Love, Repeat (2020) Movie Script

It's all a mystery,
the wait and see
Which way the wind will blow
But I know how
much I love you
Yes, I know
heard that singing?
That was me, singing my
favorite song, "Yes, I Know."
It's the song my wife
and I fell in love to.
And these are some of the
places where we fell in love.
New York is such
a magical place.
You feel like
anything can happen.
We fell in love in winter,
so it's my favorite
time of the year.
I fell for the most beautiful
woman I ever met, Barbara.
I'm the luckiest
guy in the world.
Here's the place
I sometimes work.
This is where I live.
And these are my best friends.
As you can see,
they're glamorous.
These are my parents.
You know what those are like.
These are the
people I care about.
They're special,
just like New York.
This is my son Chris.
I'm proud of him.
And this is Barbara.
Isn't she something?
I'm James.
Oh, I forgot to say,
we got divorced.
But I'm still in love with
her, and I want her back.
I want her back bad.
Love, repeat.
Get it?
- With dating, the main thing
you have to do is
criticize her slightly
and compliment her immediately.
It confuses them, then
they can't resist you.
And remember, we're both
geeks, but with a sexy edge.
That's my boy.
- Ho ho ho.
It really puts me
in the holiday mood.
- This place is fancy.
I've never been to a
rare book room before.
You're in publishing?
- And you work for a bank.
- Yeah, I could never get
a loan myself, though.
Bad credit.
- Shh, I won't tell
"Money Magazine."
Do you have children?
- One. Leandra.
She's just like me.
She tells the truth,
even when she shouldn't.
- Oh, I wish she'd
go into politics.
- James, I hope
you'll excuse me.
My sister tells me I
have a lot of opinions.
She tells me you shouldn't
judge people right away.
You should get to know
them a few minutes.
And I have to tell you,
I don't find you attractive.
- Oh, that's okay.
I get that a lot.
- Really?
- Yeah.
It's okay.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Sorry.
- Yeah.
Yeah, you don't have to...
You can relax now.
- Okay.
- We can just-
- Well, yeah.
- Like read a book or something,
if you feel like reading.
- I don't really, like, read.
Aced that one.
But it's hard to compare
anyone to Barbara.
She's sort of like
Helen of Troy to me.
See what I mean?
It explains the Trojan War.
- All right, sweet one,
Daddy will get you to school
despite his existential angst.
Last minute rehearsal.
Love you.
Thanks, James.
I can always count on you.
- How are you doing?
- Dad, I don't know
how much longer
I can take this
amicable divorce thing.
I know how much I love you
Yes, I know
- No, just no.
- I'm sorry, Chad, I've
let you down again.
- You cannot be in
love with your ex-wife.
That's got to stop now.
You're gonna take the
Chad's Ladies Challenge.
Seven ladies in seven days.
You've already been
on the first one.
- Yeah, but will I
survive the next six?
- Look at you.
James, just so handsome
after all these years.
You were always just
such a lovely, nice guy.
- Thank you, thank you.
- Yeah.
- And you were
always a lovely lady.
- Well, I'm kicking
myself a little bit,
you know, that I didn't
scoop you up back then.
We live and we learn.
- Well, very nice of you to say.
And how is your business?
You have that...
- No longer.
No longer.
- Oh.
- It's okay. There was just a
bit of an embezzlement issue.
- Somebody embezzled
in your company?
- I did, and I was
just, you know,
sorta stuck in the
apartment for a bit,
but that is the past
and we're here now.
You and I are here now.
So what's your schedule
like these days?
- Barbara's dating Frank?
- Check.
- And I've passed on
seven names to James.
Now, they can both move on.
- How did we get
so smart and sexy?
My ex-wife
is dating another man.
Well, I always like a challenge.
- I don't know, Chad, maybe
I'm no good at dating.
Ugh! All you need
is confidence, like me.
- What do you do?
- I write a blog,
on relationships.
- Oh, wow.
- Mm.
- I'm an editor of
literary fiction.
- Oh, wow.
- Tell me about your work.
- Oh, well, my
latest post was about
how men often expect women
to do all the work
in a relationship.
They think, you know, women
are just gonna make it happen.
But if they don't
step up to the plate,
they could wind up losing
the love of their life.
Have you ever experienced that?
Oh, and this isn't happening.
Sometimes, when
life gets too complicated,
I take long walks.
Do you ever do that?
I go back to places Barbara
and I went together,
the top of the Empire
State Building,
a boat ride around Manhattan,
that little French restaurant
in the village we both love.
But remembering isn't
gonna bring her back.
My question is, what will?
- Oh, thank goodness
you've come.
- What's wrong?
- Where is my suitcase?
- It's on the top shelf
behind the blankets.
- What happened?
- Your father is moving out.
- What?
- Are you sure you didn't
throw it out?
- I'm not demented, yet!
Your father has decided
that he isn't getting
what he needs with me,
that maybe there's
another woman out there
that's better for him.
Well, good luck to him.
- What are you talking about?
- Nothing.
Nothing. It's time you
found another woman.
- Well, go!
- Oh, you've got it.
- I was only flirting
with that sales girl.
- Why did I ever marry you?
I must have lost my mind!
- Because I make life
interesting for you, Lavanya.
You wouldn't want me to
be like James, would you?
Who wants reliable?
- I would.
You're having an affair!
- Lavanya, I could
never cheat on you.
Besides, that sales girl
had slightly crooked teeth.
- I'm like Barbara.
I want a divorce.
parents are separating,
my best friends are breaking up.
Nice of them to remind me.
It all makes me
remember my own divorce.
- "Go to the library
if you want more"?
- More.
- A scavenger hunt.
This is fun!
Wait, okay.
- Yeah.
- K.
- Getting it.
- L.
- Uh-huh.
- Oh!
"Great Literary Editors of
the 19th Century Volume Two."
- And it's signed by the author.
It's a first edition.
It completes our collection.
- This is it?
- Uh-huh.
- For our 10th
wedding anniversary?
- Yeah.
- Can't believe this, James,
this is what I've
been talking about.
have I done wrong now?
it's not just this.
I mean, last year, it
was a gift certificate.
She says
I don't understand her.
- And you're thinking that
maybe somehow this is symbolic.
says I'm not in touch
with my feelings.
- "Why is she getting
so emotional?"
- What's wrong with
being rational?
She's right.
- Can't we just talk
about it calmly?
- When is love rational?
And, James, listen,
a wise man once said, "To
love someone is to know them."
Do you remember this ring?
You gave it to me, when you
asked me to get married.
When you're ready to
know me, really know me,
give this ring back to
me and we can start over.
And that's how
it ended, with a simple word.
Time to move on,
even though that's the
last thing I want to do.
- Hi.
Thanks for having us over.
I'd like you to meet Frank.
This is Frank.
Young, handsome, and rich.
I haven't got a chance.
- Mom, I don't understand
why you and Dad got divorced.
You match, like
those little people
on top of the wedding cake.
- First, our marriage
worked and then it didn't.
Sometimes, even good
people can't make it work.
- I helped Dad get ready for
a date, but I made a mistake.
That can happen to great minds.
You two belong together,
and I'm going to do
something about it,
despite that Frank
guy I've heard about.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I'm pregnant and I'm drinking.
Please don't judge.
- Well, the only person
I judge is myself.
- Aw.
I'm your new neighbor.
I met this cute guy,
Chad, in the hallway,
and he said to introduce myself.
Don't worry, I'm single.
Is it just me, or do you smell
an instant attraction here?
You can stop by anytime.
I work from home selling
beauty products online,
and there's always an
open bottle of Merlot,
and Adele on my playlist.
- Oh, she's my favorite.
- Mm. Mm.
Chad said you have a son.
I am ready to babysit anytime.
I love kids.
Did I mention I'm pregnant?
I got to
get rid of this app.
Come on in, Dad.
Make yourself at home.
- Home?
This is not my home.
I've got a sleeping bag.
I've got a football.
Oh, and a small room to boot.
It's all sinking in, all
of those years of marriage.
And I'm moving in
with my grown son.
What is wrong with me?
- You're welcome to stay
as long as you need to.
- I don't want to be in the way.
- You're not in the way.
Chris and I want you here.
We love you, Dad.
- Thank you, son.
We'll need to talk
about what to do
when I bring ladies
home at night.
I think I got you, son.
I think you're on
the road to death.
- Really? Really?
- Mm-hm.
- You think that?
- Mm-hm.
- Okay.
Well, what about this?
What do you say to that?
- You play a passive game, son.
That just won't cut it.
- Okay. All right.
- In fact, you're
living your love life
like it's a chess game.
If you want to win Barbara
back, you've got to-
- Dad, she has a boyfriend.
Remember? Mr. Chiseled Jawline?
- So he's handsome,
in good shape,
has millions because he
runs a hedge fund, so what?
You've got good qualities too.
- I'm trying to remember
my good qualities.
- Look, imagine this, you're
in a shotgun formation,
you drop back, take
the snap, roll right,
toss a dart downfield
to your wide receiver
who's running a post pattern,
he catches the ball in
stride, and bingo, six points.
You follow?
- Dad, football and I are
not on speaking terms.
- Do you love her, James?
- Yeah.
- Do you want her back?
- Yeah.
- Then get off your duff.
- Make Barbara jealous,
then she'll come
running back to you.
- Right, that always works.
- Now that Lavanya's gone,
I'm gonna have to
start dating again.
What are you wearing?
We've got to give
you a man makeover.
- What, are you going
to a costume party?
It's almost Christmas.
Halloween was two months ago.
- Thanks for the
and thanks for getting
together again.
- I always did have a
self-destructive streak.
- So what do you want to do?
- So how's yours?
- Romantic and uplifting.
How's yours?
- Otherworldly.
Takes me to another place.
And this is still not happening.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Sorry to bother you at work.
- That's okay.
- Do you have a second?
- Something wrong?
Well, yeah,
we need a new babysitter.
Olga is pregnant.
- Again?
Okay, it's my turn.
You found the last one.
Maybe this one
could be a nice gay guy?
- Oh, okay.
Time to call Manly Mannies.
I know
it's a stereotype,
but often gay men can
express their feelings.
- Oh, right, the
famous feelings.
Well, I'm still
searching for mine.
And it
wouldn't hurt, James,
I mean, Chris to learn
a little compassion.
- What exactly are you
trying to say here?
know what I mean.
- Yeah, I do.
Unfortunately, I do
know what you mean.
I do.
- Sorry for the slip-up.
I just, I'm-
- That's okay.
of in a hurry and-
- Well, you know, I was hoping
we could talk for a minute.
I got to go.
But listen, I'll see
you on Saturday, right?
- Okay.
- Can I pick Chris up at six?
- Yeah, yeah. That's good.
That's good.
- Thank you, James.
- Okay, sure.
Sure. Maybe we can
talk again later.
Yes, we will
definitely talk again later.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Hi, I'm Donny.
Your Manly Manny?
- Come on in.
Just curious, how
do you identify?
- Gay.
- Uh-huh.
- And/or fluid.
- Fluid. You mean,
like, hydrated?
- Right.
- Chris is 11, smart,
and a little sarcastic.
- Then Chris and I
will get along great.
- What's your favorite sport?
- Basketball.
- Book?
- "The Underground Railroad."
- Do you like girls?
- Yes.
- I can tell, you've
never babysat before.
- Just my brothers.
I need the money
while I'm in school.
- What are you studying?
- Early medieval
religious history
with an emphasis on
Francis of Assisi.
- Cool.
I won't tell Dad that
you don't have a clue
about babysitting or life.
My new blog
writing friend told me
I need an action plan
to get Barbara back.
I need to try something
I've never done before.
Maybe expressing my feelings?
- I know you're on deadline,
hence deadline food.
- I actually didn't have time
to eat today, so thank you.
Oh, and thank you for
getting the new babysitter.
Does he seem sensitive
and artistic?
- Abundantly.
- That's what the world needs.
What's that?
- Flowers.
- You've never given
me flowers before.
- Camilla called.
- Ooh, I love women
chasing men, it's so zesty.
- I'm still in
love with Barbara.
- James, don't let love
interfere with romance.
You called.
- I did.
- You actually called.
- I did.
- I was surprised
when you called.
- Were you really?
- I was surprised.
- Why?
- I wasn't sure...
I thought you didn't like me.
- No, I like you fine.
I just don't find you sexy.
- Ah.
Apparently, my ex-wife
agrees with you.
- You're not supposed to
talk about past relationships
until the third date.
This is a date?
- I decided I should give
guys who read a chance.
I'm trying to focus on
what's most important.
What's that?
- A man who is solvent,
who won't cheat on me,
and who I can depend
on in any situation.
Basically, I'm looking
for a man who's boring.
You're perfect.
- Maybe I'm no good
at relationships.
- Oh, I'm not looking
for a relationship.
I'm looking for a husband.
I can work with that.
- Ugh, men are such children.
Seriously, they're like little
Peter Pans skipping around
in their little green tights.
I mean, don't they
realize that eventually
we're all going to die?
- I don't think they do.
- Exactly.
The male ego is so
fragile, it's exhausting.
Chad thinks that if he
dates a younger woman,
he'll magically become her age.
- James's father too.
- Hm.
Now it's different when women
date younger, we live longer.
It makes evolutionary sense
for us to date younger men.
- I didn't go after Frank.
He came after me.
- Of course.
He's an intelligent, gorgeous,
sexy hunk of a man.
My god, in those photos, his
abs look like the Himalayas,
all those peaks and valleys.
Tell me, what's he
like in the bedroom?
- Mm-hm.
- And that's all
I needed to know.
- Frank helped me out with my
math homework the other day.
Are you going to
keep dating him?
- Do you like him?
- He's okay.
While Frank was watching me,
Dad tried to have a date.
- Oh?
- It was pretty much
like his cooking
from what I could tell.
- What does that mean?
- Mom, we both know
what that means.
New York
is my kind of town.
I know eight million
people feel the same way.
All these impressive buildings,
all this energy,
all these diverse and
fascinating people,
it's like nowhere else.
So why is it harder for people
to stay together here
than anywhere else?
- You're hot.
- You're hotter.
- Then I guess we're an
impossibly hot couple.
- People probably hate
us for showing off.
I feel silly for
bringing this up...
- What?
- I was cleaning out the
closet and I found a bra.
- We talked about this.
I'm bi, I'm fluid.
Whatever I am,
that's what I am.
- Or is that just your way
of sleeping with more people?
How do you think
this makes me feel?
- Jay.
Jay, listen to me,
it's not that I-
- I'm listening,
and what I hear you saying
is "I don't know who I am."
- Jay.
- How was your day?
- Good.
- What'd you do?
- Just hung out with Mom.
- Oh, okay. How's she doing?
- Good.
- Okay.
- I was just wondering...
- Uh-huh?
- Why do people fall in love?
- Oh.
Well, all kinds of reasons.
There are different
theories about it.
- What do you think?
- Well, I think
people are looking
to find meaning in their lives,
and falling in love is one
of the best ways to do that.
- Why do people
fall out of love?
- All kinds of reasons and,
often, it's nobody's fault.
- You and Mom, Grandma
and Grandpa, does
everybody break up?
Maybe love isn't worth it.
- It is worth it, Chris.
It'll happen for you someday.
- Dad, I love you.
- I love you too, Chris.
And I promise I'm never going
to fall out of love with you,
no matter what happens.
I love remembering the
thought of thinking
How it's gonna be
That sunny someday
winter morning
When you'll come
and sing for me
And though the very
heart of my heart
May be cold as fallen snow
I know how much I love you
Yes, I know
Yes, I know how
much I love you
Yes, I know
- Careful, Dad,
we're both expressing
some serious emotion here.
- Yeah.
- Thanks for calling, Barbara.
I've missed you.
- I've wanted to
know how you are.
How's the single life?
- Wonderful.
- How's Amanda?
- She says she's all right.
You know, I've been thinking,
we got married just
out of college.
We had James.
Life happened really fast.
We've been together
our whole lives.
It's been good, mostly.
But I keep thinking about
what if I had made different
choices along the road?
I can't help wondering if maybe
I've missed out in some way.
- Or maybe you have something
everyone else wants.
- Philip said I could get
rid of things in his closet.
Maybe James or you
could use some of these.
- Thanks.
James will be home soon.
- I don't know you
very well, Donny,
but you seem like a very
nice young man, so does Jay.
Do you fight much?
- Not so far.
I mean, we have some
stuff we're working out,
but we're gonna
be fine, I think.
Neither of us have any money,
but we have each other.
Mostly, we feel very lucky.
- I'm happy for you both.
It's funny, Phillip
and I have everything
they tell you to have, a
bank account for emergencies,
plenty of money put away for
retirement, a nice apartment.
We're set.
So why don't I feel lucky?
- Not even jewelry,
diamonds, emeralds, anything?
You call this a reconciliation?
- But I bought you
expensive chocolates.
- With a note that says,
"To Chad, with much love.
From Haley, your little girl
in the maroon linen jumpsuit.
- Did you write that?
That's so sweet.
- I don't want your
girlfriend's chocolates!
She admires me from afar.
- How far?
- Lavanya, as you know,
I come from a very
privileged family,
albeit it was also
strangely disadvantaged.
I never got enough attention.
- Where are you going with this?
- I get lonely, Lavanya.
While both of us have a myriad
of other central opportunities-
- We do.
- We're both comparatively young
and undeniably attractive.
- Well, not everything
you say is a lie.
- Irregardless of whatever
mistakes either one
of us have made,
I do feel it's best
that we're together.
If anything, when
we have children,
they'll be very,
very good-looking.
- Huh?
- Hm?
- What?
- You want children?
- Do I?
- I just assumed you did.
- Oh, god.
So typical.
Manhattan is
an island, just like me.
Both of us have energy and
activities swirling around us.
Times Square is the
heart of New York,
but its heart is cold like mine.
But how do we get it warm?
By letting someone in?
Or by letting something out?
This is
my daughter Leandra.
- Nice to meet you.
- She's beautiful.
I don't have
any childcare today.
- My daddy's a really hot dude.
- I'm not really a dude.
- We know. James, it's
painfully obvious.
James, I've been thinking...
- Oh.
Why do I feel dubious?
- I've gotten used to your
lack of steaming passion.
- Thank you.
- I think we should
become exclusive.
- Ignore her.
- Camilla, I have to tell you,
I think I'm still in
love with my ex-wife.
- Well, that's never
gonna work out.
She's way too classy.
You should stick
with Leandra and me.
We'll work with
your shortcomings.
- Adults, right?
- They can't help it.
They just don't know
what they're doing.
- Tell me about it.
You want to go on a date?
There's a walking tour
of Upper Manhattan
where they study
different rock formations.
- Tempting, but since
our parents are dating,
wouldn't that make things
interpersonally complex?
- How long did Dad say
he was gonna be gone?
- Two hours.
Your babysitter
had a love crisis.
God, I can relate.
- You look like you've
had a lot of those.
- Look, kid, this can
be a pleasant experience
or an unpleasant one.
And remember, your father is
most likely going to believe
my version of the story,
so which one's it gonna be?
- Jay and I had a bad fight.
What if he can't accept
everything that I am?
I don't know if I
can accept myself.
- Jay's a lucky guy.
- Sometimes, life sucks.
- Yeah.
Sometimes, life sucks.
How was your day?
- Good.
You know, working on
living in the moment.
- Wow.
I love those yoga
pants, and I love you.
- Frank.
- Seriously.
I love you.
- And I love you.
- Wow.
First time saying that.
- Well, it's a big step.
- Speaking of living
in the moment,
why don't we get married?
- What?
- When are we tying the knot?
- Now.
This weekend.
- Hm?
- You just proposed
to me in the bathroom.
- I didn't plan on it.
- I can see that.
- Sorry.
- I heard Barbara's engaged.
Sorry, guy.
- I thought you wanted me
to be a player like you.
- Oh, it's exciting, sure,
but it's a lonely game, James.
How's your dad's love life?
- Well, he keeps claiming
he wants to start dating.
- Go, Dad.
- But mostly, he
watches football
and thinks about calling Mother.
It's harder for her.
- Woo!
I'm loving the single life!
- She's a delicate flower.
- Well, with this separation,
she's going to
need time to heal.
- I might sell everything
I own and move to Alaska.
Set up my own human
genome testing service.
How hard could it be?
- I wouldn't be surprised
if she delves deeper
into her religious faith.
O'er the land of the free
And the home of the brave
- Yeah.
- Mom?
- It's all gonna be okay.
There's a letter in the
top drawer of my desk.
It tells you everything I want.
- Mom, try not to talk.
- I have just one
regret in life.
When I was young, I didn't
know I was beautiful.
Maybe if I'd known that, my
life would have been different.
Don't live the way I did, James.
Live with your heart open.
- I love you, Mom.
- I love you too, son.
- The doctor says all your
tests came back negative.
You were dehydrated.
You're going to be fine.
- Shit.
Why do you have to
ruin everything?
This was supposed to
be my death scene.
- Hello?
- Okay.
Do you want me to zip you up?
- It's okay, I got it.
- Mm.
- What?
You don't like my dress?
- You look beautiful.
- Thanks for doing this.
Frank hates these things.
Plus, he had to work
late on that deal
he's putting together.
Oh, is my hair coming down?
- No.
- I dropped Chris
off at your mother's.
- And Dad's staying with
Uncle Jeff in Albany.
- So we don't have to worry
about how late we stay.
All the donors are going
to be pretty mature,
but the food is gonna be great,
and there's dancing and a band.
Who knows, we might
even have fun.
Are you up for dancing?
- You know that was
never my long suit.
I feel like I'm
in middle school.
- Oh!
Come on, it's simple.
Come here.
- Nice cologne.
- Thanks.
Frank gave it to me.
So there are many
different kinds of steps.
- Mm-hm.
- But what you really have to
do is just shift your weight
back and forth
from foot to foot.
- Okay.
- You can try it.
And this is the arm that
you use to sorta guide me-
- Mm-hm.
- 'Cause you're leading.
To follow you around
Who's that singing?
- Oh, that's the Merlot
woman down the hall.
Oh, her.
It's all a mystery
She's singing our song.
- Chris taught it to her.
But I know how
much I love you
Yes, I know
- Hey, look, you're dancing.
Nothing to it.
- Right.
Nothing to it.
Yes, it's you
- James.
Chris is waiting for you
to take him to school.
That's a nice dress.
- What's Chris gonna think?
- He's gonna think his
parents slept together.
Well, did you?
- We had a lot to drink.
I don't remember.
- In my day, you knew
when you slept with a man.
Barbara, I've always liked
you, as much as I like anyone,
but your divorce
wasn't all about James.
- What do you mean?
- I know James has trouble being
in touch with his feelings.
Look at his mother.
But are you really so
in touch with yours?
What exactly do you
feel this morning?
- Well, so what
are you gonna do?
- I don't know.
Do you have any suggestions?
- Sandra.
Did you miss me?
- I'm sorry.
I'm with Barbara now.
- Lucky woman.
This doesn't happen to me.
No one leaves me.
- I'm not trying to hurt you,
and I hope we can
still be friends.
- Have you forgotten
how good we are?
- But I'm in love
with someone else.
- Are you sure?
- Everything okay?
- You two are getting
married tomorrow.
Ah, the twists and turns of
fate, it's really moving.
Hey, guys.
- Speaking of twists and turns.
- Chad.
You've returned.
- Lavanya, love of my life.
- Kneeling with roses?
You've done that already.
- Will you please forgive my
wayward ways and take me back?
I promise to have eyes
for you and only you.
- Mm.
- What?
- I'm thinking.
Oh, all right.
- Mm-mm-mm.
- What do you think?
Zane is the top wedding
wizard in New York.
- This dress was featured
in "Vogue" last month.
- I hope that doesn't
mean too many women
will be wearing it.
- Oh, very few women
have your good taste.
- Did I miss something?
I don't remember
becoming engaged.
- I remember how shy you
are, and you forgot to ask,
so I'm prompting you.
- This is one
option for headgear.
- Should I be seeing this?
Isn't that bad luck?
- Oh, that's an old
wives tale, darling.
- I want you to be happy with
how I look on our special day.
- And here is another choice.
- Can you see me under here?
You look fabulous.
- You look beautiful.
- I'm so happy.
Don't worry, I know that Chris
and Leandra will get along
just fine as stepkids.
We'll be one big, somehow
functional family.
I will remember
this day forever.
It's the best day of my life.
Oh, my god.
- I'm very excited.
- Oh, god, Zane, I am
so happy you're here.
- Absolutely.
- Oh, god, happy, happy!
- Oh.
- Okay.
- Mm.
Thank you.
I should go.
- Okay.
- All right, darling?
- All right, baby. All right.
- I'm gonna leave this with you.
- Oh, yes, we have to choose.
- All right.
- Okay.
All right.
I think we should-
- Camilla.
You are a lovely, lovely...
I can't tell you what
a lovely woman you are.
You know, maybe this
isn't a good time.
- What?
- You know, timing.
I read somewhere
timing is everything.
We should time it, time
it so it's really good.
You might want to, you
know, get out of...
Is that returnable?
Oh, hi.
- I saw Camilla running
down the street,
sobbing in a wedding dress.
- Yeah, we broke up.
- Yeah, I kinda figured.
So you're on the market again.
You're selling, I'm buying.
- Yeah, but I'm thinking of
taking a break from dating,
maybe permanently.
- Oh, what a loss.
- Yeah, I've got the guys
coming over.
- And Barbara's getting
married tomorrow.
- Yeah, yeah.
We're having a party.
- I mean, like, in 12 hours.
- She asked me to invite
you to the wedding.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Oh, I should say I'm
busy, but I'd love to go.
Where's she getting married?
- The Colonial Dames.
- Ooh, fancy.
- Yeah.
- Fancy.
- That historic organization,
they rent their clubhouse.
- Yeah, I've heard them.
Very cool.
It's tomorrow?
- Yes.
- What to wear, what to wear?
Barbara does not waste time.
I respect that.
Still, this must be
really not easy for you.
- Jenny.
Jenny, I've got the
guys coming over.
They're coming over for a party.
This is gonna
be the most epic party ever.
- Thank you.
- All right, gentlemen,
keep it down, keep it
down, keep it down.
Frank is having
his bachelor party,
so I thought we should
have our own party.
Gentlemen, a toast.
- Uh-huh.
- To my best friend James,
the ultimate good loser.
- Hear, hear!
To the good loser!
- There you go, James!
You've got to break
out tonight, kid.
You're gonna get a chance.
You're gonna get...
Oh, you're gonna
get a chance too.
"YMCA" or "Macarena"?
- Neither, my friend.
We are gonna bust
out our best hip hop.
- All right, all right, all-
Good going, Chris!
- All right, guys.
And two.
And three.
And four. And then hips.
Yes, James.
Come on.
Do your hips move at all, James?
- I don't know.
- Can you feel it?
Feel it with me.
- Feel it, James.
Feel it, James.
- Uh-huh, uh-huh.
- It's a coming out party.
Show that music,
that excitement.
Move it, man.
- You got it, Dad.
- Oh, good going, James.
Get that jacket off.
- Ah, got it!
You got it! Oh, yeah!
- Yeah.
- James, let's show it.
Let's show it.
- All right, James, you're up.
Move it on up.
- Oh, yes!
- Oh!
- Oh, your dancing looks great!
The topper, the
topper, the topper!
Chad, oh, wow! Oh!
Oh, geez.
All right.
- Tonight was one of the
trials on your hero's journey.
You've come through the fire
and now you're one
step closer to the goal
of achieving raised
consciousness and
your full manhood.
You're almost there.
Then, you can attain
life's highest purpose.
- What's that?
- The heck if I know.
- My mother taught me
that I have to live
with my heart open.
And your mother said to me
that to love someone
is to know them.
You got to call your
mother on the phone
and tell her to
meet me on the roof.
- Dad, what are
you talking about?
I think you've had a little
bit too much to drink.
I'm going.
- Oh, god.
- Hello?
Mom, come quickly.
Dad's going to the roof.
I love the way the
winter finds a way
To follow you around
You're the shades of
gray in night and day
You're the silence
in the sound
It's all a mystery,
the wait and see
Which way the wind will blow
But I know how much
- James.
What are you doing?
Chris called.
I didn't know what to think.
- Barbara.
You came.
You came. This is for you.
- Why'd you do all this?
- It's lights.
- Why?
- Lights like a wedding cake
because we came up
here so many times,
and I wanted you to have this
beautiful night one more time
before you get married tomorrow.
- Yes, tomorrow.
- And I see, I see,
and I know you see and know-
- James, this is crazy!
- And I see and I
know, and see all
those lights in the sky.
- It's too late!
- They know-
- It's too late.
James, listen.
- Hm?
- I am so glad that we
were married for a time,
but I'm marrying Frank tomorrow,
and you have to let me go.
- No.
- Yes, I knew it.
I knew you two were going
to get back together.
- I'm sorry, Chris,
your mother and I are
never gonna be together.
- But you and Mom just kissed.
- That was a kiss goodbye.
- This is your fault, Dad!
- Chris, stop it.
- How come I'm more
mature than you are?!
- Stop it.
- It's time you grew up
so you have time to
live before you die.
I love the moment,
every morning
When the sun seems to decide
If he'll rise
again to greet me
Or run away and hide
I've gotten used
to never knowing
How the day is gonna go
But I know how
much I love you
Yes, I know
I love the way the
winter finds a way
To follow you around
Your the shades of
gray in night and day
And the silence in the sound
It's all a mystery,
the wait and see
Which way the wind will blow
But I know how
much I love you
Yes, I know
I question everything
Until my heart
begins to sing
And the only song
it ever sings is you
Yes, it's you
I love remembering the
thought of thinking
How it's gonna be
That sunny someday
winter morning
When you'll come
and sing for me
And though the very
heart of my heart
May be cold as fallen snow
I know how much I love you
Yes, I know
Yes, I know how
much I love you
Yes, I know
New York has
a special kind of winter.
It snows, then melts,
then snows again,
all in the same day.
After last night, I melted.
I'm finally open.
And the irony is Barbara's
about to marry someone else.
- Hello, Zane.
What are you doing here?
- Studying how not
to do a wedding.
a wedding means
dueling wedding planners.
- Philip and I
are back together.
He lost his mind all over again.
- Mrs. Anderson, what
a beautiful space.
What a beautiful day.
Weddings always make me cry.
- Thank goodness
Lavanya's forgiven me.
Now, all we have to do
is survive the rest
of our lives together.
- I'm glad you could
make it as my date.
How's your mom?
- She's already picked
out her next husband.
- The most important thing
is to be with the person
who makes your heart sing.
Amanda's my gal.
- Is this wedding
giving you any ideas?
- I do.
- What are you feeling, Barbara?
- I'm really not sure.
- I'm sure you heard
about my deathbed speech.
I'd take my advice
if I were you.
- Mom, I wanted to tell
you I won't hate you
for the rest of your
life from marrying Frank.
I see he's actually an okay guy.
- That's very nice
of you, Chris.
- I'm remarkably
mature for my age.
come into the dining room!
- Oh. Candice!
I just-
- We're starting
to get smitten!
- But...
Is that Sandra?
She's very pretty.
- And even more importantly, I
realize she's my best friend,
like you and James.
What are we gonna say,
about not going through with it?
- The truth.
- Lady has class.
- Something wrong?
- I seem to have lost the groom.
- Let's find somewhere quiet.
- I'm a little overdressed
if I'm not getting married.
- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.
- I'm grateful.
- For what?
- For our sassy son and
our quirky families.
- And our unique friends.
- And for being best
friends for life.
You said that we
could start again
when I understood that to
love you is to know you.
- James, have you
been carrying this
with you this whole time?
- Yes.
I carry your heart.
- And I'll carry yours.
- I'm confused.
What happened to
the hedge fund guy?
Are Barbara and James really
getting married again?
- I think they were
always married.
- Ah.
Look at all of you guys.
Well, there may be
happily ever after after all.
You can find happiness
the second time around,
and with the same person.
The world is often
a crazy place.
Love is the one thing
that makes sense,
especially if you
love and love again.
Love, repeat.
Looks like I'm gonna
get to love you
For the rest of my life
The kind of love
that gets so big
That you can barely describe
Ooh, it's beyond, beyond,
beyond, beyond, beyond
Ooh, it's beyond, beyond,
beyond, beyond, beyond
Looks like we're
gonna be so happy
For the rest of our days
The kinda happy that the
happiest heart would amaze
Ooh, it's beyond, beyond,
beyond, beyond, beyond
Ooh, it's beyond, beyond,
beyond, beyond, beyond
Beyond, beyond,
beyond, beyond, beyond
Beyond, beyond,
beyond, beyond, beyond
How happy, how
happy can we be
How happy, how happy,
how happy can we be
How happy, how
happy can we be
Ooh, beyond
Beyond, beyond,
beyond, beyond
Beyond, beyond,
beyond, beyond
Beyond, beyond,
beyond, beyond