Love in Focus (2023) Movie Script

[bright music]
[Director] All right, everybody,
only an hour until picture's up.
Let's get that key light up.
Safety first, guys.
Let's get some weight
on these things.
[bright music continues]
Jenna's gonna be here soon.
Let's make sure we're ready.
Let's clear the
set for the shot.
[Staff] Scene 41,
take four, mark.
[Director] All right,
clear [indistinct],
clear [indistinct].
All right, everybody, tier ones.
I don't have the walkie talkie.
Does anyone have
a walkie talkie?
[Director] Don't
have walkie talkies.
- Thanks, got it.
- All right.
Tier one, tier one.
[Director] Camera settle.
And action.
Shots fired, shots fired.
East side of the orchard.
We have a man down.
Sorry, I thought I had
him, but he just...
Just rest.
Help's coming
You can still catch
your father's killer.
No, I am not leaving you.
I won't be the reason
you don't get justice.
That killer already
took my father.
I'm not gonna let
him take you too.
And cut.
Great job, everybody.
Jenna, Trey, how are you
guys feeling about that?
I love this.
[Director] Awesome.
All right, we're moving
on. [crowd applauding]
10 minutes till next shot's up.
How'd you think it looked?
That last kiss felt pretty real.
Four takes?
I am kinda wishing
that we messed up
a few more of those takes
Stolen and a few more kisses.
Or we could have
a few right now.
Somebody on the crew will see.
You don't think
that they're in our
little secret right now.
I have been very
careful, thank you.
Roxanne barely knows,
and we're super close.
Come on.
The fan sites think that we are.
I mean, the fans have been
guessing that since season one.
We definitely weren't
dating back then.
We had chemistry.
We were written
to have chemistry.
Oh, wow.
Look, Trevor, listen, I
really do like you, okay?
But we spend all day on set
acting in love with each other.
I just wanna make
sure it's real.
Okay, so you're telling me
if we weren't doing the show,
you wouldn't be dating me?
I don't know.
Well, I do know.
I'll just have Roxanne
make the gunshot fatal,
and that's the end
of my character.
It's never gonna happen,
and Roxanne's is too
in love with you.
Who am I in love with?
Oh, my character.
Private investigator,
Jackson Rains.
Could this be the end?
Oh, no.
Kate's love's gonna see
you through this one.
Sorry, this is not the end
for you, PI Jackson Reigns.
You're just so good
with words, Roxanne.
I try.
You were both great,
like really good.
But do need you in
makeup, Mr. Trevor, so...
Well, pardon me, ladies.
- Yep.
- Excuse me.
When you wrote the show,
did you imagine Jackson
being quite so handsome?
I did not.
But I am not complaining
because that kissing scene
was exactly how I imagined it.
Hmm, how was kissing Trevor.
When you talked about it
all week and it looked deep-
- It felt confusing.
- Oh.
It's like I wasn't
kissing Trevor,
my character was kissing his
character, and we were there.
And I really wanna tell Trevor.
You know, he's been my co-star
and friend for three years.
I'm used to telling
him everything.
He's so sweet.
I'm so sure we're in love.
I just wanna be that sure,
but I'm not there yet.
And that's your problem.
The longer it takes for
you to figure it out,
the more it hurts him, the
more it hurts the show.
And what about you, huh?
You're really
gonna let this show
hold your love life hostage?
If this show has anyone's
love life hostage,
see you my friend.
- Oh, mm.
Okay, but that doesn't
mean that I'm wrong.
I had great...
What is that?
[gentle music] [camera
shutter clicks]
Hey, stop.
- Jenna.
Jenna, come on.
You're not a real
cop, you're an actor.
Hey, freeze!
Oh, take it easy.
I wasn't doing anything wrong.
And why are you running?
Just trying to get a
shot of that falcon.
Not buying it.
Give me your camera.
I don't think so.
Come on, you know, this is
a private film set, okay?
Photos will ruin
it for the fans.
Look, I wasn't taking any
photos of your precious movie.
Even if I was, I wouldn't
hand 'em over to you
no matter how scary
or beautiful you look.
Jenna, are you out there?
Hey, I've got him.
[Chris panting]
[phone beeping]
Hey, Stan.
How's my favorite
nature photographer?
Tired, hungry and
covered in tree sap.
Yeah, yeah, but did
you get the shot?
Oh, yeah, I got it.
A gray falcon in
all of its glory.
That'll be perfect for
the magazine article.
I was thinking magazine cover.
[Stan] [laughs] We'll see.
When do I get the proofs?
Tomorrow morning.
Hey, do you know when
they're gonna offer me
that staff position?
I know you're still
in the running.
Come on, Stan.
A great falcon.
You know these birds
are hard to come by.
The falcon will help.
But if you're sitting
on anything else,
send it my way and let's
talk when you get back.
Thanks, Stan. [gentle music]
[birds chirping]
[gentle music]
- Marjorie, hi.
- Hi.
Did Barty send you
to check on me?
My husband can check
on his own actors.
No, I came to check
on some day players
and also to secretly ask if
you're ready for the big screen.
You know, as a casting director,
I can have you starring in a
Blockbuster movie by summer.
I'm sorry, Marjorie, I'm
comfortable on television.
Besides the show's a hit.
You know, look, I
know that the stories
can be longer on television,
but the epic romantic tales,
I mean, the truly
beautiful ones,
they happen on the big screen.
I have to admit,
some of my favorite
stories are on movies.
Oh, and there are so many
beautiful stories out there
that still need to be told
that need your talent.
Should I start looking?
I'll think about it.
Let me talk to Barty
about it first.
Okay, I'll take that.
You know where to find me.
Oh, I gotta go.
Good to see you.
Just let the director sit
with Mitch for 15 minutes.
I guarantee.
I guarantee he's your man.
Yeah, yeah.
Listen, listen, Hank,
Hank, I gotta go.
I gotta go.
I'll catch you later.
How's my favorite star?
Oh, fabulous.
We just finished
shooting "Pickups"
for the season three finale.
I don't wanna spoil anything,
but I think it's gonna
be the best episode yet.
I have no doubt.
Does the word you call me in.
I thought season
four negotiations
went until next month.
Yeah, yeah.
About that, I have some good
news and some other news.
The good news is
your fans love you.
Check this out.
Not bad, huh?
- Look at all this.
- I got this five boxes.
That is so cute.
It's me.
Yeah, not exactly
an action figure,
but not bad, not bad.
So go on.
What's the other news?
They're canceling
"Echo Point."
[laughs] It was funny.
Go on.
Wait, seriously?
Yeah, I'm serious.
A week before they air
the season three finale.
I know.
The network called and
they're dumping all shows
that are set in small
towns and in the suburbs.
It's an advertising thing.
That's awful.
What does this mean for
Roxanne and Trevor, the crew?
They'll be fine.
They'll be fine.
They'll all land on their feet,
and so will you.
In fact, you're gonna
hit the bricks running.
I've got some medical
drama I've got my eye on.
Okay, I mean, you still
have to audition for it,
but I think you
got a great shot.
I don't know, Barty.
Well there's...
Look, how about a sitcom?
You got great energy, right?
There's three coming up.
Barty, what do you think
about feature films?
[playful music]
You've been talking to
Marjorie, haven't you?
What exactly are you
accusing me of, Christopher?
Trying to set me up on
another disastrous blind date.
No, no, I was innocently
telling you a funny story
about my pretty new hairstylist.
If you're interested, I
have her phone number.
Keep it.
I'm not going out with her.
Well, it's not for a date.
You're getting really scruffy.
You know what you do
after the haircut.
That is entirely up to you.
You're relentless.
I'm just don't have time
to burn on a
relationship right now.
You know what,
the right girl would
actually save you time.
When your father and I
met, our careers took off.
You know, we help each other.
I don't need help from
anyone except you.
I just need the cabin.
Well, it's bad timing.
Your father is surprising
me with a romantic getaway.
He's been watching the
snow forecast all week.
- Again?
- Mm-hmm.
You know, you can
stay at the house.
Dad turned my old
room into his gym,
besides some photos
of a snowy owl
and some boxes would actually
give me the edge I need
for this job right now.
Okay, Christopher,
let's see what I can do.
[Marjorie clears throat]
Marjorie is a casting
director, okay?
So, of course, she
likes films better.
A film can make a big
splash, but then you're done.
And I swear that woman
knows [phone beeping]
when I'm talking about her.
Look, look, I will ask about
some film opportunities,
but know that it's
just temporary
until we find you a proper show.
Honey, how's your day going?
I am so wonderful, my love.
Hey, I ran into Jenna
Wilde on set the other day.
You're meeting with
her today, right?
Yes, no, maybe.
Just wanted to see
if you thought she was
ready for the big screen.
Jenna Wilde is ready
for absolutely anything.
Are you kidding?
I was actually
just gonna call you
to see if you had any
opportunities or projects
that might be a good fit.
I have a few ideas.
Oh, also wanted to check.
You're okay on your
own this week, right?
Baby, I asked you to
keep your schedule open.
I was gonna surprise you.
I can't put [indistinct].
I know, I know.
But look, I've got this big
romance film that I'm casting
and I've got a lead
on some actors.
And, you know, you can start
the surprise without me.
I'll catch up.
- Whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You know the deal.
We scout talent together.
You know, these theater actors
don't have the
resume that you need.
Besides without my help,
you would never be able to
find a project for them.
You wanna bet?
Okay, what are we talking
like dishes for two weeks?
How about laundry for a month?
Oh, you my love are on.
All right, it's
all yours, Chris.
You know it's gonna
snow this week,
so you might be stuck up
there for a couple of days.
Thank you.
I owe you one.
And I am going to cash in.
Get a haircut.
You're gonna be okay?
Yeah, I think so.
Look, do me a favor, will you?
Do your old agent a favor.
Just keep some of this TV
stuff in mind, will you?
Of course.
I just need some time and
someplace quiet to think.
Hey, I got it.
Why don't you go
up to the cabin.
Barty, I couldn't do that.
The network is gonna
break the news tonight
about the cancellation, okay?
I mean, and people are
gonna be flipping out.
The press is gonna be all over
you for photos and interviews
and comments and all
that kind of stuff.
It sounds miserable.
Look, get up there, all right?
Have a little peace
and tranquility.
Take your time.
Cool your head, all right?
I'll send you some auditions.
You can go over everything
at your own pace.
I mean, that does sound
nice if you're sure.
I just texted you the address.
Now, there's no cell
service up there,
but I installed the
internet and a landline.
Do I have to pump
water from a well too?
[laughs] I'll
ignore that remark.
Look, Jenna, you're not
just my biggest star,
you're the daughter I never had.
Take the week.
Take care of you.
Thank you, Barty.
[bright music]
- Hello.
Roxanne, I'm so
glad you answered.
[Roxanne] So you
heard about our show?
I'm so sorry, Roxy.
I'm okay.
[Roxanne] God, it
doesn't even seem real.
How's Trevor taking it?
I don't know.
[Roxanne] You haven't
spoken to him yet?
Oh no, not yet.
[Roxanne] Are you...
Can you hear me?
Jenna, you're breaking up.
I can't hear what you're saying.
Sorry, Roxy.
I'll be back soon.
Look, you can email me
if you need me, okay?
[gentle bright music]
Well done, Barty.
[car engine humming]
[birds chirping]
Thank you, dad.
[suspenseful music]
[Jenna screams]
- Whoa!
If you leave now, I
won't press any charges.
Press charges?
You followed me, stalker.
Why would I...
- You.
You're that guard who chased me.
You were taking pictures of me.
Not unless you're a falcon.
I can prove it.
Don't move.
What do you mean falcon?
I'm a nature photographer.
I take photos...
I don't know why I'm
explaining this to you.
You broke into my house.
Now I know you are lying
'cause this isn't your house.
Oh, yes it is.
I can prove it to you.
[gentle music]
[Marjorie] Barty?
[Marjorie] Did you
let Jenna Wilde
use our cabin this week?
I was,
I was gonna tell you.
No, I was gonna tell you.
You canceled.
And Jenna needed a
place to hide out.
How could you do
something so devious
without telling me
first, you evil genius?
Evil genius?
You know, I have
always liked Jenna.
I think she'll be
good for Chris.
And with the snowstorm,
they're gonna be stuck up
there all week together.
Wait, wait, wait, wait
a second, wait a second.
Chris is up at the cabin?
What's Chris doing
up at the cabin?
Well, hopefully he's
falling in love.
Are you crazy?
Well, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I gotta get up there right
now and gotta fix this.
Marty Dixon, you will
do no such thing.
It is late.
And if they happen to fall
for each other, well...
Margie, they are not going
to fall in love, Margie,
You wanna bet?
You bet on your own
son's happiness?
This has nothing to
do with happiness.
This is about grandchildren.
Okay, you are way too
young to be a grandma.
Nice try, gramps.
Ooh, I can almost feel them
getting along right now.
No, no.
No, no, absolutely not.
I'm not leaving.
Why not, hmm?
I got here first.
It's my cabin.
It's your parents' cabin.
Okay, fine.
I shall stay at a hotel.
Yeah, not unless you're
flying out in a helicopter.
The roads are covered
in snow and ice.
I know the way and I barely
made it up through daylight.
Okay, so what am I
supposed to do, huh?
Sleep in my car?
Wow, wow.
Stop, look, I...
Suppose you could stay here.
[gasps] You sure know how
to make a girl feel welcome.
You've threatened to kill me.
Don't attempt me to
do it a third time.
Look, I'll take the
spare bedroom downstairs.
[Jenna] Great.
You can sleep in the
master bed or in your car,
in the creek for all I care.
- Fine.
- Fine.
- Fine.
- Fine.
- Goodnight.
- Cheerio.
[knocking on door]
Go away.
[knocking on door]
Go away.
I don't know anything.
I don't want an interview
- Roxanne, it's Trevor.
And I have comment why
the show's being canceled.
[Trevor] Roxanne, it's Trevor.
Please open up.
[Trevor] Yeah.
Now's not a good time.
[Trevor] Look, I could
really use your advice.
No, no, no, no,
I'm bad at advice.
That's just to make
a mess of everything.
[Trevor] No, it's,
it's about Jenna.
You know her better than anyone.
Come on, Roxanne, please.
Okay, hang on.
Just a second
Oh, god.
Oh, hey, thank you - Hi.
I brought breakfast.
[gentle music]
[oil sizzling]
Ah, the photographer
is finally awake.
Good morning.
[Jenna] Good morning.
What's all this?
Breakfast, and an apology.
I know last night
wasn't your fault,
and so I figured
I'd use this skillet
for something other
than threatening you.
Thank you.
And I'm sorry too.
But I mean, you've made enough
to feed an entire village.
Are more people coming?
No, I only know how to make
things in large quantities.
Don't be.
There's enough food here
to feed us for breakfast,
lunch and dinner
the next three days.
I'm Chris, by the way.
Nice to meet you, Chris.
I'm Jenna.
So, you're Barty
and Marjorie's son.
- Yeah.
- How is that?
- It's hard to explain.
- A little intense,
but, you know, most good agents
and casting directors are.
Surprised they didn't push
you into becoming an actor.
Oh, they definitely tried.
Yeah, they dragged me out
to hundreds of auditions.
I mean, at the time I was 16,
just wanted to find my own way,
picked up my dad's camera,
started taking photos
and just fell in love.
They disappointed?
Absolutely crushed.
I don't know.
But now they seem to pretend
that they support me now.
Oh, I'm surprised to tell 'em
if I could give up acting now.
Wait, you're an actor.
What did you think I was?
I don't know,
security guard maybe.
I dunno, you just
seem so ordinary.
I mean, average.
Wow, this is humbling.
With the way you're
reacting right now,
I can see you have a
flare for the dramatics.
[laughs] Okay, so
it's like that.
Is it, huh?
- Yeah.
I guess you didn't want
any more bacon, did you?
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, Hold the reins.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know.
Could you please just leave
the bacon out of this?
Well, it has been very nice
getting to know you, Chris,
and it is gonna be interesting
sharing this cabin with you.
And since I've cooked,
you get to clean up.
Jokes on you, I like
doing the dishes.
More for me.
It's cool to finally see
where you write the show.
It's neat.
Trevor, why are you here?
Because you're the only
one I could talk to.
You're the only one that
knows about Jenna and me.
I mean, you wrote that
incredible kiss scene for us.
Thank you.
Yeah, of course.
But I'm kind of thinking
something's wrong.
Oh, you do not want me
in the middle of this.
I'm bad with relationships.
What are you talking about?
You write incredible
stuff for the show.
No, I write crime
stuff for the show.
It took three seasons to
get Jackson to kiss Katie,
and one of them had to be shot.
Which was a great scene.
- Was a great scene.
- Such a great scene.
Look, I'm not looking for you
to like fix our relationship,
but what I could use
is maybe some information
like, did she,
did she say anything to you?
I mean, not really.
I mean, she says she
thought the kiss was great.
- I thought so too.
- Yeah.
We shot the scene,
she says, "I don't
think we'd be dating
if we were doing the show."
And now that the
show's canceled,
I can't get ahold of her.
Wait, do you think she's
breaking up with me?
Trevor, no.
She'd be crazy to
break up with you.
You are talented and
smart and handsome.
Do you think I'm handsome?
Jackson, he would
know what to do.
I gotta start
thinking like Jackson.
No, no.
You have got to have a
little bit of faith, okay?
Last time I talked to
Jenna, she was driving.
Maybe she's somewhere
where there's no reception
and she's missing you.
If I were her, I'd
be missing you.
All right, cool.
Fine, I will help you
if you want find her
but only until we know
that she's all right.
You're the best.
[Trevor] Thank you so much.
Oh my gosh, you smell amazing.
[phone ringing]
Hey, dad.
[Chris] Can't believe
you got through.
How's it going up there?
Is everyone still alive?
Look, we got things
sorted out last night,
but I think I just offended her.
I knew it.
What did you know?
Nothing, nothing.
I just wanna wager
with your mom.
No, you haven't.
Not yet.
What can I do for you?
Do me a favor.
Can you check to see
if the printer's on?
Yep, the light's on.
- Great.
- Why?
No, I need to send some
auditions to Jenna,
and I can send them directly
if the printer's on.
And listen, I need...
I'm counting on
you to help her out
with the learning her lines.
No, no, no, no, she
does not want my help.
- I've got this.
- SHE can't...
She can't read all
the parts by herself.
- Technically, she can.
- Barty, give me the phone.
- Technically.
- Give me the phone.
Hey, honey.
Are you there?
Hi, mom.
Oh, hi.
Hey, I just wanted to check
and see how your haircut went.
You've got one, right?
Yeah, of course.
You are lying.
No, I'm not lying.
Christopher, I know you're
lying, I can hear your hair.
Mom, you cannot hear a haircut.
Listen, that means that
you still owe me one.
So, could you please
help Jenna out?
She's such a nice girl.
[sighs] Fine.
I'm not making any guarantees.
Oh, thank you sweetheart.
Hey, and make sure
that you comb your hair
before you talk to her.
That's all I ask.
Chris got a haircut?
No, he didn't get a haircut.
Okay, goodbye, mom.
I love you.
Bye, have fun.
It's not even that long.
So your dad said he was
sending some audition sites.
Printer's right over there.
Yeah, I don't know
how you did it,
but you managed to use every
single dish in this cabin.
That's impressive.
If you need someone
to read with you,
I'd be happy to help.
Um, no, thanks.
I think I'm good.
[gentle music]
All right, well, I'll
just grab my camera
and give you some privacy.
[gentle music]
What are you doing?
It's all right.
Got plenty of photos
on the drive up.
I can get more.
That was just a practice shot.
Well, you weren't
moving, so, you know,
I thought maybe
something was wrong.
In order to take
nature photography,
you gotta be able to stand
still for a long time.
How long?
Sometimes minutes,
sometimes hours.
How do you know you're
not wasting your time?
I don't.
Sometimes I just
get this feeling
there's a moment
worth waiting for,
so I gotta stay ready.
Yeah, but you don't really
stand still for hours, do you?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, you gotta stand still
and wait for the perfect moment
when the subject relaxes.
That way you can get
the perfect shot.
Hey, stop. [Chris laughing]
Oh, that is a great
expression on that one.
So you can take
pictures of people.
Oh, maybe I should start.
You know, the thing
with people in photos
is they always pose.
It looks so unnatural.
Yeah, well, maybe if you're
stood still long enough,
they'd forget you are there.
That's an interesting idea.
So how are the auditions going?
Hmm, I don't know.
Maybe it's nerves, but I
haven't liked any takes so far.
Hmm, I've been there before.
Do you need any help?
It's always better
to read with someone.
You any good?
So you are going
to read for Jeff
and I will be Dr. Brooks.
Medical drama.
You sure you want to
read this sitting down?
Can you not read sitting down?
Of course I can
read sitting down.
So do you wanna go through it
before you get your camera?
It's right here.
Oh my gosh.
Are you gonna be okay?
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Can I just make one
small observation?
Mm-hmm, what?
The overhead lighting.
It's giving you dark
circles under your eyes.
It's making you look tired.
Maybe you move
closer to the window.
Look, I promise if it
doesn't work, I'll shut up.
Okay, that does look
a little bit better.
Do you have any
other observations?
[pensive music]
So, how do I look?
[romantic music]
- Beautiful.
Are you ready?
Three, two.
Jenna Wilde, reading
for Dr. Brooks.
Doc, what's wrong?
Is the treatment not working?
The nurse found pills
under your pillow.
When did you stop taking them?
Jeff, I need to know.
Like two weeks ago.
Right when you
started getting worse.
I don't understand.
You have a condition
that is treatable.
Don't you wanna get better?
Are you gonna tell my wife?
The law prohibits me
from saying anything,
so you are gonna tell her.
[Chris] Why?
Because she deserves to know.
Jeff, when somebody loves
you, they deserve to know.
How was it?
It was way better than ordinary.
[chuckles] Thank you.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Looks like my dad has
more auditions for you.
Better hurry up and
send this one off.
I'm gonna leave my
camera in tripod.
And if you need
help, I'll be around.
So we know from a neighbor,
she was home till about 3:00 PM.
Then she went out.
Then she calls her
mom at 4:15 PM.
Mrs. Wilde thinks
she went downtown
to possibly meet with somebody.
Here's the kicker.
She disappears after talking
to you at 7:22 PM, correct?
Then no one's been able
to get ahold of her since.
That was great.
I'm starting to feel a
little bit funny about this.
I think it's super sweet that
you're trying to find Jenna.
I do.
It's just,
this is starting to
feel a little intense.
Well, I do this all
the time for the show.
I thought this would help
me to think like Jackson,
which would help Trevor think.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it.
And you're right.
It's just on the show,
you're trying to
solve crimes and ah,
and this feels more like
Jenna just needs some space.
Just come here, come
here, come here.
I want you...
[both laughs]
This is ridiculous.
I am sorry about this.
I had fun.
I had fun doing it,
I had fun hanging out.
I just...
Just needed a
little distraction.
[Trevor] Good.
And it did that.
It made me not think about
how they canceled our show.
I know.
It's the worst.
You know, I've known
you for over three years
and I'm wondering why we
haven't hung out before.
[phone ringing]
Oh, this looks important.
Probably more emails
from that fan campaign
trying to get the show
made into a movie.
Oh, wouldn't that be fun?
[Roxanne laughs]
That's exactly what Jenna said.
Fun for you two,
ton of work for me.
Oh, this is my manager.
He says I've got an
interview right now.
I actually gotta go.
Thank you so much for this.
I will talk to you later, yeah?
Hey, Trevor.
If you wanted, you
could come back tomorrow
and we could pick up
where we left off,
you know, with the
Jenna investigation.
Back on the case.
Back on the case.
Jenna, you're alive.
Is the internet
saying I died again?
No, but I was starting to think
it might be a possibility.
Where are you?
Are you safe?
You know no one can
get ahold of you.
Relax, I'm fine.
You really that worried?
Well, no, but some people were.
What's that?
Oh, nothing.
Wait, [indistinct] back.
Is that,
is that my name on...
No, it's nothing.
It's research.
It's not ready to
be seen yet, okay?
Well, I'm glad you're not dead.
Don't worry I
told, you know who,
that you just needed some space.
He came here looking for you.
And I think he called
everyone You know.
Your mom, all your neighbors.
He didn't bother you, did he?
No, he was actually really
concerned about you.
It's sweet.
Oh, I should have spoken to him.
I just...
I didn't know what to say.
Are you gonna break up with him?
No, Trevor is great.
Yeah, he smells great too.
What are you saying?
Just keep talking.
It's just, it was so
easy to be with him
when the show was going.
And now that it's over, I just,
I need some time to
sort out my feelings.
Well, sort fast because
he's hot on your trail.
Roxanne, could you
maybe keep him occupied?
Who, Trevor?
Just for a few days.
Keep him busy,
whatever it takes.
No, no, no.
That is not a good idea.
I finally feel like I can
relax and be myself out here.
I just,
I just need a bit more
time to figure things out.
He's coming over tomorrow.
I'll see what he is doing
for the next couple of days
and I'll order food on Friday
and say we could watch
the finale together.
But that is it.
You've got till Friday.
Thank you.
I owe you one.
[Chris] Hey, Jenna.
Who is that?
Are you there with someone?
These auditions just printed.
I thought you'd
want 'em right away.
Yes, thank you.
Who is that?
That was my agent's
clueless son.
I am stuck up here with him
till the roads can be cleared.
Oh, that just sounds
terrible for you.
Tell me about it.
He's a nature photographer,
so I don't think he's really
used to being around people.
He is kind of rough
around the edges.
No, I saw him.
I can tell he's rugged and ready
and naturale as they come.
Well, you know, I
can always find out
if he's single for you.
Oh, for me.
Yeah, you go ahead and find
out if he's single for me.
Let me know how that works out.
Okay, goodbye, Roxanne.
Love you.
Don't die.
[gentle music]
[birds chirping]
[Chris] Hot cocoa?
I didn't know you were
a fashion photographer.
Film set photos too.
These are my early work.
Yeah, I didn't realize
my mom still kept these.
Ah, no.
Landscapes, fashion,
street photography.
I liked behind the scene photos.
They were fun.
But wildlife just paid better.
Oh, you followed the money, huh?
You know, this job and, I
don't know, this promotion,
I'll actually get paid to travel
to wild and exotic places.
Oh, I can just imagine
you in a jungle
standing perfectly
still for hours.
[chuckles] It's gonna be great.
I mean, it sounds fun,
but, you know,
also kinda lonely.
You take such good
pictures of people.
It's a shame to let
that go to waste.
[gentle music]
Hello to anyone who is following
or watching tonight's show.
I'm Jenna Wilde,
the girl who was lucky
enough to play Detective Kate
these past three years.
I am so grateful
that you loved her.
I've loved walking with her
and being her voice
these past three years.
I'm talking to you today
because I don't wanna miss her.
I feel like there's
more to her story
that deserves to be told.
And I know there are some
amazing fans out there
trying to keep the show
alive by making a movie.
And I wanna work with them
and anyone else I can to give
this story a better ending.
And until it gets one,
I am gonna keep Detective
Kate alive in my heart,
and I hope you'll do the same.
Thank you.
And enjoy the show.
[knocking on door]
Sounded like you were
going over lines.
Do you need any help?
Thank you.
I was recording a
message for the fans.
The show's finale
is airing tonight.
So, Mr. Dixon.
You ready to settle up?
You owe me for Mitch.
I just got him cast again today.
That is right under the wire.
Good job.
All right, well you owe me
for the Bronson triplets.
They're in a new Western.
- Oh, come on.
- Mm-hmm.
How many times do I have to win
before you stop betting
against triplets?
Okay, fine.
Then pay up on the
Chris and Jenna bet.
Wait, what?
They've been up there
for days and nothing,
so pay up.
Nope, not yet.
I think you're in
for a big surprise.
With Chris?
No, no, no.
Look, I love him,
but the boy has about as much
romance in him as a walnut.
Trust me, there
will be no surprise.
Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit.
When did you do all this?
Well, you were taking forever,
so I started small,
and then I just kept
adding and adding to
It was not that long.
You got me.
It was already prepped.
My family comes up here
and my dad still
likes to woo my mom.
Oh, well done, Barty.
Hey, I did cook the
food though, though.
And it smells amazing.
But this view.
Who would've thought Barty Dixon
has such romantic streak.
Too bad it skipped a generation.
I am kidding.
I'm kidding.
From this dinner,
I'd say you have potential.
Thank you.
Can I ask you a
personal question?
Oh, yikes.
Um, maybe.
Why is it that you can only
cook for 20 plus people?
Is that not ordinary?
[both laughs]
So growing up, my parents
owned a catering company.
Most of their clients were
movie studios with big crews.
[indistinct] cooking
back home though,
my mom would make way too much.
We'd give some to the neighbors
and we would still
have leftovers.
At the time, I thought
everyone's mom was like that.
No, not everyone's mom.
You see, my parents were
always out late at events.
And the food that they gave,
they would just shove
into my mom's purse.
And by the time I got 'em,
I mean, it was cold or stale,
and, I mean, way too fancy
for my young taste buds.
I hated leftovers.
That is too bad.
Leftovers are the best.
I mean, yours are pretty good.
Thank you.
[Roxanne] Come in.
Hey, just take a seat.
I'll be right out.
So I found out where Jenna is.
I guess her agent's
got like a cabin or...
[romantic music]
Something wrong?
Nothing at all.
I hope you don't
mind me saying this,
but you look phenomenal, Roxy.
Why would I mind
you saying that?
Because, well, I...
We, me and us...
I made popcorn.
Yes you did.
I'm gonna grab our drinks.
You just sit tight.
Well, she's all good.
[camera shutter clicks]
Are you taking pictures
of me reading lines?
Yeah, you're making
this bizarre,
cute concentration face.
It's actually mesmerizing.
No, no, come on.
No duck lips.
I'm not.
It's the only way I can read.
Okay, fine.
You win.
All right, what else you got?
Another drama, sitcom?
- I have got two.
- Yeah?
And this first one
is neither of those.
Not really sure what it is.
What's the title?
"Myth of the
Etherian Colossus."
That sounds like a mouthful.
Can I see it?
I think it's a fantasy.
Character's called
Princess Evelina.
I don't know.
You see the heading here,
you're on the spaceship meth...
Mephistopheles' hammer.
All right, what else you got?
Oh, so the second one is a
romance called "Siren's Heart"
"Siren's Heart."
Sounds mysterious.
Is it good?
Yeah, the writing is clever
and it is passionate.
And my character is
strong yet vulnerable.
Honestly, it scares
me a little bit,
but I have always
wanted to do a movie
like "Siren's Heart."
Space thing with a princess
feels like it's trying
a little too hard.
Oh, with my luck, I'll
probably land the "Space Show."
Then don't audition
for the "Space Show."
Yeah, but what if I pass up,
and it turns out to
be some massive hit?
So what if it is?
Look, I don't know if
anyone's told you this,
but you don't have to
take every opportunity
that lands in your lap.
It's okay to go
after what you want.
[Kate] No, I am not leaving you.
[Jackson] I won't be the
reason you don't get justice.
[Kate] That killer
already took my father.
I'm not gonna let
him take you too.
[Chris] How you feeling?
I really want this, but I'm
scared to get my hopes up.
Don't be scared.
You'll do great.
You ready?
I'm ready.
Three, two.
Jenna Wilde, reading for
Fiona in "Siren's Heart."
So when is he coming?
Can we not talk about him?
[Chris] I'm not doing anything.
Stop looking at me like that.
What way?
Like, I'm gone already.
Like I'm some faded photographs,
some distant memory.
You're leaving.
How should I look at you?
Like I'm here.
I came for you.
I am here with you
because I still burned for you.
Please be here with me.
How was that?
Any good?
Yeah, I think you nailed it.
Here you go.
[gentle romantic music]
Thank you for this
and the dinner.
You're welcome.
Roxanne, you missed the ending.
I can't.
I don't want it to end
and I'm heartbroken about how
they're leaving the story.
If you knew it was the end,
do you think you would've
written it differently?
I don't know,
'cause now we'll never know.
But I did have a genius plan
about the next episode
of their story.
Well, I'd love to hear about it
'cause I wanna hear how Jackson
and Kate are as a couple.
Well, they're not together.
- Okay.
- Well, not yet.
What do you mean?
They just did the kissing.
One kiss?
That doesn't fix
all their problems.
Well, maybe they
should kiss more,
like a lot more until
it does fix everything.
Okay, easy, tiger.
You cannot rush character.
You just...
You have to...
Jackson has a lot of pain,
and he's just not ready.
Okay, now that's
where you're wrong.
He's ready.
I'm wrong?
I created him.
Yes, you write him,
but I live him.
And trust me when I say this,
he has been ready
since episode 14.
I felt it.
Did you?
So he really thought
he was gonna die,
and then he heard Kate's voice.
She spoke, and his
heartbeat changed.
And since then, every
time we're filming
and he looks at her, his
heart beats that way.
I can feel it now talking
with you right here.
Now you feel that
and you tell me he's not ready.
[phone beeping]
[playful music]
I'm sorry.
Geez, my manager's
blowing me up.
He says it's an emergency.
I'm sorry.
I gotta...
I'll see you later.
See me later.
Come in.
Is the actress finally awake?
What are you doing?
[Chris] Breakfast in bed.
I hope you like it.
Thank you.
What's all this?
Fan mail.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Dear Kate, lost 23
pounds at the gym
while watching you fight crime.
You make my hard race,
Derek, and his shoes.
Those are really smelly.
What's this one?
Dear Detective Kate,
I made these while
watching your show.
Thank you for entertaining
me while I worked.
Love, Jessica.
That is so sweet,
and just what I need.
Jessica's jams.
Your fans really love you.
Oh, well, they love my
character, Detective Kate.
But since she isn't
here, I get to enjoy it.
It's a big responsibility.
[indistinct] my friend Roxanne.
She is the writer
and mind of Kate.
At least she was.
I can't believe how quickly
this was all ripped
away from us.
Hey, you know, there's this
beautiful canyon up the road
and I still have to
get some more photos.
Would you like to come
with me this time?
[lively romantic music]
[phone ringing]
[knocking on door]
Roxanne, it's Trevor.
You're gonna wanna see this.
Can I come in?
Okay, so you remember
that fan campaign
you were telling
me about earlier?
Yeah, the one trying
to make the movie
about "Echo Point."
Well, it just went
off last night.
What do you...
Why, 'cause of the finale?
No, I think it actually
happened before.
It's something
about Jenna playing
to have the show
keeping on running.
Well, they're actually
raising money.
How much?
It's not just that.
Look at the network's response.
[Roxanne gasps]
Um, we...
We need to tell Jenna.
Like, she needs to know now.
[gentle music]
[Jenna] Hey, Chris.
[bright music]
It's just so calm out here.
You know, whenever I just
wanna get away from the city
and hustle and bustle of people,
I just like to come up here,
take in every moment.
I don't think I've
been able to slow down
since the show started.
You have never told me
how such a fantastic cook
became a TV star.
By complete dumb luck.
No, no, no, no.
I've seen you audition.
I don't believe you.
Oh, it's true.
It's true.
I'd always wanted to be an
actor when I was younger,
but had given up.
It wasn't until my
old roommate Roxanne
pitched her own show, and
"Echo Point" was born.
That's huge.
Yeah, she's so smart.
You would like her.
So, anyway, the day
of the table read,
I'd promised to do the catering,
and I had just
finished unloading
when Roxanne ran me in a panic.
The lead actress had dropped
out, not told anyone,
and she begged me to fill in.
And you got in the role
and they couldn't
imagine anyone else.
Something like that, yep.
[both laughs]
You're telling me that
you haven't had to do
a real audition?
I mean, that's lucky.
It didn't feel lucky.
I was terrified.
Every day I felt like someone
was gonna come up to me
and tell me that I
shouldn't be there,
that I should leave.
Some days, I still
feel like that.
Anyway, I thought
I loved cooking,
but when I stood in
front of those cameras,
I felt something new
and I'm just trying
to hold onto that.
For what it's worth,
I think you're really good.
And I bet you you will get
any choice role that you want.
Thank you.
I hope so too.
It's just that without
people like Roxanne,
I'm afraid it's not
gonna be the same.
Did you get it?
Picture of the bird.
Yeah, I got what I wanted.
[phone ringing]
- Oh.
I didn't think we can
get service up here.
Will you excuse me?
Yeah, of course.
[Stan] Chris, did I get through?
I've been calling for days.
Yeah, what's up?
[Stan] I need you to come in.
To the magazine office?
That Falcon photo, I'm
putting it on the cover.
Everyone was thrilled.
We wanna offer you the
full-time field position.
We're talking salary,
travel, budget.
You know, the works.
It's great.
[Jackson] We want you on
a plane to the Galapagos,
and we're already
talking Thailand.
Everything okay?
Yeah, everything's perfect.
The job, I got the promotion.
That is so great.
Should we head back?
Yeah, yeah.
So, Galapagos, huh?
Yeah, there's a lot of
iguanas and finches.
Well, pick safe places to stand
and wait while you're out there.
Take this.
What's this for?
So you can have me
out there with you.
I wish that I-
I swear that road
gets longer and longer
every time I drive.
It really doesn't,
you just drive slower and
slower every time, grandpa.
[Barty] Well, if you gotta
stop every five minutes to pee,
I mean, what the hell?
- I can't help it.
I have a small blanket.
- Mom, dad,
what are you doing here?
Well, the road opened up, right?
The plow came through
and opened up the road.
And, you know, your dad does
owe me that romantic getaway
that he told me so much about.
And also I wanted to come
and break the news
to you in person.
What news?
No, let me tell 'em.
No, no, no.
You know, the audition that
you sent for "Siren's Heart"?
[Jenna] Yeah.
The director's been watching it.
He has been asking,
begging to have you in
his movie all morning.
Oh, wow, really?
- Yeah.
- Congratulations, Jenna.
Thank you.
Chris, why are your bags packed?
Oh, Stan called.
I got the job at the magazine.
They want me in as
soon as possible?
[Barty] Hey, that's great, pal.
Way to go.
We're proud of you.
- Barty.
- Yeah?
Why don't you help Chris to
the truck with his things.
I'll talk brass
tacks with Jenna.
[Barty] Sounds good.
Now, I envy you, son.
The open road, huh?
A new adventure awaits.
I'm proud of you.
[gentle music]
Uh-oh, I know that look.
What look?
The one that says I'm
about to lose a bet.
All right, let's talk details.
So, first of all, you
should have seen the look
on the director's face when
he watched your audition.
Oh, and it shoots in Fiji.
Just wait until you
read the whole script.
It is so beautiful.
You had me at Fiji.
Oh, the bad news is, that
it starts in two weeks.
So not a lot of prep time.
I come from TV.
I'm used to getting scripts
the morning of two weeks.
Sounds like a luxury.
That's right.
[chuckles] Well, I
love your enthusiasm.
You know, I knew,
I just knew that I could
tempt you away from TV.
I just didn't know it
was gonna be this fast.
Well, to be honest, me neither.
I didn't think I'd be ready
for a script like this.
And it was actually
something Chris said
that gave me the
courage to shoot for it.
You have him to thank.
You know, when I watched
it and heard him,
I couldn't believe,
couldn't believe it.
How on earth did you get him
to connect so passionately?
I dunno if I did that.
Well, whatever you
did, it worked,
so thank you.
Goodness, that boy, I...
You know, I wish that he was
as romantically
ambitious as Barty.
He'd be married by now.
I'd have a grandchild.
How did you and gruff
old Barty get together?
Oh dear.
I'm afraid if I tell you
you're not gonna
want my help anymore,
I doubt it.
Besides, if you don't tell me,
I'm gonna have to ask Barty.
I'd so much rather
hear the true version.
Good point.
Christopher, I need to
tell you the tragic story
of how I met your mother.
Dad, I've heard this story.
Enk, you heard the
storybook version.
Now, before I was
dating your mom,
I was dating this actress.
He was after this
model friend of mine.
She was skinny,
perfect, just beautiful.
Of course he was gonna,
you know, go after her.
But anyway, he would ask her out
and she would want
me there as a buffer
when they would go out.
Weird, huh?
But I mean, what was I
gonna do about it, right?
So I found that like
half of the date
would be me arguing with your
mom over something stupid.
Oh man, he was such an
easy, easy, easy target.
I would throw
something out there
about how TV was going nowhere.
He would always take the bait,
just like a dumb old fish.
I get this actress.
I get her a five episode
arc on a soap opera
that's shooting out of state.
And after she left,
I realized that the
thing I missed most
about dating this girl
was going toe to toe with
her bullheaded friend Margie.
And I thought I
was done with him.
Not so fast.
He kept showing up.
I played it cool.
Oof, he stood there,
just stood there with this
dumb smile on his face.
And the more I yelled at him,
the bigger the stupid smile got.
I don't remember
a word she said,
I just remember feeling
this connection.
One minute I'm lecturing him,
and the next, we are kissing out
in the middle of the street.
So we get together,
the actress finds out,
drops Margie as a client,
slashes my tires and
sets my office on fire,
and I have never been happier.
Well, come on then.
What happened?
He took me to dinner
and we've been married
for almost 30 years.
That is way more interesting
than you've ever told me.
Well, look, we
toned it down a bit
when you were a kid, right?
Okay, I see your point.
Conflict in relationships
make it stronger.
No, that's not
what I said at all.
The moral of the story
is don't date actresses.
They're dangerous.
That's your point?
Yeah, that's...
Well, look, seriously, just...
Christopher, you gotta
think long and hard
about who you wanna spend
the rest of your life with.
Make sure they fit in your
life, not just in your heart.
Oh, and did you know that
Chris loves to do the dishes?
Yeah, I know.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hey, good luck, all right?
Be sure to check in with
the old folks, okay?
- Thanks, dad.
- Sweeties, come here.
We are so proud of you.
We always have been,
as long as you're happy,
Why wouldn't I be?
Barty, let's leave the
two to say their goodbyes.
Shall we?
Let's go.
Thank you for
being here with me.
Well, it's not like
we had a choice,
but I'm glad I didn't kill
you with a frying plan.
Me too.
Hey, why don't you
come with me on my job?
I mean, I'll be traveling,
but we could go together.
Are you asking me to
give up my career?
You just tell me book a movie.
I know, I know.
After the movie.
And we'd go to Europe, Asia.
It'd be an adventure.
I mean, you could
audition anywhere.
After the movie, what's
keeping you here?
Jenna, you up here?
Jenna, you're here.
You're okay.
I've been fine.
What are you guys doing up here?
Well, Trevor tracked
down your agent
and found out you
were up at the cabin
and he hauled us up here,
which I thought was a
little bit romantic.
Yeah, I just,
I just wanna make
sure you're okay.
And couldn't wait to
tell you the news.
What news?
"Echo Point" is coming back.
But it was canceled.
It was canceled,
and then the fans
started a campaign
to get the show
made into a movie.
The movie campaign?
But that's been
going all season.
Right, but it
exploded this morning.
Something to do with
your post, Jenna.
It made all the difference.
The networks, all the numbers,
they wanna shoot it.
We're making a movie
And oh, do I have my
work cut out for me?
And they're actually
are also considering
bringing back the show
to shoot a season four.
I mean, that's great,
but I just booked a movie.
I don't know if I can-
- Oh, you know what?
Not to worry.
We're here.
- Hey.
So good to see you guys.
So anyway, Barty
and I were checking
and "Siren's Heart" finishes
just before "Echo Point" begins.
And the network has
confirmed everything.
And I mean, everything
is greenlit, yeah.
- Wow.
- That's amazing.
You get to do both.
Yeah, yeah, listen,
they need you there
tomorrow morning sharp
for interviews and photo ops
and all that kind of stuff.
Oh, Roxanne, I was
so happy for you.
Be happy for all of us, right?
Maybe we should go
load up your car.
Come on, let's go.
We've got a lot to talk about.
[Roxanne chuckles]
Roxanne, right?
Computer guy,
That's it, Chris.
Well, I guess this third wheel
should probably
start driving home.
Nice meeting you.
Yeah, you too.
Did Roxanne leave?
Trevor, are you okay?
My heart stopped beating.
Should I- - No, no, no, no.
My heart stopped beating
differently for you.
I don't understand.
Ever since we started dating,
my heart has skipped a beat
every time I hear your voice
and it was actually
happening the whole time
I was looking for you too.
It's kind of how I
knew I'd find you.
But it didn't happen
when I saw you here,
or even now when you spoke.
It's gone.
Trevor, this is all my fault.
No, no, no, no, it's not.
No, it's not.
No, it is.
I kept this going
when I wasn't sure
and you were always so sure
that we were gonna end up
together, so I kept it going.
And I don't even remember
how we got together.
Season three,
episode 14, scene 12.
It was the first take.
Wow, that is very specific.
You don't remember?
We were working the Dunford case
and we got stuck in that
awful basement together
and you looked me
right in the eye
and you said, "We can do this.
I won't let anything
happen to you."
And I just knew it
was the first time
my heart skipped
a beat and I knew.
I never said that to you.
Yes you did.
No, I didn't.
My character said
that to your character
and they weren't my words.
Well then, what was I feeling?
It's what guided
me to rescue you.
Well, maybe your heart was
beating for someone else.
I didn't need to be rescued.
Trevor, you have been my friend
and crime fighting
partner for three years,
but I don't love you that way.
And by the sounds of things,
you don't love me
that way either.
Then who do I love?
I think you have to figure
that one out on your own.
- Thanks, Jenna.
- Mm-hmm.
Should we get out of here?
[gentle gloomy music]
Okay, Barty, you win.
Now I wish I hadn't.
Christopher, we're so sorry.
I got the staff job
I always wanted,
I get to travel.
I even have a budget.
I'm fine.
I'm not worried about that.
Look, the thing we
talked about earlier-
Yeah, you're right, dad.
Actresses are dangerous.
No, I was wrong.
Yes, actresses are dangerous.
All women are.
Which is to say, when you find
the right one, it's worth it.
I'm not gonna give up.
Gonna keep looking.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What do you mean keep looking?
No, Chris, when you
find the right one,
you don't keep looking.
That's it.
That's the right one.
Are you listening?
Well, obviously, Jenna
was not the right one.
Okay, listen, do you love her?
Yeah, yes.
That's it, right?
She's the right one.
She left with the other guy.
- Oh.
- What?
- Doesn't matter.
That guy?
That guy?
The actor?
They're even worse.
You're kidding me.
You can't beat him?
Hey, what are you gonna do?
Wait for the right moment.
Trevor, what...
Forgive me, Roxanne.
I don't know how I
didn't see it before.
See what?
What's the matter?
You're my Detective Kate.
[gentle romantic music]
[Jenna giggles]
Hey, Margie, is
that Jenna Wilde?
- Oh my goodness.
- Our TV movie star.
[Marjorie] I think it is.
What are you guys doing in here?
Just checking in on you.
I wanted to see if they
were treating you well.
Hey, how was Fiji?
Oh, it was busy but amazing.
I heard wonderful things
about your performance.
Jenna, are you sure
you only wanna do the
"Echo Point" movie?
The network rep had made
a one hell of an offer
on season four.
It's huge.
Sorry, Barty, I made up my mind.
I don't even want
to hear the offer.
Well, you wanna hear this one.
At your age...
No, She can say no, but-
Barty, Barty, just
let it go, okay?
She is allowed to go after-
- Jenna!
- What she really wants.
[Director] Camera
is ready for you.
I have to go.
All right.
I won.
- You win.
- Mm-hmm.
[Director] Start up
the snow machine.
Let's make it look like
the dead of winter.
[gentle gloomy music]
The captain's daughter
just went missing.
Did you forget?
I was shot, detective,
We don't have time
for you to wallow.
Okay, we have work to do.
What work?
Look at me!
What police department,
what detectives, what partner
who want half a man?
I would.
If that half is Jackson
Reigns, you bet I would.
Are you?
Well, are you?
[Director] Cut!
- That was good.
- Nice work, everybody.
That felt really good.
I've never seen you go off
track like that before.
Yeah, I just felt
like I needed to.
Trevor, you feel
good about that?
[Trevor] Feel good.
- All right.
- Nice job, Jenna.
You too.
[Director] Let's see that snow.
- Great.
- You heard him.
Christmas in five.
Okay go see wardrobe.
I wish I'd written it that way.
How's he doing?
I only got back from
Fiji last night.
Is everything okay?
You're not mad, are you?
Oh my gosh, no.
No, no, no.
I'm so happy for you guys.
It's been pretty incredible.
I'm really happy.
- Thank you.
- I promise.
- Thank you.
- So it's going well, huh?
Huh? [Roxanne laughs]
[Director] Jenna, could we
get you down to base camp?
We need you for some photos.
I gotta go.
Okay, you do you.
Where are you going?
[camera shutter clicks]
You are here.
Haven't had to stand
around for long.
It's been nice.
Oh, I'm allowed to be here.
Can you believe I actually get
paid to take photos of you?
I thought you'd be
halfway around the world
taking pictures of turtles.
I wanted to be here.
You know why.
I didn't wanna miss this moment.
[gentle romantic music]
[birds chirping]