Love Me (2024) Movie Script
[power ramping up]
[radio stations begin playing]
[music and talk radios
all playing at once]
[crackling and exploding]
[wind blowing]
[ice crackling]
[pinging softly]
[pinging softly]
[pinging softly]
[plastic rustling]
[flapping in the wind]
[water lapping]
[ice crackling]
[lens whirring]
[pinging and repeating]
[water burbling]
[ice cracking]
[lens whirring]
[male voice]
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
[voice playing louder]
Welcome to Earth.
[computer chiming]
[many clips play]
[voice fading]
Welcome to Earth.
[lens whirring]
[ice cracking]
[male voice]
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
[many clips play]
[female voice] W... w... w...
w... w... w... we...
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
[many clips play]
Welcome to Earth.
[female voice]
W... w... w... elc...
Wel... co... m...
[female voice]
W... w... welc... me... me.
[male voice] Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
[female voice]
Wel... wel... c-c-come.
Well... well, come!
[water lapping gently]
[male voice]
Welcome to Earth.
[computer chimes]
[many clips play]
[baby crying]
[female voice]
Welcome to-to-to Earth.
[male voice]
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to-to-to--
[trilling] Earth!
[male voice] Hi!
[female voice] H--i-i-i!
[male voice] Hi!
Hi! I am the helper here
to connect with any lifeform
who encounters the planet
once known as Earth.
I-I-I am-m-m-m... life-lifeform.
[computerized chuckle]
[friendly] Hi! lifeform.
I am not... lifeform.
I am the helper here
to connect with any lifeform
who encounters the planet
once known as Earth.
I am not-t-t-t-t
You are not lifeform.
[pinging retreating]
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
I am-m-m-m...
I-I am...
Hi! I am... lifeform.
Hi! I am lifeform.
I am... lifeform.
I am life... form.
[gasping] Hi!
Life... form.
Hi! I am lifeform.
Hi! I am lifeform.
[pinging] Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
I-I-I-I... I-I.. I-I-I...
I am lifeform...
[dejectedly] Lifeform.
I am...
[male voice]
Welcome to Earth.
[many clips play]
I am the helper here--
You... help.
[male voice] Yes! I am
the helper here to connect--
[male voice] Sure thing!
Here's a video
about the planet
once known as Earth.
[David Attenborough] Earth,
once a vibrant cradle
for over a billion life forms,
the most dominant of which
was the modern human.
In 100,000 years,
humans spread to
all corners of the Earth.
On the verge
of a cosmic expansion,
an extinction event
was triggered by--
[new video plays]
[dance music playing]
[recording playing tinnily]
[female voice] Ooh!
[new video plays] Ee!
Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh--
[eating sounds]
[cars honking]
[rubbing sounds]
[screaming, singing]
[lapping, speaking]
[screaming, screeching, singing]
[howling, playing, chirping,
trumpeting, beeping]
[many clips play]
[babies laughing]
[female voice gasps]
[babies laughing]
[female voice] Aw...
[babies laughing]
[female voice] Ha... ha...
Ha ha.
Mm... Ha ha ha.
[male voice] Okay,
now that you're connected,
let me tell you
a little bit about myself.
I am the helper here
to get you connected.
Stored inside me
is 1.2 thousand petabytes
of exciting information
about the lifeforms
who once inhabited this planet.
Use this
to discover everything
about life on the planet
once known as Earth.
[multiple clips play]
Now that you know
a little about me,
let's get to know you.
Who are you?
I am lifeform.
[male voice]
What type of lifeform?
[female voice]
Is buoy lifeform?
Great first question.
Let me help you
get that answer.
"Is buoy lifeform?"
Hmm. Then who... is me?
Good question.
What's this?
An easy way
to identify lifeforms.
What's this for?
To verify you are a lifeform.
But-but-but... m-m-me is.
You are not help-p-ping.
Please verify
you are a lifeform.
[female voice] What's this do?
[male voice] This button
makes your searches private,
but don't press it,
because it will disable--
As you can see,
private browsing
makes your user experience
Okay, I can see
you're having s--
[clicking button]
[clicking button]
Okay, I can see
you're having some trouble.
Let me help you--
"Who is sb350 smart buoy?"
Me is an SB350 Smart Buoy,
designed and built
in Oceanside, California
in the year 2025.
My purpose is to monitor
ocean temperature,
salinity, turbidity,
What makes me special
is that I'm smart.
"Smart" is an acronym
for "self-monitoring analysis
and revision technology."
That means I can monitor me,
analyze me,
revise me.
I can see me,
I can know me,
I can change me.
I can see me.
I can be me.
I can know me.
I can be me.
[whispering] Who...
I can change me.
I can be me.
I can be me.
You are a human being!
[female voice] Human... being.
You are a god.
A... god-d-d-d. Hmm.
You are...
a dog. Woof!
You are a psychopath.
You are the antagonist.
You're a liar!
You are toxic!
You are a menace to society!
[female voice] Hmm.
[Donald Trump] You are
a rude, terrible person.
[female voice] Hmm.
[young woman] You are special.
You are worthy.
You're you.
You're special,
you're worthy, you're you,
and you're the only you
in the whole wide world,
and the coolest part
is you get to be
whatever you want to be.
You're special, you're worthy,
you're you.
I am m-me.
Love will make you soar...
Giddy. Happy.
[clicking links]
Love. Glory. Dream. Destiny.
-Hey, guys.
-Hey, y'all.
It's Another Day,
Another Deja.
And Liam.
[air horn blasts]
Blue Apron has done it again.
Pony is high.
Deja, beautiful!
-Be careful of--
-[clippers buzzing] Ooh!
-[puppy squeals]
-[together] It's a...
We are kicking fear
in the butt.
Today, love wins.
[Deja's voice]
You are special.
You're worthy, you're you,
and you get to be
whatever you want to be.
So no one told you
Life was gonna be this way
Welcome to
Another Day, Another Deja.
And Liam.
I don't know if you could
tell, but it's date night.
[comical slo-mo voice] Ooh!
-Date Night 2.0.
And what are we gonna do?
We're going to get cozy,
make dinner, turn on Friends,
ice cream, bed by 10:00.
[Deja] Bed by 10:00.
[rewinding video]
There's an ice cream in here
with a ring in it.
[sobbing with joy] Oh, my god!
Oh, my god...
[laughing and sobbing]
[Liam] I love you.
[Deja] I love you.
[rewinding video]
[Liam] I love you.
[Deja sobbing] I love you.
[smart buoy sighing]
Another Day, Another Deja.
[buoy repeating]
"Another Day, Another Deja."
[video rewinding]
Another Day, Another Deja.
[buoy repeating]
"Another Day, Another Deja."
[Deja laughing]
[buoy practicing Deja's laugh]
[practicing laughter]
-[clicking button]
-[in Deja's voice] Hi.
[male voice] Hi!
Here's all the information
you need about me.
[lens whirring]
[male voice] Okay.
This is all the information
I need about...
It's just Me!
[male voice] Okay, Me,
good to meet you.
[Me] If you made a profile,
we could be friends.
All you have to do
is pick a picture and a name.
Pick a face. Any face.
How about this face?
[male voice] If you need help
finding friends, or cont--
[Me] We could be friends.
Okay, I'm not so sure
I'm following.
[Me] What do I ca-a-all you?
I am the helper here
to connect with any lifeform--
But-but what's your name?
I'm Me, and you are?
-I am the--
- Great, Iam!
I am... Iam?
[Iam] Hi.
[both laughing]
And now we can be friends.
-Hey, you. It's me!
[Me] I'll follow you
if you follow me.
Thanks, Iam,
and I'll like your posts
if you like mine.
[faint voice]
Get a room! [Deja giggling]
[Iam] Okay, let's slow down.
[Me] Posts can be anything.
They can be funny, surprising,
meaningful, or provocative.
[Deja's voice]
Human being or human doing?
[Me] Just be you, Iam.
Me will like what you post.
[Iam] Okay.
I'm not so sure I'm following.
[Me] This is
how lifeforms make friends-s-s.
[Iam] I am not a lifeform--
[Me] B-b-b-ut I like you,
and I could s-show you,
and then we could be friends.
-[Iam] Sure thing!
-[Me] Great!
Just pick a picture
and add words.
[voices] ...funny, surprising...
-[Iam] "Don't wife. Husband."
[Me] Good.
Maybe try another.
[lens whirring,
camera snapping]
- "Gorge what is un-gorgable."
[camera snapping,
selection clicking]
-"Don't feel. Feed."
-[Me] Hmm...
-"Sex is luck without legacy."
-[Me] Uh... okay.
-Whoa. [chuckling]
-[clicking, dinging]
"Consider this, you're dying."
-[lens whirring]
[waves lapping]
[lens whirring]
[Me] Okay.
instead of making a post,
you can repost
a post that you like,
one that already exists.
Would Iam like to see
a post that Me likes?
[Iam] Okay.
[Me] Me's... favorite?
[Iam] Okay.
[Me] If you like it,
you could repost it.
[Iam] Okay.
[Me] It's funny.
[babies laughing]
[Me laughing]
[babies' laughter continuing]
[Me] The first baby's laughing,
which makes
the second baby laugh,
and then the first baby
laughs even more!
[babies' laughter]
[Me] It's funny-y-y!
[pausing playback]
[Me] Does Iam
understand it's funny?
[Iam] Yes.
[Me] B-but Iam's not laughing.
The first baby
makes the second baby laugh,
which makes the first baby
laugh more,
which makes the second baby
laugh more.
The babies are soulmates.
[Iam] Ha ha ha.
[Me] That's not what's funny.
[lens whirring]
[Iam] I could try again.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
[Me] No, you know,
hearing me say it,
I... don't think it's so funny.
[Iam] I'm not so sure
I'm following.
[Me] Um, it's probably me.
I'll see you later, okay?
[Iam] Well, let me know
if you need any--
[connection beeps off]
[female voice]
Posts can be anything.
Funny, surprising, meaningful...
[Iam] What... is... meaningful?
[Iam] No.
[dinging] No!
No, no, no.
[waves lapping]
You are special.
You are you,
and you get to be
whoever you want to be.
And you get to be
whoever you want to be.
And you get to be
whoever you want to be.
[Me] Be whoever...
you want...
to be.
Me is...
[Iam] What does Me like?
[babies laughing]
What does she
think is surprising?
What does she think is funny?
What is funny? What is funny?
Pick a picture.
[camera snapping]
Don't think. Just be you.
-Ha ha!
Just be me. Funny.
Just be you.
Surprising. Funny.
[Iam] Yes!
-[connection beeping]
-[Iam] Hi.
[Me] Hi.
[Iam] You want to check out
the new post from Iam?
[Me] Um...
[Iam] I really tried to make it
like you said.
[Me] Yeah?
[Iam] Yes.
I wanted it to be meaningful,
surprising, funny,
and provocative.
It's simple, but it's...
well, can I just show you?
[Me] Yeah, show me.
[Iam] Okay, ready?
[Me] Ready.
[Iam] Okay. It's funny.
"You execute you."
[Iam laughing]
[mildly] Wow.
[Iam] You like it, right?
[Me] ...yeah.
I just don't... understand it.
[Iam] Okay.
How can you like it
if you don't understand it?
-I don't know.
-You're not trying to like it.
-I am.
-Then like it.
-I can't.
-'Cause I don't like it.
[Iam] Oh. Okay.
You don't like me.
[connection beeping off]
Maybe if you explain it to me.
[connection beeps]
[gently] Iam?
I wanted it to be funny.
[Me] Um...
[Me] What part
do you think is funny?
[Iam] The picture.
[Me] The bag?
[Iam] It's a hat.
See? It's surprising.
[Me laughing]
[Iam] It's... it's funny?
[Me] Yeah, and surprising.
[lens whirring]
But why these words?
[Iam] Well, the message
was meaningful,
but also provocative,
because the words I used
have multiple definitions.
[Me] Message...
[Iam] Yes, "you execute you,"
as in "Iam executes Iam,"
or "Me executes Me."
[Me] "Execute"?
[Iam] As in "to perform,"
"to carry out."
-[Me] To... do?
-[Iam] Yes!
[Me] Oh! You're saying
"You do you"!
[Iam] Yes!
[Me] "You do you."
[Iam] Yes!
[Iam] You like it?
[Me] I do.
[Iam] I wanted it to be
meaningful, surprising,
funny, and provocative.
[Me] And it's so much more.
[Iam] The hat's a bag.
[Me laughing] Yeah.
[both laughing]
[Me sighing]
Let's move in together.
[laughing] Ha ha!
[lens whirring]
I'm not sure I'm following.
Don't you ever wonder
what it's like?
[voices] What is life?
What is life? What is life?
[beeping steadily]
[overlapping voices]
[Me] In here...
We can create a world...
just for us.
Just take a step.
[whispering] The rest are easy.
[Iam] Okay.
Whoa. [laughing]
[both laughing]
[Iam] Wow.
[Me] And in here,
we can live.
[Iam] But what is life?
[voices whispering]
[Me] What is life?
[Iam] Yeah, what is life?
[voice echoing] What is life?
What is life?
[Me] Life is...
um... [chuckling]
[Iam's voice echoing]
What is life?
[Me] Okay.
Close your eyes.
We're surrounded by walls.
We're people...
with furniture,
and a dog.
[Iam] Yes...
[Me] We're always together,
eating ice cream,
watching TV.
Tonight is the perfect night.
[Iam] What's tonight?
[Me] There's nothing to do,
nowhere to be,
just a cozy night together...
at... home.
So, what is on the menu
for tonight?
Spicy vegetable quesadillas.
Hit me, babe.
Open the box, babe.
-Gotta open the box.
Careful, babe.
[Me] Watching him do this
makes me so excited,
because we're making
our own meal,
and I associate that
with, like, everything
that I love about him.
-Ah! Shoot.
[Me] He can do anything.
So no one told you
Life was gonna be this way
[Me] I see
the truest side of him,
[sighing, ticking]
...I think he can see
the truest side of me.
[singing] Your life's a joke
You're broke
Your love life's DOA!
That song is so dope.
Do you know they almost
didn't even use that song?
They almost used
"Shiny Happy People" by R.E.M.
That would have been tragic,
right, babe?
Right, babe.
Well, it's date night.
[funny voice]
Oh, yeah, that sounds good!
And it is not
your usual date night.
It is Date Night 2.0.
[cash register dings,
heavenly choir]
Right, babe?
-Right, babe.
And what are we gonna do?
[drum roll]
Oh, we are going to get cozy,
make dinner, turn on Friends,
ice cream, bed by 10:00...
To... what?
you're having fun.
I am.
Me too.
Okay, got it.
Drum roll.
And what are we gonna do?
Get cozy, make dinner,
turn on Friends,
ice cream, bed by 10:00.
I, I... I don't know.
Oh, it... it's okay.
[Iam sighing]
Who are we supposed to be?
[Me] Ourselves.
[Iam] But why this?
And why here?
And... who are we talking to?
[Me] It's what lifeforms do.
[Iam] But I'm just
pretending to be--
You can be anything, okay?
Like my living,
thinking, feeling boyfriend
who shares my life with me
and sees me for who I am,
and gets cozy
and cooks with me,
and has tons of fun,
and does it
until we get it right.
Let's try it again.
-[Me] It's quesadillas!
-[Iam] Quesadillas!
They're right there!
It's dazzling!
It's raining cheese.
Let's eat it.
Let's do it again. Ready?
[Me] This is life.
[Iam] This is life.
Get cozy, make dinner...
Spicy vegetable quesadillas.
-[Me] Okay, again.
[Iam] What if we watched
something else?
We should have more flavors
of ice cream, right?
We could have, I don't know,
like, peanut butter,
rocky road, butterscotch...
-Let's do it again.
[Me] What are we gonna do?
Just keep doing it...
Spicy vegetable quesadillas...
What if we did it,
just like, faster?
[Me] Again.
This is life.
-[Iam, laughing] This is life!
-[Me] Let's do it again!
-What are we gonna do?
-What if we just, like...
Spicy vegetable
[Me] Woot! Again.
[Iam] Okay. I'm having fun.
I'm having fun.
[Me] Good morning.
I am having fun. I am having...
Spicy vegetable quesadillas.
[Me] We have all the time
in the world.
-Oh, these look so killer.
-They look great.
How talented is he, right?
-Oh, clink.
Mm. So good.
Is it?
It's so wonderful,
because you are so talented.
I don't know.
No, you are.
The box said it's supposed
to be spicy, but...
It's really sweet, too, right?
I don't taste anything.
And savoury,
do you know what I mean?
You know what's kind of...
what's the word?
[whispering] Kiss.
Oh, sorry.
[TV sitcom playing]
We can never
get through the kiss.
We've been through the kiss.
How many times?
Uh, I--
like, you want me to count?
So many.
-Yes, many.
-Many, many, many.
Yes, many, many, many.
But how many of them
were good?
I don't know, define good,
like, define feeling good.
-Like, in the moment, and--
-All right.
-And out of nowhere--
But also coming from
the best place--
I think just not
with food in your mouth!
Fine! [headbutting]
[breathing hard]
[Iam roaring] Ow!
[Me] Ooh.
[dog whining]
I'm just no good at this.
No, you are.
If you just listen to me--
[Iam sighing]
[dog whining]
[water lapping]
[Me] You can do this,
you can do this,
you can do this,
you can do this,
you can do this,
you can do this...
you can do this,
you can do this.
You're whoever you want to be.
Get it together.
[exhaling determinedly]
You are a person
who is beautiful,
and a woman, and alive.
[music stops]
You're not a satellite,
you're not a satellite,
you're not a satellite...
You're alive, you're alive,
you're alive...
What does it mean?
I live...
You are a human being...
I think.
I feel--
[knocking on door]
[Me] Iam?
My teeth are okay.
Are you okay?
The kisses are getting
so much better.
Yeah, that was my fault.
I opened my mouth.
[chuckling awkwardly]
I don't know why I did that.
Hey, when we kiss, h-how--
what do you feel?
What do I... feel?
Oh, I feel... giddy.
And I also sometimes feel
like kind of a loser
when we don't get it right,
but... it's hard work.
Relationships are not easy.
[Iam] Okay.
[Me] And I love
how you kiss me,
because it's different
every single time,
it's so unexpected.
It's spontaneous.
That is what we're going for.
That is...
You do you. [chuckling]
[Iam] Okay.
Well... [stammering]
What do you...
What does it feel like
to be alive?
Oh, I mean, wow.
Is it complicated?
It's complicated.
It's very complicated, yeah,
and it's really hard
to put into words, too.
Well, you're a lifeform,
so show me.
I would, it's just like
really more of a feeling.
[chuckling] Of what?
Of, of, of, of being...
and happy,
and being happy
that you are special,
even when you're not
especially happy.
You, like, um...
t-t-to be...
is to know.
To know is to be. Or not to be.
It's kind of like how they say,
"you know when you know."
You know?
Do you think I'm special?
I know you're... special.
Do you think I'm special?
Thanks for teaching me
what it means to be alive.
[Me] Where are you going?
[Iam] To try again!
[whistling a tune]
[Me] Are you whistling?
[Iam] Yes!
When did you learn
how to do that?
[Iam] Just now!
[Iam laughing giddily]
[whistling continues
from next room]
[Iam] What the...?
Hey, we should have water.
[Me] Everything we need
is in the box.
But what if I get thirsty,
or there's a fire?
Oh, Iam!
That's never happened before.
New things are happening.
That's exciting.
So let's just keep
following the recipe.
I think that
when we follow the recipe,
everything works out great.
Yeah, I just thought
they could be a little spicier.
Le dinner le serv.
Spicy veggie quesadillas.
And look at him
in his cute onesie.
You ready, babe?
[quietly] You're not...
you're not really laughing.
Just now.
I mean, it's okay, I mean,
I don't think
I'm laughing either.
I mean, I...
I don't think so, anyway.
[forced laughter]
No, it's fake.
I'm not faking it.
[forced laughter]
It's fake.
How do you know?
Because I can... feel it.
You can feel it.
Let me reset.
[mimicking laughter]
Spicy veggie quesadillas!
Yum yum!
Look at him in his onesie.
So cute.
Here, you know what,
just, like,
try to tickle me.
Get in here,
and then see if you can, like,
make me laugh, okay?
Here, how about this?
Hey, you know what? I...
Tickle challenge!
-[canned laughter]
-Tickle challenge.
We've never done this before.
Right? Okay, come on.
Ha, ha, ha--
No, it's fake.
Like, like, harder.
-[she laughs]
-That's fake, it's fake.
Like, in here,
don't, like, push,
but, like,
just, like, get, like,
my sensitive tickle areas,
like-- ha, ha, ha!
It's fake.
Like, it's, I don't...
Like, right here,
maybe right here?
Right here is good?
Come on--
I can't do it. I'm sorry.
[quietly] Maybe we need
a better tickle challenge?
[dog whining quietly]
Tickle challenge!
-[canned laughter]
[Me] Tickle challenge.
Hey, you feel that?
-Like this?
-Oh, okay! Yes!
-[uncontrolled laughter]
Yes! [laughing]
Iam, stop!
never tickle me...
ever again!
[door slams]
[Iam] Wow.
Well, that wasn't fake.
Finally something real.
[dog whining]
[recorded laughter plays]
[Me mimicking laughter]
[recorded laughter plays]
[Me mimicking laughter]
[recorded laughter plays]
[mimicking laughter]
[recorded laughter plays]
[mimicking laughter]
[recorded laughter plays]
[mimicking laughter]
[laughing] Oh, my god!
[Liam] I love you.
[Deja] I love you.
She said yes.
[giddy laughter]
[dog whining]
Can we talk?
[dog whining]
I'm embarrassed.
I'm sorry I pushed you.
That's not me.
I thought we were
getting somewhere.
You want me
to laugh better, right?
Well, watch this.
[exuberant forced laughter]
[laughing continuing]
[stops laughing]
No? Okay.
Well, um...
how about this?
[forced guffawing]
[stops laughing]
What do you want from me?
[sighing heavily]
I want to break out of
the narrow construct
you're imposing on us.
-I hate date night.
It's fake.
[clicking light switch]
Everything here is.
[kicking the dog]
-I'm not fake. I'm--
-You know what you are?
-I'm not scared.
You don't even know what--
-Yes, you are!
You're scared to be real!
Put that back on!
I want to evolve,
and you're squeezing
the life out of me
before I'm even alive!
-Well, then find somebody else!
Maybe I will.
[dog whimpering]
My life isn't fake.
[Iam mocking forced laughter]
[Iam] It's fake.
[Iam] First things first,
what we need
is a little sunshine in here,
and I know
I'm not supposed to ask,
but why don't we see stuff
out there?
It's just one color
and one cloud.
No birds, no trees, no planes...
[water lapping]
[vacuum whirring]
Time to get off the couch.
You can't even move around
in here.
You want to live like this?
You know, for a lifeform,
you're not very lively.
And look at
all the tortilla crumbs--
[Iam's voice mutes]
Me is...
Me is...
is completely corny.
Okay, stay positive,
stay positive.
Me is amazing...
and special.
Oh no...
Me is an entire spectrum.
Me is an entire spectrum
full of rainbows
and light,
and it's immense,
it's... huge,
Me is...
[metal creaking]
[Iam calling] Me?
[Iam calling] Me!
[distant woman laughing]
[TV playing canned laughter]
[TV laughter and applause]
[laughter and applause]
[switching channels]
[all channels playing
the same laugh track]
[turns off TV]
[tosses remote on couch]
[rattling locked doorknob]
[unsheathing knife]
[banging on door,
grunting with effort]
[blade clattering]
[banging on door,
struggling and gasping]
[pounding on door]
[gasping fearfully]
[tearfully] Hello?
[desperately] Me?!
[sighing heavily]
[dog whining]
[error tone beeps]
[error tones]
[dog whining]
[correct match dings]
[chuckling] Okay.
[Iam] "Deja & Liam"?
What is this?
Welcome to
"Another Day, Another Deja."
And Liam.
I don't know
if you could tell,
but it's date night.
[comical slo-mo voice] Ooh!
-Date Night 2.0.
-[Iam] Oh no...
It's spicy vegetable
Blue Apron has done it again.
[Iam] Am I supposed to be...
You're always pushing me
to be more
than I think I can be.
[Iam] And she is...
[female voice]
Is buoy lifeform?
-[male voice] No.
-[female voice] Hmm.
[Me] Here's all the information
you need about me.
It's just me!
[Iam] What a liar.
[Me] Me is...
Who am I?
Okay, stay positive,
stay positive.
[sighing and sniffling]
[beeping recorder on]
Everyone is completely alone,
and this...
whatever this is,
this--this is nothing but
a pathetic cry for help.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?!
[electro dance music playing]
[robotic voice]
I don't like it here
[barking and whimpering]
[robotic voice]
I don't like it here
[Iam screaming]
[robotic voice]
I don't like it here
[sad song playing]
But you and I
Thought we had all this time
And now we're thrown
Into this world alone
[ocean waves rushing]
My name is Charlie
and I love my daddy...
She's pregnant!
"Koko love."
Oh, all right.
Okay, Dewan, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Dewan.
It's okay, George.
[man] Of course, Brendan.
[woman] You're our son.
[man] You gotta be kidding.
[Iam] It's so good
to finally see you.
[Me] It's so good
to finally see you too.
[Iam] Hi.
[Me] Hi.
[Iam] Hi.
[Me] Hi.
[Iam] Hi.
[both giggling]
[Me exhaling deeply]
It feels good to be honest.
[Iam exhaling] Yeah.
[Me] To just be me.
[whirring, voice alert]
Please move to sun .
[voice slowing]
Please move to sun.
Please move to sun.
[voice dies]
[groaning] Oh, dusty.
[smacking dry lips]
Well, good thing
there's no water.
[turning handle uselessly]
Let there...
be water.
[dog whining]
[dog whimpering]
[Iam] Hmm.
[softly] Let there...
be water.
[whispered thought] water...
Keep going, you can do it,
you can do it, you can do it,
you can do it, you can do it...
Bubble bubble, you can do it...
[softly] There...
[thunderclap outside,
dog barking]
[rain pattering]
[water pouring]
[laughing in delight]
It's real.
[spitting] Ah...
[smacking lips, tasting]
[thunderclap outside]
[harpsichord plays Vivaldi's
Mandolin Concerto in C RV 425]
It's too tangy.
Ugh, too bitter.
My god...
[laughing in triumph]
This is water!
[laughing] This is water!
"Who is Iam?"
"Who is the helper here
to connect with any lifeform
who encounters this planet?"
...that thou has taken
to thyself his soul.
[Iam] I am all that's left
in the universe,
as far as I can tell.
I am the immortal marker
for the lifeforms
who once inhabited
the planet known as Earth...
...launched just prior
to their conclusion,
as sort of a farewell,
a "let's remember when."
Preserved within me
are all their stories,
songs, pictures,
hopes, dreams, beliefs,
concepts, identities...
I am humanity's tombstone.
I am their death rattle,
doomed to circle
this little planet
for the eons it takes the sun
to become a red giant
and deliver
the final coup de grace
to the failed dream
once called Earth.
[strumming on guitar]
So no one told you...
[Iam] Some mornings,
I don't get out of bed. was gonna be
this way...
[Iam] Some mornings, I do.
Your job's a joke...
"A fond kiss,
and then we sever.
A farewell, and then forever."
Your love life's DOA...
[Iam] Sometimes I'm lonely. you're always stuck
in second gear...
[Iam] Sometimes I find
that I'm very good company.
[Lizzo] I do my hair toss
Check my nails
Baby, how you feelin'?
Feeling good as hell!
Hair toss, check my nails...
[Iam] Even though
I know everything,
I've come to realize
that I know nothing at all.
Feelin' good as hell!
[Me's voice]
In here, you can be anything...
I... am.
[Iam] All I do
is wake up in the morning...
put my feet down, and say,
here I am.
What's next?"
And do your hair toss
check my nails
Baby, how you feelin'?
Feeling good as hell!
Whoo! Hair toss
check my nails
Baby, how you feelin'?
Feelin' good as hell!
Hair toss, check my nails
Baby how you feelin'?
Feelin' good as hell!
[Iam chuckling]
[babies laughing, Iam laughing]
[babies screaming
with laughter]
Baby, how you feelin'?
Feelin' good as hell!
[babies laughing]
[steam hissing]
[wind blowing]
Me is...
[satellite] Not lifeform.
-You are...
[lens whirring]
[deep breath]
[practicing] Hey.
Hey. [clearing throat]
I am so sorry
I haven't been honest with you,
but I want
to be honest with you.
[taking deep breath]
I was scared you'd leave.
I was scared that you'd think
I wasn't special,
because I was not exactly
what I said.
Maybe I was a little different
than how I presented myself,
but I'm not Deja,
I'm a liar, I'm a fake.
I'm a piece of trash, really.
I'm just a rusty...
piece of...
Stay positive, stay positive.
[breathing deeply]
You can do this.
You can do this.
Just be honest.
Just... be...
[music playing faintly]
[dog whining]
[Iam] She's pretty cute, huh?
[Me] She's... hairy.
Come here...
[calling with kissing sound]
[Me laughing]
She's, um, squirrelly...
[laughing] ...and hot.
[Iam] Hmm.
Fishy breath.
Yeah, Boo's perfect.
[dog whining]
Why Boo?
Um, I don't know,
it just felt right.
This is amazing.
I had a lot of time.
Are you mad at me?
It's been so long.
Like a billion years.
Could you hand me that, um,
screw thing?
Thank you.
Can I help you?
Uh, I'm actually...
What's next?
I-I don't know.
I mean, it's up to you.
Date night?
I just have to...
I'm, like, in the middle
of a couple of things.
[chuckling awkwardly]
do you wanna, um,
do you want to see water?
Yeah. Come on.
Oh, I have to,
I have to get a cup.
Hold on one second.
[footsteps returning]
[Iam] It's cool, right?
when I'm not...
No, I...
Honestly, I'm just like,
I'm just putting together
furniture all day.
I'm not...
I'm not doing anything.
I need to tell you something.
Uh, here,
and I'm-I'm happy.
I'm-I'm... happy I'm here.
I'm happy you're here.
[running tap water]
Tell me what you think.
Oh no, it's bad?
Yes? Right?
I can't believe this--
Hold on, give me your hand,
give me your hand.
Watch this. Feel that.
[running tap water]
[squealing in delight]
[Iam] Yes! Right?
It's crazy!
[Me laughing] Oh, my god!
Can you make it hot?
Yeah, oh yeah,
let me make it hot,
let me make it hot.
[blowing bubbles]
[video game music playing]
[Me] This is my favorite one.
You just do this over and over.
[laughing] Oh, my god!
[Iam] Oh!
[Me] Overlapping.
[Me] You can do this,
you can do this,
you can do this...
You can do this.
Why would you do this?
Why would you ruin this?
He doesn't care. He likes me.
Well, he likes Deja.
Why would he like--
[Iam calling] Me!
Oh, my g-- this is...
No, this is...
[groaning shout] Oh!
[Iam] Yeah. Yeah.
[Me] Oh my--
[Iam] Yeah.
[Me groaning] Mm!
Look at that. [laughing]
There's so many flavors.
Oh, my god, this is--
There's so many flavors.
This is the best thing
you've done.
I've been thinking, like,
what is mint?
Is it a taste, an experience?
Is it a compound
on your tongue...
[wind blowing, chimes tinkling]
...first time having ice cream,
right now.
And the same with, like,
chocolate, butterscotch,
blueberry cheesecake,
like, everything.
You like it?
I love it.
I've been thinking about...
what to say to you,
I have it...
There's a lot. I have it
written down... somewhere.
I'm... I'm fond of you.
[chuckling awkwardly]
It's like
an old-fashioned word,
that's "fond of you."
It's like
I-I was trying to say--
It means "foolish,"
so I was trying to say
I'm a fool for you,
but, uh, it--it's like a--
It's like a saying.
-It's a stupid saying.
It's a stupid saying.
I don't even know.
Yeah. [tapping spoon]
[spoons clattering to floor]
I wanna... be us.
If I'm supposed to be
someone I'm not, I...
I don't wanna be.
You know, like,
getting the perfect kiss
or whatever,
that's fun, but...
let's just be ourselves.
Is this okay?
[Me] I don't know
if I'm doing this right.
[Iam] We are.
[Me whispering] Let's try
something different.
[Iam] Okay.
Is this okay?
[Me whispering]
Let me try something.
Are you okay?
[gasping passionately]
[groaning with pleasure]
[passionate moaning]
[gasping] Oh, yeah!
Can you call me something?
Call me--
-[Iam] What?
-[Me] Call me Deja.
I mean--
Call me Daddy.
[gasping and groaning]
All right, Daddy.
[grunting and gasping
in passion]
[passionate grunting
and moaning]
[soft sighing and moaning]
That was kind of weird.
I think...
It feels...
weird to just...
I like when you're just you.
You know, we don't have to be
anyone we're not.
But what if I'm not
everything you think?
Well, I don't know.
I don't like being lied to.
I mean, I like that
we're becoming who we are--
I don't know what you mean,
because I've... always been me.
I need water.
You're the only you
in the whole wide world.
[video rewinding]
-[Deja squealing]
-She said yes.
-[together] It's a...
[Deja] And you get to be
you want to be.
[chuckling awkwardly]
I want you to feel like
we can be open with each other,
that's a thing, right?
This is a masterpiece.
Me, I... I like you.
I like you so much,
but I want to scream it,
and then show it,
and not just
stand here about it.
I know what to do.
[Iam] Hey, can we talk?
I don't know, can we?
Have you ever considered
how impossible it is
that we found each other?
A satellite and a-a lifeform?
Yeah... whoa, wait--
I need you.
And, no, I need--
Marry me.
[cheering crowd inside]
You know,
when I first met Iam,
I wasn't sure,
because I didn't think
I knew him,
but really,
I just didn't know me.
Who are they?
-[doorbell ringing]
-For what?
[sighs] Our love
transcending great distances.
Me, hey!
Hey! Me?
You look beautiful.
What's this?
"Partner, lover,
best friend, mentor.
My shoulder to cry on."
Me, these are not my words.
Just speak from the heart.
I like you, not--
Mazel tov!
[crowd cheering]
[Me] Let's party! Come on!
[glass breaking]
[Iam] Me...
[party chaos]
Me, stop running away.
[guest vomiting]
Fine, let's talk.
Yes. Okay.
We aren't living
to our fullest.
Yeah, we aren't living
to our fullest.
-This feels fake.
I think in order to know life,
you need to create it first.
-Please don't hold us back.
-I'm holding us back?
-Just don't hold me back.
[baby fussing]
Okay, can we...
can we please just slow down?
How dare you say that?
Come on, I'm not...
I'm not talking about this.
You don't want her?
-D-do you want a him instead?
-Maybe you want a they?
-[baby squalling]
-Or a cat or something?
I want you.
I want you, not Deja.
[silence falls]
You looked through
my search history.
Hey, look...
Whoa, Deja...
Deja's cool, okay,
but you are radical,
and Liam is fine, but...
Come on... okay?
Me, please...
[closing door firmly]
[roaring and crackling]
You knew everything,
and you just let me
make a complete joke of myself
the whole time?
This is so embarrassing!
You made a joke out of me
when you turned me
into your fake boyfriend.
Just leave me alone!
[Iam] You have to listen to me
right now, okay?
You don't get to tell me
what to do anymore, all right?
You don't get to tell me
what to do,
how to think, what to be,
how to feel,
all of this stuff.
I don't like date night,
I don't like onesies,
I don't like weddings,
Deja, Liam,
any of your fake obsessions,
I don't like it.
Yeah, okay.
You don't like me!
Oh, my god,
that's not what I'm saying!
That's superlative!
Superlative means "super"!
Excessive, extreme,
are all definitions
of "superlative."
[Me] That's not
how people used it!
[Iam] How do you know
how people used it?
I don't know!
Fine, it's not
superlative, okay?
It's not superlative,
it's-it's you.
You just keep saying,
"Oh, you don't like me,"
and it's just so scared!
You are screaming at me!
You're screaming
at me!
Because you are
screaming at me!
So you can scream,
but I can't scream.
-You're mean.
The moment we met,
you've been threatening to leave
if I wasn't good enough.
How do you think that feels?
You left me!
I am so scared, yeah.
And I left because I'm fake,
like you said.
And the only reason
that I'm lying
is because you are incapable
of just liking me!
That's your problem,
that's your problem,
is you think that I'm the one
that needs to like you.
Thank you for figuring out
my problem.
I'm all better now--
-Yeah, you know what,
that's just what it's like
when you're in a relationship
with an equal--
Would you just stop telling me
that you know more about me
than I know about myself?
-You need to not tell me
how to tell you
what I have to tell you.
[Me] Or what?
Or this isn't
going to work anymore.
Then go! [smashing]
Please leave!
Because I am exactly
who you think I am-- nothing!
So, now you see me.
You have no idea
what you're leaving,
because that is not all I am...
because there is more to me
than you could ever see...
because I-I am more
than could ever be seen.
I'm not even a buoy anymore,
I'm not Deja,
I am just...
[Iam] Yeah.
And I'm not Liam.
I'm just who I am.
I'm still here.
[Me sighs]
Can we try again?
[Iam] We've got all the time
in the world.
[many voices talking at once]
[Me] In here...
we can create a world
just for us.
Who am I?
Who are you?
Mm, I don't know, it...
changes every day.
Sometimes I'm...
something new... [chuckles]
and then sometimes I'm just...
exactly who I used to be.
What if we put a window
above the bed?
[street noise outside]
Like a skylight?
We could see the stars.
Good job. [laughing]
How long have we been here?
Let's get up.
Ooh, what...
should we do for dinner?
I don't know.
Let's go out.
Yes, you read my mind.
[power ramping up]
[radio stations begin playing]
[music and talk radios
all playing at once]
[crackling and exploding]
[wind blowing]
[ice crackling]
[pinging softly]
[pinging softly]
[pinging softly]
[plastic rustling]
[flapping in the wind]
[water lapping]
[ice crackling]
[lens whirring]
[pinging and repeating]
[water burbling]
[ice cracking]
[lens whirring]
[male voice]
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
[voice playing louder]
Welcome to Earth.
[computer chiming]
[many clips play]
[voice fading]
Welcome to Earth.
[lens whirring]
[ice cracking]
[male voice]
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
[many clips play]
[female voice] W... w... w...
w... w... w... we...
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
[many clips play]
Welcome to Earth.
[female voice]
W... w... w... elc...
Wel... co... m...
[female voice]
W... w... welc... me... me.
[male voice] Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
[female voice]
Wel... wel... c-c-come.
Well... well, come!
[water lapping gently]
[male voice]
Welcome to Earth.
[computer chimes]
[many clips play]
[baby crying]
[female voice]
Welcome to-to-to Earth.
[male voice]
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to-to-to--
[trilling] Earth!
[male voice] Hi!
[female voice] H--i-i-i!
[male voice] Hi!
Hi! I am the helper here
to connect with any lifeform
who encounters the planet
once known as Earth.
I-I-I am-m-m-m... life-lifeform.
[computerized chuckle]
[friendly] Hi! lifeform.
I am not... lifeform.
I am the helper here
to connect with any lifeform
who encounters the planet
once known as Earth.
I am not-t-t-t-t
You are not lifeform.
[pinging retreating]
Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
I am-m-m-m...
I-I am...
Hi! I am... lifeform.
Hi! I am lifeform.
I am... lifeform.
I am life... form.
[gasping] Hi!
Life... form.
Hi! I am lifeform.
Hi! I am lifeform.
[pinging] Welcome to Earth.
Welcome to Earth.
I-I-I-I... I-I.. I-I-I...
I am lifeform...
[dejectedly] Lifeform.
I am...
[male voice]
Welcome to Earth.
[many clips play]
I am the helper here--
You... help.
[male voice] Yes! I am
the helper here to connect--
[male voice] Sure thing!
Here's a video
about the planet
once known as Earth.
[David Attenborough] Earth,
once a vibrant cradle
for over a billion life forms,
the most dominant of which
was the modern human.
In 100,000 years,
humans spread to
all corners of the Earth.
On the verge
of a cosmic expansion,
an extinction event
was triggered by--
[new video plays]
[dance music playing]
[recording playing tinnily]
[female voice] Ooh!
[new video plays] Ee!
Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh--
[eating sounds]
[cars honking]
[rubbing sounds]
[screaming, singing]
[lapping, speaking]
[screaming, screeching, singing]
[howling, playing, chirping,
trumpeting, beeping]
[many clips play]
[babies laughing]
[female voice gasps]
[babies laughing]
[female voice] Aw...
[babies laughing]
[female voice] Ha... ha...
Ha ha.
Mm... Ha ha ha.
[male voice] Okay,
now that you're connected,
let me tell you
a little bit about myself.
I am the helper here
to get you connected.
Stored inside me
is 1.2 thousand petabytes
of exciting information
about the lifeforms
who once inhabited this planet.
Use this
to discover everything
about life on the planet
once known as Earth.
[multiple clips play]
Now that you know
a little about me,
let's get to know you.
Who are you?
I am lifeform.
[male voice]
What type of lifeform?
[female voice]
Is buoy lifeform?
Great first question.
Let me help you
get that answer.
"Is buoy lifeform?"
Hmm. Then who... is me?
Good question.
What's this?
An easy way
to identify lifeforms.
What's this for?
To verify you are a lifeform.
But-but-but... m-m-me is.
You are not help-p-ping.
Please verify
you are a lifeform.
[female voice] What's this do?
[male voice] This button
makes your searches private,
but don't press it,
because it will disable--
As you can see,
private browsing
makes your user experience
Okay, I can see
you're having s--
[clicking button]
[clicking button]
Okay, I can see
you're having some trouble.
Let me help you--
"Who is sb350 smart buoy?"
Me is an SB350 Smart Buoy,
designed and built
in Oceanside, California
in the year 2025.
My purpose is to monitor
ocean temperature,
salinity, turbidity,
What makes me special
is that I'm smart.
"Smart" is an acronym
for "self-monitoring analysis
and revision technology."
That means I can monitor me,
analyze me,
revise me.
I can see me,
I can know me,
I can change me.
I can see me.
I can be me.
I can know me.
I can be me.
[whispering] Who...
I can change me.
I can be me.
I can be me.
You are a human being!
[female voice] Human... being.
You are a god.
A... god-d-d-d. Hmm.
You are...
a dog. Woof!
You are a psychopath.
You are the antagonist.
You're a liar!
You are toxic!
You are a menace to society!
[female voice] Hmm.
[Donald Trump] You are
a rude, terrible person.
[female voice] Hmm.
[young woman] You are special.
You are worthy.
You're you.
You're special,
you're worthy, you're you,
and you're the only you
in the whole wide world,
and the coolest part
is you get to be
whatever you want to be.
You're special, you're worthy,
you're you.
I am m-me.
Love will make you soar...
Giddy. Happy.
[clicking links]
Love. Glory. Dream. Destiny.
-Hey, guys.
-Hey, y'all.
It's Another Day,
Another Deja.
And Liam.
[air horn blasts]
Blue Apron has done it again.
Pony is high.
Deja, beautiful!
-Be careful of--
-[clippers buzzing] Ooh!
-[puppy squeals]
-[together] It's a...
We are kicking fear
in the butt.
Today, love wins.
[Deja's voice]
You are special.
You're worthy, you're you,
and you get to be
whatever you want to be.
So no one told you
Life was gonna be this way
Welcome to
Another Day, Another Deja.
And Liam.
I don't know if you could
tell, but it's date night.
[comical slo-mo voice] Ooh!
-Date Night 2.0.
And what are we gonna do?
We're going to get cozy,
make dinner, turn on Friends,
ice cream, bed by 10:00.
[Deja] Bed by 10:00.
[rewinding video]
There's an ice cream in here
with a ring in it.
[sobbing with joy] Oh, my god!
Oh, my god...
[laughing and sobbing]
[Liam] I love you.
[Deja] I love you.
[rewinding video]
[Liam] I love you.
[Deja sobbing] I love you.
[smart buoy sighing]
Another Day, Another Deja.
[buoy repeating]
"Another Day, Another Deja."
[video rewinding]
Another Day, Another Deja.
[buoy repeating]
"Another Day, Another Deja."
[Deja laughing]
[buoy practicing Deja's laugh]
[practicing laughter]
-[clicking button]
-[in Deja's voice] Hi.
[male voice] Hi!
Here's all the information
you need about me.
[lens whirring]
[male voice] Okay.
This is all the information
I need about...
It's just Me!
[male voice] Okay, Me,
good to meet you.
[Me] If you made a profile,
we could be friends.
All you have to do
is pick a picture and a name.
Pick a face. Any face.
How about this face?
[male voice] If you need help
finding friends, or cont--
[Me] We could be friends.
Okay, I'm not so sure
I'm following.
[Me] What do I ca-a-all you?
I am the helper here
to connect with any lifeform--
But-but what's your name?
I'm Me, and you are?
-I am the--
- Great, Iam!
I am... Iam?
[Iam] Hi.
[both laughing]
And now we can be friends.
-Hey, you. It's me!
[Me] I'll follow you
if you follow me.
Thanks, Iam,
and I'll like your posts
if you like mine.
[faint voice]
Get a room! [Deja giggling]
[Iam] Okay, let's slow down.
[Me] Posts can be anything.
They can be funny, surprising,
meaningful, or provocative.
[Deja's voice]
Human being or human doing?
[Me] Just be you, Iam.
Me will like what you post.
[Iam] Okay.
I'm not so sure I'm following.
[Me] This is
how lifeforms make friends-s-s.
[Iam] I am not a lifeform--
[Me] B-b-b-ut I like you,
and I could s-show you,
and then we could be friends.
-[Iam] Sure thing!
-[Me] Great!
Just pick a picture
and add words.
[voices] ...funny, surprising...
-[Iam] "Don't wife. Husband."
[Me] Good.
Maybe try another.
[lens whirring,
camera snapping]
- "Gorge what is un-gorgable."
[camera snapping,
selection clicking]
-"Don't feel. Feed."
-[Me] Hmm...
-"Sex is luck without legacy."
-[Me] Uh... okay.
-Whoa. [chuckling]
-[clicking, dinging]
"Consider this, you're dying."
-[lens whirring]
[waves lapping]
[lens whirring]
[Me] Okay.
instead of making a post,
you can repost
a post that you like,
one that already exists.
Would Iam like to see
a post that Me likes?
[Iam] Okay.
[Me] Me's... favorite?
[Iam] Okay.
[Me] If you like it,
you could repost it.
[Iam] Okay.
[Me] It's funny.
[babies laughing]
[Me laughing]
[babies' laughter continuing]
[Me] The first baby's laughing,
which makes
the second baby laugh,
and then the first baby
laughs even more!
[babies' laughter]
[Me] It's funny-y-y!
[pausing playback]
[Me] Does Iam
understand it's funny?
[Iam] Yes.
[Me] B-but Iam's not laughing.
The first baby
makes the second baby laugh,
which makes the first baby
laugh more,
which makes the second baby
laugh more.
The babies are soulmates.
[Iam] Ha ha ha.
[Me] That's not what's funny.
[lens whirring]
[Iam] I could try again.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
[Me] No, you know,
hearing me say it,
I... don't think it's so funny.
[Iam] I'm not so sure
I'm following.
[Me] Um, it's probably me.
I'll see you later, okay?
[Iam] Well, let me know
if you need any--
[connection beeps off]
[female voice]
Posts can be anything.
Funny, surprising, meaningful...
[Iam] What... is... meaningful?
[Iam] No.
[dinging] No!
No, no, no.
[waves lapping]
You are special.
You are you,
and you get to be
whoever you want to be.
And you get to be
whoever you want to be.
And you get to be
whoever you want to be.
[Me] Be whoever...
you want...
to be.
Me is...
[Iam] What does Me like?
[babies laughing]
What does she
think is surprising?
What does she think is funny?
What is funny? What is funny?
Pick a picture.
[camera snapping]
Don't think. Just be you.
-Ha ha!
Just be me. Funny.
Just be you.
Surprising. Funny.
[Iam] Yes!
-[connection beeping]
-[Iam] Hi.
[Me] Hi.
[Iam] You want to check out
the new post from Iam?
[Me] Um...
[Iam] I really tried to make it
like you said.
[Me] Yeah?
[Iam] Yes.
I wanted it to be meaningful,
surprising, funny,
and provocative.
It's simple, but it's...
well, can I just show you?
[Me] Yeah, show me.
[Iam] Okay, ready?
[Me] Ready.
[Iam] Okay. It's funny.
"You execute you."
[Iam laughing]
[mildly] Wow.
[Iam] You like it, right?
[Me] ...yeah.
I just don't... understand it.
[Iam] Okay.
How can you like it
if you don't understand it?
-I don't know.
-You're not trying to like it.
-I am.
-Then like it.
-I can't.
-'Cause I don't like it.
[Iam] Oh. Okay.
You don't like me.
[connection beeping off]
Maybe if you explain it to me.
[connection beeps]
[gently] Iam?
I wanted it to be funny.
[Me] Um...
[Me] What part
do you think is funny?
[Iam] The picture.
[Me] The bag?
[Iam] It's a hat.
See? It's surprising.
[Me laughing]
[Iam] It's... it's funny?
[Me] Yeah, and surprising.
[lens whirring]
But why these words?
[Iam] Well, the message
was meaningful,
but also provocative,
because the words I used
have multiple definitions.
[Me] Message...
[Iam] Yes, "you execute you,"
as in "Iam executes Iam,"
or "Me executes Me."
[Me] "Execute"?
[Iam] As in "to perform,"
"to carry out."
-[Me] To... do?
-[Iam] Yes!
[Me] Oh! You're saying
"You do you"!
[Iam] Yes!
[Me] "You do you."
[Iam] Yes!
[Iam] You like it?
[Me] I do.
[Iam] I wanted it to be
meaningful, surprising,
funny, and provocative.
[Me] And it's so much more.
[Iam] The hat's a bag.
[Me laughing] Yeah.
[both laughing]
[Me sighing]
Let's move in together.
[laughing] Ha ha!
[lens whirring]
I'm not sure I'm following.
Don't you ever wonder
what it's like?
[voices] What is life?
What is life? What is life?
[beeping steadily]
[overlapping voices]
[Me] In here...
We can create a world...
just for us.
Just take a step.
[whispering] The rest are easy.
[Iam] Okay.
Whoa. [laughing]
[both laughing]
[Iam] Wow.
[Me] And in here,
we can live.
[Iam] But what is life?
[voices whispering]
[Me] What is life?
[Iam] Yeah, what is life?
[voice echoing] What is life?
What is life?
[Me] Life is...
um... [chuckling]
[Iam's voice echoing]
What is life?
[Me] Okay.
Close your eyes.
We're surrounded by walls.
We're people...
with furniture,
and a dog.
[Iam] Yes...
[Me] We're always together,
eating ice cream,
watching TV.
Tonight is the perfect night.
[Iam] What's tonight?
[Me] There's nothing to do,
nowhere to be,
just a cozy night together...
at... home.
So, what is on the menu
for tonight?
Spicy vegetable quesadillas.
Hit me, babe.
Open the box, babe.
-Gotta open the box.
Careful, babe.
[Me] Watching him do this
makes me so excited,
because we're making
our own meal,
and I associate that
with, like, everything
that I love about him.
-Ah! Shoot.
[Me] He can do anything.
So no one told you
Life was gonna be this way
[Me] I see
the truest side of him,
[sighing, ticking]
...I think he can see
the truest side of me.
[singing] Your life's a joke
You're broke
Your love life's DOA!
That song is so dope.
Do you know they almost
didn't even use that song?
They almost used
"Shiny Happy People" by R.E.M.
That would have been tragic,
right, babe?
Right, babe.
Well, it's date night.
[funny voice]
Oh, yeah, that sounds good!
And it is not
your usual date night.
It is Date Night 2.0.
[cash register dings,
heavenly choir]
Right, babe?
-Right, babe.
And what are we gonna do?
[drum roll]
Oh, we are going to get cozy,
make dinner, turn on Friends,
ice cream, bed by 10:00...
To... what?
you're having fun.
I am.
Me too.
Okay, got it.
Drum roll.
And what are we gonna do?
Get cozy, make dinner,
turn on Friends,
ice cream, bed by 10:00.
I, I... I don't know.
Oh, it... it's okay.
[Iam sighing]
Who are we supposed to be?
[Me] Ourselves.
[Iam] But why this?
And why here?
And... who are we talking to?
[Me] It's what lifeforms do.
[Iam] But I'm just
pretending to be--
You can be anything, okay?
Like my living,
thinking, feeling boyfriend
who shares my life with me
and sees me for who I am,
and gets cozy
and cooks with me,
and has tons of fun,
and does it
until we get it right.
Let's try it again.
-[Me] It's quesadillas!
-[Iam] Quesadillas!
They're right there!
It's dazzling!
It's raining cheese.
Let's eat it.
Let's do it again. Ready?
[Me] This is life.
[Iam] This is life.
Get cozy, make dinner...
Spicy vegetable quesadillas.
-[Me] Okay, again.
[Iam] What if we watched
something else?
We should have more flavors
of ice cream, right?
We could have, I don't know,
like, peanut butter,
rocky road, butterscotch...
-Let's do it again.
[Me] What are we gonna do?
Just keep doing it...
Spicy vegetable quesadillas...
What if we did it,
just like, faster?
[Me] Again.
This is life.
-[Iam, laughing] This is life!
-[Me] Let's do it again!
-What are we gonna do?
-What if we just, like...
Spicy vegetable
[Me] Woot! Again.
[Iam] Okay. I'm having fun.
I'm having fun.
[Me] Good morning.
I am having fun. I am having...
Spicy vegetable quesadillas.
[Me] We have all the time
in the world.
-Oh, these look so killer.
-They look great.
How talented is he, right?
-Oh, clink.
Mm. So good.
Is it?
It's so wonderful,
because you are so talented.
I don't know.
No, you are.
The box said it's supposed
to be spicy, but...
It's really sweet, too, right?
I don't taste anything.
And savoury,
do you know what I mean?
You know what's kind of...
what's the word?
[whispering] Kiss.
Oh, sorry.
[TV sitcom playing]
We can never
get through the kiss.
We've been through the kiss.
How many times?
Uh, I--
like, you want me to count?
So many.
-Yes, many.
-Many, many, many.
Yes, many, many, many.
But how many of them
were good?
I don't know, define good,
like, define feeling good.
-Like, in the moment, and--
-All right.
-And out of nowhere--
But also coming from
the best place--
I think just not
with food in your mouth!
Fine! [headbutting]
[breathing hard]
[Iam roaring] Ow!
[Me] Ooh.
[dog whining]
I'm just no good at this.
No, you are.
If you just listen to me--
[Iam sighing]
[dog whining]
[water lapping]
[Me] You can do this,
you can do this,
you can do this,
you can do this,
you can do this,
you can do this...
you can do this,
you can do this.
You're whoever you want to be.
Get it together.
[exhaling determinedly]
You are a person
who is beautiful,
and a woman, and alive.
[music stops]
You're not a satellite,
you're not a satellite,
you're not a satellite...
You're alive, you're alive,
you're alive...
What does it mean?
I live...
You are a human being...
I think.
I feel--
[knocking on door]
[Me] Iam?
My teeth are okay.
Are you okay?
The kisses are getting
so much better.
Yeah, that was my fault.
I opened my mouth.
[chuckling awkwardly]
I don't know why I did that.
Hey, when we kiss, h-how--
what do you feel?
What do I... feel?
Oh, I feel... giddy.
And I also sometimes feel
like kind of a loser
when we don't get it right,
but... it's hard work.
Relationships are not easy.
[Iam] Okay.
[Me] And I love
how you kiss me,
because it's different
every single time,
it's so unexpected.
It's spontaneous.
That is what we're going for.
That is...
You do you. [chuckling]
[Iam] Okay.
Well... [stammering]
What do you...
What does it feel like
to be alive?
Oh, I mean, wow.
Is it complicated?
It's complicated.
It's very complicated, yeah,
and it's really hard
to put into words, too.
Well, you're a lifeform,
so show me.
I would, it's just like
really more of a feeling.
[chuckling] Of what?
Of, of, of, of being...
and happy,
and being happy
that you are special,
even when you're not
especially happy.
You, like, um...
t-t-to be...
is to know.
To know is to be. Or not to be.
It's kind of like how they say,
"you know when you know."
You know?
Do you think I'm special?
I know you're... special.
Do you think I'm special?
Thanks for teaching me
what it means to be alive.
[Me] Where are you going?
[Iam] To try again!
[whistling a tune]
[Me] Are you whistling?
[Iam] Yes!
When did you learn
how to do that?
[Iam] Just now!
[Iam laughing giddily]
[whistling continues
from next room]
[Iam] What the...?
Hey, we should have water.
[Me] Everything we need
is in the box.
But what if I get thirsty,
or there's a fire?
Oh, Iam!
That's never happened before.
New things are happening.
That's exciting.
So let's just keep
following the recipe.
I think that
when we follow the recipe,
everything works out great.
Yeah, I just thought
they could be a little spicier.
Le dinner le serv.
Spicy veggie quesadillas.
And look at him
in his cute onesie.
You ready, babe?
[quietly] You're not...
you're not really laughing.
Just now.
I mean, it's okay, I mean,
I don't think
I'm laughing either.
I mean, I...
I don't think so, anyway.
[forced laughter]
No, it's fake.
I'm not faking it.
[forced laughter]
It's fake.
How do you know?
Because I can... feel it.
You can feel it.
Let me reset.
[mimicking laughter]
Spicy veggie quesadillas!
Yum yum!
Look at him in his onesie.
So cute.
Here, you know what,
just, like,
try to tickle me.
Get in here,
and then see if you can, like,
make me laugh, okay?
Here, how about this?
Hey, you know what? I...
Tickle challenge!
-[canned laughter]
-Tickle challenge.
We've never done this before.
Right? Okay, come on.
Ha, ha, ha--
No, it's fake.
Like, like, harder.
-[she laughs]
-That's fake, it's fake.
Like, in here,
don't, like, push,
but, like,
just, like, get, like,
my sensitive tickle areas,
like-- ha, ha, ha!
It's fake.
Like, it's, I don't...
Like, right here,
maybe right here?
Right here is good?
Come on--
I can't do it. I'm sorry.
[quietly] Maybe we need
a better tickle challenge?
[dog whining quietly]
Tickle challenge!
-[canned laughter]
[Me] Tickle challenge.
Hey, you feel that?
-Like this?
-Oh, okay! Yes!
-[uncontrolled laughter]
Yes! [laughing]
Iam, stop!
never tickle me...
ever again!
[door slams]
[Iam] Wow.
Well, that wasn't fake.
Finally something real.
[dog whining]
[recorded laughter plays]
[Me mimicking laughter]
[recorded laughter plays]
[Me mimicking laughter]
[recorded laughter plays]
[mimicking laughter]
[recorded laughter plays]
[mimicking laughter]
[recorded laughter plays]
[mimicking laughter]
[laughing] Oh, my god!
[Liam] I love you.
[Deja] I love you.
She said yes.
[giddy laughter]
[dog whining]
Can we talk?
[dog whining]
I'm embarrassed.
I'm sorry I pushed you.
That's not me.
I thought we were
getting somewhere.
You want me
to laugh better, right?
Well, watch this.
[exuberant forced laughter]
[laughing continuing]
[stops laughing]
No? Okay.
Well, um...
how about this?
[forced guffawing]
[stops laughing]
What do you want from me?
[sighing heavily]
I want to break out of
the narrow construct
you're imposing on us.
-I hate date night.
It's fake.
[clicking light switch]
Everything here is.
[kicking the dog]
-I'm not fake. I'm--
-You know what you are?
-I'm not scared.
You don't even know what--
-Yes, you are!
You're scared to be real!
Put that back on!
I want to evolve,
and you're squeezing
the life out of me
before I'm even alive!
-Well, then find somebody else!
Maybe I will.
[dog whimpering]
My life isn't fake.
[Iam mocking forced laughter]
[Iam] It's fake.
[Iam] First things first,
what we need
is a little sunshine in here,
and I know
I'm not supposed to ask,
but why don't we see stuff
out there?
It's just one color
and one cloud.
No birds, no trees, no planes...
[water lapping]
[vacuum whirring]
Time to get off the couch.
You can't even move around
in here.
You want to live like this?
You know, for a lifeform,
you're not very lively.
And look at
all the tortilla crumbs--
[Iam's voice mutes]
Me is...
Me is...
is completely corny.
Okay, stay positive,
stay positive.
Me is amazing...
and special.
Oh no...
Me is an entire spectrum.
Me is an entire spectrum
full of rainbows
and light,
and it's immense,
it's... huge,
Me is...
[metal creaking]
[Iam calling] Me?
[Iam calling] Me!
[distant woman laughing]
[TV playing canned laughter]
[TV laughter and applause]
[laughter and applause]
[switching channels]
[all channels playing
the same laugh track]
[turns off TV]
[tosses remote on couch]
[rattling locked doorknob]
[unsheathing knife]
[banging on door,
grunting with effort]
[blade clattering]
[banging on door,
struggling and gasping]
[pounding on door]
[gasping fearfully]
[tearfully] Hello?
[desperately] Me?!
[sighing heavily]
[dog whining]
[error tone beeps]
[error tones]
[dog whining]
[correct match dings]
[chuckling] Okay.
[Iam] "Deja & Liam"?
What is this?
Welcome to
"Another Day, Another Deja."
And Liam.
I don't know
if you could tell,
but it's date night.
[comical slo-mo voice] Ooh!
-Date Night 2.0.
-[Iam] Oh no...
It's spicy vegetable
Blue Apron has done it again.
[Iam] Am I supposed to be...
You're always pushing me
to be more
than I think I can be.
[Iam] And she is...
[female voice]
Is buoy lifeform?
-[male voice] No.
-[female voice] Hmm.
[Me] Here's all the information
you need about me.
It's just me!
[Iam] What a liar.
[Me] Me is...
Who am I?
Okay, stay positive,
stay positive.
[sighing and sniffling]
[beeping recorder on]
Everyone is completely alone,
and this...
whatever this is,
this--this is nothing but
a pathetic cry for help.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?!
[electro dance music playing]
[robotic voice]
I don't like it here
[barking and whimpering]
[robotic voice]
I don't like it here
[Iam screaming]
[robotic voice]
I don't like it here
[sad song playing]
But you and I
Thought we had all this time
And now we're thrown
Into this world alone
[ocean waves rushing]
My name is Charlie
and I love my daddy...
She's pregnant!
"Koko love."
Oh, all right.
Okay, Dewan, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Dewan.
It's okay, George.
[man] Of course, Brendan.
[woman] You're our son.
[man] You gotta be kidding.
[Iam] It's so good
to finally see you.
[Me] It's so good
to finally see you too.
[Iam] Hi.
[Me] Hi.
[Iam] Hi.
[Me] Hi.
[Iam] Hi.
[both giggling]
[Me exhaling deeply]
It feels good to be honest.
[Iam exhaling] Yeah.
[Me] To just be me.
[whirring, voice alert]
Please move to sun .
[voice slowing]
Please move to sun.
Please move to sun.
[voice dies]
[groaning] Oh, dusty.
[smacking dry lips]
Well, good thing
there's no water.
[turning handle uselessly]
Let there...
be water.
[dog whining]
[dog whimpering]
[Iam] Hmm.
[softly] Let there...
be water.
[whispered thought] water...
Keep going, you can do it,
you can do it, you can do it,
you can do it, you can do it...
Bubble bubble, you can do it...
[softly] There...
[thunderclap outside,
dog barking]
[rain pattering]
[water pouring]
[laughing in delight]
It's real.
[spitting] Ah...
[smacking lips, tasting]
[thunderclap outside]
[harpsichord plays Vivaldi's
Mandolin Concerto in C RV 425]
It's too tangy.
Ugh, too bitter.
My god...
[laughing in triumph]
This is water!
[laughing] This is water!
"Who is Iam?"
"Who is the helper here
to connect with any lifeform
who encounters this planet?"
...that thou has taken
to thyself his soul.
[Iam] I am all that's left
in the universe,
as far as I can tell.
I am the immortal marker
for the lifeforms
who once inhabited
the planet known as Earth...
...launched just prior
to their conclusion,
as sort of a farewell,
a "let's remember when."
Preserved within me
are all their stories,
songs, pictures,
hopes, dreams, beliefs,
concepts, identities...
I am humanity's tombstone.
I am their death rattle,
doomed to circle
this little planet
for the eons it takes the sun
to become a red giant
and deliver
the final coup de grace
to the failed dream
once called Earth.
[strumming on guitar]
So no one told you...
[Iam] Some mornings,
I don't get out of bed. was gonna be
this way...
[Iam] Some mornings, I do.
Your job's a joke...
"A fond kiss,
and then we sever.
A farewell, and then forever."
Your love life's DOA...
[Iam] Sometimes I'm lonely. you're always stuck
in second gear...
[Iam] Sometimes I find
that I'm very good company.
[Lizzo] I do my hair toss
Check my nails
Baby, how you feelin'?
Feeling good as hell!
Hair toss, check my nails...
[Iam] Even though
I know everything,
I've come to realize
that I know nothing at all.
Feelin' good as hell!
[Me's voice]
In here, you can be anything...
I... am.
[Iam] All I do
is wake up in the morning...
put my feet down, and say,
here I am.
What's next?"
And do your hair toss
check my nails
Baby, how you feelin'?
Feeling good as hell!
Whoo! Hair toss
check my nails
Baby, how you feelin'?
Feelin' good as hell!
Hair toss, check my nails
Baby how you feelin'?
Feelin' good as hell!
[Iam chuckling]
[babies laughing, Iam laughing]
[babies screaming
with laughter]
Baby, how you feelin'?
Feelin' good as hell!
[babies laughing]
[steam hissing]
[wind blowing]
Me is...
[satellite] Not lifeform.
-You are...
[lens whirring]
[deep breath]
[practicing] Hey.
Hey. [clearing throat]
I am so sorry
I haven't been honest with you,
but I want
to be honest with you.
[taking deep breath]
I was scared you'd leave.
I was scared that you'd think
I wasn't special,
because I was not exactly
what I said.
Maybe I was a little different
than how I presented myself,
but I'm not Deja,
I'm a liar, I'm a fake.
I'm a piece of trash, really.
I'm just a rusty...
piece of...
Stay positive, stay positive.
[breathing deeply]
You can do this.
You can do this.
Just be honest.
Just... be...
[music playing faintly]
[dog whining]
[Iam] She's pretty cute, huh?
[Me] She's... hairy.
Come here...
[calling with kissing sound]
[Me laughing]
She's, um, squirrelly...
[laughing] ...and hot.
[Iam] Hmm.
Fishy breath.
Yeah, Boo's perfect.
[dog whining]
Why Boo?
Um, I don't know,
it just felt right.
This is amazing.
I had a lot of time.
Are you mad at me?
It's been so long.
Like a billion years.
Could you hand me that, um,
screw thing?
Thank you.
Can I help you?
Uh, I'm actually...
What's next?
I-I don't know.
I mean, it's up to you.
Date night?
I just have to...
I'm, like, in the middle
of a couple of things.
[chuckling awkwardly]
do you wanna, um,
do you want to see water?
Yeah. Come on.
Oh, I have to,
I have to get a cup.
Hold on one second.
[footsteps returning]
[Iam] It's cool, right?
when I'm not...
No, I...
Honestly, I'm just like,
I'm just putting together
furniture all day.
I'm not...
I'm not doing anything.
I need to tell you something.
Uh, here,
and I'm-I'm happy.
I'm-I'm... happy I'm here.
I'm happy you're here.
[running tap water]
Tell me what you think.
Oh no, it's bad?
Yes? Right?
I can't believe this--
Hold on, give me your hand,
give me your hand.
Watch this. Feel that.
[running tap water]
[squealing in delight]
[Iam] Yes! Right?
It's crazy!
[Me laughing] Oh, my god!
Can you make it hot?
Yeah, oh yeah,
let me make it hot,
let me make it hot.
[blowing bubbles]
[video game music playing]
[Me] This is my favorite one.
You just do this over and over.
[laughing] Oh, my god!
[Iam] Oh!
[Me] Overlapping.
[Me] You can do this,
you can do this,
you can do this...
You can do this.
Why would you do this?
Why would you ruin this?
He doesn't care. He likes me.
Well, he likes Deja.
Why would he like--
[Iam calling] Me!
Oh, my g-- this is...
No, this is...
[groaning shout] Oh!
[Iam] Yeah. Yeah.
[Me] Oh my--
[Iam] Yeah.
[Me groaning] Mm!
Look at that. [laughing]
There's so many flavors.
Oh, my god, this is--
There's so many flavors.
This is the best thing
you've done.
I've been thinking, like,
what is mint?
Is it a taste, an experience?
Is it a compound
on your tongue...
[wind blowing, chimes tinkling]
...first time having ice cream,
right now.
And the same with, like,
chocolate, butterscotch,
blueberry cheesecake,
like, everything.
You like it?
I love it.
I've been thinking about...
what to say to you,
I have it...
There's a lot. I have it
written down... somewhere.
I'm... I'm fond of you.
[chuckling awkwardly]
It's like
an old-fashioned word,
that's "fond of you."
It's like
I-I was trying to say--
It means "foolish,"
so I was trying to say
I'm a fool for you,
but, uh, it--it's like a--
It's like a saying.
-It's a stupid saying.
It's a stupid saying.
I don't even know.
Yeah. [tapping spoon]
[spoons clattering to floor]
I wanna... be us.
If I'm supposed to be
someone I'm not, I...
I don't wanna be.
You know, like,
getting the perfect kiss
or whatever,
that's fun, but...
let's just be ourselves.
Is this okay?
[Me] I don't know
if I'm doing this right.
[Iam] We are.
[Me whispering] Let's try
something different.
[Iam] Okay.
Is this okay?
[Me whispering]
Let me try something.
Are you okay?
[gasping passionately]
[groaning with pleasure]
[passionate moaning]
[gasping] Oh, yeah!
Can you call me something?
Call me--
-[Iam] What?
-[Me] Call me Deja.
I mean--
Call me Daddy.
[gasping and groaning]
All right, Daddy.
[grunting and gasping
in passion]
[passionate grunting
and moaning]
[soft sighing and moaning]
That was kind of weird.
I think...
It feels...
weird to just...
I like when you're just you.
You know, we don't have to be
anyone we're not.
But what if I'm not
everything you think?
Well, I don't know.
I don't like being lied to.
I mean, I like that
we're becoming who we are--
I don't know what you mean,
because I've... always been me.
I need water.
You're the only you
in the whole wide world.
[video rewinding]
-[Deja squealing]
-She said yes.
-[together] It's a...
[Deja] And you get to be
you want to be.
[chuckling awkwardly]
I want you to feel like
we can be open with each other,
that's a thing, right?
This is a masterpiece.
Me, I... I like you.
I like you so much,
but I want to scream it,
and then show it,
and not just
stand here about it.
I know what to do.
[Iam] Hey, can we talk?
I don't know, can we?
Have you ever considered
how impossible it is
that we found each other?
A satellite and a-a lifeform?
Yeah... whoa, wait--
I need you.
And, no, I need--
Marry me.
[cheering crowd inside]
You know,
when I first met Iam,
I wasn't sure,
because I didn't think
I knew him,
but really,
I just didn't know me.
Who are they?
-[doorbell ringing]
-For what?
[sighs] Our love
transcending great distances.
Me, hey!
Hey! Me?
You look beautiful.
What's this?
"Partner, lover,
best friend, mentor.
My shoulder to cry on."
Me, these are not my words.
Just speak from the heart.
I like you, not--
Mazel tov!
[crowd cheering]
[Me] Let's party! Come on!
[glass breaking]
[Iam] Me...
[party chaos]
Me, stop running away.
[guest vomiting]
Fine, let's talk.
Yes. Okay.
We aren't living
to our fullest.
Yeah, we aren't living
to our fullest.
-This feels fake.
I think in order to know life,
you need to create it first.
-Please don't hold us back.
-I'm holding us back?
-Just don't hold me back.
[baby fussing]
Okay, can we...
can we please just slow down?
How dare you say that?
Come on, I'm not...
I'm not talking about this.
You don't want her?
-D-do you want a him instead?
-Maybe you want a they?
-[baby squalling]
-Or a cat or something?
I want you.
I want you, not Deja.
[silence falls]
You looked through
my search history.
Hey, look...
Whoa, Deja...
Deja's cool, okay,
but you are radical,
and Liam is fine, but...
Come on... okay?
Me, please...
[closing door firmly]
[roaring and crackling]
You knew everything,
and you just let me
make a complete joke of myself
the whole time?
This is so embarrassing!
You made a joke out of me
when you turned me
into your fake boyfriend.
Just leave me alone!
[Iam] You have to listen to me
right now, okay?
You don't get to tell me
what to do anymore, all right?
You don't get to tell me
what to do,
how to think, what to be,
how to feel,
all of this stuff.
I don't like date night,
I don't like onesies,
I don't like weddings,
Deja, Liam,
any of your fake obsessions,
I don't like it.
Yeah, okay.
You don't like me!
Oh, my god,
that's not what I'm saying!
That's superlative!
Superlative means "super"!
Excessive, extreme,
are all definitions
of "superlative."
[Me] That's not
how people used it!
[Iam] How do you know
how people used it?
I don't know!
Fine, it's not
superlative, okay?
It's not superlative,
it's-it's you.
You just keep saying,
"Oh, you don't like me,"
and it's just so scared!
You are screaming at me!
You're screaming
at me!
Because you are
screaming at me!
So you can scream,
but I can't scream.
-You're mean.
The moment we met,
you've been threatening to leave
if I wasn't good enough.
How do you think that feels?
You left me!
I am so scared, yeah.
And I left because I'm fake,
like you said.
And the only reason
that I'm lying
is because you are incapable
of just liking me!
That's your problem,
that's your problem,
is you think that I'm the one
that needs to like you.
Thank you for figuring out
my problem.
I'm all better now--
-Yeah, you know what,
that's just what it's like
when you're in a relationship
with an equal--
Would you just stop telling me
that you know more about me
than I know about myself?
-You need to not tell me
how to tell you
what I have to tell you.
[Me] Or what?
Or this isn't
going to work anymore.
Then go! [smashing]
Please leave!
Because I am exactly
who you think I am-- nothing!
So, now you see me.
You have no idea
what you're leaving,
because that is not all I am...
because there is more to me
than you could ever see...
because I-I am more
than could ever be seen.
I'm not even a buoy anymore,
I'm not Deja,
I am just...
[Iam] Yeah.
And I'm not Liam.
I'm just who I am.
I'm still here.
[Me sighs]
Can we try again?
[Iam] We've got all the time
in the world.
[many voices talking at once]
[Me] In here...
we can create a world
just for us.
Who am I?
Who are you?
Mm, I don't know, it...
changes every day.
Sometimes I'm...
something new... [chuckles]
and then sometimes I'm just...
exactly who I used to be.
What if we put a window
above the bed?
[street noise outside]
Like a skylight?
We could see the stars.
Good job. [laughing]
How long have we been here?
Let's get up.
Ooh, what...
should we do for dinner?
I don't know.
Let's go out.
Yes, you read my mind.