love camp 7.
You're first.
Get off me, you pig! Get off!
[Doctor] All right, you.
[Linda wincing]
I understand, Ms. Strassberg,
that your father was a banker
in Wiesbaden, is that correct?
I should imagine, what,
with the war and everything,
the banking business
isn't what it used to be.
Certainly the interest rates
are down, yeah?
What seems to be the matter,
Ms. Strassberg?
You don't like your first day
in love camp 7?
I promise you,
it's going to be a lot worse than this.
This is only a beginning.
For instance...
And you, Ms. Liechtenstein,
I understand, your father
is in the haberdashery business
in dusseldorf, is that correct?
[Groaning in pain]
[Latham] We had, as yet, received no word
from the French underground.
And we waited patientiy
at aiiied headquarters
for communication from captain calais.
Sirs, we're receiving a message
from blue fox one.
Switch on the speaker.
[Calais] The snow is on the ground.
There were two birds
sighted in the sky, eadier this evening.
It appeared as though they were flying
in a northeasterly direction.
I am very tired
and wiii sieep for five days.
I will be contacting you
on blue code channel
as listed in publication, 14 a.
Your directive dated January 2nd.
This is blue fox one, out.
They bloody-well made it.
They'll be in the camp by now.
Ladies, we've brought you
four new roommates.
I'm sure you'll make them welcome
to love camp 7,
and explain all the rules
and regulations to them.
What is your name?
I'm Helga.
How long have you been here?
We came in together, about six months...
I don't know any more.
I used to keep track,
but, I don't know for sure.
It was September 14th, my husband and I
were hiding in a basement.
At dusk we went out to look for food,
as we always did.
They saw him first,
he screamed for me to run, but I couldn't.
He was wounded.
We were brought to prison camp
in a large boxcar.
So as the men and women were separated,
a few of the women, not many,
were taken here.
Do you know where your husband is now?
Do you?
No. No, we don't.
What will happen to us now?
They won't let you be with the officers
until they know how cooperative you are.
The first thing that will happen is
you will have to service
all the guards in the camp.
Then when they're sure
you will be good prostitutes,
you will be taken to stalag ii.
What is that? it's a room.
It is like this one,
only it has a series of partitions
and beds.
We usually go there
about an hour or two after dinner.
Then they transport the officers
from steingarten,
and we just continue making love
to them...
Until they've all been taken care of.
Sometimes, when the officers leave,
they bring in a bus load of enlisted men.
How were you captured?
We were looking for food also.
[Women laughing]
They seem happy.
All things are not so bad here
if they like you.
We are fed well,
they don't like skinny whores.
The work camp we were in,
conditions were horrible.
In the four days we were there,
eight people died of starvation
and disease.
Some of the women even seem
to like this life.
We are better off than most, I guess.
Once an officer asked me
to do something I didn't like.
He complained to the commandant.
Now, if I see that officer again,
I'll do it.
I'll do it and anything else they wish.
And you'll do the same
if you wish to survive.
Do you know Martha Grossman?
Yes, but she's not here now.
I saw her last night.
She was in a cubicle across from mine.
Sometimes they leave us in stalag ii
to service some of the officers
that come in on their own vehicles.
We better get some rest now.
I suggest you do the same.
Tonight you'll be with the guards.
This may be
your most difficult night here.
Ladies, you must forgive me
for interrupting your brief rest period.
However, some of you
are not quite as cooperative as others.
For instance, take Ms. Kauffman here.
Ms. Kauffman felt,
said it was an indignity
for her to be examined
in order to please the third reich,
and that she was above this.
Now, some of you are new prisoners,
and you're not perhaps familiar
with our seat of honor.
I'm sure Ms. Kauffman isn't familiar.
However, we are going to
make her familiar with it.
We have done everything in this camp
we can to make you comfortable
and to make you happy.
And we expect your cooperation.
You have two choices,
cooperate or move to another camp.
Show Ms. Kauffman to the seat of honor.
Perhaps some of you new ladies will get
some idea of what we expect from you
if you pay close attention.
[Screaming continues]
God, no!
God, no!
Now, ladies,
I suggest that while Ms. Kauffman
is on the seat of honor,
no one attempt to help her in any manner.
Unless, of course,
you choose to take her place.
And that we can arrange very, very easily.
I warn you, no one is to help her.
Ladies, for your own good,
I hope you will be sensible.
[Wincing and grunting]
You helped her!
You helped her!
I told you! I told you, do not help her!
But you helped her!
Now everyone... all of you suffer
for one person!
I told them in the high command
you people are good for nothing!
Nothing but extermination!
Now, get your robes off and form a circle!
Get your buckets in your hands, you pigs!
Klaus mijiler, get them in a circle!
Get your buckets up!
Heil Hitler, everyone. Up in the air.
Now, the first one to let the bucket down
will feel my whip!
Keep your hands up! Keep them up!
Are your arms getting tired?
Watch that one, sergeant Klaus muller.
Put your hands up! Heil Hitler!
Go ahead, put the bucket down.
Give me a chance to use my whip!
Come now, ladies, it isn't that difficult.
You imagine those buckets
are growing heavy on your arms.
Pretend they're just flowers
you're picking in the field,
and maybe you'll be able
to hold your arms up
for few more minutes.
[Suspenseful music playing]
[Man] Now, from this vantage point,
we have full view of anyone leaving
or entering the main barracks.
They have already been given dinner,
but as yet we've not had visual contact
with Martha Grossman.
Our last contact was 23 hours ago
when she was taken
to the officers section.
She's either still there
or something went wrong.
Could be in the detention room.
From where we are located, the exit
and entrance from the officers barracks
and into the detention room
are concealed by the warehouse.
I will contact you again
on any further developments.
This is radio, out.
Good evening, ladies. Good evening.
How is my favorite pupil this evening?
Please, help me.
I'll do anything you want.
I'm sure you'll do anything we want,
but you see, dear,
I told the other ladies
you're going to be here all evening
to set an example.
And you've only been there five hours.
You have at least 11 hours to go.
I would love to help you but I just can't.
Klaus miiller, revive my pupil
so she can continue her studies.
Yeah, okay. [Chuckling]
And then get these women ready
and out of here.
And now,
I want the girls
who came in new this morning...
Lined up over here.
The rest of you will line up along here.
You're going to work.
Now, what are you waiting for?
Out! Move, move! Move!
And now, you two,
you have been selected
to go to the commandant's office
where you will entertain
the guards of this compound.
And if you are successful,
you will be allowed to join the others
in the officers' section tomorrow night.
Take them out.
And now, you two,
we have selected you for our pleasures.
Sergeant gotthardt.
Comrade, which one do you want?
I... have no preference.
All right.
Then I will make my selection first.
[Grace wincing]
[Klaus grunting]
Yes, I think I will take this one.
I'm sorry.
But as guards here,
there are certain things
that we have to do.
I understand.
God, you're hurting me.
Wait, you're hurting me.
Don't misunderstand me,
I enjoy sex like any man...
[Linda struggling and wincing]
But not the torture or the beatings.
Perhaps in another place,
another time, things
could've been different
between the two of us.
But here,
here I must follow my orders.
There are people being killed
and people who kill.
And they too... must follow their orders,
regardless of what they personally wish.
You don't have to apologize.
I understand.
Do you?
There are people
in the back of this barracks,
they're probably watching us right now.
[Linda's struggling continues]
[Guard grunting]
Please, don't.
[Grunting continues]
Sir, sergeant gotthardt is here.
Send him in.
Sergeant gotthardt reporting, sir.
Sit down, gotthardt.
I see you've requested
a transfer again, gotthardt.
Yes, sir.
I thought I made it very clear to you
that I consider a request for transfer
a personal offense.
Gotthardt, you are here
because of your excellent record.
Now, if you continue
to request these transfers,
people are going to think
you're not happy in love camp 7.
And we want you happy.
Sir, as I explained in my letter,
my only reason for a request
is a personal need
to get back to fighting the war.
I feel like I can be of more value
to the fatherland in that capacity...
I take it then you disagree
with the opinions of the officers
whose orders
have placed you here, gotthardt?
Sir, I question no one's opinion
or judgment.
But may I remind you,
as an uncommissioned officer,
I have a right to...
The only rights you have are the rights
to obey exactly what I tell you.
Now, gotthardt,
the other men enjoy their work,
why can't you?
With due respect to the commandant,
I feel that most of what happens here
is unnecessary and inhumane.
You feel it's inhumane, gotthardt?
Now, let's assume
for one ridiculous moment...
That I might be interested in
what you think,
I'd like to know,
what do you think is inhumane.
I feel that Dr. Chernov's experiments
on the women is inhumane.
Dr. Chernov's experiments come
from direct orders
from Dr. Sach in Berlin,
the head of all experimentation.
And every experiment is recorded,
filed and sent to Berlin.
You question that authority?
Twenty 7 women have died
in the past three months
due to Dr. Chernov's experiments
and sterilization.
Sterilization is necessary
for the purification of the race,
you know that, gotthardt.
She has been using a heavy paste
which she injects fully into the womb.
This causes great pain
for a period of a week,
and then the eventual death
of the patient.
It's necessary
to find a working method, gotthardt.
The exact same method has been used
on those 27 women
with the exact same result,
pain and death.
Isn't it obvious by now,
the method does not work?
Is there anything else
that troubles you, gotthardt?
Sir, my sole reason for this request...
Is to return to the war.
And my sole reason for denying the request
is to maintain discipline
in the camp, gotthardt.
Your request is denied.
You're dismissed.
Heil Hitler!
Oh, uh, gotthardt,
I think I'm tired of pampering you.
For the next three months,
in your off hours,
you will serve as Dr. Chernov's assistant
in the experiments.
Perhaps by actually working firsthand,
you'll be able to get
a greater understanding of the situation.
I fully understand now, colonel.
Do you, gotthardt?
There's an overbearing sickness
in this camp.
What happens here is wrong!
These people are human beings
and the cruelties that takes place
in this camp
- is totally unnecessary!
- Gotthardt.
These people aren't human beings.
They exist solely to serve the third reich
and when the third reich
is done with them,
they become garbage
and we discard them, gotthardt.
You exist solely to serve the third reich.
Be very careful, gotthardt,
that you don't become garbage.
Or you could be discarded.
Now, you're dismissed, get out.
=heil Hitler! =heil Hitler.
Sir, we just decoded a message
from blue fox one.
Thank you, sergeant.
General Olson.
We've just received a message
from blue fox one.
Our girls are in the barracks and
everything seems to be going as planned.
Yes, sir. There is one problem.
We seem to have lost track
of Martha Grossman.
She was taken last night to stalag ii,
the officers' barracks,
and has not yet been returned
to her quarters.
Well, my child, I assume you're prepared
to be more cooperative today?
Yes, I'll do anything. Yes.
All right, take her down.
We'll see how well she learned her lesson.
Yeah, heil commandant.
Very well, you say you're prepared
to do anything.
Let's start with, say, my boots.
Crawl over here and lick my boots.
Make sure you get them very clean.
[Suspenseful music playing]
Now, the other boot.
You do extremely nice work, pig.
How are you?
Fine. Just tired.
How many did you have?
You were lucky to get sergeant gotthardt
and his men.
He's the only decent one here.
He tries to help whenever he can.
You see, officers,
most of them are so drunk,
they're no problem,
sometimes they are sadistic,
try to hit the girls,
if you double up and hold your head
they soon grow tired.
Have you heard anything
about Martha Grossman?
Oh, yes.
The girl with the officer
next to me last night...
Said she overheard Martha complaining
of being ill.
The guards got angry,
and she thinks Martha was taken
to the detention room.
What does that mean?
that is where girls who misbehave
are usually taken for punishment
and torture.
They keep them there, usually a day or so,
until they've broken their spirit.
Then they're either sent back here,
or to the gas chambers.
You look exhausted,
you better get some rest.
We've got to figure something out.
We don't have too much time.
I think I have a plan.
[Latham] Two days had passed
since the girls had been captured,
and taken in to the camp.
Although calais and his men had the camp
under constant surveillance,
they were only able to give us information
as to where the girls were located.
We can only surmise
as to what actually went on
inside those barbed fences and gray walls.
When we received word
that they had been taken
to the officers section,
we knew at least
that they had won the confidence
of the camp guards.
No prisoner was ever put into this section
until it was determined
that she would be cooperative.
The camp was visited
by hundreds of oficers each week.
Colonel Karl muller,
once head of Hitler's Nazi youth movement,
he was now on leave at steingarten,
from Russia.
Where his campaigns had been successful
in driving the gemian armies
deep into the Soviet union.
Colonel Max kemp,
a member of the dreaded Nazi 55.
For the past year,
he had been in charge of extermination
at buchenwald and Auschwitz.
His visits to love camp 7 were frequent.
And it seemed curious that a man
who could order the execution
of, literally, millions of human beings,
could have such a desire to,
at the same time,
make love to those
he might later be disposing of.
After the war
colonel kemp avoided capture,
and even to this date
has not been brought to justice.
[Ominous music playing]
[Moaning and grunting]
General Marcus kirschman,
second in command of the Nazi ss,
under Heinrich himmler.
Like colonel kemp,
he was also a frequent visitor
to the various love camps in the area.
Our constant surveillance of this camp
proved an unusual fact.
There were more high ranking officers
in one place at one time
due to these camps
than were ever assembled
for any other reason.
As a result of this information,
the love camps became a prime target
for resistance forces
toward the end of the war.
There were 12 love camps in all.
And when they were finally liberated,
?6 high ranking odicers were captured.
Which greatly weakened
the Nazi high command
at a time when the allies needed it most.
[Ominous music continues]
You Nazi pig!
You will regret this! Swine!
Up, woman!
Well, private,
shall we make
our young troublemaker comfortable?
Seems comfortable, Ms. Strassberg?
And now, private, if you don't mind,
we would like to be alone.
Of course, sergeant Klaus muller.
And now, you Jewish pig,
you will see, you will think once more...
About turning down the favors
of an officer of the third reich!
I have something for you.
I think you will find it very enjoyable.
[Dramatic music playing]
Enjoying that?
No, please!
Are you impressed?
Are you thinking about this indiscipline?
Please, stop! No!
[Sobbing] Stop!
Stop! Please, no! God!
[Screaming] No!
[Linda sobbing]
[Woman] God, hold on.
I am going to help you.
I am underneath you now.
If you put your feet on my back,
you can release the pressure.
Are you Martha Grossman?
Yeah, how did you know?
We've been looking for you.
What do you mean,
you have been looking for me?
I'm a wac in United States army.
I've been sent here by direct orders
of the allied high command in London.
My mission is to contact you
and to help you escape.
God, please! You have to listen to me!
I'm telling you the truth.
I can prove it to you.
I do not want to hear it.
I have information
that could've only been given to me
by the allied forces.
If you wish I can give you the name
of every officer you're written...
Since 1938, until your capture
on August 14th.
Your contact here in Germany,
his name is John Marco.
He's about 5'8", he has a red beard.
The first man you contacted in Washington
was general Seymour Arlington.
Please, help me.
Please, help me.
I have been here too long.
I am suspicious of everyone.
I still do not know
whether to believe you.
You must trust me.
How would a German know this?
General Arlington is the commander
of jet aircraft construction
at bishop air force base, Virginia.
He subsequently turned your file
over to brigadier general Thomas hoff
at the Pentagon.
All right.
I believe you.
[Martha] What do we do now?
I want you tell me everything you know
about your jet experiments.
We received no word from you
eight months prior to your capture.
We feel that you can give us
additional important information.
Yeah, a great deal happened.
We did develop a fuel that reacted...
Exactly as we had hoped.
All right.
I can memorize what you tell me.
The escape plan has already been set up.
I have a partner with me.
The three of us will get out.
Now, tell me everything you know.
[Triumphant music playing]
[Narrator] On the morning
of the third day,
the camp was visited
by general erich Von hamer.
He had been with rommel in Africa
for over a year.
He was now to replace general Carl brenner
as the area commander in steingarten.
He was one of rommel's
most decorated officers,
and his new assignment was designed
to give him a rest period
from frontline activities.
Shouldn't we call the commandant
and tell him the general
is at the compound?
No, private, I don't think
that will be necessary.
[Ominous music playing]
[Knock at door]
Sir, general Von hamer is here.
That'll be all, private.
Heil Hitler!
It's a pleasure to see you, sir.
Is it?
May I offer you a drink, sir?
I don't drink.
Well, you've turned this place
into quite a nice office.
You have all the comforts
of home here, I see.
Well, we try to make all the officers here
as comfortable as possible.
Perhaps you'd like a cigar, sir?
- These came from...
- Filthy habit.
Perhaps, sir, you would be interested
in the women.
I can arrange anything you might...
I'm not here for pleasure.
My orders.
I'm replacing general brenner
as your area commander.
The general staff in Berlin has decided
to rotate the commanding officers here
every 7 months.
Since general brenner has been
in steingarten for over a year,
it is felt that he should be sent
to a combat position,
to the Russian front, I understand.
And gives the rest of us,
who have been fighting this war,
a much needed rest.
Tell me, hoestat,
how long have you been on duty here?
Sir, I was put in charge of this camp
by reichsfuhrer himmler himself.
And it was my understanding
that the reichsfuhrer wanted me
to be the permanent camp commander.
How long have you been here?
Sixteen months, sir.
However, at that time,
reichsfuhrer himmler told me that...
It was himmler himself
who suggested this rotation.
However, hoestat,
I don't think we have a problem here.
I'm aware of your civilian occupation,
and your selection by Heinrich himmler.
Therefore, as long as things
operate smoothly here
I see no reason why you can't stay on
for a period of time.
Thank you, sir. Thank you.
Look, I have always tried
to keep everything at the camp
as perfect as possible.
I have many letters of commendation
from officers who have been here.
And each one clearly states...
All of them have been treated like pigs!
You sit here in absolute splendor
while my officers see the women
in one dirty room
with cheap wooden dividers.
But, you see, sir,
we have a problem with space here.
We have one building for the women,
we have one building for the storage,
-we have- so, from now on,
you'll entertain the officers here!
You clean out that sty of yours
and put up some permanent walls,
carpet and furnish the rooms.
Yes, sir. Of course, sir.
I'll be bringing my staff officers here
on Friday.
You will personally entertain them here.
They will have dinner, whiskey
and as much of the women as they wish.
And I want them to wear some lingerie.
They'll look better. Agreed?
Certainly, sir. Of course.
I assume you've been keeping the women
in a good healthy condition?
In excellent condition, sir.
Perhaps you'd like to inspect some.
I can have some assembled
in the courtyard in just a...
That won't be necessary, colonel.
I trust your excellent
professional judgment.
Any man who's had
as much civilian experience
in handling this kind of a woman
should not be questioned.
However, there might something
you could do for me personally.
Anything, herr general.
Anything at all.
One of the wac lieutenants
was taken to the detention room.
If you wish, we can alter our plans
and attack now, to get the women free.
No, it is impossible
to change the schedule.
We'll have to leave the plan as is.
Besides, they're very smart girls.
And they wouldn't have done anything wrong
to have created a situation
where they would be taken
to the detention room.
Unless they've done it on purpose.
Have you seen Martha Grossman?
Lilo, sir.
That worries me.
Perhaps she may also be
in the detention room.
We must give our women an opportunity
to secure the information that they need.
I'll be waiting here.
Keep alert. Out.
Ladies, this evening,
you're going to have the honor
of entertaining
one of the highest ranking officers
in the third reich.
I will expect
that he will be extremely happy
at the end of the evening.
Now, this gentleman does not care
to involve himself with non-aryans.
He just wants to watch you perform.
I expect you to make love to each other
while the gentleman watches.
Is that very clear?
I don't think
I have to give you a description
of exactly what I want.
But I want this officer
to leave here completely satisfied,
that each one of you
gave your all for the performance.
If there's any complaint,
I promise you,
the punishment will fit the crime.
You'll excuse me, if I don't stay.
All right, ladies, get started.
[Tense music playing]
[Women moaning]
[Moaning continues]
[Music intensifies]
Sir, this is latham.
Right, latham.
Sir, I've just had a communication
from blue fox one.
Captain calais reports
Martha Grossman and lieutenant Freeman
were taken from the detention room
at 0200 hours yesterday.
All the prisoners remained
inside their barracks throughout the day.
The attack is still set for 0300 hours
this morning.
Very good, latham.
Schedule a meeting
for all other commanders in my office
for 0200 hours this morning.
We 7! Monitor the attack from there.
Yes, sir.
That'll be all, sergeant.
[Narrator] At 1900 hours
on the evening of the fifth day
captain calais started to move his men
into position around the camp.
A diversionary attack was to be launched
at the front gate...
Allowing calais to free the women
from the southeast corner of the camp,
behind the storage shed.
Congratulations, ladies.
Your company has been requested
at the commandant's office.
it is a little early for that party.
And so, we will wait here for a while.
Put these on.
And while we are waiting,
why don't you come over here with...
Why don't you leave her alone?
And why don't you shut up?
No! No! No!
Just leave her alone!
If you do that again, I will kill you!
These women are nothing!
We can do anything as Germans,
to them that we want!
And if you, you don't like to watch,
He's a pig.
We all are, I guess.
It's just that, sometimes,
we can't help it.
You've always been kind to us.
Thank you.
I personally don't agree with any of this.
I don't think it's necessary.
Do you mean the war
or this concentration camp?
This camp.
Perhaps even the war.
I don't know.
I do know that people
should not be treated like animals.
If you believe that,
would you help us to escape?
I couldn't do that.
Why not?
You said you didn't like it.
Why can't you do something about it?
I'm a soldier, I have to follow my orders.
Even if they do make me sick
to my stomach.
They'd never know that you were involved.
We'd see to that.
But if it's wrong, if you think it's wrong
what's happening here,
then you have a personal obligation
to do something about it.
I am a soldier:
I have no choice, I must follow my orders.
Perhaps if I were an officer...
Perhaps then, things might be different.
But for now, I'm only a soldier.
I realize you can't understand that.
But no matter what,
a soldier must follow his orders.
I understand.
The commandant is ready.
[Linda whimpering]
[German music playing on radio]
[Narrator] The party
in the commandant's office
had, of course, not been anticipated.
The existing plan had called for the women
to make their escape
from the officers section,
located in the center of the compound.
Since the women's escape route
would now be over twice the distance
than was originally planned,
calais contacted allied headquarters
and requested the attack be delayed
for 24 hours.
However, since it was determined
that both, lieutenant harman and Freeman,
along with Martha Grossman
were now located in one building,
general Olson decided that the attack
should commence as planned.
He felt that it could've been
several more days
until a situation might develop
where the three women
would be together again.
[Music continues playing over radio]
[Guns firing]
Unbelievable! I'm blind!
My eyes!
My eyes!
[Hoestat crying]
Amazing, and they got free?
Yes, two girls were picked up
by a British plane
at a concealed airstrip near the camp.
An escort squadron saw them safely
across the channel, back to London.
But what about the two girls,
Martha Grossman and the wac lieutenant,
where are they now? oh, well,
they're still around, Martha Grossman
is married and living in the states.
Had four children, at last report.
[Johnson] Well, I certainly hope they kept
their little stories a secret.
Broadminded as I may be, I can't quite see
how I could marry a woman
that made love to half the German army.
War or no war. yes, quite.
Well, my wife and I will look you up
on our next trip to america.
Well, I'll look forward to it.
You didn't finish your story,
what about the wac lieutenant?
Well, I don't know, I haven't had a letter
from her in over 20 years.
[Car horn honking]
That'll be my wife.
Well, come, I'll walk out with you.
[Military band music]
Where to, governor?
42 Grosvenor square.
Well, my dear, how was your day?
Wonderful, darling. Simply, wonderful.